Black radish - use to cleanse the joints. Compress from a strong cough on alcohol for children and adults Black radish compress

Cough accompanies almost all viral diseases and colds. It can be both dry and wet, but always requires treatment. In the event that therapy is not started in a timely manner, the cough gradually becomes chronic and constantly annoys. If it is strong and paroxysmal, then the patient cannot fully sleep, from which his general condition quickly worsens. He loses normal working capacity, becomes irritable and overly emotional. An excellent way to get rid of a cough is a compress, which allows you to warm up the lungs and bronchi and relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucosa. It is very good to use black radish for this purpose. It warms up no worse than mustard plasters, but at the same time it has a softer effect on the skin. You can use this compress for both adults and children. However, it is very important to remember that the procedure should be carried out strictly observing the time of exposure to the compress and not prolonging it. In addition, do not confuse compresses for adults and children, as they have significant differences.

What is the use of a compress for coughing

The effectiveness of cough treatment with black radish compresses is achieved due to the various therapeutic actions of this therapy. The use of a compress allows you to get:

  • increased blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs;
  • elimination of spasm of the bronchi and lungs;
  • elimination of muscle spasm of the chest;
  • penetration of medicinal components from radish juice through the skin directly into the area of ​​inflammation.

Due to such an active effect on the body, a radish compress in a short time removes sputum and relieves coughing attacks. Already after 3 days of treatment, it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition, and after a week - to cope even with very strong bronchitis.

Compress with radish for adults

For adults, you can use a fairly aggressive radish compress, which causes a strong burning sensation and has a maximum therapeutic effect. To carry it out, from a large root crop not peeled, you need to squeeze the juice with a juicer and moisten a dense cloth in it. Then it should be put in an even layer on the chest or back of the patient, bypassing the region of the heart. From above, the fabric is covered with polyethylene and a towel. Leave the compress for 15-30 minutes, depending on the sensations. In the event that the procedure causes a very strong burning sensation, you must first lubricate the skin with vegetable oil or a greasy cream, and only after that put the tissue soaked in juice. The compress is placed once a day on the back or chest (daily alternating these areas of application).

Compress with radish for children

For children, radish juice cannot be used in a compress, as it will cause a burn on delicate children's skin. For medicinal purposes, radish cake is used, which remains after squeezing the juice with a juicer. The resulting vegetable mass is spread on a cloth and placed on the back or chest of the child, previously greased with a greasy cream. From above, the compress is covered with polyethylene and a towel. Leave the compress for 7-15 minutes, depending on the age of the patient and his feelings. In the event that the child complains that the burning sensation is too strong, the compress is removed ahead of schedule. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day for 1 week. Be sure to alternate the setting of compresses on the back and chest.

Contraindications for radish compress

Refuse to use the treatment procedure should be, when available.

In the autumn-winter period, the natural protective functions of the body are weakened. At this time, people need effective ways to fight viruses and cough manifestations. For various reasons, taking medications is not always possible. In this case, you can resort to traditional medicine recipes. An effective remedy among folk methods is considered a cough radish.

When coughing, the root crop is used as an antibiotic, because it contains a large number of necessary natural elements. Of particular value among them is the substance - lysozyme, which helps to suppress the growth of fungi and bacteria. Most often, black radish is used for treatment, it contains:

  • trace elements such as zinc, fluorine, manganese, iron and copper;
  • macronutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium;
  • vitamins of group B9, B6;
  • glycosides;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin A

All these elements lead an effective fight against viruses and bacteria. In addition, the radish disinfects the mucous membranes, helps to remove phlegm, improves the overall tone and immunity of the body.

Types of cough in which radish is used

Since the root crop contains a large amount of phytoncides that kill pathogenic bacteria, it can be used both for ordinary ARVI and for other diseases that cause bronchial constriction. Black radish is used for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, whooping cough, tracheitis and in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. In combination with, the vegetable helps in the fight against pneumonia.

Usually, radish with honey is considered only as a cough remedy, but it is also used to treat:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • rheumatism and sciatica;
  • nervous system;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, radish juice promotes rejuvenation and strengthens the hair structure.

