Swine flu. Swine flu and H1N1 - Symptoms of swine flu, treatment and prevention of disease of the flu clinic H1N1

Swine flu is a kind of acute infectious disease caused by the specific type of H1N1 influenza virus. Such influenza is characterized by a rapid transition of individual outbreaks of the disease in a pandemic due to high contagiousness, heavy flow and an increased amount of complications, up to death.

History of swine flu

The very name of the disease - "swine flu" is a lot of complaints from experts of the World Health Organization. Specialists protest against the names of diseases on ethnic, territorial, professional sign or the inclusion of epithets denoting the animal world as a source of infection (bird, swine flu). Such a choice of the name for the diagnosis is subject to discrimination of living beings from certain groups, while the original swine flu viruses, as well as bird, such a threat did not carry a person. Thus, due to the propagated name for a new type of disease, the massive destruction of the pigstock of pigs began in some countries, not only as prevention, but also with the political aspects of the action. For example, in Egypt, where the majority of the population are Muslims with a ban on the use of pork food, agricultural animals belonged to local Christian communities were destroyed.

A group of swine flu viruses opened back in 1930 Richard Shup. For half a century, individual disease episodes were noted in the territories of Mexico, Canada and the United States among the pigs of pigs. In rare cases, the swine flu infected people (cots, veterinarians, etc.), but the course of the disease was dramatically different from the existing swine flu today.

The cause of the 2009 pandemic was the mutation that occurred when crossing one of the types of swine flu virus and human influenza virus A. Similar mutations occur annually, but not all new viral species of ways to active reproduction and can affect human.

Virus spread: how to infect swine flu

New flu, type H1N1, is able to affect both human and pigs. Therefore, those and others may become a source of infection. The disease does not appear immediately: the incubation period of swine flu lasts from 24 to 48 hours until the symptoms occurred depending on the carrier. At this time, the virus is already actively multiplied, stands out to the external environment and can be transmitted to other people and animals. The average duration of the period of high contagiosity of the patient is 7 days from the beginning of the manifestation of the disease. However, about every 6th person is able to infect others by 2 weeks from the moment of expressed symptoms, despite the therapy.
The high contagiousness of the swine flu virus is explained not only by its pandemic character, but also methods for the spread of infection. The causative agent is transmitted from the carrier or a sick person to the surrounding in the following ways:

  • aerogenic or air-droplet: The virus applies to the smallest drops of biological fluids (, the sewage of the nasal moves during cough, sneezing). Distribution radius - up to 2 meters;
  • contact-domestic, in case of liquids, with sneezing, cough, use of dishes, a towel, from the patient's hands to the surrounding items.

Under the conditions of a non-aggressive environment, the swine flu virus retains activity within two hours, presenting an increased danger to those in contact with a sick person or a carrier of infection.

The H1N1 flu virus is susceptible to people of all ages, regardless of gender, racial affiliation or residence. However, there are several groups with increased risk of developing severe forms of the disease, complications, up to death:

  • early age of the patient (up to 5 years);
  • people of the elderly age period (65 years and older);
  • women in the period of tooling the child, regardless of the term of pregnancy;
  • people with immunodeficiencies of various etiologies (due to diseases, pathologies of the immune system, with therapy with immunosuppressing drugs, etc.);
  • persons with chronic diseases of the organs of the respiratory, cardiovascular system, endocrine diseases (diabetes), diseases of the liver, kidneys, etc.

Increased risks in these population groups are associated both with the peculiarities of the protective forces of the body and with the specific influence of the swine flu virus on the human body:

  • the virus causes changes in the blood structure, provoking an increase in the number of platelets, as a result of which the blood coagulation increases and the danger of thrombosis is growing;
  • the course of the disease is often complicated by inflammation of light viral etiology, accompanied by pulmonary tissue;
  • nephritis, kidney damage, also relates to common complications for swine flu;
  • one of the complications of swine influenza is myocarditis, the defeat of the heart muscle.

With a reduced organism resistance or diseases and pathologies of the relevant organs and systems, the likelihood of hurricane development of complications increases sharply.

