Antiviral drugs for children - an overview of the best medicines with instructions, composition, indications and price. Antiviral drugs for children under one year old What antiviral to give a child 1 year old

At least once a year, or even more often, children - young and old - get sick with viral infections. The most common of them (about 99% of all cases of viral infections in children) are ARVI and, in particular, influenza. Therefore, parents are obliged to understand when there is a need to use antiviral drugs to treat children, and when their use does not make any sense.

What role antiviral drugs play in the treatment of a particular childhood viral infection depends, first of all, on the disease itself, and secondly, on the strength of the baby's immune system.

How does the body become infected with a viral infection: a lecture on the topic

Viruses are so designed that they are not able to reproduce themselves. In order to multiply, viruses need to penetrate into a certain type of cells (in our case, into one of the types of cells of the child's body), integrate into its genetic structure and literally “force” this cell, like a candle factory, to “stamp” similar ones. And in order to really suppress the reproduction and activity of this harmful virus, it is necessary to "target" the cell producing it.

These are the most common childhood illnesses, and the most common viral diseases among people of all ages. Therefore, it will mostly focus on the use of antiviral agents in the treatment of ARVI.

Most of the viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections are embedded not just anywhere, but in the cells of the mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract. That is why the symptoms of ARVI, especially in children, are very characteristic of all sorts of and.

Killer viruses

However, there are other viruses (fortunately, they attack our children tens and hundreds of times less often than SARS). For example: the herpes virus, which causes many diseases, one of which is well known to everyone as chickenpox. There are also viruses that cause extremely serious and deadly diseases - hepatitis and AIDS, viral meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis, measles, rubella, polio, rabies and many others.

Fortunately, for most of these diseases, humanity has long come up with and massively introduced effective vaccines. All these (as well as others) viruses differ in that they use certain human cells for "living" and reproduction, structurally changing them: the hepatitis virus infects the liver cells, the meningitis virus "attacks" the cells of the brain tissue, etc.

Thus, it turns out that in order to neutralize this or that virus (to stop its reproduction and activity), it is necessary to influence the cells into which it has penetrated. This circumstance greatly narrows the possibilities of antiviral therapy, because sometimes, in the case of very serious and serious diseases (for example, AIDS), the virus can be “killed” only by simultaneously killing the cells in which it has spread. Often this condition is incompatible with the patient's life.

Antiviral drugs for children: one thing in a test tube, another in life

So, the following situation is developing: theoretically, in laboratory conditions, in a scientist's test tube, an antiviral drug can easily kill a virus. But in the human body - almost never. Because, as we have already mentioned, the virus, in order to live and reproduce, is embedded in a living human cell. And accordingly, in order to kill such a virus, it is necessary to kill the cell itself! In real life, in practice, the main task and purpose of antiviral agents is not to "kill" the virus, but to stop its reproduction and protect healthy cells from infection.

This is where the action of antiviral agents, as a rule, ends. And the main role in the fight against the virus is taken by the child's immune system. It is she who is responsible for destroying the virus without damaging the cells and tissues of the body. This system does not successfully cope with all viral diseases (otherwise, such severe disasters as encephalitis or AIDS simply would not exist). However, in the overwhelming majority of cases of children's acute respiratory viral infections, this is exactly what happens - all the work to destroy the virus and recover falls on the immune system.

If a child has serious problems with the immune system, the effect of all antiviral drugs is practically zero. And vice versa - if the baby has strong, sufficient immunity, then often the use of antiviral drugs (for example, at) is not necessary from a medical point of view.

Let us consider in a little more detail the most common antiviral drugs, which are bought up in huge quantities by parents and are absorbed by children with the most banal ARVI.

Antiviral drugs for children based on interferon

Action Based Antiviral Drugs interferon (a common name for a number of proteins that help block viral replication) are known to every parent. Some of these drugs are based on leukocyte interferon (it is made from human blood), and there are also drugs that are completely or semi-synthetic. It is believed that these funds work (or try to work) on the same principle as our natural proteins, interferons.

Without in any way affecting the viruses themselves, our natural interferons force non-infected cells to temporarily change their structure so that the virus cannot "capture" them. In addition, interferons stimulate the immune system, raising it "into the gun" to fight the disease. We can say that interferons are the very leaders under whose leadership the "army" of immune cells ultimately defeats the disease.

Precisely because our own interferons themselves never come into direct contact with viruses, they never become resistant to viruses. This means that even with repeated infection with the same virus, interferons will always, throughout life, successfully do their job, as if for the first time. The same cannot be said about all other antiviral drugs, to which, with frequent use, a child develops stable resistance to viruses.

Interferon preparations exist in different forms (drops, rectal suppositories, tablets and pills, formulations for injections and droppers). But not all of them are medically proven to be effective.

The most powerful antiviral drugs of the interferon group are injected not into the stomach or rectally, but exist only in the form of injections. These drugs are administered intramuscularly and intravenously and are used only for very serious, sometimes deadly, viral infections - for example, for HIV infection, for hepatitis B, C and D, as well as for severe tumors, etc. These interferon preparations are extremely poorly tolerated by the human body and are used only when the patient's life is at stake, and not just his poor health. In an ordinary ordinary pharmacy, you most likely will not even buy such products.

The most potent and effective interferon-based antiviral drugs are in injectable form. And they are used only in case of illness with severe viral infections, to which ARVI have nothing to do.

Naturally, such drugs are never used for common ARVI in children and adults. Well, those interferon preparations that we are usually used to giving to children at the first sign of a "cold" - drip into the nose, give a pill or light a candle - alas, refer to drugs with unproven effectiveness and are not used at all in most countries.

