What does Adam's apple treat: description, composition and principle of action. Details about plum

In autumn, in the markets of the Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, you can often find maclura fruits - large (up to 15 cm in diameter) balls with green wrinkled skin, which acquires an orange-light green hue as it ripens. People call these fruits Adam's apples, Chinese or Indian oranges. The flesh of Adam's apples is yellow, with an abundance of seeds.

In fact, the orange maclura, brought from Central America, belongs to the mulberry family, its closest relative is the mulberry. Adam's apples, although they have a pleasant smell (similar to cucumber) and contain many useful substances, are inedible and slightly toxic. Even when picking Chinese oranges, it is recommended to wear gloves to avoid thorns and not to burn the skin with the milky juice. However, in folk medicine, the fruits of maclura are used very widely; the plant was even nicknamed the tree of God for its healing powers.

Healing properties of Adam's apple

Adam's apples contain a high content of flavonoids - compounds that act as antioxidants in the body and have anti-sclerotic and anti-carcinogenic effects. Flavonoids also include isoflavones: substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Isoflavones in maclura fruits are up to 6%, with the highest content being osayin, a compound that is more effective in maintaining the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system than rutin.

Maclure also contains a lot of phytosterols, which are converted in the body into vitamins A, D, E and K. Adam's apple saponins thin mucus (promote expectoration), tone the cardiovascular system, stimulate the functioning of all glands, and accelerate the absorption of nutrients. Paradox: being toxic in itself, in small doses maclura juice helps detoxify the body and remove toxins.

  • osteochondrosis and salt deposition;
  • rheumatism and radiculitis (as a pain reliever);
  • calluses and heel spurs;
  • joint pain and severe bruises;
  • gout and polyarthritis;
  • varicose veins and other vein diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • partial paralysis after strokes;
  • cold;
  • eczema;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • mastopathy;
  • fibroids;
  • oncological diseases.

Recipe for Adam's apple tincture with alcohol

Only ripe fruits collected in October - early November are suitable for tincture. Before preparing the medicine, they are thoroughly washed and dried, but due to the sticky milky juice, it is very difficult to completely remove all microorganisms from the surface of the fruit.

Some pathogens die only in 96% alcohol. Therefore, pure medical alcohol for preparing tincture is preferable to vodka or moonshine.

In addition, Adam's apples are very juicy; during infusion, the juice is mixed with alcohol, and by the time it is ready, the strength of the alcohol tincture is reduced to 55 degrees. The access of air during the infusion period worsens the quality of the drug (due to the oxidation of polyphenols), so you immediately need to calculate the amount of ingredients so that the container is filled with tincture to the very top.


  • maclura fruits (Adam's apple) – 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol 96% – 0.5 liters;
  • vegetable or pork fat – 0.5 kg (optional).


1. Maclura fruits are weighed and crushed on a coarse grater or in a blender (if there is a lot of raw material, you can use a meat grinder).

2. The resulting slurry is poured with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio.

3. Store the glass container with the mixture in a cool, dark place (not in the refrigerator).

Infusion time:

  • The best medicine for both external and internal use is considered to be infused for a year. The substance turns brown;
  • if the medicine is needed urgently, then the tincture for external use can be used after two weeks, for internal use - after 1–6 months. In such cases, it is convenient to divide the raw materials into several containers, filtering the medicine as needed.

4. The finished Adam's apple tincture is filtered and stored in a dark, cool place; it retains its beneficial properties for 10 years.

The squeezed cake should not be thrown away: it is a very valuable medicinal raw material. Many useful substances in maclura are poorly soluble even in alcohol and remain in the pulp.

Preparation of fat-alcohol mixture

Alcohol disinfects, but burns the skin, so in some cases it is better to use a more delicate oil-alcohol mixture for compresses and rubbing. To prepare it, olive oil is mixed with the tincture in a 1:1 ratio and whisked a little so that the mixture does not separate. If you don’t have olive oil, corn or even sunflower oil (preferably unrefined) will do.

The oil-alcohol mixture is too thin. A thicker medicine is prepared from tincture and internal pork fat. Its structure is very similar to human oil and is absorbed into the skin better than olive oil.

The internal pork fat is cut into small cubes and heated in a water bath in 2-3 steps so that it melts but does not boil. The lard is drained, cooled to room temperature, mixed in equal parts with maklyura tincture and beaten. The cracklings can be used for culinary purposes.

Ointment from alcoholized cake

To prepare the ointment, the cake is mixed with olive oil or pork fat rendered according to the previous recipe in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is whipped in a blender.

Sometimes in the literature there are recipes for preparing ointments in a water bath. However, medicine made from raw cake is more effective, since heat treatment decomposes many useful compounds.

External use of Adam's apple tincture

For osteochondrosis, salt deposition, polyarthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, gout, severe bruises, apply a compress of maclura tincture in the evening. To enhance the warming effect of the compress, cover it with a warm cloth on top.

For intervertebral, articular, or inguinal hernia, the sore spots are very carefully rubbed with the tincture for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. Then the treated area is wrapped for 20 minutes.

Adam's apple tincture for joints will be even more effective if rubbed into sore spots. People with sensitive skin are recommended to use a fat-alcohol mixture for rubbing.

Lotions from an oil-alcohol mixture or ointment are made for prostate adenoma, mastopathy and eczema. In these cases, the lotion is kept for no more than two hours. During the day you are allowed to apply 1-2 lotions.

To restore motor functions after a stroke, oil cake ointment or a fat-alcohol mixture is carefully rubbed into the patient’s skin in the evening. Even better results can be achieved if you use maclura ointment for massage one evening, and comfrey root ointment the other.

Some herbalists recommend combining Adam's apple with golden mustache. But both of these plants contain a lot of phytoflavonoids. The body's reaction may be too violent, which is dangerous if the blood vessels are weakened.

An oil-alcohol mixture or ointment is rubbed daily into the affected areas for varicose veins. In this case, there is no need to apply warm compresses.

For nasal polyps, turundas are made from a bandage, moistened with an oil-alcohol mixture, inserted into each nostril and kept for no more than 2 hours.

Using lotions made from maclura tincture or an oil-fat mixture, you can get rid of warts and wen.

For hemorrhoids, suppositories made from frozen ointment (on pork fat) are inserted into the anus.

After a massage with maclura tincture, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Internal use of Adam's apple tincture

Maclura tincture lowers blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and accelerates recovery from bronchopulmonary diseases. It has been noticed that taking the medicine slows down the development of metastases, and in the initial stages of the disease it promotes the resorption of tumors. The remedy is especially effective for myoma and fibromyoma.

Drink the tincture no later than half an hour before meals. For those who are fasting or on a diet, it is recommended to combine the drug with drinking freshly squeezed juices from cabbage, beets or cucumber.

You need to measure the volume of medicine using a pipette: every drop is important, exceeding the dose is dangerous to health. The required number of drops is dissolved in a tablespoon of water.

Regimen for taking Adam's apple tincture for benign tumors and oncological diseases:

  • first week – 3 drops in the morning;
  • 2nd week – 3 drops 2 times a day;
  • 3rd week – 3 drops 3 times a day;
  • 4th week – 4 drops 3 times a day;
  • from the 5th to the 30th week, each dose is increased by 1 drop: in the 30th week - 30 drops 3 times a day;
  • from the 31st week, reduce it drop by drop per dose until at the 57th week it is 3 drops 3 times a day.

If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 months.

For chronic fatigue syndrome, metabolic disorders, hypertension, bronchopulmonary diseases, 3 courses in a row are given:

  • 1st day – 3 times 1 drop;
  • 2nd day – 3 times 2 drops;
  • then every day the dose is increased by 1 drop per dose. 20th day – 3 times 20 drops;
  • from the 21st day, the dose is reduced by 1 drop per dose. Day 39 – 3 times 1 drop.