Swine flu virus: symptoms of infection

Swine flu at the very beginning of the disease is not distinguished by a special clinical picture and is similar to most common flu and sharp respiratory viral infections.
In order to distinguish the manifestation of influenza from the "cold", acute respiratory disease of bacterial etiology, it is necessary to know the pronounced manifestations characteristic of various types of diseases.

Symptoms and manifestations Colds Flu
Body Temperature, Upper Limits (up to 38 ° C Temperature, often - unprofaranted disease) Fabry temperature, 38 ° C and above
The pace of deterioration of health Gradual, within a few days Rapid, well-being worsen, the temperature increases in a few hours
Headaches Rare, often associated with sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc. Often
Muscular, articular pain Seldom Often
Respiratory manifestations (nasal congestion, cough, sneezing at the beginning of the disease) Often Sometimes
Feeling of weakness, lethargy Seldom Often and quite a long, up to 2-3 weeks

The incubation period for the swine flu most often continues from 1 to 4 days, less often - up to 7 days.
Features of symptoms of swine flu in uncomplicated form:

  • hyperthermia up to 38-39 ° C;
  • nausea, vomiting against the background of high body temperature, regardless of meals, diarrhea (up to 45% of ill);
  • deterioration of well-being, drowsiness, feeling of weakness, lethargy;
  • muscular, articular pain, "lubrication" in the body;
  • respiratory symptoms are expressed in the cough, the tribium in the throat, the sensation of the lack of air.

Symptoms of heavy flu forms type H1N1

To the most common symptom, testifying to the development of severe flu type of H1N1, include pronounced headaches with additional features:

  • localization of pain is most often in the frontal area, in the abnormal arc;
  • muscle movements in this area (blinking, facial expansion) increase soreness;
  • the development of lights is possible;
  • pain in eyeballs when moving eyes.

Pork flu, flowing in severe form, accompanies pronounced breathing insufficiency: the feeling of the lack of air, the accelerating pace of respiratory movements, the feeling of insufficient filling lungs (it is difficult to breathe deeply).

Complications of swine flu (virus H1N1)

Complications of swine flu are the main cause of increased death. Among the most dangerous complications caused by the H1N1 influenza virus, allocate the development of primary. Inflammation of the lungs against the background of swine flu may be caused directly by this virus, that is, to have viral etiology; It may be provoked by the addition of bacterial infection to the main disease; And can also wear a mixed nature of bacterial-viral infection.

Primary inflammation of the lungs with swine flu is most dangerous. It develops 2-3 days after the beginning of the symptoms of infection with respiratory failure, accompanied by a rapid (2-3 times more often than normal) superficial breathing with the muscle involvement of the diaphragm, the abdominal press, the symptoms of the lack of oxygen (cyanosis, the formation of the nasolabial triangle, fingers, legs), shortness of breath, dry, low-productive cough with transparent separated.

The inflammation of the lungs of viral etiology can lead to a distress sympathetic, the development of pulmonary tissue edema, which is caused without emergency therapy.
Pneumonia of bacterial etiology develops, as a rule, by 7-10 days of the disease. In contrast to the viral type, there is an increase in cough, chest pain separated from muddy lungs, with a purulent tint. Secondary intoxication causes a new wave of hyperthermia and deterioration of well-being. Treatment is long, up to 1.5-2 months, the forecast for recovery depends on the timely diagnosis of the pathogen. Almost half of all the pneumonia of bacterial etiology is caused by pneumococci, each 6 patient has a gold-colored staphylococcus existence, it is less common such a pathogen as a hemophilic wand. With pneumonia caused by golden staphylococcal, the inflammatory process in the tissues of the lung, abscess begins.

Pneumonia of mixed etiology is manifested by the entire spectrum of symptoms condensed during the development of the disease. Treatment is complex, long, in a hospital.
Among other common complications of swine flu are distinguished by a high probability of developing pericarditis, myocarditis, hemorrhagic syndrome, the formation of thromboms, jade, encephalitis, serous form of meningitis.

