Horoscope for December of a single Virgo woman. Love horoscope for Virgo Woman

The main idea of ​​the month is home improvement. A reliable rear is a guarantee of social success. Household members will melt if you proceed with the planned repairs. Start by clearing your home of unnecessary things. And at the same time, sort your plans into shelves in your thoughts. In the second half of the month, refrain from thoughtless actions.

If the business you are about to get involved in seems like a gamble, it is better to abandon it. You shouldn't go against fate. Circumstances are stronger than you. In unpleasant situations, try to maintain composure and a sense of humor. At the end of the month, all unfinished matters will have to be urgently dealt with.

Horoscope for December 2018 Virgo woman

Be patient with your loved ones: sometimes their words and actions will irritate you, but it’s still better to refrain from harsh comments. You should not be frank with people you don’t know, share your plans, talk about your feelings and experiences; restraint will help avoid many unpleasant moments. The second half of December is suitable for creative activities, experiments, and search for non-standard solutions. At the same time, some Virgos will have great ideas regarding work; soon they will be implemented.

Horoscope for December 2018 Virgo man

It is not easy to concentrate on work: thoughts about family matters and household chores interfere. Meanwhile, new opportunities are opening up in the business sphere; take advantage of them, and the path to career heights will open before you. Remember that in December, not only your professionalism is important, but also your ability to get along with people. Avoid conflicts with colleagues and disputes with management. Your loved ones need your attention and care more than usual. You may have to postpone planned activities to help older relatives.

Favorable days: 3, 7, 17, 21, 30, 31. Unfavorable days: 2, 6, 12, 19, 20, 24, 29.

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What does December 2017 have in store for Women under the sign of Virgo?

The heavenly patrons have prepared many pleasant moments for Virgos. They need to sort out their thoughts and understand what exactly they want. At such moments, girls will outline their life guidelines, and their destiny will become brighter.

Love horoscope for Virgo Woman

Virgos without a partner should step away from other matters and start organizing their personal lives. This month they will meet several men on social networks. Most likely, one of them will be a future lover.

Married women are in for a difficult month. They will have to constantly sort things out with their other half. Perhaps towards the end of the period they will decide to take a break and separate for a while. The approach of the new year will have a moral impact on Virgos who are dissatisfied with their relationships; they will hope that from the new year they will be able to start a new, brighter life filled with love and care. Having been alone a little, you will be able to correctly assess the situation and weigh the pros and cons.

Love horoscope for December 2017: Virgo The woman will feel that it is worth casting doubts aside and trying to find her love on the Internet.

Finance and work

The stars recommend that beautiful Virgos relieve tension, relax and work in a calm manner. When the stress passes, they will finally have an understanding of what they want to do in the future. The heavenly bodies suggest that you should not chase money now, since it is important to fully understand whether women of this sign want to stay in their previous place of work or change it. After making such a serious decision, they will take a fresh look at their lives and formulate a plan to conquer career heights. Financially, Virgo girls can lose money if they don't put it in a bank account. Therefore, you should not lend money this month even to close people.

Health and leisure

In December, the most vulnerable place for beautiful representatives of this sign will be the lungs and sternum area. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination. The stars advise you to be careful and beware of injuries, fractures, and bruises. Virgos need to properly distribute their physical strength, otherwise they can easily overstrain themselves and end up in the hospital, which will be quite a shame on the eve of the New Year, when everyone is preparing for the holiday and having fun.

  • Favorable days for Virgo women – 8, 12, 14, 27
  • Unfavorable days for Virgo women – 1, 15, 21
Published: 2017-11-15, Modified: 2018-10-23,
  • Favorable days for Virgos in December 2017: December 4, 9, 14, 19, 21, 25, 31.
  • Difficult days for Virgos in December 2017: December 1, 11, 27.

Horoscope for December 2017 Virgo woman

Love horoscope

December 1 - December 10. Now your interest in your loved one will decrease so much that you will begin to avoid him. You think too practically even for a Virgo, and it is in your own interests to hide your true feelings and plans from your partner - he can be seriously offended, and in the future you may deeply regret breaking up with him.

December 11 - December 20. Mid-December will have a positive impact on your love relationships. You will come to understand how much this person means to you. There is a possibility that your relatives may have set you up against him before. It seemed to you that your chosen one was putting too much pressure on you. However, now you can make sure that he is ready to be soft and make concessions.

December 21 – December 31. Tense aspects indicate that not everything in your personal life will suit you. Your loved one will try to dictate his will to you. Resist, however, this should be done not directly, but gradually. It is difficult for you to openly rebuff your chosen one, since you most likely depend on him financially.

