Is it possible to wash the genitals with chlorhexidine? Douching with chlorhexidine

From this article you will learn: when and why Chlorhexidine is prescribed for thrush, the pros and cons of using the solution. How to use Chlorhexidine, how effective it is. How to douche correctly for women.

  • Indications for the use of Chlorhexidine for thrush
  • Mechanism of action
  • How to use
  • Douching rules
  • Possible Complications
  • Contraindications
  • Side effects

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic with a bactericidal effect, inhibiting the growth of bacterial microflora (treponema, neisseria, chlamydia, gardnerella, bacteroides), some protozoan microorganisms (Trichomonas), viruses (herpes simplex).

The drug is produced in the form of external dosage forms (ointment, cream, suppositories, gel, spray), but a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine is especially popular. It is prescribed for douching and rinsing during the treatment of mixed genitourinary infections in combination with thrush (caused by Candida albicans).

The effectiveness of the solution in this case is 82–87% and is based on:

  • the ability to suppress the active growth of pathogenic bacteria (antiseptic, partially bactericidal effect) and protozoa, restore local immunity;
  • mechanical cleansing (douching, washing) of the mucous membrane and skin from secretions due to thrush (fungal colonies);
  • preparing the surface for application of a local antifungal drug (the effectiveness of the product increases several times).

Chlorhexidine does not have a targeted antifungal effect, but it is equally often prescribed to both men and women. How does it act on fungus? It suppresses the growth and activity of pathogenic microflora, keeps the number of bad bacteria within certain limits. This helps to increase the population of beneficial microorganisms and restore the immunity of the mucous membranes.

As soon as the number of lactobacilli increases (even slightly), conditions are created that are unfavorable for the Candida fungus (for pathogenic activity and colony growth), although this is not enough to completely destroy the microorganism. Therefore, for the treatment of mixed infections, an antiseptic is always prescribed in combination with other drugs (including antifungals).

Chlorhexidine solution has its advantages in the fight against fungal infections:

And the cons:

Chlorhexidine is prescribed by a gynecologist for the treatment of mixed genitourinary infections for women, and a urologist for men.

Indications for the use of Chlorhexidine for thrush

Chlorhexidine solution 0.05% is prescribed to prepare the mucous membrane and skin for the application of antifungal agents in the treatment of mixed urogenital infections caused by bacteria, protozoa and fungi:

  • vulvovaginitis (outer labia and vagina);
  • colpitis (vagina);
  • sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • urethritis (urinary tract);
  • cystitis (bladder).

The solution is not suitable for douching for acute vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush), as it does not have an antifungal effect.

Mechanism of action

The active substance in the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which, during a chemical reaction (dissociation), breaks down into cations and anions (positively and negatively charged particles).

Cations of the substance affect the cell membranes of bacteria and microorganisms (protozoa), disrupting the conductivity of cell walls (transport of useful substances, electrolyte ions) and destroying them.

In a small concentration (up to 0.01%) chlorhexidine digluconate in solution has a pronounced bacteriostatic property (inhibits the active reproduction and growth of microorganisms), in a higher concentration it is bactericidal (destroys bacteria and protozoa).

If the application rules are followed (douching, rinsing), the bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect lasts for 3–4 hours (prolonged).

How effective is the product?

Chlorhexidine is an effective medicine; it quickly normalizes the level of pathogenic microorganisms, helps restore local immunity, and gently relieves inflammation.

A pronounced positive result in the treatment of mixed infections (including fungal) can be expected in 82–87%, but only with the simultaneous use of antifungal drugs.

How to use

Chlorhexidine 0.05% in solution is prescribed for mixed infections caused by bacteria, protozoan microorganisms and associated thrush:

The duration of treatment, the number of procedures per day and the exposure time (how long the liquid should remain in the genital tract, urethra) are determined by the attending physician.

For severe symptoms of thrush due to mixed genitourinary infections, Chlorhexidine is used for no more than 10 days. A long course can provoke dysbacteriosis and an outbreak of acute candidiasis (with a sharp decrease in the number of other microorganisms, the fungus becomes more aggressive and pathogenic).

Douching rules

In the treatment of genitourinary diseases, douching with Chlorhexidine is often prescribed. This is a procedure that is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The goal is to irrigate or wash the internal mucous membranes with a medicinal solution.

Douching is an exclusively female procedure; in men, the treatment of mucous membranes has a different name - washing (for example, the urethra).

Douching with Chlorhexidine:

Possible Complications

When using a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution, the following complications are possible:

  • with prolonged use (more than 10 days), dysbiosis develops and optimal conditions are created for exacerbation of thrush;
  • if used incorrectly (if the treatment time is increased), the drug can cause dryness of the mucous membranes, as a result of which their immunity is reduced, they are more easily injured, and it is more difficult to heal;
  • in combination with ethyl alcohol, the solution can cause burns to the mucous membrane.


Antiseptic is contraindicated for use:

Prescribe with caution to children under 12 years of age.

Description, action

Chlorhexidine is a pharmaceutical product with a pronounced antiseptic, disinfectant, and antibacterial effect. The drug destroys microbes, pathogenic microflora, viruses. Prevents the proliferation of fungi, creating unfavorable conditions for them. When used externally, it does not cause irritation to the mucous membranes and does not lead to dryness.

The product is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, 10 pieces per package, solutions with different concentrations - 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.2%. Spray 0.5%. Used to disinfect the surgeon’s hands before surgery, quickly disinfect instruments, surfaces, and skin.

The active component is chlorhexidine bigluconate. Excipients create the consistency of the product and help the active component to be absorbed. Chlorhexidine bigluconate acts against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and viruses. It has pronounced antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with disruption of the natural microflora. Chlorhexidine is used in gynecology, dentistry, dermatology, and surgery.

The use of Chlorhexidine for candidiasis

In gynecology, the product is used in the form of suppositories and solution.


Insert into the vagina after preliminary washing once before bedtime. Treatment for thrush lasts about 3 weeks. Or twice a day for 10 days. The dosage is determined by a specialist. Can be used in combination with antifungal agents.

The effect of using Chlorhexidine suppositories occurs almost immediately, and the external symptoms of candidiasis disappear. But they continue therapy until the specified period. The disease goes away in the second week of treatment. After completing the course, you need to visit the gynecologist again and take a smear for microflora. If fungi remain in increased numbers, extend the course for another week.

Douching for thrush

When using a weak solution, Chlorhexidine - 0.05%, is used in its pure form. The 0.2% concentrate is pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The following procedure is carried out according to the general rules:

  • wash your genitals without using soap;
  • disinfect the rubber bulb;
  • sit across the bathtub, throw your legs over the sides;
  • Draw a syringe and inject the solution into the vagina:
  • wait 3 minutes;
  • use the entire prepared solution - 100 ml is enough for 1 procedure;
  • after administering the last portion, the woman should remain in the same position for another 10 minutes.

Or drop 3 ml of undiluted solution into the vagina before bed.

After the procedure, wipe the genitals with a napkin. Douching is recommended to be done twice a day. The course of therapy lasts 10 days. After the procedure, you can apply a topical antifungal agent if the drug was prescribed by a specialist.

If Chlorhexidine is in a spray bottle, the procedure is much easier. No need for a syringe. Insert the tip into the vagina and make 5 injections. The procedure for the treatment of candidiasis is done twice. The most comfortable position is on your back with your pelvis elevated; lie quietly for 10 minutes. Before injecting the drug, you must go to the toilet. Because urination is allowed only 2 hours after the procedure.


A weak solution of Chlorhexidine is used - 0.05% undiluted. The mandatory procedure for treating thrush is performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Washing is suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women, since douching is contraindicated in such cases.