Pork flu: signs of development of complications

What features indicate the beginning of the development of the formidable complications of the disease with the H1N1 flu influenza?

  • Founded breathing, increasing shortness of breath, bluish skin shade.
  • Strong headaches, pain in the chest.
  • , lethargy in combination with dizziness, episodes of confusion of consciousness.
  • An indomitable, repeating vomiting, at an early age, an increased amount of joins.
  • Renewal of symptoms (temperature, cough, respiratory failure) after improving the condition of the patient.

Therapy and general measures for swine flu

Pork flu in patients not included in the risk group, with a timely manner, treatment in most cases proceeds without pronounced complications. What is included in the list of general measures for influenza disease (H1N1 virus):

  • mandatory bed regime throughout the illness and 7 days after the end of pronounced symptoms in order to prevent possible complications;
  • restriction of the number of contacts both to reduce the likelihood of the propagation of the virus and for the prevention of the layering of new infections;
  • reinforced drinking mode (compote, hots with high content of vitamin C: from rosehip fruits, black currant, citrus);
  • full diet with easily absorbed proteins (low-fat boiled meat, fermented milk products, eggs, etc.). Fat, fried, acute food, canned food, semi-finished products of industrial preparation;
  • the use of individual dishes for food intake, a frequent change of bed linen, towels, general indoor hygiene.

Patients from the risk group are hospitalized for treatment under hospital conditions without depending on the availability of signs of complications.
Medical therapy belongs to the following areas:

  • (Releza, Tamiflu) is recommended when the diagnosed diagnosis with a specific type of H1N1 virus, also with characteristic symptoms for this disease and / or suspicion of them in patients from a group of increased risk of complications. Patients outside the risk groups with the lung and medium-free forms of the disease it is possible to prescribe interferon groups;
  • symptomatic therapy aimed at reducing the severity of the disease symptoms: antipyretic, painkillers, local vesseloring drugs to relieve nasal respiration, mercolytic, facilitating the debit of sputum medicines;
  • pathogenetic therapy is carried out only in hospital conditions and includes the purpose of glucocorticosteroids, sympathomimetics for the purpose of disinfecting the body and reduce the likelihood of the development of distress syndrome.

Treatment of secondary pneumonia against the background of this type of influenza is carried out by antibacterial agents, depending on the identified causative agent of the disease, symptomatic drugs, it is possible to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures at the final stage of the disease and during the rehabilitation period.

Methods of prevention

The general methods of prevention include limiting contacts and staying in crowded places during epidemic, personal hygiene: frequent washing of hands with soap, wiping with alcohol-containing solutions, the use of separate dishes, etc. It is important for the prevention of infection and the development of complications in case of illness Immune status of the body, health condition, full nutrition, labor and recreation mode.

Non-specific drug methods may include the reception of antiviral drugs when contact with a possible carrier (Viferon, Kagelin, Tamiflu, etc.), receiving vitamin complexes or individual vitamin-containing drugs (A, B, C), the use of barrier prevention methods (oxolin ointment).
For specific prevention measures, a comprehensive vaccine has been developed that protects against the most common in accordance with the forecast of specialists for the nearest season of influenza viruses.

The strain of the A / H1 N1 influenza, nicknamed "swine", mankind has not yet been studied to the end, as it appeared relatively recently.

We are in the process of searching for information about it, learning by samples and errors, which often carries a deplorable result.

H1 N1 is so strong and unpredictable that it has every chance to infect half of the population of the Earth. Already now, its outbreaks are found in most countries of the globe.

At first, his appearance, many compared it with the Spanish, and believed that the immunity of a person was powerless to him. This caused a real panic in the people, because without any drugs and the complete absence of the body's resistance, the flu virus H1 N1 became deadly, and the sick them - doomed.

After a while, when the study of this type of influenza has reached certain results, it became clear the opposite. Studies showed that more than senior people ever having had ordinary flu, the H1 N1 virus was significantly less common.

