Games of the Year of War 3. God Of War II Gameplay Walkthrough

After enjoying the lengthy screensaver, you find yourself locked in a room. But every cloud has a silver lining. This situation is a great opportunity to get familiar with the controls and gameplay, especially if you haven't played the first part of God of War. Moreover, you have fully upgraded weapons at your disposal. Fighting off soldiers, try different combinations of the main attack buttons ("square" and "triangle"), grips (the "circle" button) and combinations via the L1 button (hold down L1 and one of the indicated buttons). Evaluate the work of the block (L1) and dodge (press the right analog stick in the direction you want to dodge). Don't forget about magic. The attack power will increase if you use L2, and then quickly press the "circle". Have fun while you have the opportunity - soon the arsenal of techniques will be noticeably depleted. When you deal with the enemies, go to the door on the left. Now R1 again and a quick press on the "circle".

On the route there is a small tunnel, where the warriors of Rhodes will attack you again, and at the end of the passage, the Colossus will also attack. If you want to do without losses - do not rush. Meanwhile, the Colossus will strike with his hand and punch a hole in the wall. Feel free to climb through the resulting hole and open the chest with green spheres (hold and hold R1). By the way, this room is full of objects, breaking which you can also get red spheres. If you have already destroyed everything you could, go up the stairs and go outside.

Boss - Colossus

In the fresh air, you will encounter the Colossus for the first time, and in earnest. He is a master at punching, so practice dodging (right analog stick). After the attack, the Colossus will leave his hand on the battlefield for a few seconds, this is your chance: hit it. In this battle, you will be constantly annoyed by ordinary enemies. Do not rush at them, and push them away on occasion. Sooner or later, Colossus will faint. As soon as this happens, run to the left and rise to the platform. Activate the catapult; there is a chest next to it - open it, and when you empty it, "charge" the mechanism with Kratos. Rather press "circle". The first QTE splash screen in the game is about to begin (an interactive video during which you need to press the buttons on the screen in time).

Magic grants temporary immortality, so use it in boss fights. For example, in the first fight with the Colossus, catch the moment when he swings to attack. If you manage to use magic, then not only will you automatically dodge the blow, but the enemy will be in trouble.

After a short cutscene, you will find yourself in a small pool. Get out on dry land and put up two screens. Behind the one on top - the spheres, behind the one on the right - too. But before you get them, you have to sweat a little. Approach the ladies and activate the mini-game (press the "circle"). Another QTE scene awaits you. True, this time you will need not only buttons, but also analog knobs, so be prepared. After receiving a reward for your work, dive into the pool and swim to the hole at the bottom. Careful, there is an obstacle at the end of the tunnel. Aim Kratos at the grate, hold R1 and release after a couple of seconds.

In the next room you will find a staircase on the right side of the screen. Climbing the steps, you will see a beam of light. Stand in it and "turn on" R1 to record the game. Then press the lever and go to the edge of the platform. Now use R1 and hook on the hook (as long as this button is held down, you will still swing on it). Take a moment and click on the jump button to fly to the other side. And here's another thing: you can cling to an object in the air - remember this, it will come in handy. But let's not get distracted. Double jump - and you are already at the top, now open the door.

When you get to the new room, kill the enemies, and to get red orbs, destroy everything you can. After that, climb the stairs and get ready to "trample" the "circle". When you once again beat off from the Colossus, step further until you see a gap in the wall. Do not rush to climb up. Next to you is a chest, and nearby (a little deeper down and to the left) is the next one, with red spheres. Now boldly climb the wall. Meanwhile, the Colossus will continue to smash whatever it hits, but this time Kratos is safe. Push off the second dent the Colossus left and jump back. There is another chest with red spheres on the small balcony. First go down from the balcony, and then again climb up the wall - now to the very top.

A second encounter with the Colossus awaits you. Jump down.

Boss - Colossus

Disassembly will take place on two platforms. No unnecessary gestures: let's start the battle where we stand. The main thing is to stay close to the center of the platform and closely monitor enemy attacks. In this battle, it's time to use a trick with magic, especially since dodging here is less profitable, and it will become much more difficult to evade blows and attack at the same time. Therefore, when the enemy hand is on the platform, do not waste time. As soon as the Colossus swings, get ready to use magic. After several visits, he will lose consciousness and fall onto an adjacent platform. Hurry there. Catching on to the hook, jump over the abyss, run up to the enemy and turn on the next QTE battle. When you find yourself on the second platform, do the same trick with his left arm. Sooner or later, the Colossus will crash again. Jump behind and activate the QTE battle. At the end of this fight, you will have to take turns pressing R1 and L1, so be prepared.

When you find yourself in the new room, look into the chest. Then go to the door (it is at the top), open it and run past the archers to the right. They attack from behind the gate, but don't be distracted: these guys are out of reach right now. There is a place nearby to sign up. Then take a few steps back and pay attention to the right opening: next "friends" are waiting for you there. Deal with them and solve the puzzle. Approach the pedestal on the left side and break the bird statue. Take the pedestal (hold down R1) and move it to the button next to the right door. Without leaving the button, kick (hold the "cross" and release) the pedestal so that it is on the other side, now dive behind the pedestal (right analog stick) under the open gate.

Take your time: before placing the pedestal on the button, drag it to the right side of the corridor, then move it to the upper edge of the hall. Upstairs you will find chests with red orbs and a secret item - Urn of Gaia. Return the pedestal to the button and move up. Open the chest with green spheres, walk a little more, and the warriors of Rhodes will meet you. First of all, finish off the archers at the end of the corridor, and then finish off the rest. When done, turn left. At the end of the corridor there is a chest with red spheres. Now take the elevator - it's on the right.

Give the restless Colossus in the eye (literally). Take a break and watch the splash screen, and now up again. Climb the ledges, the direction is up and to the right. After that, reach the end of the location, along the way killing everyone who comes to hand. Open the door, behind it is a chest. After leaving the room, jump down and destroy everyone in a row. Go back, climb the stairs and then step on the boards. Not far from the first cliff (in the right corner of the screen) there is a small ledge - use a double jump and jump there. There are two chests with red spheres waiting for you. Go back and continue along the boards to the save point. Climb the stairs, then go down the chain. Deal with the enemies, open the chests and exit through the gate. Outside, the faithful Colossus is eagerly awaiting you. Run across the bridge (if you do not have time, roll over at the end).

Boss - Colossus

Now the moment of truth has come. This time, don't wait for the Colossus to leave his hand unattended. Just walk up to him and hit the body, and when the enemy attacks, do not forget about magic. As soon as the enemy is knocked out, run to the sword in the center of the arena and pump energy into it (hold R1). Looking ahead, we note that after the second attempt you will not be able to use magic, so do not save it at the beginning of the battle. And again into the battle, but now you have to do without magic. Do not try to constantly dodge, avoid only the strongest blows. Attack often, and soon the boss will give you a chance to approach the sword again. You finally get your hands on this weapon! Continue to beat the Colossus with the sword of Olympus. Sooner or later you will be prompted to click on the "circle".

You are inside the Colossus. Come up. On the way you will come across pipes burning with blue light, through which you need to jump (double jump). Here is the first fork, you - to the left. Do you see the burning column in the center? Insert the sword there. And up again until you reach the cable car. Hook on it and get over to the other side. Press R1 to go down. Now up, and then along the boards and up to the fork. Turn left. Open the chest. In the center is again a burning column. Hit it until you can insert your sword into it. When the column falls apart, return to the fork and follow the opened path. Climb until the soldiers attack. The conversation with them should be short. When the enemies run out, iditol to the left along the central mechanism under the burning pipe. Kratos should lean against the mechanism wall automatically. As soon as you hit another pipe, press R1. Kratos will hook his hands on the bar. Further - to the left. Click the "cross" to go up. On the left is a rope ladder, climb it. Above you will find a chest containing the first Gorgon Eye. Go back down, in the center there is a burning column; knock off all the chains. Don't forget to insert your sword into the column. Take a new path and climb up the rope.

Walk in a circle to the wooden staircase and climb up it. At the top you will find a lever, press it - and the pendulum will drop down. Go down it and then swing it with a few strokes. Quickly climb back (climbing the stairs, use the "cross" button) and press the lever again. Now that the pendulum is blocking the energy beams, it's time to walk the rope on your hands (press the "cross" to speed up). Jump down from the other side and go until you find the last column you need to ... what? That's right, insert the sword. As soon as you do this, the floor will start to crumble. Run quickly back to the exit (mouth of the Colossus) and boldly jump out.

After the cutscene, go to the sword. A boss fight awaits you, and ... he will beat you. Do not be discouraged, it is better to watch the video.

The underworld

After all, we are alive, and this is the main thing! Move up, then to the right, simultaneously knocking down the hands that are crawling out of the walls. Jump to the right, then up. Walk left and up until you get out. Here is fresh air. Examine the lying warriors. Among them you will find a living companion. Enjoy the cutscene, record and ride the Pegasus. The adventure has just begun.

Flight to the lair of the titan

The first flight on Pegasus awaits you. It is quite simple to control this horse: the left analog stick is responsible for the movement of the Pegasus on the screen, the "square" is a weak attack, the "triangle" is a powerful one, the "circle" is a capture ", L1 and R1 are dodges to the left and to the right. help you can "board" the enemy. If you click on the "cross", Pegasus rushes forward. By the way, the reception works as an attack, but requires magic, so use it carefully.

Fighting off the annoying Griffins, do not forget to dodge the shots. Sooner or later, a "circle" will light up over the enemy, which means not only the beginning of a mini-QTE battle, but also the imminent death of the enemy. A Raven will appear in the middle of the path and try to knock you down. If he succeeds, get ready to quickly push the left analog left and right. You need to wait until the Raven is in front and accelerate (the "cross" button). As soon as you hit the bird, a short QTE scene will follow.

After defeating the Raven, the Dark Rider will rush at you. Now you will not do anything with him, so try to dodge attacks until you reach ...

Remember that the muscles in the forearm are much stronger than the muscles in the hand. If you can't quickly twist the analog stick or push it in different directions with your finger, try doing it with your palm.

Lair of the titan

As soon as you find yourself on your feet, the harpies will immediately attack you. Finish them, then jump down and open the chest with green spheres. From the chest, run down (that is, to the screen). Don't worry, Kratos will hook himself onto the ledge. Go down and open the chest with red spheres. Yes, in the second chest is the Eye of the Gorgon! Go back upstairs. Hit the finger that blocks the path. Walk a little more and turn left. Move left and down first, then down and right. Jump over the crevice. Go upstairs and Kratos will automatically hook onto the ceiling. Now climb over the vaults until you find a descent. Enemies will attack on the way; to quickly deal with them, use the grip (the "circle" button). If one of the opponents gets caught on you, be prepared to quickly push the analog stick left / right. When you find yourself at the bottom, you will see a save point - sign up and move on. In the middle of this cave, near the chest with health, a new enemy is waiting for you - the minotaur. Now that your strength is not the same, take care of yourself. And on occasion, do not forget to pump weapons and magic. Having dealt with the enemy, move on - to the chest with red spheres. Smash the cage on the cable car and use this path to descend. Leave the cave.

When a minotaur is killed using a special move ("circle"), green spheres fly out of the monster. Remember this. If you do not have health problems, then it is more advisable to finish him off with normal blows and get red orbs.

A minotaur and archers await you outside. Do the arrows first. Break the wooden structures on which they stand, and the enemies will be below. After the battle, go upstairs, since there are convenient ledges on the right, then walk a little to the left along the wall and up again. Here you will find two orb chests. Now go down the cable car. Walk right. Enjoy the suffering of the former god, and when you get bored, beat him until he falls. Walk down the chain (between the index and middle fingers). Now you won't be able to fulfill your new friend's wish, so stomp up until you see the splash screen. By the way, your goal will also be shown! And again forward, then along the wall (to the right and down). Kill the enemies, open the chest and sign up. Then you need to go to the broken bridge. So far, it will not work to get to the other side. In the upper corner of this location, you will notice a chest with the next Eye of the Gorgon, and to the left of it - a wall along which you can climb up. Get in! Jump over the crevice blocking the path. At the top of the cave - enter.

Step forward, then, holding onto the hook, jump over the abyss. In front of you is a chest closed by a grate. Keep to the right and go down the cable car - then the grate will open by itself. Return to the chest and grab the first Phoenix Feather. Run right past the cable car. At the end of the tunnel, the Gorgons will attack you. Beware of their gaze. As soon as these creatures start to "look", try to dodge (right analog stick). If they succeed and you petrify, return to normal as soon as possible (quickly press the left analogue left / right), otherwise you will die from the first blow. When the Gorgon has few lives left, the "circle" button icon above it will light up. Press it and get ready to press the left analog stick (direction shown on screen). As soon as the enemies run out, go down, since there is a descent. Open the chests and sign up. And forward again!

You have to go to the left along a narrow isthmus. But the walk will not be peaceful, since the harpies do not sleep, and the Titan Typhon will try to blow you off the flimsy bridge. In order not to fall, take cover behind the rocks and catch the moment when the wind dies down. Here comes the turn! But do not rush to relax, there is still a chance to fall: a little higher there will be a dangerous place. If you nevertheless made it up, go to the boulder, it is on the right side of the arena. Knock over the stone, walk along it to the head of Typhon and press R1. You will get a bow called Typhon's Bane. Of course, Typhon will not stand aside and will try to blow so that you will not be able to return to the arena. A few shots at his right eye (hold L2 and "square") - and the wind will die down.

You are back in the arena, and there are enemies again. The first, as always, should be the archers. They are far away on the pillars (hold L2 and press left / right on the right analog stick to switch between targets). After interrupting everyone, go down and to the left relative to the camera. Look for a small arena with chests around the fire. Warriors will attack you there. Grab them on the "circle" and throw them into the fire ("square"). After five "sacrifices" the chests with the red orbs and the Phoenix Feather will thaw and you can open them.

Come back. Now you need to go down and to the right. There are archers in the distance, shoot them. On the near hook is a cage; shoot the bow until it falls apart. Jumping from hook to hook, move to the beginning of this location. Break the boulders to get additional red orbs. There is nothing more to do here - return to the exit.

As you get out of the cave, immediately to the right. Go down and go to the destroyed bridge. Fire at the cage that prevents you from getting to the hook. Jump over to the other side. There are chests with spheres and a Gorgon's Eye. Return to the cave entrance. Approach the left edge of the ledge and use the bow to free the next hook. Fly to the other side, then go down to Prometheus and shoot him with a bow.

You will receive a new ability - Rage of the Titans, and almost immediately there will be a chance to use it. Press R3 and L3 at the same time (the analog sticks can be pressed, don't forget). Anger can be activated at any moment. The main condition is that your energy strip must be at least 25% full. If the enemies died earlier than you expected, it is easy to disable it (R3 + L3).

After leveling the unfortunate creatures to the ground, return to the ledge from which you just jumped. Several well-aimed shots at the load "on the crane", and it will go down. Climb the tightrope. Run to the right and climb the ledges. On the left is a ropeway, but do not rush to use it. To the left of this crossing (that is, closer to the screen) is a chain. Go down it and jump into the cave. There you will find three chests, one of which contains the Gorgon's Eye. But that's not all. Climb back the same way. On the cliff, to the right of the cable car, there is a place to catch on. If you are interested in three more chests - climb. By the way, one of them has a Phoenix Feather. Now it's worth returning to the crossing. Follow it to the left. Go downstairs and run to the exit. Next to the door is a chest with yellow souls in it. Activate the Wrath of the Titans, break through the door and return through the cave back, along the way destroying anyone who comes along. Warriors will meet you near the save point, deal with them and sign up. Climb up the wall until you reach the beginning of this location. It is difficult to make a mistake, since there is a hand that captured your Pegasus. Use the Wrath of the Titans and slap your fingers until they unclench (when the Wrath of the Titans is over, rebuild it by tapping on your fingers). Pegasus is free, saddle your horse: another flight is ahead.

Flight to the Island of Creation

Now the enemies will be much braver. Prepare to dodge left and right a lot (L1 \ R1). And then another Raven will appear. Fight the bird the same way as last time. At the end of the day, the Dark Rider will be drawn. This time there will be a fight.

Boss - Dark Rider

The fight will not be too difficult. The main thing is to keep a little higher than the Rider, attack yourself and not let him get ahead (accelerate and catch up). The battle will continue at high speeds. Here, just like the first time, there is nothing you can do about it, so try to dodge the boss shots. After the chase - QTE-battle, so there is time to catch your breath.

The Temple of Lahkesis

Climb up and walk to the left. There are a couple more chests here, one with a Phoenix Feather. After picking up everything you need, return and step to the right. Sign up for a save point and head up the stairs. The warriors are bored a little higher, they are even more assertive, and besides, until these guys are weakened, they will not be captured. When you're done with the aggressors, climb further.

Dogs will attack you. Having fought off the four-legged, take a look around. Your catch is three chests with spheres and vases to break open. Corpses hang at the top. Shoot them down and you will earn some more red orbs. One dead person will not disappear after your impact, but will collapse to the ground. Pick up the deceased and drag him to the elevator on the left. Click on the lever and go down. There is a button in front of you, put the corpse on it. Pull the lever to the limit (to the button with the dead body) and fly with a bullet into the opened door, you may have to dive at the end. Walk left and open the gate.

After enjoying the screensaver, go to the right and empty the chest with the Gorgon's Eye. Now to the left. The floor will start to crack, so hurry to the other side. Stomp further until you reach the hall with Cerberus. Of course, the creature will attack you, but the fight will not be too difficult. Just use Wrath of the Titans. If Cerberus presses you to the floor, do not waste energy, it is better to disable this ability. As soon as you deal with the enemies, open the chests and destroy those statues on the right. A block will fall from above. Move it to the upper right corner and climb up. Kill the dogs and sign up.

Go left and go down the wall. Look around in the chests, and then go up. Walk to the left along the ceiling and break the wall blocking the path. Move on, then climb up the left side. Deal with the enemies, jump over to the platform where the archers stood, and up again. Look into the chest and stomp to the right. Here are the new "friends". Destroy them and go to the elevator.

Below you will find a battle with the sirens. "Birds" are agile and strong in counterattacks. The easiest way is to shoot them with a bow. For each killed siren, blue spheres will be given to restore the spent energy. In this battle, your task is to kill the sirens using a special move ("circle"). Notice the door on the right is closed, but this is not for long. The more "cute birds" scream, the faster it breaks down. As soon as the door collapses, the fight will end and you can continue your journey.

Do not rush to go left while you need to go in the opposite direction. See the giant chain? Jump onto the platform next to it, and from there onto the chain itself. Walk along it to the end and hook onto the ceiling. There is another platform opposite, make your way there. If chains get in your way, break them. Chests again! And in one of them lies the Eye of the Gorgon. Return to the room, now you can go to the left. Sign up.

The steeds of time

Run forward along a long chain. As you get over to the other side, go up the wall to the left. And then the chests! But do not rush to empty them, if everything is good with your health and magic, it is better to save it for a rainy day. To the left, not far from you, the lever, press it - a ropeway will appear. Get down, the next boss is waiting for you.

Boss - Theseus

The battle will be hot, although it will all start with a simple exchange of blows. Try to stay close to the enemy. When attacking him, use short combos and dodge more often. Don't waste your magic yet. A little later Theseus will climb to the gate and begin to fire at you from there. Shoot him with a bow. When you run out of magic, the cunning one will summon the minotaurs. For their heads you will be given some green and blue orbs. Don't leave Theseus alone until he falls. The boss will grab onto the edge and the circle button icon above it will light up. Walk up to it and "turn on" the QTE scene. If you are bloodthirsty, enjoy the picture of the beating (quickly click on the "circle") ... Or you don't have to.

After the battle, do not rush under the stuffy arches. Step to the right and go down the wall. There are two more chests, and one of them contains the Gorgon's Eye. Now you can enter the building! Climb back up and enter. Once inside, open the required chests and go to the right exit. Climb the stairs, run to the chest with red spheres at the end of the path, then go back and turn left.

The note:

You are on the roof where Theseus stood during the last battle. If the Eye of the Gorgon mentioned just above is still in place, jump into the arena and clean up the good.

Go to the mound in the center of the location and climb up. Open the chest and jump onto the cable car.

You came back, just found yourself on the opposite side. There is a door in the center of the location, open it and go to the pedestal. Press R1 and get the second magic (switch from one type of magic to another follows the arrows of the controller). The new magic not only harms the enemy, but paralyzes him and does not let him close. Practice on the guys who so recklessly crawl out from under the floor. When you're done having fun, get out through the left exit.

Climb up the stairs and stomp right past the save point until you see a chest with a Phoenix Feather. Return to the central location, climb the dais in the center and open the next chest. Sign up for a save point. Go down and run up the left path.

At the end of the path there are four levers of different colors. Turn green first. You will see how the corresponding mechanism works. Hurry to the left, climb up the wall and run up to the device. Press R1 and the hooked harpy will fly off to the left. There are still three levers left, but do one more thing before heading back. On the opposite side there is a descent, and at the bottom there is a chest with the Eye of the Gorgon. Now you can take up the levers.

It's the turn of the red: turn it and run to the right. Don't waste time on enemies, go up to the mechanism and activate it. Then kill the annoying harpies and return to the levers.

Turning the blue lever - and rather to the left. Climb up and rush to the end of the path past the structure that was "brought in" a little earlier. When you can catch on the hook, press R1 and jump over to the other side. Get up and "turn on" the mechanism. There is one more lever left.

Turn the yellow knob. First quickly to the right, and then up the wall. Approach the left edge of the platform and fly on the hook to the other side. Activate the device and return to the levers.

Start the mechanism in the center. When you are thrown to another place, step to the front of the platform and press R1. A QTE scene will follow. After the cutscene, run back. Jump off the roof of the building. Enemies will attack you. End with them and rather to the right. Go down the wall and follow the giant chain back to the temple.

The Temple of Lahkesis

Did you see how part of the wall collapsed? Climb over the wreckage - and to the right. Another wall interferes - break it and up again. Blow right to the very save point. In the room, the Fiery Nymphs will attack you. Having dealt with the ladies, destroy the wall with a crack. By the way, this wall - it is opposite the entrance - looks like a door. Behind it you will find a chest with red orbs. Climb up the ledges. Jump to the right ledge and capitalize the next chest, the "circles" are red there. Go back and jump over to the cornice, it's on the left. Run on. Now grab the wall and make your way to the left. Here is the fork, and you turn left again. Jump across the gap and clear the chests: two with spheres, one with the Eye of the Gorgon. Return to the wall, go down from the fork. Walk to the right. Go down the new wall down and to the left until you see a dilapidated wall. Break it down and you will find a "chest" with a Phoenix Feather. Climb back and go left until the very entrance to the temple. A little to the left of the door is a new chest, open it, and then enter.

Jump down and climb under the bridge. Run down ("into the camera"), and there are the Gorgon's Eye and the Phoenix Feather in the chests. Notice a platform with flowers in the middle of the small pool? Come and push her towards you. A hole opened. Dive there and swim until you find yourself on the other side. Go to the statue and take the Amulet of the Fates from it. Now back into the water and back. Behind the platform with flowers, press the button. When the platforms on both sides rise, launch a new ability (hold L1 and press R1). As soon as time slows down, run to the platforms on the right. From the second platform, jump to the right and directly in the jump, hit the right wall. There is another Eye of the Gorgon behind the former wall. Repeat everything together with the time stop, but now jump from the second platform to the bridge. Stand on the button at the beginning of the bridge. As soon as the statue in front lowers its hands, stop time and shoot a bullet towards it. Jump to the statue on your hands and go up.

After the cutscene, hit the sculpture on the head several times, but do not rush to jump after it. Both to the left and to the right of the artwork are chests. After running behind them, you will get red orbs and a Phoenix Feather. Feel free to jump out the window, they are already waiting for you there. Don't forget to slow down the time! As soon as you kill everyone, chop the head of the sculpture and run out onto the bridge.

The note:

The time stop only works where there are statues with a green glow.

Destiny's Atrium

Walk forward and open the health chest. To the left and to the right are balconies decorated with vases, and there are a couple of chests, and in one - the Eye of the Gorgon. Beat the vases to get red orbs. After collecting everything, go downstairs.

Here you will receive a warm welcome from the three Cyclops. The battle will not be easy, so dodge often and avoid long combos. By the way, magic and the Wrath of the Titans are a good help.

Go up the stairs - the one closest to the head of the statue. Open the chest with magic, break the vases and pull the statue on the left to you. Move it down the bridge until it blocks the beam from the stone head's right eye. Run to the right balcony. Lever on the left, push it to lower the platform. Move the sculpture standing on the right to this platform and press the lever again (do not forget to quickly jump onto the rising platform). Move the statue to the edge of the platform and send it forward with a good kick. It will fly over the hollow, and you calmly push it under the beam from your left eye. Once the barrier is gone, jump down, open the health chest and sign up for a save point.

The Bog of the Forgotten

Take a walk and shoot down the carcasses hanging on the branches. There are chests by the swamp. Before you have time to open them, an old acquaintance rushes at you. Now the QTE splash screen and ...

Boss - Barbarian King

The barbarian will join the battle on horseback. Prepare your bow: as long as there are souls around the boss, the sword is useless. Don't worry too much about magic: when the souls begin to scatter, they will release several blue orbs. Once His Majesty is no longer protected, a few blows are enough for the "circle" button to light up over his head. Click on it and the enemy dismounts.

Of course, the Barbarian is also not a bastard, and therefore will call upon the dead comrades-in-arms. In this part of the battle, you do not need to fight with the boss himself, it is more important to get rid of his entourage. Paralyzing magic will help to stop enemies. By the way, capture is also useful - instant death of the enemy.

Soon, the august person will absorb the souls that fly around, and will increase in size. For the time being, it will be impossible to block his blows. You have two choices: either constantly dodge and keep your enemy at a distance, or Wrath of the Titans. If you choose the latter, then get ready to exchange blows.

After a while, the boss will become the same. And with you everything is the same: dodge more often and use short combinations. Soon, the "circle" button icon will light up over the head of the unfortunate person. Click on it and get ready for the last chord - the QTE battle. If you lose this fight, Varvara will have to be thrashed again until a "circle" appears.

After the fight, you will receive the Barbarian Hammer, and at the same time, the chance to try it out - the enemy is already there. The weapon is switched using the L2 button. The Hammer has only one drawback: while it is in your hands, you cannot dodge. Don't forget this!

After enjoying yourself, go to the top of the arena. Catching on to the hook, jump over the swamp and run upward, simultaneously destroying enemies and knocking down corpses from the branches. Soon you will find yourself in ...

Temple of euryale

You are at the temple, stomp right to the save point. Go on, and then jump along the ledges. After the cutscene, remove the key from the dead body, spread out at the far end of the location. Here are the new enemies - the Lords of the Monsters. Finish them and return to the temple. Skeletons await their time here. Don't forget to finish off your bone friends when the circle buttons light up above their heads. If this is not done, they will recover. After crushing everyone, hurry to the left. When you find yourself near the corpse, you will be attacked again. Kill everyone and go right. A door is upstairs, and opposite is a chest with red spheres. Open the door. Look to the right: there is a "chest" with the Eye of the Gorgon, and to the left and in front - with green spheres. Do not linger, there is nothing more to do here.

The ruins of the forgotten

A new date with the Lords of the Monsters promises surprises: you will be convinced that the guys know how to summon Cyclops right during the fight. Unfortunately, sometimes this leads to sad consequences. Firstly, many cyclops do not eat well, and secondly, under someone's leadership, the monsters fight much more violently. Therefore, it is wiser to do away with the Lords first. If one of them still saddles the Cyclops, use the grapple and throw the insolent down. Having dealt with the enemies, approach the building on the right. The flimsy structure will begin to lurch towards the swamp. But don't worry, the house will stand for a while. Slide the block out of the left opening, open the door and enter. Remember this door, you still have to come back here.

The note:

After collecting 20 Cyclopian Eyes, at the end of the game you will open a secret costume (see the "Secrets" section). If you're not afraid, provoke the Lords to summon new Cyclops. You can replenish your collection in the Trials of the Titans arenas. But for now, it would be better not to experiment.

After passing a little more, in the right corner of the corridor you will see a dilapidated block. Jump on it. Now take a double jump. Notice that there is a block on the left? Smash it with a triangle kick right in the air. Open the fallen chest and receive the well-deserved Phoenix Feather. Then break the block on which you stood and open the chest with red spheres. Move on. Turn left at the fork. There are two chests at the end of the corridor. Return to the fork and step forward. When you see a hole, jump. Of course, they are already waiting downstairs, but you can handle it. When you're done, break the rock, it's in the center. If your health is not very good, you will find the necessary chest on the left. Now grab the hook and move to the other side of the pit, then another jump over the swamp.

There is a staircase on the right, go up. Climb over the liana to the left side and empty the chests. You will receive red orbs and a Gorgon's Eye. Get down, and now from a log to a log and to the other side. Enemies at the top, knock out the left and right columns from under them and finish off those who fall down. Get close to the central column, swing (press R1), and when it collapses, finish off the rest. Jump onto the piece of the column and go upstairs. To the left and to the right are chests, and a little ahead there is another one with magic. Now jump into the room.

