Magic birds. Goldfinches fly free: an ancient custom or an inhumane attitude towards nature? In the old days people were afraid of this bird

Air is a necessary condition for the existence of all things; wind- movement of air, “sigh”, the breath of the world, “with the cessation of which in nature everything seems to fall asleep”<Соболев, 1913>. At the same time, this is the exhalation of a person, the guarantee of his life: “The soul upon leaving the body and before uniting with it is wind"<Потебня, 1914>.

The soul (or rather, the undying vital essence, in the peasant consciousness is usually identical to the material, only more “airy”, “flying” appearance of a person) - “is spirit, air, wind".“How does the Latin animus correspond to the Greek ανεμοσ - wind, so are ours spirit, soul are closely related to the words blow, air, smoke…» <Никифоровский, 1875>.

The apocryphal “Conversation of the Three Hierarchs,” popular among Russian peasants, says that Adam “has a body from the earth, blood from the sea, eyes from the sun, bones from stone, warmth from the cloud of thought, warmth from fire, wind breath, and the Lord himself breathed the spirit.”

In Russian beliefs of the 19th–20th centuries. the primary attention is still paid not so much to the “soul-breath” as to the strong the wind whirlwind. It is understood as the embodiment of the soul (or “posthumous appearance”) endowed with special, supernatural powers of the dead (strangled, drowned, drunk) (see VORTEX, DEAD).

In the beliefs of the 19th–20th centuries. wind dual and can act independently, and not only through evil spirits; it is omnipresent and unpredictable rather than destructive.

THINGS E L, VESHEVR E MENETS, VESCHEVREMEN E C, CLOTHING E NNIC, V E SCHEC, V E SHCHY, THING U N- healer; sorcerer, sorcerer; predictor, soothsayer; guesser

THINGS E YKA, V E SCHITSA, THING AND TA, THING U YKA, THINGS U NYA- healer; witch; witch, sorceress; fortune teller, fortune teller.

“It’s just like that little thing They won’t know, but who else will?” (Med. Ural);"Karkala b pythoness on your own head"<Даль, 1880>; "Small children - soothsayers: When you want to know something, ask the little child.” (Smol.);"Yardyard and Brownie" broadcast" (Kaluzh.);"Heart -sorcerer, senses good and bad"<Даль, 1880>.

To the soothsayers, future and past events are revealed to people endowed with supernatural abilities (sorcerers, sorcerers, witches); prophetic- the one who knows everything. Thingba- divination, spell, and broadcast, broadcast- means to predict.

Weschel, sorcerer, sorcerer - a person capable of broadcasting - has been mentioned in historical and literary monuments since the 11th century. The role of such omniscient people in Ancient Rus', and even later, was significant: by foreseeing the future, they could influence the present and change it. TO soothsayers-peasants also turned to fortune-tellers at the end of the 19th century, although more for explanations of events that had already happened (perhaps because future events seemed inevitable).

Thing, soothsayer(as well as sorcerer, sorcerer, sorcerer) - powerful and dangerous creatures, mentioned in conspiracies “protecting” from them: “... protect me [name] with a hail of stones with three locks and fences<…>bury in the Dvina peak and in a stone cave, from the sorcerer and from gizmos, from a sorcerer and from a magician and from every evil and unkind person. If the sorcerer finds those keys and little thing and he will unlock the locks, and open the gates, and drown the hail, neither the sorcerer nor little thing don’t look after those keys” (Arch.).

In the beliefs of the 19th century. Not only sorcerers and witches are endowed with the ability to create things, but also small children, as well as birds and a number of mythological characters; cf.: “Crow broadcasts- it will rain" (Crow.),"Tonight the brownie broadcast, I was moaning in the yard all night.” (Kaluzh.)(cm. WHITE (BABA, GIRL), DOMOVOY, KIKIMORA, GOBBLE, MERMAID).

