Candidiasis through sexual contact. How does thrush occur and is it sexually transmitted? Is it possible to protect yourself from candidiasis?

Thrush, or candidiasis, is an extremely unpleasant disease. This fungal infection causes discomfort in the genital area, the appearance of an unpleasant odor and, often, leads to the development of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane. That is why it is important to know how contagious this infection is and how it manifests itself.

Thrush is a conditionally pathogenic fungal disease that is caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Thrush is considered opportunistic, since this fungus is normally present in the intestinal microflora of any person. Candida is also found in small quantities in the female vaginal mucosa.

From the active growth of infection into large colonies, the fungus inhibits human immunity. When it weakens as a result of taking antibiotics, insufficient acid microflora or the presence of any acute and chronic diseases, the infection begins to grow.

A feature of the pathology is that thrush can develop on any mucous membrane of the body, in the urogenital canals, in the mouth, nose or intestines. The disease can appear in both adults and children of any age. In this case, women and infants suffer most from candidiasis. In men, the infection is detected less frequently due to the more protected mucous membrane of the genital organs, and also because the disease can be practically asymptomatic.

Symptoms of manifestation

The main signs of the disease in women include:

  • The appearance of a burning sensation in the labia and vagina;
  • Itching of the external genitalia;
  • Painful sensations during urination or during sexual intercourse;
  • Redness of the skin around the genitals;
  • The appearance of copious curdled vaginal discharge;
  • Unpleasant sour odor from discharge.

The appearance of a burning sensation, itching - symptoms of thrush in women

In men, symptoms of candidiasis are:

  • Slight periodic pain in the penis;
  • The appearance of a white coating or rash on the head of the penis;
  • Discomfort when urinating, especially at night;
  • Itching and burning in the area of ​​the head of the penis;
  • Painful sensations after sexual intercourse.

In children, candidiasis is most often observed in the oral cavity and genital area. A fungal infection appears in the form of a rash on the skin, as well as a white coating that turns into ulcers on the mucous membrane.

Ways of transmission of the disease

To protect yourself or loved ones from thrush, it is important to know whether the infection is transmitted from one person to another. Of course, self-infection can occur in the human body, in which colonies of the fungus begin to actively multiply. However, this form of the disease is more common in women. At the same time, severe stress can be enough to weaken the body’s defenses.

Candidiasis can be transmitted from person to person in the following ways:

  • Domestic;
  • Sexual.

In any of the cases, thrush can be transmitted to a partner from both an infected man and a woman.


If someone in the family has candidiasis, other people who are in close contact with the carrier of the infection can become infected with the fungus through household means. Most often this occurs as a result of such factors:

  • Sharing bedding with a patient with candidiasis;
  • Trying on underwear for a patient with thrush;
  • Sharing personal hygiene items, including washcloths, towels and gowns.

A fungal infection can remain outside the human body for quite a long time. And if the rules of personal hygiene and food processing standards are not followed, Candida mushrooms can penetrate the human body even with food. However, not everyone who comes into contact with the belongings of a thrush patient will have this disease in an active form. Strong immune defense and healthy microflora will prevent the spread of infection.


If one of the partners has thrush, the question almost always arises as to whether this infection is sexually transmitted. Of course, during sexual contact without using a barrier method of contraception, partners transfer individual elements of their microflora to each other. In this case, thrush can be transmitted both from woman to man and vice versa. However, for a healthy person this process does not pose a serious threat.

It is worth understanding that men and women can become infected with Candida fungi both through vaginal and anal sex, during which a condom was not used.

Is oral infection possible?

During oral sex, thrush can also be transmitted from one partner to another in the process of contact of the oral cavity with mucous membranes affected by fungi or particles of the patient’s microflora. This route of infection can lead to the following consequences:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Damage to the oral or nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Infection of the oral mucosa usually occurs when there are even small lesions in the form of microcracks on the inside of the cheeks, tongue or gums.

The oral route of infection with candidiasis is dangerous due to the risk of growth of a colony of fungi in the mouth. This can lead to the appearance of numerous ulcers and the addition of other infections. In addition, when using common tableware that has not been thoroughly washed, further infection of people is possible through household means.

Consequences of infection with thrush

The main consequence of candidiasis for the male body is discomfort in the genital area. In addition, if untreated, against the background of inflammation of the mucous membrane, there is a risk of developing phimosis, as well as damage to the kidneys and bladder.

Untimely or improper treatment of thrush in a woman can provoke a constant feeling of discomfort in the genital area and reluctance to have intimate intimacy.

