Stone oil indications contraindications. Stone oil: instructions, reviews

Each of us, going on an excursion to the caves, has the opportunity to see on the vaults and walls solid formations of pale green, whitish or light beige with a yellowish tint, which look like plates, stone growths, or plaque.

Liquid oozing from rocks in caves hardens over time, forming amorphous streaks. This is the so-called stone oil or brakshun. For 5000 years, this mineral product has been used to treat various ailments in China, Mongolia, Korea, Burma, and Eastern Siberia. Stone oil is extracted in high mountain areas.

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Brakshun is an alum of mineral origin. In the Altai mountains, the substance was aptly named “white stone of immortality”, and in other places it was nicknamed “mountain wax”, “elixir of youth”. And don’t let the word “oil” fool you. Brakshun is a solid substance found in the form of powder (crushed version), small pebbles or stone formations and plates. Do not confuse braxhun with, called the “black stone of immortality” and which is an organic-mineral natural substance. These are two unique products that are completely different in chemical composition, although with similar healing powers.

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Biochemical composition of stone oil

The powerful effect on the human body at the cellular level is due to its unique mineral composition. Scientists have identified 49 biologically significant elements included in braxhun, including: biogenic elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen), macroelements (phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium), microelements (cobalt, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, iodine, molybdenum, copper, boron, silicon, vanadium, manganese, fluorine and others). Not only the composition of the rock oil is unique, but also the high concentrations of these compounds.

Purified from foreign inclusions: rock fragments, limestone, etc., high-quality stone oil is a light-colored powder with a fine structure (yellowish, pale green, creamy, milky, off-white). The substance tastes astringent and sour. The powder dissolves well in water and practically does not come into contact with other liquids, for example, alcohol solutions, ether or glycerin.

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Stone oil: healing properties

The product increases the body’s resistance to aggressive environmental factors, activates all types of metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, and increases energy levels. Stone oil is characterized by the following healing qualities: analgesic, bactericidal, antiseptic, choleretic, antispasmodic, antitumor, restorative, antioxidant, tonic, antiviral, hematopoietic, anti-inflammatory.

Brakshun is used internally in the form of a solution or externally, making compresses (lotions) with the medicine or making ointments. The best results are achieved by combining both methods of use.

Recipe for diluting stone oil for oral administration

1 gram or 1/3 teaspoon of stone oil powder is diluted in a glass container with 1 liter of warm boiled water, left for two days, filtered (the precipitate that falls after extraction is used externally) and taken for the first week, ¼ cup after meals 3 times a day. After the body is prepared, the dose is increased to 1 glass 3 times a day, and the dose is rescheduled half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeating the course is possible after a month's break. Traditional healers advise taking a solution of stone oil for therapeutic and preventive purposes 4 times a year.

Using stone oil for hair loss

Luxurious hair is the dream of every woman. And men are often concerned with problems of appearance no less than representatives of the fair half of humanity. In most cases, problems with curls (loss, fragility, splitting at the ends, increased dryness, or, conversely, oiliness) are caused by a lack of certain microelements in the body. For example, iron and copper deficiency provokes fragility of the hair shaft and early graying. A dull color indicates a lack of zinc, magnesium and selenium.

The beneficial effect of stone oil on hair is due to the presence of all the necessary components. To normalize mineral metabolism in the body, Brakshun solution is taken orally. The dosage and method of dilution are standard.

It is also advisable to use stone oil externally for alopecia (hair loss and baldness). By rubbing a healing elixir rich in microelements into the scalp, you strengthen the hair follicles, improve their condition, and stop hair loss. After just a few procedures, your curls will acquire additional shine, silkiness and strength. Systematic external use of a solution of stone oil will significantly increase the rate of hair growth and make curls a real decoration.

How to use stone oil for hair?

The first thing you should do is wash your hair. Use only high-quality shampoos to degrease your hair, free from dangerous ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), surfactants, parabens, preservatives, artificial fragrances, etc. The first wash of your hair is done with warm water, but under no circumstances hot. The last rinse is carried out with cool water, which helps strengthen the hair follicles and add additional shine to the curls.

