Epigen Intimate: gel and spray for intimate hygiene. Gel for intimate hygiene "Epigen Intimate Epigen gel for intimate hygiene analogs cheap

Pregnancy is a time when the most harmless "sore" can become a big problem. Viral, bacterial and fungal infections can harm a baby growing in the womb. This is a serious risk of malformations, and sometimes early termination of pregnancy. Unfortunately, not all diseases can be completely cured, especially in a pregnant woman, for whom the range of medicines is narrowed to a minimum. But diseases of the genital area such as cytomegalovirus, herpes can be kept latent. One of the most modern drugs with a wide spectrum of action aimed at fighting infections is Epigen Intim spray.

Is Epigen Intim spray allowed during pregnancy, including in the early stages

Spray Epigen Intim is one of the few topical preparations recommended for use throughout the entire period of pregnancy for diseases of the genital area. This is explained by the following facts:

  1. The main active ingredient of the drug, glycyrrhizic acid, is of natural origin. This substance is obtained by extraction from licorice root.
  2. Glycyrrhizic acid is practically not absorbed into the blood, therefore, the drug is not able to harm the fetus or affect the course of pregnancy.

The antiviral effect of glycyrrhizic acid is based on its immunomodulatory properties. The mechanism of this action includes:

  • stopping the multiplication of viruses at the initial stages of the disease;
  • removal of virions (extracellular forms of the virus) from the outer membranes, which prevents the introduction of the virus into living cells;
  • stimulation of the body's production of its own interferon and increasing local immunity.

In addition to the antiviral, the described agent has other effects:

  • antipruritic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating.

According to the instructions, Epigen Intim is allowed to be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Indications and contraindications

Epigen Intim can be prescribed by a doctor both as the main drug (in mild cases) and as part of complex therapy. The list of diseases in the fight against which Epigen Intim has proven its effectiveness is impressive. Among them:

  • diseases provoked by the human papillomavirus, including those types that are characterized by a high risk of oncology;
  • diseases provoked by the herpes virus types 1 and 2;
  • diseases provoked by the Varicella Zoster virus ();
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • nonspecific colpitis.

Epigen Intim is prescribed for prophylactic purposes. After all, the listed viruses, especially during pregnancy, when the immunity of the expectant mother is reduced for natural reasons, are more likely to manifest themselves as:

  • genital warts;
  • various pathologies of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia, ectopia);
  • relapse of an inflammatory disease provoked by a virus.

The use of Epigen Intimate spray and intimate hygiene products is also recommended for dryness, burning and other discomfort in the intimate area.

Intimate hygiene products

To enhance the effect of the spray or as a preventive daily care, you can additionally use other products from the Epigen Intim line:

  • intimate hygiene gel - for daily care (except for glycyrrhizic acid, it contains lactic acid, which helps to maintain the natural balance of the vaginal microflora);
  • wipes for intimate hygiene - for express care (containing glycyrrhizic acid, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid);
  • a special complex for moisturizing intimate areas.
All Epigen Intim products are based on licorice root extract - glycyrrhizic acid

The instruction to the drug as the only contraindication and the corresponding side effect of the Epigen Intim line means allergic reactions. So, in isolated cases, contact dermatitis or in places where the drug is applied can be observed.

If you suspect the possibility of allergic manifestations, before using the drug, you should make a test spraying, for example, on the wrist area and evaluate the result after 2 hours.

Instructions for correct use

The duration and frequency of application of the spray in each case is determined by the attending physician. Typically, these indicators depend on a number of factors:

  • the etiology of the disease (viral, fungal or bacterial nature of the lesion);
  • the severity and neglect of the infection;
  • treatment or prevention is required.

Approximate spray treatment regimens, depending on the nature of the disease or the condition requiring prophylaxis, are described in the instructions as follows:

  1. For diseases caused by cytomegalovirus or genital herpes virus. The duration of the course is usually 2 weeks. The number of sprays of the drug per day - up to 5 times.
  2. In case of infection with Herpes simplex viruses (type 1 and 2) or Varicella zoster - 6 times a day for five days.
  3. For bacterial vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis and candidal vulvovaginitis (thrush), the drug is prescribed 3-4 injections daily for a course of 7 to 10 days.
  4. To sanitize the birth canal in late pregnancy (37–38 weeks), and also as a prophylactic agent at any stage of pregnancy, Epigen Intim is used 6 times daily for five days.
  5. For discomfort or dryness in the genital area, use the product twice a day for several weeks.

For intravaginal use, there is a special attachment in the kit

Rules for using Epigen Intim spray:

  1. Shake the spray bottle before use. The bottle is kept upright during spraying.
  2. The surface to be treated can be pre-cleaned with special hygiene products (for example, Epigen Intimate gel for intimate hygiene).
  3. When applied topically, the spray is sprayed onto the affected surface from a distance of 4–5 cm by one or two presses of the spray button.
  4. For intravaginal use, there is a special attachment included in the kit. In this application, the spray is injected twice.

Before and after use, the spray attachment should be thoroughly washed with boiled water and soap and dried. Keep clean.

What can be replaced

Epigen Intim has no complete analogues. In some way, drugs and intimate care products described in the table have similar properties. The decision on the appropriateness of replacement should be made only by the attending physician.

Table: options for replacing the means of the Epigen Intim line

Name Active substance Act Release form Purpose of application Contraindications Use during pregnancy
Panavir Potato leaf extract
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • wound healing.
  • Rectal suppositories,
  • vaginal suppositories,
  • solution for intravenous administration,
  • gel.
Treatment of viral infections
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • rectal and vaginal suppositories are contraindicated in pregnant women.
The use of the solution and gel during pregnancy is possible only if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
Spray for intimate areas (cosmetic)
  • Prevention of viral infections of the genital organs (herpes, herpes Zoster, HPV - human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • care for the intimate area.
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug The use is possible in the II and III trimester of pregnancy according to the indication "chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the acute stage" as part of complex therapy.
Lactic acid
  • Maintaining the natural microflora of the genital organs;
  • cleansing;
  • elimination of discomfort, dryness, irritation, pain in the intimate area.
  • gel;
  • mousse;
  • liquid;
  • emulsion;
  • wipes for intimate hygiene.
  • Complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • prevention of inflammation against the background of antibiotic therapy, taking hormonal drugs, after gynecological interventions.
The use of Lactacid products is possible at any stage of pregnancy.

