Drugs for rotavirus infection: which is better to give preference? Effective drugs for rotavirus: list, composition and reviews Antiviral drugs for intestinal infections.

Rotavirus infection is better prevented than cured. Prevention, such as vaccination, targets a specific virus. The rest of the events are not specific.

Prevention of rotavirus is primarily about vaccination against infection. The attenuated live virus strain found in the vaccine,. Influenza can affect absolutely everyone, especially the weak, the elderly, patients with chronic diseases. For some of them, the disease may even threaten death, so it is advisable to take care of safety.

Rotavirus refers to different types of influenza such as intestinal, stomach, and rotavirosis. The viruses that cause the disease look like a wheel, in Latin “wheel” is “rota”, and therefore rotaviruses. These viruses infect everyone, especially children.

Signs of rotavirus infection may appear 5 days after ingestion. Then the patient becomes contagious. The disease usually lasts 7 days, during this period, immunity is developed. Re-infection is very rare.

The spread of rotavirus

A person who is not sick can also carry a rotavirus infection, while signs of the disease may not yet appear. Rotavirus is mainly transmitted through food. Refrigerated food can be contagious too. Once in the water, it infects it and even disinfection does not eliminate the virus. And of course, like any flu, it is transmitted by airborne droplets upon contact with a sick person. Symptoms of the disease: sneezing and coughing, high fever. Microbes flying in the air in public places also enter the body to healthy people, affecting it. Flu epidemics are most commonly seen in cold weather.


Adults often, unlike children, suffer from the disease on their legs. Their disease progresses more easily, nausea and vomiting are usually excluded. Usually, rotavirus infection is mistaken for poisoning and is treated with drugs for diarrhea. However, this disease is still contagious and dangerous. The carrier can infect the family and the people around it. Only with strong immunity can infection be avoided. If you suspect a rotavirus, you need to call a specialist.

Symptoms in children

Infants are usually not afraid of rotavirus, since they have antibodies obtained from their mother's milk. Older children are at greater risk of getting sick. With this flu, children can suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. They have a fever, runny nose and cough, sore throat.


With a disease, the function of the digestive system is disrupted, and food particles are not broken down. In this case, viruses can only be found in the intestines, and not in the blood.

Usually there are no complications, but if a child has lowered immunity, then a lethal outcome is possible. The main rule in this case is to ensure that the body does not become dehydrated. Very high temperatures must be brought down. Timely treatment and prevention can prevent or help get rid of the disease quickly.


Only with differential diagnosis, excluding other diseases, can the presence of rotavirus be determined. The feces are examined with an electron microscope in order to find the virus. And after that, treatment is prescribed.


Prevention of rotavirus infection initially begins with the methods of transmission. You need to apply:

  • elimination of contact with a sick person, with dirty food, water of dubious origin;
  • compliance with complete hygiene and cleanliness.

One of the causes of the disease may be the use of polluted natural water. The preventive action in this case is the delivery of good drinking water to people. According to sanpin, measures and laboratory studies have been identified to improve the effectiveness of control of RVI.

How to protect yourself from rotavirus infection and protect yourself from re-infection? In a domestic environment, it is imperative to boil water and observe personal hygiene. An elementary way is frequent hand washing after coming into the room from the street, going to the toilet, before preparing food.

Elementary prevention also includes scalding washed fruits and vegetables with boiling water. It is necessary to boil baby dishes, nipples, bottles, toys. In winter, you need to use boiled water to wash the dishes, bathe babies in it, and, of course, drink.

For infants, feeding with mother's milk plays an important role, since in this case the baby's body receives protection from viruses.

The spread is gaining such a direction of prevention as vaccination of the population. Anti-rotavirus vaccination has long been used. By using two live attenuated vaccines, RotaTeq, Merck and Rotarix ™ so far, the required immunity can be achieved. The Rotarix ™ vaccine is considered effective and is used in Ukraine.

For children 6-24 weeks of age, vaccination against RVI is offered. The whole course includes 2 doses for two months, one is taken per month. At the same time, it is possible to provide 80% protection against rotavirus and 100% to avoid the development of severe forms of the disease.

Isolation of sick people for 2 weeks from the rest is considered prevention. A mild form of the disease does not require hospital treatment. It is possible to be treated at home if there are conditions for isolation and procedures. Everyday wet cleaning is carried out. To handle hands, use a 95% solution of ethyl alcohol. In water, the virus is killed by boiling.

Protection is the production of specific antibodies of the IgA, IgM and IgG classes in the body of the patient. Antibodies can act for 1-2 years, then their protection weakens. A person is almost completely protected during this period from the type of rotavirus, which he already had, and partially from other species. Re-infection may not occur in the first year and the risk of disease is only 30%.

However, after a year, the possibility of getting sick again greatly increases, because the immunity is formed unstable. If the disease of one form has already passed twice, then the immunity will be much more stable than after the first.


For the effect of treatment, you must follow a diet. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of certain foods, namely those containing a lot of sugar. Limit the use of dairy dishes. It is necessary to observe strict in case of illness, use only puree and liquid dishes. Drinking at the same time should be abundant.


To eliminate the infection, carry out the following:

  • rehydration therapy to eliminate vomiting and diarrhea;
  • accept sorbents in the form of Enterosgel, activated carbon and Sorbex;
  • polyenzyme drugs that eliminate disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

When treating any viruses, antibiotics are not used, since they do not act on the cause, but only on bacteria, in addition, they cause dysbiosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

In the treatment, folk remedies are also used, but only after agreement with the doctor. This is a decoction of two-year-old primrose, rusty elm powder, St. John's wort, saline solution and others.

In this case, you need to monitor the patient's condition and follow a strict diet. The apartment must always be ventilated and wet cleaning must be carried out there every day. To effectively treat a viral infection, it is better to combine traditional and traditional medicine, and you need to consult a doctor.


