Symptoms and treatment of an excess of iodine in the body. Excess iodine in the body treatment with folk remedies Signs of iodism

Iodine is one of the most important trace elements for normal human life. He plays a major role in the work thyroid gland. A change in the level of its content up or down has a provoking effect on the development of various diseases.

A little about iodine and its significance for humans

The discovery of iodine occurred in 1811, and already in 1820 it began to be used in medical practice.

Under natural conditions, iodine is a part of inorganic and organic compounds, in a free state it is present in the air, and with atmospheric precipitation it penetrates into water and soil. Iodine is found in all plants in varying amounts, and some seaweed is capable of concentrating it. It is extracted from seaweed and Chilean saltpeter.

Iodine enters the human body in the form of iodine salts with food and water. In the body, iodine salts for the most part dissociate, releasing iodine, which subsequently forms an organic compound - diiodotyrosine, and thyroxine is formed under the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone.

The thyroid gland accumulates the largest amount of iodine - approximately 15 mg, while its total amount present in the body is approximately 25 mg. A smaller part of it is “stored” in the liver, skin, kidneys, ovaries, prostate gland, and other organs and tissues.

In inorganic form, iodine is uniformly concentrated in plasma and red blood cells.

The hormone thyroxine affects the metabolic processes and functional actions of the nervous system.

For the normal functioning of the body, the daily intake of iodine should not exceed 150 micrograms. For breastfeeding and pregnant women, this figure is slightly higher and 175-200 mcg per day is considered acceptable. For children, the daily intake of iodine is calculated according to age.

Studies have established that with long-term daily intake of up to 500-1000 mcg of iodine in the body, significant changes in the functions of the thyroid gland do not occur. But exceeding 1000 mcg per day provokes iodine-induced diseases.

With an increase in the level of iodine, hyperthyroidism occurs. There is not a pronounced increase in the thyroid gland, but there are prerequisites for the development of Graves' disease, exophthalmos and tachycardia.

Causes and manifestations of excess iodine

By itself, iodine is a toxic element. And iodine poisoning can be fatal, resulting from shock from extensive damage to the nerve endings, pulmonary edema and heart failure.

Excess iodine or poisoning with it can be acute or chronic. Acute poisoning is the result of a one-time large increase in the concentration of iodine in a short time. Chronic iodine poisoning occurs with a constant intake of iodine in significant quantities. Iodine poisoning (iodism) is often the result of occupational factors.

An excess of iodine can occur when iodine vapor is inhaled, during long-term treatment with iodine-containing drugs, or as a result of hypersensitivity organism. Individual intolerance can also become a source of iodine poisoning.

The main symptoms of excess iodine in the body are mucous discharge from the nose, perspiration and cough, irritation of the conjunctiva in the form of redness of the eyes and watery eyes. Often develop conjunctivitis, blepharitis, sometimes damage occurs optic nerve with reduced vision.

With an excess of iodine, skin lesions occur on the face, neck, extremities in the form of acne, with burning and itching. Moreover, the rashes often merge, forming painful areas. Skin lesions with an excess of iodine can be expressed erysipelas or hives.

Direct contact with iodine causes dermatitis or, deep and difficult to heal.

Excess iodine can cause a specific metallic taste and odor from the mouth, while the oral mucosa is colored yellowish.

Often appears headache and dizziness, disturbances in the throat in the form of burning and pain, hoarseness. An excess of iodine can provoke such disorders as mental retardation, constant thirst, weakness, convulsions. Sometimes, with iodine poisoning, there is a violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, which is expressed by diarrhea and, as a result, weight loss.

The result of an excess of iodine is sometimes toxic hepatitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, impaired renal function, decreased immunity with all the ensuing consequences.

Diagnosis of excess iodine is to determine its level in the urine and blood.

Treatment of excess iodine

Excess iodine is corrected, first of all, by removing the source of saturation.

Acute iodine poisoning requires gastric lavage with sodium thiosulfate solution and cleansing of the skin.

At the same time, therapeutic methods for correcting the functionality of the thyroid gland and other organs and systems are used. In case of violation of water-electrolyte metabolism, infusion therapy is used.

Sometimes they resort to radiation or surgery to reduce the activity of the thyroid gland.