Photo gallery: remedies for thrush and other diseases of the genital area during pregnancy

Lactacid Femina - means for daily care of the intimate area based on lactic acid Panavir gel is used by expectant mothers only as directed by a doctor after balancing the risks and benefits Spray Panavir intim is not a drug

Gel for intimate hygiene epigen is one of the most popular products in its category, which is recommended for use by gynecologists. It contains no aggressive, irritating components for delicate skin. Application does not violate the "standard" microflora of the genital organs, which is so important for health. What does the gel owe for such advantages?

Epigenes: not just cleanliness

Epigen - a well-known intimate gel - is specially designed for intimate hygiene and care for the sensitive genital area. It is an effective prophylactic agent that prevents the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms in the body, which provoke a decrease in immunity. Regular use of Epigen gel for intimate hygiene restores tissues and produces an immunostimulating effect, increasing the activity and number of T-lymphocytes - cells responsible for the body's fight against foreign antibodies.

The gel eliminates unpleasant odors, relieves itching, soothes inflamed skin and eliminates the cause that caused such unpleasant sensations - viruses. The drug also restores the vaginal microflora damaged by fungi. Thanks to this action, lactobacilli useful and necessary for the body begin to multiply more intensively and resist foreign microorganisms.

Also, this gel helps to cope with irritation and discomfort not related to health, but arising from, for example, shaving the bikini area, wearing synthetic underwear, etc. The product provides freshness and comfort for the whole day and is suitable for frequent use. It can be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding and menstruation.

Epigenes composition

Such a "magical" action of the remedy is explained by its complex balanced composition, which includes:

  • phythosphinosines - substances of natural origin, extract of useful elements from yeast cells. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
  • glycerin - moisturizes and softens the skin;
  • lactic acid - maintains the acid-base balance characteristic of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. It is when it is violated that protection weakens, and thrush and other fungal diseases appear.
  • sodium laureth sulfate - a chemical compound contained in a gel in a small amount, only to form a good foam.
  • glycyrrhizic acid - it is obtained from licorice root extract. It removes redness and irritation of the skin and activates the process of tissue regeneration, in other words, heals damaged areas.

It should be added that the product does not contain perfumed fragrances and dyes. The prevention of the appearance of an unpleasant odor is ensured by the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms.

Instructions for use

For prophylactic purposes, the gel is used daily, without interruptions during pregnancy and menstruation. The tool is recommended for use after swimming in a pool or natural pond. To prevent sexually transmitted infections, they should treat the intimate area before and after intercourse.

If Epigen gel is used not just for intimate hygiene, but for treatment, the instruction prescribes to use it more often, up to 5 times a day, treating the genitals with it. This is especially important to do before using Epigen spray. This drug is a liquid in an aerosol bottle that is used intravaginally - sprayed inside the vagina (and inside the urinary canal in men). The spray contains a larger amount of medicinal substances intended for the treatment of chronic fungal diseases of the genital organs with frequent relapses.

For treatment and prevention, a small amount of gel is applied to the genitals and lather, and then washed off with warm water. Epigen is suitable for both women and men.

Reviews of the drug

Gel for intimate hygiene Epigen has collected a lot of positive reviews about itself, the number of which is increasing every day. The remedy, according to consumers, really relieves the symptoms of thrush. The constant use of the gel for many ensures the onset of complete remission in chronic diseases provoked by fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Almost everyone who used it notes the very economical use of the product and its pleasant thick consistency. One click on the dispenser is enough to get the required amount of gel for washing. Allergic reactions due to intolerance to individual components of the drug, sweat reviews, are rare.

What can replace the well-known, but not cheap gel?

Despite all the advantages of the product, many consumers are not satisfied with its high cost - about 700-800 rubles. However, those who, for financial reasons, do not want to buy Epigen-gel for intimate hygiene, can purchase its analogues. Drugs similar in composition and medicinal effect include:

Problems of an intimate plan put most people in an uncomfortable position, and many, out of shame, do not even dare to go to the hospital in a timely manner and treat both themselves and their sexual partner. It is important to understand that no area related to health should cause any inconvenience, and when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Depending on the source of the problem, the specialist can prescribe both complex, systemic treatment, and local exposure. The latter can be done with a very convenient method - with the help of the Epigen Intimate intimate spray.

The composition of the spray Epigen Intim

The spray for treating the intimate area from pathogenic microorganisms is based on a substance obtained from the extract of licorice root - glycyrrhizic acid, and in an activated form, which significantly enhances its properties. It is this product that has a broad multifactorial effect, including the fight against viruses, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects. The work of this acid is based on its ability to improve the intensity of interferon synthesis, as well as the activity of lymphocytes and their levels. In the spray, the concentration of the active ingredient is 0.1%.
The composition also includes additional, auxiliary ingredients: fumaric, ascorbic, maleic, folic acids, propylene glycol, purified water and tween (one of the varieties of emulsifiers).

Pharmacological action of an intimate spray

The intimate spray is used as an antiviral agent that stimulates the immune system for topical use. In theory and in practice, the active substance of the spray has a powerful effect against Varicella Zoster, cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus. The acid disrupts the process of replication of viral elements at the earliest stages, further stimulating the local immunity of the treated area, which further enhances the antiviral activity. Both mutant and non-mutant strains that are resistant to other commonly used antiviral agents are susceptible to the action of the spray.

It should be noted anti-inflammatory effect of the product - after application, the production of so-called inflammatory mediators slows down, cell regeneration is activated, which leads to the fastest possible restoration of the state of the mucous membrane. It should be noted that the spray is applied topically, and therefore systemic absorption is negligible.

What it is used for: indications for use

The intimate spray has a specific scope of use and helps patients fight pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated the genital mucosa. Thus, the indications for the use of the drug are:

  • papillomavirus therapy, even with asymptomatic treatment and highly oncogenic type;
  • treating herpes simplex virus infection;
  • as part of the complex therapy of herpes zoster (varicellazoster), cytomegalovirus;
  • prevention of relapse of all of the viruses described above;
  • preventive and therapeutic use for pathologies of the cervix, provoked by the previously listed viruses;
  • a state of decrease in the local level of immune protection, which occurred, among other things, due to nonspecific colpitis, vulvovaginitis, vaginosis of a bacterial nature, etc.;
  • uncomfortable symptoms in the area of \u200b\u200bboth female and male genital organs (including itching, increased dryness, burning).