In our country, such antiviral drugs are sold in a huge amount and variety. But remember - all these drugs "for colds and flu" are officially referred to as drugs with unproven effectiveness. This means that they perform well in laboratory conditions, but so far there is not a single study that would prove their unconditionally successful effect on viruses inside the human cell.

Whether or not to give such drugs to their children is a parental discretion and will. However, it will not be superfluous for parents to know that with any ARVI, from the very first day of infection, interferons actively begin to be produced by the child's body and independently.

Already on the third day of illness, natural interferons reach their quantitative peak. Therefore, when your child, who "caught" ARVI, becomes noticeably better after 3-4 days (which most often happens with typical "colds"), not a single doctor in the world can reliably determine whether interferons from a bottle with nasal drops, or his own interferons, in other words, the child's own immunity, had their usual effect.

Antiviral drug Oxolin: "warrior" from a test tube

An extremely popular in the territory of the post-Soviet space antiviral drug for children's acute respiratory viral infections - the so-called "Oxolinic ointment" (with the main active ingredient - naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron) - although it has been known for almost half a century, it also still refers to drugs with unproven efficacy.

Only one thing is known for certain: the substance naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron perfectly kills viruses in a Petri dish. Just like hundreds of other substances with the highest antiviral properties. But laboratory conditions are one thing, and the cells of the human body, the most complex chemical-physical system, are quite another.

To date, there is not a single medical study proving the effectiveness of the antiviral effect of naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron (that is, "Oxolinic ointment") in a living human cell. Although a lot of comparative tests and studies have been carried out over the years!

Antiviral resistance is the enemy of prevention

Children develop resistance to most antiviral drugs much faster than antibiotic resistance. Let us recall that only the body's own interferons, which begin to be produced as part of the immune defense in every collision of the body with viruses, “do not fall under resistance”. By the way, it is precisely with the rapidly emerging resistance of viruses to drugs that the real difficulty in treating such terrible diseases as AIDS is associated - viruses adapt too quickly to the action of the drug, which requires a constant search and selection of analogue drugs.

In this regard, there is a simple rule: antiviral drugs should not be used as prevention of viral diseases (although sometimes drug manufacturers in their commercials interpret the opposite to us). And these are not just words supported by logic, but a specific recommendation from WHO.

The more often we use this or that antiviral agent as a method of prevention "against colds in general" - the less we leave him chances for it to help us defeat the disease when it really strikes.

"Targeted" prevention against viruses: yes rather than no

Another thing is "targeted" prevention. Here's a specific example: you know for sure that 10 out of 12 of your work colleagues with whom you share the same office space got sick with the flu, and you probably, against your will, "picked up" this virus from them like a baton. And at home you have four children and a pregnant wife ... Then yes - in this case, you can use it yourself and give your household an antiviral drug aimed specifically at fighting the influenza virus.

If you do not know exactly what kind of flu your colleagues are suffering from, choose an anti-influenza agent with the greatest spectrum of action for prevention (that is, a medicine that would act on both influenza A and influenza B viruses).

Active substance oseltamivir is an example of a similar medicine. But, for example, another popular and effective remedy for influenza - rimantadine - affects only influenza A viruses (Note - we indicate only the international names of drugs, in pharmacies you can find them, in most cases, under commercial names that may not coincide with international ones. In this case, carefully read the labels and look for the inscription "main active ingredient").

Even despite the fact that "targeted" antiviral drugs (specifically against the flu, or specifically against the herpes virus, etc.) can do a good job and save your loved ones, including your child, from the disease, in most of civilized countries, the best ways to prevent viral diseases today are vaccination, and not taking antiviral drugs.

In any case, will you give your child antiviral drugs as a prophylaxis justifiably (when everyone around is already sick, and only by some miracle he has not yet become infected) or simply from the principle "out of harm's way", with each use of the resistance of viruses to this drug and in this organism will increase. And accordingly, their effectiveness will decrease.

So, antiviral drugs for ARVI in children: to give or not to give?

When do we most often think about giving or not giving a child antiviral medication? When the baby gets sick. And he falls ill suddenly - yesterday he jumped and jumped, and today he fell ill with a fever, a runny nose and a cough. In 99% of cases, these symptoms are caused by nothing more than a manifestation of an acute respiratory viral infection (that is, ARVI). And in this case, the majority of modern pediatricians, guided by WHO recommendations, argue that no drugs need to be used.

Cool air, bed rest, and plenty of fluids help. it is possible with the help of special physiological saline solutions. And it will pass quite quickly if you establish the correct microclimate in the children's room.

If you do all these non-medicinal, but quite reasonable, adequate and seemingly simple actions correctly, you will allow the child's body to comfortably and without consequences "wait" for that maximum level of interferons in the blood (their number reaches its peak on the third day of illness), which will help the child's immune system to defeat the disease on its own.

If on the 4th day of illness the child does not get better, it is necessary to do a clinical blood test and determine exactly what kind of infection "attacked" the child - it is still viral, or bacterial (or maybe fungal, but this is already an extreme rarity ). And depending on the result, the doctor will build a treatment regimen and prescribe the necessary funds.

As parents, you should understand that modern medicine today has a wide range of very effective antiviral agents and drugs, but they are used, as a rule, only for very serious, severe viral infections, to which ARVI, of course, does not apply. Fortunately for us, such diseases occur in children dozens, or even hundreds of times less often than commonplace "colds", flu, runny nose and cough. For the treatment of which, in turn, often no medicines are required at all.

Provide a lot of anxiety to both young and experienced mothers. All children are at risk for ARVI, but they are especially prone to colds and are hardest to bear kids up to 3 years old. If preschoolers and schoolchildren, according to statistics, get sick on average 3-6 times annually, then for children of the first years, the average incidence is already 4-12 times a year. Today, it is these numbers that are considered the norm among pediatricians, for whom ARVI and ARI are the most common diagnosis in their practice.


