The meaning of the tarot card is the two of swords, the minor lasso. Two of Swords (2 of Swords) - Tarot card meaning 2 of Swords tarot meaning at work

With the "Jester" card - isolate yourself from the child.
With the "Mage" card - doubts about your skill.
With the card "High Priestess" - prefer not to know anything.
With the card "Empress" - wait for what will happen next.
With the card "Emperor" - to evade the obligations assumed.
With the Hierophant card - pangs of conscience.
With the card "Lovers" - evade making decisions related to relationships.
With the card "Chariot" - the strongest fluctuations; lack of ground for decision making.
With the card "Strength" - fluctuations of an internal nature.
With the Hermit card - doubt yourself.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - ignore luck.
With the card "Justice" - fence off from reasonable arguments.
With the Hanged Man card - take a wait-and-see position.
With the card "Death" - isolate yourself from change.
With the Temperance card, ignore the search for opportunities.
With the card "Devil" - close your eyes to the shortcomings.
With the Tower card - put up with losses.
With the "Star" card - hinder the renewal process.
With the card "Moon" - turn a blind eye to deceit and betrayal; engage in connivance.
With the card "Sun" - not to see the truth.
With the card "Court" - ignore the possibilities.
With the card "World" - refusal to make a decision.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - to contain the inner fire.
With the card “Two of Wands” - I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I don’t admit to myself.
With the card "Three of Wands" - do not notice the new reality.
With the Four of Wands card - closeness, isolation.
With the Five of Wands card, ignore the opinions of others.
With the Six of Wands card - fear, uncertainty, the wrong path.
With the Seven of Wands card - unwillingness to resist.
With the card "Eight of Wands" - missed opportunities; internal resistance.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - increasing doubts.
With the card "Ten of Wands" - a hopeless situation.
With the Page of Wands card - bad news.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - discord, break, parting.
With the Queen of Wands card - an internal conflict with a person who is dear to you.
With the "King of Wands" card - isolate yourself from a person who has influence on you.

The Two of Swords Tarot card belongs to the minor arcana. It depicts a blindfolded girl who holds crossed swords and is focused on inner sensations. The sea is in the background.

Card meaning

The main meaning of the 2 of Swords Tarot card is the choice a person has to make. The individual is at a crossroads, torn between two decisions. Other meanings of the Two of Swords Tarot card are two-facedness, uncontrollable emotions, doubts.

The interpretation depends on the position of the card: upright or upside down.

direct map

It indicates maintaining a balance between mind and heart, inner and outer worlds. In another scenario, it symbolizes indecision, internal torment. She says that the fortuneteller cannot make a choice, he should make a decision and take responsibility.

flipped card

The card in an inverted position indicates that the questioner will be deceived or betrayed. The decision he makes will be wrong. The inverted Two of Swords is a sign of hypocritical friends, deceit by a loved one.

Interpretation in different layouts

The interpretation varies depending on the question asked by the fortuneteller. Common layouts:

  • on health;
  • for love relationships;
  • for professional activities;
  • looking for a way out of the situation.

Alignment for health

If 2 Tarot Swords fall out, then health will deteriorate. Problem areas: respiratory organs, vision, heart disease, vascular system, mental disorders. A direct card says that the internal state of the fortuneteller affects his physical health. An inverted symbol means that life energy is fading.

Breakdown of love and relationships

In the upright position of the 2 Tarot Swords in a love relationship, it indicates that changes are coming, misunderstanding, jealousy, different interests and views on further life together are possible. One of the partners is uncomfortable in such a relationship.

The fortuneteller should find out the relationship with his partner, because. problems won't go away. The fortuneteller feels friendly feelings for the partner, but the relationship cannot be maintained. There is no mention of love here.

If the quarrel has already taken place, then the lasso indicates an imminent reconciliation. After difficulties, the partners reach an agreement. Harmony and peace will reign in the house again. The couple lacked love.