Vaccination is the most effective prevention of rotavirus infection. Rotavirus infection of various types is a serious risk for people with weakened immune systems and can lead to bad consequences. New effective vaccines have been created, for example, Ultrix® for a more stable and long-lasting immunity.

How not to get rotavirus infection? Nonspecific prophylaxis of rotavirus infection is based on good hygiene practices. You need to wash your hands more often in case of intestinal flu, eat foods, properly pretreat them, drink only boiled water. How to protect yourself from it during a general epidemic? Places with large numbers of people should be avoided.

Rotovirus infection is a type of severe intestinal infection that is caused by a rotavirus. This disease is called differently - intestinal or stomach flu, rotavirus gastroenteritis... All people, without exception, can become infected with a pathogenic microorganism, but small children under two years of age are in a special risk zone. Infection occurs from a sick person or a healthy person who is a carrier of the strain. Reproduction takes place in the gastrointestinal tract, from where the virus is excreted in feces. Rotavirus infection in adults is not as severe as in children, but it also requires consultation with an infectious disease doctor.

Intestinal flu infection routes

Most people learn about rotavirus infection only after the first signs of illness appear. According to medical statistics, the peak incidence occurs during the cold season, approximately from November to April.

The main mode of transmission is the fecal-oral route, in other words, it is an infectious disease - a disease of dirty hands. But sometimes disease-causing bacteria are transmitted through water and certain foods. So, rotavirus multiplies well in dairy products, and since the coolness has a beneficial effect on it, it can live on products that are in the refrigerator.

In large children's groups, rotavirus infection can manifest as severe diarrhea... In a sick child, the gastrointestinal tract is affected, which is accompanied by poor digestion of food and severe dehydration.

Incubation period

The incubation period is the time that elapsed between the entry of bacteria into the human body and the appearance of the first signs. This period is very individual, it depends on the general state of health and immunity. Rotavirus in adults can develop in a couple of hours or in a few days..

From the moment the infection enters the body and until the acute symptoms subside, a person is considered contagious.

Signs of illness

Symptoms of rotavirus disease in adults vary. The disease can manifest itself as a typical food poisoning or start with cold symptoms.... Most often, the disease begins acutely in children and most adults, the signs look like this:

  • A runny nose appears - the discharge from the nose is thin and transparent, like with rhinitis.
  • Sore throat, like a cold.
  • The person becomes lethargic, apathetic, and causeless depression may begin.
  • The body temperature rises, often to high values.
  • An excruciating nausea begins, which ends with profuse vomiting.
  • Severe diarrhea begins after a few hours. The stool is thin, frothy and very offensive.
  • There is no appetite, stomach and stomach ache badly.
  • There may be severe chills.

The disease can proceed without raising the temperature, on the contrary, the body temperature drops below normal. With rotavirus intestinal infection in adults, symptoms and treatment differ from the course of the disease and therapy in children. In adults, the symptoms are often smoothed out, thanks to well-established immunity, so many attribute the malaise to poor nutrition.

Signs of rotavirus infection in adults also include a rumbling stomach, headache, and dizziness.... Dryness of the mucous membranes and discoloration of the skin may be observed, which usually indicates intoxication and dehydration of the body.

How to properly treat intestinal flu

First aid for rotovirus is to solder the patient to avoid dehydration... For this purpose, it is better to use pharmaceutical preparations such as Rehydron, but you can also give ordinary drink - water, decoctions of dried fruits and herbs. It is important to give drinks in small portions and often so as not to provoke bouts of vomiting.

Do not use milk, coffee, strong tea and concentrated juices to solder the patient!

The treatment of rotovirus in an adult begins after the first symptoms appear, the treatment algorithm looks like this:

  1. Medicines are given to restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract - smecta, enterosgel, bifidopreparations.
  2. Antipyretic drugs are taken at high temperatures. Paracetamol or ibuprofen tablets can be used. It is undesirable to use syrups, soluble tablets and powders, they contain too many flavors, preservatives and flavor enhancers, which will be bad for a sick stomach.
  3. Symptomatic therapy is carried out, which is aimed at reducing sore throat and runny nose.
  4. In agreement with the doctor, they begin taking antiviral and antimicrobial drugs. These medicines are taken for at least 5 days.

Antibiotic treatment for rotavirus infection is ineffective, so they should not be used. Antibiotic therapy for such a disease will lead to dysbiosis, but the virus will not be able to cure it.

What medications can be used

The list of drugs that can be used to treat intestinal flu is quite extensive. These include adsorbents, probiotics, enzyme preparations, antiviral and antimicrobial medicines, as well as antipyretics, nasal drops, and sore throat tablets:

  • Adsorbents - atoxil, smecta, polysorb, enterosgel. You can use any drug that is at home. If there is nothing suitable, they take ordinary activated carbon, which is taken according to the annotation. Smecta is good to take with severe diarrhea.
  • Probiotics - in order to populate the gastrointestinal tract with useful microflora, the patient is prescribed linex, hilak.
  • Antiviral drugs for rotovirus - Viferon or cytovir is usually prescribed, but groprinosine can be used.
  • Antimicrobial agents - are prescribed to suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestine. Most often, treatment is carried out with enterofuril or enterol.
  • Enzyme preparations - to restore the work of the pancreas, the patient is prescribed festal, mizim or creon.
  • Antihistamines - if a person is prone to allergic reactions, then the attending physician may prescribe allergy medications. These include loratadin, suprastin, zodak, claritin.

It must be remembered that oral infection in adults can be both mild and very severe, therefore the treatment regimen is selected by the infectious disease doctor based on the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient... If the disease proceeds easily, then it is possible to carry out treatment at normal home conditions, if the person's condition worsens, then urgent hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is necessary.

With a rotavirus infection, you cannot self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences!