By choosing safe and effective antiviral drug for the baby, you can, of course, completely trust the pediatrician, or, having tried a dozen remedies, find your best option. But this is a risky path, and it may well negatively affect the well-being of the little patient. The optimal solution is to carefully read the instructions of the drugs, immediately putting aside those that are in doubt. Let's dwell on some important points that will help responsible parents to thoroughly understand the issue and make the right choice.

Caution - Allergy! Special requirements for drugs for children

Unfortunately, there are very few antiviral drugs that are ideal for children. Such drugs usually have increased requirements: In addition to being effective in the treatment of influenza and ARVI, the absence of side effects, safety of use in childhood, compatibility with other drugs, these drugs must have another important quality - have a minimum of additives and components that can provoke an allergic reaction , i.e. be hypoallergenic.

Allergies to new foods are common in young children. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life, the child's immunity is only being formed and by mistake it may not recognize an unknown substance. In this case, he perceives him as a "foreign agent" and begins to fight with him, spending a lot of effort and resources, so necessary to fight the virus. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction: nausea, itching and redness, runny nose, loose stools, etc.

We analyze the composition. Thickeners, leavening agents, emulsifiers ...

It is important to understand that the fewer auxiliary ingredients (not to be confused with) in the composition, the better for the child's body. The table below shows the most popular additives in children's antiviral drugs.

Among the pharmacies presented on the shelves preparations, the smallest composition of excipients is the powder Citovir-3... Fructose (a noble form of sugar) is added to it to give a sweetish taste. Also, in some of its types, there is a flavoring agent (orange, strawberry, cranberry). However, the neutral taste of Citovir-3 powder remains almost the only hypoallergenic antiviral agent developed specifically for atopic children. Another undoubted advantage of this drug is compatibility with all symptomatic agents. However, some other drugs can also boast of this (Anaferon, Anaflubin, Viferon and others).

We analyze the composition. Synthetic interferons - benefit or harm?

Allergy can be provoked not only by an auxiliary, but also by an active substance. For example, so loved in Russia interferon-containing drugs (Viferon, Grippferon, Kipferon - see yellow table) contain special artificial proteins, analogs of molecules that the body produces for protection - α, β, γ interferons.

This is a very powerful weapon in the fight against viruses. However, according to experts, introduced into the child's body synthetic interferons, are a strong allergen. And also, under certain conditions, they are capable of damaging not only foreign antigens, in particular viruses, but also healthy cells.

In general, it is better to leave such potent drugs as a last resort and not take without consulting a pediatrician. Also, when taking them for the first time, we recommend very carefully observe the condition of the baby in view of the possible and unpredictable reaction of the child's body.

We analyze the composition. Homeopathy or non-medications

Some more drugs ( see gray table), both registered as a medicinal product (Anaferon, Aflubin), and dietary supplements (Otsilokoclium), belong to the category of homeopathic. Worldwide homeopathy is recognized as ineffective and insufficiently scientifically grounded... Indeed, it is difficult to call a drug a drug that is almost 100% sugar and additives, with an active ingredient fraction of 1/10 15 or less.

Scientists explain some of the improvements that patients sometimes notice when using such "drugs" by self-hypnosis or, scientifically, the "placebo" effect. However, it is impossible to observe this effect in babies, due to the lack of opportunities to influence their own perception of reality. Therefore, we recommend not experimenting on your own children and not wasting money, but right away "Sweep" aside everything homeopathic remedies.

Age restrictions. It is impossible - it means it is impossible!

Some antiviral drugs presented in pharmacies are simply not suitable for young children - their it is forbidden to prescribe babies under the age of 2, 3 and even 4 years (see red table). Why? Most often for security reasons. Children's metabolism is accelerated, babies react much stronger and more sharply to medications. Perhaps the drugs have exceeded the dose of the active substance permissible for this age or their effect on the child's body has not been sufficiently studied.

Another possible reason is the unsuitable form of the drug for the child - tablets. In children, due to anatomy, a narrow larynx, and with ARVI, edema is added to this. It is difficult for children from 1 to 3 years old to swallow tablets, capsules and even thick syrups. When they are taken, gag reflex and coughing often occur. In addition, in tablets, for the sake of their shape and consistency, many additives, fixers, emulsifiers are used.

Antiviral drugs. Looking for the perfect candidate ...

There are only four drugs left on our list ( see green table). Two of them (Tamiflu, Orvirem) affect exclusively the influenza virus, Imunal, and the previously mentioned powder Citovir-3 is used for any ARVIsince stimulate the baby's immunity, helping the body to cope with various viruses on its own. Some information about each of the drugs.

Unfortunately, very popular once Remantadine(the first on our list is exclusively an influenza drug - Orvirem) for several years cannot cope with new mutated virus strains... Today, both experts and many parents question its effectiveness.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) fights the flu virus well. It has been proven that when it is used, the duration of the disease is reduced by half a day (from 7 to 6.3 days). However, because of the frequent and rather serious "side effects" (nausea, vomiting, headache, renal and psychiatric disorders), doctors recommend to be as careful as possible when prescribing it to young children.

Echinacea preparations (Immunal) widely used in North America and Europe for the prevention and treatment of colds. Three main components are also well studied and have long been used in medicine. powder Citovir-3 (sodium thymogen, bendazole and ascorbic acid). It is their combination in a certain dosage that provides an effective complex therapeutic effect of this drug for any ARVI.

