The effect of hormones after stopping taking the pills. Is it possible to abruptly stop drinking contraceptives

If you believe in progress, have a steady partner, and don't consider abortion a form of contraception, there is a huge chance that sooner or later you will become addicted to oral hormonal contraceptives. It happened to me twice - at nineteen and at twenty-four.

I remember only good things about the first time - my cycle was adjusted and the panic fear of pregnancy disappeared. The second attempt was much more interesting. When I came to the doctor with a request to pick up pills for me, they did a full set of tests, except for hormonal ones. The doctor said that since I have no complaints and outwardly noticeable problems, hormone tests would be a waste of money. And she prescribed me the newest and “lightest” pills at that time. By the way, I still doubt that hormone tests would save me from those nuances that arose over time.

I drank pills for about four years, deliberately not taking the "supposed" breaks - also on the recommendation of the doctor, so as not to "knock the body out of rhythm." She felt great, tolerated the “critical days” perfectly, looked great and did not get pregnant. It seemed to be the perfect effect. Suddenly, one fine day about a year ago, I felt that I needed to stop taking the pills.

It was a completely irrational feeling. Unfortunately, I constantly began to come across articles about the effect of hormones on the emotional state and sexual desire. I began to think that I was somehow fake, frozen. That my hormonal background is artificial, my libido is underdeveloped, and my emotions are completely absent. Over the period from twenty-four to twenty-eight years, my body must have changed a lot, and I don’t even know what I really am ... And I decided to quit. All the more that on the sly began to think about the birth of a child. In the best traditions of the January 1st genre, the last pack of pills went into the trash can, and I began to see what would happen next.

First week flew by unnoticed.

On second week strange things began to happen. At first I was strewn with small pimples and I became like a teenage girl. A few days later, I fainted on the subway. The next day I had a terrible pain in my lower abdomen. I didn’t understand at all what was happening to me, and even panicked a little - as if, having thrown the pills, I forgot how to think. The situation was saved by a colleague who, counting on her fingers, suggested that I was ovulating. So it turned out to be the result of a trip to the doctor.

By the way, a colleague, who herself has recently been on pills, scared me a lot, dreamily stretching out: “Oh, well, now you will have PMS ...”. Holding my breath, I began to wait for PMS.

third week I passed, all the while humming something under my breath, smiling at passers-by and making devastating raids on the refrigerator. Appetite woke up not at all for sweet and fatty, but simply for everything in a row!

Fourth week started with olfactory hallucinations. I smelled weird all the time. The tea smelled of perfume, the sausage smelled of herring, the coffee smelled of gasoline. I even decided that I was pregnant. Especially since nothing like PMS has ever come. On the contrary, I was overwhelmed by tenderness for the world around me and complete harmony with myself. It turned out that I was always in a good mood, even if things were not going well. Melodramas about love began to cause touching squelching in the cynical me. I began to paint lips and eyelashes, and even bought a couple of new lipsticks, which I had not done for five years. By the end of the fourth week, desperate to wait for PMS, I took a pregnancy test. One stripe!

So I lived to the first "pillless" menstruation. Fifth week devoted entirely to this event. Compared to previous experiences, I was noticeably worse, especially on the first day. The pain was hellish, I even had to drink ketanov and no-shpu, which I did not do all those years that I was on pills.

TO sixth week it dawned on me. I realized that for a long time I did not drink contraceptive pills at all, but some kind of “ozverin”. My emotions and reactions changed so much that I didn't recognize myself. I became much more feminine, calmer and softer - as if I made friends with myself, from the inside. A doctor friend, whom I told about my feelings, was very surprised and said that this should have happened to me just the opposite - if I had started taking pills, and had not quit!

seventh week passed under the sign "I want sex." I wanted it always and everywhere. Here I was disappointed - I had to remember what condoms are. To be honest, I didn't like it. Over the years of a long stable relationship, I had lost the habit of them and it turned out to be unpleasant to get used to them again. I was uncomfortable and somehow "unnatural" ... The issue of protection again stood up with an edge.

In parallel with my own experience during this time, I managed to accumulate some information from others. A friend said that when she started taking pills, she literally physically felt how she was becoming tougher, even angry. The other two, who recently started taking the pill, said they didn't see any difference. To be honest, I noticed changes in one of them - the same rigidity. A friend said that his wife, having stopped taking pills, became a “different person” - livelier, more open, more feminine, and ... recovered! A doctor friend explained that there is practically no research on the effect of hormonal contraceptives on the emotional background, and even a full range of hormone tests will not give any guarantee of your “emotional safety”, and doctors most often simply dismiss questions and complaints about this topic.

In general, a new life continues already three months, and my personal impressions are also not unambiguous:

- my skin has deteriorated greatly, it has ceased to dry constantly, as it was all the “pills” years, but it began to periodically become irritated and covered with pimples;

- I became more difficult to endure menstruation;

- My character has improved a lot and everyone noticed it;

- relationships - I began to find a bunch of more important and creative things than to “build” everyone immediately;

- I always know when I ovulate;

- olfactory hallucinations continue, in the last month taste hallucinations have been added to them - it's even funny.

Eventually despite all the difficulties, I like it more. I am ready to put up with condoms (we have not yet found an alternative reliable method of protection), hallucinations and pimples for the sake of full sensations, good mood and femininity.

A month ago I got my first wrinkle. Of course, no one will name the exact reasons, but it seems to me that this is due to the abolition of pills. However, a wrinkle appeared in the corner of the mouth - from a smile. And now I smile much more often.

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How to stop drinking hormone pills

1. Make an appointment with a gynecologist if you decide to stop taking hormonal drugs. After the examination and smear, you will be given advice on other methods of contraception, as well as advice on how best to stop using the product.

2. The best and most gentle way to stop taking the drug is to finish the entire package of tablets. After a seven-day break, do not start using hormones. It is worth noting that the hormonal effect can persist for another week. But if you do not plan to conceive (and it is better to postpone it for 2-3 months), resort to the help of barrier methods of protection.

3. If you feel unwell, for example, there is severe pain in the abdomen, migraine or other discomfort, stop taking hormonal pills on the same day. A sharp refusal of the drug can cause severe uterine bleeding, but in this case there is simply no other way out. After a visit to the doctor and passing the examination, it is possible that the drug can be resumed. But this is provided that it does not harm your health.

4. For planned operations, stop taking the hormonal drug at least 2 weeks before the operation. Check with your doctor about this. Contraceptives change the biochemical composition of the blood, which negatively affects the course of the operation and the rehabilitation process.

5. Once every 3-4 months, take a break from taking hormonal pills. Drink the last dragee from the blister, do not take the drug after menstruation. If your next period starts on time, you can resume using the remedy. When menstruation did not follow or it began with a great delay, this means that you need to be examined by a doctor. It is possible that there was a hormonal failure.

How to stop taking birth control pills

1. Before you stop drinking contraceptives, visit a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the mammary glands and genital organs. He will also advise other contraceptive measures, if necessary, of course.

2. If you have been prescribed oral contraceptives in order to adjust the hormonal background, you can stop taking the pills only after taking a blood test for the level of sex hormones. This question should be decided only by your doctor. Do not stop taking the drug yourself without consulting with a specialist - this can harm your health.

3. It is undesirable to stop using contraceptives if you started taking them after a seven-day break. Take the tablets until the end of the month, otherwise uterine bleeding is possible. Yes, and a sharp hormonal drop will not benefit your health.

4. After you take the last pill from the package, you will start your period in a few days. Don't take any more pills. There is no special way to stop taking contraceptives, since there is no dependence on this drug.

5. Do not forget that after taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy can occur in the first month. It is advisable to avoid this for about 3 months, your body needs to bounce back. To prevent conception, use a barrier method of contraception.

6. If you have uterine bleeding in the middle of the cycle, high blood pressure has risen, or you suddenly become very ill, stop taking the pills immediately and see your doctor. In this case, you do not need to finish drinking the entire standard to the end, since more serious consequences are possible, especially if you started taking the drug without a prescription from a gynecologist.

Q: Can you stop taking birth control pills abruptly? What consequences?

Hellish Evil Necro

and the consequences of pregnancy, maybe even unwanted, and maybe even ectopic.

You can, in principle, start your period 3-4 days after you quit, and then just use other means of protection, do not forget that you no longer take pills.

Sharply, is it in the middle of a cycle? For what? drink up and quit. although, nothing terrible will happen in both cases.

After taking contraceptives, the risk of pregnancy increases!

And they are thrown like that, it’s impossible to quit gradually, but you need to drink the last pack to the end

Q: When can I stop taking hormonal birth control?

finish drinking a pack and throw it - no problem.

3 months is different, if you are going to drink for a long time, then the body gets used to the pills after the third pack, so to speak.

maybe after 2.

The main thing: you can not quit without finishing the monthly package to the end.

Gynecologists are definitely busy with other things now

finish the pack. and test in 2 weeks.

What kind of idiots?? ? Who allows you to drink hormones without a doctor?? ? God, right now, even in pharmacies you can’t buy them without prescriptions! The least of the consequences is bleeding ... ppc. .

Drink up the standard and finish. Go to the doctor. Please note that after the cancellation of OK, the risk of becoming pregnant will be higher.

I do not agree with Xenia's answer. When I came to the doctor with this question, she gave me a whole list of pills and said: choose. If they don't fit, buy another one. (went to a pay office, upset that she wasted money in vain.) drank Jess, although they were not on the list. drank for 6 months. all is good. And I advise you, if it's bad, drop it.

drink up and quit. And then it would be good to go to the doctor.

Question: What are the consequences if I stop taking birth control pills.

definitely quit. Hormones increase blood viscosity, and this is the risk of thrombosis, recently in England a schoolgirl died of a blood clot, an attack began right at school, and even there the doctors could not save, if a blood clot breaks, then this is almost always a sentence, but with our doctors it is always a sentence. Hormones increase the level of transaminases, the liver stops working normally and cleanses the blood, because synthetic hormones are not natural and they are poison for the liver. Quit and be healthy until old age, don't quit - you will get yourself a lot of health problems and you will be constantly at risk for life. Gynecological problems are easily solved with the help of herbs, tell me what hormones are out of the norm for you and I will tell you what to take or where to go to find the cause of the disease.

Go to the doctor. Let them write something else.

if you feel sick and throw up. And go to the doctor. Start up write out other contraceptives.

at the beginning of treatment it is quite possible, I think it will be easier later

the doctor will tell you to finish drinking for a month, I also had side effects, only from another drug, it was so bad too, but the doctor said that in order not to bring down the cycle, you need to drink at least a month, and he says you can continue, then it will all pass, but I haven't drunk in over a month

If such side effects, you must definitely stop drinking these pills and go to the doctor, he will prescribe others.

2 days is not an indicator, it takes a month to get used to. If the week will be very bad, vomiting every day, then go to the doctor and ask for other pills.

Any hormonal pills are addictive: nausea, weakness, headache, etc.

Q: How to stop taking birth control pills.

The safety profile of oral contraceptives, I mean microdosed ones, is quite high.

To talk about the benefits, you probably need to see an abortion, when the torn parts of the fetus are removed with a curette, especially at such a “good” period, 10-12 weeks, when there are already fingers on the handles ... Then you leave the operating room and PROTECT yourself. !

Women have a unique opportunity to have desired children at the chosen time, it is strange that there are still so many abortions ...

As for the sale of COCs in pharmacies - IN RUSSIA, COCS ARE SOLD OUT ONLY BY PRESCRIPTION OF A DOCTOR. Yes, pharmacists sell them right and left, but this is a violation of the law, and, I believe, you can complain about such a pharmacist, and at least a fine will be imposed on the pharmacy, up to the deprivation of a license.

You can finish taking the drug only by finishing the package. otherwise, breakthrough bleeding is possible, which is far from always possible to stop with medications, one has to resort to curettage of the uterus, which is highly undesirable.

don't drink and that's it. be fruitful then

they are of no more use. during sex, you think only about pleasant things. and not how not to fly

Just a very good person

It's written on them. Strictly observe, otherwise you will have to nurse the baby soon ..

