Cardiovascular sanatoriums: how is the treatment of the heart and blood vessels carried out, indications, which one to go to? Spa treatment for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in the cardiological sanatorium.

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Today, the level of development of medicine makes it possible to diagnose a variety of diseases using the most complex methods, to carry out effective drug treatment and high-tech operations that return patients not only to life, but also to its high quality. At the same time, health care does not abandon the preventive direction, actively developing it and helping patients with various pathologies in the rehabilitation and health maintenance.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are the most acute problem of modern medicine, after all, the number of patients is increasing every year, the pathology is "rejuvenating", and even the entire arsenal of therapeutic measures does not always allow avoiding complications, disability and death. For the prevention of many cardiological diseases, strengthening the health of people who are already ill, numerous cardiovascular sanatoriums have been created.

Spa treatment is especially popular among people of mature and old age. This is no coincidence, because over the years, the risk of pathology of internal organs increases significantly, and by retirement age the population has more than one disease, but several at once, among which the most frequent are considered.

Sanatoriums of the cardiovascular profile usually offer a set of measures for the prevention and treatment of not only cardiac diseases, but also lesions of other internal organs. This is justified, since many elderly people, in addition to heart disease, suffer from diabetes, digestive disorders, and chronic broncho-pulmonary pathology.

In order for the spa treatment to be most effective, different therapeutic profiles are developed in the same sanatorium - cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, etc. Almost everywhere there are conditions for the correction of disorders of the spine and joints. For medicinal purposes, a variety of natural resources are used to help patients improve their well-being and gain strength.

Why are sanatoriums needed?

Sanatorium treatment of pathology of internal organs began to develop actively in the middle of the last century, rapidly gaining popularity among people of all ages. This direction is very common in the countries of the post-Soviet space, but is practically not used in the West. This feature is associated with the organization of the health care system as a whole.

In Europe the treatment was carried out and is carried out by doctors on an outpatient basis and in clinics, and the lifestyle is aimed at. Paid medical services can not be "pulled" by everyone, and being "on sick leave" at home is not paid for, so the European is interested in the maximum preservation of working capacity and health. Treatment takes place in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, and rest and recuperation - in resort areas, parks, swimming pools, in nature and on an independent basis.

Soviet medicine was arranged in such a way that diseases were not always cured in the hospital, and many patients required additional rehabilitation treatment, which they received in sanatoriums. Young people went to resorts not so much for treatment as for rest, because travel opportunities were limited.

Times have changed, but sanatoriums are still popular. Firstly, they provide an opportunity to rest, and secondly, to heal for a number of diseases. It is no secret that many patients drag on visits to the doctor for a long time, missing the moment when the disease turns into an irreversible chronic form. This is also facilitated by insufficient preventive work with the population, which is still not interested in maintaining health on their own, in their way of life, and in active pastime.

The range of services provided by modern health resorts is constantly expanding in accordance with demand. Cosmetology procedures, various wraps, phyto-baths, etc. are becoming in demand. Demand creates supply, and sanatoriums actively satisfy the needs of various segments of the population.

It is worth noting that in the post-Soviet space, the sanatorium direction does not aim to heal and heal, although many patients go there for this. The main purpose of staying in a sanatorium is prevention, general health improvement, rest, therefore, a range of not only indications, but also contraindications to sanatorium treatment has been determined.

To improve the health of vacationers in the sanatoriums, mainly natural resources are used - fresh air from ecologically clean areas, mineral water, therapeutic mud, a favorable climate, which are actively supplemented by physiotherapy, physical education, and water procedures.

Who is the spa treatment indicated for?

Treatment in a sanatorium has its own indications, based on the profile of the institution. Sanatoriums with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases accept patients with:

  • ( , );
  • with damage to the structures of the heart;
  • , peripheral bloodstream.

All these diseases should be compensated as much as possible without exacerbation. Not allowed for treatment a patient with, when the level of pressure is not corrected by taking medications, with or progressive angina pectoris, exacerbation of rheumatic heart disease. In these cases, it is necessary to undergo preliminary treatment in a hospital or at the place of residence in a polyclinic. After the normalization of health, test indicators and other examinations, the therapist recommends or allows the patient to go to the sanatorium.

Sanatorium treatment is contraindicated in some cases:

  • Exacerbation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Bleeding;
  • Acute infectious pathology.

Any acute manifestations of diseases of the cardiovascular system, whether it be a hypertensive crisis or a heart attack, require treatment in a hospital, sanatoriums are not able to provide proper conditions and observation of the patient. Spa treatment is also contraindicated. with severe, starting with stage IIB, or paroxysms of tachycardia with frequent breakdowns of the rhythm, with a heart rate of less than 50 per minute. If it is not clear, the therapist of the polyclinic can prohibit the trip to the sanatorium, referring the patient to the hospital for examination and treatment.

It is believed that the optimal duration of stay in a sanatorium is 2-3 weeks, during this period, you can go through all the necessary diagnostic procedures and a course of full treatment. In many sanatoriums, the patient can choose the length of stay, having predetermined the dates of arrival and departure convenient for himself, but as a rule, the minimum is 14 days.

Treatment in a sanatorium can be both paid and at the expense of the organization sending for treatment. In the first case, the vacationer himself sets the duration of treatment, and the list of procedures and conditions of stay depend on his ability to pay. In the second, the voucher is issued by the institution to its employee, partially or fully covering its cost.

The conditions of stay that modern sanatoriums offer are quite comfortable and capable of satisfying even the most demanding client. If you wish, you can choose a single deluxe room with all the amenities, and if it is boring to rest alone, then there is always the possibility of settling in multi-bed rooms.

How to choose a good sanatorium?

Having set themselves the goal of going to a sanatorium for treatment, potential vacationers begin to search for the most rational options. Someone prefers the mountain air of Transcarpathia or the maritime and warm climate of the Crimea, while others, on the contrary, do not want to dramatically change the weather conditions and prefer rest in the middle lane. Many people find it unacceptable to have a long way to a vacation spot, so they want to find a sanatorium not far from home.

Sanatoriums with the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and other pathologies of a therapeutic profile are widespread in any climatic zone, so it will not be difficult to make a choice. The main point when looking for a suitable option, in addition to the quality of medical services, can be the comfort of travel and accommodation.

The resorts of Crimea, Kislovodsk, and Belarusian health resorts are popular among the citizens of Russia. Crimea attracts with warm sea air, Kislovodsk - with mineral waters and mud, Belarus - with a mild climate, picturesque nature and affordable prices.

Rest in the suburbs

Residents of Moscow and nearby regions who do not want to leave for treatment far from home can find an acceptable option for a vacation in the Moscow region. The advantages in this case will be the usual climatic conditions and a short time spent on the road to the place of rest and treatment.

In the sanatoriums of the Moscow region, you can undergo rehabilitation and treatment after a myocardial infarction, as well as operations on the heart and blood vessels (valve replacement, bypass surgery).

The main resource of the Moscow Region health resorts is a mild climate, picturesque nature, lakes and forests. For treatment, mineral waters, physiotherapy procedures, exercise therapy, dietary nutrition are used. In sanatoriums, a vacationer can be offered treatment with medical leeches, acupuncture, effective psychotherapeutic assistance, because rehabilitation after heart surgery includes, among other things, restoring the patient's emotional state.

For a variety of recreation and leisure for clients, the sanatoriums of the Moscow region offer to use gyms, tennis courts, in winter you can rent skis, in summer you can go fishing. Various tourist programs are organized with visits to local attractions.

When choosing a sanatorium in the Moscow region, many pay attention not only to the list of services and the cost of stay, but also to the reviews of those who have already been there. Of course, it is a shame, having arrived, not to find some of the proposed entertainment activities, to learn about the additional fee for visiting the ice rink, to be faced with tasteless food and cold water in the pool. To avoid this, vacationers are guided by the opinions of people who have visited this or that sanatorium. Fortunately, using the Internet, this is quite easy to do.