Romantic date. In the first half of the period, no matter what your loved one offers, it is unlikely to suit you. You will generally be very capricious and demanding. Either it will seem to you that he is saving money on you, or on the contrary, that he is wasting money.

Family horoscope

Since the position of the Sun emphasizes your interest in family and roots, household chores will be your first priority for most of the period. You will begin to monitor compliance with various rules and customs accepted in your family, and convince your relatives that this is simply necessary. You will also pay a lot of attention to solving inheritance and property issues, showing honesty, tact and firmness.

The secret of happiness. In your struggle for justice, you should not forget that you love your family. Do not force them into a narrow framework unless absolutely necessary; consult with them when making important decisions. Of course they will support you!

Holiday horoscope

Now you will have so many household chores that you simply won’t be able to find time to relax. Yes, you won’t want to do this until you have resolved all your important issues. Towards the end of the month, you will finally be able to relax and go on vacation with your loved one or girlfriend.

Place of power. You will be inspired by places associated with family history. They will leave a strong impression on your soul; you won’t like everything, but you will remember everything.

Horoscope of work and money

For most of the period you will have a stable income. However, you may be faced with a choice - good relations with management or good relations with family. Both at work and at home, your presence and active participation in all matters will be needed. In the second half of the period, the tension of the situation will subside and you will be able to relax.

Purchase of the month. Large purchases for the family and home are possible - purchasing real estate or building a summer house. It will take a lot of money!

Horoscope health

In the first half of the period, you may experience health problems due to worries. Possible disruptions in the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Try to push difficulties further away, not think about what you cannot change, and rest more.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Virgo men

Love. In the first half of the period, your Virgo man will be too strict towards you. He may not like your humor or frivolous attitude towards family values. God forbid you joke about his relatives or traditions in his family - then this will be the last meeting with him. But don’t break the rules he set, even if they seem absurd to you, and everything will be fine with you.

Tone. Your loved one will want to adhere to the classic principles of a healthy lifestyle. Don't be surprised when he takes his grandfather's dumbbells from the mezzanine and starts doing gymnastics. He will also like it if you master the recipes from the Soviet book about tasty and healthy food.

Finance. Your chosen one has an excellent financial situation, and you should not believe his lamentations about the massive rise in food prices and a drop in income. He only prefers to spend his savings on those who are closest to him, and on himself. But he will easily refuse to buy you some trifle, even if he has money.

Hobbies. Your man will be concerned about questions related to his roots, heredity, and origins. He can start compiling a family tree and begin collecting information about his ancestors.

Horoscope for December 2017 Virgo child

0-6 years. The Virgo baby can behave seriously and respectably beyond his years. He will enjoy talking with his grandparents, listening to their stories about the past, memories of childhood. But the child may perceive his parents as too strict and demanding teachers who always want something from him.

7-12 years old. Your student may come into conflict with the teacher, and the reason will be some kind of personal antipathy. The child will even begin to be rude to the teacher, asking for a quarrel. This is possible only in one case - if he believes that he was treated unfairly.

13-17 years old. The Virgo teenager will be angry with you for no reason or no reason. In fact, he will want you to recognize him as your equal and consult with him more often on a variety of issues. It's important to start taking it seriously.

Read the horoscope for December 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Representatives of the sign in December will either become despondent due to unrequited feelings, or enjoy their success with the opposite sex. All emotions will seethe, but their nature of manifestation will also be completely different. And to avoid moral exhaustion because of this, you will have to take a break and moderate your communication with your other half.

The desire for change will push Virgos to take very rash actions. At the beginning of December, many will want to make a big gesture towards their partner. As a result, you can buy tickets to another country without notifying your loved one and have a romantic dinner there. Of course, such a gesture will be appreciated. But you must understand that you should not wait for a response, since it will not happen. Therefore, if you make such a gesture, it is completely disinterested.

In family life, some representatives of the sign will begin to demonstrate their complex character, showing who is in charge in the house. And the other half will not like such a dominant position at all. A conflict of interest will arise. This is especially true for those couples raising children. On this basis, misunderstandings and conflicts will constantly arise, developing into serious quarrels.

Heartfelt, evening conversations over a cup of tea will help you avoid this, when all the nuances relating to raising your own children can be calmly and peacefully discussed.

Virgo Woman: Love Horoscope for December 2019

The beginning of the month for many representatives of the sign will be very emotional and romantic. Fans will shower them with flowers and gifts. Pleasant gifts and surprises will lift your spirits.

