Erythematous gastritis. Erythematous gastropathy Erythematous gastropathy with mucosal atrophy

Erythematous gastritis is considered a common disease of the digestive system. Processes develop on the mucous epithelium of the stomach associated with a change and the appearance of characteristic spots. Erythema translated from Greek means "redness". The spots turn into erosion. Erythematous is chronic gastritis. In the specified type of gastritis, a list of varieties is distinguished, depending on the etiology of the disease, on the presence of exacerbation or complications:

There are several provoking factors in erythematous gastritis, as in other diseases of the digestive system. Any disease in the body is caused by some reason.

  1. Stress and depression.
  2. Taking medications without a doctor's recommendation.
  3. Lack of proper diet.
  4. Bacterial or viral infections.
  5. Hereditary predisposition.
  6. Frequent eating of unwanted foods.
  7. Frequent states of overwork.
  8. Metabolic disorders.
  9. Alcohol and tobacco abuse.
  10. Helicobacteria, common causative agents of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Dysbacteriosis.

Considering the factors separately, the conclusion suggests itself that risk is present in the life of every person.

The rhythm of modern life is such that sometimes there is simply not enough time to have a full lunch or breakfast, there is only the option of having a snack on the go. Buy fast food, carbonated drinks that cause disorders in the organs of the digestive tract.

Everyday stressful situations, inadequate sleep contribute to chronic fatigue, provoke malfunctions in the body, causing erythematous gastritis.

The disease in question often occurs with the uncontrolled intake of medications that have a negative effect on the epithelial tissue of the stomach, deforming the epithelium.

The mucous membrane is irritated due to too frequent consumption of alcohol and smoking cigarettes, abuse destroys the body.

If among the relatives of the patient there are people with a diagnosis, the cause of the disease is obvious - heredity.

If there are lesions to other organs of the digestive system - colitis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis - the risk of erythematous gastropathy increases.

The rate of progression of erythematous gastritis often depends on the state of health of the patient as a whole, on the protective functions of the immune system. If the immune system is strong, the development of gastritis is slow. But the likelihood of recovery is always higher if the disease and causes are noticed on time.


The symptoms manifested with this type of gastritis are similar to other diseases of the stomach:

  • Heartburn is common.
  • Painful sensations in the stomach, heaviness, discomfort, mainly appearing after eating.
  • Nausea after eating.
  • Burning sensation when the stomach is empty.
  • Decreased or lack of appetite.
  • Eructations with an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, white thick coating on the tongue.
  • Frequent bowel disorders.
  • General weakness, weight loss.
  • Irritability, frequent fatigue.
  • Slight rises in body temperature.

If the listed signs are found, you need to seek professional medical help, the erythematous type of gastritis is easier to treat if detected early.

Symptoms of diseases of the digestive system always have a debilitating effect on the body, weakening the human body and spirit.


To establish the correct diagnosis, the technology of probe endoscopy is used, which is indispensable for such cases. Erythematous gastritis develops and can be complicated by dangerous diseases, the endoscopy procedure has to be carried out in dynamics. If pathological changes in the stomach are likely to occur, additional examination of the patient with the use of ultrasound, pH metry is required. Blood tests (biochemical and general) are required.

Provided the diagnosis is made, erythematous gastroduodenitis, inflammation is present only on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease begins in the stomach, passing into the duodenum. Erythematous duodenitis is divided into an acute period and a period of remission. In the acute stage, there are frequent pains, especially at night. There is weakness, dizziness, a constant feeling of fatigue. During remission, the symptoms subside, the patient becomes much better.


Against the background of chronic gastritis, duodenitis often develops, characterized by inflammation of the duodenal membrane. There is a violation of the digestive process, as an important factor in the life of the body. Metabolism is disrupted due to poor absorption of beneficial components.

Proximal duodenitis is considered a chronic course of the disease, in which significant changes are noticeable on the epithelial mucous membrane of the stomach, the occurrence of deep folds. The condition requires immediate therapy, in the absence of which adhesions develop, which are eliminated only by surgery. Patients with a diagnosis require compulsory hospitalization in order to be under the constant supervision of the attending physician and undergo the prescribed treatment.

Duodeno-gastric reflux is the process of ejection of a substance from the duodenum back into the stomach. The condition does not always indicate pathology in the digestive organs, it is often noted in healthy people, especially at night. To identify the pathological nature of duodeno-gastric reflux, a method for studying the pH metry in the digestive organ is used. If the result exceeds the norm, the disease is present. There is a need to study the digestive juice.

