Passage (Second option). Walkthrough (second option) Resident evil 4 se game walkthrough

Separate Ways is an additional scenario in the game Resident Evil 4, which opens after completing the main portion of the plot as Leon. In this scenario, you will have to control the adorable and elusive Ada Wong, a lady in a red dress. This scenario will also shed light on many of the misunderstandings and holes in the main scenario. I am sure it will be interesting!

Separate Ways

Episode 1 - Yes The Bell Tolls ...

Note: The items indicated in the walkthrough are divided into 2 categories. Some are obtained without fail, others can be obtained by breaking boxes, barrels, etc. The latter are not constant and are indicated in parentheses, that is, instead of them, you can get something else or nothing at all.

So, we start the first mission in the role of Ada, our former companion, in order to get small additions to the plot, as well as to eliminate some empty places in it.

The area should be painfully familiar to you, since we ran here more than once in the role of Leon. Yes, we again find ourselves in the central square of the village of Pueblo, where the fire is burning again. Ada disembarks from a helicopter and discreetly watches the inhabitants, when suddenly the peasants notice her and attack her from behind with a pitchfork at the ready. It should be noted that Ada is very dexterous and moves through the air like the wind. In addition to weapons, she has a unique harpoon called the Thrower. Unfortunately, she will not be able to use it in battle, but with its help she can jump over obstacles and catch on to something in order to escape from enemies. Now we, in principle, observe how Ada easily slips between the inhabitants, and then hooks up the man with the help of an impromptu loop on the leg, which helps to eliminate the second one.

Ada notes that the inhabitants do not seem to be hunting her alone. She notices an old acquaintance, Leon, who is shooting back at the fire from the approaching wave of residents. Having received the appropriate order, Ada goes to help Leon ...

Immediately from the start, the villagers attack us. Dealing with a few forays is worth a shot at the kneecap and then running up and kicking the enemy while he is on his knees or with his back to you. If the reptile still wants to get to his feet, then this should be prevented by our knife, in order to save cartridges. It should be borne in mind that although their flow from time to time will weaken, but in the end they will arrive in story clips. So there is a good opportunity to earn some money. Ada, like Leon at one time, has the opportunity to buy weapons, though not by upgrading it. It already has great starting power, which will help us. In addition, she can increase her life with the help of the Yellow Grass, so try not to miss them. However, I will not let you do this, since I will definitely indicate the location of all things and objects in the locations. Well, do not forget to collect from the defeated enemies somehow. Ada's missions are small, and it will take a lot of money.

Having dealt with a couple from an ordinary pistol, you can, in principle, just run around the village, shooting everything that moves, well, maybe, except for chickens. Along the way, collecting useful items and watching videos. Well, if you want, then you can follow my advice and start on the left, gradually moving to the right side of the territory. Please note that as you progress, the items received by me will be indicated in parentheses, since they change randomly from time to time, and you will most likely receive other items. The same is with the treasures that drop out of the inhabitants.

To our left is the passage to the church, which is still closed, so we need to find the key. By the way, Leon is shooting not far away. After running along the left wall and killing another bully, take Red Grass on your right on a cart and Yellow Grass by breaking the box also on another cart.

We run along the cow paddock and turn onto the path to the left, going uphill. Here to the right of us is a shed, where it is advisable to break 2 boxes (received Grenade - Flash). We get down back down and run straight to the stop behind the house (where Leon was hiding at first). Green grass still in place, apparently Leon decided to leave it to us. Well, do not waste good ... If there are no obstacles in front, then we also do not forget to grab on the wood in front of the box Red Grass, well, if the residents have already tracked your movements and are attacking in a small group, then it's time to get the Shotgun and mark them right in the head, so that they die faster.

Now, when no one bothers us, we make our way into the house through the window that we ran when we took the Red Grass. In it you can get a pack of cartridges for the pistol, and after breaking all the barrels and boxes, get a few more items ( Incendiary Grenade, Shot Cartridges for Shotgun). At this moment, we will be shown a video that Leon still managed to hide in the house, well, well. We run out through the door and run into another resistance. It's good that the girl with the chainsaw is not yet running after us, let Leon deal with her. As soon as we ran out to the central square, we noticed that some local pigeon brought a valuable thing with him and left it on the roof of one of the houses. We need to get it, but, first of all, we should cool the ardor of the approaching inhabitants.

It’s time, by the way, to deceive the house where Leon had already visited. Breaking 2 barrels on the 1st floor and taking a pack of cartridges, we run to the 2nd floor. There used to be a Shotgun hanging here, which we couldn't have gotten anyway, since Ada would have thought Leon would need it. In principle, that's right, because we already have one. You can break the glass at the sideboard, and then pick up from the bedside table 1200 pst and cartridges with shot from the bed, then jump through the window leading to the roof of the attached shed, and run around the shed of the house to pick up Spinel... Now get ready to shoot with the Shotgun. This canopy is a very good place to shoot the residents, as they will attack you both from the window of the house and from the stairs. So we just have to conduct defensive fire and collect useful items. I killed at least 15 villagers before they ran out! After that, we jump down to the fire again.

It's time to use the Thrower for the first time to jump onto the roof of the house in front of us and finally pick up Key of the Sign and take shelter for a while inside the house. The house has the following items: White Chicken Egg on a saucer, Gray Pomegranate On the floor, Mask on a bed in a locked room. He gets knocked down by knife strikes, and also check the barrels and boxes ( 1100 pst, shot cartridges). After that, the inhabitants will again become brutal and run to distribute. If there is a chance, then a red or gray grenade can be used against the crowd, if not, then the Shotgun should help.

Now we run along the path leading to the gray-eastern gate. On the way we meet a couple of sheds. On the left is White Chicken Egg, and in the right pack of cartridges... At the gate itself you can pick up Spinel... Another barn is located right behind the house where Leon was hiding. Drawers on the table are waiting in the wings. Please note that the residents, apparently, are extraordinary lovers of eggs, since as soon as we steal an egg from the table, they will immediately come running to give you a thrashing. Arrange a demonstration shooting of amateur eggs. When you return to the fire, you will notice how a whole crowd is running after Leon, which must not so much be thinned out as cleaned out. Now it remains to collect only shot cartridges and Spinel at the western gate, through which Leon ran into this village in his scenario, repel another attack of the inhabitants and you can open the passage leading to the church with the key found.

Outside the door we will find a merchant, a box with a snake ( White Chicken Egg) and a pack of cartridges... You can also save the game here. From the merchant, you need to purchase a Mission Card with treasures and TMP, we will need the Medium Case later - along with the Rifle and Stock. But you should start saving money for it. In the meantime, it's time to move on.

* It's worth noting that it is Ada who meets the merchant for the first time, not Leon! How many more surprises await us on this route ?!

Let's open the far door and break the barrel on the left, in the place of which we will find Green Grass... Then we go down through the hatch. We take a pack of cartridges at the candles on the right and shot cartridges by the candles on the left. The path will lead us just to the central hall. Are lying on the floor here cartridges for TMP, 1000 pst, and in the niche there is a box with Green Stone... You will hear the sounds of residents approaching. Oddly enough, they are advancing from the passage behind you. It turns out they followed you down the aisle. It's time to grab the Shotgun. When we collect all the treasures from the cooling bodies, we proceed further along the passage only in order to engage in a new battle. Residents, in principle, do not pose any threat, moreover, they walk at once in groups, which cannot but rejoice. We will gut their bodies from any trunk. Now we get out of the tunnel and get to the cemetery.

We deal with a lonely woman with a pistol and a knife, after which, for the sake of pleasure, you can shoot at the crows sitting on the grave crosses. This is a very profitable occupation. Now we return to the well from which we just got out, and examine the top of the tree next to it. Remember, there must be a nest there. Having shot him, we get Gray Pomegranate... We return to the epicenter of developing events and pass by the graves until we find the Red Stone. Again, we shoot back from a lonely inhabitant in a safe passage near the well, since where there is one, there will soon be others. After shooting well, we go into the barn on the right. Here lie pack of cartridges and 2 boxes containing Yellow Grass(and another one pack of cartridges). We go up the path leading to the church, where we will meet with 2 more believers. There is a beehive on the tree opposite the bell, knocking it down, we get a pack of cartridges... The doors of the Church are firmly closed, and even with a strange key that we have to find.

We follow the path from the church leading to the east. We move along the bridges, simultaneously shooting the builders. There are 2 boxes in the shed on the left. At the bottom is a snake that can bring us White Chicken Egg(at the top I took 1100 pst). Further descent will lead us to a girl with a chainsaw and her friends, guarding a valuable item. Be sure to only wield the Shotgun, because if the chainsaw gets to you, you will die in any case with 1 hit! Moreover, it is advisable to save ammunition and aim at the head. When the sound of the chainsaw dies down, you can take Green Cat's Eye and 3000 pst... We return to the church, and we pass along the path that bends around it on the right, straight to the central pedestal. We have already met this mechanism in the game for Leon, and as we understand it, the solution has not changed: 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. In view of not tricky manipulations, we can make it so that they stay on fire only 3 symbols depicted on the graves of twins in the cemetery. For this we will receive a Round Sign that opens the doors of the church, but the gate to the courtyard in which we are located will close immediately after two residents run in there. To rectify the situation, we immediately insert the previously found Green Cat's Eye in the place of the Round Sign, as a result of which the lattice will rise again. After killing the disgruntled residents, and then their help, we go into the church.

* Note that it was Ada who put Green Cat's Eye on the pedestal, which Leon finds a little later!

Praying residents with pitchforks and axes are visible ahead. What blasphemy! It's time to end this! After destroying everyone, let's not forget to pick up a pack of cartridges. It is worth considering the fact that one inhabitant can jump from above, hearing the sounds of shots. When it gets quiet again, go behind the right niche in the church to break the barrel and get the Flash Grenade. Here we will find the last Purple Stone... You can now fully assemble the Mask. Then we pass into the left niche and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor. It is not worth jumping on the chandelier, but it is only necessary to soak one brow that prevents us from going forward. There are a couple of his comrades nearby, and one of them may be hiding at the end of the aisle behind barrels! We break the barrels, (I got a pack of cartridges and 9000 pst) and return to the light mechanism. As you may have guessed, you need to combine the 3 glowing circles again to get the central one. The riddle is easy and not difficult at all, so you can handle it without my prompts. This will set off a chain reaction that will cause the bell to ring. We will be shown how the villagers flee in the midst of the battle towards the church, leaving Leon alone!

* See how interesting! It turns out that Ada used the bell mechanism and saved Leon at the very beginning of the game!

After that, we get the statistics of our episode and Ada's report on this episode. You can save the game.

Episode 2 - Save Lewis

At the beginning of the episode, we are shown Ada chatting about pressing issues with Wesker. He orders her to rescue Lewis, a former police officer who may have any information about the activities of the Los Illuminatos organization. Ada puts the book down on the table, and control passes to us.

We find ourselves in an equally familiar and interesting place - the room of the Chief of the village. Nearby is a Merchant who, for a certain fee, will offer us a Mission Card 2 and a Medium Case, which you simply need to purchase. Take in the closet 1000 pst, in a drawer pack of cartridges, White Chicken Egg from the box. Now go back a little to the well, leaving the house by the stairs, to where the treasure is marked on the map. On the way we will shoot 3 crows and in the barn on the right we will take Spinel from a box and a barrel ( cartridges for TMP). Do not forget to shoot the stick holding the cover of the well and only then shoot at Bronze Watch to pick them up. At the moment, Hell does not want to climb into the well of Hell, since her goal is in a completely different direction, so we return to the house.

We go through the door in the Chief's room and take from the nightstand under the Sadlerovsky portrait 2000 pst... We go down the stairs to the 1st floor and go into the door under it. This is the toilet, where we see a woman, clearly intending to take advantage of the free moment and sit alone. It was not so. Let's scatter her dreams to sail for herself. When examining the toilet, Ada will rightly notice that there is no smell of hygiene here. Also on the 1st floor there is a resident who loves to read local literature, since death from our cannon will find him right at the bookshelf. In this room, behind the glass in the sideboard, you can take Gray Pomegranate, and in the nightstand 250 pst... Now we stomp into the kitchen, where we take out the chicken from the oven, which leaves us as a gift Golden Egg!

Now you can go out into the street, where a friend with a chainsaw and his friends are already waiting for us. We deal with them in the usual way, after which we get Ruby... In the heat of battle, do not forget to pick up on the right on the wood a pack of cartridges.

Ahead, on a tree next to the barn, we will see a nest in which there is pack of cartridges... There is still a whole horde of residents ahead of us, with whom it is better to deal with them right away, and only then return to the barn to get Red Grass... In addition, a little further from the barn, there is another nest with cartridges for TMP... After that we return to the central part of the village.

The village looks calmer than last time, and all the crates are back in place, so be sure to check all the nooks and crannies for useful items: Green Grass on the wood behind the house by the hidden path, 600 pst in a box, a little further, cartridges for TMP, a pack of cartridges where the Yellow Grass used to be. By the way, as soon as you meet at least one inhabitant, others will come running to the noise, so be prepared to meet them with dignity. Climbing the stairs to the tower, you can get shot cartridges, one more shot cartridges are on the bed in the house, on the roof of which at the beginning of the game the bird brought us the Key of the Sign, a pair of barrels can also bring treasures ( 2 shot rounds, 900 pst). On the 1st floor of the house where Leon was hiding from the residents, you can take a pack of cartridges, as well as some of the barrels ( 500 pst, 1200 pst). On the 2nd floor in the sideboard behind the glass there is a Brown Egg, and if you run along the bridges on the roof, you can get another pack of cartridges. Be sure to also check all 3 barns near the northeast exit of the city for cartridges with Shot and other useful items. After that, passing through the large doors, we find ourselves on the farm.

In the barrel next to the typewriter is 1100 pst... Here you can save the game, and then arrange a public execution of the owners of the farm. Don't forget to take to the left of the barn Spinel hanging over the well. A barrel is hidden in the pasture behind a small barn containing Brown Egg... Also from a variety of barrels you can pick up Gray Pomegranate, one more Brown Egg, 900 pst, 1000 pst and cartridges for TMP... In a large house on the right from the nightstands you can get cartridges for TMP, 1000 pst, rifle cartridges... Pay special attention to the traps that are installed at one of the exits from the farm. Climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor, climb out the window and run along the bridges to the northeastern exit, where the last resident is standing, whom you need to finish off and break the boxes that he was guarding ( Gray Pomegranate). After that, we return to the bridges and jump off the edge of the window located directly opposite the window through which we climbed out here to get into the inner utility room, where A gold bracelet... It is also worth paying attention to the roof of the cow stall, where you can climb with the Thrower, if you stand next to it, where you can pick up Spinel... Now we pass to the exit from the farm.

After going down the side of the hill, lift your head up. You should see a bridge with a couple of inhabitants on it. In order to get there, you need to go a little towards the tunnel and use the Thrower, just do not go far from the bridge. Deal with annoying residents first, and then collect Birshtein and 1300 pst... Further, after passing through the tunnel, we will rejoice at the next warm welcome. Residents are already greeting us with fireworks. True, for them it may end badly. The main thing is to quickly deal with the residents throwing grenades, and with the rest of the problems are not foreseen. In the shed on the left there are 2 boxes ( 900 pst, 1000 pst). Oddly enough, the door to the house is closed, so let's look for a workaround. In a tree next to the house, a nest containing Spinel... One more Spinel can be found in a box lying on the ground on the right side of the house. After that, we return to our miners and bombard the house until everyone is bent and we cannot pick up legitimate prizes: 1000 pst and 1700 pst... Having passed into the next room, we watch a video in which we see how Leon and Lewis are taken away in an unknown direction.

It looks like you have to make a small detour. We return in our own footsteps to the tunnel, and at the exit we deal with the residents who arrived in time. We'll avenge them for Leon.

* As you probably remember - these were the same bastards who threw a huge boulder on Leon!

We return to the farm, where new items have appeared: shot cartridges, Spinel in front of the barn with the game save, pack of cartridges, on the wood next to the same shed, perhaps Golden Egg in the pasture for cows and 300 pst next to the typewriter. You can save the game. Since a new meeting awaits us soon.

In Pueblo, residents do not want to calm down, but only take revenge for the deaths of their comrades, so we will have to take up the defensive again. Soon we will see a whole crowd rushing in our direction, which can be dealt with with a grenade. Unlike the farm, the treasures in the central square do not recover as quickly, so the most we can hope for is unnecessary. White Chicken Egg... Moving along the path leading to the Chef's house, we will find a strangely dressed inhabitant who stole Leon's jacket. Do zombies know a lot about fashionable clothes?

* This is what happened to Leon's jacket. Do not forget to nail the reptile, as it will still not work to deliver the jacket to our friend.

Soon we will see a video in which the Chief returns home, and as soon as we run closer to the house, we will find a battle between Leon and Chief. The odds will clearly not be on Leon's side, so Ada decides to help him and shoots Chief, as a result of which he jumps out of the window, trying to grab Ada. Meanwhile, Ada is surrounded by locals, it looks like we are trapped. A well-aimed shot with a dart with sleeping pills, and here we are already lying on the sacrificial altar. Get ready to press the active buttons so that Ada avoids dismemberment. However, a small scar will still remain on our leg, for which we will avenge the Three Ganados. After the battle, do not forget to take Green Cat's Eye from the chest on the right, and then go down the stairs.

