What foods contain fluoride? Fluoride: Don't brush your teeth or drink water? Fluorine in food.

Fluorine is present in all organs and tissues, but 96% of it is concentrated in bones and teeth. With calcium, this component provides mineralization and strength of the skeleton, maturation and hardness of tooth enamel. What foods contain the most fluorine is described in the article.

The component is needed for the normal growth of hair and nails. Fluorine is involved in important physiological cycles, strengthens the immune system, removes heavy metals and toxins. With the help of a microelement, the vital activity of acid-forming bacteria is suppressed. Fluorine provides suspension of development of caries.

How best to use?

Heat treatment is harmful to volatile fluorine, and tea that has been brewed with boiling water is not a living product. This feature of the component of interest should be taken into account when cooking.

It is advisable to use the sources in their original form - raw. Do not put them in aluminum cookware, which leads to the loss of fluoride. In addition, a large amount of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium complicates the absorption of fluorine.

Where is it present?

One third of the component comes from food, so foods containing fluoride are good for health. But most of it comes with water. Since the natural trace element is present in a bound state, its concentration in living organisms is very small. The exception is tea and sea fish.

Most of the component is lost during cooking. If food is cooked in aluminum cookware, it reacts with the material and is removed from the food. It will not be possible to make up for the lack of fluorine with the help of a monotonous diet, so doctors do not prescribe a diet, but fluoride-containing products. And which foods contain the most fluorine will be discussed later.

herbal products

With a lack of a component, it is important to eat foods rich in fluoride. There is a lot of this component:

  • in cereals - bran, rice, buckwheat;
  • vegetables - pumpkin, potatoes, onions;
  • fruits;
  • wine, grape, tomato, orange juices;
  • honey;
  • prunes, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds;
  • spices and herbs;
  • pickles.

The source of fluoride in wine is thought to be a chemical sprayed onto the vine. Its concentration can be high.

Fluorine ions have the ability to move from the leaves into the solution, so when tea and decoctions are infused, 70-90% of it "migrates" into the water. Little "gives" the mineral chamomile - 5%, while wild rose - 20%, mint - 30%.

In tea (100 ml) there are 10,000 micrograms of fluorine, and in mineral water - 800. The walnut contains 865 micrograms of the component. The daily norm of a microelement will be provided by 300 g of walnuts. Products containing fluoride are saturated with this component when consumed in moderation.

Animal products

There are also animal products containing fluoride in large quantities. It is present:

  • in meat;
  • liver;
  • broths on bones, poultry meat, canned fish;
  • milk;
  • fish;
  • seafood, shellfish.

Salmon (700 g) covers the daily requirement for fluoride. It is advisable to cook fish with bones, as this saturates the body with more trace elements than fillets.

Mackerel (100 g) contains 1400 mcg of fluorine, while tuna contains 1000 mcg. These are products containing fluorine and calcium. In cod, blue whiting, pollock, hake, this component is 700 mcg, in haddock - 500. Products containing fluorine must be present in the human diet.

Daily rate

It is difficult to establish the boundary between excess and shortage of a component. There is very little fluorine in the products, so an overdose is not terrible.

The body of an adult weighing up to 70 kg contains about 2-3 g of fluorine. Its norm per day is 0.5-4 mg and depends on age, weight, energy consumption, region, nutrition. For example, for children 6-9 years old, 1.1 mg is required, for adolescents 14-18 - 1.5, and after 18 years - 1.7-4.

Pregnant women and people who are engaged in physical labor require 2 mg of the mineral every day. With osteoporosis, the norm increases.

a lack of

  • to destruction of bone tissue;
  • high tooth sensitivity;
  • fragility, brittle nails;
  • hair loss, split ends;
  • anemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • curvature of the spine;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;
  • deterioration of vision.

Therefore, measures must be taken. If there is a shortage of a component, the doctor may prescribe medication. It is important to complete the entire course of treatment.


