Why are there thick brown discharge before menstruation. Why does brown discharge appear a week before menstruation? Situations when you should not be afraid

Many women very often face such a problem as an uncharacteristic color of vaginal discharge. This is a fairly common manifestation, because 1-2 days before the expected date of menstruation, the discharge may acquire a dark color (varies from a light shade to a darker color). Observing their own state of health, each of the women wants to know: Why do such changes still occur, and what affects the brown discharge before menstruation?

Often there is no reason to worry, since brown discharge does not always refer to signs of a disease or disorder in the reproductive system. There are very few cases where brown discharge (photo below) begins due to a disease present.

Normal or disease?

The case when, on the eve of the “critical days”, the discharge acquires an atypically dark character and is slightly smearing is considered to be a perfectly acceptable phenomenon. This means that menstruation is about to begin. The process should not occur abruptly, which means that the first traces of brown discharge indicate that menstruation is just around the corner.

Therefore, if a woman knows that they should start every day, and her discharge has taken on the form of red-brown smears, then this is an acceptable reaction. The reason for visiting the doctor is brown discharge during the period of menstruation itself.

When a woman has discharge of an uncharacteristic color instead of the standard ones, it is unnecessary to independently make diagnoses and draw some deplorable conclusions. It is better to visit the nearest medical facility to identify a possible cause and, if necessary, further treatment.

A woman should pay special attention to her health if:

  • There is pain in the lower abdomen, possibly in the pelvic area.
  • The discharge is brown, smearing with an unpleasant odor.
  • There are pain during sex.
  • Various irritations and unpleasant burning sensations.
  • Body hyperthermia.
  • The period of menopause, which came more than a year ago.

Methods for diagnosing a cycle failure:

  • Collection of smears with subsequent examination under a microscope.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Taking blood tests to check the hormonal background.
  • Gynecological examination of the vagina and cervix.
  • Biopsy and colposcopy.
  • Collection of data on anamnesis.
  • Based on certain indications, it is possible to prescribe a diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity, after which the endometrium is examined.


Brown discharge before menstruation can indicate various pathological changes, as well as serious diseases, such as:

  1. benign tumors. These conditions should be feared by women in the period of 25-35 years.
  2. Various infections, venereal diseases.
  3. Mucosal polyps. Most often, it is they who lead to the onset of brown discharge associated with a violation of the cycle, the appearance of pain.
  4. Endometriosis. The most common cause of brown discharge a few days before the expected period.
  5. The consequence of incomplete therapy of chronic endometritis.
  6. Also, changes in the color of the discharge (brown or pink-brown) can be the cause of endometrial hyperplasia. It often occurs due to hormonal disruptions.

A considerable influence on the nature of the discharge and the intake of various hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices. But these reasons are harmless, as the female body is adapting to changes in hormonal levels.

This pathological condition is considered the most serious. It is worth paying attention if brown discharge a week before menstruation is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • Pain in the pelvic region before the onset of menstruation, not pronounced after menstruation and weak in the middle of the cycle.
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen. The higher the degree of pain on the first day of menstruation, the more severe the disease.
  • A change in the color of the discharge, ranging from light brown to even black.

It is impossible to identify this disease on your own, only a gynecologist can help with this. The examination is carried out with the help of a vaginal examination, collection of tissue samples (biopsy), or MRI.

If, after the study, endometriosis was nevertheless detected, then the woman is prescribed treatment with hormonal drugs (more often Gestrion, Danazol, etc.). Regarding pain, analgesics are prescribed. Endometriosis, which has a neglected form, is accompanied by prompt removal of the focus.

A disease associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. During the appearance of brown discharge, such a disease is additionally accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. It often causes those same brown discharge.

To avoid complications and the transition to a chronic form, it should be treated, in order to avoid miscarriages at various times, and to be able to bear a child. It is the endometritis that prevents the processes of attachment of the fetal egg to the uterine cavity from the first day of conception.

This is a disease that appears due to excessive growth of endometrial tissue. Active growth of the endometrium falls in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of the hormone estrogen. In the second phase of the cycle, the ovaries already begin to produce progesterone, which in turn controls the growth of the endometrium.

That is why, hyperplasia in women arises from an imbalance of hormones: a lack of progesterone, and an excess of estrogen.

