Acetone what are the symptoms? Causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child and an adult

In the body of an adult and a child, biological and chemical processing of food is carried out to release ATP molecules, resulting in the formation of energy. When acetone is detected in a person’s urine, this circumstance indicates that the normal energy cycle is disrupted.

The nutrition of human cells can be determined by the following formula: products - glucose molecules - energy (cells without energy cannot work fully). Unused glucose molecules are converted into chains, resulting in the formation of glycogen in the liver, which is used when there is a lack of energy.

In children, the normal concentration of acetone in the blood exceeds the required levels much more often when compared with adults. And this circumstance is connected with the fact that in the liver of a small child there is a very small amount of glycogen reserves.

Glucose molecules that have not been converted into energy become protein elements and fatty acids. But, they already have completely different properties, not identical, as in products. Accordingly, the breakdown of reserves is carried out according to the required scheme, but the result will be different: the formation of metabolites - ketones - occurs.

It is necessary to understand why increased acetone occurs in the blood in adults and children, and find out the reasons for this condition? In addition, it is advisable to consider the signs of this pathology and find out what kind of nutrition can be recommended in order to normalize the acetone content in a child?

Why is acetone detected?

It’s worth saying right away that the norm in this situation is the absolute absence of ketones in the blood of any person. Acetone in the urine indicates an energy shortage, as a result of which the body begins to “starve” at the energy level.

Ketonemia is acetone in the blood of a child or adult. Due to the fact that ketones are in the circulatory system, there is a negative toxic effect on the central nervous system.

At a minimum concentration of acetone, causeless excitability appears, and at a maximum concentration, conscious activity is inhibited, and a state of coma is not excluded. When acetone in the blood exceeds all critical levels, ketonuria develops. Acetone is detected in the urine.

Acetone in the blood of children can be detected when there is a violation of the fat balance or the process of digestion of carbohydrates. The development of this condition is based on the hypersensitivity of the child’s body to changes in glucose in the blood.

Reasons for increased acetone in the blood of children:

  1. The predominant cause of this pathology is poor nutrition, in particular abuse of fatty and sweet foods, and overeating.
  2. The reasons may also lie in diseases - diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal tract disease, liver pathology.
  3. Chronic fatigue, nervous tension.
  4. Immune disorders in the body.

As all of the above shows, the reasons for the presence of ketone bodies in the blood and urine are significantly differentiated.

Causes of high acetone in adults:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Alcohol poisoning.
  • Diseases of infectious etiology.
  • Poisoning by chemical compounds.
  • Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  • Injuries that led to disruptions in the central nervous system.
  • Unhealthy diet, in which fatty and protein foods predominate.
  • Strict food restriction.

In adults, the presence of acetone may indicate a disruption of the endocrine system, excessive physical activity, or cerebral coma.

Pathology Clinic

Acetone in the blood and urine can be assumed from the clinical characteristics of an acetone crisis in children. As medical practice shows, the symptoms of such a picture are pronounced and do not go unnoticed by the attention of parents.

The first and main sign of this condition is severe nausea, vomiting, and, as a result, dehydration. As a rule, repeated vomiting is observed after eating food or drinks.

Against the background of the body's rejection of food, young children experience a decrease in appetite, they become capricious and irritable.

Over time, painful sensations in the abdominal area are revealed, general weakness is observed, and a specific coating appears on the tongue.

Typical symptoms of acetone include the following:

  1. Increase in body temperature.
  2. During urination, urine is released in small quantities.
  3. A specific odor of acetone is detected from the oral cavity.
  4. Fainting, confusion, irritability or lethargy, as well as other signs of dysfunction of the central nervous system.

It is worth noting that children with acetone in the blood experience sleep disturbances, in particular severe drowsiness, which can lead to coma.

Acetone in children and adults: what to do?

To remove excess acetone, it is necessary to saturate the body with the “right” sugar. Therefore, you can give your child some sweets to eat. If your baby is feeling nauseous, it is recommended to make a little sweet tea, homemade compote or fruit drink. Give the child a small spoonful of sweet liquid every five minutes.

Balancing and proper nutrition helps not only to “remove” acetone, but also prevents its appearance. A healthy diet is designed to exclude ketogenic foods from the diet.

From the menu you need to exclude foods that can increase the content of ketone bodies. The ban includes carbonated drinks, chips, fast food and other foods that contain a large number of preservatives. Pay attention to a diet like.