Chlorhexidine gets on the external genitalia and does not penetrate inside. The temperature of the product should be comfortable. Cannot be used before or after soap. Wipe the genitals with a napkin or towel. Apply an antifungal agent as prescribed by a specialist. For minor manifestations of candidiasis, it is used as an independent remedy. The duration of therapy is about 10 days.

Tampons with Chlorhexidine for thrush

Initially, you need to make the tampon itself. The hygiene product is not suitable for these purposes. A small piece of cotton wool is twisted into a flagellum. Cover with several layers of gauze or bandage. Shape into a tampon and secure with thread. Leave the ends for easy removal. All materials must be sterile.

Impregnate a homemade tampon with a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution. Insert a tampon overnight. In the morning, remove and wash. The course of therapy depends on the complexity of the situation, on average 14 days.

Use during pregnancy

Hormonal changes weaken the immune system, allowing fungi to actively multiply. Thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester threatens miscarriage, in the middle - pathology of fetal development, and in the end - premature birth.

However, the antifungal drugs themselves cause even more harm to a woman’s health and threaten the development of the fetus. Therefore, experts prescribe professional remedies in severe cases and recommend the safest antiseptic drugs.

Chlorhexidine during pregnancy is prescribed for washing the genitals. The procedure eliminates itching, burning, discomfort, and neutralizes a specific odor. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of specialists.

Use for men

Candidiasis in men develops with a decrease in the body's defenses and the simultaneous influence of negative factors. Most often this is excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, spicy, salty, fatty foods, promiscuous sexual intercourse, physical and psychological fatigue.

For thrush, men are recommended to wash their genitals with a weak solution of Chlorhexidine - 0.05%. The procedure is carried out twice a day. After the antiseptic, you can apply an antifungal cream. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the disease. The average course is 10 days.

Treatment for thrush in the mouth

Oral candidiasis develops against a background of weakened immunity. Intestinal problems and insufficient hygiene contribute to the development of the disease. Young infants are at risk. For the treatment of oral candidiasis, antibacterial and antiseptic agents are prescribed. Rubbing the gums and rinsing are indicated.

Chlorhexidine is used in the form of a weak solution - 0.05%. Moisten cotton swabs or regular cotton wool, wipe the gums, cheeks, wherever there is plaque. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Treatment lasts about a week.

The use of a mouth rinse solution is also allowed in case of severe infection with thrush. The solution does not cause a burning sensation and does not dry out the mucous membranes, but with prolonged use, the enamel on the teeth darkens and acquires a yellow tint.


The drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. This situation happens extremely rarely, but before active use it is worth conducting a test for an allergic reaction. A small amount of the drug is applied to the elbow. Observe your own sensations and the condition of your skin for 30 minutes.

It is contraindicated to use the product unless absolutely necessary, or for other purposes. Chlorhexidine is a medicine, but not an antibacterial spray. You cannot use it daily for washing. In this case, vaginal dryness appears, the microflora changes, which, in turn, can contribute to the development of candidiasis.

Chrorgexidine should not be used in combination with other antiseptic or antibacterial agents, but can be used in parallel with antifungal drugs for thrush.

Chlorhexidine is incompatible with soap and products containing alkali. You cannot use intimate hygiene products before a treatment procedure. You should simply rinse your genitals with clean warm water.


Chlorhexidine is sold in pharmacies. If desired, you can order online. The product is available without a prescription, but before active use you should consult a specialist. The average price of a solution of 0.05% in a volume of 100 ml is 20 rubles. Spray 0.5% - 25 rub.


Many other pharmaceutical drugs that are used in a similar way also have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. You can also use a folk recipe.

  • Boil 1 liter of water with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoon of baking soda, kitchen salt. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, add 1 teaspoon of iodine.
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in water to obtain a light pink solution.
  • Add Furadonin tablet to 1 glass of warm water.
  • A solution for douching, washing, tampons is prepared from alum in powder form. For 1 glass of water, use 1 teaspoon of the drug.

All analogues have no contraindications and can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Which one to choose should be advised by a specialist.


Dear readers! You can leave your feedback on the use of Chlorhexidine for thrush in the comments below, they will be useful to other readers!


“Chlorhexidine creates an alkaline environment that kills painful microflora. However, you need to pay attention to the concentration of the drug. I'm a little scared to use the 0.5% spray. It is intended for treating skin, hands, and medical equipment. A high concentration of Chlorhexidine is dangerous due to exacerbation of thrush. Or use no more than once a day.”


“I like Chlorhexidine spray. I use it for about a week to treat thrush. I inject it into the vagina and lie there for 10 minutes. And that's it. I don’t wash myself, and I don’t need to buy syringes either. It helps within 3 days, but I continue treatment for about a week. Safe product, no itching, burning, helps restore microflora.”


“I treated thrush with suppositories. They prescribed me 2 per day. After a few days, the symptoms disappeared and the discharge returned to normal. Within 10 days I was completely back to normal. The good news is that there are no side effects. At the same time, I restored the intestinal microflora and took Lactovit.”

Interesting video:

Action of Chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic, successfully used in the treatment of various diseases, including gynecological ones. It is active against the following number of microorganisms: treponema, chlamydia, ureaplasma, gonococcus, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, bacteroides, Trichomonas vaginalis.

After treatment, a small amount of the product remains on the skin, which ensures a long-lasting antibacterial effect. The antimicrobial effect is maintained even with pus, blood and other physiological fluids, but the effectiveness decreases slightly.

Viruses (with the exception of herpes), as well as fungi, show resistance to the drug. Chlorhexidine does not have a systemic effect; when applied topically, it does not penetrate the bloodstream.

Composition and release form of the drug

In gynecology, different versions of Chlorhexidine are used:

  • aqueous solution (0.02 - 20%);
  • vaginal suppositories;
  • gels for vaginal use.

For douching with Chlorhexidine, predominantly weakly concentrated aqueous solutions of up to 0.2% are used. More concentrated solutions are used to treat ulcers, burns and sutures after surgery.

Pharmacies usually have solutions of Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05%. This option is perfect for vaginal douching and treatment of the genitals. The auxiliary substance for this product is simple purified water, with which you can dilute the drug in a bath to the desired concentration.

Indications for use in gynecology

Chlorhexidine has proven itself in use for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of a bacterial nature and fungi, as well as diseases that are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse:

  • thrush (candidiasis);
  • nonspecific cervicitis, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • herpes.

It can also be used to prevent infections, treat sutures, as a means for intimate hygiene, and to eliminate unpleasant odors in cases of thrush.

Chlorhexidine is used to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Despite the relative safety of the product, douching should not be used excessively. Too frequent injection of the solution into the vagina can harm the microflora, which will contribute to the development of a new problem - dysbiosis.

How to do douching at home?

The Chlorhexidine package is shaped like a rubber bulb, so it can be used for douching. But it will be more convenient to use the usual rubber bulb to insert the required amount of solution into the vagina and not pour in too much.

To carry out one procedure, a dosage of 10-15 ml of Chlorhexidine solution will be sufficient. The procedure must be carried out while in a supine position. After injecting the product inside, you need to raise your legs slightly, bending your knees, to avoid the antiseptic leaking out too quickly. It is recommended to remain in this position for 5-10 minutes. After this time has expired, you can get up.

It is also worth considering that the remaining solution may leak out of the vagina, so it is worth attaching a sanitary pad to your underwear.