Ways to use radish

Radish is an effective remedy for coughing on its own, but it can be used in combination with other products to achieve the greatest result.

The root crop must be washed well, but do not peel off the peel, and cut off the head. In the pulp, you need to make a recess with a spoon so that the walls are about 2 cm thick. Pour liquid or candied honey into the resulting nest, cover with a head on top and leave for at least 5 hours.

Ready tincture should be taken in 1 tbsp. l. before meals, 3 times a day. If a larger volume of medicinal juice is required, then the peeled radish should be grated on a coarse grater, placed in an enamel bowl, poured with honey and kept for 10 hours. You need to take tincture according to the same principle.

For this method, you will need a large root crop. It is peeled and finely chopped, after which it is placed in a mold or dish that can withstand high temperatures. The pieces are mixed with sugar and sent for 2 hours in the oven, heated to 130ᵒ. During this time, a syrup forms in the container, which must be poured into a bottle and stored in the refrigerator. You need to drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

For this method, use 150 gr. root crop, grated on a coarse grater. To it add 3 finely chopped cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. honey and leave for 8 hours. You need to use tincture for 1 tbsp. l. once every 3 hours.

Vegetables need to be washed, peeled and passed through a juicer. Vegetable juice should be mixed in equal amounts, add a little honey and mix thoroughly. After all the steps, vitamin juice is immediately ready for use.

This expectorant is prepared according to the same principle as in the previous recipe. Such a product is strongly not recommended for young children, as a strong expectorant effect can lead to shortness of breath in babies.

Radish with milk

From a medium-sized root crop, it is necessary to squeeze the juice, add 80 gr. to it. milk and 1 tsp. honey. It is best to drink the product at bedtime.

You need to carefully choose a radish for treatment, you should not buy a root crop from unverified sellers, as some often water their vegetables with harmful agents to enhance growth. The use of fruits with pesticides threatens with a toxic shock for the body.

Recipes for compresses with radish

In addition to ingestion, the vegetable can also be used as a compress. This method will help warm up the respiratory system, relieve swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

In a blender, mix 100 gr. radish and 100 gr. . Add 20 gr. goose or badger fat and mix until a thick cream. Before going to bed, rub well into the back and chest area. After that, the areas must be covered with a film and a warm woolen scarf.

Mix flour, vegetable oil, honey and radish juice in equal amounts of 40 gr. and replace the dough. Put a compress on the chest area, cover with a film and leave for 2 hours.

After the juice is extracted from the radish, a cake remains from it, which can be used as a compress. Such a lotion acts on the principle of mustard plasters and is extremely effective. To do this, you need to build a tampon from gauze or bandage, and put the cake there, then put the gauze between the shoulder blades and hold for a short amount of time. Usually 15 minutes is enough, but it is not recommended to keep it longer, in order to avoid burns. Compresses should not be done if the patient has a fever, an allergy to radish, and various skin lesions.

Contraindications to the use of radish

Not all patients can treat cough with radish. It is contraindicated for the patient if:

  • there are diseases of the stomach and pancreas: gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis;
  • the person has had a heart attack or stroke;
  • the patient has impaired renal function;
  • have vascular disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • gout;
  • allergic reaction to the product.

Pregnant women can take radish with cough honey only with the permission of their doctor. Self-use can lead to problems, and in some cases, to a miscarriage.

You can not take the product for a long time, as it can adversely affect the psychological state of a person. If you treat a cough with this root crop for more than 3 weeks, then the likelihood that a person will be in a depressed mood or even depressed increases.

White variety of radish

For the treatment of cough, you should choose a mature vegetable, since a very young fruit does not have so many useful elements and vitamins. When choosing, it is necessary to ensure that there are no damages, wormholes and rot on the root crop.

Cough in children should be treated with a white variety, as it does not give side effects and has a much milder effect on the body.

Sweet clover and linden honey is most suitable for the drug, since both of these varieties are famous for their enormous healing power. Other types of honey will also have a healing effect, but to a lesser extent.