  • Fatty fish and meat dishes.
  • Smoked meats.
  • First courses on fatty broths.
  • Marinades, high fat sour cream, cream.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Caffeine-containing products.
  • Oranges, tangerines, lemons.
  • Tomatoes, sorrel.

The diet of adults and children should include fruits (with the exception of citrus fruits), natural honey, cookies, semolina porridge, mashed potatoes, vegetable broths and other foods enriched with quickly digestible carbohydrates.

It is worth saying that cleansing enemas also help remove ketone bodies. And in especially severe cases, hospitalization may be necessary.

To summarize, it must be emphasized that a balanced diet, optimal physical activity, and walks in the fresh air are the key to the health of not only a child, but also every adult.

How did you fight ketone bodies in the urine and blood, and what methods did your doctor recommend to you? Please share your comments and tips to make this review as informative as possible!

Ketone bodies (acetone) are formed as a result of the metabolism of proteins and fats and are produced by the liver. Present in small amounts in biological fluids. Increased acetone in the urine indicates processes that are mainly inflammatory in nature, and therefore should not be ignored. In most cases, you need to consult a doctor who will help you determine what acetone in the urine means and prescribe the correct treatment.

The main reasons for the appearance

The most common causes of acetone in the urine in adults can be presented as follows:

  • Endocrine disorders. For example, diabetes types 1 and 2, associated with pancreatic dysfunction, as a result of which the concentration of glucose increases in the bloodstream, which is not fully absorbed by cellular structures and triggers the process of decomposition of proteins and fats with the formation of ketones.
  • Eating a large amount of fats and foods rich in proteins, while the diet lacks glucose and complex carbohydrates. Such a diet may cause metabolic disorders.
  • Following a strict unbalanced diet. Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals leads to disruption of the processing and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and, as a result, an increase in the concentration of acetone in the urine.
  • Exhausting physical and mental work, stress that requires large amounts of glucose.
  • Prolonged hyperthermia against the background of inflammatory pathologies, which leads to dehydration and metabolic disorders.
  • Relapse of chronic diseases.
  • Recovery period after surgical interventions.
  • Infectious and inflammatory pathologies and malignant neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract, stenosis of the esophagus.
  • Intoxication of the body as a result of poisoning with heavy metals, alcohol, synthetic or toxic compounds.
  • Oncology leads to excessive breakdown of proteins and an increase in acetone in the urine.

Causes in children

In patients under 12 years of age, the presence of acetone in the urine is often associated with:

  • Physiological characteristics, since this period is characterized by rapid growth. This means that the body has insufficient glycogen reserves and there is not enough of it for all energy processes.
  • Excessive energy consumption as a result of great mental or physical stress, and together with poor nutrition, this leads to an increase in the level of toxic compounds in urine.
  • The immaturity of the endocrine glands, which are responsible for metabolism. At this age, enzyme deficiency (for example, of the pancreas) is possible, which leads to a deterioration in food processing and the development of putrefactive processes, as a result of which acetone appears in the urine.

Acetoacetic acid is also used for helminthic infestations, dysentery, allergies to certain types of foods and medications, as well as after a long course of antibacterial therapy.

Causes in pregnant women

The reasons for the appearance of acetone in the urine of women during pregnancy are associated with the following factors:

  • toxicosis with severe nausea and vomiting, which disrupts the process of supply of necessary substances to the body;
  • poor nutrition, predominance of animal products and insufficient intake of complex carbohydrates;
  • anemia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • diabetes.

Clinical picture

With mild severity, the clinical picture is absent or weakly expressed, which makes it difficult to timely diagnose the pathological condition. With moderate and severe severity, acetonuria occurs with severe symptoms, including:

  • The smell of rotten apples that appears during urination. As the disease progresses, an unpleasant odor emanates from the skin and bad breath. Eating protein foods leads to an increase in symptoms.
  • Pain syndrome in the umbilical cavity.
  • Hyperthermia with low-grade and critical levels.
  • Abstain from drinking water and food.
  • After eating, nausea occurs, and vomiting is possible. Vomit has an unpleasant, pungent odor of acetone.

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Prolonged refusal of food and water leads to dehydration, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • pallor and dryness of the epidermis;
  • redness of the cheeks;
  • dryness of the oral mucous membranes, the appearance of a white coating on the tongue;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness.