We will not dwell on sanatoriums with a bad reputation among vacationers, but we will mention those that fully satisfy the tastes of their customers. Pension "Zarya", specializing in the pathology of the heart and blood vessels, nervous, respiratory systems, spine and joints, offers comfortable living conditions, including with children, high-quality nutrition, physiotherapy and water procedures, uses therapeutic mud and mineral waters. In the boarding house you can spend several days or just a weekend, the term is determined by the desire of the vacationer.

Podmoskovny sanatorium "Valuevo" provides services for the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone surgery on the heart and blood vessels. For this, qualified personnel work, physiotherapy and water treatment are used, cooks prepare diet food.

Sanatorium "Buran" also boasts positive impressions of its customers. Here you can treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, or just relax in a quiet and cozy atmosphere with your family. Children are accepted from two years old, high-quality meals and leisure activities are organized.

Sanatoriums of Belarus

Rest in Belarus is attractive for a wide range of services, loyal prices and quite comfortable conditions. The mild climate suits the absolute majority of cardiac patients, and the friendly staff will not disregard a single vacationer.

The sanatoriums of Belarus annually receive more than one thousand not only citizens of the republic, but also foreigners who come there, among whom are the lion's share of Russians. Vacationers are attracted by the location of sanatoriums in the left-park ecologically clean zones, on the banks of rivers and lakes. In addition to quality treatment, the visitor gains strength by walking around the surrounding attractions and breathing fresh air. Mineral water is extracted in many parts of the republic, and "salt caves" have been created based on natural resources.

Among the health resorts of Belarus, the largest is considered sanatorium "Bug", which is one of the best in terms of the quality of medical care provided and the comfort of stay. The institution is located in the Brest region, specializing in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, spine. At the guests' service are single and double rooms with all conveniences, excellent food, highly qualified medical personnel.

With a high level of service that meets European standards, the sanatorium strives to adhere to an affordable pricing policy, providing discounts to certain groups of patients, pensioners, vacationing with children. It is no coincidence that among the clients you can find not only citizens of the former Soviet republics, but also residents of Germany, Poland, Israel and other countries.

The large sanatorium "Chenki", built right on the river bank near Gomel. Here you can undergo treatment of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, spine. The sanatorium offers comfortable conditions and a wide range of medical procedures, including balneotherapy, mineral waters, and various cosmetic services. Mineral water is obtained on the territory of the institution, and the physiotherapy department is recognized as one of the best in the country.

In the Chenki sanatorium, much attention is paid to nutrition, which not only meets the needs and tastes of vacationers, but is also aimed at correcting existing disorders, including with pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Rest in Crimea

Fans of a warm sea climate in the middle zone will prefer the resorts of the Crimea, which for many decades have been receiving vacationers from various parts of Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Rest in Crimea is attractive not only for medical services, but also for the great natural potential of these places. All kinds of healing mud, estuaries, warm sea air can work wonders, returning strength and energy.

Among the boarding houses of the Crimean peninsula are popular "Miskhor", specializing in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. The institution provides many treatments - balneology, salt caves, mineral mud.

Yalta sanatorium named after Kirov will help in the treatment of not only the pathology of the heart and blood vessels, but also other internal organs. In addition to medical procedures, including balneotherapy, mud therapy, massage, physiotherapy techniques, the vacationer enjoys a special climate, warm sea, admires the beautiful nature.

Patients with peripheral vascular pathology, rheumatism, arterial hypertension can choose for themselves the health resorts of Evpatoria, among which - "Primorye"... The institution offers excellent conditions for stay, food, including dietary, various physiotherapy, water, mud, climatotherapy. In addition to adults, here you can improve the health of children with cardiovascular pathology, who are accepted accompanied by adults.

Mineral waters of Kislovodsk

Sanatoriums of Kislovodsk are traditionally popular among residents of Russia and abroad due to the special mountain climate and mineral waters that are actively mined in this area. A large number of health resorts are concentrated in Kislovodsk, specializing specifically in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The resort areas of the Caucasus offer year-round rest, allow you to undergo a full examination of the heart and blood vessels and a full course of treatment. The sanatoriums employ highly qualified personnel and have the appropriate high-level equipment. Prices for treatment may turn out to be slightly higher than in other regions, but according to reviews of vacationers, the costs are justified.

The main healing resources of Kislovodsk are mud, mineral water and a mountainous climate, which is well tolerated by people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Narzan waters have been extracted there for over 200 years and have established themselves as an excellent remedy for the treatment of pathology of internal organs. Mineral water is used not only for ingestion, but also therapeutic baths.

Among the sanatoriums in Kislovodsk, the client may prefer economy-class, medium-level institutions and high-comfort sanatoriums. Of course, the conditions of stay are reflected in the price, so everyone chooses a vacation not only to their taste, but also their wallet.

Among the health resorts of the economy level - sanatorium them. Semashko, which has been functioning for nearly a hundred years. Here you can treat pathology of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gynecological and urological problems. Mineral water Essentuki-4, Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya is extracted on the territory of the institution. It is possible to rest with children, whose treatment is carried out from 5 years of age, up to 14 years old, discounts on accommodation and meals are available.

Among the high-level Kislovodsk sanatoriums, one can note "Red stones", "Narzan Valley"... These institutions provide services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases not only of the cardiovascular system, but also of other organs - the digestive tract, ENT organs, gynecological and endocrine pathology.

On the territory of the sanatoriums of Kislovodsk there are tennis courts, walking paths, libraries. You can improve your health in the gym, pool, sauna. For the comfort of vacationers, the Internet is available, there are parking lots, hairdressers. Many sanatoriums are expanding the range of cosmetic procedures, attracting the fair sex of all ages.

Video: sanatorium im. G.K. Ordzhonikidze, Kislovodsk

In addition to those described, there are many other sanatoriums in different parts of Russia and the near abroad, we stopped only at a few that provide services to patients with a cardiological profile. People with pathology of the heart and blood vessels can also choose general therapeutic sanatoriums, in which it is not necessary to undergo the maximum number of medical procedures, because just rest, a change of scenery, fresh air, walks are also an important part of maintaining health.

When choosing a sanatorium, they usually focus on the price and list of medical services, distance from home, and climatic zone. Feedback from visitors is of no small importance, so it is better to find out in advance as much information as possible about the proposed vacation spot, so that only positive emotions await in the sanatorium itself, and if there are surprises, then only good ones.

A. Olesya Valerievna, Ph.D., teacher of a medical university

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The cardiovascular system is a system that ensures blood circulation in the human body. The circulatory system can be safely considered the most important component of the human body. By ensuring the transportation of nutrients to vital organs and removing all unnecessary substances (toxins) from the body to the excretory system, the cardiovascular system provides us with a full-fledged healthy life.

The cardiovascular system includes the heart and blood vessels of various sizes, each of which is an integral part of the uninterrupted useful operation of the entire system. The heart, like a motor, drives blood through the vessels, delivering the necessary substances and taking away the already useless ones. Without such transportation, the human body would not have such an important immunity, without which it is common to constantly get sick or even worse ...

Unfortunately, even such an important and powerful organ as the heart, and therefore its assistants - the vessels, can hurt ... and because of the heavy load they do it most often. Among all diseases, namely diseases of the cardiovascular system are leaders. People over the age of 40 are most susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The most common diseases are:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • Hypertension;
  • Ischemic heart disease (CHD);
  • Heart failure;
  • Arrhythmia.

Medical treatment of the cardiovascular system

Medication treatment of the heart and blood vessels occurs quite often. For the treatment of each disease, their own drugs are used. Of course, medications and drugs can alleviate the disease, but medications have a lot of side effects. Moreover, in no case should you independently prescribe medication for yourself, based on the advice of friends or information on the Internet, be sure CONSULT A DOCTOR, which will tell you more precisely what you can take and what you shouldn't even think about.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the sanatorium

In Russia and the CIS countries, there are many sanatoriums with a cardiology department and a license for treatment of cardiovascular diseases... The spa treatment of heart and vascular diseases in the sanatorium is carried out using various methods, including mild drug treatment and treatment with natural healing factors present at the resort.