Radish with cough honey is a potent remedy, so in no case should you exceed the recommended dosages. An overdose of this remedy can affect the internal organs and lead to serious health problems.

The black radish about the beneficial properties of which will be discussed is not only a valuable food product, but has many medicinal properties and has long been used by humans to treat many diseases. Even the ancient Egyptians, as confirmed by ancient manuscripts found during excavations by archaeologists, used it for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. All these useful and medicinal properties of a vegetable crop are due to its composition, which contains a number of important vitamins, minerals and other substances. True, there are contraindications when radish should not be consumed. They will be discussed at the end of the article.

Black radish useful properties and chemical composition

Every gardener grows black radish in our country. She is in demand in the store. And all because in Russia it has traditionally been used not only as a food product, but also as a healing agent that will help to cope with a cough, relieve joint pain and so on.

It belongs to the cabbage family. Although considered a biennial plant, it is grown as an annual plant for the sake of obtaining a root crop, which is formed in the first year of life. In the second year, it blooms and produces seeds.

It is difficult to name the homeland of this plant, since the sowing radish is not found in the wild. And its wild counterparts can be found in Europe and the temperate climate of Asia.

The chemical composition of black radish contains a number of useful and important compounds that are necessary for the human body. In this root crop are found:

Vitamins: groups B (B1, B9, B3), A, E, C, K;

Minerals: potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, sulfur, iodine;

Essential oil;



Volatile compounds;


Alimentary fiber.

Vitamin A, an antioxidant, improves skin condition, vision, promotes growth.

Vitamin E is needed by the reproductive system of both men and women, an antioxidant, prevents premature skin aging.

B vitamins are needed for proper digestion, metabolism, affect the functioning of the brain and perform a number of other important functions in the body, including participation in protein synthesis and enzyme production.

Vitamin C - the main vitamin responsible for immunity, prevents scurvy, serves as a prevention of spring beriberi.

Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting.

Potassium and sodium maintain a normal water-salt balance in the body, regulate cell fluid, relieve swelling. In addition, potassium salts, by binding toxins, remove them from the body.

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium are essential for maintaining a healthy skeletal system. Magnesium has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Zinc not only provides elasticity to the skin, but is needed for the reproductive system of men, prevents hair loss.

The essential oil has powerful antiseptic properties. Thanks to these substances and compounds, black radish is considered a natural natural antibiotic.

What is useful black radish

All the useful substances contained in the black radish root are very useful for the human body. It is recommended for many diseases. Most often, radish juice is used for medicinal purposes. But there are recipes that use root pulp and seeds.

Radish juice has choleretic properties and relieves inflammation of the bile ducts.

It is used in the treatment of:



heart disease;






It has properties such as:


general strengthening;







Black radish retains its nutrients during storage throughout the winter, which makes it especially useful in the spring, when most foods have a sharply reduced supply of vitamins. She:

Improves digestion;

Normalizes the work of the digestive tract;

Removes swelling;

Activates metabolic processes;

Dissolves and removes stones from the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder;

Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;

Reduces pain in diseases of the joints and muscles;

Removes salts from the body and joints;

Reduces cough;

Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;

Beneficial effect on the urinary and lymphatic system.

It is also used in cosmetology. Radish juice stimulates and improves hair growth, strengthens hair follicles.

Black radish treatment

The most well-known use of black radish for treatment is the treatment of cough with radish juice with honey. Many consider this remedy to be the best for dry cough. Radish with honey quickly dilutes sputum and removes it from the bronchi.

To prepare a healing agent, grate a large root crop on a fine grater. Transfer to a jar and add 3 tablespoons (100 grams) of honey. Leave overnight or 8-10 hours on the table so that the juice stands out. Take the resulting juice in a tablespoon 3-5 times during the day.

Even more recipes on how to cook and take radish with cough honey can be found in this article.

Treatment of joints with black radish

Black radish juice is used to treat joints. It dissolves and removes salts from the body, improves mobility and relieves inflammation.

