Born in 1993, compensation is due. How to get compensation for the Soviet contribution

In 2020, the process of making payments to Russian citizens who opened a deposit with Sberbank in the Soviet era was restored. This year, the 1991 agreements are next in line. How exactly you can receive a payment, what documents you will need to have with you, and how much exactly Sberbank is ready to pay is described in this article. Compensation for deposits of 1991 in 2020-2020 - when will they be given?

There are clear refund rules. If the candidate fully complies with the requirements and complies with them, then the funds will be returned. In the absence of a corresponding application, no one will provide the amount due to you.

Here are the payments that will be made in 2020:

  1. If the deposit was opened before June 20, 1991. The fact is that all agreements concluded for opening a deposit before this date are recognized as public debt on the basis of.
  2. State insurance contracts concluded with Rosgosstrakh before January 1, 1992.
  3. Under the obligations of the Treasury of the USSR.
  4. Savings certificates.

Not everyone is eligible for money. Here are the people who will be eligible for compensation:

  1. The citizens of the Russian Federation themselves, who opened a deposit.
  2. The heirs of the contributor, if they were born before the collapse of the USSR.
  3. Other persons who independently paid for ritual services at the burial of the depositor.
Who is eligible for deposit compensation in 2020-2020?

What deposits are not paid

According to the current legislation, the state has assumed the obligation to pay not all deposits. Waiver will be granted:

  1. If the investor died, and the heirs were born after the collapse of the USSR.
  2. If the agreement was concluded after the collapse of the USSR.
  3. If before the end of 1991 the contract was terminated.
  4. If documents have already been submitted and the application for payment was satisfied.
  5. When applying to heirs who do not have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Can heirs receive compensation?

Heirs can exercise their right to receive a compensation payment only if the requirements are met:

  1. If you have Russian citizenship.
  2. If the depositor has Russian citizenship at the time of his death.
  3. If the heirs were born in the USSR.
  4. Legal inheritance.
Compensation for Sberbank deposits in other countries

Important! Money can be paid not only to the next of kin, but also to the heirs of the second and third stages. In their absence, persons who were engaged in burial with their own money have the right to compensation.

Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

It is possible to independently calculate the amount of the compensation payment, taking into account the age of the applicant, his status and a number of other points that affect the coefficient. Based on this, one should decide on the advisability of collecting a complete package of documents. It is important to consider not only the size of the contribution, but also:

  1. Recipient's age.
  2. recipient status.
  3. The amount of previous compensation if several deposits were made.

The procedure and features of compensation are described in Federal Law No. 362. Additional changes relevant for 2020-2020 are indicated in Government Decree No. 1092, which was extended based on another Decree No. 1435. Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

Based on the table below, you can make an independent calculation.

Payout percentage from depositDeposit closing yearContract time
80%1994 1992-1993
70%1993 1991-1992
60%1992 Before 1991

The Sberbank website also has a special calculator that helps you make the calculation online. It takes into account the balance of the deposit, the coefficient and the amount of payments made earlier. Amount Calculator

Features of payments on passbooks of the USSR

According to Federal Law No. 238 and Federal Law No. 362, in order to carry out the calculation, it is required to revalue banknotes and equate the Soviet ruble to the Russian one. Then you can understand how much you can get. However, there are some categories of citizens who receive a significant allowance.

Since the program of compensation payments has a social orientation, the unprotected or least protected category of Russians is entitled to increased compensation.

By simple calculations, if there are 3,000 rubles on the account, citizens born in 1945 and earlier can receive 9 thousand rubles, while younger citizens only 6 thousand rubles, despite the same balance. Increase in the amount of payment on deposits of Sberbank in 1991

On the possibility of obtaining compensation for burial on Soviet deposits

Federal Law No. 238 allows you to receive payment not only to heirs, but also to citizens of the Russian Federation who have incurred the costs of burial, not being relatives of the contributor. However, they need to keep all checks and receipts to confirm that it was they who dealt with the burial.

Important! Even on previously closed deposits, you can receive cash compensation. But the closing date for such deposits must be between June 20 and December 31, 1991. At the same time, Sberbank will refuse to provide compensation if the money was paid to the depositor during his lifetime. The amount directly depends on the amount of savings.

V Federal Law No. 415 it is indicated that Sberbank guarantees a fifteenfold increase in the amount of the deposit if it contains less than 400 rubles. That is, with a balance of 350 Soviet rubles, you can get 5250 Russian rubles.