Contraindications for internal use of Adam's apple tincture

You cannot drink the tincture:

  • patients with diabetes (Adam's apple contains a lot of sugars);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with the gallbladder removed;
  • during chemotherapy;
  • while taking antibiotics.

Maclura tincture with alcohol, being a toxin, creates a serious load on the liver. Therefore, you should not drink alcohol while taking the medicine.

Attention! Self-medication can be dangerous; consult your doctor before using the tincture.

The Adam's apple plant has found use in folk medicine; adherents of conservative therapy do not use it. But the results of treating joints, heart and other organs sometimes amaze even doctors, because the fruits of the plant have healing properties.

Medicinal maclura is more familiar to traditional healers, like Adam's apple. Tinctures and ointments are made from it, and used as a medicine for external and internal use. Adam's apple - what is it? This is the name of the fruits of a tree from the mulberry family, widespread in America, China, India and found in warm regions of Europe and Russia.

The maclura fruit, which is used to make the tincture, has an unusual appearance. The photo shows that it looks like an unripe orange - it has a lumpy peel and a yellowish color. But you can’t eat it - the fruit is poisonous, and even in folk recipes it should be handled very carefully. The fruit has other names:

  • False orange;
  • Indian orange;
  • Gift of God's tree.

The smell of the fruit is reminiscent of cucumber, the taste is very bitter. The use of the Adam's apple is justified not only in medicine - furniture is made from the wood, paint is obtained from the roots, and the beautiful plant itself is used in landscape design.

Adam's apple, also known as maclura, contains a lot of useful substances. The composition of the fruit is similar to mulberry, but contains many more bioflavonoids. The latter are recognized as natural, natural antioxidants and strong immunostimulants. Kaempferol especially stands out among them - this substance has powerful antitumor properties. Some flavonoids have the qualities of vitamin P and serve as anti-inflammatory, anti-infective components of drugs.

Also, the Adam's apple has medicinal properties due to the presence of other substances that are found in the sticky concentrated juice:

  • Essential unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Saponins;
  • Pectin substances;
  • Citric and a number of other organic acids;
  • Triterpenes;
  • Sahara;
  • Isoflavones;
  • Vitamins A, D, E, K.

Of these elements, soy isoflavones should be noted - this substance is capable of strengthening small blood vessels and normalizing metabolism at the cellular level. A number of other isoflavones are hormone-like substances (analogs of steroid hormones), but are completely harmless to the body, unlike synthetic ones.

In treatment, Adam's apple is not combined with alcohol in large quantities - its composition is so active and rich that the combination with ethanol in the body can cause unpredictable consequences. But consumption in the form of a tincture will not harm, because it is drunk literally drop by drop.

The most famous is maclura in the form of a tincture. It is Adam's apple tincture prepared with alcohol or vodka that can treat sore joints. The main effect of the drug is anti-inflammatory; after administration and external use, pain, swelling decreases, and redness disappears. Adam's apple tincture for joints is suitable for such pathologies as:

  • Arthrosis;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Infectious arthritis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Synovitis;
  • Tendinitis and others.

The remedy will help no less well with osteochondrosis of the spine - the pain syndrome goes away quickly, inflammation and muscle spasms stop (tincture of maclura is usually used for rubbing).

Fruits help fight tumor diseases - they are especially good at resolving benign tumors. Maclura has proven itself in the treatment of mastopathy, which is combined with the appearance of cysts and fibroadenomas. According to reviews, preparations with maclura are also used for:

  • Fight excess weight;
  • Treatment of viral and bacterial diseases;
  • Thinning mucus when coughing;
  • Improving liver activity;
  • Increasing immunity, for general strengthening and toning the body;
  • Optimizing the functioning of blood vessels and the heart;
  • Reducing the consequences of stroke.

Medicines with fruits have found use in atherosclerosis, hypertension, they remove waste and toxins, and externally treat heel spurs, varicose veins, eczema, dermatitis, and ulcers. For men, Adam's apple is indicated for prostatitis, glandular adenoma, for women - for inflammatory gynecological diseases and uterine fibroids.

For ingestion of Adam's apple, tincture is most often used. Some healers prefer to make water extracts, but the beneficial properties of Adam's apple are more fully manifested with prolonged infusion. The scope of application of the tincture is very wide:

  • Myoma and mastopathy;
  • Reduced immunity;
  • Severe joint damage;
  • Intoxication, especially chronic;
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

To prepare the tincture, you need to get maclura fruits, collected in October. They will be ripe, and the finished product will take on the shade of infused black tea. To prevent the tincture from oxidizing, you should not add liquid to the brim, but screw the lid very tightly.

How to prepare maclura tincture for internal use? Here is the prescription:

  • Wash the Adam's apple fruit well.
  • Cut the fruit into cubes approximately 1*1 cm.
  • Place the prepared pieces into a clean jar.
  • Pour vodka up to the shoulders.
  • Close the lid and place in the dark.

According to the recipe for the tincture, you should drink it internally only after standing for a long time. The product is shaken daily, and its preparation period should be at least 2 months. Healers call the optimal period from 3-4 months to a year, but during infusion the remedy can already be taken.

In the first 7 days, drink 3 drops, diluted with 100 ml of water, only once a day. From the second week, it is not the number of drops that is increased, but the frequency of administration (up to 2). In the third week, they begin to drink 3 drops of the product three times a day. Further treatment is carried out as follows:

  • Week 4 – 4 drops three times a day;
  • 5-7 weeks – 5-7 drops three times a day, respectively;
  • From week 8 – the dose is gradually reduced to 3 drops once a day, for a total of fourteen weeks.

Each time, the prescription tincture of maclura is taken before meals (half an hour before). Taking an antibiotic at the same time can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. For oncology, the treatment procedure will be different. Usually, an infusion of Adam's apple vodka is drunk three times a day, 2 drops, dissolved in a tablespoon of water. Gradually, the intake is increased to 10 drops three times a day, the course of therapy is up to a year.

Adam's apple tincture is widely used in external therapy. It can be prepared in different ways, and infusion for external purposes can last 2-3 weeks. Be sure to keep the product in a dark place so that all valuable substances retain their properties.

How to make a tincture for external use from maclura? The difference from taking the product internally is that you need to use 70% alcohol, not vodka, and maintain the proportion - 1 part of fruit, cut into small cubes - 1 part of alcohol. To reduce the cooking time, you can grate the raw materials on a coarse grater. The medicine is ready after 10 days of keeping in the dark.

What is the cure for an Adam's apple prepared in this way? Recipes for use will be as follows:

  • Osteochondrosis of any part. Pour a little liquid onto your hand and apply to the skin. Rub with gentle movements and let it absorb. Wrap the treated area with warm woolen cloth and leave for several hours (do not use polyethylene).
  • Arthrosis. Maclura tincture for joints is best used in courses. It is necessary to moisten a cloth with a solution diluted with water 2:1 and apply it to the affected area. Secure with cellophane or a warm cloth and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Ulcers, boils. Wipe the sore spots of the body with the prepared Adam's apple tincture. Carry out this treatment up to 3-4 times a day.

Using rubbing, you can also carry out therapy against gout, radiculitis, bunions, and heel spurs.

It is believed that Adam's apple ointment has more gentle, but no less effective properties. The ointment will penetrate deeply into the tissue and remain there longer than the tincture, while not irritating the skin. How to prepare maclura ointment? Here's the basic recipe:

  • Take the fruits of the plant, rinse thoroughly;
  • Grind the fruits in a meat grinder or chop with a blender;
  • Set aside 200 g of the mass, add 100 g of softened pork fat;
  • Beat the mixture thoroughly with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. It is lubricated with the affected areas of the body three times a day. Indications include inflamed lymph nodes, mastopathy, joint pain, back pain, heel spurs, and salt deposits. You can also apply the product to scars and scars - they will gradually dissolve.