* Please note that the blood on the altar, which Leon will see a little later, was the blood of Ada! So that's the plot twist.

Here again they will try to blow up us with sticks of dynamite. Let's teach them a lesson in handling fire and take it from the left barrel Green Grass... Now we need to get the key to the large doors, so we run towards the booth control room, where we find it on the table Iron Key... In lockers, you can take Yellow Grass and shot cartridges... There is also a merchant selling old assortments. It's time to get the Semi-Automatic Rifle and the Sight for it. After that, we run to the place where the typewriter is located on the map, and take rifle cartridges... You can save the game if you like. It may not even be superfluous. Further forward - to the large gate.

We run around the garage on the right along the path to pick up Yellow Grass and Red Cat's Eye... Get ready, there is a very interesting battle ahead of us. No, not with Chef Mendez. As you remember, Leon fought with him, Ada will have a simpler opponent: just a girl with a chainsaw and a bunch of residents. We shoot everyone, without hesitation, we will collect the prizes later. Please note that help will arrive in time from the street, and inside the garage there is a barrel of fuel, which, when exploded, has a tremendous effect. And outside the room there is much more room for maneuvers. How we deal with everyone, we will pick up cartridges for TMP, Green Grass, cartridges with shot and Incendiary Grenade below and also Red Grass, a pack of cartridges up. From the girl's body we will pick up the Elevator Activation Key.

After that, we will approach the exit from this area. The door in front of us is closed, but no one prevents us from using the Thrower to get to the other side. We run forward to pick up from the ground Spinel and a pack of cartridges from the boxes on the right. In the sheds you can pick up a pack of cartridges, cartridges with shot, cartridges for TMP, Incendiary Grenade and also break the box to the right of the sheds. There are several barrels at the top, which can also be reached with the help of the Thrower. From the upper left side along the canyon you can take cartridges with shot, and from the upper right side Yellow Cat's Eye and Spray of Help... Outside the next gate awaits us Red Grass and the boss.

Boss: El Giganto

First, we run past the monster to the gate in front and take Green Grass... After that, you can score on the battle with him and go further through the doors, or meet danger face to face. At this point in the game, Ada has a much more powerful weapon than Leon had at one time, so it will not be difficult for her to deal with this giant with the help of TMP. You know the strategy of fighting, the main thing is to press the active buttons in time and shoot only in the head. For the victory we will receive well deserved 10000 pst.

We leave through the doors towards a lonely house, where Leon, Lewis and Ashley were hiding from the invasion of monsters. We see Lewis leaving the house on business and bumping into Ada. Ada builds up unnecessary disinterest, but is ultimately glad that everything is in order with her goal. Lewis notices that Ada is not very talkative, to which the girl replies that there is something he better not know about her so that he has less headache. Lewis leaves Ada alone. End of episode. After listening to Ada's reports, you can save the game.

… To be continued …

Several options for fighting the boss.

Description of "comrade"

In general, it is correct to write comrade, but Americans have their own opinion ... Let's start as usual with information. Jack Krauser - Appears in chapter 5-3.

But we see him himself in one of the previous clips, where Sadler orders him to remove Leon. The first face-to-face meeting takes place at the beginning of the chapter via a QTE in the clip, it turns out that Krauser and Leon are familiar. This is confirmed by one of the games in the series, namely Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles. There, the topic of the relationship between two "friends" is more disclosed. Krauser was believed to have died two years before RE4. It turned out he survived and it was he who kidnapped Ashley. The next meeting place with him is in the ruins at the end of the chapter, where Krauser built an obstacle course. In order to pass, you need to collect three parts of the fresco picture: The first is in a room with columns, the second is at the top of the tower, and the third is at Krauser. The fight is divided into two phases, in each of which it has its own attacks:

1) Occurs before hitting the tower. Here Krauser is immortal, but not invulnerable. He attacks with TMP, grenades, a bow with explosive shells and a knife. Moreover, he attacks in a different sequence, with the exception of the final attack with a knife. The tactic against him is as follows - if you see Krauser with a TMP or a bow in his hands, shoot him in the head, it will stun him and interrupt the attack. If you see a grenade, try to hit it in the air or dodge it. If you see a knife, then get yours. With a knife, Krauser attacks in different ways - if he runs at you, then there will be QTE now, if he walks slowly, it means he will just hit, wait for the moment when he is near and chop off his head. Sometimes Krauser makes ambushes, but he can be figured out by the shadow on the floor. We saw, take out your weapon and aim in that direction, as soon as it sticks out - shoot. As soon as he gets enough damage, he will run away by throwing a flash and noise grenade, it can be shot down in flight.

When approaching the tower, Krauser will launch drones on you. They die from one pistol shot, so they pose no threat.

2) In the tower, after you pick up the second part of the picture, Krauser will attack in full force. But this time he will be mortal (well, almost mortal, he will be overwhelmed by Ada in her script). Here, his attacks are melee to one and all. It is not difficult to dodge them, Krauser, like the dock of Salvador, needs to be bypassed to the left, then he will miss or press the QTE keys, but does not help from all attacks. And the attacks themselves are as follows: A sharp lunge forward - the attack works even at a medium distance, Krauser pulls his hand back, growls and strikes sharply forward. Overhead strike is a powerful attack, Krauser jumps up, rolls and hits the ground, the attack is useful because it temporarily makes him very vulnerable to player attacks (plus you can dodge just by running under Krauser). A blow from below - a sharp chopping movement from the bottom up, very fast, difficult to dodge, but only works close. Kicking is the same technique as Leon, but it does it twice, and you also need to dodge yourself. Sweep - makes a sweep with a foot and, if possible, tries to nail with a blow from above, we also dodge on our own.

In general, the boss is tricky and one of the most interesting. And also a very smart devil. When mutated, the right arm forms an impenetrable shield, so the legs become the only vulnerable spot. We hit them, and when it opens, we attack the head. The ideal weapon is a shotgun. You can also use a magnum, but accuracy is needed here. Also use TMP, it will quickly take a bunch of HP to him. Rifles, pistols do not help much, the former are too slow, the latter are too weak. A time limit for the battle can be added to the difficulties, but usually a minute is enough.

Methods of reprisals

  1. Conventional weapon- as already mentioned, a shotgun, or a magnum and TMP. We shoot and dodge in time.
  2. Explosives- only grenades, the grenade launcher shoots too slowly and explodes, the harm from it will be more than good. As a last resort, use it as a finishing weapon when the Krauser opens. With the RPG-7, everything is clear anyway. I will not give a video, the explosives work too badly on it.
  3. Knife- works better than a magnum, honestly! After 4-5 hits to the head, Krauser glues the flippers. The tactics are the same as with the dock, i.e. we provoke him to attack. After an attack, he almost always slowly returns to form, this should be used. Walk around to the left, turn around, chop off the torso, and then the head. Ideally, if he does an overhead kick, he gets up the slowest after him.
  4. Combined method- all the previous ones together. The combination of shotgun-knife, magnum-knife works great. We shoot at the legs, run up and chop off the head.

Six years have passed since the tragedy in Racon City. "Umbrella" no longer exists, everything seems to be calm ... No matter how it is ... Leon, the protagonist of the second part of the game, got a new job, and here is his first serious task: to find the kidnapped daughter of the President of the United States. The thread led to an unknown European country, apparently - to Spain, where a missing girl should be in a lost village.

Chapter 1-1

Walk a little along the path until you reach the crows. These creatures are fraught with many unusual things, ranging from cartridges with grenades, ending with medicinal herbs and boxes of gold. To get to the trophies, you need to shoot the birds. Just remember that after the first shot the crows will take off and have to be shot down in the air. Try to aim as accurately as possible, the ammo is also not infinite.

After the brutal massacre of the birds, enter the house and chat with a local resident. He will refuse to make contact and will start waving an ax. Shoot the weirdo and examine the body. Not like a zombie. But somehow strange.

Now you can't just leave the house, three local residents are waiting outside. We'll have to fight our way through. Climb to the second floor, pick up the cartridges from the table and jump out the window. Having dealt with the enemy, break the barrel next to the cart and run to the bridge. There is no way back, you have to go further.

In a small hut by the road, you can record the game. Next, find the dog that is trapped. Free her and get invaluable help in the future. Near the second signpost you will find red grass, just be careful not to fall into a trap. Also, the road is blocked by guy wires in several places. Go around them or shoot explosives to clear the way. There are a few steps left to the village. But I don’t think that what you see will please you.

Residents burn the corpse of a police officer in the square, while muttering something under their breath and sweeping the streets. Unfortunately, the collision still cannot be avoided, so we will try to make the most of it.

We act in such a way as to get the maximum amount of money, but I warn you that it will be difficult. First, run through the village to get the attention of the villagers. Then try to exit through the gate next to the tower. A second squad will appear, led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. Now run to the large house with a fence in the northeast. This will attract a bunch of more residents and the second guy with the chainsaw.

Now we can get down to wrestling. Barricade the door to buy time. Go up to the second floor, grab the shotgun from the wall (the cartridges are nearby) and break the glass of the sideboard to get to the grenade. If you have time, you can pick up other things.

Position yourself so that you can see the window and stairs. Gradually, residents will begin to catch up. Shoot them down with shotgun shots, and when a large crowd gathers, throw a grenade. Everyone who is hit by the explosion will die. Including chainsaw maniacs who kill in one hit.

It remains to finish off the survivors, wait for the bell to ring and start collecting trophies. From the inhabitants you will receive a standard set of prizes, from two maniacs - a ruby ​​and 10,000 pesetas. If you can't create something like that, then start the battle right on the square. It will be many times easier, at least you won't have to fight with maniacs, but the prey is much poorer.

Now it's time to start plundering the village. In the house where the defense was held, in addition to the listed things, you will also find cartridges for a pistol and baskets, they are located on the first floor. Find a gem at the eastern wall. On the chimney of a neighboring house are cartridges for a pistol (you can get there by jumping out of the window).

In the northwest house you will find herbs (they are on the shed) and pistol cartridges. In one of the small huts there is an interesting document. In the southwest corner of the grass. If you knock the lock on the barn, you will get a lot of useful things. Next to the church are pistol cartridges, and on the tower are shotgun ammunition.

There is nothing else to do here, so go to the farm. Before you rush into battle, record the game. There are not so many inhabitants, so methodically go around and clear the area. When you destroy the enemy, you can start looting. By the way, do not forget about chickens, eggs fall out of them.

Read the blue ad to trigger a mini-game. There are fifteen medallions hung in the village that need to be collected. They are displayed on the map, so there should be no problem finding them. If you shoot at least ten, get a prize.

There is a sump near the typewriter hut. Knock down the board to lower the lid, and then shoot down the medallion hanging on the tree. By the way, if you knock off the medallion without lowering the lid, you get it anyway. Only dirty and therefore cheap.

Search homes for valuables. Then climb to the second floor of the barn, climb out the window and jump down from the very edge of the roof (not where the wheel is spinning). Go into a small office and pick up a precious thing. Push the closet to exit and leave the area. Although you can return to the village and collect the eggs that have appeared from nowhere. Let me remind you that they also restore life.

After walking a little along the path, you will receive a boulder that threatens to crush Leon as a gift. To avoid this, press the indicated buttons in time. In the tunnel, knock down the jewels from the ceiling. Going out to the house, take a stern look around.

On the right is a resident who loves to throw dynamite. Another flock of mischievous people settled in the house. They are not scary yet, so do not pay attention. First, run closer to the dynamite, and when he throws a charge, run back. This will destroy the traps in the small barn. Now shoot the enemy from afar.

To get through the courtyard, you have to shoot a couple of traps. It's easy to deal with the residents in the house. Show up and run away abruptly. The dynamite throws a charge “don't understand where” - and kills all his colleagues along with him. It remains to shoot the last enemy in the north.

Pick up the grenade from the table and knock down the crow's nest next to the big house. Then go inside. Here you will find cartridges, money and grass (you will have to defuse the trap). Now open the cabinet and watch the cutscene. Congratulations, you've been caught.

Chapter 1-2

The peaceful awakening was interrupted by a villager with an ax. Press the indicated buttons to dodge the blow. Now you can look around. All things remained in place, for which a special thank you. At the same time, buy items from the merchant, you will notice him through the window, he also speaks in a strange voice. The most valuable and necessary purchases: a larger backpack and a rifle, the rest should be taken depending on the desire and availability of free money.

After that, collect the items in the house (pistol cartridges, rifles and green grass) and go to the quarry. A dozen inhabitants roam there. Get their attention with a rifle shot and take out your pistol. They will crawl in a crowd, so it won't be a problem to deal with them. Dynamiters are more dangerous. But given their accuracy, colleagues are more likely to suffer than Leon.

After reaching a certain place, you will get a pack of residents who will run out from nowhere. Probably from a parallel universe. However, these are the last opponents, after their destruction you can start collecting.

In the house you will find cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol, a blinding grenade, the left half of the emblem. In a small annex next to the lift - money, yellow grass, shotgun cartridges. On the way around - rifle cartridges and the right half of the emblem.

Connect the two halves of the emblem and insert into the door to go further. Break three barrels before passing the gate. Inside, rummage around another barrel and lure the villagers who have settled around the corner.

After reaching the end of the corridor, break the barrel and jump out the window. There, in addition to the usual residents, a couple of dynamites are waiting. Hide behind the container, wait for the explosions to thunder, and go collect trophies. Those infected, thanks to the "well-aimed" throw of dynamite, will destroy themselves. Just remember to neutralize the traps. Break three barrels to get to jewelry and pistol cartridges, also examine the furnaces.

Find green grass in the next room, kill two villagers and break the window. Through it you will enter the room, where you will find the Elegant Mask. Go downstairs, deal with the enemy and search the reservoir. There you will find Pistol Ammo, Blind Grenade, and Money. Also gut the fish in search of valuable and useful items.

Shoot the crows on the street and destroy the traps. A clock hangs nearby, which can be knocked down with two shots. Also nearby you will find three boxes with money.

Visit the house. Here you need to turn the crystal to open the door. Turn up first, then left. Take the money, pistol cartridges, key and document in the room. Then open the door and go inside.

Chapter 1-3

Immediately after the beginning of the chapter, head back to the room if you want to watch an interesting scene. Go back, collect items (money, grenade, green grass) and go outside. There will be a couple of residents led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. He will need 6-7 shots to the head from a shotgun.

Follow the path while collecting items (red grass, cartridges and a chicken egg) and knocking down tree nests (jewelry). Then go to the village. Nothing interesting happens here, except for the dozen angry residents who returned from the sermon. Finish them off - pay special attention to the roofs of the houses - and go into the tunnel where opponents fled not so long ago.

Pick up the clip from the table. In the next room, break the barrel to get to the ammo for the machine gun, and knock down the lamp to get the jewel. Then go downstairs. In the cave, remove the lamp with a shot, and then the objects from the ceiling. Next, there will be a merchant, and behind him is an exit.

There are few opponents. Two near the cemetery and several near the church. But hidden things ... Explosive and incendiary grenades, rifle cartridges - you will find in the nests in the trees. Ravens will drop a lot of money and pistol cartridges. You will find ammunition for the pistol in the boxes that are in the huts

You can shoot the remaining 8 blue medallions to get the rightful prize - the Punisher pistol - from any merchant. Finally, it's worth solving the puzzle before moving on. You will find her next to the church, and the correct answer is 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. The reward is a precious stone.

In the next area, there is a flock of crows, which must be jammed with a grenade so that they do not have time to fly away. Get a lot of money. Also find cartridges, two jewels and go to the merchant. Make the necessary purchases and claim a prize for the blue medallions. Move on.

Pick up cartridges and walk along the path. Residents will once again roll a huge boulder, so you will have to run a little. When the mini-game is over, find the hidden prize on the cliff and shoot it down.

There are many enemies wandering in the water, so I advise you to try to lure them into a trap. Or just gather a crowd and blow up on a grenade. This will save you ammunition you will need later. Already dealt with the enemy? So, it's time to do what the heroes love - looting.

Walk carefully among the ruins, there may be zombies hiding.

In the huts (there are three in total) you will find cartridges for a shotgun, machine gun and a grenade. The second "lemon" can be found in the water. Be careful when opening the boxes - there are snakes in two of them. You can also get the Antique Pipe by knocking the nest off the tree with a shot. It is located next to the hut.

When you reach the lake, first turn right. From the cliff you will see a very funny scene, I hope that the monster is full and calmed down. Take the red grass and head downstairs. Shoot down the Gold Bangle and take the Pistol Ammo, Yellow and Green Grass from the hut. Now get into the boat. By the way, you can hunt for fish, which is also a pleasant pastime. After reaching the middle of the lake, get the first boss.

Defeating him is easy enough. Despite the hooked anchor, the boat can maneuver, which allows you to dodge snags and tail blows. In a moment free from maneuvers, do not forget to throw a harpoon so that the "goldfish" is not too impudent. Sometimes the creature gets angry and goes into a frontal attack. At such a moment, you need to determine where it will come from, let it come closer and throw the harpoon into its mouth.

