How to speed up contractions at home. How to induce contractions at home and when can it be done? What you need to know before inducing labor


Not far off is the end of pregnancy and a completely new beginning of life!

During the 39th week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers are not uncommon for a nervous condition. Everything is explained by the proximity of such already imminent births. Don't worry, you won't be the first and you won't be the last! The cervix is ​​now dilating and shortening. You may notice a decrease in your weight and an increase in your appetite.

It's already 39 weeks pregnant, so watch out for the signs your body is giving you. Your child can be born at any time. Look out for Braxton Hicks contractions, if they happen on an irregular basis and their numbers aren't increasing, then there's nothing to worry about. But as soon as you notice that abdominal cramps go away more than 5 times per hour, there is a pulling pain in the lumbar region, discharge of water, bloody discharge from the genital tract, we can say that the time has come for childbirth.

Easy delivery to you!!!


The baby is perfectly healthy and in good condition, at 39 weeks old. At 39 weeks pregnant, the baby's lungs are fully matured. The child has lost vellus hair - lanugo, although it remains in places, such as the shoulders or in the folds of the skin.

Your child continues to gain weight despite the cramped space. It weighs about 3.2 kg and is about 50.4 cm long.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, there is a possibility that the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord. But don't panic, he's comfortable. All organs of the baby by this moment are fully developed and are in their places. His pink skin will change color to a lighter one, the subcutaneous base is well developed. The cerebral cortex is maturing.

The baby, however, like you, is looking forward to the birth.

Video 39 weeks pregnant.

You live on the eve of childbirth, and your baby is almost ripe for the appearance and replenishment of your family, it remains to wait a little more - and you will give the world a new miracle of birth.

How the 39th week goes, what you should prepare for, you will learn all this in this article.

So, you will know:

  • How is your life changing during this period?
  • How is your baby developing?
  • What problems can be avoided
  • What are false contractions
  • What tests are waiting for you
  • Delivery at 39 weeks

So the 39th week of pregnancy came up, how to give birth faster - only this thought remains in my head. A little more, and your baby will come into this world, of course, you are worried and want everything to go smoothly. At the same time, your emotions go wild, then you want to cry, then suddenly a feeling of fear of future childbirth rolls over. Remember that the way you are psychologically tuned is one of the most important components of the success of such an important event as childbirth. It is important to already decide on the doctor who will take delivery of your baby, never be afraid to ask all the questions you need, you must be calm and slowly prepare for delivery.

How is your life changing during this period?

Nothing particularly new in your well-being changes, everything can also be tormented by heartburn, varicose veins on the legs or stretch marks may appear, back pains become habitual, and swelling and constipation are also common. And this is not to mention the problem of excess weight. Here comes the 39th week of pregnancy, how to speed up labor to get rid of these problems that make it difficult to sleep, eat, and walk, you ask? You should not rush the course of pregnancy, and even more so artificially induce labor, if there are no medical indications for this.

The problem of how much I weigh should be approached in terms of how I will look after giving birth. That's when all the days when you "ate for two" come out, not always pleasing with the acquired kilograms.

Your chest. She will grow at least one more size this week, and a whitish liquid - colostrum - will begin to stand out from her, which means that your body is starting to prepare for future feeding. Do not forget that the chest, like your body, requires special care, use a contrast shower several times a week to strengthen the shape of the breast, creams and gels for massage and stretch marks, the right natural supportive underwear - and you will keep your chest supple and healthy for a long time yet.

How is your baby developing?

The weight of your baby during this period reaches about 3.5 kg, has a height of 50 cm. He has already rested his head against the cavity of your pelvis, and his position will not change. And childbirth can begin both at the 39th and 40th week. Therefore, you may experience pain in the perineum, as there is a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.

During this period, the baby is actively growing limbs, torso, he hears well, so do not forget to please him with a song or pleasant musical compositions, even when he is with his eyes closed, he is able to distinguish and see bright colors, already reacts to movement and distance.

All systems of the internal organs of the fetus are already formed, and it is capable of independent existence. So if you give birth already at the 39th week, don't worry, your baby is already ready to live on his own.

Your baby is already moving a little less, he has less and less space left, but still, the number of movements, movements of the baby is about 20.