Inpatient treatment

Inpatient treatment is aimed at quickly removing toxins from the body and preventing dehydration. In addition, supportive therapy for the cardiovascular system is carried out. The treatment protocol looks like this:

  • A number of tests are taken from the patient for laboratory research - urine, blood, vomit, feces. Identification of the pathogen helps to immediately prescribe adequate treatment, which means that a person can be cured quickly.
  • Glucose and saline are given intravenously to help keep you hydrated and quickly relieve the symptoms of intoxication.
  • If the patient has a fever, injections of antipyretic drugs are prescribed. For adult patients, this can be paracetamol, analgin, or ibuprofen. For chills, these medicines are combined with vasodilators.
  • Adsorbents and rehydron are prescribed.
  • If the work of the heart is disrupted, which is manifested by unstable pressure, chest pains and weakness, then the appointment of cardiac drugs and vitamins is indicated.

The condition of the victim can be so severe that he falls into unconsciousness and at the same time there is a violation of breathing. In this case, there are resuscitation measures.

Diet during recovery

A quick recovery from an intestinal infection directly depends on adherence to the diet in the first days after the acute symptoms subside. The patient's diet should be light and healthy food, with a high content of vitamins and minerals... The main list of products that a patient can drink and eat during the rehabilitation period looks like this:

  • Fruit jelly, compotes, decoctions of raisins and dried apricots, tea with the addition of honey.
  • Second broths from lean meats. You can boil veal or chicken without skins. The meat is brought to a boil, then this water is drained, new water is poured and cooked until tender.
  • Porridge on the water. For cooking, you can take buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. The groats are pre-crushed, washed and boiled for a long time in a sufficient amount of water, you should get a messy porridge.
  • Vegetable puree. For him, take potatoes and carrots, you can cook separately or together.
  • Boiled chicken breast. Chicken, cooked in broth, is chopped with a small addition of broth. It turns out a kind of pate, which is consumed in its pure form or added to mashed potatoes.
  • Baked apples. They take green apples, cut out the stalk, cover with sugar and bake until tender.
  • Well-ripe bananas. If there are green areas on the fruits, then bananas are dipped in boiling water for a minute to neutralize the starch that is in unripe products.

Nutrition for rotavirus infection should be well balanced so that the gastrointestinal tract is not stressed too much when processing food... During the recovery period, you need to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and fats.

What not to eat with rotavirus infection

With intestinal flu, it is not recommended to eat dairy products
, since it is in milk and its derivatives that bacteria multiply well. Do not offer the victim all types of cabbage, cucumbers and legumes, which cause severe intestinal distention and lead to severe inflammation.

Confectionery is removed from the diet, especially baked goods using yeast. Do not eat citrus fruits, pomegranates, and pears.

Some doctors advise that when recovering in a limited amount, consume dark chocolate for a quick recovery. But this can be done only with the consent of the doctor and with good general health.

It is categorically impossible to feed a patient with a rotavirus infection with fried and smoked foods. The digestive tract and liver are very weak after illness, and for them such food is a great burden.

What not to do with intestinal flu

To quickly cure rotavirus intestinal infection in children and adults, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Antibacterial drugs cannot be used to treat rotovirus, which not only do not improve the condition, but can also lead to concomitant persistent infection.
  • You can not force the patient to eat. Nothing bad will happen if a person goes hungry for about a day. This contributes to the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body and the removal of inflammation from the stomach and intestines.
  • Do not give the victim alcoholic drinks. This will lead to greater irritation of the gastric mucosa and severe intoxication.

If you suspect a rotavirus infection, you should not rinse the patient's stomach at home or try to artificially induce vomiting. These actions will not bring recovery closer, but they can cause dehydration.

Folk recipes for the treatment of rotovirus

Traditional medicine offers several effective recipes that can be applied to both young children and adults. It is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using these recipes.so that there are no unpleasant surprises.


For many years, people have been using a remedy that can be taken by children and adults. Take a teaspoon of cinnamon and mix with a teaspoon of elm bark powder. A quarter of a teaspoon is absorbed in the mouth before each meal. For teens and adults, you can add a little red ground pepper to the mixture..

St. John's wort

St. John's wort herb helps to quickly recover from a rotavirus infection
... To prepare the broth, take a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials and a glass of water, bring to a boil and leave for 20 minutes.

After that, filter the broth through several layers of gauze and add a glass of boiled water. Drink a decoction of a third of a glass up to 3 times a day, one hour before meals. Store the drug in the refrigerator for no more than two days.


For the treatment of intestinal flu, only dry fruits are used.because fresh can worsen diarrhea. Compotes are cooked from dry berries, which help to normalize the intestines.

The donkey is used for severe and debilitating diarrhea.
... Brew a tablespoon of herbal raw materials in 300 ml of water, then insist, filter and drink several times a day. Children are prescribed 1 teaspoon of broth, and adults drink 1 tablespoon.

In addition to these recipes, traditional medicine healers recommend giving the patient a decoction of rice with the addition of raisins, apples or dried apricots. To do this, take a liter of clean water, add a tablespoon of rice and a tablespoon of raisins (dried apricots), cook over low heat for about half an hour, add a few slices of green apple 10 minutes before the end of cooking. The broth is cooled and filtered, given to the patient often, in small portions.

Features of the treatment of rotavirus infection in pregnant and lactating women

If a rotavirus infection is diagnosed in a pregnant woman, then treatment is prescribed with great care, since many drugs cross the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus... This is especially true for antiviral and enzyme medicines, which are prescribed only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the unborn child.

The disease, which is mild, is treated at home, in compliance with all the recommendations of the attending physician. If the condition of the pregnant woman is serious, she is urgently taken to a medical facility.

When a nursing mother is sick with intestinal flu, breastfeeding is stopped until the mother is fully recovered to avoid infection. The treatment of rotavirus infection is carried out according to the usual protocol, using antimicrobial and antiviral medicines.

Pregnant women can start taking medications only after coordinating treatment with an obstetrician-gynecologist. Only a narrow specialist can assess all the risks to the mother and fetus.