So, how to do douching correctly? Instructions for use are divided into the following steps:

  1. Disinfect the syringe.
  2. Prepare a solution of 0.05%. If the solution is more concentrated, then it should be diluted with water.
  3. Pour into a syringe.
  4. Lie in the bathtub or on the bed, placing a medical blanket under you.
  5. Immerse the nozzle of the douche into the vagina 5-7 centimeters and pour the product inside.
  6. Raise your legs with your knees bent and lie there for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Lower your feet and let the substance flow out.
  8. Attach a sanitary pad to your underwear, as the product will gradually come out.
  9. Avoid urinating for the next couple of hours.

Do not heat the solution. Due to an increase in the temperature of the antiseptic, it can change the chemical properties of the drug and negate the pharmacological ones.

Side effects

If the medication is used for too long, the development of gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis) is possible. And even with normal duration and intensity of use, side effects may occur: itching, burning, dryness, redness.

Restrictions on use

Not all women can douche with Chlorhexidine, as allergic reactions may occur. To prevent unwanted consequences, it is recommended to conduct a test. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the middle third of the forearm. If after 10-15 minutes no reactions occur on the skin, then the product is suitable for the procedure.

If redness, swelling or itching appears on the skin, the drug should not be used under any circumstances. It is best to contact a gynecologist who can choose a different remedy to treat the problem.

It is strictly forbidden to use the solution with soap or iodine. When douching with Chlorhexidine, there is a high risk of damaging the vaginal microflora, since the drug destroys all bacteria - both harmful and beneficial. To restore the microflora after douching, you need to use probiotics.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Chlorhexidine is considered a fairly strong drug, and there are many contraindications for its use, including:

  • age up to 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies and hypersensitivity to components;
  • viral skin diseases.

As an alternative, you can douche with a decoction of chamomile, use phytosuppositories with pumpkin oil, propolis or sea buckthorn. You can also use vaginal suppositories with Chlorhexidine.

Douching with Chlorhexidine during pregnancy

Frequently asked question: Is it possible to douche during pregnancy? Pregnancy is a contraindication for douching.

Main reasons:

  1. High risk of fetal infection. This can happen in the last weeks, because the cervix opens slightly during these periods and the plug comes out. If the pressure is too strong, fluid may enter the cervix.
  2. Imbalance of vaginal microflora.

Is it worth douching with Chlorhexidine for sanitation before childbirth? Douching is not recommended; only washing is recommended. If your doctor prescribes douching during pregnancy, you should consult another doctor.

Chlorhexidine suppositories can be used 2-3 per day during pregnancy. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug. If side effects occur (itching, burning, redness), you should stop using the drug. Chlorhexidine can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. No self-treatment!

Chlorhexidine analogs

There are several possible substitutes and analogues of Chlorhexidine, which also contain chlorhexidine digluconate as the active ingredient:

  • Amident;
  • Hexicon;
  • Citeal.

There are also drugs with a different active substance, but with a similar effect:

  • Vagotil (active ingredient - polycresulene).
  • Miramistin (active ingredient - benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate).

How to douche during thrush

Perhaps every woman knows what douching for thrush is. But not everyone knows how to correctly carry out this procedure, and in an effort to achieve good goals, how not to cause additional harm to their body.

Let's start with the fact that the opinions of doctors on the advisability of washing the vagina are divided. Some of them believe that complex therapy of female genital organs without this procedure is impossible. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that douching can cause irreparable damage to the vaginal microflora and only interferes with the full implementation of treatment. Be that as it may, douching for thrush is used quite often and gives positive results. What it is and how to do it correctly, we will consider in more detail in this article.

What is needed for the procedure

So, douching for thrush is the process of deliberately introducing solutions of various compositions into the vagina for therapeutic or hygienic purposes.

Thanks to the minimum set of medical equipment required for this procedure, you can do douching for thrush yourself at home. You need to purchase a special syringe at the pharmacy - a rubber bulb equipped with a plastic tip, or an Esmarch mug - a rubber heating pad with rubber tubes capped with tips connected to it. You can also use large 20cc syringes (with the needle removed).

Rules for holding

When douching for thrush, it is important to follow certain rules:

  • The water for preparing the solution should be no colder than body temperature, but not too hot;
  • Liquid should not be released from the syringe under pressure. This can lead to its penetration into the uterus and the development of serious inflammatory processes inside it;
  • Before each procedure, the tip of the syringe or Esmarch mug must be sterilized - it can be boiled for 2-5 minutes or thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol;
  • The syringe is a personal hygiene item and cannot be used by other people;
  • The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes;
  • Douching for more than 7-10 days in a row is strictly prohibited.


At home, it is best to douche for thrush in the bathtub, taking a supine position and placing your feet on its sides, or sitting on the toilet seat. During the procedure, after inserting the tip 5 cm, the medicinal solution should flow freely into the vagina and pour back out without reaching the cervix.

If you feel pain while inserting the tube or infusing the solution, it is better to abort the procedure.

Douching for thrush should not cause pain. Try to wait a little and relax. Avoid sudden and rapid movements, as they may result in damage to the vaginal walls.

Recipes for medicinal solutions

For thrush, douching can be done using various solutions, both pharmacy and homemade.

The ready-made solution can be found in any pharmacy at a very affordable price. Initially, this drug comes in a convenient package that does not require the use of a syringe. The bottle is equipped with its own spout for introducing the solution into the vagina. Douching for thrush can be done either from the same bottle or by pouring it into a special syringe.


A solution of this drug (1 tsp furatsilin, 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide per 0.5 liter of boiled water) is used to get rid of the symptoms of thrush. However, the drug does not have an antifungal effect.


For thrush, it is often recommended to douche with a soda solution. It should be done at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per full glass of water. The procedure must be performed at least 2 times a day. This will help, over time, change the vaginal environment from acidic to alkaline, making it unsuitable for the development of fungal colonies.


Douching with chamomile for thrush is popularly considered extremely effective. To prepare the infusion, pour 3 tsp of boiling water. chamomile and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Washing the vagina with chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps prevent further proliferation of Candida.

Tea tree oil

The oil itself is sold too concentrated. Therefore, in order not to burn the walls of the vagina, you need to make a very weak solution of a few drops of oil and alcohol mixed with one glass of water.


One teaspoon of calendula is brewed in a glass of boiling water and cooled to body temperature. The resulting infusion can be used not only as a douche, but also drunk as tea to boost immunity.

Manganese solution

To avoid burning the mucous membrane, use a weak, pale pink solution. If you do the procedure a couple of times a day, this remedy will help cope with even advanced disease.

Remember that before carrying out a series of douches, you should definitely consult a doctor. This procedure is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, inflammatory processes in the genitals, after an abortion and during menstruation.

In some cases, when treating thrush, it is not enough to take one tablet, which would “help” cope with the symptoms and the disease itself. Very often, the drug chlorhexidine is prescribed to treat thrush. Does this remedy really help? How effective is it to use for acute, recurrent candidiasis? Who has this drug helped, and who is against this treatment?

About the drug chlorhexidine

The pharmacy may also offer you a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate solution is water-based and is used as a local antiseptic that has a bactericidal effect.

The drug chlorhexidine digluconate allows you to change the composition of the walls and membranes of fungal cells, due to which their death occurs. You should not use chlorhexidine bigluconate solution as the main treatment for thrush.

It should be noted that the drug chlorhexidine bigluconate does not have a systemic effect, since it does not penetrate the bloodstream when applied topically to the mucous membranes. After using the drug, the antibacterial property remains for a long period of time, regardless of the amount of vaginal discharge.

It should be noted that using a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate, it is effective to treat vaginal candidiasis, which arose as a result of inflammatory processes in the bladder (more often with cystitis).

How to use the drug for thrush?

Chlorhexidine and chlorhexidine bigluconate for candidiasis are used as a solution for douching, as well as a means for externally washing the genitals or for treating the oral cavity in which white plaques of thrush are observed. So, how to use these “medicines” against thrush?