I’ll finish the finished package to the end, and that’s it. Don't start a new one :)

You take and throw))) or you have an addiction))

How do you decide for yourself whether they harm or benefit you?)) OK, like all drugs, they are taken according to the doctor's indications)) And if in Russia they are sold without a prescription (which, by the way, is NOT IN ANY COUNTRY.), that's nothing does not mean!))

In fact, the entire adult intimate life of a woman is a complete dead end in the search for guarantees, convenience and health at the same time. Therefore, a woman deserves great attention and respect, both her own and her partners, that she pays for the simple pleasure of a man with risk, fear, costs and troubles. Yes, pills are harmful not only to a woman, but also to offspring. But what are their real alternatives?

Drink the last package, consult a gynecologist. For example, I quit myself, and developed a cyst, as a result of changes in the hormonal composition in the body. Therefore, most likely they will prescribe to drink hormonal first.

Question: I want to stop taking birth control pills in the middle of my cycle.

will certainly be reflected. Drink up the course of the next month until the end and then do not take it anymore. Otherwise, you will have a hormonal breakdown, which adversely affects the body. I myself consulted with a doctor about this.

will not be reflected. be afraid to fly

It's better to finish the cycle anyway. Failure of the menstrual cycle is in any case undesirable. Yes, and doctors insist, but they know better.)

In any case, manufacturers and doctors strongly do not recommend doing this. Better finish the package to the end and do not start a new one.

No! Finish the course. And then quit. There seems to be 21 tablets, otherwise it will fail

menses just come

Nothing bad will happen. It's just that menstruation starts earlier and you need to protect yourself right away.

Yes please! Only menstruation will come in 2-4 days after that and that's it. I say for sure, personally verified.

For what?? ? Drink to the end! You will confuse the body, you will mix up the whole cycle for yourself, your periods will come right there!

No, you can only get pregnant.

Protect yourself in other ways.

if you don’t want complications with the hormonal background, don’t quit! Drink it to the end, and then, if you don’t want to get pregnant, carefully protect yourself! On cancellation, they usually get pregnant in almost 97% of cases!

Yes, hormonal failure, menstruation does not start on time, but this is not fatal

no, it won’t affect, but it’s advised to get pregnant three months after stopping oral contraceptives, until the body returns to normal and “remembers” its own cycle and hormonal background!

Of course, it is better to finish drinking, firstly, a hormonal failure can really occur, and secondly, the possibility of getting pregnant.

then you are tormented while the cycle is restored. 2 months they will come somehow

You can't do that at all! ! I often took birth control pills. Bleeding may start. . endure it.

I started drinking regulon 3-4 years ago, so all the smells aggravated from it to the point of horror and I couldn’t even walk down the street, but then nothing went away.

Stopped taking birth control / Forum / U-MAMA.RU

Bleeding is a reaction to stopping the pills.

so I finished the package to the end: dontknow: The naivety of women is a myth, carefully preserved for the benefit of men. I went to the doctor, she says everything is correct - ovulation has begun, menstruation will go. About a week later I won’t tell you: gy:, but the chest is mastalgia or mastopathy. In principle, the reaction to the cancellation will still be. Restructuring of course. I want to cancel it myself, because I sleep from pills, but this restructuring and breasts. Ekaterinburg mother drank for many years, then stopped. my chest also ached from time to time, the cycle was disturbed, but not much. Don't worry, in a couple of cycles everything will work out. The body is really changing.

| Consequences of discontinuation of contraceptive pills. What happens if you quit or stop drinking contraceptives?

fat economy disorder (increased bad cholesterol),

cardiac ischemia,

thromboembolic complications, which can even result in death.

Estrogens contained in hormonal contraceptives can also have an effect on the state of adipose tissue. Their excess contributes to the storage of fat. Estrogens do not cause, although they add weight, but they do not contribute to weight loss. One of the side effects of hormonal contraception is also increased appetite. This side effect occurs often, but it happens that people who tend to get fat or women who do not have willpower, in reciting to themselves plentiful food and sweet snacks, deal with it. At its core, an activated appetite is a source of extra pounds. Progestins retain sodium ions, are naturally excreted from the body. They attract water molecules, which accumulate and cause edema or swelling that appears to be extra pounds. Meanwhile, the weight with the retention of water in the body can increase by only one kilogram.

Contraceptive pills are so popular that they are taken by about 60 percent or more of women. Sometimes it happens that the need for them disappears, but women do not know whether it is possible to stop taking contraceptives. After all, everything related to the abolition of drugs with hormones is accompanied by various rumors. Someone complains about cycle failures and abdominal pain, others are afraid that this will negatively affect their ability to give birth to a full-fledged child in the future. Many are also convinced that they will inevitably get better.

Which of these is true, and what should be feared when canceling oral contraceptives? Let's analyze this issue in more detail.

When do women decide to stop taking OCs?

Cancellation of contraceptives, as a rule, occurs for the following reasons:

When may emergency discontinuation of OCs be required?

With a small amount of hormones, modern contraceptives are well tolerated by the female body. But you should be aware that if you have serious general diseases, then your gynecologist may decide to cancel the medications you are taking and offer you other methods of protection.

Cancellation of birth control pills is necessary for the following health problems:

Are there any negative consequences when canceling OK?

The results of a study conducted at the departments of obstetrics and gynecology by the medical faculties of several medical universities are interesting.

Cancellation of contraceptives dramatically increases the activity of the ovaries. This hyperactivity causes many side effects. However, it can also be used for good. Modern OK can sometimes be prescribed to speed up conception. Since the ovaries begin to work more actively after the abolition of contraceptives, this increases the chances of becoming pregnant.

It has been established that the cancellation of OK is accompanied by long-term troubles only if the drug is prescribed incorrectly. The selection of a hormonal contraceptive should be made by a gynecologist strictly individually.

What happens in the body when contraceptives are discontinued?

As a result of stopping the intake of gestagens (progestins) with oral contraceptives, ovulation is disinhibited, the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland ceases to be inhibited. Increased production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones.

How is reproductive function restored?

After stopping the use of contraceptives, the following is observed:

The flow of the secretory phase of the cycle (menstrual) is normalized. The restoration of temporary atrophic changes in the endometrium begins. The ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg is restored. .The chemistry of the vaginal environment changes. The viscosity of mucus (cervical) decreases. Consequently, it becomes easier for spermatozoa to move here.

While these changes are taking place in the body, there is a delay after the abolition of contraceptives.

What threatens the termination of reception of contraceptives?

If you were absolutely healthy before and during the intake of OK, after two, maximum, three months, the body will begin to work, as before. That is, before you quit contraceptives and after changes in your health, you will not notice at all. Healthy women are not threatened by the cancellation of OK.

In the case when oral contraceptives were prescribed not only for protection, but also for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, amenorrhea, dysfunction of uterine bleeding, etc., stopping the drug threatens to exacerbate previously untreated diseases. In this case, only your doctor can answer the question of how to stop taking birth control pills. Also, to restore the normal functioning of the ovaries, it may be necessary to replace the drug.

For whom is undesirable the abolition of contraceptives?

For a number of women who take oral contraceptives for a long time, their cancellation may be completely undesirable. This is due to various reasons: age characteristics, the possibility of exacerbation of certain diseases, as well as the type of drug.

Therefore, before giving up hormonal contraceptives, they should carefully weigh everything and get advice from their doctor, who will decide whether it is possible to stop taking contraceptives.

So, the following facts must be taken into account:

Withdrawing OCs in anemic women will increase the amount of blood lost during menstruation. Withdrawing OCs reduces the viscosity of mucus, which increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Withdrawing OCs during menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis. Withdrawal of OCs with antiandrogenic properties will increase facial and body hair growth Withdrawal of OCs deprives protection from ectopic pregnancy

Common Cancellation Manifestations: Loop Crashes

After stopping contraceptives, you may notice some oddities. For example, the cycle can lengthen or, conversely, shorten. Recall that a regular cycle lasting from 21 to 36 days is considered normal.

Sometimes there is a delay after the abolition of contraceptives for two or three cycles. This time is used by the body to return to its natural mode of operation. Then the cycle becomes regular. If your cycle often went astray before, after you stop taking OK, the violations may resume again.

When the withdrawal of contraceptive pills is done, the consequences may appear in the form of abnormal vaginal bleeding. Moreover, they are unpredictable and can begin at the most inopportune moment.

In order to prevent such sharp reactions, the rejection of contraceptives can be carried out only after waiting for menstruation. That is, the package must be completely drunk.

If your stomach hurts after stopping birth control

With too active functioning of the ovaries in the lower abdomen, there may be pain after the abolition of contraceptives. They must pass quickly. If the pain persists for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist. Its causes may be hypothermia or sexual infection, improper bowel function.

If there was a cancellation of contraceptives, the consequences appear almost always. After a long rest, a woman's ovaries work more actively for several months than before taking OK. This temporary change in hormonal levels causes discomfort, which manifests itself in each woman in her own way.

Cancellation of birth control pills side effects:

If the consequences of discontinuing contraceptives do not go away for more than six months, the symptoms listed above prevent you from living, you should contact a gynecologist.

If there was a cancellation of hormonal contraceptives, the consequences are inevitable. Should you be afraid for your health if your body reacts quite sharply to the cessation of oral contraception? As such, it does not pose a serious threat to health and only causes a number of troubles.

Contraceptive withdrawal syndrome is a normal reaction of the body to the cessation of a drug. Such conditions also occur when you stop taking your usual medicines. For example, after stopping antihypertensive drugs, which for a long time helped maintain normal blood pressure, the pressure rises, when antianginal drugs are canceled, angina pectoris increases, etc.

Everything that happens after stopping birth control will pass if you start taking OK again in 2-3 months. If you do not plan to take them again, or if the withdrawal from birth control pills lasts too long, your gynecologist will prescribe you the appropriate drugs or hormone-correcting agents.

When is the best time to get pregnant after stopping OC?

Normal ovulation after the abolition of contraceptives is established after two to four months. At this time, it is better to wait with pregnancy. Although it must be understood that the period of the body's return to normal functioning is highly dependent on the concentration of hormones in the preparation and on the individual characteristics of your body.

The existing myth that taking hormonal drugs in the future will prevent a woman from becoming pregnant has not been confirmed by medical practice. On the contrary, very often in women taking OK, there is an increased ability to conceive due to the increased activity of the ovaries.

How to throw an OK reception?

The question of how to cancel birth control pills, avoiding adverse reactions, is of interest to many.

In order for a woman to stop drinking contraceptives correctly, we advise you to follow three rules:

Consequences of discontinuation of contraceptive pills. What happens if you quit or stop drinking contraceptives? cancellation of contraceptive pills after contraceptives pain delay refusal hurts the stomach side effects consequences ovulation hormonal syndrome what happens how to cancel recovered stopped drinking can be stopped abruptly after taking not finished drinking can

  • quit taking birth control pills
  • lower abdomen hurts after quitting
  • cancellation ok body reaction
  • stopping birth control pills side effects
  • withdrawal of birth control pills
  • what happens if you stop taking birth control pills
  • ok withdrawal syndrome
  • lower abdomen hurts after stopping birth control
  • cancellation of contraceptives

Cancellation of birth control pills | Cosmopolitan Magazine

The cycle has gone astray, there are problems with the skin, the mood every day, as at the peak of PMS ... But I just stopped taking birth control pills.

Everything-everything-everything went wrong! The cycle has gone astray, there are problems with the skin, the mood every day, as at the peak of PMS ... But I just stopped taking birth control pills. So they are addictive?

By and large, there are only three main reasons why you stop taking COCs: you are doing well and you are thinking about a child; everything is bad with you, and there is no more sex; you are doing well, but you are afraid to take “hormones” for a long time. Do you know which of these problems is yours?