Prevention of iodine poisoning is to reduce the influence of provoking factors and its accumulation in the body. You may need to change jobs, change your diet, or take other measures to reduce your iodine intake.

The most common of the diseases that occur against the background of an excess of iodine in the body are hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease.


Hyperthyroidism, also known as thyrotoxicosis, is a disease of the thyroid gland caused by an excess of iodine. Its development is due to the toxic effect of excess thyroid hormones on the thyroid gland, during which protein synthesis increases and forced breakdown of fats and carbohydrates occurs. Nitrogen-containing substances also accumulate and the ability of the heart muscle to contract is impaired. Water retention in organs and tissues leads to edema and a decrease in energy heat metabolism, and disorder fat metabolism with the accumulation of cholesterol and fat-like substances causes the development of atherosclerosis.

The first sign of thyrotoxicosis is a sharp loss of body weight with increased appetite and frequent meals. Weight loss leads to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract - such as frequent stools, nausea, vomiting due to increased motor activity and decreased glandular function. digestive system. As a result, dystrophy can even develop, fragility begins, and then hair loss, and sweating increases.

Thyrotoxicosis is also characterized by an increase in body temperature without visible reasons, nervousness, irritability, decreased performance and paralysis facial nerve. Patients with thyrotoxicosis are characterized by a slight trembling of the fingers, twitching of the head, lips, and even the whole body. In a severe form of the disease, the heart rate increases, pressure rises and falls, and the heart rhythm is disturbed. Gradually, the patient begins to feel a sharp muscle weakness that can reach paralysis; his teeth begin to collapse, the strength of the skeleton decreases.

As a rule, hyperthyroidism occurs after the frequent use of iodized salt, as well as due to stressful situations, psychological trauma or infectious diseases (tonsillitis, influenza).

To avoid hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to use iodized salt in moderation, and also during treatment and prevention to take drugs containing iodine, which is part of it, especially since just such iodine is also present in human blood. But the main thing is to suppress the excessive activity of the gland with the help of appropriate medications, radiation or surgical treatment, and this must be done immediately after the first signs of trouble are detected.

It is not difficult to identify the disease. Its signs are an increase in the thyroid gland, frequent pulse, trembling of the fingers - tremor, premature (from the age of 20) gray hair. A blood test for thyroid hormones can confirm the diagnosis.

If this analysis shows high level thyroid hormones and low levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, hyperthyroidism is diagnosed. The level of TSH in the blood is the most accurate indicator of hyperthyroidism, so only this analysis allows you to establish the correct diagnosis.

In the course of monitoring the results of treatment of hyperthyroidism, it was found that this disease, regardless of the method of treatment, can turn into hypothyroidism. And this is most often encountered by those whose thyroid gland has been damaged. radioactive iodine or partially removed during surgery. Hypothyroidism is usually easily controlled and treated safely. It is enough just to take daily pills with thyroid hormones.


Diffuse toxic goiter (DTG), or Graves' disease, is a type of hyperthyroidism. This name is not given by chance, it is easily explained. Diffuse disease is called due to the fact that the entire thyroid gland is involved in the pathological process. Toxic - due to the manifestation in patients of the same signs as in infectious diseases: heat, sensations of fever; sometimes the heat is replaced by chills, the limbs become cold. And finally, the word "goiter" is present in the title in connection with the enlargement of the thyroid gland itself. The reason for the development of diffuse toxic goiter is a generalized increase in thyroid activity.

The process that causes Graves' disease involves the immune system. IN healthy body this system protects a person from the action of foreign bacteria, viruses, pathological cells (cancerous). The immune system recognizes foreign invaders and destroys them with the help of antibodies produced by blood cells - lymphocytes. It has now been revealed that most people have exactly the type of immune system that can lead to diffuse toxic goiter. In this case, lymphocytes can produce antibodies against their own tissues. With diffuse toxic goiter, antibodies are produced against certain proteins located on the surface of thyroid cells, this stimulates the cells of the gland to increase the production of hormones and leads to hyperfunction of the entire thyroid tissue.

The first diffuse toxic goiter was studied and described by the Irish doctor Graves. In this regard, this disease is sometimes referred to as Graves' disease.

