The use of prefixes. Spelling prefixes

Words in Russian are formed from the root using various additional tools, one of which is the prefix. It is very important to understand its role in the formation of words, to know its functions and features. Therefore, special attention is paid to this topic of the 2nd grade Russian language.

What is a set-top box and its functions?

The definition is as follows: this is the part of the word that is located before the root and is necessary for the formation of new words. It is not difficult to find it in a word: you need to determine the root, and the part in front of it will be a prefix.

Thanks to her, new words are formed, and she not only makes them, but also changes and complements the meaning.

for instance, root movewith two different prefixes will give two different words: entrance - this is where they go exit- where they come from.

Scientists have calculated how many prefixes are in the Russian language, and found that there are seventy of them.

When parsing a word, you can make a mistake and select as a prefix that part of the root that is similar to it in spelling, for example, in the word nature when is not a prefix, but a part of the root. The same situation is with the words deception, profit, and others. At the same time, part of the root is often unreasonably attached to the prefix, considering this a case of alternation. So, in the word safe, you can mistakenly distinguish as a prefix not without, but without, which will be a mistake.

Types of prefixes in Russian

They are mostly originally Russian, and it is not difficult to determine their origin - this is k-, v-, ot-, po and others... But there are those who came from Latin and Greek, this is a less extensive group, which includes prefixes anti-, super-, ultra- and others.

Spelling prefixes

This part of the word is often difficult to spell. The table will help to understand the issue.

Prefixes that don't change

Prefixes on c- / z-

Prefixes pre- and with

It's enough to remember their spelling: by, under- (under-), about- (about-), from- (ot-), for-, co-, na-, over- (need-), before-, pro, before- (before -), re-, c-, o-.

Examples of: escape, run, escape.

If after such a prefix there is a voiceless consonant, then it is written with: shameless, sunrise.

If after such a prefix there is a voiced consonant or vowel, then it is written z: safe, mediocre.

If the prefix has the meaning of proximity, attachment or proximity, as well as incomplete action, you should use and:

sew on, come, coastal, open up.

If the prefix can be changed to over- or equated in meaning to the word very, e is used: excellent, to block.

With the prefix c-, the voicing rule does not work: in Russian it does not have a paired prefix z-, so it is always used, regardless of which letter comes after: passed, fold.

It is very important to remember that prefixes are always written together with the word, as opposed to prepositions.

It is necessary to learn to distinguish them from each other. It is not so difficult: if between what can be mistaken for a prefix and a word, you can insert another word, then this is a preposition, if not, then the prefix: behind the hills - behind the green hills.

In addition to the prefixes in s- and c-, in the Russian language there are other alternating prefixes, which, depending on the situation, are used with or without a vowel: pick up, but pick up, enter, but enter, and so on.

What have we learned?

The prefix is \u200b\u200ban important part of the word, with the help of which new words are formed. It always joins the root at the front. There are primordially Russian prefixes, most of them, and there are those that came from languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Greek and Latin. When parsing a word in parts, it is important to correctly select the prefix without attaching a part of the root to it and not taking for it what is in fact part of the root. The spelling of prefixes can cause some difficulties, so you need to remember what unchangeable prefixes are in the Russian language, as well as the spelling of prefixes in z- and c- and pre- and pri-. In this case, it is also necessary to remember that in Russian there is no prefix z-: what can be taken for it is always included in the root.

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"Spelling prefixes"

"Sticky" morpheme

You, of course, guessed that we are talking about consoles. These magical morphemes don't just "stick" to words - they give words surprisingly different meanings. For instance: weave, weave, weave... Continue this row as far as you can.

Or: understand, take away... And continue this series as far as you can.

How many prefixes are there in Russian?

Remember (write down) as many prefixes as you can (in fact, you know all of them, it's only about the ability to remember).

How many did you get? If you managed to remember 30–40, it means that your memory readiness is not at all bad. If less, postpone the work for a while, and then return to it again and try to complete your list.

In fact, there are more than 50 actively working consoles in Russian.

Answer: without-, without-; in-, in-; vz-, vz-; out-; inside; sun-; you-; before-; hedgehog-; behind-; from-, is-; is-; between-, between-; on-; over-, need-; na-; not-; no-; bottom-, nis-; o-, about-, about-; near-; from-, to-; pa-; re-; by-; under-, under-; after-; great-; pre-; pre-, pre-; at-; pro; the opposite; time-; time-; races; rose-; ros-; c-, co-; above-; su-; y-; through-, through-, over-.

With those prefixes that you yourself did not remember, write as many words as possible, and then come up with some funny sentences or a little funny story with these words.

