Allergic rhinitis according to mcb. Acute rhinitis: types and forms of the disease, signs, treatment, prevention

Common symptoms of rhinitis include aching pain and pressure in the nose, cheeks, mucus (most often clear), and fever. In more than 70% of cases, acute rhinitis manifests itself against the background of a cold.

Therefore, to ordinary people without medical education, this condition is better known as a runny nose. Medical professionals can also use a colloquial name when communicating with patients, but most often they make a diagnosis according to an approved classifier of diseases. Rhinitis according to ICD 10 is encrypted under the code J00.

What subtypes of acute rhinitis can be distinguished?

In official medical sources, the classification of the disease is rarely given. Since the acute rhinitis itself is only a stage. However, starting from the trigger, the following types of rhinitis at the acute stage can be conditionally distinguished:

It is provoked by a certain allergen, usually lasts several days, but it can pass without treatment, after the contact with the trigger is eliminated.

It is subdivided into bacterial and viral. It is dangerous that the patient can be contagious to others, lasts up to two weeks.

It is provoked by a trauma to the nose, it can last until the anatomical shape of the septum is restored.

Appears under the influence of dust, smoke, irritating gas; may take several minutes / hours. A similar runny nose goes away without treatment, immediately after going out into the fresh air.

Sometimes, the concept of acute catarrhal rhinitis is also used. There is no mention of this type of disease in ICD-10. Moreover, the term "catarrhal" is most often used to describe the chronic form of the disease, and means inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Given that coryza itself indicates inflammation of the nasal mucosa, the use of the term "catarrhal" is redundant (but not wrong).

What are the symptoms of acute rhinitis?

And although a runny nose in an adult lasts (in an acute form) no more than two weeks, and does not seem to be a serious problem, the lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences. You need to think about therapy immediately after the following signs of rhinitis appear:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Discharge of mucus;
  • Sneezing;
  • Feeling of pressure in the ears;
  • Headache;
  • Loss of smell and sense of taste.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of rhinitis in adults can interfere with daily work, the disease is the basis for obtaining sick leave (but not more than 6 days).

Of course, with the usual flow from the nose, the ENT is unlikely to go to the meeting and issue a certificate. It is worth contacting a doctor if acute rhinitis is accompanied by a temperature that does not disappear even after taking medications.

Treatment methods for infectious rhinitis

Knowing the types of rhinitis and their symptoms, you can determine how to treat the disease. Since it is infectious rhinitis that is most often diagnosed (and viral rhinitis appears much more often than bacterial), most pharmaceutical preparations are aimed precisely at eliminating this problem.

If rinsing the nose does not help get rid of the runny nose, then it is allowed to use vasoconstrictor drops (Afrin, Rinonorm).

However, the period of use of drugs of this type should not exceed 5 days. To facilitate breathing, you can smear the skin under the nose with such ointments as Star, Doctor Mom Fito.

Treatment of acute rhinitis on an outpatient basis is complemented by ultraviolet irradiation (popularly quartzing). In order to completely get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you only need procedures.

Quartzing is usually done once a day in the morning. Under the influence of a special lamp, not only bacteria die, but also viruses, fungi, and spores. In modern clinics, laser therapy can be offered. The advantage of the procedure is that it allows you to completely get rid of a cold in 3 procedures.

The well-known doctor Komarovsky proposes to treat rhinitis in children without the use of medications. The pediatrician recommends installing a humidifier in the room and regularly rinsing your baby's nose with saline.

But if rhinitis prevents the baby from eating normally, then you need to additionally use a nasal aspirator, which helps to physically remove mucus from the nose. Some pharmacy saline solutions (for example, Otrivin baby) are sold with a special tube.

How to deal with other types of rhinitis?

If it is not possible to consult a therapist and determine which type of disease is developing, it is recommended to track how long the runny nose lasts.

With a viral infection (especially if the patient regularly rinses his nose, consumes a large amount of liquid), the nasal passages are cleared in about 7 days. If a person ignored the primary treatment, and the body “fought” the viruses itself, then relief of the condition can be expected in two weeks.

If the symptomatic treatment of acute rhinitis did not help, and after two weeks the runny nose worsened, or discharge of a green or dirty yellow color appeared from the nose, then this means that the disease is progressing. In this case, acute rhinitis will have to be treated with antibiotics.

In case of a runny nose caused by an allergy, you should drink an antihistamine, selected by your doctor. However, in most cases, allergic rhinitis is chronic, which means it is possible to take preventive measures.

Occupational and traumatic rhinitis requires elimination of the trigger of the problem, but for immediate relief of breathing, you can rinse your nose with saline or saline.

How to make breathing easier with a runny nose?

Preventing the complication of rhinitis at home is quite simple. The main thing is to adhere to three simple rules:

Drink plenty of fluids.

Plain, clean water will help promote drainage in the nasal passages. But drinks containing caffeine or alcohol are best avoided during a cold. Even 2-3 glasses of strong liquid will provoke swelling of the nose.

You can relieve your condition simply by inhaling steam from a pot of hot water, and if you add a few drops of essential oils there, the procedure will become much more effective.

It is also worth monitoring the humidity in the room, dry warm air does not contribute to a speedy recovery, but rather the opposite. It is best to install a humidifier in your apartment that will maintain an ideal environment.

Treat the nasal passages regularly.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations (Sialor, Aquamaris, etc.), or prepare your own nasal solution. You just need to mix a teaspoon of fine pure salt (without a slide) with a liter of purified water.

Adhering to such simple rules, you can not be afraid that a runny nose will ever develop into a chronic one.

How to eliminate a runny nose at home

How to warm up your nose with a runny nose so as not to harm

How and how to rinse your nose: 3 types of cleansing solutions

Acupressure massage for a cold

Propolis for a cold: the main methods of preparation


Excludes1: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with exacerbation of NOS (J44.1)


  • acute abscess, sinus (accessory) (nasal)
  • empyema acute, sinus (accessory) (nasal)
  • acute infection, sinus (accessory) (nasal)
  • acute inflammation, sinus (accessory) (nasal)
  • acute suppuration, sinus (accessory) (nasal)

Excludes: chronic sinusitis or NOS (J32.-)

Includes: acute angina

If necessary, an additional code (B95-B98) is used to identify the infectious agent.


  • acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis (J05.-)
  • laryngism (stridor) (J38.5)

If necessary, an additional code (B95-B98) is used to identify the infectious agent.


  • acute respiratory infection NOS (J22)
  • influenza virus:
    • identified (J09, J10.1)
    • not identified (J11.1)

In Russia, the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) has been adopted as a single normative document to take into account the incidence, reasons for the population's visits to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

ICD-10 was introduced into health care practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05/27/97. No. 170

A new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

As amended and supplemented by WHO

Processing and translating changes ©

Rhinitis acute

Acute rhinitis: A brief description

Acute rhinitis is an acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Acute rhinitis: Causes



Stage I - dry, characterized by a feeling of dryness and tension in the nose, nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane II - wet. The feeling of nasal congestion is growing, nasal breathing is sharply difficult (often absent), profuse mucous discharge from the nose III - suppuration. Reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane, improving nasal breathing, the discharge becomes mucopurulent (at first - in large quantities, then gradually decreases). Recovery is coming.

Clinical picture

Features in infections Rhinitis flu is characterized by hemorrhages, up to profuse nosebleeds, rejection of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity by layers. All this is so characteristic that it allows diagnosing the influenza nature of the common cold before obtaining the results of a serological study and serves as an indication of the need to use IFN for instillation into the nose Diphtheria rhinitis is especially dangerous when it proceeds as a catarrhal form of diphtheria of the nose and is not accompanied by a violation of the general condition of the patient and an increase in body temperature ; such patients become carriers of bacteria and infect others. This form of rhinitis is characterized by mucous - bloody nasal discharge, pronounced dermatitis on the eve of the nose, lack of effect from conventional treatment. Runny nose with measles is a common occurrence in the prodromal period; it is characterized by abundant discharge of a mucous nature from the nose, with anterior rhinoscopy, separate red spots are revealed in the region of the inferior turbinate, which stand out against the background of a hyperemic mucosa. These spots are observed for a short time and only in the prodromal period. Scarlet fever does not differ in specificity and proceeds as usual catarrhal rhinitis. A runny nose with gonorrhea can occur in a child if it is infected during childbirth. Therefore, a runny nose that occurs during the first days of life is always suspicious of gonorrheal.