The consequences of rotavirus infection

For a person with good health and immunity, the rotovirus itself is not dangerous. But complications can cause a lot of trouble and sometimes lead to death. The worst complication is severe dehydration., which causes malfunction of organs and systems:

  1. Kidneys fail.
  2. Blood thickens.
  3. There are failures in the work of the heart.
  4. The work of the nervous system is disrupted.
  5. The blood supply to the brain cells is impaired.

Intestinal flu, like any other infection, severely weakens a person's immune system, so accompanying problems are often attached. Fungal diseases begin, hair falls out and chronic diseases of the digestive tract develop.

In order not to get dangerous complications, you should immediately consult a doctor as soon as the first symptoms of rotovirus appear. Only a qualified doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to prevent rotovirus

Prevention of rotavirus infections in adults and children consists in observing hygiene rules. It is not difficult to protect yourself and your loved ones from illness if you follow the following points:

  • Buy and eat only high quality and fresh foodthat are purchased at designated locations.
  • Wash vegetables, fruits and berries thoroughly with running water, and then pour over with boiling water.
  • Buy dairy products only from trusted manufacturers, be sure to look at the tightness of the packaging and the expiration date.
  • Wash your hands often, especially after using the toilet or outside.
  • If there are cases of illness in the children's team, then sick children are isolated, and the rest are monitored.

Some doctors suggest getting vaccinated against rotavirus. But we cannot say that this is a panacea for troubles. The full efficacy of the vaccine has not yet been proven, since it appeared very recently.... In addition, it is not available in all medical institutions, and its price is quite high. It is more logical to follow the usual rules of hygiene, and then the rotavirus infection will definitely not threaten.

Arbidol Of all the viruses that can cause diarrhea, rotavirus is the most common. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, unexpressed signs of gastroenteritis, enteritis, at the onset of the disease, intestinal and respiratory syndrome.

Rotavirus, or intestinal flu, is most common in children between 6 months and 2 years of age. It is rare in adults. The disease is transmitted through contaminated food, dirty hands. Transmission of rotavirus by coughing and sneezing is possible.

The first signs of rotavirus appear 1–2 days after the infection enters the body. The acute period lasts up to 4 days, the duration of the disease is up to 14 days, the recovery period is 4–5 days.

The onset of the disease is acute:

  • high body temperature;
  • nausea, repeated vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • pain, rumbling in the stomach, diarrhea;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • convulsions, loss of consciousness;
  • sore throat and sore throat, cough;
  • the respiratory organs are affected: pharyngitis, rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis develop.

In an adult patient, clinical manifestations such as those of indigestion.

What types of medicines are used for treatment

Taking any rotavirus medication on your own is not recommended. This can increase the activity of the virus, worsen the water balance, and cause internal bleeding. In no case should you give your child pain relievers on your own. This can hide the symptoms of other serious illnesses!

It is important to stay calm and stay hydrated when treating rotavirus. There is no specific treatment that aims to eradicate rotavirus infection.

Pregnant women need specific treatment for rotavirus infection. The expectant mother should not take antiviral drugs and enzymes. This can negatively affect the development of the fetus. All treatment for a pregnant woman consists in taking a large amount of fluids, saline solutions and drugs that restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If drug treatment is started immediately and correctly, the disease goes away without consequences.

Treatments for relieving symptoms

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the main symptoms of the disease. To remove intoxication, remove toxins and toxins from the body, the patient is given sorbents:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 142 rub.
from 389 rub.
from 5 rubles.
from 165 rub.

These drugs remove all toxic substances from the body without harm to the patient. In severe disease, a glucose solution with a colloidal solution is administered.

Maintaining water-salt balance

To prevent dehydration and restore water balance, rehydrators are used:

Solutions must be prepared according to the instructions and taken every 15 minutes.

Preparations for the restoration of intestinal microflora

For normal bowel function, drugs are prescribed that restore microflora:

A drugPhotoPrice
from 108 rub.
from 276 rubles.
from 78 rubles.

Enzyme preparations restore the healthy function of the gastrointestinal tract in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of complications of rotavirus

Diarrhea and vomiting are dangerous complications, especially for young children. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate these symptoms as soon as possible. Prescribe medicines for diarrhea and vomiting:

  • Loperamide - the drug reduces intestinal tone and quickly stops diarrhea.
  • Stopdiar - the active ingredient is an antiseptic Nifuroxazide, which kills various microorganisms.
  • Motilium - quickly stops vomiting, improves bowel function.
  • Furazolidone is an antibacterial drug that reduces the production of toxins from microorganisms, which improves the clinical picture of the disease. \\
A drugPhotoPrice
from 6 rubles.
from 241 rub.
from 407 rub.
from 50 rubles.

If there is pain and flatulence, antispasmodic drugs (No-shpa) are prescribed once and at the same time Espumisan.

At temperatures above 38 ° C, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. If the temperature is above 38 ° C, the patient is given Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

A drugPhotoPrice
from 67 rubles.
from 288 rub.
from 7 rub.
from 19 rubles.

An antibiotic is prescribed only if a bacterial infection is attached. With an intestinal infection, antibiotic treatment is not advisable.

Folk remedies

Along with drug treatment, folk recipes can be used. It is recommended to drink a decoction of chamomile pharmacy. A solution made from 1 liter of boiled water, 1 tablespoon of salt, sugar and juice of half a lemon will help to replenish the loss of fluid.

During the recovery period after the transferred rotavirus, the patient is prescribed vitamins, herbal adaptogens to prevent the development of asthenic syndrome (Supradin, echinacea tincture).

What to drink with rotavirus

To restore fluid loss, vital compounds of potassium and sodium, acid-base balance, rehydration therapy is prescribed. Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Sterile Trisol or Ringer's solutions are injected intravenously.

At home, you can independently prepare a glucose-saline solution Rehydron or a solution of table salt (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Dilute the Rehydron powder with cooled boiled water. For adults and adolescents, dissolve a sachet of the drug in 1 liter of water, for children - 1/4 of the package. Drink prepared solutions in small portions, every half hour.

  • cranberry juice;
  • compote from dried fruits, raisins;
  • rosehip infusion.