In the Adam's apple recipe, when preparing the cream, you can use not pork fat, but beeswax, cocoa butter, and olive oil. Some recipes indicate other options for making the product - you need to combine the twisted fruit with an oil base 3:1 and simmer in the oven, covered, for 2 hours. Then apply in the same way.

Other remedies with fruits

In folk medicine there are other recipes for preparing maclura for treatment. It can be used as an oil tincture. Finely chopped pieces of fruit should be placed in a jar, filled with any cold-pressed oil (ideal option - grape seed oil, olive oil). The product must be infused in the dark for 1.5 months. Then it is used for massaging, rubbing the sore back in courses or as needed.

Adam's apple can be used to make a joint treatment according to a different recipe. You should combine equally pieces of fruit and chopped leaves, the knees of the golden mustache plant. Place half of the container in a jar and fill it to the top with vodka. Leave for a month in the dark, then use the tincture as a rub.

You can also squeeze the juice from an Adam's apple, combine 1 part of it with 3 parts of butter. Store the ointment in the refrigerator. It can be used to treat hemorrhoids, anal fissure, lubricating the affected area twice a day for 10 days. Also, for rhinitis, acute and chronic sinusitis, you can lubricate the nasal passages with the same remedy 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

The medicinal properties of the Adam's apple were known in the Ancient East. Eastern healers used the fruits of maclura to cure many diseases, but used the drug with caution - the plant contains toxic substances. This article contains everything about the benefits and possible harms of maclura potions, instructions for using the medicine, reviews about the healing properties.

Adam's apple - healing properties

The fruits of the orange maclura (Adam's apple, Chinese orange, Indian orange) really resemble a green apple or an unripe orange. In nature, the culture is widespread in South America, and is currently widely found in southern Russia, China and Central Asia.

Adam's apple - a southern fruit

The tree refers to, the fruit is a berry consisting of many segments, each of them bears 1 seed. In the center of the berry there is a white sticky binding mass with gray seeds. The fruits ripen in mid-autumn, usually in October.

Important! Adam's apple is not eaten, although it contains many useful substances.

Many medicinal potions are made from maclura berries according to alternative medicine recipes: tinctures, ointments, oil extracts. Due to little knowledge of the beneficial properties of the plant, traditional medicine does not use maclura in the manufacture of dosage forms.

The healing effect of Adam's apple preparations is due to the high content of biologically active substances:

  1. The seeds of the plant contain up to 30% fatty acids, and the pulp – up to 4%.
  2. Pectins make up up to 10%.
  3. Citric acid content – ​​up to 13%.
  4. Flavonoids make up up to 7%.

Maclura fruit inside

Benefits and harms of Adam's apple

The most valuable flavonoids contained in maclura are similar in composition to pectins, which normalize metabolism in the body and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and are highly active antioxidants. Taking medicine from Adam's apple stimulates the immune system and helps get rid of various viruses and relieve severe intoxication.

Adam's apple fruits help cure diseases such as:

  • Oncological diseases, various tumors, mastopathy, benign neoplasms.
  • Dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout.
  • Hypertension.
  • Asthenic syndrome.

Remember that you cannot eat maclura fruits - they are poisonous to humans

  • Viral infections.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.

Considering that maclura fruits contain toxic substances, Adam's apple dosage forms should be used with caution. There are contraindications for diabetic patients when taking the medicine orally - such patients are prohibited from using all dosage forms prepared from maclura fruits. This does not apply to medicine prepared from leaves and ointments for external use.

It is prohibited to use medicinal preparations from the plant if you have an individual intolerance or possible allergic reactions.

Important! It is prohibited to combine the use of dosage forms from maclura with antibiotics and allopathic medicines, as well as with alcohol consumption. When using preparations from maclura fruits, the prescribed dosage and frequency of administration should be strictly observed. It is not recommended to treat with folk remedies from Adam's apple during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Instructions for the use of dosage forms from maclura

The alcohol tincture is taken by increasing the dosage, before meals.

Alcohol tincture of maclura

  1. In the first week, the drug is taken orally 1 time per day, no more than 3 drops.
  2. From the second week, the dose is increased to 2 times, 3 drops each.
  3. For the third week, the tincture is taken 3 times a day, 3 drops.
  4. From the 4th week, the intake of drops is increased by one, and this is continued until the number of drops per daily dose reaches 30.

The regimen is designed for a patient aged 30 years; at a younger age, the maximum daily dose of the drug is reduced (according to age). Having reached the maximum dose of 30 drops, the medication begins, reducing the dose of tincture by 1 drop per dose (weekly countdown). At the end of treatment, you must stop taking the drug for 2 months, after which, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Maclura tincture is easy to prepare at home


Recipe for making tincture from ripe Adam's apple fruits

Grind the fruits in any convenient way and squeeze out the juice. Mix maclura juice and good quality vodka in a percentage ratio of 20:80, and leave the mixture for several days. The separated milky juice is carefully removed from the container with the tincture into a separate container, and the residue is filtered. The prepared milky juice is intended for external use or making an ointment. The tincture is ready for internal use. Both containers with the medicine are stored in the cold.

Ointment recipe

The melted pork fat is placed in a jar with a layer thickness of 15 mm, layered with thinly sliced ​​slices of ripe maklura. The container is filled to the top, alternating layers. Finish with a layer of lard. The jar is tightly sealed with a lid made of thick dough. During the day, the product is simmered in the oven or in a water bath, avoiding strong boiling. The finished ointment is freed from the cake and stored in a cool place.

Maclura-based ointment for external use

Maclura ointment is used for local rubbing for mastopathy, erysipelas, vertebral hernia, cancer, and sinusitis.

Reviews from patients about treatment with various drugs from maclura are replete with positive comments, especially the drugs help in the treatment of oncology. However, it should be remembered that Adam's apple is a highly poisonous plant, therefore, at the first signs of depression and deterioration of the condition, treatment must be stopped.

Adam's apple: video

Maclura: photo

The numerous mulberry genus, sincerely loved by the picky but voracious caterpillars of the famous silkworm, is certainly proud of its original representative, known under the euphonious name of Maclura. This dioecious plant owes its name to the American naturalist Williams McClure, who devoted a lot of time to a detailed study of the unusual plant. In addition to the official name, the giant tree, reaching 20 m in height, received several more eloquent names. For example, the plant acquired one of its names - Adam's apple - thanks to the well-known biblical story about the forbidden fruit. Skillfully drawing parallels between the biblical apple and the poisonous fruits of Maclura, the people, as always, aptly chose a suitable and meaningful name for this tall representative of the southern flora.

The Maclura fruit certainly deserves special attention. Looking like large, textured tennis balls, these bouncy, poisonous fruits are a treasure trove of goodness. Their milky juice is full of flavonoids and saponins, micro- and macroelements, organic acids and other biologically active substances. Inside the golden-yellow pimply fruits, along with a white sticky substance, there are many seeds, similar to small nuts, hidden. The aroma of the pulp resembles the well-known smell of cucumber.

The tree has a luxurious crown and a slender trunk, dressed in dark bark. The curved branches of the plant are covered with terrifying thorns hiding in the axils of the leaves. The length of the thorns reaches 2.5 cm. The leaves of Maclura are oval in shape, the arrangement is opposite. The pointed leaves reach 13 cm in length and 7 cm in width. Unlike fruits, the flowers do not attract attention - they are rather inconspicuous. On female trees the flowers are collected in spherical inflorescences, on male trees - in long racemes.

Distribution and habitat

Maclura's homeland is the distant American continent. The plant's natural range is limited to northern Texas, parts of Arkansas, and southeastern Oklahoma. Europe became acquainted with the unusual plant in 1818, and 15 years later Maklyura was taken to Crimea, where it successfully took root in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Having gone through a long period of introduction, the plant today grows safely in warm latitudes. It can be seen in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in the Caucasus and southern Ukraine, in Adygea and Central Asia.