According to the beliefs of the Tula and Kaluga provinces, prophets, prophets- spirits foreshadowing trouble, imminent death - turn into birds, cats, etc. Gizmo can also be called an evil spirit, a forest spirit in the form of a beautifully colored squirrel or a tailless magpie (Ufim., Perm., Tobol., Sverdl.).

In many regions of Russia prophetic, thing they also called a healer, a witch, and a bird that foretells trouble (most often a crow, magpie, cuckoo). Prophet thought the raven: “It’s also equal prophetic The magpie and the black raven should not talk in my flock." (Arch.).

The special, “prophetic” role of birds is not accidental: they rise high in the sky, are omnipresent and omniscient, especially those that live long (crows).

“Everywhere the raven is considered an ominous bird, a harbinger of death.<…>Kite on a cross (grave or church. - M.V.)- also to the deceased. A cuckoo on the house means either a fire or the death of someone in the family.<…>A woodpecker is hammering at a wall - towards a dead person. About any bird, if it knocks with its beak on the roof, wall or window of a house, they say that it is killing someone from the house. In the spring, chickens scream until the sun rises on their nests - to the dead man... etc.” (Bonfire) The croaking of a raven predicts bad weather or misfortune (Orl., Simb., Kursk.), someone must certainly die if the owl screams in the hut (Kursk); an owl and an eagle owl fly to the village and scream before the fire (Arch.). A magpie tickling in the yard portends a guest (Arch., Orel., Kursk.);“for the girl-bride - matchmakers. When she jumps up on the threshold of the house with a tickle, something new and good will certainly arrive in the house.” (Eagle).

According to beliefs, the soul, “the feathered double of man,” and the deceased (also prophets, embodying misfortunes), and death could take the form of a bird.

“For three days, they say, the soul beats around its bodies. She flies around the hut like a bird or a little chicken. She wants to go to God rather. You have to open the doors and the pipe so that you can fly.” (Sib.); until the 40th day, the soul “hovered around the home either in the form of a person, as he was during life, or in the form of a bird” ( Bonfire).“If a bird flies into a hut, then it is the soul of someone who has recently died or, although he has died long ago, is especially sorry for his household” ( Yenis.); white dove - the soul of an illegitimate baby, baptized by his grandmother, strangled and not buried in the cemetery (Vlad.):“When a sparrow flies into the room, in order for there to be no dead body, you need to feed it, give it something to drink and release it in the direction opposite to its flight.” (Crow.).“In Central Russia, to this day they say, when a bird flies into a house in winter, “the deceased is cold, he has flown in to warm himself like a little bird,” summarizes A. N. Sobolev. “In Rus' they also believe that the soul often flies like a dove and remains at the place of its burial, and from ancient times we have preserved the custom of building special buildings on graves to rest the soul and to protect it from bad weather, called cabbage rolls.”<Соболев, 1913>.

In the Surgut region it was believed that death could take the form of a bird (mostly a magpie). A werewolf magpie flies into a house through a window or chimney. In Russian fairy tales and lamentations (as well as in riddles. - M.V.) death is directly called a bird.

In Russia, they still believe that a bird hitting a window (or flying into a house), circling and screaming near the house prophesies and brings misfortune.

IN E SCHITSA-SOR ABOUT KA, V E SHITZA- a dangerous werewolf bird; witch bird.

"Magpie little thing sat on a stake and tickled: they tell the guests. Yes, in his wide yard they fly magpie things"(Perm.);“If you don’t turn Dobryni into a good fellow, I’ll turn you around shirt-thing"[from the epic] (Arch.).

The ideas of the harbinger bird, the fortuneteller and the magpie witch-thing that turns around are united by popular beliefs in the 19th–20th centuries. way gizmos, things (less often - prophetic things).