When choosing a sanatorium, it is necessary to consider the resort where it is located, because in addition to diseases of the cardiovascular system, you may be accompanied by concomitant diseases, with which a visit to a particular resort is contraindicated. So, for example, if the disease does not allow you to endure the heat, you should not go to the resorts of the Crimea in July, because this is just the hottest time of the year. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to this, and in order to prevent such cases, we recommend that you consult with a spa specialist who can not only direct you to the resort for the underlying disease, but also take into account all the accompanying ones and, as a result, choose the most optimal option for treatment and rest.

Mytishchi district


Available rooms

Resort hotel

Available rooms

Resort hotel

Available rooms

Tuapse district

Average price: 2,426 p.


Available rooms

Evpatoria, resort

Russia is a country in two parts of the world, a state whose territory covers the sandy Baltic Spit and the rocky islands of Chukotka, stretching from the northern arctic latitudes to the subtropics. Russia has an unimaginable wealth - cultural and historical heritage, protected forests and untouched spaces. The elegant streets of St. Petersburg and the architectural monuments of Kaliningrad compete with the architecture of ancient cities - multi-domed churches and merchant houses, and the beaches of the Black Sea coast compete with the northern forests of Karelia and the ridges of the Ural Mountains.


Russia is the largest country on the planet by area, occupying 17.1 million square kilometers. The state is located in Eurasia and covers both parts of the continent. About a third of Russia's territory is located in Eastern Europe, and the rest of it belongs to northern Asia. The Russian coast is washed by the waters of 12 seas belonging to the basins of the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans, by the waters of the endless Caspian Sea.

Russia lies on large platforms, so its relief is predominantly flat. In the west of the country stretches the wavy Central Russian plain, separated by the ridge of the Ural Mountains from the Siberian plateau. In the south of Russia there are the Caucasus mountain systems with the highest point of the country - Mount Elbrus, Sayan and Altai. In the Far East, the peaks of extinct and active volcanoes rush upward.

There are about 2.5 million rivers and 3 million lakes in Russia. Most of the rivers have a flat character, but in Russia there are also rough mountain rivers with rocky rapids. The largest rivers in the country are the Ob, Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei and Volga. Lake District of Russia - Karelia, here are the largest lakes in Europe - Ladoga and Onega, in Eastern Siberia is the deepest lake on the planet - Baikal.

The flora of Russia is velvet mosses and lichens in the taiga tundra, coniferous forests encircling glacial lakes in Karelia, oak forests and birch groves, feather grass and fescue steppes, broad-leaved Far Eastern forests, subtropical flora on the Black Sea coast. In Russia, nature protection zones have been created, 42 national parks and 71 nature reserves operate.


The territory of Russia covers several climatic zones: arctic and subarctic on the shores of the Arctic Ocean and in the northern regions, temperate, subtropical on the Black Sea coast. However, most of the country is characterized by a temperate climate: continental, temperate continental, sharply continental and monsoon in the Far East.

In general, Russia has a long, snowy and cold winter. Depending on the region, the average January temperatures range from 6 to -50 ° C. Summers in most of Russia are moderately warm with average temperatures ranging from 1 ° C in the northern regions to 25 ° C on the Black Sea coast.


The territory of Russia covers 11 time zones:

Kaliningrad Time - MSK − 1 (UTC + 2)
Moscow time - MSK (UTC + 3)
Samara Time - MSK + 1 (UTC + 4)
Yekaterinburg Time - MSK + 2 (UTC + 5)
Omsk time - MSK + 3 (UTC + 6)
Krasnoyarsk time - MSK + 4 (UTC + 7)
Irkutsk Time - MSK + 5 (UTC + 8)
Yakutsk Time - MSK + 6 (UTC + 9)
Vladivostok Time - MSK + 7 (UTC + 10)
Srednekolymskoe time - MSK + 8 (UTC + 11)
Kamchatka time - MSK + 9 (UTC + 12)


Official language of Russia: Russian. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to establish state and official languages \u200b\u200bused on an equal basis with Russian. The most common foreign languages \u200b\u200bin Russia are Ukrainian, Belarusian and German. English is widely spoken in the field of business and tourism, as a means of interethnic communication, mainly in large cities.


The population of Russia is 142 million. About 80% of the population is Russian. In total, representatives of more than 200 nationalities and ethnic groups live in the country.


Official currency: ruble (RUB).

Customs regulations

Undeclared import and export of currency is limited to an amount equivalent to 10000USD. Duty-free import of goods for personal consumption is limited - alcohol and cigarettes: liters of alcohol, up to 50 cigars or cigarillos, or 200 cigarettes, or 250 grams of tobacco, as well as goods and personal items: clothes, toiletries, jewelry, photographic and film equipment ...

Jewelry, art and cultural values, works of art, psychotropic and potent medicinal substances, ammunition and weapons are subject to mandatory declaration.


In Russia, cellular services are provided by more than a hundred operators, the largest of which is the so-called "Big Three" - mobile operators MTS, Megafon and Beeline. The rest of the companies have a significantly smaller number of clients and provide services in certain regions. SIM cards of the "Big Three" operators can be purchased everywhere - in shops, cell phone stores, post offices.

The telephone code of Russia is +7.

To call Russia by mobile phone, dial + 7-subscriber's number ***

Mains voltage

The mains voltage is 220 volts.


In Russia there are opportunities for any kind of tourism. The rich historical heritage has served to create excursion routes and educational tours, the long Black Sea coast is a traditional region of beach and active recreation, the ski resorts of Russia are rapidly developing. One of the main types of tourism in the country is health tourism. Over the centuries, a system of resort treatment has developed in Russia - sanatoriums and spa hotels operate at the springs of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, in places with a favorable climate.

Tradition / features... In Russia, many customs and traditions have been preserved, rooted in the depths of centuries. Every spring, in large cities and very small settlements, winter is seen off on a grand scale - pancakes are baked and a straw effigy of Shrovetide is burned, in summer, Ivan Kupala's Day is celebrated in the villages, and the main winter holiday is New Year.

One of the main features of the Russian people was and remains hospitality, which is most evident in the feast. A traditional Russian meal includes the first, second and third courses - soups and stews, baked poultry or meat, all kinds of pastries - pies and pies. Dishes of national cuisine are presented in all their richness in restaurants. Daily cabbage soup, stew, sbitni and liqueurs are served in the best establishments.


The safety of tourists in Russia is ensured by law enforcement. Since June 2014, tourist police units have begun to work in a number of regions, patrolling busy pedestrian streets, squares and parks.

In general, Russia is a safe country for tourists. However, to prevent unpleasant incidents, you should adhere to standard safety rules - do not leave personal belongings unattended, do not carry a wallet in the back pocket of your trousers or in an easily accessible place, beware of deserted and unlit places in the dark, do not use the services of unofficial taxi drivers, do not change the currency at individuals.


The list of documents required during the vacation includes:

  • russian passport
  • travel package or voucher
  • health insurance policy
  • if you plan to rent a car, you must have a driver's license

If a tourist is going to have a rest in a sanatorium-resort institution with receiving medical procedures, then a sanatorium-resort book is necessary, which can be obtained from a therapist.

Children accompanied by adults must have a birth certificate or passport, medical certificate.

Important phones

Emergency telephone numbers in Russia:

  • Fire Department - 01
  • Police - 02
  • Ambulance - 03
  • Unified round-the-clock assistance service when calling from a mobile phone - 112


The choice of tourist destinations in Russia is as wide as nowhere else. The peculiarities of the geographical location and historical development have made it possible to form resort regions in the country, which are characterized by this or that type of recreation.

Beach vacation... There are many resorts in Russia offering a comfortable stay on the seaside. The traditional region of beach tourism in our country is the Krasnodar Territory. It is here that the summer capital of Russia - Sochi, the famous resorts of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Adler, the Yeisk resort located on the coast of the Azov Sea is located.

The resorts of Crimea offer beach rest. Sanatoriums, resort hotels, private and city beaches stretch along the entire coast of the peninsula. The main directions are Alushta, Evpatoria, Kerch, Koktebel, Saki, Sevastopol, Sudak, Feodosia, Yalta, the villages of Kurortnoye, Nikolaevka, Sandy and Shelkino.

Sanatorium treatmentcarried out in almost all regions of Russia. At the springs of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, in places with favorable climatic conditions there are sanatoriums, resort and medical centers. The most famous balneological resorts of the country are Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk.