An important role in the occurrence of the disease is played by environmental factors, which, together with hereditary predisposition, can lead to DTG. This disease develops gradually. And it’s not immediately possible to understand whether you are sick with diffuse toxic goiter or you have ordinary nervousness due to the stresses of everyday life, and the diet you follow led to weight loss. But the more active the thyroid gland is, the more pronounced the symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter become. The pulse rate will increase, perspiration will increase, the skin will become thin, the hair will become brittle. The heat will be bad. Often, patients with DTG develop diarrhea, a bumpy, rough, reddish thickening of the skin on the anterior surface of the legs appears. This skin change is called pretibial myxedema. It is completely painless and harmless.

Over two thousand cases have been described in the medical literature when diffuse toxic goiter was tried to be treated with rest and sedatives. Usually, most of patients died.

Most precisely, this type of hyperthyroidism is indicated by inflammation and protrusion of the eyes, swelling of the tissues around them. There may even be redness and itching of the eyes, inflammation of the muscles and soft tissues for eyeball. With DTZ, vision deteriorates: objects begin to double. And eye symptoms diffuse toxic goiter do not always appear immediately, and sometimes only by 6 months after the onset of the development of the disease.

In order to establish the diagnosis of DTG, it is necessary to conduct a scintigraphy, which gives a clear image of the thyroid gland. If the organ has increased activity on the scintigram, the diagnosis is confirmed.

Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis develops due to the adverse effects of the environment or problems with the thyroid gland.
There are three degrees of the disease, and all of them are associated with weight loss, diarrhea and tachycardia, and with an increase in the degree, the indicators increase.
What is the most effective treatment for hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland? There are different ways, including taking hormonal drugs.
However, there are drugs that can stop the course of the disease, for example, Bimunal 9. Naturally, hyperthyroidism can be successfully treated with this unique drug at home.

Excess iodine in the body and hyperthyroidism - treatment with Bimmunal 9

With this disease, organic iodine treatment is used, the scheme is very simple, but it is important to follow the sequence and dosage of the intake. Such hyperthyroidism treatment consists in dosed regular use of the drug.

Treatment regimen for excess iodine and hyperthyroidism with bimunal 9:

  1. In the morning, 1 drop of the drug is taken in 1/3 glass of water half an hour before meals 2 times a day. We observe a reception interval of at least 12 hours.
  2. On the second day, the treatment of hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland is carried out with two drops according to the same scheme, and so you need to bring up to 10 drops at a time.
  3. After that, the treatment is continued in the amount of 10 drops twice a day until the vial is used. On average, this will take about two months.
  4. If you are using other medicines, then observe the interval between taking Bimunal and them at 4 hours.

Since hyperthyroidism treatment is radical surgically carried out only as a last resort, this scheme is the safest and most productive.

Hyperthyroidism symptoms

So, what are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, and what you need to pay attention to if the diagnosis has not yet been made:

  • Mood changes and tachycardia;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach;
  • Weakness of the musculoskeletal tissue is also a symptom of hyperthyroidism;
  • weight loss, hair loss;
  • Decreased potency in men, infertility in women.

These hyperthyroidism symptoms do not appear immediately, but gradually their influence increases, so it is necessary clinical examination to confirm the diagnosis.

What do we sell and where:

  • Blood test for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and heart;
  • Electrocardiogram and other diagnostic methods.

Usually, hyperthyroidism can occur in women, but recently it has begun to manifest itself in men. Bad ecology, stress, violation immune system, all this allows the disease to manifest itself more often. However, it is necessary to carefully treat hyperthyroidism, because an excess of iodine in the body may appear.

Excess iodine symptoms

When an excess of iodine appears, the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease may be different.

For example:

  1. Cough, sore throat, runny nose;
  2. Lachrymation, salivation;
  3. Acne on the body, itching and burning of the skin;
  4. Dizziness, lethargy;
  5. The taste of metal in the mouth and others.

If an excess of iodine in the body somehow manifests itself, immediately inform the doctor about it.
The drug Bimunal 9 is also used in gynecology. For example, for the treatment of cervical erosion, fibroids and colpitis. Therefore, not only hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland will be an indication for the use of the drug.