If Leon is thrown out of the boat, then press the indicated button as quickly as possible if you want to return alive. When you finish off the monster, you also need to torment the buttons in order to have time to cut the rope. This concludes the chapter.

Chapter 2-1

After waking up in the cabin, take the letter from the bed, pistol cartridges and a grenade from the table. Get into the boat again and swim to the cave with the merchant. First, break the barrels below to collect ammo and money. Then push the box and climb onto the roof.

Carry out a punitive raid on the barrels, in one you will find a gem. Another one can be obtained by shooting at the lantern (you will have to run down to pick it up). Then jump into the hut, take the rifle cartridges and sell the unnecessary things to the merchant.

Shoot the villager who is on the tower. Collect Pistol Ammo and Gem. Now shoot down the boxes with shots and jump to the opposite side. There you will find a lever. Pull it to remove the water and head towards the center aisle.

Once you get to the middle, a crowd of residents will come running. Run back and hold the defense. A shotgun helps a lot, because the enemy goes in a friendly crowd and dies in unison. Search the barrels and don't forget to shoot down the Amber Ring that hangs between the two torches.

Go into the opened passage, take the Round Insignia and climb into the boat, which will take you to the cave to the merchant. Upgrade your shotgun and record the game before moving on. There will be a battle with the monster.

The local analogue of the troll, despite its respectable size, is a fairly harmless creature. The main thing is not to spin under your feet so as not to get hit. Given its speed of movement, this is not difficult.

The troll has the following attacks. Kicks, punches. Not too dangerous. It can imprint its body into the ground. This is serious and should be avoided by any means. He can grab and start breaking bones. At this moment, press the indicated buttons to break free.

Also, the troll can throw a stone. We'll have to dodge by pressing the appropriate keys. Or grab a tree. It takes a couple of accurate shots to get you to throw. And the last - a sharp acceleration with a blow. It is difficult to dodge this, because you usually have to run away, and there is no way to follow what the monster is doing.

If you saved the dog at the very beginning of the game, then the four-legged friend will help in the battle. He will distract the monster for a while, and you can shoot in the head with impunity. After the death of the troll, pick up a reward of 15,000 pesetas and search the huts for valuable items. Unless, of course, the giant accidentally destroyed the houses, waving his arms and legs.

Take the money off the table and gut the barrel. Then climb up and jump to the other side with the help of the chandelier. Here, too, ransack the kegs and go to the console. We'll have to solve a simple puzzle. You need to rotate the three patterns so that they line up with the center pattern. Answers: turn red two times, blue one time, green three times. Combine patterns.

Go to the opened passage. There you will find the president's daughter, who from now on will become a burden and a constant source of headaches. Search the barrels and return to the church. After the cutscene, the next chapter will begin.

Chapter 2-2

Search the barrels in the room and go outside. Shoot the cart and finish off the inhabitants who survived the explosion. Collect the dropped prizes and run into the tunnel. After reaching the house, break the barrels and knock down the lantern to get a stone. Go to the village.

There are about eight inhabitants here and a bunch of traps. Keep your eyes open and brush the area carefully. After that, search the village for new items, the most valuable find is a stone on the tower, then go to the farm.

Hide Ashley in the drawer and search the shack for new items. Then start to destroy the appeared opponents. Pay attention to the large barn, there are especially a lot of items and ammunition. After that, call Ashley and run to the double gates, the girl will help open them.

Buy new items from the merchant before approaching the house. After the video, the defense of the house will begin, which can be entered into the nomination (if it existed in our magazine) "ten best gaming moments of the year." While there is time, collect the items that are scattered on the floor. Then you need to shoot the enemy stubbornly climbing through the windows. Luis will help as much as possible, but it's best to rely on a shotgun. He certainly won't let you down.

After a while, the Spaniard will go up to the second floor. I advise you to follow him. It's a little harder to keep the defensive here. In addition to the stairs, which will become the place of mass death of opponents, you need to keep an eye on the windows. Infected residents will try to climb through them. To prevent this from happening, push the stairs. Of course, they will be placed again, but knocking them over again is a matter of a few seconds.

After the death of a certain number of residents, or maybe after the time has elapsed, a signal will sound, and the enemy will retreat without completing the case. They are strange, or maybe the local authorities have plans for Leon? This concludes the chapter.

Chapter 2-3

After the battle, collect the trophies and the remaining items. Go out into the street, find cartridges for the machine gun and run to the merchant. After the necessary purchases, record the game. Now there is a choice which way to go further. If you pull the lever to the left - the left gate will open, if to the right - the right gate. Let's consider both ways.

Left path... There are many inhabitants in this area, even too much, if you remember what siege they had to endure. First, shoot at the cart for an explosion. Collect the dropped items and turn right, where several opponents are roaming. Climb the stairs, finish off the villagers and hide Ashley in the container.

Clear the upper level and collect items. Don't jump into the big hole in the middle just yet, there is an unpleasant surprise waiting for you. First, go down to the small area on the left (you should see the cart) and collect the ammo.

It's time to go down to the hole in the middle. Suddenly, two girls with chainsaws and several ordinary residents will jump out. Throw a blinding grenade and get into a comfortable position. Now use a shotgun to fight off opponents. The main rule is to keep the lady out of the hitting distance. You can, on the contrary, climb up and shoot from there. Only in this case you will have to finish off two crossbowmen, but, on the other hand, this will have to be done in any case.

Having repulsed the attack, pick up the trophies, among which there will be a key, open the door and go outside. Move forward collecting items. You will find especially valuable things in the shacks (a jewel and a grenade).

A crowd of residents is waiting around the next turn, so hide Ashley in the container first. Gather more people and throw an incendiary grenade, then repeat the technique. If you run out of grenades, pick up a shotgun or machine gun. After destroying the enemy, collect trophies, rummage around the barrels and exit through the gate. Having called Ashley beforehand, of course.

Right way... For me personally, the right road is much easier. The enemy, though healthy, is only one. At first everything seems to be calm. But when you come to the gate, a giant, with whom we have already dealt, will come running. Beating tactics are the same: blinding grenades, shotgun shots to the head, dashing swoop and stabbing. Repeat three times.

Search the area for a barrel, then talk to the merchant. It's time to move on. When you reach the cable car, climb onto the platform and drive forward. Take out your machine gun and shoot at the villagers who also decided to ride at their leisure.

Once on the other side, search the control room and go downstairs. Go left first. Before entering the tunnel, order Ashley to wait at the bend. Several residents are waiting there, among whom one dynamite is hiding (he, again, will do most of the work). After fighting off the enemies, go upstairs and pick up the treasure.

Go back and go along the second path. There you will meet another merchant. Buy a grenade launcher from him (I remind you that there are no problems with money, read the corresponding chapter ... and, of course, carefully search the area). Sign up. Now go to the next area and enter the house.

After the cutscene, press the indicated buttons to avoid death. Happened? Then another video. When it is over and the monster walks confidently towards the main character, take out the grenade launcher and make an aimed shot. The lower half of the monster will fall off, it remains to finish off the upper one.

You can do it differently. Running in circles, throwing grenades, blowing up barrels ... this, in principle, is also not too difficult. But one shot from an RPG-7 is much more reliable, so do not spare your money. Only if you don't save money.

The upper half of the monster will briskly climb onto the rafters and start jumping over the beams. If you shoot well, you can have time to shoot down the creature on the way, when it rushes at Leon. Otherwise, run from end to end of the building, shooting from the machine gun. After defeating the monster, take the money, the artificial eye and search the building thoroughly. There are a lot of ammo and items here. Then go out through the hole in the wall and go to the gate that leads to the castle.

Pick up cartridges and finish off the villagers who are on guard on the road. It is worth moving forward, as you hear the approach of the car. Shoot the driver or blow up the engine to avoid hitting the wheels. Climb up, turn around and deal with the crowd of residents. It was possible to escape, but trophies are not superfluous. It remains to clean out the barrels and move to the castle.

The cutscene will begin soon, which means that the second chapter has come to an end.

Chapter 3-1

The chapter will begin surprisingly peacefully. No enemies. Therefore, start collecting cartridges and search barrels, do not miss the chest with money. Then hand over the stolen goods to the merchant and buy a new shotgun with a rifle. It is also advisable to acquire a larger backpack.

Then go up the stairs. After reaching the basket, grab the rifle cartridges and shoot two monks. Move on. After the cutscene, wait for the explosions to die off, and run to the left and then down. Search the barrels there and go into the corridor. By the way, Ashley must be with you because the monks are coming soon.

Going up the stairs, look up. On the roof you will see the first catapult. Shoot the fuel keg and move on. From behind the loophole (it is next to the exit to the roof), blow up the barrel at the second catapult. Now shoot the fellow monk in the house.

Wait a little. Soon two monks will appear who will come from the rear. Having dealt with them, run into the house and wait out the explosions. Blow up the barrel at the third catapult from the house. There is very little left. Leave Ashley in the house, and slowly move forward, constantly looking to the right. There will be a fourth catapult, near which a lone fanatic stands. You can shoot him without getting into the fire zone. A convenient place is a battlement at a small passage.

Use the lever to raise the cannon. One shot and the gate will be blown to pieces. Go back for Ashley, explore the surroundings around the house, among other things, find the Gold Bangle and go into the formed passage.

Inside the castle, remove the platinum sword from the wall and go upstairs. Finish off the monks and pick up the golden sword. In response to such rudeness, a detachment of clergymen will rush in. Return to the stairs and stop their attempts to break up. Collect the items and put the platinum sword in place of the gold one and the gold sword in the place of the platinum one.

In the next area, you will meet Luis. A strange man after all. Go to the next door and lure out the monks. Then go into the room and finish off the surviving enemies, including the crossbowman. A little further you will meet two shield-bearers. Make neat holes in the shields to get to the torso of the infected fanatics.

When you pick up the key from the chest, a crowd of monks will come running. Blow up the keg and retreat. Find a place where it will be convenient to hold the defense, and get your shotgun. After clearing the area, move forward. Soon you will meet the owner of the castle, who, babbling a prepared speech, will block the path and retire away.

There is nothing left but to move around, but before that, search the barrels and knock down the precious stone above the arch. Go to the door on the right. Inspect the dining room, collect items (picture of the main bastard, 5000 pesetas will pleasantly surprise you), read the document, look meaningfully at the fire, grab the prison key and go down to the cells.

Leave Ashley on the stairs and search the casemates yourself. Shoot down the shotgun cartridges from the wall and go to the chamber with the strange statue. As soon as you get closer, a creature with huge claws will jump out. Despite the terrible appearance, the monster sees practically nothing. Therefore, if you disappear from sight for a few seconds, he will lose Leon and start wandering in search of a victim.

Each bell is designed for two collisions with a monster. Therefore, you need to meet in four runs, otherwise you will have to endure a painful meeting with claws and suffer from a shortage of a first-aid kit in the future. After defeating the monster, pick up the money and pull the lever in the chamber to turn off the fire.

Go back. Infected comrades are already waiting in the dining room. Several crossbowmen and a dynamite lurked among the monks. Shoot down the dynamite with a shot, and the number of opponents will be drastically reduced. You can also shoot at the lamp to set it on fire.

There is an incredible number of fanatics in the next room. Without moving, take out a shotgun and start shooting. You can run from corner to corner, but if you keep the situation under control and keep a sharp eye on the sides, this is clearly unnecessary. Just leave Ashley alone is not worth it, because the monks sometimes jump from the top floor.

When you finish off the enemy, stand on one plate in the room, and put Ashley on the other. After that, a detachment of monks will come running. Lure them into the room and kill them one by one. Then go to the pedestal that appears and make the girl rotate the lever.

The stairs will descend. Go to the next part of the hall, collect cartridges and reload the rifle. Now there is a tense battle ahead. Lift Ashley up to the ledge so she can reach the lever. Then run to the platform near the water and take out the rifle.

You need to cover the girl while she turns two levers. There are not so many monks, but you need to shoot quickly and accurately. They will try to drag Ashley away, so don't worry about the girl's health - if they get caught, you can always beat it off. Also, don't forget to switch to the shotgun and shoot back at the fanatics who try to get to Leon, or use grenades so you don't waste time. They help out a lot.

When the platforms rise, help Ashley jump down and run to the exit. There are no enemies in the next room yet. You can take a break, besides, a merchant has stopped nearby, if you want, buy the necessary items. Also, do not forget to knock down the gem from the sculpture, if you wish, you can play a mini-game (read more about this in the section "Tips of the masters" LCI # 5/2007).

When you make the necessary preparations, run along the corridor next to the usual merchant. Here's a fool, where did you run? However, as the saying goes - "a woman with a cart, it's easier for a mare." At least now you only need to worry about yourself.

Chapter 3-2

Maybe Leon was grieving about the missing Ashley. Maybe he's right. But the game has become much easier, there is no longer a burden and a potential source of problems. Turn right and enter the sewers. It is home to ram-sized malevolent insects. Their approach can be identified by their characteristic sound. But it is difficult to see the monsters, they are able to become invisible. True, not entirely: if you look closely, you will see a slight distortion in the air.

The first creature will run out of the corner. Shoot it down with a shotgun, then finish it off with a grenade. There are two beetles in the water pit. Retreat into the corridor and hold the defense. Then you will find yourself in a dungeon, where four monsters are already running. The further into the forest, the more angry the partisans.

Then go up to the control room and twist the lever to dump the water. Don't forget to pick up the Butterfly Lamp. The path is clear, and you can move on. When you pass the doorway, an insect will fall from above. Get ready and keep your shotgun ready. Don't forget to pick up Velvet Blue near the broken grate.

In the next corridor, swinging knives are waiting to pass them, look at the shadow, it is easier to navigate along it. Passing the third and fourth "rocking chair", note that they move together, so you will have to run even faster.

You will go out into the room where the merchant was (he did not disappear anywhere, he just moved to the staircase). Below you will see a bunch of monks who are performing some kind of ceremony. Each of them has a treasure in store, and the leader will share a valuable pendant. But, if they see Leon, they will immediately rush to retreat. Therefore, you need to kill everyone at once and quickly go downstairs until the trophies disappear. Throw a blinding grenade first, and then a regular one.

It remains to find a way down. On the chandelier, jump to the other side. Then go back on another chandelier. Pick up the Elegant Mask and pull the lever to open the passage. Go downstairs and collect trophies. Return to the merchant and hand over the stolen goods.

In the next room there is a battle with monks. They are led by a leader in a red hoodie. When you cope with the enemy, he will hasten to get away. We'll have to catch up with him, kill a pack of monks and again rush in pursuit. This leapfrog will end when he sits down at the machine gun in the center of the room. Step back into the shelter and take out the rifle. Wait for the machine gun to stop firing. You have a few seconds while it recharges. From the cover, remove the leader with a headshot. Take the key from the body and go to the next room.

To get out of this room, you need to switch pictures so that there are six corpses. The combination is simple - 2, 1, 4, 3. The owner of the castle is waiting in the next room. After a ridiculous conversation, the dwarf will disappear, leaving a bunch of monks. A lot of people are a good target for a grenade. Crossbowmen on the second floor and dynamitemen are much more dangerous, they can spoil your nerves, especially if you do not pay attention to them in time.

Once you've dealt with the monks, flip the two switches to open the door and slide out the bridge to the Goat Ornament chest. Next, there will be a peaceful area. First, you can shoot the crows in the aisle, they sit on the windows, concealing boxes of gold in themselves. On the roof of the castle, the birds are located on a fountain that hides many precious stones. Pay attention to the closed door. This is where you need to return when you find Ashley.

Then go to the labyrinth garden. There are a bunch of monster dogs that love to jump around the corner and bite painfully. It is usually difficult to predict where they will come from, so keep your shotgun ready. To get out of here, you need to find two halves of Blue Moonstone, which will unlock the door. They lie near small fountains.

When you go up to the bedroom, you will meet Ada for the second time. After a short conversation, the girl will disappear in an unknown direction, leaving Leon in bitter loneliness.

Chapter 3-3

Even though everyone leaves Leon, we are not upset. One is also very much, so joyfully search the room for ammunition and money. Don't forget to check the crate next to the merchant for Mirror with Pearls and Rubies. After your health and shopping course, head out to the dining room.

Collect everything that is bad, go to the counter and click on the bell. A picture will appear, shoot at it with a pistol to open the door. But, before going into the opened passage, run into the room next to the roof. There are many boxes that require a search, just remember that there is a snake in one.

Go back and go to the opened door. After the cutscene, run out of the cage and start killing the monks, then tackle the monster with long claws. Be careful not to get confused or get surrounded. Then collect all the items including the hourglass from the chest.

Break the jug to get the rifle ammo. Then start shooting the monks. After successfully completing the task, jump down and pull the lever. Climb back up the stairs. Get out your shotgun at once and finish off two worshipers. Then turn around towards the appeared bridge and shoot a couple more monks.

Cross the bridge and go down the stairs. The exhibition contains a grenade launcher and a bunch of grenades with cartridges. If you cannot carry it away at once, leave it for the future. You can still return here, but the grenade launcher will not be needed for a long time.

Go to the merchant, sell the junk and buy the items you need. The backpack should be free, so return to the exhibit for the grenade launcher. To finish the chapter, go out into the hall and watch the cutscene. Damn it, he was quick, he only lasted half the game.