There was once an opinion that reflux is a protective reaction of the body to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, to the presence of a high level of acidity. And that the duodenal fluid protects the lining of the stomach and duodenum from further damage. Later, the inconsistency of the hypothesis was proved, it turned out that as a result of reflux, acidity rises more strongly.

Known disease erosive bulbitis, by etiology is considered duodenitis, with some differences. Some researchers believe that duodenitis is an interval located on the border of superficial and ulcerative bulbitis. The reasons for the development of erosive bulbitis, signs and manifestations are similar to other ailments of the digestive system.


For the treatment of erythematous gastritis, drug therapy is used, including astringents, antacids, and inhibitors. Prescribed drugs gastrofarm, gastrocepin, which have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, helping the epithelium with regeneration. A drug called de-nol stands out, which has a detrimental effect on the Helicobacter bacteria, although the agent is not an antibiotic.

If the disease is superficial, there is no need to take medication, you just need to adhere to the rules.

  1. Fractional nature of food, so as not to allow heaviness in the stomach. You need to eat in small portions, keeping the interval between meals for at least three hours.
  2. Do not eat foods that can injure the epithelium of the stomach.
  3. Introduce porridge, broths into the diet, it is useful to drink jelly, use jelly as a delicacy.
  4. Refuse coffee and black tea during treatment, instead drink plenty of water, including herbal tea.
  5. Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking, which bring irreparable harm to the body.

Diet therapy is considered an important, central part of the treatment of erythematous gastritis. It is recommended to pay attention to the patient's nutrition, adjust the menu, and include in the list extremely gentle foods that have a beneficial effect on the inner walls of the stomach. Cross out the list of dishes that irritate the mucous membrane.

Traditional methods of treatment

For the treatment of erythematous-exudative gastropathy, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are widely used. They are allowed to be consumed on their own, as an additive to the usual tea. Herbal infusions and decoctions are prepared based on the acidity level in the gastric environment. With low acidity, cabbage juice helps well, with increased acidity, with manifestations of heartburn, birch bark is suitable. A tincture is prepared from it.

You can not self-medicate, herbal medicine is agreed with the attending physician. This is a serious disease that requires increased attention and control in order to avoid complications.

In especially difficult courses of the disease, surgical intervention is provided, which is used in the absence of results of drug treatment of the disease. Basically, gastric resection is performed, which is characterized by the least trauma and minimal incisions of the stomach tissues. The operation is performed through a special tube that passes through the esophagus into the stomach. Thus, when using the necessary medical instruments, the affected parts of the gastric mucosa are carefully removed.

- This is an endoscopic sign that is often detected with fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. Factors ranging from unhealthy eating habits to stress can contribute to this symptom.

Timely elimination of the causative factor and correct treatment tactics allow you to quickly and completely eliminate erythematous gastropathy.

Therefore, in this topic, we want to tell you in detail about the causes and signs of erythematous gastropathy, as well as how to deal with this problem.

Erythematous gastropathy means redness of the gastric mucosa, which may be accompanied by its swelling, bleeding and increased mucus production.

As we have already said, this symptom is determined when examining the stomach using an endoscope - fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy (FEGDS).

Redness of the gastric mucosa is provoked by a number of adverse factors, for example, rough, spicy and too hot food. Under the influence of the causative factor in the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, microcirculation is activated, which gives it a red color.

A distinctive feature of this endoscopic feature is that only the gastric mucosa is affected, and the deeper layers of the organ remain intact.

Most often, this syndrome can be observed with FEGDS in patients with erythematous gastritis. In such a clinical case, it is important to take timely measures, since the outcome of the disease depends on the timeliness and adequacy of therapeutic measures. Late or incorrect treatment of erythematous gastritis threatens its transition to a stomach ulcer.

If erythema in the stomach is detected, a specialist may recommend additional studies, the purpose of which is to identify Helicobacter pylori, determine the pH of gastric juice, or conduct a biopsy of the affected areas of the mucosa with further histological analysis.

Almost always, erythematous gastropathy is detected by chance with FEGDS, which is carried out for other diseases or for prophylactic purposes.

To eliminate erythematous gastropathy, you need to know what factors provoke it. Let's consider them.