Instructions for using spray for intimate hygiene

The spray is a very convenient form to use, and usually there are no problems during the procedure for applying the medicinal composition. Injection can be done both externally and internally (meaning intravaginally or into the male urethra). The mechanism of the event is simple: you first need to shake the can well, place it in a vertical position at a distance of several centimeters from the treated area, and only after that you can spray. If the introduction is required, then a special nozzle-tube is put on, which is inserted into the desired cavity in the supine position. It is worth noting that after each procedure for internal administration of the drug, the nozzle must be thoroughly washed with soap and wiped dry, otherwise self-infection may occur again. As for the duration of therapy and dosages, it all depends on the specific situation.

Use to treat herpes

The causative agent of genital herpes is the herpes simplex virus, which exists in two types. This problem is usually sexually transmitted and has extremely unpleasant manifestations: redness, itching, burning, the formation of numerous rashes in the form of bubbles, which gradually burst and form ulcers. The drug in question is very often prescribed for the treatment of this ailment. According to the instructions, it must be applied to the genital mucosa 5 times within one day for two weeks, and additionally also intravaginally (with the appropriate doctor's recommendation). After the acute phase has passed, to prevent relapse, another course of maintenance therapy is carried out - for 10 days, 3 application procedures are performed per day, both externally and internally. The average recommended dose is 1-2 sprays, no more.

With human papillomavirus infection

Genital papillomavirus infection is one of the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted problems. The danger of this infection lies in the fact that it increases the risk of developing cervical cancer and other types of cancer of the anogenital region, and can also be the source of several types of malignant neoplasms of the skin. For the treatment of such a dangerous ailment, the spray is used as an element of an integrated approach:

  • 3 times a day throughout the entire course of treatment of formations;
  • after removal of formations - 5 times a day until complete healing, but not less than 10 days;
  • to avoid repeated outbreaks in the near future, therapy is continued for another month, 3 procedures a day.

If there is a virus in the body, in order to prevent its progression, a spray is used before and after intercourse, as well as after meeting with negative factors (stress, SARS, taking antibiotic drugs, etc.).

How to use to treat thrush

Fungal infection of the genital organs occurs in both men and women, it has familiar to almost all symptoms - cheesy discharge, itching, redness of the mucous membrane, etc. As part of the general therapy of the disease, the spray can be used as a local antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and immunity-enhancing agent. In the case of such a diagnosis, it is necessary to treat the affected area 3-4 times a day for a week. If necessary, the course is repeated after 10 days.

How to use preventively

A spray based on a natural active substance can also be used as a prophylactic agent to avoid the development or recurrence of the disease. So, the prevention of new exacerbations can be carried out according to a special scheme for certain pathogens, but in general it is allowed to use the product as a prophylactic antiviral drug before and after intercourse, and in the event of severe stress or other risk factors. In this case, 1-2 sprays per procedure will be sufficient.

Application during pregnancy

Experimental studies have not shown the toxic effects of glycyrrhizic acid on the developing fetus, and therefore, according to the instructions, the use of this drug is allowed at any stage of pregnancy, but only if there are appropriate indications and permission from a doctor. Taking into account the local action, it is not prohibited to use it during breastfeeding of an infant.


Given the specificity of the composition of the intimate spray, it has a limited number of contraindications. So, it will be necessary to refuse to use it only if the components are individually intolerant, in other situations, if there are indications, it can be safely used.

Side effects

Usually the spray is very well tolerated by all patients, even with a long period of use. In isolated cases, in patients with individual intolerance, at the very beginning of therapy, actively developing allergic reactions were noted, most of which were exclusively skin manifestations (redness, rash, discomfort).

Drug analogues

There is no complete analogue of the drug in question, which makes it popular even despite its rather high cost. There are products based on the same active ingredient, the acid from the extract of licorice root: Glycyrrhizic acid in its pure form, Glycyram and EpigenLabial. However, all of these drugs are presented in tablet form, and have a slightly different range of uses, so they cannot be called substitutes. There are antiviral sprays with another active ingredient, for example Panavir Intim Gel Spray based on an extract from potato tops.

Epigem Intim is a frequently prescribed drug, and its effectiveness is manifested even in cases with the problem of opportunistic microflora, which, due to a decrease in the level of immunity, could develop (for example, candidiasis, although there is no such ailment in direct indications). The product is especially effective and useful as a local preparation in the complex therapy of viral diseases. Separately, it is worth noting the almost complete absence of contraindications and negative reactions, but you should not use the product just like that for any discomfort that arises - it is better to use it as directed by a doctor.

Epigen is a herbal antiviral drug. Used to treat viral infections: herpes, HPV, cytomegalovirus.

Brief information about the drug

Epigen is a foreign-made drug.
Produced from licorice root.
The active ingredient is glycyrrhizic acid.
It acts on the virus indirectly: it stimulates the production of its own interferon, which kills the virus.

Attention : there are two forms of release: epigen intimate spray and epigen intimate gel.

The spray is a medicinal form.
And the gel is only a preventive form: for intimate hygiene.

Epigen intimate spray: instructions and differences

This is the main dosage form of the drug!
The concentration of the drug in the spray is higher than in the gel. Therefore, the effect is better.
Epigen intimate spray - a can of medicine (see photo). There is a nozzle for introducing the drug into the vagina.

Epigen intimate spray with nozzle

Instructions for use with HPV

Shake the can. When pressed, hold it vertically !!!

Women: lie on your back, insert the nozzle into the vagina and inject the drug with 1-2 clicks. Lie down for 5 minutes. Rinse the nozzle. Repeat 4-5 times a day. The course is 7 days. Usually 4-5 courses are carried out.

Men easier: we spray epigenes with a spray on the affected areas and into the opening of the urethra 4-5 times a day. The course is also about 1 month.

Instructions for herpes

For genital herpes: spray outside and into the vagina 6 times a day for two weeks. After that - 3 times a day - another 10 days.

For shingles (herpes): spray on the affected area 6 times a day - 7 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions and irritation are rare. In this case, you cannot use the drug.

Epigenes analogs for HPV treatment

Isoprinosine (or Groprinosin) tablets -.