Magpie is one of the usual forms of a witch, mentions of which are constantly found in historical and literary monuments. In the XIV century. Metropolitan Alexy conjured forty witches. According to folk legend, Ivan the Terrible conjured them. By tsar's decree, witches and re-secularists were brought from all sides to Moscow “and seated in fortresses with a strict guard so that they would not leave. Then the king gave the order that everyone should be brought to the square.<…>The king himself came out to the square and ordered all the witches to be covered with straw. When they brought in straw and surrounded it, he ordered it to be set on fire on all sides in order to destroy all witchcraft in Rus' before his own eyes. The witches were engulfed in flames - and they began to squeal, scream, and meow. A thick black column of smoke rose, and magpies flew out of it, one after another - apparently and invisibly... This means that all the witches turned into magpies and flew away and deceived the king in his eyes. Then the Terrible Tsar became angry and sent a curse after them: “So that you,” he says, “from now on, O forever to remain magpies!“

Alkonost– a bird of joy and love from the Heavenly World. She has a human face (half-woman, half-bird), with large, rainbow-colored feathers. She is kind to a person, helps him, warns him of trouble. Alkonost’s singing is so beautiful that those who hear it forget about all their troubles and worries. Sometimes it flies to Heavenly Iriy for the winter, returning from there in the spring to earth with divine, amazingly beautiful flowers. Khors himself, the god of the winter sun, patronizes Alkonost, captivated by his singing and beauty. Happy is the person who sees this bird, since it is easy to frighten away (like success and luck), and it is so fast that it disappears instantly. This bird appears very rarely now. Modern people take it for a mirage and an obsession, afraid to believe in a fleeting vision of heavenly beauty and happiness.

Sirin- bird of sadness, messenger of the ruler of the underworld. Her singing is captivating and sad; meeting her for any creature means imminent disaster. Sirin has the body of a bird, and the head of a beautiful woman. This bird is also a servant and executor of the will of the highest Gods - endowed by them with the gift of foresight, the gift of consolation in sadness and grief. Often travels with Alkonost; then, when meeting a person, each of the birds sings to him their songs about his fate.

Sirin appeared to many royals before difficult trials for their countries and families. But if you know how to listen to this bird, you can always find the right way out in any difficult circumstances.

Finist (Phoenix) – the immortal bird of happiness and eternal youth. This is a bird with fiery feathers
red and gold colors, fast as light or lightning. In Russian fairy tales, this is Finist the Clear Falcon - an image of the rebirth and renewal of man, Nature, and Russia. During the day, the fabulous Finist turns into a bird, at night into a beautiful prince. Sometimes in fairy tales the Finist-Falcon falls asleep for a long time in order to wake up from the tears of his beloved and dispel the witchcraft spell. This is an eternally young and victorious warrior bird, a defender of Rus', the covenants of ancestors and justice. Messenger of the gods of Heavenly Russia. Finist is patronized by God Rod himself, and Perun and Svarog help him.

In Greek legends, in old age, the Phoenix burns itself in its own fire and rises from the ashes even more beautiful and youthful.

In Russian songs and fairy tales, good red fellows are called “young and clear falcon.” Fairy-tale princes turn into falcons when they need to instantly overcome vast distances, suddenly strike an enemy from the sky, or appear unnoticed in front of a red maiden. The falcon is considered the embodiment of the heavenly elements - Fire and Air, the personification of a brave and strong masculine principle.

« In ancient times, good people sailed on a ship to a distant land - for the Phoenix, the bird of happiness. The sea was deserted and quiet. And suddenly two rocks facing each other appeared ahead. A clear, wonderfully beautiful whistle came from their tops. Hearing him, the shipmen forgot about everything in the world. And their boat rushed with the rudder abandoned into a narrow strait between the rocks, where inevitable death awaited everyone. But they did not think about death, but only looked at the birds with human faces that made captivating sounds. These were the birds of Sirin, the birds of sadness; meeting them means trouble. Suddenly, other sounds flying from above touched the ears of the shipmen and forced them to raise their heads. Another bird with a human face sat on the top of the mast and sang a song about a distant homeland, where mothers and fathers, wives and children are waiting for them, a warm hearth and a roof in their home, rivers and fields, forests and mountain paths. Hearts rose: people remembered the danger and rushed to the yards. In the last moments, the ship managed to turn away from the deadly rocks and go on its own course. The bird, having taken off the mast, flew over the sea and disappeared over the horizon. It was Alkonost - the bird of joy». (“Fairytale ABC”)

A prophetic bird-talker with a human head, a messenger of Heaven, a herald of the gods. Folk legends say that Gamayun was born along with our world. Therefore, he knows everything about the origin of our Earth and Sky, mountains and rivers, gods and people, animals and birds. Can predict the future. People come to the bird Gamayun for advice, since the bird knows the wisdom of all times, all peoples. They say that the gods even told Gamayun what happened before the creation of our world.