The duration of symptoms is 7–8 days, in some cases, with a good immune status, acute catarrhal rhinitis proceeds abortively for 2–3 days, with a weakened state of protective forces it can drag on for up to 3–4 weeks with a tendency to become chronic.

Diagnostics - instrumental methods for studying ENT organs, in particular the nasal cavity (anterior rhinoscopy).

Acute rhinitis: Treatment methods


Management tactics

Drug therapy

For bacterial etiology - antibiotics, 20% r - p sulfacetamide (topically) Vasoconstrictor agents (topically), for example phenylephrine (0.25% r - p) every 3-4 hours, no more than 7 days. Long-term (more than a week) use of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to the development of drug rhinitis. Simanovsky ointment and complex ointment (protargol - 0.4; menthol - 0.4; diphenhydramine - 0.1; liquid paraffin - 4.0; petroleum jelly - 16.0) are prescribed in the nose on a cotton ball for 15 minutes 2–3 r / day Kameton, Ingakamf Ascorbic acid 1 g / day in stages I and II of the disease To accelerate the period of convalescence - 20% splenin ointment.



ICD-10 J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [rhinitis]

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Acute rhinitis

ICD-10 code

Associated diseases


* discharge from the nose;

* malaise and weakness.

At the onset of the disease, rhinitis can be recognized by the sensation of dryness, burning and itching in the nose, as well as frequent sneezing. Then, in the period from 1 hour to 2 days, this slight discomfort gradually turns into nasal congestion and a decrease in smell, completing the so-called first stage of rhinitis.

A striking sign of the second stage is unpleasant discharge from the nose, which makes breathing even more difficult. Very often at this stage, appetite decreases, sleep is disturbed, and even headaches occur. And most importantly, the patient begins to breathe through the mouth and contributes to the further spread of inflammation to the lower respiratory tract and the development of complications.

Finally, after another 3 to 5 days, the nasal discharge becomes more viscous, crusts form, and it becomes more difficult to filter out. This is the third stage of rhinitis. Serious complications can occur if a runny nose is not treated at this stage.

The reasons


* antimicrobial agents (to prevent complications);

* distracting procedures - for example, dry thermal foot wraps.

The most rational and effective treatment is aimed at destroying the pathogen, however, antibiotics do not work on viruses that most often cause rhinitis, so their use does not make sense.

But no matter what set of methods you use, successful treatment of acute rhinitis is impossible without regular cleansing of the nose by rinsing it completely (nasal shower).

Rinsing the nose will allow:

* eliminate microbial pathogens from the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;

* restore nasal breathing, reduce mucus production;

* stimulate the regenerative processes in the mucous membrane;

* normalize protective functions;

* reduce the need for medications;

* shorten treatment time and reduce the risk of complications.

ICD code: J00

Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose)

Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose)


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  • Acute rhinitis: types and forms of the disease, signs, treatment, prevention

    Acute rhinitis is a respiratory disease that manifests itself as copious nasal discharge of varying consistency and color. At the same time, there are various types of this pathology, in which various symptoms appear. It is an acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

    Classification according to the ICD-10 code

    The etiology of acute rhinitis manifests itself in an intense form with abundant discharge from the nasal passages. Sometimes the process affects exclusively the passages themselves, and sometimes the paranasal sinuses are also involved.

    As a rule, the latter is referred to as a complicated or runny form. ICD of acute rhinitis - J00.

    Types of acute rhinitis

    Acute rhinitis is divided into several types, including:

    • Allergic, manifested both seasonally and year-round in the form of clear discharge, sneezing, tearing, dry throat, sore throat, and so on.
    • Vasomotor also manifests itself, as well as allergic, but always has a time-limited manifestation, for example, during the flowering period of a plant or as a reaction to a specific irritant - cold, dryness, and so on.
    • Viral rhinitis is provoked by viruses and manifests itself similarly to allergic rhinitis. At the same time, the symptoms of colds, flu or other acute respiratory infections often develop in parallel. There is catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes.
    • Hypertrophic is manifested to a greater extent by growth, followed by thickening of the mucous tissue in the nasal passages, which leads to difficulty breathing through the nose;
    • Atrophic is the opposite of the previous one and leads to thinning of the mucous membranes, as well as to dystrophy of bone tissues. It manifests itself with a dry type without discharge, and with a lake - with purulent discharge and a characteristic odor;
    • Infectious bacterial or fungal is manifested by the secretion of secretions with purulent contents.

    Features of acute rhinitis:

    Symptoms in adults and children

    Symptoms are generally the same for all ages:

    • Discharge from the nose of varying consistency and color;
    • Sneezing;
    • Swelling of the mucous membrane;
    • Nasal congestion and impossibility of nasal breathing;
    • Headache;
    • Dry mouth.

    In the photo, the symptoms of acute rhinitis

    Clinical stages

    The disease passes through three stages:

    • Dry irritation;
    • Serous discharge (transparent);
    • Purulent discharge (yellow-green).

    Diagnostic tests

    Basically, the doctor needs a visual examination and listening to the patient's complaints. In the case of bacterial rhinitis, mucus can be taken for bacterial culture.

    Nasal sinuses for different types of rhinitis

    How to treat

    It is not advisable to treat rhinitis on your own, especially when it concerns children and pregnant women, since this pathology often not only causes complications, but also becomes chronic.

    Self-selection of the drug is also impossible without a doctor's examination and diagnosis, since the same bacterial rhinitis has similar symptoms with atrophic purulent rhinitis (ozena), and viral is often confused with allergic.

    Rinsing of the nose is mandatory. Adults do this using a special teapot with a long nose. In the case of children, either a special aspirator bulb, or a small syringe of no more than 2 cubes, or a pipette are used.

    Rinsing is done with different formulations depending on the type of disease, but the most commonly used saline or saline solution. Especially for children, there are preparations based on sea water, which take into account the dosage of the composition, as well as the method of administration in the form of special nozzles.

    The principles of treating acute rhinitis in our video:

    Comprehensive treatment principles

    Treatment of any rhinitis is carried out in a comprehensive manner, depending on what type is detected. Most often used:

    • Antibiotics for bacterial rhinitis or osen (the latter is incurable, but it stops well if you approach the treatment process correctly);
    • Antiviral drugs for viral rhinitis;
    • Antihistamines of the general systemic or local type (depending on the patient's condition);
    • Inhalation and rinsing of the nose: for bacterial types - with a solution of furacilin, for the rest - with saline or saline solution.


    • In case of allergies - timely intake of antihistamines, elimination of the allergen whenever possible;
    • With vasomotor, it is important to eliminate the influence of the irritating factor;
    • With viral and bacterial infections, preventive treatment is carried out after contact with an infected person or before the period of epidemics;
    • Daily airing of the room;
    • Air humidification;
    • Timely examination and treatment of pathologies of ENT organs;
    • Strengthening immunity;
    • Rejection of bad habits.


    The prognosis is generally positive for almost all types of rhinitis, if therapy is carried out on time and in full as prescribed by the doctor. Hypertrophic and atrophic cannot be completely cured, but progression can be stopped and stopped.

    Acute Coryza (Coryza) - Overview of Information

    Acute rhinitis (acute rhinitis) is an acute nonspecific inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

    ICD-10 code

    J00 Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose).

    ICD-10 code

    Epidemiology of acute rhinitis

    Acute rhinitis is considered one of the most common diseases in both children and adults, there is no exact epidemiological data.