Rich traditions of using natural factors were formed in Crimea, especially in Saki and Yevpatoria, where the first mud-healing resorts were opened. Sanatorium treatment is carried out on the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Moscow, Ryazan, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Tver and Tula regions, in the Urals. In the northern and north-western regions of the country, there are medical resorts Marcial Waters, Sestroretsk, Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk, the largest resort in Siberia is Belokurikha.

Excursion tours around Moscow, the Golden Ring of Russia, Pskov, Uglich, Veliky Novgorod, Vologda and Nizhny Novgorod allow travelers to get acquainted with the historical heritage of ancient Russian cities - ancient temples with gilded domes, ancient fortresses and castles, city mansions and merchant houses. Dozens of excursion routes run through the territory of Kazan, St. Petersburg and its environs - Peterhof, Lomonosov and Kronstadt. Cognitive tourism in Crimea involves visiting the royal palaces, nature reserves and cave cities.

Ski tourism in Russia is experiencing a rapid rise. There are large mountain systems and modern ski resorts in the country. In the Krasnodar Territory, on the slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, the resort Krasnaya Polyana is located. The level of service and modern infrastructure of Krasnaya Polyana during the days of the Winter Olympic Games was appreciated by tourists and athletes from all over the world. The resort has the most modern equipment, trails of various levels with a total length of 72 km, ski villages with comfortable hotels.

Among the high-altitude resorts of Russia, ski holidays are offered by the complexes of Dombai and Elbrus, Abzakovo-Bannoe in the Urals. Each of the resorts has the necessary infrastructure, comfortable accommodation conditions.

Weekend tours... The most popular destinations for a weekend getaway are the cities of the Moscow region, the environs of large cities in different regions of the country. Short-stay programs are offered by tourist centers, resorts, spa hotels and hotels.

Children's rest.Traditionally, summer health camps for children are located on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory - in Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse and Sochi, in the Crimea - in the resorts of Evpatoria and Yalta, in the village of Peschanoe. Children's sanatoriums and camps are located in different regions of the country - Moscow, Kaluga, Leningrad and Rostov regions.

Leisure... There are many places in Russia where you can indulge in sports and active pastime, extreme tourism. Baikal attracts not only by its natural beauty, but also by the possibility of hiking, scuba diving, hunting and fishing, quad biking, cycling and horseback riding.

In the warm season, trekking, horseback riding, rafting on mountain rivers for tourists are organized in the resorts of Altai, Dombai and Krasnaya Polyana. In Crimea, there are opportunities for mountaineering and hang-gliding, mountain climbing, trekking, horseback riding, diving, sea fishing. Active leisure activities in the north are sleigh rides, dog sledding or reindeer sledding. Conditions for active pursuits - hunting, fishing, hiking, cycling and horseback riding - are available in Central Russia.


To visit the Russian Federation, citizens of most countries require a national visa. Visa-free entry for a period not exceeding 90 days is allowed for citizens of the CIS countries (except Turkmenistan), Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a number of South American countries, and a number of Balkan countries.

The basis for obtaining a Russian visa for foreign tourists is an invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation or from a travel company, which is included in the Federal Register of Tour Operators, which gives it the right to provide visa support to foreigners.

The most famous landmarks

  • The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest territory of the capital, with an area of \u200b\u200b27.5 hectares. In 1367. The Kremlin was surrounded by a brick wall. On the territory are located - Arkhangelsk, Blagoveshensky, Assumption Cathedrals, the Faceted Chamber, the Senate, the Terem Palace, the Tsar Bell, the Tsar Cannon.
  • The Tretyakov Gallery was founded in 1856. This is the largest museum in the world, which contains unique canvases by masters of the 10-20 centuries.

  • The Hermitage is the largest museum in the world, founded by Catherine the Great in the 18th century. The exhibition includes a museum of paintings by world-famous artists. In total, more than 3 million values \u200b\u200bare exhibited on the territory of the museum.
  • St. Isaac's Cathedral was built in the 19th century by O. Montferrand - an outstanding monument of St. Petersburg. Its exterior architecture and interior decoration are also impressive, in which all types of art are presented - mosaic, painting, sculpture. The main iconostasis is decorated with lapis lazuli and malachite columns.
  • Tsarskoe Selo - a nature reserve in Pushkino, includes a large park and architectural ensemble of the 18-19th centuries, the country residence of the emperors. The museum is located on 107 hectares and consists of the Catherine Park, the Old Garden, the English Park, the Catherine Palace, the Memorial Museum, the Hermitage Pavilion, etc.
  • Peter and Paul Fortress - located on Hare Island, the oldest monument in St. Petersburg. Within the limits of the museum there is the Commandant's house, the city museum, the Grand Duke's tomb, Botny, Engineering house, prison buildings, bastions, Peter and Paul Cathedral.
  • The Russian Museum was opened in 1895 by Nicholas II. Within the walls of the building there is a rich exposition of art treasures, a restoration center.
  • The Yusupov Palace is the most beautiful architectural monument of the 18-19th century. The guests of the palace were Queen Elizabeth II of England, King of Greece, Queen of Norway and other dignitaries. The building was built by I. Monighetti, J.B. Valaine-Delamonte, the Shuvalovs, Branitskys, Yusupovs lived in it.
  • The palace and park ensemble of Peterhof is a beautiful monument located not far from St. Petersburg, founded in the 18th century. The territory houses the Lower and Upper parks, the Grand Palace, the largest system of fountains, water cascades, graceful sculptural compositions, and bas-reliefs.

  • Pshadsky waterfall is a unique natural structure. Located on the river. Pshada and consists of a whole cascade of small waterfalls.
  • The ruins of the old city of Gorgipia show the ancient ruins of the 4th century BC. The most ancient foundations and cobbled streets have been preserved here. There is a large archaeological museum on the territory, where you can see the crypt of Hercules, the monuments of Mother Mary, the "Russian Gate" - the remains of a Turkish fortress.
  • The local history museum of the city is located in the Schetnev gymnasium. Visitors are offered an interesting exposition about the fauna and flora of Anapa, the history of the Bosporus kingdom.

  • The Arboretum is the largest botanical park, a kind of open-air museum. The park presents unique samples of the flora of the Western Caucasus, as well as many southern states located closer to the equator.
  • Vorontsov Caves is the largest underground agglomeration with a vertical drop of 240 m. Some cavities are filled with water, and narrow passages sometimes make it difficult to move. In some sections of the caves there are ancient sites of primitive people.
  • The Sochi Art Museum is a large art center. The building exhibits canvases by Polenov, Aivazovsky, Shishkin; exhibitions of contemporary masters are regularly held.
  • Swallow's Nest is a famous monument of history, architecture, located on the Aurora rock, towering 40 meters above the sea. The building is made in the style of a medieval knight's palace. The palace acquired its present appearance thanks to Baron Steingel.
  • The Vorontsov Palace is located in Alupka, built from diabase; there is a beautiful park in the adjacent territory. The style of the palace combines English, neo-Moutrian styles.
  • Livadia Palace is an imperial residence. The castle was built in the Italian light style in the 19th century. It is considered the most luxurious palace in Crimea, and is the venue for the Yalta conference.
  • Mount Ai-Petri is located on a plateau, has a flat top. The height is 1234 m. The mountain is considered a symbol of the southern coast of Crimea.
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden is a research institution working in the field of botany and fruit growing. There are several parks here - Montedor, Primorsky, Upper, which have the richest collection of plants brought from all over the world. This is the oldest botanical park in the world, which has interesting architectural structures.
  • The Masandra Palace is a beautiful architectural structure that served as the residence of Alexander the Third. The building was rebuilt in the 19th century in the style of French medieval castles. There is a magnificent park in the adjacent territory, which presents more than 250 species of shrubs and trees.
  • House A.P. Chekhov is a memorial museum opened in honor of the writer in Yalta. All the furnishings of those times have been preserved in the house; Chekhov's readings are often held here with the participation of foreign guests, and excursions are held.