  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet. Abuse of spicy, fried, salty foods contributes to the appearance of erythema in the stomach. Foods from fast food, smoked meats, sweet soda and too hot drinks also negatively affect the mucous layer of the stomach.
  • Treatment with drugs from groups such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, hormonal, antibacterial, anticoagulant drugs and others.
  • Infectious invasion of the stomach. First of all, it should be noted the negative effect on the stomach of Helicobacter pylori, as well as staphylococci and fungi.
  • Reflux of intestinal juice into the stomach cavity.
  • Irritation of the mucous epithelium of the stomach with hydrochloric acid during fasting or dieting.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Diseases of internal organs, such as inflammation of the pancreas, intestines, cholelithiasis and others.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Hypersensitization of the body by food allergens and others.

Types and forms

According to the international classification, erythematous gastropathy has the ICD-10 code - K29 and belongs to gastritis or duodenitis.

Depending on the prevalence of erythema in the stomach, the following forms of gastropathy are distinguished:

  • focal erythematous gastropathy, which is characterized by the presence of small areas of erythema on the mucous epithelium of the stomach. This type of gastropathy rarely develops into more serious diseases, such as gastritis or ulcers. This endoscopic syndrome can be detected after errors in the diet or taking certain medications;
  • diffuse form of erythematous gastropathy. In this form, erythema has a diffuse character and can capture all parts of the stomach. Untimely or inadequate treatment tactics threaten the transition of gastropathy to gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

Also, erythematous gastropathy is divided according to the degree of inflammation, namely:

  • 1st degree. The first degree of gastropathy has the initial manifestations of damage to the gastric mucosa without symptoms of neglect of the inflammatory process;
  • 2nd degree. In the second degree, the inflammatory process becomes chronic, which is often observed with gastritis.

In addition, erythematous gastropathy can be divided depending on which part of the stomach is affected by erythema (cardiac, antrum or fundus).

In this case, the most significant is antral gastropathy, which is characterized by hyperemia of the mucous layer of the antrum. With erythema of the antrum, the movement of the food lump along the digestive tract slows down and congestion occurs in the walls of the stomach, which leads to the activation of fermentation processes. This type of gastropathy often ends in the formation of stomach ulcers.

Complaints of patients who were diagnosed with erythematous gastropathy with FEGDS directly depend on the prevalence of erythema in the stomach. The focal form of erythematous gastropathy can, in most cases, be asymptomatic and is detected by chance.

With diffuse lesions of the gastric mucosa in patients the following symptoms may be present:

  • aching epigastric pain that appears or intensifies after eating or drinking;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea, sometimes with vomiting, which brings relief;
  • belching with air or rotten;
  • weight loss;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • fragility and hair loss;
  • lamination and fragility of the nail plates;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal colic;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • white or white-yellow coating on the tongue.

Some of the symptoms of gastropathy are associated with a slowdown in digestive processes, congestion in the stomach, fermentation processes, and some with anemia, which can occur due to a violation of the absorption of nutrients, iron and vitamins.


There are two most common complications of erythematous gastropathy: gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Sometimes, if this pathology is not treated, the gastric mucosa may atrophy. In turn, against the background of mucosal atrophy, a malignant tumor of the stomach may appear.

Seeing the diagnosis of erythematous gastropathy in the conclusion of FEGDS, you should not be intimidated, but also you should not leave this unattended. In this case, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist or general practitioner. Specialists, if necessary, will conduct additional research and give treatment recommendations that will help avoid the above complications.

In cases where erythema in the stomach appeared as a result of taking medications, it is necessary to inform the doctor who prescribed them. If possible, the drug will be canceled or replaced with another, safer for the stomach. But it so happens that the treatment cannot be replaced by another, therefore, the drug that caused gastropathy is necessarily covered with a gastroprotector (Omeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole) or antacid (Fosfalugel, Almagel).

Be sure to quit smoking or drinking alcohol, which negatively affects the condition of the stomach. It is also necessary to avoid psychoemotional shocks, limit physical activity, and normalize sleep and rest.

With an increase in the pH of gastric juice, patients are prescribed drugs that lower acidity, namely:

  • proton pump inhibitors (Omeprazole, Rabeprazole, Pantoprazole and others);
  • antacids (Almagel, Phosphalugel);
  • bismuth preparations (Vis-Nol, De-Nol).

Also, the treatment regimen includes gastroprotectors (Gastrocepin, Gastrofarm), which protect the gastric mucosa and accelerate its recovery.