Immediately after washing, you need to pat your hair dry with a terry towel, and then begin self-massage of the scalp using a solution of stone oil. Take 1.5 grams of powder per 1 liter of water, rub the composition into the roots with soft circular movements for at least 10 minutes. After the procedure, it is not advisable to use a hairdryer. It is better to air dry the curls (in the warm season) and only then comb them.

The same solution is massaged into the hair on the eyebrows and applied to the eyelashes. This procedure stimulates hair growth, making eyelashes thicker and longer.

Buying high-quality stone oil purified from impurities is currently not a problem, and using a powder solution is quite simple, so take advantage of nature’s healing gift to improve your health, active longevity, beauty and vigor.

Nature never ceases to amaze and delight with its healing components that help in the treatment of various ailments. One of these substances is braxun, the name of which translated means rock sap, popularly also called rock oil. Once upon a time, hunters were moving through the mountains and noticed wild animals licking stones and rocks.

Coming closer, they saw a natural beige mineral on the stones, reminiscent of a hard film. As it turned out, it was not for nothing that animals liked this substance, because they feel the healing effect at the subconscious level. Useful mountain oil subsequently began to be used by humans in the fight against many diseases, which will be discussed further.

What is stone oil: a little about the manufacturing process

This mineral is obtained by scraping leached deposits from rock formed in high-mountain caves, crevices, grottoes and rocks. The collected tiny material reappears in the same place after a couple of years. It is found mainly in some regions of Mongolia, China, in the mountains of Altai, Transbaikalia. In color, white stone oil has various additional shades of red, green, brown, beige, which directly depend on the percentage of zinc, as well as other components in its composition.

The collected material requires careful cleaning during processing, since the extracted substance is mixed with pieces of limestone, fragments of small stones and other undesirable minerals. The taste of Chinese balm is slightly sour, with an astringent effect. When it gets into water, the powder dissolves well, which makes its use convenient. But it is very difficult to dissolve it in alcohol, ether, glycerin.

Brakshun can often be confused with another organo-mineral ingredient called mumiyo. It is also extracted from rocks, but their components are completely different. Stone oil does not contain organic substances in its composition, but, like mumiyo, it has many useful qualities, which you can get to know further.

Detailed composition of stone oil with description

The main component of the product is aluminum-magnesium alum. A large percentage is aluminum and magnesium sulfate. Interestingly, additional components can vary depending on the age of the rock and the actual location of the mined material. Associated substances (about 49 microelements) occupy about half of the periodic table. Their high concentration replenishes the missing resources in the body, resulting in an active restorative, preventive, healing and antiseptic effect when taken.

Consider the most useful microelements and their features:

  • Magnesium is indispensable for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of enzymes, as well as the absorption of beneficial properties obtained through food. Magnesium deficiency leads to nervousness, poor sleep, hypertension, and arrhythmia.
  • Potassium regulates the water and alkaline balance of the body, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, and eliminates problems associated with the stomach and intestines. The lack of this microelement affects the appearance of headaches, dry skin, acne on the body, and frequent infectious diseases of the bronchi and lungs.
  • Zinc forms good immunity, improves carbohydrate metabolism, and is involved in many vital processes. With an inadequate zinc content, memory problems begin, diseases of the thyroid gland and pancreas appear, men have problems with potency, prostatitis.
  • Calcium has a formative effect on bone and muscle tissue. Indispensable for the strength of teeth, bones, cartilage, and for fractures of limbs. Normalizes blood clotting. A lack of calcium can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system, joints, tooth loss, brittle nails and hair.
  • Silicon will help in the prevention of heart disease, restore elasticity to blood vessels, improve cell function and regeneration of the skin and mucous membrane.
  • Sodium actively fights blood pressure disorders, dehydration and acid-base imbalance.
  • Iron is involved in providing the body's cells with oxygen. With a lack of iron, the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops, premature gray hair appears, nails become brittle, and constant fatigue is felt.
  • Iodine regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, and its deficiency leads to serious problems, including cancer and the appearance of tumors.