Exercise 1. Each four has one word without a prefix. Discover it.

1. Painted, loose, luxurious, spaced. 2. Adapting, principled, inviting, compulsory. 3. Impartial, adventurous, pre-conscript, privatization.

Take a closer look at these words. Pick the ones that seem difficult to you and do your best to remember them.

Task 2. From these words, first write out the words without a prefix, then with one prefix, then with two or three.

Charming, dispossessed, decontaminated, monkey, impersonal, unveil, obelisk, provide, weaken, ennobled, regional, lean, burned, hostel, necklace, out-of-the-box, explanation, relief, simultaneous, favor, animate, revitalize, exasperate, basic.

Answers: 1) monkey, obelisk, regional, dorm, necklace, simultaneous, main; 2) charming, make public, ennobled, leaning on your elbows, burnt, circled, explanation, relief, favor, animation, revival, bitterness; 3) destitute, disinfected, impersonal, exhausted, provide.

Review these words carefully. If any of them seem difficult to you, do whatever is necessary to remember them.

Task 3. From the given words, write out the ones inside which the prefixes are hidden.

Earthquake; lightning rod, hospitality, madness, hoarding, eyewash, benevolence, blessing, acquired, jewel, plumber, stunning, railroad, discreet, traveling, woodworking, noble, viviparous.

Answer: lightning rod, hospitality, madness, eyewash, acquired, plumber, mind blowing, prudent, woodworking.


Depending on what problems arise when writing prefixes, all prefixes can be divided into the following groups.

First group- the most hassle-free. These are prefixes that are always spelled the same: in-; in-; vio-; you-; before-; behind-; iso-; on-; under-; about-; about-; from-; na- (only under stress - flood, stepson); re-; by-; under-; under-; great-; pre-; pre-; times-; from-; co-; su-; y- other.

Second group - these are prefixes, which are written, "adjusting" to the letters following them. it without- - without-; vz- - sun-; voz- - voc-; from- - -is-; bottom - bottom; ras- - ras-; rose- - rose-; through- –through-.

You will, of course, remember how they change when you write. Formulate this rule yourself.

Third group- prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the meaning. it at- and pre-.

So, there are three groups of prefixes. Make a table with them, and if you like to draw, depict them in some way more interesting.


The first group of prefixes

Prefixes: over-, on-, from, pre-, in-, s-, o-, about-, back- to-, y-, over-, on, under-, pro (Besides: great-grandmother, great-grandfather...).


2. Spelling of vowels (s, and)after prefixes ending in a consonant.


after unchangeable prefixes (above-, inter-, counter-, super-) root starts with -and, and after other prefixes - on -y.

Remember:charge pronounced and spelled with and.

The second group of prefixes

3. Spelling s, s at the end of the prefix depends on the next root sound.


a) Prefix from- is always spelled the same, regardless of pronunciation.

b) In words: here, building, health s part of the root.

c) In complex words, write s: near-seated, near-by.

4. Spelling prefixes rose- (rose-) and ra- (ra-) defined by stress.

The third group of prefixes

5. Spelling prefixespre-, pri-.


Spelling of the first group of prefixes

Exercise 1.Insert missing spelling and explain spelling.

Open_skat, previous, no_deal, out_scanny, pre_Jul, no_gly, with_ again, take it, no_inventory, pod_tozhit, rose_play, not unknown, improvise, no_skilful, sub_integral? Number, play out, out_mother.

Inter_institutional, super_industrial, super_interesting, inter_rrigation period, inter_publishing, super_pulsive.

Sub_inspector, counter_game, trans_jordan, disinfection, super_interesting, post_mpressionism, pan_slamism.

Sports_inventary, medical_institute, financial_inspector.

Pre_story, inter_internship, bez_initiative, sport_game, ob_skat, super_inventive, bez_myanny, counter_sk, s_zmala, super_exquisite, not without_interesting, pre_infarction, post_infarction, vz_skat, inter_game, dis_stitutional, super_intelligent pulseless.

Spelling of the second group of prefixes

Exercise 1.Insert spelling and explain (graphically) spelling.

Valuable, inhuman, shapeless, endless, boneless, innumerable, un_ceremonious, tasteless, senseless, illiterate, aimless, gratuitous, harmless, senselessly, senseless.

Fly, mad, nap, anxious.

Rebirth, action, entering, calling out, worldview, to love, to call, to steam, to prevent.

And_expelling, and_fulfilling, and_running, and_scared, and_to waste, and_to draw, and_to fry, and_ to scratch, and_supports, and_long ago, and_uns.

Neither_fall, nor_overthrowing, neither_dumping, nor_rumbling, nor_sending, neither_smile, nor_she.