  • House of Richelieu - erected in 1811 by the Duke of Resilier in the form of a two-storey stone building in European style. The duke rarely visited here on vacation, and more often provided the estate to his acquaintances. Pushkin, Raevsky and other well-known personalities were here.
  • Korovin's dacha is the home of an outstanding painter who worked for a long time in Gurzuf. A beautiful building with clear geometric proportions in the constructivist style.
  • The watchtower is located on the Suuk-Su cape, existed in the 6th century, when the Byzantine legionaries came to the land. The monument is often called the Tower of Geria or the Eagle's Nest.
  • Admiralty Cathedral in honor of St. Vladimir is located on the Central Hill, it is considered the greatest Orthodox monument of the 19th century. The building has one massive dome, highlighting the 9-11th century Byzantine architecture. Instead of icons, marble slabs are located in the inner halls.
  • Malakhov Kurgan is a grandiose monument where the 19th century Defensive Tower, the Museum of the Heroic Defense and Liberation of the City, cast iron memorial plates, cannons, and a beautiful park are located.
  • Chersonesos is the oldest monument in Sevastopol, the ruins of an ancient Greek town of the ancient era, in which Vladimir Kievsky adopted Christianity.
  • The Military History Museum in honor of the Black Sea Fleet is considered the oldest of similar museums in the world. Opened in 1869, it is located in a beautiful building, it presents a valuable exposition dedicated to the customs and life of the Russian fleet from the tsarist era to the present day.
  • The Genoese fortress with the interesting name Chembalo is located at a height above the Balaklava bay. Founded in 1357, it has defensive walls.
  • Mangup is a cave town of medieval Crimea. There are numerous caves carved into the rock along the entire perimeter of the plateau.
  • The temple to the three horsemen is carved into a huge block. In the inner hall there is a fresco painting that has been preserved since antiquity.
  • The Bakhchisarai Palace is a beautiful architectural structure, formerly the residence of the Crimean khans. The building is considered the only surviving monument of the Crimean Tatar architecture. The Palace houses a museum of culture and history, an exhibition of weapons.
  • The Arboretum is a unique natural reserve located on stony-clay soil. Here is a rich collection of plants, shrubs, many of which are rare on the planet.
  • Saki Resort Park was founded in 1890 by P.S. Melnichenko. On the territory there are beautiful fountains, three lakes, diverse vegetation.
  • The Belyaus settlement was discovered in the 20th century, existed in the 4th-2nd centuries BC. The monument is located on the Tarkhankun Peninsula.
  • The excavations of Kerkinis, opened in 1964, prove the existence of Greek colonists on the site of the modern city. 30 burials were found on the territory.
  • Kizyars are the most ancient underground passages located under the old city. The tunnels carved into the yellow shell rock are considered an important value in Yevpatoria.
  • The Genoese Fortress is the oldest monument in the city with beautiful austere medieval architecture. Today you can see the Watchtower, the mosque, the residence of the Genoese consul, the gate of the fortress.
  • Church of the Intercession The Mother of God is the first architectural monument of the Russian era, which began after the annexation of Crimea. The building was built in the style of Russian classicism, the laying took place in 1819 on September 20, as stated on the memorial plaque.

New World

  • The Golitsyn trail begins at the green bay on the northern side of Khoba-Kai, leads to a natural grotto formed by sea waves in massive rocks.
  • Chaliapin's Grotto is a small concert hall with excellent acoustics. The grotto reaches a height of 30 meters, in its depth there is a stage for musicians, and behind it there is a small compartment for Golitsin wines with preserved stone arches.


  • The Kremlin is the oldest part of the city. On the territory there are the Christmas Cathedral, the Bell Tower, Nikolskaya, Assumption Churches, Bishops' Chambers. In the 11th century, the Kremlin was surrounded by an earthen rampart, finished with clay.
  • The Museum of Architecture is located on the site of the 11th century Dmitrievsky Monastery. In the collection of the museum there are outbuildings, household items of Russian peasants.

  • The horse yard is located in an 18th century building in the city center. The exposition consists of handicrafts - embroidery, carving, wood painting, clothing.
  • The Chernigov Skete is a cave monastery that emerged in 1844. Today it is a functioning complex, where you can go on excursions to the caves.
  • Sergiev Posad Lavra is the largest monastery founded by S. Radonezhsky in 1337. A place revered by the Orthodox, a spiritual center with a rich library of ancient books.

  • Detinets or the Kremlin was founded by Yaroslavl. The first mentions in 1044 in the annalistic books. The highest tower of Detintsa Kokuy, built in the 18th century.
  • Hagia Sophia is a grandiose construction of the century. The cathedral was built by Yaroslav the Wise as a temple for the entire city. The great bishops, princes, mayors of the city found peace in its galleries.

  • The Assumption Cathedral is the most important church in the city, included in all excursions around Vladimir. The cathedral was founded in the 12th century by Bogolyubsky Andrey, to later become the main temple of the state.
  • The Golden Gate was built in the 12th century. The building is richly decorated and was previously used for ceremonial entrances to the city.
  • Vladimirsky Central is a famous prison, built by order of Catherine II. At one time it contained Frunze, Powers, Zoya Fedorova. Since 1996, it has been a museum open to visitors.
  • Museum of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery Complex. The architectural ensemble was built in the 12th century and is considered the largest of similar buildings. In the 16th century, the state treasury was located here, in 1612 the Headquarters of Pozharsky and Minin were located in the monastery.
  • The Church of Prok Ilya was founded in the 17th century on the site of wooden temples at the expense of the Skripins merchants. The building is decorated with five green onion domes, covered galleries, a bell tower, the Rizpolozhensky limit.


  • Kremlin - founded in the 15th century by Andrey Bolshoy. The structure was surrounded by a high wall with two driveways and nine blank defensive towers. Today, you can see the chambers that belonged to Tsarevich Dmitry.
  • The Church of Demetrius on the Blood was erected in 1692 on the site where the Tsarevich died. The building is painted with red paint, the domes are blue with white ornaments, the interior has rich paintings from the 18th century.


  • Goritsky Monastery is a large architectural and historical museum. The exposition includes furniture, church utensils, a collection of ancient icons, paintings by Shishkin, Benois, a valuable library of old books and a collection of wooden sculptures.
  • Museum "Boat of Peter the Great" is the oldest building. The museum is notable for the fact that Peter the Great built a funny flotilla here on the Pleshcheyevo Lake. Today you can see the monument to the king, the Botny house, the gatehouse, the Triumphal Gate, the White Palace.


  • The Borisoglebsk monastery complex was built on a hill surrounded by the river Ustye in 1363 during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy with the blessing of S. Radonezhsky. It was he who indicated the place where the temple should stand.
  • The Kremlin is the main attraction of the city with the Assumption Cathedral, five churches, and powerful walls. Previously, the Kremlin was the bishop's residence.


  • The Ipatiev Monastery is the greatest monument of Orthodox culture, erected in the 13th century. At the construction site, Mikhail Romanov was elected to reign, so he is often called the cradle of the Romanov family.
  • The fire tower is the most beautiful monument of Russian classicism located on Susaninskaya Square. The building looks like a temple of ancient times, complemented by a portico of columns and a pediment.
  • The Vvedensky monastery complex was founded in the 19th century at the expense of Derbenev according to the original project of Begen P. Patriarch Tikhon served in the church. In its halls are the relics of Blessed Alexy Elnatsky, St. Vasily of Kineshemsky and 168 other saints.
  • Museum of the Bubnovs. The house was erected in 1860 for a merchant family, located on the site of a city estate. The building has survived to this day, and is open for excursions.
  • Lermontov places are Pyatigorsky Boulevard, Lermontov Baths, Lermontov's House, Elizavetinsky Spring in Pyatigorsk, Ring Mountain and other places associated with the poet's life in the Caucasus.
  • The Castle of Deceit and Love is located in Kislovodsk - a natural monument of rocks, in the outlines of which sorrowful faces are guessed. The castle is located at the gorge of the river. Alikonovka.
  • The Wrangel Tower is a grandiose historical structure, the thickness of the walls, the floors of which is three meters. In the 20th century, the building ceased to be used as a fortification; today there are warehouses and wholesale shops.
  • The Brandenburg Gate is a beautiful historical monument and the only city gate that is still used for its intended purpose. The building was erected in 1657.
  • The Cathedral is the most beautiful architectural monument, the symbol of the city. Built in the style of the Baltic Gothic and is one of the rare examples of the Gothic style in Russia.
  • The Buryat village is located in Olkhon. This is a colorful open-air museum, visiting which you can get acquainted with the life and culture of the Buryats.
  • The pillars of Khuukhein-Khada are a particularly sacred place located in the Shumak valley. According to legend, you can see your future here.
  • Ivolginsky Datsan is an important Buddhist monument. The imperishable body of Khambo Lama Itigelov, who went to nirvana in 1927, rests in a beautiful, colorful temple.
  • The Valley of Geysers is the largest natural monument discovered in the 20th century. There are 22 geysers and numerous pulsating springs, mud pots, colorful lakes with boiling water.
  • The Klyuchevsky volcano group united 12 volcanoes located on an area of \u200b\u200b7 thousand m2. Here is the largest and highest volcano on the mainland, Klyuchevskaya Sopka.