He often lives near the sea, and likes to relax on Buyan Island. They say that when Gamayun flies, he raises a storm with his wings. And he flies to Rus' with news from Heavenly Iriy - the abode of the bright Slavic gods. The prophetic bird Gamayun is patronized by the god Veles; he takes care of people, sending them divine messages through the messenger bird. According to ancient belief, the cry of the bird Gamayun foretells happiness. But she broadcasts only to those who know how to ask her and who are ready to listen to secret things. Gamayun sings divine praises to people, in which he reminds people of the highest values ​​of the world, the glorious deeds of the gods and ancestors, and he also sings to people the Deep (Dove) book with the commandments of the god Svarog about how the world works and how to live correctly.

In the ancient “Book of verb Kosmography” with a description of the Earth, the map shows a round plain washed on all sides by a river-ocean. On the eastern side is marked “the island of Macarius, the first under the very east of the sun, near the blessed paradise; That’s why it’s so popular that the birds of paradise Gamayun and Phoenix fly into this island and smell wonderful.”

FIREBIRD - A magical, luminous solar bird from the upper world - Iria of the Heavenly, monastery
gods of the Slavs and Aryans. The light emanating from its plumage illuminates the entire area: “A wonderful light flows all around, but does not warm, does not smoke...”. The shine of her feathers blinds the eyes as much as the light of the sun or the flash of lightning. In one fairy tale about the Firebird it is written: “She has golden feathers, and her eyes are like oriental crystal.”

She sings wonderfully, sometimes speaks in a girl’s voice and takes on a girl’s image. Can fascinate a person with his gaze and singing. But she rarely sings in captivity, she is sad and may even die if she is put in a cage.

Its color is golden, the color of solar fire and lightning. She eats golden rejuvenating apples, which give immortality, eternal youth and beauty. Some fairy tales say that when the Firebird sings a menacing song, brilliant lightning rains down from its open beak and thunder rolls sound. In other fairy tales it is written that her singing is so beautiful and joyful that it enchants and bewitches a person, and at this time stingray pearls fall from her beak. And even the gods love to look at her and listen to the singing of the Firebird, since she is the embodied image of the purity of solar fire and perfection.

The singing of the Firebird is like living water - those who listen to it gain health and youth, quarrels stop, grievances are forgotten. This magical bird can make wishes come true, and its power has not been fully explored by people. Even one of her feathers brings great happiness to the person who takes possession of it; Many earthly kings and rulers dreamed about this. Its price is a whole kingdom, but the bird itself has no price at all. But for those who use this feather for personal gain, it brings disaster.

In fairy tales, she flies to our world from the distant kingdom, that is, from the Heavenly Iriy - the abode of the gods, where she lives in the “Garden of Eden” surrounding the tower of the Tsar Maiden (Thunderstorm Maidens, Perunitsa). The Tree of Life with its rejuvenating apples grows in this garden. The protector of this bird is the god of thunder and lightning himself, Perun. Sometimes the Firebird is an image of the Sun God, Dazhdbog.

They say that the last time people saw a wonderful bird in Rus' was in 1108, and this is even recorded in the Nikon Chronicle: “Appearing in Kyiv at the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael the Golden-Domed, an unknown bird, with the majesty of a ram and shining with all sorts of flowers and songs, ceaselessly and having worn out a lot of sweetness from it: and sat on that church for six days and flew away, and no one could see it anywhere.”