It is allowed to eat liquid food:

  • chicken bouillon;
  • jelly;
  • rice broth;
  • vegetable broth from carrots.

Eliminate juices and sodas.

You can not drink a solution of potassium permanganate so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Antiviral medicines

Antiviral drugs are prescribed by a doctor. These are drugs that contain interferon and other antiviral components.

  • Genferon - affects local and general immunity, has antiviral, antibacterial action.
  • Ingavirin well increases the level of interferon in the body. Relieves inflammation and has a depressing effect on the virus.
  • Ergoferon - used to treat and prevent rotavirus and possible complications, strengthens the immune system.
A drugPhotoPrice
from 265 rubles.
from 162 rub.
from 276 rubles.
from 232 rubles.
from 362 rub.
from 442 rub.
from 319 rub.

The drug contains interferon, vitamins C and E. It restores damaged intestinal cells, increases resistance to rotavirus, produces nonspecific antibodies, is an immunostimulant, negatively affects E. coli.

Antiviral drug that increases the body's defenses. The therapeutic effect of rotavirus is manifested in a decrease in the general intoxication of the body, in the clinical manifestations of the disease.

An immunomodulatory drug, has an antiviral effect, reduces the severity of clinical manifestations of the disease, accelerates the healing process.

Homeopathic antiviral drug, increases the body's defenses. Quickly relieves symptoms of colds (cough, runny nose), manifestations of general intoxication. Significantly reduces the risk of developing bacterial infections.

Antibiotics for rotavirus infection

Antibacterial drugs are not prescribed for rotavirus, since they do not work in this case. Also, the medicine can cause intestinal dysbiosis. But with inflammation of the intestines or stomach, a bacterial infection can join. This will be seen in blood tests, feces, high body temperature. Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Most often, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is used based on penicillin or another active substance.

Treatment is carried out with such drugs:

  • Loraxon is the main substance of the drug ceftriaxone, often prescribed for rotavirus, which is accompanied by a bacterial infection.
  • Macropen - the medicine is prescribed subject to the addition of a bacterial infection.
  • Levomycetin is a broad spectrum antimicrobial drug. It is prescribed only for adults.
A drugPhotoPrice
from 310 rub.
from 307 rub.
from 25 rubles.

Enterofuril is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug that eliminates diarrhea against a background of infections of various origins, including rotavirus. The drug is effective against many pathogens.

In case of intestinal flu, it is necessary to contact an infectious disease specialist who will prescribe the necessary medicines for rotavirus.

Rotavirus infection ("intestinal flu", rotavirus gastroenteritis) is an acute infectious disease caused by RNA-rotavirus.

Every year about 600 thousand people die from this pathology..

What treatment for rotavirus infection in adults to choose at home? What should be the diet for rotavirus infection?

General: symptoms, how is transmitted

Rotaviruses are resistant. They remain viable in the external environment for several months. Animal rotaviruses are not pathogenic to humans. The pathogen is excreted in the feces and continues to be excreted for three weeks.

How is rotavirus infection spread? Infection occurs through contact-household and fecal-oral routes.

The infection occurs in a person of any age... In adults, the symptoms are erased, and the disease is difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

Once in the body, rotavirus begins active reproduction in the cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, disrupting the digestion process.

Rotavirus is a common cause of outbreaks in preschool settings. If someone in a family or a team is sick with rotavirus infection, the rest will get sick in a week. The disease is not transmitted if the person has active immunity.


How long is the incubation period for rotavirus infection? Its duration can range from 15 hours to a week. Is two days.

During the incubation period, weakness, nausea, low temperature, heartburn, mild abdominal pain appear.

The acute phase of the disease in adults is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • epigastric pain;
  • nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • signs of rhinitis;
  • cervical lymph nodes increase;
  • urine output decreases;
  • leukocytes, protein, erythrocytes in urine analysis;
  • the digestive organs are damaged.

The patient's stool is abundant and liquid, with a pungent odor, dull whitish color. There is no mucus or blood in it. The stomach may rumble loudly. In adults, a facilitated course of the disease is possible, without fever. But the patient will still carry the infection.

How to distinguish poisoning from rotavirus infection? Poisoning can occur suddenly and develop rapidly.

Rotavirus is a seasonal illness with a febrile illness and respiratory symptoms.

The infection is characterized by a grayish-yellow stool with a clay consistency, as well as dark urine. Sometimes mixed with blood.

Rotavirus - intestinal flu

This disease during pregnancy is not dangerous for the fetus.... The main threat of rotavirus to a pregnant woman is dehydration. It provokes a lack of oxygen for the fetus, leads to premature birth, miscarriage, and sometimes death.

The symptoms are the same as in other patients who have contracted the infection. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain will go away on the third or fourth day after starting treatment.

A pregnant woman needs to replenish lost fluid... She needs rest and bed rest, plenty of drink.

What should you drink? Still mineral water, homemade fruit drinks, compotes. If the temperature rises, you can take an antipyretic. Activated carbon, Polysorb and Smecta will remove the infection from the body. Lactobacillus preparations will restore the intestines.

Can I breastfeed a baby with rotavirus infection in the mother? If the baby is healthy, you should not stop lactation.

Breastfeeding during infection will protect the baby's body from pathological flora. The kid will either not get sick or suffer a mild illness.

Infection through milk is unlikely, but the mother needs to monitor her hygiene and the baby's hygiene, as well as take preventive measures:

  • wash your hands before each touching the child;
  • you cannot kiss a child during illness;
  • a medical respiratory mask must be worn.


Before answering the question of how to treat rotavirus, it must be emphasized that there are no specific methods of therapy for intestinal flu.

Symptomatic treatment is used, which is aimed at eliminating vomiting, diarrhea, and preventing the development of the disease.

A specialist will help to distinguish rotavirus and other diseases, as well as to select drugs.

The diagnosis is clarified after the analysis of feces. Upon confirmation, the patient is prescribed quarantine, bed rest, diet and heavy drinking.