Transport component

The transport system of Russia includes air, rail, sea and road communications.

Air transport. There are 236 airports in Russia, more than 70 of them have international status. The largest airports in the country are Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo and Vnukovo in Moscow, Pulkovo airport in St. Petersburg, Koltsovo in Yekaterinburg and Adler in Sochi. Moscow airports are connected with the capital by high-speed Aeroexpress trains. Russian air carriers operate domestic and international flights.

Russian railways serve over 124,000 km of track. There are passenger stations in large cities, and railway stations in small settlements. Long-distance trains run between cities, and suburban electric trains also operate. A railway branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway, connecting Moscow and Vladivostok, runs through the whole country. You can familiarize yourself with the timetable of long-distance trains and commuter trains; you can buy a ticket on the Russian Railways website

The total length of Russian highways is 1,000,000 km.

By sea transport intercity and international passenger transportation is carried out. Sea terminals operate in Sochi, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Nakhodka.

Navigation is carried out on rivers and canals. The length of the river routes is 200,000 km.

Metro available in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. In each of the above cities, the metro has its own characteristics - for example, the capital has the most developed metro network, while the Novosibirsk metro has only 12 stations.

Ground transport in Russian cities - these are buses, trolleybuses, tram lines and route taxis. The most convenient and affordable way to get around cities is by buses and minibuses. In every relatively large city, there are bus stations or bus stations connected by direct flights to regional centers.

Taxi and car rental... Official and unofficial taxi drivers work in the cities of Russia, it is not recommended to use the services of the latter due to the high risk of being deceived or paying at an inflated rate. Dispatch counters of official taxi companies are usually located in the arrivals halls of airports, train stations and bus stations.

If you have a driver's license and at least one year of driving experience, you can rent a car. This service is offered by both large international companies "Sixt", "AVIS" and "Europcar", and small private companies. In most companies, the rental service with a return in another city is limited to a small number of settlements, or is not provided at all.

Insurance program "OPTIMA" (insurance coverage 50,000 euros *)
Age of the insured Insurance type Insurance coverage, rub. Policy cost per day, rub. Insurance period

Age of the insured

Insurance type

Insurance coverage, euros *

Policy cost per day, EUR *

Insurance period

from 65 to 79 years old

Medical insurance "OPTIMA"

Medical insurance "OPTIMA"

* payment in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank (+ 2%) on the day of booking

Information about the conclusion and termination of the insurance contract, the amount of insurance obligations, the actions of the parties upon the occurrence of an insured event, the procedure for paying insurance compensation and other necessary information for the insured tourist are indicated in the insurance rules.

Spa treatment: prevention of heart attacks and strokes

Spa treatment in cardiological sanatoriums:

- 7 times reduces the risk of heart attacks in people with coronary heart disease 1

- 5 times reduces the risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in patients with hypertension 2

- in hyperlipidemia, a higher clinical effect is achieved in the early asymptomatic stages of the disease 3

WHO states that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. In the Russian Federation, circulatory system disorders, the mortality rate from which is 2 times higher than the average European indicator, occupy the first place in the structure of primary disability, in terms of the number of cases and the duration of temporary disability they are in third place.

The main spa factors and methods of spa therapy for the prevention and rehabilitation of diseases of the circulatory system: climatotherapy, balneotherapy with carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon waters, hydrotherapy, as well as hardware methods of physiotherapy against the background of adequate drug therapy.

Climatic resorts: seaside, mountain, forest

The influence of various climatic factors on cardiac patients, such as sunbathing, sea bathing, air baths, differs significantly from the adaptation response of healthy people. The process of acclimatization may be accompanied by a deterioration in well-being: with ischemic heart disease, angina attacks may become more frequent or more severe, and in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, headache and dizziness may increase.

The first days of stay in a mountain resort, with a low oxygen content in the air, the inhabitants of the plains will be required to mobilize adaptive mechanisms in order to provide the body with oxygen normally. As a rule, symptoms of altitude sickness do not occur when climbing to an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, however, in cardiac patients, the adverse effect of the mountain climate can also manifest itself in mid-mountain resorts. In Kislovodsk (an altitude of 800-1200 m above sea level) in the early days, one should not go for a walk along the entire terrenkur route, confining oneself to the central part of the Kurortny Park (altitude up to 1000 m).

In the hot climate of southern resorts the return of heat by the body occurs only through perspiration. At high temperatures and high humidity in the conditions of the resorts of the humid subtropics (Sochi), evaporation from the surface of the body is difficult, which leads to a violation of thermoregulation. In cardiac patients and the elderly, there may be an increase in body temperature, increased respiration and pulse rate, hyperemia of the skin with a relative decrease in the blood supply to internal organs, blood thickening. These phenomena are especially amplified during muscular load. Solar irradiation increases the coagulating properties of blood with possible thrombus formation in blood vessels and the development of myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke.

When choosing a resort or a sanatorium for diseases of the circulatory system, patients with meteotropic reactions should refrain from traveling to resorts with contrasting climatic conditions, opting for sanatoriums in the climatic zone of residence or southern resorts in the off-season.

The velvet season in the resorts of the South of Russia is preferable due to favorable weather conditions, the possibility of sea bathing and sunbathing, an abundance of fruits in the diet, which is one of the leading factors in spa treatment for diseases of the circulatory system and metabolic syndrome.

IMPORTANT:limit physical activity inthe first days of stay at the resort, during the acclimatization period

Thalassotherapy has an effect on the cardiovascular system due to a complex of factors: seawater, aerosol of seawater salts, air ions of the sea coasts, solar irradiation. The totality of physiological changes in the circulatory system in the conditions of seaside resorts indicates an improvement in blood supply and metabolic processes in the myocardium, central hemodynamics, vascular resistivity and blood pressure are normalized.

When swimming in the sea, the influence of thermal, mechanical and chemical factors should be taken into account. Sea water has a stimulating effect similar to the action of sodium chloride baths, especially in patients with low blood pressure. When swimming, blood pressure rises, pulse quickens. With a calm swimming for 5-10 minutes after leaving the sea, the indicators of cardiac activity normalize after 5 minutes and often improve in comparison with the initial state. Bathing is always accompanied by an increased emotional state, so the load is easily tolerated and subjectively not assessed as excessive, however, it can lead to serious complications from the cardiovascular system. It is necessary to take into account the effect of solar radiation, especially its ultraviolet part, which is capable of penetrating water to a depth of 1 m.

Sea bathing is prescribed on days free from mineral baths, or not earlier than 2 hours after them.

(walking along the planned route) is one of the methods of physical training and for diseases of the circulatory system. The alternation of tension and relaxation during the ascents and descents while walking along the terrain course creates favorable conditions for the functioning of the circulatory system, respiration and the nervous system. During walks, the climate and the surrounding nature simultaneously act on a person, providing a hardening effect and a positive effect on the psychoemotional sphere, which significantly enhances the health-improving effect of therapeutic walking on terrenkur. In mountain-climatic resorts, for example, Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk, the terrenkur routes are prescribed by a balneologist.