The reasons can be safely attributed to various infectious processes occurring in the body, especially sexually transmitted diseases that cause severe damage to the reproductive system. Signs of infection with such diseases are precisely brown discharge not only before menstruation, but also after, as well as itching, and the presence of a fetid odor.

These signs are similar to the symptom complex of inflammation. If the causes of the discharge are associated with the inflammatory process, treatment with antibiotics and restorative drugs is prescribed. The severity of the stage of inflammation affects how the treatment will take place: outpatient or inpatient.

Myoma is a benign tumor that appears in the walls of the uterus or in the cervix, it does not have an oncological nature. The size of fibroids ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

The development of such a tumor comes from a violation in the hormonal background, which is considered the original cause of the occurrence. Very often, fibroids are observed in young women, and successfully resolve at menopause, since it is by this period that the level of estrogen begins to decrease.

Occur in the cervix or in the reproductive organs. These neoplasms are benign in nature, the cause of which is considered hormonal disorders.

Symptoms that are characteristic of the occurrence of polyps:

  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Lower abdominal pain.
  • Discharge of an uncharacteristic color after sex.

Polyps can occur after various surgical interventions, abortions, caesarean sections, inflammation of the ovaries and uterus.

Also, the use of hormonal contraception can provoke the presence of a brown color of the discharge. Since it is at this moment that the female body undergoes adaptation and changes in the hormonal background. That is why for their choice, a woman must undergo a full examination.

Also, these reasons include the use of intrauterine devices, which also directly contain hormones.

It is this type of discharge that is considered physiological, and it indicates the presence of clotted blood in the pelvis. The source of such blood can be the mucous membrane of the vagina, the cervix, or the cavity of the organ, if bleeding has opened in them.

Brown discharge instead of period

A woman should pay all her attention if, instead of menstruation, brown, smearing discharge is observed, against which the stomach hurts. It is these symptoms that often indicate that an inflammatory process has begun in the body, the cause of which was a recent birth or abortion. Problems in the early stages of gestation, acclimatization, unrest and hormonal disruptions.

Elimination of atypical secretions

In order for the doctor to be able to prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment for the manifestation of brown discharge before menstruation, the first thing he should determine the exact cause of the problem. If, according to the results of the examination, a pathological cause of the growth of the endometrium was revealed, then in this case, drugs are prescribed that will help normalize the hormonal background.

Courses of drug treatment are prescribed by a gynecologist purely individually for each case, because the body of each woman is unique. Much depends on the stage of development of pathological changes, the nature of the disease, the age of the woman, etc.

According to practitioners, the vaginal secretion is a kind of indicator of the health of the female genital area. On the basis of data such as the volume of physiological secretions, their color, texture and smell, conclusions can be drawn about the presence or absence of pathologies, including in the early stages of development. One of the common problems that has affected every third woman at least once is the appearance of brown discharge before menstruation.

What are the reasons for this symptom? How to distinguish a pathological condition from the norms of physiology? Are there indirect signs or features that will help recognize the disease in the early stages? These issues should be considered in more detail.

Physiological norms

A specialist with sufficient practical experience can give an objective assessment of the state of the female reproductive system based on the results obtained during the initial examination, which includes the study of vaginal discharge, including a few days before menstruation. To obtain more objective results, it is important to conduct several research procedures depending on the period of the menstrual cycle.

The main criterion that determines the natural anatomical causes of the appearance of a vaginal secretion is the absence of pain, odor, itching, burning. Related to the norms of physiology are brown discharge a week before menstruation. What are their relatively harmless reasons, why and when dark discharge appears, should be discussed in more detail.

Important! It is possible to determine the pathology or the absence of it on the basis of the results of the study of the vaginal secretion only in a laboratory setting. To exclude possible diseases, you should consult a doctor if the mucus discharged 5 to 7 days before the expected period was red or brown.

The formation of the menstrual cycle

Bloody discharge before menstruation, if they are not accompanied by painful sensations, an unpleasant odor or other negative symptoms, is a completely normal and natural sign in girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle. Against the background of a well-formed reproductive sphere, this stage usually takes three to ten months from the start of the first menstruation, but more often lasts six months.