It is interesting that a fluff may already appear on the baby’s head, and for some, curls on the head, at birth, making a surprise for parents with thick hair.

What is possible and what is undesirable to eat

39th week of pregnancy, second pregnancy, if you have already given birth, then you know that it is necessary not to fill up for the future, storing energy for childbirth, but, on the contrary, unload a little, eating healthy food, and limiting fat.

Protein during this period is very important, it is better that it enters your body with the help of fish, dairy products, cereals, necessarily cottage cheese, and vegetables, herbs and fruits will help you cleanse your intestines and prepare for childbirth.

As for drinking, many women often ask how much to drink and how, it is better to drink a little, and if you have swelling, try to drink medicinal teas that help remove excess water from the body.

By the way, you can switch to baby food, fruit and vegetable purees, if you don’t feel like cooking at all.

What problems can be avoided

The life of your body during this period is completely focused on the upcoming birth, however, you still need to monitor your stool to avoid constipation, and excess water is removed from the body, as excess edema can lead to preeclampsia, and a lack of oxygen in the baby's body.

To reduce back pain, ask loved ones to give you a massage, try to change your body position more often and move. Breathe in fresh air while walking in the park, do water aerobics - all this will strengthen your muscles, and you will enjoy doing such sports.

At week 39, your placenta becomes more and more depleted, which means that the baby's body receives less and less nutrients and oxygen. This is preparation for the birth of your body, you should not be afraid of this. Therefore, the main signal for concern is too strong motor activity of the unborn baby, or vice versa, its absence.

What are false contractions

It is the 39th week of pregnancy, the harbinger of labor in primiparous is the appearance of contractions, and you may have false contractions. They are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Unlike real ones, such contractions are not so painful and periodic. Usually, such contractions do not cause strong discomfort in a woman, they resemble pain during menstruation, when the lower back pulls. Their duration is no more than 60 seconds, and the frequency can be in a period of a few minutes or a few hours. At the same time, the baby behaves in the same active way. Your uterus is training for labor, don't worry too much, but if you notice other signs of labor (detailed in week 40), such as watery discharge or nausea or vomiting, severe abdominal drop, then it's best to play it safe and go to the hospital. early.

Taking a warm bath, walking in the park or just relaxing, you can easily remove false contractions. Real contractions don't go away that way.

In multiparous women, training (false) contractions begin a little later than in primiparas, somewhere from the 32nd week. But the course of childbirth goes much faster, so if you are expecting the appearance of a second child, you need to go to the hospital when periodic contractions appear.

What discharge is dangerous at the 39th week

What kind of discharge should you call an ambulance for:

  1. Purulent-mucous. If you suddenly notice purulent mucous discharge, call your doctor immediately. There may also be a lump of mucus, this is a cork that has fallen out, which closes the uterus. Look forward to the onset of childbirth.
  2. The discharge of a cloudy yellow liquid may indicate that the amniotic fluid has poured out ahead of time, even if there are no contractions and pains, immediately go to the hospital.
  3. Beware of the presence of blood in the discharge from the vagina, immediately call an ambulance, the hospital will provide qualified assistance in this case.

What tests are waiting for you.

You passed all the main tests earlier, additional views and studies can be prescribed only if the course of pregnancy was problematic.

If, according to the indications of the body, a cesarean section awaits you, then you will need to undergo an ultrasound scan and possibly other tests in the hospital. Discuss with your doctor in advance all aspects of a caesarean section, from anesthesia to the recovery period and breastfeeding.

Delivery at 39 weeks.

For most women, delivery should be expected at 40 weeks. But this does not mean at all that childbirth cannot occur at the 38-39th week. If you feel that your stomach is tightening, as if in a ring, the time has come for real contractions. You have to note the time, the first strong grips begin every 10-15 minutes and last about 49 seconds. Try not to tense up, relax your muscles, call the hospital and help your unborn baby to be born calmly and joyfully.

Pregnancy is the most emotional period in the life of every woman, and the closer the due date, the more the expectant mother worries and worries. The 40th week of pregnancy is coming, the mother is looking forward to the long-awaited contractions, but they still do not start. The last days of gestation drag on for a long time, and the baby still does not want to get out into the big world.