The main advantages of stone oil

A food supplement created by nature itself is an environmentally friendly, non-toxic product, harmless to health and vital functions. Mountain oil is endowed with many advantages, the most important of which are stimulation of the immune system, healing and restorative effect, improvement of the enzymatic process of cells, and cleansing of energy channels. The rich concentration of all components makes brakshun a universal product, an adaptogen, an antiseptic and an analgesic.

Another advantage is the ease of use in various ways, both externally and when taken orally. The developed formulation allows you to find the necessary treatment option that is effective for a wide range of disorders.

What medicinal properties does natural braxun have?

Having studied the beneficial, miraculous qualities of mountain wax, we can safely say that it is a real storehouse of micro- and macroelements that are good for health:

  • With its help, you can awaken the body's dormant immune resources, destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation and allergic reactions.
  • The solution will have a therapeutic effect in the treatment of wounds, will produce detoxification, and has a sedative effect that relieves stress.
  • Brakshun heals wounds, helps in the fight against tumor formations, and also has an antispasmodic, tonic and hemostatic effect.

In what cases is the drug indicated?

Stone oil is used both as a solution for oral administration and for topical use in the form of douching, compress, treatment of areas or lotions. The required treatment option is selected depending on the diagnosis, sometimes combining both. White mummy will be beneficial against the following pathologies:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, such as ulcers, gastritis, poisoning, pancreatitis.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as varicose veins, hypertension, stroke, myocarditis.
  • Limb injuries, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, such as osteochondrosis, arthritis, fracture, dislocation.
  • Damage to the respiratory and ENT organs - tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, otitis media.
  • In gynecology for cystitis, fibroids, cervical erosion, inflammation of the ovaries.
  • In oncology, oil treats tumors in the initial stages.
  • Hemorrhoids, with rectal fissures.
  • Disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes.
  • For eye diseases, cataracts.
  • If you want to lose extra pounds, in combination with goji berries, proper nutrition and physical activity.

The effectiveness of stone oil in cosmetology: a recipe for women

For those who want to maintain youth and a beautiful appearance, stone oil will provide indispensable benefits. It contains elements and antioxidants that prevent facial skin aging and stimulate collagen production. Brakshun is also useful for hair, eliminating hair loss and promoting rapid growth.

You can do a moisturizing facial wash before bed. To do this, prepare a solution of 3 g of stone oil, diluted in 2 liters of boiled water, previously cooled. After the process, the skin does not need to be dried with a towel. Using the same braxhun solution, compresses are made for the eyelids, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating dryness and swelling. Swabs are soaked in stone oil and applied for 15 minutes. forever.

In combination with this, you can take a course of sea buckthorn oil in capsules to increase the effect. Also, the Siberian remedy is added to night cream. This useful ointment makes the skin flexible, elastic and velvety.

Recommendations for treatment and prevention: taking Brakshun correctly

Before starting treatment, check how your body reacts to this drug. Make a small concentrated solution by diluting 1 g of oil in half a glass of water. First you need to take a dose of 1 glass per day. There may not be any negative manifestations, then the dose can be increased to the recommended one in your case. For some diseases, decoctions of herbs and berries, such as sage and blueberries, as well as honey are added to the composition. It is very useful to combine stone oil with taiga resin, which gives new strength and energy to the body.

To prepare stone oil for further use, take it purified and fill it with boiled water that has already cooled to room temperature. Let it brew for 2-3 days, then the liquid is drained, and from the sediment you can make compresses, tampons, lotions, etc. The proportions of white mumiyo will be 3 g per 3 liters of water.

The result will be visible after 30-90 days, depending on the severity of the ailment or disease. As practice shows, stone oil has a fairly high efficiency of use, amounting to almost 85% of the positive effect in 237 cases.

If you plan to carry out prevention, then you should take one gram of stone oil for three days. To do this, dilute 1 g in a liter of water, drink half a glass 3 times a day for a month. Perform these steps 4 times a year.