In an inverted position, 2 Tarot Swords means that the fortuneteller does not know how to experience tender romantic feelings. The feeling of love is alien to him, he treats marriage as a good deal. The partner lives in a world of illusions and turns a blind eye to infidelity.

Alignment for work and career

The meaning of the tarot card 2 (Twos) of Swords in the layout for work speaks of a dead end in activity. Work is not fun. Everything is stable at work.

If the fortuneteller is being trained, then he will be interrupted by the process, problems due to poor progress, or for other reasons. You can recover later.

An inverted lasso indicates complex relationships in a team. A tense atmosphere has a negative effect on work. Another meaning is that the questioner is not in his place, is not engaged in his own activity.

Professions that are suitable for a fortuneteller: teacher, artist, writer, theatrical figure, photographer, architect, designer.

Way out of the situation

Arkan says that you need to review all the pros and cons several times, calculate the consequences and make a reasoned decision. If there is an opportunity to wait, it is worth pulling to the last. If the choice is between reason and feelings, it is better to choose reason.

Combination with other arcana

To get a comprehensive answer, the entire layout is interpreted. A combination with another lasso can completely change the meaning or introduce clarifying details.

The Two of Swords indicates inner torment and uncertainty with such major arcana:

  • lovers;
  • Chariot;
  • Force;
  • Hermit;
  • Moderation;

If the Empress, the Hanged Man or the Moon falls out, then the questioner is going with the flow and waiting for the problems to be solved on their own. The nearby arcana of Death and the Star speak of a fear of change. Fortune and Judgment indicate a missed chance.

The combination with the lasso Justice or the Devil means that the questioner ignores the advice of others. The emperor says that the fortuneteller does not keep his promises. The tower symbolizes loss. The sun means that the person does not see the truth. The combination with the Hierophant indicates remorse.

Combination with Wands

With the suit of Staves, the card takes on the following meaning:

  1. Ace of Wands - a person restrains feelings in himself, afraid to throw them out.
  2. Two of Wands - the questioner does not notice the signs of the Universe.
  3. Troika - major changes.
  4. Four is hermitage.
  5. Five - the person is too egocentric. It is worth listening to the opinions of loved ones.
  6. Six - a sign of doubt in making a decision.
  7. Seven - the questioner surrendered.
  8. Eight - inner experiences. It is worth listening to the inner voice so as not to miss the chance.
  9. Nine - uncertainty.
  10. Ten is a difficult situation that cannot be solved alone.
  11. The page is an uninvited guest.
  12. Knight - parting.
  13. Queen - a conflict with a loved one.
  14. The king is the inaction of the questioner.

Combination with cups

The combination with the suit of Cups leads to the following interpretations:

  1. Ace is a sign of a request that will remain unanswered.
  2. Two of Cups - a break in relations.
  3. Three is a complex relationship.
  4. The Four of Cups is a symbol of detachment from what is happening.
  5. Five and Ten are a sign of isolation.
  6. Six - the questioner is afraid of happiness.
  7. Seven and Knight - a person lives in his own illusions.
  8. Eight - indifference.
  9. Nine is an unsuccessful acquisition.
  10. The page is the delusion of the questioner.
  11. The queen is a sign of betrayal to herself.
  12. The king is a bad influence under which a person fell.

Combination with Pentacles

In combination with the suit of Pentacles, the lasso has the following meaning:

Two of Swords - Tarot card - Relationships and Love. Meaning. Usage.

Combination with Swords

In combination with its suit, the lasso acquires the following interpretations:

  1. Ace and Knight - you need to be a little more restrained.
  2. Troika - restoration of affairs after a difficult period.
  3. Four is a sign of anxiety.
  4. Five - the person is offended.
  5. Six is ​​a symbol of a missed opportunity.
  6. Seven - unsatisfied desires.
  7. Eight - the questioner will be freed from binding obligations.
  8. Nine is a symbol of misunderstanding.
  9. Ten - the questioner should be more attentive to his thoughts and desires.
  10. The page is a confrontation between the mind and the heart.
  11. The queen is a symbol of parting.
  12. King - the desire for power on the part of the questioner.