Most often, these products are used as douching. But another question arises - if this drug is in solution, does it need to be additionally diluted with water? It is worth noting that in the pharmacy chain this medicine is sold in the form of a 20% solution in a volume of 500 ml.

Some gynecologists claim that when treating thrush and against its symptoms, there is no need to further dilute the drug, but again, it all depends on individual characteristics. Therefore, before using this product, discuss the permissible concentration of the active substance with your gynecologist. If the dose in your case is too high, in addition to thrush, during douching you can “earn” a new problem - bacterial vaginosis.

So, how to douche with chlorhexidine (or bigluconate). Initially, you need to wash the external genitalia using regular intimate soap.

Next, if the solution does not need to be diluted, lie down on a flat surface and start douching - insert the tip of the bottle into the vagina and press it several times. Maintain this position for 15 minutes and stand up. Douching is considered completed.

If douching needs to be carried out by first diluting the solution, then before douching, it is necessary to prepare a bulb into which we draw the solution and, as in the previous method, introduce it into the vagina. We repeat the procedures 2-3 times a day.

You can find reviews online that douching with the substance chlorhexidine for thrush turned out to be ineffective.

It should be noted that the medicine itself is not used as a method of treatment, it allows you to remove external symptoms.

Also, negative reviews are often associated with the fact that people do douching incorrectly. In order for the product to be truly effective, you should not “go to the toilet” for several hours.

Reviews from those people who really benefited from this “treatment” prove its effectiveness.

The drug is also sold in the form of a gel and vaginal suppositories. Apply gel to the affected areas 2-3 times a day. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-20 days, depending on the degree of development of thrush.

Before using this product, consult your doctor.

Treating thrush with douching at home

Thrush is a common fungal infection that most often affects women. This infection must be treated. Specialists, together with drug treatment, can prescribe douching for thrush. It is an effective method of treating a disease caused by pathogenic fungi. In gynecology, douching at home is used quite often.

Treatment of thrush in women by douching

Treatment of thrush at home by douching involves the introduction of solutions into the vagina for hygienic or medicinal purposes. It is also used to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intimacy.

The opinion of experts on this issue is contradictory. Some believe that complex therapeutic therapy for thrush without douching is impossible, but there are also doctors who are convinced that this procedure interferes with the full treatment of candidiasis, since washing washes out all beneficial bacteria from the vagina. In some cases, this treatment method is not suitable for everyone.

Contraindications to douching against thrush:

  • women who have already reached menopause (the vaginal mucosa has become dry);
  • during pregnancy, treatment in this way can transmit the infection from mother to fetus;
  • during menstruation there is a high probability of deep penetration of pathogenic microbes;
  • the first month after childbirth or abortion (during this period the female body is weakened and vulnerable);
  • You should not douche before going to the doctor - this may complicate the correct diagnosis.

Before starting douching treatment, it is better to visit a doctor and discuss the course of treatment that is suitable for the woman (taking into account certain symptoms of the disease). If a woman decides to do douching at home on her own, it is necessary to study the recommendations for the drug in detail. Instructions are included with all ready-made medicinal solutions.

In order to do douching at home, you need a minimum kit. At the pharmacy kiosk you need to purchase a special syringe - a rubber bulb, which is equipped with a plastic tip (an alternative to Esmarch's mug). You can also use ordinary 20 cc syringes without a needle for the procedure.

Rules for home douching for women

There are some rules that will help make the procedure effective:

  • the water should be warm (optimal temperature is about 36.6 degrees);
  • the solution from the syringe should not be released under strong pressure, as the mixture can penetrate the uterus and cause an inflammatory process;
  • Before the procedure, be sure to sterilize the entire set each time by boiling it for 5 minutes and then wiping it with alcohol;
  • You cannot do enemas with a syringe;
  • a syringe is a personal hygiene item, so it cannot be used by others;
  • the procedure takes approximately 15 minutes;
  • It is strictly prohibited to carry out treatment for more than 10 days without consulting a doctor.

Douching for thrush: technique

It is better to do douching in the bathtub, sitting in it and throwing your legs over the sides. You can also use the toilet. During the procedure, you need to insert the tip into the vagina to a depth of 5 cm. The solution should flow in and out easily, without penetrating deeply. This method should not cause discomfort or pain.

If a woman feels pain during insertion or directly during vaginal irrigation, then it is better to stop douching. It is recommended to avoid sudden movements - they can cause small wounds on the mucous walls of the vagina.

Recipes for home douching against thrush in women

As a rule, anti-inflammatory and astringent solutions are used for douching for candidiasis. At home, women who are tormented by thrush can use pharmaceutical solutions, as well as those prepared independently.

For self-preparation, it is better to use medicinal herbs: string, calendula and chamomile. Pharmaceutical drugs are also effective in fighting the disease. Among them are chlorhexidine, furatsilin, etc. Miramistin is also effective for thrush. Do not forget about the soda solution for washing, which is also used against candidiasis.

Let's look at the most effective douching recipes against thrush in women.

Douching with soda for thrush

Soda is an effective remedy that is recommended for use by gynecologists. You need to take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and dilute it in half a glass of boiled water. Treatment should be carried out no more than 2 times a day. This use of the solution will help, over time, create an environment in the vagina that will be unfavorable for fungi of the Candida family.

Douching with chamomile for thrush

Chamomile is recommended for use for thrush. It has antibacterial and bactericidal properties, which allows it to treat many diseases in the field of gynecology. You need to take 3 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers, pour boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Also, chamomile for thrush can be used in combination with oak bark in equal proportions. This solution of medicinal herbs has an anti-inflammatory effect and inhibits the proliferation of fungus. You can wash yourself with this solution, replacing water with a herbal mixture. You need to douche 2 times a day.

Chlorhexidine for douching

Chlorhexidine can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is quite affordable. Chlorhexidine is available in convenient packaging. It can be used without a special syringe. The container with the name “Chlorhexidine” has a special spout with which the solution can be inserted into the vagina. For the procedure, 200 milliliters of the drug Chlorhexidine will be sufficient. Douching should be done 2 times a day.

Furacilin for candidiasis

You can buy furatsilin at a pharmacy kiosk. The price for furatsilin is reasonable. You need to dilute 1 teaspoon of furatsilin solution, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 500 milliliters of boiled water. This mixture helps get rid of the primary symptoms of thrush. But still, furatsilin does not have an antifungal effect. It only reduces the severity of the signs of thrush. You need to do douching 2 times a day.

Douching with calendula

Douching with calendula is a popular and quite effective procedure. Calendula has a wide spectrum of action: bactericidal, regenerative and anti-inflammatory. These features help in the fight against pathogenic fungi. You need to pour 1 teaspoon of dried calendula flowers with 300 milliliters of boiling water, leave and cool. The decoction can be used to wash the genitals, and also as a drink.

Miramistin - douching for thrush

Miramistin is an antiseptic agent. It has destructive properties against fungal infections in women. Miramistin for thrush is used to relieve symptoms and cure candidiasis in women. You can also wash with the solution. For douching, 10 milliliters of miramistin are used. The vagina is irrigated with a solution to a shallow depth. The course of therapy is 5-10 procedures. Instructions for the drug must be included. Without carefully studying it, you should not start treatment.

Now it’s easy to figure out how to treat thrush with douching. In this case, it is advisable to use medicinal herbs and pharmaceutical preparations: furatsilin, chlorhexidine or miramistin. Their advantage is that the solutions can also be washed and used during hygiene procedures.

And some secrets...

Have you ever tried to get rid of thrush? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand what it is:

  • white cheesy discharge
  • severe burning and itching
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: does it suit you? Can thrush be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive story from our subscriber, in which she revealed the secret of her getting rid of thrush. Read the article...