The 5 Most Important Components of an Active Lifestyle

1 REASON: Modern hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but, on the contrary, to speed up conception. When you stop taking COCs, the so-called rebound effect occurs - the rested ovaries are actively taken to work, and the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases significantly. So, giving up the pills, immediately give up smoking and alcohol in any doses.

However, if pregnancy has not occurred within three months after the abolition of COCs, you should consult a doctor. And not only for you, but also for your loved one: in about half of the cases, problems with conception are due to the state of men's health.

By the way, it is the excessive activity of the ovaries that have returned to work that creates the side effects that bother you so much.

2 REASON: He left you, you stopped taking your pills. Or you quit him and the pills at the same time.

If hormonal contraceptives were prescribed to you solely to prevent pregnancy, then there is no need to continue taking them. Even if you meet a new love right tomorrow, it is better to use condoms at first: they protect against sexual infections. And when you start to trust each other ... you will have to go to the doctor again - to pick up contraceptives. Even if the previous ones suited, during the time of forced abstinence, some changes could occur in the body.

“But if the drug is prescribed to help you cope with PMS, acne or some other problem, then you should not refuse it. Even in the absence of sexual activity,” says Natalya Boldyreva, a gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Mother and Child clinic.

3 REASON: For some reason, many people believe that OK are harmful to health and should not be taken longer than 3-4 months. Let's start with the fact that COC is not prescribed for everyone. “If there are problems with the liver, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, disorders of fat metabolism, hypertension, then in some cases it makes sense to replace the pills with a hormonal vaginal ring or patch, and in others - generally switch to other methods of contraception, such as barrier ones,” advises Dr. Boldyreva.

“But if there are no deviations and the doctor prescribed the pills, you should not take a break in taking COCs,” says Professor Tikhomirov. “From the moment of the last birth and until menopause, you can take the same contraceptives.” And the myth that every 3-4 months you need to interrupt the reception, arose, apparently, as the effect of a damaged phone. The fact is that 3-4 months after the appointment of OK, it is necessary for the doctor to evaluate the effect of the drug.

What are you complaining about?

mood swings

Even if the contraceptives were chosen correctly, some oddities are possible for the first couple of cycles after cancellation. You shouldn't be afraid of this. The body needs a little time to adapt to new conditions, and your own hormones - to work without additional help.

WHAT TO DO? You will be helped by vitamins with calcium or herbal collection with common prutnyak (vitex agnus-castus, Abraham tree). This herb affects testosterone levels. Relaxation techniques and physical activity will not interfere either.

Delay for no apparent reason

If the cycle was regular before the appointment of the GK, then there should not be a failure after the cancellation. Most often it occurs in those who have complained about this before. In rare cases, menstruation is delayed by 2-3 cycles, because after the abolition of COCs, the body may not immediately “turn on”, it needs to get used to the changes.

WHAT TO DO? To rule out other causes of delay (including the rapid onset of pregnancy), immediately consult a doctor.

Usually, after stopping the pills, the cycle returns to its previous natural mode, but sometimes it chooses a new rhythm - longer or shorter than the previous one.

WHAT TO DO?“If your cycle is set within 21-36 days and at the same time it is regular, then you have no reason to worry,” explains Dr. Boldyreva.

acne, blackheads, oily hair

Their cause is most often an imbalance of hormones in the body. With such problems, a COC with a so-called antiandrogenic effect is selected. “Acne, acne, greasiness, and other skin problems associated with teenage hormonal instability will disappear as a result of taking COCs and should not return after cancellation,” explains gynecologist Natalya Boldyreva. “But if the causes are related to endocrine disorders, then some time after the abolition of COCs, the problems may return.”

WHAT TO DO? In this case, you will either have to choose another, systemic, therapy, or return to COCs. Until the skin returns to normal, watch your diet and drink more fluids.

In some women, weight may increase by 1.5-2 kg (due to slight fluid retention) when starting COCs. But the abolition of the contraceptive never gives such an effect. The reason for extra pounds is something else, and it would be nice to go to the doctor and find the real reason.

WHAT TO DO? Think about it, maybe you seize stress, parting with a loved one? It's better to relieve stress in the gym, honestly!

Pain in the lower abdomen

Occasionally this happens after the abolition of pills, if the ovaries, having joined the work, begin to function too actively, they may even swell a little. But it passes quickly. More often, pain occurs as a result of hypothermia or a sexual infection. And perhaps they are due not so much to the rejection of contraceptives, but again, your feelings about parting or, conversely, the upcoming wedding. In other words, the pains are more related to the digestive system than to the sexual one.

WHAT TO DO? Do an ultrasound immediately after menstruation, make sure everything is normal. Drink motherwort at night for a month. And watch your diet. It is important not only the quantity and quality of food, but also the manner: do not swallow food on the go, do not forget to chew properly. And don't eat when stressed! C

What if during the 7-day break, menstruation did not occur?

If you took your pills regularly last month, didn't skip any pills, and didn't take your pills more than 12 hours late, then it's okay. No need to wait until the beginning or end of menstruation in order to start taking a new blister. Always do this 8 days after finishing the previous pack.

If you violated the rules for taking OK and were sexually active, then you should stop taking the pills until you are sure that you are not pregnant.

Do I need to take extra protection while taking placebo pills?

This item applies only to those birth control pills that contain 28 pills in a package.

If in the previous month you took the pills according to the rules (without gaps), then you do not need to use additional contraceptives while taking the inactive pills (placebo pills).

If you made passes, then you should follow the instructions (it depends on which pills you are drinking).

Do I need to take extra protection during the 7-day break?

This item applies only to those birth control pills that contain 21 pills in a package.

If last month you took the pills according to the rules, and next month you plan to continue taking the pills, then you do not need to additionally protect yourself during the 7-day break.

If you missed one or more tablets in the last 7 days before the break, then you need to skip the 7-day break altogether (that is, after the end of the first pack, start the next one the next day).

Is it possible not to take a 7-day break?

If the onset of menstruation is not desirable for you, then you can not take a 7-day break, that is, delay your period for one month. To do this, at the end of one blister, start a new package the next day. It is not dangerous for your body.

Can I delay my period if I haven't taken birth control pills before?

No. If you did not take OK last month, then it is impossible to delay the upcoming periods with their help.

Do I need to take long breaks in taking birth control pills?

Many girls and women who take birth control pills are very worried about the possible unwanted effects of hormones on their bodies. Therefore, when any opportunity arises, many stop taking pills for 1-2 months in order to "give the body a rest."

However, such breaks do not and cannot give your body a rest - this is unnecessary stress for your ovaries and endocrine glands. In most cases, such spontaneous breaks lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle, poor health, delayed menstruation, and sometimes hair loss. Not to mention that during long breaks, the contraceptive effect is zero and you can easily get pregnant.

Therefore, if the need for contraception has not disappeared for you (that is, you are sexually active, but are not planning a pregnancy yet), then you can take birth control pills for as long as you need (up to 5 years in a row, without interruptions).

After 5 years of taking the pills, you need to consult with your doctor and if he does not find a reason to stop the pills, you can continue taking OK further, as long as necessary.

Does the effect of birth control pills decrease when taking other medications?

Yes, certain medications can reduce the effectiveness of OCs. Such medicines include:

  • Antibiotics: Ampicillin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others.
  • Antifungals: Griseofulvin
  • Anticonvulsants: Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, etc.
  • Barbiturates: Thiopental, Phenobarbital, etc.

These drugs reduce the absorption of birth control pills in the intestines, or accelerate their breakdown in the liver, which leads to a decrease in the contraceptive effect. Therefore, it is necessary to use additional contraceptives for the entire duration of treatment and for another 7 days after the end of the course of treatment with these drugs.

Before you start taking this or that drug, be sure to read the instructions for its use, or consult your doctor.

Does the effect of OK persist when taking alcohol?

Large doses of alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. This is explained by the fact that alcohol makes our liver work more intensively (to get rid of toxic products), but together with alcohol, the liver also “neutralizes” estrogen from birth control pills. Thus, while taking large doses of alcohol, estrogen is inactivated faster in the liver and does not can have a proper effect on the ovaries, and therefore suppress ovulation. But the problem lies in what is considered large doses of alcohol. All people are different and someone does not tolerate alcohol at all (he gets drunk from the smell), and someone can drink liters and feel fine. But since medicine likes to average everything, it is believed that the following amount of alcohol is safe while taking birth control pills : no more than 50 ml of vodka, 200 ml of wine or 400 ml of beer. If you drink more than this amount, you will need to use extra contraception for another week after drinking.

If you drank a lot of alcohol during the last week of taking OK, then in this case you should skip the 7-day break and start taking the next pack immediately after the end of the previous one. Protect yourself for an additional 7 days.

Drinking alcohol (even large doses) during a 7-day break does not affect the contraceptive effect.

What should I do if I vomit after taking a pill?

If vomiting occurs during the first 3-4 hours after taking the pill, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Therefore, in order to maintain the contraceptive effect, it is necessary to take the same numbered pill from another package, or in the case of taking monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Midiana, Yarina, etc.), take the next pill by number. You need to drink this “second” pill as soon as possible: immediately after nausea and vomiting pass, and no later than 12 hours after taking the first pill. If you took the second pill later than 12 hours later, then you need to do the same as when you missed the pill (depending on its number).

If vomiting occurs later than 4 hours after taking the pill, then nothing needs to be done. By this time, the tablet has already been absorbed into the blood and its effect remains high, despite vomiting.

What should I do if I have diarrhea?

In the case of diarrhea (diarrhea), the effectiveness of birth control pills may also decrease. Therefore, immediately after the end of diarrhea, you need to take the same numbered pill from another package, or in the case of taking monophasic OK (Jess, Lindinet-20, Novinet, Mercilon, Logest, Yarina, etc.), take the next pill by number. If diarrhea persists, use additional contraception for the next 7 days.

If you're having diarrhea and don't know what to do, check out our article on the topic: Q&A of the Month: Birth Control Pills and Digestive Problems. It provides detailed instructions for a single diarrhea, and for recurring diarrhea, as well as information about which antidiarrheals may reduce the effectiveness of OCs.

What happens if you stop drinking OK without drinking the package to the end?

It is highly undesirable to quit the OK reception without finishing the package. But, unfortunately, sometimes there are situations in which it is necessary to stop taking birth control pills urgently:

  • If pregnancy is detected
  • Before preparing for emergency surgery
  • In the event of very severe side effects (after consultation with a gynecologist)

If you suddenly stop taking birth control pills because you decide to become pregnant, then you can only get the opposite effect. Stopping OC halfway through the pack can result in a menstrual cycle failure, no ovulation (egg release), and an inability to conceive for several more months until hormones return to normal. Therefore, in order not to create unnecessary problems for yourself, it is better to endure a few more weeks and finish the package to the end. And then next month the probability of pregnancy will be very high.

I stopped taking birth control pills without finishing the blister. What will happen?

  • If you have had unprotected sex in the previous 7 days, suddenly stopping birth control pills can lead to pregnancy.
  • A few days after stopping OCs, you may experience spotting or withdrawal bleeding. Usually, this bleeding is not heavy and lasts no more than 5-7 days. If against the background of the cancellation of birth control pills you have severe abdominal pain, heavy periods or menstruation lasts more than a week, be sure to consult a gynecologist.
  • With the sudden cancellation of birth control pills, hormonal failure may develop: irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation and the inability to become pregnant. Usually, after 2-3 months, the menstrual cycle is restored and pregnancy becomes possible again.

Do I need to stop taking OK before surgery?

Yes, you must stop taking birth control pills 4 weeks before surgery. This helps reduce the risk of developing blood clots (blood clots) in the vessels. If an emergency operation is required, be sure to tell the surgeon that you are taking birth control pills. In this case, the doctor will take additional measures to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

You can resume taking OCs 14 days after you are able to move around on your own.