Interestingly, in 2013, scientists conducted a comparative randomized study of the effectiveness and safety of drugs. Tsitovir-3and Immunalwith ARVI in children. It turned out that both drugs can effectively stop a viral infection within 2-3 days. At the same time, the results of dynamic monitoring of the infectious process indicate the advantage of Citovir-3 powder. The conclusions of the scientists are quite consistent with the opinion of the majority of practicing pediatricians, following the results of the professional award Russian Pharma Awards 2016 (open voting of doctors on the Doctor at Work portal).

Antiviral drugs. The choice of responsible parents!

Often, parents do not pay attention to another important aspect - the duration of the antiviral drug intake. But some of them cope with the disease in 3-4 days, while others need to be taken 7 or even 10-14 days. You should always strive minimize the drug load on the baby's body. Remember, the sooner the medicine puts the child on his feet, the less we will "stuff" him with both antiviral and symptomatic agents.

  • restriction on age and dosage,
  • possible allergenicity of the drug,
  • compatibility with other medicines,
  • recommended admission period,
  • the amount and composition of excipients.

Antiviral drugs for children from 3 years old

Inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs for children 3 years and younger

Antiviral drugs are classified as systemic and for topical use. Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes the most appropriate dosage form. As a rule, rectal suppositories, oral syrups and suspensions are used to treat the smallest. Older adults can be given tablets and capsules.

Antiviral pills for children

A tablet dosage form, like capsules, is the least convenient for treating children. A child aged 1-2 years is not able to swallow a pill whole, therefore, such drugs are prescribed to patients over 3-4 years old. In addition, not all of them can be taken by children: due to the potential toxicity for some drugs, there are age restrictions. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a viral infection only in accordance with the prescription of a pediatrician.


This drug and its numerous structural analogs are intended for the treatment of infections caused by herpes viruses (viruses type 1 and 2, the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox). The cost of a pack of 20 tablets can vary widely, depending on the manufacturer. Domestic options are the most budgetary - from 30 rubles.

PS Acyclovir tablets 200 mg 20 pcs.

The indications are herpes, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox in children over 2 years old and adults, but it can be used at an earlier age, reducing the standard dosage by half. Acyclovir tablets, in addition to the standard contraindication - hypersensitivity - should not be used by nursing women.

Anaferon Children's

The average cost of 20 tablets is just over 200 rubles, this particular option is intended for children and adolescents. Immunomodulator based on affinity purified antibodies to interferon gamma. The manufacturer (the Russian company Materia Medica) assures that the drug is active against most of the known viruses, therefore the list of indications is quite extensive:

  • and, treatment and prevention;
  • various inflammations of herpetic origin;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the intestine (Anaferon is one of the most commonly prescribed antiviral drugs for).

Photo of the packaging of tablets Anaferon for children 20 pcs.

The drug is recommended to be used as one of the means of complex therapy. Do not give children the first month of life. Other contraindications are lactase deficiency, individual intolerance. Allergy is the most likely side effect.


Tablets from the domestic pharmaceutical company Pharmstandard-Tomsk cost about 160 rubles. for 10 pieces and each contains 50 mg of the active ingredient umifenovir. The drug is an inducer of interferon, helps to activate the immune system and reduce the symptoms of intoxication. They are prescribed as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for influenza, ARVI. As part of a complex treatment, they can be used for rotavirus, herpes infections. Antiviral therapy is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, as well as in persons with hypersensitivity.

Arbidol for children 20 film-coated tablets


Combined encapsulated antiviral agent: bendazole + thymogen + ascorbic acid. It is an inducer of interferon, it is prescribed in this dosage form from 6 years old for ARVI, infection with influenza A and B viruses. 12 capsules (full course) cost about 120 rubles. In the list of contraindications, in addition to hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus, muscle hypertonia, thrombophlebitis, arterial hypertension.

Photo of packaging Tsitovir 3 in capsules for the prevention and treatment of ARVI


Antiviral suppositories for children

Due to the ease of use, this dosage form (in the absence of age restrictions) can be prescribed from birth. The active ingredients are absorbed into the bloodstream without irritating the digestive tract and not being destroyed in the acidic stomach environment.


The most famous and popular drug in the form of rectal suppositories, prescribed from the first days of life, including for the treatment of premature babies. Domestic drugs produced by FERON LLC are used in the form of suppositories 150,000 IU in children under 7 years of age. Higher dosages (300, 500 thousand, 1 and 3 million IU) are intended for adolescents and adults. The cost of a package of 10 pieces is about 270 rubles.

Viferon rectal suppositories 150,000 IU

In the list of indications of suppositories Viferon based on interferon alpha-2b appear:

  • flu, SARS, pneumonia;
  • infections of newborns;
  • sepsis;
  • cytomegalovirus infection;
  • human papilloma virus;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • enterovirus infection;
  • rotavirus infection;
  • chronic viral hepatitis;
  • herpetic infections of the mucous membranes and skin.

A contraindication is only individual intolerance, as a side effect, allergic reactions rarely develop.

Genferon Light

Suppositories of Russian production (pharmaceutical enterprise "Biocad"), the active ingredients of which are interferon alfa-2b at a dosage of 125 or 250 thousand IU and taurine. Children under seven years old are shown the first version of candles, which cost about 300 rubles. Indications for appointment - ARVI, influenza, urogenital infections. The regimen and duration of treatment: every 12 hours, 1 suppository rectally for 5 days in acute inflammatory processes, or 10 days in chronic ones. Antiviral suppositories Genferon for children are contraindicated only with intolerance to its components.

Suspensions and syrups

The most convenient dosage forms for the treatment of children, which do not cause difficulty in swallowing and usually have a pleasant taste. They can be sold ready-made or as reconstituted powders.


Analogue of the tablets described above in the form of drops for oral use. In such a dosage form, it can be used from the second month of life. The average cost per pack is from 280 rubles.

