How to treat beriberi: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. Vitamin deficiency: symptoms, causes and treatment of deficiency and excess of vitamins in the body Measures to prevent vitamin deficiency

Do you want to enjoy the spring, and not worry about the fact that your hair has become dull, your nails are brittle, your skin has an unhealthy color, and in general your health leaves much to be desired? Then it's time to fight beriberi!.

Spring has come - it's time for love and renewal. But along with the first rays of the March sun, an incomprehensible fuss settled in the soul: in search of “what I don’t know what” we can circle the supermarket for hours, fried potatoes for dinner are no longer impressive, and the desire to “eat something” sometimes comes to madness.

And no matter what we eat, instead of the desired satisfaction, only extra centimeters at the waist and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach are added.

And the reason for everything is the lack of vitamins, trace elements and other components of a healthy diet.

The heart, muscles, skin, hair and nerve cells begin to starve despite sufficient calorie intake.

All this is not quite rightly called beriberi, since it is more correct to say hypovitaminosis (literally - few vitamins), while vitamin deficiency is a state of complete absence of vitamins in the body.

And if you were not puzzled in advance by the problem of optimizing the spring diet, then you should not be surprised that you do not miss a single cold, get tired quickly and forget what a “healthy” complexion should be like.

How is avitaminosis diagnosed?

Readiness number one


According to the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in the Russian Federation a deficiency of vitamin C was found in 70-100% of the population, beta-carotene - in 40-60%, B vitamins - in 60-80%, and all this is against the background of a chronic lack of nutrition of calcium, iron, fluorine, iodine, selenium, zinc and many other nutrients.

Despite the seemingly rich assortment of counters, it is extremely difficult to find something that meets the principles of rational nutrition.

The word “beautiful” has already become the antipode of “useful”, and our children know only by hearsay that a bitten apple should darken, sour milk, and a fresh cucumber should smell like “cucumber”!

When the body refuses to live in a vitamin starvation and requires a “supplement”, there is no time to talk about proper nutrition - you need to act!

Are you at risk?

"Know where to fall ..."! In the case of hypovitaminosis, everything is quite predictable.

The worst situation with vitamins is at the end of winter and especially in spring - while in summer and autumn we can, at the very least, satisfy our needs at the expense of suburban plantations.

But alas, hypovitaminosis can undermine our health at other times of the year:

9. With all kinds of chronic diseases (disorders of the hormonal sphere, cardiovascular pathology, etc.), when redox processes in the body are accelerated, which leads to an increased consumption of vitamins.

How to avoid vitamin deficiency

Tell me exactly how much... is missing?


After getting acquainted with the price tags on the pharmacy shelf of vitamins and vain running around the shops in search of "natural" sausage, a treacherous thought comes to mind: is this not just another bike - hypovitaminosis? I don't feel so bad...

Dry skin, dandruff, cracked lips - this is because of the central heating. She began to get sick often - well, not without a reason.

The eyes get tired, the nerves are "not to hell" and the heart is naughty - because you need to work less. Memory has become bad, well, so "the less you know - you sleep better."

Unfortunately, more often, the diagnosis of hypovitaminosis is made only by external signs - very diverse and, alas, non-specific.

An exact determination of the provision of the body with vitamins and microelements in ordinary clinics has not yet been carried out.

The maximum that they can offer you is the diagnosis of a lack of K, Na, Fe, Cl, Cu, Zn and Ca.

Moreover, the amount of calcium in the blood can remain normal even with its gross deficiency - the element will be washed out of the bones, leading to osteoporosis.

However, methods for accurately diagnosing malnutrition do exist.

For example, vitamin A deficiency can be indirectly determined using the twilight adaptation test (the longer the eyes get used to the dark, the more pronounced hypovitaminosis).

The vacuum capillary resistance test is used to diagnose vitamin C deficiency.

The more capillaries burst on the test area of ​​the skin, the less ascorbic acid in the body.

It is considered more accurate to determine the hourly excretion of ascorbic acid on an empty stomach with urine and to diagnose the concentration of vitamin C in blood leukocytes.

There are also biochemical tests, which determine the presence of enzymes, the formation of which requires a particular vitamin. With a lack of these enzymes, hypovitaminosis is judged.

Very interesting microbiological techniques, when certain cultures of microorganisms are grown on a medium containing the material taken for analysis.

Based on the results of their vital activity, we can draw very accurate conclusions about the amount of the vitamin we need.

However, until these tests enter the wide practice of medical institutions, there will be numerous “buts”:

    it is difficult to find a clinic where they are performed;

    the examination can be several times more expensive than the most expensive vitamin complex;

    problems may arise with the interpretation of diagnostic results and its reliability, since there are no uniform standards, sufficient experience in performing tests, etc. But we need accuracy!

Therefore, when deciding “to be or not to be” jars with vitamins on the dinner table, for now, you have to rely only on your well-being, common sense and the experience of the attending physician.

Choosing the right vitamin preparation!

Be fully equipped


In order to pacify the rebellious organism in the spring and provide it with everything necessary, many means have been invented, each of which has its own drawbacks and advantages. Therefore, it is better to solve the problem in a complex way.

Everyone knows that nutrition should be varied and nutritious. And many people forget that the most affordable way to correct a nutritional deficiency is to include enriched foods in the diet.

You do not have to patch holes in the family budget, change your lifestyle and diet.

Fortified foods are ordinary foods that are additionally supplemented with vitamins, microelements, proteins, dietary fiber, beneficial microorganisms, etc.

In our country, the range of such products, alas, is small, but they should not be neglected: they provide from 10 to 50 percent of the body's daily requirement for the content of the added component. Most often found on the shelves:

  • iodized salt;
  • juices enriched with vitamins and microelements, as well as dietary fiber (with pulp);

    milk enriched with fluorine, calcium, iron, iodine;

  • fermented milk products containing probiotics, mineral components;
  • food bran rich in B vitamins, etc.

However, enriched foods alone will not fix things.

Multivitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements provide from 50 to 100 or more percent of the daily requirement for vitamins and minerals.

And the only difference between these drugs that is important for the buyer is in the number of components.

Based on the name: multivitamins contain only vitamins, in vitamin-mineral complexes there are also representatives of the periodic table, and dietary supplements for food are the most capacious group, which also includes components of plant and animal origin.

Vitamin Compatibility

Problem of choice


So, let's go in search of a "magic pill" ... Distinctive features: safety, efficiency and solid appearance.


The first question when choosing a vitamin preparation is its safety.

Usually, when buying a drug in a pharmacy, you get a guarantee of the quality and safety of the product.

The fact that these products are certified and allowed for distribution in Russia is accepted "by default". Although, as we know, even in pharmacies there are fakes.

The only rule here is to replenish stocks of drugs in large pharmacies (and not in drugstores of "dubious origin") and choose products from well-known manufacturers.

You have to be much more vigilant when buying vitamins and dietary supplements outside the pharmacy. Questions you should be concerned about:

    How many years has the manufacturing company been on the Russian market? How stable is she?

    Where is the product made?

    Where, how and by whom is the recipe developed?

    Is the company registered in Russia and in the manufacturing country? Are their products certified?

    Has the company's products been clinically tested?

    Does the label contain the composition, expiration date, serial number, indication of the place of manufacture, method of application, indications and contraindications.


There is no end in sight to talk about the fact that natural is more useful, to disputes about the pros and cons of synthetic vitamins.

But even with the most careful study of the packaging, you are unlikely to be able to reliably determine whether the vitamins in the preparation are natural or synthetic.

A much more appropriate question is: how is the vitamin or mineral declared in the recipe absorbed? Often it all depends on the compound in which it is contained.

For example, organic iron compounds (such as ferrous saccharate, ferrous bisglycinate, ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, ferrous citrate, or ferrous peptonate) better absorbed and have fewer side effects, regardless of whether they are artificial or isolated from natural products.

If iron sulfate is written on the package, then the drug will act worse.

When choosing vitamins A, E and C, preference should be given to natural ones. These vitamins have complex molecules, the atoms in which, changing their arrangement, form various forms - isomers.

All isomers have different effects on the body, despite the same chemical composition.

Some of them are not absorbed at all, and some are generally harmful to the body. Natural products contain only the necessary and digestible forms of vitamins, and during synthesis it is not always possible to recreate the desired combination.

Synthesis of vitamin B12, for example, on an industrial scale is not possible. This is too complicated and expensive process. A vitamin is isolated from the microorganisms that produce it.