When the day passes, on which the doctors suggested childbirth, mommy becomes really anxious. Is everything okay with the baby? How much longer to wait for his birth? Can you induce contractions on your own? Every pregnant woman wants to get rid of a heavy burden as soon as possible, to press her beloved baby to her chest. There are several fairly effective ways to speed up labor at 40 weeks of gestation, the only question is whether this is necessary.

When should you give birth?

Pregnancy ideally lasts exactly forty weeks, or ten lunar months, but the child may be born prematurely, or it may linger in the womb. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the baby decides to get out of the abdomen already at 38 or only at 42 weeks. In the first case, the baby is fully formed, continues to grow and gain weight, and in the second case, he still does not show signs of postmaturity.

A woman's body manifests itself very individually, but you can approximately calculate how long the pregnancy will be by the duration of her menstrual cycle. If menstruation is repeated after 28 days, then the child is likely to be born exactly at the time determined by the doctors, but if the menstrual cycle takes more than 30 days, then the gestation will be long.

If for some reason the baby is born before 38 weeks, he is considered premature and is subject to nursing in the postpartum department. And if the baby is born later than 42 weeks, he has all the signs of postmaturity, which also does not reflect very well on his health.

The doctor informs the expectant mother at the first appointment at the antenatal clinic, and a more accurate date is determined during the examination by an ultrasound machine, when the doctor observes the degree of development of the embryo. At the 40th week of pregnancy, if there are no pathologies or complications, childbirth takes place in a natural form. But under certain conditions, the doctor may prescribe a caesarean section.

Is it really necessary to induce labor?

Whether it is worth stimulating labor at the 40th week of pregnancy, only the doctor can say after the examination. If the baby in the womb grows and develops normally, there is enough space for him, the mother need not worry, waiting for the natural birth process. In this case, it is better not to intervene during pregnancy.

But if the baby is large, he may not have enough oxygen from the aging placenta. A post-term infant who does not want to get out of their abdomen experiences oxygen starvation. In addition, after the 40th week of pregnancy, the bones of the skull begin to harden in the fetus, which means that it will be very difficult for him to move through the birth canal, and the mother will experience severe pain during childbirth. In this situation, in order not to wait for a referral to a caesarean section, a pregnant woman is advised to induce labor.

How to induce labor at home?

Already at 39 weeks, doctors begin to frighten a pregnant woman with artificial induction of labor with the use of medications. Not a single mother wants to poison either herself or the unborn baby with drugs, so many people think about how to cause contractions at home. There are many ways to independently cause contractions and childbirth, the doctor can tell you in detail about them in the antenatal clinic. Women who have firmly decided to give birth should have a good rest and sleep, because childbirth is a long and tiring process.

  1. Hiking. Vigorous walking in the fresh air is useful at any period of gestation: it increases the tone of the body and gives it a good shake, bringing the birth closer.
  2. Physical exercise. Many women admit that their contractions began as soon as they finished cleaning the house. The main thing is not to overwork, so as not to provoke placental abruption instead of childbirth. You can wash floors, dust furniture, take out the trash, bathe an older child in the bath, wash clothes, but you can’t carry heavy buckets, lift loaded boxes and bags of groceries.
  3. Sex. A natural and very effective way to speed up labor at home, especially if the intimate process ends with an orgasm. Spermatozoa in high concentrations contain the hormone prostaglandin, which helps soften the tissues of the uterus, and orgasm causes its active contraction, which can gradually develop into labor pains.
  4. Breast massage. Intense stimulation of the breast in the area around the nipples provokes the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for the onset of the birth process.
  5. Laxatives. Increased peristalsis of the intestinal tract not only helps speed up labor, but also cleanses the body, which makes it possible to avoid loose stools during labor with a high probability. A good laxative for pregnant women is ordinary castor oil, one tablespoon is enough to induce contractions. Also, in the last days of gestation, it is advisable to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, cereal cereals.
  6. Folk remedies. Strong tea from raspberry leaves activates labor activity, softens the tissues of the cervix, but it should not be taken until the 40th week of pregnancy. This is a very strong remedy that can cause miscarriage in the early stages. A carefully whipped mixture of sparkling water, apricot, almonds and castor oil also helps to quickly stimulate labor.
  7. Linseed oil. The components contained in it make the tissues of the uterus and birth canal soft and elastic, preparing them for the upcoming birth. If you have an allergic reaction to flax oil, you can replace it with evening primrose oil.
  8. Fragrances. It is believed that the smell of certain flowers, especially rose or jasmine, can cause contractions. A woman who wants to give birth at a later date can do aroma therapy at home using flower oils. The main thing is not to cause allergies.
  9. Acupuncture. This method of inducing labor is best left to a specialist. The master, with the help of the finest needles, acts on the points of the body responsible for the functioning of the uterus. This technique quite often contributes to the occurrence of contractions.