If Helicobacter pylori was detected in the stomach, then anti-Helicobacter drugs (Metronidazole, Amoxicillin) are shown to patients.

All medications should be prescribed exclusively by the treating doctor, since each medication has a number of side effects and contraindications.

In difficult cases, when conservative therapy does not help, the question of surgical intervention may be considered, during which the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach will be removed.

Very often, traditional therapy is supplemented with folk remedies, among which the most effective are decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (chamomile, plantain, celandine, St. John's wort, nettle and others), vegetable oils (linseed, pumpkin, linseed, sea buckthorn) and flax seed remedies.

Patients who have erythematous gastropathy, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions at regular intervals of 2.5-3 hours;
  • do not overeat;
  • give preference to gentle methods of heat treatment of food (steamed, boiling);
  • forget about spicy, salty and smoked dishes;
  • refuse alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • exclude coffee and strong black tea from the diet;
  • eat neither hot nor cold dishes. The optimum food temperature is consistent with body temperature;
  • the daily ration must be formed from liquid cereals, lean meats, fish and poultry, jelly, non-concentrated broths, cottage cheese, eggs, soufflés, mashed soups and other food that will not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since erythematous gastropathy in most patients is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle, it will be enough to follow a diet, give up bad habits, and normalize rest and work. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since under the symptoms of this pathology more serious diseases, for example, gastritis or stomach ulcers, can be masked.

There are a great many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. One of them is erythematous gastropathy. Do not be immediately afraid of the threatening name. This disease is characterized by redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, is the first step to gastritis. Despite the seeming harmlessness of the pathology, it must be completely treated. Otherwise, it quickly develops into acute gastritis with all the ensuing consequences.

So, what is erythematous gastropathy, what are its symptoms, why does it occur? And most importantly, how can this disease be cured.

Erythematous gastropathy - inflammation, redness and swelling of the gastric mucosa due to bacterial damage or the influence of negative factors. Often, in parallel with this disease, erythematous gastroduodenopathy occurs - redness and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and the pylorus.

Both conditions are not independent diseases. These are symptoms that are discovered by chance during clinical examinations. If they are identified, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible and adjust the lifestyle.

Otherwise, the development of gastritis is possible, and as a result - gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

However, in the presence of the above pathologies, the development of the third symptom is possible. This is erythematous bulbopathy, an inflammatory process in the loop that connects the duodenum to the intestines. All three pathologies have similar symptoms, causes and forms. They can occur either simultaneously or alternately, due to the weakening and damage of the digestive tract by pathogenic microorganisms or chemicals.

Erythematous gastropathy there are two types:

  • Focal. With this form, not all of the mucous membrane is affected, but part of it. For example, inflammation can occur in the antrum of the organ, or in the pylorus (this is erythematous gastroduodenopathy). It is characterized by the appearance of small focal inflammation. This form is much easier to cure than others. She lends itself well to drug therapy, dietary nutrition has a beneficial effect on her. The main thing is not to dismiss this symptom, but to consult with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
  • Common. With this type of disease, redness and inflammation covers the entire surface of the gastric mucosa. If the pathology is not treated, then it will quickly develop into acute gastritis, and then into a peptic ulcer.

Forms of gastropathy

In addition to the above types, erythematous gastropathy is of the following forms:

  • Erosive. Affects the upper stomach. It is characterized by the appearance of small concave erosions on the mucosal surface, no more than 7 mm in size. If untreated, it provokes the appearance of gastritis. The danger lies in the fact that this type of pathology does not have pronounced symptoms and is detected by chance during examination.
  • Stagnant. With this type of disease, microscopic wounds appear on the surface of the mucous membrane. Severe symptoms may be absent, however, the patient is often worried about belching, heartburn, and discomfort after any meal.
  • Papular. It occurs in the lower stomach. It is characterized by the appearance of small ulcers on the mucosal surface. Usually occurs due to increased production of hydrochloric acid. Has no pronounced symptoms.
  • Antral. In this case, the lower part of the stomach is affected, the food is crushed more slowly and moves towards the duodenum. Because of this, food stagnation and fermentation occur. If untreated, the pathology turns into gastritis, mucosal atrophy may begin.

Erythematous gastropathy, especially in the lower stomach, is always accompanied by erythematous bulbitis. Against their background, erythematous gastroduodenopathy often occurs.

All three pathologies, when detected, require close attention and adequate treatment.

Causes of occurrence

The causes and symptoms of all the above pathologies are very similar.