However, it is dark secretions that are classified as normal. If the secret has a rich color, and appears 10 days or more before the start of the next menstruation, the causes of this condition should be immediately identified, possibly indicating the presence of diseases or pathologies. It is important to determine the causes of bloody discharge, even if their number is small.

Uterine spiral

Provoke minor bleeding a few days before menstruation can, including intrauterine device. Despite the convenience and ease of use, this effective contraceptive has multiple side effects, including damage to the mucous tissues of the uterine cavity. The main causes of spotting spotting 2 to 4 days before menstruation are damage to the endometrium.

As a rule, the symptom disappears completely after three months from the moment the drug is put on. In the event that the secret continues to be released before menstruation and after the specified amount of time has passed, it is necessary to remove the spiral and choose a different, more suitable method of contraception.

Hormonal contraception

Small problems associated with the appearance of a bloody secret a few days before the onset of menstruation can be triggered, including the use of hormonal contraceptives intended for oral administration. Most often, this happens if a woman takes pills for the first time or changes her usual and used remedy for a new one.

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In this case, at least three to four months are required to restore the cycle and normalize the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Surgical interventions

Brownish mucus, released in small quantities in the middle of the menstrual cycle, that is, about 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation, may be the result of an abortion performed shortly before this. Termination of pregnancy, including in the early stages of gestation, is one of the rather dangerous third-party interventions that radically change the hormonal background. It takes at least three months to restore and normalize the cycle, to stop the appearance of a dark secret.

postpartum period

Bloody discharge a week before menstruation or more is a completely natural sign and a characteristic feature of the postpartum period. After the birth of a child and the completion of lactation, the woman's body recovers gradually, at a slow pace, which is the reason for some failures and menstrual irregularities. Recovery can take from several weeks to several months.

The duration of the period depends on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and the period of childbirth, the state of health of the woman, the presence or absence of diseases of the reproductive system.


A light brownish daub that does not have any smell may be accompanied by ovulation - the natural process of maturation of the next egg. One of the reasons for the appearance of mucous fluids is damage to the mucous tissues of the walls of the uterus, which is possible in the process of egg advancement. A distinctive feature of the secret during the period of ovulation is the period of its appearance - ten to twelve days before the onset of menstruation.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, brown discharge before menstruation is far from always harmless and is the result of the influence of physiological processes. In some cases, such a symptom is referred to as pathological symptoms indicating the development of diseases or pathologies.

It must be emphasized that it is more likely to speak about the presence of a disease only if a woman notes a deterioration in general well-being, the appearance of pain, itching, burning, or discomfort of a different kind. Against the background of such signs, a specialist should be contacted immediately.

Important! It is especially important to immediately contact a specialist if a woman notes a delay in the next menstruation, that is, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Brown discharge after conception can be both the norm and the first sign of a miscarriage.

Venereal diseases

If the mucus is secreted a little, that is, in small quantities, but has a dark saturated color, a sharp unpleasant odor, is accompanied by the occurrence of pain, burning, itching or other symptoms, this may well be a sign of a disease classified as a large group of sexually transmitted diseases , among which:

  • Gonorrhea.
  • Genital herpes.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Ureaplasmosis and others.

The change in the shade and smell of the vaginal secretion between menstruation is due to the development of infectious and inflammatory processes, the development of which is provoked by the negative effect of pathogenic microflora. It should be noted that over time, as well as against the background of the lack of adequate therapy, the volume of biological fluids increases significantly, their color and consistency change in the negative direction.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the most dangerous conditions that can accompany brown discharge after ovulation is an ectopic pregnancy, that is, gestation associated with the fixation of the fetal egg outside the uterine cavity, for example, in the ovaries, tubes or abdominal cavity. In this case, secretions similar to blood are released in moderate amounts only at the initial stages of pathological implantation of the fetal egg. Subsequently, their number increases significantly.

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An ectopic pregnancy is especially dangerous for a woman; untimely detection of pathology can lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and the development of heavy internal bleeding. It should be remembered that such a condition is almost always accompanied by intense, acute, growing pain.

Important! The appearance of blood secretions, accompanied by painful sensations, should immediately contact a medical institution for a diagnosis.