    Causes of acute rhinitis

    In the etiology of acute catarrhal rhinitis, the reduction of local and general resistance of the organism and the activation of microflora in the nasal cavity are of primary importance. This usually occurs with general or local hypothermia, which disrupts the protective neuro-reflex mechanisms. The weakening of local and general immunity during hypothermia of the whole body or its parts (legs, head, etc.) leads to an increase in the pathogenic activity of microorganisms saprophytic in the nasal cavity, in particular staphylococci, streptococci, and some others, especially in people who are not hardened and cold and sharp changes in temperature. The effect of hypothermia manifests itself more quickly in persons with reduced resistance, especially against the background of chronic diseases, in patients weakened by acute diseases.

    Symptoms of acute rhinitis

    In the clinical picture of acute catarrhal rhinitis, three stages are distinguished. Sequentially passing one into another:

    • dry stage (irritation);
    • stage of serous discharge;
    • stage of mucopurulent discharge (resolution).

    Each of these stages is characterized by specific complaints and manifestations, therefore, the approaches to treatment will be different.

    The duration of the dry stage (irritation) is usually several hours, rarely 1-2 days. Patients note a feeling of dryness, tension, burning, scratching, tickling in the nose, often in the throat and larynx, and sneezing. At the same time, malaise, chilling occurs, patients complain of heaviness and pain in the head, more often in the forehead, an increase in body temperature to subfebrile, less often to febrile values. At this stage, the nasal mucosa is hyperemic, dry, it gradually swells, and the nasal passages narrow. Breathing through the nose is gradually disturbed, a deterioration in the sense of smell (respiratory hyposmia), a weakening of taste sensations, and a closed nasal tone appear.

    What's troubling?

    Classification of acute rhinitis

    • acute catarrhal rhinitis (rhinitis cataralis acuta);
    • acute catarrhal rhinopharyngitis;
    • acute traumatic rhinitis.

    Diagnosis of acute rhinitis

    For the diagnosis of acute rhinitis, anterior rhinoscopy and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity are used.

    What should be examined?

    Who to contact?

    Treatment of acute rhinitis

    Treatment of acute rhinitis is aimed at relieving the painful symptoms of acute rhinitis, reducing the duration of the disease.

    Acute rhinitis is usually treated on an outpatient basis. In rare cases of severe rhinitis, accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, bed rest is recommended. It is better for the patient to allocate a room with warm and humidified air, which reduces the painful sensation of dryness, tension and burning in the nose. Avoid eating spicy, irritating foods. It is necessary to monitor the timeliness of physiological functions (stool, urination). During the period of closure of the nasal passages, it is not necessary to forcefully breathe through the nose, blowing your nose should be done without much effort and at once only through one half of the nose, so as not to throw out pathological discharge through the auditory tubes into the middle ear.

    Additional treatment


    Medical Expert Editor

    Alexey Portnov

    Education: Kiev National Medical University. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "General Medicine"

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    Be sure to consult with a qualified specialist so as not to harm your health!

    The most severe acute rhinitis occurs in newborns (especially premature babies) and infants, which is associated with the predominance of general symptoms and frequent complications. The narrowness of the nasal passages and the small vertical size of the nasal cavity leads to the fact that even with a slight swelling of the nasal mucosa, nasal breathing becomes sharply difficult or stops. With rhinitis in infants, "flying" breathing is noted - the child breathes shallowly and often. Sucking becomes very difficult or impossible, sleep is disturbed, anxiety arises, body temperature rises.
    Forced mouth breathing leads to swallowing air (aerophagia); against this background, dyspeptic disorders (vomiting, loose stools) join, the child loses body weight. With prolonged and severe breathing difficulties, hypoxia develops, which causes a slowdown in psychomotor development. A significant narrowing of the nasal passages forces the child to tilt his head back to facilitate breathing - a so-called false opisthotonus occurs, characterized by tension in the large fontanelle, convulsions.
    Due to the tendency of infants to generalize any inflammation, acute rhinitis in them may be accompanied by pharyngitis (rhinopharyngitis), complicated by stomatitis, otitis media, ethmoiditis, dermatitis of the vestibule of the nose, retropharyngeal abscess, dacryocystitis, tracheobronchitis and bronchopneumonia.
    In older children, acute rhinitis develops rapidly. Initially, there is a tickling, burning and scratching sensation in the nasal cavity. Further development of the disease is characterized by nasal congestion, profuse mucous secretions, sneezing, lacrimation, decreased sense of smell, a feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose, and headache. The constant flow of mucus irritates the skin of the vestibule of the nose and upper lip, accompanied by redness and the formation of painful cracks.
    Simple chronic catarrhal rhinitis in children in its manifestations is close to the acute form, but proceeds with less pronounced symptoms. There are constant mucous or mucopurulent discharge, periodic disturbance of nasal breathing, alternating laying of one or the other half of the nose. When mucus flows into the nasopharynx, the child develops an obsessive cough or vomiting.
    Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis in children is accompanied by constant and pronounced difficulty in nasal breathing, headache, hearing and smell loss, voice impairment due to closed rhinolalia, increased fatigue, and decreased school performance.
    Vasomotor rhinitis usually occurs in school-age children and proceeds with periodic disturbance of nasal breathing, profuse rhinorrhea, sneezing attacks, lacrimation. This form of rhinitis in children is characterized by paresthesias, increased sweating, facial flushing, tachycardia, paroxysmal headaches. Typically, coryza attacks are triggered by nervous tension, temperature fluctuations and other irritants.
    Atrophic rhinitis in children is relatively rare and usually occurs in the form of an ozena, or fetid rhinitis. A typical sign of ozena is the presence of rough crusts in the nose, emitting a specific, extremely unpleasant odor. Due to anosmia, the patients themselves do not feel the foul smell coming from themselves. Among other symptoms of atrophic rhinitis, there are painful dryness in the nose, impaired nasal breathing, the presence of viscous secretions that are difficult to remove, and nosebleeds. Due to atrophy of the bony walls of the nasal cavity, deformation of the external nose with flattening and retraction of the bony part of the back ("duck nose") can be noted.

    In medical practice, doctors should take into account that according to ICD 10, the code for allergic rhinitis, vasomotor and infectious inflammatory processes differ. The division is due to the fact that each type of lesion of the nasal mucosa occurs under certain conditions and requires specific treatment.

    In addition, bronchial asthma with rhinitis (J45.0) is highlighted in a separate code, since here it is not the phenomena of nasal congestion that come to the fore.

    Allergic rhinitis

    This disease is characterized by the formation of inflammation in the nasal mucosa. Symptoms occur when a person comes into contact with an irritant, most often plant pollen. However there can be many allergens... The clinical picture is characterized by the following symptoms:

    • swelling of the mucous membrane;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • sneezing;
    • lacrimation;
    • discharge from the nose of a serous nature;
    • itching in the nose.

    In ICD 10, allergic rhinitis belongs to the class of diseases of the respiratory system. Further, the classification branches into sections, and rhinitis is found in other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

    Under the J30 code are vasomotor and allergic inflammatory processes.

    In this case, the disease proceeding according to the type of allergy is subdivided into several more points. A disease caused by plant pollen is recorded separately. It is found under the J30.1 code and includes hay fever, hay fever, and so on. J30.2 includes seasonal allergies not covered in the preceding code.

    Other allergic rhinitis includes inflammation that has no attachment to the season... Here the code is represented by the following symbols: J30.3. The last item is an unspecified allergic reaction, which implies the absence of a precisely identified allergen, recorded as J30.4.

    Vasomotor rhinitis

    Just like in allergies, the ICD 10 code of vasomotor rhinitis is represented by a class of diseases of the respiratory system and a section of other pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. The complete encoding looks like this: J30.0. The disease has no subparagraphs, as well as clarifications.

    Vasomotor inflammation is a pathological process that is characterized by impaired vascular tone and loss of control over the amount of air supplied.