Chapter 3-4

Before rescuing Ashley, run across the hall and collect items. Now take out your rifle and shoot the shackles. The monks seemed to be waiting for a prearranged signal and threw them into the room. First, there will be the usual opponents. Then the crossbowmen and the leader in the bloody cloak will appear. Until you kill the leader, the girl will not be able to get out of the room, because he has the key to the door. And until the girl picks up the key, new opponents will constantly run out.

Saving the girl will result in the need to play ... for her. No weapons. You have to rely on the agility and speed of your legs. Take a breath and pick up a gem, yellow herb. In general, they ran as fast as they could.

A monk is already waiting in the next room. He can be killed by throwing three lamps with oil (iron calculation - no more), which are hung on the walls. Thank God that the clergyman is alone, otherwise it would have been difficult. If Ashley is grabbed, click on the indicated button to break out of the embrace.

After finishing off the first monk, collect the items and pull the lever to get into the next room. Deal with the second enemy, then take the loot. It remains to raise the gate, to do this, turn the valve and leave the room.

Search the area for ammo, money and grass. Then go to the room with the raised bars. Crawl under the table, hit the red switch and pick up the Stone Tablet. Then pull the next switch. Finally pull the shelf away and pull the last switch to get to the back door.

You will be taken to a room with knightly armor. To unlock the entrance, you need to solve a simple puzzle. Number the field mentally as follows: 1 - top left corner, 9 - bottom right. The combination is as follows - 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9. Then insert the found plate and move on.

Pick up the Gold Bracelet, Jewel, Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament in the room. When you take the last thing, the armor will begin to come to life and swing with healthy swords. Run from there, simultaneously dodging the knights' blows (you need to press the indicated buttons). Insert the Salazar Family Insignia to open the door, she's the only one you won't miss, and head up the stairs. The chapter is over, Ashley is with Leon again.

Chapter 4-1

Before moving on, return to the roof and with Ashley's help open the locked door. There you will find Red Weed, Elegant Perfume Bottle, and the great terrible Broken Butterfly. After that, return to the room where the chapter started and go through the double doors.

Step into the room opposite the corridor (for this you have to ride a strange cart). When you find yourself inside a hall filled with lava, take out your rifle and shoot the monk who controls the stone dragon. After passing the revolving room, repulse the attack of the eight monks and move forward.

More stone dragons will appear. Dodge the flames and knock down shooters. When the last one dies, you can pick up the Lion Ornament. Now that you have three ornaments, you can remove the wall that appeared at the very beginning of the chapter. Return back to the hall, not forgetting to grab the pendant from the chest.

Run to the left. There will be a cart that will bring you almost to the very beginning of the map. Insert the found ornaments into the fresco. The wall will slide smoothly to the side, now you can go through. Before moving on, run to the balcony where the owner of the castle spoke, take the money for the painting and search the vase.

Visit the merchant in the next room, and then run to the right. Here you need to put two statues on stone tablets. Place Leon and Ashley on the other tiles. The door will open. Salazar is waiting in the hall, who will soon wash away from there, leaving you alone with the falling ceiling. To avoid hitting the stakes, shoot at the four red stones on the ceiling.

Run after the owner of the castle. Ashley will be trapped in the hallway. It is necessary to shoot the monks with a rifle, until the drilling machine smeared the girl on the grate. Act quickly - time is short. Collect ammo and money, do not forget about the Queen's Grail and Elegant Chessboard, knock down the door and leave the room.

Go to the next room. There is a knight strike force hiding there. Lure them closer and throw a grenade into the crowd, and then finish off with a shotgun (blinding grenades are also helpful). Here you will find the King's Grail.

Finally, another detachment will be found at the exit. The distance is long, and you can shoot them with a rifle. Collect the jewelry from the statue before moving on. Then place the King's Grail and Queen's Grail on the stands to unlock the door.

To go further, you need to get out the window and go up to the roof. Take the cartridges from the boxes and jump down. When you walk past an incomprehensible nest, Ashley will be taken away by a flying beetle. But a dozen others will decide to come to grips with Leon. Shoot them down with a shotgun and collect crystals. Now you can tackle the hive. To destroy it, you will have to spend about 50 rounds for a pistol. But you will receive so much jewelry that you do not have to worry about your financial situation.

Then pull the lever and shoot off the rings that prevent the bridge from descending. In the next room, sell the junk to the merchant and be sure to buy a grenade launcher. Although, if you did not spend what you found in chapter 3-3, and there was nowhere to spend it, you do not need to do this. Go outside.

Run across the bridge. When the catapults start shooting, I advise you to increase your speed. Turn left on the stairs and finish off the monk. Search the barrels, shoot the monks behind the catapults and enter the tower.

Exit the tower and get ready to greet a squad of fanatics. Throw a grenade, they'll love it. Remove the gold bracelet from the leader's body and enter the tower. Inside the hall, in addition to the clergy, there is a creature with long claws. Fire from the grenade launcher to get rid of the dangerous monster. Then finish off the monks and collect items.

Go into the hall and after the video press the indicated buttons so as not to crash to death. Once in the pit, collect cartridges, grenades, yellow grass and Crown from the corpses. Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant and climb the stairs.

Run along the corridor and collect items. Do not pay attention to the disturbing video, you are only frightened. In the next area, run straight down the corridor until the creature appears. Until you can not engage in battle with her, so continue to rush forward - I beg you, do not turn anywhere - do not forget to dodge the blows.

Once in the room, pull the lever and go to the door. Press the button ... Here you are - the dwarf's personal bodyguard. The usual way is not to finish him off, you need to act cunningly. Run to one of the nitrogen cylinders and, when the monster comes close, push the cylinder to freeze the enemy. Run away and hit from the grenade launcher. The bodyguard will crumble into small pieces, leaving behind the Crown Jewel.

Pick up a stone, go around the rooms and collect items. Then take the elevator and go upstairs. This long chapter (although, to be more precise, a subchapter) will end.

Chapter 4-2

Pick up the green grass, search the barrels and head through the door. In the tunnel, pick up another green herb, ammo and Velvet Blue. See who works in the cave! Good old (albeit pretty strong) peasants. I've already missed these idiots. Get out your pretty dusty pistol and start doing your usual business. After that, collect trophies and search the cave.

As soon as Leon enters the village, the hunt begins for him.

Then flip the switch at the bottom. The trolley will roll. Run upstairs and use another switch. A crowd will come running, at the head of which will be another maniac with a chainsaw. Hide in some corner and fight back with a shotgun. Again use the switch at the bottom to lower the cart. Take the dynamite out of it and put it under the boulder. You will have a little time to run back to a safe distance. Prepare the Magnum before entering the next room.

Collect ammo, grenades and go to the double doors. Two giant monsters will jump out from there. Run to the platform and climb up. When it starts to swing, get down on the rope. Grab the lever - wait for one of the giants to stand in the center of the circle - and open the shutter. Terminator's feat is repeated.

This cave is inhabited by many beetles - flying and running. They will attack in groups of three or four. Keep your shotgun ready and keep a close eye on the sides so as not to miss the critters and find objects. You need to pull two levers, which you will find in the "sleeves" -tunnels, to go further. Take the Royal Insignia from the grave before leaving the cave.

Chapter 4-3

Break three barrels and sell unnecessary items to the merchant. Now inspect the area: peasants are hiding in the ruins. Two are standing at the entrance, the rest are warming themselves by the fire. If you manage to get close unnoticed, then you can finish off the entire squad with one grenade. After getting rid of opponents, search the area thoroughly. There are many valuable items in the nooks. When done, enter the house through the window and jump down to the basement.

After reaching the cave, start to lure the inhabitants one by one. Then get the rifle and finish off the guy with the chainsaw on the second floor. Now search the area, and in one of the graves you will find the Staff of Royalty. Climb into the building using the stairs. There is a second chainsaw lover on the first floor, so it’s better not to disturb him.

Pick up the yellow herb from the barrel and take out the shotgun. About 30 residents will be visiting soon. They will mainly climb through the window, so knock down the stairs in time and do not forget to throw grenades.

Search the barrels and get into the cart. Shoot the lever to start off. I advise you to sit in the last cart. Soon, residents will start jumping off from above. You can shoot them down before they jump. Or vice versa - wait for them to climb inside to collect trophies after death. But the main thing - do not forget to dodge obstacles by pressing the indicated keys.

After about half the way, the cart will stop. After that, a considerable number of residents and one maniac with a chainsaw are parachuted to you. Grenades and a shotgun will grind all problems to powder. Having dealt with the enemies, collect trophies and fire on the lever to go further.

The rest of the way will be disturbed by the inhabitants, plus a "sawmill" will jump into the cart. Try to deal with them quickly, because soon the cart will fall into the abyss, and you will have to jump, pressing the indicated keys in time. Once on the other side, pick up the Stone of Sacrifice and head up the stairs. Insert the found stone into the statue and go inside.

Chapter 4-4

It will be quiet at first. Suspiciously quiet. After reaching the statue, go along the path. Damn it, the statue is twitching its hands! After shooting the worshipers, climb the stairs. There are several monks here, perhaps, without a shotgun, you cannot cope. Having caught the right moment, jump on your hand and, having climbed up, jump to the right. Having dealt with the enemy, pull the lever and go back.

Go to the ledge near the statue and use a shot to switch the lever on the back. From there, jump to the platform, collect ammo and search the vase. Then another fight with the monks, you can throw them down to sort it out later. On your hand, go down to the level below and jump onto the platform.

Below is the leader of the clergy. Lure him with a shot and throw him down the stairs until he dies from bruises. Then go downstairs, finish off the fallen opponents through the lattice and pull the lever. After fighting off the four monks, run out onto the path ...

I knew I couldn't trust giant stone dwarfs! The statue came to life. To avoid death from an indecent foot, press the indicated buttons. When you reach the door, quickly go outside. Again an intense sprint, a dashing jump over the abyss - and the statue flies into the abyss.

After another scene with a dwarf, you have to make your way to the tower, the road to it is difficult. Grab the yellow herb from the box and go upstairs. You can hide from the falling barrels in small branches to the right and left. Having reached the flooring of wooden planks, run to the stairs, go upstairs and pull the switch to crush the monks with barrels. Although someone will probably survive, and will have to finish off on their own. Do not forget about the leader of the clergy, who hid a lot of money in the pockets of his robe.

Return to the elevator and push the boxes. Now start the lift. When the elevator goes, get the shotgun and fight off the jumping monks. Crossbowmen will bring some problems, but fortunately, they can simply be passed. In general, this is a rather difficult fight, so keep an eye on the amount of ammo and do not be lazy to use grenades.

Once you reach the top, heal your wounds, buy a grenade launcher without fail and reload Broken Butterfly. Also without fail. The evil dwarf, damn Salazar, the headache from chapter 3-1, now tastes full of lead.

If you have a grenade launcher, it will not be difficult to deal with the monster. First shot from Broken Butterfly in the eye. The modified body of the dwarf will appear. An accurate hit from a grenade launcher - and you can endure the monster, the comrade is finally baked.

If there is no grenade launcher, then alternate attacks: an eye, a dwarf, a shot at a tentacle - again an eye. Etc. After the victory, collect the money (Salazar will leave 50,000 pesetas), search the upper and lower levels for items and leave the room. Take the cartridges from the boxes and take the elevator. The merchant has significantly expanded his assortment, so take a closer look at the product, make the necessary purchases and improvements.

Then go through the door to meet with Ada and move to the island. The game is nearing completion, but major surprises lie ahead. We are waiting for old acquaintances, references to previous parts and much more.

Chapter 5-1

Beginning with this chapter, save explosive grenades. Try to have seven of them, they will come in handy in the last battle. They will come in very handy.

Run along the path until the path splits. First, go to the left, climb up and search the forgotten boxes by some unknown person. Go back and cross the wooden bridge. After reaching the base, break the searchlight and move as carefully as possible. The enemy likes to jump out of unexpected places. It is better to immediately climb one of the towers and wait for the mutated sailors to come to visit.

In addition to the usual enemies, an infantryman with a large machine gun lives at the base. Also expect him on the tower. This is a safe hiding place, so he will have to jump upstairs. When this happens, use a shotgun and grenades. If used correctly, the infantryman will not even have time to fire a shot.

Having dealt with him, get ready to meet the second group of opponents. Again, the tower is the best hideout. When everything calms down, go downstairs and explore the area. A couple of sailors must be lost somewhere. Then collect the items that the infected comrades helpfully put in the boxes.

Go to the door and activate the laser. Now, with the help of mirrors, you need to reflect the beam so that it hits the yellow spot next to the gate. We'll have to run and twirl the mirrors, but it's really not difficult.

Grab the bullets behind the sandbag and move on. Soon, boulders will fall from above, so do not miss the moment and press the indicated buttons. In the second part of the cave, shoot two sailors and climb the stairs.

From TMP, you can quickly destroy a group of ordinary infected.

Once at the top, fill up the soldier behind the barrels and take away the gem. Jump over through the window on the right and kill three guards from the shotgun. Explore the cave after a fierce battle. Here you will find red grass and ammo. If you blow up the barrel, you can get to the Golden Lynx.

Take out your rifle before leaving the cave. On the hill, a grenade launcher, a dynamite and several crossbowmen sat down, plus they were covered by ordinary soldiers. Dealing with them is a matter of technology and the number of rifle cartridges.

When the crossbowmen die, another detachment of soldiers will come running. In order not to waste ammo, shoot at the keg on the cart. It will roll down and pass most of the people. Then go to the entrance, press the button to open the door, and enter the laboratory.

The merchants have already moved here, so sell the junk. For now, by the way, you can not buy anything, there is no such need. Further, the path will be relatively calm. Search the rooms carefully for money and grenades. Passing the oven, you will receive a burning soldier as a gift. Dodge the fiery embrace and move on.

In the next room, more precisely, in the corridor, you will meet new opponents. Hefty knights with axes. Try to shoot them exactly in the head, in other places it is useless - the bullets bounce off the armor without causing harm. Before going to the indicated room, look at the map (it is marked with a red circle) and look into the room on the left. Having dealt with the soldiers and crossbowmen, take the Red Stone of Faith from the suitcase and the yellow grass that lies in the barrel under the stairs. These actions will not go unpunished, so get out your shotgun and wait for your opponents.

Look at the cameras in the surveillance room. Ashley is alive and does not seem even crippled. But it may not be long, so she needs to be rescued faster. Take 5000 pesetas from the locker and happily run to the merchant. He is happy to sell Tactical Vest, which reduces damage taken by 30%, for a modest amount of 60,000 pesetas. Of course, it is expensive, but this purchase will greatly save first aid kits.

What follows is a uniform mockery. There are three dynamites in the aisle. You shoot. Someone dies, the door closes. We stand. We wait. The door opens. We finish off the survivors, we move forward. The door closes. We stand. We wait. The door opens. A few more enemies. We kill. Closes. We stand. We wait. Thinking about the eternal. Opens up. We kill. Closes. We curse. We wait. We stand. And so until the opponents run out. We spit. We take away the gem from the box on the left. We pass.

In the room on the left you will find the Brass Pocket Watch, plus there is a typewriter nearby. Then go straight and turn right. Find a gem and ammo in a dead end. There is an incendiary grenade in the left corridor. Now go to the operating room.

To open the door, enter the following combination: blue, yellow, green, green, red, red, red. In the room, take the note from the table and the key card from the corpse. What a terrible rustle? It woke up a regenerator, a scripted creature and one of the most hated creatures in Resident Evil 4. If you carefully read the note, then you should know - he cannot be killed without an infrared sight. So this is nonsense. You can kill.

You need to evenly fire the body with a shotgun, and the monster will blur with a bunch of mucus, leaving 5000 gold goodbye. Only a lot of cartridges are consumed, so if you are experiencing a shortage of ammunition, shoot your leg and run past faster. They call him a regenerator for a reason, the monster will instantly grow new limbs.

Another regenerator is waiting in the corridor. Shoot off your leg and run on. Once you reach the cryogenic laboratory (look at the map to know where to go), use the key to get the Waste Disposal Key Card. Turn off the cryogenic machine and grab the infrared sight from the safe.

Use the keycard to open the door. Pick up cartridges, a grenade and use the control panel. To grab a soldier, you have three attempts. While they have not noticed anything, you can run over two at once. Those who remain will decide that squatting is the best defense against the tap. Disappoint them and go over their heads with a massive piece of iron.

If you could not finish everyone off with the crane, get ready that the surviving sailors will run into the room, apparently to give a lecture on labor safety. Having fought off the polyglots, move on. In the small hallway you will find yellow weed and shotgun cartridges.

Ashley's cell has two guards on duty. Destroying them is a small question, but how do you open the door? Go to the next room, go upstairs and lay down a squad of soldiers. Attention: a crossbowman is hiding among them. Go downstairs and check the area under the stairs to find the Ammo for the Magnum.

Shoot down the crows to get to the treasures and take the lift upstairs. The merchant is ready to provide services, buy the necessary items. You will see a small scene in the radio room. Collect the ammo and head back. It's time to free Ashley.