Anaferon oral drops


Antiviral syrup for children over a year old, the active ingredient of which is remantadine. The auxiliary ingredient sodium alginate provides a gradual release and prolonged action of the active ingredient. A drug is prescribed as a therapeutic agent for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections or as a prophylaxis for these infections. A 100 ml bottle with 0.2% syrup produced by Olifen Corporation (RF) costs about 300 rubles.


In addition to tablets, this combined product is available in the form of ready-made syrup and powders with different tastes, from which the solution is made. The use of children's antiviral drugs in such dosage forms is usually allowed already from a year. It is prescribed for the same indications as pills, contraindications and side effects are also similar. The average cost in pharmacies is from 300 rubles.

Citovir-3 in the form of syrup

Cold remedies

This symptom of respiratory infections is treated with both vasoconstrictor and special topical antiviral drugs. There are both ready-made dosage forms of drops and sprays), and those requiring preparation.


Leukocyte human interferon alpha is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies in the form of a lyophilisate, from which a solution is prepared, or a ready-made drug. It can be used from birth since (three years of age, inhalations are also shown), only individual intolerance serves as a contraindication. Ampoules with lyophilisate cost about 100 rubles per pack, which makes Interferon one of the most inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs for children.

Interferon in the form of drops


A popular drug from the pharmaceutical company CJSC FIRN M in the form of drops costs 270 rubles. It can be used in the first year of a child's life, there is also a spray for older children. The active ingredient of the drug is recombinant interferon, which stimulates immunity. Contraindication is intolerance to the components.


Another drug in the form of a lyophilisate, which must be diluted before use. However, its active ingredient is interferon gamma, which has direct antiviral activity. A bottle of the drug costs 170 rubles, it can be prescribed only from the age of seven.

Eye drops

Viral infections do not only affect the respiratory tract and intestines. Very often conjunctivitis and keratitis are the result of infection with adeno- or herpes viruses. In these cases, local antiviral therapy in combination with systemic therapy is indicated.


Combined eye drops that can be prescribed to children of any age with infections of herpes, adeno- and enterovirus origin. The active components of the drug are diphenhydramine and recombinant alpha interferon. The drug has no side effects, it costs about 320 rubles in pharmacies.

The appearance of the box of ophthalmoferon


These drops based on para-aminobenzoic acid have, in addition to antiviral, also a regenerating effect. The minimum cost of a bottle from a domestic manufacturer is 300 rubles. It is possible to use Aktipol for the treatment of children without age restrictions, but only for strict indications, since its action has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Ointments, gels, creams

These dosage forms are used both for treatment and for the prevention of viral diseases during periods of epidemic outbreaks.


One of the best children's antiviral drugs is also available in the dosage form of an ointment (40 thousand IU per gram) and a gel (36 000 IU). The ointment is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as herpetic lesions of the mucous membrane and skin. In the first case, it is used to lubricate the nasal passages, in the second, it is applied to the rash with a thin layer.

The gel is indicated for the treatment and prevention of laryngotracheitis, acute respiratory infections, flu. The drug several times a day, depending on the indications, lubricates the palatine tonsils or nasal mucosa. A contraindication for both dosage forms is intolerance to the components.

Oxolinic ointment

Over the decades of use, this drug has established itself as an effective and cheap antiviral agent for colds. The ointment is especially widely used for the prevention of influenza, since it has a pronounced virucidal effect against the causative agents of this disease. In addition to rhinitis, indications for the appointment of oxolinic ointment are lichen, molluscum contagiosum, ophthalmic infections. The cost of 1 tube of the drug is about 30 rubles.


Ointment 5% is an external agent for the treatment of herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The drug with an active substance content of 3% is used in ophthalmology, the indications for use in this case are keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis. The average cost is 30-40 rubles.

Preparations for children under one year old

The complexity of treatment lies in the fact that not all dosage forms can be given to infants (for example, pills). The best options are rectal children's antiviral suppositories, drops or syrups for oral administration, as well as topical ointments:

  • candles Viferon, Genferon Light;
  • Interferon;
  • Anaferon for children in drops or tablets, previously dissolved in water (from one month of age);
  • Grippferon, Oftalmoferon.

You can also use Viferon gel or oxolinic ointment for prophylaxis.

Antiviral from 1 to 3 years

As the child grows up, the list of approved drugs for the treatment and prevention of various viral infections also expands. The most effective antiviral drugs for children 2 years old:

  • with chickenpox and herpes;
  • Arbidol, Anaferon, Orvirem, Citovir.

In addition, the same medicines are used that are used to treat infants (suppositories, nasal and ophthalmic drops).

The best antiviral drugs for children from 3 years old

The list of effective drugs that can be prescribed to a child upon reaching the age of three, including in tablets or capsules:

  • Anaferon
  • Arbidol
  • Viferon
  • Genferon Light
  • Orvirem
  • Citovir-3 (syrup)
  • Interferon
  • Grippferon (including spray)
  • Ophthalmoferon
  • Oxolinic ointment

Some children's antiviral drugs, such as Cycloferon, have an age limit of 4 years. However, in the instructions, the manufacturer explains that this is due precisely to the swallowing reflex, and not potential danger.

Medicines for older children

From the age of seven, the ban on taking Remantadin tablets and (the latter - only in a dosage of 60 mg) is lifted. With a viral rhinitis, Ingaron nasal drops can be prescribed. In addition, even after adulthood, antiviral drugs are used that are allowed for children under 1 year of age: Genferon Light, Interferon, Grippferon and others.

Antiviral drugs for children from 1 year old can quickly and effectively alleviate the patient's condition, but at the same time strike the body. To prevent this from happening, the reception of such funds must be carried out according to certain rules. What are these rules, when and why antivirals are needed, as well as a list of the most popular and affordable drugs - in this article.