This made a real breakthrough in the study of influenza, it became clear - the H1 N1 virus will not become a plane of a new generation. The immune system is able to cope with such a problem. If weaker seasonal flu viruses have visited the body, immunity becomes resistant to pork.

Of course, absolute protection from swine flu does not give it, anyone can easily become infected, no matter how much seasonal diseases did not suffer. But partial immunity significantly weakens the symptoms, the H1 N1 influenza proceeds not entirely, its signs are becoming more like an ordinary cold. He is treated, respectively, faster and harm causes less.

The swine flu virus refers to the type A and is incredibly contagious. It is twice as much as normal and beats the body from all over the scope. It is impossible to completely protect against it. In a short time, the H1 N1 virus is able to hit more people than any other, causing a real epidemic.

At the moment, only two ways of infection are identified:

  1. Airborne drip;
  2. Contact-household.

But other options are not excluded. Medicine has not yet studied the disease to the end, besides, the H1 N1 virus, like any other, quickly mutates, adapting to the conditions and is accustomed to medicines that humanity is trying to fight him. And he mutters faster than these medicines invent.

Symptoms of swine flu are similar to the usual disease, except for what is being leaked much harder. In the first months of the appearance in the world, the H1 N1 virus could deprive the human life on the second day of the disease. People simply burned. It is not surprising that he began to compare with Chuma.

The H1 N1 virus is able to infect a healthy person, being in a sick one day before the first symptoms begin to manifest. That is, one patient could infect dozens of people not even even suspecting the presence of some disease. The virus progresses the week from the moment they have become distinguishable, its first signs and infects during the whole period.

In those days, when they did not know anything about the swine flu, he was mistaken for the usual cold, conducting improper treatment and contributing to the growth of infection. Transferring to the fastest pathways of infection: by air, and through household items, the H1 N1 virus is able to "mock" dozens of people for one day.

H1 N1 is stored in the air and on surfaces of items within two or three hours and before people guess to isolate patients and process the room where they are antiviral means, swine flu has taken not one life.

Many years have passed since the first outbreaks of the H1 N1 virus, and the medicine has significantly advanced in his study. Now mankind knows about the disease much more, and can protect himself. The types of people most susceptible to the disease became known, and risk groups, which should increase the degree of protection. First include:

  • Older people older than sixty;
  • Children under five;
  • Patients with severe chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and respiratory system;

That is, more susceptible to the H1 N1 virus, people make a weakened immunity. The course of the disease, the rate of recovery depends on it.

Persons belonging to the risk group are directly related to patients or swine flu carriers. For the reason of their profession or lifestyle, they are more often in contact with the virus, because it may become more likely to get infected. These include:

  • People of public professions related to communication with a large number of people. For example, teachers, drivers, sellers;
  • Medical workers: Doctors, Sanitary, nurses, etc. They face patients every day and the risk of infection is very large.

The name of this disease is obliged to itself a medical error. When the flu just began to show himself, and scientists have already understood that this is not an ordinary cold, but something new, the symptoms of the disease began to learn among animals. It turned out that pigs suffer something like something. The hypothesis of infectious pigs appeared, and the flu was named after the culprits.

Later, they revealed that animals cannot infect a person, and the H1 N1 virus is much more difficult than which pigs dirty, but the name has already been firmly in use.

The period from the moment of infection, before the first symptoms appear about three days. As mentioned, at this time the sick already can infect others.

Moreover, the symptoms in the first stage are practically not distinguishable from signs of ordinary flu, and this illusion is like a major blow. After all, the treatment of swine flu is most effectively at first stages. Locking moment, the patient risks his life.

  1. Scrolling temperature increase. The degree can dramatically rise from 38 to 41 degrees. This symptom is characteristic at the very first stages, it is these days that the fatal outcome is possible. The body can simply not withstand and burn;
  2. General weakness, lethargy;
  3. Pain in muscles and lubrication in the joints;
  4. Headache;
  5. Caught fatigue;
  6. Nausea and vomiting;
  7. Diarrhea.

The last two signs are not manifested at all and not often. Often they accompany high temperature and headache.

