“What is the dream of a balcony for? If you see a Balcony in a dream, what does it mean? Why I dreamed about a balcony: how to find out the interpretation from dream books A dream fell out a window in an apartment on the balcony.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you see how lovers say goodbye for a long time on the balcony, then their relationship will probably be short-lived, and, in the near future, they will be separated. In addition, a balcony in a dream: it can mean unpleasant news about long-absent loved ones or friends. …

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a balcony in a dream is a sign that you are powerless in the face of circumstances. However, sometimes seeing a balcony in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent consolidation of your position in society, which is associated with risk and danger. In addition, a dream about a balcony may portend getting ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If lovers dream of a touching farewell on the balcony, then in real life they can part for a long time, if not forever. Also, a balcony means receiving unpleasant news about absent friends. For lovers to see in a dream a long farewell on the balcony - portends, perhaps, the final ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream of a well-groomed balcony - to profit, to family well-being and the joys of new acquisitions. A cluttered, dirty balcony that you dreamed about in a dream is a sign that difficult times have come in your life, perhaps your secrets have become the property of the crowd, about you ...

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing yourself on the balcony - new perspectives, successful completion of business.

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

For lovers, to see in a dream a long farewell on the balcony portends, perhaps, a final parting. Seeing a balcony also means bad news about missing friends. A balcony collapsing before your eyes is a sign of trouble.

How to interpret the dream "Balcony"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Being on the balcony is a successful completion of business. If lovers in a dream say goodbye for a long time on the balcony, then their union will be fragile, and, soon, they will part. A balcony in a dream can also portend unpleasant news about absent friends. Swimming pool …

I had a dream "Balcony"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Could mean an unexpected promotion. The balcony of your own house - the honor and respect of colleagues, the successful completion of the work begun, an unexpected promotion. Someone else's balcony - dissatisfaction in love. Many balconies are empty promises. Being on the balcony - anxiety awaits you, ...

Throw yourself off the balcony - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To a change in family life.

Balcony - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

We saw a balcony - you will learn about the betrayal of your spouse.

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream of a balcony at a great height - to strive up the career ladder. Seeing a balcony of your loved one in a dream is a disappointment associated with betrayal or betrayal. Seeing many balconies in a dream - to confusion in front of some kind of choice. …

Balcony - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A long farewell on the balcony for lovers means a final parting. In addition, the balcony dreams of unpleasant news about friends.

Dreaming "Throw off a cliff or from a balcony" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

You will not be able to stop yourself in anger and say too much, which will ruin your opinion.

Dreaming "Loggia (balcony)" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Sitting in a dream in the summer on the loggia and looking down - to self-doubt.

Essence of sleep - Balcony

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream about how a balcony is glazed for you - to secrecy on your part.

What does sleep mean - Balcony

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Seeing a balcony in a dream is a sign that you are powerless in the face of circumstances and can consider the situation in which you find yourself hopeless. However, sometimes seeing a balcony in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent consolidation of your position in society, which is associated with risk and ...

What does the dream in which the Balcony, loggia dream mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Can act as a symbol of the Breast. Sleep, be on the balcony. Happiness. Standing on a very high balcony - ambitious plans and anxieties. Jumping, falling from it is a desperate act, a crisis, the collapse of what was planned.

The meaning of sleep about Balcony, loggia

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Can act as a symbol of wives. Breasts. Sleep, be on the balcony - happiness. Standing on a very high balcony - ambitious plans and anxieties. Jumping, falling from it is a desperate act, a crisis, the collapse of what was planned.

If in a dream you see "Balcony"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The appearance of a balcony in a dream can mean bad news about absent friends. For lovers, a long farewell on the balcony portends a final parting in reality.

Dream Interpretation: why the Balcony is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

I dream of a balcony, the situation will change for the worse. Fall from the balcony - dreams will not come true. A balcony in a dream is an unexpected promotion.

Article author: site

A balcony is a familiar structure on modern houses, but in a dream it is a difficult vision.

As the dream book interprets, the balcony is a positive symbol; it dreams of changes in life for the better, although sometimes you have to go through some difficulties.

In general, any interpretation will be reliable only if the person remembers important details from his dream.

Symbol meaning

The balcony hangs over the ground, so can symbolize instability, fragility of the situation, as well as "hanging" without support, which is associated with a feeling of insecurity. Sometimes a symbol is an indication of a strengthening of the situation, which will be fraught with some danger.

For lovers, a dream promises separation, which will naturally lead to a new meeting and new love.

Just to see from afar - the interpretation depends on the appearance of the balcony and what happened in it. Height here should be interpreted as success, profit, increase, a new standard of living.

The additional meaning of the symbol is "lodge", only the chosen ones or winners can be on it, and the dreamer was lucky enough to be one of them. To go out onto the balcony - to achieve social recognition. Feel the fear of heights - the upcoming responsibility will be a difficult test.

As for other details of the plot, the dream book explains why one dreams of standing on the balcony and inspecting the area: depending on the view that opens before one's eyes, one can assess the nature of the future fate. Height symbolizes large-scale ambitious plans, good luck and happiness. The higher the dreamer is, the more successful his life will be.

Being on your balcony is the joy of upcoming events, on someone else's - a vacation portends a lot of pleasure, carefree time, pleasant emotions. To look at passers-by for women - to feel self-confidence, to be proud of their breasts, for a man - the joy of achieving a goal.

Destruction or construction

Watching the destruction of a building in a dream is a danger, you should be careful with everything that represents risky behavior.

Stand on a balcony that's crumbling- to disappointment, the impossibility of fulfilling the desired. Risk in the future is not ruled out. Aesop's dream book here recommends being prudent.

The construction of the structure has a double meaning: the action is a dream for the fulfillment of desires, and also this is an indication of an illusory basis for the realization of the plan. People acting as helpers in a dream will play the same role in real life. These are friends you can rely on in difficult times, trust them with your secrets.

Falling from height

According to many dream books, falling from a balcony is an unfavorable symbol. According to Miller, such a dream foreshadows the end of hopes for the fulfillment of a dream. First and foremost, this applies to relationships. Fear when falling will mean suffering that will have to be experienced in reality.

The longer it happened to fall in a dream, the more tangible sadness will be in reality. If the dreamer fell into a hole - in reality he is in danger of a depressive state, which can be dealt with with the help of a specialist.

In a woman's dream, falling from a height symbolizes the collapse of love hopes. If someone pushed the dreamer - there is an ill-wisher that affects her personal life. If a friend turned out to be such a person, in reality she can be a rival, a man is her secret admirer, who cares about what happens in her life. A building that collapses under your feet sometimes means an unwanted pregnancy.

A child is dreaming of a fall - you should pay close attention to his health and academic success. Small problems in the future can turn into significant difficulties.