Fluoride in foodstuffs is able to make up for the deficiency only with moderate consumption. But the component is poisonous if more than 20 mg is supplied. An overdose is considered dangerous. Excess leads to:

  • to growth retardation, cessation of cell division;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash;
  • complete loss of voice
  • convulsions;
  • trembling fingers;
  • bleeding gums;
  • inhibition of the activity of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

There is also difficulty in breathing, a decrease in pressure. The bones will be rough, which leads to muscle and joint pain. In case of fluoride poisoning, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, pneumonia, irritation of the bronchi, skin, severe abdominal pain, and diarrhea appear.

With an excess of fluorine, fluorosis can occur - a disease in which gray-brown spots appear on the enamel, joint deformity, and destruction of bone tissue. Wrinkles, white hard areas are formed on the skin. Fluorosis appears in the presence of 0.5 mg of fluorine per 1 kg of weight.

Signs of an overdose occur gradually, so with a slight indisposition, you need to visit a doctor. If medical care is untimely, treatment is delayed for a long time.

To eliminate excess fluoride ions, you should eat foods rich in calcium, as well as take drugs (calcium gluconate), laxatives (sodium sulfate). Means with magnesium do not allow the absorption of the mineral.

If poisoning with this component occurs, induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.

Best Sources for Kids

A growing body definitely needs this component, as it is involved in the formation of healthy bones and teeth, strengthening enamel and preventing dental ailments. The lack of a component leads to developmental disorders.

But this does not mean that from an early age children should be fed supplements with F. You need to feed them with natural products. Excess of the component also adversely affects health. For children, the best sources of fluoride are:

  1. Tea. It should be introduced from an early age.
  2. Pickles. Cucumbers added to a salad are excellent fluoride supplements.
  3. Grape juice. This favorite drink enriches with a trace element. Only it should be natural juice, without preservatives and chemicals.
  4. Spinach. This vegetable, like other green leafy vegetables, gives strength and serves as a source of valuable vitamins.
  5. Tomatoes. All dishes with tomatoes are rich in fluoride. Useful and juice from tomatoes.
  6. Carrot. Made without salt, but with some added vegetable oil, it is a nutritious side dish.
  7. Orange juice. If there is no allergy to such a drink, then at least once a week you can give your child fresh citrus juice.
  8. Asparagus. It is served whole or crushed into a puree.
  9. Beet. You can cook borscht, salads, juices from a vegetable.
  10. Prunes. It is added to compotes, desserts.

Children under 2 years of age are prone to food allergies. Therefore, these products must be introduced carefully, slowly. Only after getting used to it is possible to increase the dose.

Coming up with a fluorine-rich menu is easy. You just need to know what products contain it. Soups cooked on the bones, poultry broths are considered a hearty dish, a concentrated source of F. You just need to check the quality of the meat.

Freshly prepared food is the best. But canned food is fine too. For example, fish are recognized as the best sources of fluoride. In this case, you need to check the quality and freshness of the product. In addition to canned fish, fresh fish is suitable. The main thing is that it needs to be boiled, stewed or baked with bones.

Toxic Sources

Probably everyone knows about fluoridated water that enters homes through public water pipes. Tap fluid contains an inorganic form of fluoride. And this, according to doctors, is not the safest method of replenishing mineral reserves. Do not use this water for cooking for children.

There is an increased concentration of fluorine in wine. But it is difficult to classify this drink as useful, because the source of the component is the pesticide that was used to treat the plant. Cryolite is used, which is considered a harmful insecticide. The concentration of the component in a glass of wine is greater than in 1 liter of fluoridated water. You should choose high-quality products to maintain vitamin and mineral balance.

Where else is fluoride found?

In addition to products, there are drugs with this component:

  1. "ACT" - is used to prevent the appearance of caries. This is a gel that is applied to the teeth. A film is formed with it, which saturates the enamel with fluorine.
  2. "Coreberon" is a remedy that has an anti-caries, anti-rachitic, trophic effect. It is prescribed for osteoporosis. The drug has many side effects and contraindications.
  3. sodium fluoride. It is used as a prevention of caries in children and adults. It is used after consultation with a specialist.