Proper refusal to take birth control pills

There comes a point in almost every woman's life when she wants to stop taking birth control pills for one reason or another. In most cases, such a decision is caused by the desire to have a baby or switch to another type of contraceptive. From this article, you will learn how to properly refuse hormonal pills without harm to health. We will give you some simple tips. When a woman has made the decision to stop taking oral contraceptives, she should do the following:

1. Visit a gynecologist. The doctor will examine the condition of the mammary glands and genital organs, if necessary, the specialist will also offer to do additional tests. This is necessary to determine the general state of health.

If birth control pills were prescribed to correct the hormonal background, then a blood test for the concentration of sex hormones will definitely be required. Further, the attending physician will develop an optimal scheme for refusing to take oral contraceptives.

2. Finish the started pack. If you stop drinking birth control pills in the middle of the cycle, then a rapid hormonal drop due to the lack of synthetic hormones can lead to uterine bleeding and other negative consequences.

A sharp refusal to take hormonal pills is justified only in cases where side effects are observed: high blood pressure, headache, bleeding, dizziness, etc. In such a situation, you need to stop drinking the drug and immediately see a doctor. Continued use of this remedy is fraught with even greater health problems than abandoning it.

3. Switch to another type of contraceptive. This is especially important for those who are planning a pregnancy. Physiologically, it is possible to get pregnant after birth control pills a month after the end of their intake. But doctors recommend not to rush and wait at least three months.

During this time, a woman's natural hormonal background normalizes, and her body will be ready to conceive and bear a child. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy in the first three months after giving up birth control pills, experts recommend not rushing to conceive, but using barrier-type contraceptives (condoms and spirals).

Consequences of long-term use of hormonal pills

Many women are interested in how many years they can take birth control so as not to harm their reproductive system. Previously, doctors advised taking a break of 3-4 months after 2 years of using the drug.

But now this advice is considered highly controversial, because after the studies it has become clear that the break causes stress for the body. And after adaptation, the woman again begins to drink pills, thereby causing a reverse restructuring of the endocrine system.

Modern doctors agree that a healthy woman can use hormonal contraception up to 35 years. But in order to avoid problems, she should be examined twice a year by a gynecologist and once by a mammologist.

As you can see, you can stop drinking birth control pills without any special consequences for the body. But you need to do it right, following the instructions and advice of experts, then health problems can be avoided.

The use of oral contraceptives to prevent an unplanned pregnancy is very convenient, I took a pill and forgot, however, there are situations when a woman urgently needs to stop using the drug, and in order to avoid the development of negative reactions, you need to do it correctly.

How to stop taking hormonal contraceptives?

Many women are very afraid of the consequences of stopping birth control pills and, despite the discomfort and desire to quit, continue to buy new packages of the drug.

As a rule, hormone withdrawal is best done after the end of the last pill from the pack, after which the woman should begin menstrual-like bleeding, or the so-called withdrawal bleeding.

In order for the female body to respond as painlessly as possible to the abolition of drug treatment, certain rules should be followed:

After abrupt discontinuation of the drug, a woman should be regularly examined by a gynecologist, since in such situations the risk of developing serious complications increases.

OK withdrawal syndrome: adverse effects

In the case when a woman was prescribed oral contraceptives for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive organs and the establishment of the menstrual cycle (, algomenorrhea, uterine bleeding, and others), the so-called withdrawal syndrome occurs against the background of drug withdrawal. In this case, the symptoms of the disease may return and intensify.

Against the background of a sharp withdrawal of the drug, a woman may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • Development of persistent depression;
  • Skin rashes, acne;
  • Excessive hairiness;
  • Weakness and irritability;
  • Change in sex drive;
  • Development of breakthrough uterine bleeding;
  • Strengthening the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as a result of which the patient's hair becomes oily more likely, acne and comedones appear on the skin;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

If more than six months have passed since the cancellation of OK, and withdrawal symptoms persist, you should consult a gynecologist.

How long does the body recover after the abolition of contraceptives?

Gynecologists say that if before the start of using the pills and during their use, the woman felt good and took the drug solely to protect against pregnancy, then 2-3 months after stopping the intake, the body will function as before, that is, there will be a complete recovery.

What to do if there is no menstruation after canceling OK?

For 2-3 months after stopping the use of the drug, a woman may notice a change - shortening or lengthening it. Cycle duration up to 36 days is considered normal and does not require any special treatment. In some cases, women may experience a delay in menstruation after stopping birth control pills, sometimes it is 2-3 months. In most cases, this is the norm, since this period is required by the body to restore its strength and reproductive function. With a delay in menstruation against the background of the cancellation of OK, the patient should definitely undergo an examination by a gynecologist in order to exclude the presence of pregnancy.

Hair loss after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives

Against the background of the abolition of tablets, patients often note increased hair loss, up to the formation of foci of baldness. This is caused by a sharp change in the hormonal background and the body needs time to restore the work of all organs and systems. In most cases, after a couple of months, the condition of the hair follicles returns to normal, however, if hair loss continues 2-3 months after stopping the drug, a specialist consultation is required.

Cancellation of contraceptives before pregnancy

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after canceling OK and after what time should conception be planned. If a woman decided to plan a pregnancy and stopped taking birth control pills, then the body needs time for the menstrual cycle to fully recover, for this you should wait 2-3 months. The ovaries were in a “sleep” state for a long time against the background of using OK, therefore it is recommended to wait a certain period for their physiological function to resume. Of course, conception can occur immediately after the pills are discontinued, however, such a pregnancy will be at risk, since there is a high chance of spontaneous miscarriage against the background in the body of the expectant mother.

When is conception possible after the cancellation of OK?

Many women worry that pregnancy becomes more difficult after prolonged use of oral contraception, but medical practice refutes this fact. On the contrary, for women with hypofunction of the ovaries, gynecologists prescribe the use of OK for 2-3 months, after which they recommend planning a pregnancy, since the chances of successful conception increase significantly, in addition, they increase. After the abolition of taking pills and active planning of pregnancy, conception safely occurs within 3-4 months.

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site website

Special instructions on how to properly stop drinking hormonal contraceptives are usually not attached to them in the annotations. It is believed that a woman can refuse them on any day of the menstrual cycle.

However, experts recommend canceling contraceptives, following simple rules. The main thing is to stop taking the pills only at the end of the package. In other words, it is necessary to wait for menstruation and then do not take the drug. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe uterine bleeding. It is caused by a sudden and unexpected change in the level of hormones in the blood. Sometimes even a woman needs curettage after such bleeding, and as a result, the time of conception will have to be pushed back by six months.

Some doctors advise to stop taking birth control pills gradually after long-term use. At the same time, every month the dose is reduced by a quarter for 2-3 months. Thus, the body will gradually adapt to a lower dose of hormones, and the withdrawal process will be much easier.

Possible consequences of discontinuing hormonal contraceptives

Sometimes, after the abolition of contraceptives, a woman has some negative consequences. We can distinguish those that occur most often:

  • Delayed periods for no apparent reason. Doctors note that if the menstrual cycle was regular before the appointment of a hormonal contraceptive, then there should not be a failure after its cancellation. Only sometimes menstruation can be delayed by 2-3 cycles. In order to exclude other possible causes of delay, in particular pregnancy, you should consult a doctor;
  • Frequent mood swings. This consequence of the abolition of contraceptives is quite common. There is nothing to worry about, in this way the body gets used to new conditions and begins to regulate the work of hormones. It is advisable to help him with this. You can take vitamin complexes containing calcium. Some women are helped in this case by herbal preparations with common prutnyak (Abraham tree). Moderate physical activity and the use of relaxation techniques also have a positive effect;
  • Change in the cycle of menstruation. Some women notice that their cycle after stopping birth control has changed, become longer or, conversely, short. Experts note that if the duration of the monthly cycle is within 21-36 days, you don’t have to worry. If menstruation comes too often or is delayed for a long time, it is advisable to consult a doctor;
  • The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. As a result of the withdrawal of birth control pills, some women may experience a slight pain syndrome in the lower abdomen. It is associated with too high activity of the ovaries, which begin to function in full force after a break. Usually such pain passes quickly, and to relieve it, you can drink an infusion of motherwort at night. If the pain intensifies or does not go away for a long time, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a medical institution;
  • Increased oily skin and hair. Often, after the abolition of contraceptives, women notice such unpleasant phenomena. As a rule, their cause lies in the violation of the hormonal balance in the body. A specialist can help you deal with this problem. In addition, you need to pay attention to nutrition, drinking regimen and timely bowel movements.

When can I get pregnant after stopping birth control?

After stopping the hormonal contraceptive, ovulation resumes and most women can become pregnant within two years.

It is not uncommon for a woman to become pregnant almost immediately after stopping birth control. This is due to the active work of the ovaries after a forced rest.

The time of onset of pregnancy depends primarily on the duration of taking contraceptives. So, if he was no longer than six months, you can count on a quick conception. If a woman has been protected for three or more years, there may be difficulties with fertilization. Sometimes even doctors talk about possible infertility for this reason. Especially often this happens to women after 30 years of age who have not had a child before. As a rule, they need 2-3 years to restore their reproductive functions. In order to prevent the development of such a situation, it is recommended to take 3-month breaks in taking contraceptives.

Experts advise to cancel contraceptives 2-3 months before the planned pregnancy. This is necessary for the complete restoration of the hormonal background of the body and, as a result, for a successful pregnancy.

Today, the problem of male infertility comes out on top compared to female.

When an infertile couple comes to the examination, the doctor first prescribes tests for the husband: it is easier and faster for a man to undergo an examination. He must pass only one analysis, a spermogram, after which it becomes clear how further examination and treatment should be built. If the partner is healthy, the examination is prescribed to the woman: it is necessary to check the hormonal background, do an ultrasound, possibly, if necessary, check the patency of the fallopian tubes. In addition, women must take tests on a certain day of the cycle. Of course, because of this, the time required to identify the cause of infertility increases.

How to restore the body after taking drugs?

So that the drugs do not have a negative effect on the body, any woman must follow one simple rule - to select the appropriate method of contraception, you must consult a doctor.

When OK is not shown, other options can be selected:

  • Barrier method (male or female condoms)
  • Intrauterine device, including with a hormonal component
  • vaginal ring
  • Intradermal implants
  • skin patch

The last three of the listed contraceptives contain microdoses of hormones that enter the woman's body bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a result, relieve her of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

The method of protection is chosen depending on the indications and contraindications, whether the woman uses contraception only to prevent pregnancy or sets herself other tasks (protection from infections, treatment, etc.)

The doctor also takes into account the level of organization of the woman - for example, some patients say that they forget to take pills, in which case this method, of course, will not suit them. They are recommended to use a vaginal ring - it is introduced independently, once every 21 days.

Contraindications for taking OK

  • Liver failure
  • Tendency to thrombosis
  • Oncological diseases (any localization)

Every woman should know: in order to exclude undesirable consequences for the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow a number of simple rules. The choice of contraceptive method should always primarily depend on the individual characteristics and health of the patient.

I have a lot of examples when, after the cancellation of OK, the menstrual cycle did not start in women, because the ovaries forgot how to work.

Here I was disappointed and had to remember what condoms are. Then psychosis, depression, tearfulness began (I wake up at night and roar), fears and panic (in two weeks I redid the ultrasound of all organs, I’m looking for cancer), terrible headaches, I walk with red tearful eyes, nausea. Melodramas about love began to cause touching squelching in the cynical me. Estrogens in oral contraceptives are needed to control the menstrual cycle, they do not take part in protection against unwanted pregnancy. But unfortunately the story does not end there. A sharp refusal to take hormonal pills is justified only in cases where side effects are observed: high blood pressure, headache, bleeding, dizziness, etc. The other ingredient in birth control pills is estrogen. Yes, I thought I was the only one. kapets what they do OK with the body After the birth of the second daughter and how she stopped breastfeeding, she inserted herself a novaring ring.