What is Chlorhexidine

It is an effective antiseptic in the fight against many types of bacterial infections. The bactericidal effect of the substance extends to bacteria and fungi.

But treating viral diseases with Chlorhexidine does not make sense. Those who claim that douching with an antiseptic can cure vaginal herpes are unqualified people. An antiseptic is not able to destroy the herpes virus. It can only muffle some of the symptoms of the disease, while the viral cells continue to infect the body.

The drug Chlorhexidine is used in gynecology and obstetrics:

  • In the form of a 0.05% aqueous solution for treating the external genitalia and douching;
  • In the form of a 0.2% solution for treating the external genitalia;
  • In the form of vaginal suppositories.

What infections is Chlorhexidine effective for treating?

Douching with an antiseptic only helps if the pathogenic microflora is located externally. The effect of the procedure will be if the microbes are located on the mucous membranes of the vagina. But if microbial pathogens get inside healthy cells of the body (with chlamydia), an antiseptic will not help. It will only relieve inflammation, but will not cure the disease.

For what pathologies is Chlorhexidine for douching effective:

  • Candidiasis (thrush);
  • Vaginitis or colpitis (inflammation of the vagina);
  • Vulvovaginitis (inflammatory process of the labia and vagina);
  • Cervical erosion;
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

As a preventive procedure, douching with an antiseptic is used:

  • During unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • Before surgery;
  • If it is not possible to cleanse the genitals;
  • For sanitization of the genital tract before the birth process;
  • In the postpartum period (with sutures and ruptures).

To perform douching, you need to purchase a solution and a special syringe with a soft tip at the pharmacy. Some pharmacies sell ready-made solutions with individual caps for douching. Both the syringe and the cap must be boiled before first use. After the procedure, it is enough to rinse them with hot water.

The use of Chlorhexidine for thrush

Thrush (candidiasis) is an inflammatory disease of the vagina caused by fungi of the genus Candida. They cause a lot of inconvenience to a woman: itching, burning, discharge with an unpleasant sour odor. During childbirth, a child can become infected with a fungus and get candidal stomatitis and conjunctivitis. Therefore, treating thrush is an important process.

Douching with Chlorhexidine at home is not difficult. The amount of the drug introduced into the vagina in one procedure is individually prescribed by the gynecologist.

Douching for thrush should be carried out in compliance with the rules:

  • Douching is carried out in a horizontal position (on a bed, with a diaper on the bed or in the bathroom);
  • Chlorhexidine solution for douching is not heated, otherwise its antibacterial activity will decrease;
  • After douching, you should not urinate for an hour;
  • Do not keep the solution in the vagina for more than 1 minute (you may get a burn to the mucous membranes);
  • After douching with Chlorhexidine, you must use sanitary pads to absorb the remaining product.

Contraindications to the use of Chlorhexidine are:

  • Individual intolerance to an antiseptic;
  • Increased sensitivity of mucous membranes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Inflammation of the skin (dermatitis).

In addition to douching, doctors often advise washing with Chlorhexidine during the height of thrush. For washing, not a pure antiseptic is used, but one diluted in water. The solution for washing is prepared simply: 20 ml of a 0.05% antiseptic solution is dissolved in a glass of water. After washing, the genitals are dried with a napkin, and clean underwear is put on.

Important! You cannot store a ready-made, weakly concentrated solution of Chlorhexidine for washing. Its shelf life is 10 minutes. After this time, the antimicrobial activity of the product decreases.

You can wash yourself with Chlorhexidine 2-3 times a day. It is important to use a weakly concentrated solution so as not to dry out the mucous membranes.

Complications after douching

Independent use of an antiseptic, without prior consultation with a gynecologist, can provoke the development of complications:

  • Using concentrated Chlorhexidine for washing can provoke the development of dermatitis;
  • The use of the substance in large doses can cause side effects - dryness, itching, burning;
  • If you douche too often, you can provoke vaginal dysbiosis (bacterial vaginosis). Along with the pathogenic microflora, all useful microflora will be destroyed.

Important! If you use a concentrated 0.2% antiseptic solution at home, without the prior consent of a specialist, You can get a burn to mucous tissues. Procedures with a 0.2% solution can only be performed under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Chlorhexidine douching before surgery

Sanitation (treatment) of the vagina is a necessary manipulation before any gynecological intervention that requires penetration into the uterine cavity. Sanitation is carried out by douching, vaginal baths or suppositories.

Douching with Chlorhexidine is carried out before:

  • Placement of an intrauterine device;
  • Taking biological samples (scrapings, pieces of tissue) for research;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy and others.

High-quality vaginal sanitation is a guarantee of a woman’s health. It provides prevention of the infectious process. And the occurrence of infection is not uncommon, since the vast majority of women have pathogenic microflora in one quantity or another.

Douching with Chlorhexidine during the postpartum period

Is it possible to douche with Chlorhexidine after childbirth? This question is asked by many pregnant and postpartum women. Obstetricians and gynecologists say that it is not only possible, but also extremely important.

In the postpartum period, Chlorhexidine is used:

  • With inflammatory processes of the vagina;
  • After an episiotomy (incision of the vagina);
  • For birth wounds;
  • In case of suppuration of the sutures.

Douching is carried out by medical personnel or the mother herself. It is carried out in the morning or evening, after hygiene procedures. An alternative to Chlorhexidine (if it is not available or you are allergic) can be Miramistin or Citeal.

Algorithm for douching in the postpartum ward:

  • The postpartum woman performs a thorough toileting of the external genitalia. It is imperative to rinse off any remaining soap so that Chlorhexidine does not lose its antibacterial properties;
  • The midwife prepares a solution for douching (the quantity and concentration of the solution are prescribed by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist);
  • The woman lies down on the bed, an absorbent diaper and a bedpan are placed under her;
  • The midwife asks the woman in labor to bend her knees and spread them wide;
  • Using a syringe (disposable, sterile or pre-disinfected), the required amount of the substance is injected;
  • A minute later, the woman bends down and the antiseptic is poured into the vessel;
  • The postpartum woman puts on clean underwear with a sterile postpartum pad.

Important! You should not use an antiseptic as a treatment for inflammatory processes after childbirth for more than 5-7 days. Usually this period of time is enough to kill all pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal cavity.

If there are external stitches on the perineum, doctors recommend Chlorhexidine for washing. An antiseptic solution helps prevent inflammation and suppuration of postpartum sutures. A specialist will tell you how to properly wash with the solution.

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Description of Chlorhexidine: use in gynecology

Chlorhexidine is an inexpensive drug from a number of antiseptics with antimicrobial and disinfectant effects. Unlike many similar products, it does not slow down the reproduction and growth of bacteria, but destroys the cellular structure, which leads to their death.

Over many years of use of the product, microorganisms against which it is effective (protozoa, gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, fungi, some viruses, including herpetic virus type 2) have not developed resistance (resistance) to its effects. Therefore, to this day the drug is used in various fields: from disinfection of hands and household surfaces to the treatment of professional medical instruments.

The use of Chlorhexidine in gynecology is reduced to disinfection of the woman’s genital tract. Can be used in the form of suppositories, gel, alcohol and aqueous solutions for treating the external genitalia and douching.

The active (active) component of the aqueous solution is chlorhexidine bigluconate, and the auxiliary component is purified water.

Indications for use: colpitis, thrush, unprotected sexual intercourse and others

The range of uses of Chlorhexidine in gynecology is quite wide: from banal disinfection to use in complex therapy of sexually transmitted diseases.

An aqueous 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine is suitable for douching.