Hormonal disorders

Minor hormonal disorders may well lead to some disruptions in the cycle and become one of the reasons for the appearance of brown mucus at the wrong time. As a rule, hormonal imbalance occurs against the background of changing climatic and time zones, systematically arising stresses, nervous experiences and other problems. The proportional ratio of hormones can also be affected by drugs taken to treat other diseases and pathologies.

Gynecological diseases

One of the most common and frequently identified causes of such an unpleasant and delicate problem as bloody discharge between periods, for example, 3 to 5 days before their onset, is undoubtedly gynecological diseases, the spectrum of which is incredibly wide. At the same time, both a banal thrush and a formidable oncological disease can become the cause of staining the secret in brown.

As diseases diagnosed in the field of gynecology, especially often, they call:

  • Endometritis. The disease is a sluggish inflammatory process that affects the mucous tissues lining the internal cavity of the uterus, which occurs against the background of infection of the body with pathogens. Most often, a brown secret appears in this case two to five days before the onset of the next menstruation.
  • Endometriosis. Despite the somewhat similar name, endometriosis is characterized as a disease associated with the growth and spread of multiple benign neoplasms, such as nodules. At the same time, characteristic nodes affect not only the uterus, but also organs located in the immediate vicinity. The lack of timely treatment in this case can lead to the spread of neoplasms throughout the body.
  • Cervical erosion. One of the most common pathologies that affects every second woman and can occur against the background of any, the most versatile causes, including natural childbirth. With erosion, the appearance of up to monthly spotting for 4 days or more is a completely physiological norm. A brown smearing secret can stand out, including after intercourse. Carrying out therapeutic treatment of pathology is required only if the affected areas have extensive localization. In other cases, only observation of the growth and changes in erosion is required.
  • Myoma of the uterus. Uterine fibroids can also cause the separation of a brown secret. This pathology is one of the benign neoplasms and is practically not accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Many benign, seemingly harmless pathologies, including fibroids or cervical erosion, can cause the growth of a malignant tumor. It is important to remember that any changes in the usual state should first be classified as pathological and contact a specialist to identify the causes, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

Oncological neoplasms exclude a complete recovery. The course of such a dangerous disease can only be suspended, frozen, but there will always be a risk of relapse. In addition, a malignant tumor forever deprives a woman of the opportunity to give birth to healthy offspring, even against the backdrop of successful treatment. It is necessary to pay attention in a timely manner to the alarm bells that the body gives.

Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Brown discharge before menstruation is one of the most common symptoms in gynecology. By their nature throughout the cycle, one can judge the state of the internal genital organs. If spotting before menstruation causes significant discomfort, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, then they are due to an inflammatory, infectious or degenerative process.

When bleeding occurs

The appearance of dark brown discharge occurs in adolescents, mature women before menstruation, after menopause. The main pathological causes of changes in the discharge:

  • Infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis).
  • Neoplasms (polyp, myoma, cancer).
  • Precancerous pathology (erosion, endometrial hyperplasia).
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Premature termination of pregnancy.
  • The divergence of postoperative sutures.
  • Mixing intrauterine device.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Inflammatory processes (acute and chronic endometritis, salpingitis).

Discharge during pregnancy and its termination

What are the causes of bleeding in girls? With an ectopic pregnancy, the egg is attached to the wall of the internal organs (tubes, cervix). It is embedded in the wall of the organ, which causes brown discharge before menstruation. After fertilization of the egg, there may be menstruation, which has a smaller volume than usual. There are also pulling pains in the right or left iliac region.

Bloody discharge may occur at any stage of pregnancy. Its appearance in the period up to 28 weeks is called the threat of spontaneous abortion, after this period - the threat of premature birth. Even a small amount of blood should not be released during a normal pregnancy. Brown discharge means that a detachment of the fetal egg or placenta has occurred.

If you suspect pregnancy and the presence of bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. An ectopic pregnancy leads to such dangerous complications as bleeding. With the threat of interruption, hospitalization is also needed. With the timely administration of drugs, it is possible to carry the fetus to the due date.

Detachable in precancerous pathology

Should I be worried about the appearance of dark discharge before menstruation and what does it mean? This symptom is often found in women over 50 years of age. If menstruation has gone after a 12-month break, endometrial hyperplasia can be suspected. The growth of the inner lining of the uterus does not appear immediately. After a few months, with this disease, there may be heavy menstruation and a violation of the cycle. Pathology is accompanied by daubing, abdominal pain, dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse). In adolescent girls, prolonged bleeding is common. The disease can be detected during treatment for infertility.