    The vessels adjust the volume based on the ambient temperature and humidity. Unlike an allergic reaction, here the main symptom may not be the appearance of discharge, but on the contrary, severe dryness of the mucous membrane... In addition, nasal congestion, its swelling are noted, pain syndrome joins. This pathology is also characterized by violations of the general condition:

    • headaches;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • loss of appetite;
    • weakness;
    • increased fatigue.

    Viruses can cause the disease, but sometimes it is associated with a failure of the nervous system. Also, among the causes of pathology, there are: postponed stressful situations, hormonal disruptions, abrupt changes in temperature and humidity. In the classification, rhinitis of this nature is in the allergic section, since it can also be caused by a contact irritant. A chronic course of pathology is distinguished, but it is quite rare.

    Infectious rhinitis

    Rhinitis of an infectious nature, in particular, caused by bacterial flora, is completely separately coded by the ICD. Infectious rhinitis is in the class of respiratory diseases, but belongs to the section of acute respiratory infections upper respiratory tract. The nosology is coded as follows: J00. An infectious lesion is called acute nasopharyngitis, that is, a runny nose.

    The disease is caused by bacteria of streptococcal and staphylococcal flora. Most often, the pathology is combined with other lesions of the respiratory tract. The patient has a violation of general well-being, the temperature may rise, and weakness increases. Discharge from the nose is purulent, which confirms the bacterial origin of the infection. The process is acute and subsides within a week; with a protracted course, it may take 14 days to recover.

    Chronic course

    Chronic rhinitis is also a separate nosology. It is listed under Other Respiratory Diseases, but under Code J31, which includes chronic inflammation of the nose and throat. Specifically, rhinitis is recorded with the following symbols: J31.0. This includes ulcerative inflammation, granulomatous, atrophic and hypertrophic processes, as well as purulent and occlusive rhinitis.

    Depending on the clinical form, the course of the pathology will also differ. Chronic rhinitis is dangerous because it grows into sinusitis and sinusitis, which require more serious and unpleasant treatment.

    RCHD (Republican Center for Healthcare Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
    Version: Clinical Protocols MH RK - 2013

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    general information

    Short description

    Allergic rhinitis - an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa, characterized by IgE-mediated inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and the presence of at least two of the following symptoms daily for an hour or more: nasal congestion (obstruction), nasal discharge (rhinorrhea), sneezing, itching in the nose ( International Consensus EAACI, 2000)

    Protocol name: Allergic rhinitis

    Protocol code:

    Code (codes) according to ICD-10:
    J30. Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.
    J30.1 - Allergic rhinitis due to pollen.
    J30.2 - Other seasonal allergic rhinitis.
    J30.3 - Other allergic rhinitis
    J30.4 - Unspecified allergic rhinitis.

    Abbreviations used in the protocol:
    AR - allergic rhinitis
    GCS - glucocorticosteroids
    BA - bronchial asthma
    IgE - immunoglobulin E
    AC-IgE - allergen-specific immunoglobulin E
    SAD - specific allergy diagnostics
    ASIT - allergen specific immunotherapy
    WHO - World Health Organization (WHO)
    EAACI - European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
    RSPATS - Republican Scientific and Practical Allergological Center

    Protocol development date: April 2013

    Protocol users: healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with allergic rhinitis.

    No Conflict of Interest Statement: is absent.

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    WHO classification (ARIA, 2007):
    with the flow:
    1.Intermitting (less than 4 days a week or less than 4 weeks).
    2. Persistent (more than 4 days a week or more than 4 weeks).

    by severity:
    1. Light (all of the following: normal sleep, no disruption of life, sports and work regime).
    2. Moderate and severe (one or more of the following: sleep disturbance, disruption of life, sports and work, debilitating symptoms).


    Perechenl diagnostic measures:

    1. Complete blood count.
    2. Determination of the content of total IgE in serum or plasma.
    3. Cytological analysis of a smear (wash, scraping) from the nose.

    1. Specific allergy diagnostics in vitro and / or in vivo.
    2. Peak flowmetry, rhinomanometry (according to indications).
    3. Spirography (according to indications).
    4. X-ray of the sinuses (according to indications).
    5. Consultation of an ENT doctor (according to indications).

    Diagnostic criteria:

    Complaints and anamnesis:
    Nasal congestion (obstruction) - full, partial or alternating, at different times of the day, depending on the etiology and regimen.
    Nasal discharge (rhinorrhea) is usually watery or mucous.
    Itching in the nose, burning sensation, pressure in the nose.
    Sneezing is paroxysmal and does not bring relief.
    There may be additional complaints - headache, weakness, irritability, lacrimation (due to sneezing), sore throat, dry cough (due to irritation of the lower respiratory tract, phlegm), feeling short of breath, etc.
    In an allergic history, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the disease, seasonality, daily cyclicality, connection with specific and non-specific (heat, cold, strong odors, stuffiness, etc.) provoking factors, occupational hazards, the effect of medications (local and systemic).

    Physical examination:
    During a general examination, attention may be drawn to the redness and irritation of the skin of the nose and nasolabial triangle (due to rhinorrhea), dark circles under the eyes (due to venous congestion and deterioration in the quality of sleep), the so-called. "Allergic salute" (rubbing the tip of the nose with a palm), complete or partial absence of nasal breathing, changes in the timbre of the voice, "adenoid face" (with the development of year-round rhinitis from childhood - a drowsy expression with puffiness and an open mouth).
    With rhinoscopy, swollen, pale pink or stagnant turbinates, mucous discharge are visible.

    Laboratory research:
    Complete blood count - the content of eosinophils is not a reliable diagnostically significant indicator.
    Cytological examination of nasal discharge with Wright or Hansell stain (smear, washout or scraping) - eosinophilia (more than 10%).
    Determination of total IgE in serum - increase (more than 100 IU / ml).
    Specific allergy diagnostics in vitro with the main groups of allergens (household, epidermal, pollen, infectious, food, medicinal) - the establishment of etiological moments allows you to make a complete diagnosis, increase the effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic measures, make a prognosis, and determine the possibility of allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

    Yingfromtrmental research:
    Rhinomanometry - partial or complete patency of the nasal passages, a sharp increase in the resistance of the nasal passages (symmetrical or with the prevalence of one side).
    Radiography - no signs of organic lesions of the nose and paranasal sinuses, swelling of the nasal mucosa.
    Specific allergy diagnostics in vivo - skin tests, provocative tests with extracts of allergens (carried out in specialized treatment rooms only during the period of complete remission of the disease under the supervision of a doctor and a nurse) - allow you to verify in vitro tests, determine the etiology of the disease, determine the sensitivity threshold and starting concentrations allergens with ASIT.

    Indications for specialist consultation:
    Otorhinolaryngologist - in case of purulent discharge, a history of nasal injuries and a history of chronic infectious diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, polyposis of the nasal mucosa and sinuses; in the absence of a visible connection with provoking factors during a long course of the disease; in case of suspicion of professional genesis.

    Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis (J30)

    Includes: spasmodic coryza

    In Russia International classification of diseases 10th revision ( ICD-10) adopted as a single normative document for accounting for morbidity, reasons for the population's appeals to medical institutions of all departments, and causes of death.

    ICD-10 introduced into the practice of health care throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 05/27/97. No. 170

    A new revision (ICD-11) is planned by WHO in 2017 2018.

    Classification of allergic reactions according to ICD 10

    Allergy is included in the base of the international classifier of diseases - a document serving as the basic statistical and classification basis for health care in different countries. The system developed by doctors allows converting the verbal formulation of the diagnosis into an alphanumeric code, which ensures the convenience of storing and using data. So an allergic reaction according to the ICD is coded with the number 10. The code includes one Latin letter and three numbers (from A00.0 to Z99.9), which makes it possible to encode another 100 three-digit categories in each group. Group U is reserved for special purposes (fixing new diseases that cannot be attributed to the already existing classification system).