And vitamin PP or nicotinic acid has a very simple structure, which is easy to obtain by chemical synthesis, therefore, there is no difference between natural and synthetic "nicotines".

So in search of natural vitamins, you should not lose your sobriety of thought. Yes,

Conclusion: supplements containing minerals are best consumed after dinner, with vegetable dishes, and supplements containing a large proportion of vitamins - in the morning.

Moreover, water-soluble vitamins are best taken in fractional portions, several times a day.

Fat-soluble vitamins are best absorbed when eating fatty foods.

The use of enriched foods, vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements is now considered to be a rule of good taste and is becoming an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Each vitamin and element has its own responsibilities in the body, and every year we learn more about them.

For example, it has recently become known that vitamin A helps sweet tooth, helping to lower blood sugar, and passionate and in love - vitamin C, which increases libido and potency.

But all supplements are good only as an additional source of vitamins and minerals.

The basis of a healthy lifestyle should be a complete and varied diet.

general practitioner

Vitamin deficiency is a disease that develops due to lack or absence. Contrary to the opinion of many, vitamin deficiency is not an aesthetic problem, but a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment. Unbalanced nutrition and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are the main causes of beriberi, from which everyone can suffer, so you need to know the main symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention of beriberi in order to ensure your health and beauty for many years.

Symptoms of beriberi

There is an opinion that the manifestations of beriberi are limited to dry skin and hair loss, however, there are a number of specific symptoms of the disease, the appearance of which concerns not only the deterioration of the appearance of the body, but also the appearance of serious pathologies of internal organs and systems. Identification of the disease in the early stages will provide a quick and effective treatment for beriberi.

It is necessary to remember the main symptoms of beriberi:

  • irritated and dry skin;
  • hair is split, dandruff appears;
  • cracks appear on the lips and in the corners of the mouth;
  • red dotted rash on the body;
  • bleeding gums;
  • reduced immunity: frequent colds and slow recovery;
  • drowsiness, low working capacity, loss of appetite.

If these symptoms of beriberi are detected, treatment should be started immediately, since the lack of vitamins negatively affects the health of all body systems.

Types of beriberi

Each of the vitamins necessary for a person is used for the normal functioning of certain body systems, therefore, with a lack of nutrients, certain internal organs suffer to varying degrees. You need to know what different vitamins are responsible for, and what types of vitamin deficiencies exist.

Vitamin A avitaminosis- This vitamin provides visual acuity. A lack of vitamin A causes hemeralopia, a severe deterioration in vision in the dark.

Vitamin A is also important for the skin - with beriberi, it becomes dry, irritated, covered with cracks and heals slowly.

Avitaminosis of B vitamins- this disease affects the deterioration of metabolism (constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting). Also, due to a lack of vitamin B, cracks appear in the corners of the lips, and the oral cavity becomes inflamed.

Vitamin C avitaminosis affects performance, provokes chronic fatigue, apathy. Vitamin C is responsible for the elasticity of the skin - beriberi causes bruising and bruising on the body.

Vitamin D avitaminosis- a condition that causes rickets in children - a violation of bone formation. With a lack of vitamin D, teeth also fall out, and frequent fractures are observed.

Vitamin E avitaminosis leads to diseases of the genitourinary system, is the cause of infertility and the inability to bear a child. The work of the liver is also disturbed.

Avitaminosis of vitamin PP- This is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, as well as a lack of gastric juice necessary for the digestion of food. With a lack of vitamin PP, frequent diarrhea and severe abdominal pain are also observed.

In addition to these types of beriberi, such a specific seasonal disease as spring beriberi is very common.

Avitaminosis affects the skin and well-being

spring beriberi

There is an opinion that beriberi is most often manifested in winter. In fact, the most common is spring beriberi. Since in the period from late autumn to the end of winter, the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits decreases, by spring the state of the body worsens significantly due to a lack of nutrients. Even with regular use of products from the supermarket in winter, it is worth remembering that long-term storage of fruits and vegetables leads to the destruction of vitamins in them and deprives them of most of their useful properties.

The main symptoms of spring vitamin deficiency are dry skin and its pallor, unhealthy complexion, hair loss and separation of nails, and muscle tone decreases. In addition to external signs, with spring beriberi, there is constant fatigue and loss of strength, a bad mood, and working capacity is sharply reduced.

However, with timely treatment, you can quickly improve the condition of the body: taking vitamin complexes, eating only fresh products with a short shelf life, walking in the fresh air and exercising will help compensate for the lack of vitamins.

It is imperative to solve the problem of spring beriberi as soon as possible so as not to aggravate the condition of the body.

Causes of beriberi

Many mistakenly believe that vitamin deficiency is an exclusively seasonal disease that occurs due to a lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, but the causes of vitamin deficiency can be more serious. To preserve the health of the body, it is necessary not only to cure beriberi, but also to identify and prevent pathogenic factors so that the disease does not recur. It is necessary to remember the main causes of beriberi:

  • lack of vitamins in food;
  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the need to obtain certain vitamins in large quantities.

The main way to get vitamins is a balanced healthy diet. The monotony of the diet provokes beriberi, since one product cannot contain all the necessary nutrients. Many vitamins, in particular vitamin C, are destroyed by heat treatment of food. For example, the benefits of tea with lemon will only be if a slice of citrus is thrown not into hot, but into warm water. The cause of beriberi can also be prolonged starvation or a strict diet.

Problems in the functioning of the stomach and intestines are a serious threat to health: a violation of the intestinal microflora or pathology of the secretion of bile juice prevents the absorption of essential vitamins, as well as their production in the body itself.

Vitamin deficiency can also be caused by an increased need for certain vitamins. Useful substances are required in large quantities by the developing body of the child, as well as by pregnant women and people who have undergone surgery or injury.

Avitaminosis on the hands

Visual signs of beriberi

The problem of beriberi on the hands is faced by people of all ages. Vitamin deficiency on the hands has the following symptoms: the skin of the hands becomes dry, cracked and flaky. It must be remembered that this disease is not just an aesthetic flaw: the inflamed skin of the hands constantly suffers from cold or heat, and is also subjected to mechanical stress (friction, bruises, burns), so the healing process of the skin of the hands slows down. With beriberi, the hands hurt a lot, which can interfere with the performance of various types of physical labor. Of particular danger are infections and dirt, which can enter the hand through cracks and cause serious inflammation. Avitaminosis on the hands often causes age spots on the palms, even in young people.

The cause of beriberi in the hands is a lack of B vitamins and vitamin A in the body. To cure this disease, people prone to beriberi need to take special vitamin complexes throughout the year, as well as diversify their diet and fill it with fresh vegetables, fruits and berries . It is better to replace carbonated drinks with natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks. Seafood also contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the body, so you need to regularly eat fish (you should give preference to marine species) and sea kale.

The health of the skin of the hands and the rapid treatment of vitamin deficiency will also provide thorough care: the skin of the hands prone to vitamin deficiency must be moistened with nourishing creams and protected from the cold.

Treatment and prevention of beriberi

For quick treatment of beriberi, it is necessary, first of all, to identify its causes. If the lack of vitamins is caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should contact a specialist to eliminate gastrointestinal diseases. But often, for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to change or adjust your diet. Treatment and prevention of beriberi will be effective if you follow the main recommendation: you need to eat a balanced diet. The daily diet should be varied and include both animal products (meat, seafood, eggs, cheese) and plant foods, as it contains the greatest amount of vitamins. Preservation should be replaced with fresh vegetables, the drinks menu should be diversified with fresh juices and fruit drinks. It is advisable to eat more salads dressed with olive or sunflower oil. Every day you should eat two fresh apples.

Treatment of beriberi with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has many useful recipes for the treatment of beriberi. The most effective are such healing infusions:

Viburnum tincture- a natural vitamin complex and a way to increase immunity. 300 grams of viburnum berries must be poured with hot boiled water (2 cups) and insisted for 7 hours. Use the infusion should be 3 times a day for ¼ cup. There is also a similar recipe for 100 grams of rowan berries.

Rosehip infusion- a source of daily intake of vitamins necessary for the body. 20-25 washed rose hips must be poured with boiling water and insisted for about 8 hours. Use this remedy for vitamin deficiency should be as often as possible, so you can replace other drinks with it within 5 days.

Infusion of garlic- Another healing drink that compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body. 5-6 medium-sized garlic cloves should be poured with half a glass of alcohol and infused for 10 days away from sunlight. The infusion should be taken 20 drops per 100 ml of milk 2 times a day after meals.