Stand in the middle and fire your bow at the upper right corner. After catching the hook, climb up there and empty the chests (one of them has the Gorgon's Eye). Now get down. On the left is the room, break the wall there and return to the main hall. There is a lever under the ledge with chests, press it. A room will open on the right, go there, break the wall and destroy the enemies. Do you see the corpse? Put it in a stream of water and run into the closet opposite. There, grab the floating carcass and put it on the button next to the entrance. There is a button in the center of the main room, click on it - and rather into the opened door.

Sign up. Empty the health chest and move on. After looking at the splash screen, jump to the near platform and start turning the lever. Various creatures will crawl out of the swamp. Don't waste time, they will never run out. Moreover, Kronos' Wrath will easily keep enemies at a distance. Move the lever until you are able to jump to the next platform. After repeating the same trick, move to the next area, and from there to land. And again on the road.

Boss - Stone Minotaur

Until this type gets too much trouble. Shoot him with a bow, then open the chest, he is on the left, and take the magic. Just in case, discharge another full clip into the enemy (it would be nice to have a second tier bow!). As soon as the magic runs out, finish off the minotaur in the usual way. The cherished "circle" will light up above his head - press. The QTE battle will begin now.

Go to the edge where the boss was standing, now R1. Then forward along the trunk of the tree, and then along the wall and to the left. Get down. Hook on the liana and climb over it to the other side.

Open the door in the upper left corner. Stop time and walk the wheel to the left. Jump over to the moving canvas and go up to the chest. Open it and run back. Kratos will snag the edge of the ledge before falling to the canvas. Don't jump down. Instead, walk right in your arms. Next, go up and climb through the gap in the wall. When you gut the chest with red orbs, return in the same way. Jump onto the path and head upstairs. Quickly run along the large canvas to the right, ignore the enemies, the main thing is to hide from the gaze of the Gorgons. At the very end of the path, destroy the wall, and then get even with your enemies. When the fight is over, jump over to the other side.

Smash the statues. A block is hidden behind one of them. Push him forward and follow him down. Get over to the swinging platform, the one from which you started your journey. Move the block standing there to the left, that is, closer to the ground. The platform will lower and "level" with the ground, and you can push the second block onto it - the one you just dropped. Move both blocks to the far side of the platform - to the swamp. As soon as it tilts, sneak up to the left edge of the platform and tip it down. The mini screensaver will show you where to go.

Move forward along the roof, then jump over to the ledge and walk to the left along the wall. Destroy the tree on the left, then jump over to the other side. You are in a cave.

Turn from the mechanism to the left. Approach the wounded soldier. After the cutscene, you will meet a new variety of Gorgons. Such a creature is dangerous: as soon as it looks at the victim, it immediately turns to stone. Watch her movements and be ready to dodge her gaze. When you are done with the monster, pick up the wounded soldier and take it to the right side of the cave. Put it on the canvas, and the poor fellow will be rolled into a gear. Slightly to the right there are two chests, and one of them contains a Phoenix Feather. Go back to the already stopped gear and break it. Move on. Open the chest and enter the cell to ...

Boss - Dark Cerberus

This boss is pretty strong. When attacking him, do not use long combinations, because Cerberus will try to hit as often as possible. The main thing in this fight is patience. Don't take risks. Remember that all of his attacks are blockable, so focus on good defense. By the middle of the battle, the boss will finish the soldier's hand and rush at you with fury. However, the tactics should not be changed. Finish Cerberus well, and when the "circle" button appears, finish it off.

After the victory, you will receive another item - the Golden Fleece, and with it a new ability. Now you can return both shooting and physical attacks. The main thing is on time, that is, before you get hit, press the block (L1). Most of the shots Kratos will beat off automatically, but sometimes you need to press buttons, their icons will appear on the screen. With physical attacks it is easier: you can "return to the author" everything that you manage to block. If the ability is "triggered", press "square" or "triangle". Not only does Kratos gain immortality during the counterattack, but the enemy will also be in trouble.

Press the lever on the right and stand in the center. Reflect the fire and the wall will come crashing down. Exit the room. The Gorgons will attack you. Try the novelty on them too. As soon as one of the Gorgons tries to look at you, get ready to click on the block. If you return her gaze in time, a button icon will appear on the screen, which must be pressed. Delay - turn into stone, if you have time - everyone will petrify and you can easily interrupt them.

Go back to the exit. On the way, you will notice that the mechanism at the entrance has stopped spinning. Break it to find the chest with the Gorgon's Eye and leave the cave.

You need to return to the central temple. Walk along the wall to the right, jump onto the roof of the building that was recently drowned in the swamp, jump to the right side (where the deceased lies, who "gifted" you with the key even earlier) and go down. Sign up if you like. Now you are ready to return to the Gorgona, located at the central entrance to the temple, her piercing gaze. But first you need to collect some secrets.

Run from the main entrance (left and up) until you reach the swamp. Instead of jumping onto the roof of the half-flooded house again, jump onto the left ledge. Here is the very door that we asked to remember a few paragraphs above. Go into the corridor and run to the save point. Sign up and follow along. You need to get to the long conveyor belt. It is located at the very end of that belt mechanism, near which the Gorgon's heads were "staring" at you. Reflect the gaze of each of the three monsters and behind the destroyed walls you will find three chests - with a Phoenix Feather, Gorgon Eye and Urn of the Gorgons. It is a pity that the unusual find will come in handy only during a new passage. Return to the main entrance to the temple.

Go to the door, and the Gorgon will try to give you a look. Press the "block" and get ready to quickly trample the "circle". Break the door and enter.

The temple of euryale

Open the door below. Go to the room and empty the chest if necessary. Go left, then deal with the enemies and go downstairs. New, of course even more dangerous, minotaurs and warriors are eagerly awaiting you. When you are done with them, look into the chest (it is below and to the right), and then again to the right and outside the door. Open the "chest", standing on a small hill. Go left. After a short cutscene, take the elevator downstairs.

Destroy the Fire Nymphs, destroy the wall in front of you (behind it, by the way, is the chest with the Phoenix Feather). Return to the elevator and lift it up so that the barrier from above does not prevent Kratos from jumping down. Go down and wrap up in the appendix under the elevator, where there is a chest with a Gorgon's Eye. Jump to the opposite elevator and climb the ledges.

Above you will be greeted by a new enemy - the Commander of the Legionnaires. He loves blocking and counterattacking. Be careful. After finishing it, go ahead, then open the chest and sign up. Go to the room to the left. Go upstairs, if necessary, open the chest. Clinging to the wall in the upper left corner, climb to the ceiling and slide past the swords to the opposite side. Jump down, open the health chest and turn the lever. As soon as the wall of blades moves away, run to the right into a small corridor. Towards the end of the corridor you will see a lever - click on it and run again. Open the door as soon as possible by quickly pressing the "circle". Meanwhile, the wall will be dangerously close, and if you do not have time to get out of the tunnel, then Kratos will die. However, the control point is next to the lever, so don't worry too much. If you managed to jump out of the corridor, take a walk to the save point and sign up. Return upstairs and jump into the opened passage. Walk to the pedestal on the right and read the book.

Boss - Euryale

Meeting this boss can get expensive. But if you're willing to reflect Euryale's gaze or, if you fail, "break free from petrification," everything will end well. At first, there will be no particular difficulties: dodge attacks and use short combinations to attack. On both sides of the column. In the second part of the fight, Euryale will move to one of them. And the bow and attacks on the "triangle" will help you (they can also be carried out from the ground). Once the enemy is unconscious, click on the "circle" and get ready for a small QTE scene. Repeat the same trick with the second column.

In the end, Euryale will go down and violently rush at you. Either extreme caution or Wrath of the Titans is required in the final of the duel. Full "ammunition" is enough to finish off the boss. At the end of the fight, click on the "circle" and get ready for the QTE splash screen.

You will receive a new magic - the Head of Euryale. And, as usual, suitable enemies will immediately attack you. Turn five to stone and smash. Meanwhile, a door will open at the bottom of the hall. Come in and sign up.

The splash screen shows you how difficult the puzzle is to solve. Although it seems scarier than it really is. Jump into the water and break some of the pitchers (R1). Return to the center platform. Rotate the lever until you raise the column with the hook to the maximum height. After that, jump over to the platform that is on the right and below, press the lever and immediately stop time. The gate has opened ahead - swim there.

In the next room to the right of the gate, you will see a lever. Click on it. Float up and jump to the central platform. Turn the lever again so that the hook is raised as high as possible. Dive into the water. Under the water, opposite the gate through which you sailed, there is another lever. Click on it. Quickly swim through the gate that opens to the right and hold R1. Release the handle as soon as you reach the maximum acceleration. It is not easy to slip under the second gate, so if you do not have time, swim to the right opening and start all over again.

In the next room, pop up and jump onto the platform in the center. Break the left wall and take the Gorgon's Eye from the chest. Raise the hook - and back into the water. There, in the depths in the upper right corner, is a gate, through which you can break through if you use acceleration.

The note:

By this time, you have probably already obtained all 18 Gorgon Eyes. Therefore, from the chests, where, in theory, the rest of the organs of vision should lie, only spheres will fly out. Until the next playthrough, there is nothing you can do about it.

In the new room, lift the fourth hook and press the upper lever - the gate will open from above. On the right is the corridor, you - there.

From the fork, go forward and climb the stairs. Run to the "camera" to open two chests with red spheres. Now a little forward, to the button on the floor. Click on it and a ladder will appear (it comes in handy if you crash down). Now head back to the fork and go right.

As you can see, this room is located between the second and fourth. Remember where you lifted the hooks? Start twisting the lever. Enemies will appear. Among them, one "newbie" is the juggernaut. It is very slow, so there will be no difficulties, at least for now. Having dealt with all, turn the lever. After the hook goes up, stop the time and run to the fork and up. Having risen, do not rush to jump on the hooks, wait until there is an opportunity to slow down the time again. Do this, and now jump along all the columns until you reach the fifth. From it, jump to the balcony on the right. There are two chests, one of which contains a Phoenix Feather. Grab the pillar again and jump into the open gate - the one that you opened a little earlier. Phew, here we got out.

Step forward along the corridor to the very lever, and then click on it. You will be entertained by the dogs while the lift is going up. At the very top, the door will begin to open ... but rather slowly. As you continue to "educate" the dogs, get ready to quickly trample the "circle" when you are pushed to the ceiling. From the third time, the door will open enough so that you can slip between the doors with the help of a dodge. Go forward, simultaneously destroying those boards that are on the right. Walk along the planks above the abyss, grab onto the ledge on the right and climb over it to the other side. There is a chain on the left, grab it and go up - you will find two chests, one of which contains a Phoenix Feather. Get down and move forward. Here is the second meeting with ...

Boss - Stone Minotaur

This time, stick to the same tactics as when you first met. First, shoot him with a bow. Note that the enemy has become more resilient, so use the Wrath of the Titans whenever possible. When you have neither magic nor Wrath of the Titans left, fight him carefully, try to keep your distance and not let him get close. At the end, a QTE battle awaits you.

After killing the Boss, go forward and jump over the abyss. Sign up and step forward through the cave. Go up the stairs. Press the lever and get out of here.

Destiny's Atrium

Run downstairs. Remember this forest and how the Barbarian did not let you open two chests? It's time to make up for lost time, all the more worth it: a chest with the Eye of the Gorgon and even a special chest with 5 thousand red orbs. Go back and sign up. In this location on the left there is a passage between two staircases, and there is a wall "spitting" with fire. But you already know how to repel such attacks! Destroy the obstacle and walk along the right wall to the opposite side. Run forward (open the health and magic chests if needed) and get down. Go outside and kill the enemies. Jump over to the platform where the archers were standing and go up the left wall. Open the chests (the Eye of the Gorgon is in one of them), go down and jump to the opposite side. Deal with the enemies and climb the stairs.

The hall of atropos

After a short cutscene, shadows will attack you. Use Kronos' Wrath often, or things will go wrong. Sign up after the battle. There is a door near the save point (left and top) - go in.

In the next room, open the chests and turn right. The Priests will attack you. They will constantly summon minotaurs and teleport after each of your attacks. Use Kronos' Wrath to paralyze them. First, finish off all the Priests and only then deal with the minotaurs. When you're done with them, pay attention to the two pedestals on the right. Move one of them to the left to the elevator, and place the other next to the elevator (as close to it as possible). There is a lever next to it, move it. As soon as you lift the lift to the end, release the lever - and run to the second pedestal. Slide it under the descending elevator. Climb upstairs.

Go to the right, then go up the stairs (it is on the left) and forward across the bridge - to the chest. Return to the start of the bridge and turn right. Get down and enter the building.

Satyrs will attack you. These creatures are capable of a lot, and they do everything quickly. Our tip: Whenever possible, use Kronos's Wrath to paralyze them, or shoot them with a bow. Both are much safer and easier than head-on attacks. As soon as you deal with these guys, look for the block, it is on the left, and push it towards you. Climb it and open the chest with the Gorgon's Eye. After that, push the block so that it is in the passage in front of you.

Move the block to the dilapidated staircase (down and to the left). Jump onto the bridge (it's at the top). Go left. Cross the boards to the other side, empty the chest with health - and left again. Open the chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Step back (to the right) until you find yourself in front of the door. Welcome!

Deal with warriors and juggernauts. Jump onto the platform (left) and head outside. Sign up and go ahead. Use the hooks to get over to the other side. Kill the enemies, since you can slow down time in battle. Tip: Use this ability to gain an advantage. Now click on the button at the edge of the cliff. Roots will crawl out of the ground, which will connect the two platforms - the one in front and the one on the left. Stop time and run to the central platform. Stop and jump off the ledge (to the right), you need to land between two trees. Open the chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Go upstairs and click on the button in the center. From here it will not be possible to influence the time, therefore, faster along the roots and forward. Returning to the first platform, press the button again, slow down the time and run to the platform on the left. When you reach the place, destroy everyone who gets tangled under your feet, press the button, stop time - and a bullet to the platform opposite the first. Repeat the same trick, only this time run to the right of the first platform. Jump into the room. Replenish your reserves of health and magic - there is a big battle ahead.

Boss - Perseus

He will start the fight invisible, so watch out for the splashes of water. In addition, you will notice its vague outline. All attacks of the boss can be blocked, so if you are not sure where he is, stay in the block. When attacking Perseus, do not use long combinations until he drops to one knee and the cherished icon lights up over his head. You need to seize the moment and very quickly click on the "circle", otherwise you will have to tinker with the enemy for some time.

After it becomes visible, continue to act. Discharge all magic (bow) in the boss, as well as Wrath of the Titans. When the "circle" button lights up above it, click on it.

After that, Perseus will go on the defensive and try to blind you with flashes of light. If this happens, quickly push the analog stick left and right to bring Kratos to his senses, then roll away from the boss. While Kratos is tormented by the bright light, Perseus prepares for a powerful attack. Don't stop attacking the boss. Sooner or later, Perseus will fall against the far wall and the icon of the "circle" button will light up above his head. Approach him and activate the QTE battle.

For the victory, you will receive the Shield of Perseus. Get out through the crack in the wall. Get some health and magic, go down the chain and sign up.

Another climb on the broken stairs awaits you. Turn right this time. Jump over the flower beds with bushes and again to the right. When you see the statue, break its pedestal and insert the Shield of Perseus into it. Push it down, and then slide it into the groove opposite the broken boards. Start twisting the lever. Raise the sculpture so that it reflects the beam emanating from the stone head's right eye. After that, run upstairs faster and use the block (L1) to reflect the ray from your left eye. The barrier will disappear and you can continue on your way.

Outside Atropos

Go into the forest and turn right at the first fork. Jump over to the other side, kill the archers and turn left. Swim across to the other side. Empty the chests if needed and head left. At the very end of the corridor, turn right. You are in the next location! Climb the wall (right and up) and click on the lever. Go downstairs and go into the opened door. Approach the Griffin. Pull the Spear of Destiny (R1) out of it. Try the received weapon on enemies, by the way, here you can slow down time. After the battle, move the statue to the wheel in the center of the room. Rotate it so that the green light of the statue goes away from the screen (that is, to the right). Drag the sculpture into the corridor, there move it to the left, to the very pool with water (where there are chests with health and magic). Swim across to the other side, slow down the time and jump over the abyss. From the fork, run upstairs and rush into the gate. Open the chests and you will receive the Urn of Olympus, Gorgon's Eye and Phoenix Feather. Return the same way. Place the statue on the wheel and turn it to the right again. Then move the sculpture to where it stood before you came. Now she is looking ahead, more precisely, at the bridge. Run to the crossing and jump onto the platform ahead. As soon as its leading edge rises, slow down time and jump to the next platform. Open the chests and sign up.

You have to jump a little more. Grab onto the first column and ... good luck! There is not much to advise here, just follow where the path leads. Note that it is not always worth jumping to the next hook right away. Sometimes it is better to wait until the next column or platform approaches you. Or you go to her. Either way, Kratos ends up in the lower cave at the end.

The great chasm

Follow up the cave. In the first room you will be greeted by sirens and minotaurs. Free yourself from them, move on. In the second room, juggernauts and satyrs await. After the battle, get out of the cave. On the right you will find two chests with health and magic, and on the left is a save point. Sign up and go to the bridge. How many more gods and heroes of Greek mythology will Kratos cut?

Boss - Icarus

In this QTE battle you need to alternate the "circle", "square" or "triangle" buttons. Once Icarus is on top, quickly move the analog stick left and right. Sometimes, in order to remain unscathed, you will have to twist the analog sticks where the icons on the screen show. When it's over, you will find yourself underground.


After the battle, you will receive the Icarus Wings. Now you can fly for a while (make a double jump, but do not release the "cross" button) and attack (L1 + "cross").

Run to the left and up. Open the health chest, then sign up. Go back and climb the wall. Several jumps over those platforms that are on the left, then flap your wings and get to the opposite side. Glide to the spinning gear that is on the left. Jump over to the second and fight off the harpies. Jumping to the third mechanism, fly around the chain that blocks the path, and get down to the platform. Do you see the passage in front of you? Jump in there. Clear this area of ​​harpies and satyrs, then approach the block at the far end of this location. Tap on the tentacles blocking the passage and push the block towards you. Drag it to the wall on the left and go up. Upstairs there are chests with red orbs and a Phoenix Feather. Get down and return the block to its place - into the passage. Make sure Kratos enters first, in other words, pull the block towards you, not push it. Now you are inside; use the block to climb up. Open the chest and run to the left. Jump over to the lower platform.

Boss - Stone Minotaur

The last representative of this species, which is becoming extinct thanks to Kratos, intends to avenge its fellows. Few differences of this minotaur from the first two are great endurance and the ability to walk around the arena. With this in mind, don't let him push you to the edge. Discharge the entire supply of magic (bow) into it, then Wrath of the Titans. In the middle of the battle, the boss will sink the platform on which the battle is taking place. As soon as he hits the platform, a wall will crumble from above. Run there and grab the debris. Dodge the stones (press left / right and "circle") until a "floor" appears from the lava. Jump back. Now that you have neither magic nor Wrath of the Titans, keep to the left or right of the boss, and use short combinations when attacking. The main thing is not to let the boss drive you into a corner and not to step "on the forehead". Finish the minotaur calmly and patiently.

A small stone will remain from the deceased boss. Move it to the passage in the wall (to the top of the arena) and jump there. Before moving across the abyss, jump to the ledge (bottom and left), there are two chests, one of which contains the Phoenix Feather. Jump to the platform (it is on the right) and enter the next room.

Jump over to the ledge on the left, open the chest and sign up. On the right on the wall - tentacles, hit them and follow the stone. When the boulder stops, climb onto it and break another obstacle. As soon as you swim to the edge of the cliff, you need to make a jump and catch on the hook. There is a tunnel ahead, fly there.

Do you see a stone in front of you? Break it down. Jump down and smash the wall in the upper left corner - behind it is the chest with the Eye of the Gorgon. Go back upstairs. Climb into the stream of steam and double jump in place. After rising to a sufficient height, fly to the other side.

In the next room, destroy all the nests from which the Fire Nymphs fly out. You need a wall at the entrance, climb it and get over to the left side. Jump over the dark wall, climb up and make your way along the ceiling to the ledge with chests. Open them if needed. Walk up to the edge of this ledge. There is another wall in the upper left corner of the screen that you can grab onto. Think of the wings and fly there. Now another run across the ceiling to the next ledge. From there, jump into the passage, it is to the left.

There is something to cling to on the wall on the left. Walk along the ceiling (right and up). On the way you will come across a sheer rock - break it and climb to the breach. In the upstairs room you will find chests with red orbs and the secret item Urn of Prometheus. Get back down. Keep moving forward. There is a second rock on your way, destroy it, fight off enemies and destroy the third rock - the one on the left. Get up quickly. Run up and to the right, then jump to the platform with the chain. Now go downstairs. Hook on the opposite wall and walk until the needles sticking out of the ceiling block the path. After a few hits, they will fall and give way to the air flow. Walk to the platform on the left and get down. "Saddle" the air stream and fly to the other side, just do not forget to spread your wings.

Jump down to the circular platform at the bottom. As soon as you start twisting the lever, enemies will attack. Kill every one and raise the platform to the very top. Carefully climb over the swinging platforms to the other side. On the farthest of them, hook on the chain, go downstairs, then sign up and open the chests.

Walk up the wall and to the left. Climb to the ceiling and jump down. Catch the hook in the air - and then jump to the next platform. Move the large stone to the left and place it next to the ledge, and the one that is lower, lift it to the ledge and pile it on the large one. Get down and pull both stones to the ledge, it is on the right. Climb this ledge and pull the low rock towards you. Move it to the high ledge on the right. Climb up there yourself. Jump and fly to the left. Hook on the wall, walk along it to the left, and you will find a chest with the Eye of the Gorgon. Return to the high ledge and move on.

Climb up the wall. Dodging stones, jump left and right. Agree, it's better to lose a second because of an extra jump than to start all over again. When you climb up, go left and quickly go down (R1). Rise again, but now all the way to the top. Once you're on the platform - it's actually a titan's palm - look for the chain and break it. Now a small QTE scene, during which you have to use R1, then L1. As the curtain ends, the titan will endow you with its magic - Atlas Quake. Try it right away, since the enemies will not keep you waiting for a long time, and watch the splash screen. There is a platform in front of you, jump there, then open the chests and sign up.

The palace of the fates

Jump from the first platform to the one to the left and hook onto the wall. Go upstairs and open the chest with the Gorgon's Eye. Go to the Palace Entrance.

Do not rush to open chests with health and magic. First, click on the lever - it is in the niche, to the left of the central path. Welcome to the Masters of the Monsters and their loyal Cyclops. The battle will not be easy. First, finish off the Masters, then finish off the Cyclops, but after the battle, you can empty the chests. Now turn the rightmost lever, the one at the entrance to the Palace. Do not release the lever until you hit the wall on the left. Now quickly to the other lever, it is also on the right, and twist it. Repeat these steps until the entrance to the building opens. Come inside. Click on the central lever and the walls of the hall will start spinning. Dodge both the bayonets that have crawled out of the floor and the Nymphs, but most importantly, do not miss the moment when you can get into the room on the right and above (for 1-2 hours). As soon as the passage opens, run inside and drag the block standing there. The traps will turn off. Open all the chests you find. In the room (at 9 o'clock) there is a corpse to the left of the chest. Don't forget to take the Handle from him. Get out of here. Turn left at the fork. On the way, gut the chests (they are on the left and right), and then leave the corridor.

Run forward until you come across a ladder leading up. Go up, insert the handle into the groove in the center, and twist the homemade lever. Stop time and quickly pass the frozen fire. To the right of the ledge, where the flame was blazing, is a small room, and there is a chest with a Phoenix Feather. Jump over to the other side - and forward again. Sign up for a save point and move on.

Run to the very end of the corridor, there should be a lever on the right. Click on it and quickly return to the place where steam was coming from the floor. Rise on streams of steam and fly through the opened door.

Follow the corridor. There are enemies lurking at the end, punish them and open the door. To the left is the structure that holds the block, destroy it, then clear the chests and push the block into the left opening.

The note:

It is very difficult not to miss and get into this door. Surely you will not succeed the first time, but do not despair: work out the route properly, and then everything will work out.

Auditorium of lahkesis

Try reading a book on a pedestal. When all else fails, look for a specialist. At the far end of this hall you will see a block, move the colossus to the right and drag further. Lift the translator off the floor and take it to the book, after sliding the block onto the button on which he was sitting. Restless enemies will try to keep you out of the book - protect the scientist. There will be three attempts, so as soon as the enemy appears, put down the translator and deal with the enemy. As soon as everything is over and you get to the folio, bring the scholar to him and "persuade" him to read a little. At the end of the cutscene, proceed to the door on the left, remove the Key of the Ram from it, open the lock and go inside. Run along the corridor until you reach a closed door. Open it - and run to the left. This little corridor is familiar to you. If necessary, sign up at the save point and return to the main location.

Go through it to the end and open the door with the sign of Aries, since you just got the key. Go inside, open the chest and run to the right. The wall will begin to move, and before it crushes you, you need to kill everyone who gets tangled up under your feet. There will be many opponents, so do not save any magic or Wrath of the Titans. After the victory, go upstairs and proceed to the opening on the right. Look into the chest, it is opposite you, and then run upstairs to the hall. In the lower left corner there are a couple of chests, and one of them contains a Phoenix Feather. Break the wall near the statue on the left and top. The move is free, go there. Jump over the obstacle - be careful, keep between the wall and bayonets. Cling immediately to the ledge on the left side. Climb up and move to the right along the wall. In the next room, boldly jump down - there is no abyss here. Climb the stairs and step left. Open the chests, because the Eye of the Gorgon is in one of them, and now return. Grab the ledge again and continue to the right. When you get to the opposite side, sign up.

Walk a little more. In the next room you will have to sacrifice three sirens to the fire. Fight each of them on the left or right side of the room - next to the sources of fire. When the icon with the "circle" button lights up over the head of the future victim, do not kill her. There is a lever in front of you, go up and click on it: the siren will be engulfed in flames, and it will die. Repeat this operation three times and the door will open. Now let's go!

In the new room, empty the chest and dive into the water. Swim to the end and get out on the shore. Walk to the screen and find two chests with red spheres.

Move on. Here comes the puzzle! Jump to the center to the frozen bird. There is a lever behind her - press. The bird will melt the ice in front of the door. By the way, there is also a mirror there, which will come in handy a little later. Climb to the ceiling (fortunately, the room is full of easy-to-climb walls) and break all the ice blocks. Rays of light will begin to penetrate through the holes formed into the room. Get down to the three levers, they are on the right. Rotate all three so that the crescent moon is underneath. Thus, the mirror opposite will "look" at the frozen bird. Remember the mirror that was freed at the very beginning? Rotate it so that you catch the beam that is next to the entrance. The beam will be reflected from the first mirror, hit the second - what is below, and from there - onto the statue of the bird. After the statue has melted, you can rotate it. Melt all the entrances to the rooms, just do not forget to press the lever to "turn on" the fire. When you clear 5 chests, one of which has a Phoenix Feather, unfreeze the middle door, it is at the top, and go there.

Run down the hallway, then jump down to the lower room. Before grabbing the lever, destroy the nymphs' nests: one below and two - under the ceiling, climb up there along the right wall. Now move the lever. When the hook is at the bottom, grab onto it and climb. Open the chests and proceed to the next hall.

Boss - Cerberus Producers

There will be more troubles from these creatures than necessary. First of all, kill the little Cerberus that the Producers spit out of their mouths. If you let the little thing walk around the battlefield for too long, then sooner or later you will get another boss. We believe that you do not need such bonuses. Activate the Wrath of the Titans and don't forget about the Atlantean Tremors. There is a health chest in the arena, so use it if necessary. At the end of the duel, two Juggernauts will appear. The battle will end on killing them.

Step into the opened passage, climb the stairs and sign up. Jump over to the right side. Open the chest with red spheres, go further and empty two more chests, one of which is the Eye of the Gorgon. Jump down into the nearest passage (it is on the left and below), open two chests. Now, jumping on those cornices that are on the right and left, return upstairs. Return to the save point. Follow upstairs, open the door; if necessary, take health and turn right. Go down the stairs.

Auditorium of atropos

Look down: on the left you will see the Statue of Time. Move her forward along the corridor. After the cutscene, open the gate (the lever is on the left) and shove the statue under it so that it doesn't close. There is a spreading wall on the left in this room, go through it. You will go back a few seconds, and it turns out that the translator has not jumped down yet. Stop time immediately, but before running after the scientist, return to where the statue stood. Now in its place will be a secret chest, this is the second, and there are only three of them. There are green spheres that will not only heal Kratos' wounds, but also significantly replenish his health reserve.

The note:

This chest disappears immediately after the translator falls into the abyss, so act quickly. If it doesn't work the first time, try again.

Return to the main hall and go through the wall again. Slow down the time immediately and catch up with the translator. As the saying goes, one born to translate cannot fly. Drag him to the book pedestal. Let him mind his own business.

After the cutscene, head right to the door and take the Warrior "s Skull. Exit through this door.

In the next room, turn the lever. Without leaving the place, jump up and spread your wings. Upstairs - a room with a lever, fly there. Click on the handle and quickly jump down. Twist the lever again, but this time go all the way to the top. Now a short flight to the left to a small balcony with a chest. Open the "chest" and cling to the ceiling. Walk to the left on your hands, simultaneously destroying the column, and jump down. Step into the corridor and, jumping over the abyss, you will find yourself in the main location.