Flowering and harvest time

Maclura acquires young foliage in April-May. The flowering period is short and occurs in June. The main value for herbal medicine is the golden-yellow fruit, the beneficial properties of which are used for medicinal purposes. Ripe fruits are collected in September-October. The fruits are covered with a sticky oily liquid, which, sticking to the hands, does not wash off for a long time. Therefore, when collecting sticky “Chinese oranges” used for treatment, you should wear protective fabric gloves.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties of this plant have yet to be discovered by scientists - the medical capabilities of the Adam's apple have not been fully studied. For herbal medicine today, the ripe fruits of Maclura are of greatest value. They, distinguished by their complex chemical composition, are close in their set of components to ordinary mulberries, which are deservedly considered a powerful natural biostimulant.

Inedible fruits contain a large amount of sugars, pectin, citric and fatty acids. But most importantly, they contain flavonoids, which give the fruits their orange color and are powerful antioxidants.

Despite the insufficient study of the plant, Adam's apple has been used in folk medicine for a long time. And if in America the tree has always been used mainly for the organization of hedges or the production of furniture and bows, then eastern healers have long found a more noble use for it, preparing healing ointments and tinctures from Adam's apple.

Medicinal properties of Maclura and its use in herbal medicine

Thanks to the unique chemical set of components contained in the mysterious pimply fruits, the use of Adam's apple allows you to obtain medicines:

  • antisclerotic;
  • anticancer;
  • absorbent;
  • tonic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Of course, traditional medicine has not ignored the unique properties of Maclura - based on its fruits, traditional healers make effective ointments and tinctures that help fight serious diseases.

Adam's apple in folk medicine

Beneficial properties of Maclura are used to prepare all kinds of medicinal products used to treat radiculitis, gout, polyarthritis, and malignant neoplasms. In addition, there are recipes that allow you to make very effective painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Even simple juice extracted from the fruit is used in herbal medicine - it significantly accelerates wound healing.

Maclura tincture recipe

Traditional medicine finds both external and internal use for the tincture of “Chinese oranges”.

Adam's apple tincture is prepared without any special tricks; here is a simple recipe for its preparation:

  • cut the fruit into slices;
  • fill a liter jar with them;
  • pour the fruits with alcohol (50%);
  • we insist for 6-12 months.

At the same time, within a week, Adam's apple tincture acquires healing capabilities and can be used for treatment.

External treatment with tincture is effective for salt deposits, gout, polyarthritis, and spurs. It is generously rubbed into the sore spot, wrapping the sore spot with a warm scarf. The procedure is carried out before bedtime. But for osteochondrosis and hernias (inguinal, articular, vertebral, etc.), rubbing is done several times - not only at night, but also a couple of times during the day. For mastopathy, the tincture is used to prepare compresses and lotions.

Internal use of the tincture helps with benign neoplasms. It has also established itself as a strong absorbable agent for cancer tumors. The drug helps fight metastases, cleanses the body, kills viruses - this is, of course, the most powerful medicine given to us by nature.

How to prepare ointment from Maclura?

Ointments prepared according to special recipes make it possible to embody the most beneficial properties of Maclura in a medicine. Lubrication with healing compounds helps with mastopathy, intervertebral hernias, skin cancer, and rectal cancer. To prepare the ointment, crushed fruits are mixed with pork fat (proportion 5:1). The mixture, placed in a pot, is covered with a dough crust, after which it is kept for about a day in the oven on the lowest heat. The oven can be replaced with a water bath.


Before starting treatment that involves taking the tincture orally, doctors strongly recommend that you stop using other tinctures, antibiotics, and alcoholic beverages. A clear contraindication for the use of medicines based on Maclura fruits is diabetes mellitus. The use of Adam's Apple is contraindicated due to the high sucrose content in the fruit.

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What does Adam's apple treat: description, composition and principle of action

In alternative medicine there are many different medicines for the treatment of a large number of diseases.

They are often prepared from medicinal plants. These are ointments, tinctures, infusions, decoctions, rubs and compresses. One of the most unusual plants that is widely used in folk medicine is the Adam's apple. The plant has several names.

It is called maclura (in honor of the American naturalist Maclura), gift of God's tree, false orange, Indian or inedible orange. With the help of compositions from the plant, a lot of pathologies, in particular joint ones, can be cured. The plant is definitely medicinal.

However, before you start preparing and using drugs to treat a particular ailment, you should find out what Adam’s apple treats, what indications and contraindications it has, and also consult your doctor regarding the advisability of using the compositions.

Reviews from people who have used the fruits to treat ailments, in particular radiculitis and rheumatism, are mostly positive. This is proof of the effectiveness of the appropriate use of drugs.


Maclura is a dioecious tree belonging to the Mulberry family and reaching a height of twenty meters. The plant is equipped with a deciduous, branched, spreading crown, a straight stem covered with brown cracking bark, curved branches, thorny shoots (there are also thornless species), oblong, green leaves, and small inconspicuous flowers. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-autumn.

The plant is native to South America. The tropics, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Crimea, the Black Sea coast are the habitat of the inedible orange. You can be treated with Adam's apple only after prior consultation with your doctor. The plant is poisonous, and improper preparation and use of the product is fraught with disastrous consequences.

Composition of Adam's apple

The plant, or rather its fruits, are rich in a lot of useful substances and medicinal properties. Alternative medicine has a huge number of recipes from maclura. Not many people know that Adam's apple treats joint pathologies, cancer, and skin ailments. The effectiveness of the products is primarily determined by the composition of the plant. False orange is rich in sterols, organic acids, alcohols, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, pectins, sugar, kaempferol, minerals, citric acid.

There are many ways to prepare medicine from the inedible fruit. However, before you start using the drugs, it is important to find out what Adam’s apple treats and what contraindications there are to the use of the drugs.

Adam's apple: medicinal properties and rules regarding the use of drugs

Maclura is a storehouse of useful and valuable medicinal substances. The fruits of the tree are endowed with a lot of healing properties.

Today the following medicinal properties of Adam's apple are known:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • anti-carcinogenic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • neuroprotective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiallergic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • calming.

Adam's apple has unique medicinal properties.

The use of preparations from the plant promotes:

  • restoration of elasticity of vascular walls;
  • stopping the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • preventing the development of tumors;
  • eliminating painful sensations;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process;
  • accelerating the elimination of toxic substances;
  • prevention of salt deposits;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • eliminating swelling.

Rules for the use of ointments, tinctures and oils from inedible orange. The plant is very medicinal and useful. The main thing is to know how to properly prepare and use maclura medicines. Due to the mass of medicinal properties, Adam's apple is widely used in informal medicine.

Plant preparations are effective in the fight against:

  • CVS pathologies;
  • cancer;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of the spleen and liver;
  • cystic inflammation;
  • ailments of the skin, in particular Pendin ulcer, dermatitis, wounds, eczema, dermal cancer;
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

The products are also recommended for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, hematomas, poisoning, chronic fatigue, hypertension, salt deposits, and fibroids. A remedy such as Adam's apple has medicinal properties that are valued by people, which is why it is used to treat a wide variety of pathologies. However, do not forget that the plant is poisonous and inappropriate use of drugs can cause unpredictable consequences.

Before you start treatment with ointments, tinctures or oils from maclura, you should familiarize yourself with several recommendations:

  1. The collection of fruits for the manufacture of medicines must be carried out no earlier than September.
  2. When collecting raw materials, you must wear gloves.
  3. When picking fruits, you must be careful of being pricked by thorns.
  4. During treatment, you should not take antibacterial drugs or drink alcohol.
  5. If overdose symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, malaise, pain in the epigastrium, pre-syncope and fainting states, you should refrain from further use of the drug and be sure to seek the help of a qualified specialist.
  6. Before you start using this or that drug, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

Who should not use medicines from Adam's apple?

The use of products from the plant is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. People with individual intolerance should not be treated with maclura, nor should they treat small children. The use of drugs by people suffering from diabetes is prohibited.