Treatment of cervical erosion without cauterization

This, like hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland, consists in taking the drug in a drinking form according to the scheme. And also in douching with a solution and.
The scheme is quite simple, it is only important to observe the dosage and sequence. Naturally, all manipulations must be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

If you have questions about the treatment of hyperthyroidism

If you have questions about taking the drug or dosage, you can hotline. Specialists always quickly and competently answer any call.

Do you experience drowsiness, low performance, depression and irritability? It could be a thyroid problem. Everything speaks of the lack of one, but very important element. An excess of iodine in the body, as well as its deficiency, can adversely affect human health. We will talk about this now, but first - about the element itself.

Microelement in the human body

Iodine synthesizes the thyroid hormone, which causes metabolism, converts food into energy, affects the growth and development of organs.

This trace element is involved in:

  • and regulates body temperature;
  • protein and fat metabolism, water-electrolyte metabolism;
  • processes of growth, neuropsychological development and development of all organs;
  • metabolism and the rate of biochemical reactions.

In addition to all of the above, iodine has a beneficial effect on the consumption of oxygen by the tissues of the body, the burning of excess fat, the functioning of the brain, the health of the skin, teeth, nails, and hair.

So that an excess of iodine in the body does not create problems, you should know that the average daily intake of this trace element should be from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty micrograms, but not more than three hundred micrograms.

In order for the body to receive the required amount, seafood (kelp, cod, herring, shrimp, and so on), milk, eggs and beef liver, onions, white cabbage, and carrots must be included in the diet. As for vegetables, there is one condition: they must all be grown on soil with a sufficient amount of iodine.

Causes and symptoms of trace element excess

The situation when there is too much iodine is quite rare. Most often, this problem threatens workers in industries where frequent emissions of the element occur, or those who do not control its intake with iodine-containing vitamins and supplements.

These people have the following signs of excess iodine in the body:

  • Changes appearance: Thin hair who turned gray early, hand tremors, excessive sweating, weight loss, heat intolerance,
  • Health condition: cough, frequent headaches and dizziness, poor performance digestive tract, conjunctivitis and lacrimation.
  • Psycho-emotional state: thirst, frequent urination, sleep disturbance, anxiety and irritability.

The symptoms of an excess of a microelement can also include elevated temperature body without any inflammatory processes flowing in the body; bulging eyes; thyroid swelling and parotid glands.

An excess of iodine is more dangerous than its deficiency. An overdose of this trace element can lead to chronic inflammation cells in the thyroid gland and its hyperfunction (when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones). Can help repair damaged cells modern facilities- peptide bioregulators. In Russia, the first brand of peptide bioregulators was cytamines - a line of 16 drugs aimed at different organs. To improve the function of the thyroid gland, a peptide bioregulator has been developed -. Components for Tyramine are obtained from the thyroid glands of cattle, they are a complex of proteins and nucleoproteins that have a selective effect on thyroid cells, which helps to restore its function. Tyramine is recommended for use in violation of the thyroid gland, hypo- and hyperfunction, tumor processes in the glandular tissue. As a prophylactic, Tyramine is advisable to use for people living in areas endemic for thyroid diseases. Tyramine is also recommended for seniors and the elderly to maintain thyroid function.

If the poisoning is severe, then diarrhea and vomiting may occur.

An excess of iodine in a woman's body is still accompanied by a violation menstrual cycle, and in case of pregnancy, it can provoke premature birth and miscarriage.

Forms of the disease and its consequences

Excess iodine in the body causes the disease iodism. It has two forms: acute and chronic.

Acute poisoning occurs when a large number trace element for a short period of time or accidentally inhaled.

The second form - chronic - develops gradually. It is most often diagnosed in people associated with a certain production, or in those who are incorrectly prescribed a treatment regimen with drugs containing iodine. chronic stage It is difficult to determine the disease, its symptoms coincide with signs of other ailments.

If you do not make a diagnosis of "excess iodine in the body" in time, the consequences can be unpredictable. When two grams of this microelement enters the body, death occurs.