In what cases is douching with Chlorhexidine indicated:

  • processes in the vagina of an inflammatory nature (colpitis, vulvovaginitis, thrush);
  • cervical erosion;
  • diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact;
  • treatment of the genital tract before gynecological examination, surgical and intrauterine interventions;
  • treatment (sanitation) of the genital tract a few days before childbirth;
  • treatment of postpartum injuries and wounds;
  • treatment of the genital tract during casual sexual relationships or unprotected contact;
  • treatment of the genitals if it is impossible to properly carry out hygiene procedures.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Like any medicine, Chlorhexidine has contraindications and can cause a number of side effects in the form of itching and allergic reactions, which immediately disappear when it is discontinued. Due to its properties and safety, it has only two contraindications:

  • high sensitivity to the components contained in the drug;
  • dermatitis.

drug interaction

Chlorhexidine is a universal remedy. It can be used without fear with other medications. But the drug is not compatible with sodium lauryl sulfate, which is found in all shower gels, intimate hygiene products, and soaps. Therefore, when using this antiseptic in any form, it is advisable to perform intimate hygiene with plain water. Otherwise, unpleasant sensations may occur in the form of burning and itching in the genital area.

Terms of Use

In gynecology, an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine is used for douching. Pharmacy chains sell a 20% concentrate for preparing the product or a 0.05% solution.

It is still more advisable to take a ready-made product, since it precisely takes into account the proportional ratio of special purified water and the active substance (it will be difficult to do this at home).

It is very good if the pharmacist can offer you Chlorhexidine with a special vaginal attachment for douching (of course, in this form the drug will cost more than a regular bottle). If there are none available, you can purchase an additional syringe and use it, which is also very convenient.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Use a product at room temperature, since special heating of the solution will negatively affect its antibacterial properties.
  2. A douche or a special vaginal attachment is treated (sterilized by boiling) before the procedure.
  3. The procedure is carried out in a lying position with knees bent and legs apart.
  4. Draw up the required amount of solution (15–20 ml will be enough for douching).
  5. The tip is lubricated with Vaseline or lubricant (for easy insertion of the tip into the vagina).
  6. The drug is injected from a syringe into the vagina. The solution should be administered by slowly pressing the syringe bulb, without creating pressure.
  7. The muscles immediately push the fluid out.
  8. After the procedure, intimate hygiene is carried out with plain water, then the genitals are dried with a towel.

Douching is carried out no more than once a day for seven days due to the possibility of disruption of the vaginal microflora (under the influence of Chlorhexidine, not only pathogenic, but also healthy flora is killed).

The procedure is carried out both in medical institutions and at home. You can douche while lying on the bed, having previously laid an oilcloth underneath so as not to stain anything. But many people prefer to do this in the bathroom for convenience and peace of mind (lying in the bathtub with their feet on its sides, or standing over the toilet, slightly bending their knees and bending forward).

It is possible to use the product even during pregnancy, since it is not absorbed into the blood and has no effect on the child or the general condition of the expectant mother. Therefore, Chlorhexidine is considered a safe drug.

But even such drugs should be treated with caution and used only after the consent of the attending physician. It must be remembered that as a result of a decrease in general immunity, pregnant women often develop vaginal dysbiosis in the form of thrush and gardnerellosis. And since the drug affects not only pathogenic, but also healthy microflora, its use can aggravate the situation, which is extremely undesirable.

During lactation, a woman’s immunity returns to normal, and there are no contraindications for douching with Chlorhexidine, with the exception of general ones.

What you need to know about douching - video

What can replace Chlorhexidine?

There are different situations - you urgently need Chlorhexidine, but the nearest pharmacies do not have it. The question naturally arises: “Is it possible to replace it with something?” Of course you can. The pharmacological industry does not stand still; many antiseptics have been created with the same active ingredient and with a similar effect.

A remedy such as Chlorhexidine is often used in gynecology for douching. It belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. It is also used in otolaryngology, dentistry, urology, dermatology, venereology, and surgery. The drug is available in several dosage forms: vaginal suppositories, gels for local and external use, solution for external use of 0.05%, 0.2%, 1% and 5% concentration. In gynecology, a 0.05% solution of Chlorhexidine is most often used for douching.

For what gynecological diseases can Chlorhexidine be used?

Before telling you how to douche with Chlorhexidine correctly, it is necessary to identify the diseases for which it is used. These include:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • syphilis;
  • candidomycosis.

How to douche with Chlorhexidine at home?

Before carrying out any douching, it is necessary to toilet the external genitalia, without using hygiene products (using ordinary warm water).

The procedure is performed while lying on your back, with your legs slightly bent at the knees to improve access to the genitals.

When carrying out such a procedure, a 0.05% solution of the drug is used. At the same time, many women are interested in how to dilute Chlorhexidine for douching. No such manipulations are required. For the procedure, use a ready-made 0.05% solution purchased at a pharmacy.

In what cases is the use of the drug unacceptable?

Quite often, women ask doctors whether it is always possible to douche with Chlorhexidine. As with other medications, it has its own contraindications. First of all, it is:

Douching with Chlorhexidine during pregnancy can only be carried out after consultation with a gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the presence of soap can inactivate Chlorhexidine bigluconate, therefore, before using the drug, any remaining soap must be thoroughly rinsed off.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, Chlorhexidine is used not only for douching for thrush, but also for the prevention of various diseases.

Update: October 2018

Chlorhexidine is a popular drug, a local antiseptic, which is successfully used as a universal disinfectant and antimicrobial agent, and is especially popular in the post-Soviet countries.

The chemical compound chlorhexidine was discovered in Great Britain in 1950, and already in 1954 the first skin antiseptic based on this substance appeared. Subsequently, the substance began to be added to urological lubricants, to impregnate catheters, implants, and uniforms of medical personnel with it. Included in a number of mouth rinses and toothpastes. Widely used in veterinary medicine.

It is noteworthy that during the period of commercial use and numerous studies of chlorhexidine, the possibility of the formation of chlorhexidine-resistant microorganisms has not been confirmed. However, the use of Chlorhexidine has the potential to cause bacterial resistance to antibiotics. The drug belongs to the group of budget drugs and remains accessible to the general population.

Pharmgroup: antiseptic for local use.

Composition, physical and chemical properties, price

The drug is present on the pharmaceutical market in several dosage forms, each of which is characterized by its own scope of application. In addition to the drugs described below, registered in Russia, there are creams, gels, and ointments with a similar active ingredient.

Solution 0.05%

(aqueous solution of chlorhexidine)



(commercial name - hexicon)

Main substance:

0.5 mg chlorhexidine bigluconate in 1 ml solution

25 mg chlorhexidine solution 20% in 1 bottle 16 mg chlorhexidine bigluconate in 1 supp.


Purified water to the required volume

Ethyl alcohol 95% - 718.5 ml; purified water, until the solution volume is 1 liter Polyethylene oxide 400, polyethylene oxide 1500

Physicochemical characteristics:

Liquid, clear solution

Colorless, transparent, sometimes slightly opalescent liquid with an alcoholic odor Vaginal suppositories are white or yellowish in color, torpedo-shaped, the surface is slightly marbled.

Packaging, price:

Available in various types of packaging (plastic, glass bottles), with or without dispensers.

Price: 0.05% solution 100 ml: 10-15 rub.

70 and 100 ml in bottles/vials with a nozzle or a cap with a spray.

Price 100 ml: 98 rub.

1 or 5 supp. In blister outline packaging. 1, 2 packages per pack.