Adam's apple tincture with vodka: how to prepare and popular recipes

Alternative medicine has a large number of recipes for preparations made from false orange. Adam's apple tincture with vodka is a very effective remedy that will help in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, radiculitis, and salt deposits.

Preparing a tincture is not difficult, especially since there are many ways to make the medicine:

  1. Adam's apple (tincture for joints): the first method. You need to take a small fruit, grind it using a meat grinder, and then place the mass in a glass bottle. Next, the raw material is filled with vodka - 500 ml. The container should be closed and set aside in a warm, dark room for half a month.
  2. Second way. The method is similar to the first and the ingredients are taken in the same proportions. Only this “Adam's Apple” tincture with vodka should be shaken every day. The duration of infusion is two weeks.
  3. Third way. This medicine has a longer preparation time, but at the same time its shelf life is extended. You need to take the fruits of an inedible orange - about ten pieces, then rinse and cut into small pieces. Next, the raw materials are placed in a glass bottle and filled with high-quality vodka (it should be twice as much in volume as the fruit). Then the hermetically sealed container should be put in a warm, dark place for two months.

How to use

The tincture has wide application. It is especially effective in the fight against back pain and joint ailments. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to use Adam's apple tincture in vodka as follows.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton wool in the preparation, and then rub it into the painful area on the back. After the appearance of redness and pleasant warmth throughout the body, you need to go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

The product helps eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling and puffiness. After the course of treatment, your general condition and well-being will noticeably improve. For the treatment of such ailments as salt deposits, gout, rheumatism, radiculitis, polyarthritis, the remedy is recommended to be used as follows.

A little of the composition needs to be rubbed into the painful area, and then insulated with a scarf or handkerchief. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. Relief and improvement of well-being usually occurs after three procedures. The optimal duration of the therapeutic course is fifteen procedures.

It is necessary to treat the affected area three times a day. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, experts recommend using Adam's apple tincture with vodka both externally and internally. The combined use of the drug will help you quickly get rid of discomfort and pain.

The medicine should be taken as follows:

  • during the first week - 3 drops during the morning meal;
  • during the second - 3 drops, but twice a day;
  • during the 3rd - three drops three times a day;
  • during the fourth - four drops four times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is a month. After six months, treatment can be repeated if necessary.

The advisable use of Adam's apple tincture for joints, in addition to helping to eliminate joint pain and discomfort, as well as stiffness, swelling and swelling, will contribute to:

  • improving the condition of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • activation of cell regeneration;
  • removal of toxins.

Ointment: how to prepare and use

Tincture for joints from Adam's apple is far from the only remedy that can be made from Indian orange. From the fruits you can make a healing ointment that is effective in the fight against joint ailments and intervertebral hernia, as well as skin inflammations, abscesses and long-lasting wounds.

Preparing the ointment is easy. You need to take maclura fruits, wash them, and then cut them into cubes. Place melted pork fat in a glass bottle, followed by chopped fruits.

The components are laid out in layers of one and a half centimeters until the container is completely filled. The final layer, without fail, is fat. Then the container is sealed using a test and placed in a water bath for a day. The next day, the product is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. To treat joint ailments and hernias, you need to warm up a spoon, then take the ointment with it and apply it to natural tissue.

Next, the product is applied to the affected area and insulated with woolen fabric. The duration of the procedure is five hours. This ointment is also effective in the treatment of mastopathy. It is necessary to lubricate a cabbage leaf with the product, then apply it to the chest and insulate it with woolen material. It is preferable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Preparation of ointment according to a different recipe

Making an ointment using the second method involves using a special base - an ointment (zinc or glycerin is suitable). The required amount of pharmaceutical base (depending on the disease) must be mixed with maclura tincture. The prepared product should be lubricated on the affected areas three times a day. The product is effective in the treatment of abscesses, long-term non-healing wounds, and skin pathologies.

Oil recipe

The oil is effective in the fight against ringworm, dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. To make the product, you should take two ripe fruits. They need to be cut into thin strips and placed in a glass container. Next, the raw material is filled with any vegetable oil - one glass. The container must be closed and left in a dark place for at least a week.

Maclura is a unique plant endowed with a lot of miraculous properties. Proper use of the compounds will help in curing a lot of ailments, as well as strengthening the immune system and improving general condition and well-being. The main thing is to prepare and use medications correctly and only after consulting your doctor.

Adam's apple medicinal properties

Maclura is a deciduous tree with a height of 15 to 20 meters and with round, orange-like, green fruits. This very fruit made maclura a famous medicinal plant. Adam's apple has many medicinal properties and is used in official medicine in many countries to make antibiotics and heart medicines. The Adam's apple has found even wider use in folk medicine.

Maclura belongs to a small genus of fruit trees of the mulberry family, numbering about 11 species. In this article we will talk about orange or apple mackerel. The tree received its name in honor of the American scientist who first described it, Williams McClure.

The fruits of the tree, which are popularly called Adam's apple, are round with a dense, wrinkled skin, inside which there is sticky pulp with many seeds.

The plant's homeland is considered to be the southern state of North America, Texas. In addition to its official botanical name, maclura is called “false orange”, “Chinese or Indian orange”, “dye mulberry”. It is popularly called “God’s tree”, “God’s gift”, apparently for its medicinal properties and ability to cope with many diseases.

Maclura orange is a tall tree with a dense branched crown, a slender trunk with brownish-brown bark. Maclura blooms with small light green staminate flowers collected in earrings. This plant is often used in ornamental gardening, as it is very resistant to climatic conditions.

In our country, Adam's apple can be found in the Krasnodar region, Crimea, Adygea, and the Caucasus. Maclura can withstand winter frosts down to minus 30 degrees, so it can be planted right up to the borders of the Voronezh region.

This plant is also widespread in Central Asia, where the climate is also favorable for it.

Maclura fruits are round with wrinkled skin, resembling an orange in shape. They are inedible and their flesh is poisonous. They are used exclusively for medicinal purposes. They ripen in late autumn in October and are stored for about six months. According to legend, these were the fruits that grew in the Garden of Eden. They have been known for their healing properties since time immemorial.

When the fruit is cut, a white milky juice is released, reminiscent of the smell of a cucumber. The fruit consists of several fruits, each of which has a gray stone.

Chemical composition of Adam's apple

If we consider the chemical composition of the Adam's apple, it is in many ways similar to the composition of the mulberry. The milky sap, which permeates the entire tree and fruit, contains a large amount of triterpene alcohols: sterol, bile acids, saponins. There is also citric acid, sugars, pectins, and fatty acids in the seeds.

According to scientists, the most valuable are flavonoids, which have powerful antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. These substances are very similar in structure to P-vitamin.

Medicinal properties of Adam's apple

It must be admitted that at the moment all the medicinal properties of the Adam's apple have not been very well studied by official medicine. In pharmacies you can find only a few ointments and tinctures based on these fruits. Currently, a medicinal product is still being produced for the treatment of the cardiovascular system, the starting material of which is Adam's apple.

Therefore, we can talk more about the healing properties of maclura and its use from the point of view of traditional medicine, where it is used for treatment:

Varicose veins;

Cancer, including skin cancer.

The rich chemical composition of the Adam's apple gives it the following medicinal properties:

Antiviral and antimicrobial;

Cardioprotective and neuroprotective;

Maclura has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, liver, spleen, relieves fatigue and intoxication, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

As practice shows, traditional healers very effectively use preparations from maclura, mainly in the form of ointments and tinctures. Before using drugs intended for oral administration, traditional healers recommend eating carrots, cabbage or drinking beetroot juice. Then the effect will be more pronounced.

It is claimed that Adam's apple can help with cancer when there are already metastases. But, having decided on such treatment, a person must understand and accept full responsibility.

Maclura is contraindicated for patients with diabetes and allergies. You should not drink alcohol or take antibiotics during treatment. And we must not forget that maclura is a poisonous plant and inedible.