If the depositor at the time of death had several valid agreements in various branches of the bank, then the state undertakes to return the money only under one of the agreements. Which one will be paid is up to the heirs to decide. How to calculate compensation

Target contribution for children 1991

In the era of the USSR, there was a tendency when parents at the birth of a child opened a deposit in his name. Upon reaching the age of majority, the child himself could manage his own funds, which had been accumulated over 18 years, enough to buy a car or an apartment. But due to the collapse of the USSR, many of these deposits have depreciated, and now they are being paid out through Sberbank branches.

Important! According to the terms of the agreement, the savings must be in the account for at least 10 years. Then the bearer was entitled to higher interest. If the contract specifies a period of less than 10 years, the bank will refuse to provide money under state guarantees.

Today, for these and other products, you should not count on receiving interest from the bank, but it is possible to return yours. The amount of compensation depends on the age of the recipient, that is, persons born in the period 1945-1991 will receive double the amount. At birth, after the collapse of the USSR, it is not possible even for the heirs to receive money. Deposit compensation

You can receive money:

  1. contributors directly.
  2. The heirs of the contributor who meet the current requirements.
  3. Persons carrying out the burial.

It is worth understanding what the balance of the deposit is made up of so that you can calculate the potential payout.

What is the balance of the deposit?

It must be understood that Sberbank employees can carry out settlements on deposits where indexation has already been carried out. According to the Decree of the President of the USSR of March 22, 1991, all deposits of citizens of the USSR as of March 1, 1991 increased by 40% at the expense of state funds. What determines the amount of compensation

There are three accounting options for making payments:

  1. A mark was made in the passbook that the amount of the balance increased on the basis of the decision of the President of the country, in connection with which the depositors could withdraw this allowance without loss of interest after July 1, 1991. At the same time, the minimum balance should have been more than 200 rubles.
  2. The revaluation amount was credited to a special account, and it was possible to dispose of the money only after three years.
  3. Indexation was not carried out for products that were opened after March 1, 1991, so money can only be received based on the balance indicated in the passbook.

On the basis of the Decree, all persons who made their deposits before the specified date could receive an additional 40% to their savings from money allocated from the USSR budget.

The procedure for making payments in 2020

To receive budgetary funds for obligations on the basis of Federal Law No. 73, necessary:

  1. Check on your own the grounds for receiving funds from the deposits of the USSR.
  2. Ask the bank's specialists what kind of papers you need to provide and whether you have the right to make a payment. At this stage, you can also refine the amount in order to understand how much it is necessary to perform the actions indicated below.
  3. If a citizen does not know exactly where the deposit was opened or this branch was closed, it is necessary to send a request to Sberbank. Having raised the archival agreements, the applicant will receive a response indicating the place where he will need to come to process the payment.
  4. Write an application at the service office and present the required documents.
  5. Get money in cash.
Payments for 2017

Important! If the branch where the contract was concluded is far from the recipient, then you can contact the nearest service office. There, in addition to the full package of documents, you will need to provide an application for the transfer of funds to another branch. Considering that Sberbank is a decentralized organization, even intra-bank transfers are paid. That is, the recipient must pay 1% of the transfer amount.

If the depositor participated in the state insurance program during the USSR period, then you need to contact Rosgosstrakh to receive payments there.

This year, the state is compensating Sberbank deposits made during the existence of the USSR.

A prerequisite for the return is the term of the open account. The effective term of deposits is up to June 20, 1991. Payments will be reimbursed over the next two years. Such a payment in Sberbank is also called "Compensation deposit".

In other words, this is not a separate offer that can be made in bank branches, but only a compensation for closed deposit accounts of the USSR.

Compensation for USSR deposits return of deposits in Sberbank: who can apply

The following categories of citizens can receive this compensation:

1. Clients born before 1991.
2. Heirs of those clients who were born before 1991.
3. Heirs or physical. persons who paid for funeral services in case of death in 2001-2017 of the contributor.

In this case, they will be paid a monetary compensation of 6 thousand rubles (only if there are 400 rubles or more in the account in 1991), or the amount will be multiplied by 15 if it was less than 400 rubles.
It should be noted that the amount of compensation depends on the age of the Sberbank client, as well as on the validity period of the deposit.