Additional meanings about fall:

  • the fall of a cat - to disappointment;
  • relatives - visit them;
  • to fall without clothes yourself - to lose hope, in torn clothes - to renew faith in something;
  • spouse - advice to be patient to improve relations.

Dreamer's actions

Jumping from a balcony - succumbing to fleeting emotions that can adversely affect partnerships.

Crawling out on him - a dream hints at a dangerous undertaking. Advice - do not get involved in dubious transactions, avoid reckless actions. Climbing over the railing can mean responsibility for important trials, going down - unforeseen circumstances, reaching out to the balcony - sexual attraction.

Move from one room to another using the balcony- in reality it will be possible to carry out a difficult task. If this does not come out due to a locked door or other obstacle, the matter will not be realized due to circumstances independent of the dreamer.

Being on the balcony, perform any actions - an indication of the illusory nature or imperfection of current affairs. What had to be done in a dream can collapse, not stand the test of reality.

Talking in a dream, standing on the balcony - in real life, the dreamer spends a lot of words in vain or what he hears has a different meaning for others. Saying goodbye is not avoiding parting.

To repair a balcony - to continue to need a relationship, for a man - to love his wife. For a bachelor - advice to change your lifestyle. A woman dreams of such an action when she is preoccupied with her appearance.

Watch the glazing of the balcony - be secretive in relation to other people.

Important details and plot

According to the dream book, to see a balcony without a railing is the dreamer's need for support. Some difficulties are expected, it would be nice to have a person nearby who can provide spiritual help.

Balcony with flowers - in the near future you can be sure of a successful course of events, joy, falling in love. If he is with scarlet roses - an ardent passion, with white - to receive a profitable offer, yellow - the family is proud of the sleeping person, blue - someone needs help. If it is cluttered, this is an indication of problems in relations with a partner.

Familiar on the balcony - he is not as reliable as it might seem. In a different sense - the connection is not strong enough. The dreamer will have to decide whether to strengthen relations with him, as he may disappear from life. Seeing a stranger - a dream portends an acquaintance that can play an important role in fate. Watching lovers say goodbye on the balcony - to separation from their lover.

Additional meanings about the balcony:

Slavic dream book

If you dream of the destruction of a balcony in a castle, a palace - a happy omen according to the Slavic dream book. The work will be crowned with success, and there will also be a great opportunity to find a hobby.

View from the balcony may also refer to:

  • look down - to the acquisition of new clothes for housing;
  • on passers-by - to a cheerful celebration;
  • on a sparrow - to bear secret thoughts;
  • on a dove - a gift from parents;
  • to hail - the spouse will be delighted;
  • for a car - to sell your home.

Climb over the balcony:

  • climb over - in reality travel by plane or train;
  • to a beloved woman - a sign of her strong love for the dreamer;
  • to a neighbor with the aim of drinking - a sign of the dreamer's honesty;
  • for the purpose of stealing - get in trouble with the law.

Meanings of dreams about a long balcony:

  • follow it - the spouse will go on a business trip;
  • stand on it at night - for a divorce, during the day - for a new meeting;
  • smoking - to change;
  • to repair it - to be appreciated.

The meaning of dreams about the balcony for the hostess:

  • do the cleaning - creative tendencies will manifest themselves in reality;
  • to arrange old things on it - to be successful with the opposite sex;
  • shake out the carpet - to a great pastime at the family table;
  • sweep - for the visit of guests;
  • wash the glazed balcony - maintain health;
  • hang clothes - to life's difficulties;
  • hang someone else's - to find out the truth;
  • hang dark - to death, red - to high love, light - an indication of the nature of the conservative;
  • new - to win at the casino;
  • old - to love passions.

The meanings of the characters about the girl on the balcony:

  • to see a girl - a dream book portends the beginning of a happy life;
  • a long-haired girl - a journey, with short hair - chores;
  • a girl with blue eyes - sad news, with sad ones - tears;
  • holding a kitten - to lie.

Interpretations from other sources

The meaning of the symbol varies depending on the culture, perception in the circumstances of the vision. You should consider what the balcony is dreaming of in a dream according to other popular dream books.

Condition, type of balcony and interpretation:

View from the balcony, interpretations:

  • to be on it, look down - family quarrels;
  • to see the sunset - the fidelity of the spouse, the sunrise - a warning about caution on the roads, the stars - to be quick-witted;
  • a woman - winning the lottery;
  • a man - unjustified hopes;
  • at night - gain glory;
  • dog - find out the truth;
  • the moon - a happy streak begins in life;
  • titmouse - profit;
  • crow - a disease;
  • dove - relatives will get sick;
  • swallow - good news;
  • cuckoo - to an unwanted pregnancy;
  • passers-by - to boredom;
  • pensioners - to ailments;
  • red car - to passionate love;
  • white car - wedding;
  • black - to death.

Interpretations about falling from a balcony:

  • a woman falls - to good news, a man - to bad news;
  • father - a warning about wasteful financial spending, mother - she will visit soon;
  • husband - to gain friendship;
  • grandfather - financial problems, grandmother - infidelity of a lover;
  • brother - life will get better, sister - anxiety;
  • twins - there will be problems with the law, girls - no peace to be seen, boys - laughter and joy will enter the house, if black children - poverty;
  • child - parents need the help of a dreamer, daughter - to new misfortunes, son - a call to value friendship;
  • the niece falls onto the roof from the balcony - to letters from friends;
  • people in light clothes - unfounded fears;
  • people in dark clothes - to gain an inheritance;
  • people without shoes - a long journey;
  • the cat landed on the grass - a warning of danger due to reckless actions, a white cat - a quarrel with a girl, a black one - a conflict with a man;
  • hang clothes and accidentally fall off the balcony - a warning to be careful with new acquaintances;
  • own fall - to a car accident;
  • fall during the day - everything will work out, at night - to tears, at sunset - to divorce;
  • fall into a puddle - to dishonor, shame in front of the leadership, on a tree - to overcome all obstacles and be happy, on asphalt - to a serious illness, into the ocean - to know happiness.

The balcony is an unusual symbol that makes you think about the solidity of some things in life. You should analyze the details of the dream and draw the right conclusions when interpreting them. Any interpretation of a dream can be realized differently, given the accompanying clues.

Attention, only TODAY!

Could mean an unexpected promotion.

The balcony of your own house - the honor and respect of colleagues, the successful completion of the work begun, an unexpected promotion.

Someone else's balcony - dissatisfaction in love.

Many balconies are empty promises.

Being on the balcony - worries await you, perhaps in vain.

To stand high on the balcony is to experience fear of responsibility, concern for the fragility of one's position.

Climbing onto the balcony through the railing - you have a crucial test ahead of you.

Getting off the balcony is an unforeseen circumstance.

Jumping from a balcony is overconfidence.

A long farewell on the balcony is a dream - for lovers, it can portend a final break in relations.