Pine needle infusion- an excellent remedy for deficiency of vitamin C and other nutrients. It is necessary to pour a quarter cup of washed pine needles with 350 ml of boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Then strain and squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon into it. Consume 2 tablespoons after each meal.

Lemon juice with honey not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also give vigor and improve well-being. The juice of half a lemon and a spoonful of honey should be dissolved in a cup of water. Healing juice should be drunk 2 times a day after meals.

Vitamins for beriberi

For the treatment of vitamin deficiency, in conjunction with folk remedies, special vitamin complexes should also be taken, which will provide the body with the necessary substances at any time of the year. On the domestic market, the following vitamins are most useful for beriberi:

"Pikovit" is a complex of 9 vitamins most necessary for the body, which are needed to normalize metabolism and help strengthen bones and teeth. Suitable "Pikovit" for adults and children.

"Duovit" is a drug containing the daily rate of vitamins and minerals necessary for an adult. Helps to increase efficiency, gives energy, improves immunity.

Vitrum is a vitamin complex containing more than 20 vitamins and minerals. "Vitrum" not only eliminates beriberi, but also increases the body's resistance to viruses, improves the emotional background.

"Centrum" - useful substances that help improve the condition of the skin and hair after beriberi, strengthen the nervous system and prevent bone fragility.

Good day, dear readers!

In this article, we will consider with you such a concept as beriberi, as well as its symptoms, consequences, causes. In addition, we distinguish it from hypovitaminosis. So…

What is avitaminosis?

Avitaminosis- a disease that develops as a result of an acute shortage in the body of any vitamin for a long time, which leads to serious consequences, sometimes fatal diseases.

What is the difference between avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis?

Vitamin deficiency is often confused with hypovitaminosis. So, winter or spring vitamin deficiency and the consequences due to their deficiency in the body are called beriberi, although in reality it is hypovitaminosis, which is distinguished by slight deviations in the work and normal functioning of the body, but when the necessary vitamins are received, the state of health improves. Avitaminosis, and as a result of the disease that develops as a result of its impact on the body, can be treated for quite a long time, and replenishing the body with the necessary vitamin does not lead to a quick recovery.

To sum up certain terminology about vitamins, everything can be expressed in the following sentence: hypervitaminosis is an overdose of vitamins, hypovitaminosis is a lack of vitamins, beriberi is a severe painful condition with an acute and prolonged lack of vitamins in the body.

Avitaminosis. ICD

ICD-10: E50-E56;
ICD-9: 264-269.

Symptoms of beriberi

  • skin problems (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis);
  • problems with the digestive system (nausea, lack of appetite, rapid weight loss, vomiting);
  • accelerated hair loss, baldness;
  • violations in the growth and development of the child, muscle dystrophy;
  • accelerated tooth loss;
  • increased soreness;
  • violation of mental activity;
  • increased bleeding;
  • pain in the limbs.

Avitaminosis A (retinol). It can lead to inhibition in the development and growth of the child, as well as cause vision problems, night blindness.

Avitaminosis B1 (thiamine). Thiamine deficiency can trigger the development of a disease such as "Beriberi".

Avitaminosis B2 (riboflavin). Riboflavin deficiency can provoke the development of diseases such as cataracts, conjunctivitis, growth retardation in children, and mental retardation.

Avitaminosis B3 (PP, niacin). Deficiency of niacin can provoke the development of a disease such as pellagra.

Avitaminosis B5 (pantothenic acid). It is a common cause of spontaneous abortion of children in the early stages.

Avitaminosis B9 (folic acid). It manifests itself in the form of a violation of the reproductive function in men, as well as anemia (anemia).

Avitaminosis B12 (cobalamin). Contributes to deviations of mental activity - poor memory, absent-mindedness, dementia.

Avitaminosis C (ascorbic acid). A deficiency of ascorbic acid for a long time can lead to the development of a disease such as scurvy.

Avitaminosis D (calciferol). A deficiency of calciferol for a long time can lead to the development of a disease such as rickets.

Avitaminosis E (tocopherol). Tocopherol deficiency can lead to muscle tissue degeneration, anemia, anemia.

Avitaminosis F (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids). In children under 1 year old, it is expressed in a lag in growth and development. The tendency to cardiovascular diseases increases - atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke.

Avitaminosis K. It manifests itself in the form of severe bleeding from the nose, gums, subcutaneous, in the digestive tract.

Causes of beriberi

Some of the more common causes of beriberi include:

Following an unbalanced diet for a long period of time without consulting a nutritionist;

The use of predominantly of little use and unhealthy food, which is devoid of vital vitamins;

Living in underdeveloped countries (Africa), where the necessary products for normal health simply do not exist;

Taking various drugs for weight loss, which act on the body in such a way that food, after taking it, comes out through vomiting, or there is no appetite at all;

Disorders in the digestive system;

Taking antivitamins - some drugs ("Dicumarol", etc.), which are used to treat various diseases;

Dysbacteriosis in the intestines (lack in the digestive organs of a sufficient amount of beneficial microflora necessary for the normal digestibility of food, as well as the synthesis of certain vitamins).

How to choose vitamins

The selection of vitamins for beriberi is selected by a nutritionist, depending on the clinical manifestations of beriberi.

At this stage, the less a person will show initiative, the more positive the forecast will be.

Among modern vitamin complexes, vitamins are produced in the form of tablets, dragees, lozenges, capsules, powders and liquid form.

Doctors recommend taking vitamins in the form of capsules, because. they are made in such a way that as they move through the digestive organs at each stage, the vitamins are gradually absorbed by the body, providing the necessary dose of useful substances all the way.

How to take vitamins correctly

The most suitable time for taking vitamins is in the morning, when the body adjusts to daytime activity.

Most vitamins are absorbed only with food. But you do not need to drink vitamins with milk, soda and coffee - these drinks can interfere with their normal absorption.

Vitamins in the form of capsules should be taken whole, without chewing.

Vitamins are vital for normal metabolism, cell renewal, and just for good health. And we need them not only at the end of winter, but also during times of severe stress, with increased physical exertion, climate change or habitual nutrition. People who are on strict diets and smokers are at risk and should drink vitamins all year round. During the period of the greatest likelihood of beriberi, some begin to take vitamins, multivitamins and vitamin-containing preparations sold in pharmacies in large doses. However, excessive use of them can cause serious harm to the body and cause a violation of their absorption in the intestines, which will further exacerbate the problem.

It is worth considering that the gifts of fields and gardens contain whole complexes of vitamins, but in the process of long-term storage their number is noticeably reduced, and heat treatment can destroy them altogether. Therefore, it is advisable to consume vegetables and fruits in their raw form (for example, in the form of salads). If they are subjected to heat treatment, then in the microwave or steamed, for example, in a double boiler. The same cooking method is positive for meat and fish.

Essential vitamins for the human body

Looking at our image in the mirror in early spring, we understand that silky hair, fresh skin, and sparkling eyes will help us return only a course of vitamin therapy.

Essential vitamins:

hair- A, B2, B6, F, H.

eyes- A and B.
teeth- E and D.
nails- A, D and C.
On the skin and on the whole body in general, vitamins A, B, B12, E and F are beneficial.

Scientists have proven that those vitamins that we get from natural products are best absorbed, while tablets are often excreted without having time to digest well and deliver the necessary substances to the body.

Constant fatigue, lethargy, increased irritability, sleep disturbance, dryness and peeling of the skin, hair loss, muscle pain, blurred vision and depression are a manifestation of beriberi. In the absence of nutrients in the body, metabolic processes slow down and a number of pathological conditions occur, which are recommended to be treated under medical supervision.

What is avitaminosis - the causes of the appearance

Avitaminosis is a disease or a group of diseases, the result of which is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body. The reasons for the lack of nutrients are:

  • unbalanced nutrition, including diets, fasting, "fasting days";
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • stress;
  • taking medications;
  • disorder and disruption of the intestines;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • childhood.

Symptoms and signs - how vitamin deficiency manifests itself

The symptomatology of the pathological condition with a lack of minerals is different and depends on which vitamin is lost by the body:

  1. Avitaminosis A is manifested by rashes, dryness and peeling of the skin on the face, hair and nails become brittle, twilight vision worsens.
  2. Avitaminosis B (B1, B3, B6, B12) is characterized by excessive tearfulness, irritability, drowsiness and weakness. There is weight loss, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, numbness, tinnitus.
  3. Vitamin D deficiency leads to muscle pain and cramps, increases the risk of fractures and injuries.
  4. Avitaminosis C is manifested not only in a decrease in immunity and skin elasticity. Vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of scurvy, a disease characterized by the appearance of hemorrhages due to fragility of the walls of blood vessels.