Here you will be attacked by Cyclops, and much more belligerent than their predecessors. However, do not be alarmed, the Head of Euryale works wonderfully on them. Turn enemies into stone and smash them quickly. After the victory, go upstairs and open the door on which the Warrior's Skull is depicted.

Sign up and be sure to top up the magic. Go to the elevator and twist the middle part of the chain. Meanwhile, the ceiling will begin to drop. Continue to twist the chain. You will be constantly distracted by skeletons, do away with them before continuing the descent. Some of the bone friends will try to jam the mechanism. Such clever people should be dealt with first. When it's over, open the door and get out of here.

For this test, Euryale's Head fits perfectly. Pump it to at least the second level, and as soon as the skeletons appear, quickly turn them into stone and break them with two or three regular blows.

Follow down (to the screen) and open the chests with the spheres and the Phoenix Feather. After that you need to go to the right. Hook on the rope and quickly get over to the center platform. Go downstairs (R1). Jump onto the right ledge of the archer platform and head right. Climb up and deal with the enemies. Return to the central platform and climb up the left wall. Once on the ceiling, look for a small area that you can walk through, it is on the left. Make your way and on a small ledge you will find a chest with a Gorgon's Eye. Now you should get to the opposite side. Kill all the enemies, open the chests and step to the right.

There is a wall in front of you, shoot it with a bow and jump over to where it used to be. Open the chest containing the Phoenix Feather and the third secret chest - this time with magic. Break another wall - the one to the right of the secret chest. Found a lever? Click on it, "ride" the air stream and, spreading your wings, fly forward. Go around the mechanism on the left and get over to the source of steam. He will lift you even higher. Now dive to the left of the second unit and land on the other side. Before running further, one more flight: a little back and to the right. There, in the little room, is a chest with another Eye of the Gorgon. Come back and step forward.

The phoenix chamber

Go to the center and read a book. Go to the room where the lever appeared. Jump to the platform on the right and sign up. A little to the left is a spiral staircase, jump to its lower platform, straight to the chest with red spheres. Return to the center platform, now jump to the left. Here's a new date. Finish everyone, and then go to the room with bayonets.

Click on the lever in the center and run to the wall (left and up), behind which you can see the chests. Break the sash and quickly return to safety. Free yourself from enemies and press the lever again. Now run to the chest. Since, every time Kratos tries to open the chest, time is accelerating, we do not recommend opening all the chests at once, it is better to approach each one in turn. When they are empty, press the lever again and go to the deceased, he is in front. Remove the Hail of Boreas from the carcass and turn the lever one full turn (no more!), Then slow down the time - and gallop to the left, into the opening. Be careful, there are two holes in there.

Move on, and when you see the chests behind the bars, turn right, then left. In this corridor on the right wall there is a ledge - cling to it, then jump over to the opposite side. Go down, clear the chests (one of them has the Gorgon's Eye) and return to the corridor. Run to the next room.

At the entrance to the hall, right in front of you, there are chests, but do not rush to open them. Break the statue that is to the right, and move the left one into the room. Get ready, now you will be offered to solve the puzzle and all conditions will be created so as not to get bored.

Streams of fire will go on you, so take cover behind the statue. Remember about the chests that you saved for a rainy day, they can always be opened and restored to health. The flames are so strong that they easily move the sculpture, so secure it to one of the ledges. First, pull up the statue by the ledge in the middle, and reduce the enemy population. Drag the statue by the right ledge. There is a gate next to you, open them and look into both chests, standing at the entrance, in one of them lies the Phoenix Feather. Now drag the sculpture to the left door. Now there is no point, and indeed, no possibility, to move the statue for the next ledge. Just push it as far as possible and open the door on the left. Digging through the chests? Then drag the sculpture to the right. Place this piece in front of the lever and click on it. Place the statue on the left button. But before you do all this, clear the room of all who pester you! So, as soon as the first wave of fire escapes, stand on the right button and fly to the opposite side. Open the chest and go forward. Pull the Phoenix Ash Urn forward. Go to the main room and, when you are sure that no one was left alive, press the lever.

After the cutscene, jump onto the stream of steam emitted by the lava and fly it to the top of the spiral staircase. Climb even higher. Empty the chests before pressing the center platform lever. On the right - red spheres, on the left - the Phoenix Feather. Now press the lever. Climb even higher. See the door behind? Insert the Glory of Boreas into it and boldly enter. You left along the corridor. Do not rush to climb the chain, just to the left is a chest with the Eye of the Gorgon. Start climbing.

Sign up and restore magic and health. Go to the Horn and press R1. After the cutscene, jump down and run to the right platform. By the way, there was a statue that fell, and if you watched the video carefully, you saw how it happened. Jump to the left platform, and from there - to the left, onto the balcony. Come into the room.

Click on the lever and a wall will appear, climb up it. Make your way along the ceiling to two shiny chains, they are on the right. Break them, a couple of doors will open at the bottom. Behind one of them is a chest with spheres, behind the other is a pedestal. Click on the lever to lower the elevator. Fight off the enemies and push the pedestal so that most of it (about 60%) is on the elevator, and the least on the floor. Press the lever again. This will help to brake the elevator and you will jump in there. After that, pull the pedestal towards you, that is, towards the elevator. When you find yourself at the top, jump onto the pedestal and break the chain above the gate. Step into the opened door.

Lever on the left, turn it. After raising the platforms, run to the right. You are in a round room; twist the lever until a passage appears to your right. By the way, there is a chest with red spheres behind it. After that, an opening will open in front - you are welcome to the dark room.

Boss - Determined Man

The battle will take place on a narrow path, so you can only move left and right. In principle, the fight promises to be easy. First, discharge all the Wrath of the Titans into your opponent, then all the magic, preferably the Atlantean Tremor of the third level. If this is not enough, carefully finish it off using short combinations. Remember that all boss attacks can be blocked. After the Man is weakened, the "circle" icon will light up above his head. Press the desired button and watch the splash screen.

Boss - Kraken

Unfortunately, in the beginning you won't be able to do anything. Press different buttons until the splash screen starts. After it, activate the Wrath of the Titans, and you will escape from the clutches of the Kraken.

Take a fallen comrade and move it as close to the Kraken's right tentacle as possible. Lay down the body and tap the tentacle. Once the boss lifts this limb and releases the bottom button, place the corpse on it. A hatch will open in the center of the arena, from where a stream of air will rush. Climb up the stream and fly to the head of the monster. Hit it using combinations and, fortunately in the air, they are very effective. Repeat this maneuver several times. If the Kraken drops the left tentacle, the body will slide off the button and you will need a second try. Sooner or later, the monster will stick a tentacle into the center of the arena. As soon as this happens, climb it. At the very top, break the barrier and turn on the mini-scene with the "circle" button. After that, repeat everything from the very beginning again. The second time, the Kraken will stick its left tentacle into the nearest wall. Hook on this scion, break the wall and hit the circle.

The kraken will get angry and start fighting with a vengeance. Come up and hit one of his paws. As soon as the creature begins to slide down, it will stop rushing at you. Run to another tentacle and help the Kraken fall even lower. After that, immediately rush to the lever - it is in the center and has just appeared. Click on it. Though? it seems to us that even for such a cutie you are too cruel.

After the battle, walk across the bridge. There are two chests to the right and left of the Phoenix - one Phoenix Feather, the other Gorgon's Eye. Walk up to Phoenix and click on the "circle". Get ready for a QTE screensaver.

The Kraken's tentacles save any wounds it sustains. If you do not have time to knock down the second "leg" before the monster gets out, strike a few blows on the tentacle in advance. In this case, when the first limb falls off the mechanism, you will only have to finish off the second tentacle.

Temple of the fates

As you can see, time flows slowly here. Jump onto the stone-headed platform. There, grab the hook opposite the bust. There is a structure in the center of the platform, break it. When the flow of time is restored, jump under this platform. On the left you will see a lever with a blue handle. Turn it 90 degrees to the right and dive under the water. There is another lever at the very bottom. Click on it and the platform will rise. If nothing happens, then you turned the blue handle incorrectly. Make sure that the lever fits into the lower groove of the mechanism.

Get out on dry land. In this room to the right of the save point is a bell decorated with the image of Kronos. Walk up to him and press R1. Press R1 and L1 in turn. As soon as the bell rings, quickly stop time and run to the platform in the water. On the surface of this platform, you will see a hanging column. Approach her and press R1. If you manage to strike the second bell before the first one stops ringing, then a crack will appear on the face of the statue on the right. Now use the same blue lever to rotate your platform towards the statue. Approach the column again and press R1. Don't rush to leave the room.

Turn the central platform at 7-8 o'clock (in the lower left corner) and slow down the time. After that, swim into the screen until you grab the hook and climb onto the platform. From the hook, jump over to the horizontal column, and from there - onto the balcony that is on the left and below. There are three chests here, one of them contains a Phoenix Feather. Repeat the same trick, only now rotate the column by 4-5 o'clock, that is, to the lower right corner. There are three more chests, one of which is the Eye of the Gorgon. Thank the developers for the disgusting camera work in this part of the game and get down.

There is a small platform in the left wing of this temple, and on it is a chest with health. Open it if you are in need of reinforcement. Then sign up and crawl through the crack in the stone head. Remember you did it? Chests on the left and right; open them - and go, a new boss battle is just around the corner!

Boss - Lachesis

The first of the sisters is not a very formidable opponent. Her physical attacks can be blocked. Stay in the block until she does a three-hit combo, and then counterattack. If the enemy decides to shoot, then either dodge, or, even safer, return the shots to her. For a successful hit, you will be given a few souls of different colors, and in addition, Lachesis will open for several physical attacks. In the second half of the fight, the boss will start flying over you. Jump on the hooks while it electrifies the floor, dodge shots. Once you can return to the floor, you have two options. If the boss flutters next to one of the hooks, then grab onto it and jump on the enemy, simultaneously delivering several blows right in the air. If it is far from the hooks, then shoot it with a bow (it would be better to the third level). Remember to return the shots to her if the opportunity presents itself. At the end of the fight, Lachesis will hover in the center of the room and an icon with a "circle" button will light up above it. Jump onto one of the hooks, glide towards it, since the wings are with you, and press the "circle" right in the air. A small splash screen will follow.

Boss - Atropos

The second sister is also not a very terrible enemy. Shoot Atropos with a bow, remembering to return the shots so that she gets them. Do not spare ordinary enemies either, because for your opponent they are a source of magic. Atropos will try to approach the sword and destroy it. As soon as this happens, run to her. You can't get close to the boss, so make physical attacks while jumping. If you still have magic left, use your trusty bow. Very soon she will fall on the sword and the icon of the cherished "circle" button will light up above her head. Click it and wait for the QTE splash screen.

Boss - Lachesis and Atropos

This time the relatives will perform as a duet. Atropos will appear from mirrors and shoot at you. If this is inconvenient, return one of the shots to her or run to the mirror. In either case, the boss will disappear for a short time.

Your main target - Lachesis - still works. Moreover, the line of her life has become shorter. Attack the boss until it falls to the ground. As soon as this happens, do not finish her off, but slow down the time, and a characteristic green fire will light up over Lachesis's head. After that, run to Atropos, which will just stick out of the mirror, and inflict as many blows on it as possible, the combination on the "triangle" will work best of all. When she comes back, the glass will crack. Break the mirror until it heals. The most convenient way to smash magic glasses is with Atlanta Tremor. Repeat the same number from the beginning.

When there are almost no mirrors left, Atropos will stop attacking, and Lachesis will stand at the latter to protect his sister. Proceed with caution, use short combos and try to dodge shots and the energy wall. If you still have magic left, then go up to it and activate either the Tremor of Atlanta or the Wrath of Kronos. The sensitive person will quickly faint. Click on the "circle" button, the icon of which will light up above her head, and wait for the QTE scene. As soon as you press all the necessary buttons, break the last mirror.

The inner sanctum

Step into a new passage and sign up. To the left and right of the save point in the pool is a pair of chests, in which the Eye of the Gorgon and the Feather of the Phoenix rest. Walk forward, climb the wall to the ceiling and go around the column to be on the other side. Before running further, dive onto small balconies, on the way here you probably noticed them: one to the left of the chest with the Gorgon's Eye, the other to the right of the chest with the Phoenix Feather. Now run along the corridor, at the end of the path, break the right wall and enter a fresh opening.

Descend carefully. The way down will not be calm, 7 major showdowns await you. On the way, you will come across several chests with health and magic, but if everything is in order so far, do not open them. As soon as circumstances require, you can return to the chests. And further. When you find yourself at the very bottom, try to have the greatest supply of health and magic - there are three cyclops lurking at the bottom platform. If you have enough strength to use the Head of Euryale, then difficulties will not arise. By the time the enemies run out, a save point will appear to the left of the large gate. Open the chests on the right and sign in. To go further, you need to open the bolts. Left and right - hands covering the door mechanisms. Hit the "paws" in turn - then they will open - and press R1. When you have mastered both locks, lift the gate and go inside.

Loom chamber

Carefully go around the blades and go left. Beat your hand so it doesn't get in the way, and then twist the lever. Since the hand will only calm down for a short time, it will have to be hit a few more times. Proceed to the right to the platform, and from there fly to the platform that appeared above the lever. Familiarize yourself with the contents of the chest and climb up the left wall. Walk to the right along the ceiling. When you almost get to the right place, your left hand will try to pull you down. Be prepared to push the left analog stick left and right. If all goes well, go down and turn the lever. Fly from the near platform to the platform above. Dig in the chest and go up to the second floor.

Rather to the right. A few good hits and the hand will lose interest in you. As soon as this happens, walk a little more and press the lever. Jump down the opened hatch and open the chest. Take up your hand again: it is necessary that, under the hail of your blows, it fell into the hatch. Follow the lever and click on it. There is a mechanism near the hatch, grab its handle and drag it towards you until a blue light lights up on the left on the floor. This is a sign that the mechanism is locked. Then run to the right. Calm down the next hand and quickly grab onto the chain on the left. Climb up and jump to the right platform. Push the lever. So the second hand is stopped. The truth is there is still a third - run to her. A spear hangs to the right of the hand. Drag here the mechanism that was moved when the first "foot" was clamped. He is still standing next to the blue light. You need to move the unit in a circle. There is a button between the doors of the mechanism, stand on it, in this way you will fix the spear. Hit your hand again and move the machine towards it. Drag it to the blue light opposite your hand. After the hand "wakes up", hit a few more times. Climb up the chain and fly to the left platform. Push the lever - and up again.

Boss - Clotho

It is not so much a battle that awaits you as a puzzle. See the two levers around the edges? Each of them allows you to raise a corpse, for the destruction of which many green orbs are relied on. But that's it, just in case. Turn right, slow down the time and hit Clotho on the left hand until it "turns off". After that, climb up the right wall and break the small block on the right. Jump down and hit the boss on the arm again so as not to interfere. Move the mechanism to the right so that it stands on the third blue light, there are 4 of them. Stop the time and both hands will freeze. Immediately after that, press the lever that is right in front of the boss. Notice that the ax has risen? Approach it from the left side and turn the blade towards Clotho. A few more blows on both hands, and now go to the hatchet from the other side. Pull it towards you and turn on the QTE scene.

Well, the time has come to change your destiny. Choose any door - and go! Swim under the trellis and get to the shore from the other side. On the right is a chest, as you open it, dive into the water again and swim under the grate, but now to the left. Run to the save point and sign up. Click on the lever opposite the giant mirror and return to the main hall.

As you can see, the threads of lives have appeared, and among them you need to find your own. If you choose the wrong one, the mirror will crack. True, it will recover immediately, so there is nothing wrong with that. You need the thread to the right of the center lever. After you scroll through it, you have 30 seconds to return to the giant mirror. Stop time and run towards your goal. Hop into the mirror.

Boss - Zeus

So we met again. In this fight, you will be holding the Blade of Olympus. The weapon is good, but it requires a habit.

The first part of the fight does not bode well. Attack the sirens, and then finish them on the "circle". As soon as the sound wave touches Zeus, he will hit the arena with his fist. Dodge this attack and hit the boss on the arm several times. Soon he will lean on the edge of the arena, and the icon of the "circle" button will light up above his brush. Run to your hand and quickly press the desired button.

In the second part of the fight, Zeus will become a more dangerous opponent, but fortunately, there are tactics that will simplify your task. Pump Wrath of Kronos to the third level, if you haven't already, and "lay out" on the battlefield one charge at a time. This completely paralyzes Zeus and you can safely make one combination. When the discharge "dissipates", create the next one. Soon, souls of different colors will fly out of Zeus. Now, oddly enough, you need to put yourself under attack. Just stand still until Zeus grabs you and activates the splash screen.

Taking the sword away from you, Zeus will become even more belligerent ... True, the tactics with the Wrath of Kronos still work flawlessly, which means that now there should be no difficulties. Most of the boss's attacks are now unblockable, so if you intend to fight honestly, prepare to dodge. After receiving several wounds, Zeus will swing his sword blindly and begin to move towards the center of the arena. When the "circle" button lights up above it, activate a small scene, during which you have to quickly click on the "circle". After the scene, go to the column next to Zeus and press R1.

Yes, the fight is really Olympic. Now you have the sword again. If there is no magic left, then you must fight with caution. Try to force Zeus to throw lightning more often. After successfully defeating them, you will receive several blue orbs for Kronos' Wrath. In close combat, if you decide to do without Kronos's Wrath, use only short combos.

Soon, spheres will fly out of Zeus again and ... he will again take the sword away from you. Then the boss will summon lightning, which not only will become his constant protection, but also will cause damage to you. Therefore, do not approach the enemy. The best way to fight is to send the Atlantean Shiver on him. If the strength is not enough for this, the Wrath of Kronos will do. But, perhaps, your magic is already over, then remember about the Wrath of the Titans. The usual exchange of blows, and even with Wrath, will eventually deprive the boss of the remaining health. At the close of the curtain, Zeus, like last time, will move to the center of the arena, stupidly swinging his sword. Walk up to him and press "circle". The previous scene with the selection of the sword will be repeated, only the ending will be different. Now run to the left column and press R1.

Soon Zeus will appear in the guise of a giant, and then the QTE scene will begin by itself.

The loom chamber

Go back to your thread and turn it one more time. You have the same 30 seconds to reach the mirror. Stop time - and go! The last screensaver is waiting for you, and with it the end of the game. Rather, the beginning of the end.

After completing the scene, kill all enemies and move forward. As soon as you are given control over the hero again, finish off all the enemies and go to the fallen tree. Pick it up using the buttons shown on the screen and keep walking forward until you come across a surprise.

Water Steed

During this fight, the horse will occasionally spit water into one of three zones: left, middle, or right. You will be able to easily notice how the enemy is changing direction and determine the area that he is targeting. As soon as he leans back, quickly get out of the line of fire. He will sometimes strike with his claws. Before that, he will lean back and raise his paw. If you see this, quickly leave the affected area.

Once you've dealt enough damage, the battle zone will change. Climb up to the enemy and start attacking him with your swords. Use "X" to dodge his attacks (you will see him raise his paw, which he intends to strike). After a few successful attacks, the battlefield will change again. Climb to the very top and charge him with your deadly swords. When he prepares to strike with his claws, use the "X" to move to the side. This time, he will continue making water breathing attacks. Watch the direction of his head as he leans back and quickly walk to a safe area.

After you've dealt enough damage to it, you'll find yourself back on solid ground. Keep watching for his water attacks while you keep hitting him. He will also use his claws a lot, so be careful. Watch out for his attacks and when he starts swinging, press "R2" to use magic. This will not only make you invulnerable for a while, but also cause serious damage to the enemy. Once you've dealt enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen to finish off the boss.

Mount olympus

Go to the other side of the wall and climb up to the ledge. Take the red chest before continuing on your way. Walk along the wall to the other side of the ledge and kill the enemies there. Jump onto the ledge above and climb the ladder to the wall.

Kill the enemies from above and use the double jump to reach the ledge in the distance. Before using the grappling hook on the left, examine the pedestal for information. After you get to the other side, kill all the enemies and use the double jump to jump onto the wall to the left. Jump onto the ledge on the left and follow it. At the very end, press the "X" to pull up. Then jump and grab the vine from above.

As soon as you climb up, go forward until the bridge collapses. Jump down to find a red chest, then climb back up using the platform in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the Icarus Wings to cross the chasm, then go under the arch and open the door.

The centaur will follow right behind you. Get rid of it quickly using a combo (square, square, triangle) to immobilize, which works on almost all enemies. Once all enemies are killed, find and examine the pedestal in the center of the room. After that, use the lever on the left side of the room. Quickly run to the right and climb the stairs to reach the recently moved platform. Hurry up to climb on it until that time, until it returns to its original position. Jump over the chasm and find the red chest. The first save point is also located there. Go left and open the gate.

Water Steed

Press the buttons that appear to get to the Gaia field. Get closer to the stallion to start the attack. This time he will use two types of claws. If you get close enough, he will carry out three hits on both sides - just roll back to avoid them. He will also do a triple combo of hits that cover almost the entire battlefield. The first two hits in his combo are pretty easy to dodge, and the third is a little more difficult. You can go to the right and hope that he simply does not touch you, but you can use a magic attack and become invulnerable for a while. Sometimes he will go back a little and make long blows with all his claws. As soon as you see that he is preparing to carry out this attack, run to the very bottom of the screen and wait until he is finished raging.

After inflicting enough damage on him, press the buttons that appear on the screen, and our hero will tear off the tip of one of his claws. After that, the battle will continue and water breathing will be added to the enemy's blows. Continue the battle and, as soon as you inflict enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen. After that, he will open the torso. Run back and to the left to pick up the previously torn off piece of claw. Throw it at the boss.

Climb the wall and jump into Gaia. Walk forward and make your way through the narrow passage. Walk into the distance of the zone and climb up the vine. Follow the path and jump over the abyss at the other end.

Heart of gaia

Climb the wall on the right to find the Zeus "Eagle. Jump down and grab the wall on the right using" R1 "(find the shining dot). Move the block to the left and rotate it 180 degrees using the right stick. Then move it into the hole on the left parts of the room Now climb up the vine on the left and continue upward.

Kill all the enemies from above and keep following the path. At the end of the road, grab the vine and jump over the ravine to the other side. Use the R1 button to jump up to the next path out of the vine and kill all enemies before continuing upward. When you can't keep moving up, jump up and use R1 again. Get to the very top to start the fight.


Your goal is to attack the claws holding Gaia on the left and right sides. When Poseidon moves to the left or right side of the screen, he prepares to strike with a claw on the opposite side of the zone. You will also see small blue flashes on the ground. They inform you of an impending electrical attack. Get off the flashes on the ground to avoid getting hurt. Once both claws are lost, Gaia will grab Poseidon and tell you to take her hand. Use "R1" to fulfill her request and get a little closer to God.

Once you gain control of the hero again, ignore the vine on the right and run to attack Poseidon. Sometimes he will punch him, block him. When he swings his trident, step back, away from Poseidon to avoid being hit. Do not go near the trident while it is sticking in Gaia, as it emits electrical impulses.

As soon as Poseidon catches his breath and the corresponding prompt appears on the screen, run to the right and climb the vine. Press the buttons that appear and you will discover its weak point.

This stage of the battle will be similar to the very first one, except that the electricity attacks will take place in three waves, and not in one, as it was before. Press the buttons that appear and watch the scene. After that, press the buttons that appear on the screen again and watch another scene.

When you gain control of the hero, head left to the save point. Then follow Gaia's hand.

River styx

Move down the river, slowly losing your Divine powers.

Realm of hades

Follow the path until a small scene begins. Once you gain control, turn left and examine the pedestal. Go forward and use "R1" to cross the ravine. Take a short jump and fall onto the ledge below to find two red chests. Follow the ledge to the right and find the first Gorgon's Eye. Go to the middle and climb the vine.

Cross the bridge on the right to find the Hyperion Gate. Go back and cross another bridge to reach the save point. To the left of it, find a point to catch on and use it to get to the other side. Kill enemies and open four red chests. Back out and follow the path to the right.

When you get to the battle, you can use your new ability as much as you want (temporarily you will have an unlimited supply of magic). You can examine the blackberries on the doors if you like. After that, jump and grab the rope at the top right of the screen. To kill the enemies you meet, three heavy blows will be enough. As soon as you find yourself on the other side, jump down and examine the shiny dot near the end of the rope. Walk forward and jump off.

Find two red chests in the distance and head back to examine the shining point. Once inside, follow the prompts to free yourself. Then quickly run to the center and use Phalanx to get rid of smaller enemies. If you follow the tips for killing the gorgon, you will get her head and some new information.

Once you've taken care of all the enemies, open the door on the left and follow the path. When you get to a small ravine, jump down and head back. There you will find two red chests. Continue on your way. After you jump over the river, there will be a small scene.

Use the broken post nearby to get to a higher place. Jump onto the platform and watch what happens. Go back and wait for the platform to rise again. Now jump on it, quickly run to the right and jump onto the ledge on the right. Go into the small room and grab the blackberries in the corner. Move it to a small open area and push it down.

Jump after her and move to the other side of the zone. Place it near the Cerberus cage to set it on fire. Return to the descending platform and stand on it until it drops to the very bottom. Quickly run to the burning blackberry and use the Icarus Wings over the smoke to fly up to the small area that opened up after the platform was lowered. Pull the lever to free Cerberus.

Attack the monster until prompts appear on the screen. Follow the prompts and find yourself astride the monster. Ride it towards the man's body. Use fire to light the blackberries. Examine the body and find the Bow of Apollo. You can use his Charged Attacks to set the Blackberries on fire. Go to the right side of the zone and aim for the blackberry from above. Shoot her with a charged charge and a new path will open. Move the smoking blackberry you used earlier to the left and use the Icarus Wings to get to a new passage. There you will find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather.

Head back across the river and destroy the brambles to find a save point. Follow the path and follow the right side. Destroy the brambles between the chests to find the Minotaur Horn. Jump onto the ledge on the left and follow the path. The L1 + Circle attack is very good at killing Harpies. Once they are all killed, head right.

Use the Icarus Wings to glide to the next platform, grab the wall and make your way to the right. At the end, climb up the wall, then jump to the ledge on the left. Then move up and to the left. Jump over the waterfall and pick up Gorgon's Eye at the end of the path. Head back to the right and follow the ledge to the very end.

Double jump to reach the vine and reach the other side. Jump down, double jump to get to the vine on the pole and climb up.

Judges of the underworld

Use the hook points to get to the main platform. Find a save point near the pool of water. Go to the lower left side of the screen to find the flickering dot. Study it for more information. Go to the pedestal shown and examine it. Study the book after each challenge to start the next.

Challenge 1 - Kill all enemies, it will take a little time.

Challenge 2 - Kill the souls before they get to the sparkling gate.

Challenge 3 - Destroy everything.

After that, the gate will open. Before going further, study the area to the left and jump over the crevice to the ledge. Walk left to get two red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Go back and examine the sparkling point (the one you studied earlier) to start the scene. Save if you want and head through the gate to the portal.

Examine the pedestal to the right of the portal. Walk a little more to the right and glide through the ravine. Continue on your way and use charged shots to blow up the barrels as the minotaur walks towards you. As soon as you leave the tunnel, turn right and enter the portal. Check the piece of paper on the ground, open the chest with the Minotaur Horn and pull the lever. Return through the portal. Walk forward and glide through the ravine to the red chest. Jump to the left across the chasm and follow the path until a short cutscene begins.

Grab the rope and get over to the other side. Slide down the vine on the right and continue following the path. Examine the leaf near the water and continue on your way. Squeeze out to the right and follow the path on the other side. Enemies glowing blue will explode after you kill them, so be careful. Before crossing the narrow bridge, take the red chest on the left.

Follow the path and kill the enemies on the next bridge. When the path is open, look a little to the right at the ground. You will see a note there. Shoot the blackberry to set it on fire. Use your wings above her to climb higher. Kill two enemies on the next platform. Pull the lever and very quickly run to the left and jump onto the wooden platform using a double jump.

Grab the blackberry and drag it to the wooden platform on which you arrived (more precisely, to the place where it was). Jump off to the right and ride up on the platform again. When you find yourself at the top, pull the blackberry to the platform and ride down with it. Kill the enemies and drag the blackberry to where you took off in the updraft. Push the blackberry down to increase the power of the updraft.

Jump down and float on the stream until you grab the platform. Stay on it while it slides down. When the platform stops, climb onto it and open the door on the wall. You will find a red chest, Phoenix Feather and get the achievement. Come out and use your wings to climb all the way to the top. There you go through the door.

Follow the path and turn right at the fork to find a red chest. Return to the fork and head left to find a pedestal. Follow the path and kill all enemies. Jump and glide onto the ledge below. Jump down the ledge.

The forge

Go up the steps and watch the scene. Once you gain control, head right to the save point. Pull the switch nearby to open the gate. Back out and go through the newly opened gate. Follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. When the path opens to the right, stop the rotation and go there. Kill the Hellhounds and grab the two red chests - the left one can be easily skipped. Go back and rotate the doorway so that it is in front and you can see the blackberry in the distance. Destroy the brambles and follow the path.