A balcony is collapsing - a dream predicts the instability of your situation, many plans will remain unrealizable dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Balcony

To see a balcony in a dream - in reality you will not be able to restrain your emotions for a generally trifling occasion, having received unpleasant news about your friends. Standing on the balcony and looking down - the vacation you are planning will remain in your memory as the brightest memory for a long time. For lovers to see in a dream that they spend long hours of the night on the balcony, unable to part, portends a possible separation forever soon. To see a collapsed balcony - be careful on the street.

Interpretation of dreams from

Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: the dream of "jumping from the balcony": what is the dream about and a complete interpretation from various points of view.

Such an unusual action for a person in a dream prophesies you in real life bad news from your friends who are far away for a given period of time.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

jump from a balcony in a dream

This interpretation singles out only a young girl. If she makes a jump from a balcony, it means that she has overcome many difficulties on her way in the past. In the next period of time, you will find real happiness and love.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

jump from the balcony in a dream what is it for

For a long time we moved towards a long-established definite goal. Watching a jump from a balcony in your dream means soon, expect the successful completion of the work you have begun.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

what does it mean if you jump from a balcony in a dream

After such an unusual dream, expect in the near future not a simple overcoming of your biggest fear, which has been haunting you for a long time.

Freud's dream book

dream interpretation to jump from a balcony

This dream book associates this kind of action with the female body. The balcony itself symbolizes the female breast. To perform any action on it, for example, a jump, means an incredible sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

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Perhaps everyone had to jump in a dream, and then wake up abruptly from the unbearable feeling of free flight or falling. Why dream of such a plot? Interpretations of different dream books suggest different points of view, but having analyzed the dreams in all details, one can make a fairly accurate prediction.

To begin with, remember from what hill you made the jump, or maybe you just jumped up? Where did you land in the end: was it a body of water, or land, or did you immediately wake up? This approach to deciphering a dream will give the most accurate results.

Where was the jump made?

For women, jumping into a river in a dream is a harbinger of Tsvetkov's dream book that very soon there will be a place in life for new sensations and relationships. No need to be afraid of the opposite sex, perhaps the ideal is already very close.

According to the esoteric dream book, what you dream of jumping into the water in a dream reflects your position in life. You make decisions without thinking, which, unfortunately, are not always correct. The same thing happens when you draw conclusions about people, poorly developed intuition does not allow you to correctly assess the character and actions.

Jumping into icy water portends joy, good events, but only if the water is crystal clear. If it is muddy, dirty, then you can be sure why such a picture is dreaming - you will have to pay what you deserve for all bad deeds, you will suffer severe punishment.

You will plunge into the streams of new events and accomplishments if you had to jump into the sea. The dream interpretation predicts that life will soon become oversaturated, stormy, there will not be a second to rest, but the dreamer will like this state of affairs.

According to Longo's dream book, jumping into the pool from a special tower is a plot that predicts serious changes in fate. Now you have to decide which path you will take in life, and the future will depend on this step.

For a woman, jumping over a fence in a dream is a good sign. What such a picture is dreaming of portends that soon she will be able to overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of achieving her cherished desires. For major accomplishments, you will need to overcome all the traps that fate has set, and if you managed to jump over the fence without any problems, and most importantly, land successfully, then victory will be yours.

If in a dream you managed to jump on a trampoline as high as possible, literally up to the clouds, then in reality you will be promoted. Moreover, the reason for this will be only your merits, so the modern dream book advises you to try, and then everything will work out.

According to Freud's dream book, why dream of skydiving in a dream is an omen of an extraordinary acquaintance, with the help of which you can plunge into a sea of ​​unforgettable, never experienced emotions before.

Jumping down from a height is a sign that you have to take part in a rather unusual business. The dream interpretation advises to take on new projects without hesitation, no matter how difficult they may seem, they will help self-development and personal development.

Jumping people and animals

If in the morning you woke up with a memory: “a frog jumps on me in a dream,” then in reality you will meet a wonderful person whose presence will be a holiday for you. It is possible that you will want to connect with this person for the rest of your life - either as friends or as spouses.

Why dream of jumping high? According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, such a picture means a surge of strength, energy, an increase in activity. There comes a period when you can “move mountains”, the main thing is not to wallow in laziness and idleness.

According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, jumping up is an ambiguous symbol that can be interpreted as torment that you create for yourself. On the other hand, the interpretation may also depend on the emotions that you experience in a dream. If you rejoice when making a jump, then in reality take part in a chic holiday.

Why dream of a jumping spider? If he made a jump towards the dreamer and bit him, then in reality the person who saw such a plot will become a victim of malicious deception by a stranger.

For a woman to dream that a cat is jumping on her is a symbol of not very pleasant events. You will meet a person on the path of life, and selflessly fall in love with him, but in fact he will be married, and possibly even with children.

If the dog jumps at you, and at the same time wags its tail, licks its face, then expect a loyal and honest friend to appear who will help solve most of the accumulated problems. Cherish the new person, he will do a good deed more than once.

What does it mean to jump in a dream according to an esoteric dream book? This plot personifies the dreamer's powerful internal energy, and predicts that he will find how to put it on the right track. A profitable business will soon turn up, which will require the maximum investment of spiritual strength.

If in a dream a cat jumps on a mouse, then the dream book predicts getting rid of hidden enemies with the help of a hired person. Perhaps this will be the best way out of the current situation in life, when competition with ill-wishers has reached a critical point.

Why dream of a jumping snake? The 21st century dream book predicts that many envious people and even enemies have accumulated in your environment, and in order to get rid of them, you just need to stop communicating, completely cut off all the threads connecting you with unreliable people.

Where did the jump come from?

Jumping out of a window in a dream - to commit a drastic act, without considering further consequences. The impulsiveness of the dreamer in this case can lead to the most unexpected consequences, up to a fatal outcome.

The dream interpretation predicts major losses of material values ​​if in a dream you had to jump from a bridge. You are in the clouds, and do not control the reality around you, make hasty conclusions, which ultimately lead to rash actions.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, falling from the roof is inevitable death, and what you dream of jumping from the roof in a dream of your own free will is complete control over your physical condition and capabilities.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream is a bad sign. An event awaits you, as a result of which you will lose all self-confidence. Whatever happens, the dream book advises not to despair, and to improve oneself in spite of all the obstacles set by fate.

The dreamer is too confident in his abilities if he managed to jump from the balcony in a dream. Such overconfidence can lead to unpredictable consequences - think before you act.

Jumping from a train is a bad symbol for those who are tied by marriage. The second half is hiding something from you, it is possible that betrayal or betrayal will follow from the partner. Jumping from an airplane in a dream is a completely different, positive interpretation of the dream book. the difficult task facing you at the moment will be solved in a rather original way.

Jumping off a cliff in a dream indicates that you are wasting your life energy in vain. All your recent activities are nothing more than a waste of time. Look at life from the other side, and do not waste your strength on trifles.