Adam's apple application

The fruit of maclura, which is popularly called Adam's apple, is used in the form of tincture, ointment or oil. The pharmaceutical industry in several countries uses this fruit to produce antibiotics and drugs that stimulate cardiac activity. In the form of an ointment, tincture or oil extract, Adam's apple is used mainly in folk medicine.

Joint diseases. Maclura preparations are most widely used in the treatment of various diseases of the joints, muscles and spine. It copes well with inflammation and pain with radiculitis, heel spurs, radiculitis and osteochondrosis, arthritis and polyarthritis, gout. It softens salts and improves joint mobility.

Maclura ointment or tincture is used for bruises and dislocations.

Skin diseases. For eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis, maclura, due to its bactericidal properties, is used in the form of a tincture to treat affected areas of the skin. In folk medicine, the tincture is used for skin cancer.

For oncology. Although there is no scientific evidence for this use of Adam's apple, in folk medicine the fruits of the plant are used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer.

Maclura is also used for benign tumors, such as myoma and fibroids of the uterus, mastopathy, polyps and ovarian cysts.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Polyphenolic compounds of the plant fruit help strengthen blood vessels. These properties of the plant are used for diseases of the veins and capillaries: varicose veins, venous network, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis. Maclura is used to treat atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Externally, preparations based on Adam's apple are used for enlarged lymph nodes and hernia, including vertebral hernia. For adenoids and sinusitis, tampons with fruit extract are used. To do this, cotton or gauze swabs soaked in the extract are placed into the nasal passages.

Contraindications to the use of Adam's apple

The milky juice of the plant's fruits is poisonous. Therefore, they must be used with all precautions. The use of Adam's apple is strictly prohibited for:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Allergic reaction and individual intolerance;

For diabetes mellitus.

The drugs should not be used to treat children. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

In case of overdose or poisoning, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur. Therefore, the dosage must be strictly observed.

Where to buy herbal remedies with Adam's apple

Herbal remedies with Adam's apple can be bought at herbal pharmacies. As a rule, such drugs are certified not as a drug, but as a dietary supplement.

Maclura tincture with alcohol

The price of the tincture depends on the place of sale and the manufacturer. Basically, the price for 100 ml of tincture ranges from 225 rubles to 300 rubles. 250 ml will already cost from 600 rubles.

The instructions for the tincture describe the indications and how to take it. The course of treatment is long and lasts more than a year.

Start taking 3 drops once a day before meals.

In the second week, the drug is taken 2 times a day, 3 drops before meals.

In the third week, take 3 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Starting from the 4th week, in one of the doses, increase by 1 drop, for example, 4 drops in the morning, and the other 2 doses - 3 drops each. On the second day of this week, add 1 more drop and on the 3rd day, 1 more drop. Starting from day 4, take 4 drops throughout the current week.

From the 5th week, increase again by 1 drop. The regimen is the same as the previous one, i.e. fourth week. According to this scheme, take the tincture until you reach 30 drops three times a day.

Then gradually reduce the number of drops at a time in the reverse order until you again reach 3 drops per day.

30 drops should only be taken by people 30 years of age and older. If your age is less than 30 years, then the number of drops should correspond to full years of your age.

Before taking, the tincture must be diluted with water.

After completing the course, which lasts more than a year, take a break for one or two months and repeat if necessary.

You cannot drink maclura tincture at the same time as other tinctures or preparations made from herbs with poisonous properties and antibiotics.

Maclura ointment

Various vegetable oils are used to prepare the ointment. Usually this is coconut, palm or other oils. The ointment may contain essential oils and extracts of other plants, lanolin and glycerin.

The cost also depends on the manufacturer and starts from 350 rubles per 50 gram package.

The ointment can be used for skin diseases, to treat hernias, spurs and other diseases.

Maclura oil

Maclura fruits are infused with various vegetable oils, for example, grape seed oil. A bottle with a capacity of 100 ml costs 350 rubles and more.

If you don’t have the time or desire to prepare Adam’s apple preparations yourself, and you can’t buy the fruits of the “Chinese orange,” you can buy ready-made preparations by ordering them from the Internet.

About the medicinal properties of the Adam's apple and how to make an ointment at home, watch this video

Adam's apple (maclura) - medicinal properties. Recipes for tincture, ointment, plant-based extract

In the article we discuss the Adam's apple plant. You will learn about the beneficial properties and what diseases can be treated with products based on it. We will look at medicinal recipes with Adam's apple and talk about contraindications to their use.

Adam's apple

Adam's apple is the fruit of the orange or apple-bearing maclura (lat. Maclura pomifera). This is a deciduous tree of the Mulberry family (lat. Moraceae), which is known under the names: dye mulberry, Indian orange, false orange.

What does it look like

Appearance of an Adam's apple. Orange mackerel reaches a height of 20 meters. The tree trunk is erect, covered with dark bark with cracks. The crown is spreading with many branches.

Spiny shoots are hidden in the axils of the leaves. The length of the pointed ovate leaves reaches 12 cm, width - 7 cm. The surface of the leaf blade is dark green and glossy. The bottom of the sheet is matte and lighter.

Small light green flowers are collected in inflorescences: female ones - in the form of earrings, male ones - in the form of spherical heads. Flowering continues from May to June.

The fruit of the tree resembles an orange in shape and color. During the fruiting period it reaches 15 cm in diameter. The fruits are orange or light green. They are called Adam's apple. Inside the fruit there is pulp and seeds that look like nuts.

Maclura orange is characterized by a high growth rate in the first 20 years of life.

Where does it grow

This mulberry species first appeared in the southeastern United States. The largest growing area is in Texas. The light-loving plant is not picky about soil quality and takes root even in saline areas.

At the end of the 19th century, this heat-loving plant began to be cultivated in Italy and Romania. Today it is found in the Krasnodar region, the Caucasus, Crimea, Central Asia and even India.

Adam's apple fruit

The wrinkled fruit of the plant is quite large and very similar to an orange. In cross section it resembles an apple. The plant contains large quantities of milky milky sap, which is often used in folk medicine.

The Adam's apple fruit is poisonous and should not be eaten.

Chemical composition

Beneficial composition of Adam's apple:

  • triterpene saponins;
  • bile acids;
  • sterols;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectin substances;
  • isoflavones;
  • fatty acid.

Medicinal properties

To treat joints in medicine, tincture, ointment and extract from Adam's apple are used. Official medicine has not sufficiently studied the medicinal properties of the Adam's apple, so the plant is more often used as part of traditional medicine. The main medicinal component is the milky sap of the plant. It is used to treat various skin diseases, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

The plant exhibits antiviral properties, so it is often used to treat influenza and ARVI. Products based on maclura suppress pathogens, strengthen the immune system, and are also used as a natural antibiotic.

Flavonoids, which are part of the chemical composition of the plant, act as powerful antioxidants. Thanks to them, products based on Adam's apple have anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effects, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.

Adam's apple normalizes metabolism and has an analgesic effect.

How to collect

For medicinal purposes, ripe maclura fruits are collected. The harvest period lasts from September to October. The fruits secrete a sticky oily liquid that sticks to the hands and is poisonous, so the preparation of raw materials is carried out using protective gloves.

The collected fruits are stored for quite a long time - about six months.

How to use

Adam's apple is widely used in herbal medicine for its many beneficial properties. Ointments, extracts and tinctures are made on its basis.

Adam's apple ointment relieves joint pain, so it is often used to treat arthritis, rheumatism and radiculitis. In addition, it is effective in stretching muscles and treating hemorrhoids.

Adam's apple oil extract has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, so it is indispensable for skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis. The product is used to heal wounds and restore skin after burns. The extract eliminates bruises, hematomas, scars and scars.

Maclura tincture is also used internally to get rid of the above ailments. It is also used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system. The product relieves fatigue, helps with hypertension and vascular problems.