Erythematous gastropathy and erythematous gastroduodenopathy occur due to such unfavorable factors as:

  • Unbalanced diet. Regular consumption of food that is heavy and irritating to the gastric mucosa leads to inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane.
  • Stress. Under the influence of traumatic factors, the production of the hormone adrenaline increases. It affects the increase in the production of hydrochloric acid. Its prolonged exposure leads to irritation of the gastric mucosa and causes redness, inflammation, in some cases - the formation of ulcers and erosions.

  • Uncontrolled intake of medicines. Many medications have a negative effect on the digestive tract, causing them to malfunction. This reason is often the main one when erythematous gastropathy occurs.
  • Infection with Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium invades the mucous membrane, provokes its inflammation and gradual dying off

  • Heredity. If one of the closest relatives had problems with the digestive tract, there is a high probability of their inheritance. In this case, the presence of even minor irritating factors can cause the development of pathology.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Bad habits, physical inactivity and lack of oxygen metabolism lead to the appearance of stagnation in the body. This negatively affects the state of the digestive tract system.


The symptoms of the disease are:

  • belching;
  • discomfort in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea;
  • sometimes vomiting;
  • constipation and;
  • putrid taste in the mouth;
  • deterioration of well-being, decreased performance, constant weakness and lethargy;
  • decreased appetite, and as a result, weight loss.

In the presence of several symptoms, even if they do not cause severe discomfort, it is necessary to get an appointment with a gastroenterologist as soon as possible and undergo the necessary examinations in order to obtain adequate treatment.

Diagnostics and treatment

Before prescribing treatment, the patient must undergo the following examinations:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the digestive tract;

  • gastroscopy for examining the mucosa;
  • CT and X-ray.

Depending on the causes of erythematous gastropathy and erythematous gastroduodenopathy, the following drug treatment may be prescribed:

  • Antibiotics. Assign in case of defeat by Helicobacter pylori. They contribute to the death of the microorganism. Subsequent treatment is aimed at relieving inflammatory processes and improving the functioning of the stomach.
  • Medicationthat reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. They have an enveloping effect and protect the stomach. These medications are taken before every meal.
  • Medicines to regulate motor skills... Promote faster digestion of food, help fight fermentation and congestion.
  • Antispasmodics... Aimed at relieving pain in the stomach and epigastric region.
  • Antacids... Applied symptomatically - to relieve heartburn attacks.

Lifestyle and diet

In addition to medication, it is important to adjust your lifestyle and adhere to a diet. This will help to overcome the disease sooner. The following measures are shown.

Lifestyle correction. It is important to adjust the daily routine and diet. It is necessary to eat in equal portions at least 3 times a day. The food should be warm so as not to irritate the stomach further.

You should completely abandon bad habits. The patient's condition is positively influenced by non-burdensome sports that contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

The combination of drug therapy and dietary nutrition, as well as lifestyle correction, will quickly get rid of the pathology.

Erythematous gastropathy is a harbinger of the onset of gastritis. At the first alarming symptoms, you should get an examination and treat this condition as soon as possible. This will help prevent the development of more serious gastrointestinal diseases and prolong the patient's health.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between the concepts of gastritis and gastropathy. The first diagnosis is made upon confirmation of morphological changes in the gastric mucosa, characteristic of inflammation. Therefore, in addition to assessing the symptoms and data of objective research, to confirm chronic gastritis, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of a biopsy obtained during fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The second variant of lesions of the gastric mucosa - gastropathy, arises from the effects of various damaging factors, manifests itself in disorders of the epithelial cover and vascular changes. Gastropathies are characterized by the absence of an inflammatory process or its slight severity.

Erythematous gastropathy means hyperemia of the gastric mucosa. This is not a disease, but the name of the endoscopic syndrome, in which reddening of the gastric epithelial lining is observed. Changes can also be manifested by slight edema and increased vulnerability of the mucous membrane. The process does not affect the deep layers of the mucous membrane, therefore this type of pathology is also called superficial gastropathy.
In many cases, this syndrome indicates a superficial gastritis that has developed under the influence of certain factors. In this case, the changes persist for a long time and require therapeutic measures. But other reasons are possible that cause changes of a transient nature, for example, the consumption of alcoholic beverages on the eve, a large amount of spices in food, highly carbonated water, defects in the diet. Therefore, it is important to follow the correct regimen of food intake, not to abuse products with irritating effect. Diet defects on the eve of fibrogastroscopy can cause hyperemia and slight swelling of the mucous membrane. This condition does not require special treatment.