The amount of compensation for the deposit depends on the period of storage of deposits, and is determined using the following coefficients:

1 - for deposits that are currently in effect, as well as for deposits that were in effect in 1992 - 2012 and closed in 1996 - 2015;
0.9 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1994 and closed in 1995;
0.8 - for deposits that operated in 1992 - 1993 and closed in 1994;
0.7 - for deposits that were in effect in 1992 and closed in 1993;
0.6 - for deposits closed in 1992;
0.0 - for deposits closed in the period from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991.

* To depositors born in 1945 inclusive (including heirs belonging to the specified category of citizens) - three times the amount of the residual balance as of June 20, 1991 (based on the face value of banknotes in 1991). The amount of triple compensation depends on the period of deposit storage and is reduced by the amount of previously received preliminary compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).

* To depositors born in 1946 - 1991 (including heirs belonging to the specified category of citizens) - in the double amount of the residual balance as of June 20, 1991 (based on the face value of banknotes in 1991). The amount of double compensation depends on the period of deposit storage and is reduced by the amount of previously received preliminary compensation (compensation) and additional compensation for deposits (contributions).

* In the event of the death of the owner of the deposits in 2001 - 2015, the heirs or individuals who paid for the funeral services are paid compensation for the payment of funeral services in the amount and on the terms determined by parts 5 - 7 of Article 117 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2006 N 238-FZ "On the federal budget for 2007".

Compensation of deposits of the USSR return of deposits in Sberbank: necessary documents.

In order to receive compensation, depositors or their heirs must:

1. Submit an application
2. Provide it to any branch of Sberbank, while you must have a passport and a savings book.

It is also worth noting that after the bank employee views and makes copies of the necessary documents, he must return them to the owner without fail.

The heir will need the following documents:

1. Passport.
2. Document on the right of inheritance.
3. Certificate of death of a bank client.
4. A document confirming the citizenship of the deceased.
5. Savings book.

If the depositor himself is a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of the country of residence, he is in any case entitled to compensation, on an equal footing with other depositors.

The official website of Sberbank provides information on compensation for deposits. Detailed information about compensations and the provision of documents can be obtained by calling the Sberbank consultation center or by contacting the Bank's employees during a personal visit.

You can also download in electronic form a special form for receiving payments on the official website of the bank.

Deposit compensation- developed and implemented by several states that were formerly part of the USSR, a program of payments to Sberbank depositors who invested their savings before June 20, 1991.

Historical information about the compensation of deposits.

The extraordinary history of the last decades of our country has become the reason that such deposits were opened in another state, the Soviet Union, and, accordingly, in other socio-economic realities. With the complete absence of any private financial and credit institutions, their only analogue was the Savings Bank. Inflation was practically absent, and the depositor received, albeit a small, but stable benefit in the form of 3% per annum. At the same time, for a better understanding of the situation before the collapse of the USSR, it should be added that in 1991 almost all goods were in short supply.

The abolition of price regulation by the state was one of the first points of the then reforms. This instantly led to a rise in the price of products and things many times over, but they finally began to fill the store shelves. But it was too late - within just a few days, the money of citizens depreciated a hundredfold.

On July 20, 1991, Sberbank was reformed into a joint-stock company, and all savings of depositors became the state's internal debt. Law on monetary compensation of deposits was published four years later, on May 10, 1995 (No. 73-FZ “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation). Before him, investors received only preliminary compensation, amounting to up to 1 thousand rubles.

Calculation of the amount of compensation on deposits.

To date reimbursement of invested funds (deposit compensation) is carried out in accordance with the government decree of December 25, 2009 and the federal law of December 2, 2009. They say that the amount of compensation is directly dependent on the age of depositors, who are divided into two groups:

1) born before 1945 (inclusive): their compensation is tripled;

2) those born between 1946 and 1991: the compensation is doubled.

In addition to factors that increase the amount of compensation, there are those that reduce it. It depends on when the deposit was closed:

1) for deposits that are still valid or that were valid from 1992 to 2010 and closed from 1996 to 2010, compensation is paid in full (i.e. multiplied by 1);

2) for deposits that operated during 1992-1994 and closed in 1995, the amount of compensation is multiplied by 0.9;

3) for deposits that operated during 1993-1994 and closed in 1994 - by 0.8;

4) for deposits that operated in 1994 and closed in 1993 - by 0.7;

5) for deposits that were in effect and closed in 1992 - by 0.6.

If the deposit was already closed by December 31, 1991, deposit compensation not paid.