Drug therapy

What to take to treat rotavirus infection?

Antibiotics for rotavirus are usually not prescribed... They are designed to combat bacterial diseases.

To avoid dehydration and to restore water-salt balance, rehydrants are prescribed. These are medicines that contain sodium chloride. If the case is severe, intravenous rehydration is performed.

If the temperature is not too high, antipyretic and fixing agents should be abandoned.... The increased temperature kills viruses.

Rotavirus can lose its activity at +38 degrees. By knocking it down, the patient prolongs the course of the disease.

In severe cases, Ibuprofen and Enterosgel can be taken... Imodium normalizes intestinal peristalsis and secretory function, and also eliminates diarrhea.


It is an effective organic silicon-based enterosorbent... Able to remove harmful substances from the body, leaving useful ones.

Thanks to this tool, the microflora and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract are restored.

The drug is an odorless gel with an admixture of jelly-like lumps. It is taken before meals or other medicines, previously diluted in water. The daily dose and duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor.

If a baby is sick, you can give him gel from a medical syringe, after removing the needle. Suitable for adding to liquid rice or semolina porridge, mashed potatoes, compotes. After the end of the diarrhea, the drug is continued for a week.


  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal atony.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • aversion to the drug in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency.

It is an intestinal antiseptic that has antimicrobial action.... The drug is able to reduce the rate of chemical reaction of proteins in microorganisms. Prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Other actions of the drug:

  • reduces irritation of intestinal epithelial cells;
  • minimizes the secretion of fluid in the intestinal lumen;
  • activates the human immune system;
  • does not have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora during treatment.


  1. Enterofuril capsules are taken one piece 4 times a day. Exceeding a daily dose of 800 mg and a weekly intake can lead to unpredictable consequences.
  2. The suspension is taken in one measuring spoon, 200 mg 4 times a day.
  3. The bottle is pre-shaken.
  4. If there is no improvement after three days of taking the drug, the doctor should change the dosage.

Side effects:

  • allergic rash;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea, vomiting.

During pregnancy, the drug should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.


This probiotic actively fights the symptoms of rotavirus infection... When it enters the intestine, it releases enzymes that help break down food, in particular protein, carbohydrates, lactose, milk sugar.

With the help of the drug, the intestines are cleansed of the causative agent of infection, toxins, their action is neutralized by the enzymes of the drug. It improves blood circulation in the cleansed intestines, activates the formation of immune cells and immunoglobulins.

Enterol is able to retain fluid and salt in the body, preventing dehydration... Boulardi saccharomycetes (yeast) in the composition of the drug can survive in the gastrointestinal tract, not be destroyed by the acidic contents of the stomach, combined with any drugs, except antifungal.

Thanks to the drug, the healing process is accelerated, all organs are restored, the need for other drugs is reduced. A few days after the start of taking the drug, rotaviruses disappear from the feces. The medicine will help eliminate colic, excessive gas formation, dysbiosis, and normalize the stool.

Take one hour before meals, two capsules or two sachets of powder twice a day for five days, washed down with a little water. Should not be taken with hot drinks or taken with hot food.

High temperature negatively affects Saccharomycetes. Together with Enterol, you need to take drugs that contain natural bacteria of the intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifidumbacterin).

The drug is stopped if:

  • two days after the start of therapy, there is no improvement;
  • blood and mucus appeared in the feces;
  • increased body temperature.

The drug should not be taken by pregnant women without the permission of a doctor.


  • central venous catheter;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • allergy.

Thanks to antiviral agents, secondary infections can be avoided. Such funds are highly effective in the early stages of the disease.


It is an effective drug with a wide spectrum of biological activity: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunomodulatory, and so on.

Actions of the drug:

  • activates the immune system;
  • prevents the formation of tumor processes;
  • reduces pain and inflammation.


  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • allergy to cycloferon and other components of the drug;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

The dosage and duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor.


Amiksin is a synthetic inducer that stimulates the synthesis of interferons. The drug has an antiviral effect.

Effective against many viral infections, against influenza viruses, herpes, hepatitis. Thanks to him, the production of viruses is suppressed.

It is taken after meals, one tablet per day for the first two days. Then four more pills with a break of 48 hours. The duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor.


  • children under 7 years of age;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to components.


The medicine also has antimicrobial, antiviral, immunostimulating effects. Stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferon proteins.

Usually, two tablets are prescribed twice a day for the first two days, then one tablet three times a day... The duration of the course should not exceed four days.


  • hypersensitivity to kagocel;
  • hereditary lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • children under 6 years of age.


The medicine prevents the penetration of the virus into cells, the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Increases the production of interferons. The action begins half an hour after ingestion.

The substance accumulates in the body, which can shorten the course of treatment to five days. Antiviral protection lasts up to two weeks. Most of the drug is excreted in the feces.

The drug should not be taken with other antiviral agents. During pregnancy, it is taken only as directed by a doctor.


  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • lactation.

It is an antibacterial drug of the nitrofuran group. Possesses a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Low doses of the agent will have a bacteriostatic effect, with increased doses - bactericidal. Activates the body's immune forces.

Furazolidone is able to increase the body's sensitivity to ethyl alcohol. The simultaneous intake of alcohol and medication leads to nausea and vomiting.

The drug is taken after meals. The doctor prescribes the duration of the course and the dose individually.

Side effects:

  • anorexia;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • rash, itching, Quincke's edema.

The pill should be taken with plenty of water, take B vitamins, antihistamines.


  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • end-stage chronic renal failure;
  • children's age up to 1 month;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • diseases of the liver and nervous system;
  • impaired kidney function;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

The diet

Proper nutrition is the main treatment for rotavirus... What should be the diet for rotavirus infection in adults?

The following are excluded from the patient's diet:

The patient needs to drink a lot... Homemade jelly, strong unsweetened tea, chicken broth will do. Rice porridge in water without oil is allowed. The patient should eat 6-7 times a day in small portions.