One of the first, especially in the off-season, the surface of the hands suffers from beriberi. Then the reaction of the body passes to the skin of the face, body, lips.

Vitamin deficiency on the hands can be manifested by dry skin, the appearance of cracks - this indicates a lack of vitamin A. Age spots, discoloration and appearance - a lack of B12. Itching, fragility of the nail plate - vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin deficiency on the fingers is manifested by peeling from the side of the palm, this indicates a lack of vitamins C and E.

If beriberi on the skin of the face and body is manifested by dryness and peeling, “goose bumps” on the thighs, legs and in the places where the knees and elbows are bent, we are talking about a lack of vitamin A. Acne, pimples, oily sheen, facial skin imperfections - B2 deficiency. Vitamin E deficiency leads to stretch marks on the skin, while the pathology occurs in both women and men.

Vitamin deficiency on the lips is manifested by a decrease in elasticity, dryness and cracks appear in the corners. This indicates a deficiency of B2 and B6. A neglected condition can lead to infection with a staphylococcal infection.

Vitamin deficiency in children, as well as in adults, is mainly associated with poor nutrition. After observing the child, you can find a changeable mood, sleep disturbance, a perversion in taste habits (eats chalk, earth, etc.), a sharp decrease in immunity, a rash, irritation of the mucous membranes, deformation of the skull bones (avitaminosis D and C). Due to the fact that the child's body is constantly developing and growing, the lack of one or more vitamins can lead to irreversible consequences.

Treatment of beriberi

If symptoms are detected, it is necessary to consult a general practitioner (pediatrician), an immunologist. Only a doctor after the diagnosis will be able to diagnose and prescribe the treatment of beriberi. In addition to medications, dietary supplements, as well as alternative methods of restoring the immune system, can be recommended.

Pharmacy preparations

When treating vitamin deficiencies, doctors prescribe multicomponent drugs in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, syrups, or injections.

Pharmaceutical preparations are classified depending on the age and needs of the patient:

  1. Children under one year old can be prescribed: Vigantol, Akvadetrim for the prevention of rickets at an early age, multicomponent dietary supplements Multi-Tabs Baby, Alphabet for general strengthening of the child's body.
  2. Children 1-7 years old are offered the following vitamin and mineral complexes: Pikovit 1+, Vitamishki, Supradin Kids, Multi-Tabs. During the active phase of growth, physical and mental development, the body of a preschooler must be strengthened with multicomponent preparations.
  3. Vitamins for junior and senior students help reduce fatigue, strengthen the body during stress and frequent colds. These vitamins include Alphabet, Shkolnik, Pikovit 7+, Univit Kids, Complivit Active.
  4. The period of young and middle age is characterized by high physical and mental activity, frequent disturbance of the psycho-emotional background, and stress. To strengthen the body during this period, pharmaceutical preparations Complivit Antistress, Alfavit Classic, Vitrum, Duovit, Multi-Tabs Intensive are recommended.
  5. Specialized vitamin and mineral complexes:
    • preparations for pregnant and lactating mothers: Femibion, Alfavit Mom's health, Elevit, Vitrum Prenatal, Complivit mom;
    • complexes for restoring the body during the season of colds: Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus, Biomax.

Folk methods

In the treatment of vitamin deficiency with folk remedies, decoctions from herbs, fruits of plants and shrubs, mashed potatoes and salads from fruits and vegetables are introduced into the human diet. The most popular are:

  1. Sea buckthorn fruits. 100 g of frozen sea buckthorn berries are poured over with boiling water, kneaded in puree, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Sea buckthorn tea is rich in vitamins C, P and B2, helps to strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  2. Rose hip. 200 ml water and 1 tbsp. l. Place rose hips in a container, boil in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, leave for 12 hours. Rosehip tea contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as vitamins B, A, E, P, K. Thanks to this composition, the decoction not only helps in the treatment of beriberi, but is also used in the treatment of hypertension, prevention of atherosclerosis, restores kidney function, is anti-edematous means.
  3. Onion and garlic. In the treatment of vitamin C deficiency in the body, they are consumed raw. Effective for scurvy.
  4. Red viburnum. 2 tbsp. l. viburnum pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 45-60 minutes. The berry contains vitamins C, K, phosphorus, iodine, pectin, essential oils. A decoction of red viburnum is useful for vitamin deficiency in the body, it is also used for hypertension, the treatment of bronchitis, tonsillitis, and is used as an antipyretic.
  5. Nettle. Juice preparation method: pass the young shoots of the plant through a meat grinder and strain through cheesecloth. Mix with carrot or cranberry juice in equal proportions, dilute with 50 ml of water, drink 3 times a day. The plant contains vitamins K, C, A, E, phosphorus, iron, organic acids. It is used to increase immunity, improves metabolism, lowers blood sugar levels, strengthens the cardiovascular system, is used for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with traditional medicine methods can serve as an alternative to pharmaceutical preparations, however, there are contraindications for natural components. For example, garlic and onions are contraindicated in ulcers and gastritis, nettle is forbidden to be used in the treatment of pregnant women.

Proper nutrition

The main cause of beriberi is an unbalanced diet. To restore the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body, it is necessary to eat cereals from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, meat products, and fish.

The most valuable and enriched with useful properties food products:

Vitamin herbal products Animal products
A Carrots, citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine, orange) Hard cheeses, cod liver, butter, eggs
B2 Whole grain bread, wheat germ, broccoli Veal brains, liver, cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk
B5 Peanuts, rice, broccoli, legumes Chicken meat, meat by-products
B6 Walnuts, bananas, green salad Salmon, oysters, milk, meat, eggs
B9 Nuts, beans, oranges, lettuce by-products
C Citrus, sea buckthorn, black currant, asparagus, kiwi, strawberry
D Milk, cod liver, oily fish
E Olive oil, fennel, spinach, almonds
PP White mushrooms Turkey, hare
H Biotin is found in all plant foods Beef liver, egg yolk

To quickly restore the body and saturate it with useful microelements, it is recommended to use vegetable products raw or steamed, bake meat and fish in foil or in a special tight bag, include freshly squeezed juices, greens, salads in the diet. It is necessary to exclude fast food, sausage delicacies, canned food, store-bought sauces and mayonnaise, chips, alcohol, limit the use of confectionery.

Safety rules and possible complications

Lack of vitamins A and E causes premature aging of the skin, hair loss, susceptibility to infections, and, in men, infertility.

Lack of thiamine (B1) in the body leads to polyneuropathy - damage to the nerve endings of the lower extremities, the extreme form - paralysis.

Riboflavin (B2) deficiency is characterized by skin dermatitis and conjunctivitis.

The absence of niacin (B3) has an effect on increasing cholesterol.

Anemia in vitamin B12 deficiency leads to frequent headaches and dizziness.

The lack of folic acid (B9) is dangerous for pregnant women, because it affects the formation of the fetus, placenta.

With a large lack of vitamin C, muscle pain, weight loss, nosebleeds, extreme degree - tooth loss, internal hemorrhage appear.

Vitamin D deficiency in young children affects the development of the bones of the arms, legs, spine, and the closure of the "fontanelle". The extreme degree is rickets.

If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not start preventive treatment, the consequences of beriberi can be irreversible.

Avitaminosis. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that. But such an opinion is erroneous, since the lack of it affects all its functions and disrupts the work of many internal organs and systems.

What it is

Many of us have come across the concept of beriberi. Such phrases as "seasonal vitamin deficiency", "spring and autumn vitamin deficiency" are especially popular among the people. But, in fact, these concepts hide the usual seasonal lack of vitamins that occurs in the fall and which is not critical for the body and is easily replenished with the onset when using fresh and or after taking the simplest vitamin complexes. But this condition is rather called hypovitaminosis - a deficiency of one or more types of vitamins, which, although there are only in small quantities in the body, are still present.
With proper care and concern for your health, such a vitamin deficiency is quickly replenished with the necessary substances. But if we have so far only talked about hypovitaminosis, then what is beriberi and how does it manifest itself? Avitaminosis is a very serious disorder in the functioning of the human body, which is accompanied by global functional disorders and can lead to severe complications, and sometimes, in case of acute total deficiency, even death. However, with timely treatment, the disease has a favorable prognosis and in most cases is easily cured. With beriberi, there is a critical shortage or complete absence of one or more vitamins.