Gradual poisoning with ketone bodies leads to dysfunction of the nervous system. The patient is very excited, this state is gradually replaced by drowsiness and can progress into a coma. Convulsive syndrome cannot be excluded.

In childhood and during pregnancy

If acetone in the urine is higher than normal, parents of babies should be alert to the following symptoms:

  • refusal of food and water;
  • lethargy and low activity;
  • tearfulness and increased irritability;
  • causeless hyperthermia;
  • complaints of discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • the appearance of a bad aroma of rotten apples from urine, dermis and from the mouth.

The difficulty of diagnosis in pregnant women lies in the fact that acetonuria is disguised as toxicosis and gestosis. Therefore, it is important for a woman to undergo regular examinations by a gynecologist and undergo general clinical tests of heme and urine.

For the expectant mother and fetus, acetone is dangerous because it causes many complications and can lead to miscarriage, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, hypoxia or intrauterine growth retardation.


If you have the clinical picture described above, you should immediately consult a general doctor - for adults, a general practitioner, for children - a pediatrician, who will tell you how to determine ketones in the urine, why its increase occurs and what to do to normalize the condition.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor interviews the patient to determine the duration of the symptoms and their severity. Next, an examination is carried out, during which the smell of the patient and the condition of the skin are taken into account. During palpation, an enlarged liver is detected, and when listening to the heart rate and breathing, increased frequency and dullness are noted. Based on the results of the initial diagnosis, an examination protocol and diagnosis are drawn up.

To understand the nature of acetonuria, a comprehensive examination is required. Determination of acetone in urine is carried out using the following methods:

  • general clinical and biochemical examination of urine and gemma;
  • urine test for sugar and acetone;
  • drawing up a glycemic profile for blood glucose levels;
  • bacteriological culture of urine when the level of leukocytes and other indicators that indicate inflammatory processes are exceeded;
  • study of hormonal levels to determine the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • analysis of daily urine, allowing to obtain more accurate results.
  • Ultrasound and MRI of the endocrine glands and liver;
  • instrumental examinations of the gastrointestinal tract if indicated;
  • tissue biopsy if there is concern for the malignant origin of ketonuria.
  • If a helminthic infestation is suspected, the stool should be checked for bacterial flora.

Test strips

Today, the pharmacological market offers express tests that allow you to test your urine for acetone quickly and without leaving your home. When conducting the study, you should follow the clear instructions indicated on the packaging. It is recommended to carry out the analysis for 3 days in a row for better information content.

Acetonuria is a pathological condition that is expressed by the release of ketone bodies (acetone) into the urine.

Elevated levels of acetone can be observed in both children and adults, sometimes in pregnant women. If you do not fight this disease for a long time, there is a risk of serious complications, namely damage to brain cells, heart tissue and other systems of the human body.

Ketone bodies (acetone) in urine

Acetone in urine and its consequences

For the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to have a constant supply of energy, which is responsible for the normal operation of all systems.

The body gets energy from carbohydrates – sugar. Glucose simply breaks down and releases energy. When a person stops eating carbohydrates, the body begins to look for a source of energy. In this case, the fat and protein cells of the body begin to break down, thereby causing the process of releasing ketone bodies into the urine.

Most often, acetone affects brain cells, which causes poor health.

Ketone bodies contain not only acetone, but also acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acids. All these substances are already in the urine, but only in small quantities. With acetonuria, their number increases and poisons the entire body.

If acetone does not return to normal for a long period, there is a risk of developing the following pathologies:

For this reason, treatment should not be delayed to avoid any negative consequences.

Causes of acetonuria and its symptoms

Many people do not even know why ketone acetone appears in the blood or urine, or rather, they do not know the reason for the development of this disease. More often cause of high acetone levels malnutrition appears in the urine. The fact is that any food is broken down and affects the liver, which provokes the release of acetone.

There are a number of other reasons that influence the increase in ketone bodies in the urine, and these reasons differ in adults and children.

Causes of acetone in urine in adults

It must be said that an adult tolerates acetonuria more easily, and in some cases does not even know about its presence.

The main reasons for this phenomenon:

Very often, during intense physical activity, a person feels unwell and the process of releasing ketone bodies into the urine begins. In this case it is necessary contact a specialist to adjust your training.

In most cases, acetone in the urine occurs as a result of a pathology such as diabetes. With such a pathology, the human body not enough carbohydrates to completely oxidize fats and proteins. In this case, constant consultation with a specialist is required.