The period of restoration of the menstrual cycle of the female body after the abolition of birth control pills has occurred depends on the following factors: Which drug was taken (high-hormonal or low-hormonal). Previously, doctors advised taking a break of 3-4 months after 2 years of using the drug. The doctor said that since I have no complaints and outwardly noticeable problems, tests for hormones would be a waste of money. There was an operation, but two years after the birth of the child, the cysts reappeared and with varying success I fought them (compresses with sea salt, gels, herbs, drops), plus signs of endometriosis appeared, the struggle continued until the gynecologist advised me to drink Lindinet 20 hormones, over time, the cysts resolved themselves, endometriosis dissolved like a morning dream. Switch to another type of contraceptive. All the more that on the sly began to think about the birth of a child.

Stopped drinking hormones consequences: in more detail

I drank it for 3 months, as soon as I canceled it, then all my problems began, namely panic attacks, hot flashes, a decrease and increase in pressure, weight loss, immunity, terrible depression, there was hell in my soul, indifference to everyone and everything. Dropped Jess. And what do you think? Diagnosis: head venous thrombosis. Therefore, think a hundred times before taking pills. Thrombosis Risk of Oral ContraceptionWoltersKluwerHealth is a leading provider of expert health information.

If, after six months from the day when the woman stopped taking hormonal pills, menstruation did not come, she should definitely consult a doctor. In a few months I will think about how to get off the antidep-ta, one pulls the other. She was operated on right away. The story happened 5 years ago when I was 36 years old. I know there are a lot of people like me, but I haven’t given birth yet, I’m 25, and I want a baby.

And they send me to hospitals, they only say that I didn’t eat right, that I had a sedentary lifestyle (although before that I was active) I don’t know, maybe I already have problems with blood clots ... And my face is all covered with terrible acne, my skin became flabby and Stretch marks everywhere from legs to belly! Hair falls out, but where it is not necessary they grow. Please write what kind of product it is. It is better not to start taking any hormonal. In their composition, judging by the name, only gestagen. I got pregnant as planned, it was the third birth. the pregnancy was excellent, but there were problems with childbirth, the cervix did not open more than 4 cm, thanks to the doctor, I rushed off but gave birth. Vaginal discharge and others.

I'll go to the gynecologist, maybe I'll change OK. Physiological effects of estrogens: proliferation (growth) of the endometrium and myometrium according to the type of their hyperplasia and hypertrophy; development of genital organs and secondary sexual characteristics (feminization); suppression of lactation; inhibition of resorption (destruction, resorption) of bone tissue; procoagulant action (increased blood clotting);

Stopped drinking hormones consequences: what you did not know

increasing the content of HDL (“useful” cholesterol) and triglycerides, lowering the amount of LDL ("bad" cholesterol); retention of sodium and water in the body (and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure); ensuring the acidic environment of the vagina (normally pH 3.8-4.5) and the growth of lactobacilli; enhancing the production of antibodies and the activity of phagocytes, increasing the body's resistance to infections. Porphyria is a disease in which the synthesis of hemoglobin is impaired. WHY DOES NO ONE TELL US ABOUT THIS. My name is Anya, I'm 21. In some cases, there may be copious discharge. By the end of the fourth week, desperate to wait for PMS, I took a pregnancy test. Spotting begins no earlier than 21 days after the start of the course of contraceptives. The third week I passed, all the time something humming under my breath, smiling at passers-by and making devastating raids on the refrigerator. But this group of drugs has its indications:

how to stop drinking hormonal contraceptives (video on the topic)

contraception for lactating women (they should not be prescribed estrogen-progestin drugs, because estrogen suppresses lactation); prescribed for women who have given birth (because the main mechanism of action of "mini-drank" is the suppression of ovulation, which is undesirable for nulliparous women); in late reproductive age; in the presence of contraindications to the use of estrogen.

But my dislike for OK is persistent. I also took Diana-35 for 5 months. I only drank 5 because the weight started to increase. If birth control pills were prescribed to correct the hormonal background, then a blood test for the concentration of sex hormones will definitely be required. Hormonal contraceptives increase the acidity of the vagina, and fungi, in particular Candida albicans, multiply well in an acidic environment. which is an opportunistic pathogen. Mechanisms of action of oral contraceptives

So, given the basic properties of gestagens and estrogens, the following mechanisms of action of oral contraceptives can be distinguished: 1) inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (due to gestagens); 2) a change in the pH of the vagina to a more acidic side (the effect of estrogens); gestagens); 4) the phrase ovum implantation used in instructions and manuals, which hides the abortive effect of HA from women. Here someone wrote that you need to wait until the hormone leaves the body Complete nonsense, the hormone leaves after 24 hours and there is no trace. Microdosed (EE = 20 mcg per tablet)

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives Side effects from the use of oral contraceptives are always described in detail in the instructions for use. There are currently 3 generations of birth control pills. And Mifepristone has an additional effect - an increase in the tone of the uterus. Well, who believes in those terrible side effects on the wrapper? In general, after 6 months severe headaches began. As a result, I canceled Yarina, dizziness passed, menstruation came after 1 month. But my body is still feverish (4 months have passed): immunity fails, tearfulness, irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness. Now I will be treated surgically and will try to never take hormones again. All are alive and well.

I quit drinking birth control pills consequences (video on the topic)

For some, they even stop for a certain period. A friend of mine recently, really scared that OK causes a decrease in sexual activity in women, I hope this is just stupid gossip!) Girl, try to cancel them and you will understand what people are talking about while you drink, everything is fine, all these horrors begin after cancellation. I began to paint lips and eyelashes, and even bought a couple of new lipsticks, which I had not done for five years. While the risk of venous thrombosis is more important in younger patients, the risk of arterial thrombosis is more relevant in older patients. For a while it was believed that there was no difference between progestins, but now it is known for sure that the difference in molecular structure provides a variety of effects. My emotions and reactions changed so much that I didn't recognize myself. Venous thromboembolism and hormonal contraception Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, UK Do combined hormonal contraceptive methods (pills, patch, vaginal ring) increase the risk of venous thromboembolism?

The relative risk of venous thromboembolism increases with the use of any combined hormonal contraceptive (pills, patch and vaginal ring). Nixodosed progestogen oral contraceptives (first or second generation) caused a lower risk of venous thrombosis than combination drugs; however, the risk in women with a history of thrombosis is not known. Levonorgestrel-containingCOCusers - using levonorgestrel-containing COCs. Recommended by a qualified gynecologist. It was these conclusions that prompted scientists to invent new, more advanced drugs, and oral contraceptives, in which the amount of the estrogen component was measured in milligrams, were replaced by tablets with estrogen content in micrograms (1 milligram [mg] = 1000 micrograms [mcg]). Doctors diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis! They began to treat everything, but the disease progressed. Frequent colds because immunity has fallen. But recently I began to swell and the lymph nodes are swollen all over my body.

And now, almost a year has passed, but there is no baby, it doesn’t work out. I have been on contraceptives for 10 years. 8 years took Diana35, 2 years on Belar.

Finish the started pack. I just constantly replay in my head the moment when I opened a pack of Jess and drank the first pill and dreamed of returning the past ... I write and sob excitedly, because there are already some forces and no money for recovery. The first month was addictive from 8 to 18 smeared, when the placebo went, my head started to hurt terribly. Gynecologist's commentary on the abortive mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives When implanted into the uterine wall, the embryo is a multicellular organism (blastocyst). And you can't for the rest of your life.

But the gynecologist said that contraception does not affect the immune system. I have a lot of examples when, after canceling OK, there are no changes in the body. I'm tired of going to hospitals. In addition, these drugs also have side effects and contraindications.

They are able to disrupt the normal physiology of the gonads, as well as the stability of the female monthly cycle, thus causing unpleasant consequences. And there is the drug alprazolam, which is prescribed by a psychiatrist. What could be the consequences? ”During or after taking oral contraceptives, the lower abdomen, chest, head, eyes, etc. may hurt. As a result, antidepressants, and these are also not vitamins ADah you understand a lot and you start solving and moving many problems. Before marriage, she also drank Femoden, after the abolition of any side effects, the cycle immediately recovered, all pregnancies are normal. When I came to the doctor with a request to pick up pills for me, they did a full set of tests, except for hormonal ones. If a girl has just started taking birth control pills, her lower abdomen can hurt a lot, monthly bleeding can linger, etc. And I have a son. A friend said that his wife, having stopped taking pills, became a different person - livelier, more open, more feminine, and recovered! A doctor friend explained that there is practically no research on the effect of hormonal contraceptives on the emotional background, and even a full range of hormone tests will not give any guarantee of your emotional safety, and doctors most often simply dismiss questions and complaints about this topic. I understand that what has been done cannot be returned, I now have only one question how to get out of these states. how to raise health now, I know that it is simply necessary to fight for life.

And every day something hurts, then your heart will stab, then your lower back, then your head will hurt or feel sick. Estrogens are female sex hormones that are produced by the ovarian follicles and the adrenal cortex (and, in men, also by the testicles). Therefore, a single use of a large dose of these drugs has a very strong simultaneous effect on the ovaries, after taking emergency contraceptive pills, there can be serious and prolonged menstrual irregularities. However, the rarity of venous thromboembolism in women of reproductive age means that the absolute risk remains low. We will give you some simple tips. Obesity, however, is not considered a contraindication to oral contraceptive use. Heredity may play a role in the development of venous thrombosis, but its tangibility as a high risk factor remains unclear. The husband was unable to work. Compared to previous experiences, I was noticeably worse, especially on the first day. Before pregnancy, only a genetic examination was carried out and 2 polyps were found on the cervix.

When a woman has made the decision to stop taking oral contraceptives, she should do the following: 1. Do not despair. Everything is being treated. I hope my article will help someone. Health to you. The doctor says that everything is serious, a heart attack is close, and they can’t understand what affects, they sent him to an endocrinologist - everything is in order, to a neuropathologist - she appointed her examination, but she is silent about heart attacks. The glucocorticoid effect affects metabolism: there is a decrease in the body's sensitivity to insulin (risk of diabetes), increased synthesis of fatty acids and triglycerides (risk of obesity). After all, the body is used to them, and the cancellation is sharp. Health is excellent, apart from problems with the spine, but this is family and has nothing to do with contraceptives. So girls, if you are prescribed hormones, ask them to do hormone tests and select them individually, and not what they advertise in advertisements and magazines, and drink vitamins, and PANANGIN is MANDATORY.

Hormonal contraceptives are a business that cripples. (video on the topic)

The girls will be attentive and for your nonsense, I listened to the doctor. It was only after reading the reviews that I now wondered what would happen after the cancellation. And for several days in a row, an unreasonable increase in pressure to 150/110 mm Hg. (no stress or other precipitating factors). My friend went to the gynecologist, she told her to stop drinking them urgently, because they are deadly! I decided to stop drinking too, linking all my ailments to jess! What is happening now is horrendous. It was a plus.

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives. For example, candidiasis (thrush). It's all due to hormonal contraceptives. After the wedding, they decided to give birth to a child, the drug had to be canceled for menstruation, it seemed hard labor, but I had to endure it. There are three main estrogens: estradiol, estriol, and estrone.

Reasonable prescription can prevent arterial thrombosis. Through the failure of hormonal indicators in the body. It is strange to read that someone is going to jump out of the window because of contraceptives. Every day something hurts somewhere. I worked as a chief accountant. I was in constant stress from inspections, so I didn’t pay much attention. but it didn't end there. As soon as I started taking Yarina, everything changed. By the way, I still doubt that hormone tests would save me from those nuances that arose over time. I drink Yarina for a year. Antimineralocorticoid activity is associated with an increase in diuresis, sodium excretion, and a decrease in blood pressure.

We need to somehow hold out for another two months. Girls without tests for hormones, don’t drink anything on the advice, believe me, I’m afraid, now I’m afraid that it will only get worse after cancellation (((support me! Maybe someone drank a boron uterus later?