Many are trying to find analogs cheaper than epigenes. But antiviral drugs are all expensive, as their production is expensive. Russian drugs will be slightly cheaper, since they are produced in Russia: this is Panavir. But Panavir does not have an aerosol form.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women use epigen can ... So, in his research Vishnevsky L.S. et al successfully used the drug on a group of pregnant women.


According to the ICD medical classification, Epigen's intimate spray refers to drugs that have an antiviral and immunostimulating agent. The huge advantage of epigen spray is that it is absolutely safe, having high efficiency in the fight against viruses and opportunistic bacteria.

Epigen spray - instructions for use

The composition of the therapeutic and prophylactic aerosol for intimate areas contains natural components with high biological activity, therefore, Epigen Intim spray can be prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women. The instructions for use of Epigen spray attached to the drug have complete information on the methods of use, dosage and courses of treatment. Spraying the medicine is done:

  • intraurethral;
  • outwardly;
  • intervaginally.

How to use Epigen spray correctly? In the case of external use, the medicine is sprayed up to 5 cm from the skin 3 times a day. Spraying takes two valve clicks. When used intraurethrally, the nebulizer is directed into the opening of the urethra at a minimum distance. For intervaginal use, the aerosol kit includes a special nozzle for a medicine cartridge, with which the medicine is sprayed into the vagina. For the prevention of irritations on the mucous membrane, an aerosol is used before and after intercourse.

Epigen spray - composition

After examining the description of the drug on the package, you will find out that the composition of the Epigen spray is very simple and does not contain harmful fragrances, antiseptics and synthetic flavors. The vaginal spray contains the only active substance - active glycyrrhizic acid (in an amount equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizate), which is obtained from plant materials - medicinal licorice root. Acid is obtained by extraction from raw materials and molecular activation. This process increases the beneficial properties of the acid and makes it activated. Additionally, the composition includes:

  • organic acids (folic, fumaric, ascorbic);
  • twin 80;
  • water;
  • propylene glycol.

Epigen spray - indications for use

Aerosol is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many genital and viral diseases. Ammonium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Able to stimulate local immunity and treat infections at the earliest stages. There are the following indications for the use of Epigen spray:

  • treatment of human papillomavirus, herpes simplex of the first and second types (Herpes simplex);
  • treatment, prevention of herpes zoster caused by the Varicella zoster virus;
  • treatment of pathologies of the cervix, erosion, genital warts;
  • treatment of conditions associated with a decrease in immunity, as a result of which nonspecific vulvitis, thrush, and other bacterial infections caused by the activity of opportunistic microorganisms develop;
  • in the treatment of cytomegalovirus;
  • getting rid of rashes, itching and burning dryness in the genitals after intercourse.

Epigen spray - contraindications

A solution of ammonium glycyrrhizinate obtained from plant raw materials has a specific odor, light yellow or light brown color. The only thing that is indicated in the instructions as contraindications for Epigen spray is individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to the active substance or acids that are in the composition, as auxiliary substances.

Epigen spray - side effects

This herbal preparation is well tolerated, even with long-term treatment and use as a prophylaxis for certain diseases, increasing local immunity. Side effects of Epigen spray are very rare, mainly in the early stages of treatment in people with individual intolerance or allergies. Side effects can be various allergic reactions, such as contact dermatitis, urticaria.

Epigen spray during pregnancy

Laboratory studies have shown that the active component of the drug, glycyrrhizic acid, has no toxic and teratogenic effects on the fetus, therefore, among all other drugs, this spray for the intimate area is a safe medicine for women in positions at different periods, during lactation. A gynecologist may prescribe Epigen during pregnancy to get rid of vaginal discomfort caused by microflora disorders, thrush or viral infections, to prevent recurrence of HPV, cytomegalovirus, warts (papillomas).

Epigen spray for thrush

The most effective drug for the treatment and prevention of thrush is stimulating local immunity. Candidiasis manifests itself as a result of the activity of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina, more often - with a decrease in immunity or due to the intake of various drugs. Epigen spray for thrush has an immunostimulating, calming effect, relieves itching and reduces the amount of discharge. For the best effect, doctors advise to observe intimate hygiene - to treat the genitals three times a day after hygiene procedures, and more often during menstruation.

Epigen spray for erosion

Doctors advise treating erosion in a comprehensive manner, because even after a successful course of treatment, relapses may occur and this is due to the fact that a woman's immunity may be weakened, protective functions that contribute to tissue healing are impaired. The instructions indicate that Epigen spray with erosion is used intervaginally at least three times a day during the entire course of treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Epigen spray for herpes

A feature of the herpes virus is its depressing effect on the immune system, therefore, when treating any of the types of the virus, in addition to antiviral agents, medications are prescribed that help the immune system to recover. In the case of genital herpes, it is important to restore the local immune defense, therefore, in addition to tablets and ointments, gynecologists often prescribe Epigen spray for herpes as part of complex therapy to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of treatment.

Epigen spray price

The manufacturer of the intimate spray also produces ointment and intimate hygiene wipes. These products cost less than the aerosol itself - around 500 rubles. According to some reviews, the use of ointments and napkins from the same series in combination with an aerosol, the desired effect of treatment is achieved faster. The price of a spray varies depending on the capacity of the container. Average prices for some products from the Epigen intim series are shown in the summary table.

Epigen spray analogues

The only drawback of intimate hygiene aerosol is its high price. But, according to preliminary calculations, a 60 ml canister, provided that the medicine is used 2-3 times a day, is enough for six months of use. Based on these calculations, the price of the drug no longer looks so high. In pharmacies, you can find analogues of a known drug at a much lower price. A well-known cheap analogue of Epigen spray is Epigen labial, produced by a Russian manufacturer.

Description up to date on 25.02.2015

  • Latin name: Epigen intim
  • ATX code: D06BB
  • Active substance: Ammonium glycyrrhizinate
  • Manufacturer: Cheminova Internacional (Spain)


100 ml spray for topical use contains:

  • glycyrrhizic acid - 0.1 g (the amount of the active ingredient is equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizinate);
  • malic acid;
  • fumaric acid;
  • ascorbic acid ;
  • folic acid ;
  • propylene glycol;
  • tween 80 (polysorbate 80);
  • purified water.