One of the most serious consequences of the spread of infection is the risk of developing erosive formations on the genital mucosa. Often, neglected thrush contributes to the difficult process of fertilization, radically changing the microflora of the vagina and complicating the process of sperm passage. At the same time, candidiasis significantly complicates the course of pregnancy and the process of delivery.

Features of infection with thrush in a newborn

Thrush is a contagious disease for newborns. Fungal infections tend to be transmitted to babies both through household means and during birth.

The household method of infection involves non-compliance with personal hygiene rules:

  • Using one towel or washcloth with the baby;
  • Bathing a child in a bath that has not been washed after an adult or sharing a bath with a sick adult;
  • Contact of the naked body of a newborn with underwear infected with candidiasis;
  • Sharing a bed with a sick adult;
  • Contact of the mucous membrane of a sick parent or other person with the mucous membrane of the baby.

However, most often a newborn baby becomes infected with thrush during the birth process. As the baby passes through the woman’s birth canal, the baby picks up particles of the mother’s microflora. Therefore, if a woman in labor has thrush, it is highly likely that a fungal infection will enter the newborn's mouth.

The role of compliance with hygiene rules in pathology

Considering that thrush can be transmitted to a partner both sexually and domestically, in order to prevent infection with the disease, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Use condoms during all sexual contact, especially during sex with a non-regular or infected partner;
  • Eat only properly processed foods;
  • Carefully monitor personal hygiene. The concept includes the individual use of towels, washcloths, toothbrushes, as well as underwear;
  • When sharing bed linen with a candidiasis-infected partner, sleep on it in underwear;
  • Wash the bathroom thoroughly before use and after bathing;
  • Use separate cutlery and dishes. Before and after use, wash thoroughly with baking soda.

If one of the partners has thrush, the infection must be treated. Methods for eliminating fungus should be selected exclusively by a doctor. Treatment is not always required for both sexual partners. In the absence of symptoms of the disease in one of them, therapy can be carried out solely for the purpose of prevention. However, during the entire period of treatment of one of the partners, any sexual contact should be excluded. This will avoid re-infection of the patient with a fungal infection.

When used in the treatment of suppositories and ointments, the use of a condom is ineffective. The components of such drugs easily damage the surface of the barrier contraceptive.

If a woman feels a burning sensation in the external genitalia, accompanied by increasing itching and cheesy white discharge, this may indicate the presence of vaginal candidiasis, colloquially known as. The disease is based on the yeast-like fungi Candida albicans, which, according to many doctors, in low quantities can be part of the vaginal microflora. However, rapidly multiplying on its mucous membrane, they cause painful symptoms. The disease itself is not particularly dangerous, but it does cause a lot of trouble. If you notice the first symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor who will help determine the cause of fungal proliferation and also prescribe special medications and vitamins.
During the treatment of thrush, some of its symptoms may disappear, but this does not indicate complete recovery. It can only be confirmed by test results.

Thrush in men

Candidiasis of the genital organs is not a purely female disease; representatives of the stronger sex can also be susceptible to it. The male version of thrush is candidiasis. It should be noted that about 14-18% of healthy men are carriers of Candida albicans fungi in the penis. Most often, the disease is observed in those who suffer from obesity, diabetes, and also have weak immunity. Symptoms of the disease are expressed in patients in the form of a whitish rash on the head of the penis, as well as pain and itching of the external genitalia.
Temporary abstinence from sex is the first thing to do when identifying symptoms of thrush. Doctors advise restoring intimacy no earlier than 10-14 days after both sexual partners are completely cured.

Is thrush transmitted sexually?

Sexual intercourse is an integral part of human life. It happens that, even after learning about the presence of such a disease as thrush, people continue to have sex and infect each other, assuming that a condom is a reliable “protector” against all sexually transmitted diseases. However, they often forget that many fungal infections, including candidiasis, can easily be contracted during oral contact - from banal kisses to intimate caresses. Candida albicans can stay in the oral cavity for a long time, as it “feels” quite comfortable there. In the case of thrush, even one of the most reliable means of protection - a condom - will not give partners a 100% guarantee. When a disease is detected, it is imperative to refer your sexual partner to a hospital to see a venereologist, so as not to live in constant fear.