The dream book promises incredible success if you had to jump from the mountain. Only in order to get good luck, you will need to try very hard, invest all your mental and moral abilities. The same interpretation can be attributed to a dream in which you have to jump from a tower - you will achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

dream book to jump from a balcony

In chapter dreams to the question of what is dreaming. to see the suicide of a loved one as he jumps from the balcony of the 9th floor given by the author stripe the best answer is The dream of suicide portends that trouble is hanging over you. If in a dream you see how other people commit suicide, then other people's troubles and troubles will affect you. If a young woman dreams that her lover committed suicide, then in real life she will be disappointed due to her lover's infidelity. If you dreamed that you yourself want to commit suicide, then this dream suggests that you are in for a strong shock that will leave an imprint on your whole life. A dream in which you save a suicide is also unfavorable, because after such a dream problems will fall upon you, which only parents or true friends can help you cope with.

2 answers

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: why dream. to see the suicide of a loved one as jumping from the balcony of the 9th floor

Answer from Neurologist
can be interpreted differently. Depending on which side to look at it. From one. trying to get rid of superfluous energies, or just superfluous, but on the other hand…. maybe this is a warning that someone needs to change their attitude towards this person and start taking him seriously

Answer from Request
UTB show you what happened to him in a past life.

Answer from cgw
visit www.prisnilos.su
find the lunar calendar
12/01/2010 26 lunar day: Dreams say that you need to beware.
12/02/2010 27 lunar day: Dreams come true.
12/03/2010 28 lunar day: Prophetic dreams are being dreamed.
12/04/2010 29 lunar day: Dreams come true after 3 days.
12/05/2010 30 lunar day: We need to pay special attention to dreams.
12/06/2010 1 lunar day: Dreams, most often, are not heavy, but not too truthful either.
12/07/2010 2 lunar day: Dreams are usually pleasant, but rarely mean anything.
12/08/2010 3 lunar day: Dreams do not come true.
12/09/2010 4 lunar day: Dreams are happy and give results.
12/10/2010 5 lunar day: Dreams do not give results.
then find the meaning of suicide

If a woman dreamed that her beloved was committing suicide, it means that he is cheating on her.
If during a dream you witnessed suicide or heard about it, then in real life some circumstance will entail a decline in business.
If during a dream you saved a suicide, in real life you will face difficulties that you will overcome thanks to the help of your parents or comrades.
A suicide seen during a dream means that you will be deeply disappointed and upset by the manner of behaving a long-time comrade. Such a dream warns a girl that her beloved can run away directly from the wedding.
If during a dream you want to commit suicide, then this dream means that you will experience severe stress, which you will remember for the rest of your life.
and describe the dream in detail feeling feeling
balcony floor people passing river sky sun
describe everything and then check how it is according to the dream book.
And you'll get what you want to know good luck
can't figure it out right away
in a year you will learn to fly like a pro with a probability of 90%
Also read there on the site how to godit.
Good luck 😉

Answer from Anomaly
fears in reality you have before something. afraid of something

Answer from Yergey Ulanovsky
People tell me plz. I see dreams Very ... VERY rarely, but here the other day I had a very vivid and clear dream. I am still in shock from him. So, let's begin. A dream about my work colleagues. We drink with them, relax, the action takes place in some kind of apartment building on the balcony of the back door (the balcony connecting the elevator platform and the back door (staircase)) we stand there, we communicate with glasses of some kind of alcohol (whiskey, rum) I don’t remember. Everyone is already quite “good”, namely two work colleagues and the sister of one of them, then one of the colleagues climbed over the parapet, the walls of the balcony were concrete and there was a small metal structure on it in the form of an arrow of the end of a crawler crane (not big), so here it is she climbed right there and at the edge of this arrow she turned to face us and began to say something to us and feed the pigeon (yes, there were also pigeons), while she didn’t hold on with her hands, she only rested on her knees. I don’t remember what floor it was, I remember that it was very high, above the 9th. then a failure in a dream and the next moment when I go alone to the same balcony, still with a glass of something, I open the door, and there stands on the railing of this concrete balcony the sister of one of the employees (not who was feeding a pigeon on the edge of the “arrow”, second). Moreover, she stands facing me and on her toes on these railings and begins to squat, I have not yet had time to go in completely and as soon as I saw her I told her “get off now” and did not have time to finish as she sat down on the floor bent knees and began to fall. The second I uttered the words “get down” without having time to run up to her and grab her, she falls down. without looking down at her, I run to my colleagues in an apartment where everyone is also drinking, I grab my sister and drag her downstairs, saying that “a complete jerk” she, not understanding anything, follows me and goes out into the street (in front of the house there is a large, not built-up the field looks like an unimproved lawn) I see the place where her sister fell (this place is not like a large piece of concrete slab with rebar sticking out along the slab, not up, about less than a meter in size, and there is no blood at all in this place, but a small piece of flesh lies as if upon impact with him, the person folded compactly in the form of a “pizza”, looked around there was nothing else.

2 answers

Hey! Here are some other threads with relevant answers:

There is a balcony in many houses, but seats in the theater are also called a balcony. The tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" describes the secret meetings of two lovers on the balcony. A balcony seen in a dream means a lot of things. The main thing is to try to remember all the details. And find out from the collection of dream books what the balcony seen in a dream means.

Indian dream book

  • Why dream of a balcony in a dream - to boundless kindness; if in a dream the balcony is dirty, then you will receive a bonus; if there is a clean balcony, they will confess their love to you; if a balcony with flowers - then happiness is just around the corner.
  • The dream of “falling from the balcony” portends you sadness and sadness. Fall from a balcony in a dream - lose control of yourself; falling from the balcony during the day - says that everything will work out for you; at night - about bitter tears; at sunset - to divorce from her husband.
  • The dream “people fall from the balcony” says: find solace in your work or family. If people were in dark clothes - to receive an inheritance; in bright clothes - your fears are groundless; without shoes - for a long journey.
  • The dream of “jumping off the balcony” portends finding your happiness; and fall into a puddle - disgrace before the authorities; fall on a tree - you will overcome all obstacles in your path and be very happy; fall on the asphalt - get seriously ill; into the ocean - to know happiness; fall into a wheat field - you will laugh fervently.
  • Sleep “a child falls from a balcony” - your joy will be overshadowed by bad news. If your son falls from a balcony in a dream, then in the future he will fall in love unrequitedly; if in a dream you see your daughter falling from the balcony, then she will successfully marry; if your nephew falls from the balcony, it means that nature has endowed him with talents.
  • The dream “cat on the balcony” says that you are a happy person.