R_sale, double_double, work_combate, give_generality, work_work, crack_crew, distribute, work_crusher, clear, work_wash, draw, rotate.

Excessively, excessively.

Dacha, _dating, _dealing, _here, _run, _give, _borrow, _throw, _health, _to hold, _to move, _hot, _dravnitsa, _beat, _gone, I can't see _y, _ pull, _burn.

Task 2.Memorize the spelling of the following words. With these words, make up sentences.

In Russian, there are several pairs of words that are convenient to combine into a table. This comparison helps to remember the rule.

Without stress - and, under stress - about.

Scatter - placers;

dissolve - dissolution;

schedule - list;

story - stories;

fall apart - sledge;

play - draw;

to distribute - distributed;

to find - search.

Assignment 3... Sort words out.

Spend, surreptitiously, surreptitiously, immeasurable, never leave, recklessness, retake, republish, pre-dawn, tell, unsurpassed, assumption, prejudice, disturb, redistribution, push, propagandize, spread, disposition, inexhaustible, unexhaustible.

The task 4. Replace these words with prefixed synonyms with s, p.

Infinite (infinite, boundless), calm (serene), climb (climb), exclamation (exclamation), excitement (worry), cruel (ruthless, heartless), in vain (useless), unknown (unknown), boundless (boundless), command (command), simple (ingenuous), try (test), contradict (object), constantly (incessantly, incessantly), reasonably (judiciously), indifferent (dispassionate, insensitive), weak (helpless, powerless), save (deliver), too (too, excessively), calm (serene), fairly (impartial), quiet (silent, silent), rage (frenzy).

The task 5. Find antonyms for these words.

Collect (scatter), save (use up), cowardly (fearless, fearless), kind (heartless, ruthless), humane (inhuman), shut (open), extinguish (ignite).

The task 6. Choose the same root antonyms by replacing prefixes.

Leave (arrive), wrap (unfold), untie (tie, tie), approach (move away), arrive (fly away), bring (carry), unwind (unwind), creep (crawl), close (open), bring in (take out ), sail away (swim up).

Spelling of the third group of prefixes

Exercise 1. Memorize the exclusion words (vocabulary words) in which the prefixes occur pre-, pri-.

pre- at-

contradict, unquestioning




notorious (well-known, sensational, but dubious or deserving of negative assessment)




the president


a drug

(punctuation marks


make a claim

oath, oath to pick and choose, finicky

reconcile, irreconcilable



a priority

privilege privileged

primitive, primitive






Task 2. In Russian, there are several pairs of words that are convenient to combine into a table. Writing prefixes pre-, pri-in these words is due to the difference in their meaning. Make sentences with the given words.

at- pre-
Arrive ("Come, come"). The train is arriving. Arrival. Train arrival timetable Abide ("To be somewhere or in some state"). Stay in the capital. Be discouraged
To give ("Strengthen, add something, give extra"). Give courage. Dowry. Give the desired shape Betray ("Change, violate loyalty, forget"). Betray a friend. Set on fire. Consign to oblivion. Tradition. Folk tradition
Proceed ("to begin"). Get to work. Get started To transgress (law). Outlaw, crime, crime, criminal
Lean (head) (only meaning “to find or not to find shelter”). Nowhere to lay your head. There will be where to lay your head Bow down (head, banners, knees) ("bow down, lower down, expressing deep respect, admiration"). Adoration
Pretend ("Loosely close"). Close the door Pretend ("Come true, incarnate"). The plan came true
Pretend ("For the purpose of misleading"). Pretend to be asleep. Pretend, pretend, pretend Despise ("Neglect something"). Despise danger. Contempt, despicable, contemptuous, despise
To sleep ("Give shelter") - deprecated Limit ("Border, line"). Speed \u200b\u200blimit, wish limit, out of country
Chapel ("Extension") Ultimatelimitless
Receiver ("What is meant to be received"). Radio receiver, baby receiver Successor ("Successor of affairs, traditions"). Continuity, succession
Downplay ("Slightly reduce") Downplay ("Significantly reduce")

Remember: exaggerate spelled only with the prefix pre-.

Task 3.Memorize the spelling of prefixed words pre- and at- in phrases. Make sentences with these phrases.

Inflexible (approaching old age) age, unapproachable (from attack) fortress, stumbling block (hindrance, difficulty), immutable law (not subject to change, indestructible), enduring meaning (timeless, durable), vicissitudes (misadventures, change, turn in events).

Task 4.Highlight prefixes in words, explain spelling.