The consequences of iodism can also include:

  • burns of the mucous membrane;
  • changes in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • disruption of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • tissue swelling;
  • allergy.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose "excess iodine in the body", a specialist conducts an examination:

  • first, a person’s medical history is studied and analyzed;
  • at the second stage, studying professional activity sick;
  • then, an external examination of the patient is carried out: the doctor checks for lesions on the mucous membrane and acne on the chest and face, determines whether the smell of iodine is felt;
  • a laboratory examination is prescribed: a blood and urine test, the ICP-AES method is used.

For accurate diagnosis, additional studies will be prescribed for various parameters, depending on which organ (thyroid gland, skin, liver, kidneys, salivary glands) iodine accumulation was detected.

A blood test determines the composition of the hormones of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland.

Urinalysis - determines the amount of iodine in the urine.

The ICP-AES method helps to determine the amount of iodine on a small part of the nail.

The analysis is carried out on a special device. The principle of operation is to determine the wavelength of light that a certain microelement emits.


You can not ignore the excess of iodine in the body, the treatment should be prescribed by a specialist and take place under his supervision.

Acute poisoning:

  • the skin is washed using a two percent soda solution;
  • for gastric lavage, a solution (five percent) is used - this drug is used as an antitoxic agent;
  • in case of poisoning with iodine salts, sodium thiosulfate is administered intravenously.

May appear adverse reactions in the form of allergies and jumps in blood pressure.

For the treatment of chronic iodism, it is necessary:

  • prevent the entry of trace elements into the body;
  • refuse to work in hazardous production;
  • go on a salt-free diet;
  • without fail to exclude the use of vitamin complexes and additives containing iodine;
  • if there is a violation of water-salt metabolism, infusion therapy is performed.

Folk remedies for the treatment of iodism are an addition. In order to neutralize the effect of the trace element, milk, butter, eggs, jelly on starch are used.

Prevention and prognosis

Prevention of the disease begins with the appointment of medicines containing iodine. When using them, be sure to drink plenty of alkaline-carbonic water, milk, sodium carbonate. The patient should be aware that during the period of taking drugs with iodine, hot spices and alcoholic beverages. At the first symptoms of intolerance to this element, it is necessary to stop using it.

Children under five years of age should not be given iodine preparations. For the treatment of wounds, it is desirable to use "Iodinol".

As for the forecasts, they are favorable. After following the doctor's recommendations, the symptoms that signal that there is an excess of iodine in the human body disappear after a while. There may be difficulty in healing wounds caused by contact of iodine crystals with the skin.


Watch your health. Know that any, even the most useful substance, if too much of it, can harm the body. Exactly the same happens with such a microelement as iodine. Its lack, as well as its excess, can lead to big problems.

One of the most important trace elements in the human body is iodine. The body contains about 25 mg of this trace element, 15 mg of which is in the thyroid gland, the rest are dispersed in the kidneys, liver, prostate, ovaries, skin, nails and hair.

The daily requirement of iodine is 50-200 mcg. It is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the development and growth of the body, efficiency metabolic processes, heat generation. Iodine is valued by athletes for supporting the function of the thyroid gland, which contains hormones such as thyroxine and triiodothyronine- they are responsible for increasing the intensity of training, metabolism and for reducing the percentage of fat in the body.

Iodine deficiency in the body and its causes

Lack of iodine is noted in almost two billion inhabitants of our planet. deficit occurs when micronutrient intake is less than the prescribed daily allowance, that is, less than 0.05 mg.

According to research, at physical activity the need for iodine increases.

The human body is not able to produce iodine itself, so its balance constantly needs to be replenished with the help of external sources. They can be not only food, but also the atmosphere, air and water.

For example, in people living far from the sea, the level of the microelement in the blood is lower than in those who daily inhale sea air saturated with iodine.

Signs of iodine deficiency

Even the slightest lack of iodine in the body can provoke headaches, chronic fatigue, irritability, problems with memory and concentration.

In order to determine the body's need for iodine, it is necessary to perform the simplest manipulations:

  • With a 5% solution of iodine, we apply a grid of thin lines to the skin area with a frequency of about 1 cm. In the event that the lines disappear within 6-8 hours, the body needs iodine.

What does iodine deficiency lead to?