So, for example, a depositor born in 1939, on whose passbook by June 20, 1991 there was a balance of 1000 rubles, and the deposit was closed in 1995, will receive:

1000 * 0.9 * 3 = 2700 rubles.

For the convenience of calculating the amount of future compensation, Sberbank has posted a special calculator on its website, eliminating the need to understand the coefficients yourself.

The amount of the so-called preliminary compensation paid back in the 90s is deducted.

Scheme for receiving compensation on the deposit.

In order to receive the due compensation on the deposit, it is not at all necessary to contact the cash desk where the account was opened during the Soviet era. First, the addresses of many institutions have changed since then; secondly, the depositors could move to the other end of the country; thirdly, a person can simply forget in which branch of Sberbank the account was opened. Documents can be provided to employees of any branch of Sberbank, of which there are more than 19 thousand in the Russian Federation. You may be charged a small fee for transferring money from one branch to another.

If the book of the Sberbank of the USSR was lost, it must first be restored by submitting a corresponding application. After submitting all the documents, you must fill out an application for issuance deposit compensation. If an heir applies to the bank, his package of documents will be somewhat different and may include: a death certificate of the depositor; testamentary disposition; a notarized certificate confirming the right to inherit (if there was no will), etc.

For those who use the Sberbank Online service, they have provided the opportunity to fill out an application directly on the website in their account. However, the bank will still have to bring the original documents with their own signatures.

Who is eligible for deposit compensation?

Due to the fact that compensation is carried out only to persons who have or had Russian citizenship in 1991, Sberbank has the right to require confirmation from the heir that the depositor was a Russian citizen at the time of death. The citizenship of the heirs in this case does not matter.

If the depositor is alive, but for some reason he is not able to receive compensation on his own, he can issue a power of attorney for another citizen who will represent his interests before the bank. In addition, persons who buried the depositor at their own expense may be recipients of compensation on the deposit. The amount of payment in this case cannot exceed 6,000 rubles. You can receive this payment immediately after the death of the depositor by providing the bank with documents from a notary.

Compensation for old deposits of Sberbank until 1991: who can claim, how to issue a refund from the USSR deposit, how to receive a payment in 2018.

Compensation on deposits until 1991: what is the amount of compensation in 2018, the conditions for compensation to depositors and their heirs

During the crisis in the 90s, due to the depreciation of money, citizens of the former USSR partially lost their savings. The government made sure that the lost funds were returned to the people. For many former depositors, the question of the conditions under which the deposits of Sberbank of the USSR are returned and within what time frame remains relevant.

In 2018, such depositors will be able to receive part of the savings from the “frozen” accounts of their savings books. The amount of compensation will be separate for each individual. Who can apply for compensation for old deposits of Sberbank until 1991 how to issue a refund from the USSR deposit, how to receive a payment in 2018?

What is compensation for Sberbank deposits until 1991

Until 1991, the country did not have as many banking institutions as it does today. Citizens kept their savings in savings banks. The issue of money, a sharp economic downturn caused price growth, hyperinflation, and a drop in the purchasing power of Russians. One of the anti-crisis measures was the “freezing” of savings of the population on savings accounts: money could not be withdrawn for use for current needs.

The state provided for partial compensation of funds lost due to inflation compensation of savings on deposits before 1991 d. These activities continue the phased payment program launched in 1996. d. The first recipients of compensation payments were socially vulnerable groups - the elderly, persons with disabilities, as well as holders of the Certificates of the former USSR.

Savings are compensated based on the possibilities of the budget, the state treasury. The program will not be able to fully recover the loss from the depreciation of savings. The Ministry of Finance, starting from 2018, plans to allocate 5.5 billion rubles to finance the program every year. from the federal budget. So it is possible to partially compensate citizens for "burnt" deposits. Compensatory payments on USSR passbooks scheduled to be issued by 2020. This deadline was set before the Ministry of Finance by the President of the country, instructing to close these debts of the state to the citizens.