Cellular respiration, cell nutrition, their growth, division and differentiation are possible only with the participation of vitamin and mineral complexes in these processes. As a result, the development and renewal of organs, tissues and systems occurs. The body begins to more successfully resist infections and various diseases, improves system performance and resistance to various negative influences from the outside world. But sometimes it happens that a vitamin deficiency occurs, and one in which any vitamin may be absent in the human body at all. There can be many common causes of beriberi of any kind:

  • the scarcity of the diet, the lack of fresh and cereals, eggs, or cottage cheese;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which vitamins are not absorbed by the intestinal villi and simply do not enter;
  • disturbances in the functioning of cellular transport, due to which vitamins do not become biologically active substances in tissues;
  • improper metabolism;
  • vitamins can not be synthesized and not absorbed by the person himself;
  • addictions that disrupt the synthesis and absorption of vitamins;
  • chronic or persistent;
  • the feeding period of a young mother, when all the vitamins go to the baby;
  • reception, which "turn off" the action of vitamins. These are, for example, some antibacterial drugs, which include acetylsalicylic acid and inactivating agents necessary to thin the blood and reduce its clotting.

Important! Although the lack of vitamins is dangerous, but their excess is sometimes even more dangerous and can cause serious consequences, ranging from a very high temperature to the complete inability of the body to produce insulin. Therefore, in no case should you carelessly take all vitamin complexes in unlimited quantities! Taking the drug should be agreed with the doctor, and the dose and time of administration should be strictly observed.

There are also common symptoms that indicate a lack of vitamins in the body:
  • changes in state - they become dull, excessively split and broken, the number of fallen ones increases;
  • nails also suffer - they begin to exfoliate and crumble, very soft and fragile;
  • becomes dry and pale, looks lethargic and even a little grayish;
  • lips quickly dry out and crack, may appear on the lips;
  • becomes not so sharp, and sometimes worsens significantly;
  • blood may appear at the time, as the bleeding of the gums increases;
  • begins to get sick often and SARS;
  • old chronic diseases are aggravated and become more frequent, for example, fungal infections, u, herpetic sores;
  • worsens, and sometimes completely disappears;
  • there is aching pain in the joints and muscle tissues, convulsions may appear;
  • the psychological sphere also suffers - for the most part, he is apathetic and depressed, prone to, drowsy and lethargic, hardly gets out of bed, worsens, in particular memorization and concentration suffer.

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of different types

Despite the general signs of beriberi, the lack of a particular vitamin manifests itself differently from others, has its own causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment.


Vitamin A, also known in medical circles as retinol, is involved in many life processes, providing skin renewal, sharpness, strengthening, harmonizing the central nervous system and maintaining hormone balance. The lack of this substance can be caused, firstly, by a violation of its intake from, and, secondly, due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (or malabsorption, decreased gastric secretion), due to which the vitamin is not absorbed.

Also, the cause of violations can be the period and old age, kidney and liver diseases in a chronic course, diseases of the biliary tract. Symptoms of beriberi A are manifested in:

  • violation of sharpness;
  • burning sensation and dryness, lack of lacrimal secretions;
  • the appearance of "night blindness", that is, vision worsens;
  • possible appearance of a thorn in the eye;
  • peels off and becomes dry;
  • brittle and dry;
  • yellowing of the nail plate;
  • turn yellow.
Usually, the patient can guess the onset of the disease himself, since the symptoms are obvious and observable. Most often, no additional studies are required, because any doctor can make a diagnosis only judging by the clinical picture, and for this a simple examination and anamnesis is enough. However, when symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek advice from two specialists - an ophthalmologist and a dermatologist. They diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment - both specific for disorders and for replenishing the body with the missing vitamin A. In the event that the cause of the disease lies not in scarcity, but in the internal problems of the body, additional examinations may be prescribed. And then the treatment will be strictly special and aimed at the root cause. Vitamin A deficiency treatment should be dealt with. He will prescribe vitamin complexes, as well, which must contain the following, containing the maximum amount of vitamin A:
  • and products from it;
  • liver;
  • seafood;
  • butter;
  • marine;
  • apricots;
  • - spinach, lettuce and.


To group B include many vitamins that are very important for a healthy life. These substances are responsible for metabolic processes in the body, ensure the efficiency of internal organs and systems, and support. But each vitamin from this group is distinguished by its specific symptoms. However, these substances should enter the body in a complex, and not separately, since they are closely interconnected.

Important! Warning! Vitamin B12 is not synthesized by the body, but can only accumulate. And animals do it much better. Therefore, eating only plant foods, extremely poor in B12, is guaranteed to cause its deficiency. To avoid this, be sure to take B12 in medication form..


Deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) appears for the same reasons as other types of vitamin deficiency. Of particular danger are periods when the body is weakened - and breastfeeding, active growth, old age of a person, excessive stress, both physical and mental. Symptoms of beriberi C are manifested by increased bleeding, including gums, development, breathing problems and indigestion, fatigue and weakness, the presence of pain without a specific localization. Deficiency is treated With the introduction of large doses into the patient's diet, for example, through (vegetables and berries, black currants, tomatoes and spinach), as well as with the help of drug administration through tablets or injections.


() is a synthetic compound that is produced by human skin under the influence of sunlight - ultraviolet radiation. With a lack of D, growth and development slow down, and general symptoms are manifested by lesions of the teeth (caries), joint pain, cramps, fragility of bones and their violation, the appearance of stoop, weight loss and weakness. Deficiency causes such serious diseases as rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, multiple sclerosis and type 2 diabetes. Vitamin D deficiency is treated by including foods such as beef and pork liver, chicken eggs, dairy products, and oily fish in the diet. Ultraviolet irradiation, calcium supplementation and concomitant treatment of internal diseases are also prescribed.


(tocopherol) is very dependent on the external and internal environment of the body. It is easily destroyed under the influence of toxic substances such as or nicotine. Therefore, people who are prone to are much more prone to vitamin deficiency of tocopherol. Lack of E causes cirrhosis of the liver, and impotence. The aging process is also accelerated, the skin quickly fades, is broken.

A person with beriberi E becomes very quick-tempered and irritable, and quickly gets tired, even if there were no physical or mental stress. For treatment, the patient is prescribed, rich in tocopherol: eggs, cabbage and spinach, and carrots. Very useful vegetable fats - sesame and linseed oil. Also, a large amount of tocopherol is found in herbs such as motherwort, mint and wild rose, mountain ash, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to consume herbal from these herbal mixtures.


Vitamin F consists of a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which belongs to the substances and omega-6. This complex contributes to the production of energy by the body, participates in the transfer of oxygen, regulates hormonal balance, and provides interaction between cells. Fatty acids affect work, relieve inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and can also reduce levels. Avitaminosis F is fraught for a person with diseases and blood vessels (heart attack,), paralysis, the development of oncological diseases with a rapid course and a general weakening of the body.

Important! The most effective use of omega-3 and omega-6 in the process of eating, as well as with the concomitant intake of vitamin E, which contributes to better absorption of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.

There is a lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, skin disorders (dermatitis, acne, acne), frequent and menstrual irregularities, swelling, deterioration of hair and nails, child hyperactivity and general disorders in the nervous system in the form deterioration of memory and concentration, fatigue and weakness, there are problems with arthritis, hypertension, children's scoliosis. The lack of F is filled with rich foods

Avitaminosis- a disease that develops as a result of the lack of vitamins in the body. If one vitamin is missing, it is monoavitaminosis, if several - polyavitaminosis. According to doctors, in the spring, about 85% of people suffer from polyavitaminosis.

Why does avitaminosis occur?

The main source of vitamins and microelements is plant foods. Most of all we consume it in the summer and until mid-autumn. During this period, the body makes reserves that are enough for about four months. At the end of winter, they are exhausted, since the diet lacks plant foods, and in vegetables and fruits at this time the amount of vitamins is significantly reduced. Therefore, there is a deficiency of vitamins in the human body. Most of all it is felt by those who have problems with the liver.

People who eat poorly and irregularly also feel bad, which leads to problems with the liver, which cannot create the necessary reserves of vitamins and microelements.

Causes of avitaminosis

  • Violation of the intake of vitamins with food due to malnutrition, insufficient or poor-quality nutrition.
  • Violation of the digestive processes or disruption of the organs directly related to digestion.
  • The intake of antivitamins, such as drugs used in the treatment of increased blood clotting.
  • Features of children's metabolism
  • Features of metabolism in the elderly

Symptoms of beriberi

  • peeling of the skin;
  • fragility of nails;
  • hair loss;
  • from the smallest blow or touch, bruises remain on the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (relapses of herpes and fungal infections);
  • frequent colds, after which a person is difficult and long to recover;
  • constant feeling of fatigue, apathy, irritation, drowsiness;
  • pale, flaccid skin prone to dryness and irritation;
  • reduced concentration of attention, memory impairment, absent-mindedness;
  • gums bleed while brushing teeth;
  • cracked corners of the lips - neither creams nor lipsticks help.