    Types of allergic reactions and their codes according to ICD-10

    In 10 classifications, diseases caused by the response of the immune system are divided into different groups depending on the symptoms and characteristics of the course:

    • contact dermatitis (L23);
    • urticaria (L50);
    • rhinitis (J30);
    • dysbiosis (K92.8);
    • unspecified allergy (T78)

    Important! It is possible to speak about the presence of allergies only when the test results and other examination methods exclude diseases that provoke the occurrence of similar symptoms.

    A correctly made diagnosis is the key to a successful fight against the disease, because different types of allergies often require different approaches to treatment and adherence to a number of rules that minimize unpleasant manifestations and improve the quality of life.

    Allergic contact dermatitis (L23)

    Unlike most of the "classic" allergic reactions triggered by humoral immunity, contact dermatitis is a cellular immune response. From the moment of contact of the skin with the allergen to the obvious skin manifestations, an example of which can be seen in the photo, on average 14 days pass, since the process is triggered by a delayed-type hypersensitivity mechanism.

    To date, more than 3000 allergens are known:

    • elements of plant origin;
    • metals and alloys;
    • chemical compounds that make up rubber;
    • preservatives and flavorings;
    • medications;
    • other substances found in dyes, cosmetic products, adhesives, insecticides, etc.

    Contact dermatitis is manifested by redness of the skin, localized rash, swelling, blistering, and intense itching. As you can see in the photo, skin inflammation is local in nature. The severity of manifestations depends on the duration of contact with the allergen.

    Distinguish between acute and chronic dermatitis. The acute form is more often observed with a single contact, while the chronic one can develop over time if a person is constantly in contact with an element dangerous to the body. The picture of chronic dermatitis is typical for people whose professional activities involve frequent contact with aggressive compounds.

    Allergic urticaria ICD-10 (L 50)

    WHO statistics show that 90% of people have faced this problem at least once in their life. The photo shows what an allergic urticaria mkb 10 looks like, which occurs as a result of contact with allergens.

    According to the classification, this type of allergy is assigned to the L50 group "Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue". Alphanumeric code for urticaria caused by allergen reaction is L50.0.

    Most often, hives, caused by the immune system's response to a specific stimulus, occur suddenly, causing symptoms such as:

    • blisters, which can form both on the skin and on the mucous membranes and reach a diameter of 10-15 cm;
    • itching and burning;
    • chills or fever;
    • abdominal pain and nausea (vomiting is possible);
    • deterioration of the general condition.

    Acute urticaria, subject to appropriate treatment, disappears in 6 weeks (in some cases, much faster). If the manifestations persist longer, they talk about the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which can significantly worsen the quality of life. Chronic urticaria is characterized not only by skin problems, but also by sleep disturbances, changes in the emotional background, the development of a number of psychological problems, which often lead to social isolation of a person.

    Allergic rhinitis (J30)

    Rhinitis often occurs when the mucous membrane comes into contact with a certain type of allergens. Group J30 lists the following diagnoses:

    • J30.2 - Vasomotor rhinitis, which can occur on the background of autonomic neurosis or under the influence of any allergen.
    • J30.1 - Pollinosis (hay fever). Caused by pollen present in large quantities in the air during flowering.
    • J30.2 - Other seasonal rhinitis occurring in pregnant women and people who are allergic to tree blooms in the spring.
    • J30.3 - Other allergic rhinitisthat arise as a response to contact with vapors of various chemicals, medications, perfumes or insect bites.
    • J30.4 - Unspecified allergic rhinitis. This code is used if all tests indicate the presence of an allergy, manifested in the form of rhinitis, but there is no clear response to the test.

    The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which provokes sneezing, runny nose, swelling and shortness of breath. Over time, these symptoms can be joined by a cough, which, without treatment, threatens the development of asthma.

    To improve the condition, drugs of general and local action help, the complex of which is selected by the allergist, taking into account the severity of the symptoms, the age of the patient and other diseases in the history.

    Allergic dysbacteriosis (K92.8)

    Dysbacteriosis is a set of symptoms caused by clinical disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which occur against the background of changes in the properties and composition of the intestinal microflora or under the influence of substances released during the life of helminths.

    Doctors and scientists note that the relationship between allergies and dysbiosis is very strong. As gastrointestinal disturbances provoke the development of a reaction to certain food allergens, so an allergy already existing in a person can cause an imbalance of the intestinal microflora.

    Symptoms of allergic dysbiosis include:

    • diarrhea;
    • constipation;
    • flatulence;
    • stomach pain;
    • general skin manifestations characteristic of food allergies;
    • lack of appetite;
    • headache;
    • general weakness.

    Important! Since similar symptoms are typical for many ailments, including acute poisoning and infectious diseases, it is important to seek the help of specialists as soon as possible to identify the cause that caused the symptoms described above.

    Diarrhea is especially dangerous for children, since dehydration in combination with the accumulation of toxic substances can have serious consequences, including death.

    Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified (T78)

    The T78 group includes the adverse effects that occur when the body is exposed to various allergens. The 10th edition of the ICD classifies:

    • 0 - Anaphylactic shock associated with food allergies.
    • 1 - Other pathological reactions that occur after eating.
    • 2 - Anaphylactic shock, unspecified. The diagnosis is made if the allergen that caused such a strong immune response is not identified.
    • 3 - Angioneurotic edema (Quincke's edema).
    • 4 - Allergy, unspecified. As a rule, this formulation is used until the necessary tests have been carried out and the allergen has not been identified.
    • 8 - Other adverse conditions of an allergic nature not classified in the ICD.
    • 9 - Unspecified adverse reactions.

    The conditions listed in this group are especially dangerous as they can be life-threatening.

    Classification of allergic rhinitis

    A third of the world's population has at least once encountered manifestations of allergic reactions. A runny nose with allergies is one of the problems of many people, acutely occurring during periods of flowering herbs and flowers. But what is allergic rhinitis from the point of view of science, its classification and how to recognize an allergic rhinitis, distinguish it from other dangerous diseases?

    Description of the problem

    Allergic rhinitis (ICD code 10 J 30: vasomotor and allergic rhinitis) is a disease of the mucous membranes of the nose of an inflammatory nature, which is characterized by sneezing, discharge in the form of transparent mucus, itching and impaired respiratory function (nasal congestion).

    Like any other allergy, allergic rhinitis occurs when an irritant enters the human body.

    In some cases, there is a substitution of concepts when an allergic rhinitis is equated with a vasomotor one. This is not entirely correct, since the concept of "vasomotor" implies the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels under the influence of any factors, not just allergens. In other words, this is a broader concept, since vasomotor rhinitis has both an allergic form and a neurovegetative form.

    Allergic vasomotor rhinitis occurs when the mucous membranes of the nose come into contact with an irritant, but the symptoms are caused not by the irritant itself, but by the hypersensitivity of the vessels.

    If we consider an allergic rhinitis as an independent disease, then we can say that the main culprit for the onset of the inflammatory process is an irritant of any origin: animal, vegetable, chemical, physical.

    Causes of allergic rhinitis:

    • Plant pollen (both seasonal and domestic);
    • Foods with a high degree of allergenicity, especially those with a pungent odor;
    • Household chemicals (washing powders, cleaning products);
    • Household and construction dust;
    • Spores of fungi and mold;
    • Pets (their fur, excrement, dandruff, saliva);
    • Insects, their chitinous particles, saliva, waste products;
    • Tobacco smoke.

    This is not the whole list. For example, when talking about vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, the manifestations of the disease can occur when the ambient temperature changes, when the air humidity changes, at the time of strong overvoltage or excitement.


    Since this type of disease is widespread throughout the world and the problem is international in nature, there is no single approved classification of the disease, it is constantly being supplemented and changed. ICD 10 proposes to treat vasomotor and allergic rhinitis in one block.

    For convenience, the following classification of allergic rhinitis is currently used:

    • Acute allergic rhinitis;
    • Chronic rhinitis.

    The first form is characterized by the rapid development of symptoms, for example, immediately after going outside or when inhaling the scent of flowers. The main danger is the possibility of a transition from an acute form to a chronic one, when the mucous membrane, due to frequent inflammation, becomes denser and changes. In this case, complete or partial nasal congestion is constantly present.