Causes of damage to the gastric mucosa

Erythematous gastropathy is absent among the nosologies in the accepted international classification of diseases. But such a formulation can often be found in the conclusion about the results of fibrogastroduodenoscopy. At the same time, the classification includes such diagnoses as acute hemorrhagic or erosive gastropathy, chemical gastropathy, NSAID gastropathy and others. The classification of gastritis and gastropathy is based on several parameters:

  • their etiological origin,
  • histological features of nosologies,
  • dynamics of the process (acute, chronic).

Therefore, the doctor, taking into account the endoscopic conclusion on the presence of erythematous gastropathy, makes a diagnosis based also on anamnestic and clinical data, the results of a histological examination, if any.

It is generally accepted that gastritis develops in response to the effects of infectious and autoimmune factors; less often, allergic reactions, side effects of drugs, extreme stress factors become the cause of the disease. Gastropathy is usually secondary to the action of such stimuli of endogenous and exogenous origin as:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, anticoagulants,
  • bile reflux,
  • drinking strong alcohol,
  • smoking tobacco,
  • ischemic events in the stomach wall,
  • chronic stagnant processes.

Types of superficial gastropathy

Gastropathy can be diffuse or local, limited. With the introduction of the probe, after examining the esophagus, the mucous membrane of the cardiac section is examined, then the body of the stomach and, finally, the antrum and the pylorus. If hyperemia is detected in all gastric sections, then the conclusion indicates the diffuse nature of the pathology, this is most often the case with an erythematous variant of gastropathy. If the process has a focal character, then a localized form of gastropathy is diagnosed.

With the continued exposure to infectious, damaging or provoking factors on the gastric mucosa, as well as inadequate therapy, the acute process can turn into a chronic form of gastropathy or gastritis.

Indications for research

By itself, the endoscopic syndrome, referred to as erythematous gastropathy, is not a disease and an indication for the appointment of drug therapy. But usually fibrogastroduodenoscopy is performed in the presence of symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the presence of certain changes on the mucous membrane helps to establish the correct diagnosis.

FGDS is prescribed in the presence of the following complaints:

  • Periodically or constantly disturbing epigastric pain;
  • Feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Belching with air;
  • Bloating;
  • The lining of the tongue;
  • Stool disorders in the form of recurrent constipation or diarrhea.

What may mean the presence of erythematous gastropathy

Hyperemia, increased vulnerability, slight swelling of the gastric mucosa, characteristic of erythematous gastropathy, can be observed with superficial gastritis or gastropathy. During the diagnostic search, the doctor may make one of the following diagnoses:

  • Helicobacter pylori gastritis. For the final diagnosis, in addition to clinical data, confirmation of Helicobacter pylori infection is required, which is carried out using special non-invasive testing.
  • Autoimmune gastritis, type A. Despite the hereditary nature of the pathological autoimmune process, it starts, as a rule, after the initiating effect of factors leading to damage to the gastric mucosa. Such a provocative effect can be caused by frequent overeating, cravings for spicy or sour foods, coarse foods, eating excessively hot or cold foods, and more.
  • NSAID gastropathy occurs in response to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs. The risk of developing pathology increases while taking anticoagulants, steroids with NSAIDs, in elderly patients, in the case of smoking or drinking alcohol.
  • The nosologies listed above are the most common variants of lesions of the gastric mucosa. They account for 92–97% of all cases of gastritis.

Other types of pathology of the gastric mucosa are much less common, but they have important clinical significance, since the choice of the optimal treatment method directly depends on the correctly established cause of the disease. Such rare forms of gastritis and gastropathy, at the initial stages of which the picture of erythematous gastropathy can be endoscopically revealed, include:

The presence of erythematous gastropathy during an endoscopic examination in most cases indicates minor stomach problems, but it can serve as a signal that it is time to take care of health, in particular, about proper nutrition. It should not be forgotten that such a wording in the conclusion about the results of fibrogastroscopy can also warn of the initial stage of a serious illness. If necessary, the doctor will recommend additional examination methods and prescribe adequate therapy according to the identified problem. It will not be superfluous to implement the following recommendations:

  • Moderation in diet, correct regimen, avoidance of irritating foods. Food and drinks should not be too cold or hot.
  • Taking drugs and herbal decoctions that help restore the gastric mucosa. These medicines include cymed, venter, regesol. It is recommended that you consult a gastroenterologist before taking any medications.
  • Quitting alcohol and smoking.