  • Scientists have found that the amount of iodine is directly related to the IQ index - for example, with a lack of this mineral, IQ decreases by 10-15 points.
  • The lack leads to a slowdown in metabolism and, as a result, the acceleration of weight gain.
  • For pregnant women, iodine deficiency is fraught with abnormalities in the development of the fetus and miscarriages.
  • Children suffering from iodine deficiency lag behind in mental and physical development, and their nervous system poorly developed.

Iodine deficiency and obesity

With iodine deficiency, the body begins to experience difficulties in using glucose as energy, in order to avoid such difficulties in the future, it is forced to increase the percentage of its processing into body fat.

Low levels of T3 and T4 hormones affect the reaction human body, making it slow, which contributes to obesity.

The lack of iodine in the body is directly related to the level of growth hormone. Low growth hormone not only prevents you from gaining muscle mass, but also in every possible way interferes with the process of burning adipose tissue.

Too much iodine in the body

An excess of a trace element occurs only in cases of iodine abuse, which consists in uncontrolled intake of iodine-containing vitamins and food supplements, or work related to its production.

The increased content of iodine in the body can suppress the production of thyroxine. The synthesis of iodine compounds in the thyroid gland is weakened due to an excess of iodine, and as a result, this leads to the onset of hypothyroidism.

Replenishing iodine reserves in the body, do not get carried away. For example, a single dose of iodine equal to 3g is fraught with death.

Panic attacks and paranoia due to excess iodine

The thyroid gland is a kind of shield, not only at the physiological level, but also helps to deal with stressful situations. For its full functioning, it is necessary to maintain the recommended balance of iodine.

In cases of imbalance, the thyroid gland begins to malfunction, leading to the development of such mental symptoms like paranoia or panic attacks.

The fragile balance of human systems that ensure its resistance to stressful situations, depends, among other things, on the amount of iodine in the body.

Comparative table of deficiency and excess of iodine:


What threatens

How to treat

How to eat

iodine deficiency

endemic goiter

nodular goiter

slow metabolism


Hearing loss

Problems with hair, skin, teeth

Chronic fatigue



causeless Bad mood

Decreased appetite

Swelling around the eyes, on the face and hands

Frequent colds and infectious diseases

Muscle pain


Weakening of memory

Concentration problems

Decrease in IQ index

Thyroid dysfunction

Low hemoglobin levels Problems with cardiovascular system

Increasing the lower pressure

Thoracic and lumbar sciatica

Decreased immunity

Infertility in women

After consulting a doctor, performing an ultrasound scan and mandatory blood tests, iodine deficiency in the body can be replenished by taking medications containing iodine salts prescribed by an endocrinologist, for example, Iodide, Iodomarin, Iodine, Iodine-active. The course can last from several months to 2 years.

Make up your diet so that it contains foods containing daily allowance iodine, specifically 150-200 mcg. That is, to saturate the diet sea ​​views fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs, cereals such as buckwheat and millet, seaweed, iodized salt.

excess iodine

muscle weakness



Thinning, brittle hair and nails

Skin depigmentation

Irritation respiratory tract, mucous membranes and skin


Swelling of the parotid glands


metallic taste in the mouth

Peculiar odor from the mouth

Lethargy of consciousness

Yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes

Pain in the right hypochondrium

Violation of potency

Gynecomastia in men


Weight loss


Panic attacks

Inhibition of thyroid function

Eye damage (conjunctivitis, cataract, blepharitis, damage to the optic nerve)


Toxic hepatitis


Pulmonary edema

Acute heart failure

Kidney damage

Obligatory consultation with a doctor who is able to diagnose an excess of iodine based on a medical history, clinical picture in general, determining the level of iodine in the blood and urine. Then, following the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the mechanisms of iodine intake into the body are eliminated, in parallel, therapy is carried out aimed at correcting the functioning of the thyroid gland.

A diet based on the use of products with a complete absence of iodine or with its minimum content

Products containing iodine:

The most saturated with iodine are sea salt and seaweed, as well as fish and meat of animals that feed on these algae.

The information in the table below is relevant for fresh products, and in cases of processing or long-term storage, up to 60% of iodine is lost.

In products more typical of the modern diet, such as cereals, milk, eggs, butter, the level of iodine is extremely low. Most of us live in regions with an atmosphere that is not rich in iodine. That is why it is important to take care and maintain the balance of iodine in the body. published .

Katerina Katnis

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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