If the reason lies in an unbalanced diet, you should normalize your diet and add carbohydrates to it. After a few days, the acetone will come out.

The level of ketone bodies increases when the body is poisoned with various chemicals, for example, lead, phosphorus, atropine.

Acetone in urine in children

In children, ketone bodies arise as a result of improper functioning of the pancreas.

Most often, acetonuria appears before the age of 12. The reason is that before this age occurs pancreas development, and the child’s body simply cannot always cope with various changes in the process of growth.

The main reason for the release of acetone in the urine is poor nutrition. Most often this occurs after consumption by a child. food with dyes, flavorings and preservatives. Acetonuria can develop as a result of consuming large amounts of sweets.

There are other reasons for this pathology:

Symptoms of acetonuria are most often felt by children, since in an adult the body is stronger and the disease rarely manifests itself.

The main symptoms of having high levels of ketone bodies in the urine:

  • a strong smell of acetone from the mouth, from the surface of the skin, which does not disappear throughout the day;
  • smell of acetone in urine;
  • Strong headache;
  • heat;
  • vomiting after eating or drinking water;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea.

If for a long time there is no pay attention to symptoms and do not start treatment, the patient becomes comatose.

Diagnosis of acetonuria

Many people are interested in the question of how to determine acetone in urine? First of all, you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe the correct diagnosis.

To diagnose acetone in the blood in adults, the patient must undergo an ultrasound examination of the liver. Would need take a urine test and blood. In this case, the ESR and leukocyte indicators play an important role.

For children, many parents use the urine acetone strip test. Such strips can be purchased at a pharmacy. By the way, many pregnant women Such tests are also used. Such express diagnostics is very convenient, because in a few minutes you can find out the presence of acetone in the urine. Moreover, such a test is inexpensive.

To use, you need to put one strip in your urine and wait a few minutes. Depending on color can be installed presence of ketone bodies. If high levels of acetone are present, the strip will turn dark purple. If the test has not changed its color, there are no ketone bodies in the urine.

It is very important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment. To monitor the patient’s condition, tests must be repeated every 2–3 hours.

Treatment of acetone in urine and prevention

If the diagnosis of acetonuria is confirmed, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment. Pregnant women and children should undergo hospital treatment under the supervision of a doctor. If the patient's condition is not severe, treatment can take place at home.

The process of treating acetone in urine begins with a blood test. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of diabetes. If the tests are bad, then it is necessary to start treatment.

After this, it is necessary to remove ketone bodies from the body. In this case, the patient can have enemas with enterosorbents. At the pharmacy you can buy special powders, which are taken when the body is intoxicated.

Treatment of acetone in urine in adults ends only when blood and urine tests are good, that is, all indicators are normal. If necessary the doctor can prescribe to the patient ultrasound diagnostics of the liver, pancreas.

To treat acetonuria in children, you must follow some recommendations. The first day you should completely exclude food from the diet; in some cases, a few bread croutons are allowed. It is worth taking care of drinking plenty of fluids. Sweetened dried fruit compote is perfect.

The next day, you can gradually introduce food into your diet. Doctors recommend feeding your child 5-6 times a day in small portions. If child refuses to eat, no need to force him. If your baby asks for food, you can give him some porridge, but without milk.

It is very important not to give your child any medications, especially antibiotics, during the treatment period.

Only a doctor should prescribe treatment; you cannot independently apply any measures to treat acetonuria.

It is necessary to exclude fried, salty and peppery foods from the child’s diet.

Do not be alarmed if your child has elevated levels of ketone bodies - this phenomenon is not uncommon. The main thing is on time determine the cause of poor health and start proper treatment. It must be remembered that proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the key to good health.

Acetone is known as an organic solvent. It is the first element in the ketone series. The name comes from the German word “aketon”, which lost the letter “a”. In the human body, in order to obtain energy, successive biochemical transformations of food products occur with the release of ATP molecules. The appearance of acetone in children indicates a disruption in the energy cycle. The process of cell nutrition is expressed by the summary formula: products (proteins-fats-carbohydrates) – glucose molecules – energy in the form of adenosine triphosphoric acid, without which the life of the cell is impossible. Unused glucose molecules are combined into chains. This is how glycogen is formed in the liver, which is used when there is a lack of energy. Acetone appears in the blood in children more often than in adults, because there are very few glycogen reserves in the child’s liver. Glucose molecules not used as fuel are converted back into proteins and fatty acids. Their properties are not at all the same as those found in food products. Therefore, the breakdown of its own reserves occurs according to the same scheme, but with the formation of metabolites - ketones.