Persian dream book

  • A dream about a balcony - you have a happy and prosperous family.
  • The dream of “watching from the balcony” portends you buying a new home. Watch the sunset from the balcony - your spouse is faithful to you; at sunrise - be careful on the roads; watch from the balcony at night - become famous; watch the moon from the balcony - a streak of luck will come in your life; look at the stars from the balcony and count them - speaks of your quick wits; looking at a woman from a balcony - to win the lottery; on a young man - to empty hopes; on an elderly man - for fun.
  • The dream “the balcony has collapsed” is a dream to a bitter fate. If the balcony on which you were standing collapsed, a streak of failures and disappointments awaits you ahead; if in a dream you were walking down the street and a balcony collapsed on you - all sorrows and misfortune will bypass you; if the balcony of your neighbors collapsed, you will live in luxury and wealth.
  • A dream in which you are repairing a balcony - your children will delight you day after day. (see sleep Repair)
  • A dream in which you paint a balcony with white paint portends a meeting with friends, but if you paint a balcony with black paint, then your life will not be sweet.
  • The dream “fall from the balcony, break” - predicts illness or even death. If your father fell from the balcony - save money; if a mother - wait for her to visit; if a spouse - soon you will have many good friends; if a son - everything will change for the better; if the daughter - do the cleaning in the apartment.

Love dream book

French dream book

  • The meaning of sleep: balcony - to a new novel.
  • A destroyed balcony in a dream portends suffering. If you destroyed your boyfriend's balcony, your passion will soon fade away; if your balcony was destroyed by neighbors, be prepared to defend your rights.
  • If in a dream your spouse smokes a pipe on the balcony, then soon you will have a big quarrel.
  • If in a dream you drink water on the balcony, you will soon become pregnant.
  • If in a dream you are standing on a balcony in a wedding dress, you will soon be disappointed in your colleagues.
  • If in a dream you are standing on a balcony in a bathing suit, you will soon go on vacation at sea.
  • The dream “daughter fell from the balcony” promises you a lot of trouble and problems.
  • The dream “collapsed balcony” warns: be careful when signing important documents. If your balcony collapsed - be careful with fire; if a new balcony collapsed - spend the evening with your family; if the old balcony collapsed - happiness will knock on the house; if the balcony of the neighbors collapsed - beware of gossip.
  • In a dream, go down the balconies - in reality become successful and rich. If you go down the balconies and fall - you will lose your job; go down the balconies without insurance - make new friends; go down the balconies with your eyes closed - become the object of ridicule.
  • The dream “the balcony is collapsing” says: expect bad news. If your balcony began to collapse, then all your plans will collapse; if the balcony collapsed, but you managed to repair it, then all your dreams will come true; if the balcony just made began to collapse, then you will make the right decision.

English dream book

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Interpretation of dreams: balcony - to family troubles.
  • To dream of a broken window on the balcony is to lose close friends or work.
  • If in a dream a broken window is dirty, then tears will flow from your eyes. If it is clean, happiness will come to your home.
  • The dream “balcony” speaks of replenishment in the family.
  • The dream of “smoking on the balcony” tells you that you will become seriously ill.
  • Dream interpretation: hanging clothes on the balcony in a dream - win a valuable prize.
  • Dream Interpretation: change glass on the balcony - you will have a great time with your friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on the balcony - falling in love unrequitedly.
  • The dream of “falling off the balcony” predicts disappointment. If in a dream you fell from someone else's balcony, then in reality you may lose your keys or money; if your father fell from a balcony in a dream, find yourself a hobby; if your brother fell from the balcony in a dream, they will make a marriage proposal to you; if in a dream you fell from a balcony with a snowdrift, then everything will be fine with you; if in a puddle, then your neighbors envy you.
  • A balcony falls in a dream - your children will go against you.
  • To dream about the fall of your own balcony - in reality to lose luck out of your hands. If the balcony of your neighbors falls in a dream, then you will soon be lucky; if in a dream you were in a theater and the balcony on which you were sitting fell, trouble awaits you.
  • If flowers wilted on your balcony, then your fate will not bring you a gift.
  • If in a dream a scarlet rose bloomed on the balcony, then you love and are loved.
  • If a yellow rose bloomed on the balcony in a dream, then your family is proud of you.
  • If in a dream a white rose bloomed on the balcony, then you are a happy person.
  • If in a dream a blue rose bloomed on the balcony, then your brother needs your help.
  • Standing on the balcony in a dream - laughing in reality.
  • Standing on the balcony at night in a dream - buy yourself a car.
  • Standing on the balcony in the morning in a dream - getting sick.
  • Standing on the balcony during the day in a dream - to die.
  • Standing on the balcony in the evening in a dream - to new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • The dream “a child on the balcony” predicts you to be deceived.
  • If in a dream your son is standing on the balcony, then you have envious people.
  • If in a dream your daughter is standing on the balcony, expect bad news.
  • If in a dream your spouse kisses a blonde on a balcony, it means that he hides a lot from you.
  • If in a dream your spouse kisses a brown-haired woman, it means that he has not loved you for a long time.
  • If in a dream your spouse kisses a red-haired woman, expect old friends to visit.
  • The dream of “sitting on the balcony” is a dream of wealth.
  • If in a dream you are sitting on the balcony with your legs dangling, then the guests are already on the threshold.
  • If you sit on the balcony, as if on a throne, you will be promoted in the service.
  • Sitting in a dream on a balcony with a white cat - to a happy marriage or fun.
  • Sitting in a dream on a balcony with a black cat - to melancholy and sadness.
  • Sitting in a dream on a balcony with an empty bottle - to poverty. (see dream Bottle)
  • The dream of “falling off the balcony” says that you will find your happiness.
  • If in a dream you fell from a balcony - if you are a person of art, inspiration will come to you, if a doctor - you will be fired from work, if a military man - then you will be promoted, if a scientist - soon you will make a great discovery.
  • If in a dream you fell from a balcony into a river, you are ready to take care of the elderly.
  • If in a dream you fell from a balcony into the mud, your salary will be increased.
  • Jumping from a balcony in a dream - making new friends in reality. Skydiving - find your love.
  • Jumping from a balcony holding your spouse's hand - your love will last forever; by the hand with his father - soon he will become a father or a widower; hand in hand with his mother - to a sea voyage.
  • In a dream, to see falling from a balcony is a change for the worse.
  • If your grandfather falls from the balcony, then your financial situation will worsen; if grandmother - your boyfriend is not faithful to you; if a brother - life will go smoothly; if you are an older sister, then you are not up to sleep today; if the younger sister - trouble can happen.
  • To see a balcony in a dream is to become a parent in the near future.
  • To dream of a new balcony - to success in business; old balcony - to sadness; glazed balcony - speaks of your honesty.