Composition Epigenes Labial (corresponds to gel for external use):

  • ammonium glycyrrhizinate - 100 mg per 100 ml (concentration of the active ingredient - 0.1%);
  • apple acid;
  • fumaric acid ;
  • vitamin C ;
  • polavax GP 200 (cetearyl alcohol-Peg-20 stearate);
  • phenonip;
  • butylhydroxytoluene;
  • flavor 195 AG;
  • distilled water.

Release form

  • Intimate spray Epigen presented in the form of a medicinal solution from light yellow to light brown color, which has a characteristic odor. At drugstore kiosks, the pharmaceutical can be found in 15 or 60 ml spray cans with vaginal nozzle and annotation.
  • Gel Epigen Intim (sometimes in pharmacy kiosks or on thematic resources it is called a cream) with an active ingredient concentration of 0.1%. Sold in a 250 ml container with a special dispenser for rational use.
  • Epigenes Labial - cream for external topical application (used mainly as lip cream). A plastic tube with a drug in an amount of 5 g or a sachet (a bag or a pad with dry flavoring) weighing 2.5 g is inserted into a cardboard package.

pharmachologic effect

Epigen Intim - antiviral and immunostimulating pharmaceutical preparation based on a natural herbal component - glycyrrhizic acid , which is obtained by extraction from licorice root. The active component of the drug has a complex therapeutic effect, however, first of all, its pharmacological effects on the immune system should be noted. Glycyrrhizic acid increases the number and activity T lymphocytes when applied topically, induces the formation interferon , increases concentration immunoglobulins A and M but decreases the concentration of IgG.

The mechanism of antiviral action is based on inhibition of replication processes in the early stages, which causes the release of the viral virion from the capsid, preventing its penetration into the cellular structures of the body. In clinical studies, it has been proven that glycyrrhizic acid inactivates herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, shingles virus (Varicella Zoster), cytomegalovirus and some other oncogenic viruses. It has also been confirmed to be effective against mutant viral strains that have developed resistance to Acyclovir and Iodouridine .

Intimate hygiene gel Epigen possesses antiviral properties, which are realized through stimulating effects on the cellular and humoral factors of the immune system. The active biological component significantly inhibits the release kinins and education prostaglandins connective tissue cells in the pathological focus of inflammation. This is the basis and regenerating effects pharmaceutical preparation, manifested in the improvement of the repair of the skin and mucous membranes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicinal product in the form of a spray and gel is intended for topical use. If all the rules for the operation of Epigen are observed, glycyrrhizic acid is deposited in pathological foci, where it exhibits its therapeutic effects. Absorption into the systemic circulation occurs very slowly, because active components in the blood are found only in trace amounts.

Indications for use

  • complex prevention of gynecological diseases of viral etiology, sexually transmitted diseases;
  • infectious diseases caused by human papillomavirus ;
  • erosion and other pathologies of the cervix;
  • treatment and prevention genital warts ;
  • as part of complex therapy in the treatment of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2;
  • itching, burning, dryness and other discomfort in the genital area;
  • bacterial vaginosis ;
  • shingles and infection varicella Zoster virus ;
  • nonspecific vulvovaginitis ;
  • nosological units in which the etiological factor is cytomegalovirus ;
  • failure of ovarian function.


Hypersensitivity to the constituent components of a pharmaceutical preparation.

Side effects

In isolated cases, development allergic reaction on a drug that manifests itself hives or contact dermatitis .

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Instructions for spray Epigen intim

Intimate spray intended for external, intraurethral and intravaginal use. Before use, be sure to shake the balloon so that the medicinal solution is evenly located inside the container. Directly during use, the cylinder must be kept in an upright position. For external processing the skin and genitals, the pharmaceutical preparation is applied to the entire pathological focus from a distance of 4-5 cm in 1-2 clicks, which corresponds to the optimal dosage.

For drug administration intravaginally (in this way, a spray is used for cervical erosion, for example) a special nozzle with a spray is used, which is included in the kit. After placing the spray bottle on the balloon, instead of the initial valve, it should be inserted into the vagina and spray the pharmaceutical product with 1-2 clicks.

Intraurethral use spray by men also involves the use of a spray bottle. The drug is injected directly into the external opening of the urethra with 1-2 clicks. If produced external processing genital organs, the use of a nebulizer is not necessary.

The frequency and duration of the use of spray Epigen Intim

When herpesvirus type 1 infection and shingles - the drug is used 6 times a day by applying directly to the pathological focus. The duration of drug treatment is usually 5 days, but if the disease is persistent, therapy should be continued until all symptoms disappear completely.

When infected herpes virus type 2 and cytomegalovirus disease the drug is applied 5 times a day for 14 days. It is recommended to combine external and intravaginal use of the drug. After the elimination of acute symptoms, active prevention of recurrent course should be carried out by external and intravaginal application of the spray 3 times in knocks for 10 days.

When papillomavirus infection treatment with a pharmaceutical preparation is carried out by surgical procedures. Before deletion genital warts etiotropic therapy provides for three times the application of the spray throughout the day. Against the background of destruction (the method of surgical intervention is not taken into account), the drug is used five times for 10 days or more. The criterion for the end of medical sanitation is the complete healing of the pathological focus. In order to prevent the next relapse, the spray is applied 3 times a day for 1 month.

When long-term prevention papillomavirus infection, the use of a pharmaceutical preparation is caused by the appearance of various provoking factors, which can be stress, respiratory viral diseases, the use of antibiotics or cytostatics, microflora disturbance, prolonged fatigue. The drug is used before and after intercourse or 3 times a day during the entire period of influence of external factors of aggression.

Spray Epigen at thrush , vulvovaginal candidiasis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis or its bacterial etiology is used intravaginally 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. The therapeutic course should be repeated after 10 days, since the causative agents of these pathological conditions are able to avoid the influence of the pharmaceutical preparation due to their individual characteristics.

If any provoking factors appear (see above), then the thrush spray is applied 3 times a day externally and intravaginally, until the harmful factors cease their effect.

Spray at pregnancy and breastfeeding should be used according to standard conservative therapy regimens, since the pharmaceutical preparation is intended for local action on pathological microflora and enters the systemic circulation only in trace concentrations, which does not adversely affect the child's or mother's body.