This incomprehensible and frightening name for the uninitiated means the initial stage of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This condition does not pose a great danger to health in general (this is to ensure that the person does not panic).

However, underestimating the onset of such inflammation would also be wrong, as any neglected health problem can eventually turn into big trouble. In this case, it can lead to gastritis.

It appears:

  • discomfort in the epigastric region, which can occur not only after eating, but also after drinking;
  • belching, feeling of fullness in the stomach, nausea;
  • constant weakness, weight loss, deterioration of the condition of nails and hair;
  • a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • bowel dysfunction, flatulence, bloating, stool disorder;
  • white or yellowish coating on the tongue.

Erythematous gastropathy is not a disease, the so-called endoscopic syndrome, characterized by redness of the gastric mucosa. This may be accompanied by slight edema and increased vulnerability of the mucous membrane. The inflammation does not touch the deeper layers of the mucous membrane, therefore this type of inflammation is called superficial gastropathy.

In the vast majority of cases, this syndrome indicates superficial gastritis, which began to develop for one reason or another. And here the changes can persist for quite a long time, therefore, mandatory treatment is necessary.

However, there may be reasons that are caused by changes of a temporary nature, for example, drinking alcohol the day before, using a large amount of spices in food, etc.

Regular use of the above products irritating the gastric mucosa can cause persistent hyperemia and swelling. - this is the name of this condition in medicine.

In this condition, it is quite possible to do without special treatment, but you should follow the diet and not be too zealous with foods that irritate the mucous membrane. This is often enough to fix the problem.


Erythematous gastropathy, that is, reddening of the walls of the stomach and slight swelling, is detected only during endoscopic examination, when a special probe is inserted into the stomach and esophagus and the state of the internal part of the stomach is assessed.
In most cases, these phenomena indicate the initial stage of gastritis. Stand out two main forms.

  1. Focal. Quite a common type. It is characterized by local inflammation in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe gastric mucosa.
  2. Diffuse. It is expressed in the defeat of most of the mucous membrane in different parts of the stomach.

When diagnosing the second form, do not panic. These results are not always indicative of significant health problems. If before the examination you ate spicy food, drank heavily carbonated mineral water, or consumed strong alcohol on the eve of the examination, this can also cause temporary inflammation.

Grade 1-2 erythematous gastropathy has several factors that can cause it. And on them should be noted.

  • It is worth remembering about such a factor as heredity. If your parents had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you shouldn't be particularly surprised that you also have the same problems. And erythematous gastropathy is, perhaps, the most harmless "legacy".
  • Mucosal lesions can be caused by fungi and stomach infections.
  • Improper nutrition is the cause of almost all human health problems, primarily related to the gastrointestinal tract, which directly leads to gastritis and ulcers.
  • It is worth remembering a simple truth that any doctor will confirm: "All diseases are from the nerves." People living under constant stress are prime candidates for this diagnosis. You can also handle this yourself. You shouldn't inflate small solvable problems into tragedy. All problems can be solved if you don't dwell on them.

However, one should be very careful about such a diagnosis as antral gastropathy. In this case, the antrum of the stomach, located in its lower part, is affected, which is responsible for mixing the incoming food and maintaining the acid-base balance in the stomach.

The defeat of this area leads to stagnation of undigested food, which begins to ferment here. In the absence of proper treatment, chronic gastrointestinal diseases can result.

Despite the fact that erythematous gastropathy does not pose a threat to life, its presence in itself is unpleasant. At the same time, getting rid of it is very simple - you just need to adjust your diet.

All unhealthy foods should be excluded from the diet: fried, pickled, smoked, highly spicy and sour.

Replace it with a healthy one, that is, foods rich in minerals and vitamins, fresh vegetables and fruits, boiled or stewed food.

One of the important factors in treatment is smoking and alcohol cessation. It is very important to observe the water regime, you need to drink more clean water, at least two liters of clean water per day, natural herbal decoctions.

No special drug treatment is required here. However, there are a few things to recommend. The restoration of the mucous membrane will help drugs such as:

  • Maalox;
  • Almagel.

Their astringent action protects the stomach and speeds up the healing process. Folk remedies are quite effective. The simplest and most affordable is the gastric collection, which is sold in any pharmacy. You should insist on it, according to the instructions, and drink.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

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