One of the most important medicinal properties of the plant is its ability to eliminate cancerous tumors. The infusion helps to resolve both benign and malignant neoplasms, including those with metastases.

For joints

To eliminate joint pain or intervertebral hernia, rub with Adam's apple infusion. True, such a remedy does not fight the cause of the disease, but only the symptoms, so it is necessary to combine it with drug therapy.

Rub for joints

How to prepare: Wash the Adam's apple fruit, grate it, pour in alcohol so that the liquid completely covers it. Leave in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks. In this case, the infusion must be shaken daily.

How to use: Rub the prepared product into the epicenter of the pain, then insulate it with a woolen scarf. The healing compress can be left overnight.

Result: After the procedure, the diseased joint acquires motor activity. The warming effect of the tincture helps relieve pain.

Recipes for oral administration

For internal use, you can prepare a tincture based on Adam's apple. This process is quite lengthy - it takes six months or more. The infusion is used to treat heart disease, nervous disorders, and cancer.

Adam's apple tincture

How to prepare: Cut the fruits into slices or cubes, place them in a glass jar and fill with vodka or alcohol diluted to 60 degrees. Place the jar in a dark and cool place. The minimum infusion period is 2 months. The product acquires maximum biologically active benefits after six months of infusion.

How to use: To treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, take the infusion according to the following scheme:

  • 1 week - 3 drops once a day before meals.
  • Week 2 - 3 drops twice a day.
  • 3 and subsequent weeks - gradually increase the amount of the drug by 1 drop. In this case, the maximum single dose is 10 drops.

For the treatment of cancer, take 3 drops 5 times a day, and the infusion must be diluted with a tablespoon of water. The course of taking the drug is 1 month, then a break for a week and repeat the course.

Result: This folk recipe helps with hypertension, arrhythmia and vascular disorders. The tincture has a calming effect and fights cancer.

Adam's apple tincture

The product is suitable for both external use and oral administration. For the infusion, fresh Adam's apple fruits are used, so it is best to start preparing the product in the fall, during the harvest period.

During infusion of the drug, the liquid will change color - this is a characteristic feature of maclura. The product is infused for 2 months to a year. Optimally - six months. If the infusion has acquired an amber tint, the medicine is ready.

The infusion must be filtered, but we recommend not throwing away the raw material, as it contains a large amount of biologically active substances and can be used as medicinal compresses and rubs for joints.

The maximum daily dose of tincture is 30 drops, and the patient’s age must be above 30. For people under 20 years of age, the maximum dosage is 20 drops.

Adam's apple ointment

For external use, you can prepare a medicinal ointment based on Adam's apple at home. It eliminates muscle pain, relieves inflammation of the lymph nodes and soothes sore joints. Often the ointment is used as a local remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Adam's apple ointment

  1. Melted lard (lard) - 300 ml.
  2. Adam's apple fruits - 3 pcs.

How to prepare: Peel the Adam's apple and cut into cubes. Place a layer (1.5-2 cm) of pork fat on the bottom of a glass jar, and place a layer of Adam's apple (1 cm) on top. Alternate layers until the jar is completely filled. There should be fat on top.

Close the jar with a lid. To seal, spread the dough around the edges of the lid. Place the jar in a water bath and simmer over low heat for 24 hours. Transfer the finished ointment to another jar, fill it to the brim so that no air gets in. Store the product in the refrigerator.

How to use: For muscle and joint pain: rub the ointment over the areas of pain, wrap in a woolen scarf and leave overnight. For hemorrhoids: make a 2 cm long rectal suppository from cold ointment and insert it into the anus.

Result: This healthy recipe helps relieve pain and inflammation.

Adam's apple oil extract

An oil extract can be obtained from the Adam's apple fruit, which is effective in treating skin diseases, helps against insect bites and eliminates fungus. It is often used as a massage oil or component for a rejuvenating facial mask.

Oil extract for skin diseases

  1. Grape seed oil - 100 ml.
  2. Adam's apple fruit - 1 pc.

How to prepare: Grind the maclura fruit, place it on the bottom of a glass container and fill it with grape oil. Leave in a dark place for two months. Strain the finished oil, and use the cake to make compresses or as a remedy for calluses.

How to use: Treat affected areas of skin with oil extract twice a day.

Result: The product has a general strengthening effect on the body, eliminates foci of infection and fungi on the skin.

You will learn more about using the Adam's apple in the following video:


Since the plant is poisonous, products based on it should be used exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. There are a number of contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • children under 5 years of age;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • alcohol consumption.


Adam's apple belongs to the genus Maclura (lat. Maclura), which includes more than a dozen species of plants. The Mulberry family (lat. Moraceae), to which the Adam's apple belongs, unites 37 genera. Maclura belongs to the order Rosaceae, class Dicotyledonous, division Flowering.


The genus Maclura unites 11 species of plants, but the most famous of them is Maclura orange or Maclura apple, which is also known as Adam's apple.

Adam's apple infographics

Photo of the Adam's apple, its beneficial properties and applications Infographics on the Adam's apple

What to remember

  1. Adam's apple is highly valued for its medicinal properties in folk medicine.
  2. Products based on it are used to treat diseases of the skin, cardiovascular system, and muscle and joint pain.
  3. The plant is poisonous, so before use it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist and strictly follow the drug dosage regimen.

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Joint diseases are one of the most common ailments of our time. And if twenty years ago they were considered a disease mainly of older people, now they affect older people and even young people.

Some may feel that joint-related ailments are not serious and therefore do not need to be treated urgently and as a priority. However, this is not quite true.

Joint diseases can have a negative impact on the entire human body. Moreover, they interfere with a normal lifestyle, reduce activity and performance, affect a person’s emotional and mental health, causing severe and sometimes even unbearable pain.

Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent serious pathological changes. Usually in such cases, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, including medication and physical therapy. However, to speed up the healing process, you can also use traditional methods, including homemade rubs, ointments and tinctures.

This article will focus on such a natural medicine as maclura. Medicinal properties, recipes for joints, reviews from patients and doctors - read about all this below. But first, let's take a brief look at the tree itself and its fruits.

What is a plant

Orange maclura has several names: apple maclura, false orange, dye mulberry, Adam's apple, inedible orange. The plant belongs to the mulberry family and is a deciduous fruit tree whose height can reach twenty meters. The crown of the maklura is usually dense and spreading, and the trunk is slender and majestic, covered with dark brown fissured bark.

The shoots and axils of the leaves of the tree are covered with spines 2-2.5 centimeters in length. Orange maclura blooms with small light green flowers. The fruits of the plant are especially spectacular - round, huge, the size of a large orange. They are usually orange or light green in color.

They are easily transported and can be stored for about six months. However, the fruits of the Adam's apple are completely inedible, even poisonous. They are the ones who have medicinal properties. Recipes for joints made from maclura, according to reviews, are very effective, we will consider them in this article.

But first, let's discuss why this tree is considered so important and healing.

Why are they remarkable?

Maclura fruits, ten to fifteen centimeters in diameter, have wrinkled skin and, as mentioned above, are very poisonous. If you cut them, a sticky liquid will begin to ooze from the fruit - milky juice, which is found in many parts of this amazing plant. It is he who has those healing properties that are so valued in false orange. Milky juice is a source of such vital substances as:

  • Flavonoids. They help relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, reduce pain, and restore damaged tissues and joints.
  • Saponins. Participate in the regulation of metabolism (mineral and water-salt).
  • Isoflavones. Stimulate regenerative processes, strengthen blood vessels and capillaries.
  • Pectins. Removes negative substances (waste, toxins, salts) from the body.
  • Vitamins and elements that help strengthen the immune system.

As can be seen from the above, dyeing mulberry can be used for medicinal purposes for a number of serious ailments such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin pathologies (eczema, dermatitis, wounds and even oncology), hemorrhoids, hypertension, benign and malignant neoplasms, polyarthritis, rheumatism , radiculitis. Next, we will look at effective recipes for joints. According to reviews, the healing properties of maclura are truly unique.