For the use of drugs with fluoride, you should consult with your doctor. They should not be taken arbitrarily because of the likelihood of causing great harm to health. Usually, the doctor prescribes medicines only when absolutely necessary, and in most cases the component can be obtained from products.

Fluorine is indispensable for the formation of bone tissue and teeth, but a slight excess causes severe irreversible consequences. The lack of a component causes less harm, therefore, the content of the microelement coming from food should not be controlled.

The human body contains many chemical elements that make up a large part of the periodic system of Mendeleev. They have varying degrees of importance. So the entire skeletal system of a person, as well as his nails, hair and teeth, directly depends on fluorine.

general characteristics

Fluorine is a reactive toxic gas with a pungent odor. It may be pale yellow or green-yellow. At very low temperatures (from -190 to -290 o C), it turns into crystals or liquid.

The element belongs to halogens, substances which, interacting with metals, form salts. In addition, it is able to react with almost the entire table of chemicals, destroying them when interacting.

The first assumption about the presence of this element was put forward in the 18th century, but attempts to extract it from compounds ended in injury or death of scientists. Only at the end of the 19th century, Henri Moissan was able to do this. On the one hand, fluorine is a dangerous element, but on the other hand, it is essential for most living organisms and humans. It is found in the composition of ores and minerals in the earth's crust, and in the form of compounds in underground and sea waters.

The biological role of fluorine in the human body

Fluorine performs one of essential functions in the human body. Namely:

  • regulates metabolism;
  • plays an important role in the process of formation of the entire bone skeleton even during intrauterine development;
  • in case of a fracture or fracture of the bone, it accelerates the fusion of its tissues;
  • in combination with calcium and phosphorus forms the basis of tooth enamel;
  • beneficial effect on the circulatory system;
  • improves immunity;
  • promotes the removal of heavy metals, radionuclides and other hazardous substances for the body.

Near 60-65% of fluoride enters the body through drinking water and less through food. If its content in water does not exceed 5 mg, then sodium fluoride is added to it. It is very difficult to maintain the optimal amount of fluorine for the body, because there is too little border between its norm and excess. If a person needs only 1-3 mg of this substance per day, then the slightest excess of this norm can turn a useful element into a potent poison.

Fluorine uptake

When fluoride enters the human body, it is retained through the bloodstream in the intestines or stomach. The degree of assimilation directly depends on its solubility in water and the amount of consumption. Most of the soluble fluoride is absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

Phosphorus, and aluminum can reduce the degree of absorption. Absorption also occurs through fluoride toothpaste and inhalation if the element is a gas.

Almost all of the fluoride is found in teeth and bones. The degree of its concentration depends on the age and gender of a person, as well as the state of his skeletal system. The element is excreted through urine. In children, more than 80% of fluoride is retained, in adults less - about 60%.

Beneficial features

Fluorine plays an important role in the formation of bones, dentin and tooth enamel. It and its compound (fluoride) are present in the human body: teeth, bones, skin and thyroid gland. Without this trace element, the formation of healthy teeth is simply not possible, in addition, it protects teeth from various diseases, including caries. If the diet of a pregnant woman contains the required amount of fluoride, this a guarantee of her strong teeth, as well as the teeth of her future baby.

The optimal amount of fluoride benefits the entire human skeletal system. It helps strengthen bones and reduces the risk of various degenerative processes, and also has a beneficial effect on wound healing and improves iron absorption. For the optimal functioning of the human body, a balance of vitamins and trace elements is necessary. This also applies to fluorine, its deficiency or excess can have extremely negative consequences.

Lack of fluoride in the body

The lack of this element in the body is mostly due to its small amount in water - less than 7 mg per liter. Other reasons:

  1. metabolic disease;
  2. missing supply through other sources: food, toothpaste.

With a regular lack of fluorine and its compounds by the body,:

  1. osteoporosis. This is a disease in which the bones become thin and brittle as a result of bone resorption.
  2. Caries. Dental disease that is accompanied by tooth decay. It begins with the dissolution of minerals with further destruction of tissues and the formation of a cavity.