What to do with avitaminosis

  • Bleeding gums - not enough vitamin C. Eat citrus fruits, apples, onions, garlic, parsley, sauerkraut, cranberries, rosehip drink.
  • Do you have cracks in the corners of your mouth, dry lips? This is a signal of a lack of vitamin B2. Eat yogurt, milk, cheese, brewer's yeast,.
  • Feeling weak, nauseated? Nausea provokes a lack of vitamins B1, B6. Eat beans, peas, nuts, meat, liver, fish, yolk, milk.
  • Vitamin E (butter, wheat germ, nuts, eggs, sunflower seeds, rosehip and pumpkin oils) will help with muscle weakness.
  • Are you depressed, irritated? Then the very necessary B vitamins, especially B1, B5, B6, B12. There are many of them in porridge, fish, nuts, legumes, liver, eggs, milk.
  • Anemia, intestinal problems, indigestion - will save folic acid (vitamin B9), which is abundant in green leafy vegetables, yeast, and vitamins B12, PP, A (veal liver, mackerel, poultry, nuts, brewer's yeast).
  • Irritability, insomnia indicate a lack of vitamins B3, B6, PP (eat as many cereals as possible, especially useful cereals containing pearl barley, lean meat, liver, yeast).
  • Do you have dandruff, dry, brittle hair? Urgently replenish the body with biotin (vitamin H), vitamin A, B6 (egg yolk, walnuts, butter, carrots, liver, sea buckthorn).

Some diseases:

  • scurvy - in the absence of vitamin C
  • beriberi - Vitamin B1
  • rickets - Vitamin D
  • pellagra - Vitamin PP

Measures to prevent beriberi

At present, rarely does anyone feel a lack of vitamin C, because in winter you can buy tangerines, oranges, lemons, kiwi, and other fruits in which there is a lot of it. - And in apples, pears, vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, beets, etc.) it is also present. True, from the middle of winter, the content of this vitamin in vegetables and fruits decreases slightly. Therefore, during this period, frozen berries, fruits, and vegetables will come in handy. If they were frozen correctly, then they retain 95% of the vitamins from the content in fresh raw materials.

Vitamin reserves for the winter should be frozen in small portions: pulled out of the freezer - and immediately used, since vitamin C in them oxidizes very quickly. The more time passes from the moment of defrosting to consumption, the less vitamins remain.

Juices, compotes from dried fruits, jelly, fruit drink, rosehip broth also wonderfully enrich the body with vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances. Currently, it is worth paying attention to cranberries - an inexhaustible source of vitamins and minerals. By the way, preparing it for the winter is very simple: put whole (not crumpled, not broken) berries in a jar, pour cold water over it and roll up the lid, you can even use plastic.

There is no need to sterilize or add sugar - the skin of the cranberry contains such strong natural preservatives that it can be stored in a cool place for 10 years without spoiling.

A properly prepared rosehip broth will replenish the body not only with vitamin C, but also with vitamins A and E. But you should not steam the berries in a thermos, as they used to do, because vitamin C will collapse overnight, so you will drink acidified water. Berries should be crushed, pour water and put the pan on a small fire for 10-20 minutes. Then strain through several layers of gauze to get rid of the fluff, and drink.

In the winter-spring period, it is necessary to support the body's immunity, for which vitamin A is responsible. Most of it is found in carrots and pumpkins. They are best consumed with butter or sour cream, as vitamin A is fat soluble. You need to prepare dishes from them in such quantities that you can immediately eat them. Vegetable soups, borscht, vinaigrette should be on the menu daily. Vitamin A is abundant in sea buckthorn oil. It can be added to salads.

B vitamins are very important for the body - most of them are produced in the intestines if you use thermally processed vegetables, fruits, cereals. Vitamins of group B during heat treatment are not oxidized and are not destroyed. Therefore, vegetables should be boiled over low heat (dipped in boiling water), stewed, steamed, baked, but not fried.

It is impossible to replenish the body with vitamins if you do not eat five to six times a day in small portions. - Since only if the food comes with a small amount of fat, the liver can fully function, performing its many extremely important functions.

By the way, common spring exacerbations of gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases are very often associated with the activation of pathogenic microflora against the background of a weakened immune system due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

In order not to feel a trace element deficiency, nutritionists advise diversifying the diet. It is harmful to adhere to a mono-diet, consuming one or only a few products.
If your diet contains a variety of foods and you stick to the rules of nutrition, then vitamin deficiency is not terrible for you.

Many people, seemingly for no apparent reason, begin to complain of weakness, increased fatigue. Then visual signs appear, characterized by a deterioration in appearance: dull hair, pale skin, rash. Such manifestations are especially relevant during the off-season. Doctors diagnose beriberi. After all, it is these symptoms on the skin that manifest a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

Answering the question, what is avitaminosis, experts unequivocally state that it is a disease. After all, the lack of vitamins in the body leads to a deterioration in overall health. This is manifested by external and internal signs.

Like any other disease, vitamin deficiency has its own causes, symptoms, stages of development and, of course, treatment.

Initially, the phrase "vitamin deficiency" is associated with the winter-spring season. Many people think that this disease is mainly due to the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits during this period. The correctness of this assertion must be acknowledged. However, it is necessary to clarify: beriberi can develop at other times of the year, and at the end of winter its exacerbation is observed. After all, there are several causes of the disease:

  1. Inadequate diet / strict diets;
  2. Pathology of internal systems and organs;
  3. Bad habits;
  4. Wrong regimen and lifestyle.

The first of these reasons is due to the fact that a person with nutrition does not receive enough vitamins. Other factors lead to deviations in the activity of the body, as a result of which microelements and vitamins are quickly destroyed or poorly absorbed for a long time.

Distinctive signs of beriberi

Diagnosis of beriberi, unfortunately, can be far from immediately, since the initial period is secretive. A person feels drowsiness, apathy, disability, irritability. Further, the lack of vitamins is certainly not the best way to affect the appearance.

The epidermis is especially prone to negative manifestations of vitamin deficiency. This is the largest human organ in terms of area and performs many vital functions. For his health and normal activity, you need to get a large amount of vitamins. It is these compounds that are responsible for the water-fat balance, the course of regeneration processes in the skin, its respiration and blood supply.

The hallmarks of the disease are quite extensive and varied. They can manifest internally and externally, from dandruff and hair loss, acne and cracked skin, to brittle bones and blindness. The fact is that sometimes the body lacks one vitamin, and sometimes there is a deficiency of several vitamin components at once.

Therefore, if the skin has become dry, with an unhealthy shade, inflammation has appeared, and all this happens against the background of emotional disruptions, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms in children and adults

Only a therapist can diagnose beriberi. According to the results of the tests and the symptoms present, he will determine which microelement is missing in the patient's body.

Signs of a vitamin deficiency include:

  1. Loss of appetite;
  2. Lethargy and reduced activity;
  3. Tearfulness;
  4. Dryness of the lips and the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  5. Rash on the body.
  • Vitamin K deficiency accompanied by nosebleeds, bruising all over the body;
  • Vitamin D deficiency manifested by problems with bones and joints, the development of rickets;
  • Lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin "C") will lead to the destruction of teeth and gums, the formation of abscesses and long-healing wounds on the body;
  • If there are not enough B vitamins, then the child looks weak, inhibited, dermatitis, weight loss, impaired coordination may be observed;
  • Not enough PP connections at an early age is characterized by rapid fatigue.

Complex forms with a deficiency of several vitamins can provoke convulsions, muscle atrophy, mental disorders, inhibition of reflexes.

In adults, increased fatigue and drowsiness do not immediately cause alarm, they easily explain these symptoms by chronic fatigue, the rhythm of life and daily workload.

However, there are persistent symptoms of this disease in adults:

  • Migraines and insomnia;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Dry mouth, loss of appetite;
  • mood swings;
  • bone pain;
  • Skin and hair problems.

Separate signs in women

Think about the severity of the disease, especially women, later, when visible signs appear:

  • brittle nails,
  • increased dryness of the epidermis,
  • early wrinkles,
  • loss of large amounts of hair.