After the scene, kill all enemies. Jump down and get over to the other side. Follow the path to the right and destroy the blackberry on the door. Open the door after you deal with Cerberus. Kill all enemies. After the fight, find the note on the left and head through the door.

Palace of hades

On the left is a savepoint. A little more to the left, just behind it, you will find a red chest and a shimmering dot. Head to the right side of the room to find a small passage, at the end of which there will be a movable object. Grab it and drag it back all the way to the wheel on the left side of the central room. Use the wheel and place the object so that the gate cannot close. Climb up to the second level and grab the two white chests before continuing through the newly opened gate.

Kill all the enemies in this area, then climb the platform to the right. Follow the path to the next room. Go right and back to find white and red chests. Back out and take the left path. At the end of the room, you will find a staircase. Climb up it and look to the right. There you will find Phoenix Feather. Go back and grab the two red chests before jumping down. Return to the fork and turn the lever.

Press "R1" after reading the information on the pedestal to descend two ladders. Deal with the appeared enemies. Climb up the ladder that appears on the left side of the area and once you're at the top, head right to find a lever. Pull it. Go right and open the gate there.

Go out and grab the stones you used to stop the wheel earlier. Move them to the lift you just went down on. Use the lever to climb back. Slip stones to the wheel, then jump into the hole with the ladder. Go back to the lever and turn it to reveal the arms of the statue. Quickly head back up the left stairs and use the wheel. Slip stones under the wheel to secure it. Go back down and turn the lever again to open your arms. This time, run to the right ladder and use the wheel to lock the arms of the statue. Return to the pedestal and press "R1".

After talking, be ready to press the buttons you want. For this boss, the hit-and-escape tactic is best. After he climbs up, Hades will jump down and create a shock wave. Just jump over it. He will also make wide strikes with swords in a horizontal plane. You just need to jump over them too. When prompts appear on the screen, press the required buttons.

When the flesh is torn from Hades, quickly attack it to prevent it from returning back to the boss. After his flesh is killed, Hades uses a special attack. Damage will only be dealt in darkened areas, but there will always be a small point of light. Stay on her and the enemy's attack will not hurt you. Continue to attack him and, after further requests to press certain buttons, kill his moving flesh. This time he will have another attack. He will fold his swords and start shooting them out of the ground. Just run around the arena and the attack won't hit you. He will also summon ghostly Cerberus, which disappear after one attack on you. After the next clicks of the buttons that appear on the screen, you will get the Claws of Hades.

Kill the enemies that appear. When a big enemy appears, defeat him too. After that, a save point will appear across the river. Jump into the river and use the "square" to dive. Below you will find Hade "s Helm. Go with the current. Swim to the surface and fight the enemies. Then jump into the water on the other side of the platform. Head through the tunnel to the other side and float to the surface. Pull the lever and return to the water again. gate, at the end of the tunnel a scene awaits you.

The forge

Follow the path to the right and kill the enemies when you reach the circular room. Turn the door so that it opens into the distance, and go through it. Following the path, you will notice the active Hyperion Gate. Go through this gate.

The City of Olimpia

Note: When you are fighting at the great golden gate, you can use the Claws of Hades and hit "L1 + circle". This will get you a lot of souls and raise the combo level. If you can do this long enough without killing the enemy calling the dogs, you can get the "Hit Man" trophy. This may require a little training and a fairly high level of difficulty so that enemies do not die so quickly (Titan or higher will do just fine).

Follow the path and watch the scene. Head to the right and work your way through the vine that links her forearm and arm. Continue on and study your thumb to slide your hand off the edge. Examine the door and kill all the enemies that appear. After that, go through the door.

Do as the game asks and use the harpy to travel to the next zone. After turning, when you see more harpies, jump down and take the red chest on the left. Climb up again and use the harpies in order to get to the other side. Once you're there, wait for the harpies to reappear. Use the harpies to reach the ledge on the right and grab the red chest, the Gorgon Eye, and the Minotaur Horn. Jump back and follow the path to the save point.

Keep walking until a small scene occurs. Jump over the crevice and take out all the enemies. Head left and a centaur will appear. Walk left along the platform and use the ballista. After you deal with the Chimera, use the ballista and time it so that you can hit Helios flying in his chariot with a projectile.

Head back down the platform and use the harpies to cross the large ravine. After killing all the enemies, open the gate on the right and look to the left to find a red chest. Kill enemies as you go, and at the fork, turn left to pick up another red chest. Cross the bridge in front and climb the stairs. Follow the wall until you reach Helios.

Once the phalanx is formed, wait for the ogre to appear. Attack him and use the offered button to saddle him. Use his powerful blows to smash the phalanx. Once all enemies are defeated, head towards Helios. The buttons to be pressed will appear and the scene will begin. Using the right stick, you can control Kratos' right hand. Your task is to cover the light source in order to move forward. Hit him on the head a couple of times and the next scene begins. Follow the commands on the screen to get the Head of Helios. Use your new buddy to look around the area on the right and find the Helios Shield, then turn around and examine the corner to find the Minotaur Horn chest. Back out and use the head on the wall in the distance. Once enough of the wall opens, it will turn into a door and you can go through. Head down the dark path.

The path of eos

Follow the wall on the left to find the Gorgon Eye. Follow the path to the save point and pedestal, then continue on your way. Walk through the darkness until a blue field appears. Kill all the harpies, then go left and use the head of Helios to find another way. Keep going forward.

Do not climb the rope at the end of the corridor. Jump off the cliff to find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather. Go back up and grab the rope. Head to the other side and jump off the rope. Then climb the cliff from above. Follow the path. When you reach the spacious area, the scene will begin.

Use the harpy to fly over the gorge. Cross the bridge and double jump across the gap on the right to find two red chests. Go back and keep walking towards the gorge ahead, but don't jump over it. Jump down to find a red chest. Climb up the nearby vine and fight a couple of Ghosts. If you have problems with them, you can jump over to the previous platform and kill them with charged shots from the Bow of Apollo. Continue on your way. When you reach two chests, use Helios' head to clear the wall on the right and find the Gorgon Eye.

Go left and kill the enemies on the bridge. At the end of the bridge, turn left and take the Phoenix Feather (you won't see the chest, but the screen will ask you to press the "R1" button). Walk up the platform and walk back and to the left of the chain. Use the head of Helios to find a red chest. Walk all the way to the right and find another red chest. Use a save point then jump and use your wings while above the updraft.

The chain of balance

Dodge flying objects during your flight. Just move up the platforms. When you reach the platform just beyond the falling rocks, use the head of Helios to find the chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Continue on and follow the instructions on the screen to get out of this location.

The caverns

Head to the lower right corner and use Helios' head to find the chest with the Minotaur Horn. Destroy a bramble with a bow shot. After the scene, use the new clue spot to get to the raised platform. Once you are on top of the new box, you can destroy the brambles again. Kill enemies while the box is moving. When the Minotaur appears, you must not let them break the chain.

Jump to the next box to meet Hermes. Use the nearby clue point to reach the chain. Climb up to the very end.

The flame of olympus

Find a savepoint on the right. Examine the flames in the center of the zone. Use the head of Helios on each of the pedestals to reveal a certain drawing and information. Head towards the chain that is opposite from the one along which you came and explore the wall with the head of Helios. This will reveal a secret room with three red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Head to the save point and follow Hermes.

Go up the stairs after Hermes jumps. There you will find two red chests and a pedestal. After studying it, go back and soar on wings to Hermes. Grasp the wall and head downstairs.

The olympian citadel

There are many places in this area where you can instantly die. Just keep moving on. Once you land, exit through the doorway at the top left of the area and hover through the next ravine. Jump onto the cliff from above and find yourself in the place where you were earlier. Attack Hermes with light combo attacks until the scene starts. Follow the commands on the screen and get Boots of Hermes. Go to the far end of the room and examine the area behind the head of the statue. There you will find Hermes Coin.

Head up the wooden structure to the save point. Cross the walls to reach the red and white chests. Once outside, find the red chest at the bottom of the screen. Cross the bridge and take another chest. Run up the wooden structure, then through the wall. Use the head of Helios in the lower corner to find the Phoenix Feather. Climb up the wall near the statue in the next room.

Go outside and climb the wall. Jump and hover towards the chest at the top right of the screen. Follow the path and kill all enemies. Once everyone is killed, head left to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn. Go back and go through the door that the game will show you.

The flames of olympus

Find a savepoint on the left. Head right and find two red chests. Continue right and enter the hallway. Kill everyone and keep going. Take the red chest before heading up the stairs. Open the gate ahead.

Go left to find a red chest. Use the air stream a little more to the left to find another red chest and Phoenix Feather on either side of the stream. After you take everything, head to the right side of the room. Use the updraft there to get to the red chest. Jump over to the other side of the stream, and then to the next platform. Use the levers to rotate the blocks from below. It is necessary to ensure that the sword is folded correctly, its handle is directed to the left, and the tip of the blade is to the right. Once you're done with this little puzzle, jump down.

Examine the pedestal for information, then get ready to press the buttons that appear on the screen. If you do everything right, the scene will begin. Pull the lever. Save if you want and go up the new steps.

Grab the lever and pull until it stops. Go through the open door and continue on your way, killing enemies along the way. Head down the steps and use the head of Helios on the base to find a chest containing the Gorgon Eye. Save before continuing down the hallway.

The Forum

Kill the emerging enemies until Hercules appears.


As soon as Hercules appears, continue to kill weak enemies, but beware of where he stands. When he attacks you, quickly press the circle to regain control over Kratos. Then push it onto one of the thorny statues. Do this twice. Then just use strike-retreat tactics until he blinds you. Run up and follow the commands that appear on the screen.

Once in the water, dive to find the Hercules Shoulder Guard. Get out of the water and follow the path. Kill all the enemies, then use Cestus to break the onyx. Pull the lever. Use Cestus again, but this time to smash the phalanx. After that, make your way back to the water and exit through the underwater tunnel. Once out of the water, head down the screen to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn.

Poseidon's Chamber

Kill all enemies and use the wheel at the top left of the screen. Go through the gate on the right and find a save point. Turn right and talk to Poseidon's Lady. Follow the path to the room filled with portals. You cannot jump into the water here. Fly into the portal on the right and once you come out on the other side, head left and jump to the cliff. Pull the lever.

Jump down and open two red chests. Don't kill dogs. Grab them using the "circle" and throw them into the portal on the right to lower the platform in front of you. As soon as four dogs are thrown onto the platform, go through it yourself and head to the portal in the distance.

When you regain control, look into the distance and find a letter and a red chest there. Head to the right side of the portal to find Poseidon's Conch Shell and Gorgon Eye. Head back through the portal. Now kill the dogs. When the lady falls, fish and pick her up. Kill the newly appeared dogs and press the button that appears on the screen.

Return through the portal and kill new enemies. On a more difficult level of difficulty, they can cause you a lot of problems. The easiest way to get them out is to head back through the portal and jump onto the ledge to the left, which has a lever on it. From there, they can be easily shot with a bow. In any case, as soon as you deal with them, head through the door and take out the soldiers with the shields. Three times use the button on the clue next to the lady, then open the gate on the left path. Kill all the enemies there and use the wheel. Walk past the savepoint into the newly opened door for a scene.

Examine the spot right in front of the statue and you will find a note. Look to the left side of the room using Helios' head to find a chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Follow the path to the left and go outside. Check for dead bodies and aim the lever at the back.

The upper gardens

Pull the lever while the platform moves, then jump over to the next one. Do the same on it and jump to the next platform. Turn the lever twice and jump over to a new area. Open the door, there you will find a save point.

Aphrodite's Chamber

Walk up the steps and turn right to find the Minotaur Horn in a secluded corner. Go left to find two red chests. Go up to the bed in the center of the room. Select "yes" and a mini-game will begin in which you have to press the buttons that appear on the screen. After that, Aphrodite will open back to Haphaestus. Head to either side of the bed and jump into a small ravine to find a secret cliff. There you will find Aphrodite "s Garter. Return upstairs and head through the portal.

Jump down and save your game before going through the newly opened passage to the left of Haphaestus. Follow the left wall to find the Gorgon Eye, then continue up.


Examine the pedestal directly in front of you, then follow the path on the right. Pick up the Phoenix Feater on the right side of the path before continuing onward. Kill the enemies that appear and pick up the red chest on the left. Use the stones to climb the cliff from above - there you will find a white chest. Go up the steps.

Gates of tisiphone

Kill the chimera that appears. Find a white chest on the right side of the room. Go to the left corner and pull the chain all the way. Walk a little and push the nearest box. Jump to the second cliff and hover to the left to find a red chest. Jump down and head to the right chain. Pull it down and push the nearest box against the wall. Now head back to the left and jump to the second ledge to see the harpy. Use it to get to the right blocks. Climb a couple of blocks, then to the shimmering point on the left. Push the block.

Double jump to get to the cliff on the left. There you will find another red chest, then go back and use the harpy to get to the other side and get to the platform on the right. Push this block, then jump right to find a ledge with a crane chest and a Gorgon Eye. Jump back and head to the top of the block wall. Use an object. To the left of the savepoint in front, you'll find the Phoenix Feather.

The Pit of Tartarus

Go ahead and deal with the appeared enemies. Examine the pedestal before heading down the path to the left. Follow the path and use your wings to cross the gorge. Once you land, turn right and find the Minotaur Horn. Follow the path and use the "R1" button on the blinking dot to start the scene.


Use the "circle" to break out of his grip and charge the Head of Helios. When Kronos tilts his head towards you, release a flash and blind him. Follow the prompts on the screen to get into his hand. Enemies will appear - kill them. Then the camera withdraws. Crawl up through the open space.

Attack and smash the giant pimple above you. You will find yourself on the ground again, and you will have to deal with another bunch of enemies. When Kronos grabs the edge, slap him on the fingers. When you destroy his nail, the game will ask you to press certain buttons.

When Kronos raises his hand, you will be able to see a shadow on the ground. Do not step into the shadow, or risk being smeared on the ground by a giant strike. While his hand is still on the ground, jump onto his finger and grab. Kill the enemies above and charge the Head of Helios to blind him again. Follow the prompts on the screen.

Climb up the wall and use the clue point to reach the ledge. Kill all the enemies there, then open the door. Use Cestus to break the blue crystal. Before you can do anything else, Kronos will grab you. Kill all enemies and wait until he tries to crush you. Follow the prompts to free yourself. Go ahead and kill the enemies that appear. Follow the prompts that appear.

You will have to quickly run along the path, or die when Kronos grabs you. As soon as you get upstairs, kill the enemies and a disgusting monster will appear in front of you. Whenever possible, follow the prompts to ride the giant and use his attacks. This way you can rip the flesh from which it crawled out.

Follow the prompts again. As soon as you are eaten, you need to quickly go down the wall. Follow the prompts again to get outside and get the Omphalos Stone.

Go to the place where you tried to destroy the crystal. Finish the work you started and follow the prompts on the screen. Break off a piece of the crystal and go to the forehead of Kronos. After a little chatter, press the buttons that appear on the screen.

When you land, break the crystal in front, the scene will begin. Go up and pick up new weapons, then follow the prompts. Attack the sparkling object until the camera changes its angle. Kill the enemies that appear, then head left towards Tartarus and find the Hephaestus Ring. Head right and save your game, then run up the wall and go through the Hyperion Gate to return to Aphrodite.

When you're ready, head down the steps and exit through the door. Kill enemies.

The upper gardens

Jump over the gorge and hit the post until it turns. Jump over further and do the same to gain access further. Jump over the abyss and enter the door. Follow the passage. A little scene will take place. Once you gain control, examine the blinking dot on the table for some information.

Walk left and examine the open book on the wall. Head back to the room and find two more books. Check the back right corner for another book. Pull the lever on the right side of the room to raise the platform that holds the ballista. Use it to break through the gate. From the raised platform, jump into the portal on the right wall and take the red chest in the place where you appear.

Go back and turn the ballista so that it shoots to the left. Shoot it and climb the rope to find the Gorgon Eye. Jump down and use the ballista to reel in the rope. Turn the ballista to its original position, then climb up the wall to the right in order to get into the orange portal. Pull the lever, quickly go back and shoot from the ballista. This will free up two chests that contain the Daedalus Schematics and Phoenix Feather.

Shoot the ballista again and head through the blue portal on the right wall. Jump off the edge and soar to the rope. Crawl down relative to the screen and you will find four red chests. Jump down and pull the lever at the bottom right of the zone to lower the ballista. Rotate it so that it fires to the left and fire. Jump into the blue portal on the right side of the room, then jump off the cliff and hover to grab the rope. Crawl to the other side to get a red chest and a Minotaur Horn. Jump down, go forward and climb down the rope.

Jump down and look at the bottom of the screen for another chest and a Minotaur Horn. Walk up the platform and out. There will be a little scene. Follow the path and find Hera. After the scene, go left. There will be a save point. Continue left and find Hera "s Chalise. Return to the bridge and enter the maze. Look straight ahead and see a red chest. Take the left path and use Helios' head to find the Phoenix Feather chest. Take the path to the right and find two more. red chest. Return to the save point and follow the path. Kill the appeared enemies and go around the corner. Directly in front of you will be a red chest, then back up a little and follow the path to the right. Follow the path to the small tunnel and take care of the two enemies before than get out of it.

Turn left as soon as you can make a U-turn to find a red chest. Now go back to the place where you were just and go to the left of the green chest. There you will find two red chests. Use the head of Helios and find another chest with red spheres. Return to the green chest. Follow the path to the right of it.

Head straight to the gate on the other side of the zone. Use "R1" to lower them. Go back and stand on the blinking button until a message appears. As soon as control returns to you, go and jump over the gate, which just opened. Go left and up the steps. Go right and open the gate. Go down the stairs and find a red chest at the bottom of the screen. Move on.

When you get to the gorge, jump and hover to the left - you will find a chest with a Minotaur Horn. Get out and jump to the cliff ahead. Grab the columns and move it to the left. Turn it so that the steps descend to the left and move under the waterfall on the right. Go through the newly opened gate and there will be a scene.

Return to the goblet that you filled with water and shoot the blackberries to the left of it. Move the column to where the blackberry was. Now step on the button so that everything turns green. The water will pour and fill the goblet, a new path will open. Pull the column down the platform. Turn it so that the steps go to the right and move all the way to the lower right part of the zone. Everything will turn green again. Take Hera and put her in a goblet nearby.

Drag the column again and put it on the button that makes everything green. Go ahead and see a scene. Go ahead and use the harpies to cross the gorge. Turn the handle on the other side and find a red chest below the save point.

Kill the scorpions as you progress further. Turn left when the area gets a little more spacious and you find a chest with red orbs. Continue along the path and use the giant wheel. Continue along the path until you find a green chest on the right. Examine the ground on the left and find a note. Jump over the gorge.

The caverns

After the battle, head down to the left to find two chests with a Minotaur Horn and red orbs. Go right and jump onto the left cliff. Examine the left side of the terrain and find a note, then use the savepoint on the right. Use the head of Helios on the wall to open the passage.

Follow the path. Turn left immediately after the view changes and you will find a red chest. Find the note there on the floor. Go right and find another red chest. Jump to the right and hover to reach a chest with red orbs. Walk all the way to the left and pull the lever to raise the water level. As soon as the water stops flowing, jump onto the platform and take the red chest.

Walk back and right to find a wall to climb. Go up and follow the path. Pull the lever at the end of the path to go upstairs. Follow the route to the end. There you will find a magic chest and a note on the ground. Go right and jump onto the net on the wall. Climb up and kill all enemies. Head right and jump over the gorge. Continue right and find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and run onto the wall with footprints. Open the door to enter the caves.

Keep going forward and kill the scorpions. Jump over the gorge and open the next door. Head inward and keep to the right to find a red chest. Walk left and examine the pedestal. Walk further left and jump to the next platform. Hover to a giant box nearby.

After getting rid of the babies, you will be attacked by a giant scorpion. Follow the prompts on the screen to free yourself and use Cestus to break the onyx on his body. Use Hermes Boots to close the distance just enough for you to hit the onyx. As soon as enough legs are shattered, the giant will fall and a bunch of small ones will appear. Take the opportunity to slap the giant in the face. After a while, a hint will appear - follow the instructions. The giant will run away and summon a bunch of babies. Then he will return, and will attack from the ledge, then he will go up. Use this time to smash his legs. Do this before it leaves the screen.

Once you are done with all his legs, the giant will fall again. Hit him until a hint appears. After completing the commands that appear and watching the scene, use Cestus to break the crystallized body. Go to the upper right side of the screen and smash the tail to find the Boreas Icestorm. Go to the red thing in the center and press R1 to use the Boreas Icestorm. Use the updraft to go upstairs.

Go forward and use "R1" on the red thing. After the scene, jump through the gorge below and use Helios' head to find a chest with red orbs. Go back and follow to the end of the path. Use the clue points to get to the other side. Press "R1" while on the red thing in the upper left of the area to raise the box.

After defeating all enemies, use the hook points to get to the next platform. Jump to the left ledge and use the savepoint before heading inside. Go to the back left side of the room and press "R1" on the red thing to lower the gate. Use Hermes Boots to climb the wall.

Follow the path and take the note on the right side. Go to the end and there will be a small scene. Go right as soon as you get control of Kratos. There you will find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and jump onto the rope. Move to the platform. Use the hook points to cross the next crevice and use the red thing on top. After the scene, go through the open door.

The labyrinth

Turn immediately to the left and use the head of Helios to find a red chest. On the right you will find a save point. Next, go to the back left of the room and use the red thing on the ground. Once you're downstairs, defeat all enemies. The gate will open. Go to the next room. Use the head of Helios on the left wall to find a chest with red orbs. Go right and use the red thing.

Go to the lower right side of the room to find a red chest and a chest with red orbs. Be careful - fire will kill you with one hit. When the fire disappears from the left side, grab the grate and climb up. Pull the lever at the top. Jump down and go through the opened door.

Go right to find a red chest. Then jump down and move the object down relative to the screen before using the red thing on the floor. Then move the object into the distance and click the red thing. Move the object to the round button and the gate will open. Run up the wall and exit the room.

Jump forward. Use the big red thing in front. Avoid the thorns as they will kill you in one hit. After the fourth set of spikes pops out, quickly grab the harpy, as further spikes will stick out all over the area. Wait on the harpy until the room turns, then quickly run through the opened door. There you will find a save point.

Jump over the ravine and use Cestus to break the onyx blocking the gate. Watch the scene. Use the head of Helios after lifting the next gate to find a chest with red orbs. Move on with Pandora. After you have killed all the enemies, take the lever on the wall and pull it back so that Pandora uses the button and you can move on. Use the red thing. Move quickly to the other side before Pandora is cut into pieces.

Use the head of Helios at the very left end to find her one red chest. Pick up Pandora and use it to open the gate to the stairs in the distance. Climb up the stairs and run into the next room. Use the head of Helios on the far right side of the room to find a chest with red orbs. Walk left and pull out the wall to climb it. Keep moving up and to the right and use the red thing.

Crawl quickly towards you and around the edge of the platform. Keep moving up and to the right. Pull the lever on top of Pandora's box to pop open the red thing. Use it. Jump down and break the glass to take Pandora. Follow her and use a savepoint. Watch the scene.

After the battle, read the note on the ground in the middle. Use the head of Helios on the left side of the area to find a red chest. Check the right side as well for a chest with red orbs. Use the lever so that Pandora can climb into the cage, then jump onto the ledge above and stand on the shimmering dot. The platform will rise. Follow Pandora and find a save point, then continue on your way and the scene will begin.

Kill all the enemies, then stand on the button to raise the chains. Look at the alcove to the right and use the head of Helios slightly to the left to find a chest. Head to the portal. Examine the pedestal on the right. Head left and break the onyx at the back of the statue's head. Go right and, just before the abyss, use the head of Helios to find another chest with red spheres. Jump over the gorge and break the onyx on the back of another statue, then continue on your way to the right. Go through the tunnel, turn right as soon as you exit, you will find a portal. Enter it and pull the lever to open the gate. Take the piece of paper on the ground, then return through the portal.

Look to the left of the tunnel and use Helios' head to find another chest containing red orbs. Head across the bridge and climb the vine to the right. Go downstairs and destroy the onyx. Back out and soar through the ravine. Back out and go through the portal in front of the tunnel. Break the chains and watch the scene.

Go to the other side to the second chain and enter the room that we previously discovered using the head of Helios. Use Cestus to get two more red chests. Walk up the stairs and use the lever to raise the Labyrinth. Watch the scene.

Zues (Zeus)

When you are on the cliff, fight Zeus until you see a request to press the "circle". Keep attacking until the next clue appears. Press the desired button and the scene will begin.

After that, follow the path to the save point and go through the door. Soar to Zeus and watch the scene. This time, use the Strike-Retreat Technique. You can parry his lightning bolts. When he jumps into the air, quickly go back. After you've inflicted enough damage on him, the scene will begin.

When you find yourself in Gaia, follow the path just like at the beginning of the game. Use Cestus to break the onyx around Gaia's heart. Use the bow to burn the blackberries, then attack the heart itself. After a while Zeus will attack. Fight as you did before Gaia's intervention. To get the orbs of life during the fight, you can attack Gaia's heart. When you've dealt enough damage, hints will appear on the screen. Follow the directions and watch the video.

Once you get control, follow the path and pick up the sword. Watch the scene. Come into the darkness. Follow the bloody trail when you get to it. Continue on your way and watch the scenes. Once you get outside, there will be a little first-person game. Watch the scenes.

Congratulations, you've completed God of War III!

Items of the Gods

The game has several bonus items scattered across all locations. After finding them, you can use them during bonus playthroughs (after completing the game for the first time). By the way, turning on any of the bonus items will turn off all cheat codes.

Item: Hades "Helm

What it gives: Maximum scale of health, magic and items

Where to find: After killing Hades, jump into the Styx River, swim down and to the right (against the current). This helmet can be found at the bottom of the river.

Item: Helios "Shield

What it gives: Combo packs three times faster

Where to find: Located to the right of where you killed Helios.

Item: Hera "s Chalice

What it gives: Slowly depletes health

Where to find: Located to the left of where Hera falls in the garden

Item: Hermes "Coin

What it gives: 10x Red Orbs

Where to find: Found behind a cobblestone during the pursuit of Hermes

Item: Poseidon's Conch Shell

What it gives: Unlimited magic

Where to find: Found in the room where you free the Princess of Poseidon

Item: Zeus "Eagle

What it gives: Unlimited supply of Sparta's Fury

Where to find: Climb the wall to the right of Gaia's Heart. The object is on the ground, it's hard not to notice.


Challenges can be started through the main menu by selecting the "Features" section after you beat the game.

- Challenge 01 - Population Control -
Time: 00:01:40
Assignment: Do not allow more than 50 enemies to be in the arena. Kill before too many appear.
In this challenge, you can only use the Nemean Cestus weapon. Look for groups of enemies and use the "R1 + square" attack. This attack is beneficial for two reasons: you only need two such attacks to kill enemies, and you can simply knock enemies off the edge. In addition, this blow hits not one enemy, but all at once that are near you. Just run around the area and hit bigger groups until time runs out.

- Challenge 02 - Bare Hands -
Time: 00:01:15
Assignment: Kill all enemies in the allotted time without using weapons.
This time you will not be allowed to use weapons and magic. Grab smaller enemies and run around the field with them, using them as a shield. At the same time, try to aim at larger enemies, and knock them out of the arena (you can throw them off while they are stunned from the previous collision). Be careful when you are near the edge, as enemies can knock you off too. DO NOT USE special attacks to kill large enemies as they take too long.

- Challenge 03 - Get Stoned -
Time: n / a
Assignment: Let the gorgons turn you to stone 10 times without dying.
Note: You can force gorgons to use their stone breath if you try to grab them. It is also possible to incorrectly press the buttons during the kill, reflecting the beam. In this way, you can control the place where the hero will be turned into stone.
In this task, you need to make sure that you are turned to stone 10 times and at the same time stay alive. If you need to replenish your health, just take a zombie using the "circle" and beat him to death. Try to make sure that you are turned to stone in the zone where there will be the least number of enemies and be ready to turn the joysticks right away. While you wait for the gorgon's beam to fire, you can start destroying smaller enemies. As soon as you are turned to stone twice, the harpies (the most annoying enemies) will appear. Since you will be using Blades of Athena, you will not be able to kill them from afar. You will have Boots of Hermes, so try to get away from them quickly. Try to jump less. Use L1 + Circle to kill harpies. After you have been turned to stone four times, the Satyrs and another gorgon will appear, complicating the task even more. At this time, it is better to run away enemies and wait for a beam attack in a safe area from them. When the enemies begin to press hard, use the Golden Fleece to parry the attack with a beam and turn all enemies into stones. Kill the most annoying ones quickly and continue the test. After the seventh petrification, two ogres will appear. Try to use the petrification tips at the right time for you. Watch the health level very closely, as the attacks of the enemies are very strong. The key to this challenge is to learn how to get the gorgons to turn you into stone at the right time and quickly break out of this state.

- Challenge 04 - El Matador - Ole -
Time: n / a
Assignment: Don't let the minotaurs gore you. Will not let enemies overwhelm you.
In this challenge, you can easily get rid of the minotaurs by staying very close to the arena paradise and using a double jump when he runs towards you. You also have access to Rage of Sparta on this challenge, so it makes sense to use it on waves 4 and 5.