The closer the birth, the more often the woman begins to adjust the time and think about when the 39th week of pregnancy will already come, how to speed up the birth, since psychologically this is quite a serious burden on the body.

If you ask women about their feelings and sensations at the 39th week of pregnancy, many will not be able to answer questions with confidence, because during this period emotions simply overwhelm, and everything happens like in a dream. There is very little time left before the baby arrives. It does not matter what kind of childbirth it will be, the first, second or fifth, the child will change the life of the whole family.

The 39th week of pregnancy is a very important period. At this stage, the child already weighs more than 3 kg, and his height reaches 50 cm. And this is not the limit, since these figures will increase until birth. The motor activity of the baby by this period will be minimized due to its large weight. If earlier the mother could feel some tremors and movements, now their number will be minimal. And yet, even at this stage, the child needs to train the muscles, so he will move a little. The intensity of these movements will be about 10 times a day. At 39 weeks, the mother should monitor how actively the baby is behaving, if there are too many movements or they are completely absent, you should consult a doctor.

The state of the child and the feelings of the mother

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent living. His internal organs, such as the kidneys, heart, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, are fully prepared to perform their functions independently. All development processes do not stop for a minute before and after the birth of the baby. The pancreas already produces special enzymes that help digest food. There are currently no beneficial bacteria in the stomach, as they can appear only after the birth of the baby.

So far, the baby can only receive nutrients through the placenta. At week 39, she is actively aging, as her service life ends.

At this stage, the baby's body is completely ready for the birth. But the condition of the mother may be somewhat different. Some women do not yet fully realize that their lives will soon change completely. It is impossible to say exactly how the expectant mother should behave.

Some think about how to give birth faster at 39 weeks of gestation and wait for every second of contractions, while others do not feel the approaching birth at all. The main thing is that all the bags are packed, the room is prepared, and the mood is upbeat. Everything else will resolve itself.

If anxiety is present, it is worth talking with the baby. As a rule, it calms well and gives strength. Moreover, the child at this stage already hears everything, understands and can show his reaction to his mother's words in a timely manner. It is worth talking with the baby so that he does not linger. A woman may feel the approach of childbirth with increased appetite. At this time, the body will urgently need to gain strength for the most important event in life.

Harbingers of childbirth

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, it is very important to listen to yourself in order to detect all changes and signals in time. Some women notice a significant weight loss as water leaves the body. If there is a decrease in appetite, this should be corrected. The body needs to gain strength for childbirth.

Some mothers may experience false contractions more often. At week 39, they will be especially frequent and quite strong. Against the background of all the changes that occur with the body in preparation for childbirth, a woman may feel a pulling pain in the lower back and abdomen, which, as it were, rings the body. Many women are very afraid not to confuse false contractions with real ones. You can distinguish one from the other by simply changing the position of the body. Real contractions will be felt in any situation.

In addition to the fact that a woman will feel pain at the 39th week of pregnancy, as during menstruation, mucus discharge is not excluded. During this period, it can be transparent, and brown, and pink. The presence of impurities is due to the fact that at the moment there is a gradual uterine contraction, which leads to the release of cork particles. After she comes out, and the discharge at the 39th week of pregnancy ends completely, we can say that the birth is about to begin.

Signals for the approach of the birth of a baby can be not only physical manifestations, but also psychological factors. For example, many expectant mothers have an activation of the nesting instinct. The woman begins to actively equip the house, rearrange things and try to do everything to make the surrounding space as cozy and cute as possible. All this is a good way to distract yourself, but excessive physical activity will be superfluous, since at the moment you need to save energy for the most important thing.