Russian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a balcony in a dream - to a successful outcome. If your spouse fell from the balcony and died, then he is not faithful to you; if you fell from a balcony onto a car - take care of your health; if your grandfather fell from the balcony, you will have problems at work; if your grandmother fell from the balcony, joy will come to your house.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a balcony in a dream - to hate others in reality. If you have your own balcony - to separation; balcony of neighbors - to betrayal; glazed balcony - to deception.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on the balcony in a dream - to great and pure love. Stand on the balcony and drink beer - lose gloves or car keys; standing on the balcony and smoking a cigar - to homesickness; stand on the balcony with a child - find out an old secret; standing on the balcony with a cat in your arms - to victory over enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling from a balcony in a dream is a blow of fate. Falling from the balcony at night - predicts a long journey for you; in the morning - peace; falling from a balcony in bloody clothes - to boredom; falling from a balcony in clean clothes is good luck; falling from a balcony in dirty clothes - you have empty hopes.
  • Dream Interpretation: the balcony collapses in a dream - to the death of one of the relatives. If the balcony of your enemies collapses, then you defeated them; if the balcony of your neighbors is on top, think only about the good; if your neighbors' balcony is below, your spouse is faithful to you, and your children are proud of you; a new balcony collapses - you will be damaged; the old balcony is collapsing - happiness will come to your house.
  • Dream Interpretation: jumping from a balcony in a dream - a dream book predicts you wealth and prosperity. Jumping from a balcony with a knife in hand - to melancholy; jumping from a balcony with a fork in hand - to a happy fate; jumping from a balcony with a spoon in hand is a waste of time on a person who does not deserve it; jumping from a balcony with a ladle in hand - to a happy, but not long marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: balcony, height in a dream - to a quarrel with a spouse. The balcony on the top floor symbolizes the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: fall from a high balcony and break arms and legs - quarrel with a cousin or cousin.
  • Dream Interpretation: a child fell from a balcony - your family needs your support. If your older child fell from the balcony into a puddle - do not scold your children and remember yourself at their age; if your youngest child fell from the balcony - soon you will meet a foreigner; if a girl fell from the balcony - your friend will give you a helping hand in difficult times; if the boy fell from the balcony, your apartment will be repaired.
  • Dream Interpretation: to look from the balcony in a dream - to win the lottery: to the stars - soon to be married to a politician or businessman; for a crescent - to academic success; to the moon - to receive an award or title; to heaven - to illness; on a cloud - to bitter tears; on the clouds - you will have a great evening with your family; at sunrise - to empty promises; at sunset - you have tremendous willpower.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Miller

  • Miller's dream book: a balcony in a dream - portends a conversation: a balcony with tulips - predicts fuss for you; balcony with scarlet roses - love and happiness; balcony with lilies - good luck; balcony with cacti - predicts heartache.
  • Dream Interpretation: a man on a balcony in a dream - for a change for the better: in his shorts - for numerous losses; in a black coat - to death; in a white coat - for the wedding; blond on the balcony - to love; brunette - to suffering; brown-haired - to travel; bald - to the disease; naked - to poverty.
  • Dream Interpretation: a balcony glazed in a dream - an enlightened mind. A balcony glazed with black glass - to trouble; transparent glass - to success in study and work; other glass - to chores around the house; red glass - to love and passion; green glass - to receive an inheritance from a distant relative; yellow glass - to a serious illness.
  • Dream Interpretations: why dream of a balcony - you will soon be damaged. The palace balcony is dreaming - to wealth and luxury; dreams of an old and dirty balcony - to difficult trials in life; a new balcony - to a new acquaintance; clean balcony - fortunately.
  • Dream Interpretation: people on the balcony in a dream portends success in business. People in old clothes - to bitter tears; people in underwear - to replenish the family; people with crowns on their heads - strangers will help you; people without hair on their heads - discord in the family; smoke - to a quarrel with superiors.
  • Dream Interpretation: to fall out of the balcony in a dream - to find peace of mind. If you fell out of a balcony in a dream, then not all your desires will come true; if your spouse fell out of the balcony, then he is faithful to you; if your daughter fell from the balcony, then your tears will soon dry up; if your son fell from the balcony, his dreams will soon come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: fall from a balcony, crash in a dream - get a reprimand at work. If a cat fell from the balcony - be vigilant, do not trust unfamiliar people with your secrets; if a man fell, wait for relatives in the guest; if a woman - wait for a letter from a friend; if your cousin fell from the balcony, they will soon make an offer to you; if your cousin fell from the balcony, listen to the advice of your parents more often.

Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation of Jow-Gong

  • Dream Interpretation: an evil dove flew through the balcony in a dream - your marriage is no longer as strong as in previous years. If an evil dove pecked at you, check your health; if an evil dove pecked at wheat bread, then your life will improve; if an evil dove pecked at rye bread, there will be many troubles. (see also Bird's dream)
  • Dream Interpretation: making love on the balcony - to an ardent passion. Making love on the balcony with a lover - to receive a valuable gift; with a spouse - to sadness; with a neighbor - to a family scandal.
  • Dream Interpretation: the balcony collapsed in a dream - the spouse got drunk in reality. If your balcony collapsed onto a playground, your heirs will upset you; if your balcony collapsed when you were standing on the balcony, a long road awaits you; if the new balcony has collapsed, your whole will turn over for the better; if the old balcony has collapsed, your financial situation will improve.
  • Dream Interpretation: the cat fell from the balcony - your colleagues envy you. If your neighbors cat climbed onto your balcony and fell off it, call your debtors to account; if your cat fell from the balcony - nature has endowed you with a mind; if a black cat fell from a balcony - your colleagues are conservatives; if a tabby cat - you will have problems with the law; if a white cat, then your conscience is clear; if a black cat, then you are a polyglot.
  • Dream Interpretation: a balcony without a railing in a dream - you are a hardworking person. If your balcony is without a railing, then fate is favorable to you; if you broke the railing on the balcony, clean and tidy the house.
  • Dream Interpretation: hanging clothes on the balcony in a dream - making new friends. Hanging underwear - for profit; bed linen - to a quarrel; hang white linen - to calmness; hang black linen - to heartache; hang red linen - to a passionate romance.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat jumped out of a balcony in a dream - to a divorce from her husband. A cat with green eyes jumped out of a new balcony - you have a chance to make a profit; a cat with yellow eyes jumped out of your balcony - to replenish the family; the cat scratched you and jumped out of the window - you will be left alone.