    In addition, depending on the cyclicity of the occurrence of reactions, there are:

    • Intermittent allergic rhinitis;
    • Persistent allergic rhinitis;
    • Professional allergic rhinitis.

    The occupational form of the disease was isolated relatively recently. This group includes patients whose working conditions and duties are associated with constant exposure to the respiratory system of various substances, mainly of chemical origin.

    Other forms of rhinitis are seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, respectively. Seasonal rhinitis can be identified during the flowering periods of various plants. More than half of the seasonal manifestations of allergic reactions are caused by ragweed. This type of plant began to actively spread over the past two decades in our latitudes. At the same time, one plant releases about a million dust particles per day (mainly in the morning), each of which, penetrating into the body when inhaled, can cause severe allergic reactions.

    The reason for such reactions is that ragweed pollen contains a complex protein that never entered the body of our ancestors 40-50 years ago, therefore, the immunity of a modern person responds inadequately to these particles.

    However, this does not exclude allergic rhinitis (seasonal) to other plants: the color of birch, wormwood, tulips, dandelions, sunflowers, as well as any other herbs and cultivated plants.

    Allergic perennial rhinitis is diagnosed due to exposure to irritants, regardless of the season. Most often, these allergens are found inside the apartment. These include: dust mites, dust, mold and mildew spores that can develop on walls, wallpaper, carpets, houseplants, etc. In addition, pets are a potential threat to allergy sufferers, and allergies can occur to wool, feces, dandruff, saliva or animal food.

    Household insects (ticks, cockroaches) are another culprit for year-round rhinitis. The fact is that their waste products contain protein, thanks to which insects digest food. Once in the human body, this protein is perceived by the immune system as a threat that should be eliminated by any means. The same reaction can occur when microscopic chitinous particles of an insect enter the respiratory tract.

    Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Recognizing allergic rhinitis is the responsibility of a specialist. The fact is that some incompetent doctors write "vasomotor" or "vasomotor rhinitis" in their case histories and send the patient to a surgeon for treatment. But surgical intervention is already the last stage of help. It is important to exclude the allergic component of the disease.

    To confirm the diagnosis, an analysis of venous blood is required to determine specific antibodies. Skin tests are then done to pinpoint the type of stimulus.

    Allergy is supported by a sharp exacerbation of symptoms after contact with the alleged allergen. If there is a suspicion that the irritant is in the apartment, then the aggravation should happen in rooms where there is upholstered furniture or carpets, near places where pets sleep, next to bookshelves, etc. If you are allergic to dust mites, your condition worsens at night.

    • Strong and prolonged sneezing;
    • Itching and burning in the nose;
    • Runny and clear nasal discharge;
    • Redness of the conjunctiva;
    • Lachrymation;
    • Nasal congestion (both one and two sinuses at once).

    A dry cough may sometimes occur. But in this case, we can talk about a complication in the form of asthma, since allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma often complement each other, and an untreated allergy turns into asthma with all the ensuing consequences.

    In addition, the constant inflammatory process in the nose turns into otitis media, pharyngitis, sinusitis, since the organs of smell, hearing and throat are closely related. Constantly stuffy nose contributes to sleep disturbance, a person becomes irritable, nervous, apathetic, he is haunted by a feeling of fatigue, sometimes headaches are observed.

    Separately, it should be noted that allergic rhinitis during pregnancy or breastfeeding is aggravated in the supine position or with short-term physical exertion.

    Normal variant and other diseases

    Of course, when an irritant enters the respiratory tract, the body reacts with a sneeze and the secretion of mucus in order to get rid of the foreign component. This can be a variant of the norm in the event that such manifestations are of a short-term nature and do not interfere with human life.

    One of the causes of rhinitis in general can be anatomical abnormalities in the very structure of the nasal sinuses. But this fact does not mean at all that the disease cannot be aggravated by an allergic syndrome. Insufficient or unqualified diagnostics will lead to the fact that long-term treatment of allergies only, or surgical correction of only physical abnormalities will not bring positive results.

    In addition, it is important to exclude infection, since allergies can be easily confused with ARVI, acute respiratory infections or other serious bacterial diseases. Therefore, you should listen to the general condition of the body. With allergies, the body temperature practically does not rise, there is no acute pain when swallowing, the mucous membrane of the throat does not change color to bright red, the tonsils do not increase in size. There is also no dizziness, sweating and weakness. If you have such symptoms along with a runny nose, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    Like any other manifestation of allergy, such rhinitis is treated with antihistamines, both systemic and local.

    Loratadin, Edem, Tavegil, Zodak are used in the form of tablets. Antihistamines in the form of sprays: Kromoglin, Lekrolin, Kromofarm.

    But such drugs have a wide range of contraindications, therefore, allergic rhinitis in pregnant women and children under three years old cannot be treated with these drugs. In this case, special preparations are used that create a film - a barrier that prevents the penetration of allergens into the body through the nose. These funds include Nazaval.

    Inhalation for allergic rhinitis is done using a nebulizer with the addition of special glucocorticosteroids. But such procedures can be done only with severe forms of allergy and only as directed by a doctor.

    Vasoconstrictor drops are more likely a one-time aid, they cannot be used with such rhinitis, since they themselves can cause allergies and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

    Homeopathy for allergic rhinitis does not bring positive results, because the most important method of treatment is to eliminate the allergen. In the case when this is not possible, the symptoms can be overcome only with the help of antihistamines or hormonal agents in different dosages.

    Classification of rhinitis (allergic, acute, chronic, etc.) and their codes according to ICD-10

    Allergic rhinitis ICD 10 is characterized as a pathology caused by pollen. A large number of people on the planet suffer from various autoimmune diseases, but the number of people with such a disease is not only impressive, it is also prone to constant annual growth. According to world statistics, about 25% of people in the world suffer from allergic rhinitis. And this is a fairly high figure. Acute rhinitis causes a lot of inconvenience.

    What are allergies and hypersensitivity?

    Allergy is an increased sensitivity of the body to the effects of molecules that specifically bind to antibodies, which affect humoral immunity, which often causes acute rhinitis. Pathological reactions are usually referred to as autoimmune diseases. With these ailments, the body triggers specific mechanisms for the production of antibodies against its own cells, that is, it identifies healthy elements as foreign and dangerous.

    Allergies are the scourge of our time. Some characteristic symptoms should be known to everyone, so as not to miss them, recognize them in time and begin timely treatment, so as not to transfer acute rhinitis into a chronic form, which will develop progressively with rare periods of remission.

    Signs of non-specific reactions can manifest themselves as follows:

    • sore throat;
    • subfebrile temperature;
    • rhinitis;
    • shortness of breath;
    • apnea;
    • lethargy;
    • itching of the facial skin;
    • rash on different parts of the body;
    • profuse salivation;
    • dryness in the mouth;
    • cough;
    • sudden attacks of suffocation;
    • wheezing in the lungs;
    • peeling;
    • swelling of the mucous membranes;
    • blisters;
    • burning in the eyes;
    • increased tearing;
    • intestinal colic;
    • nausea;
    • quincke's edema;
    • diarrhea;
    • rheumatoid pain.

    Most people carelessly perceive the onset of allergic reactions in their bodies, but when the disease gains momentum and chronic rhinitis appears, a person seeks help out of time, having more serious health problems.

    Allergic rhinitis and its ICD-10 code

    The ICD-10 code is an international classification of diseases of the tenth revision, carried out and approved in 2007 by the World Health Organization. Today it is generally accepted for naming medical diagnoses. Contains 21 items with various diseases and conditions. The ICD-10 code in J00-J99 includes respiratory diseases, and subsections are represented by upper respiratory tract infections. J30-J39 contains diseases such as vasomotor and allergic rhinitis.

    The ICD-10 code J30-J39 is defined as an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, manifested in episodic respiratory dysfunctions caused by profuse secretions provoked by immediate allergic reactions.