The Two of Swords is a card of doubt. Tarologists say that it falls out to weak-willed and indecisive individuals. Such a person is always in search of the right path, but often his torment leads to nothing.

The minor arcana in the Tarot describe not global processes, but small forces affecting them. However, without taking into account their significance, it is impossible to understand the situation completely. Let's talk about such an important, rather pessimistic lasso as 2 Tarot swords. It should immediately be said that this card is deciphered in different ways by the classics of divination. When you pick up a deck, look who created it so as not to make a mistake in decoding.

Map Description

We will look at two classic decks: Thoth and White. In them, 2 Tarot swords have a diametrically opposite meaning, which is why even the essence of the prediction changes. White associated this arcanum with the Moon in Gemini. This is the energy of doubts, throwing, preventing you from seeing things as they really are. A person under her influence is like a hedgehog in the fog, he wanders and gets confused, unable to find the path. The 2 of swords is associated with the Moon in Aquarius. This combination gives rise to the energy of satisfaction with the course of events. We will further denote it with the letters LV to show the discrepancies in layouts and combinations. In White's deck of 2 swords, the Tarot is an image of a blindfolded woman. She sits under a young moon next to a pond. This person came under the influence of new, as yet unexplored energies. He is not able to figure out what the situation portends for him, how these forces will affect the fate. Nevertheless, the woman holds two swords crossed in her hands. This is a hint at the fact that she has the strength of mind and the ability to figure it out. But so far the internal energies are oppressed by external circumstances. There is a lot of work to be done with a painful choice. But there is a chance to get out of a confusing situation if a woman can make the right decision. Next, we will focus on the more common deck of White, sometimes giving interpretations of Thoth.

The sacred meaning of the lasso

In Tarot, all cards are connected, the suits consist of a series of pictures, the energy of which has a structured logic. In front of our lasso is the Ace of Swords. He personifies a breakthrough, a great surge of power, something new has entered the human aura. extravaganzas of success, triumphs of emotions and intellect. But, having survived such a storm, a person must master the received energy, distribute it inside the aura. Therefore, 2 Tarot swords have a completely different meaning. This is a lasso of external confusion, a stop. This is how the exhausted runner feels, feeling that he wasted his strength at the start and does not know how to run to the finish line. Experienced athletes are well aware of this state of waiting for a second wind. The card breathes peace. Behind the figure - calm water, in the sky - a month, hinting at fear. In White's deck, the moon always speaks of a negative emotional perception of reality. But the waters are calm, which means that the person is not worried about external events, his fears are deep inside. The bandage on the eyes speaks of immersion in oneself. A person has to deal with internal problems, which consist in the development of previously received important information. This process usually takes place on a subconscious level. The personality itself feels insecure and confused before the upcoming breakdown of the situation (Three of Swords). Our lasso is interpreted somewhat differently in the deck of Thoth. 2 swords Tarot (LV) - this is peace and contentment. It does not take into account the depth of the impact of the new energy on the individual. This deck superficially interprets the subconscious perception of reality, an intuitive understanding of upcoming events.

The general meaning of the lasso in the layout

When a specialist is talking with a deck, he will definitely look at the energy of the combination. 2 of Swords Tarot immediately suggests that changes are taking place in the client's life. He is not yet ready to admit this to himself, to realize that the old way will no longer be. However, previous events made him different, endowed him with some new power or information, which now has to be processed and introduced into his life. Currently, the client is in "prostration", he needs to sort himself out, move away from active affairs somewhat. 2 of Tarot swords, the meaning of which in the White deck is associated with intuition and the inner world, suggests taking your time, not making decisions, waiting for an initiative from the outside. When reading the layout, you need to look at the accompanying arcana. It is to them that the energy of the two of swords is applied. That is, our map in a sense has a corrective function. For example, the combination of Tarot: 2 swords, the Sun is a hint of excellent chances in any situation. However, the client is not able to see and understand them. He just does not see which way to go in order to fulfill his dream. This combination is dangerous because you can take the wrong step, turn away from luck, destroy it with your own hands. In such a situation, it is recommended not to take proactive actions, since the basis for this has not yet been created. As a rule, the two of swords advises to wait for developments. Oddly enough, but the recommendations of the lasso from the deck of Thoth completely coincide with those described.