The question of whether thrush is sexually transmitted is of interest not only to lovers of casual sex. As you know, this disease very often occurs in pregnant women, as well as in women after taking certain medications. To avoid infection from another person, you need to take precautions even at home. Thrush, or candidiasis, is an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These microscopic organisms make up the microflora of the mouth, colon and vagina of healthy people. But with thrush, their sharp proliferation occurs for various reasons. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from candidiasis. Infection with the yeast fungus Candida can occur in utero or during childbirth, when the fetus comes into contact with the vaginal mucosa. Moreover, women are more often infected from men than vice versa. It is more difficult for a man to get candidiasis because fungal spores have nowhere to gain a foothold in a man’s body, unlike a woman’s.

Thus, from birth a person becomes a carrier of the infectious agent. In the first days of life, babies often experience candidiasis of the oral mucosa. Later, the fungi settle in the intestines, vagina and mouth, but their proliferation is prevented by the immune system.

Causes of thrush

The occurrence of candidiasis in a woman can occur against the background of:

  • taking antibacterial drugs (antibiotics);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged stress;
  • weakened immunity;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • respiratory infections;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

Antibiotics destroy not only pathogens. They negatively affect the microflora of the intestines and vagina. With long-term therapy with antibacterial agents, intestinal dysbiosis develops, and Candida fungi begin to multiply rapidly. The same thing happens with the vaginal flora. Hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause are favorable factors for the development of the disease. The immunity of pregnant women becomes weaker, so thrush occurs in the first trimester, when the body has not yet adapted to the changes. During this period, the spouse may become infected.

Psycho-emotional stress and stress in themselves do not cause thrush, but they weaken the body’s protective functions. The same applies to bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse. Poor dietary nutrition can deplete the body, which also plays a big role in exacerbating chronic diseases. Chronic diseases, in turn, can provoke thrush. This is especially true for patients with pyelonephritis, cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. Women need to treat urogenital infections in a timely manner so that they do not develop candidiasis, which tends to become chronic. Chronic diseases are more difficult to treat and tend to recur frequently.

Candidiasis is an unpleasant disease-causing condition that is caused by fungal microorganisms. Unpleasant symptoms interfere with the patient’s normal functioning and therefore require mandatory treatment. But in order to prevent a relapse, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the information about whether thrush is transmitted and how it happens.

A fungus of the genus Candida settles on the skin and mucous membranes of a person from the external environment, but painful symptoms do not always occur. It all depends on the condition of the body and lifestyle conditions, namely, the risk of developing thrush is high if:

  • Weak immune system
  • Improperly organized personal hygiene,
  • Taking antibiotics and potent drugs,
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system,
  • Having bad habits,
  • Harmful environmental conditions.

Thus, if you are in good health and have no serious illnesses, the risk of contracting thrush is quite low. Conversely, low immunity or bad habits can cause a chronic condition in which unpleasant signs of candidiasis will occur again and again.

Is thrush transmitted from woman to man?

The vast majority of cases of candidiasis occur in the fair half. This raises the question of whether thrush is transmitted to men. Actually yes, it is quite possible. But given the fact that the natural defense mechanisms in men are quite well developed to this type of fungus, this does not happen very often. Typically, this phenomenon is facilitated by a man’s reduced immunity. But, if this does happen, then the symptoms will be felt similar to what women experience.

Is thrush transmitted sexually?

Candidiasis tends to be transmitted from partner to partner during sexual intercourse. Moreover, this is one of the most common methods of infection. For this reason, during the treatment of the infection, the patient is strongly recommended to abstain from intimate relationships. But it is worth pointing out that even in this case the probability of infection is not 100%. Again, this depends on the immune system of the partners.

Is thrush transmitted through oral sex?

Candida fungi can be transmitted orally, which means that kissing and oral sex can pose a risk to a person if his partner is a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms. Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this information, and during treatment they abstain from conservative sex, preferring oral sex. Accordingly, the result of treatment in this case remains zero.

Is thrush transmitted through a condom?

Having learned the answer to the question whether thrush is sexually transmitted, the next question involuntarily arises: “how to avoid this?” A condom is one of the methods to reduce the risk of infection of a sexual partner. It quite reliably protects against the penetration of fungal pathogens into a healthy body.

But it is worth noting that sexual contact with a latex contraceptive does not provide a complete guarantee against infection. The thing is that the condom performs its function, but there are other ways of transmitting the infection, namely through bedding, skin-to-skin contact, and kissing. For this reason, it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse altogether until the disease is completely cured.

Is thrush transmitted through household contact?