    The disease is nonspecific, in most people it has a classic course, due to typical symptoms of acute rhinitis, such as:

    • sneezing;
    • swelling of the nasopharynx;
    • abundant secretion of mucus in the cavity of the nasal sinuses;
    • subfebrile temperature;
    • in some cases, fever;
    • asthma attacks;
    • irritation of the facial skin;
    • nasopharyngeal congestion.

    The symptoms are so nonspecific that the patient is not immediately able to understand what caused the runny nose. Since allergic rhinitis can be characterized as seasonal phenomena, when temperature changes occur, they can manifest themselves in the same way as classic colds. Therefore, in order not to start the process, it is imperative to consult with a doctor who will determine its etiology.

    There are a great many allergens that cause acute rhinitis. People can only feel over the years how the body begins to react to something new, to which there was no sensitivity before. The most classic allergens:

    • pollen from flowering plants;
    • road and book dust;
    • fungal spores;
    • medications;
    • waste products of insects;
    • different food.

    If chronic rhinitis does not let go of the body for years, then you need to try to protect yourself as much as possible from contact with the sources of the disease. It is not easy, but in order not to aggravate the condition, sometimes it is worth giving up a trip to a summer cottage or a walk in a forest belt with a massive flowering of plants and trees, excluding foods that cause acute conditions from the diet.

    Vasomotor rhinitis

    In medical practice, otolaryngologists call vasomotor rhinitis a false rhinitis. Which classifies it as a neurotic disease. Vasomotor rhinitis can occur in two types: vasoconstrictor and vasodilator. One of the subspecies is an allergic condition caused by the action of a substance.

    Two branches of medicine are involved in the study of vasomotor rhinitis. It is immunology and allergology that explain the etiology of such conditions. Scientists recognize that vasomotor and allergic rhinitis are one pathological process. In addition, this type of ailment is divided into several subtypes, depending on the occurrence.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is seasonal and constant, when a runny nose torments the patient all year round, turning into chronic. In this case, nasal congestion is felt constantly.

    The symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are classic, as in acute, but they can also be traced during periods of flowering plants and increased exposure to natural allergens in order to understand the etiology of the common cold.

    Acute nasopharyngitis

    Acute nasopharyngitis is characterized by inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Combines pharyngitis and runny nose. In addition to the classic inflammatory disease caused by infection, acute allergic nasopharyngitis is distinguished. The principle of the onset and course of the disease when causative substances enter is similar to the classical course of ARVI. The disease can affect not only the nasopharyngeal part, but also the middle ear, causing severe otitis media and inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

    To find out the etiology of the disease and not translate it into a chronic state, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

    Methods and methods of therapy

    Treatment of chronic rhinitis involves medication and alternative methods. With a runny nose of any etiology, inhalations with the addition of essential oils that suppress the pathogenic microflora of the mucous membrane, washing with various herbal decoctions and saline solutions will be effective. Chlorophyllipt will help well for rinsing the throat and instilling it into the nasal passages for chronic rhinitis.

    When a doctor determines a runny nose of an allergic nature, antihistamines (Cetrin, Claritin, Ketatifen, Telfast), as well as local anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve swelling, reduce mucus secretion, lower the temperature, trace elements and vitamin complexes, are recommended for the appointment.

    Do not prescribe vasoconstrictor drops to the patient. Their frequent use leads to chronic rhinitis.

    Of course, it must be understood that the patient's condition will continue in the acute phase until the effect of the allergen stops. Medication will only relieve symptoms, but will not cure chronic rhinitis.

    Preventive actions

    Preventive measures for allergy sufferers should include many activities, among which there will be medications, physiotherapy exercises, blood cleansing procedures, healing the body, hardening, changing the microclimate of the home, getting rid of bad habits, adjusting the diet, diet, eliminating stressful situations.

    The ecological situation on the planet is rapidly deteriorating. The indicators of the quality of drinking water and air decrease annually. Precipitation is often fatal to humans, foods cause food allergies, and contain GMOs. Even baby food without preservatives and dyes is practically not produced.

    If a patient with allergic rhinitis appears in the family, it is necessary to protect him as much as possible from exposure to harmful substances by removing carpets and heavy fabric curtains from his room, replacing them with plastic or rubber covers and blinds. Up to three times a week, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the room using acarcidal agents.

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    Acute rhinitis (ICD-10 code: J00) is one of the most common ENT diseases among adults and children. About how dangerous a runny nose can be and how to properly treat it - read the article.

    Acute rhinitis - what is it?

    First of all, when inhaling through the nose, the air is cleaned by more than one row of "filters". Hair removes the air from large-particle dust, and small particles catch the cilia of the epithelium, then disinfection, gluing takes place and in the form of mucus everything enters the nasopharynx. Therefore, the protective function of the nose is considered to be an integral function.

    Also, hydration is an important mechanism. This function manifests itself in the form of an increase in the secreted fluid from the nose in case of irritation of the mucous membrane or its inflammation.

    The thermo-regulating function makes it possible to warm the air in the nose.

    The cause of blockage of any of the functions of the nose may be acute rhinitis.

    Under such a frightening name is meant the well-known rhinitis. The inflamed mucous membrane cannot perform its tasks due to infectious or non-specific diseases. Most often, acute rhinitis in children and adults occurs during the cold period of time or in the transitional seasonality.

    Absolutely all people have encountered inflammation of the mucous membrane, therefore, there are a lot of types of diagnostics and treatment of both medicinal and folk remedies.

    Etiology and pathogenesis of acute rhinitis

    In the etiology of acute rhinitis, in the first place are changes in human immunity for the worse and, as a result, the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are actively filled with pathogenic microflora.

    Most often, pathology occurs in people who have chronic diseases with the slightest hypothermia. Moreover, a foreign body, trauma or surgery in the nasal cavity can cause acute coryza.

    Acute catarrhal rhinitis can make itself felt under harmful working conditions in the chemical or mechanical industry.

    Weakened immunity, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, contact with sick ARVI, constant dampness, mold in the room, insufficient hygiene of the nasal cavity can also cause acute rhinitis in infants. Viruses and bacteria easily settle on the mucous membrane with a decrease in local immunity.

    Any of the above reasons can become the foundation for the development of the disease. Acute rhinitis develops as an addition to serious infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, etc.

    Classification and types of rhinitis

    This is a constantly reminiscent of itself, a chronic form of the course of the disease, which entails discomfort and certain inconveniences for a person.

    The vasomotor type refers to rhinitis, which can provoke stress, dry air, or infectious irritants.

    As a result, there is: nasal congestion, breathing suffers, headache begins. Difficulty breathing can be immediate or prolonged. Treatment of this type of rhinitis is most often operational.

    Idiopathic rhinitis is usually divided into allergic and neurovegetative.

    The name itself implies an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane to irritants such as chemicals, medicines, animal hair, dust, flowering plants, fluff, mold, fungus, insects (bites), pollen and even your favorite perfume.

    This type of rhinitis is divided into:

    • year-round,
    • seasonal,
    • professional.

    To eliminate any of these types of rhinitis, it is necessary to identify a specific allergen and block contact with it.

    Neurovegetative rhinitis

    This type of rhinitis occurs with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, or rather, disorders of the area that is responsible for the proper functioning of the nasal mucosa.

    Infectious rhinitis

    Divided into 3 types:

    1. Acute - characterized by severe runny nose, edema and hyperthermia.
    2. Viral - with an increased amount of discharge, fever and difficulty breathing. As a rule, it is provoked by viruses that have entered the body. Treatment of this type of rhinitis is unacceptable with folk remedies.
    3. Bacterial rhinitis, which develops against the background of an acute form and is distinguished by peculiar secretions, edema and headache, lasts at least 14 days.

    Has two classes:

    • atrophic rhinitis, which is provoked by an atrophied mucous membrane and hypertrophic, most often occurs with hypertrophic changes;
    • rhinitis medication, another type of rhinitis that occurs when vasoconstrictor drugs are not taken correctly, therefore only a doctor should prescribe nasal drops. With frequent use, the tissue is at the stage of atrophy and the drugs no longer help relieve swelling. To put it simply, it is dependence on a certain medicine.