The mechanism of the appearance of acetone in the blood of children

The appearance of acetone in blood and urine tests is due to the result of the biochemical reaction of gluconeogenesis, that is, the formation of glucose not from digestion products, but from fat reserves and protein reserves. Normally, there should be no ketone bodies in the blood. Their functions, as a rule, end at the cellular level, that is, the place of formation. The presence of ketones signals the body that there is a lack of energy. This is how a feeling of hunger arises at the cellular level.

When acetone enters the blood, children develop ketonemia. Freely circulating ketones have a toxic effect on the central nervous system. At low concentrations of ketone bodies, excitation occurs. In exorbitant quantities - depression of consciousness up to coma.

Increased acetone in children

The reasons for the appearance of increased acetone in children before it appears in the urine are the following processes:

  • Lack of glucose in food - children are left without sweets;
  • Increased glucose consumption. It is provoked by stressful conditions, increased physical and mental stress. Diseases, injuries, and surgeries also contribute to the rapid combustion of carbohydrates;
  • Nutritional imbalance. A child’s food is dominated by fats and proteins, which are difficult to process into glucose, resulting in the deposition of nutrients “in reserve.” And if necessary, the mechanism of neoglucogenesis is immediately activated.

The most dangerous cause of the appearance of ketone bodies in the blood is caused by diabetes mellitus. At the same time, the amount of glucose in the body is even increased, but it is not absorbed by the cells due to the lack of a conductor - insulin.

Acetonemia in children

Regarding the appearance of acetone in tests in children, Komarovsky emphasizes that, first of all, this depends on metabolic disorders. First of all, uric acid. As a result, purines appear in the blood, the absorption of carbohydrates and fats is disrupted, and the central nervous system is overexcited.

Komarovsky lists the following diseases as secondary reasons why acetone appears in children:

  • Endocrine;
  • Infectious;
  • Surgical;
  • Somatic.

The release of ketone bodies into the blood occurs under the influence of trigger factors, such as:

  • Stress – strong positive or negative emotions;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight;
  • Power supply errors.

Without diabetes mellitus, acetone appears in the blood of children between the ages of one and thirteen years as a result of the following provoking factors:

  • The need for movement exceeds the amount of energy;
  • Insufficient development of the hepatic depot for glycogen;
  • Lack of enzymes that are used to process the resulting ketones.

When acetone appears in the urine in children, the full clinical picture of nonsugar insipidus ketoacidosis develops.

Clinical manifestations of acetone in children

With acetonuria in children, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Vomiting after eating any food or liquid, including plain water;
  • Abdominal colic;
  • Dehydration: rare urination, dry skin, blushing, coated tongue;
  • The smell of rotten apples from the child's urine and vomit.

The examination reveals an increase in the size of the liver. Laboratory data, when they appear, indicate a violation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, an increase in the acidic environment due to ketones. The most important method for diagnosing acetone in children is urine testing. Test strips are used to confirm the diagnosis at home. When immersed in urine, their color becomes pink, and with severe ketonuria in children, the strip turns purple.

Treatment of acetonemia in children

First of all, it is necessary to provide the body with glucose. To do this, the child needs to be given sweets. To prevent food intake from causing vomiting, use compotes, fruit drinks, sweet tea (with honey or sugar), one teaspoon every five minutes. To remove ketones, treatment of acetonemia in children involves cleansing enemas.

The acetone diet in children includes foods with a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates: semolina, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, vegetable soups. It is forbidden to give fast food products, chips, fatty, smoked and spicy foods. A proper diet for acetonemia in children must include sweets: fruits, honey, jam. In severe cases, children are subject to emergency hospitalization in a hospital.

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The following consequences are also possible:

  • brain damage from toxic substances;
  • development of heart and (or) renal failure;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • severe dehydration;
  • dangerous changes in the patient’s blood.

Why does acetone appear in urine?

There are several factors that cause the appearance of ketones in the urine.

Poor nutrition as a cause of acetonuria

This is a fairly common occurrence. Following newfangled diets (not to be confused with a balanced diet!) leads to serious health problems. In particular, it is dangerous.