Birds play a significant role in many cultures. There are many superstitions associated with them. Their ability to fly sometimes seems amazing. When a bird flies up, it carries someone's soul to heaven, and when it descends, it carries a message from God.

Birds that bring trouble are usually completely black or white. Although, how about white stork? His nest on the roof of the house brings happiness to the house, and the storks also bring children.

Peacock originally from South Asia, he has a very beautiful tail and a terrible voice. The cry of a peacock seems to be able to raise the dead from the grave. It is a sacred bird in Indian mythology, as it dances before the rain and is considered a symbol of the thunder god Indra. It is a symbol of nobility and beauty in Chinese mythology, and in Christian art it symbolizes resurrection, as the peacock's tail falls off and grows back.

Owl- a nocturnal bird associated with evil spells. Owls are also servants of witches, take, for example, the world-famous Harry Potter. You were only allowed to take rats, cats or owls with you to the magical Hogwarts Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Although in many fairy tales owls are portrayed as kind and wise birds, always ready to help the heroes. And the symbol of the television program “What? Where? When?" - owl.

Which bird in Rus' brought trouble or death?

Eagle owls somewhat similar to owls. If an eagle owl sits on a hut, this sign foretells trouble or death in the house. Owl's claws are worn on the neck so that trouble does not touch this person.

Crow, having plumage as black as night and a predatory sharp beak, is a harbinger of death. Crows are also scavenger birds and can often be found in cemeteries. And their cry “Kar!” can sometimes seem intimidating.

Ideas about Cuckoo in the Japanese traditional picture of the world they are in many ways similar to other cultures; it is a “connector” between the world of life and death, a “bird of the next world” (it sings at night and at dawn). In classical poetry, the Cuckoo is the “bird of the mountains of death” because it was believed to accompany the deceased to the land of death. Among the Slavs, if a cuckoo crows from behind, it means inevitable death.

Any Mari woman knew that “a little birdie has arrived ( Titmouse), and knocked on the glass” - there would be trouble in the house, and in other words - a dead person.

If Sparrow flies into the window, then in order for there to be no dead person in the house, the bird needs to be fed, watered and released out of another window.

If Chicken crowed a rooster, then in Russian villages this was considered an extremely unfavorable sign - someone in the family would die. Other signs of death are also associated with a chicken: if only cockerels hatch from the entire clutch of eggs, or if she lays eggs with two yolks. A chicken lays eggs without shells - there will either be a pestilence on people, or a dead person in the family.

WITH Magpie there are many signs associated with it. This can be explained by the fact that the magpie was the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. Under her tongue there is a drop of the blood of the king of the Underworld, which is why the magpie is called the bird of the devil. Hovering above a man’s head, Magpie predicts his imminent death.

This pitch-black bird is familiar to each of us - both residents of rural settlements and city dwellers. We are so accustomed to the sight of these birds that we don’t even notice them when we pass by. But just recently, crows were treated with respect, they were even afraid of them! In medieval Europe, these birds were considered harbingers of bad events, shocks, famine and death.

However, one should not assume that black birds were associated exclusively with negativity. In the old days, the raven was considered a symbol of wisdom, and the crow acted as a kind of “logo” of practical magic. By the way, these birds really have a very developed intelligence. Scientists have found that their intellectual development is at the level of a seven-year-old child.

There are many superstitions about crows. Some of them predict unlucky events and disasters, while other beliefs predict happiness, fame and long life. Do you want to understand the signs and signs of fate that our feathered neighbors on the planet are trying to convey to us?

If a crow attacked a person

In the old days, it was believed that if a person was attacked by a crow, then this was a sign of impending misfortune. You need to prepare for serious changes in life, and they are unlikely to be positive. However, there is a way to ward off possible trouble from yourself and your loved ones. To do this, you should visit the temple, light candles and order a prayer service for the health of yourself and your household.

It must be borne in mind that a crow attack can be considered as a sign only if it was unmotivated. If you provoked a bird (for example, you tried to pick up a chick that had fallen from the nest), then its aggression does not carry any mystical meaning.