Legal Framework

Compensation is paid by the Public Joint Stock Company Sberbank. To implement the program, a number of special regulatory legal acts were adopted that determine the circle of persons, procedures, and the amount of compensation:

  • Law of May 10, 1995 No. 73-FZ “On the restoration and protection of savings of citizens of the Russian Federation”. The document defines pre-reform deposits as guaranteed with the assumption of obligations by the state on their future payment.
  • Law of December 19, 2009 No. 238-FZ "On the federal budget for 2007". This law provides for provisions for the reimbursement of beneficiaries for funeral expenses for the deceased owner of the deposit.
  • Law No. 362-FZ of December 5, 2017 “On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2019 and 2020”. The legal act determines the amount and procedure for carrying out compensation procedures.
  • Law of December 19, 2016 No. 415-FZ. "On the federal budget for 2018 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019". The document establishes rules for the reimbursement of deposits and the redemption of treasury state. obligations and certificates of the Savings Bank of the former USSR.

Who can claim compensation for Sberbank deposits

The government clearly stipulates the conditions under which you can count on the state compensation program.

Reimbursement funds:

  • placed before 06/20/1991 on savings books of Sberbank (savings are recognized as the debt of the state to the Russians);
  • under insurance contracts with Gosstrakh concluded before 01/01/1992;
  • treasury bills of the former USSR;
  • certificates of the Savings Bank of the former USSR.

Compensation of Sberbank deposits in 2018 provided for citizens-depositors born before 1991. The money of the deceased savers is paid to relatives by inheritance(with a date of birth before 1991) and other persons who paid for funeral services. The condition for receiving money for both owners and their heirs is the presence of Russian citizenship, even when living outside the country.

The following persons will not be eligible for compensation:

  • born in 1991 and later;
  • opened an account after 06/20/1991;
  • those who closed the deposit on June 20-December 31, 1991;
  • previously received full compensation payments;
  • heirs - Russian citizens on the contribution of a person who did not have citizenship of the Russian Federation at the time of death;
  • on the savings of the deceased owner who does not have heirs with Russian citizenship.

Compensation on Sberbank deposits to heirs

The state provided for compensation to the heirs of persons of such frozen savings. Sberbank payments upon the death of a depositor are reimbursed to close relatives of the deceased, but subject to certain provisions:

  • a deposit with opening conditions up to the date June 20, 1991 and validity through December 31, 1991 inclusive;
  • the owner and his heir are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • date of birth of the recipient of compensation - before 1991.

Sberbank payments on old deposits

In order to make compensation payments, it is necessary to re-evaluate the frozen deposits, the purpose of which is to equate Soviet banknotes to the current Russian ruble. The loss resulting from hyperinflation will be offset by the indexation of deposit amounts by multiplying them by the growth factor.

The increase depends on:

  • recipient's age;
  • the period of time the money is in the savings account;
  • the amount of previous refunds (for re-receipt).

For citizens:

  • with a date of birth before 1945, savings are indexed three times,
  • and with the date of birth 1945-1991. - doubled.

The program is characterized by a social focus and increased sizes are expected for less protected groups. Older people, with equal balances of other persons, younger, receive more by 50 percent.

For burial

The frozen money of depositors who died after 2001 is issued for funeral services to persons - legal heirs and persons who paid for burial expenses. It is important that compensation is provided for such purposes even for accounts closed between 20.06.1991 and 31.12.1991. If during life a person was fully compensated for by savings, the cost of burial is no longer reimbursed.

The compensation amount depends on the balance of the deposit of the deceased owner. If the deposit is 400 r. and more, paid 6000 r. A 15-fold increase is provided for a balance of less than 400 rubles. If there are passbooks in several different branches of Sberbank, the amount of only one account, where the balance is larger, is reimbursed. After completion of the compensation procedure bank specialist makes an appropriate mark on the document(certificate) of death.

Targeted contribution for children

Compensation is also provided for deposits opened for a child by his parents until he reaches the age of majority.

You should not count on the increased interest provided for by the agreement for a long period of storage, as well as on interest on other savings. The amount of compensation is determined by the age of the recipient. With a date of birth 1945-1991. a double amount is planned, for senior persons - a three-fold indexation of the balance.

The following have the right to receive:

  • parents who opened a target account;
  • heirs;
  • citizens who spent money on the burial of the owner of the money.

Calculation of the coefficient of duration of deposit storage

The compensation amount is calculated based on the duration of keeping money in the savings account. When determining the value, it is applied reduction factor, equal to one for active (non-closed) accounts. The compensation factor is set as follows:

The amount of compensation payments for Sberbank deposits in 2018

How much is paid under this program, you can determine yourself in advance.

You need to know the date of birth of the recipient (in other words, the multiplicity of increase), the period of storage of funds (indexation coefficient 0.6-1), the amount of the previously paid compensation amount.