- Challenge 05 - Knockout -
Time: 00:01:00
Task: Earn 1000 points by knocking enemies out of the arena. Sentry = 15 points, Minotaur = 30 points, Ghost = 60 points.
This time, you only have swords at your disposal. Attack the ogre and control it to knock off the enemies (use the "square" button).

- Challenge 06 - Hades "Kids -
Time: 00:01:30
Assignment: They do not die, they reproduce. Obtain five Cyclops.
Walk up to the Cyclops and constantly use Tartarus Rage to knock him down. Once he dies, two more will appear. Use "square, square, triangle" to quickly stun and kill them. As soon as you kill one, two more appear. The goal is to have five Cyclops in the arena at the same time.

- Challenge 07 - Simply Smashing -
Time: 00:00:20
Assignment: Destroy all urns before the time runs out.
On this challenge you will have Blades of Athena and Boots of Hermes at your disposal. It is critical to success to use light single attacks rather than combos to destroy urns.

Completing all the challenges will give you access to the Combat Arena, where you can customize the battle yourself and have fun in full.

Epic action, puzzle solving and collectible locations. Kratos sets out with his son on an exciting and challenging journey in which many difficulties await them.

Quest: Marked Trees

We watch the introductory cut-scene and follow Atreus. We approach the boat and tie the log. We sit in the boat and go down the river. We go ashore and drag the log after the boy. We approach the house and watch the cut-scene.

We follow Atreus to hunt in the forest. After the boy finds traces, we pass a little forward and pick up chopped silver. We go to the right branch and find footprints in the mud. There will be a chest with silver under the large stone passage. If we go forward, we will find another toy, which is part of the set, by collecting which you can get experience points (1 of 4).

We pass the bridge and jump over the cliff. Climb over the log and see a beautiful deer. Near the place where he appeared, we select the silver, and a little higher on the right we find the chest. Near the cliff, where the hanging chain is visible in front, we take more silver. To cross the bridge, throw the ax forward and break the barrier.

We watch the cut-scene and follow the boy. On the left, we jump over the log and take the silver. Ahead we deal with a group of draugrs. Under the dilapidated roof there will be a healing stone that glows green. We go straight and break the entrance to the tomb. First, we break three seals - they look like small statues. The first to the right of the large chest, the second to the left in the box, and the third to the back, on the dais. Now we open the chest. There will be a legendary item - Idunn apple. Collecting three can increase your maximum health.

Now we go to the right at the fork, where we went forward. There will be a chest here. We climb onto the ledge and berm silver. We climb the hill and find the very chain that we saw from afar. We go downstairs and take an item from the set (2 of 4) and a chest. There will be a couple of wolves. We rise back and make a detour - on the opposite side we take more silver.

We go into the big gate. We go down the stairs and deal with a group of opponents. Until we go forward, but go into the doors behind, there will be a chest, silver, an item from the set of lost toys (3 of 4) and a group of opponents. We go back and go into the right branch, there is a chest. To open the gate ahead you need to deal with the first puzzle. To do this, pull the chain, open the gate and throw the ax into the mechanism from above to freeze it.

We take away the ax, when we rest against the gate - they will open. We pass a little to the left and find silver and a chest. We climb along the chain to the ledge. There will be a puzzle with a chest on the right. We throw the ax at the targets and go inside. Upstairs there will be a sanctuary (1 of 11) and treasures.

We continue hunting the deer and give the boy the bow. We help to make a shot in the heart and watch the cut-scene. Here is the first boss - a huge troll Deidi Capemadr. He delivers two blows in a row (from the side and from above), and then it's time to hit him in the legs. Do not forget to throw the ax when we are at a distance. We use the bow of Atreus. If necessary, there will be a healer near the cliff. In the second phase of the battle, he will periodically swing a log for a long time, keep our distance. When he falls to his knees, we approach and finish off.

We climb the ledge and go home. Learning to stun enemies. We examine the doors with a blue diamond and climb onto the ledge on the side, there will be more enemies. The new enemy does not take damage from the ax, we finish it off manually. Throw the ax into the circle and jump down. Here we are at home, watching the cut-scene. We speak with the son.

Here is the next serious opponent. We beat him in close combat and dodge his hits on the ground. We move away from his sharp blows from the side. We watch the cut-scene and hit the stranger with our hands. The enemy is restored health, and Kratos activates the Spartan rage. We finish off the stranger and drop a stone on him. We climb the cliff and fight with him for the third time. We go towards the house.

Journey: The Path to the Mountain

We go to the left branch and on the right side we take the last part of the artifact (4 of 4). Now we go down into the rift. You should have accumulated enough points already, so skills can be learned. We jump along the ledges and go upstairs. We go into the cave and go up to the ledge. Collect silver and spin the big wheel to lower the bridge. We throw the ax into the mechanism.

We help Atreus climb up and climb the chain. We go to the left and jump along the ledges to the chest located on the canopy. We climb up and jump along the ledges. We rise higher and go out to the edge of the wild forest.

There will be many enemies at this location. When the archers appear, we start with them. We knock down the buckets from the trees and take the silver. We read the inscription on the stone to gain experience. We rise to the ledge near the stone. Go ahead, collect the silver and open the chest on the right. We get a runic attack. We insert into the ax.

We raise the boulder and help Atreus, but we fall down from the bridge. We deal with a large group of enemies. Let's not forget about the archers. On the mountain, you can find Odin's eye and throw an ax at him. We read the inscription on the stone and deal with large opponents. We help our son if he is caught.

We climb onto the ledge and go in the opposite direction, jump over and find the chest. We go into the cave and find Velva, this is such a witch, rather nimble. We jump on the sticks (similar to the stairs) on the opposite wall. We go downstairs and pick up treasures. There will be a fat enemy, the easiest way to kill him with throws of an ax.

We take away upward and on the right we take the chest. We jump to the other side and go left. There will be enemies, a scroll, various treasures and a sanctuary (2 of 11). On the ledge there is a chest and experience.

Now we go to the right to the large chest. To open it we find three blue seals. Behind the chest, on the mountain above the bridge and on the other side of the bridge (you can see it from the ledge where you need to lower the bridge). We take the second Idunn's apple in the chest and go across the bridge, having previously lowered it with throws of an ax.

On the right there will be enemies, a witch and archers. Having dealt with everyone, we rotate the bridge mechanism so as to throw the ax into a circle and chop off the load.

We take the chest on the right. We go forward, raise the lattice and from the other side we stumble upon a group of robbers who will come to life after death. We help Atreus to climb the ledge and climb the chain. We crawl along the wall to the other side. We go down the chain and find an item from the new set of artifacts Faces of Magic (1 of 9).

We go across the large bridge and meet the merchant Brock. We throw the ax into the white trees behind the bridge. Improving Brock's ax and unlocking new abilities on the skills tab. Create armor for Kratos and Atreus.

From Brock we go to the left and jump down, there will be a chest. We go down the chain and pick up more treasures. Go back and go down to the right, take the artifact (2 of 9). We open the gate to the left of Brock, freezing the mechanism. We crawl along the tunnel and open the doors, throwing the ax into a rumbled corner. To pick up the chest behind the wall, the second door must be hit again.

We throw the ax into the mechanism and raise the plate with spikes. While she slowly descends, open the door. Enemies will appear, we deal with them manually. There will be a chest to the left of the spiked slab.

We jump onto the plate from above. The first seal is at the top, the second is in the branch on the left, and the third is directly (above the mechanism), in order to get into it, you need to raise the platform. Take the Horn of Blood Honey in the chest, which is needed to increase the maximum rage. We follow Atreus and pick up the artifact (3 of 9).

We go out into the street and in a dead end on the left we take the artifact of the face of magic (4 of 9). We go to the large gate, there will be a puzzle. We pull the lever on the mountain and start the rotation mechanism. We need to drop the ax and freeze the mechanism so that the word matches. The easiest way to start is from the center. We take out the ax at the moment of coincidence of the two rings. Then we repeat with another circle.

We go into the cave and go to the left, we take the face of magic (5 of 9). We go after Atreus and knock down a bucket from the ceiling. And in a large gap we shoot down the Eye of Odin - the green raven. We leave the cave. Here another troll awaits us, only this time a fiery one. More common opponents will appear later. From the troll we get a strong runic attack - the anvil of Ivaldi.

At the far end of the location there will be a chest with three bells. You need to have time to throw the ax in turn at all, while they ring. Two bells are near the chest, and the third is far on the other side. It is best to throw first into this one, and then into the rest, near the chest. Take Idunn's apple in the chest (3 of 3). A green raven sits next to the distant bell on a protruding bone-like rock.

A lift can be found near the chest. We break the barrier with an ax and help Atreus climb up so that he throws off the chain. There will be a legendary mark for which we will gain experience.

We go back a little and to the left of the entrance to the location we climb onto the ledge, there will be a chest. There will be another ledge to the side of the bell, where the waterfall is. We take silver at the top. We pass the cave and go down into the misty gorge. We help the boy to shoot and go down below. There will be a raven on the roof of the first house.

We examine the dugouts and collect silver. There will be a chest under the ledge from which we descended. Take the face of magic behind the penultimate house (6 out of 9). On the left we climb onto the ledge and find a chest. The enemy will jump out of the last house on the right. We take silver in the house. We pass the fallen column and run after the wounded boar. We run in the fog and call Atreus. We run through the cave, go out into the light and make our way into the gorge. We find Atreus with a forest witch. We follow her instructions to save the boar. We drag the boar to her house. We leave into the garden and take a flower on the left, then we find Atreus on the right and return to the house.

We go down into the underground passage. We attack flying enemies. We begin to inspect the site on the left. We take silver and go downstairs. There will be a couple of enemies. A chest is visible in the water, but to open it you need to drain the water. We push the hefty box into the water, and behind it we take the chest.

We jump on the box in the water and take the face of magic (7 of 9). Above, we jump across the platforms and find a chest with a talisman of the focus of life.

We get into the boat and swim out of the cave. You won't be able to take anything else, you will have to return. We fall into the area of ​​the Lake of Nine. This is a huge central location, where new paths will open as you progress. While sailing on a boat on the water, we ram various barrels and boxes to get resources. We swim to the lantern glowing in the distance and read the runes on the statue. We moor to a huge bridge, go up and find Brock. We get a stone from him, which will help you quickly get to his store.

We leave the store and go down the stairs in the middle. We take the artifact all on board (1 of 9). We pass further along the bridge and deal with the enemies. These opponents can regenerate and explode upon death. We take two chests in front of the entrance and open the gate. There will be enemies inside. On the left we find the sanctuary (3 of 11).

Now we go to the right, throw the ax into the poisonous totem to turn off the effect of the poison. Collect silver and throw the ax into the next totem. We knock down the bucket over the abyss.

We go down and deactivate the totem on the left. We take from the chest a fragment of secret writing: Muspelheim (1 of 4). We will not be able to read the obelisk yet, so we go upstairs. We follow the sign and go into the gate. We speak with Brock's brother. Resurrection stones can now be purchased to bring Kratos back to life after a failure in battle.

We go into the forest and deal with the enemies. We go to the right and find a chest with locks and a bucket on the tree. One lock is next to the chest, the second is at the entrance, and the third is in the branch to the right. To open the chest, we put on the locks the same runes as on the chest. To do this, we throw an ax at them. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY (2 of 3) in the chest.

Now we go to inspect the other side, where there is a large mechanism with a wheel. We go further in the direction of the pointer, there will be a chest with silver. We go up the mountain. There will be a totem and a witch. First, we examine the left passage, turn off the totem and open the chest, take the silver. Take the wizard's bracelets in the chest (green item).

We go after the witch to the right, at the end of the cave there will be a secret room (2 of 7). In another passage there will be an ascent upward. There will be a large area with enemies. To approach the chest on the left, we first clear the passage by throwing the ax into the explosive flasks. Additionally, we break the left totem, behind it there is also a flask. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - a throw of a polar bear. Another chest will be right behind the previously exploded stones, there will be an arcane cape (green item).

We remove the boulder, watch the cut-scene and fight with a group of enemies. We use exploding flasks in battle. Better to deal with the usual opponents first, and then with the ogre. After defeating, we get the frozen flame, which is necessary to improve the Leviathan. We go into the gate and find ourselves in the location of the mountain camp. There will be a green raven to the left of the mechanism at the top.

We go towards the mountain, on the right we take away the silver and watch the cut-scene. We follow the witch and go down from the mountain by elevator. We go into the cave and we pass along the elven bridge. We go down the stairs and go along the new bridge. Raise the axle and rotate the bridge. We go for the witch into the transition room. We move the bridge on the table towards Alvheim. We go over the Tyr bridge and throw the ax into the growth to open the passage.

We select silver and read the round inscription on the wall to the right. To the right of the inscription, we throw the ax into the growth to unlock the chest. Next, we fight the dark elves. To open a passage in the middle of the bridge, you need to hit with an ax through two outgrowths at once. Take the chest on the right and go left. If necessary, we use the services of a gnome. To get the boat out of the thickets, we stand behind so that the growths coincide and throw the ax.

We float around the tree on the left and take the luminous object - Yggdrasil's regenerating dew. We swim to the location of the lake of light. Immediately ahead we see a small island, but there is nothing to be done here yet.

We examine the location and swim to the branch on the right. There will be an exit to the shore and the area of ​​the sanctuary of the light elves. We go to the right, pull the lever and jump through the gap behind the grate until it is closed. We go left, there will be a chest. To open it you need to find three correct bells. We throw the ax into the bell above the entrance, to the right of the chest and the second to the left of the center. Take the Idunn Apple in the chest (1 of 3).

Now we go behind the closed lattice. We open the grate and throw the ax into the nearest growth. Then we quickly break the distant growth. We deal with the enemies (quite strong) from the blue gap between the worlds (1 of 18). We take away the lost sign of threat and the dust of the worlds needed to improve the talismans.

We throw the ax into the growths and go along the roots. Now we need to throw the ax so as to hit three growths at the same time. We select a battle trophy on the right - an elven artifact (1 of 6). We go into the opened passage. We rotate the wheel and unscrew it to the end. We quickly retreat to the line of fire and throw the ax at the moment of alignment of the growths in one line. You need to throw to the left of the central root. In the chest we take the talisman - Amulet of Kvasir.

Then we swim to the left of the entrance, there will be an area of ​​the coast of the light elves. On the left in front of the beach there will be a green raven sitting on a stone block. We go to the right and take the elven artifact (2 of 6). We go into the cave. We throw the ax into the growth over the passage and jump to the other side. Now from there we fall at once through three growths. We take the vacated chest. Go ahead and find a golden chest, in which we take a strong runic attack - the madness of the ice giant. We go down and go straight into the cave, there will be another secret room (3 of 7). There is nothing to do in the left aisle yet, only to knock down the silver from the ceiling.

Now we swim to the temple according to the sign. We deal with the enemies, turn two wheels and go to that small island at the entrance to the location. We go down into the moat of the sacred circle. We deal with the enemies. In one side pocket, the cell opening mechanism is broken - we go to the other. Take silver in the left cell. In the right one we throw the ax into the distant growth, and return it to the hand already in the central room (where the door opening mechanism is). In the chest we take a strong runic attack - Tiazzi's Claw. We knock down the silver over the entrance to the pocket.

Now we go to the chest on the left. We deal with the enemies and find the wheel on the right. Spin the wheel and throw the ax into the first seal.

We lower the mechanism to the end and find another seal at the back. We break it and jump into the opening passage, freezing the mechanism.

We return the ax and go upstairs, there will be a chest with armor for the hands. The third seal is on the back. Take the Idunn Apple in the chest (2 of 3).

We spin the wheel, freeze the mechanism and go into the tunnel. We pass into the next hall and break two growths. We jump onto the ledge and fight the dark elves. We break down the wall and push part of the wall on the enemies. To open the overgrown chest, throw the ax from the bottom platform. There will be resources in the chest.

We go into the doors in the center, from there into the doors on the right. We go down and throw the ax over the growths. We pass the appeared bridge and climb onto the ledge. There will be dark elves and Stone Ancient. We throw the ax in his chest when it opens to make a shot. It is convenient to hide behind a stone in the center and throw from there. Having won, we get the enchantment - the Broken Heart of Alvheim and other resources. In the chest on the left we take a weak runic attack - Njord's Storm.

We cut the large growth and take the elven artifact (3 of 6), passing along the left bridge. Now we go back and take the elevator. We go to the big blue door. First, we turn to the left branch. There will be a chest with locks. First, we throw the ax through the gap in the door to cut the growths. Now we stay at the entrance and throw the ax into the bells. The first will be above the chest, the second behind, and the third on the left, if you face the chest. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY in the chest (3 of 3).

Now we go to the right branch. There will be the dwarf Sindri and the sanctuary (4 of 11). Now we go into a small tunnel. We go downstairs and deal with the enemies. On the side of the entrance at the top, you can knock down a build-up with silver. To unlock the chest, you need to cut three growths, throw the ax while standing facing the entrance.

We go further along the corridor, there will be flying enemies and a growth with silver at the top. We pass forward and jump over the faults. From this side, we throw the ax along two growths to unlock the chest. We rise higher and jump along the ledges on the wall. We deal with a group of dark elves and a large growth.

The second group of growths is the most distant.

And the third group will open the entrance. We go upstairs and deal with the dark elf in the wall to the left. We fall into the center of the hive (area Light of Alvheim) and destroy the large growth on the left. We make our way through the horde of enemies to the next big growth. We watch the cut-scene and walk through the gloomy world until Atreus saves us.

Improving the bow and now we can use the arrows of light to activate the large blue crystals. We shoot at the crystal on the other side and go across the bridge. We go downstairs, drag the crystal into the nest in the center. We shoot, go upstairs and take the enchantment in the chest - the Broken Heart of Alvheim.

Drag the crystal into the slot on the side and immediately shoot the crystal on the right. We pass the bridge and fight off nightmares. In the corner we find a chest with silver. We go to the opposite edge and make a bridge by shooting a crystal. We go to the bridge under the growth and throw the ax to free the crystal.

We break the build-up on the wall and climb to the very top. From there we pass along the new bridge to the exit.

We take away in the chest a weak runic attack - Utgarde strike. We shoot at the crystal above the passage and put it in the socket to study the legendary mark. We take away the crystal and go up.

We put the crystal in the left socket and go upstairs. There will be a chest with three locks. We stand near the wall with a hole through which you can throw an ax into two distant bells. We quickly throw at them, and then at the one behind. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY in the chest (1 of 3).

We rearrange the crystal in the right socket, help Atreus climb up through the small hole and wait until he opens the gate. We go down the elevator down. In one room we take an elven artifact (4 of 6). In another room there will be a chest with silver. We go out into the large hall and deal with two witches.

Now we need to examine the side rooms, which can be accessed using the bow of Atreus. In the left room we knock down the crystal from the ceiling, fight off the enemies and take the elven artifact (5 of 6). We drag the crystal into the right room.

We insert the crystal into the socket and solve the puzzle. Here you need to quickly expose the letters from the door on the rotating drums. You need to do it very quickly, because if the time runs out, everything will be reset. In the chest we take the usual chest armor - Scaled rune barms.

We drag the crystal into the central hall, put it in the nest and move to the exit. We go into the room on the side, the chambers of which were previously closed. We take silver. When we want to get out, the main dark elf, Svartalofurr, will attack us. He will often hit from afar and darken the room. He also knows how to leave exploding clots on the ground. We attack him when he is on the ground and throw the ax - when in the air. Let's not forget about the Spartan rage. Having won, we get the first rune call - the Wrath of the wolf. This is the rune for the bow of Atreus, which can be used for powerful attacks against a group of enemies. We go up the elevator and swim to the side of the pier, where we did not have time to collect everything. Here you need to shoot three crystals on the floor and fight off enemies from the gap (2 of 18). We get the Pure essence of the worlds, Dust of the worlds and silver.

We swim to the exit and speak with Sindri. We return to the tree and go to Midgard. You can also get an additional task from Brock. We will deal with them now. We go to the end of the bridge and take the elevator down to the right.

We rise along the chain and throw the ax into the exploding bottle. Immediately behind it we knock down the hanging bucket of silver. On the ground we select a treasure map - the Kingdom of the hunter. To open the chest with locks, you need to lower the thorns by throwing the ax into the spinning mechanism. Then quickly hit the three bells, all of them in plain sight. Take the Idunn Apple in the chest (3 of 3). Then we shoot down the green crow circling overhead (7 of 51).

We sit in the boat and sail past the statue of Thor and the wrecked ship. Then we head for the pier near another wrecked ship. In the location of the iron bay, we read the inscriptions on the obelisk and get an additional task. We fight off enemies and speak with the spirit. He will ask you to light other lamps. As a reward, we get a regular ax handle.

We swim further in a circle and rise to the pier near the large cranes. This is the Island of Death area. Until we go down into the flooded cave - we go upstairs. We set fire to the lamp and fight off enemies. As a reward from the spirit, we get the Corrupted Trail, which is needed to improve the hilt.

To get on the ship, we stand under it and throw the ax into the exploding bottle. You can now climb the stairs. There is a resource chest here.

Then we swim to the head of the world serpent. Here we go to the beach - Forgotten Caves. There will be a green raven on the pillar (8 out of 51). Quickly throw the ax at the rotating bells and open the chest with Idunn's Apple (1 of 3).

We light the lamp on the right and fight with the enemies. We speak with the spirit and get the Corrupted trail. We take away on the chain and in the chest we take the Muspelheim cryptography (3 of 4). Next we take the bow figurine (2 of 9).

Now we sail into the Fafnir Ravine, the entrance will be under the head of the serpent, to the left of the previous pier. We pass the gorge and enter the Fafnir's Storage. We knock down a bucket of silver from the tap. On the same crane there will be a green raven (9 out of 51).

We take away on the ledge and on the left we break the wall, there will be a chest. We pass the tunnel and shoot at the crystal. We knock down a bucket at the top. We find Sindri and the portal. Upstairs there will be a crow (10 out of 51) and a bucket. There will be another bucket in front of the cave entrance. A little further on the branches of the tree there will be another raven (11 out of 51).

We jump onto the ledge and clear the area from enemies. There will be a green raven above the locked door (12 of 51).

There will be a chest with seals on the right. Two seals are above it, and the third on the left is above the waterfall. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY (2 of 3) in the chest. We rise to the ledge opposite the chest. Here we take resources.

We go into the cave under the waterfall, to the left of the closed entrance. There will be a bucket at the top. We go into the area with the pedestal, knock down the crow at the top (13 out of 51) and place the entrance stone. Next we take a treasure map - Unblinking gaze.

We go along the appeared bridge and deal with the opponents. We go back and fight again. We put the stone and go to the new hall. We throw the ax into the totem from above and deal with the opponents manually. We take the stone and go to the hall with the witches. Another stone and a hall with wolves. Now we go to the last hall and speak with the spirit of the robber. After that, you will have to deal with a couple of ogres. Do not forget to pick up a weak runic attack - Wrath of the Frosty Ancients from the chest on the side. At the entrance from the caves there will be a Forest Ancient one, we take away the enchantment from him - the Witch's Seal of Fortitude. At the exit we speak with Sindri and get the talisman of betrayal.

We pass through the portal and go to Brok's shop. We swim by boat to the beach to the left of the witch's cave. Here lies the corpse of a large creature, and the location is called Raven Rocks. We set fire to the last brazier and fight off enemies.

We go around the giant's corpse and help Atreus climb into the hole above, after breaking the pieces of wood with an ax. We take away along the chain. In the chest we take the last Fragment of cryptography: Mupselheim and now we can read the inscriptions in this language. We get access to the World of Fire. Take the Nasal Figurine on the right (3 of 9). On the rock behind the chest we knock down the green crow (14 of 51).

Then we sail into another passage in the glaciers - the location of the Velunder Abyss. We pass the gorge and land at the Velunder mines. A green raven is circling above (15 out of 51). We knock down a bucket from the crane from above. We jump onto the ledge and go through the narrow passage.

There will be a chest with resources and an obelisk with inscriptions. Further we pass one more hole. We speak with Brock and open the doors. On the right we read the runes. We go into the cave and blow up the vial. There will be a chest in the room. In a large room we meet the Soul Eater, but we will fight with him later. On the right we break the pieces of wood and take the silver.

We go downstairs, defeat enemies and collect silver. We raise the grate and fight with the witch. We go downstairs, there will be a chest with resources and a treasure map. We go around the embankment on the other side and throw the ax into the bottle. We go downstairs and take the silver.

To open the gate with runes, you need to find three seals. The first is opposite the door.

Second to the right of the door.

And the third behind bars with the Soul Eater. There will also be a chest with resources.

We go into the opened door and fight with the Soul Eater. We throw the ax into his chest when he opens to make a shot. You can throw stones at him, which he throws. We take the alchemist's ring, enchantment: Fiery seal of protection and resources. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Fury of the ice troll.

We ask Atreus to drop the chain and study the inscription on the wall. We return to the exit on the cable. On the right, you can climb along the wall and collect treasures. Next there will be a chest and a descent along the chain. We speak with Brock and get the handle for the ax - Welunder handle.

We return through the portal to the bridge and go on the main task. In the hall, you can light three crystals at the top and fight with opponents from the rift. These two witches are very strong.

We go further to the mountain. In the nook of the pit we take the crystal and put it in the nest. We read the inscription on the obelisk. We go outside and talk to Sindri. We fight off the wolves and take the elevator up the hill. We pass the black breath and climb up the cliff. We go into the large hall with a statue of a deer.

We go to the left and knock down the crystal, which is located immediately at the entrance. There will also be a couple of buckets at the top. Place the crystal in the socket and push the lever in the center of the hall. We go into the dark corridor and shoot the crystal from the bow to turn on the light. We pass the corridor and go to the left, there will be a chest with blue armor for hands. We pass under the stone and fight the witch. At the top, you can knock down several buckets, they are located near the crystal-lantern. Odin's Eye can be found in a rift on the bridge (16 of 51).

We climb onto the ledge, there will be enemies. We break the boards on the rock with an ax and shoot at the crystal. We pass along the elven bridge and find a chest. If you stand on the bridge and look around, you can easily find all three seals. The difficulty is that the runes are painted on the wall above the chest and to display them, you have to run. The correct rune on the seal glows brighter. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY in the chest (3 of 3).

In the small room behind the boards we take an item from the set of artifacts "Upside down" (1 of 6). We go along the tunnel with bones. We read the inscription on the statue and open the chest in front of it. There will be a library behind the statue, we take the scroll. We go in the door and fight off enemies. We take away into the small tunnel and take the chest.

We go up and read the inscription on the rock. We go to the branch and drop the chain. We go forward, there will be another chain. We go down and open the chest. We go to the location of the heart of the mountain.

We go straight and behind the pieces of wood we find a chest with silver. There will be a secret room on the right (4 of 7). On the back of the large trolley we read the inscription. On the right side you can find a narrow passage in which a chest with resources is hidden. We rotate the wheel at the entrance to the area. We go into the opened tunnel and deal with the enemies.

One of the gnomes will be here. Opposite him, a green raven flies over the cliff (17 out of 51). We climb onto the ledge nearby and break the wooden boxes. We go into the passage hidden behind them and take resources and silver in the chests.

Next, we find a trap with thorns. The boy will crawl from the side, and we rotate the mechanism and run quickly. We open the door and find ourselves in a large hall with enemies. On the right you can find a small creature, by defeating which we get resources.

We move the trolley almost to the end (so that we can climb up on it), having previously cut the chain. In the opened passage (where the trolley stood) we take the bowl from the set upside down (2 of 6). We climb up the trolley and lower the bridge. We pass along the bridge and jump into the room with light, there will be a chest with resources. We pass another bridge and fight with the draugs. On the other side there will be a green raven (18 out of 51). We drop the chain and lower another bridge. we climb the ledges and take the armor for the thighs in the chest. We go into the tunnel on the left, pick up the stone and open the fast passage to the previous room.

We pull the chain and open the huge gate. We go down the chain from the side and roll the trolley into this hall. From the trolley we jump to the ledge on the side of these large gates. Open the chest with a rune call - Diving Falcons. Go ahead and drop the chain on the right. We continue our path and push the boulder to free the rope. We go downstairs and deal with the troll. We select a frozen flame, a strong runic attack - the River of Knives and other resources.

We push the cart to the end and rotate the wheel. We freeze the mechanism and climb onto the trolley. We go up on it. We leave the elevator and watch the cut-scene. There will be a bunch of traps ahead.

We run through the first fire, and then a group of three. We pass the trap with the chest on top between the fires. We hide behind the columns and throw the ax at the enemy. In front of the second enemy there will be a wheel for disabling the trap. The chest will contain a blue chest armor.

We push large boulders from the elevator and go upstairs. A couple of times you will have to fight off enemies and push the elevator away from the wall. Then a huge dragon will appear - Hreslir. We hit him on the paws and dodge head blows.

We go through the cave and throw the red crystal into the resin of the World Tree to open the passage. We run out into the street and see Sindri cornered. Run around from the side and jump onto the dragon. We beat him in the tongue with an ax. Find red crystals and throw them into the dragon's mouth when it is open. We dodge lightning. When the dragon's head falls, we hit a large wound on the nose. At the next stage, we hit the dragon in the paws to provoke lightning strikes. Throw red crystals in the face again. We block the shock wave with a shield. We repeat these actions and at the right time we drop the crane on the dragon's head.