Get down to business, break the law, stop conversations, surpass, beat down, muffle, station, exceed speed, bright image, appendage, prioksky, unpleasant, interrupted, tied, irreconcilable, shape, coastal, (train) arrives, be discouraged, nowhere to bow your head, kneel down (as a sign of respect), suburban, glue, sit down, obstacle, limit of desires, chapel of the temple, successor of the poet, radio, legends of antiquity, unyielding will, diminish a little, get used to, give the face expression, transform, nail, bewitch, the stay of the delegation abroad.


You and I went through the thickets of Russian prefixes. What do you remember? Check yourself.

Write down as many prefixes as you can remember. Remember what groups they can be divided into and what difficulties each group conceals.

Exercise 1. Dictation with preliminary preparation.

First, write down from the text all the words with prefixes of the first and second groups, then - the rest of the words that are difficult for you and do everything to remember them. Then write down the dictation.

(From the memoirs of B. Efimov)

Each meeting with this person was pleasant and joyful, amazing and memorable. And not only when he went on stage, enthusiastically greeted by the audience, but also off the stage. A unique singer, a talented and inexhaustiblely inventive leader of the jazz ensemble he created, its irreplaceable conductor and director, organizer and inspirer. Is it just jazz? Utesov impressed with the versatility and unpredictability of his talent. I happened to see him as a solo violinist and excellently reading Zoshchenko's stories from the stage. He was an excellent speaker, wrote excellent poetry, intelligent and sincere.

Such was Utesov - always sociable, sociable, cheerful and open. He generously shared his sense of humor and the joy of being with those around him. He loved to see the audience around him, he liked to address the audience everywhere and everywhere.

Utyosov's songs helped not only live, but also fight. They helped to resist the fascist invasion and defeat the enemy, and then restore the country destroyed by the war. The older generation remembers this well. But the extraordinary voice of Utyosov, preserved by the miracle of sound recording, penetrating into the soul, makes us happy even today, in the hard times we are experiencing. It cheers up, gives hope that we will withstand, survive.

Task 2. Instead of a phrase, write down one word synonymous with it, using prefixes without- / without-, pre- / pri-, na-, ob-, de-

Sample: meaningless - nonsensical.

Never dying, outside the school building, near the shore, give a new name, inspire hope, take away weapons, think for a while, make it impossible to harm, call a horse with bait, very old man.

Task 3. Test your memory: write as many prefixed words in two columns at- and pre-as much as you can remember. Then be sure to check yourself in the dictionary.

Task 4.Try to compose your story using prefixed words from all three groups.


Prefix - significant morpheme (part of a word), which stands at the beginning of a word before the root and serves to complement the meaning of the word or change it.

In the Russian language, it is customary to distinguish several types of prefixes according to different classifications.

Types of prefixes by writing

On the basis of spelling, prefixes are divided into 3 large groups:

  • Immutable prefixes. This includes all prefixes that, regardless of the root, the meaning of the word, are spelled the same in all cases, i.e. they are immutable. For example: in-, before-, for-, before-, above-, etc.
  • Changeable attachments. This group includes all prefixes that end in s- / s-: without- / without-, voz- / vos-, raz- / ras-, rose-, ros-, etc. Which letter will be written at the end of the prefix (s or s) depends on the first letter of the root. If the root begins with a voiced root, we write z, if it begins with a voiceless root, we write with. For example: revive (p - voiced), reconnect (s - voiceless).
  • Semantic prefixes. There are only two prefixes, the spelling of which depends on the meaning (hence the name of the group): prefixes pre- and pri-... If the word has the meaning of approximation ( come), attachments ( bind), incomplete action ( lie down), bringing the action to the end ( come up with), spatial adjacency ( adjoining) is written at-... Prefix pre- is written in words that have the meaning of "very" (for example, unpleasant - very unpleasant) and in which the prefix is \u200b\u200bused in the meaning re- (interrupt - interrupt).

Types of prefixes by origin

By origin, prefixes are divided into two large groups.

  • Originally Russian prefixes: v-, na-, po, pod-, ros-, za-, etc.
  • Prefixes formed from adverbial prepositions. For example: international (the prefix inter is formed from the preposition "between").
  • Outdated prefixes: great-, pa-, etc. Examples: great-grandfather, stepson.
  • Foreign prefixes. This group of prefixes are derived from foreign words. They are easy enough to distinguish from the primordially Russian: counter-, trans-, arch-, inter-, anti-, etc.

Thus, in the Russian language there is a classification of prefixes on two grounds: by spelling and by origin. By writing, there are three groups of prefixes: unchangeable, changeable, semantic. By origin, it is customary to distinguish between three groups of prefixes: primordially Russian, formed from prepositions and foreign prefixes.