The listed symptoms are characteristic at the first time of the disease. In the future, they are joined:

  1. Dry throat, allocation and redness;
  2. Rough cough. It often has an approaching nature and causes chest pain;
  3. Gravity breathing, shortness of breath.

The course of the disease is different. Someone the most severe are the first days from the moment the appearance of the first symptoms is not easy for others. Swine flu does not tolerate the empty relationship and ignoring, it must begin to be treated at the very first symptoms and not at home.

It is important to urgently consult a doctor, only it is capable of timely and correctly diagnose the disease.

If the treatment is started not in time, death can be the worst outcome. The best is complications of the disease. In addition, the complications may not bring abandoned treatment. With the appearances of the first signs of improvement, many weaken the pressure and come out of the hospital. This in the case of swine flu should be done in no case.

Flu complications may be the following:

  1. Pneumonia;
  2. Hemorrhagic syndrome;
  3. Myocarditis of infectious nature.

The most frequent of these three complications is pneumonia. This is an incredibly serious disease, which is not easy to treat. It happens viral and bacterial, with both types of equally bad.

Signs of viral pneumonia:

  • Appears complication on the third day of the influenza disease;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Dry cough prey throat;
  • The formation of the nasolabial triangle and nails on the limbs;
  • When listening to breathing, wet wipes are guessed.

If the treatment is carried out not qualitatively, or for some reason, the disease does not retreat, the symptoms of bacterial pneumonia appear on the seventh day:

  • Cough strengthen;
  • Scrolling change of the patient's condition: it improves, it worsens again;
  • Increases the temperature shot down a few days ago;
  • Highlights greenish wet;
  • X-ray shows the darkening of the lungs.

Swine flu for itself is terrible and dangerous. When complications appear, everything worsens several times, the patient's condition becomes even more severe, and the treatment is reinforced. Nevertheless, this can be avoided, on time and correctly conducting diagnostics, and making everything in a timely manner.

It is possible to identify the H1 N1 virus from the first hours of infection by taking the smear of the mucous membrane and nose, or by conducting blood test.


Rarely with what disease you can cope without contacting the doctor. Swine flu fully eliminates this option. To go to the hospital should immediately, as soon as the first symptoms appear, and at the moments of viral epidemics, it is best to pass an analysis before the appearance of signs of the disease.

If the disease is diagnosed, based on its severity, treatment is prescribed. At the initial stage, it is carried out outpatient, in any other cases the patient is hospitalized. Although there are groups of people who are hospitalized immediately after virus detection:

  • Children up to seven years;
  • Older people after sixty;
  • Persons with chronic severe diseases;
  • Pregnant and nursing women.

The treatment of influenza is carried out by antiviral drugs, for example, oseltamivir or zanamivir. At the same time, the actively restoration of the immune system is carried out so that the body can cope with the disease.

Any other medicines, especially antibiotics during the treatment of flu are strictly contraindicated, as they destroyably affect the immunity, while the viruses are absolutely harmless. That is used exclusively.

During treatment, it is advisable to drink a lot of warm liquid: tea with lemon, berry and fruit fruit, compotes, milk, etc.

In case of side diseases and complications, it is important to treat them separately. For example, cough, runny nose or high temperature with antiviral drugs does not remove. From cough need to be taken by the ACC, Ambrohexal, the temperature will help the paracetamol, ibuprofen or Ibuklin, and a rhubber - vasoconducting drops.

The treatment of swine flu lasts from one to four weeks. After recovery, prevention is very important, since the body is not restored and not resistant to causative agents of infections.

The video in this article discloses the consequences that are dangerous pig flu.

Today, many citizens with the word "pork", in addition to those who loved gastronomic delights, there is another association - it is a dangerous and heavy influenza and H1N1 with its complications, which everyone is afraid due to the threat of fatal outcome. Despite the danger of a piggy influenza infection, pork in many families occupies a dominant place on the table. And it is not surprising! The pig meat is considered one of the most common sources of zinc and iron in the diet of the inhabitants of our country. Pork dishes can be used in young age, its chemical composition prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, effectively reduces blood cholesterol.