Available contraindications

You should stop taking this drug in cases of individual intolerance to the product, or if allergic reactions or discomfort occur. Stone oil is contraindicated in any form during pregnancy, lactation, obstructive jaundice, thrombophlebitis, and persistent constipation. The medicine should not be given to children under 10 years of age. The key to the success of the procedures is a complex combination of medicinal drugs, mandatory preliminary consultation with the attending physician, as well as strict adherence to storage periods under appropriate conditions. When purchasing from pharmacies, be sure to check the quality of the product and avoid counterfeits.

Rock oil is a mineral substance, has a whitish-yellow color and is formed when rocks are leached. It is widespread in the Eastern and Western Sayan Mountains, other mountainous regions of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Burma for the treatment of inflammatory processes, bleeding, burns, gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

Tibetan lamas prepared it and used it to treat stomach diseases. In Chinese mythology, rock oil is the food of immortals. In China there is a village located at the foot of a large mountain where white stone is mined for food. This village has an average life expectancy of 83 years, above the Chinese average, and residents are renowned for their good health.

Collecting rock oil involves scraping the healing substance from rocks, so often the medicine contains pieces of stones, limestone and other rocks. Therefore, the collected product must be cleaned.

The collection of stone oil itself is very difficult due to the fact that it is still unknown how and why it is formed in a given place. There are very few places where it emerges and they are dispersed over a vast, sparsely populated mountainous area without any visible system. There it is found in hard-to-reach grottoes and rock crevices in the form of a thin film, less often growths on rock and in insignificant quantities.

Depending on the place and time of collection, stone oil can be very heterogeneous in its qualitative and quantitative composition.

By the way, wild animals and birds eat stone oil with great pleasure.

Stone oil purification

Both refined and unrefined stone oil are available on sale. The purified color ranges from white-yellow to green and is sold in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

The operation of cleaning stone oil cannot be called simple, especially at home, so it is better to purchase an already purified product.

Anyone who bought unrefined stone oil can use the following method to purify it.

Rock oil is easily soluble in water and moderately or weakly soluble in other liquids. The purification method is based on good solubility in water.

The collected raw materials are poured into an enamel container and filled with warm (up to 60 C) water. Then it is infused for 10-20 hours, stirring occasionally. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enamel container, and water is again added to the remainder of the grounds, which is drained in the same way after 10 hours.

The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration of stone oil and the content of lime dust: there is more of it in the second solution. You can pour the grounds a third time, but do not drag out the dissolution process over time: the “waste rock” quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant odor.

The next stage of purification is separating the solution from insoluble impurities. Filtration is used for this. The simplest, but longest way is settling. Cleaning the solution may take up to a month to settle. When the solution is cleared, it is evaporated.

Water is evaporated from the solution as follows. Take two basins, one smaller than the other. Pour water into a large basin, and a solution of stone oil into a smaller one. This design is placed on low heat and a fan is placed nearby. It is important that the air stream is directed towards the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and the temperature checked - stone oil loses its quality when heated to temperatures above 60 C.

The most tedious stage of dehydrating stone oil begins from the moment it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, there is a danger of the extract overheating; the contents have to be mixed constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of thicker extract forms on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. When the solution begins to resemble a thick syrup, the heating stops and the stone oil is poured onto durable polyethylene placed in bowl-shaped molds. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture so that drying continues.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

Application in medicine

  • Liver diseases (including viral and intoxication cirrhosis);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • Burn and wound therapy;
  • Trophic and purulent ulcers;
  • Prevents metastasis;
  • Stops tumor growth (by forming a connective tissue capsule), destroys the tumor with direct contact;
  • Endocrinology (in particular pancreatic diseases);
  • Gerontology (prolongation of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

Permitted for use in Russia since 1971.

Clinical Application

Clinical studies have shown amazing results. In one of the Siberian regional hospitals (in the surgical department), a group of 12 people with particularly complex fractures of tubular bones and damage to vascular and nerve tissue was selected. Each of the patients was given an elixir of rock oil 3 times a day. Soon, x-rays showed that all patients, without exception, were experiencing powerful growth of bone tissue. They recovered three weeks earlier than the control group, which was treated with traditional methods. There were no side effects.