What else can you eat? Decoctions of dried blueberries, raisins, raspberries, black currants, stale white bread rusks, grated cottage cheese, boiled lean fish and meat.

Can I eat eggs? No more than one boiled egg per day. Salt intake is limited.

With a decrease in diarrhea, you can eat: dried wheat bread, low-fat meat broths, vegetable soups, semolina and buckwheat, mashed potatoes, beets, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, seasonal berries, fruits, honey, preserves.

Can i eat a banana? Yes, but in small quantities.

Some patients with rotavirus claim that Coca-Cola helped cure the disease. It is better not to repeat someone else's experience without consulting a doctor.


What to do to avoid getting rotavirus infection? Vaccination is one of the most effective methods of prevention. Vaccination can help the body develop resistance to infection.

Other measures:

  • wash your hands before eating and after using the toilet;
  • process vegetables, fruits, berries with boiled water;
  • prepare individual cutlery for each family member;
  • you should not eat in large crowds;
  • to treat door handles, plumbing fixtures, telephones, devices in the car salon, keyboards, consoles with antibacterial agents.

Rotavirus infection or intestinal flu is a disease that most often affects between the ages of six months and up to 2 years. They suffer from the disease and, but the symptoms of the disease are less pronounced and the rotavirus proceeds more easily than in small patients. The disease is contagious and requires compulsory treatment.

A variety of medications are used to treat rotavirus infection, from symptom-suppressing medications to antibiotics. There is no single type of pill that can suppress rotavirus. Treatment must necessarily be comprehensive and the doctor must prescribe it.

What medications to take to treat rotavirus infection?

It is absolutely impossible to take any medications on your own. This can only increase the activity of the rotavirus in the body, worsen water balance and even lead to internal bleeding.

It is required to immediately contact a doctor, where the patient is prescribed a set of necessary drugs.

These may include antibiotics, sorbents, antiemetics, and astringents. Most medications are prescribed to eliminate obsessive symptoms and alleviate the course of the disease.


Antibiotics are rarely prescribed for rotavirus. This is explained by the fact that the intestines are already suffering from diarrhea, which leads to the leaching of its natural, healthy flora.

Antibiotics can only aggravate the condition of the microflora, especially when treating children.

The restoration of flora after rotavirus is quite lengthy and painstaking, therefore antibiotics are almost never used for the treatment of intestinal flu, both in children and adults.

Some doctors prescribe Levomecitin for patients with rotavirus. This drug is a broad spectrum antimicrobial medication.

The drug is the basic and most frequently used in the treatment of most intestinal infections. The remedy is prescribed only for adults, but in this case it is extremely rare.

This is explained by its side effects, the list of which is quite wide. Patients may develop anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and many other ailments.


This broad-spectrum antibiotic can have a bactericidal effect on the human body. Its side effects are not as pronounced as that of Levomecitin.

Some doctors prescribe Sumamed even to children who suffer from rotavirus, however, in most cases, taking the drug by young patients leads to side effects, the main one of which is severe diarrhea. If a woman has rotavirus during the period, the agent cannot be taken.

Rehydration solutions

Solutions that can stop dehydration and restore water balance in the patient's body are a necessary condition for therapy for rotavirus infection. You can buy solutions at the pharmacy.

For primary dehydration, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Regidron;
  • Tour;
  • Oralite;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • OPC-200;
  • Super-OPC.

All of these solutions can be used to treat rotavirus in children. With a more complex form of dehydration, you can use Chlosol, Trisol, Acesol.


Sorbents are indispensable drugs in the treatment of intestinal flu. Such funds are able to absorb all substances poisoning the body and remove them without harm to the patient. Sorbents are prescribed in the first place.

The most famous agent is activated carbon. However, it can only be used as an emergency measure before going to the doctor. Activated carbon will not give a strong therapeutic effect, since it must be combined with other drugs.


Smecta is a drug that can stop severe diarrhea and fluid loss in adults and children.

Therapy with Smecta is the first aid for severe intestinal upset, regardless of the cause of the symptom.

Also Smecta is a natural enterosorbent that copes with the elimination of toxins from the human body in the shortest possible time. Also, his work is directed against many viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.


It is a misconception that Enterosgel is used only for treatment. This enterosorbent is prescribed to combat intoxication of varying severity, including for the treatment of rotavirus in adults and children.

One of the most important properties of Enterosgel is its ability to envelop the intestines. Thus, the drug protects the organ from the negative effects of poisons that have accumulated in the body.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an excellent means for the adsorption of gases and toxins in the body. In addition, this drug is in almost every medicine cabinet. The drug is used for, as a component of complex therapy.

Activated carbon is also good because it is used to treat not only adults, but also children. It is absolutely safe and has no contraindications or side effects that can harm the body. Pregnant women can also use this sorbent, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream and is completely harmless.


Polysorb can also be prescribed by a doctor. The drug is used in the form of a suspension - the powder is mixed with water in the proportions indicated by the doctor. You can use Polysorb from birth, it is absolutely safe for children, thanks to its natural composition.

The main properties of the drug are the adsorption of poisons and toxins, as well as an emergency stop of severe diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration.

Filtrum STI

This drug is quite new, it is used as an excellent remedy for severe intoxication of the body with all the resulting symptoms. However, there is insufficient data on the safety of the drug to prescribe Filtrum STI to pregnant women in any trimester.

An overdose of the drug is also dangerous. It is necessary to drink it strictly following the doctor's recommendations, otherwise intestinal irritation may worsen.


A fairly persistent effect is given by therapy with the use of antiviral drugs. These drugs do a great job with rotavirus. The main thing is the correct choice of the necessary medication.

Often, with self-medication, patients take antiviral drugs that are indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, but not for the treatment of rotavirus. It is important to consult a competent doctor who will make an appointment, following which you can quickly overcome rotavirus without complications.


Enterol is a fairly good drug, the main property of which is the normalization of the intestinal microflora. When the drug passes through the digestive tract, it automatically protects and maintains a healthy microflora.