Instructions for Epigen gel

Usually, cream it is applied for intimate hygiene rather than for a therapeutic purpose. The way to use it is to apply it externally to the genitals, after which it should be lather and rinsed thoroughly with warm running water. The natural ingredients in the base of the cosmetic product allow you to repeat the manipulation several times a day.

The gel can also be used for prevention of thrush , since glycyrrhizic acid normalizes the acidity of intimate areas, cleanses the skin and maintains the natural microflora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. Daily use of a gel for intimate hygiene prevents fungal infections and avoids the very unpleasant discomfort associated with the problem of thrush.


In the medical literature and on thematic sites, there is no information about a possible overdose of a pharmaceutical drug.


Glycyrrhizic acid has synergistic pharmacological effects with other pharmaceutical antiviral drugs , in particular with derivatives Acyclovir , Iodouridine , Interferon and some immunomodulators.

Drug interactions with basic drugs used to treat these pathological conditions and nosological units (for example, antibiotics , antiseptics or painkillers) has not been identified in clinical trials.

Terms of sale

The pharmaceutical product is approved for over-the-counter dispensing in pharmacy kiosks and points of sale of cosmetics for intimate hygiene.

Storage conditions

Epigen gel or other dosage forms of the drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Shelf life

Epigen's analogs

Analogs spray Epigen Intim are presented in various pharmaceutical forms from tablets for oral use to granules for preparing a medicinal solution. With contraindications in relation to the Epigen spray, appoint Glycyram , Glycyrrhizic acid or Epigenes Labial. The price of analogues of the Epigen intimate spray at licensed points of sale is usually lower, but the effectiveness of such therapeutic agents is relative, because they realize their useful properties indirectly, in contrast to the spray, which acts directly on the pathological focus of the disease.

Intimate gel Epigen also has its counterparts in the pharmaceutical market, but has proven therapeutic properties ehextract of naked licorice root and effects such as normalization of acidity and maintenance of the physiological level of genital microflora predispose to choose Epigen gel.

With alcohol

The pharmaceutical agent does not interact with the constituent components of alcoholic beverages, since it is intended for the local provision of therapeutic properties, however, alcohol abuse can lead to suppression of the body's protective ability, which adversely affects the course of each individual pathology and significantly increases the duration of conservative treatment.

During pregnancy and lactation

Spray Epigen during pregnancy or breastfeeding, as well as intimate gel Epigen, should be used according to traditional treatment regimens, that is, with the indicated dosages and the duration of the course of conservative sanitation, since the pharmacological properties are directed directly to the pathological focus, and an incredibly small amount of active ingredients is absorbed into the systemic circulation, which does not have side effects.

Reviews of Epigenes

Reviews about spray Epigen intim characterize a pharmaceutical product from the positive side. Patients with various infectious diseases of viral etiology recommend the drug on thematic forums and Internet resources, because the spray allows you to eliminate the pathological focus of the nosological unit and normalize the functioning of the genitals and skin. When thrush the drug allows you not only to get rid of unpleasant discomfort and odor, but also to avoid this problem in the future, since the intimate gel effectively prevents this disease.

Genital warts spray in combination with surgical treatment, it completely neutralizes the human papillomavirus, which ensures rapid healing of the skin defect and the fight against further relapses. Spray at HPV activates the humoral and cellular link of immunity, allowing you to further recognize the structure of the pathological agent and eliminate possible re-infection.

The pharmaceutical preparation also helps with bacterial and non-specific inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. The intimate spray allows you to maintain the physiological level of acidity, provides a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Thanks to the drug Epigen Intim, the genital area of \u200b\u200bboth partners is protected from unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, redness or other natural reactions.

The doctors' comments are based primarily on the pharmacological effects and the duration of the course of conservative therapy. Both indicators of a medicinal product in the form of a spray make it possible to give a professional and qualified preference, based on reliable clinical studies, for this product. On thematic resources, some medical professionals even openly admit the independent use of Epigen intimacy, which cannot but tip the scales in favor of a medicinal spray.

Separately, it should be noted reviews about gel Epigen intima, which is often applied incorrectly. The cream is designed to keep the genitals clean during daily intimate hygiene, unlike a spray. Of course, both pharmaceutical forms of the drug are based on the extract of licorice root, but the gel has a milder effect. The absence of soap and some other auxiliary components allows the gel to be used exclusively for cosmetic purposes.

This dosage form receives good recommendations from women who are carrying a child. Gel at pregnancy allows you to avoid a large number of aesthetic consequences of this physiological process due to changes in hormonal levels and some other features of the female body. The chemical formula of Epigen cream is specially designed for daily care, which in practice is manifested by the absence of dryness and various kinds of irritation after its application.

The price of an intimate gel is indicated below, but it is worth noting that it is the optimum among hygiene products, because it contains a plant with therapeutic properties. Licorice root has long been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, which forms a certain credit of confidence in this pharmaceutical product, because women tend to choose a proven method of daily intimate hygiene.

Epigen Intim price where to buy

The pharmaceutical cannot be classified as cheap, but the evidence of therapeutic effects and production in Spain is really worth the money. In the Russian Federation, the price of Epigen Intim spray starts from 600 rubles - for such a minimum cost, a 15 ml balloon is purchased. You can buy a spray in a 60 ml bottle in the range from 1100 to 1500 rubles - this form of the drug may be required, for example, when thrush against the background of a decrease in the body's own immune indicators. In St. Petersburg, the Ozerki Pharmacy is engaged in the distribution of the drug - a gel for intimate hygiene from a distributor can be purchased, on average, for 650 rubles.

The price of Epigen intimate spray in other countries of the post-Soviet space may differ not only on the form and quantity of the drug, but also on the place of purchase, since some pharmacy chains conclude individual contracts with foreign suppliers. This situation is demonstrated by Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk is in the first place, where a 60 ml bottle can be purchased for 400 hryvnia. This is followed by Kharkov - the price of a spray for intimate hygiene is 460-480 hryvnia, and you can buy a spray in Kiev for 500 hryvnia. The price of Epigen Intim gel is the same practically throughout the country and is about 300-350 hryvnia.

In Belarus, medicinal spray with a capacity of 15 ml can be purchased for 370,000 bel. rubles. Price intimate hygiene gel almost 2 times less and in Minsk it is about 170,000 Belarusian rubles. rubles. Such a big difference in the cost of various pharmaceutical forms of Epigen Intim is justified by the scope of application, because the gel is used mainly for everyday hygiene procedures, and the spray is prescribed for therapeutic purposes by qualified medical specialists.