But in recent months, pork is also the main reason for the majority of discussions on health - according to some impressionable pork people can become cause of human infection with swine flu. Immediately, let's say that the transfer of a virus from a living pig to a person is possible and leads to a disease with zoonous swine flu. In the current epidemiological situation, citizens need to know where this disease came from, what ways can be infected and how to resist dangerous disease.

First posts about swine flu and h1n1

Open in 1930 in North America, the swine flu virus and H1N1 hit only pigs in Mexico and the United States. Periodically, the disease in a non-aggressive form was discovered from local veterinarians or workers of large farms and even then, more often on the presence of antibodies in the H1N1 virus. But about the serious danger of doctors spoke much later.

In the world media, both on TV, and in newspapers and in online publications, the year was marked by the emergence of a new strain of a pandemic influenza A (H1N1). The first outbreaks of swine flu influenza diseases "pleased" Mexico and America, then the infection was discovered from residents of Japan, China, Russia and a number of other countries. Almost one million people suffered a swine flu in severe form, and more than a thousand he died around the world died.

The name "Swine Falls" was given to a new virus due to the similarity on the molecular structure with a Padochi disease affecting pigs. But everything turned out to be even more difficult: when the pig falls in the same time with two types of influenza, particles of the human virus penetrate into particles of pork variation of fever. As a result, there is a reassessortion process, after which the new virus strikes the human body and turns out to be a completely unfamiliar immune system of people.

Ways of infection with swine flu h1n1

The influenza virus can be transmitted both between people and from a pig to a person. By and large, the symptoms and the course of the disease are practically no different from ordinary flu. But at the same time, complications are immediately coming so quickly that sometimes the souse appears too late for medical care and doctors are powerless. This is the main cunning of H1N1 - unlike the 5-day development of the usual version of the virus, swine flu already on the third day it can end with death.

The paths of infection with swine flu h1n1 are not distinguished by variety, so it is important to know that the swine flu can be infected with two ways:

  1. Airborne droplet. Cough and Chihanne can transmit an infection at a distance of 1.5 meters.
  2. Continated consumer. Using with infected alone and the same household and table appliances, product items, products, it is possible to infected with particles from the hands of the mucous eye or mouth.

The most susceptible to infection and the rapid development of the heavy form of the H1N1 influenza is considered pregnant women, children under 5 years old, the elderly after the 65-year-old age. The H1N1 virus and H1N1 can become a big danger to persons suffering from accompanying severe diseases in chronic form - oncology, liver and lung diseases, diabetes mellitus, infectious and immunodeficiency (HIV) disease.

What are the symptoms of swine flu H1N1?

Symptoms of swine flu are almost indistinguishable from the symptoms of ordinary flu, which from time to time is faced during the annual flu epidemic in Russia and in the world. Nevertheless, let's voice and remember that the basic symptoms of swine flu include:

  • headache;
  • temperature rise;
  • pain and lubrication in the body;
  • cough;
  • chills;
  • a sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • fatigue;
  • labored breathing;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • stomach ache;
  • lost.

One of the most complex and dangerous types of complications, specialists consider segmental lung damage. With timely detection, the emerged pulmonary heart failure is cured for 3 days, but the hyperstoxic form ends with edema and hemorrhagic pneumonia.

Treatment of swine flu and prevention

With the possible diagnosis of swine flu, immediate hospitalization is carried out. After laboratory confirmed diagnosis, specific therapy and a number of organizational and regime measures are appointed. The fever period and the 5-day segment with normal temperature are carried out strictly in bed. The usual treatment course can be 5-7 days, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of complications.

Given that in 30% of cases of infection, the virus causative agents are maximally resistant to various modern medicines, treatment is appointed after a complete examination of the patient. At the same time, doctors try to act as quickly as possible, since the swelling of the lungs, the stop of breathing, hypoxia can show themselves within 24 hours.