A detachment of soldiers plus several crossbowmen awaits on the stairs. Having dealt with them, go to Ashley's cell and unlock the door. Round the corner ... This long sub-chapter is complete, the girl is with you again. This means that you will have to defend her again, but still it's easier and more interesting to play alone.

Chapter 5-2

Pick up the ammo for the shotgun, then read the letter that Ada sent. What a nimble girl. Get out of the cell and fight your way to the landfill (where the crane was used). Come to the edge ... probably not the most pleasant idea - jumping into the trash can, but there is no other way.

Once at the bottom, pull the lever and immediately turn right. Regenerator, hitherto pretending to be dead, woke up and intends to string Leon on thorns. Run behind the fence and lower the grate. Now you can shoot with a rifle. Use Ashley to push the containers into the water. Take out the rifle and wait for the second regenerator to appear.

After reaching the next room, shoot three soldiers and jump down. As soon as you do this, it is not clear where the enemies will start jumping out. Shoot back from the shotgun, collecting objects in the room along the way. It will be a long battle, so I advise you not to relax and constantly watch the rear.

When it's over, go to the control room and hit the doors with the steel ball three times. They will scatter to pieces, which will be immediately used by opponents. Another wave of infected soldiers. Having dealt with them, leave the cursed place.

Use the remote to open the door. Ashley will crawl through the crack and open the door completely. Visit a merchant if you like. To go further, you need to put Ashley at one console, and stand at the second one yourself. You need to press the buttons at the same time when the light in the middle comes on.

Take cartridges, first aid kit and jump into the back of the bulldozer. I wonder where the president's daughter learned to operate such a technique? On the parents' farm, not otherwise. A rather interesting trip is ahead, you need to shoot the soldiers who are trying to get into the back. TMP is best, but the shotgun does a pretty good job too.

When the truck shows up, give it a line on the hood. The car will stop. For some time you will have to shoot back from the soldiers. Then the truck will appear again. Another turn - and the burning pile of scrap metal will go on its last journey.

When the bulldozer stops, jump out of the body, pick up the green grass and climb up. Run into the control room, knocking down opponents who got in the way with a shotgun, and you don't have to finish them off. Once inside the room, pull the lever and go back. If one of the soldiers managed to jump down to the bulldozer, shoot him with a rifle. When you find yourself below, climb into the back again.

When the bulldozer starts moving, take out the machine gun and continue to shoot. A truck will appear soon; where to shoot, you already know. And do not be alarmed when the car rams the bulldozer. This is by design. Soon Ashley will lose control, and the car, breaking through the wall, will stop. Still, the presidential daughter did not really learn to drive.

Collect ammo, grenades, Green Stone of Judgment and exit the room. The merchant and the typewriter are an inseparable couple. When you have made the necessary purchases, open the door.

Chapter 5-3

Ashley was kidnapped again. As if news or surprise, one might think, no one knew. Especially if you remember that the girl is constantly dragged from under Leon's nose. By the way, at this level there are two bosses at once. So try to save ammo for your Shotgun and Magnum. Pick up a plan from the table (what a banality, why do villains always leave such evidence in a conspicuous place?) And exit through the door.

After a short scene, start shooting at the infected. There are few opponents, so you can get by with a pistol. Collect ammo and try to finish off as many people as possible without going downstairs. Especially try to get the crossbowman, he is the most dangerous enemy.

At the bottom, collect cartridges, a grenade and exit the boiler room. Pick up the Shotgun Ammo and take the elevator. In the next area, there is a long scene, during which you will have to press the indicated buttons to avoid death. Evaluate the level of fights staging while being horrified by the quality of the video.

When the battle is over, jump over to the other side and go through the door. This moment is a clear mockery of the film. Whoever saw it will understand. You will have to run the first two lasers yourself. The rest of Leon will jump without your help, just press the indicated buttons in time.

In Saddler's room, pick up the emerald and shoot down the Elegant Headress. Then move on. Go down the stairs and see what lies behind it (clue is green grass and a gem). After reaching the merchant, read the note, pick up cartridges for "Magnum" and red grass. And buy a grenade launcher, it will come in handy a lot.

Pick up the yellow grass and run straight. After the scene, Leon will be in a cage with a large monster. The essence of this battle is as follows. Dodge the creature's blows, when it jumps down - you drive away with shots. At the same time, you run around the cage and press the red buttons (access opens as you press). When you press two, the door to the next cell will open. You need to run there in the allotted time, otherwise you will fly off into the abyss. Thus, you have to go through three cells.

Grab a grenade, shotgun ammo and head outside. Below the soldiers have set up camp. Fire over the kegs to reduce the number. Finish the rest with your pistol. Then collect the trophies and jump into the hole inside the tent. In the tunnel, check the sleeves for money and the Blue Stone of Treason. Be sure to write down the game and buy a grenade launcher.

Pick up the grass and go forward. When Krauser appears, take out your rifle and shoot in the head. The spetsnaz soldier will soon realize that trying to strike from afar is a bad idea, and will go into hand-to-hand combat. I also recommend using a knife to save ammo. A couple of blows are enough to make Krauser throw a blinding grenade and disappear from view.

Run straight and search the small hut. Then turn right and walk along the platform, drive away the annoying special forces with bursts from the TMP. Having penetrated into the hut, collect objects, finish off the robots (they came from somewhere ...) and climb to the roof. Take Piece of the Holy Beast, Panther.

Now we need to deal with Krauser. Having received his share of the lead, he retreats away. To get out of here, you need to put the statue on the slab. Go into the opened passage and pull the lever.

The rest of the way, Krauser will not get in the way, preferring to entrust the task to robots. They fall apart from one shot, you just need to be careful to notice them in time. After reaching the tower, collect the ammo and Piece of the Holy Beast, Eagle.

The final battle is easy enough if you have a grenade launcher. You need to cope in the allotted time, otherwise the tower will explode, and Leon will die. It is useless to try to break through Krauser's shield arm, better shoot him in the knee. While the spetsnaz is standing open, load his head with a grenade launcher. A few more shots from the Magnum and Mr. Krauser is gone. Take the last symbol, the remaining items from the body and exit the tower.

Jump down, insert three symbols and exit the area.

Chapter 5-4

At this level, Mike, the helicopter pilot, will seriously help out. It is he who will cover with fire and destroy most of the opponents. It is necessary to remember the following: when he orders to get out of the way - it is better to hide. Otherwise, Leon will get from a friend. By the way, be prepared that some opponents can slip under fire and get to your shelter, but in general, nothing difficult. And don't forget to search the area for ammo and money.

To deal with this fish - throw a harpoon.

After reaching the first machine gunner, hide in the tent and wait for Mike to do the job. He will report on the radio that you can move on. After the appearance of a crowd of opponents, run back and hide in a secluded place. Soon it will be possible to continue the journey. After reaching the closed gate, knock down the castle with a shot and jump down. Explore the area and enter the next area.

Here you have to repeat the same steps as in the previous area. When the helicopter pilot destroys the machine gun on the tower, go upstairs, pull the lever and go inside. After passing through the second door, you will receive an embittered machine gunner. Mike can't reach him, so carefully remove the shooter from the rifle. It is advisable to change position after each shot so that the enemy cannot aim.

Run to the place where the machine gunner stood, take the money and explore the area. Then pull the lever to go further. It is more difficult here, although most of the opponents will finish off Mike, but the last machine gunner will have to be removed from the rifle. Find a good position and with a single shot to the head finish off the enemy who does not allow you to go further. Collect the trophies and pull the two levers to open the gate.

When you get out on the set ... well, Saddler, one more reason to show you the bill. Take two emeralds, green grass and go to the next area. Collect items and move on. In the typewriter room, pick up the Blinding Grenade, Shotgun Ammo, and Yellow Grass. Now carefully go to the far left cell. A regenerator will creep out from there. Step back to the table and shoot him with an infrared rifle. Search the cameras and leave the room.

Look carefully around the corner. Soldiers. Finish off with a rifle, and when the machine gunner appears, run back. Take aim at the corner and wait for it to appear. Heels of accurate headshots will calm him down anyway.

It's time to storm. Use a rifle, you may not need to save ammo, anyway this weapon will no longer be needed. When you clear the area, climb the tower and try to use the remote control. In response, a crowd of opponents will come running. Stand in the corner of the room so that the crossbowmen cannot reach you.

The soldiers will climb the stairs and enter through the doorway. Don't spare incendiary grenades. An explosion in such a crowd can take many lives. And, of course, the Magnum shotgun will help. When the attack is overwhelmed, switch to the rifle and destroy the crossbowmen.

On the body of one of the opponents, you will find an access card. It must be used on two remotes to open the gate. They are in the right and left towers. By the way, there is also a guard there, so do not forget about caution. Although what are two or three soldiers after a battle we have experienced?

After entering the gate and observing the scene, search the blockage and take a closer look at the improvements that the merchant offers. Then go to the door. Four opponents are waiting in the corridor. Having dealt with them, you can relax - you will not meet anyone else. Collect items and go to the laboratory. After the soothing cutscene, the fifth chapter will end.

Final Chapter

Run upstairs, pick up shotgun cartridges, yellow grass and a note. Search the merchant's room for items. Now you need to make your last purchase. Upgrade your shotgun as much as possible. If you don't have enough money, you can sell a rifle and a regular pistol. Buy a grenade launcher if you want, but you can do without it. Now you are ready, head to the final battle.

The last opponent is so weak that it even becomes uncomfortable. It is perhaps more difficult to fight off the crowd of infected sailors than from the main villain. You need to kill him this way. You hit the eye on the leg (it doesn't matter which one). Run up and climb onto your back. Leon stabs him with a knife.

If you have hand grenades, throw them at your feet. The monster will fall from the explosion. Hit with a knife. Wait for it to rise. Throw another grenade. It takes seven hits in total. If you run out of grenades, use a shotgun, a grenade launcher will work too. Only in this case will you have to run in circles so as not to get hit. When Ada throws a red grenade launcher, run to the bridge and cross to the other side when the green light turns on. Wait for the creature to jump closer and launch the charge. That's all.

Now you need to hit the road off the island. Collect the money and run to the elevator. Go downstairs and grab Ashley. Jump off the ledge, help the girl get down and get on the jet ski. You need to drive along an underground river and try not to crash, otherwise you will have to replay this section. At first it will be simple, but then the water will rush rapidly, and you will have to accelerate (for this, press forward), desperately maneuvering between the rocks.

But, thank God, it won't last long. A desperate jump, a wall of fire, and that's it. Freedom. Sunlight. A fresh breeze caresses your face. For a while, the adventure was over. Leon and Ashley go home, and we can only regret. Because the fifth part of this magnificent series is being developed exclusively for Sony PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. And something tells - the owners of personal computers will never see it.

But, however, it is too early to be sad. The main game is over, but the developers have plenty of surprises in store. New character costumes, additional difficulty level, secret weapons, cutscenes and three great mini-games. You can read about them in the May issue of LCI, under the heading "Tips of the masters".

Chapter 1-1

Resident Evil 4 greets us with an introductory video, after which the main character Leon begins his task. Once in a police car, somewhere in Europe, and after talking on the radio with the dispatcher Ingrid Hannigan, we set off to explore a place called Pueblo. Entering the first house, we will find a local resident, after a conversation with whom a rusty truck that was parked in his yard starts up and leaves, freeing our way further. We quickly deal with the farmers and run forward to the iron gates. The peasants in the village continue to do their daily business, but you should not immediately pounce on them, it is better to quietly look around and try to clear the territory with minimal losses. After the video, Ingrid gets in touch and gives the hero further instructions. Having searched the lady, we find out that they were waiting for us here and know who we are and why we came here. We find another iron gate and move on. In the next location, we kill several violent peasants and leave the central part of Pueblo.

The locals are not yet aware of Leon's presence.

Suddenly, local villains decide to throw a huge boulder on the main character. Having successfully dodged it, we clean the area in front and in one of the houses we find a closet with a stranger locked inside. Having freed the guy, you can relax and watch the plot video.

Chapter 1-2

Waking up, Leon learns that the stranger's name is Luis Cera, and he is a former police officer. Having got rid of the chains, we get in touch with Ingrid Hannigan. Now we leave towards the church. Having got out of the house where we were kept, we meet the merchant. We go beyond the fence into the territory of the quarry with many villagers scurrying everywhere. It is worth taking advantage of the tactical advantage, being on a hill, and the terrain is quite open, so it will not be difficult. Having defeated the farmers, we find a metal door with a recess for a hexagonal emblem. We connect the parts of the emblem in the inventory and continue on our way. In the next location, the road to the church lies through the utility building. It is worth working with a shotgun here for greater reliability. After killing opponents, we rise to the surface through the basement. A path outside leads to another house. We solve the puzzle with the crystal ball, turning it first up and then to the left, open the door and get inside. A storyline cutscene awaits you ahead.

Chapter 1-3

Ingrid informs Leon that the Los Illuminados religious group is operating in Pueblo. We open the iron door to the room and watch the video. Having examined the house, we go out into the street, where the hero is met by new enemies. Your best bet would be to help yourself with a shotgun by shooting opponents in the heads.

The villain with the chainsaw does not sleep.

We return to the center of Pueblo. We clear the already familiar area and open the door to the right of the bell tower. We go down to the underground tunnel. Having got out into the fresh air, we go along the path through the cemetery, shooting its inhabitants along the way. And here we are, in front of us is the same church, but the door is closed. After consulting with Ingrid, we go in search of another way. We go around the church on the right, through the forests on the slope of the cliff, and at the next location we find an iron door. We find ourselves in a swampy area. Overcoming the creek on wooden platforms, we are actively wielding a shotgun. The paths are narrow, and it is better to hit enemies in bulk. Going out to the lake, we watch the video. We jump into the boat and fight the boss Del Lago. The tactics are simple - when the monster swims in front, we throw the harpoon. When he dives down, we try to stay on the boat.

Chapter 2-1

After a while, Leon wakes up on the floor in the lake house. From the notes of an unknown person found in the room, the main character learns that the key to the church is behind the waterfall. We find the way to the right place and deal with the peasants. Now we need to weaken the flow of water and move to the other side of the waterfall. Having found the desired lever on the right on the tower, we activate the dam gates. The path to the heart of the waterfall is open. Entering the cave, we find the amulet.

Now you can return to the church through the cave. Coming to the surface, we find ourselves in a familiar location that looks like a round arena. Here we have a fight with El Giganto. It is better to stay away from the monster, accurately shooting in the head or legs.

El Giganto.

Having reached the entrance, we kill mutant dogs from a distance and go inside. We rise to the upper tier inside the church and, having jumped to the opposite side over the chandelier, we solve a simple puzzle: red circle - 2 turns, green - 3 turns, blue - 1 turn. The opened path leads us to a new story saver.

Chapter 2-2

Once outside and using Ashley's hint, we clear our way with the help of the cart. Having orientated ourselves on the map, we go to the target marker, where the helicopter is waiting for us. Halfway to the place, the main character learns that the helicopter has been destroyed. Now we are left without transport. After watching the video, we fall into a trap, and the heroes will have to defend the house. Having barricaded the building, we fight off the crowds of villagers with axes and pitchforks. Having successfully fought back, we watch the video.

Chapter 2-3

After leaving our temporary shelter, we explore the surroundings and learn about the plans of the cultists. We have two routes from the village. Which one you go on is not important. One way or another, we will go through familiar locations and meet fierce resistance. It is worth considering Ashley's helplessness and trying not to expose her to harm. We leave to an unusual door with a retinal scanner. It looks like this is the only way out of Pueblo. Finding the cable car to the left of the door, we go down and shoot enemies in other wagons. After examining the location, we find the gate leading to the barn. We come closer to the structure and watch the story screen saver. Now the main character will have to fight with Bitores Mendes. Try to shoot at the spine, and then at the tentacles of the monster. The defeated headman of the village will leave behind an eye, with the help of which we will open the door we need. There is only one road leading to the castle. We kill the truck driver who blocked our way and we pass further. After watching the plot video, we conclude the second chapter.

The headman got a little sick from the local ecology.

Chapter 3-1

After the cut-scene we find ourselves in the courtyard. There will be no turning back. We find the stairs and through the door we get into another part of the castle. Climbing higher, we leave on one of the walls, where we fall under heavy fire from catapults. It is worth leaving Ashley in cover and deal with the catapults, blowing up the barrels standing nearby. There are three catapults in total, and it will not be difficult to destroy them alone. However, you need to come to the aid of Ash in time - the sectarians do not stand on ceremony and can steal the girl. We rise to the turret opposite the place where the catapults have just been, and with the help of the lever we raise the cannon. Using this weapon, the main character destroys the gate that blocks the path to the depths of the castle.

After passing through the punched gate, we go into the only open door. In the room directly opposite the main character there will be a sword that must be taken, we still need it. We go up the stairs to the floor above, there the monks are already waiting for us. After examining the premises, we notice another sword on the wall, change it to the one we already have, and install the received one on the lower floor. We are heading into the secret door that has opened on the second floor. After the cutscene, we go straight and find ourselves in a richly decorated hall. The owner of the castle, the dwarf Ramon Salazar, blocks the front door for us, and the heroes can only go through the only open door. Once inside the next room, we see a locked door leading to the prison. We pass further along the corridor, and to the right of the fiery barrier we find the coveted key.