The household method accounts for the least number of cases of infection with thrush. It lies in the fact that a healthy person and a carrier of a fungal infection use common household items: these can be intimate hygiene products, for example, washcloths, bedding or underwear. It is on them that fungal spores can most often remain. It should be borne in mind that under such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms are able to live for a day, after which they die due to lack of moisture. The household method of infection can also include visiting the pool or taking a bath, in which a person suffering from thrush was previously located.

Prevention of transmission of fungus from woman to man

Men who want to increase the resistance of their body to a fungal pathogen should heed a few recommendations. These include:

  • Strengthening the immune system. This factor directly depends on a man’s lifestyle. He should give up bad habits, walk, play sports, breathe fresh air daily,
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Many people consider it sufficient to perform daily bath procedures. But no less important is the choice of personal care products, it is best if they contain natural ingredients, without fragrances,
  • Proper nutrition. The daily diet should include a balanced healthy food rich in vitamins. Avoid heavy fried foods
  • Attentive attitude to sexual relations. Promiscuous sexual intercourse, as well as neglect of condoms, often become the causes of thrush infection.

Do not forget that sometimes even people with a good immune system have exceptions, therefore, in order to exclude the development of candidiasis in the body, it is strongly recommended to undergo periodic medical examinations.

Is thrush transmitted from mother to child?

Candidiasis is transmitted from mother to child quite often. This is due to the fact that there are several ways of transmitting infection in this case, namely:

  • Breast-feeding. By touching the mother's affected nipple with his mouth, the child can easily become infected with candidiasis,
  • Co-sleeping. As stated earlier, fungal spores can live in bedding for quite a long time, which can cause infection from mother to child,
  • Feeding. If a woman suffering from thrush tastes the baby's food with her mouth, then there is also a high risk of transmitting pathogens to the baby,
  • Kisses and touches. Fungal spores can be found on the mother’s body, and therefore even simple hugs with the child carry the risk of infection.

It is important that the immune system of children is not fully developed, which means it is highly vulnerable to various pathogens. It is not difficult to guess that the smaller the child, the higher the risk of infection with fungus.

Another way of transmitting infection can be the process of a child passing through the birth canal. Once it leaves the womb, it becomes vulnerable to pathogens, including candida.

Thrush is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases from man to woman and vice versa. The stereotype that candidiasis is a purely female disease is in fact erroneous. And the questions of what thrush is, whether this disease is transmitted to a partner, and how to treat it, have remained relevant for a long time. Doctors unanimously say that thrush is transmitted to a partner, and one unprotected sexual act may be enough for infection.

From a medical point of view, thrush is usually called candidiasis, since the causative agents of the infection are yeast-like fungi of the Candida family. In fact, in the body of every person, regardless of gender and age, these microorganisms are found, since they are a component of the microflora. Science has found that yeast-like fungi provide food for beneficial bacteria.

For reference! Only timely diagnosis and proper treatment with the help of a medical specialist will help restore the normal balance of beneficial and harmful microflora.


It is worth recalling that only timely detection of thrush and a visit to the doctor will help quickly and without harm to health eliminate the causative agent of the disease. Due to the fact that many do not fully know whether thrush is transmitted from woman to man, unprotected sex and lack of qualified treatment lead to infection of the man. And no matter how much a woman treats candidiasis, it will recur again and again, since her sexual partner was previously infected with it.

Symptoms of thrush in a woman:

  • white or yellowish discharge with a thick, cheesy consistency;
  • itching in the genital area, as well as a painful burning sensation;
  • redness and swelling of the external genitalia;
  • rash;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • sour vaginal odor;
  • nervousness and discomfort;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;

Often, the symptoms of candidiasis are very similar to the manifestations of cystitis, so self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation. To diagnose thrush, a woman must take a smear of the vaginal environment in a laboratory.

Symptoms of candidiasis in men:

  • pain in the genital area;
  • itching and slight burning during sexual intercourse;
  • increased symptoms after completion of sexual intercourse;
  • white discharge on the head of the penis;
  • redness and thickening of the foreskin;
  • pain during urination.

Read also: Thrush as one of the signs of pregnancy

It is difficult to find out from personal experience whether thrush is transmitted from a woman to a man, since in most cases the disease can be asymptomatic.

Reasons for appearance

Having established the fact that thrush is transmitted from woman to man, the next pressing question arises - what prerequisites contribute to this. By preventing such reasons, you can avoid the risks of infection with Candida fungi.