To prepare juice, root crops should be washed well with running water using a brush or you can use the hard side of a kitchen sponge. Remove the skin and cut it into pieces. Squeeze juice through a juicer.

You can squeeze the juice by rubbing the root crop on a fine grater and squeezing the juice through cheesecloth. Store the prepared juice in a glass jar or bottle in the refrigerator. You need to start taking juice with one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals, gradually bringing a single dose to 25-30 ml (about 5-6 teaspoons).

The juice has powerful cleansing properties, dissolves and removes stones in the gallbladder and bladder. Before starting juice cleansing, be sure to consult a doctor.

During treatment, exclude all spicy, smoked, salty, fried foods, alcohol, strong drinks containing caffeine. Observe the drinking regime and drink at least two liters of clean water. Include in your diet more vegetables and fruits, steamed or stewed.

For pain in the joints, compresses are used. To do this, you need to take radish juice, honey and vodka in a ratio of 3:2:1. Add a tablespoon of regular table salt to the prepared mixture and stir well.

Soak gauze or cotton napkins with this composition and apply to the sore spot. Top with cling film or a bag and wrap. Keep for several hours.

Treatment of rheumatism with black radish

For the treatment of rheumatism, grate a medium-sized radish and pour 500 ml of vodka. Insist in a dark place for two weeks. After insisting, filter and rub the diseased joints. After rubbing, wrap with a woolen scarf or scarf.

You can make compresses with this tincture, applying them for half an hour or take one teaspoon three times a day.

Heel spur treatment with black radish

Grate well-washed black radish and transfer to a clean, dry jar. Pour vodka or 70% alcohol so that the alcohol covers the radish by 5-10 ml. Insist in a dark place for 10 days.

Next, take the radish cake, wrap it in a napkin, wring it out slightly, and attach it to the heel. Cover with a bag or cling film on top and put on warm socks. According to the reviews of patients who used this method, the pain recedes after three procedures.

The remaining tincture can be used to rub the joints, spine, heels.

Treatment of sinusitis with black radish

Grate a well-washed radish root, without peeling, on a fine grater or puree in a blender.

Wrap the resulting puree in several layers of gauze or a napkin folded. Lubricate the bridge of the nose with a greasy cream and apply a napkin with radish so that it lies on the sinuses and bridge of the nose.

Cover with cling film and insulate with a warm scarf. Keep the compress for no more than 10 minutes.

The radish will have an irritating effect, thereby improving circulation in the area. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

According to the second recipe, you need to cook a honey cake. To do this, add flour and honey to the radish puree. For 100 grams of puree, you need 150 grams of flour (any) and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well to get a non-fluid plastic mass and heat it in a water bath to a temperature of 36-40 degrees.

Put the cake on the bridge of your nose and cover with a film and something warm on top. Leave for 10-15 minutes. For sensitive skin, lubricate the bridge of the nose with cream or oil.

Radish juice with aloe juice is used in the form of drops. To prepare drops, combine 10 grams (2 teaspoons) of radish juice and 5 grams of aloe juice. Instill a drop into each nostril after cleansing or rinsing the nose two to three times a day.

Black radish can also be used to treat children. Just be sure to check with your pediatrician. Before applying compresses, be sure to lubricate the bridge of the nose with cream and reduce the duration of the procedure by half.

Black radish for cough

The most famous way to treat cough, as mentioned above, radish juice with honey. But for the treatment of a cold cough, bronchitis or after the flu, you can use other methods of treatment. One of them is rubbing.

For grinding, a mixture is prepared from grated radish, horseradish root, taking them in equal proportions. You can puree in a blender. Add some salt and honey to the puree. Mix well.

Rub the patient's back with this mixture after he has taken a hot bath.

After rubbing, be sure to wrap yourself up well to sweat. At this time, it is useful to drink linden tea, tea with raspberries.

Treatment of hypertension with black radish

With hypertension, the juice of radish, horseradish root, carrots and red beets is mixed, taking them in equal proportions. Add lemon juice to the juice mixture. Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast and twice a day before meals.

This mixture will help clear the bronchi as well.