If the sign is associated with sexual intercourse, it is necessary to exclude the pathology of the cervix. Can there be brownish discharge 3 days before menstruation? Blood smearing occurs with erosion of the cervix. Dark blood is released after intercourse. Before menstruation, a brown discharge, or "daub" is also observed. They occur due to swelling of the mucous membranes and increased blood circulation. When an ichor is detected, we can talk about the formation of deep erosion.

Detachable in benign neoplasms

Brown discharge before menstruation appears with myoma and uterine polyps. You can smear on any day of the cycle. Cramping pain precedes menstrual bleeding. Uterine fibroids are accompanied by irregular menstruation, and critical days are unusual - they go for more than 8 days, blood clots are released. The abdomen increases in volume, pulling pains appear in the lower sections. Severe bleeding rarely occurs, which is stopped in the conditions of separation.

Why did the ichor appear before menstruation? A cervical polyp causes mucous, purulent, or bloody discharge in women. The dark secret may stand out once or several times a month. The severity of symptoms depends on the size and number of polyps. Fibroids and polyps are classified as benign tumors, however, they require annual monitoring.

If the polyp is damaged or malignant, severe bleeding develops. This is due to the germination of the tumor in large vessels. A lot of blood is released if the polyp has blocked the cervical canal, and menstrual blood has accumulated in it.

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The nature of the discharge changes dramatically with adenomyosis. You can observe the following types of secrets:

  • Burgundy.
  • Red.
  • Dark brown.
  • Chocolate.

Burgundy and red shades are found when fresh blood is released. They are associated with the superficial form of adenomyosis. Dark colors indicate the decay of formed elements and are found in the diffuse form of the disease. Discharge a week before menstruation is a characteristic symptom. Sometimes they come after menstruation.

Discharge after medical procedures

If the intrauterine device is incorrectly installed, blood and severe pain appear. Violation of the installation technique is fraught with incomplete perforation of the uterus. This condition is accompanied by bleeding of varying intensity, pain syndrome, which is difficult to stop with the help of drugs. If the installation is performed on a stenotic neck, it may rupture.

Bleeding between periods occurs when a hormonal intrauterine device is installed. It is a rare side effect and should disappear 3 months after installation.

“If iron deficiency anemia develops or bleeding continues for more than 3 cycles, the coil is removed.”

What are the other causes of bleeding? This symptom occurs after surgery. The ichor accompanies the normal healing period, but may indicate a divergence of the sutures. If clots appear, a vessel stump rupture is suspected. The cause may be high blood pressure, improper suture technique. The divergence of the seams is a painful process, it happens when the postoperative regime is not followed.

Blood smearing in infections and inflammatory processes

Discharge with blood can be with venereal diseases. If the symptom is accompanied by itching, burning during urination, an unpleasant odor, it is necessary to take smears for microflora.

Such symptoms correspond to two conditions: the chronic stage of sexually transmitted infections or reduced immunity. Bacteria penetrate into the deep layers and spread to the uterus and appendages. Blood smearing in venereal diseases is an unfavorable sign. Left untreated, infections can lead to infertility, sepsis, and joint damage (Reiter's syndrome).

In inflammatory processes, blood also appears in the uterine cavity. It gives the discharge a light or dark brown tint. Endometritis is accompanied by dull aching pain in the lower abdomen and an unpleasant odor. In the acute form of the disease, the temperature rises and the stomach hurts. Detachable in the form of an ichor or with an admixture of pus. In chronic endometritis, the symptoms are less pronounced. The menstrual cycle is disturbed - the discharge is scarce or plentiful. Possible uterine bleeding, pain during intercourse, aching pain in the lower abdomen.

When to ask for help

In addition to the detachable brown color, the following signs indicate the pathology:

  • Bad smell.
  • Discomfort.
  • Lots of secrets.
  • An admixture of blood.
  • Itching or burning.
  • Redness of the labia.