There is good clinical experience in the treatment of gastric ulcers with stone oil. Washing the ulcer allows healing in 6-16 days, instead of 40.


The time required to evaluate effectiveness is from 30 to 95 days. Efficiency (analysis of 237 clinical cases) exceeds 85%.


Contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, because has pronounced choleretic activity.

Possible complications

The drug requires the gastrointestinal tract to work regularly, i.e. daily, otherwise the detoxifying function of the drug will be wasted due to reverse absorption. The use of stone oil in people suffering from constipation may aggravate the constipation. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures (diet + laxatives, enemas) to still ensure daily bowel movements.

Healing properties of stone oil solution

In its pure form, this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of solutions of varying concentrations. Sometimes infusions or decoctions of herbs are added to such a solution.

Stone oil solutions, by their physicochemical nature, are such that they provide the ability for each tissue to take from tissue fluid and blood as many microelements as are required to saturate the active centers of the corresponding enzymes. Nature itself took care of people, creating a compound that contains a significant part of the elements known on Earth and the vast majority of vital macro- and microelements, which, very importantly, are easily dissolved in water.

Dissolving in water, the microelements of stone oil acquire special qualities, since they are in ionic form, that is, an active form, ready for use by the body as cations, and enter enzymatic systems, where they exert their effect. When used internally in certain quantities, absorption occurs instantly in the oral cavity. In other words, ions of microelements are directed along the shortest path to the point of their application, bypassing complex and lengthy transformations in the gastrointestinal tract that microelements of food products and additives undergo.

Moreover, the ionic forms of trace elements in aqueous solutions of rock oil are incomparably more active in their microdoses (mcg) than the same metals found in food products in many times larger quantities (mg).

Any pathological process in the body is characterized by great diversity and for its treatment requires the simultaneous use of several selective microelements in biotic doses. In medicine, some success has been achieved in the treatment of certain diseases using aqueous solutions of salts of several metals at once. When a person suffers from a whole “bouquet” of diseases, then when implementing this approach it is necessary to create and use for treatment much more complex solutions of microelements that act according to the biotic principle. Science is not yet ready to create such compositions. The reason is that the phenomena of antagonism and synergism (friendliness) of microelements in the sense of their regulatory influence on the normal physiological functions of the body have not been sufficiently studied.

The main internal force that drives the multifaceted and complex mechanism of the human body is located in its biochemical cauldron, where metabolic processes continuously occur that provide energy for the body and predetermine the course of further chemical transformations that underlie its functions. This activity is based on enzymatic processes in which negligible amounts of microelement-biocatalyst produce enormous work.

Microelements introduced in biotic doses in solutions of stone oil in qualitative and quantitative terms are natural agents for the body, increase the overall level of its bioenergetic processes and enhance the activity of protective mechanisms.

Preparation and use of preparations from stone oil

As a rule, purified stone oil is poured with boiled water at room temperature. After 2-3 days, the liquid is drained. The sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made at the rate of 3 g of product per 3 liters of water, taking into account the patient’s well-being.

Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the body’s reaction to stone oil (for any disease), for which, at the beginning of treatment, it is better to use it in small doses (1 glass during the day) and low concentration (1 g per 3 liters of water) for several days in a row after meals. Then before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Procedures such as compresses, tamponing, microenemas, and douching speed up treatment and save the consumption of stone oil.

People with cancer in this case form a special group of patients. They can immediately be prescribed the drug in a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

Occasionally, in the treatment of chronic diseases, a strong effect of stone oil biotics on the body is observed: for example, the inflammatory process, joint pain, discharge from the lungs and other organs (for example, female genitals) intensify. This phenomenon, indicating the positive effect of biotics, reflects the body's fight against disease. Sometimes such a struggle (the body's reaction) is too violent and painful for the patient; in these cases, the dosage of the stone oil solution can be reduced or taken less frequently - after 1, sometimes 2-3 days. If the discharge increases and is not accompanied by severe pain, the course should not be changed.