Most fluorine compounds are poisonous. Its toxic dose for the human body is 20 mg, and already 2 g will cause death. In acute intoxication of the body, damage to the central nervous system and digestive tract can be observed.

Main symptoms

  • nausea;
  • stomach upset;
  • vomit;
  • muscle spasms;
  • low blood pressure.

In chronic poisoning, the cause of which is the regular use of water with a high content of fluoride, destruction of tooth and bone tissue, metabolism and deterioration of blood clotting occurs. In addition, it increases the risk of osteosarcoma.

Main reasons:

  • regular intake of various fluorine compounds into the body at work;
  • improper exchange of fluorine in the body;
  • increased fluoride content in drinking water;
  • overdose of medicines that contain this element.

Consequences of an excess of fluorine:

  • deterioration of the enamel of the teeth;
  • osteoporosis;
  • calcification of ligaments and tendons;
  • the appearance of chalky spots on the teeth;
  • the appearance of bone spurs;
  • low blood pressure;
  • worsening heart rate;
  • irritation of the skin, itching and peeling;
  • loss of voice
  • the appearance of dry cough;
  • hemorrhage from the oral or nasal cavity.

Foods containing fluoride

Fluoride in food

You can maintain the balance of fluoride in the body with the help of food. If this component is not enough in the water, then you should correctly adjust your diet from fluorine-containing products.

  • Seafood. They contain a large number of trace elements, including fluorine. It is worth thinking about eating shrimp, crabs, fish and its caviar, as well.
  • Black and green tea.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Potatoes, apples and grapefruit are richest in fluorine.
  • Cereal crops: oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. Other cereals contain fluorine in small amounts.
  • Red wine.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is an element that boosts immunity. Let's find out - the signs of its deficiency and excess.

Foods rich in fluoride

The largest amount of this element is found in tea, sea fish, walnuts, bran, eggs, meat and seafood. Among the cereals, it is worth highlighting oatmeal, and rice. Plant foods also have fluorine compounds: all green leafy vegetables, grapefruit, apples, onions.

Table - Foods rich in fluoride


Sea fish (portion 150 g):

Sea bass

Herring and mackerel

Freshwater fish (serving 150 g):

Fish products (serving 45 g):

Cold and hot smoked herring

Dried cod

Herring in tomato

Poultry meat and offal (portion 150 g):

Chicken fillet

Chicken liver

Bread (serving 60 g):

Grain bread

An excess of fluorine in the body through food and water can be traced in case of unreasonable weakness and general malaise. In this case, you can limit the intake of this element by replacing apples with pears, seafood with meat, and tea with cocoa. The main thing to remember is that everything is good in moderation and find your optimal balance.

Video: The role of fluorine, and how it can be dangerous with its excess

Fluorine is an element necessary for the human body, the main role of which is in the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel, together with calcium and phosphorus. The norm for the body of an adult is the content of this trace element in an amount of 2 to 3 g. The main supply of the element in the body is found in tooth enamel and bone tissue.

The absorption of fluorine depends on the amount of calcium in the body, and this mineral also prevents the absorption of magnesium. Thanks to this trace element, the absorption of iron improves and the process of inhibition of iodine metabolism occurs. The lack of fluoride leads to the destruction of bone tissue and deterioration of the teeth.

The main functions of fluorine in the body

Functions of the mineral in the body:

  • Strengthening the bone skeleton and tooth enamel;
  • Ensuring the normal growth of nails and hair;
  • Participation in important biochemical reactions;
  • Stimulation of hematopoietic processes;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Conclusion from the body of heavy metals and radicals;
  • Prevention of the development of osteoporosis;
  • Suppression of the activity of acid-forming bacteria;
  • Prevention of periodontal disease and caries.

Most scientists believe that fluorine in small quantities benefits a person, and its overdose can lead to dire consequences.