Physical activity should be metered by the length of the route, the angle of ascent, the pace of walking, the number and duration of rest stops, limiting the load in the first days of stay at the resort.

Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in the cardiological sanatorium

Hydrotherapyin the form of therapeutic baths, it has proven itself well in the spa treatment of cardiac patients. Short-term cold and hot showers increase the tone of the vascular system. Contrasting procedures, directing blood flow either to the skin or deep into the body, improve microcirculation, normalize blood pressure, increase the contractile function of the myocardium, and stimulate all types of metabolism.

Baths (mineral and fresh with various additives and gas, full and partial) form the basis of hydrotherapy and balneotherapy in cardiology. All baths, fresh and of different mineral composition, have a thermal and hydrostatic effect. In all cardiac patients (hypertensive disease, coronary artery disease, heart defects without impaired blood circulation and heart rhythm), after baths, there is a decrease in heart rate, an increase in the shock index, a decrease in blood pressure and specific peripheral vascular resistance. Hydrostatic pressure, which when taking therapeutic baths is calculated in the range of 20-30 cm of water column, can hinder the work of the heart due to some compression of the peripheral veins and impact on the abdomen. Although this pressure is insignificant, nevertheless, it must be reckoned with when prescribing baths for patients with cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, for people with heart diseases, baths with immersion under water to the level of the heart are recommended, and in case of circulatory disorders, half baths.

Elderly people and patients with dyscirculatory disorders, in order to avoid vascular collapse, should be drained of water before leaving the bath.

Contraindications to the use of shared bathsare a tendency to dynamic disorders of cerebral and coronary circulation, circulatory failure above stage I B, pronounced phenomena of atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis with chronic coronary insufficiency of the second and third groups, hypertension stage III B, recently suffered myocardial infarction (up to a year) or stroke, severe angina

The gas and mineral composition of mineral waters determine the principles of a differentiated choice of a resort for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Carbonic baths- one of the most effective methods of balneotherapy and, in general, spa treatment for diseases of the circulatory system. The effect of carbon dioxide baths is explained by the contrasting irritation of the skin with bubbles of carbon dioxide (t ° 12 ° C) and warm water, which is called a "gas brush", which is manifested by an intense expansion of skin capillaries, a decrease in internal body temperature and venous blood. The second mechanism of action is chemical, due to carbon dioxide, which enters the body with inhaled air and through the skin. When carbon dioxide baths are taken, the peripheral vessels expand, blood circulation in the heart vessels increases, the coronary constrictor effect is suppressed at the level of the central nervous system, the contractile function of the myocardium improves, the heart's energy supply and endurance to physical activity increase, oxygen consumption by the heart muscles decreases, the heart rate decreases, and decreases arterial pressure.

Indications for the appointment of carbon dioxide baths for cardiac patients.As a result of complex spa treatment with the use of carbon dioxide baths, angina attacks disappear or decrease, a decrease in the sensations of interruptions in the work of the heart at rest and during physical exertion, and in hypertension, blood pressure decreases. Under the influence of carbonic baths, lipid metabolism increases, the level of cholesterol and low density lipoproteins in patients with atherosclerosis decreases, and the breakdown of fats and fat-like substances increases. In hyperlipidemia without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, balneotherapy with carbon dioxide helps to reduce the high level of total cholesterol and reduce body weight.

Contraindications:ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris III-IV FC, mitral heart defects, hyperthyroidism.

Dry-air carbon dioxide baths have the same useful properties as water baths, however, they are easier to tolerate due to the absence of the loading effect of water on the heart and therefore can be used by more severe patients, including those who have suffered myocardial infarction, in the early phase of rehabilitation in urban balneological hospitals or suburban cardiological sanatoriums ...

Radon waters have a therapeutic effect due to the alpha radiation of radon. In 2.5 hours after the radon procedure, radon is completely removed from the body, and after another two hours, daughter products disappear.

Radon baths have a hypotensive effect, a normalizing effect on the lipolytic enzymatic system, fibrinolytic activity of the blood, and the permeability of blood capillaries. The decrease in peripheral vascular resistance under the influence of radon baths improves the contractile function of the myocardium. As a result of a course of treatment with radon baths, blood pressure decreases, the number of extrasystoles and episodes of "silent" myocardial ischemia decreases.

Indications for the appointment of radon baths to cardiac patients.

Radon baths are used in the treatment of patients suffering from uncomplicated arterial hypertension of the I-II degree, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypertensive type, especially against the background of neurosis, hyperthyroidism with arterial hypertension, exertional angina pectoris I-II functional classes, low-grade arrhythmias, atherosclerosis endocrine artery disease, cerebrovascular disease , post-thrombophlebitic syndrome.

Radon baths are contraindicatedpatients with sick sinus syndrome, with bradycardia less than 60 per minute, slowing of atrioventricular conduction.

Sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) waters according to their influence on the circulatory system, they occupy one of the first places among all resort therapeutic factors. Sulfide water, acting through local mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone and through vasomotor centers, causes expansion of capillaries of the skin and arterioles, increases the number of functioning capillaries, accelerates blood flow in them and the reaction of skin reddening, known in Russia as the "Matsesta reaction". The course of balneotherapy in the form of general and two and four-chamber hydrogen sulfide baths improves the contractile function of the myocardium, improves hemodynamics, helps to reduce hypercholesterolemia and increase blood lipolytic activity, has a hypotensive effect in hypertensive patients, tolerance of physical and orthostatic stress.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are shown patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease with a sufficiently high coronary reserve (very rare and mild angina attacks), with atherosclerotic lesions of peripheral vessels with concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis of the spine, inflammatory and metabolic diseases of the articular system) and peripheral ...

Contraindications to the appointment of hydrogen sulfide baths for cardiac patients:ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris III FC, heart failure stage II, vegetative-vascular dysfunctions, severe atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, toxic-allergic reactions to hydrogen sulfide,

Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide baths (Essentuki, Pyatigorsk) have a beneficial effect on patients with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart and cerebral vessels, due to the cumulative effect of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Sodium chloride (salt) bathshave an effect on the body due to mechanical, thermal and chemical action. The mechanical action is manifested by the buoyancy force, the greater, the greater the degree of mineralization of the baths. The heat flux into the body from sodium chloride waters is 1.5 times higher than from fresh water. The absorbed heat expands the surface vessels of the skin and increases its blood flow by 1.2 times. The chemical action of sodium chloride waters is realized thanks to the salt coat, which irritates the skin receptors and enhances the flow of afferent impulses entering the brain. The stimulating effect of sodium chloride baths is especially noticeable in patients with low blood pressure, which increases under the influence of baths. Salt baths have a training effect as a result of a favorable restructuring of central and peripheral hemodynamics. The hypotensive effect when using common sodium chloride baths occurs due to a pronounced effect on peripheral vascular resistance.

Sodium chloride baths improve blood circulation, microcirculation and tissue trophism, eliminate blood hypercoagulation and normalize immunological processes. During the course of treatment, there is a decrease in blood viscosity, aggregation and adhesive capacity of platelets, an increase in subcutaneous and muscle blood flow (trace effect). Sodium chloride water has a training and antiarrhythmic effect on patients with ischemic heart disease (CHD) with extrasystole. At the same time, there is an increase in physical performance and coronary heart reserve; decrease in the number of ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles, manifestations of painful and "mute" myocardial ischemia. An important clinical effect of sodium chloride baths is their ability to normalize vascular tone, in particular to increase the tone of peripheral veins.

Sodium chloride baths are shownpatients with atherosclerosis in its very initial stage with moderate asthenic syndrome, hypertension stage I-II, arterial hypotension, vegetative-vascular disorders, peripheral vascular disease. Resorts with sodium chloride waters can be recommended for cardiac patients with combined diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Contraindications:

water have a more gentle effect on the cardiovascular system in comparison with other balneological procedures. Iodine, as one of the main components of iodine-bromine baths, has a direct effect on microcirculation processes, elastic properties of the vascular wall, rheological properties of blood, lipid metabolism. Bromine ions enhance the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex and contribute to the restoration of the disturbed ratio of excitation and inhibition processes, which affects the course of diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, hypertension). Iodine-bromide waters cause expansion and increase in the number of capillaries, decrease blood viscosity and accelerate blood flow. The lipotropic effect of iodine-bromine waters is more pronounced than that of sodium chloride waters, which is manifested by an improvement in the morphofunctional state of the myocardium and a decrease in the morphological signs of atherosclerosis in the vessels. Iodine-bromine baths have a vasodilator, diuretic and hypotensive effect.