In some cases, trying to get rid of true (or fictitious) people completely neglect, which is unacceptable.

Abuse of high-protein and fatty foods is also dangerous. This can provoke acetonuria in healthy people. A special case of the previously mentioned nutritional disorders is uncontrolled “therapeutic” fasting according to the recommendations of home-grown “doctors” and healers.

Excessive physical activity

This is one of the factors that can provoke the detection of acetone in the urine.

Severe mental overstrain also leads to the same result.

However, after a person gets a good night's sleep and rest, these phenomena disappear completely and without consequences.

What else causes acetonuria?

There are a number of conditions that provoke acetonemia.

Here are the conditions and diseases characterized by the acetone smell of urine:

  • for a long time. This leads to dehydration and disruption of biochemical processes;
  • moderate and severe toxicosis;
  • , which are combined with various;
  • pathological condition after partial removal of the stomach or duodenum, narrowing or scar of the esophagus;
  • poisoning with various substances, including ethyl or surrogates;
  • malignant neoplasms. Acetone is one of the components of intensive protein breakdown.

If the urine of a child and a pregnant woman smells, what could this mean?

The appearance of uncharacteristic and pregnant women indicates the presence of pathology. This applies not only to acetonuria.

For example, an ammonia smell indicates probable inflammation in the genitourinary system. The acetone odor of urine in pregnant women indicates a possible

Sometimes acetonuria indicates poor nutrition. It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman to uncontrollably limit herself in food “so as not to gain weight.” This can lead to serious problems.

The presence of sugar in the urine and the smell of acetone from the mouth as characteristic signs of diabetes

One of the factors that leads to the development of ketonuria is severe. Moreover, this applies to.

Not absorbed by cells. This is a signal to start the reactions of fat and protein breakdown.

An overdose of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels, including, can also provoke a pathological condition. Sometimes diabetes mellitus is detected precisely after the detection of ketones in the urine.

Diabetes can also be suspected by the characteristic “acetone” odor from the skin and breath.

Associated symptoms and diagnostic methods

If ketonuria is mild, it is usually detected by laboratory urine testing. It does not manifest itself in any way or, alternatively, the signs are not clearly expressed.

More noticeable symptoms of acetonemia in people of different ages are as follows:

  • the smell of acetone comes from the skin and from the mouth, and its intensity does not change throughout the day. An increase in unpleasant odor occurs from eating foods rich in proteins;
  • “acetone” smell of urine;
  • throbbing, aching or squeezing;
  • decreased performance, alternating periods of excitement with apathy, lethargy;
  • spasmodic pain in the navel area;
  • with an “acetone” smell after eating;
  • deterioration of appetite, and sometimes its complete loss.

When diagnosing, the doctor finds out the patient’s nutritional habits, character and (or) identifies diseases that led to the appearance of ketones in urine. Most often, this is diabetes mellitus. If the disease is asymptomatic, the necessary information can be obtained on the basis of laboratory tests.

After the presence of acetone in the urine has been established, the following types of diagnostics are performed:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • culture of urinary sediment if there is a suspicion of inflammatory diseases;
  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as the liver;
  • glycemic profile;
  • FGDS.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of acetonemia should be done as quickly as possible. This allows you to avoid threatening complications. Pregnant women and children are recommended to undergo treatment in a hospital setting.

However, many parents can bring their child out of this state on their own. Naturally, if there are no signs such as confusion, convulsions, severe weakness or uncontrollable vomiting.

Treatment consists of the following activities:

  • if acetone appears in the urine, you need to take a test to assess blood sugar levels to confirm or rule out diabetes mellitus;
  • An important point is the removal of acetone. Taking enterosorbents, such as Atoxil, Enterosgel, Smecta or activated carbon, as well as a cleansing enema help with this;
  • Compote made from, not too sweet, helps to compensate for the lack of glucose. It is also possible to take a weak solution of glucose or compositions for rehydration (orally): Chlorazole, Regidron, Oralit, Litrozole.

After the attack has been stopped, measures must be taken to prevent a relapse. To do this you need:

  • take blood and urine tests, undergo all diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor;
  • undergo a study of the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

It is possible that the prevention of repeated attacks of acetonemia will require lifestyle adjustments and adherence to a constant diet.

Enterosorbent Atoxil

First of all, this is an orderly regime with timely daytime and night sleep, as well as daily exposure to fresh air. Excluding computer games and limiting television viewing are also desirable.

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