Causes of candidiasis:

  • insufficient hygiene of the genitals;
  • weak immunity and resistance to pathogens;
  • bad eating habits;
  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • radiation and chemotherapy;
  • past illnesses that undermine the immune system;
  • unprotected sex, as thrush is transmitted sexually;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • wearing tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • use of personal hygiene products with fragrances and fragrances;
  • douching and microflora disturbance;
  • frequent hypothermia.

To prevent any disease, you first need to regularly strengthen your immune system. And then, regardless of whether thrush is sexually transmitted, you can protect yourself from the negative effects of any pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Male thrush

After it has been found out that thrush is transmitted to men through sexual intercourse, it is worth studying in more detail male candidiasis and its characteristics. Typically, this disease manifests itself subclinically, and if infection was not facilitated by contact with a woman, the occurrence of candidiasis is considered a rare occurrence. The causes of male thrush can be therapy by taking antibiotics, as well as a decrease in immunity.

The most common question in the doctor's office is whether thrush is transmitted through oral sex. It is worth knowing that oral sex increases the risk of contracting candidiasis. The oral cavity also contains many beneficial and harmful bacteria, including fungi.

For reference! According to statistics and practice, oral sex is a greater threat of candidiasis infection for women than for the stronger sex.

Many bacteria, including yeast-like fungi, can exist on the mucous membrane of a woman’s mouth. During sexual intercourse and oral sex, these fungi enter the male genital organ, where they spend a long time establishing and spreading.

Without reproducing on the man’s genitals, during subsequent sexual intercourse with a woman, Candida penetrates the walls of the vagina, the optimal environment of which is excellent for subsequent reproduction. Thus, it becomes clear how thrush is transmitted between sexual partners.

Other prerequisites for male candidiasis may be failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, wearing synthetic underwear, hypothermia, and hormonal disorders. As a result, fungi begin to accumulate in the area of ​​the head and foreskin, compromising the integrity of the mucous membrane. Based on this, doctors recommend that both sexual partners be examined for the presence of fungi.

Read also: Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush?

oral candidiasis

To understand all the ways thrush is transmitted, it is worth considering not only genital candidiasis, but also oral thrush. Candida fungi can enter a man's mouth after kissing an infected woman.

As soon as fungi enter the mouth with saliva, they begin to actively multiply and disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane. If a man has a strong immune system, it is impossible to become infected with thrush through a kiss.

For reference! Most often, men suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as HIV infection, are infected with Candida fungi.

Men who smoke are also susceptible to oral candidiasis, as their bad habit disrupts the microflora of the mouth. The immune system regulates the number of microflora fungi, but tobacco smoke helps destroy protective bacteria, increasing the survival rate of fungi significantly.

Therapeutic measures

Having found out whether thrush is transmitted from woman to man and vice versa, the importance of diagnosing both partners and timely treatment becomes clear. If at least one of the partners refuses medical control and treatment, the recovery of the second also remains in question. Only parallel use of drugs will eliminate candidiasis without health consequences.

The course of treatment for both partners comes down to solving several problems:

  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • relief of well-being for both patients;
  • eradication of the pathogen.

To treat male and female candidiasis, creams and ointments, solutions, suppositories and tablets are used. For women, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs: Diflucan, Nystatin, Pimafucin or Miconazole. Other tablets are intended for men: Mikosist, Medoflucon, Diflucan or Forkan. As antibiotics for fungi, Levorin or Oronazol may be prescribed.

A specially designed diet, as well as increased personal hygiene, will help speed up the healing process.

Among suppositories, Klion-D and Terzhinan, as well as Fluconazole and Livarol, are very popular. Such drugs are prescribed to representatives of the fairer sex for insertion into the vagina. For men, a medical specialist may prescribe the use of ointments and creams, which must be applied to the genitals according to the instructions.

Diet for thrush

One of the negative factors contributing to the proliferation of Candida fungi is poor nutrition. Therefore, in the process of treating a disease, the doctor usually insists on following a special diet. It helps restore normal microflora by increasing the number of beneficial bacteria that fungi consume.

The diet should include:

  • white lean meat;
  • seaweed;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • lentils, rice, barley porridge;
  • cabbage, beets and carrots;
  • citrus;
  • greenery;
  • red pepper;
  • garlic.

During treatment, it is worth limiting the consumption of sweets, baked goods and fatty smoked foods. Alcoholic drinks, which also disrupt the microflora of internal organs, are also considered prohibited. To quickly restore the balance of bacteria, the doctor may prescribe bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as special preparations for microflora that accompany antibiotic treatment.

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