Treatment for various diseases

Injury, surgery

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Moisten a rag or gauze and apply it to the wound, instead of all the ointments that exist. If you still give it orally, the treatment will proceed faster, speeding up healing two to three times.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (200 ml) and add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bruise.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a gauze swab and irrigate the burn area.

Salt deposits

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in two liters of boiled water (cooled). Drink one glass three times a day before meals 20-30 minutes. If there is high acidity, then in one hour. The course of treatment is from three months to one year.


Take a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze and place on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this every other day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and drop it into your nose 3-4 times a day.

Purulent endobronchitis

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (1 l). Drink one glass three times a day before meals 20-30 minutes.

Inhalation: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 3-4 times a day.

Compresses: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bronchus area, alternating the back and chest.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled, cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. If there is increased acidity - one hour before meals.

To make compresses: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten the gauze, squeeze well and apply alternating between the back and chest.

Bronchial asthma

Inhalation: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if you have high acidity, then an hour before meals.

Compresses: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply.

Cost 60 rubles per 1 g

This is a whitish-yellow or greenish formation in rock crevices and cracks. It is found on the rocks of the Eastern, Central and Western Sayans, the Altai Mountains and in Transbaikalia (sometimes they are confused and think that it is a mummy. No! No! And no again!). By chemical nature, rock oil is a natural alum containing a significant amount of impurities of soluble salts of the rocks from which they were formed.
(other names: braxun, white mumiyo, rock juice, geomalin) - a unique rock formation of mineral origin - restores energy balance, conductor and amplifier of the action of natural medicinal products. Stops the growth of cancer cells. Promotes rapid healing of bones. It has blood purifying, wound healing, antimicrobial and bactericidal effects. Intake: no more than 3 tablespoons of 1% solution (10 g per 1 liter of water).
Stone oil is used only in folk medicine as a good restorative and astringent for various bleeding, stomach disorders, including bloody diarrhea, bone fractures (from the book Telyatyev B.V. “Healing Treasures of Eastern Siberia”, 1976). Stone oil increases the body's immune strength. Other publications about stone oil are also known: the article “The Mystery of the Barchin”, “Eureka”, “Yearbook”, 1971, the magazine “The Secret of Ages”, 1973,1978.
Spectral analysis of stone oil shows that it contains in different quantities such components as: silicon, aluminum, calcium, cobalt, titanium, beryllium, sodium, potassium, etc. There are lead salts that turn from a wonderful medicine into poison, so you should not use stone oil oil without ensuring that it has been properly tested.
Stone oil is a folk remedy for treating many diseases. Recommendations for its use are based on experience, as well as existing publications on this subject.

What is the treatment with stone oil?

Fractures, cuts, bruises, sinusitis, bleeding, enterocolitis, bloody diarrhea, inflammatory processes in the bladder, kidney stones, pancreas, radiculitis, bleeding gums, (mainly arthritis), skin diseases, burns, urticaria, inflammation of the appendages, fibroma , erosions, purulent pneumonia, tumors.
Before starting treatment (approximately every 10 days), it is necessary to do a general blood and urine test. At the beginning of treatment and at the end of it, it is recommended to establish the acidity of the stomach.
For treatment, stone oil is dissolved in boiled water at room temperature, after 2-3 days the liquid is drained, the sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made at the rate of 5 g per 3 liters of water, depending on the disease and well-being of the patient. Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the body’s reaction to stone oil (for any diseases), for which, at the beginning of treatment, it is better to use it in small doses (a glass throughout the day) and a weak concentration (1 g per 3 liters of water) for several days after meals. Then drink before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution.

Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder, kidney stones and gastritis, female diseases, salt deposition, urticaria, diarrhea: 3 g per 2 liters of water, treated for 10-12 days, and then 3 g per 3 liters of water - also 12 days. Break 1 month. Repeat 2-3 times.
For diabetes: 3 g per 2 liters of water. The course of treatment is 80 days. A course of baking requires 72 g of stone oil. Monitor the decline in sugar by doing a blood sugar test every 7 days. Use insulin as prescribed by your doctor. For moderate diabetes, start treatment with stone oil with a low concentration solution. Repeat the course with a break of 1 month.
Peptic ulcer: 3 g of stone oil per 600 ml of water. Treatment is effective if acidity is normal or low. At the same time, treatment with enemas is carried out: 1-2 times a week (after a cleansing enema), it is advisable to alternate enemas from a solution of stone oil with enemas from herbs. The course of treatment is 1 month.
For cuts: Use 3 g of rock oil per 300 ml of water as iodine. For a fresh cut, you can sprinkle fine rock oil powder on the bleeding wound.
For burns: apply a bandage moistened with a solution (3 g of stone oil per 300 ml of water), irrigating the wound for a while without removing the bandage.
Salt deposits: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 2 liters of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals 20-30 minutes, if you have high acidity, then 1 hour. The course of treatment is from 3 months to 1 year.
Sinusitis: Take a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten a cloth or gauze and apply to the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this every other day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.
Cataract: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - 1 hour. You can drop it into your eyes (at night).
Fibroids, erosion, rectal fissures: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 1 liter of boiled water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity - 1 hour.
Tamponation: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in boiled water - 500 ml. Moisten the tampons and insert into the vagina, preferably at night Microclysters into the anus.
Pneumonia: 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of boiled water. Drink a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, if you have high acidity, then an hour.
Stomach cancer and ulcers: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of cooled boiled water. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is from 3 months until complete recovery.
Lung and throat cancer: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml of water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day, when starting 30 minutes before meals, when repeating - 1 hour.
Compresses: 3 g of stone oil per 200 ml of water with the addition of 1 spoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze, apply to the lung area, back, alternating. The treatment period is 5 months. For throat cancer, additionally apply pads - compresses to the sore spot.
Liver and kidney cancer: 3 g of stone oil per 1 liter of water. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. Take volodushka infusion 15 tablespoons per 300 ml of boiling water, boil for 1-2 minutes, drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals, for urolithiasis with the addition of madder.
Haemorrhoids: 3 g of stone oil per 600 ml of warm boiled water. For a microenema 30-40 ml. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 1 month.
Rectal cancer and prostatitis: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in boiled water - 500 ml. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals, with high acidity 1 hour before. Make microenemas strictly according to the scheme: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 600 ml boiled water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Attention! When treating stone oil, you should not consume: alcohol, antibiotics and meat products. When treating oncological diseases with stone oil, it is advisable to use aconite (fighter) externally, internally and as microenemas. Drink from 1 to 10 drops 2-3 times a day per 50 ml of stone oil solution. Externally: lubricate sore areas at night before bed. After this, wash your hands with soap.

Based on materials from “Bulletin of Hope from Our Home” No. 62, 1998

Stone oil is a unique rock formation of mineral origin

In recent decades, alternative medicine has attracted increasing interest and respect not only among ordinary citizens, but also among practicing doctors. And this is not just a fashion fad. Doctors have long recognized that the centuries-old experience of the people provides invaluable assistance in curing ailments - especially when the phrase that is often heard these days is: “Medicine is powerless here.”
Knowledge of the laws of nature and its secrets allows us to create new medicines and develop more and more effective methods of treating diseases. In addition, it is no longer a secret that chemicals that are widely used in traditional medicine have a wide range of side effects. Taking such medications negatively affects the functioning of all organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract. It is no coincidence that non-traditional methods of treatment are becoming increasingly popular - herbal medicine, acupuncture, manual therapy and many others. The result after using these methods is not felt immediately, but you can be sure: such treatment is always harmless, effective, it has a longer lasting effect than the use of chemicals, and always has a general healing effect on the body.
This time we will talk about stone oil, the healing properties of which can, without any exaggeration, be called miraculous.
Wise Chinese and Tibetan doctors have long used the healing properties of stone oil. This knowledge has survived to this day. Stone oil An excellent remedy that helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases, infertility, inflammation of the prostate gland. There are facts confirming that it actively increases potency. There are many cases of curing cancer of the bladder and intestines with the help of stone oil. It improves immunity, helps with burns, fractures and injuries. The healing properties of stone oil (hereinafter referred to as CM) are really difficult to overestimate, and you yourself will understand why after reading these articles.
Biologists, and after them doctors, who were once skeptical about natural methods of treatment, now recognize the healing properties of CM, and medications are being developed based on it. For example, Kazakh scientists have patented the drug “Geomalin” (which is based on rock oil), which helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is used in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Stone oil- not only a drug that effectively fights various inflammations and tumors. It has also established itself as a prophylactic agent with pronounced adaptogenic properties, increasing the body's defenses.
You will learn about this unique gift of nature: What kind of ailments does stone oil help with, and how can it be used at home.
But first, let's look at history: let's find out what rock oil is, and how long people have been using this miraculous remedy.