Price: No. 10 – 270-280 rub.

pharmachologic effect

The instructions for use of chlorhexidine indicate that the drug has a local antiseptic effect, mostly bactericidal. Changes the properties and composition of cell membranes of microorganisms. Cations formed during the dissociation of salts of the active substance begin to react with the membrane of bacterial cells, which has a negative charge. The lipophilic groups of the antiseptic promote the disaggregation of the membrane of microorganisms, which has a lipoprotein structure, and lead to disruption of osmotic balance, loss of phosphorus and potassium from the bacterial cell. Destruction of the cytoplasmic membrane ultimately leads to the death of bacteria.

Chlorhexidine digluconate solution is effective against a wide range of microorganisms: Trichomonas vaginalis, Bacteroides fragilis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Gardnerella vaginalis, Chlamidia spp., Treponema pallidum, Ureaplasma spp. Has a moderate effect on individual strains of Pseudomonas spp. and Proteus spp. Viruses (except herpes virus) and fungal spores are resistant to the drug.

It has a long-lasting antibacterial effect and can be used for antiseptic treatment of the surgical field and the surgeon’s hands, since after treatment the active substance remains on the skin for some time. Retains antimicrobial activity in a purulent environment, blood, but the effectiveness is somewhat reduced.


Local application does not have a systemic effect - the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream.



Application in gynecology:

  • Trichomonas colpitis;
  • itching of the vulva;
  • cervical erosion;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.

In dentistry and ENT practice:

  • gingivitis;
  • aphthae;
  • stomatitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • disinfection of dentures (partially removable, removable);
  • angina;
  • postoperative hygiene in dental and ENT departments.

As a local antiseptic for:

  • treatment of wounds, including burn surfaces;
  • disinfection of the skin, including the surgical field;
  • hand treatment for medical staff and surgeons;

Also used for disinfection of work surfaces, equipment, instruments, thermometers that do not allow heat treatment.


  • Hygienic treatment of the hands of surgeons and other medical personnel in institutions of various profiles;
  • Treatment of the skin area of ​​the injection site, surgical fields, elbow bends (skin) of donors;
  • Disinfection of small-area surfaces of medical products (for example, ENT, dental instruments) for infections of various etiologies (bacterial, fungal, viral) in health care facilities;
  • Hygienic treatment of hand skin for catering workers, food industry, and public utilities.


  • Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes;
  • Prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications in gynecology and obstetrics (before childbirth, termination of pregnancy, surgical treatment, before and after installation of an intrauterine device, before and after diathermocoagulation (cauterization) of the cervix, before performing an intrauterine examination;
  • Treatment of bacterial vaginosis;
  • Therapy of colpitis (including mixed, trichomonas, nonspecific).


  • Hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components.
  • Dermatitis, allergic reactions at the site of application.

Pregnancy, lactation

Not contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy.

special instructions

Prescribed with caution for the treatment of children. In case of accidental ingestion of any form of chlorhexidine, immediately lavage the stomach with a sufficient amount of water, and then take the adsorbent.

The spray should not be applied to mucous membranes and wounds. The solution and spray are not allowed to come into contact with the auditory nerve and meninges. In case of accidental contact with these areas, rinse the drug thoroughly under running water. If the spray gets into your eyes, also rinse with water and drop in albucid.

The drug is incompatible with alkalis, soap and other anionic compounds (gum arabic, colloids, carboxymethylcellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, saponins). Not used simultaneously with other antiseptics.

Do not forget that chlorhexidine is a drug, not a hygiene product, so it cannot be used for everyday rinsing of the mouth and teeth, as well as douching. There are strict indications for which such a procedure is advisable and necessary, and they should be adhered to. If you use chlorhexidine uncontrollably, this is fraught with an imbalance of microflora, the development of dysbacteriosis and allergic reactions.



  • Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Used no later than 2 hours after condom breakage or unprotected sexual intercourse. For men, about 2-3 ml of the product is injected into the urethra, for women - 2-3 ml into the urethra and 5-10 ml - additionally into the vagina (chlorhexidine in the form of douching). The skin around the genitals must also be treated. Urination can be performed no earlier than 2 hours after administration of the drug.
  • In gynecology. Used as a douche for appropriate indications. Carry out in a horizontal position, squeezing a few drops of the drug from the bottle into the vagina. After the procedure you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes.
  • For inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract in men and women. 2-3 ml of solution is injected into the urethra once or twice a day for 10 days in a row.
  • To treat skin lesions, wounds, burns, the solution is used in the form of an application, which is left for 1-3 minutes.
  • For gargling with sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Recommendations for use for rinsing: rinse the mouth with warm water before the procedure. Then take 10-15 ml of solution and thoroughly gargle with it for about 30 seconds. You should not eat or drink for 60 minutes after the procedure. There is no need to dilute chlorhexidine - a 0.05% solution is suitable for the procedure.
  • In dentistry. For rinsing teeth, for washing the periodontal canal, fistulas, abscess. It is also used for treating gums after flap periodontal surgery.


  • For hygienic treatment of medical staff’s hands, ~5 ml of spray is distributed onto the hands and rubbed in for 2 minutes.
  • To treat the surgeon's hands, first thoroughly wash your hands with warm running water and soap for at least 2 minutes, dry them with a sterile gauze cloth. Already on dry skin, apply the product with a volume of 5 ml at least 2 times, rub in for 3 minutes.
  • To treat the elbow folds (skin areas) or the surgical field, the skin is wiped twice, sequentially, using sterile gauze swabs generously moistened with the drug. After finishing treatment you should wait 2 minutes. Before the operation, the patient takes a shower and changes his underwear. During treatment of the surgical field, the skin is wiped in one direction with a sterile swab irrigated with a spray. After finishing the treatment you need to wait 1 minute.
  • To disinfect small surfaces (tables, chair armrests, equipment), wipe them with a sterile rag soaked in the product. Consumption rate - 100 ml per 1 m2.
  • Disinfection of instruments. Before processing, remove visible dirt from the instrument by wiping with napkins and rinsing under running water using a brush in compliance with the anti-epidemic regime. Then they are immersed in a container with a solution so that the cavities and channels are completely filled, with exposure depending on the specifics of the treatment. The disinfection solution is good for 3 days when stored under a lid.


  • To prevent STIs - 1 suppository once in the vagina. A prerequisite is that no more than 2 hours must pass after sexual intercourse.
  • For the treatment of vaginosis, colpitis - 1 suppository twice a day, 7-10 days in a row.

Women's health is extremely important not only within one family, but also within the clan as a whole. There is no need to even explain why. It is the beautiful half of humanity that gives life, and the health of the expectant mother will largely determine how the baby will be born.

The vaginal microflora is very vulnerable; many bacteria thrive in such an environment, so women should be regularly examined by a gynecologist and undergo the necessary tests. If the result is positive, the specialist will identify the pathogen and prescribe the necessary treatment. Antiseptic and antibacterial suppositories and solutions are often prescribed. Today we want to tell you about one of them, called “Chlorhexidine”.

Short description

This drug cannot be called new. Our grandmothers knew how to douche with Chlorhexidine, because they discovered it more than 70 years ago. Since then, it has been invariably used in everyday life as an effective antiseptic. This drug is considered universal. In addition, it has a long-lasting effect, meaning it can retain its activity some time after application to the skin.


When discussing the question of how to douche with Chlorhexidine, I would like to first of all focus on its physical and chemical properties. This is an antiseptic widely known in medicine, which is also used to impregnate wet wipes, which are very convenient to use on the road when soap and a washbasin are not available.

What is noteworthy is that the drug is active against most known bacteria, fungi and yeast, as well as some viruses. Moreover, the solution is quite inexpensive, especially compared to imported drugs. Systemic absorption during intravaginal use is so insignificant that it can be completely ignored.