You should find out how much a medicine costs in Kazakhstan on your own, since there is no reliable data provided by licensed points of sale.

An excellent replacement for Epigen at a price 6 times cheaper! + Complex treatment of chronic thrush (drugs, scheme)

An excellent replacement for Epigen at a price 6 times cheaper!

During the complex treatment of thrush, I used the Epigen intimate hygiene gel, the price of which at that time was already more than 500 rubles.

I was not disappointed in it, this is a great gel! But the price, I think, is still very high.

And after using the second bottle, I went to buy something cheaper, but no less effective and safe. In the pharmacy I saw Hasiko's gel. He attracted me with his minimalism in execution, description and price.


The bottle is equipped with a convenient dispenser. There are minimal inscriptions - and this is often even more stylish than decorated packaging. And for me it is also a signal that the product simply works, and does not attract with its packaging to the dummy inside.


The label indicates that the gel was produced in Russia according to the recipe of an enterprise from Denmark

deionized water, sodium laureth sulfate, PEG-150 pentaerythretyl tetrastearate, PEG-6 caprilic capric glycerides, glycerin, decylglycoside, cocamidopropyl betaine, mannan, cocamide dea, PEG-7 glyceryl cocate, polyquaterinum dilutionum 7, tsicylic acid , methylchloroisothiazolinone, methylisothiazolinone

The product contains lactic acid. However, there are also components that may not be suitable for a particular person. I'm not one of them. For me it is a very soft, delicate gel. By the way, the famous Lactacid did not suit me. Hasiko will be several times more tender.


Hasiko has a subtle floral-vanilla aroma. It is pleasant, but not pronounced. This is a big plus for me, because odorants in such products do not please me. And to be honest, I could easily do without her. But, fortunately, it does not give any side effects.


Gel. Transparent and with a slight pearlescent tint.


Above the average. And judging by the composition, it is clear what surfactant it provides. But again, the gel is very soft! No discomfort. At the same time, excellent cleansing is present.


I was worn out with her, but from the third time I came across an experienced specialist and prescribed an effective treatment regimen. I am pleased to share it with you:

And the same treatment regimen:

In total, 90 days are needed for the entire treatment, i.e. 3 months. However, this is a treatment, and the symptoms will go away within 3-5 days!

And now there have been no relapses for 2 years! Hooray!


I have no medical education to compare similar products, but as a user I can tell there is no difference between Epigen and Hasiko.

And when compared with Lactacid, Hasiko wins in all respects: there is no chemical smell from the product, it acts very gently, does not dry out, does not provoke recurrence of thrush.

  • if you have a long-term chronic thrush, it is better to use Epigen gel first, and after the course of treatment, Hasiko. At the same time, as you know, it is better not to save on health, so it is better to use the remedy that suits you ideally.
  • remember that such gels are not able to eliminate thrush on their own, you need to do everything in combination.

PRICE of the question

For 250 ml you need to give 115-130 rub... For comparison: Epigen gel for the same volume will cost 720-800 rubles!


Pharmacy chain "313" in my city. The gel is also presented in Apteka_ru (direct link to the product - here)

Thank you for attention! Good health to you!

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Epigen intim 0.1% 15ml spray

Epigen intim 0.1% 60ml spray

Invar (Spain) Preparation: Epigen intim

Epigen intimate gel for intimate hygiene 250ml

Invar (Spain) Preparation: Epigen intim

Active ingredient analogs

Glycyram 50mg 50 pcs. pills

Vifitech (Russia) Preparation: Glytsiram

Reglisam 25mg 1.3g 30 pcs. granules for preparation of oral solution for children

Vifitech (Russia) Preparation: Reglisam

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Famvir 125mg 10 pcs. coated tablets

Acyclovir 200mg 25 pcs. pills

Sandoz (Slovenia) Drug: Acyclovir

Acyclovir forte 400mg 20 pcs. pills

Obolenskoe FPO (Russia) Preparation: Acyclovir forte

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Isoprinosine 500mg 30 pcs. pills

Teva (Portugal) Drug: Isoprinosine

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Acyclovir 400mg 20 pcs. pills

Ozone (Russia) Drug: Acyclovir

Groprinosin 500mg 50 pcs. pills

Gedeon Richter (Hungary) Preparation: Groprinosin

Epigen spray is an antiviral and immunostimulating agent, which contains glycyrrhizonic acid. It is obtained from licorice root, i.e. completely vegetable component.

The drug has an active complex effect, namely:

  • immunostimulating:
  • antiviral;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic.

Thanks to glycyrrhizated acid, interferons are formed (these are the main substances for providing an antiviral effect). When exposed to it, there is an interruption in the reproduction of viruses.

Glycyrrhizic acid

In the course of laboratory diagnostics, it was found that the virus strain, most often resistant to acyclovir substances, has a tremendous sensitivity to glycyrrhizic acid.


It is produced in the form of a spray, simple and intimate (as it is called, Epigen Intimate spray). In addition to acids, the composition also contains some auxiliary components and water.

The medicinal solution is released in brown color with a characteristic pungent odor.

Active against the following viruses:

  • Papilloma;
  • Cytomegaly;


Instructions for use

According to the instructions, Epigen spray can only be prescribed by a specialist after a full examination.

  1. With condylomas, formations are treated twice a day.
  2. Also, the drug has proven itself for herpes. In case of infection with a simple herpesvirus, as well as during development, the doctor asks to treat the skin externally or vaginally. The course of therapy is 2 weeks, the wounds need to be treated at least 4 times a day. With a decrease in symptoms, doctors advise using the remedy for about a week, 2 times a day. So you can consolidate the result obtained and prevent the occurrence of a relapse.
  3. When cells are destroyed, for example, if the body is infected with HPV, doctors prescribe the treatment of the skin and mucous membranes with medicine, about 4 times a day. The course is 2 weeks. It is necessary to continue therapy until complete recovery, if necessary and with the permission of the doctor, the course may be slightly increased.
  4. To avoid relapse, you need to spray the skin at least 3 times per knocking, with a course of about a month.
  5. Epigen spray for thrush is used to prevent candidiasis, 2 times a day, course - 3 weeks.


A definite interaction with drugs from other groups has not yet been identified.