Meet Ramon Salazar.

We pull the lever and return to the fiery barrier, through which you can now pass. After running through a long corridor and having dealt with the fanatics, the heroes find themselves in an ornate hall. There are many enemies here, and Ashley is trying to kidnap every second, be careful. Having cleared the room, we go down a little lower along the side stairs. Here you need to put Ash on one of the slabs on the floor, and Leon on the opposite. Next, we ask Ashley to twist the handle of the mechanism that appears, which will lower the inner bridge. We rise higher, we are shown two more mechanisms. Having hoisted the girl, we send her to twist further, and we ourselves shoot the arriving cultists. When finished, Ash jumps into our arms, and we continue on our way. Moving to the next hall, we go straight ahead and stumble upon another plot video.

Chapter 3-2

We go into the sewer through the door on the right. Move on the water, but be careful. Here invisible insects await us, monsters are almost invisible, but well audible. Approaching the drain, we jump down. There are still a couple of enemies, we determine them by splashes of water and destroy them. We rise to the other side and leave through the door. Ahead there will be several more invisibles, and the path further will be flooded. Going to the left, we find the control room, turn the valve and drain the water. Returning, we find ourselves in a corridor with moving blades and, dodging, we run to the stairs leading upward. Well, we ended up in a room already familiar to us. After frightening off the cultists, we jump over the chandelier, open the grate and go into the red door. We are trying to catch up with the leader of the cultists. He manages to escape, and immediately this stag in a red robe greets us with a burst from a stationary machine gun. Launching a grenade into it, take the key and leave. In the next room we arrange the paintings in the following order: 2,1,4,3.

The owner of the house has excellent taste.

After watching the plot video, the main character is trapped by Salazar. We destroy the fanatics, and to the right of the center of the room, on the wall, we find a large red button. We find another button, breaking the vase behind the door nearby. The alarm system is disabled. Having moved to the pedestal, we take the goat emblem from the chest. We go along the only free path to the garden.

Chapter 3-3

After examining the room in which we were left, we pass into the dining room. By ringing the bell on the bar, we hit the picture that has appeared with a well-aimed shot. Another door is open. In the next room, a trap awaits us again. Having shot off the lock of the cage, we run away from the likeness of Wolverine that jumped down on us (in a wider room it will be easier to deal with it). Having recovered from the battle, we leave the room. Next, you need to raise the bridge by turning the lever on the left.

Chapter 3-4

Hearing Ashley's screams, we run to the rescue. We shoot off the shackles and free our companion. Next, we are engaged in the usual destruction of cultists. Grabbing the key left after killing the horned one, Ash escapes by opening the door. Now we can feel like a defenseless girl. Dodging the fanatics' paws, raise the grates. Having cleared our way, we run to the right. Three buttons await us here. We crawl under the table, click the first one, then we see another one. The latter is located behind the cabinet that needs to be moved. We run further through the corridor and find another riddle. Now you need to assemble the puzzle. Moving the pieces, we get the image of the coat of arms. After taking all the artifacts in the new room and deceiving the revived knights, we run away. We find the blue door leading to the room of Salazar's assistant and, having inserted the taken artifact, we turn the handle. Climbing the stairs, we meet with our savior.

Chapter 4-1

We return again to the hall where Ashley was lost, and we run to the north door. Jumping onto an improvised railcar, we cross the cliff and rush into the dragon hall. We briskly maneuver, bypassing the flame, and get to the coveted lion ornament, simultaneously killing annoying cultists.

Hall of Dragons.

Returning to the central hall, where Salazar met us for the first time, we insert all the found parts. The front door is open. We rise along the stairs to the right and in a trolley we go to the northern part of the castle. Having orientated ourselves on the map, we go either to the right or to the left rooms.

On the right side, the knights are waiting for us. Dodging their blows, we pass further. In the round room we take away the artifact we need. The angry knights, trying to return the stolen, are killed by our hands, and we safely return to the fork.

On the left side we will meet with the vile Salazar. We shoot four red bulbs on the falling ceiling, thereby stopping its movement. In the next room we come to the aid of Ash, hitting the drill drivers with targeted shots. After examining the territory, we find another artifact in the chest and return to the fork.

After running straight along the corridor, we install the found artifacts (we put the queen's bowl in the queen's hands, and the king's bowl, respectively, in the king's hands) and then the door opens. We jump over through the broken window to the right, onto the balcony. Climbing the stairs, we find a hole in the wall and, jumping down, we watch the video. Alone we deal with flying insects from the hive. We interact with the lever located nearby and, having shot off the chains, we pass over the fallen bridge. We watch the plot video and we pass through the bridge to one of the towers. Having slightly skirted the tower on the right, we find the lever and make our way to the next tower. Inside we deftly wield a shotgun.

These dragonflies are best killed with a shotgun.

The main character finds himself in fetid drains in the company with the corpses of cultists. Climbing the stairs, we pass along the sewers and move straight. Dodging the tentacles of the unknown monster, we activate the power plant. The next three minutes will be very stressful, and it's all thanks to that very monster. The black monster can be stopped by knocking down compressed nitrogen cylinders, freezing and shooting it. Our main task is to wait for the elevator, don't forget. The room has a door, opening which, we run to the elevator, sit down and leave.

Chapter 4-2

After proving to be in the mine, we are looking for the drilling rig and we shoot the miners standing nearby. To the left of the drill, we turn on the switch, starting the trolley, but the de-energized lift ruins our plans. Hearing the cries of the miners, we rise to them. Nearby we activate another switch and, lowering the trolley, we get dynamite out of it. We lay dynamite at the block on the right and get into the smelter.

Inside we will find ourselves alone with two El Gigantos. We kill one of the twins by lowering the switch and thereby opening the hatch in the floor. We destroy the second with the help of our arsenal, as in the first part of the game. We find ourselves in a cave with already familiar flying creatures. We pass up the slope, go to the right into the tunnel and activate the switch. We find the next one even higher in the tunnel opposite the locked door. After passing through a long corridor with traps, we run into a coffin with an artifact and rise to the surface.

Chapter 4-3

Making our way through the ruins, we destroy enemies. At the Gothic palace we find a burnt house, bypassing it from the back side, we get inside and, twisting the lever, we go down into the ground. We clean the location and find the key on the second floor. We fight off reinforcements. After interrupting everyone, we open the iron door and find ourselves in a room with another moving ceiling, according to the familiar scheme we detonate the mines installed on it, we move on. Coming out to the composition of three trolleys, we shoot the lever. At the first stop we shoot from enemies and again switch the lever to the left of the paths with a shot. Having finished the trip, we go further, taking the artifact along the way. Returning to the surface, open the previously locked door using the find.

Death road.

Chapter 4-4

After passing along the corridor, we leave to a huge hall with an imposing statue of the owner of the castle. The cultists are blocking the easiest path for us. We go upstairs and use the moving arms of the statue. We jump to the left palm, then to the middle and turn on the switch. Next, we jump over the right palm to the other side, and turn on the next switch just below. Now we need to activate another switch on the left hand side. We jump over to the left palm and rise as high as possible, we jump over again and activate the switch. Now it remains only to go down and go straight into the passage. The statue starts to move and tries to kill us. We run as fast as possible.

In the next tower, having met the main character, Salazar tries to hastily escape. Having caught up with the short man, we find him in a slightly altered form. The greatest danger is the mouth of the monster. Try not to get caught in its tentacles and stay away from the center of the lower level. From the top floor, it is best to do eye damage. After a certain number of shots at him from the bowels of the monster, a dwarf appears, we shoot at him. After the victory, we leave the door behind the monster. Going downstairs, we leave by boat.

Chapter 5-1

After the story cutscene we find ourselves on an unknown island. After passing through the grottoes, we hear Ashley's screams and, having run out to a dilapidated military base, we destroy the local inhabitants. To open the door in the rock, turn on the laser on the left and, after climbing the roofs, insist on the mirrors so that the beam hits the point to the right of the door. Having coped with the task, we continue to move. Finding your way around the map, we move through caves and along the rocks, destroying enemies. Having passed through the iron gates, we find ourselves inside a certain structure. Once in a room that looks like a kitchen, we deal with the infected in gas masks. Hearing Ashley's screams, we go to the sound and find ourselves in the video surveillance room.

After a short cutscene, we go out into the corridor in front, in front of us it comes off, then closes a steel door. Once in the operating room, we approach the panel with the riddle, enter the following combination: blue, yellow, green, green, red, red, red. In the room we take the key card from the corpse. Ahead is a meeting with regenerators, you shouldn't waste a lot of time on them - just shoot off your leg and run away. We need to get to the cryogenic laboratory. We use the key card to open the door. Inside, we rewrite the code on the key card and turn off the cryogenic installation in order to take the infrared sight. Having met the regenerators at the exit, we use the sight to destroy them. We pass further using the key card. Using the control panel, we clean the room in front with a crane. Having repulsed the remaining enemies, we move on.

We shoot in the leg and run.

Hearing Ashley's screams, we kill the guards at the door where the girl is being kept. The door is locked and you have to go to the next room. We go upstairs and destroy the detachment of soldiers.

We go straight, open the door, turn right and deal with the regenerator. We select the key from the body and go upstairs on the lift. We watch the video in the radio room and go back. It's time to free Ash. On the stairs we will meet a detachment of soldiers. Having dealt with them, we go to Ashley's cell and open the door. Round the corner. Now the main characters are together again.

Chapter 5-2

We leave the cell and fight to the dump. Having approached the edge, you will have to jump into the trash can, otherwise there is no way. Once at the bottom, pull the lever and be ready to meet the regenerators. Having run over the fence, we lower the grate. Now you can safely shoot back. In the next room we shoot the soldiers and jump down. We do not have time to land, as a bunch of infected people are already climbing on us. The fight will be long, you should be careful. After the battle, go to the control room and hit the doors three times with a steel ball. Having freed our way, we fight off another wave of opponents.

Having opened the door, we send a couple of regenerators to the next world and go further. Use the remote to open the door. Next, Ash will crawl through the gap on his own and open the door completely. To overcome the next obstacle, you need to put Ashley at one console, and Leon at the second. Press the buttons at the same time when the light in the middle comes on. We jump into the back of the bulldozer. We need to shoot the soldiers who are trying to get into the back and prevent us. When the bulldozer stops, we jump out of the body and climb up the stairs. We quickly reach the control room, wielding a shotgun, pull the lever and continue the trip.

The main thing is to fight off enemies.

Chapter 5-3

Left alone, we leave through the door. Having dealt with the soldiers, we go downstairs and leave the boiler room. Having reached the elevator, we go upstairs. After the interactive battle, we jump over to the opposite side and go into the door. We overcome the laser barrier. Having ruled in Saddler's room, we run straight.

We go out into the street. At the bottom we destroy the camp of opponents and jump into the hole inside the tent. After passing through the tunnel, we meet the boss. Krauser is much more human than the rest. We work at first at a distance, then we go into a fight with knives. The enemy will quickly retreat, throwing a blinding grenade at us.

After crossing the bridge, we fight back from Krauser. Having reached the hut, we deal with the monsters and the annoying special forces. We leave the location by placing the statue on the slab. In the opened passage, we turn the lever. On the way to the tower, we get rid of the oncoming robots. Now the timer will start working, and we need to defeat Krauser in the remaining time. We shoot the commandos in the knee, and when he opens up, direct fire to the head. We take away the remaining artifacts and, having jumped down, use the found values.

Mercenary Krauser.

Chapter 5-4

In the new location, Mike, a helicopter pilot, comes to our aid. He covers us, and we should actively use his help. Moving forward, having met the first machine gunner, we hide in the tent, then we do the same, giving Mike the opportunity to destroy the enemies. Reaching the closed gate, knock down the lock and jump down. The same thing awaits us here.

After reaching the first machine gunner, hide in the tent and wait for Mike to do his job. He will report on the radio that you can move on. After the appearance of a crowd of opponents, run back and hide in a secluded place. Soon it will be possible to continue the journey. After reaching the closed gate, knock down the castle with a shot and jump down. When the pilot clears the territory, we climb up, pull the lever and move inside. Having entered the second door, we independently destroy the enraged machine gunner and continue our way.

We move on to the prison room, where the regenerator is waiting for us, but we already know how to deal with it. We clean up the soldiers' base ahead, but be careful with long-range enemies. We move into the building, after which we go to the right of the pre-closed door. The arriving enemies will not be a big problem, and one of them will have a key card. With the map we go to the northeast room, from where we rise to the third floor and insert the key into the panel. Having repulsed the next wave of opponents, we go to the second floor and, by pressing two buttons, we open the coveted door.

Once in the laboratory, we watch the video and free Ashley. Going down into the tunnel, we find a large door and rush to the finale.

The final

The main thing is to shoot in the eyes.

After all the troubles that happened to Leon, the last battle with Lord Saddler will not be difficult. To inflict damage on the mutant, we shoot first at the eyes on its limbs, and then at the opened eye in the center. After we pick up the red grenade launcher, we make the last shot. After the cutscene, we quickly go down the elevator and, having met Ash, we run along the tunnel, after which we jump on the jet ski. We deftly maneuver, avoiding obstacles. Another moment and that's it!


Six years have passed since the tragedy in Racon City. "Umbrella" no longer exists, everything seems to be calm ... No matter how it is ... Leon, the protagonist of the second part of the game, got a new job, and here is his first serious task: to find the kidnapped daughter of the President of the United States. The thread led to an unknown European country, apparently - to Spain, where a missing girl should be in a lost village.

Walk a little along the path until you reach the crows. These creatures are fraught with many unusual things, ranging from cartridges with grenades, ending with medicinal herbs and boxes of gold. To get to the trophies, you need to shoot the birds. Just remember that after the first shot the crows will take off and have to be shot down in the air. Try to aim as accurately as possible, the ammo is also not infinite.

After the brutal massacre of the birds, enter the house and chat with a local resident. He will refuse to make contact and will start waving an ax. Shoot the weirdo and examine the body. Not like a zombie. But somehow strange.

Now you can't just leave the house, three local residents are waiting outside. We'll have to fight our way through. Climb to the second floor, pick up the cartridges from the table and jump out the window. Having dealt with the enemy, break the barrel next to the cart and run to the bridge. There is no way back, you have to go further.

In a small hut by the road, you can record the game. Next, find the dog that has been trapped. Free her and get invaluable help in the future. Near the second signpost you will find red grass, just be careful not to fall into a trap. Also, the road is blocked by guy wires in several places. Go around them or shoot explosives to clear the way. There are a few steps left to the village. But I don’t think that what you see will please you.

Residents burn the corpse of a police officer in the square, while muttering something under their breath and sweeping the streets. Unfortunately, the collision still cannot be avoided, so we will try to make the most of it.

We act in such a way as to get the maximum amount of money, but I warn you that it will be difficult. First, run through the village to get the attention of the villagers. Then try to exit through the gate next to the tower. A second squad will appear, led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. Now run to the large house with a fence in the northeast. This will attract a bunch of more residents and the second guy with the chainsaw.

Now we can get down to wrestling. Barricade the door to buy time. Go up to the second floor, grab the shotgun from the wall (the cartridges are nearby) and break the glass of the sideboard to get to the grenade. If you have time, you can pick up other things.

Position yourself so that you can see the window and stairs. Gradually, residents will begin to catch up. Shoot them down with shotgun shots, and when a large crowd gathers, throw a grenade. Everyone who is hit by the explosion will die. Including chainsaw maniacs who kill in one hit.

It remains to finish off the survivors, wait for the bell to ring and start collecting trophies. From the inhabitants you will receive a standard set of prizes, from two maniacs - a ruby ​​and 10,000 pesetas. If you can't create something like that, then start the battle right on the square. It will be many times easier, at least you won't have to fight with maniacs, but the prey is much poorer.

Now it's time to start plundering the village. In the house where the defense was held, in addition to the listed things, you will also find cartridges for a pistol and baskets, they are located on the first floor. Find a gem at the eastern wall. On the chimney of a neighboring house are cartridges for a pistol (you can get there by jumping out of the window).

In the northwest house you will find herbs (they are on the shed) and pistol cartridges. In one of the small huts there is an interesting document. In the southwest corner of the grass. If you knock the lock on the barn, you will get a lot of useful things. Next to the church are pistol cartridges, and on the tower are shotgun ammunition.

There is nothing else to do here, so go to the farm. Before you rush into battle, record the game. There are not so many inhabitants, so methodically go around and clear the area. When you destroy the enemy, you can start looting. By the way, do not forget about chickens, eggs fall out of them.

Read the blue ad to trigger a mini-game. There are fifteen medallions hung in the village that need to be collected. They are displayed on the map, so there should be no problem finding them. If you shoot at least ten, get a prize.

There is a sump near the typewriter hut. Knock down the board to lower the lid, and then shoot down the medallion hanging on the tree. By the way, if you knock off the medallion without lowering the lid, you get it anyway. Only dirty and therefore cheap.

Search homes for valuables. Then climb to the second floor of the barn, climb out the window and jump down from the very edge of the roof (not where the wheel is spinning). Go to a small office and pick up a precious thing. Push the closet to exit and leave the area. Although you can return to the village and collect the eggs that have appeared from nowhere. Let me remind you that they also restore life.