2 of Swords Tarot: Meaning in Relationships

Our lasso does not affect this alignment in the most favorable way. Its main essence is that the client is immersed in himself, removed from the world. Consequently, the partners are not yet up to euphoria and happiness. They barely understand each other. Moreover, these people can lead a normal life, outwardly everything looks beautiful and safe. But they are already dispersing in different directions to think about the situation, to decide whether they need this relationship. It is, as they say, a "no peace, no war" situation. Most likely, the partners simply put up with the current state of affairs, unable to do anything concrete. The future for both looks hazy and uncertain. Deep down, everyone has not yet decided whether he needs a partner. Yes, and there is no time to think about it, you must first understand yourself. 2 swords Tarot characterizes the relationship as uncertain, but does not hint at their break. Such situations of temporary cooling occur in almost all couples. They may be followed by parting with the same probability as complete harmony. It is important to look at the accompanying major arcana. For example, the Tower next to the two of swords directly speaks of treason, the partner has a different attraction. The Empress, on the contrary, portends excellent prospects if it falls in a straight position. This is a sign that the couple is correctly testing the strength of the relationship.

Inverted deuce in the layout of love

So far, we have discussed only the meaning of the direct lasso. But the inverted position completely changes the Tarot. 2 swords is no exception. It reflects, in fact, a situation where the client is completely confused, his perception of reality is far from what is actually happening. An inverted lasso speaks of a lack of perspective, energy or information is not enough to figure it out. In a love scenario, this means a wrong opinion about a partner. Whatever the client thinks about his loved one is self-deception, in fact everything is different. Moreover, our lasso does not reflect the opinion itself, it only speaks of the incorrectness of perception. The client may consider the partner an angel or a devil - all a hoax. You should look at the accompanying maps to get to the bottom of the problem. For example, the Tarot combination "2 of Swords, 6 of Swords" speaks of the fatefulness of a relationship if both arcana are reversed. This is a karmic lesson that the client needs to pass correctly. Relationships themselves can come to naught over time or be reborn and lead to happiness, here the meaning is different. Now a man unleashes who caught up with him from the past. In general, an inverted two is considered a negative sign. She predicts shallow relationships, speaks of the immaturity of personalities.

business alignment

The presence of our deuce when divining for work is also unfavorable. Arkan describes an unstable situation where partners do not trust each other. The prospects for the project are vague and unclear. Most likely, the matter is hindered by the absence of any information that is deliberately hidden. Someone is acting contrary to the client, trying to secretly prevent him. The subtleties will be prompted by the accompanying arcana. The deuce only says that the question was asked on time, since serious work is needed to clarify the situation, only after it has been carried out it will be possible to make a decision. For example, if the combination contains 9 swords 2, pentacles (Tarot) in a straight position, then the client is faced with a serious enemy. It is recommended to temporarily stop the development of the project, look for an enemy in order to further build a defense strategy. Initiating an attack in such a situation is extremely harmful. hints that the client may get sick from experiences caused by incomprehensible disruptions of plans and other troubles. If there are favorable major arcana next to the two of swords, then you should talk frankly with your partner. Probably, there is distrust in the team, caused by mutual secrecy. In general, the situation is not as bad as it seems. Otherwise, the deck of Thoth is interpreted. The Two of Swords in a business scenario is considered an auspicious sign here. She predicts rest after a successful operation or transaction.