And for those who happen to buy unrefined stone oil (or collect it in the mountains on their own), we will present the purification method (the operation of refining stone oil cannot be called simple, especially at home, so it is better to purchase an already purified product from us).

Rock oil is easily soluble in water and moderately or weakly soluble in other liquids. It is on this property - good solubility in water - that the method of purifying stone oil is based.
The collected raw materials are poured into enamel containers and filled with warm (temperature up to 60 ° C) water. Then it is infused for 10-20 hours, stirring occasionally. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enamel container, and water is again added to the remainder of the grounds, which is drained in the same way after 10 hours.
The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration and content of lime dust: there is more of it in the second solution. You can pour the grounds a third time, but do not drag out the dissolution process over time: the “waste rock” quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant odor.
The next stage of purification is separating the solution from insoluble impurities. Filtration is used for this. The simplest, but very long way is settling. Fine dust is in no hurry to settle to the bottom, so cleaning the solution by settling takes weeks. When the solution is cleared of sand, small pieces of rock, etc., it is evaporated.
Water is evaporated from the solution as follows. Take two basins, one smaller than the other. Pour water into a large basin, and CM solution into a smaller one. This design is placed on low heat and a fan is placed nearby. It is important that the air stream is directed towards the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and the temperature checked - stone oil loses its quality when heated to temperatures above 60 ° C. Control is simple - dip your finger in the liquid: skin is a good indicator.
The most tedious stage of dehydrating the solution begins from the moment it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, the danger of overheating of the extract increases; the contents have to be mixed constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of thicker extract forms on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture.
When the solution begins to resemble a thick syrup, the heating stops and the stone oil is poured onto durable polyethylene placed in bowl-shaped molds. Now your task is to protect the CM from moisture so that drying continues.
KM can be stored indefinitely. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

How and when to use rock oil
There are not many recipes for using brakshun. In dry form, this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of aqueous solutions of varying concentrations. Sometimes infusions or decoctions of herbs are added to such a solution.
Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the body’s reaction to CM (for any disease), for which, at the beginning of treatment, it is better to use it in small doses (1 glass during the day) and low concentration (1 g per 0.5 l of water) for several days in a row after meals . Then drink before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Procedures such as compresses, tamponing, microenemas, and douching speed up treatment and save mineral consumption.
People with cancer in this case form a special group of patients. They can immediately be prescribed the drug in a higher concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.
KM is used internally, externally and in combination with other drugs. It effectively treats diseases such as diabetes, bronchial asthma, neuralgia, mastopathy, inflammation of the appendages, infertility, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Brakshun is also used for headaches, osteochondrosis, joint diseases and thrombophlebitis. Stone oil is very effective in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
There is evidence that taking stone oil increases potency. After all, it contains zinc, the lack of which often causes the loss of “male strength.”
Aqueous solutions with the addition of glycerin are used to treat inflammatory gum diseases that cause bleeding. In addition, stone oil has a positive effect on the entire body, which means the functioning of all its functions improves.
This is not a complete list of diseases that serve as indications for the use of CM.

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