The course use of iodine-bromine baths improves coronary circulation, myocardial contractile function, increases the fibrinolytic activity of blood, suppressed in atherosclerosis, lowers its coagulation properties and platelet aggregation ability, which is accompanied by the disappearance of pain in the heart, headaches, insomnia, and an improvement in general well-being.

Indications and contraindications:common for spa treatment in cardiology (see below)

Oxygen baths and pearl baths enrich the skin with oxygen, stimulate tissue respiration, improve blood circulation, and activate metabolic processes. have a calming effect, reduce general increased excitability, vascular reactivity and blood pressure. They are relatively easily tolerated by patients and are prescribed to those for whom other balneological procedures (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and radon baths) are contraindicated due to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Scented with the addition of aromatic oils, it has a positive effect on the function of the cardiovascular system, has a beneficial effect on the course of coronary heart disease, since the components of some essential oils expand coronary vessels, improve the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, and are able to normalize the level of blood pressure.

Drinking cure with mineral waters used to correct lipid metabolism, which is associated with their ability to improve the functional state of the liver, enhance the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids and remove bile into the intestines. With mineral water, biologically active elements (iodine, manganese, zinc, etc.) enter the body, the exchange of which is impaired in atherosclerosis.

Mud therapy used for diseases of peripheral vessels: varicose veins, the consequences of thrombophlebitis. Mud enhances peripheral blood circulation, promotes more intense movement of erythrocytes, oxygen transfer and release, improvement of tissue oxygenation and metabolism. Under the influence of mud procedures, the coronary blood circulation improves, myocardial contractility and peripheral resistance change. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the limitations for the prescription of therapeutic mud in the form of classic applications. Recently, sparing mud therapy methods and biologically active peloid preparations (mud extracts, humisol, etc.) have been increasingly used.

All programs of spa prevention and rehabilitation in cardiology are compiled individually, taking into account concomitant and concomitant diseases. When prescribing remedial gymnastics for cardiac patients, the level of physical activity, exercise tolerance (based on fitness testing data), and the climatic conditions of the resort are taken into account.

Indications for spa treatment in diseases of the circulatory system

  • Rheumatic heart defects (I05 — I08)
  • Hypertension (I10-I15)
  • Ischemic heart disease (I20-I25)
  • Diseases of peripheral vessels (I70-I87)
  • Hypotension (I95)
  • Condition after surgical treatment (I97)
  • "Neurosis of the heart" or NCD (F 45.3)
  • Congenital heart defects (Q20-Q28)
  • Lipoprotein metabolic disorders and other lipidemias (E78)

Cardiovascular diseases are among the first in the world in terms of prevalence. Treatment of cardiological pathologies involves an integrated approach, in which spa therapy and prevention programs occupy one of the main places. The need for such an approach is also due to the fact that today diseases of the heart and coronary vessels are rapidly growing younger - the first problems and disorders appear already in 35-year-olds, and immediately after 40 years, control over the state of the cardiovascular system and constant therapeutic and preventive measures become a necessity.

All the necessary conditions for the successful treatment of patients with heart and vascular problems have been created in the Victoria sanatorium. The key to effective treatment and recovery is the climate of Central Russia with moderately cold winters and relatively cool summers. Climatic conditions are comfortable for most patients, since they do not require time for acclimatization, and air humidity and average temperatures are familiar to residents of almost all regions of the country.

In addition to the beautiful nature and clean air, the Victoria sanatorium has:

  • modern diagnostic equipment: for Holter monitoring, ECG, daily blood pressure monitoring, electrocardiogram, ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics;
  • a medical base that meets international standards: the sanatorium has equipment for physiotherapy procedures, a swimming pool, healing showers, baths and much more;
  • a staff of highly qualified doctors, both general practitioners and highly specialized specialists.

Treatment is carried out by specialist doctors:

  • Cardiologist
  • Therapist
  • Neurologist

Thanks to an integrated approach, the following tasks are solved, in different age groups they have some differences:

30-40 years old 40-50 years old 50-60 years old 60-70 years old

Main goals

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Regular follow-up by a specialist doctor.

Development of a regimen of regular dosed physical activity and proper nutrition.

Reduced stress levels.

Systematic prevention of vascular accidents. Annual health and wellness courses.

Continuous supervision of a specialist doctor.

Strict adherence to diet and physical activity. Weight correction.

Correction of pathological changes in the cardiovascular system. Commitment to a healthy lifestyle, in accordance with the characteristics of the physiology of the body in adulthood. External rejuvenation.

Regular health and wellness courses.

Correction of lifestyle in connection with past and current diseases of the heart and blood vessels, taking into account the increased risk of coronary catastrophes. Health-improving courses at least 2 times a year.

The most common diseases that impair quality and shorten life expectancy: arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

With age, the body loses strength, and it becomes more and more difficult for it to cope with the development of chronic diseases. Therefore, along with their complex treatment, we strengthen and rejuvenate the body as a whole, cleansing it of toxins, strengthening it with the help of medical procedures and restoring youth with the help of cosmetic procedures.

To maximize the preservation of the therapeutic effect and long-term remission, the specialists of the Victoria sanatorium recommend alternating treatment courses for a profile disease and an antiaging program.

In cases where it is required, in the main, the prevention of possible cardiovascular disorders, the sanatorium offers to undergo a treatment course according to the basic sanatorium-resort voucher. This is a lighter version of recovery, which, nevertheless, includes a set of effective medical procedures, diagnostic measures and dosed physical activity.

Indications for treatment according to the profile "Cardiovascular diseases"

  • arterial hypertension;
  • age over 40;
  • complaints of recurrent pain in the region of the heart, discomfort in the chest region;
  • suffered myocardial infarction and surgery on the heart or coronary vessels;
  • decreased endurance during physical exertion, shortness of breath, increased heart rate;
  • periodic attacks of arrhythmia;
  • swelling on the face and legs at the end of the working day;
  • increased fatigue, bouts of weakness;
  • causeless anxiety, dizziness, recurrent headache.

The main components of the course:

  • The course of physiotherapy procedures: laser therapy and ILBI, magnetotherapy, including magnetoturbotron, electrosleep, and more. These methods allow improving the quality of blood, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, activating blood microcirculation, slowing down the development of atherosclerosis, and relieving spasmodic phenomena in the vessels.
  • Individual or group physical therapy classes, swimming in the pool, working out in the gym under the guidance of experienced instructors increase the body's endurance, activate blood circulation, and provide an increased flow of oxygen to the tissues.
  • Classic manual and hardware massage relaxes the muscles, relieve spasms and pain, and speed up metabolism.
  • Balneotherapy. Coniferous, turpentine, iodine-bromine baths, circular shower, Vichy shower and other water procedures increase the tone of the body, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize the work of the heart muscle.
  • If necessary, it is possible to conduct intravenous, intramuscular, lymphotropic drug therapy.
  • Dosed walking swimming in the pool.
  • Walking in the fresh air improves the emotional background, normalizes blood pressure, and improves mood.

Expected therapeutic effect:

  • blood circulation is activated, blood pressure is normalized, heart rate is restored, the state of blood vessels improves;
  • metabolic processes and tissue nutrition are improved;
  • headaches and dizziness attacks disappear;
  • the general tone of the body rises, the mood improves;
  • a habit of a healthy lifestyle is formed, weight is reduced, and efficiency is increased.

According to medical statistics, after staying in a sanatorium in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases:

Despite the undoubted benefits of spa treatment for people suffering from cardiovascular problems, it has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to go to the sanatorium when:

  • heart failure above stage II A;
  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • serious heart rhythm disturbances.

The expediency of treatment in a cardiac sanatorium is determined by the attending physician based on the severity of the symptoms of the disease, the patient's history and the results of the clinical examination.

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