The following formula is used for the calculation: C \u003d 3xOxK - P, where:

  • C is the value to be determined;
  • O - the balance noted in the passbook;
  • K - coefficient corresponding to the closing period;
  • 3 - magnification factor equal to 3 or 2;
  • P - the pre-compensation amount received (previously paid hereditary amounts of 6000 rubles for burial are not deducted).

How to receive compensation on deposits of Sberbank of the USSR

  • Legislation provides for the initiative of the owners (heirs) of the frozen funds themselves.
  • Savings are placed in Sberbank, you must apply there yourself in a declarative manner.
  • The bank does not carry out search activities but only pays money.

To receive a refund, you must:

  1. After checking the closing date of the deposit account, make sure that there are grounds for participating in the program.
  2. Contact the bank branch where the passbook was opened, or a closer branch to transfer the savings. Transfer fees may apply.
  3. If the savings book is lost or there is no information about the existence of an account, send a request to Sberbank.
  4. Gather the required documents.
  5. To write an application.
  6. After verification, receive cash on a disbursement order at the cash desk or (optionally) draw up a deposit agreement using the possibility of refinancing funds in the same bank.
  7. Those who had insurance - contact Rosgosstrakh.
  8. In case of controversial and unclear points, contact the federal line (free of charge).

How is it done:

  • The application is issued at a bank branch or can be downloaded from the Sberbank portal.
  • If the passbook is lost, the bank should be notified by additionally writing an explanatory note indicating the reason for the loss.
  • The application form reflects information about the account owner and the heir (if necessary): full name, citizenship, date of birth, amount of savings, date of closing the deposit.

List of documents

The list of documents required for this procedure will be prompted at each office of Sberbank and at its help desk by phone . Only original documents are submitted to the bank for their mandatory verification and making copies by employees. The status of the owner determines the list of documentation that is different for the owner of the money and his heir.

Documents for the owner(an official representative, if he himself is not able to apply) are:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • savings book (explanatory in case of its loss);
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the interests of the owner are represented by another person, and his passport.

Before applying to Sberbank, the heir must verify that at the time of death and closing of the account, the deceased owner was a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Important: reimbursement is due only to a Russian, foreign citizens cannot inherit the contributions of the USSR.

The following documents will be required from the heir:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • confirmation of the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the deceased depositor;
  • savings book;
  • document on the right of inheritance (testament, notarial certificate);
  • death certificate.

Video: Compensation for USSR deposits return of deposits in Sberbank

Today, they still continue to pay compensation for deposits that were made during the Soviet period in Sberbank. To do this, you must meet a number of requirements and apply with the relevant documents to one of the branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. How are payments to affected depositors made this year?

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Payment procedure

If you are entitled to compensation on deposits, there is no need to contact the same branch where the account was once opened. This is due to the fact that today not all branches that were at the old addresses of the former USSR have been preserved. And many depositors also changed their place of residence.

Submit the necessary documents to any structural unit of Sberbank. It is important to contact the branch where the money will be transferred. This is done specifically for the convenience of depositors and their legal representatives.

You can contact 17 territorial banks, each of which has several branches. This financial network consists of 19,000 units located throughout the country. In some cases, a small commission is charged for transferring payout amounts from one branch to another.

When applying to the bank, you must fill out an application of the established form for compensation. For this, not only a passport is presented, but also a passbook of the Sberbank of the USSR. If it is not, an application for restoration is written.

The heirs must submit additional documents. Their content is determined by the specific situation.

The list may include the following documents:

  • testamentary order,
  • notarial certificate of the right to inheritance (if there was no will),
  • testamentary certificate.

Note! If you are a user of the Sberbank Online @ yn remote service, the application can be filled out electronically in your personal account. But documents are presented personally only with a handwritten signature.

Who is supposed to

The return of deposits is subject to the condition that the account was opened before June 20, 1991 and was valid on that date.

The following customers are eligible for compensation:

  • investors born before 1991,
  • heirs born before 1991,
  • persons who paid for funeral services in the event of the death of the depositor in the period from 2001 to 2020.

Note! In the latter case, compensation in the amount of 6,000 rubles is paid.

The amount of return is determined by the age of the client and the validity period of his deposit:

  1. Those born before 1945 inclusive are entitled to three times the amount of the balance of the deposit.
  2. Those born in the period from 1946 to 1991 are entitled to compensation in the double amount of the balance.