Pay attention to for the prevention of silent flu It is important to avoid, or to minimize contacts with sick people, often wash your hands with alcohol-containing agents, use preventive drugs. It is worth refrain from traveling to countries that are foci of recently identified swine flu. In the form of specific prophylaxis, it is still possible to pass every year that optional vaccination.

Remember, no self-medication! Deletion in infecting and symptoms of swine flu can cost you or your loved ones!

H1N1 flu or "swine flu" is an acute viral disease that is equally striking both adults and children. The name "Swine Falls" is due to its first manifestation of pets. In particular, it is pigs. Initially, the H1N1 influenza was characterized only for the United States, Africa, Japan. Last time, swine flu in Russia also became a rather common ailment. The greatest danger of illness is that the virus is able to mutate. No exception to death.


For the first time, the virus was discovered in 1931 in America. Despite the fact that the virus is called pork, almost all pets can get sick, including birds.

Initially, the most common myth should be dispelled. The transfer of the virus from the animal to a person is unlikely. Moreover, the thermally processed meat of the infected animal does not pose a danger to human vital activity. The main way to transfer the H1N1 virus is air-drip or through close contact with a sick person.

In the main risk group, people belonging to the following categories:

  • people with a weakened immunity;
  • transferred or ill-having chronic ailments;
  • children of junior preschool age (up to 5 years);
  • people with impaired metabolism.

However, it should be noted that the virus can even combat the healthy, with a strong immunity of a person if the factors contribute to this. It is possible to detect the H1N1 infection only with a laboratory testing of blood.

In contagious, a person is considered a day before the start of symptoms and a week after recovery. Therefore, during this period, we should continue the reception of preventive drugs. The most effective for this form of the virus is considered "Tamiflu".

The H1N1 incubation period can last from several hours to 3 days. In some cases, the incubation period from the moment of infection to the manifestation of symptoms can stretch for a week. In this case, the period of development of the alend is individual.

Pathogens are not guess

There are several forms of this virus. The most dangerous and high-pathogenic is considered form A (H1N1). Shape of swine flu (H1N1) is the result of crossing the human and pork virus. This substorm is capable of mutating, which significantly complicates not only the diagnosis, but also treatment. The main causative agent remains an infected animal and a person.

Clinicians note that the forms of the virus can mutate in the future. Thus, even more complex combinations can be created, which will lead to severe consequences.

General symptomatics

The initial signs of the H1N1 virus are very similar to the usual cold. Therefore, patients often do not even suspect and do not seek medical attention during this period of death. In some clinical cases, the disease occurs without any signs, which increases the risk of developing complications.

Initially, the virus manifests itself in the form of such signs:

  • elevated temperature (up to 40 degrees);
  • fever, chills;
  • coughing;
  • a sore throat;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • skin lifting or unhealthy blush.

Due to the fact that such signs indicate the usual, patient does not appeal for medical help in a timely manner. As a result, complications can develop. The common clinical picture is complemented by such signs in adults:

  • pain in the chest area;
  • bouts of sudden dizziness;
  • strong vomiting, without visible reasons;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • heavy, surface breathing.

Pork flu in children, in addition to general symptoms, can be supplemented with such symptoms:

  • the child becomes sluggish, does not want nor to play;
  • breathing becomes complex, superficial;
  • strong heat;
  • aggression attacks are possible;
  • strong vomiting.

During this period, a child's clinical picture is only aggravated, intoxication of the body begins. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor or cause emergency medical care. The H1N1 virus is most dangerous for children of junior preschool age (from 2 to 5 years).

It is worth noting that in more severe clinical cases it is possible to maintain a high temperature up to 3 days. This state of the patient is very dangerous. No exception to death.

Since swine flu symptoms have ambiguous, similar at first, with conventional flu, many patients do not receive timely prior treatment. This leads not only to serious complications, but also to infection with the virus of other people.


The H1N1 diagnosis does not always require any instrumental research. After a personal inspection by the therapist or pediatrician, an infectiousist doctor can be engaged in clarifying anamnesis. Laboratory studies may be needed to clarify the diagnosis. You can determine the virus through such analyzes:

  • blood test for antibodies.