Her grandmother, the sorceress, prescribed it to me even before I started taking these ok. Usually such patients are treated with hormones, you can’t see me. The situation was saved by a colleague who, counting on her fingers, suggested that I was ovulating. If these risk factors are present, a woman taking hormonal contraceptive pills has a significantly increased risk of developing thromboembolism. A few days later, I fainted on the subway.

In this table, the researchers compared the incidence of venous thromboembolism per year in different groups of women (in terms of 100,000 women). Getting better. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome, manifested by a triad of signs: acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia (decrease in the number of platelets). Delayed bleeding can be caused by a sudden change in a woman's weight. I started using it at the age of 18.

Later, shortness of breath and tachycardia, mood swings, headaches, eternal fatigue and a constant desire to sleep began. Eventually. despite all the difficulties, I like it more. Drospirenone-containingCOCusers - users of drospirenone-containing COCs.

Mood change. And of course I wish you to find a good gynecologist. For this reason, such women should be offered adequate contraception. My opinion is that ok just provoke an already existing neurosis and deeply driven depression. Immunity is normal. Further, the attending physician will develop an optimal scheme for refusing to take oral contraceptives.

Before that, she was a healthy person, happy and very beautiful. To avoid venous thrombosis, the doctor asks if the patient has ever had a venous thrombosis in the past, to determine if there are contraindications to prescribing oral contraceptives, and what is the risk of thrombosis while taking hormonal drugs. Particular attention should be paid to emergency contraception. Physiologically, it is possible to get pregnant after birth control pills a month after the end of their intake. In some situations, this can take up to several months. Went happy as an elephant.

The risk of thromboembolism increases with thrombosis of any localization, both present and past; with myocardial infarction and stroke. Masked depression, senestopathy and other charms Whom I just didn’t, in the end, of course, ended up with a psychotherapist. In the end, it is better to give birth to a bunch of children than to suffer the rest of your life later. And now more than 180/110 and pulse up to 167. This is especially important for those who are planning a pregnancy. Before that, there were three pregnancies, one ended in childbirth. Keep alive.

There are a bunch of other contraceptives. Doctors can't tell why I'm swollen and why my veins hurt, especially on my left arm, part of my head and legs. I just can’t exist like this anymore ... Hello girls! I have read your reviews! I myself drank jess for about 2.5 years! In principle, everything suited me, but my immunity decreased greatly, I constantly had a temperature of 37.4, and before that I was very healthy, no illness could break me! I felt terrible, but I couldn't connect it with Jess.

There were delays of up to 3 months. Therefore, the smaller the amount of estrogens in a tablet, the fewer side effects, but it is not possible to completely eliminate them. Describing what happened to me is terrible. The consequences of long-term use of hormonal pillsMany women are interested in how many years you can take birth control so as not to harm your reproductive system. As a result, gastritis, pancreatitis, disorders of the kidneys and liver, VVD are put in hospitals when they bring me blue and with chills.

People who read your post may believe that the contraceptive is safe, but it is not. But now this advice is considered highly controversial, because after the studies it has become clear that the break causes stress for the body. If the menstruation came earlier, this indicates an insufficiently high level of the hormone in the tablets, which are not able to cause the ovaries to stop secreting estrogen. In this regard, the division of hormonal contraceptives into high-, low- and microdosed preparations has appeared. Gestagens = progestogens = progestins are hormones that are produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries (a formation on the surface of the ovaries that appears after ovulation - the release of the egg), in a small amount - by the adrenal cortex, and during pregnancy - by the placenta. The tea smelled of perfume, the sausage smelled of herring, the coffee smelled of gasoline. The second generation drugs include Microgenon, Rigevidon, Triregol, Triziston and others. Sometimes heavy bleeding may occur while taking contraceptives, which indicates a decrease in the level of the hormone, but this is the norm in the first two cycles from the start of taking the pills.

The pain was hellish, I even had to drink ketanov and no-shpu, which I did not do all those years that I was on pills. When pregnancy occurs, gestagens suppress ovulation, lower the tone of the uterus, reducing its excitability and contractility ("protector" of pregnancy). The age of the woman taking these drugs.

I do not recommend. By the way, a colleague, who herself has recently been on pills, scared me a lot, dreamily stretching out: Oh, well, now you will have PMS. Dizziness, depression, etc. In 2013, after consulting a doctor, I started taking these pills. Terribly tired of hospitals, calling an ambulance 2 times a week, and most importantly, no one can help, they just prescribe pills for blood pressure and that's it. High-dose (EE = 40-50 mcg per tablet). And she prescribed me the newest and lightest pills at that time.

I quit drinking jess consequences (video on the topic)

The actions of hormonal contraceptives, like those of other drugs, are determined by the properties of their constituent substances. On the other hand, the risk of venous thromboembolism during pregnancy and the postpartum period is much higher. I have a young man, I love him and he is fighting for my life, but in all clinics they tell me that this is because of my nerves. Among older women who smoke and use oral contraceptives, the number of deaths is from 100 to just over 200 per million every year. Menstruation after birth control Women often ask the question: “I stopped drinking birth control, which periods are considered normal in this case?” Sometimes, after the abolition of contraceptives, there is a delay in menstruation, or the discharge appears very scarce, or they are not at all. Now I'm being treated by a neurologist, I'm sitting on tranquilizers. But Yarina broke me: endless pyelonephritis (high white blood cells in the tests), cystitis, depression, panic attacks, decreased immunity, pain in the lower back and sides, etc. The gynecologist did not believe in my complaints, but I myself already realized that the matter was ok.

After examination by a cardiologist, the diagnosis was ventricular exasistolia (arrhythmia), the heart beats at a frequency of 43 beats per minute to 186 beats. For the general condition, I can’t say anything because I didn’t have time to watch it. I failed for 2 weeks in the trombone department with grannies over 70-80, after which I took coumadin for a year and donated blood once a week. saw diana-35 6 months, skin, hair, chest, cycle everything was perfect. Now the doctor says start taking Chloe, he supposedly will help. The main progestogen is progesterone. I have other results! She suffered from painful periods up to loss of consciousness, and then a cyst was found on the right ovary, the cycle was not regular.

When I finished taking Jez, a ball appeared on my leg above the knee, it slowly grew, it didn’t really bother me, but I wanted to remove it during pregnancy, the doctor didn’t allow it. 4 months after the birth, I was operated on, I thought it was all over, but I was wrong . came the histology of this formation MELANOMA! Now I don’t know what to do, where to run and how much I have left. Reasonable use of hormonal contraceptives, including avoidance of their use by women who have risk factors, is absent in most cases. Hello girls, after this article I decided to stop drinking hormones, I have had heartburn for a month now, hemoglobin is elevated, my head hurts, even if only the ovary hurts better than a whole bouquet!

Saw Logest 1.5 years old, had endometriosis, turned into left-sided adnexitis and adhesions, there was a break in the summer, but they said that I still need to drink, damn it, I can’t anymore, well, nafik, now I need to treat the stomach and pancreatic colitis It all started after childbirth, thank you God has a son. Recently discovered endometriosis. I became much more feminine, calmer and softer, as if I made friends with myself, from the inside. Depression, I can connect with the beginning of taking the drugs, but not with the end. In my opinion, birth control is the most reliable contraception.

I also look at Remens or Cyclodinone, all the same, these drugs are herbal. A significant advantage of these drugs is their antiandrogenic activity, which is most pronounced in Diane-35. At first everything was fine, painless menstruation, clear skin, breasts a size larger .. after about 2 years I took a break for a month, acne appeared, which I never had, menstruation did not occur for 3 months, I had to call, and then take Chloe again by recommendation doctor for the time of admission there were several terrible things: firstly, terrible headaches for several months, and secondly, I woke up from a strong sharp pain in my right ovary, I barely crawled to the bathroom, my face was yellow-blue, vomiting and unbearable pain, as if the ovary had burst ( as a result, it turned out that an egg cell made its way through the oppressed ovaries and ruptured a blood vessel.

Now I’m taking vitamins Lavita and haven’t changed OK for half a year) My hair also got better, my skin cleared up and in general the state of the body became better)) For a year I drank 3 types of hormones due to ovarian endometriosis (before that, I drank Yarina 5 years ago, after adaptation there was no period of side effects, after the abolition, the condition of the hair and skin worsened for a while: first, duphaston (to make sure that the cyst was not functional), then janin, then yarin. All these symptoms have not gone away so far. Girls! Be especially careful if you have a history of VVD and varicose veins. Thromboembolism, whatever its localization, is a severe complication. And after adaptation, the woman again begins to drink pills, thereby causing a reverse restructuring of the endocrine system. All attempts to reduce it were absolutely unsuccessful: 5 kg will go away, so 8 will be typed. And there is nothing to worry about. The second attempt was much more interesting.

Hello Anastasia. The general health of the woman. The result is pancreatitis. Menstruation did not start, but the gynecologist advised me to give injections that include the ovaries. From this article, you will learn how to properly refuse hormonal pills without harm to health. And it seems that everything began to stabilize, but only the cycle became either a week earlier or 10 days later. God forbid you experience this. After a week of insomnia, I still called an ambulance. I've been suffering for four years and I can't do anything about it.

Although perhaps all individually. It's been like this for a whole month, the pressure is constantly increased, a lot of tests and everything is also relatively normal. The first generation of contraceptives include "Enovid", "Infekundin", "Bisekurin". Gestagens affect the center of thermoregulation, which is manifested by an increase in temperature. But doctors recommend not to rush and wait at least three months. After canceling due to problems with the intestines, she went on a diet, as a result, she lost 4 kg in a month. By the sixth week, it dawned on me. Now they will need some time to tune in to the desired mode of operation.

No panic attacks or mood changes. When, while taking medical contraceptives, there is a delay in menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, nausea, dizziness is observed - take a pregnancy test. Although it doesn't sound like me, I've always been an optimist!

In general, I curse these pills, I save myself with only one product that stabilizes the hormonal background and which is completely natural! Slowly recovering, there are improvements! Girls, I read the reviews, it's terrible, don't think about suicide! I can only recommend the product that I drink Hello!

You need to check your head and go to a psychiatrist, and not sin on contraceptives. God forbid everything will work out for everyone who has encountered problems after taking contraceptives. Strokes and heart attacks when using hormonal contraception"Medical Journal of the New England»

I quit drinking Jeanine the consequences (video on the topic)

Massachusetts Medical Society, USA Although the absolute risks of stroke and heart attack associated with hormonal contraceptives are low, the risk was increased from 0.9 to 1.7 when using drugs containing ethinyl estradiol at a dose of 20 mcg and from 1.2 to 2 ,3 - when using drugs containing ethinylestradiol at a dose of 30-40 mcg, with a relatively small risk difference depending on the type of progestogen included. On the contrary, I was overwhelmed by tenderness for the world around me and complete harmony with myself.

As the duration of taking hormonal contraceptives increases, the risk decreases, but as a background it remains until the cessation of the use of hormonal drugs. The composition of such drugs includes either a progestogen (levonorgestrel) or an antiprogestin (mifepristone) in a large dose. To prevent this, you need to contact a gynecologist as soon as a long delay has begun. A significant side effect is the retention of sodium, and with it water, in the body. I will cancel the drug. I quit drinking hormones, now I have not had my period for three months.

It would seem that platelets should rise, but on the contrary, I take an analysis from Vienna and the blood stops only after an hour. about using GK Hello girls! for 2 years I have been on a variety of hormonal injections: injections of Zoladex, Jeanine, Duphaston, Novinet, Nova Ring. In other words, progestogens differ in spectrum and in the severity of additional properties, but the 3 groups of physiological effects described above are inherent in all of them. As a result, the cycle was restored, I became pregnant for 3 cycles after the cancellation. And only 1 out of 10 who stopped taking contraceptives will not be able to get pregnant over the next year. But in order to avoid problems, she should be examined twice a year by a gynecologist and once by a mammologist. To highlight this issue, we turned to the doctor who prepared this information for the ABC of Health. and also translated for us fragments of articles with foreign studies of side effects of HA. Hearing loss due to otosclerosis (fixation of the auditory ossicles, which should normally be mobile).