Products containing fluoride

Fluoride comes from food - 1/3 and from water - 2/3 of the total. This mineral is practically not found in food, because its concentration in sources of plant and animal origin is negligible, with the exception of sea fish and tea.

Marine fish contain a relatively high amount of fluoride

Food products containing fluorine should not be cooked in aluminum cookware, as the reaction of this trace element and aluminum contributes to the loss of the mineral. It is very difficult to obtain this element from food in sufficient quantities for the human body, since almost all sources containing the trace element lose it during cooking.

To obtain the daily norm of fluorine, it is necessary to eat the following foods containing this mineral: 3.5 kg of bread, 700 gr. salmon, 300 gr. walnuts or 20 liters of milk. Not every person can cope with so much monotonous food every day, which is why, with a deficiency of this element, doctors recommend not a diet, but taking drugs containing fluorine.

Plant sources of fluoride

  • Cereals - wholemeal flour, rye vegetable bran, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • Vegetables - pumpkin, onion, potatoes;
  • Fruits - apple, grapefruit;
  • Tea - green and black;
  • Seaweed, wine and honey;
  • Walnuts.

Animal sources of fluoride

  • Meat and liver;
  • Fish - tuna, mackerel, pollock, hake, cod, haddock, capelin, pink salmon, ruff, flounder, chum salmon, smelt;
  • Seafood - oyster;
  • Dairy products are milk.

Video from internet

Daily norms of fluorine

Fluorine is a difficult element, the boundary between deficiency and excess in the human body, for which it is very difficult to catch. It is very easy to get an excess of fluorine by not observing the recommended dosages of medications or by drinking large amounts of water rich in this element. In food, this element is contained in an insignificant amount, so it is impossible to get an overdose of the mineral, even with their daily use.

The daily norm of fluorine for a person is from 0.5 to 4 mg, depending on age, diet and area of ​​​​residence.

Daily fluoride intake for children

  • 0-1 year - 0.5 mg;
  • 1-3 years - 0.7 mg;
  • 3-6 years - 0.9 mg;
  • 6-9 years - 1.1 mg;
  • 9-14 years old - 1.3 mg.

Daily fluoride intake for women

  • 14-18 years - 1.5 mg;
  • 18 years and older - from 1.7 to 4 mg.

Daily fluoride intake for men

  • 14-18 years - 1.5 mg;
  • From 18 and older - 1.7 to 4 mg.

Lack of fluoride in the human body

Fluorine deficiency has practically no clear symptoms that you can notice on your own and take timely measures to eliminate it.

Fluorine Deficiency Symptoms

  • Deterioration of the state of the organs of the skeletal system;
  • Deterioration in the health of teeth and nails;
  • Hair loss;
  • The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia.

The lack of a mineral brings much less harm to the human body than its overdose, which indicates that there is no need to independently control the level of this substance in the body.

Excess fluoride in the body

The dosage of fluorine is easy to exceed, which turns this microelement into a poison, which it is in nature.

The consequences of an overabundance of the mineral:

  • bone deformity;
  • Damage to tooth enamel;
  • The appearance of general weakness;
  • Vomit;
  • Deterioration of breathing;
  • Kidney damage;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Oppression of mental possibilities.

Mineral poisoning can lead to conjunctivitis, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the bronchi, the development of pneumonia, damage to the central nervous system, and there is also a risk of coma.

The presence of fluoride in food, water and toothpaste, rich in the element, can lead to intoxication of the body - fluorosis. This condition is accompanied by metabolic disorders, destruction of bone tissue and tooth enamel. There is a deterioration in the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland, and breathing is also difficult.

It has been proven that fluorine cannot completely rid a person of caries, this element can only stop the degree of dental disease, and nothing more. Despite this, there is no doubt about the benefits of this mineral, because without it the processes of bone tissue formation would not occur, but even a small excess of fluorine can lead to irreversible consequences for the body.