From birth to school years, the systems of the child's body are still being formed. Including immune. It gets stronger every year. But for some reason, one-year-old babies are more likely to get flu, SARS and other infectious diseases than newborn babies.

The explanation is simple: at the age of one year, parents begin to bring the little man “into the light” more often - they travel, go to visit, in the studio of early development. The walks are becoming longer, and the child is more and more actively learning about the world around him.

Therefore, unlike a newborn, whose life is limited by the walls of the apartment and short walks, it is easier for a one-year-old to pick up the virus.

After one year, the child becomes socially active, so the possibility of catching the virus increases

The first impulse of parents, looking at the suffering of the crumbs, is to take some effective antiviral drug for children and give it to the patient.

All of them are able to alleviate the course of the disease, quickly relieve symptoms, and speed up recovery. However - also to strike at the fragile defense system of the growing organism.

Therefore, in no case should you "prescribe" such drugs yourself, purchasing them in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. They can only be taken on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

Some virus-fighting drugs can be given to a child for prevention - during an epidemic or when a family member is sick. It is also better to do this with the permission of a doctor, preventive doses are at least two times less than therapeutic ones.


There are several types of antiviral drugs for children from 1 year old:

  • synthetic;
  • interferons;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vegetable;
  • homeopathic.

Their action is based on different principles, and the effect on the body is also different.

In addition, at this age, medicines should be in a convenient form: drops and sprays, ointments and gels, syrup, suppositories, soluble tablets, so that it is easier for the baby to use them.

Antiviral drugs for children 2 years of age and older can be in the form of tablets and granules for resorption. As for antiviral drugs for children from 6 years old, they can already be in tablet form and in almost adult dosages.

Often, rest, plenty of drink, vitamins and sparing local remedies are enough for the baby to recover.

If there is a need to take antivirals, then they should also be gentle and certainly for children, in a child's dosage. It is better if these are drops, syrup or candles.

It is difficult and inconvenient to give pills to such young children, besides, they have more side effects. The expediency of this or that remedy will be determined by the doctor who needs to be called home at the first signs of the disease.


Synthetic "virus fighters" are aimed at their direct destruction, blocking their ability to reproduce. Among them there are also those funds that have a preventive effect when the risk of catching an infection is great. Synthetic drugs are divided into those directed against one type of virus - anti-influenza, antiherpetic, and those that have a complex effect.


It has a direct effect on viruses, and also stimulates local immunity to some extent. Protects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is used primarily in the treatment of influenza and ARVI, as well as their bacterial complications. It is produced in the form of a syrup, which is especially important for small children.

In rare cases, there may be a side effect in the form of gastrointestinal disorders.


A well-known ointment is used both for prophylaxis, to avoid the ingress of viruses, and to suppress their growth. Available in two forms - nasal and skin. The difference in the percentage of active substance content.

Effective against influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, varieties of herpes, lichen, papillomavirus, adenovirus, conjunctivitis. The ointment is easy to use, inexpensive, and can be found at any pharmacy. May cause side effects such as itching and burning at the site of application.


It is a convenient analogue of Rimantadine for children, has less toxicity and a lower risk of allergies. Available in syrup. It is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, ARVI. Blocks viruses and stimulates the production of antibodies.

Side effects in the form of allergic reactions, digestive disorders, and dizziness are extremely rare.

Composition, application, cost of synthetic drugs:

Name Price Application Contraindications Composition
IMMUNOFLAZIDE RUB 150-250 1 ml 2 times a day before meals Autoimmune diseases, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers Proteflazid, excipients
OXOLIN Up to 50 rubles. 2-3 times a day, locally Individual intolerance Dioxotetra-hydroxytetra-hydronaphthalene, excipients
ORVIREM About 300 rubles. According to the scheme: 1 day - 3 doses of 10 ml each, 2 day - 2 doses, 3 days - 1 dose Thyrotoxicosis, allergies, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases Rimantadine hydrochloride, excipients


The action of interferons is based on the binding of viruses and the prevention of their reproduction ... Interferon is a protein made in the human body to fight infection... For medications, it is laboratory extracted from donated blood.

It comes to the aid of the diseased body's own proteins, and also replaces them in case of insufficiency. Interferons are good because they are as natural as possible. However, they should not be abused either. When you get used to relying on them, the body will produce less of its own proteins.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky explains what interferon is:


Suppositories, gels and Viferon ointments prevent the multiplication of viruses in the body. They are effective against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, viral meningitis, hepatitis, and the ointment is also effective for skin diseases. They also help with complications of influenza - bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, tonsillitis and others.

The combination with antioxidants enhances the antiviral effect. In rare cases, it can cause an allergic reaction.


Available as a spray and nasal drops. Effective against viruses and microbes, relieves inflammation, stimulates immunity. It is also able to protect the body from certain fungi, mycoplasma.

It is used in the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, effective as a prophylactic agent. Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction are extremely rare. Read about vasoconstrictor drops for children under one year old.

Composition, application, cost of interferons:


The main function of such drugs is to stimulate the body's own defenses so that they can better cope with the attack of foreign microorganisms. Many doctors are of the opinion that it is generally better not to use such antiviral drugs for children under 7 years of age, and maybe even older.

The fact is that the immune system of the crumbs is formed, learns to independently deal with various influences from the outside. And, if at the slightest danger to support her with immunostimulants, then she will never learn anything. However, there are situations when the reception, stimulating the immune system, funds are necessary.

What you should definitely not do is give immunostimulants yourself, without the knowledge of the doctor. Only a specialist is able to determine the appropriateness of their reception.