The complex effect of the drug is also expressed in the following properties:

  • antidiarrheal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-toxic;
  • strengthening of nonspecific immune defense;
  • enzymatic.

The drug can be used simultaneously with antibiotics, which makes it possible to introduce it into the complex of a therapeutic approach to the treatment of rotavirus.


The drug is used to treat infectious diarrhea. The agent is also complex and has an excellent bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect against almost all pathogenic microorganisms that excite acute intestinal infections.

The main substance of the drug acts on the bacterial membrane and actively destroys it.


The tool belongs to medicinal antibacterial medicines. A distinctive feature of the drug is its ability to immunostimulate.

It is also worth noting that Furazolidone is characterized by low toxicity, but side effects are still observed in a number of patients:

  • increased diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • epigastric pain.

If one or more of the above symptoms is found, the drug should be stopped immediately, which will avoid complications.


Ingavirin is a relatively new remedy. This drug appeared on the shelves of pharmacies not so long ago, but has already managed to establish itself as an excellent antiviral agent, the only drawback of which is its relatively high cost.

The drug is used to treat rotavirus infection in adults. The active components of the drug, when combined with other agents in complex therapy, allow you to quickly overcome intestinal flu and rehabilitate after rotavirus in a short time.


Amiksin is very often used as a means that is able to carry out competent immunocorrection and thereby help the body to defeat the virus. In the case of rotavirus therapy in children, the drug is prescribed from the age of 7. Also, the drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and allergy sufferers.

Quite often, the drug is replaced by an analogue of Tilorone. The effectiveness of the remedy for rotavirus has not been fully proven, and more often the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases.


The action of this drug is quite broad and includes:

  • antimicrobial;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antiviral;
  • radioprotective and other types of influences.

The drug promotes the formation of an immune response to a virus or other pathogenic microorganisms.

With rotavirus, the agent is prescribed due to its fast and stable effect: the maximum concentration of the active substance in the intestine is noted already 4 hours after taking the drug.


Viferon is classified as an antiviral drug, however, this is not entirely true. The agent does not carry a direct antiviral effect, but it affects the affected cells and prevents the multiplication of the virus. Also, the drug acts on the cells in such a way that the virus leaves them.

The same goes for bacteria. The drug is used from the moment of birth, the only difference is the form of the drug used (tablets, suppositories, etc.).


The antiviral activity of this drug is very strong and pronounced. Remantadine is a chemotherapeutic agent often used to successfully fight viruses in the body of adults and children from 7 years of age.

Although the main purpose of Remantadine is the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and encephalitis, the agent actively fights against rotavirus infection. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the medication is prohibited.


Many people believe that Acyclofir is an ointment drug that is used to treat many skin diseases. And so it is. But also Acyclofir is available in the form of tablets and has excellent antiviral properties against many pathogenic microorganisms.

In especially difficult cases of the course of viral diseases, the medication is administered intravenously as a suspension. The possibility of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is still questionable.


Arbidol does not directly fight rotavirus. The effect of this drug is expressed in increasing the body's resistance to viral infections, as well as in stimulating the immune response. The drug has few side effects.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur. The drug is not prescribed for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency. In case of signs of intolerance to the drug, it is completely stopped.


Ergoferon has a fairly high antiviral activity.

The drug is used to treat many viral infections, including intestinal flu. Ergoferon is also actively used to prevent complications that can arise in the treatment of many viral diseases.

The drug is rarely prescribed for pregnant women. In the case of treating children, Ergoferon can be used starting from 6 months.

Enzyme medicines

The effect of enzyme preparations in the treatment of rotavirus is irreplaceable.

Enzymes help restore the healthy function of the digestive system. This allows you to restore the work of the stomach, pancreas, help in the fight against intestinal dysfunction. Among the recommended enzyme preparations are Mezim, Smecta and Pangrol.

  • lipase;
  • amylase;
  • chymotrypsin;
  • trypsin.

These enzymes contribute to the normalization of intestinal and stomach function in the shortest possible time.

Diarrhea and vomiting remedies

Diarrhea and vomiting are complex symptoms that cannot be suppressed without the necessary medications. In the event that diarrhea and vomiting are very prolonged, this threatens severe dehydration.

Especially for children, the loss of body fluid threatens with dangerous complications and can even lead to death.

This explains the statistics according to which 3% of those infected with rotavirus die. That is why the elimination of vomiting and diarrhea must be immediate.


Loperamide is inexpensive and good for diarrhea. The drug perfectly copes with increased intestinal motility and reduces intestinal tone.

The tone of the anal sphincter, on the other hand, increases. The drug is not recommended for use by children under 2 years of age, as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Patients are often prescribed analogues of the drug. Among them:

  • Lopedium;
  • Lopedium Iso;
  • Imodium.

The remedy copes with diarrhea quickly and effectively, so Loperamide is suitable as an emergency aid for severe intestinal upset.


The main active ingredient of the drug is the intestinal antiseptic Nifuroxazide. The drug is active against pathogenic microorganisms of various kinds. The drug is prescribed for acute intestinal infections, including rotavirus.

Among the properties of the remedy is a quick and effective stop of intestinal upset, regardless of the cause of this symptom.


Motilium is a drug that is designed to stimulate the intestines and eliminate vomiting.

It works great for bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the intestines. The drug perfectly eliminates epigastric pain, nausea, regurgitation, flatulence, belching and vomiting.

The drug is adequately perceived by children. It is used for vomiting, which is triggered by rotavirus. If vomiting is not stopped promptly, severe dehydration and other complications of intestinal flu may develop.


Oscillococcinum is a complex action drug used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.


Intestinal flu is called “dirty hands disease”. This virus enters the body through the mouth. That is why, the best preventive measure is to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

It is equally important to exercise extreme caution when dealing with patients with rotavirus infection. The disease is easily transmitted from one person to another, therefore it is necessary to minimize contact with the patient and, if necessary, drink any antiviral drugs.

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