We speak with Sindri and get arrows with mistletoe, as well as shock arrows that can explode red crystals. We open the passage and go to the cave. In the branch on the right, shoot the red crystal and open the chest. Take the weak runic attack - Tyr's Retribution. We climb up and fight the enemies. We shoot at the crystal, then lift the bucket with the wheel and shoot again. Below, under this bucket, take the Bowl from the "Upside Down" set (3 of 6). We go upstairs, here the enemies are already waiting.

We pass further and on the left we find a chest with seals, and on the right (behind the red passage) a sanctuary (5 of 11). To the right of the sanctuary will be the first seal from the chest. We lower the bridge by throwing the crystal and blowing it up. We repeat from the other side. We pass along the bridge, there will be an obelisk with inscriptions and a second seal.

We raise the bridge and freeze the mechanism. There will be a resource chest on the left, and a third seal on the right. Take the Idunn Apple in the chest (2 of 3). We go into the passage to the left of the obelisk with the inscriptions and go upstairs. We go to the top of the mountain. We go around to the left and take the bowl "Upside down" (4 of 6). Now we rise to the very top and listen to the conversation. We look around and go downstairs. There will be a chest with a symbol of insolence. We go down below, there will be another chest with silver. And on the right is the portal, through it we go to the shop to Brok.

After talking with him, we sail into the witch's cave by boat. We break the red passage and take the elevator up. To the right of the elevator there will be a red passage, behind which there will be enemies and a chest with a symbol of courage. Here in the well there will be the first seal from the chest, which is located below. We make a couple of elven bridges near the chest. Throw the red crystal into the passage above and explode it. We rise and find the secret room (5 of 7). To the left of it will be the second seal from the chest, and to the right is a treasure map.

We raise the gate from the side and put Atreus up to the bowl of sand. So that he gets to her, we move the block with the boy at the top. We break the pieces of wood blocking his path. On the opposite side, we break the boards that cover the runes.

We jump on the lowered platform and in the chest we take the rune call - a flock of crows. We return to the chest with seals. Opposite him will be a chest covered with red roots. And to the right of it is the third seal. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY in the chest (1 of 3).

We go to the well and go upstairs after reading the inscription. Take the blue crystal behind the well and read the legend on the obelisk. On the way down we take the artifact from the "Faces of Magic" (8 of 9). We fight off enemies and under that obelisk we read the inscription on the wall. Almost under the muzzle of the turtle is its treasure.

Opposite there will be an inscription on the wall. We rise along the chain near her and find the answer to the riddle.

A green raven will sit on the descent (19 out of 51). There will also be a chest with seals, which will not open yet. Enter the answer in the sand and open the chest with the rune call - Storm of Deer. We go to the witch and revive the head of Mimir.

After the cut-scene, take the elevator down. From here you can teleport to Brock's shop. We go to the horn, which is in the center of the bridge and talk to the serpent. The water level dropped again. We go down and sit in the boat. We swim along the Mimir's sign for the chisel.

We need to swim between the statues, but first we go to the gate on the right. We rise on the elevator and light the brazier on the tower. Then close the gap (3 of 18) and get the Dust of the Worlds. Take the bow figurine near the knight (4 of 9).

We go down and sail past the glowing strengthening dew of Yggdrasil. We swim between the statues of rowers. We swim straight and go to the beach. We speak with the spirit and get the task Anatomy of Hope. We turn the wheel to open the gate. We swim there, do not forget to ram the barrels to get the silver.

We deal with werewolves and look around. There will be a secret room on the left (6 of 7). We shoot at the crystal, then turn it to the right, shoot again. We take resources in the chest. Now we turn it to the left to open the passage.

We go down and go to the left, then we go upstairs. In the right branch there will be a chest with a blue chest armor. We rise along the chain to the head of the giant. This is a large location with a lot of things hidden. But first you need to deal with the enemies. The chest with the armor in the center is hard to miss. To open a passage with seals, you need to unblock one of them. Throw the red crystal and shoot. Another seal appears when we rotate the mechanism by throwing an ax into it. This needs to be done quickly. One throw into the mechanism - one into the seal. The last seal opens with a throw from the front and left. We take silver and enchantments in the cave.

We find a red resin with a blue crystal and throw a red crystal there, next to it we read the inscription. Dragging the blue crystal into the nest. In the gap (4 out of 18) we take resources, there will be no enemies.

In the center of the location, we attack the blue block - this is the Ice Ancient. We get a bunch of resources. We go to the head of the giant Tamura. The cutter is below the ice. There will be a large group of enemies. We rise along the chain and speak with the gnome. You can get an additional task - a family business.

We shoot at the left red crystal on the ornament on the giant's beard. Rotate the middle crystal and shoot so that it explodes from the other side. We jump along the ledges and go into the large doors.

We move a large stone to the center of the room. We unfold the hanging sword and jump onto it from the stone. From there, on the ledge and in the chest, we take a strong runic attack - Blessings of winter. Now we move the stone to the very end and jump from it for the chest with silver. We jump onto the building with ledges and first we climb to the left, there will be a chest.

Now we climb to the right and go upstairs. We push the crystal and shoot at it to blow up the ice behind it. We repeat. When the crystal is hanging at the bottom, shoot it again to gain access to the chest behind the ice wall.

We jump on the belt and go upstairs. Where necessary, we climb through the holes and shoot at the red crystals on the hammer handle. We bend the mount and jump down. We go in the doors and on the left we open the chest with blue armor. On the right we break the pieces of wood so that Atreus gets to the bowl of sand. We expose the seasons as in the picture: autumn, summer, spring and winter.

We rise on the elevator and fight off enemies. At the very top, shoot at two red crystals on the sides and jump onto the ledge. We push the hammer down. We jump to the ledge to the right and climb to the left. You won't be able to go down to the chest right away. We move to the left to the corner, then we go down to the chest. Then we pass further and move to the other side, we go into the doors. This is a large dining room, here you need to punch three holes in the ice on the opposite wall. When the red crystal falls from the chandelier, throw the crystals and explode. Then you have to deal with the enemies. We throw one more crystal into the chest from above.

We rise to the ledge, there will be a gnome. We examine the chests, we pass along the bridge and we jump along the ledges. We find the magic cutter and here a couple of serious opponents appear. We fight with Magni and Modi. We demolish them by a third of their health and another phase of the battle begins. You need to look around and block the blows. We are guided by the pointer around Kratos. Then we continue the fight until the same blocking phase is repeated. This time, they will deliver deceiving blows. You need to react quickly in order to block a real attack, which will come immediately after the deception. We finish off one of the brothers, after which Atreus becomes ill. We collect resources and cut off a piece of the cutter.

On the right, using the chisel, open the door. You need to hit with a chisel at the moment when it starts to glow and sparkle. Ahead there will be a door locked with three seals. The first is located high above the entrance to the area. We rise along the ledges to the second floor, there will be a chain for descent to the gnome. We shoot at the red crystal. We go downstairs and shoot him again to open the chest. We break the second seal from the balcony of the second floor; it is hidden in a large decoration. The third rune is located to the left and above the second. At the top of the glacier. Take the glacial catalyst and silver in the cave.

We go down to the throne room, there is a door opened by a chisel. We pass the corridor and almost at the end we find red crystals. We need to throw them into the chest and the blue crystal at the top to detonate. We take resources in the chest and put the blue crystal in the socket. In the gap (5 out of 18) there will be resources, without enemies.

We leave on the pier. On the right we put Atreus upstairs. We go left and break the chain that holds the elevator. Spin the wheel and move the elevator with Atreus up. Freeze the wheel above the elevator. We climb up the chain, go into the elevator and go down on it, returning the ax. On one side there will be a chest with silver, and on the other there will be a chain to go back. We leave the door, opening the lock with a cutter. We pass the hall and climb the chain. We sail by boat to the lake of nine.

On the left, after the rowers, we go to the beach. We shoot at the red crystals and go upstairs. Here you can find Gudlweig bones (1 of 3) for an additional task, close the gap (6 of 18) and kill the green raven (20 of 51) on the oarsman's statue. We rise a little higher and explode the crystals that close the passage downward. There will be a chest with a Niflheim Cryptographic Fragment (1 of 4). We rise higher and go into the door.

Here the dragon Fafnir is waiting for us, which must be freed. To do this, you need to break three altars. We jump down and go to the left, there will be the first altar, enemies, a legend and a chest. We open the door and get to the beginning of the level. Now we go forward, slightly to the left of the dragon, here we break the second sanctuary. Now we go to the left and climb onto the ledge. We break the third sanctuary and deal with the enemies. We open the door and go to the entrance to the location. We go to the anchor and free the dragon (1 of 3), having previously dealt with the enemies from the rifts. We receive enchantments as a reward.

We open the map and sail to finish the additional task with the bones of Gudlweig.

We swim to the area of ​​the ruins of the ancients and deal with the golem there. In the chest we take the Fragment of the Niflheim cryptography (2 of 4). At the entrance we take a treasure map. We go around the pillar and take the bones of Gudlweig on the shore (2 of 3). Let's swim to the third part. We swim into a large cave and land on the left, there is no need to swim into the right passage. We rise along the ledge and on the left we find a green crow (21 of 51). There will be a chest and a rift at the top (7 of 18). Now we sail to another beach, rounding the gates we were on. At the entrance we speak with the spirit and get the task - Dead Freight. We go into the cave, deal with the wolves and take the treasure map - payment to the finder. Climb the ledges and take the last bones of Gudlweig (3 of 3).

The next side quest is to find the Wandering Sailors. We swim to the tower and go upstairs. We deal with opponents. Take the nasal shape (5 of 9). rThere we close the gap between the worlds (8 out of 18). Throw the ax at the crow (22 of 51) on the ship on the right.

We will sail to the island with the wrecked ships nearby. On the left we take silver and blow up the bottle between the stones that cover the chest (we throw the ax from the boat). Opposite him, between the rocks, we kill the green raven (23 of 51). We pass forward and deal with a group of pirate opponents (2 of 3). Open the chest by throwing the ax into the flask above the totem. We climb higher, onto the ship, there is a scroll with a legend. We jump over the cliff on the side and blow up the bottle behind the chest. We take resources in the chest. We rise even higher and slide down the cable to the golden chest. Take the blue ax handle. We climb up again and go to the mechanisms.

To move between them, one (from which we descend) must be higher than the other (to which we are descending). We lower the nearest one to the very bottom (we throw the ax 2 times) and slide down there along the cable. From here we explode the bottle behind the gap. There we take the nasal figure (6 of 9). To close the rift with resources (9 out of 18), move to the second elevator and place the first in the middle. Now we lower the third and raise the second. From the third elevator we go to the tower, there will be a knight - a traveler, most likely at this stage he will be stronger than you. We get resources from it and go down the elevator. We will swim for the last group of pirates. We go to the beach and immediately deal with them (3 of 3). There will be a golem near the walled up chest. To the right of the chest we take a treasure map - the Island of Creation. To open the blocked passage, we go to the island with the ships and go down the cable. We explode the flasks, open the chests and collect the silver. At the very top there will be a door with seals.

One seal will be on the bottom right when viewed from the right side of the ship. The second will be near the left side of the ship. We throw the ax into the flasks to clean it. There is one blade left on it, so you need to rotate from the right side of the ship. We clear the area around the door. We go to the edge opposite the door. The seal will be at the bottom, under the ship. In the chest behind the door we take a strong runic attack - Mists of Helheim. Now we sail to the captain and turn in the Dead Freight quest. Now we swim and give the bones to Gudlweig and fight the monster. We complete the task Anatomy of Hope.

We leave for the Northri gorge on the instructions of the gnome. Insert the stone to open the gate. We disembark at the pier from Sindri. Directly opposite him will be a green raven (24 out of 51). We swim further into the right branch. We go to the pier and deal with the enemies. We go around the wheel and freeze the totem. Take silver in the chest. We break the chain that holds the wheel. We go to the pier and climb to the side to the top of the gate. There will be the treasure of payment to the finder.

We swim through the opened gates and go ashore. We take away the stairs on the side, at the top there will be an obelisk with a legend and a chest. Several buckets can be knocked down on the ceiling. We knock down the suspended block and climb onto it. We rise along the stairs and go to the right, shoot at the red crystal. We go down below and shoot at another one. There will be a chest here. We go back and now we go to the left, we go down to the ship. We throw the ax into the mechanism to lower the bridge.

We take a whetstone and fight off enemies. Here you can find an epic talisman - Broken Glove of Ages, which will be very useful for Kratos.

To open the grate next to the ship, shoot the red crystal. Atreus will crawl through and open it from the inside. A green raven (25 of 51) will sit on a large grate in front of the ship. Move on. We get down and go inside the ship. Then into the hole on the right, from here we will get to the chest behind the bars from the first hall. We return to the bridge, there will be a couple of passages covered with red crystals. Through one it will be possible to swim. We go to the second, here we open a couple of passages and take a scroll with a legend. We swim to the exit and dock to open the gate. We jump along the bridges to the chest, then we return to the boat. We swim to Sindri and hand over the task.

We teleport to Brock's shop and get to the spirit to tell about the murdered son. On the way, to the left of the entrance to the central hall, we take the Historian treasure. As a reward from the spirit, we get an epic enchantment: a shard of Tyr, which increases all characteristics. We return to Brock's shop and take the task God from malachite from him. We return to the main task.

We go downstairs and open the locked door to the vault with a chisel. We watch the cut-scene and quickly carry Atreus to Freya. We swim into the cave and take the elevator. We go to the door. On Freya's boat we sail to our house. We deal with the enemies and go into the house. We take the blades of chaos and deal with the enemies near the house. We teleport to Brock's shop and go to Helheim.

We go over the bridge and deal with the enemies. In the chest on the left we take a weak runic attack for the blades - Spartan onslaught. We cut the overgrown passage with blades. There will be a chest on the right in the thickets. In front of the large gate on the left, you can climb the ledge and take the silver from the chest.

To the left of the locked gate will be an overgrown descent. We pass the gorge. There will be a chest on the right, and pillars on the left, which we need to climb. We go down the back wall of the second pillar. We burn growths between the pillars (from all sides) and on the wall. Thus, we open the chest between the pillars.

After the floor goes down, we fight off the enemies. Climb the ledge and kill the green raven (26 of 51). From the ledge we burn the bush on the side. Now we go upstairs along the fallen stone. Under the bridge, you can shoot down the first artifact (1 of 5) from the "Family Heirlooms" set. We go upstairs and find ourselves in the arena with the keeper.

The boss can teleport. After several strikes forward, one strikes from above. After such a series, we attack him. He will periodically shoot at Kratos, but it is not difficult to dodge. We try to come up from behind in order to strike. We dodge the shock waves created by his weapons. After the first third of the battle, ordinary enemies will appear, it is better to deal with them first.

We get the chaos flame, which is needed to improve the blades. At the end of the arena we open the chest. We approach the large stone and speak with Brock. We open the gate with the help of Hel's winds. Now this light can be transferred to the next door. We reach a large gate with two winds. We take the second from behind and open the gate. Now one of the winds can open the large cabinet on the left. Then we drag it to the very beginning of the location. We jump over the stone. Here the light will be behind the statue on the right, then from the inside on a large round building. There will also be a green raven (27 out of 51). Then we drag around, to the left of the snowdrift and go down. There will be another closet. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Tornado of Chaos. We return to Midgard. Teleport with the improved stone in Freya. We watch the cut-scene.

We leave from Freya and drag Hel's winds from the room to the left of the elevator down under the bridge. from there to the other side, after destroying the bushes on the rise. We move the box to the middle. Now we drag the wind to the closet, jumping on the box. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Rampage of the Furies.

We immediately go into the first secret room - the hidden palace of Odin. We go down the elevator and inspect the hall from above and below. In the main hall there will be the first Valkyrie - Kara. Now we know what is hiding in the secret rooms. There will be a green raven at the top under the arch (28 of 51).

We go down the elevator down to the boat. We float to Tyr's treasury. We read the inscription on the wall to enter the answer.

Going down the elevator, we go into the Tyr store. We grab the wind Hel and drag him into the side room. Spin the wheel and open two passages. We go to the back, here you need to set the wheels so that you can freely walk past them. There will be a chest here.

We go into the second passage. We pass the first 2 saws. Then we slip through the second pair, when there is a passage in the middle. In the third pair, we freeze the mechanism so that there is a passage on the side.

From the hall with the trap we open the passage to the central hall. enemies will appear. We catch the wind on a rotating ring and drag it into the newly opened hall. Here we also open two rooms. We go to the back room. When the first mechanism is extended, we stand on the left and freeze the second.

There will be a chest with seals. The first is on the first slide-out mechanism when viewed from the chest. The second is located on a climbing mechanism from another room.

The third seal will be in the hall with the wheel (between the other two seals), hidden behind all the rubbish. Take Yabolko Idunn in the chest (3 of 3).

To pass the traps from the front hall, you need to freeze the first block at the top, and when the second block rises, quickly run into the pocket on the right. The third block is bypassed in the same way. We open the passage to the central hall and read the inscription on the wall. To get to the top wind stone, you need to climb to the second level. We transfer the winds from the central stone to the outer one. We drag the winds to the last hall. here Kratos falls into a trap and needs to react quickly. It is necessary to rearrange the symbols on the wall so that it turns out: Moon, Midgard, Sun. Pull right, left, middle, left, right, middle, right, middle, right.

We leave into the main hall. after the cut-scene with the rune, a couple of giants will come to life. Having dealt with them as a reward, we get a strong runic attack for blades - Fury of Tartarus. Another chest will open with a blue blade handle. We leave the store.

We go to the gate. On the way, we can set fire to the brazier (2 of 8). If this did not work out before, then now is the time to deal with a couple of witches from the gap (10 out of 18). We pass the cave and go to Sindri. Here you have to deal with a group of enemies. We go to the leftmost branch and open the chests with the help of blades and a bow.

We rise to the ledge and in the center, near the closed chest we take the wind. We transfer them to the cabinet on the right. In the chest we take a weak runic attack - Explosion of Hephaestus. Without an elevator and teleports, we go up the mountain. On the way, do not forget to open chests with blades. Near the statue of the deer we meet an old acquaintance, but we will not have to fight with him.

Go left and explode the red crystal. Drag the blue crystal from one of the obelisks near the deer to the legend to read it. We rise to the large hall with an elevator. We deal with the enemies go to the far right corner. We clear the elevator and go upstairs. In the room to the left there is a berm scroll with a treasure map - they will not look here. We go to the right and put Atreus upstairs. There will be a group of opponents behind the big door. Now drag the wind ball from the room below to the chain. We transfer the winds to the cabinet in the room with the monsters. In the chest we take a strong runic attack for the blades - Hyperion's Strike. We go further into the passage on the left.

We deal with the golem. We throw the red crystal into the resin and roll out the cart. We climb up along it and in the chest we take the legendary armor for the thighs. We throw the red crystal into the chest on the right. We rise above and find a scroll with a legend. And next to it is a bowl from the set Upside down (5 of 6). We pass along the cliff and on the right we open the chest. We take the legendary chest armor.

We go to the top of the mountain. Here you can close the gap (11 of 18) and open the chest. It will contain the Niflheim cryptography (3 of 4). On the left we go upstairs. Before going up to the portal, we open the chest on the left. We cut out the rune on the portal. Kratos jumps after Atreus onto the dragon's back. We run to the dragon's head. Periodically attack Balder and block his attacks.

After the cut-scene we find ourselves in Helheim. We help Atreus to get out from under the blockage. We climb up. Take the chest behind the growth on the right and open the gate. We pass the bridge and go down. We clear the stone of winds and open half of the door. Freeze the mechanism with an ax and open the other half. We deal with the knight. Behind the gates, we go to the right and jump to the chest, moving a large stone block.

Go ahead and find Balder. We climb around him on the rock. Having rounded the ledge, we go down. On the left, you can clear the passage and open the chest. We go down below, there will be enemies. On the left we push down the stone to get to the chest. To the right of the chest, we burn the roots and roll out the stone to the rise next to the chest. We take the chest upstairs. From here we throw the ax into the first seal on the right.

The second seal will be in the aisle on the right.

The third seal is located in the stone itself, to break it we move the stone to the passage. Climb over it and throw the ax. Take the HONEY OF BLOOD HONEY (2 of 3) in the chest.

We climb aboard the ship and set fire to the thickets. We spin the wheel to raise the sails. We crash into the iceberg and cut the sail fasteners. Spin the wheel again. Now we go to the platform on the right. There will be a chest in the far left corner. We go to the elevator. We stand facing the mechanism and raise the platform. We go left and open the chest. Take the weak runic attack - Icarus Storm. Spin the wheel to raise the lower platform. Now we go up the elevator. We lower the elevator and open the chest with silver. We go to the ship and push off from the platform.

While the ship is flying, we will have to fend off enemies. We protect the fires so that they do not extinguish them. We remove the harpoons as they appear. We break off part of the ship and watch the cut-scene. We fall into the secret palace of Odin. We examine the open door (there will be a scroll with a legend and a chest), then open the second one with a chisel. We find a fragment of Tyr's history. We go down the elevator and go to Midgard. We speak with Brock and get the key.

We go into Tyr's cache. We shoot at the crystal and we pass along the bridge. We go in a circle and look up. We leave in a small passage. We go downstairs and find ourselves in the Tyr's hall. Examine the large rune in the center. We go down the elevator down. Exploring the Sanctuary (6 of 11).

We go into the door on the left and freeze the first wheel, take out the ax when it is equal to the second. Thus, we need to put all the wheels in one row. In the next hall, we drag the winds to the right wall. When the second wheel is on top, drag the wind to the right wheel. We quickly jump to the next hall. Here we break off the chains, open the chest (take a fragment of Niflheim's secret writing (4 of 4)) and read the inscription on the wall. We deal with the enemies and return to the hall with an elevator. On the way, we open the cabinet with a chest (we take a strong runic attack - Capture Hyperion) using two winds.

Now we go the other way. Here we need to synchronize the blocks so that they go up and down at the same time. We quickly run through and in the hall we open the chest with the armor. Take the red crystal and drop it under the first block. We go upstairs on it and at the right moment we quickly run forward. There will be a chest and an inscription on the wall. We break off the chains and go back to the elevator. Fighting off enemies along the way. We go upstairs.

We turn over the hall and go up the wall to the left. We take the stone and return to the hall to the gnomes. We go into the teleport and select "Peace between worlds". We go to the right and jump down. We go to the tower of Jotunheim. We use a stone inside and fight off enemies. After the last battle, we get a weak runic attack - the wrath of Artemis. We leave in the main gate. The tower is in place again. We light the brazier (3 of 8) and go to the tree. But going to Jotunheim will not work yet. We speak with the gnomes, and then with the snake. We go to his mouth.

We swim forward and go out onto a piece of land. There will be a chest with silver. We swim further to the hammer. We rotate the mechanism with the platform towards us and freeze it. Climb onto the ledge, jump onto the platform and unfreeze the mechanism. We go upstairs and in the chest we take the Eye of Mimir. On the other side there will be another chest. We get down on the cable and swim to the exit. We watch the cut-scene.

We fight with Baldur and after the cut-scene we find ourselves in another location. We dodge the waves created by the blow of the fist and attack Baldur. We jump back from his hits on the ground and block regular attacks with a shield. Again we move to a new part of the location and fight off ordinary enemies. Now Baldur can make fire attacks. When he jumps, we leave the places of his landing. We go upstairs and press the necessary buttons in the cut-scene. We finish off Baldur to save his mother.

We go to the transition room and go to the world of giants. We climb to the top of the mountain and explore the surroundings. This is where the main plot of the game ends, but you can continue to explore the world.

Behind the house we rise to the ledge, destroying the growths. We deal with the enemies and go downstairs, here earlier we found the first secret room. We go down the elevator and open the chest from above. There will be a couple more chests below. And in the main hall there will be a gap (12 of 18) and a scroll with a legend.

Now we go to do the additional task of the gnomes "God of malachite". We will swim into the cave according to the sign. We jump along the ledges and opposite the portal we find the eye of Odin (29 of 51). We speak with Brock. We open the gate and go for the hammer.

We deal with the enemies and lower the block by turning the lever. We shoot at the red crystal on the second block and knock it down. We go down into the hole and open the chest, moving to the side. We go down to the very bottom. After the descent, we break the growths and open the chest. We go further, there will be a chest to the right of the rise, and an elevator to the left. We take the elevator up to the chest from the first hall. We take a treasure map near the chest - Bow down before Thor! We go down the elevator and go up the ledge. We clear the passage from the growths. There will be a knight and a golem - the Soul Eater.

We pass the wreckage of the bridge and go down to the other side of the stream. Under the bridge we pass to the chest. We go in the other direction and find ourselves in the third hall. immediately at the entrance to the upper right there will be a green raven (30 of 51). We go up the bridges and turn the lever. We go back and climb up the wall. After fighting with the elves, we get an epic talisman. We help Atreus climb up and open the gate. There will be a scroll with a legend and the hammer we need. We push the cart from the mountain to clear the passage. We speak with Brock and get a reward. We return to the shop and talk to the gnomes. We receive the task - Glory to the king.

We leave according to the sign and open the gate. We go down the chain and rise to the ledge. We read the legend on the obelisk. Go ahead and talk to Sindri. We go left, we pass the poisonous totem and find the chest. Right behind him will be a green raven (31 out of 51). We pass the bridge and go to the right. We find the teleport and go down below. We freeze the totem and we pass to the entrance to the castle.

We go along the castle to the left, we pass the totem. We pass the caves and in the circle of stones we deal with the golem. We pass further to the very end and find a blue crystal hanging over the river. We knock him down and raise him on the shore. We put it in the nest and make a bridge. Now we transfer the winds along the bridge to the passage. We go along it and we select the first stone for the gate.

Now we go from the castle to the right (if you stand facing it). We pass several enemies and climb onto the ledge. We jump over the pillars towards the dragon. Open the chest and discard the chain. But we do not go down it, but we go further to the dragon. We run along the dragon to the room closed by runes. On the way, we break the dragon's sanctuary (1 of 3). On the left, you can open the grate for a shortcut. The second sanctuary will be opposite this door with runes (2 of 3). We return to the door with runes - bells. One of them is hidden behind bars. We throw a red crystal there and explode with the help of Atreus. The second and third bells will not cause problems.

Open the gate and lower the bridge by throwing the ax. There will be a green raven to the right of the bridge (32 out of 51). We read the legend on the altar and jump over the cliff. At the top there will be enemies and the last key to the castle gate. Nearby will be the last dragon shrine (3 of 3). Free the dragon (2 of 3) and go to the castle. On the way, we break the wall of the "pool" to open the chest.

We insert stones into the altar and fight off enemies. Inside the castle, go right and find the sanctuary (7 of 11). There will be a chest to the left of the sanctuary. Above him will be a green raven (34 out of 51). We return to the entrance and go left. We open the doors and fight the knight. We move aside the throne and find the resources we need. We go up the tunnel behind the throne. At the edge, open the chest and take a strong runic attack - Prometheus Fire. We go to the second floor of the castle. There will be a balcony with a chest.

We transfer the winds to the right bell to unfold it. Then to the left so that it constantly rotates. Now we need to throw the ax at the right bell and two times at the left to hit both runes. Take the last Horn of Blood Honey in the chest (3 of 3). Go ahead and close the gap on the right (13 of 18). We go down the chain to the portal and go to the gnomes. We get a strong runic attack - Fire of Ares and complete the last task of the dwarves.

Let's examine the location of the observation tower. Here we missed an item from the Nose Figures artifact set (7 of 9). Using the mechanism that removes the thorns, we go upstairs. We go down the cable to the side of the tower. There will be a shrine with a legend (9 of 11). We rise higher to the red tower. There will be a chest and a knight. We light the brazier (5 of 8).

We swim towards the fallen dragon Baldur. On the way we light another brazier (6 of 8). Unlit braziers are clearly visible from the water. There are still two towers to the right of the dragon.

We go out to the beach in front of the dragon and go to the cave, go upstairs. We've already been here. But now you can take the treasure under the dragon's head.

We swim to the neighboring tower and swim around it from behind. We pass the cave and go upstairs. We deal with the knight and light the brazier (7 of 8).

On the way to the last tower, we will swim to the island between them. We land on the beach from the back. This is a light elf outpost. Use the chisel to open the door with the chest. We break the pieces of wood, behind which the blue crystal is hidden and make a bridge. We find a chest with seals. Go ahead and drop the chain, go down. Close the gap (14 out of 18). We open the gate on the side. We reach the end, open the chest and activate the crystal hidden behind the pieces of wood. At the top there will be a passage to the chest. Drag the blue crystal from below along the created bridge. The socket will be in the right branch. We drop the chain behind the pieces of wood. The first seal is behind the chest on the right. Now we rise higher and find a rise up and a chain down next. The second seal will be on the pillar in front. We go down the chain and open the gate. We rise to the very top and open the gate. There will be a chest with a rune call - Harmful Squirrel. We take the crystal next to the chest and put it in the nest. Close the gap (15 out of 18). We return to the chest, the last seal is on one of the pillars on the side. Take the symbol of concentration in the chest.