It is produced in the form of a syrup for children from 1 to 4 years old. As its basis, the juice of the herb Echinacea purpurea was used, containing derivatives of caffeic acid, polysaccharides, alkamides. All these substances stimulate immunity and increase the body's defenses.

Side effects can manifest as allergic reactions. With prolonged use - leukopenia.


It is produced in the form of injections, as well as a solution for the nose, throat, eye wash, douching, microclysters. Helps to stimulate recovery from pharyngitis, sore throat, sinusitis, influenza, runny nose of a viral and bacterial nature. In the form of injections, it is used for tuberculosis and pneumonia.

It can also be used for prevention purposes. There may be a short-term rise in temperature after use, injections are painful. With diabetes mellitus, it can provoke hypoglycemia, and with gangrenous processes - tissue rejection.

Composition, application, cost of immunostimulants:


Herbal remedies are based on natural ingredients. Many believe that such drugs are less harmful than synthetic ones. but any plant has its own contraindications and can cause allergies.

For example, babies should not be abused with echinacea, on the basis of which many drugs that increase immunity are prepared. There are other plants that stimulate the body to fight viruses.

Herbal preparations begin to act 15 minutes after ingestion and prevent the multiplication of infected cells. Such medicines for children will not cause any harm only if they are taken as prescribed by a doctor and strictly according to the scheme. Otherwise, they will do more harm than good.

The publication tells about the funds that can be given to children from 3 years old with ARVI.

Often, mothers begin to panic at the first signs of illness in their child and immediately try to bring down the tiny temperature and block the virus by buying the first drug they come across on the advice of a pharmacist or friends. In no case should this be done.

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Plant-based syrup recommended for children from 3 years of age. It contains aloe juice is a powerful stimulant of the immune system. In addition, children who take this syrup grow and develop better, do not suffer from distraction and loss of appetite.

It is indicated for ARVI and for their prevention, in the absence of appetite in a child, fungal skin diseases, after operations and antibiotic treatment. In rare cases, it can cause allergies.


The drug is a complex of herbal ingredients. Available in the form of drops, syrup, pills. Relieves spasms and inflammation, soothes, promotes sputum discharge, disinfects, stimulates immunity.

It is indicated in the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, and other diseases of the paranasal sinuses. May cause allergies and digestive problems.

Composition, application, cost of herbal preparations:


The list of antiviral drugs for children would be incomplete without homeopathic ones. Their therapeutic effect is based on negligible doses of the active substance. Many consider homeopathy to be a dummy, a bogus that can only cure through the placebo effect.

Whether it is true or not, controversy in scientific and medical circles is still ongoing. One thing is for sure: such medicines will not bring harm, even to a fragile growing body.

Dr. Komarovsky about homeopathy in the video below:


Available in the form of drops, spray, tablets under the tongue. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system, relieves heat and inflammation, and intoxication. It is used for respiratory viral infections, influenza, inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.


Viburcol candles are created on a natural basis from herbal extracts. They stimulate the immune system, have a sedative and analgesic effect, eliminate inflammation, convulsions, spasms. Help with intoxication of the body. Read how to stop vomiting in a child.

They must be consumed as part of complex therapy for ARVI, teething, nervous excitement. The drug may cause an allergic reaction.


It is widely used for the prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI, accompanied by severe headaches, fever. Contains fructose and lactose, therefore it is prohibited for people with poor digestibility of these substances.

Available in the form of resorbable granules. In some cases, it can lead to allergies.

Composition, application, cost of homeopathic remedies:

Name Price Application Contraindications Composition
AFLUBIN From 350 rub. The dosage is selected individually Aconite, dioecious bryony, iron phosphate, lactic acid, yellow gentian.
VIBURKOL From 350 rub. 2 times a day Hypersensitivity Chamomile, belladonna, plantago major, solyanum, etc.
OTSYLLOCOCCINUM From 750 rub. 1 dose 2 times a day. For prevention - 1 dose per week Poor digestibility of fructose and lactose. Barbarian duck liver extract.

General rules for treating a viral infection

In order for antiviral drugs for children from 1 year to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm, certain rules must be followed when using them:

  1. Antivirals are necessary from the first days of the disease.
  2. All medications must be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. During the course of treatment, the patient is provided with bed rest and abundant drink.
  4. For prevention, it is worth limiting the communication of the crumbs with sick family members.
  5. During an epidemic of viral diseases, it is worth limiting visits to public places and antiviral drugs can be given to children for prevention.
  6. Treatment should be comprehensive and include medications, massages, physiotherapy. You can find out what electrophoresis is and what it is for.

You can find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the appointment and use of antiviral drugs from the video:

As for how often antiviral drugs can be given to a child, it is recommended to limit yourself to a maximum of 2 courses per year. Otherwise, the child's immunity will get used to relying on outside help and stop fighting.

To make the younger family member less likely to get sick, you need to regularly strengthen his immunity. This requires proper nutrition, the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in phytoncides and antioxidants, walking in the fresh air, physical activity, healthy sleep and moderate tempering.


The best antiviral drugs for children are those whose benefits outweigh the potential side effects. To minimize the risks, when using them, you should adhere to all the rules and recommendations of the doctor. Only in this case, recovery will come quickly and without consequences.

With increased activity of pathogenic viruses and microbes in the body of children under 1 year old, pediatricians prescribe antiviral drugs. Correctly selected medicines quickly destroy pathogenic flora, strengthen children's immunity. Before starting the course, an individual consultation with a specialist is required.

Is it possible for children under one year old to take antiviral

Breastfeeding plays an important role for the health of children under 1 year of age. Babies on adapted formulas have weaker immunity, so they get sick more often.

During treatment, additional medication may be required (as recommended by a pediatrician). Modern antiviral agents for children are effective in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, chickenpox, and herpes.