By week 39, a woman's belly should drop, which is a sure sign that labor will begin soon. For some, this happens as early as 36 weeks, but this process may be somewhat delayed. After the stomach drops, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, heartburn goes away. However, instead, frequent urges to the toilet come. It is worth noting here that if this is the second birth, the 39th week of pregnancy can be the final one.

Pain at 39 weeks

Everyone understands why a woman has discomfort as during menstruation. Everything is simple here: a complex restructuring and preparation for the rapidly approaching birth takes place in the body. Particularly painful sensations are noticeable in the sacrum, pubis and pelvis.

At week 39, the active production of the hormone relaxin occurs, the purpose of which is to relax the bones and ligaments for the normal passage of the child through the birth canal. Due to this, a divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, which causes quite severe pain at the 39th week of pregnancy.

Pain in the sacrum and spine occurs due to a shift in the center of gravity due to increased load on the front of the body. This also causes pain in the legs. An aching feeling in the lower extremities may cover the back of the leg from the foot to the knee. In order to somewhat reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to sleep in the correct position and wear a special bandage.

Additional examinations at 39 weeks

As a rule, if the pregnancy proceeded normally, the woman does not need diagnostic procedures. There is very little time left before the birth, so it’s better to devote it to rest and just gain strength to accomplish the greatest feat in life.

However, in some cases, an ultrasound examination may be ordered. If there are individual indications, the doctor can check the condition of the future baby, determine the degree of its development and size. In addition, the ultrasound will determine the maturity of the cervix and the readiness of the body for the birth of a child.

During the examination, the doctor must assess the condition of the amniotic fluid and the mature placenta, which at week 39 should already be in the third stage of its growth, that is, at the very last.

Later ultrasound examination makes it possible to understand the location of the umbilical cord. This is important, as it helps to avoid situations with entanglement and suffocation of the fetus during passage through the birth canal. If the risks of such a development of events are high, this may be a contraindication to natural childbirth.

It is useful for pregnant women to know how to speed up labor at home at the 39th week of pregnancy. Under what indications do doctors have to stimulate labor? And is it worth it to hasten the birth of a child.

Pregnancy is the most significant event in life. For the first time, having learned about her interesting situation, the expectant mother is filled with tenderness and love for her unborn baby. Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, a woman, together with her husband, is preparing for the appearance of a new and long-awaited family member. Buying a stroller, crib and the most necessary things for the first time for the baby pleases and inspires.

But towards the end of the pregnancy period, the female body is exhausted, fatigue appears from the inability to do anything because of the large belly. And then the woman comes to mind to influence the process of delivery. The obstetric term of childbirth ends at 40 weeks after the conception of the fetus, but each organism is individual. Some women over-carry the baby, and they are given labor stimulation at 41 weeks. All these joyless days of waiting make a woman wonder: 39 weeks of pregnancy, how to speed up childbirth?

Is it possible to speed up

There are several reasons why you should not speed up delivery. If all female representatives in the family dynasty gave birth to children after 40 weeks, then this means a genetic feature. In this case, it is better not to take risks and wait until the baby wants to be born. It is also not recommended to speed up labor for women whose menstrual cycle is 35-40 days. With such a cycle, it is quite difficult to determine the exact gestational age, therefore, childbirth is most often delayed and occurs 1-2 weeks later than the obstetric period. It is very dangerous to engage in self-stimulation if this is the second birth. There is a danger of rapid delivery, you can not wait for an ambulance and give birth at home.

Ways to speed up labor

In the third trimester of pregnancy, gynecologists advise to stop intimate life because of the risk of premature birth. But such an effect from sexual intercourse will be useful if it is already 38-39 weeks of pregnancy just to speed up childbirth. Male sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which affects the speed of softening of the cervix. Additional stimulation of a woman's breasts contributes to the production of oxytocin in her body. This hormone is responsible for the contraction of the uterus, its tone appears. All this together leads to the appearance of fights.

Active physical activity can provoke the onset of labor. At the same time, a woman, of course, should not get involved in lifting the barbell in the gym. It is better to choose a more relaxed exercise at home or be like gymnastics for pregnant women. Long walks outdoors, climbing stairs, and mopping the floors yourself can also help you deliver your baby faster. Physical activity will be useful not only to stimulate childbirth, but also to maintain muscle tone. It will be easier for a woman after childbirth to return her body to harmony and elasticity.