Women who regularly use these drugs are at great risk to their health. In New Zealand, a series of deaths from PE were investigated, and often the cause was an unaccounted for risk by doctors. Some manufacturers list conditions that should stop taking immediately. I began to take these pills on the advice of a gynecologist about alopecia and endometriosis of the cervix. I definitely won’t drink the third package, it’s not worth it! Vegetative manifestations are just terrible shortness of breath, there is tachycardia, some kind of hot flashes, you feel like a grandmother in menopause. Either drink them all your life, or don't drink them.

But, by the way, it is better to drink a course of vitamins along with OK. I'm buying a women's complex "Lavita". Thank God, now there are two kids. Hello! I am also one of those affected by OK. As a result, the risk of atherosclerosis increases. Prescribed jess. Health is excellent, apart from problems with the spine, but this is family and has nothing to do with contraceptives. A rash appeared on my face, I thought it was due to nerves or an allergy to drugs, the tests danced, showing either positive tumor markers or the norm! Probably only my husband knows what we had to endure!

In general, with a non-falling temperature of 39, pain in the joints and throughout the body, I was taken to Orenburg to the department of rheumatology, and there they finally made the correct diagnosis of SLE. After the 9th pill, with attacks of terrible suffocation, numbness of the limbs, and a complete lack of normal consciousness, 2 times within an hour, my husband and parents brought me to the ambulance. I spent a whole month in the hospital on antidepressants, it became easier, I gained weight, my mood improved. To be honest, in one of them I noticed the same stiffness. We decided to have a second child. Oh, girls, I read and shed tears. 6 years ago I thought. that against the background of hormones insomnia and depression. I wanted it always and everywhere. But then my gynecologist advised me to take some other vitamins along with OK, because with them the side effects from OK will decrease to a minimum. I'm trying to get myself under control, but it doesn't quite work.

So, what is next? With these pills, at least my endometrium stopped falling off in pieces and the cycle was adjusted, but my heart and nerves are just to hell. I did not understand at all what was happening to me, and even panicked a little, as if, having thrown the pills, I had forgotten how to think. "Climbing off" hormonal pills: personal experience If you believe in progress, have a permanent partner and do not consider abortion a means of protection, there is a huge chance that sooner or later you will get hooked on oral hormonal contraceptives. Health does not deteriorate overnight, unfortunately.

generative action. DO NOT DRINK. Before, everything was fine with me, the only thing was the cycle was broken. It hurt so much that nothing was removed. If I knew that it would be so, I would not take contraceptives. Superficial thrombophlebitis in history can also be considered as a risk factor for thrombosis, especially if it is combined with aggravated heredity. Hi all! I have been taking Chloe for 5 years.

When choosing hormonal preparations, special attention should be paid to the composition of synthetic hormones, since their presence or absence affects the functioning of the girl's body and can have such consequences as: Menstrual cycle failure. Who knew that it was like drugs, and how long it will last now, I don’t know.

When the drug is chosen correctly, the adaptation of the female body takes place for the first 2-3 months, after which the bleeding should enter the normal mode and begin strictly on the 28th day of the cycle. Many friends who are on Milian, who are on Dimiya. If you find one or more of these syndromes, there is no time to hesitate, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. After such a story, you yourself understand that hormonal drugs are a sore subject for me. Most often, the composition of the tablets includes ethinylestradiol (EE). Horror.

It is impossible to completely remove estrogens from the composition, since they play an important role in maintaining a normal menstrual cycle. In addition, there are symptoms of virilization (male secondary sexual characteristics). Third-generation progestins in combined oral contraceptives have increased the incidence of adverse hemolytic changes and the risk of thrombosis, so they should not be given as first choice in hormonal contraceptive beginners. And if he were to be left all alone. I constantly wind myself up, some kind of mania. I took Triziston and Triquilar for almost five years. Climate change. In most cases, such a decision is caused by the desire to have a baby or switch to another type of contraceptive. The gynecologist prescribed chloe to drink for 6 months.

Good day. Action of tablets

I stopped drinking regulon the consequences (video on the topic)

Girls often turn to a gynecologist with the question: “I take anti-pregnancy pills, why don’t I have periods?” The use of contraceptives in the form of birth control pills causes hormonal changes in the body of any girl. Before taking Diana, there were no problems on the part of the psyche, she was always very cheerful. And after that, doctors from different clinics continue to prescribe this dangerous drug to Diana -35. And hot flashes, and pressure, and wanted to hang herself. Therefore, there is no reason to say that the consequences of using contraceptives are infertility, obesity, uncontrolled bleeding and other health problems. On the basis of such stress, a strong hormonal failure began in me (I will not describe the symptoms, otherwise you will be scared) and no one can do anything. Help advice. Such reactions are observed briefly in all after childbirth.

As soon as these symptoms occur, consultation with your doctor is necessary - perhaps the drug is not suitable and needs to be replaced. I drank oral contraceptives for three years, and still, as an invalid, I cannot leave the house. Visual impairment. The next day I had a terrible pain in my lower abdomen.

Also, the use of these drugs may have other consequences: Nausea. Unwanted estrogen In the course of a thorough study of hormonal contraceptives and their effects on the body, it was concluded that undesirable effects are associated to a greater extent with the influence of estrogens. For the time being, I still believe that it is necessary to pick up the oormon. A pronounced or very pronounced gestagenic effect is inherent in all progestogens. To be honest, I didn't like it. After hormonal 18 years, I am unsuccessfully treated for infertility.

So, why is there a delay / cessation of menstruation while taking birth control? Main reasons: Due to improper prescription and use of drugs. These pills have taken my life. Pregnantnon-users are pregnant women. But the doctor recommended taking more antidepressants for 6 months.

It is expressed in the suppression of the proliferation of the endometrium, caused by the action of estrogens, and its secretory transformation, which is very important for a normal menstrual cycle. Strong stress. During this time, a woman's natural hormonal background normalizes, and her body will be ready to conceive and bear a child. My joints started to hurt! And so, all year long, someone coughs, I get sick with a temperature of 39 and a terrible pain in the joints, it got to the point that I could not hold a spoon. I also suffered from them for a long time, every now and then I had to change OK. Frequent colds, cystitis, mood swings, fatigue. I live in Krasnodar. Appetite woke up not at all for sweet and fatty, but simply for everything! The fourth week began with olfactory hallucinations.

The study of the properties of estrogens and the conclusion that they are the main source of side effects from the use of hormonal contraceptives led scientists to the idea of ​​​​creating drugs with an optimal reduction in the dose of estrogen in them. It is worth drinking these drugs in compliance with a strict regimen, because missing at least one day of admission can cause the most unpleasant consequences: from menstrual irregularities to unexpected pregnancy. On the third pack appeared girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back. This indicates that the body has failed. The division into generations is due to both a change in the amount of estrogens in the preparations and the introduction of newer progesterone analogues into the composition of the tablets. I don't know how to live on. The correct refusal to take birth control pills In the life of almost every woman there comes a moment when she wants to stop taking birth control pills for one reason or another.

The pressure jumped 170/120, they called an ambulance, they sent me to a madhouse. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy in the first three months after giving up birth control pills, experts recommend not rushing to conceive, but using barrier-type contraceptives (condoms and spirals). Hello, I also drink Belura, almost 2 years, everything is regular, I passed all the tests well).

As soon as I started drinking the battle, the hair on my head began to fall out, and on my chest to grow. I have been drinking Femoden for 7 months, there are no side effects. I began to think that I was somehow fake, frozen. Risk of venous thromboembolism among users of drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists CONCLUSIONS The risk of venous thromboembolism is increased among users of oral contraceptives (3-9/10,000 women per year) compared with non-pregnant and non-users of these drugs (1-5/10,000 women per year). ). After I went around all the existing doctors, I’m even afraid to remember how much money was spent, I got to a psychiatrist.

When changing coil. Jess was protected for 2 months and put the spiral again. And here, based on the topic, there will only be bad reviews, those who are not lucky. Took OK for a short time. It seemed like the perfect effect. AND NOW IT'S LATE to me 38 and having got rid of one danger, I expose myself to the danger of an early infact. Below are excerpts from several reviews (translation by the author of the article of fragments of foreign articles)

Contraceptive pills: harm or benefit? (video on the topic)

Oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis New England Journal of Medicine Massachusetts Medical Society, USA

Hormonal contraception is used by more than 100 million women worldwide. From the table it is clear that in non-pregnant and non-using hormonal contraceptives women (non-pregnantnon-users) an average of 44 (with a range of 24 to 73) cases of thromboembolism per 100,000 women are registered per year. This is fine?"

In the first three months of taking hormonal drugs, the body adapts. My condition has been going on for two months now. Decreased female libido. A month ago I got my first wrinkle. They do an ultrasound and make a diagnosis. It happened to me twice at nineteen and twenty-four. The physiological effects of gestagens are combined into three main groups. After the cancellation, she almost lost her life: panic attacks, anxiety, weight loss up to 42 kg at the age of 30. Suddenly, one fine day about a year ago, I felt that I needed to stop taking the pills.

2. The nominal background has not been restored. I just pray and dream to return that day... I really want to live. I can’t sleep, because when I change my body position from vertical to horizontal, my heart works with great disturbances. Over the period from twenty-four to twenty-eight years, my body must have changed a lot, and I don’t even know what I really am. And I decided to quit. At first I was strewn with small pimples and I became like a teenage girl.

Dear women, when you start drinking pills and feel side effects, you don’t need to quit right away, wait 3 months, the body gets used to it, or finish the pack to the end, throwing it in the middle will cause more harm to yourself. The first week flew by unnoticed. In large doses, gestagens block both FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone, which is involved in the synthesis of androgens, and together with FSH provides ovulation and progesterone synthesis). Excessive physical and mental stress. The composition of oral contraceptives includes various gestagens. I think I got lucky with him. But you need to do it right, following the instructions and advice of experts, then health problems can be avoided.

It would be better to be killed immediately than such treatment. These drugs have been widely used since their discovery, but later their androgenic effect was noticed, manifested in the coarsening of the voice, the growth of facial hair (virilization). And the attacks returned and every day at the same time pressure surges up to 190H and pulse 130. One strip! So I lived up to the first pill-free menstruation. "Non-ovlon" "Ovidon" and others are not used for contraceptive purposes. Good afternoon

I also developed depression in the form of panic attacks, sleep disturbances, anxiety, etc. 2.5 months after Yarina was canceled. Yeah, and why didn’t I come across such an article when Jess started drinking? I drank them for three years. No weight gain, no acne. After all, this is also stress with the cessation of the flow of certain hormones. I went to all the specialists with complaints and found nothing. You need to check your head and go to a psychiatrist, and not sin on contraceptives. In the instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives, in addition to side effects, contraindications are listed. And I know for sure that this is because of the contraceptives, because. at the first break, such a difficult physical condition also began, but then I was a little younger and stronger, apparently, and passed after the resumption of counter-x. As you know, hormonal drugs affect appetite, which can lead to obesity.

For a long time I could not understand the true cause of this condition, I have been married for 10 years, I have been working for 6 years, there have always been stresses, there is no way in the cities without them, but so that the body did not fly off like that. And off we go. In general, a new life has been going on for three months, and my personal impressions are also ambiguous:

Gynecologist about the consequences and complications after using hormonal contraception (video on the topic)

- my skin has deteriorated greatly, it has ceased to dry constantly, as it was all the pill years, but it began to periodically become irritated and covered with pimples; - I became more difficult to endure menstruation; - my character improved a lot and everyone noticed it; a bunch of more important and constructive things than to immediately build everyone; - I always know when I ovulate; - olfactory hallucinations continue, in the last month taste hallucinations have been added to them, it’s even funny. Read to get acquainted, God bless!