What does a crow's caw mean?

There are also many superstitions associated with the hoarse “voice” of birds. For example, if a crow croaks overhead, the sign tells you to prepare to receive long-awaited news. A whole flock of birds croaking loudly on the roof of a house portends an imminent wedding. The crows “talking” with each other suddenly fell silent and flew away as if on command? This means that the weather will change soon - usually you should prepare for precipitation and cold weather.

You should expect trouble if a crow croaks under your window for a long time in the early morning. For a long time, people have noticed that in places where crows behave restlessly, various incidents occur. These could be fires, epidemics or famine. There was a sign that if corvids often circle and croak over a field, then this field belongs to a witch.

Raven sat on his head

It is believed that birds and some animals (in particular) are able to sense the disease. Based on this idea, a sign appeared that if a crow sat on its head, it meant a serious illness. Or, worse, to death. But there is another, positive interpretation of the sign. There is a version that the crow sits on the head only of exceptional people who are destined to become rich, influential and famous.

If you are alarmed by the negative interpretation of the superstition about a raven landing on your head, then know that the effect of the sign can be “cancelled.” To do this, you should use the handle of the front door of your house. Each family member should do the same. To be on the safe side, you can read a prayer, but this is not necessary.

Meet a bird on the road

A crow sitting motionless on a stone warns that you will meet a dangerous travel companion on the road. If you see several birds sitting, count them. An odd number of birds predicts a quarrel. Is the bird flying after you? In some countries there is a belief that this is a sign of wealth!

A bad sign is a flock of birds flying out of the forest. Our ancestors noticed that soon after this there would be a bad harvest, loss of livestock, and famine. But it’s even worse if two flocks of crows fly towards each other. In this case, it was necessary to prepare for an imminent war.

Corvids can point a traveler to a bad or bad place. If you are about to set up a tent in the forest and notice that a crow is flying and cawing above you, then it is better to move the camp further away. Otherwise, you can become seriously ill or die without a trace. It is interesting that this belief is found not only in Slavic myths and legends, but also in the books of the mystic and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. His teacher, don Juan, argued that a croaking crow never expresses agreement with the world, but warns of danger.

Meet a crow near the house

A black bird that can be seen near a home only brings bad news if it can be seen every day. If a crow flies and knocks on the window, this indicates imminent changes in the house, as well as the possibility of robbery or problems with the law. If she can often be seen on the roof, then the head of the house is in danger of ruin.

A flock of black birds circling over a home indicates black witchcraft. One of the household members became a victim of a witch or a powerful sorcerer. This belief was reflected in the episode about the witchcraft funnel from the film “Night Watch”. If a raven makes a nest under your window, then you don’t have to be afraid of witchcraft. The magical bird has decided to take you under its protection.

Elena Kochetova
"The image of a bird in Rus'." Integrated lesson in the senior group

« The image of a bird in Rus'»

Program content:

Form in children interest in Russian history, introduce to Russian culture.

Systematize children's knowledge about the image of birds in folk tales.

Call interest and the desire to reproduce birds in a pattern, developing. artistic and creative images.

Cultivate in children a love for birds of our native land.

Encourage children to participate in songs and games.

Preliminary work: Learning songs, chants, proverbs, poems about birds; reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations birds; conversations and observations birds and their habits, drawing Dymkovo roosters.

Material to occupation: tree models, illustrations birds, hut, barnyard, chest, didactic games: "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Swan geese", blanks for drawing Dymkovo roosters according to the number of children, handouts for drawing.

Progress of the lesson

Children, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

What can you travel with? (plane, boat, train, car). Today, you and I will travel by train, and to make the journey seem fun to us, we will sing a familiar song “Here is our train coming”

Performance of the song “Here is our train coming”

1 stop "Lesnaya".

What time of year is it now? (spring)

One of the signs of spring is a national holiday "Forty Forty". On this day forty different flocks arrive birds to our region from the south, this is a sign that the frosts have receded and a warm spring is coming. Let's, children, listen to how they sing in our forest birds.