If the patient's condition is critical, there are suspicions of serious complications, then additional instrumental tests in the form of an x-ray of the chest can be prescribed. In general, the diagnostic program is compiled based on the state of the patient. It is impossible to determine the virus without laboratory analyzes.


Treatment of disease is prescribed only after the diagnosis is confirmed. If the virus did not cause dangerous complications in the body, it is quite possible to cure completely swine flu.

Treatment implies hospitalization of the patient, and only bedding. A comprehensive treatment is carried out, within which the doctor may prescribe drugs of such a spectrum of action:

  • antiviral (tamiflu);
  • for general strengthening immunity;
  • antibiotics.

In a mandatory treatment program, the Tamiflu preparation. Today, this is the most effective medicine from the virus of this type.

Powder Tamiflu is used to treat viral infections like A and V. Tamiflu contraindicated to children up to one year. But for children of younger school age and adults, Tamiflu is an effective drug not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of influenza.

A tamiflu is produced in the form of a powder or suspension. Dosage Tamiflu must prescribe only a doctor. Self-treatment or treatment by folk remedies in this case is inappropriate.


For the prevention of swine flu best to make vaccination. This should consist of a physician or pediatrician. The vaccination almost completely eliminates the infection of the pork virus. But, it should be taken into account that the vaccination is not a panacea of \u200b\u200binfluenza. If you do not follow your health, then no preparations and vaccinations will be removed from the infection of the viral disease.

Prevention includes such events:

  • reception of preventive preparations (Tamiflu here also includes);
  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • compliance with personal hygiene.

During the exacerbation of the disease should be minimized in public places. As for the vaccination and reception Tamiflu, such precautions are mandatory for children. Avoid infection with a virus is much easier than cured it.

The probability of influenza is large if some or all of these symptoms are present:

What should I do if I got sick?

If you are sick with the manifestation of flu-like symptoms in the epidemic influenza season, you must stay at home and avoid contacts with other people, waiting for medical care. Most people with influenza (H1N1) 2009 manifest ease of illness, and they do not need medical care or drugs, as in the case of seasonal flu.

However, people who are more predisposed to the emergence of complications after influenza should consult with their attending physician about the need for examination in the presence of influenza symptoms during this season. These categories of people include:

The development of severe illness is possible in healthy people because of the flu, so anyone who is concerned about their health should consult with their doctor.

What are the alarming symptoms?

  • Rapid or difficult breath
  • Gray skin or bluish tint
  • Refusal of sufficient drink
  • Strong or incessant
  • Unwillingness to wake up or lack of activity
  • Excited state at which the child resists when it takes

In adults

  • Hammered breath or shortness
  • Pain or squeezing in the chest or abdominal department
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Concision confusion
  • Strong or incessant vomiting
  • Some relief of the symptoms of flu, which later renewed, accompanied by heat and an intensive cough

Are there any medicines against influenza (h1n1) 2009?

Yes. There are antiviral drugs that the doctor can register both for use against seasonal flu and influenza (H1N1) 2009. These drugs can quickly put you on your feet, and can also prevent serious complications.

During this season, the influenza antiviral drugs are used mainly to treat people with severe disease, including those who need hospitalization; As well as for the treatment of people who have the greatest risk of serious complications after influenza.

Your attending doctor will solve whether antiviral drugs need to treat your disease. To date, most people have patients with influenza (H1N1) 2009, a light form of the disease was manifested, and they did not need medical care and antiviral drugs, as in the case of seasonal flu.

How long should I stay at home if I got sick?

Your high temperature must pass without the use of the antipyretic agent. You must stay at home and do not go to work, to school, do not go on a trip, do not go to the store, do not attend public events and public meetings.

What should I do during illness?

Stay away from others as possible not to infect them. If you need to get out of the house, for example, to get medical care, wear a face mask if you have it, or cover your mouth with a cough or sneezing. Also more often wash your hands to avoid the spread of influenza among others.

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