How to help with joint diseases

As mentioned above, the use of maclura for the treatment of joints covers a wide range of diseases that also affect bone tissue. First of all, this is polyarthritis, deforming arthrosis, gout, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, hernias (both articular and intervertebral) and so on.

What are the healing properties of maclura? Recipes for joints, reviews and other recommendations will be provided below.

Thanks to its unique composition, Adam's apple is able to provide the following healing effects:

  • Relieving pain.
  • Reduced inflammation and swelling.
  • Cleansing joints from salt deposits.
  • Dilation of blood vessels and improvement of blood circulation in diseased joints.
  • Restoration of articular and cartilage tissues.
  • Increasing immunity and improving metabolism, which is a preventive effect against the recurrence of any disease.

As you can see, the expected result is quite tempting. Not only a temporary improvement in the condition is possible, but also a complete recovery. But how to make medicine from maclura?

Fruit collection

Before you start making healing products from maclura to treat joints, you need to consider some recommendations:

  1. The fruits should be collected in the second part of October or early November.
  2. You need to pay attention to their appearance. The color of the peel should be bright yellow, and the surface itself should be intact, without any signs of lesions or stains.
  3. When collecting or cutting fruits, you should follow the necessary safety precautions (wear protective gloves, do not touch your face with your hands, and so on).
  4. You can buy the fruits of the dye mulberry in stores specializing in the sale of herbal medicines.


Before discussing the method of using maclura, you should decide in which cases it cannot be used. It should be noted here that false orange is a little-studied fruit in medicine, so it should be used very carefully.

Under no circumstances should Adam's apple be used for diabetes or pregnancy. And, of course, people suffering from various types of allergic reactions should be careful.

General information about medicines

False orange can be used in folk medicine in the form of:

  • tinctures (for internal and external use);
  • ointments;
  • oils

The products listed above can also be purchased in finished form, produced by many pharmacological companies that produce herbal medicines. But you can cook it yourself. How? This is written below.

How to make a tincture from dyeing mulberry

How to make a tincture of maclura with vodka? The recipe is very simple: pour half a kilogram of Adam's apple fruit with a half-liter bottle of vodka or forty percent alcohol.

Before this, the fruits should be finely chopped (you can even grate them on a coarse grater) and placed in a two-liter jar. After filling the container with vodka, the medicine should be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place. It is recommended to keep the tincture of maclura at a temperature of +10 °C for as long as possible (from two to six months). When the product is ready, it will acquire a rich brick color, however, as reviews say, it can be taken even when the healing liquid turns orange.

You can store this product in the refrigerator in a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Shelf life is no more than five years.

So, we have figured out how to infuse maclura for joints. Now let's discuss how you can use this traditional medicine.

Methods for taking Adam's apple tincture

  • from the eighth day - three drops twice a day;
  • from the fifteenth day - three drops of the product three times a day.

From the 22nd day from the start of taking the tincture, it is recommended to increase the number of drops by one each time until the total number of drops becomes thirty per day. If the patient is less than thirty years old, then their daily amount should be equal to his age, calculated in years.

Once you have reached this maximum mark, start counting back (reducing the dosage by one drop at each dose). Having reached nine drops per day, you can stop using the drug. By then, according to reviews, the symptoms of the disease should stop bothering you. If this does not happen, then you can resume the course of taking the tincture, but this is only allowed after thirty days.

How to prepare dyeing mulberry rub

Making a rub from maclura for joints is also very simple. To do this, you will need half a kilogram of finely chopped or grated fruits and half a liter of alcohol (preferably fifty or sixty percent). If there are no fruits, you can use tender shoots or leaves. As users note, the effect will be the same.

The rubbing should be infused in a dark place for two weeks, vigorously shaking the jar of medicine every day. After this, it should be placed in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for three years.

Using false orange rub

Before use, the product should be strained in the required amount, then rubbed on the affected joint and wrapped in a woolen product overnight. It is better to carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime.

It is better not to throw away the cake remaining after filtering. As patients note, you can make a compress from it. To do this, the squeezed pulp must be wrapped in gauze, applied to the affected area and wrapped (first with cellophane, on top with a woolen scarf). The exposure time is half an hour.

For osteochondrosis, the rub is applied with soft massage movements along the sore spine, then dress warmly and lie down under a blanket. This procedure is also best done at night before bed.

Adam's apple ointment

How to prepare maclura ointment for joints? To do this, you will need false orange fruits (finely chopped) and pork fat (fresh, melted). The components must be combined in a ratio of five to one, respectively. How to do it:

  1. Place all the ingredients in a clay pot in layers (one and a half centimeters thick), close the lid tightly and, to prevent air from penetrating inside, cover with dough.
  2. For 24 hours, keep the container in the oven at a minimum heating temperature, where it will simmer.
  3. Then the ointment is transferred into a hermetically sealed container. Store in the refrigerator for twelve months.

Here you can make an amendment: instead of pork fat, at your discretion, you can use vegetable oil mixed with wax until smooth. Or, as some users recommend, Adam's apple tincture should be added to baby cream, salicylic or even zinc ointment, or glycerin.

How to use the above remedy?

Using false orange ointment

Here is the sequence of actions:

  1. Apply the product to gauze or thin cloth.
  2. Apply to the affected area.
  3. Wrap with a woolen scarf.
  4. After four hours, remove the bandage.

Such manipulations should be carried out every other day for two or even three months.

Mulberry oil

It is very easy and simple to do:

  1. Place the chopped fruits in a glass container.
  2. Pour in any type of oil (sunflower, corn, olive, etc.).
  3. Place in a cool place for two weeks to two months.
  4. If desired, after some time you can add chamomile flowers, calendula, St. John's wort or birch leaves.
  5. Squeeze out the pulp and pour into darkened bottles.
  6. Close containers tightly and store in refrigerator.

After filtering, the cake can be used in the form of compresses described above.

Applications of Adam's apple oil

Here the recommendations are also simple - carefully rub the product into the areas affected by the disease using massage movements. In this case, maclura will not only relieve pain, but also dissolve salt deposits and relieve the inflammatory process taking place in the internal organs.

Are there any side effects when treated with the above drugs?

A few words about side effects

Of course, unpleasant symptoms may occur, and this will most likely be caused by an elementary intolerance to maclura. Patients may experience shortness of breath, weakness, palpitations, dizziness, and nausea. In this case, it is best to stop treatment with this traditional method.

It is also very important to ensure compliance with the recommended dosage. Since violation of the treatment regimen can provoke the side effects mentioned above.

It is also very important to follow safety rules. For example, avoid getting the ointment, rub, or tincture in your eyes or mouth. After each contact with medications, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap.

A few words about nutrition

This is a very important nuance. Most experts unanimously say that when treating maclura (as when using any other means), it is very important to follow a diet. This will enhance the effect of the medicine and also improve the general condition of the body.

And remember: joint diseases and excess weight are closely related to each other. Therefore, take care to normalize your body and get rid of those extra pounds. This will not only have a beneficial effect on your bones and joints, but will also improve your overall well-being, as well as give you confidence and increase self-esteem.

Real reviews

According to numerous reviews about the treatment of joints with maclura, we can conclude that such therapy is not suitable for everyone. There are those for whom the Adam's apple caused an allergy or was completely ineffective.

However, it is worth noting that there are not very many such people. In most cases, the correct use of dye mulberry relieved pain, reduced inflammation, and improved joint mobility. Most often, folk remedies help people, but they rarely completely cure patients. Usually, prepared medications help for a while, after which they should be taken again.

Also, many patients are advised to combine maclura treatment with medications prescribed by a specialist.

Of course, no one knows whether rubs or ointments based on false orange are right for you. Therefore, it is best to consult with your doctor and try traditional methods to alleviate your condition and help your joints overcome the disease.

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