We swim to the last tower. We disembark ashore to the right of the tower. There will be a big enemy here. From him we get a weak runic attack - Nemean defeat. Opposite the portal we select a treasure map - the Island of Light. We go upstairs, there will be Sindri. Now even higher. Here, behind the large gate, is the council of the Valkyries. Here you will need to bring all the helmets received after their victory. We go back and rise to the last tower. Pick up the nasal figurine (8 out of 9). We light the brazier (8 out of 8) and get an enchantment that reduces the damage from Valkyries attacks.

We examine the map and swim to the right. In front of the large gate there will be an island - the Storm Storage. We go outside the gate and find an overgrown chest with a weak runic attack - Rage of the Titans. Now we need to free the mechanism that controls the huge wheel. We rotate the wheel so that you can swim to the beach from behind. Now we close the gate and swim to the front beach. On the left, a green raven flies around the rock (35 out of 51). To open the rune door, throw the ax at the bells. In the chest we take a strong runic attack - Blade storm.

Now we land on the beach to the left of the large gate. We start the wheels and open the chests by shooting at the red crystals. At the very top, we get a task from the spirit - The fall of the hammer. Next to the two chests will be the last item from the All Aboard artifact series. And opposite the portal is a treasure map - the Captain's Key. Here we go down and start the second wheel. After collecting all the chests, we open the large gates, the wheel is located near the spirit.

We will sail to Veyturgard. We pass a piece of land and find Brock. Opposite him we read the legend. We go further and to the left of the gate we find a chest hidden behind the door. Nearby there is another one behind the pieces of wood. We deal with wolves and read the legend and the inscription on the wall. We leave to the water and bring down the boat.

There will be a statue of Thor on the left, and a third dragon on the right. For now, let's go to the dragon. There will be a chest on the left, and an obelisk with a legend on the right. There will be an iron door next to the boat. And on the side there is a mechanism for opening it. We pull the chain and freeze the mechanism. We go upstairs and close the gap (16 of 18). We go forward and on the descent we take horns (1 of 6) from the set "Horns of Veyturgard".

We climb the stairs to the dragon, dodging his attacks. From the dragon we go to the left, there will be a chest. The first seal is behind the chest. If you go from the chest towards the coast, then you can find the first dragon shrine. Directly behind it is the second seal from the chest. We run to the dragon and in front of him we go to the right. Here is the second sanctuary. There will be wooden windows directly under the dragon. A green raven sits in one of them (36 out of 51). Now we go to the left of the dragon, behind the boxes there will be a knight's corpse, near which we take the horn (2 of 6). Next, we go towards the statues. Take the horn on the broken bridge (3 of 6). You can get across the bridge by going around on the left. We go to the big stone where the enemies are praying. Here you can reset the chain to the exit. We go into the cave, there will be a chest behind the pieces of wood. Next, open the gate leading to the chest. To the right of this gate (inside) there will be a third seal from the chest. We fall on the other side of the bridge and blow up the vial. To the left of the gate will be a legend, a treasure (Hunter's Kingdom) and a green raven (37 of 51). On the left on the mechanisms we put runes similar to those on the door. On the right, behind the boxes, there will be an inverted bottom rune. The top rune lies opposite the door, in front of the bridge.

There will be a sanctuary inside (10 of 11). There will be a horn on the left (4 of 6). We go around and in the rubble we find a lever that gives access to the chest behind the bars. We go to the next room. from it on the cave we go outside. There will be a third dragon shrine. We go to the previous hall and pull the lever. We go down into the drained pool and take the horn (5 of 6). We read the legend and deal with the enemies in front of the big door. In the next hall we pull the lever and fight with a big enemy. As a reward we get the Horn of Heimdall - a rare talisman. We open the passage and go out to the chest. We take a weak runic attack - Leviathan's Trail. We go down the chain and free the last dragon. We go to the pier and find the last horn (6 of 6) on the bridge, jumping over the rift.

We swim to the statue of Thor. We take the handle in front of the statue - a reward. To break the statue, throw the ax in the part of the statue where there are chains. We shoot down the green crow over the statue (38 of 51). Take the chest in the cave under the statue. We swim to the spirit and hand over the task


To obtain the achievement, you need to go through five locations, two challenges each. Then fight the Valkyrie. After that, go through any three of the previous five, only this time not two, but one arena test. Then go upstairs where the Valkyrie was and fight the final monsters.


We leave from the main building and run to Sindri. He will explain what you can do here. First you need to collect some Mist Echoes to open the passage to the treasury. Then you need to collect a lot of Echo of Mists to open all the chests and close three gaps. Locations are always randomly generated, but they always represent a circle with a branch to the Valkyrie. In order not to get lost, we run in a circle and return to the beginning. New armor will help in the passage, increasing the time spent in the poisonous fog. If you are not going to pump them to the end, then you can safely sell all the resources that drop out here. This will save you a lot of time. By opening all the chests in the treasury and closing the gaps, we will receive a trophy.


--- Gaia ---

After completing the scene, kill all enemies and move forward. As soon as you are given control over the hero again, finish off all the enemies and go to the fallen tree. Pick it up using the buttons shown on the screen and keep walking forward until you come across a surprise.

During this fight, the horse will occasionally spit water into one of three zones: left, middle, or right. You will be able to easily notice how the enemy is changing direction and determine the area that he is targeting. As soon as he leans back, quickly get out of the line of fire. He will sometimes strike with his claws. Before that, he will lean back and raise his paw. If you see this, quickly leave the affected area.

Once you've dealt enough damage, the battle zone will change. Climb up to the enemy and start attacking him with your swords. Use "X" to dodge his attacks (you will see how he raises his paw, which he intends to strike). After a few successful attacks, the battlefield will change again. Climb to the very top and charge him with your deadly swords. When he prepares to strike with his claws, use the "X" to move to the side. This time, he will continue making water breathing attacks. Watch the direction of his head as he leans back and quickly walk to a safe area.

After you've dealt enough damage to it, you'll find yourself back on solid ground. Keep watching for his water attacks while you keep hitting him. He will also use his claws a lot, so be careful. Watch out for his attacks and when he starts swinging, press "R2" to use magic. This will not only make you invulnerable for a while, but also cause serious damage to the enemy. Once you've dealt enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen to finish off the boss.

--- Mount Olympus ---

Go to the other side of the wall and climb up to the ledge. Take the red chest before continuing on your way. Walk along the wall to the other side of the ledge and kill the enemies there. Jump onto the ledge above and climb the ladder to the wall.

Kill the enemies from above and use the double jump to reach the ledge in the distance. Before using the grappling hook on the left, examine the pedestal for information. After you get to the other side, kill all the enemies and use the double jump to jump onto the wall to the left. Jump onto the ledge on the left and follow it. At the very end, press "X" to pull up. Then jump and grab the vine from above.

As soon as you climb up, go forward until the bridge collapses. Jump down to find a red chest, then climb back up using the platform in the lower left corner of the screen. Use the Icarus Wings to cross the chasm, then go under the arch and open the door.

The centaur will follow right behind you. Get rid of it quickly using a combo (square, square, triangle) to immobilize, which works on almost all enemies. Once all enemies are killed, find and examine the pedestal in the center of the room. After that, use the lever on the left side of the room. Quickly run to the right and climb the stairs to reach the recently moved platform. Hurry up to climb on it until that time, until it returns to its original position. Jump over the chasm and find the red chest. The first save point is also located there. Go left and open the gate.

Water Steed

Press the buttons that appear to get to the Gaia field. Get closer to the stallion to start the attack. This time he will use two types of claws. If you get close enough, he will make three hits on both sides - just roll back to avoid them. He will also do a triple combo of hits that cover almost the entire battlefield. The first two hits in his combo are pretty easy to dodge, and the third is a little more difficult. You can go to the right and hope that he simply does not touch you, but you can use a magic attack and become invulnerable for a while. Sometimes he will go back a little and make long blows with all his claws. As soon as you see that he is preparing to carry out this attack, run to the very bottom of the screen and wait until he finishes raging.

After inflicting enough damage on him, press the buttons that appear on the screen, and our hero will tear off the tip of one of his claws. After that, the battle will continue and water breathing will be added to the enemy's blows. Continue the battle and as soon as you inflict enough damage, press the buttons that appear on the screen. After that, he will open the torso. Run back and to the left to pick up the previously torn off piece of claw. Throw it at the boss.

Climb the wall and jump into Gaia. Walk forward and make your way through the narrow passage. Walk into the distance of the zone and climb up the vine. Follow the path and jump over the abyss at the other end.

--- Heart of Gaia ---

Climb the wall on the right to find the Zeus "Eagle. Jump down and grab the wall on the right using" R1 "(find the shining dot). Move the block to the left and rotate it 180 degrees using the right stick. Then move it into the hole on the left parts of the room Now climb up the vine on the left and continue upward.

Kill all the enemies from above and keep following the path. At the end of the road, grab the vine and jump over the ravine to the other side. Use the R1 button to jump up to the next path out of the vine and kill all enemies before continuing upward. When you can't keep moving up, jump up and use R1 again. Get to the very top to start the fight.


Your goal is to attack the claws holding Gaia on the left and right sides. When Poseidon moves to the left or right side of the screen, he prepares to strike with a claw on the opposite side of the zone. You will also see small blue flashes on the ground. They inform you of an impending electrical attack. Get off the flashes on the ground to avoid getting hurt. Once both claws are lost, Gaia will grab Poseidon and tell you to take her hand. Use "R1" to fulfill her request and get a little closer to God.

Once you gain control of the hero again, ignore the vine on the right and run to attack Poseidon. Sometimes he will punch - block him. When he is swinging his trident - step back, away from Poseidon to avoid hitting. Do not go near the trident while it is sticking in Gaia, as it emits electrical impulses.

As soon as Poseidon catches his breath and the corresponding prompt appears on the screen, run to the right and climb the vine. Press the buttons that appear and you will discover its weak point.

This stage of the battle will be similar to the very first one, except that the electricity attacks will take place in three waves, and not in one, as it was before. Press the buttons that appear and watch the scene. After that, press the buttons that appear on the screen again and watch another scene.

When you gain control of the hero, head left to the save point. Then follow Gaia's hand.

--- River Styx ---

Move down the river, slowly losing your Divine powers.

--- Realm of Hades ---

Follow the path until a small scene begins. Once you gain control, turn left and examine the pedestal. Go forward and use "R1" to cross the ravine. Take a short jump and fall onto the ledge below to find two red chests. Follow the ledge to the right and find the first Gorgon's Eye. Go to the middle and climb the vine.

Cross the bridge on the right to find the Hyperion Gate. Go back and cross another bridge to reach the save point. To the left of it, find a point to catch on and use it to get to the other side. Kill enemies and open four red chests. Back out and follow the path to the right.

When you get to the battle, you can use your new ability as much as you want (temporarily you will have an unlimited supply of magic). You can examine the blackberries on the doors if you like. After that, jump and grab the rope at the top right of the screen. To kill the enemies you meet, three heavy blows will be enough. As soon as you find yourself on the other side, jump down and examine the shiny dot near the end of the rope. Walk forward and jump off.

Find two red chests in the distance and head back to examine the shining point. Once inside, follow the prompts to free yourself. Then quickly run to the center and use Phalanx to get rid of smaller enemies. If you follow the tips for killing the gorgon, you will get her head and some new information.

Once you've taken care of all the enemies, open the door on the left and follow the path. When you get to a small ravine, jump down and head back. There you will find two red chests. Continue on your way. After you jump over the river, there will be a small scene.

Use the broken post nearby to get to a higher place. Jump onto the platform and watch what happens. Go back and wait for the platform to rise again. Now jump on it, quickly run to the right and jump onto the ledge on the right. Go into the small room and grab the blackberries in the corner. Move it to a small open area and push it down.

Jump after her and move to the other side of the zone. Place it near the Cerberus cage to set it on fire. Return to the descending platform and stand on it until it drops to the very bottom. Quickly run to the burning blackberry and use the Icarus Wings over the smoke to fly up to the small area that opened up after the platform was lowered. Pull the lever to free Cerberus.

Attack the monster until prompts appear on the screen. Follow the prompts and find yourself astride the monster. Ride it towards the man's body. Use fire to light the blackberries. Examine the body and find the Bow of Apollo. You can use his Charged Attacks to set the Blackberries on fire. Go to the right side of the zone and aim for the blackberry from above. Shoot her with a charged charge and a new path will open. Move the smoking blackberry you used earlier to the left and use the Icarus Wings to get to a new passage. There you will find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather.

Head back across the river and destroy the brambles to find a save point. Follow the path and follow the right side. Destroy the brambles between the chests to find the Minotaur Horn. Jump onto the ledge on the left and follow the path. The L1 + Circle attack is very good at killing Harpies. Once they are all killed, head right.

Use the Icarus Wings to glide to the next platform, grab the wall and make your way to the right. At the end, climb up the wall, then jump to the ledge on the left. Then move up and to the left. Jump over the waterfall and pick up Gorgon's Eye at the end of the path. Head back to the right and follow the ledge to the very end.

Double jump to reach the vine and reach the other side. Jump down, double jump to get to the vine on the pole and climb up.

--- Judges of the Underworld ---

Use the hook points to get to the main platform. Find a save point near the pool of water. Go to the lower left side of the screen to find the flickering dot. Study it for more information. Go to the pedestal shown and examine it. Study the book after each challenge to start the next.

Challenge 1 - Kill all enemies, it will take a little time.

Challenge 2 - Kill the souls before they get to the sparkling gate.

Challenge 3 - Destroy everything.

After that, the gate will open. Before going further, study the area to the left and jump over the crevice to the ledge. Walk left to get two red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Go back and examine the sparkling point (the one you studied earlier) to start the scene. Save if you want and head through the gate to the portal.

Examine the pedestal to the right of the portal. Walk a little more to the right and glide through the ravine. Continue on your way and use charged shots to blow up the barrels as the minotaur walks towards you. As soon as you leave the tunnel, turn right and enter the portal. Check the piece of paper on the ground, open the chest with the Minotaur Horn and pull the lever. Return through the portal. Walk forward and glide through the ravine to the red chest. Jump over the gap and follow the path until a short scene begins.

Grab the rope and get over to the other side. Slide down the vine on the right and continue following the path. Examine the leaf near the water and continue on your way. Squeeze out to the right and follow the path on the other side. Enemies glowing blue will explode after you kill them, so be careful. Before crossing the narrow bridge, take the red chest on the left.

Follow the path and kill the enemies on the next bridge. When the path is open, look a little to the right at the ground. You will see a note there. Shoot the blackberry to set it on fire. Use your wings above her to climb higher. Kill two enemies on the next platform. Pull the lever and very quickly run to the left and jump onto the wooden platform using a double jump.

Grab the blackberry and drag it to the wooden platform on which you arrived (more precisely, to the place where it was). Jump off to the right and ride up on the platform again. When you find yourself at the top, pull the blackberry to the platform and ride down with it. Kill the enemies and drag the blackberry to where you took off in the updraft. Push the blackberry down to increase the power of the updraft.

Jump down and float on the stream until you grab the platform. Stay on it while it slides down. When the platform stops, climb onto it and open the door on the wall. You will find a red chest, Phoenix Feather and get the achievement. Come out and use your wings to climb all the way to the top. There you go through the door.

Follow the path and turn right at the fork to find a red chest. Return to the fork and head left to find a pedestal. Follow the path and kill all enemies. Jump and glide onto the ledge below. Jump down the ledge.

--- The Forge ---

Go up the steps and watch the scene. Once you gain control, head right to the save point. Pull the switch nearby to open the gate. Back out and go through the newly opened gate. Follow the path and use the lever to move the doorway. When the path opens to the right, stop the rotation and go there. Kill the Hellhounds and grab the two red chests - the left one can be easily skipped. Go back and rotate the doorway so that it is in front and you can see the blackberry in the distance. Destroy the brambles and follow the path.

After the scene, kill all enemies. Jump down and get over to the other side. Follow the path to the right and destroy the blackberry on the door. Open the door after you deal with Cerberus. Kill all enemies. After the fight, find the note on the left and head through the door.

--- Palace of Hades ---

On the left is a savepoint. A little more to the left, just behind it, you will find a red chest and a shimmering dot. Head to the right side of the room to find a small passage, at the end of which there will be a movable object. Grab it and drag it back all the way to the wheel on the left side of the central room. Use the wheel and place the object so that the gate cannot close. Climb up to the second level and grab the two white chests before continuing through the newly opened gate.

Kill all the enemies in this area, then climb the platform to the right. Follow the path to the next room. Go right and back to find white and red chests. Back out and take the left path. At the end of the room, you will find a staircase. Climb up it and look to the right. There you will find Phoenix Feather. Go back and grab the two red chests before jumping down. Return to the fork and turn the lever.

Press "R1" after reading the information on the pedestal to descend two ladders. Deal with the appeared enemies. Climb up the ladder that appears on the left side of the area and once you're at the top, head right to find a lever. Pull it. Go right and open the gate there.

Go out and grab the stones you used to stop the wheel earlier. Move them to the lift you just went down on. Use the lever to climb back. Slip stones to the wheel, then jump into the hole with the ladder. Go back to the lever and turn it to reveal the arms of the statue. Quickly head back up the left stairs and use the wheel. Slip stones under the wheel to secure it. Go back down and turn the lever again to open your arms. This time, run to the right ladder and use the wheel to lock the arms of the statue. Return to the pedestal and press "R1".

Hades (Hades)

After talking, be ready to press the buttons you want. For this boss, the hit-and-escape tactic is best. After he climbs up, Hades will jump down and create a shock wave. Just jump over it. He will also make wide strikes with swords in a horizontal plane. You just need to jump over them too. When prompts appear on the screen, press the required buttons.

When the flesh is torn from Hades, quickly attack it to prevent it from returning back to the boss. After his flesh is killed, Hades uses a special attack. Damage will only be dealt in darkened areas, but there will always be a small point of light. Stay on her and the enemy's attack will not hurt you. Continue to attack him and, after further requests to press certain buttons, kill his moving flesh. This time he will have another attack. He will fold his swords and start shooting them out of the ground. Just run around the arena and the attack won't hit you. He will also summon ghostly Cerberus, which disappear after one attack on you. After the next clicks of the buttons that appear on the screen, you will get the Claws of Hades.

Kill the enemies that appear. When a big enemy appears, defeat him too. After that, a save point will appear across the river. Jump into the river and use the "square" to dive. Below you will find Hade "s Helm. Go with the current. Swim to the surface and fight the enemies. Then jump into the water on the other side of the platform. Head through the tunnel to the other side and float to the surface. Pull the lever and return to the water again. gate, at the end of the tunnel a scene awaits you.

--- The Forge ---

Follow the path to the right and kill the enemies when you reach the circular room. Turn the door so that it opens into the distance, and go through it. Following the path, you will notice the active Hyperion Gate. Go through this gate.

--- The City of Olimpia ---

- Note: When you are fighting at the big golden gate, you can use the Claws of Hades and hit "L1 + circle". This will get you a lot of souls and raise the combo level. If you can do this long enough without killing the enemy calling the dogs, you can get the "Hit Man" trophy. This may require a little training and a fairly high level of difficulty so that enemies do not die so quickly (Titan or higher will do just fine).

Follow the path and watch the scene. Head to the right and work your way through the vine that links her forearm and arm. Continue on and study your thumb to slide your hand off the edge. Examine the door and kill all the enemies that appear. After that, go through the door.

Do as the game asks and use the harpy to travel to the next zone. After turning, when you see more harpies, jump down and take the red chest on the left. Climb up again and use the harpies in order to get to the other side. Once you're there, wait for the harpies to reappear. Use the harpies to reach the ledge on the right and grab the red chest, the Gorgon Eye, and the Minotaur Horn. Jump back and follow the path to the save point.

Keep walking until a small scene occurs. Jump over the crevice and take out all the enemies. Head left and a centaur will appear. Walk left along the platform and use the ballista. After you deal with the Chimera, use the ballista and time it so that you can hit Helios flying in his chariot with a projectile.

Head back down the platform and use the harpies to cross the large ravine. After killing all the enemies, open the gate on the right and look to the left to find a red chest. Kill enemies as you go, and at the fork, turn left to pick up another red chest. Cross the bridge in front and climb the stairs. Follow the wall until you reach Helios.

Once the phalanx is formed, wait for the ogre to appear. Attack him and use the offered button to saddle him. Use his powerful blows to smash the phalanx. Once all enemies are defeated, head towards Helios. The buttons to be pressed will appear and the scene will begin. Using the right stick, you can control Kratos' right hand. Your task is to cover the light source in order to advance further. Hit him on the head a couple of times and the next scene begins. Follow the commands on the screen to get the Head of Helios. Use your new buddy to look around the area on the right and find the Helios Shield, then turn around and examine the corner to find the Minotaur Horn chest. Back out and use the head on the wall in the distance. Once enough of the wall opens, it will turn into a door and you can go through. Head down the dark path.

--- The Path of Eos ---

Follow the wall on the left to find the Gorgon Eye. Follow the path to the save point and pedestal, then continue on your way. Walk through the darkness until a blue field appears. Kill all the harpies, then go left and use the head of Helios to find another way. Keep going forward.

Do not climb the rope at the end of the corridor. Jump off the cliff to find a red chest and a Phoenix Feather. Go back up and grab the rope. Head to the other side and jump off the rope. Then climb the cliff from above. Follow the path. When you reach the spacious area, the scene will begin.

Use the harpy to fly over the gorge. Cross the bridge and double jump across the gap on the right to find two red chests. Go back and keep walking towards the gorge ahead, but don't jump over it. Jump down to find a red chest. Climb up the nearby vine and fight a couple of Ghosts. If you have problems with them, you can jump over to the previous platform and kill them with charged shots from the Bow of Apollo. Continue on your way. When you reach two chests, use Helios' head to clear the wall on the right and find the Gorgon Eye.

Go left and kill the enemies on the bridge. At the end of the bridge, turn left and take the Phoenix Feather (you won't see the chest, but the screen will ask you to press the "R1" button). Walk up the platform and walk back and to the left of the chain. Use the head of Helios to find a red chest. Walk all the way to the right and find another red chest. Use a save point then jump and use your wings while above the updraft.

--- The Chain of Balance ---

Dodge flying objects during your flight. Just move up the platforms. When you reach the platform just beyond the falling rocks, use the head of Helios to find the chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Continue on and follow the instructions on the screen to get out of this location.

--- The Caverns ---

Head to the lower right corner and use Helios' head to find the chest with the Minotaur Horn. Destroy a bramble with a bow shot. After the scene, use the new clue spot to get to the raised platform. Once you are on top of the new box, you can destroy the brambles again. Kill enemies while the box is moving. When the Minotaur appears, you must not let them break the chain.

Jump to the next box to meet Hermes. Use the nearby clue point to reach the chain. Climb up to the very end.

--- The Flame of Olympus ---

Find a savepoint on the right. Examine the flames in the center of the zone. Use the head of Helios on each of the pedestals to reveal a certain drawing and information. Head towards the chain that is opposite from the one along which you came and explore the wall with the head of Helios. This will reveal a secret room with three red chests and a Gorgon Eye. Head to the save point and follow Hermes.

Go up the stairs after Hermes jumps. There you will find two red chests and a pedestal. After studying it, go back and soar on wings to Hermes. Grasp the wall and head downstairs.

--- The Olympian Citadel ---

There are many places in this area where you can instantly die. Just keep moving on. Once you land, exit through the doorway at the top left of the area and hover through the next ravine. Jump onto the cliff from above and find yourself in the place where you were earlier. Attack Hermes with light combo attacks until the scene starts. Follow the commands on the screen and get Boots of Hermes. Go to the far end of the room and examine the area behind the head of the statue. There you will find Hermes Coin.

Head up the wooden structure to the save point. Cross the walls to reach the red and white chests. Once outside, find the red chest at the bottom of the screen. Cross the bridge and take another chest. Run up the wooden structure, then through the wall. Use the head of Helios in the lower corner to find the Phoenix Feather. Climb up the wall near the statue in the next room.

Go outside and climb the wall. Jump and hover towards the chest at the top right of the screen. Follow the path and kill all enemies. Once everyone is killed, head left to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn. Go back and go through the door that the game will show you.

--- The Flames of Olympus ---

Find a savepoint on the left. Head right and find two red chests. Continue right and enter the hallway. Kill everyone and keep going. Take the red chest before heading up the stairs. Open the gate ahead.

Go left to find a red chest. Use the air stream a little more to the left to find another red chest and Phoenix Feather on either side of the stream. After you take everything, head to the right side of the room. Use the updraft there to get to the red chest. Jump over to the other side of the stream, and then to the next platform. Use the levers to rotate the blocks from below. It is necessary to ensure that the sword is folded correctly, its handle is directed to the left, and the tip of the blade is to the right. Once you're done with this little puzzle, jump down.

Examine the pedestal for information, then get ready to press the buttons that appear on the screen. If you do everything right, the scene will begin. Pull the lever. Save if you want and go up the new steps.

Grab the lever and pull until it stops. Go through the open door and continue on your way, killing enemies along the way. Head down the steps and use the head of Helios on the base to find a chest containing the Gorgon Eye. Save before continuing down the hallway.

--- The Forum ---

Kill the emerging enemies until Hercules appears.


As soon as Hercules appears, continue to kill weak enemies, however, beware of where he stands. When he attacks you, quickly press the circle to regain control over Kratos. Then push it onto one of the thorny statues. Do this twice. Then just use strike-retreat tactics until he blinds you. Run up and follow the commands that appear on the screen.

Once in the water, dive to find the Hercules Shoulder Guard. Get out of the water and follow the path. Kill all the enemies, then use Cestus to break the onyx. Pull the lever. Use Cestus again, but this time to smash the phalanx. After that, make your way back to the water and exit through the underwater tunnel. Once out of the water, head down the screen to find a red chest and a Minotaur Horn.

--- Poseidon's Chamber ---

Kill all enemies and use the wheel at the top left of the screen. Go through the gate on the right and find a save point. Turn right and talk to Poseidon's Lady. Follow the path to the room filled with portals. You cannot jump into the water here. Fly into the portal on the right and once you come out on the other side, head left and jump to the cliff. Pull the lever.

Jump down and open two red chests. Don't kill dogs. Grab them using the "circle" and throw them into the portal on the right to lower the platform in front of you. As soon as four dogs are thrown onto the platform, go through it yourself and head to the portal in the distance.

When you regain control, look into the distance and find a letter and a red chest there. Head to the right side of the portal to find Poseidon's Conch Shell and Gorgon Eye. Head back through the portal. Now kill the dogs. When the lady falls, fish and pick her up. Kill the newly appeared dogs and press the button that appears on the screen.

Return through the portal and kill new enemies. On a more difficult level of difficulty, they can cause you a lot of problems. The easiest way to get them out is to head back through the portal and jump onto the ledge to the left, which has a lever on it. From there, they can be easily shot with a bow. In any case, as soon as you deal with them, head through the door and take out the soldiers with the shields. Three times use the button on the clue next to the lady, then open the gate on the left path. Kill all the enemies there and use the wheel. Walk past the savepoint into the newly opened door for a scene.

Examine the spot right in front of the statue and you will find a note. Look to the left side of the room using Helios' head to find a chest containing the Phoenix Feather. Follow the path to the left and go outside. Check for dead bodies and aim the lever at the back.

--- The Upper Gardens ---

Pull the lever while the platform moves, then jump over to the next one. Do the same on it and jump to the next platform. Turn the lever twice and jump over to a new area. Open the door, there you will find a save point.

--- Aphrodite's Chamber ---

Walk up the steps and turn right to find the Minotaur Horn in a secluded corner. Go left to find two red chests. Go up to the bed in the center of the room. Select "yes" and a mini-game will begin in which you have to press the buttons that appear on the screen. After that, Aphrodite will open back to Haphaestus. Head to either side of the bed and jump into a small ravine to find a secret cliff. There you will find Aphrodite "s Garter. Return upstairs and head through the portal.

Jump down and save your game before going through the newly opened passage to the left of Haphaestus. Follow the left wall to find the Gorgon Eye, then continue up.

--- Tartarus ---

Examine the pedestal directly in front of you, then follow the path on the right. Pick up the Phoenix Feater on the right side of the path before continuing onward. Kill the enemies that appear and pick up the red chest on the left. Use the stones to climb the cliff from above - there you will find a white chest. Go up the steps.

--- Gates of Tisiphone ---

Kill the chimera that appears. Find a white chest on the right side of the room. Go to the left corner and pull the chain all the way. Walk a little and push the nearest box. Jump to the second cliff and hover to the left to find a red chest. Jump down and head to the right chain. Pull it down and push the nearest box against the wall. Now head back to the left and jump to the second ledge to see the harpy. Use it to get to the right blocks. Climb a couple of blocks, then to the shimmering point on the left. Push the block.

Double jump to get to the cliff on the left. There you will find another red chest, then go back and use the harpy to get to the other side and get to the platform on the right. Push this block, then jump right to find a ledge with a crane chest and a Gorgon Eye. Jump back and head to the top of the block wall. Use an object. To the left of the savepoint in front, you'll find the Phoenix Feather.

--- The Pit of Tartarus ---

Go ahead and deal with the appeared enemies. Examine the pedestal before heading down the path to the left. Follow the path and use your wings to cross the gorge. Once you land, turn right and find the Minotaur Horn. Follow the path and use the "R1" button on the blinking dot to start the scene.