Preparations containing fluoride

  • ACT - used to prevent the occurrence of caries. It is a gel that is applied to the teeth and forms a film that contributes to the saturation of the enamel with fluoride;
  • Coreberon - has anti-caries, anti-rachitic and trophic effects. It is prescribed for many forms of osteoporosis. Has a wide range of side effects and contraindications;
  • Sodium fluoride - used for the prevention of caries for children and adults. Use this drug should be after consultation with a specialist.

Everyone knows that fluorine is necessary for healthy teeth, but not everyone knows that it is necessary for bones, improving the condition of hair and nails, and activating enzyme systems. You can even say that fluoride helps to be healthy and beautiful!

Regular consumption of fluoride-containing foods will help to avoid the development of a deficiency condition and the symptoms associated with it. The sufficient content of fluorine in some products makes it possible to do without the additional intake of pharmaceuticals in case of a shortage of this substance in the body.

The influence of fluorine on the human body is enormous. Without this trace element, the normal development of teeth is not possible. Its effect on tooth enamel, which it strengthens, is especially pronounced.

Health value:

  • Fight against osteoporosis
  • Included in bone tissue
  • Improving the growth of nails and hair
  • Activates many enzyme systems in the body
  • Improves intestinal absorption of calcium
  • Caries prevention.

Almost all of the element received with food is absorbed in the intestines and is slightly excreted with feces. After absorption, 99% of fluoride enters the bones and teeth, and only 1% enters the soft tissues. The balance of this trace element in the body is maintained by blood plasma, which, if necessary, increases the mobilization of the element from bones and teeth into the bloodstream and its delivery to organs that need it. The excretion of this substance is carried out only by urine. Therefore, in case of kidney pathology, an excess of fluorine in the body can be observed, which is accompanied by the development of a number of pathological conditions, even if the excess amount is negligible.


The lack of fluorine negatively affects health and well-being. First of all, symptoms such as:

  • Frequent development of caries due to a decrease in the protective effect of this trace element on tooth enamel
  • Increased brittleness of nails
  • Hair loss
  • Shaky teeth
  • Osteoporosis and related fractures
  • General weakness
  • Increased sleepiness.

With excessive intake, a disease such as fluorosis develops in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of mottled enamel on the teeth. Usually, an increased content of the element in the water that a person drinks predisposes to this pathology. In addition, in case of an excess, calcium-phosphorus metabolism suffers, the functioning of the nervous system, thyroid gland and kidneys, as well as part of the metabolic processes, is disrupted.

In food

The sources of fluorine in the body are water and food, while 1 ton of water contains only 0.2 mg of the active element. Fluorine enters the water as a result of a number of both natural and artificial processes:

  • Weathering from the rocks that contain it
  • meteoric waters
  • Emissions from volcanoes and industry
  • Introduction to the soil of fluorine-containing fertilizers
  • Artificial fluoridation of water.

The leading products are fish, shrimps, mussels, squids, etc. It is important that sea fish is 10 times higher than river fish in terms of the content of this substance.

What foods contain fluoride:

  • Liver
  • germinated wheat
  • Durum wheat flour and products made from it
  • Cereals, not peeled.

Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables, parsley, and dill are rich in this trace element, and vice versa, berries and fruits are not its sources.

It is important to emphasize that the maximum fluorine is retained in fresh products that have not been subjected to heat treatment. If they were boiled or pre-soaked, a significant part of the element will be lost.

When there is a deficiency of this trace element, water enriched with fluorine helps to fill it in the shortest possible time. From water, the element is absorbed much better in comparison with food. The optimal concentration in water for regular use is the level of 0.5-1.2 mg per liter.

Just a liter of water is enough to fill the daily requirement for a person. On average, it ranges from 0.5 to 1 mg. But it is worth noting that if a person sweats profusely, then this leads to additional fluoro-loss, therefore, the daily requirement increases.

Also, increased consumption of the element occurs when:

  • Active sports
  • Obesity
  • High ambient temperature.

In these situations, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid you drink up to 2.5-3 liters per day, which will not only cover the daily need for the element, but also normalize the water balance in the body, preventing dehydration (dehydration). It is also useful to eat seafood rich in fluoride.