Types of antivirals for children

A variety of antiviral drugs Efficiency disadvantages
Interferons Contain interferon protein, similar to natural. Such funds normalize and accelerate the production of antibodies. There is a high likelihood of side effects.
Immunostimulants Such drugs enhance the immune response of the child's body to the penetration of a pathogenic virus. The functions of their own immunity are impaired (the defense system is "lazy"). The child, when using immunostimulants, begins to get sick more often.
Direct antiviral drugs These medicines resist the replication of the virus and its further spread in the child's body. There is a high probability of side effects from internal organs and systems.
Homeopathic remedies The herbal composition of drugs contains molecules that are similar in structure to the virus. A selective therapeutic effect is observed (not all patients are helped).


Anaferon is an effective and safe antiviral drugs for children under one year old. This Russian-made drug has immunomodulatory properties, increases the concentration of antibodies, and stimulates the production of interferon. Short description:

  • Release form: sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredient: affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.
  • Main indications: treatment, prevention of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, cytomegalovirus, bacterial, herpes infections.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to the body of the active ingredients of the drug, a tendency to diathesis (allergic reactions).
  • Side effects: urticaria, skin rash, itching.
  • Method of application: in case of relapse, 1 table is recommended. every half hour for 2 hours, then the dose is reduced to 1 table. three times a day.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


This is a homeopathic medicine for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu. It is recommended as an independent medicine or as part of complex therapy. For ease of use, Aflubin has several forms of release that are suitable for newborns and older children. Short description:

  • Release form: drops for oral administration, sublingual tablets.
  • Active ingredients: gentian, aconite, dioecious bryony, iron phosphate, lactic acid.
  • Main indications: respiratory viral infections, flu, colds.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity of the body to the active ingredients of the drug.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions, signs of dyspepsia, increased salivation, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia.
  • Method of application: the first 2 days, the medicine should be taken 8 times a day, after that the number of approaches should be reduced to 3. A single dose for children 1 year old is ¼ table. or 1 drop.
  • Price: 215 rubles.


It is a homeopathic medicine with antiviral, sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsant, detoxifying and antispasmodic properties. Acts in the child's body gently, has good tolerance. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active ingredients: Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Dulcamara, Hamomilla, Plantago, Calcium Harmonicum.
  • Main indications: SARS, colds, painful teething of milk teeth, flu.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity to active ingredients.
  • Side effects: allergic, local reactions.
  • Method of application: children up to six months are prescribed 2 soup., From 6 months (at a temperature above 37.5 ° C) - 4 soup., Above 38 ° C - 6 soup. in a day. After normalizing the temperature regime, the child is recommended 1 soup each. 1-2 times a day for 3-4 days.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


This drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs containing interferon, similar to natural. When treating children, the medicine can provoke side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: rectal suppositories.
  • Active substance: interferon alpha-2b recombinant.
  • Main indications: bacterial, viral infections in the treatment of children of all ages, including premature babies.
  • Contraindications: allergic reactions or predisposition to them, intolerance to components, autoimmune diseases.
  • Side effects: in isolated cases, urticaria, skin rash, itching and swelling of the epidermis, local reactions occur.
  • Method of application: patients under 7 years old are prescribed 1 soup. every 8 hours, from 7 years - 2 candles every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
  • Price: 270 rubles.


This is a Ukrainian drug that has a convenient release form for the treatment of children. Sold in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Short description:

  • Release form: syrup.
  • Active ingredients: extracts of ground reed grass and sod pike, alcohol base.
  • Main indications: herpes simplex virus, bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract (ARVI, flu, colds).
  • Contraindications: autoimmune diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers, individual intolerance to ethanol and other components.
  • Side effects: signs of dyspepsia, nausea, headache, dizziness, local, allergic reactions.
  • Method of application: the course of treatment is 2 weeks, the medicine should be taken twice a day. Children under one year old are prescribed 0.5 ml of the medicine.
  • Price: 180 rubles.


Such antiviral drugs for children under 1 year old contain interferon, have several forms of release for ease of use and accelerate the desired therapeutic effect. Short description:

  1. Release form: lyophilisate (drops for nasal administration).
  2. Active ingredient: human leukocyte interferon.
  3. Main indications: treatment of viral diseases affecting the respiratory tract.
  4. Contraindications: organic lesions of the nervous system, epilepsy, intolerance to active substances, serious disorders in the liver and kidneys.
  5. Side effects: disorders from the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive systems, skin, hematopoietic organs.
  6. Method of application: for the treatment of newborns, it is required to apply 3 caps. on cotton swabs, then insert into the nasal passages for 10 minutes. Perform the procedure 4-6 times a day. For patients under 1 year old, 1 cap is recommended. in each nasal passage 4–6 times a day.
  7. Price: from 80 rubles.


This effective antiviral for children under one year old has an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect. Dosages are adjusted individually by the pediatrician. Short description:

  • Release form: drops, nasal spray.
  • Active ingredient: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b.
  • Main indications: ARVI, influenza, viral rhinitis.
  • Contraindications: severe allergic diseases, hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the medication.
  • Method of application: children under 1 year old are prescribed 1 cap. in each nasal passage 5 times a day.
  • Price: 70 rubles.


Such antiviral for children under one year old belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, is well tolerated by the body, rarely causes side effects. Short description:

  • Release form: granules in tubes for oral administration.
  • Active ingredients: anas barbarielium, hepatic et kordis extract.
  • Main indications: as part of the complex therapy of ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, colds.
  • Contraindications: lactose intolerance, hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.
  • Method of application: dissolve the contents of one tube with boiled water, stir to dissolve the granules, give to a child up to 1 year old 2-3 times a day.
  • Price: 370 rubles.


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