Well, when these phenomena are temporary. But what if the symptoms do not go away, and the situation worsens? This should by no means be expected. Because in both children and adults, a neglected form of beriberi leads to serious consequences.

Varieties of beriberi and their characteristic manifestations on the skin

Based on what problems have appeared with the skin, it is possible to establish the amount of which vitamin in the body has decreased to a critical point. It is on this basis that the varieties of vitamin deficiency are distributed:

  • With vitamin A deficiency on the whole body, especially on the thighs and forearms, the epidermis is covered with "goose bumps", this manifestation is called follicular hyperkeratosis by doctors. Increased pigmentation is noted, the color of the skin becomes uneven, dull. The lack of this vitamin provokes the development of "night blindness" - a significant decrease in vision in the dark;
  • When observed lack of vitamin E, multiple small wrinkles appear on the skin, and especially on the hands, the skin becomes like parchment, cracks appear on the fingers and palms, all this is accompanied by itching. Avitaminosis caused by the loss of this "vitamin of beauty" is accompanied by rapid aging;
  • With a lack of vitamins B2 and B12 swelling and inflammatory redness appear on the face, spider veins, acne and rosacea appear. Both men and women can develop stretch marks on their skin. Vitamins of this group are responsible for the production of sebum, and the lack of these compounds provokes an increase in the production of gland secretions. Consequently, the epidermis becomes oily, pores expand on it;
  • recognize vitamin C deficiency it is possible according to the condition of the lips: their elasticity decreases, cracks appear on them, which can constantly bleed and cause sharp pain. Scurvy may develop, accompanied by loss of teeth and bleeding gums;
  • When in the body vitamin PP is not delivered, then the following skin diseases may occur: dermatitis, photodermatosis, edema;
  • Until now, the cause of the appearance of a skin disease, psoriasis, remains unsolved. Doctors tend to believe that this disease is provoked vitamin D deficiency. In addition, a decrease in the level of this compound is characterized by constant itching of the skin, a feeling of tightness.

Where more deplorable "looks" beriberi, caused by a lack of several vitamins at once.

When there is a lack of antioxidants that protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and oxidation processes, the epidermis is prone to early aging, it becomes covered with large brown spots. And all visible skin problems occur against the background of serious internal diseases:

  1. Nervous disorders;
  2. Exacerbations of gastritis;
  3. Fragility of blood vessels;
  4. Hypochromic anemia;
  5. Decreased immunity.

Seasonal beriberi

It is at the end of winter - beginning of spring that an exacerbation of vitamin deficiency is observed. People prone to this disease during the off-season often complain of unreasonable irritability, loss of strength, and drowsiness. It becomes difficult for them to cope with their usual work.

Such beriberi also has visual signs:

  • Thinning and breaking nails;
  • Hair fade, fall out, split;
  • Lips crack;
  • Dry and flaky skin.

If such symptoms appear in early spring, you should immediately consult a doctor, since it is at this time that the development of this disease is fraught with serious consequences.

The causes of spring beriberi include the following facts:

  1. In winter, the diet contains the least amount of natural vitamins and minerals obtained from fresh herbs, fruits, berries, and vegetables. Weight these products are available for sale all year round, but in the middle lane they are mainly subject to long-term storage and lose useful substances;
  2. During this period, colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases are frequent. Medicines used to treat such diseases adversely affect the absorption of vitamin compounds;
  3. Doctors note that in the spring an increase in the number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is recorded. And this is accompanied by a violation of the absorption of vitamins.

Stages of the disease

Experts subdivide 3 stages of this disease:

  1. Initial or subnormal provision. Vitamins are delivered to the body in minimal amounts;
  2. Hypovitaminosis. The content of one or more vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of systems and organs is pathologically reduced;
  3. Avitaminosis. The complete absence of a vitamin compound in the body is recorded. At this stage, significant changes and disturbances in the appearance of a person are observed.

Photo of the manifestation of beriberi (on the face, hands of a child and an adult, skin)

A few photographs showing the symptoms of beriberi on the human body.

The content of vitamins in foods

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of beriberi, you need to properly organize your diet. Even in winter and early spring, you can get enough vitamins with food. The main thing is to know what products they contain:

Vitamin A"

  • Potato
  • Legumes
  • Spinach
  • Peaches
  • Sea ​​buckthorn
  • Parsley
  • Cottage cheese
  • Apples
  • Carrot

Vitamin "B1"

  • cereals
  • wheat germ
  • Beans
  • Yeast

Vitamin "B2"

  • Mushrooms
  • Soybean oil
  • Cereals

Vitamin "B3"

  • pistachios
  • Cereals
  • Peas

Vitamin "B12"

  • Sour cream
  • Seafood
  • Liver

Vitamin C"

  • Cauliflower
  • Rose hip
  • radish
  • Citrus
  • Currant
  • A pineapple
  • Bell pepper

Vitamin D"

  • Vegetable oil
  • Butter
  • Beef
  • Yolks

Vitamin "E"

  • Raspberries
  • Pumpkin
  • Sesame
  • Vitamin "F"
  • Olives
  • Dried fruits
  • Fish fat

Vitamin "H"

  • Chocolate
  • Milk
  • nuts

Vitamin "K"

  • Lentils
  • Green tea
  • Onion

You should be more attentive to your body, the appearance of unnatural deviations, both in appearance and in behavior, signals the reaction of the body. Maybe it's avitaminosis. The truth is old, but still relevant - the disease is easier to prevent.

Avitaminosis is a disease that develops due to a lack of a vitamin in the body. Often the consequences are serious illnesses. the disease can develop with malnutrition or disorders in the work of certain organs associated with the digestive process.

What is the difference between beriberi and hypovitaminosis?

For characteristic is a decrease in the amount of one or more vitamins in the body. It has little effect on the general condition of a person, and with the necessary intake of the necessary substances, health is restored.

Avitaminosis is the terminal stage of the disease. With it, there is a progressive lack of vitamins, which is not replenished even minimally.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the active substance may completely disappear from the body. Today, beriberi is a rare occurrence, so most people are faced with hypovitaminosis.


Both hereditary and external factors can lead to the formation of the disease. Often the prerequisites are insufficient or poor-quality nutrition. Because of it, the body does not get enough vitamins in the right amount.

This may appear due to insufficient consumption of berries, fruits, vegetables, greens.

Problems also arise when the digestive tract does not work properly. If the amount of useful food is violated in it, food is poorly absorbed, vitamins are not synthesized. It is possible to take medications and the period of pregnancy.

Young mothers who are breastfeeding give most of the trace elements from their body to the baby. If hypovitaminosis was observed before, then there is a high probability of a categorical decrease in the amount of one or another useful substance.


If the body is deficient in only one of any vitamin, then they speak of monovitaminosis. With a deficiency of several at once, polyavitaminosis occurs. The latter is quite rare. With a lack of one of any useful substance, the symptoms may differ.

VitaminSymptoms of beriberi
AThe skin becomes dry and begins to peel off. Wrinkles and rashes may appear. The condition of the teeth worsens, visual acuity decreases at dusk.
WITHThe dermis loses its elasticity. A person often begins to get sick with viral and bacterial diseases. There is pain in the muscles, bleeding gums, tooth loss. The likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies is high.
EIt negatively affects sexual life: a woman develops frigidity, a man has impotence. There is irritability, weakness. Periodically, a feeling of numbness of the muscles is created. Pregnant women have an increased risk of early labor or miscarriage.
DBones and joints soften, there are pains in the joints, muscles. Increases the body's susceptibility to various infections. Mood swings, irritability, depression appear.
B2Deficiency reduces the sensitivity of the body. There is a loss of appetite. Reactions become inhibited, sleep disturbance appears. Vision deteriorates, dermatological problems arise.
B1Deficiency negatively affects the psycho-emotional sphere. Decreased cognitive functions: memory, attention. The person cannot concentrate on work. There are problems with the stool, the liver enlarges. Blood pressure is below the desired levels.
B12This form of beriberi causes anemic syndrome. The appearance of the disease can also be suspected by nervous disorders. There are dizziness, frequent headaches. There is a ringing in the ears, a depressive mood is pumped up. Memory impairment occurs.
B3Characteristic symptoms are weakness, inflammation and swelling of the tongue, loss of skin elasticity, gastric disorders, dementia. Perhaps the appearance of neurological symptoms and fever.
B6Seborrheic dermatitis appears. Often stomatitis, conjunctivitis, glossitis becomes a companion. A blood test can show a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. There is muscle weakness.
KVitamin K vitamin deficiency is characterized by the development of bleeding from the nose, gums, and gastrointestinal tract. There are intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages.