Some medications can affect the absorption of fluoride. Therefore, even despite the use of products containing this trace element in sufficient quantities, there is a high probability of developing a fluoride deficiency state. Slow down the absorption of this substance drugs such as:

  • Maalox and Almagel (combats high acidity in the stomach)
  • Magne-B6 (calms the nervous system)
  • Cardiomagnyl (improves heart function) and others.

Aluminum and magnesium ions compete with fluorine, as they are absorbed through the same channels, and also with the participation of the same transport systems. In such a situation, it is necessary to first undergo a course of treatment with aluminum or magnesium preparations, and then make up for the fluorine deficiency. Tocopherol and retinol, on the contrary, increase its absorption. This creates conditions for the formation of calcifications, since fluorine enhances the absorption of calcium, which is the basis of these stones. Iodine has a similar effect. It is noteworthy that the element is found in large quantities in seafood, which is also rich in iodine. This leads to a potentiation of absorption, which makes it possible to prevent the lack of both fluorine and iodine in the body.

Drinking a daily norm of water allows you to make up for the deficiency of fluorine in the body. The optimal level of the element in the human body is the key to the normal condition of teeth and bones, hair and nails. Deficiency can lead to the development of deficiency and related health problems.

Each trace element in the human body has a strong effect on the proper functioning of a certain internal organ / system: phosphorus - on the brain, iodine - on the thyroid gland, fluorine - on bone tissue, tooth enamel.

What foods contain fluoride

Nutritionists say that products containing fluorine do not affect the balance of this trace element in the body as much as mineral water and tea: green (especially), white, black. Nutritionists claim that up to 65% of the fluorine needed by the body comes from these fluids.

See a partial list of where fluoride is found in foods and liquids.

Table of products containing fluorine in 200 g

Tea (black, green, white) 20
Mackerel 3
Tuna 2
Mineral water 1,5
Hake 1,4
Pollock 1,4
Cod 1,4
Blue whiting 1,4
walnuts 1,3
Horse mackerel 1
Flounder 0,9
sea ​​bream 0,86
Mackerel 0,86
Salmon 0,86
Trout 0,86
crayfish 0,86
Sea scallops 0,86
oysters 0,86
Mullet 0,86
lamb meat 0,3
Pork 0,3
Bird 0,28
Chicken eggs 0,18
Buckwheat 0,1
Manka 0,1
Milk 0,1
Potato 0,1
Pasta 0,1
beef meat 0,032
Radish 0,012
Carrot 0,006

However, you need to know: it is equally dangerous for the body, both a deficiency of fluorine and an excess of this microelement.

Signs indicating that you should not consume foods containing fluoride:

  • Deterioration of the condition of tooth enamel;
  • The appearance of chalky spots on the enamel;
  • The formation of bone spurs;
  • Changing the timbre of the voice;
  • Sudden hemorrhages from the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • Decrease in blood pressure, change in normal heart rate.

Many adults, having discovered problems with tooth enamel, are afraid to go to the dentist. They do not want to visit them in principle!

But not always doctors - dentists will start to "take out the brain" with a drill, they can just give good advice - and this will end the "torments of hell"!

If you do not treat your teeth in time, then a person will 100% begin to have problems with internal organs. Tibetan lamas say that "food must be drunk and liquid must be chewed."

"Food to drink"

In order for the gastrointestinal tract to function properly, food must enter it in the form of mashed potatoes: without any lumps. Only healthy teeth and “high-quality” saliva can make such a quality of processing solid food products. Sick teeth will sooner or later lead to such problems with the internal organs that a person will not be worried about the fluorine content in the products.

"Liquid to be chewed"

Most adults do not quench their thirst properly: they drink water in one gulp. And thirst is eliminated in the mouth, and not in the stomach.

Therefore, the lamas of Tibet say that water should be drunk in small sips, after “chewing” it in the mouth. With such actions, thirst is quenched with less water. So everyone needs to drink water, especially those who have kidney problems. Why burden them with extra work?

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