Use the "circle" to break out of his grip and charge the Head of Helios. When Kronos tilts his head towards you, release a flash and blind him. Follow the prompts on the screen to get into his hand. Enemies will appear - kill them. Then the camera withdraws. Crawl up through the open space.

Attack and smash the giant pimple above you. You will find yourself on the ground again, and you will have to deal with another bunch of enemies. When Kronos grabs the edge, slap him on the fingers. When you destroy his nail, the game will ask you to press certain buttons.

When Kronos raises his hand, you will be able to see a shadow on the ground. Do not step into the shadow, or risk being smeared on the ground by a giant strike. While his hand is still on the ground, jump onto his finger and grab. Kill the enemies above and charge the Head of Helios to blind him again. Follow the prompts on the screen.

Climb up the wall and use the clue point to reach the ledge. Kill all the enemies there, then open the door. Use Cestus to break the blue crystal. Before you can do anything else, Kronos will grab you. Kill all enemies and wait until he tries to crush you. Follow the prompts to free yourself. Go ahead and kill the enemies that appear. Follow the prompts that appear.

You will have to quickly run along the path, or die when Kronos grabs you. As soon as you get upstairs, kill the enemies and a disgusting monster will appear in front of you. Whenever possible, follow the prompts to ride the giant and use his attacks. This way you can rip the flesh from which it crawled out.

Follow the prompts again. As soon as you are eaten, you need to quickly go down the wall. Follow the prompts again to get outside and get the Omphalos Stone.

Go to the place where you tried to destroy the crystal. Finish the work you started and follow the prompts on the screen. Break off a piece of the crystal and go to the forehead of Kronos. After a little chatter, press the buttons that appear on the screen.

When you land, break the crystal in front, the scene will begin. Go up and pick up new weapons, then follow the prompts. Attack the sparkling object until the camera changes its angle. Kill the enemies that appear, then head left towards Tartarus and find the Hephaestus Ring. Head right and save your game, then run up the wall and go through the Hyperion Gate to return to Aphrodite.

When you're ready, head down the steps and exit through the door. Kill enemies.

--- The Upper Gardens ---

Jump over the gorge and hit the post until it turns. Jump over further and do the same to gain access further. Jump over the abyss and enter the door. Follow the passage. A little scene will take place. Once you gain control, examine the blinking dot on the table for some information.

Walk left and examine the open book on the wall. Head back to the room and find two more books. Check the back right corner for another book. Pull the lever on the right side of the room to raise the platform that holds the ballista. Use it to break through the gate. From the raised platform, jump into the portal on the right wall and take the red chest in the place where you appear.

Go back and turn the ballista so that it shoots to the left. Shoot it and climb the rope to find the Gorgon Eye. Jump down and use the ballista to reel in the rope. Turn the ballista to its original position, then climb up the wall to the right in order to get into the orange portal. Pull the lever, quickly go back and shoot from the ballista. This will free up two chests that contain the Daedalus Schematics and Phoenix Feather.

Shoot the ballista again and head through the blue portal on the right wall. Jump off the edge and soar to the rope. Crawl down relative to the screen and you will find four red chests. Jump down and pull the lever at the bottom right of the zone to lower the ballista. Rotate it so that it fires to the left and fire. Jump into the blue portal on the right side of the room, then jump off the cliff and hover to grab the rope. Crawl to the other side to get a red chest and a Minotaur Horn. Jump down, go forward and climb down the rope.

Jump down and look at the bottom of the screen for another chest and a Minotaur Horn. Walk up the platform and out. There will be a little scene. Follow the path and find Hera. After the scene, go left. There will be a save point. Continue left and find Hera "s Chalise. Return to the bridge and enter the maze. Look straight ahead and see a red chest. Take the left path and use Helios' head to find the Phoenix Feather chest. Take the path to the right and find two more. red chest. Return to the save point and follow the path. Kill the appeared enemies and go around the corner. Directly in front of you will be a red chest, then back up a little and follow the path to the right. Follow the path to the small tunnel and take care of the two enemies before than get out of it.

Turn left as soon as you can make a U-turn to find a red chest. Now go back to the place where you were just and go to the left of the green chest. There you will equip two red chests. Use the head of Helios and find another chest with red spheres. Return to the green chest. Follow the path to the right of it.

Head straight to the gate on the other side of the zone. Use "R1" to lower them. Go back and stand on the blinking button until a message appears. As soon as control returns to you, go and jump over the gate, which just opened. Go left and up the steps. Go right and open the gate. Go down the stairs and find a red chest at the bottom of the screen. Move on.

When you get to the gorge, jump and hover to the left - you will find a chest with a Minotaur Horn. Get out and jump to the cliff ahead. Grab the columns and move it to the left. Turn it so that the steps descend to the left and move under the waterfall on the right. Go through the newly opened gate and there will be a scene.

Return to the goblet that you filled with water and shoot the blackberries to the left of it. Move the column to where the blackberry was. Now step on the button so that everything turns green. The water will pour and fill the goblet, a new path will open. Pull the column down the platform. Turn it so that the steps go to the right and move all the way to the lower right part of the zone. Everything will turn green again. Take Hera and put her in a goblet nearby.

Drag the column again and put it on the button that makes everything green. Go ahead and see a scene. Go ahead and use the harpies to cross the gorge. Turn the handle on the other side and find a red chest below the save point.

Kill the scorpions as you progress further. Turn left when the area gets a little more spacious and you find a chest with red orbs. Continue along the path and use the giant wheel. Continue along the path until you find a green chest on the right. Examine the ground on the left and find a note. Jump over the gorge.

--- The Caverns ---

After planting, head down left to find two chests with Minotaur Horn and red orbs. Go right and jump onto the left cliff. Examine the left side of the terrain and find a note, then use the savepoint on the right. Use the head of Helios on the wall to open the passage.

Follow the path. Turn left immediately after the view changes and you will find a red chest. Find the note there on the floor. Go right and find another red chest. Jump to the right and hover to reach a chest with red orbs. Walk all the way to the left and pull the lever to raise the water level. As soon as the water stops flowing, jump onto the platform and take the red chest.

Walk back and right to find a wall to climb. Go up and follow the path. Pull the lever at the end of the path to go upstairs. Follow the route to the end. There you will find a magic chest and a note on the ground. Go right and jump onto the net on the wall. Climb up and kill all enemies. Head right and jump over the gorge. Continue right and find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and run onto the wall with footprints. Open the door to enter the caves.

Keep going forward and kill the scorpions. Jump over the gorge and open the next door. Head inward and keep to the right to find a red chest. Walk left and examine the pedestal. Walk further left and jump to the next platform. Hover to a giant box nearby.

After getting rid of the babies, you will be attacked by a giant scorpion. Follow the prompts on the screen to free yourself and use Cestus to break the onyx on his body. Use Hermes Boots to close the distance just enough for you to hit the onyx. As soon as enough legs are shattered, the giant will fall and a bunch of small ones will appear. Take the opportunity to slap the giant in the face. After a while, a hint will appear - follow the instructions. The giant will run away and summon a bunch of babies. Then he will return, and will attack from the ledge, then he will go up. Use this time to smash his legs. Do this before it leaves the screen.

Once you are done with all his legs, the giant will fall again. Hit him until a hint appears. After completing the commands that appear and watching the scene, use Cestus to break the crystallized body. Go to the upper right side of the screen and smash the tail to find the Boreas Icestorm. Go to the red thing in the center and press R1 to use the Boreas Icestorm. Use the updraft to go upstairs.

Go forward and use "R1" on the red thing. After the scene, jump through the gorge below and use Helios' head to find a chest with red orbs. Go back and follow to the end of the path. Use the clue points to get to the other side. Press "R1" while on the red thing in the upper left of the area to raise the box.

After defeating all enemies, use the clue points to get to the next platform. Jump to the left ledge and use the savepoint before heading inside. Go to the back left side of the room and press "R1" on the red thing to lower the gate. Use Hermes Boots to climb the wall.

Follow the path and take the note on the right side. Go to the end and there will be a small scene. Go right as soon as you get control of Kratos. There you will find two red chests and a chest with red orbs. Go back and jump onto the rope. Move to the platform. Use the hook points to cross the next crevice and use the red thing on top. After the scene, go through the open door.

--- The Labyrinth ---

Turn immediately to the left and use the head of Helios to find a red chest. On the right you will find a save point. Next, go to the back left of the room and use the red thing on the ground. Once you're downstairs, defeat all enemies. The gate will open. Go to the next room. Use the head of Helios on the left wall to find a chest with red orbs. Go right and use the red thing.

Go to the lower right side of the room to find a red chest and a chest with red orbs. Be careful - fire will kill you with one hit. When the fire disappears from the left side, grab the grate and climb up. Pull the lever at the top. Jump down and go through the opened door.

Go right to find a red chest. Then jump down and move the object down relative to the screen before using the red thing on the floor. Then move the object into the distance and click the red thing. Move the object to the round button and the gate will open. Run up the wall and exit the room.

Jump forward. Use the big red thing in front. Avoid the thorns as they will kill you in one hit. After the fourth set of spikes pops out, quickly grab the harpy, as further spikes will stick out all over the area. Wait on the harpy until the room turns, then quickly run through the opened door. There you will find a save point.

Jump over the ravine and use Cestus to break the onyx blocking the gate. Watch the scene. Use the head of Helios after lifting the next gate to find a chest with red orbs. Move on with Pandora. After you have killed all the enemies, take the lever on the wall and pull it back so that Pandora uses the button and you can move on. Use the red thing. Move quickly to the other side before Pandora is cut into pieces.

Use the head of Helios at the very left end to find her one red chest. Pick up Pandora and use it to open the gate to the stairs in the distance. Climb up the stairs and run into the next room. Use the head of Helios on the far right side of the room to find a chest with red orbs. Walk left and pull out the wall to climb it. Keep moving up and to the right and use the red thing.

Crawl quickly towards you and around the edge of the platform. Keep moving up and to the right. Pull the lever on top of Pandora's box to pop open the red thing. Use it. Jump down and break the glass to take Pandora. Follow her and use a savepoint. Watch the scene.

After the battle, read the note on the ground in the middle. Use the head of Helios on the left side of the area to find a red chest. Check the right side as well for a chest with red orbs. Use the lever so that Pandora can climb into the cage, then jump onto the ledge above and stand on the shimmering dot. The platform will rise. Follow Pandora and find a save point, then continue on your way and the scene will begin.

Kill all the enemies, then stand on the button to raise the chains. Look at the alcove to the right and use the head of Helios slightly to the left to find a chest. Head to the portal. Examine the pedestal on the right. Head left and break the onyx at the back of the statue's head. Go right and, just before the abyss, use the head of Helios to find another chest with red spheres. Jump over the gorge and break the onyx on the back of another statue, then continue on your way to the right. Go through the tunnel, turn right as soon as you exit, you will find a portal. Enter it and pull the lever to open the gate. Take the piece of paper on the ground, then return through the portal.

Look to the left of the tunnel and use Helios' head to find another chest containing red orbs. Head across the bridge and climb the vine to the right. Go downstairs and destroy the onyx. Back out and soar through the ravine. Back out and go through the portal in front of the tunnel. Break the chains and watch the scene.

Go to the other side to the second chain and enter the room that we previously discovered using the head of Helios. Use Cestus to get two more red chests. Walk up the stairs and use the lever to raise the Labyrinth. Watch the scene.

Zues (Zeus)

When you are on the cliff, fight Zeus until you see a request to press the "circle". Keep attacking until the next clue appears. Press the desired button and the scene will begin.

After that, follow the path to the save point and go through the door. Soar to Zeus and watch the scene. This time, use the Strike-Retreat Technique. You can parry his lightning bolts. When he jumps into the air, quickly go back. After you've inflicted enough damage on him, the scene will begin.

When you find yourself in Gaia, follow the path just like at the beginning of the game. Use Cestus to break the onyx around Gaia's heart. Use the bow to burn the blackberries, then attack the heart itself. After a while Zeus will attack. Fight as you did before Gaia's intervention. To get the orbs of life during the fight, you can attack Gaia's heart. When you've dealt enough damage, hints will appear on the screen. Follow the directions and watch the video.

Once you get control, follow the path and pick up the sword. Watch the scene. Come into the darkness. Follow the bloody trail when you get to it. Continue on your way and watch the scenes. Once you get outside, there will be a little first-person game. Watch the scenes.

Congratulations, you've completed God of War III!

Items of the Gods

The game has several bonus items scattered across all locations. After finding them, you can use them during bonus playthroughs (after completing the game for the first time). By the way, turning on any of the bonus items will turn off all cheat codes.

Item: Hades "Helm

What it gives: Maximum scale of health, magic and items

Where to find: After killing Hades and jumping into the Styx River, swim down and to the right (upstream). This helmet can be found at the bottom of the river.

Item: Helios "Shield

What it gives: Combo packs three times faster

Where to find: Located to the right of where you killed Helios.

Item: Hera "s Chalice

What it gives: Slowly depletes health

Where to find: Located to the left of where Hera falls in the garden

Item: Hermes "Coin

What it gives: 10x Red Orbs

Where to find: Found behind a cobblestone during the pursuit of Hermes

Item: Poseidon's Conch Shell

What it gives: Unlimited magic

Where to find: Found in the room where you free the Princess of Poseidon

Item: Zeus "Eagle

What it gives: Unlimited supply of Sparta's Fury

Where to find: Climb the wall to the right of Gaia's Heart. The object is on the ground, it's hard not to notice.


Challenges can be started through the main menu by selecting the "Features" section after you beat the game.

Challenge 01 - Population Control -

Time: 00:01:40

Assignment: Do not allow more than 50 enemies to be in the arena. Kill before too many appear.

In this challenge, you can only use the Nemean Cestus weapon. Look for groups of enemies and use the "R1 + square" attack. This attack is beneficial for two reasons: you only need two such attacks to kill enemies, and you can simply throw enemies off the edge. In addition, this blow hits not one enemy, but all at once that are near you. Just run around the area and hit bigger groups until time runs out.

Challenge 02 - Bare Hands -

Time: 00:01:15

Assignment: Kill all enemies in the allotted time without using weapons.

This time you will not be allowed to use weapons and magic. Grab smaller enemies and run around the field with them, using them as a shield. At the same time, try to aim at larger enemies, and knock them out of the arena (you can throw them off while they are stunned from the previous collision). Be careful when you are near the edge, as enemies can knock you off too. DO NOT USE special attacks to kill large enemies as they take too long.

Challenge 03 - Get Stoned -

Assignment: Let the gorgons turn you to stone 10 times without dying.

Note: You can force gorgons to use their stone breath if you try to grab them. It is also possible to incorrectly press the buttons during the kill, reflecting the beam. In this way, you can control the place where the hero will be turned into stone.

In this task, you need to make sure that you are turned to stone 10 times and at the same time stay alive. If you need to replenish your health, just take a zombie using the "circle" and beat him to death. Try to make sure that you are turned to stone in the zone where there will be the least number of enemies and be ready to turn the joysticks right away. While you wait for the gorgon's beam to fire, you can start destroying smaller enemies. As soon as you are turned to stone twice, the harpies (the most annoying enemies) will appear. Since you will be using Blades of Athena, you will not be able to kill them from afar. You will have Boots of Hermes, so try to get away from them quickly. Try to jump less. Use L1 + Circle to kill harpies. After you have been turned to stone four times, the Satyrs and another gorgon will appear, complicating the task even more. At this time, it is better to run away enemies and wait for a beam attack in a safe area from them. When the enemies begin to press hard, use the Golden Fleece to parry the attack with a beam and turn all enemies into stones. Kill the most annoying ones quickly and continue the test. After the seventh petrification, two ogres will appear. Try to use the petrification tips at the right time for you. Watch the health level very closely, as the attacks of the enemies are very strong. The key to this challenge is to learn how to get the gorgons to turn you into stone at the right time and quickly break out of this state.

Challenge 04 - El Matador - Ole -

Assignment: Don't let the minotaurs gore you. Will not let enemies overwhelm you.

In this challenge, you can easily get rid of the minotaurs by staying very close to the arena paradise and using a double jump when he runs towards you. You also have access to Rage of Sparta on this challenge, so it makes sense to use it on waves 4 and 5.

Challenge 05 - Knockout -

Time: 00:01:00

Task: Earn 1000 points by knocking enemies out of the arena. Sentry = 15 points, Minotaur = 30 points, Ghost = 60 points.

This time, you only have swords at your disposal. Attack the ogre and control it to knock off the enemies (use the "square" button).

Challenge 06 - Hades "Kids -

Time: 00:01:30

Assignment: They do not die, they reproduce. Obtain five Cyclops.

Get close to the Cyclops and constantly use Tartarus Rage to knock him down. Once he dies, two more will appear. Use "square, square, triangle" to quickly stun and kill them. As soon as you kill one, two more appear. The goal is to have five Cyclops in the arena at the same time.

Challenge 07 - Simply Smashing -

Time: 00:00:20

Assignment: Destroy all urns before the time runs out.

On this challenge you will have Blades of Athena and Boots of Hermes at your disposal. It is critical to success to use light single attacks rather than combos to destroy urns.

Completing all the challenges will give you access to the Combat Arena, where you can customize the battle yourself and have fun in full.

S = square

T = triangle

X = cross

Blades of Exile -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Plume of Prometheus

Olympic Fury

Olympic Ascension [Hold T]

Hyperion ram

Hyperion Ram (In the air)

Argo "s Return

Army of Sparta (On the ground or in the air)

Level 2:

Cost = 4000

Damage increase

Cyclone of Chaos

Cyclone of Chaos (In the air)

Argo "s Ram [Parry (L1) and press S]

Level 3:

Cost = 7000

Damage increase

Spirit of hercules

Valor of Hercules

Hyperion fury

Athena "s Wrath [Right stick, T]

Army of Sparta Lv. 2 (On the ground or in the air)

Level 4:

Cost = 8000

Damage increase

Argo "s Rise [Parry (L1) and press T]

Cyclone of Chaos Lv. 2

Tartarus rage

Tartarus Rage (In the air)

Level 5:

Cost = 10000

Damage increase

Tartarus Rage Lv. 2

Tartarus Rage Lv. 2 (In the air)

Army of Sparta Lv. 3 (On the ground and in the air)

In total you need to spend - 29000

Bow of Apollo -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Flame Burst

Flame Burst (In the air)

Fiery Inferno

Level 2:

Cost = 2500

Damage increase

Total spend - 2500

Claws of Hades -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Hades agony

Hades curse

Hades Ascension [hold T]

Soul rip

Soul Rip (In the air)

Soul Summon (In the air or on the ground)

Adds souls: Cerberus Mongrel

Adds souls: Olympus Sentry

Adds souls: Olympus Archer

Level 2:

Cost = 3000

Damage increase

Tormenting lash

Tormenting Lash (In the air)

Level 3:

Cost = 5000

Damage increase

Hades Bane [Right stick, T]

Soul Summon Lv. 2 (On the ground and in the air)

Adds souls: Chimera

Adds souls: Gorgon Serpent

Adds souls: Olympus Fiend

Level 4:

Cost = 6000

Damage increase

Unending Sorrow

Unending Sorrow (In the air)

Level 5:

Cost = 9000

Damage increase

Soul Summon Lv. 3 (On the ground and in the air)

Adds souls: Cyclops Berserker

Adds Souls: Centaur General

Adds souls: Siren Seductress

Total spend - 23000

Head of Helios -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Solar beam

Solar Flash

Solar flare

Level 2:

Cost = 2500

Damage increase

Total spend - 2500

Boots of Hermes -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Hermes Dash (In the air) [right stick]

Hermes rush

Level 2:

Cost = 2500

Damage increase

Hermes jest

Total spend - 2500

Nemean Cestus -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Triumphant labor

Erymantion rage

Augean Stampede [hold up S]

Augean Stampede (In the air) [hold up S]

Brutal Ascension [hold T]

Ferocious bite

Ferocious Bite (In the air)

Nemean Roar (On the ground or in the air)

Level 2:

Cost = 3000

Damage increase

Vicious maul

Vicious Maul (In the air)

Level 3:

Cost = 5000

Damage increase

Savage Charge [right stick, T]

Nemean Roar Lv. 2 (On the ground or in the air)

Level 4:

Cost = 5000

Damage increase

Crushing strike

Crushing Strike (Airborne)

Level 5:

Cost = 8000

Damage increase

Nemean Roar Lv. 3 (On the ground or in the air)

In total you need to spend - 21000

Nemesis Whip -

Level 1:

Cost = 0

Furious Contempt

Harsh penance

Righteous Tirade [hold up S]

Righteous Ascension [Hold T]

Surging Lash

Surging Lash (In the air)

Nemesis Rage (On the ground or in the air)

Level 2:

Cost = 3000

Damage increase

Severe Judgment

Severe Judgment (In the air)

Increased Righteous Tirade Duration [Hold S]

Increased Righteous Ascension Duration [Hold T]

Level 3:

Cost = 5000

Damage increase

Avenging Strike [right stick, T]

Nemesis Rage Lv. 2 (On the ground or in the air)

19.12.2019 20:17:00 THQ Nordic has just announced a remake of the first "Gothic" on the Unreal Engine 4. A game prototype of the novelty is already available on Steam - it can be appreciated by all users in whose library ...
The day before, Techland studio launched a New Year event in its zombie action Dying Light, containing exciting activities, gifts and treats. The event will be active on PC, PS4 and Xbox One platforms until ...

You only need to go straight, without turning anywhere until you see a passage on your right, overgrown with roots. Walk up to it and chop up the growths. After that, go further and see the hand of Gaia. Run up to her and grab her finger to throw her into the abyss. After that, you can move forward again until you find yourself near a huge gate made of gold. It is worth noting that you need to be prepared to repel the attack of opponents, of which there will be a decent number. After you show them Kuzkin's mother, you can go through the doors, which will now open.

Continuing the passage of the game God of War 3, you will see another hint on the monitor. Just follow all instructions and you should be fine. When you need to overcome a certain distance, you can use the services of the harpy paws, and change them during the flight. If you need to replenish the supply of souls, then you can find chests with it under these mutants. After moving to the opposite side, immediately find a place where you can save. Then move on.

You can now replenish your souls. Go to the right side and find several chests there. Only first it will be necessary to repulse the attack of a detachment of opponents, which can be dealt with by holding down on the "O + square", and then with the help of this shield move through all the enemies. After taking a couple of steps, you will find yourself in front of an abyss. Wait until the harpy appears, and grab onto it, move the same way as before. After you find yourself on the opposite side, look to the left and you will see that a gate will open, from which a centaur with other monsters appears. After you eliminate everyone, you can go out onto the path leading upstairs and move along it.

After a little walk, a short video will start, in which a titan of impressive size and the Greek sun god - Helios will be shown. Then take a close look around and find a loaded ballista. Approach it and apply. After that, be careful, because a chimera will creep up from behind. It is worth noting that when going through this encounter in the game God of War 3, you will need to kill this monster in several stages. After eliminating her, sneak back to the ballista and wait while Helios rushes in a chariot in front of the titan. Take a shot and watch the video. Then you can go down and move to the gorge.

Once in place, wait a bit for a hint on how to attract the attention of the harpies to yourself appears. Then take out the bow, pull the string and shoot at the harpy. She will immediately rush to you, catch on to her and fly over the abyss.

After you find yourself on the ground, you will be attacked by opponents. Don't waste a minute, kill everyone and move on. Now you will need to get close to the broken chariot of Helios. It is worth noting that when you are looking for the chariot, do not forget to open the boxes, because you can find magic and souls in them. Do not worry and do not be afraid of anything, as the opponents will not attack yet.

Getting close to Helios, you will see that on his side there are about ten opponents with mineral shields that will not break through at the current level of health. To successfully complete this fight in the game God of War 3, you need to inflict defense damage, because otherwise, the plot will stop. After you take the first blow, an ogre armed with a club will appear on your left. You need to instantly stun him, and then pinch him in order to calmly climb onto him. It is with his help that you will punch a hole in the defense of Helios. Now the screen will display the buttons on which you should hold down in the order in which it will be indicated.

After a while, a small cut-scene will start. Then you will be blinded by the bright light, hurry up to cover yourself with your hand to avoid being blinded. Apply an analog stick and your hand will automatically cover your eyes. Of course, this has its inconveniences, but nothing can be done about it. Then you need to hold down on "O" for your hero to attack Helios. Now you will again witness a small cut-scene in which it will be shown how the sun god is left without a head. It is worth noting that he is one of the most important characters in the game, and if he is killed, then most of the tasks will not be able to pass. Even some of the boxes, well hidden on the map, cannot be found without the bright light emitted from the sun god.

Continue through God of War 3 and head towards the door, which will eventually be closed. Now take out the head of Helios and shine it on the wall in front of you. I advise you to use an analog stick to sweep the light across the entire surface of the wall. Sooner or later, a passage will open, along which you should move further.

Path "Eos"

Now you will find yourself in pitch darkness, through which you will need to go forward. However, you have the head of the sun god, so use it and light your way. It is worth noting that with the help of this head you can blind opponents using the "L2 + triangle" combination. It is worth noting that if there are fragile objects around, then they will all break from the emitted light. Proceed further until you see another secret door. In order to open it, you just need to point your head at it and the passage will be free.

Continuing the passage of God of War 3, move along the corridor until you see a rope along which you can get over to the opposite side. Once there, jump off. Now carefully look around and up to find a cliff in the pitch darkness. Then you can go to the large room to witness the cut-scene.

After passing a little, you will find yourself near an abyss, which can only be crossed with the help of harpies. Once on the opposite side, look around and find boxes in which souls are imprisoned. Then you can move further, only carefully, since the opponents are not sleeping, but now they are attacking. It is worth noting that this time the enemies will hide underground, and then attack you from there. Try not to get under their blows and use the following combination to destroy them: "" L1 + O ". This is the only way your ward will be able to get them out of the ground and beat them. You need to clamp this combination as often as possible in order to destroy everyone in time. all opponents will be dead, continue playing God of War 3 and find the point near which you want to save. Then go to the large chain and take off.

Balance Chains

I must say right away that you will be flying at high speed. Now you have to dodge the boulders falling from above and go around obstacles that will block your path during the flight. To keep your flight under control, use the analog stick. Just do it as gently and slowly as possible, without creating unnecessary hesitation, because otherwise you may break. As soon as your ward is at the final point of the flight, a prompt will immediately appear on the monitor, the guidance of which must be followed. It is worth noting that such flights are dangerous for time only at a difficult level, and will take about 10 minutes of time.


As soon as you watch the video, you will be automatically transferred to huge caves. You are immediately attacked by enemies, so be careful. The very first attackers will be quite weak, so it will not be difficult to destroy them. And the second will be attacked by the minotaurs, who will try to break the chains with which you are held. You will have to destroy them before they completely destroy your chain. Just apply in the passage of this fight in God of War 3 such a combination as: "L1 + triple pressing the triangle + any additional attack and opponents will be stunned. But if you do not have time to hold down all the necessary keys, then just apply magic to the minotaurs. Only absolutely everything. must be done at high speed.If you are attacked by archers, then take out the bow and hit them with burning arrows.

After defeating opponents, you can move further and climb onto the box. Now the video will start automatically, the main character of which is Hermes. After it finishes, you can go and save, and then apply the hold.

I must say right away that this is a large and long chain, with the help of which balance is maintained. Only one thing pleases that it will not take long to crawl along it. As soon as you get to the opposite side, carefully study the territory and open all the chests, boxes and find all the secret rooms. Then in the passage of God of War 3, move to the right and save.

Then you need to get the head of Helios and with its help illuminate every picture hanging in the hall of Olympus, this is the only way the plot will develop further. One more thing, as soon as you put the light on the last picture, Hermes will immediately appear, after which you need to chase.

With maximum speed, chase this villain, when there are vertical surfaces, then you will simply get out on them, and if you come across opponents, you need to neutralize them and continue the chase.

Now you should find the wounded Hermes, who is on the lower floor. Continuing the passage of the game God of War 3 you need to move to the arched vault, therefore, turn to the right side. Thus, you will find yourself near the gorge. Pull the harpy again to fly to the opposite side. Now you can easily find an enemy who will moan and be highlighted. Walk up to him and start banging him until the cut-scene starts. Then Hermes will fight back, and you need to immediately suppress his attack, using all available means.

Then on the monitor you will see the icons that you need to click to cut off the opponent's legs. After Hermes is eliminated, you will have at your disposal the "Boots of Hermes", wearing which you can reach any target at a breakneck speed. In order to find values, just go to the head of the statue and look behind it. Then go to the structure made of wood and, using the boots, move over it. So, click on "L1 + X" to climb onto a vertical surface. It is worth noting that if a horizontal plane appears in front of you, then you need to clamp the same combination. If you take out the map, you will see the places where you need to use your boots, they will be marked with golden footprints. Use these tips.

Then, during the passage of God of War 3, look at the camera all the time in order to move along the desired path. As soon as you find yourself near a small arena, in which there are three ogres and a few more enemies, then take out your weapon and finish them off. Then go further, and do not miss the chance to look into all the boxes that are here. Now you can go along the corridor, simultaneously eliminating enemies. Sooner or later you will find yourself near the stairs, climb up it. Once upstairs, go through the doors and find yourself in a huge hall, on both sides of which are placed air "cushions". It is with their help that you can get to the top panel.

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