Inverted lasso in a business layout

Leave hope - shouts a combination of cards. There is no chance of success, the situation is out of control if there is an inverted 2 Tarot swords in the layout. The combination of the lasso with favorable ones only emphasizes the bitterness of defeat. The fact is that the client managed to make a number of wrong steps. This happens sometimes. The card indicates that the fortuneteller took on faith the information provided by the dangerous intriguer. An influential competitor has been acting against him for a long time, gradually tightening the noose. Now it's time for payback. The client in this situation is powerless to correct anything. We need to gather our courage and admit defeat. Find out where the danger comes from on the accompanying maps. The inverted two of swords speaks of the inability to recognize the trap in time. In a more mundane sense, the card speaks of intrigue, gossip around the client's name. They harm, damage his reputation, which is why his business goes downhill. It is likely that colleagues inspire the boss that it is the fortuneteller who is guilty of all the hardships of the enterprise. But all this is done secretly, so that the client cannot resist, whitewash his name. If the Moon is nearby, then this black fuss will remain behind the scenes. The tower predicts losses. But the presence of the Hierophant is considered favorable. No matter what the enemies do, they cannot harm the client. It is recommended not to concentrate on their intrigues, so as not to get dirty.

2 swords tarot: health

Our lasso in the sacred sense shows the presence of unprocessed energy in the aura. And this is dangerous for the physical body. If the client does not take care of himself, then visual or cardiovascular damage is likely. The fact is that the deuce reflects inner experiences. They appear due to unresolved issues in a particular area. If it comes to personal life, then eye damage is likely, up to complete loss of vision. The situation itself is not so critical if the client deals with the urgent issue in time. That is, you can not start the situation, the work of the soul is required. Experts recommend meditation to clarify the problem. After all, the risk of a deuce is that the eyes are blindfolded, the client does not really understand what is happening. An inverted lasso predicts a waste of vitality. His recommendation is that a person needs rest. He beats "about the wall with his head" without the prospect of achieving the planned result. The result of such behavior may be a heart attack or other damage to the cardiovascular system. You need to stop and look at your life from the outside. This simple tactic will allow you to see the problem and save your health.

Personality card

The person described by our lasso is like an oyster that has closed its shell. He fenced himself off from the whole world, as he anticipates an imminent pain. And this is justified, since in the energy system the two is followed by the three, the essence of which is a catastrophe. The personality characteristic refers only to the period for which they are guessing. A person now does not trust anyone, he is cold and withdrawn. He relies only on his own judgments, trying to find a balance in his soul. His energy is destroyed, but moving towards balance. Its level cannot yet be predicted, therefore one should be careful with his words and actions. Everything can be expected from such a person: from tantrums and tears, to scandals and threats. He grinned inside, although he may look quite calm. If we are talking about a loved one, it is advisable to leave him alone, unobtrusively showing his love. Sooner or later, he will feel the need for support, then he will accept it with gratitude. If a deuce means a person of little importance to a fortuneteller, communication with this person should be reduced to a minimum. While he is his own enemy, just like everyone around him. He needs to deal with internal problems so as not to harm himself or those with whom he communicates. An inverted two of swords characterizes a person as a fan fixated on some fad. He goes nowhere, wasting his life force in vain. In addition, this person will later turn out to be a vampire for others, as he will completely use up his own energy.

Period map

In the scenario for the day, he recommends not making any decisions, reducing activity to a minimum. She does not talk about serious problems, only about the prospects for their creation as a result of making wrong steps. The lasso advises lovers not to listen to gossip, no matter how trusted this source may have been before. All the information received will turn out to be false and lead to a quarrel. The inverted two of swords as a card of the day predicts stupid deeds, strange mistakes, oversights, and the like. Most often, the card portends a day spent in empty conversations. If they guess for the whole year (month), then the prognosis of the lasso is unfavorable. Do not start significant projects during this period without sufficient preparation. Success in all areas of life is unlikely. The predicted period is well suited for relaxation, spiritual practices, and the treatment of chronic diseases.