Which did you recognize the birds?? (Cuckoo, titmouse, starlings)

Rooks, Starlings, Larks are the harbingers of spring. Let's call Spring too.


“Come to us!

Clear spring

Red spring

Bring it to us!

Children you know birds which were used on Rus' with honor? (children's answers)

Good fellows were compared to a falcon. Falcon eyes are keen eyes.

The swan is a symbol of purity and beauty. “Like a white swan floating” they were talking about a girl.

The white-sided magpie is reputed to be a thief, a gossip, bringing various news on its tail.

The owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Often adults affectionately called: "My little bird", “My dove, "My Swallow" Why do you think they call you that? (birds are small, cute, funny)

poem using the method of telling poems with your hands "I want to be a bird"

I was walking down the street, forward movements with my index finger

And both middle fingers

hands indicating walking;

The jackdaw and the raven counted: Cross your hands in front of you, do

smooth hand movements,

denoting flight birds

One, two, three, four, five Bend your fingers one by one,

starting with the little finger.

I opened my mouth, I look at the sky. Open my mouth, raise my head up.

Right left. I was not there. Head turns

I wanted to become a bird, swinging my arms up and down

And he began to wave his arms downwards

Wings up and wings down,

You can only hear the wind whistling.

I jumped up to fly, raise my hands up, jump

But I had to sit down on the ground.

To the music of the song “Here is our train coming”

Stop 2 - Yagodnaya Polyana village

(Audio recording of village sounds)

What is the name of the village we came to? (Berry Glade). Why do you think it is called that? (Because there are a lot of berries growing there)

Educator draws Children's attention to the house and barnyard.

Look how big, beautiful, wooden the house is, the house has a window with painted shutters, a roof.

What word do you think the word comes from? "village"? What material are the houses in the village made of? (houses are made of wood, they are wooden)

There is a farmyard next to the house. What animals do you see? (Cow, dog, cat, rooster, pig)

Educator draws children's attention to the roof of the house

The roof of the house is held together by a wooden ledge. This ledge is always decorated with a figurine. Who knows which one? (Rooster)

Yes, children, this is Cockerel, and why exactly Cockerel? ( The image of this bird was considered a talisman, protected the family from trouble and misfortune)

What proverb do you know about the cockerel? ( “The rooster is crowing, the dark time has passed”).

The Russian people consider the rooster to be like this bird, which does not sink in water and does not burn in fire. Remember how in a fairy tale “Golden comb cockerel and miracle chalk” What did the cockerel do when he was thrown into the water and then into the fire?

(the cockerel drank water from the well and put out the fire in the stove)

The rooster figurine not only protects the house from evil spirits and brings happiness to the family, but also protects the house from fire.

Performance of the song "Cockerel"

Which village did we visit? Why was the figure of a rooster placed on the roof of the house? (children's answers)

To the music of the song “Here is our train coming” children go on their way

3 stop "Fabulous"

We arrived at the station "Fabulous".

Children, what kind of people are you, do you know fairy tales where there is image of a bird? ("Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Zimovye", "Fox with a rolling pin", "Ryaba Hen", "Swan geese", "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "Zayushkina's hut")

Children, I have a magic chest for you interesting to know, what lies in it?

The teacher takes out 2 educational games from the chest "Collect a fairy tale", divides the children into 2 teams and offers them cut-out pictures

What station were we at? What fairy tales collected? (children's answer)

train signal

To the music of the song “Here is our train coming” children go on their way

4 stop "People's Craftsman".

And now we have arrived at the workshop, where we will decorate the cockerel with Dymkovo painting

The teacher looks at the children sample Dymkovo rooster with elements of painting, predominant colors, methods and techniques of drawing.

Analysis of children's works

Steam locomotive whistle. Our journey is over. Children, did you enjoy the trip? Which stations did we visit? What new have you learned? It's time to go home.

Have questions?

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