The cause for concern is the duration of hemorrhage - more than 3 days. You need to seek help if you have the following symptoms: dark brown discharge occurred in the middle of the cycle, body temperature increased, there is pain in the lower abdomen. After normal intercourse, there should also be no brown discharge. If they appear every time, you need to give up sex for the period of examination.

It is possible to determine the cause only after examining a gynecologist and passing tests. The survey includes the following steps:

  • A smear from the vagina and cervix for microflora, cytological examination.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  • Hysteroscopy and hysterography.
  • Biopsy.
  • Diagnostic curettage.
  • CT, MRI.

They also conduct a general clinical study of blood and urine, the determination of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands, sex hormones, antibodies to sexually transmitted infections.

The first signs of the approaching "critical days" can be precisely in the form of dark secretions smearing underwear. This can happen several hours before the menstruation itself, and even a few days, a week before them. The day when such discharge before menstruation was noticed is the day the menstrual cycle is counted.

Caution prompts you to think about whether brown discharge before menstruation should be considered a symptom of any disease.

Situations when you should not be afraid

There are several situations when the dark color of the discharge before the onset of menstruation can be considered normal. If you have one of these situations, drop all fears.

Here are the situations:

  • stress;
  • sharp fluctuations in body weight;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives.

Stress is not uncommon in our turbulent and unstable life. Stress also affects the hormonal system, which manifests itself in the form of brown discharge. As soon as your nerves return to normal after stress, the hormonal background also normalizes. There are no reasons for alarm.

With a sharp weight loss or a sharp weight gain, the hormonal system also reacts with a surge. As soon as the body weight stabilizes at a new level, the hormonal system will also calm down, there will be no brown discharge.

Hormonal contraceptives directly affect the production of certain hormones, so do not be surprised by brown discharge. Stop taking hormonal drugs - and everything will return to normal, do not torture yourself with guesses what this means.

White discharge before period

In most cases, white discharge before menstruation does not signal anything bad, they are natural: the body protects the genital area from infection with moisture. White discharge - such as a healthy woman should have. An exception is situations when such secretions are accompanied by any unpleasant sensations.

Sometimes you can suspect something is wrong:

  • discharge smells;
  • genitals itch;
  • a burning sensation is felt.

Any discomfort with vaginal discharge is a reason to be wary and pay a visit to the doctor.

pink discharge before period

In most cases, pink discharge before menstruation should not cause alarm: a drop of blood released during ovulation gives a pink color to white discharge.

The pink color of the discharge may indicate the body's reaction to taking hormonal contraceptives. Over time, the body adapts to the drug taken and there will be no more pink discharge. If an intrauterine device is used for contraception, this can also cause pink discharge.

In general, the appearance of blood in the discharge may mean that something is wrong in the genital area.

Bleeding may be a symptom of:

  • endometritis;
  • endocervicitis;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • uterine cancer.

Make a visit to the doctor to check if you are developing any of the listed diseases.

Dark discharge before menstruation can be of a different shade, sometimes they are almost black. If the discharge is accompanied by discomfort, there is a reason to visit a doctor, because the dark color may be caused by an admixture of blood.

On the global network, you can find photos that show samples of discharge of different shades. Going to the doctor is the right decision.

Brown period - brown discharge before period

Various kinds of discharge before menstruation are considered the norm, if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. If you suspect any pathology, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

  • All phases of the cycle are of great importance. Before menstruation, women often notice discharge in themselves.
  • Density, color and other features of secretions indicate the presence of gynecological pathologies or their absence.

Women often ask questions: should there be discharge before menstruation, and what is their consistency considered normal?

  • Before menstruation, the norm is swelling of the mammary glands, mild pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp change in mood and secretions of a certain nature.
  • During the entire cyclical period, a woman undergoes a change in hormonal levels.
  • Therefore, the secretions released from the vagina change the composition, color and volume.

Important: Before menstruation, progesterone levels increase, and estrogen levels decrease. Because of this, during this period, vaginal secretions become uncharacteristic.

Normal discharge before period

Normal discharge before menstruation - what should they be?

Secretions before menstruation should not have any smell. Normal whites are creamy in consistency. In some women, they may be white or slightly cloudy. Such secretions are normal and should not cause alarm.

Important: During this period, the volume of leucorrhoea also increases, most women even note increased humidity of the external genitalia.