Dream Interpretation of Carl Gustav Jung

  • Dream Interpretation: a child on a balcony in a dream - be prepared to defend your rights, but do not forget about your responsibilities. If a child eats dessert on the balcony, then your life will be sweet; if a child eats a lemon, then you should get checked for gastrointestinal diseases; if a child is stroking a cat on the balcony, everything will be fine with you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dove on a balcony in a dream - for marriage. White dove - to family happiness; if the dove has a key in its beak, your spouse is unfaithful to you; if the dove is gray - to sadness and sadness.
  • Dream Interpretation: the kitten fell from the balcony - accept your colleagues as they are. If the kitten fell from the balcony trying to catch a sparrow, your efforts will be in vain; if you accidentally pushed a kitten, then be sure that your family lives in abundance; if the kitten fell from the balcony and died, your children will be your support in old age.
  • Dream Interpretation: to climb a balcony in a dream - to succeed in everything. If you climb onto the balcony of your beloved woman with a rose in your mouth, then your girlfriend is gossiping about you with her friends; if you have a golden ring in your mouth, you will be happy; if a silver ring - your woman believes in God; if a copper ring - your girlfriend does not love you.
  • I dreamed of a balcony - expect good news.
  • I dreamed of a glazed balcony - you will be disappointed in people.
  • I dreamed of a palace balcony - your heirs will deceive you.
  • To dream of your own balcony is to have true friends.
  • I dreamed about the balcony of your neighbors - there will be no tragedies in your life.
  • I dreamed that a balcony fell - turn your shortcomings into virtues. If the old balcony fell, then your family life will improve; if the balcony on which you were standing fell, you will reach out to your loved ones; if your balcony fell - expect matchmakers soon; if the balcony fell on you, then you will avoid dismissal from the service.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

  • I dreamed of a falling balcony - for pregnancy. If in a dream the balcony fell on your nephew, then soon he will marry a good girl; if the balcony fell on your neighbor, your girlfriend will soon fall in love; if the balcony fell on your neighbor - soon you will meet the love of your life; if the balcony fell on your cousin, everything will be fine with you.
  • I dreamed of standing on the balcony - your family will not need anything. If your spouse eats an apple while standing on the balcony, then he does not have a young mistress; if you hang clothes on the balcony, longing will take over you; if your grandfather stands on the balcony and looks thoughtfully at the sky, he will live for many more years; if your grandmother is standing on the balcony, an exciting journey awaits you.
  • I dreamed of a child falling from a balcony - you should not be upset over trifles. If a fair-haired boy fell from the balcony, you will soon smile; if a girl with long blond hair fell from the balcony - to buy a new home; if the twins fell from the balcony, you are on the right track.
  • I dreamed that the child fell from the balcony - do not spoil your heirs. If a child fell from a balcony onto asphalt, you will have a great time among your colleagues; the child fell from the balcony onto the green grass - to hard work; the child fell from the balcony into a puddle - success is guaranteed to you; the boy fell from the balcony - your sister is expecting a baby; the girl fell from the balcony - your uncle will win a valuable prize.
  • I dreamed that the cat fell from the balcony - to poverty. If the cat fell from the balcony, you will get sick soon; if the cat fell from the balcony trying to catch a butterfly - to separation from the family; if the cat accidentally fell from the balcony - happiness awaits you; if a tabby cat fell from a balcony - to a divorce; if a black cat fell from the balcony - your colleagues want to set you up; if a white cat fell from the balcony - to the long-awaited addition to the family.
  • I dreamed that my mother was pushing me out of the balcony - to the sudden death of someone close to you. If mom pushes you off the balcony, and dad pushes her away, your parents have long lived not out of love, but out of habit.

Astrological dream book

Little dream book

  • Why dream of a balcony in a dream - to an insult to your spouse.
  • The dream “balcony on the lower floor” predicts dismissal from work.
  • The dream “balcony on the top floor” predicts climbing the career ladder.
  • The dream “clean balcony” is a dream of love.
  • The dream “dirty balcony” is a dream of hatred.
  • Why dream, a person falls, from a balcony - to a break in relations. If your sister falls from the balcony - wait for the letter; if your cat fell from the balcony - take time for yourself; if your father fell from the balcony - to big trouble; if a young man fell from the balcony, then you are forever devoted to your spouse; if an elderly person fell from the balcony - wait for the guests for dinner.
  • Why dream of jumping from a balcony - for a change for the worse. If you jump from the balcony in a wedding dress - this is for the wedding; if you jump from a balcony in a black dress - to mourning; if in underwear - you will be tipsy; if in a fur coat - meet a new friend; if in a coat - no one envy you.
  • Why dream of falling out of the balcony - you have a lot of work. If you fall out of the balcony of your neighbors - find solace in your favorite business; fall out of your balcony - make a profitable discovery.
  • Why dream of linen on the balcony - to take care of children. If dry linen is on the balcony, it speaks of your callousness; wet linen on the balcony - promises you bitter tears; bed linen on the balcony - for a change for the better; underwear on the balcony - for a sea voyage; if you came to the balcony to remove dry linen and found that there was no linen on the balcony - to big losses.
  • Why is the dove dreaming on the balcony - to a happy marriage with a politician or military man. If a white dove is on the balcony, it promises family well-being; a dove with bread in its beak - promises prosperity; with a diamond in its beak - promises wealth and luxury; with an emerald in its beak - to health problems; with topaz in its beak - to indifference; with a ruby ​​in its beak - to love and passion.
  • Dream Interpretations: why the balcony is dreaming - to purposefulness.
  • The dream “glazed balcony with broken glass” promises trouble.
  • The dream “balcony on the first floor” speaks of your stinginess.
  • The dream “balcony on the top floor” speaks of your generosity.
  • The dream “neighbors' balcony” speaks of death.

Egyptian dream book

Slavic dream book

  • Why is the girl dreaming on the balcony - to a happy life. If a girl is on the balcony with long hair - to a long road; with short hair - to the chores; with blue eyes - to vile deeds; with green eyes - to the sad news; with sad eyes - to tears; a girl with a kitten in her hands - to lie.
  • Why dream, the balcony collapsed - to go down the career ladder. If a balcony collapsed before your eyes, you caused damage to someone; if a balcony collapsed in the castle, then your work will be crowned with success; if a balcony collapsed in the palace, find yourself a hobby.
  • Why dream of climbing over a balcony - to travel by plane or train. If you climb onto the balcony to your beloved woman, then she loves you very much; if you climb onto the balcony of a neighbor to drink wine with him, you are an honest person; if you climb onto the balcony to commit theft, then you will have problems with the law.
  • Why dream of a long balcony - to fun and joy. If in a dream you are walking along a long balcony, then your spouse will soon go on a business trip; if you smoke on a long balcony - changes are coming in your life; if you stand on a long balcony at night - to divorce your spouse; if you stand on a long balcony during the day - to a new acquaintance; if you are repairing a long balcony, you will be appreciated.
  • Why dream of hanging clothes on the balcony - to life's difficulties. If you hang someone else's underwear on the balcony - find out the truth; hang dark linen - to death; hang scarlet linen - to great love; hang bed linen - you are a conservative. Hang up new clothes - win at the casino. Hanging old linen - to love experiences.
  • Why dream of a balcony without a railing - to avarice. If your balcony is without railings, you will receive a bonus; if the palace balcony is without railings, watch your figure; if the railing on the balcony is broken, be prepared for a change.
  • Why dream of cleaning up on the balcony - to good thoughts. If you take apart old things on the balcony, then success with the opposite sex will be guaranteed to you; if you shake out the carpet from the balcony, you will have a great time at the family table; if you are sweeping on the balcony, then your guests are already on the doorstep; if you wash a glazed balcony, then your health will not fail.
  • Why dream of looking down from the balcony - you will soon buy a service. If you look at passers-by from the balcony, it’s fun to celebrate the holiday; look at the sparrow from the balcony - you will bury the hatchet; look from the balcony at the dove - a gift from parents; look from the balcony to the hail - your spouse will be very happy; look at the car from the balcony - sell your home.