After walking a little along the path, you will receive a boulder as a gift that threatens to crush Leon. To avoid this, press the indicated buttons in time. In the tunnel, knock down the jewels from the ceiling. Going out to the house, take a stern look around.

On the right is a resident who loves to throw dynamite. Another flock of mischievous people settled in the house. They are not scary yet, so do not pay attention. First, run closer to the dynamite, and when he throws a charge, run back. This will destroy the traps in the small barn. Now shoot the enemy from afar.

To get through the courtyard, you have to shoot a couple of traps. It's easy to deal with the residents in the house. Show up and run away abruptly. The dynamite throws a charge “don't understand where” - and kills all his colleagues along with him. It remains to shoot the last enemy in the north.

Pick up the grenade from the table and knock down the crow's nest next to the big house. Then go inside. Here you will find cartridges, money and grass (you will have to defuse the trap). Now open the cabinet and watch the cutscene. Congratulations, you've been caught.

The peaceful awakening was interrupted by a villager with an ax. Press the indicated buttons to dodge the blow. Now you can look around. All things remained in place, for which a special thank you. At the same time, buy items from the merchant, you will notice him through the window, he also speaks in a strange voice. The most valuable and necessary purchases: a larger backpack and a rifle, the rest should be taken depending on the desire and availability of free money.

After that, collect the items in the house (pistol cartridges, rifles and green grass) and go to the quarry. A dozen inhabitants roam there. Get their attention with a rifle shot and take out your pistol. They will crawl in a crowd, so it won't be a problem to deal with them. Dynamiters are more dangerous. But given their accuracy, colleagues are more likely to suffer than Leon.

After reaching a certain place, you will get a pack of residents who will run out from nowhere. Probably from a parallel universe. However, these are the last opponents, after their destruction you can start collecting.

In the house you will find cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol, a blinding grenade, the left half of the emblem. In a small annex next to the lift - money, yellow grass, shotgun cartridges. On the way around - rifle cartridges and the right half of the emblem.

Connect the two halves of the emblem and insert into the door to go further. Break three barrels before passing the gate. Inside, rummage around another barrel and lure the villagers who have settled around the corner.

After reaching the end of the corridor, break the barrel and jump out the window. There, in addition to the usual residents, a couple of dynamites are waiting. Hide behind the container, wait for the explosions to thunder, and go collect trophies. Those infected, thanks to the "well-aimed" throw of dynamite, will destroy themselves. Just remember to neutralize the traps. Break three barrels to get to the jewelry and pistol cartridges, also inspect the furnaces.

Find green grass in the next room, kill two villagers and break the window. Through it you will enter the room, where you will find the Elegant Mask. Go downstairs, deal with the enemy and search the reservoir. There you will find Pistol Ammo, Blind Grenade, and Money. Also gut the fish in search of valuable and useful items.

Shoot the crows on the street and destroy the traps. A clock hangs nearby, which can be knocked down with two shots. Also nearby you will find three boxes with money.

Visit the house. Here you need to turn the crystal to open the door. Turn up first, then left. Take the money, pistol cartridges, key and document in the room. Then open the door and go inside.

Immediately after the beginning of the chapter, head back to the room if you want to watch an interesting scene. Go back, collect items (money, grenade, green grass) and go outside. There will be a couple of residents led by a maniac armed with a chainsaw. He will need 6-7 shots to the head from a shotgun.

Follow the path while collecting items (red grass, cartridges and a chicken egg) and knocking down tree nests (jewelry). Then go to the village. Nothing interesting happens here, except for the dozen angry residents who returned from the sermon. Finish them - pay special attention to the roofs of the houses - and go into the tunnel where opponents fled not so long ago.

Pick up the clip from the table. In the next room, break the barrel to get to the submachine gun ammo, and knock down the lamp to get the jewel. Then go downstairs. In the cave, remove the lamp with a shot, and then the objects from the ceiling. Next, there will be a merchant, and behind him is an exit.

There are few opponents. Two near the cemetery and several near the church. But hidden things ... Explosive and incendiary grenades, rifle cartridges - you will find in the nests in the trees. Ravens will drop a lot of money and pistol cartridges. You will find ammunition for the pistol in the boxes that are in the huts

You can shoot the remaining 8 blue medallions to get the rightful prize - the Punisher pistol - from any merchant. Finally, it's worth solving the puzzle before moving on. You will find her next to the church, and the correct answer is 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. The reward is a precious stone.

In the next area, there is a flock of crows, which must be jammed with a grenade so that they do not have time to fly away. Get a lot of money. Also find cartridges, two jewels and go to the merchant. Make the necessary purchases and claim a prize for the blue medallions. Move on.

Pick up cartridges and walk along the path. Residents will once again roll a huge boulder, so you will have to run a little. When the mini-game is over, find the hidden prize on the cliff and shoot it down.

There are many enemies wandering in the water, so I advise you to try to lure them into a trap. Or just gather a crowd and blow up on a grenade. This will save you ammunition you will need later. Already dealt with the enemy? So, it's time to do what the heroes love - looting.

In the huts (there are three in total) you will find cartridges for a shotgun, machine gun and a grenade. The second "lemon" can be found in the water. Be careful when opening the boxes - there are snakes in two of them. You can also get the Antique Pipe by knocking the nest off the tree with a shot. It is located next to the hut.

When you reach the lake, first turn right. From the cliff you will see a very funny scene, I hope that the monster is full and calmed down. Take the red grass and head downstairs. Shoot down the Gold Bangle and take the Pistol Ammo, Yellow and Green Weed from the hut. Now get into the boat. By the way, you can hunt for fish, which is also a pleasant pastime. After reaching the middle of the lake, get the first boss.

Defeating him is easy enough. Despite the hooked anchor, the boat can maneuver, which allows you to dodge snags and tail blows. In a moment free from maneuvers, do not forget to throw a harpoon so that the "goldfish" is not too impudent. Sometimes the creature gets angry and goes into a frontal attack. At such a moment, you need to determine where it will come from, let it come closer and throw the harpoon into its mouth.

If Leon is thrown out of the boat, then press the indicated button as quickly as possible if you want to return alive. When you finish off the monster, you also need to torment the buttons in order to have time to cut the rope. This concludes the chapter.

After waking up in the cabin, take the letter from the bed, pistol cartridges and a grenade from the table. Get into the boat again and swim to the cave with the merchant. First, break the barrels below to collect ammo and money. Then push the box and climb onto the roof.

Carry out a punitive raid on the barrels, in one you will find a gem. Another one can be obtained by shooting at the lantern (you will have to run down to pick it up). Then jump into the hut, take the rifle cartridges and sell the unnecessary things to the merchant.

Shoot the villager who is on the tower. Collect Pistol Ammo and Gem. Now shoot down the boxes with shots and jump to the opposite side. There you will find a lever. Pull it to remove the water and head to the center aisle.

Once you get to the middle, a crowd of residents will come running. Run back and hold the defense. A shotgun helps a lot, because the enemy goes in a friendly crowd and dies in unison. Search the barrels and don't forget to shoot down the Amber Ring that hangs between the two torches.

Go into the opened passage, take the Round Insignia and climb into the boat, which will take you to the cave to the merchant. Upgrade your shotgun and record the game before moving on. There will be a battle with the monster.

The local analogue of the troll, despite its respectable size, is a fairly harmless creature. The main thing is not to spin under your feet so as not to get hit. Given its speed of movement, this is not difficult.

The troll has the following attacks. Kicks, punches. Not too dangerous. It can imprint its body into the ground. This is serious and should be avoided by any means. He can grab and start breaking bones. At this moment, press the indicated buttons to break free.

Also, the troll can throw a stone. We'll have to dodge by pressing the appropriate keys. Or grab a tree. It takes a couple of accurate shots to get you to throw. And the last - a sharp acceleration with a blow. It is difficult to dodge this, because you usually have to run away, and there is no way to follow what the monster is doing.

If you saved the dog at the very beginning of the game, then the four-legged friend will help in the battle. He will distract the monster for a while, and you can shoot in the head with impunity. After the death of the troll, pick up a reward of 15,000 pesetas and search the huts for valuable items. Unless, of course, the giant accidentally destroyed the houses, waving his arms and legs.

Take the money off the table and gut the barrel. Then climb up and jump to the other side with the help of the chandelier. Here, too, ransack the kegs and go to the console. We'll have to solve a simple puzzle. You need to rotate the three patterns so that they line up with the center pattern. Answers: turn red two times, blue one time, green three times. Combine patterns.

Go to the opened passage. There you will find the president's daughter, who from now on will become a burden and a constant source of headaches. Search the barrels and return to the church. After the cutscene, the next chapter will begin.

Search the barrels in the room and go outside. Shoot the cart and finish off the inhabitants who survived the explosion. Collect the dropped prizes and run into the tunnel. After reaching the house, break the barrels and knock down the lantern to get a stone. Go to the village.

There are about eight inhabitants here and a bunch of traps. Keep your eyes open and brush the area carefully. After that, search the village for new items, the most valuable find is a stone on the tower, then go to the farm.

Hide Ashley in the drawer and search the shack for new items. Then start to destroy the appeared opponents. Pay attention to the large barn, there are especially a lot of items and ammunition. After that, call Ashley and run to the double gates, the girl will help open them.

Buy new items from the merchant before approaching the house. After the video, the defense of the house will begin, which can be included in the nomination “ten best gaming moments of the year”. While there is time, collect the items that are scattered on the floor. Then you need to shoot the enemy stubbornly climbing through the windows. Luis will help as much as possible, but it's best to rely on a shotgun. He certainly won't let you down.

After a while, the Spaniard will go up to the second floor. I advise you to follow him. It's a little harder to keep the defensive here. In addition to the stairs, which will become the place of mass death of opponents, you need to keep an eye on the windows. Infected residents will try to climb through them. To prevent this from happening, push the stairs. Of course, they will be placed again, but knocking them over again is a matter of a few seconds.

After the death of a certain number of residents, or maybe after the time has elapsed, a signal will sound, and the enemy will retreat without completing the case. They are strange, or maybe the local authorities have plans for Leon? This concludes the chapter.

After the battle, collect the trophies and the remaining items. Go out into the street, find cartridges for the machine gun and run to the merchant. After the necessary purchases, record the game. Now there is a choice which way to go further. If you pull the lever to the left - the left gate will open, if to the right - the right gate. Let's consider both ways.

Left path. There are many inhabitants in this area, even too many, if you remember what siege they had to endure. First, shoot at the cart for an explosion. Collect the dropped items and turn right, where several opponents are roaming. Climb the stairs, finish off the villagers and hide Ashley in the container.

Clear the upper level and collect items. Don't jump into the big hole in the middle just yet, there is an unpleasant surprise waiting for you. First, go down to the small area on the left (you should see the cart) and collect the ammo.

It's time to go down to the hole in the middle. Suddenly, two girls with chainsaws and several ordinary residents will jump out. Throw a blinding grenade and get into a comfortable position. Now use a shotgun to fight off opponents. The main rule is to keep the lady out of the hitting distance. You can, on the contrary, climb up and shoot from there. Only in this case you will have to finish off two crossbowmen, but, on the other hand, this will have to be done in any case.

Having repulsed the attack, pick up the trophies, among which there will be a key, open the door and go outside. Move forward collecting items. You will find especially valuable things in the shacks (a jewel and a grenade).

A crowd of residents is waiting around the next corner, so first hide Ashley in the container. Gather more people and throw an incendiary grenade, then repeat the technique. If you run out of grenades, pick up a shotgun or machine gun. After destroying the enemy, collect trophies, rummage around the barrels and exit through the gate. Having called Ashley beforehand, of course.

Right path. For me personally, the right road is much easier. The enemy, though healthy, is only one. At first everything seems to be calm. But when you come to the gate, a giant, with whom we have already dealt, will come running. Beating tactics are the same: blinding grenades, shotgun shots to the head, dashing swoop and stabbing. Repeat three times.

Search the area for a barrel, then talk to the merchant. It's time to move on. When you reach the cable car, climb onto the platform and drive forward. Take out your machine gun and shoot at the villagers who also decided to ride at their leisure.

Once on the other side, search the control room and go downstairs. Go left first. Before entering the tunnel, order Ashley to wait at the bend. Several residents are waiting there, among whom one dynamite is hiding (he, again, will do most of the work). After fighting off the enemies, go upstairs and pick up the treasure.

Go back and go along the second path. There you will meet another merchant. Buy a grenade launcher from him (I remind you that there are no problems with money, read the corresponding chapter ... and, of course, carefully search the area). Sign up. Now go to the next area and enter the house.

After the cutscene, press the indicated buttons to avoid death. Happened? Then another video. When it is over and the monster walks confidently towards the main character, take out the grenade launcher and make an aimed shot. The lower half of the monster will fall off, it remains to finish off the upper one.

You can do it differently. Running in circles, throwing grenades, blowing up barrels ... this, in principle, is also not too difficult. But one shot from an RPG-7 is much more reliable, so do not spare your money. Only if you don't save money.

The upper half of the monster will briskly climb onto the rafters and start jumping over the beams. If you shoot well, you can have time to shoot down the creature on the way, when it rushes at Leon. Otherwise, run from end to end of the building, shooting from the machine gun. After defeating the monster, take the money, the artificial eye and search the building thoroughly. There are a lot of ammo and items here. Then go out through the hole in the wall and go to the gate that leads to the castle.

Pick up cartridges and finish off the villagers who are on guard on the road. It is worth moving forward, as you hear the approach of the car. Shoot the driver or blow up the engine to avoid hitting the wheels. Climb up, turn around and deal with the crowd of residents. It was possible to escape, but trophies are not superfluous. It remains to clean out the barrels and move to the castle.

The cutscene will begin soon, which means that the second chapter has come to an end.

The chapter will begin surprisingly peacefully. No enemies. Therefore, start collecting cartridges and search barrels, do not miss the chest with money. Then hand over the stolen goods to the merchant and buy a new shotgun with a rifle. It is also advisable to acquire a larger backpack.

Then go up the stairs. After reaching the basket, grab the rifle cartridges and shoot two monks. Move on. After the cutscene, wait for the explosions to die off, and run to the left and then down. Search the barrels there and go into the corridor. By the way, Ashley should be with you because the monks are coming soon.

Going up the stairs, look up. On the roof you will see the first catapult. Shoot the fuel keg and move on. From behind the loophole (it is next to the exit to the roof), blow up the barrel at the second catapult. Now shoot the fellow monk in the house.

Wait a little. Soon two monks will appear who will come from the rear. Having dealt with them, run into the house and wait out the explosions. Blow up the barrel at the third catapult from the house. There is very little left. Leave Ashley in the house, and slowly move forward, constantly looking to the right. There will be a fourth catapult, near which a lone fanatic stands. You can shoot him without getting into the fire zone. A convenient place is a battlement at a small passage.

Use the lever to raise the cannon. One shot and the gate will be blown to pieces. Go back for Ashley, explore the surroundings around the house, among other things, find the Gold Bangle and go into the formed passage.

Inside the castle, remove the platinum sword from the wall and go upstairs. Finish off the monks and pick up the golden sword. In response to such rudeness, a detachment of clergymen will rush in. Return to the stairs and stop their attempts to break up. Collect the items and put the platinum sword in place of the gold one, and the gold sword in the place of the platinum one.

In the next area, you will meet Luis. A strange man after all. Go to the next door and lure out the monks. Then go into the room and finish off the surviving enemies, including the crossbowman. A little further you will meet two shield-bearers. Make neat holes in the shields to get to the torso of the infected fanatics.

When you pick up the key from the chest, a crowd of monks will come running. Blow up the keg and retreat. Find a place where it will be convenient to hold the defense, and get your shotgun. After clearing the area, move forward. Soon you will meet the owner of the castle, who, babbling a prepared speech, will block the path and retire away.

There is nothing left but to move around, but before that, search the barrels and knock down the gem above the arch. Go to the door on the right. Inspect the dining room, collect items (picture of the main bastard, 5000 pesetas will pleasantly surprise you), read the document, look meaningfully at the fire, grab the prison key and go down to the cells.

Leave Ashley on the stairs and search the casemates yourself. Shoot down the shotgun cartridges from the wall and go to the chamber with the strange statue. As soon as you get closer, a creature with huge claws will jump out. Despite the terrible appearance, the monster sees practically nothing. Therefore, if you disappear from sight for a few seconds, he will lose Leon and start wandering in search of a victim.

Each bell is designed for two collisions with a monster. Therefore, you need to meet in four runs, otherwise you will have to endure a painful meeting with claws and suffer from a shortage of a first-aid kit in the future. After defeating the monster, pick up the money and pull the lever in the chamber to turn off the fire.

Go back. Infected comrades are already waiting in the dining room. Several crossbowmen and a dynamite lurked among the monks. Shoot down the dynamite with a shot, and the number of opponents will be drastically reduced. You can also shoot at the lamp to set it on fire.

There is an incredible number of fanatics in the next room. Without moving, take out a shotgun and start shooting. You can run from corner to corner, but if you keep the situation under control and keep a sharp eye on the sides, this is clearly unnecessary. Only leave Ashley alone is not worth it, because the monks sometimes jump from the top floor.