Indications for use

Do not forget that, like any other drug, Chlorhexidine is prescribed individually, based on the characteristics of the patient. Among the most popular indications are the following:

  • wound treatment and skin disinfection;
  • cleaning hands and equipment in the daily work of doctors;
  • disinfection of work surfaces;
  • gargling for sore throat, gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • prevention of infections;
  • treatment of various types of infectious and inflammatory complications.

You are protected

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, sexually transmitted diseases have not yet been defeated. Most of them have learned to be treated, but it is still much better to prevent their occurrence. In case you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a suspicious partner, it would be good to know how to douche with Chlorhexidine. This is an emergency measure, but it can seriously help out.

Even if a condom was used, it would be a good idea to be careful. Douche, treat the outside of the genitals and inject a little solution into the urethra. By the way, a man can also think about his safety and wash the genital organ, as well as inject a few milliliters of solution into the urethra. This simple measure will help protect against syphilis and gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas.

How to douche with Chlorhexidine

Now we are talking about an emergency measure to reduce the risk of contracting various diseases. Moreover, the solution is more effective than vaginal suppositories. It rarely causes an allergic reaction, which is a big plus.

We are interested in the technique itself, how to douche with Chlorhexidine so that the effectiveness is maximum. First of all, you need to remember some rules:

  • It is recommended to perform the treatment no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse. Ideally - immediately after it.
  • Do not use soap or other detergents.
  • Before treatment, you must urinate, since after the procedure you will need to maintain a certain interval, about 2 hours.
  • How to properly douche with Chlorhexidine at home is intuitively clear to every woman. Moreover, the solution is available in a special bottle with tips. That is, it is not even necessary to have a syringe at home.
  • The optimal position is on your back, with your legs raised. To do this, you can sit comfortably in the bathroom or put something on the sofa.
  • The tip of the syringe is inserted into the vagina a few centimeters, after which you need to inject 5-10 milliliters and lie down for 10-15 minutes so that the solution does not flow out too quickly.

It is important to remember that this is an emergency measure. It does not guarantee 100% protection against all diseases and cannot prevent pregnancy. In addition, regular use of this method is not recommended, as it can lead to a chemical burn to the mucous membrane.

Douching for thrush

This disease is the most common among the fair sex. Exhausting diets, stress, various and mechanical damage - all this leads to the fact that the fungus again “blooms” in a riotous color. The main symptoms will be itching and burning, as well as white discharge.

Is it possible to douche with Chlorhexidine for thrush? Undoubtedly, but only if such a decision was made by the attending physician, based on the tests performed.

However, this measure is not the main treatment. This is an additional measure that will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. If you are engaged in independent treatment, without a doctor’s prescription, then be sure to remember that the effect should occur fairly quickly, most often on the first day. If the use of Chlorhexidine does not bring relief, then there is no point in continuing therapy, since addiction develops.

Let's move on to practice

As you can see, the question of whether it is possible to douche with Chlorhexidine is decided individually. This drug is water-based. It effectively copes with mushrooms. It should be noted that by using a solution of this antiseptic, vaginal candidiasis, which occurs as a result of inflammation of the bladder, can be very effectively cured. Do not forget to check with your doctor about how to douche with Chlorhexidine correctly, because the scheme may differ in each specific case.

Preparing the working solution

In fact, there is no ready answer here either. In some cases, treatment uses a solution to irrigate the internal cavity of the vagina. The same product is used for external washing of the genital organs, as well as rinsing the mouth for stomatitis.

However, doctors have different opinions about how to douche with Chlorhexidine in gynecology. Many argue that additional dilution of the drug with water is not recommended. It comes to the pharmacy in the form of a 20% solution in a volume of 500 ml. However, everything is individual, so before starting treatment, be sure to discuss the acceptable concentration with your doctor. If the dose is too high, then in addition to thrush, you can develop bacterial vaginosis.

gentle mode

For thrush, you can irrigate the vagina and external genitalia with a low concentration solution. To do this, immediately before the procedure, you need to dilute the 0.5% solution with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. The result is a solution of 0.05%, which is as gentle as possible for the mucous membrane.

Before the procedure, the bottle needs to be slightly warmed and then poured into a syringe. Insert the spout deep into the vagina and slowly carry out the irrigation procedure. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to rinse your organs with water after a few minutes.

If you are in an interesting position

Thrush is a very common occurrence for expectant mothers. Therefore, quite often doctors are asked whether it is possible to douche with Chlorhexidine during pregnancy. There are two aspects worth noting here.

  • On the one hand, gynecologists are often against using the douching procedure itself during this difficult period. The fact is that at such a time the danger of air entering through the cervical canal increases. Although the probability is small, it cannot be ruled out.
  • On the other hand, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the drug itself. Any chemical that is theoretically delivered to the fetus carries some risk to it.

In addition, no one can completely exclude the possibility of developing an allergic reaction. Therefore, no self-medication, especially during pregnancy.

Instead of a conclusion

Chlorhexidine solution is widely used in medicine and everyday life. But despite its popularity, before using the douching solution, you should consult with your doctor. Today we told you about the features of the procedure itself, as well as its indications and contraindications. It is important to know that there are many analogues of this drug. They differ in cost, with Chlorhexidine being the most budget-friendly option. But if the doctor strongly recommends replacing it with another drug, then you should listen to him.

The drug Chlorhexidine is an inexpensive and effective agent with an antiseptic effect. Widely used at home and in hospital settings, suitable for treating the skin and mucous tissues of the body.

The use of chlorhexidine in gynecology

In gynecology, one of the indications for the use of chlorhexidine is cervical erosion. Douching with a solution is prescribed in the presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, with vaginosis. The procedure is carried out before the main treatment of erosion, which is carried out using local drugs or hardware methods (laser therapy, cauterization, etc.). And also after surgical procedures.

The use of chlorhexidine is due to its wide spectrum of action. It effectively affects the pathogens of gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, syphilis, ureaplasmosis, and candidiasis.

Composition and form of release

The active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which has antimicrobial properties. It interacts with phosphate groups of the cell membrane of pathogens, causing disturbances in its properties. As a result, the bacterial cell is destroyed. Chlorhexidine does not affect healthy cells.

Available in the following forms:

  • solution, different concentrations (from 0.05% to 20%).
  • vaginal suppositories (Hexicon),
  • vaginal gel.


  • presence of allergic diseases,
  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug, allergic reactions to chlorhexidine,
  • skin diseases,
  • viral diseases
  • age up to 18 years.

Possible adverse reactions in the form of redness, itching and burning, dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora (with long-term use). If they appear, you should stop using the drug and consult a doctor.

During treatment with drugs containing chlorhexidine digluconate, you should avoid using soap for intimate hygiene.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is safe for pregnant women. It is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and has only a local effect. Prescribed by a doctor for the prevention of infectious diseases during cervical erosion in pregnant women. However, when douching, care should be taken not to harm the fetus.

Instructions for use

The solution, which is sold in pharmacies, is ready for use; it does not need to be diluted with water. It is more convenient to carry out treatment at home using a syringe.

  1. Prepare the syringe and disinfect it.
  2. The solution must be at room temperature; it must not be heated.
  3. Douching is carried out lying down, with knees bent.
  4. The required volume of solution for the procedure, prescribed by the doctor, is injected into the vagina using the tip of a syringe.



Vagotil. The solution (contains polycresulene) is used for cervical erosion, inflammatory diseases of the vagina, and for surgical interventions. Has an antimicrobial effect. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and allergic reactions to a component of the drug.

Miramistin. Contains benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate, available in the form of a solution and spray. Widely used in various fields, including in gynecology, as an antimicrobial agent. Contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the active component.

Preparations containing chlorhexidine bigluconate:

— Hexicon candles,

— Amident solution,

— Citeal solution.

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