Dream interpretation of shamans

  • To see a balcony in a dream - to find a groom in reality. A beautiful balcony - for a long journey. An ugly balcony - to homesickness.
  • I dreamed about the balcony of the neighbors from below - to the ladies' whim.
  • I dreamed of the balcony of the neighbors from above - to the new neighbors.
  • I dreamed of a glazed balcony - to a promotion.
  • I dreamed of a balcony with scarlet roses - to an ardent passion.
  • I dreamed of a balcony with white roses - to receive a profitable offer.
  • In a dream, to see "falling from the balcony" - to rise up the career ladder. If your spouse falls from the balcony - be patient and soon everything will work out for you; if you fall from a balcony in torn clothes, then you have hope; if you fell from the balcony without clothes, then you have no hope left; if your relatives fell from the balcony - visit them; if your cat fell from the balcony - to disappointment.
  • To dream of a child falling from a balcony - to quarrels over trifles. If a child falling from a balcony in his shorts - find a new job; to see a fair-haired girl falling from the balcony - to laughter and joy; to see a dark-haired boy falling from a balcony is an insult to people close to you.

I dreamed of a balcony - it means that happiness will come to your house soon. A balcony in a dream is a harbinger of love and romance. Especially if you saw plants on the balcony. Roses on the balcony predict great love and happy marriage. Take what you see in a dream with joy and a smile. And forget bad dreams, then they will not have a chance to come true. And everything will be great!

Could mean an unexpected promotion.

The balcony of your own house - the honor and respect of colleagues, the successful completion of the work begun, an unexpected promotion.

Someone else's balcony - dissatisfaction in love.

Many balconies are empty promises.

Being on the balcony - worries await you, perhaps in vain.

To stand high on the balcony is to experience fear of responsibility, concern for the fragility of one's position.

Climbing onto the balcony through the railing - you have a crucial test ahead of you.

Getting off the balcony is an unforeseen circumstance.

Jumping from a balcony is overconfidence.

A long farewell on the balcony is a dream - for lovers, it can portend a final break in relations.

A balcony is collapsing - a dream predicts the instability of your situation, many plans will remain unrealizable dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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To dream of a balcony

Seeing a balcony in a dream is a sign that you are powerless in the face of circumstances and can consider the situation in which you find yourself hopeless. However, sometimes seeing a balcony in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent consolidation of your position in society, which is associated with risk and danger. In addition, a dream about a balcony may portend news of a friend whom you have not seen for a long time. If in a dream you dream that you fell from a balcony, then your dreams will never come true. If in a dream you are standing on a balcony, then your plans will meet many obstacles and you simply cannot imagine what you are getting into. A dream warns you of the futility of your efforts to carry out some business. The dream also predicts disappointment in love for you. You should not spend a lot of time and effort on your plans. You will soon see that this warning was not in vain. Think about more real things.

For lovers, being on the balcony or saying goodbye on the balcony is a sign of imminent separation. Perhaps your beloved will become seriously ill, and for this reason you will not see him for a long time, or you will be tormented by jealous suspicions that will turn out to be groundless and far-fetched. If in a dream you are trying to cross the balcony from one room to another and you succeed, then you will succeed in a business that is not easy to accomplish. However, if you failed because another door was closed or for some other reason, then your case cannot be carried out for reasons beyond your control. See interpretation: door, lock, window.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does sleep Balcony mean

The appearance of a balcony in a dream can mean bad news about absent friends. For lovers, a long farewell on the balcony portends a final parting in reality.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

See in a dream Balcony

If you see in a dream a couple in love who says goodbye for a long time on the balcony, you will have a break with your lover (s) due to life circumstances. Perhaps you will receive unpleasant news about an absent loved one. A balcony that collapsed in a dream under a woman’s feet is a warning about a possible unwanted pregnancy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

What do dreams mean Balcony

Seeing yourself standing on the balcony and looking at the people passing below means that you will soon meet a nice person.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Dream about the balcony

Balcony - jealousy and trouble in love - falling from the balcony - the end of your dreams - being on the balcony - a successful completion of business.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does Balcony mean in a dream

For lovers to see in a dream a long farewell on the balcony - portends, perhaps, a final parting. Seeing a balcony also means bad news about missing friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Balcony

Balcony - If in a dream you said goodbye to your lover on the balcony, you are destined to leave. And it will be very, very soon. However, do not despair, there are a lot of men, like balconies, in the world.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Balcony

The balcony, dreamed by lovers, promises them news of treason. Seeing yourself saying goodbye on the balcony means a final break or a long separation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does the Balcony predict in a dream

Standing in a dream on a balcony, especially if it is not glazed and not too strong: a sign of danger. The dream suggests that your position is not as strong as it seems, and therefore you should be careful. On such days, try not to take sudden, ill-considered steps, otherwise the soil may slip from under your feet. Moreover, the higher the balcony is, the deeper the fall can be. As a rule, in such dreams it is possible to discern the reason for your unstable situation, which is encrypted in a variety of accompanying images of sleep, but the location of the balcony door can hint at a favorable way out of the situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep Balcony

Balcony - Everything that happens on it hangs in the air. You lack reliability. Collapses - danger, there may be an accident.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What predicts a dream Balcony

For lovers, to see in a dream a long farewell on the balcony portends, perhaps, a final parting.

Seeing a balcony also means bad news about missing friends.

A balcony collapsing before your eyes is a sign of trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Universal Dream Book

Sleep prediction Balcony

The balcony is the symbol of the female breast. Therefore, a house with a balcony is a symbol of the female body.

Trying to reach the balcony means sexual attraction.

A house with a large number of balconies speaks of a large number of sexual partners and promiscuity in their choice.

A balcony decorated with flowers and plants speaks of your passion and love.

If you are repairing a balcony, then you continue to love your wife and need her.

The same dream of a bachelor speaks of the need to change his lifestyle.

If a woman dreams of repairing a balcony, this indicates her serious concern for her appearance.

Standing on the balcony and looking at passers-by means for women to be self-confident and proud of their breasts, and for a man - hope for an early achievement of the goal.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

To dream of a balcony

A long farewell on the balcony for lovers means the final parting.

In addition, the balcony dreams of unpleasant news about friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does sleep Balcony mean

Being with someone on the balcony means parting with someone forever.

Balcony astrologically corresponds to Sagittarius.

Sagittarius doesn't like to burden themselves with anyone in a long-term relationship.

If you are on the balcony with a person unknown to you, then you are in great danger from an adventurer and a rogue.

Interpretation of dreams from
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