In combination with the drug, antibiotics, antiseptics, analgesics are used (since the spray does not relieve pain).

Precautions and contraindications

It is forbidden to use the tool in case of individual sensitivity to any component.

Epigen spray during pregnancy, as well as during lactation does not pose any danger. This is due to the fact that the agent does not pass into breast milk and has no effect on the embryo.


  • Be sure to shake the bottle before spraying.
  • The bottle itself must be held vertically.
  • It is necessary to spray the agent from a distance of 6 cm, pressing the valve not once, but at least twice.
  • If you need to use the spray intravaginally, then you need to take a special nozzle that is in the box. You need to lie on your back, insert the nozzle into the vagina and press the valve 1-2 times. Then you need not get up for 10 minutes for the remedy to fully work


Epigen spray has two main analogues:

  1. Lactacid. Recommended for use in case of irritation, itching, dryness as a means for intimate hygiene. The drug eliminates unpleasant odor, does not irritate the skin (and therefore it can be used even if it is sensitive). Doctors recommend this remedy for daily use.
  2. Glitz or Glytsiram. The remedy has the same main component, licorice root extract.


The spray costs about 950 rubles. The price may vary depending on the selling pharmacy, but not significantly.

Epigen intim is an immunostimulating drug that is aimed at destroying viruses. The main active ingredient of the drug is licorice root extract. Epigen intim is sold in two forms: spray and gel for external use.

All the beneficial properties of Epigen intima stem from the presence of licorice root extract in the composition of the drug.

Epigenes intimacy has on the body:

  • Antiviral action;
  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Provides regenerating properties;
  • It is used as an antipruritic drug.

In addition to the above properties, this drug destroys the negative effects on the body by such microorganisms as staphylococcus and others. An anti-tumor effect is also noted when using this medication.

Indications for use

Epigen intima is a very popular remedy for the treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases that are caused by various viruses. Since its components are practically harmless, Epigen intim is often used to enhance immunity. The drug has an effective effect in complex treatment.

Epigen intim is used to treat and prevent:

  • Herpes infections;
  • Diseases caused by the human papillomavirus;
  • Infections that occur due to shingles
  • Relapses of diseases caused by various viruses;
  • With the appearance of discomfort in the genital area, such as itching, burning;
  • In order to increase immunity, reduced due to vulvovaginitis, or nonspecific colpitis;
  • With the appearance of genital warts and pathologies of the cervix due to the herpes virus, etc.

In the event that the disease has a particularly complex and advanced nature, the medicine is recommended for use in conjunction with other drugs as part of complex treatment.

Instructions for use Epigen intim spray and gel

The drug Epigen intim is intended for external use, as well as in some cases of internal use. Vaginal application of Epigena intima in women and in the urethra in men is allowed. When processing external integuments, the medicine must be applied to the entire affected area. In the case of a spray, use it at a distance of at least 4 cm and only 1-2 clicks. This will be the optimal dosage.

  • When using a product for internal use, it is worth using the nozzle that comes with the product. As with external treatment, you need to make a couple of clicks on the spray bottle.
  • For diseases that have a herpes component or are caused by shingles, it is necessary to use the drug 6 times a day. Treatment with the drug must be continued for 5 days, however, in especially severe cases, the drug can be used until all existing symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • In the presence of cytomegalovirus lesions, the drug should be used 5 times a day for 2 weeks. In this case, simultaneous external and internal use is possible. After the disease disappears, prophylactic use of the drug is necessary at least 3 times a day for at least 10 days.
  • In the presence of human papilloma virus, the drug is used before surgery. In the presence of this disease, it is prescribed to use the drug 3 times a day. After destruction, the medicine should be used five times for at least 10 days. It is necessary to stop using the drug when the focus is completely healed. Subsequently, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment with the drug for about a month.
  • Intimal epigen, if present, or vaginosis, the drug must be used 4 times a day for at least a week. The treatment must be repeated after 10 days, because the microorganisms that cause these diseases are able to avoid drug exposure.
  • Epigen intima in the form of a gel is usually recommended for use for hygiene purposes, but not for treatment. The method of use is that the gel must be applied to the genitals, then foamed and thoroughly rinsed with clean water. The tool is allowed to be used for the prevention of fungal diseases, since the tool helps to normalize acidity, and also helps to restore the natural microflora.

This drug has several analogues that can be found in any pharmacy. They are not of the highest quality, but if there is an allergy to the active ingredients, these drugs have a similar medicinal effect on the body.

Analogues of Epigen intima include:

Epigen intima is produced in various forms: gel, spray, wet wipes, as well as in the form of specialized complexes (E pigen Intim Complex). This drug has analogues produced by the manufacturer, such as Epigen labial.

All analogs of the Epigen Intim drug contain the same active ingredients, and, therefore, have similar side effects and contraindications, but they, as a rule, show less efficiency. Therefore, it is Epigen intima that will be the optimal choice for treatment.

Epigen intimacy during pregnancy

The drug is recommended for use by women during pregnancy for therapeutic effects on existing diseases of the skin and genitals. The tool is able to eliminate and prevent the possible negative effects of viruses on the fetus. Doctors say that glycyrrhizic acid, which is contained in the drug, does not pose a danger to the unborn child at any stage of pregnancy.

The drug has a very wide area of \u200b\u200beffect on the body, which definitely plays a very important role. This remedy is recommended for pregnant women with thrush, herpes and papilloma virus, because it not only fights against an infection, but also creates a certain protection for the fetus. The use of this drug helps to prevent spontaneous abortions and deviations in the development of the child.

Cost and where to buy the drug

It is difficult to classify a pharmaceutical product as cheap medicines, but good reviews, as well as the fact that the medicine is produced in Spain, is worth the money.

This medicinal product is available without a prescription. The drug is sold in absolutely any pharmacy and cosmetic stores selling intimate hygiene products. The cost of the drug will depend on the dosage of the drug and the volume of the drug.

Price gel Epigen intima hesitates from 790 to 930 rubles per packing. Spray price Epigen intim - about 900 rubles (For this money, it is possible to purchase a 15 ml bottle, and a 60 ml volume will cost the buyer 1900 rubles).

The cost of the drug will also depend on the place of purchase, there are official distributors of the drug who have an individual agreement with the manufacturer. The price in such pharmacy chains is much lower.

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