If in divination the Two of Swords fell out to you, then this is a sign that you will have to make a difficult decision. The woman depicted on this card is blind, which hints that she cannot make the right choice. Her outward calm may be a pretense, and she tries to pretend that the problem as such does not exist.

In the article:

Two of Swords - interpretation

The appearance of the Two of Swords indicates that you are currently facing a difficult choice but are trying to avoid accepting it. You pretend to yourself and others that if you ignore the problem long enough, it will resolve itself. However, it doesn't just evaporate. Conscience will eventually force you to resolve the situation, but it will be much more difficult than if you had taken action earlier.

Thus, the Two of Swords serves as a reminder that life's choices are often difficult and indicates the possibility of painful consequences. However, you need to pull yourself together and force yourself to make a decision, being fully aware of the possible consequences. Avoidance will eventually lead to more conflict.

The blinded woman on this card is also a sign that you are lacking information. You can skip threats or potential risks, alternative solutions, or key information. Once you can rip off the bandage that is covering your eyes and see the real state of affairs, it will be much easier to determine your next steps. Try to figure out why this decision is so difficult to make? What additional information do you need?

Also, these two swords reflect your need for harmony, since at the moment your inner world is clearly out of balance. You must give up your usual way of thinking for a while so that you can consider alternative points of view and ideas. You also have to be very diplomatic and weigh the pros and cons of all the options that are available and calculate what could really be different around the issue. You need to find a compromise or let things take their course.

The Two of Swords often symbolizes a stalemate where there is no winner or loser. You may be at odds with another person and therefore unable to see each other's points of view. You need a truce where you will listen to each other and try to resolve your conflicts. Thus, not only does this card represent a potential conflict due to a stalemate, it can also symbolize a truce.

Guessing, it is worth opening two more cards, on both sides of the Two of Swords. This will open up additional circumstances that will help you.

Maps of the past, present and future

Each tarot spread has special positions that tell about the past, present and future. The cards in these places paint a picture of this time in your life. What was, what is and what will be - all this is shown in divination.

When the Two of Swords is in the Past, it symbolizes a time of stagnation. Perhaps persistence in the past led to unexpected failure. There is a risk that as a child, your parents manipulated you through love and respect for them, trying to mold you into what they needed. As a result, at present you yourself do not know how to show feelings, which can lead to.

When the Two of Swords is in the Present, it means that there are too many things that you are deliberately ignoring, and it is difficult for you to make a decision. Your current perspective is stubborn indifference or denial. You can find out with the help of Tarot the answer to your question and, most likely, you will be upset when you find out that the stalemate you are in is the result of your actions or inaction.

If the Two of Swords is in the Future, then consider it a blessing from the spirit. This is a sign that your future is in your own hands. This indicates that you will learn to fight back against manipulators and other people who want to outweigh their problems on you and tell you what to do. Be assertive and don't let go of control of your life, even if it means being cold or even aggressive. So do not be afraid of the appearance of this card, because this is an advice to relax, but maintain control over your life.

Card combinations

When you make any alignment and open the cards, you cannot judge only by one card, since in combination with others, it can take on a completely different meaning. So, the Two of Swords is a reflection of the High Priestess (card number 2) and the Hangman (card number 12). Both cards prioritize passivity. The High Priestess knows everything, but only speaks when asked. The hangman does not take active action, despite his wisdom. The Two of Swords combines both of these traits. If any of these cards are next to the Two of Swords in your spread, then you are probably controlling the situation through passive-aggressive behavior that will ultimately lead to alienation from friends and family.

If a Mage is observed next to the Two, then this speaks of you as a person who refuses to manipulate people. If the Emperor is present nearby, then the refusal to act may also be part of a plan to strengthen its influence. If the Three of Swords is nearby, then the plan for achieving something that you have developed will work even better than you thought.