This will make your eyes glow, and you yourself will become simply irresistible. And this will be another reason for someone of the opposite sex to start a conversation with you. So don’t be surprised when a stranger comes up to you on the street and simply gives you a compliment or gives you a chocolate bar. There will be plenty of such attention.

Married women will begin to delve into themselves. They will begin to analyze their family relationships with those they had before. And having identified some shortcomings and disadvantages, they may begin to worry a lot about it. To prevent this from happening, the stars advise you to stop sorting your family life into pieces. You should let go of the situation and give time for your partner to show his best side.

But the end of December is ideal for thinking about adding to your family. So you can arrange a romantic dinner by candlelight for your other half, smoothly flowing into a passionate night.

Virgo Man: Love Horoscope for December 2019

You will be covered by a varied range of emotions. At first, you may think that you are not yet ready for a serious relationship. Moreover, it is difficult for you to decide on your likes, since you like all the girls around you.

Such mood swings will not end well for you. You may get confused about what exactly you want. Because of this, you will not be able to see a good girl next to you who would be ideal for the role of a future life partner.

As for the married representatives of the sign, they will look for new adventures with great pleasure. And it’s good if you take your soulmate on such a search, experiencing an emotional upsurge with her.

But some will decide that the family idyll needs adjustment, and will begin to make not entirely beautiful gestures towards their partner. Therefore, in order to save the family and not hurt your loved one, you should first discuss your intended plan of action in order to find out her opinions on this matter.

Frosty December will be a month of changes in relationships for Virgo. The love horoscope advises not to chase ideals, but to appreciate what you have. However, the critical Virgo will want to change her partner by demanding more respect and attention from him. Lonely Virgos may meet their destiny in December. If this happens, then most likely the wedding will take place next year.

Love horoscope for Virgos for December 2019

December 2019 will bring Virgos a lot of pleasant emotions, and at the same time will make them think about some of the actions of a loved one. An understanding of something more will come. Virgos can go to extremes, building a logical sequence of events and actions. The actions of some zodiac signs cannot always be explained by logic, hence Virgo’s erroneous assessments.

Here's what you should do this month to attract a worthy person into your life and maintain love in your marriage. For the New Year's holiday, the love horoscope advises Virgos to give up artificial trees. A few branches of a living coniferous tree are better. This will symbolize the partner's true genuine feelings for Virgo. By the end of the year, you must make peace with your loved one, even if you have to step over your own principles. Virgos should look at relationships a little easier and simpler, which will be extremely difficult to do. Because this is not typical for people of the earthly zodiac sign. However, it is the ease in relationships that will allow you to get away from petty quarrels and insults in December.

Virgo's relationships with other earthly signs of the Zodiac will work out very well. If they are not bosses at work for Virgo. The love horoscope strongly advises single people to meet someone before the end of the year. Relationships that arose in December have every chance of developing into deep and mutual feelings.

Love horoscope for Virgo women for December 2019

Sweet Virgo women will enjoy the love that they will receive from a spouse or loved one with whom they have developed a long-term and promising relationship. If the girl is still single, then it is in December that she will have fans of her level. And she will unmistakably choose exactly the one who is destined for her.

The Virgo woman should pay more attention to her appearance, as well as her habits and pleasures. Under no circumstances should they be abandoned. December is a month of selfish actions for Virgo. Oddly enough, it is healthy selfishness that will attract a worthy partner into Virgo’s life. The love horoscope advises Virgos not to fall too much in love, but to maintain a sober mind. And if a girl is very much in love, she should not show it, but only hint.

The second half of December will be especially interesting. Perhaps there will be a marriage proposal. Don't pretend to be indifferent, making your partner nervous. If your heart trembles and your mind tells you that everything will be fine, you should agree. December can also bring surprises to established relationships. But a woman should be wiser. Don't rush into making a decision; there is still time to think before the end of the year.

Love horoscope for Virgo men for December 2019

Charming Virgo men will be in a state of love in December. The horoscope advises you to enjoy what fate sends. December is favorable for dating, marriage registration, and reconciliation with your partners. A Virgo man will be happy in a relationship with a girl of an earth sign. However, a girl of a water sign will give him passion.

December brings not only pleasant experiences. You should be careful with your words. It can be easy to offend or push away, but then it is difficult to put the broken relationship back together. Virgo men will be prone to jealousy and suspicion. The love horoscope advises you to delay making a decision. December is not conducive to radical changes in your personal life. Virgos should not think about what others will think of them. First of all, you need to think about your own feelings and experiences. December does not forgive fears and grievances. Get rid of these negative emotions.

Love horoscope for Virgos for other months of 2019

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