Normal secretions before menstruation include a small amount of blood discharge. Their popular name is "daub". They may appear 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation.

Important: Women who take oral contraceptive pills do not notice such a change in their body - this is not a sign of any pathology.

In a teenage girl, vaginal secretions also appear in front. They should be sparse, liquid or thick. The lack of odor distinguishes such leucorrhea from a foul-smelling discharge, which can be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Transparent secretions in women of reproductive age before menstruation are necessary to moisturize the walls of the vagina and are a barrier to the penetration of bad bacteria into the reproductive system of the body. Liquid discharge before menstruation is mucus, which is produced by the tissue of the cervix and exfoliated particles of the body of the uterus.

Important: Such secretions are considered normal if they do not cause itching, burning and other discomfort.

Remember: If you have discomfort in the vagina or inguinal area, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor, you should urgently contact a antenatal clinic. This may indicate the development of a serious pathology.

  • Secretions mixed with blood before menstruation are considered normal.
  • This means that your period is coming soon.
  • For many ladies, such secretions appear 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation.
  • Abundant red discharge before menstruation indicates the presence of pathology in the girl's body
  • However, this can be observed in women who have an intrauterine device installed.

Secretions of red color in a large volume can occur when such dangerous diseases occur in the body:

  • Various lesions of the endometrium
  • Serious hormonal imbalance
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • uterine fibroids

Important: Do not self-medicate! Do not put off going to the gynecologist, no matter what the secretions before menstruation were provoked.

Be careful: You will not be able to determine the cause of spotting on your own, and self-confidence can cost your health. After all, many diseases of the reproductive function require urgent treatment.

The most innocuous cause of dark-colored secretions is improperly selected oral contraceptives. It is not recommended to change them on your own, you should seek help from the attending gynecologist.

Important: If a woman does not take contraceptives, but she is tormented by the question: why is there brown discharge before menstruation, then you should contact a antenatal clinic.

In gynecology, there are pathologies that occur with manifestations in the form of brown discharge:

  • endometriosis
  • endometritis
  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia
  • Ectopic pregnancy

Important: The cervix constantly produces secretions, but dark-colored secretions are a deviation from the norm, requiring immediate contact with the doctor of the gynecological department or center.

This type of secretion is the absolute norm - this is the stage of preparing the uterus for rejection of the upper layer of the uterine body. Curdled discharge before menstruation should not disturb a woman if they do not have such signs:

  • Itching and bad smell
  • Pain during intimacy with a partner
  • Redness and swelling of the external genitalia

Important: If you experience the above symptoms, a woman should consult a doctor for advice.

Secretions that do not cause discomfort, a jelly-like consistency of yellow color are also the norm. You need to contact a gynecologist if the cycle has become and yellowish discharge before menstruation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bad smell
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain during sexual contact with a partner
  • Itching of the labia, vagina

If the secretory function of the gonads works without failures, then abundant secretions in a woman before menstruation should not cause suspicion. Almost every woman from time to time may experience heavy discharge before menstruation.

The reasons for their appearance include such functions of the body:

  • In the first hours after unprotected intercourse, the cervix is ​​cleansed
  • Hormonal changes, preparation of the uterus for conception
  • The onset of pregnancy

Important: If secretions of this nature are observed constantly, with non-standard impurities and consistency, then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. This will help eliminate the presence of pathology and maintain women's health.

  • As mentioned above, light secretions in a woman before menstruation are normal.
  • A woman should be calm about white discharge before menstruation
  • The reasons for their occurrence include the secretion of the cervix, which is constantly working, creating a normal microflora for the movement of spermatozoa.
  • The body is preparing to reject the upper layer of the endometrium, so leucorrhoea appears

Itching, burning, pain during intimacy with a partner, severe pain in the lower abdomen - all these are symptoms of gynecological diseases. What does itching and discharge before menstruation mean?

This may indicate not only gynecological pathologies, but also inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

Important: Do not ignore the signals of your body - consult a doctor!

If you delay the trip to the clinic, then a number of concomitant diseases may occur. In this case, diagnosis and treatment will be much more difficult. Indeed, in medicine it is important to identify exactly the cause of the appearance of a particular disease. Therefore, trust the doctors and watch your health.

Video: Discharge before menstruation

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