If a partial refund was received in advance, the double or triple refund is reduced by this amount.

Note! Accounts closed between June 20 and December 31, 1991 are not eligible for double and triple compensation.

There are certain coefficients that depend on the period of storage of deposits. They affect the amount of the final payment. For calculation, you can go to the official website of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.


Certain documents are required to receive compensation. Their list depends on who provides them - the contributor or the heir.

The investor must submit the following documents:

  • your civil passport,
  • savings book on the current deposit,

The heir submits the following documents:

  • your civil passport,
  • inheritance document,
  • depositor's death certificate,
  • statement of the established form.

Video: Payment procedure

Calculation of the amount of compensation for the deposit

The final amount of debt for payment is determined by the year of birth of the owner and the date of closing the deposit. The amount is determined as follows: the cash balance on the deposit account increases by two different coefficients and decreases by the amount that was previously paid as a preliminary compensation.

One coefficient is equal to the number "2" for those investors who were born from 1946 to 1991. And the coefficient "3" is assigned to those who were born before 1946.

There are also the following sizes of the increasing multiplier:

The website of Sberbank of Russia contains a calculator that can be used to calculate the amount of the depositor's compensation.

But this calculation will be only approximate. To find out the exact cost, you need to contact one of the branches of Sberbank. Here all the features and difficult moments will be taken into account. If necessary, they will restore expenditure transactions that have been for all these years.

The deposit was closed in 1995. Those born before 1945 receive a balance payment of three times the amount with a coefficient of 0.9. As a result, the amount of payment is 2700 rubles.

Thus, the heir or contributor will receive the amount of 2,700 rubles if there have been no other payments up to this point. If payments were made, the final amount will be much less.

Often the heir may not know about all the contributions of his testator. He does not always know about the previously received payments on the deposit. For this reason, Sberbank performs an accurate verification of information in each specific case.

Formula for 3 times the amount of payment for 1948 b. inclusive

The following formula is used to determine the triple amount of compensation:

(Oν x Kk x 3) - Rk

  • Kk - compensation coefficient,

2x payout formula from 1946-1991 R.

To determine the double amount of compensation, the following formula is used:

(Oν x Kk x 3) - Rk

In this case, the designations of the formula are deciphered as follows:

  • Oν – deposit balance as of 06/20/1991,
  • Kk - compensation coefficient,
  • Rk is the amount of previously received compensation.

Compensation of deposits of Sberbank in 1992 in 2020

To consider the issue of calculating compensation for a deposit that was closed between 1992 and 2020, you need to contact one of the structural divisions of the bank at the location of the deposit.

You can also contact the structural unit of the bank to which the depositor plans to transfer the amount of compensation. You can apply for compensation here.

Who is not paid

It is important to keep in mind that compensation is not always paid.

Compensation will not be paid to the heir or contributor in the following cases:

  • If the deposit was opened starting from 06/20/1991,
  • If the deposit was closed in the period 06/20/1991-12/31/1991,
  • If earlier the compensation on the deposit was paid in full,
  • If the deceased contributor does not have an heir before 1991,
  • If the heir of a citizen of the Russian Federation is not a citizen of Russia,
  • If the deposit does not belong to a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Payments to the heirs of the deceased investor

In 2020, the heirs of the deceased depositor also receive payments on deposits. But one condition must be met, according to which the depositor must be a citizen of the Russian Federation on the day of death.

Payments are made as follows:

  • Threefold compensation in the amount of the balance of the deposit as of 06/20/1991 is paid to persons born before 1945;
  • Double compensation is paid in the amount of the balance of the deposit as of 06/20/1991 to persons born in 1946 to 1991.

The amounts of these compensations are determined by the terms of deposit storage. They are reduced by the amount of funds that were previously received. They are also reduced by the amount of additional compensation.

If the deposit was closed in the period from June 20, 1991 to December 31, 1991, the possibility of paying out in double and triple amounts does not apply. If the contributor, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, died between 2001 and 2020, his heir receives payment for funeral services.

A payment is also made to an individual who paid for these services, but is not an heir.

The amount of this compensation is determined by the balance of the deposit as of June 20, 1991, but cannot exceed 6,000 rubles.

Thus, if you meet the criteria for paying compensation for Soviet deposits, you can receive it under certain conditions. The main thing is to submit the necessary documents and make the necessary calculations. Only then can you receive the payment that is due by law.

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