Hello. 11 years ago I was prescribed Diana-35. The doctor said that this is an adaptation of the body, it will pass. Glory, hello! I read your comment, I realized that exactly this happened to me, how are you? how did you overcome it? I don’t recognize myself, they put up attacks, and I understand that from Diana 35 exactly the same thing happened. How are you? Slava, do you know how contraceptives work? Can you imagine what happens in the body when you take them? Do you have friends who take contraceptives for a long time and remain healthy until old age? I’m almost sure that you don’t have answers, unfortunately, and then you’re right no too talk about that. Contraceptives without estrogen

There are gestagen-containing contraceptives ("mini-drank"). From my personal experience, after 2 packs of Yarina, the veins on the legs became much larger, spider veins appeared. I was diagnosed with diffuse fibrocystic bridge disease at the age of 15. By the way, a hormone analysis before using Ok is not mandatory, because the level of hormones changes even when you are worried or happy. And I'm tired of being sick. If you come to the doctor complaining that your lower abdomen hurts while taking birth control, most likely he will prescribe other drugs. They say that I screwed up myself, that I'm crazy. This means that you need to drink stronger hormonal pills.

The attitude of the doctors was similar. I thought it was a very good product. Very serious consequences of the reception, I had to quit my job and live in this hell for almost a year, Thank God the psychotherapist doctor saved me with the appointment of the antidepressant venlaxor.

Saw (Yarina, Regulon, Marvelon, Belara, Diana-35). Other side effects, such as: decreased mood, mood swings, increased appetite, nausea, stool disorders, satiety, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, and some others - although they are not severe, however, affect the quality of life of a woman. Only three drugs have a clear antiandrogenic effect. There was a severe migraine, dizziness, nausea, difficulty, frequent, painful urination, burning and shooting pains in the perineum, spasms in the stomach and intestines, severe constipation, diarrhea, severe pain in the heart, tachycardia, fever, constant pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the legs , tearfulness, pain in the lower back and on both sides, pain and difficulty urinating after intercourse. I read your review, you write about taking a product that helps to normalize hormonal levels.

My veins began to ache and bulge. It all started with panic attacks, numbness of the limbs, various pains in the body ... Nobody believed me. Such impression now you will be disconnected and that then it will be unknown. Thromboembolism is the blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus. It was a completely irrational feeling. The pressure is low all my life - it started to jump, not much yet, but this is enough for me to start headaches. But I know that I can't live like this.

You just need to choose for yourself. Anyone who has experienced this will understand. that living like this is simply not living. So it turned out to be the result of a trip to the doctor. OK, it's like a lottery, really. But taking ok and after even with the time of pregnancy and childbirth gave this result. For me, for example, other methods are not so reliable, and the consequences, you know. With hormonal pills, I am relatively calm about surprises. The first time for 3 months and nothing, probably lucky, but the 2nd time for 2 months in total, now for the 3rd month I have not been drinking anything, as doctors say hormonal withdrawal syndrome. If, even after changing contraceptives, the pain does not stop, but rather becomes sharp, cutting, the body temperature rises, you should stop using these drugs. Think when you publicly express your opinion.

Consequences of hormonal contraception. (video on the topic)

Risk factors for thrombosis (the formation of blood clots inside the vessels - blood clots - interfering with free, laminar blood flow): age over 35 years; high levels of estrogen in the blood (which occurs when taking oral contraceptives); increased blood clotting, which is observed with a deficiency of antithrombin III, proteins C and S, dysfibrinogenemia, Marchiafava-Michelli disease; injuries and extensive operations in the past; venous congestion with a sedentary lifestyle; varicose veins of the legs; damage to the valvular apparatus of the heart; atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris; diseases of the cerebral vessels (including transient ischemic attack) or coronary vessels; arterial hypertension of moderate or severe degree; connective tissue diseases (collagenoses), and primarily systemic lupus erythematosus; hereditary predisposition to thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident in the closest blood relatives). Avoiding the use of oral contraceptives in such women may lead to a reduction in the incidence of arterial thrombosis, as reported by recent studies in industrialized countries. After scolding the parents, they nevertheless took an ECG and injected a sedative, and everyone said it was not for us. They prescribed treatment, she was treated in neurology, antipsychotics, antidepressants, I still drink periodically. Holding my breath, I began to wait for PMS. Superficial varicose veins are not a consequence of pre-existing venous thrombosis or a risk factor for deep venous thrombosis. These states include the following:

Arterial hypertension. One side. temperature in the evening 37. Two years later, she and her husband decided to increase the family, they already have one child.

Thromboembolism cannot occur out of the blue, it requires special “conditions” of risk factors or existing vascular diseases. The moral of the story is this: do not take hormonal drugs. Others may conceive within a few months of stopping contraceptives, but no sooner than three months. And this, in turn, affects the hormonal background of the body and directly affects the female secretions. The doctor will examine the condition of the mammary glands and genital organs, if necessary, the specialist will also offer to do additional tests. Progesterone-only preparations are safe in relation to the risk of venous thromboembolism. Because contraceptives lead to a deficiency in the body of a number of vitamins. This is normal, but only if it does not happen often. And all these reactions are the body's reaction to stress after cancellation. But the worst thing was that after taking the drug for six months there was no menstruation.


Before every woman who is sexually active, the question arises of choosing a method of contraception. Modern pharmaceuticals provide a large selection of contraceptives. One of the most popular ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy is oral contraceptives (OCs). These drugs contain a certain dose of hormones, in connection with which women often have many questions related to the peculiarities of taking pills, contraindications and possible side effects. About how to take hormonal drugs without harm to health, the site asked gynecologist of the Clinical Hospital on the Yauza, Glukhova Nadezhda Konstantinovna.

A modern woman should know that a well-chosen drug does not have a negative effect on the state of the body. But there are situations when young women independently prescribe oral contraceptives for themselves without prior consultation with a specialist and drink them for years. They are satisfied with everything, since this is a fairly reliable method of contraception, while at the same time allowing you to control the menstrual cycle. But, unfortunately, such uncontrolled, long-term use eventually sometimes leads to a complete absence of menstruation. In this case, of course, it is necessary to cancel the appointment, contact a specialist and decide on the restoration of the cycle.

Myths about OK

There is a myth among women that while taking drugs, problems in the body can arise: weight gain, skin rashes, increased pressure. But such a reaction can appear only in the case of an incorrectly selected drug.

The choice of oral contraceptives is based on the results of tests for female and male hormones, ultrasound of the liver and kidneys, urine tests, blood biochemistry, and in the case of relevant complaints, ultrasound of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.

Also, the doctor must take into account the history and select the drug taking into account certain factors - age, pregnancies and existing diseases.
In the last century, contraceptives were indeed prescribed, which contained male sex hormones in their composition. It was the first generation of contraception - the only pills available at the time. Women who took them could become overweight, increase hair growth on the body, and coarsen their voice.

Now such contraceptives are not used, and modern pills do not negatively affect the state and functioning of the body.

On the other hand, the selection of drugs is always individual and it is necessary to focus on the reaction of the body in each case. In case of complaints, the appointment can always be adjusted. With the use of the latest generation of OK, there are practically no problems with weight: in rare cases, a woman can gain 1-2 kg. But dietary recommendations should always be followed, not only when taking drugs.

Eating habits also rarely change. Usually, some changes occur in the body of emotional women prone to feelings and self-hypnosis.

Another fear women have when taking OCs is the risk of decreased libido. This can only happen if the drug is chosen incorrectly. Properly selected drug does not affect sexual activity.

Diseases that occur when taking OK

It happens that against the background of taking contraceptives, a woman develops vaginal candidiasis - "thrush". This is due to the fact that when taking hormones in women, immunity is slightly reduced. Adequate treatment, as a rule, leads to a complete cure.

If a woman has pronounced varicose veins of the lower extremities, the disease can also worsen against the background of drugs and be accompanied by edema.

When taking any OK, you need to take a break so that the body can recover, but it is considered optimal to take birth control pills continuously for 2 years.

If a woman takes oral contraceptives, she should visit a gynecologist once a year for a preventive examination. The gynecologist should decide whether to continue or stop taking the drug, whether the drug is optimally selected or not. He determines this on the basis of examination, anamnesis, a series of tests.

When canceling the intake of contraceptives, it is important to follow the rule: if the package is started, it must be drunk to the end

If you stop taking OK without finishing the package, you can cause a menstrual cycle to fail, and it is impossible to predict how long it will last. Its recovery will depend on the individual characteristics of the organism. Failure of the menstrual cycle can also occur under the condition of long-term (5-7 years) continuous use of drugs without medical supervision and the necessary breaks.

The patient needs to stop taking OK if the following diseases occur:

  • Oligomenorrhea (rare menstruation)
  • The appearance of polyps
  • Hyperplasia of the cervical canal and endometrium. This is an extremely rare occurrence against the background of taking OK. It is based on increased reproduction and, in some cases, a change in the structure of cells, due to which the uterus increases in size.

Who should not stop taking OK?

  • Endometriosis, accompanied by heavy periods and severe pain
  • Hyperandrogenism (an excess of male sex hormones)
  • Functional cysts

This method of contraception should not be abandoned for those women who have had quite a few pregnancies and are not planning another child, since abortion is a huge stress for women's health - not only for reproductive function, but for the whole organism as a whole. When a woman becomes pregnant, all organs and systems are rebuilt and begin to function in such a way as to carry a child. Therefore, if a woman cannot qualitatively protect herself in other ways, this choice is the most reliable.

How long can I get pregnant after stopping contraceptives?

It depends on the duration of taking the drugs. If a woman has been taking pills for 2-3 months, it is possible and even desirable to become pregnant immediately. With such a short course, the so-called rebound effect is achieved - when contraceptives are canceled, the ovaries begin to work actively in a woman, and pregnancy in most cases occurs immediately.

If a woman takes drugs for 2 years or more, she is recommended to use barrier methods for a month. As a rule, in a month the body is completely restored. Ovulation is restored almost immediately. Particular attention should be paid to women who, in the hope of a residual effect after drug withdrawal, are not protected by other methods.

If, after discontinuation of drugs, pregnancy does not occur for a long time, this has nothing to do with taking hormonal contraceptives. Most likely, this signals health problems in one of the partners. It can be both banal fatigue, overwork, beriberi, and problems associated with reproductive function.

Today, the problem of male infertility comes out on top compared to female.

When an infertile couple comes to the examination, the doctor first prescribes tests for the husband: it is easier and faster for a man to undergo an examination. He must pass only one analysis, a spermogram, after which it becomes clear how further examination and treatment should be built. If the partner is healthy, the examination is prescribed to the woman: it is necessary to check the hormonal background, do an ultrasound scan, and possibly, if necessary, check the patency of the fallopian tubes. In addition, women must take tests on a certain day of the cycle. Of course, because of this, the time required to identify the cause of infertility increases.

How to restore the body after taking drugs?

So that the drugs do not have a negative effect on the body, any woman must follow one simple rule - to select the appropriate method of contraception, you must consult a doctor.

When OK is not shown, other options can be selected:

  • Barrier method (male or female condoms)
  • Intrauterine device, including with a hormonal component
  • vaginal ring
  • Intradermal implants
  • skin patch

The last three of the listed contraceptives contain microdoses of hormones that enter the body of a woman bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a result, relieve her of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

The method of protection is chosen depending on the indications and contraindications, whether the woman uses contraception only to prevent pregnancy or sets herself other tasks (protection from infections, treatment, etc.)

The doctor also takes into account the level of organization of the woman - for example, some patients say that they forget to take pills, in which case this method, of course, will not suit them. They are recommended to use a vaginal ring - it is introduced independently, once every 21 days.

Contraindications for taking OK

  • Liver failure
  • kidney failure
  • Tendency to thrombosis
  • Oncological diseases (any localization)

Every woman should know: in order to exclude undesirable consequences for the body, it is necessary to consult a specialist and follow a number of simple rules. The choice of contraceptive method should always primarily depend on the individual characteristics and health of the patient.

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