Body warming procedures increase blood circulation throughout the body. Contractions can begin if you stick a pepper patch on your lower back or apply an iodine mesh. A hot shower, which is forbidden to pregnant women from the first days of conception, during this period, on the contrary, will become an assistant. An effective way to give birth faster is to visit a sauna or bath. One has only to take a steam bath with a broom and aromatic oils, and you can go to the hospital.

Non-traditional ways

A woman is 39 weeks pregnant, how to speed up childbirth in a natural way, traditional medicine offers. One tablespoon of castor oil will cleanse the intestines. You can also use an ordinary enema. After cleaning, the empty intestine begins to contract, thereby stimulating the uterus to do the same. The method is not needed if intestinal motility is stimulated in advance. A few weeks before the expected date of birth, a woman should change her diet. Eat more high fiber foods. Salads made from fresh vegetables are best seasoned with olive oil. A peculiar diet will affect the strengthening of intestinal motility, at the same time the uterus will prepare for childbirth.

Adherents of aromatherapy are confident in the possibility of certain smells to affect the process of rapid delivery. You need to buy an aroma lamp and rose or jasmine oil for it. The recess of the lamp is filled with water, into which you need to drop a few drops of oil. When inhaling such aromas, a gradual activation of labor activity occurs. This method is not recommended for those with an allergic predisposition to these oils.

The approach of the day of childbirth is also possible with the help of acupuncture. After all, the theory of acupuncture lies in the belief that a certain point on the human body is responsible for its organ or process in the body. An experienced specialist knows the points that interact with the uterus and the needle can provoke an increase in its tone. You can’t do acupuncture on your own, you need to find an excellent master with good recommendations.

medical methods

In the maternity hospital, they begin to stimulate delivery in case of any violations in the body of a woman or fetus (preeclampsia, Rh conflict, if severe edema and fetal hypoxia). It is also subjected to drug stimulation of a woman with a diagnosis of post-term pregnancy. To do this, a week before the birth of a pregnant woman, drugs with prostaglandin are administered, which allow the cervix to soften and stretch. At the same time, the cervical canal begins to open for the passage of the baby's head.

The day before the birth, the expectant mother should have a good rest, sometimes doctors suggest using medication sleep. But even such a serious stimulation does not always lead to natural delivery. Most often, obstetricians have to open the fetal bladder. This is done in order for the water to come out, the absence of which causes the child to move the head to the entrance to the small pelvis. The pressure in this place leads to the gradual opening of the uterine os. In order for the baby's head to pass more easily, the cervix should open by 10 cm, gynecologists determine the indicator with their fingers.

If a woman in labor has weak contractions, and there is no opening of the cervix, a council of gynecologists may decide on stimulation with medications. Most often, oxytocin and prostaglandin are used for this, they are administered using a dropper. During this period, it is important for a woman to constantly move, and with a short rest, change the position of the body more often. Childbirth, though natural, is quite a painful process for any woman.

And the stimulation of labor activity directly in the hospital makes this process even more painful. This conclusion can be drawn by examining the reviews of women who have gone through this stimulation.

Examination before stimulation

In no case should a woman engage in labor induction without a preliminary examination and consultation with a gynecologist who is conducting her pregnancy. Both home and medical acceleration of labor activity requires a thorough study of the condition of the fetus and the woman in labor. Starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman is sent once a week for CTG and ultrasound. These examinations are necessary for the correct assessment of the parameters of the fetus, the functioning of its organs and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Also, the specialist will see the degree of maturation of the placenta and the readiness of the uterus. Only based on the results of the examination, it is possible to assess the possibility of inducing labor.

It is important for a woman at any stage of pregnancy to think about the health of her unborn baby. And even if it seems to her that it is time for him to be born, you should not speed up this process without the supervision of a doctor. Nature herself knows when the fetus in the womb is ready to be born and make the mother happy with the first cry. The absence of pathologies in the child and the satisfactory condition of the woman in the later stages gives a chance to relax a little and gain strength. Indeed, immediately after the birth of a baby, a woman will have so many worries that she will have to forget about a good rest for a while.

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