In accordance with the morphological principle of our spelling, most prefixes are written uniformly, without reflecting the change in the pronunciation of consonants and vowels.

So, the prefix is \u200b\u200balways written the same way from- , eg frompour, fromto give, fromto sew, fromto read... Words to remember shere, sdenmark, shealth, nor shi (not visible) in which s is part of the root and related words ( scheap, you simprove and etc.).

Prefixes are always spelled the same in- (infly, infront) and about- (abouta circle, aboutroundness), vowels and consonants in prefixes before-, behind-, on-, over-, about-, from-, by-, under-, pre-, re- and some others, for example: beforerun, behindquit, ondrive, overletter, aboutchop, frombreath, bypurchase, underrun, beforeparcel, percarry.

Some of the prefixes have fluent about , eg: fromsnatch - ototear undertake - undertake.

Spelling prefixes no-, no- (vz-), of-, bottom-, time-, through- (over-)

Spelling prefixes on -s : without- , wHO- (in- ), of- , bottom- , time- , through- (over- ) - reflects the change in their pronunciation. In these prefixes the letter s is written before vowels and voiced consonants, and the letter frombefore voiceless consonants, for example: withoutboundary - demonextreme, wHOvoice - vosclinking, ofrun - isspoil, bottomreject - nischeck, timethrow - raceslet it go throughdimensional - cheerssaddle.

With letter from words are written through frommind you, and fromcheat, and fromhonor.

Spelling prefixes time- (races) - rose- (grow-)

In consoles time- (races ) - rose- (grow- ) under stress is written the letter about , without stress - and , eg: rosevalni - timeshaft, rosletter - racespic, raceswriting.

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Before proceeding to find out how to write certain prefixes in Russian, you need to learn how to highlight them in words. So what is a prefix?

This is the part of the word that comes before the root. She gives the word a certain meaning. In Russian, most prefixes come from prepositions. Accordingly, they have the same meanings as prepositions. For example, to run in (the preposition в) - here the prefix gives the verb the meaning of a movement directed inside the object. To highlight a prefix in a word, you must first determine its root. And there will be a prefix in front of the root.

The spelling of prefixes in Russian is governed by a number of rules. For clarity, we present these rules in the form of a table.

Consonants and vowels in prefixes,

except for prefixes on -s, -z

Regardless of the pronunciation, the consonants and vowels in these prefixes are always written the same in accordance with tradition. Remember the spelling of this type of prefix. For example, the prefixes under- , about- , o-, pre-, over-, over-other

(undermining, bypass, upholstery, background, carrier, brow).

Spelling prefixes on s- , from-

Written s- ,

if the root of this prefix begins with a voiced consonant or

For instance, vzfly, timeplay.

Written from- ,

when, after the prefix, the root of the word begins with a voiceless consonant. And also in the case when the prefix consists of one letter -from.

For instance, racesfluid, frombeat.

Spelling prefixes pre- , at-

We write the prefix pre- in the following cases:

  • the prefix is \u200b\u200bclose in meaning to the word highly(prewise \u003d highly wise);
  • the attachment can be replaced with another attachment per - (prestep \u003d perstep).

Prefix at- written when:

  • it has the meaning of attachment, approximation (atbeat, atwalk);
  • the prefix denotes the presence of an object close, not far from something (atdelirious, atsea);
  • indicates that an action called a word has been completed (atknock);
  • the prefix means incomplete action (atopen, i.e. open incompletely).

The table highlights the basic rules for writing prefixes. However, the entire section of spelling "Spelling of prefixes" with its special cases cannot be accommodated in one table. So, in writing prefixes pre- and at- there are many nuances. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the meaning of these prefixes in words. Such cases must be checked against a dictionary and memorized. The spelling of prefixes and the spelling of words should not be confused, where letter combinations pre and at are part of the root (nature, lovely).Of course, in the latter case, their spelling is already determined by tradition or by selection

Not included in the table and writing rules not / nandin negative adverbs and pronouns. Their spelling depends on where the stress is placed. Under stress is written e, and in the unstressed position - and (not / when - norwhen/; not/ who - norwho/).

So, let's summarize the study of the spelling "prefix spelling". Writing them in some cases must be remembered; in other words, the choice of a prefix depends on the meaning of the word itself (pre- / pri-); there are also cases when, on the contrary, the chosen vowel determines the meaning of the whole word (not- / no-) and, finally, the category of prefixes in which the choice of a consonant depends on the sound that follows it (prefixes in z- / s-).

It is necessary to learn to distinguish between all these cases, and in case of difficulty, check yourself with a spelling dictionary.

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