Some cards cross out the meaning of the passivity and inactivity of the Two of Swords. One of them is the Tower, which means that a big upheaval will soon take place in the life of a fortuneteller. If before you did not adhere to either side of the conflict, then soon you will have to do this. The chariot can foretell you a challenge that you will not be able to ignore. The Devil, appearing next to the Two of Swords, portends the emergence of an addiction or addiction. Moderation is considered the best card in this position. It promises you peace and prosperity, and your plans will be successfully completed.

Thus, the Two of Swords speaks of a difficult choice and the need to make it. Although in different layouts and with other cards in the neighborhood, it can take on other meanings.

In contact with

Description of the Tarot card Two of Swords

As a rule, the Two of Swords tarot card depicts two crossed swords. In some decks, they are held by a man in white robes and a blindfold, which symbolizes focus on the inner world and blind chance. Crossed Swords are contradictory thoughts that give impetus to the work of consciousness. In the background of the pictures is a smooth expanse of water: emotions are in complete peace and under the control of the mind.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Two of Swords in divination and layouts

Direct card position

Appearing in fortune-telling or layouts in a straight position, the Two of Swords card means the ability to reach a compromise, absolute honesty, balanced decision-making, and careful thoughtfulness of plans. The card indicates the presence or arrival of a sense of peace and balance, or a peaceful, satisfying solution to a fortuneteller of a problem or issue. In fortune-telling for any protracted conflict situation, Arkan reports that the conflict is already running out and will not last long, but if the problem has arisen recently, then it is unlikely to have a serious impact on the fortuneteller's life. Sometimes the direct Two of Swords describes a period of forced rest, when a person stays in it, not knowing what is best to do or not being able to act at the moment.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Two of Swords symbolizes the risk of facing treachery, betrayal, dishonesty, lies. Indicates a deceptive sense of peace, hidden problems that will appear in the near future. Falling out in divination, Arkan recommends refraining from any involvement in the conflict.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Swords card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

In this area, the direct Two of Swords announces the successful completion of a project or plan, which brings a sense of satisfaction and peace. It can also be a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the team, satisfaction with the current work, positive business development, honesty in negotiating, common sense and reasonableness in the performance of work duties, the ability to resolve conflicts among colleagues and subordinates. To achieve financial well-being, it is necessary to combine several types of earnings.

Reversed card position

Appearing upside down, this Minor Arcana Tarot is a clear indication of misconceptions regarding any information, problem, situation, person. In addition, the card may portend a loud scandal, exposure, a violation of the existing balance.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Swords card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Exacerbation of the disease or acute attack.

Reversed card position

Indicates problems with the kidneys and urinary system.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Swords card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In fortune-telling and layouts for love and relationships, the direct position of the Two of Swords card indicates the restoration of peace between partners - all problems, conflicts and misunderstandings are a thing of the past, complete harmony and mutual understanding comes. Arkan can mean compromise and reconciliation of people who have quarreled, it would seem, forever.

Reversed card position

In an inverted form, the Two of Swords characterizes the state of "calm before the storm", when it seems that everything is fine in the relationship, but troubles have already lurked somewhere nearby. In some cases, this Arcana is a direct indication of betrayal, infidelity of a partner. The appearance of an inverted card may also mean that a person has made too many compromises in a relationship, perhaps he is too carried away by the desire to maintain peace and harmony. Probably, you should think about whether it is worth maintaining relationships that do not represent mutual interests, in which there is no mutual understanding. Attempts to come to an agreement can finally ruin the situation.

The meaning and interpretation of the Two of Swords card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

The card symbolizes an indecisive and weak-willed person.

Reversed card position

When describing a person, an inverted card indicates his deceit, a tendency to gossip and gossip, and an inability to quickly concentrate.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Two of Swords as a Card of the Day

Today you will be overcome by doubts, as if your inner voice, the only one capable of eliminating all doubts, has disappeared. If you are required to express an opinion or make a decision, then the day is not right for this. Postpone things for tomorrow - the morning is wiser than the evening.

Advice of the Two of Swords card in divination and layouts

Do everything in your power to demonstrate your readiness for a peaceful solution to the problem, refrain from any involvement in the conflict.

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