When you finish off the enemy, stand on one plate in the room, and put Ashley on the other. After that, a detachment of monks will come running. Lure them into the room and kill them one by one. Then go to the pedestal that appears and make the girl rotate the lever.

The stairs will descend. Go to the next part of the hall, collect the ammo and reload the rifle. Now there is a tense battle ahead. Lift Ashley up to the ledge so she can reach the lever. Then run to the platform near the water and take out the rifle.

You need to cover the girl while she turns two levers. There are not so many monks, but you need to shoot quickly and accurately. They will try to drag Ashley away, so don't worry about the girl's health - if they get caught, you can always beat it off. Also, don't forget to switch to the shotgun and shoot back at the fanatics who try to get to Leon, or use grenades so you don't waste time. They help out a lot.

When the platforms rise, help Ashley jump down and run to the exit. There are no enemies in the next room yet. You can take a break, besides, a merchant has stopped nearby, if you want, buy the necessary items. Also, do not forget to knock the gem off the sculpture, if you wish, you can play a mini-game.

When you make the necessary preparations, run along the corridor next to the usual merchant. Here's a fool, where did you run? However, as the saying goes - "a woman with a cart, it is easier for a mare." At least now you only need to worry about yourself.

Maybe Leon was grieving about the missing Ashley. Maybe he's right. But the game has become much easier, there is no longer a burden and a potential source of problems. Turn right and enter the sewers. It is home to ram-sized malevolent insects. Their approach can be identified by their characteristic sound. But it is difficult to see the monsters, they are able to become invisible. True, not entirely: if you look closely, you will see a slight distortion in the air.

The first creature will run out of the corner. Shoot it down with a shotgun, then finish it off with a grenade. There are two beetles in the water pit. Retreat into the corridor and hold the defense. Then you will find yourself in a dungeon, where four monsters are already running. The further into the forest, the more angry the partisans.

Then go up to the control room and twist the lever to dump the water. Don't forget to pick up the Butterfly Lamp. The path is clear, and you can move on. When you pass the doorway, an insect will fall from above. Get ready and keep your shotgun ready. Don't forget to pick up Velvet Blue near the broken grate.

In the next corridor, swinging knives are waiting to pass them, look at the shadow, it is easier to navigate along it. Passing the third and fourth "rocking chair", note that they move together, so you will have to run even faster.

You will go out into the room where the merchant was (he did not disappear anywhere, he just moved to the staircase). Below you will see a bunch of monks who are performing some kind of ceremony. Each of them has a jewel in store, and the leader will share a valuable pendant. But, if they see Leon, they will immediately rush to retreat. Therefore, you need to kill everyone at once and quickly go downstairs until the trophies disappear. Throw a blinding grenade first, and then a regular one.

It remains to find a way down. On the chandelier, jump to the other side. Then go back on another chandelier. Pick up the Elegant Mask and pull the lever to open the passage. Go downstairs and collect trophies. Return to the merchant and hand over the stolen goods.

In the next room there is a battle with monks. They are led by a leader in a red hoodie. When you cope with the enemy, he will hasten to get away. We'll have to catch up with him, kill a pack of monks and again rush in pursuit. This leapfrog will end when he sits down at the machine gun in the center of the room. Step back into the shelter and take out the rifle. Wait for the machine gun to stop firing. You have a few seconds while it recharges. From the cover, remove the leader with a headshot. Take the key from the body and go to the next room.

To get out of this room, you need to switch pictures so that there are six corpses. The combination is simple - 2, 1, 4, 3. The owner of the castle is waiting in the next room. After a ridiculous conversation, the dwarf will disappear, leaving a bunch of monks behind. A lot of people are a good target for a grenade. Crossbowmen on the second floor and dynamitemen are much more dangerous, they can spoil your nerves, especially if you do not pay attention to them in time.

Once you've dealt with the monks, flip the two switches to open the door and slide out the bridge to the Goat Ornament chest. Next, there will be a peaceful area. First, you can shoot the crows in the aisle, they sit on the windows, hiding in themselves boxes of gold. On the roof of the castle, the birds are located on a fountain that hides many precious stones. Pay attention to the closed door. This is where you need to return when you find Ashley.

Then go to the labyrinth garden. There are a bunch of monster dogs that love to jump around the corner and bite painfully. It is usually difficult to predict where they will come from, so keep your shotgun ready. To get out of here, you need to find two halves of Blue Moonstone, which will unlock the door. They lie near small fountains.

When you go up to the bedroom, you will meet Ada for the second time. After a short conversation, the girl will disappear in an unknown direction, leaving Leon in bitter loneliness.

Even though everyone leaves Leon, we are not upset. One is also very much, so joyfully search the room for ammunition and money. Don't forget to check the crate next to the merchant for Mirror with Pearls and Rubies. After your health and shopping course, head out to the dining room.

Collect everything that is bad, go to the counter and click on the bell. A picture will appear, shoot at it with a pistol to open the door. But, before going into the opened passage, run into the room next to the roof. There are many boxes that require a search, just remember that there is a snake in one.

Go back and go to the opened door. After the cutscene, run out of the cage and start killing the monks, then tackle the monster with long claws. Be careful not to get confused or get surrounded. Then collect all the items including the hourglass from the chest.

Break the jug to get the rifle ammo. Then start shooting the monks. After successfully completing the task, jump down and pull the lever. Climb back up the stairs. Get out your shotgun at once and finish off two worshipers. Then turn around towards the appeared bridge and shoot a couple more monks.

Cross the bridge and go down the stairs. The exhibition contains a grenade launcher and a bunch of grenades with cartridges. If you cannot carry it away at once, leave it for the future. You can still return here, but the grenade launcher will not be needed for a long time.

Go to the merchant, sell the junk and buy the items you need. The backpack should be free, so return to the exhibit for the grenade launcher. To finish the chapter, go out into the hall and watch the cutscene. Damn it, he was quick, he only lasted half the game.

Before rescuing Ashley, run across the hall and collect items. Now take out your rifle and shoot the shackles. The monks seemed to be waiting for a prearranged signal and threw them into the room. First, there will be the usual opponents. Then the crossbowmen and the leader in the bloody cloak will appear. Until you kill the leader, the girl will not be able to get out of the room, because he has the key to the door. And until the girl picks up the key, new opponents will constantly run out.

Saving the girl will result in the need to play ... for her. No weapons. You have to rely on the agility and speed of your legs. Take a breath and pick up a gem, yellow herb. In general, they ran as fast as they could.

A monk is already waiting in the next room. He can be killed by throwing three lamps with oil (iron calculation - no more), which are hung on the walls. Thank God that the clergyman is alone, otherwise it would have been difficult. If Ashley is grabbed, click on the indicated button to break out of the embrace.

After finishing off the first monk, collect the items and pull the lever to get into the next room. Deal with the second enemy, then take the loot. It remains to raise the gate, to do this, turn the valve and leave the room.

Search the area for ammo, money and grass. Then go to the room with the raised bars. Crawl under the table, hit the red switch and pick up the Stone Tablet. Then pull the next switch. Finally pull the shelf away and pull the last switch to get to the back door.

You will be taken to a room with knightly armor. To unlock the entrance, you need to solve a simple puzzle. Number the field mentally as follows: 1 - top left corner, 9 - bottom right. The combination is as follows - 6, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 9, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 8, 5, 6, 9. Then insert the found plate and move on.

Pick up the Gold Bracelet, Jewel, Salazar Family Insignia and Serpent Ornament in the room. When you pick up the last item, the armor will begin to come to life and swing with healthy swords. Run from there, simultaneously dodging the knights' blows (you need to press the indicated buttons). Insert the Salazar Family Insignia to open the door, she's the only one to miss, and head up the stairs. The chapter is over, Ashley is with Leon again.

Before moving on, return to the roof and with Ashley's help open the locked door. There you will find Red Weed, Elegant Perfume Bottle and the great terrible Broken Butterfly. After that, return to the room where the chapter started and go through the double doors.

Go to the room opposite the corridor (for this you have to ride a strange cart). When you find yourself inside a hall filled with lava, take out your rifle and shoot the monk who controls the stone dragon. After passing the revolving room, repulse the attack of the eight monks and move forward.

More stone dragons will appear. Dodge the flames and knock down shooters. When the last one dies, you can pick up the Lion Ornament. Now that you have three ornaments, you can remove the wall that appeared at the very beginning of the chapter. Return back to the hall, not forgetting to grab the pendant from the chest.

Run to the left. There will be a cart that will bring you almost to the very beginning of the map. Insert the found ornaments into the fresco. The wall will slide smoothly to the side, now you can go through. Before moving on, run to the balcony where the owner of the castle spoke, take the money for the painting and search the vase.

Visit the merchant in the next room, and then run to the right. Here you need to put two statues on stone tablets. Place Leon and Ashley on the other tiles. The door will open. Salazar is waiting in the hall, who will soon wash away from there, leaving you alone with the falling ceiling. To avoid hitting the stakes, shoot at the four red stones on the ceiling.

Run after the owner of the castle. Ashley will be trapped in the hallway. It is necessary to shoot the monks with a rifle, until the drilling machine smeared the girl on the grate. Act quickly - time is short. Collect ammo and money, do not forget about the Queen's Grail and Elegant Chessboard, knock down the door and leave the room.

Go to the next room. There is a knight strike force hiding there. Lure them closer and throw a grenade into the crowd, and then finish off with a shotgun (blinding grenades are also helpful). Here you will find the King's Grail.

Finally, another detachment will be found at the exit. The distance is long, and you can shoot them with a rifle. Collect the jewelry from the statue before moving on. Then place the King's Grail and Queen's Grail on the stands to unlock the door.

To go further, you need to get out the window and go up to the roof. Take the cartridges from the boxes and jump down. When you walk past an incomprehensible nest, Ashley will be taken away by a flying beetle. But a dozen others will decide to come to grips with Leon. Shoot them down with a shotgun and collect crystals. Now you can tackle the hive. To destroy it, you will have to spend about 50 rounds for a pistol. But you will get so much jewelry that you do not have to worry about your financial situation.

Then pull the lever and shoot off the rings that prevent the bridge from descending. In the next room, sell the junk to the merchant and be sure to buy a grenade launcher. Although, if you did not spend what you found in chapter 3-3, and there was nowhere to spend it, you do not need to do this. Go outside.

Run across the bridge. When the catapults start shooting, I advise you to increase your speed. Turn left on the stairs and finish off the monk. Search the barrels, shoot the monks behind the catapults and enter the tower.

Exit the tower and get ready to greet a squad of fanatics. Throw a grenade, they'll love it. Remove the gold bracelet from the leader's body and enter the tower. Inside the hall, in addition to the clergy, there is a creature with long claws. Fire from the grenade launcher to get rid of the dangerous monster. Then finish off the monks and collect items.

Go into the hall and after the video press the indicated buttons so as not to crash to death. Once in the pit, collect cartridges, grenades, yellow grass and Crown from the corpses. Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant and climb the stairs.

Run along the corridor and collect items. Do not pay attention to the disturbing video, you are only frightened. In the next area, run straight down the corridor until the creature appears. While you cannot engage in battle with her, so continue to rush forward - I beg you, do not turn anywhere - do not forget to dodge the blows.

Once in the room, pull the lever and go to the door. Press the button ... Here you are - the dwarf's personal bodyguard. The usual way is not to finish him off, you need to act cunningly. Run to one of the nitrogen cylinders and, when the monster comes close, push the cylinder to freeze the enemy. Run away and hit from the grenade launcher. The bodyguard will crumble into small pieces, leaving behind the Crown Jewel.

Pick up a stone, go around the rooms and collect items. Then take the elevator and go upstairs. This long chapter (although, to be more precise, a subchapter) will end.

Pick up the green grass, search the barrels and head through the door. In the tunnel, pick up another green herb, ammo and Velvet Blue. See who works in the cave! Good old (albeit pretty strong) peasants. I've already missed these idiots. Get out your pretty dusty pistol and start doing your usual business. After that, collect trophies and search the cave.

Then flip the switch at the bottom. The trolley will roll. Run upstairs and use another switch. A crowd will come running, at the head of which will be another maniac with a chainsaw. Hide in some corner and fight back with a shotgun. Again use the switch at the bottom to lower the cart. Take the dynamite out of it and put it under the boulder. You will have a little time to run back to a safe distance. Prepare the Magnum before entering the next room.

Collect ammo, grenades and go to the double doors. Two giant monsters will jump out of there. Run to the platform and climb up. When it starts to swing, get down on the rope. Grab the lever - wait for one of the giants to stand in the center of the circle - and open the shutter. Terminator's feat is repeated.

This cave is inhabited by many beetles - flying and running. They will attack in groups of three or four. Keep your shotgun ready and keep a close eye on the sides so as not to miss the critters and find objects. You need to pull two levers, which you will find in the "sleeves" -tunnels, to go further. Take the Royal Insignia from the grave before leaving the cave.

Break three barrels and sell unnecessary items to the merchant. Now inspect the area: peasants are hiding in the ruins. Two are standing at the entrance, the rest are warming themselves by the fire. If you manage to get close unnoticed, then you can finish off the entire squad with one grenade. After getting rid of opponents, search the area thoroughly. There are many valuable items in the nooks. When done, enter the house through the window and jump down to the basement.

After reaching the cave, start to lure the inhabitants one by one. Then get the rifle and finish off the guy with the chainsaw on the second floor. Now search the area, and in one of the graves you will find the Staff of Royalty. Climb into the building using the stairs. There is a second chainsaw lover on the first floor, so it’s better not to disturb him.

Pick up the yellow herb from the barrel and take out the shotgun. About 30 residents will be visiting soon. They will mainly climb through the window, so knock down the stairs in time and do not forget to throw grenades.

Search the barrels and get into the cart. Shoot the lever to start off. I advise you to sit in the last cart. Soon, residents will start jumping off from above. You can shoot them down before they jump. Or vice versa - wait for them to climb inside to collect trophies after death. But the main thing - do not forget to dodge obstacles by pressing the indicated keys.

After about half the way, the cart will stop. After that, a considerable number of residents and one maniac with a chainsaw are parachuted to you. Grenades and a shotgun will grind all problems to powder. Having dealt with the enemies, collect trophies and fire on the lever to go further.

The rest of the way will be disturbed by the inhabitants, plus a "sawmill" will jump into the cart. Try to deal with them quickly, because soon the cart will fall into the abyss, and you will have to jump, pressing the indicated keys in time. Once on the other side, pick up the Stone of Sacrifice and head up the stairs. Insert the found stone into the statue and go inside.

It will be quiet at first. Suspiciously quiet. After reaching the statue, go along the path. Damn it, the statue is twitching its hands! After shooting the worshipers, climb the stairs. There are several monks here, perhaps, without a shotgun, you cannot cope. Having caught the right moment, jump onto your hand and, having climbed up, jump to the right. Having dealt with the enemy, pull the lever and go back.

Go to the ledge near the statue and use a shot to switch the lever on the back. From there, jump to the platform, collect ammo and search the vase. Then another fight with the monks, you can throw them down to sort it out later. On your hand, go down to the level below and jump onto the platform.

Below is the leader of the clergy. Lure him with a shot and throw him down the stairs until he dies from bruises. Then go downstairs, finish off the fallen opponents through the lattice and pull the lever. After fighting off the four monks, run out onto the path ...

I knew I couldn't trust giant stone dwarfs! The statue came to life. To avoid death from an indecent foot, press the indicated buttons. When you reach the door, quickly go outside. Again an intense sprint, a dashing jump over the abyss - and the statue flies into the abyss.

After another scene with a dwarf, you have to make your way to the tower, the road to it is difficult. Grab the yellow herb from the box and go upstairs. You can hide from the falling barrels in small branches to the right and left. Having reached the flooring of wooden planks, run to the stairs, go upstairs and pull the switch to crush the monks with barrels. Although someone will probably survive, and will have to finish off on their own. Do not forget about the leader of the clergy, who hid a lot of money in the pockets of his robe.

Return to the elevator and push the boxes. Now start the lift. When the elevator goes, get the shotgun and fight off the jumping monks. Crossbowmen will bring some problems, but fortunately, they can simply be passed. In general, this is a rather difficult fight, so keep an eye on the amount of ammo and do not be lazy to use grenades.

Once you reach the top, heal your wounds, buy a grenade launcher and reload Broken Butterfly without fail. Also without fail. The evil dwarf, damn Salazar, the headache from chapter 3-1, now tastes full of lead.

If you have a grenade launcher, it will not be difficult to deal with the monster. First shot from Broken Butterfly in the eye. The modified body of the dwarf will appear. An accurate hit from a grenade launcher - and you can endure the monster, the comrade is finally baked.

If there is no grenade launcher, then alternate attacks: an eye, a dwarf, a shot at a tentacle - again an eye. Etc. After the victory, collect the money (Salazar will leave 50,000 pesetas), search the upper and lower levels for items and leave the room. Take the cartridges from the boxes and take the elevator. The merchant has significantly expanded his assortment, so take a closer look at the product, make the necessary purchases and improvements.

Then go through the door to meet with Ada and move to the island. The game is nearing completion, but major surprises lie ahead. We are waiting for old acquaintances, references to previous parts and much more.

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