    Traumatic rhinitis

    It occurs with injuries due to damage to the nasal septum.

    Hormonal rhinitis

    It is associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background, occurs most often in women during pregnancy.

    Rhinitis in pregnant women goes away on its own when the body returns to its original state after childbirth. Therefore, you should not take medications so as not to harm the baby.

    Experts believe that when an expectant mother is carrying a child, her hormonal background is subject to changes, the immune system decreases, and this entails the sensitivity of the vessel walls. Acute rhinitis during pregnancy can make itself felt not as hormonal, but infectious.

    Stages of acute rhinitis

    Acute rhinitis is usually divided into stages, which have their own differences in the course of symptoms and treatment methods.

    The first stage is dry.

    A runny nose that goes away without a profuse discharge from the nasal cavity.

    Discharge of tears, frequent sneezing, irritation of the mucous membrane, discomfort, itching, or severe burning sensation indicate the presence of a dry runny nose.

    In addition, there is a headache, fever, coughing, feeling unwell, because acute rhinitis is often manifested due to infection or a virus.

    The second stage is wet.

    Comes after the first stage lasting 2-3 days. Dryness and irritation in the nose develops into a wet stage with limited breathing through the nose.

    Rhinorrhea and mucosal edema begin to rage in their element. An increased amount of mucus secretions of a transparent color contribute to dulling, or even a short-term loss of smell, nasalness during a conversation.

    The third stage is mucopurulent.

    The most vicious stage, the course time depends on the neglect of the previous stages. The symptoms remain, but the general condition improves.

    The neglect of this stage is characterized by discharge from yellow to green, the mucus is thick and viscous to determine it is not difficult after the previous stage, where the discharge is transparent.

    It is possible that acute purulent rhinitis can develop into a chronic rhinitis, threatening complications. This happens because the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations or is engaged in improper treatment of acute rhinitis: it is necessary to monitor any runny nose, because the immune system of each person is arranged differently.

    Someone needs to go through the first stage and be healthy, while someone needs to go through all the "circles of hell" for a complete recovery. It is important to follow the recommendations and not even run a harmless runny nose.

    Causes of edema of the mucous membrane

    There are quite a lot of them. It is important to highlight the frequently encountered ones:

    • non-ecological living conditions,
    • working conditions endangering a person,
    • any changes in growths, cysts, polyps,
    • nose injuries (burns, blows),
    • dysfunction of blood circulation,
    • enlargement of adenoids, sinusitis
    • diseases of the oropharynx,
    • allergic to any provoking allergen.

    Acute respiratory viral infection can cause edema and an acute course of this disease. Do not forget about serious illnesses such as measles, etc.

    In children

    In infants, coryza is common and causes inflammation of the nose and throat at the same time. Prevention of acute rhinitis or treatment with folk remedies will help alleviate the symptoms.

    Rhinitis in older childhood is more difficult, with complications or transmission of infection to other areas associated with the nasopharynx.

    The cause may be overgrowth of the adenoids, due to their sensitivity in childhood, as they too often become inflamed, catching the infection at the beginning of its path in order to prevent the disease.

    Fighting bacteria, viruses increase in size, making it difficult to breathe, hear and smell. The specific structures of the auditory tube also entail the penetration of infections: not mature, wide or short, contribute to the development of otitis media. The middle ear, larynx, or pharynx may become inflamed.

    Unstable immunity, which did not manage to get stronger due to its time, a low amount of mucosal immunoglobulin secretion, improper nasal hygiene, due to narrow nasal passages and inability to empty the nose from mucus - this is the main number of reasons that answer the question of why rhinitis in a child is such a frequent occurrence ...

    Symptoms of acute rhinitis

    Signs of acute rhinitis in adults and children are manifested by different symptoms, starting with discomfort - burning or itching.

    The presence of a rapid loss of working capacity, poor sleep or, on the contrary, drowsiness, headache, in addition to the above symptoms, may also indicate the consequences of acute rhinitis.

    With acute rhinitis, symptoms such as are observed:

    • partial or complete nasal congestion;
    • sensations of burning, itching, pain in the nose and throat;
    • frequent sneezing;
    • lacrimation;
    • headache;
    • dryness of the mucous membrane and the formation of crusts;
    • discharge of yellow, green, with an admixture of blood is characteristic;
    • loss of charm.

    Also, due to prolonged nasal congestion, various complications can develop, such as sinusitis - an infection or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses.

    In infants, symptoms caused by acute rhinitis may be as follows:

    • increased temperature 38-39 degrees;
    • convulsions;
    • refusal to breastfeed (the cause will be difficulty breathing through the nose);
    • there is a general loss of appetite;
    • poor sleep;
    • irritability, tearfulness;
    • stomach ache.

    Children lose their appetite, lose weight, sleep poorly at night.

    Rhinitis of a newborn provokes flatulence and diarrhea due to a violation of the daily regimen and the presence of the above symptoms.

    To find out a reliable diagnosis and how to treat the disease, it is not enough to know the symptoms. Reliable information can only be heard from the mouth of the attending physician: the doctor will conduct an examination, analysis, and carry out a qualified diagnosis of your condition.

    Methods for the diagnosis of acute rhinitis

    Rhinoscopy is a type of research that can only be carried out by a specialist, having questioned the patient in advance, fixing complaints.


    This type of diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the anterior and posterior areas in the nasal cavity and is divided into classes:

    1. Anterior rhinoscopy.
    2. Middle rhinoscopy
    3. Posterior rhinoscopy.

    Each of these names speaks for itself. Certain areas of the nasal cavity are examined to confirm or exclude this or that pathology. The structure of the departments is studied, the condition of the nasal passage is assessed, by examination of the nasopharynx.

    Bacteriological culture, another type of research: the doctor takes a swab from the nasal cavity in order to determine the causative agent of the disease. Correct diagnosis of the type of bacteria entails a well-prescribed antibacterial drug that will work with the effect at the right level for a person's recovery.

    If there is a suspicion of allergic rhinitis, then a study is used to identify the allergen (skin tests), which provokes this ailment. The method of exclusion reveals an irritant, if there was one even before the onset of the disease.

    Skin test

    One of the complex types of research is endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, which is divided into: flexible and rigid.


    This type of study is carried out to identify such complex neoplasms as a cyst or other inclusions in order to assess the possible causes of the appearance of acute rhinitis. It is also possible to determine the structural changes that appeared at birth. It is not possible for a kid to carry out such a diagnosis without anesthesia.

    Treatment and preventive measures

    Preventive measures taken for acute rhinitis are not complicated.

    It is worth not eating too cold foods, dressing for the season, playing sports, observing personal hygiene, hardening the body, taking folk and medicines that increase immunity, provide for early diagnosis and timely treatment of pathological changes.

    In infants, physiological rhinitis is often not treated, but only mucus is sucked out of the nose using a nasal aspirator. However, in severe cases, when rhinitis in a newborn does not go away for several days, baby nasal drops are still used.

    Treatment of acute rhinitis in adults, unlike children, is possible without pills and drops: folk remedies will come to the rescue, and most importantly, the correct toilet of the nose and its rinsing with saline solutions.

    Home treatment without medication consists in performing simple measures:

    • Correct blowing out is necessary to remove mucus from the nasal regions.
    • Adequate drinking, providing rooms with moist and fresh air, with a cold, warming the hands and feet.
    • Vasoconstrictor drops will help to facilitate breathing, reduce edema.
    • The duration of admission is determined by the doctor and instructions for use.
    • Treat acute rhinitis effectively with physiotherapy.
    • If a person has acute allergic rhinitis, in this case, the doctor should prescribe antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drugs.
    • Bacterial and viral rhinitis will have to be treated in combination with antibacterial, antiseptic drugs, folk remedies will not help here.

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