Signs in women

Usually women complain of chronic fatigue, apathy. Due to beriberi and anemia, hormonal changes are possible. This leads to a delay in menstruation or to an excess of secretions.

Most often, the disease develops against the background of gestation. To make it easier to endure pregnancy, the mother must eat well. Symptoms of the disease in this position are more pronounced.

There is a deterioration in the structure of the nails, fragility of the teeth appears. Perhaps the development of a violation of the heart rhythm and the formation of a depressive state. There is an inability to concentrate, and unusual gastronomic addictions appear.

Manifestation on the skin and hands

Vitamin deficiency can lead to acne. This is especially often found with a lack of B, C, A. The inclusion of these elements in the diet will help get rid of acne.

The most common manifestation is dry skin. They become fragile, sensitive. Cracks may appear. Vitamin E is of great importance for elasticity.

This photo shows what beriberi looks like on the skin of the hands.

Lack of B6 and E leads to weight gain and the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks look like long stretches of connective tissue that differ in texture and color from the surrounding skin. Itching, flaking and premature aging of the skin appears due to a lack of vitamin D.

On the skin of the hands, beriberi is manifested by excessive dryness and severe peeling. A small red rash appears in the form of dots and stars. Pigmentation and vascular pattern appear. Nails become uneven, begin to exfoliate.

In children

Symptoms are the same as in adults. Basically, vision suffers, dry skin appears on the feet, hair may begin to fall out. With a lack of vitamin D, caries and softening of the bones of the skeleton develop. A child can easily break an arm or leg.

In extreme cases, rickets develops, which leads to a lag in the development of both mental and physical. Children with beriberi are prone to frequent colds.


Depending on the time of year when the problem appears, vitamin deficiency is distinguished:

  • spring,
  • winter.


At this time of the year, 85% of the population has beriberi. At this time, there is a decrease in vitamins and minerals in the composition of fruits and vegetables. Products are processed, which reduces the amount of nutrients in them.

Changes also begin in the body itself: metabolic processes are rebuilt, an imbalance in the intestinal microflora occurs. This period is especially difficult for children and the elderly.


During this period, the body's reserves of vitamins received in summer and autumn begin to run out. There are disturbances in the processes of the digestive system. At this time, you need to pay attention to cracks in the corners of the lips and the appearance of sores in the mouth. Hair may begin to fade, lethargy and spots appear on the legs.


If you do not cope with beriberi in time, the consequences can be serious. May appear:

  • tooth loss,
  • limb pain,
  • hemorrhagic rash,
  • decrease in immunity.

With a lack of vitamin A, night blindness develops. She is characterized by loss of vision in the dark. With a lack of PP, dermatosis develops. Serious problems arise in the work of the digestive tract and the nervous system. In extreme situations, paralysis of the limbs develops.

If there is a strong decrease in vitamin K, then an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. Delay can lead to hemorrhagic shock associated with the loss of a large volume of blood.

With vitamin deficiency of group B, serious pathologies of the mucous membranes develop. Women cannot become pregnant, dyspeptic syndrome appears, which is characterized by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.


Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of the existing manifestations. When collecting an anamnesis, a sufficient amount of attention is paid to the nutritional status of the patient, his skin and mucous membranes.

The diagnosis is damaged with the help of a blood and urine test, which can reveal the saturation of the body with vitamins.

Additional studies may be carried out, for example, a test to determine the gloomy adaptation of vision. A capillary stability test using a vacuum makes it possible to determine vitamin C deficiency.


The main goal is to introduce the missing vitamins into the body. The doctor tells you which foods to focus on, since these forms of vitamins are best absorbed from the intestines.

Along with food, other minerals and vitamins that take part in the metabolism come in. Vegetables and fruits are a must.

Perhaps the appointment of multivitamin preparations. In severe avitaminosis, funds are administered by injection, but drops and tablets are more often prescribed. The use of monopreparations is not always advisable, since at such a time the balance of all vitamins is disturbed.

Today there are special complexes of vitamins that are designed for certain groups of the population. Some are taken after severe infections, others - during physical exertion.

It should be noted that vitamin therapy itself does not make sense without dieting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Shown to stay in the fresh air, sunbathing and timely treatment of concomitant diseases. For faster assimilation of microelements, additional drugs can be prescribed to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin deficiencies affecting the skin can be treated with herbal baths, oil packs, or fruit pulp masks. You can also use special pharmacy creams containing a large amount of vitamins.

- a pathological condition of the body resulting from an acute deficiency of vitamins.

Avitaminosis is a rather complex disease that requires examination, as well as treatment by a specialist. Many people confuse beriberi with hypovitaminosis, which is characterized by a partial deficiency of a particular vitamin in the human body.

Vitamins are irreplaceable biologically active substances that serve as catalysts for enzyme systems or are part of numerous enzymes. In the absence of them, the necessary metabolism, tissue growth and renewal, as well as the biochemical provision of numerous body functions, is not possible. A lack of vitamins can lead to a failure of enzymatic reactions. Avitaminosis is more common in the population of far northern countries, which happens quite rarely.

As a rule, vitamin deficiency occurs in the winter-spring period, since at other times of the year the body is saturated with vitamins when eating fruits and berries, with which there are no problems in the summer. However, doctors believe that this disease is not seasonal and many people suffer from beriberi throughout the year.

Causes of avitaminosis.

The main causes of vitamin deficiency are a violation of the intake of vitamins and malnutrition, problems in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, long-term use of antibiotics, taking antivitamins (with excessive blood clotting), stressful situations and bad habits.

Smokers need to consume several times more vitamin C than a non-smoker. Children and the elderly suffer from beriberi due to age-related metabolism.

Symptoms and signs of beriberi.

The manifestations of vitamin deficiency include lethargy and pallor of the skin, dry falling hair, cracked corners of the lips, brittle nails, bleeding gums, apathy, irritation, chronic fatigue, frequent colds, relapses of herpes and fungus.

People suffering from vitamin deficiency tend to have difficulty waking up in the morning, depression, poor concentration and absent-mindedness. Avitaminosis becomes a common cause of visual impairment and problems with the digestive system.

In the case of an acute deficiency of a certain vitamin, patients against the background of characteristic manifestations may suffer from the development and specific signs. With a lack of vitamin A, the development of night blindness (decreased vision at night), degenerative changes in the mucous membranes, skin and glands, as well as the appearance of pustules is possible. With beriberi A, the likelihood of infectious lesions of the respiratory system, urination and digestion increases. A lack of vitamin A in children can lead to developmental delays and neurological disorders.

In the case of vitamin B1 deficiency, there is a violation in the work of the cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. Often worried about shortness of breath after physical exertion and heart palpitations. There are headaches, swelling, lowering blood pressure and fatigue.

With a lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), the patient has a violation of twilight vision, appetite decreases, the condition of the mucous membranes and skin deteriorates. Aphthous stomatitis, conjunctivitis or burning of the skin and pain in the eyes may occur. In the case of a long course of the disease, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs, which may result in anemia.

With a deficiency of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, B5 and PP), pellagra, achilic, erosive gastritis, polyneuritis, and even unsteadiness when walking and convulsions can develop.

If the body lacks vitamin C, anemia and scurvy can develop, which is characterized by general weakness, regular gum bleeding, high vascular fragility and a depleted nervous system.

With a lack of vitamin D, children suffer from rickets, and adults from pain in the muscles, joints, and dental problems.

Diagnosis of avitaminosis.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the body using a blood test.

Treatment of avitaminosis.

The basis of the treatment of vitamin deficiency should be a daily balanced diet, which will ensure that the body receives the desired complex of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Throughout the year, you need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits (canned, fresh, and frozen), greens, poultry and fish baked in foil. These products contain many valuable components and easily digestible amino acids.

Before direct treatment, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis to identify the missing vitamin in the blood.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, it is necessary to consume large quantities of peas, pork, wheat rye bread and yeast.
Vitamin B2 is found in various cereals and dairy products, nicotinic acid is found in nuts, fish, poultry, legumes, lean meats and whole wheat.

Beef liver, sour cream, and herring should be consumed by patients with vitamin D deficiency.

As a rule, with vitamin deficiency, the doctor prescribes the use of a vitamin-mineral complex, which is available in the form of powders, tablets, lozenges and dragees. However, the most acceptable form is a capsule. Moving through the intestines, losing one layer after another, it allows vitamins to be gradually absorbed inside.

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