Treatment of anemia with black radish

Squeeze juice from 6 medium-sized root vegetables. Take 5 red beet roots and squeeze the juice out of them. Add more carrot juice. Pour the mixture of juices into a refractory dish, preferably ceramic. Cover with a lid and put in the oven for 3 hours to languish. The temperature in the oven is about 50-60 degrees. Take this mixture 1 tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

With stasis of bile

With stagnation of bile, they drink black radish juice, as when removing salts from the joints. Start drinking with one teaspoon. At first, pain in the liver area may be felt. In this case, you can put a warm heating pad on this area.

When the discomfort passes, you can gradually increase the amount of juice taken at one time, bringing it to 100 ml. Be sure to follow an appropriate diet during cleansing.

Black radish to improve appetite and digestion

A salad of black radish, carrots and red beets, seasoned with vegetable oil, will help improve appetite and digestion. It is enough to eat 1 serving of salad once to establish a clear bowel function.

Black radish mustard plasters

Black radish mustards, although they heat up less than the mustards we are used to, are no less effective. Make them easy. They are used for coughs, bronchitis, joint diseases, rheumatism, sciatica.

It is necessary to grate the root crop on a fine grater. Wrap the puree in gauze or a napkin and apply on the back or other affected area. Leave for a few minutes, covering the top with cling film and wrapping well.

You can apply puree directly to the affected area. But for sensitive skin, this method is less acceptable. Or well lubricate the skin with a cream or ointment.

Mask with black radish for hair

To prepare a mask, mix 100-125 ml of radish juice with 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. Rub into the scalp. Put on a hat and wrap your head in a towel. Keep the mask on for an hour. Then wash your hair.

Black radish contraindications

Many people think that since black radish is a food product, then everything can be used for treatment without restriction. This is fundamentally wrong. The use and use of black radish has a number of serious contraindications that you need to pay attention to. It is forbidden to use when:

Gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially during an exacerbation of the disease;

peptic ulcer of the intestine;

Gastritis with high acidity, as it stimulates the production of gastric juice;

In the postinfarction period;

Some diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

In violation of the kidneys.

Individual intolerance to this product is not excluded, which can be manifested by an allergic rash, itching, redness and other manifestations of allergies.

It must be remembered that radish causes gas formation. Therefore, it is worth abstaining or approaching radish treatment with extreme caution for people with intestinal diseases such as colitis.

What is more useful black radish or red beets? Answer in video

Radish is a natural medicine, similar in its action to antibiotics. It contains a large amount of flavonoids, magnesium and iodine. And vitamin C, which is in abundance in such a root crop, helps to stabilize the immune system. How to make a cough radish for a child according to all the rules, you can find out from the review below.

Black radish with honey: proper medicine preparation

The black variety of radish helps to quickly achieve relief from coughing. It not only restores immunity, but also activates the excretion of mucus from the bronchi. It is easy to prepare such a medicine:

  1. You will need a small root crop (approximately 300-500 g). It must be washed and cut off the top. This should be done exactly from the side where the vegetable grew tops.
  2. Cut an indentation in the larger part of the radish (approximately 3 cm deep). Put honey in the root crop, not reaching the top edge by 1 cm.
  3. Close the vegetable with the top and leave to infuse until liquid appears. Black radish prepared in this way with honey gives juice after 6-8 hours.

After that, the resulting liquid is poured into a container and given to the baby 0.5-1 tsp 3 to 4 times a day. As for honey, it is best to use May or lime. These varieties of healthy treats contain the most valuable substances.

In addition, you can use buckwheat and chestnut types of honey. They have pronounced antimicrobial properties. One radish should be used no more than 3 times, then it no longer contains useful components.

How to make a cough radish with honey?

How to make cough radish with honey to quickly cure a child? The simplest recipe is considered to be a mixture of grated root crops, previously peeled. Add honey to the resulting mass and mix. Both components must be taken in equal proportions. Give the baby 1 tsp. 2 times a day. In order not to harm the delicate children's stomach, the child should take such medicine only after eating.

For the next, equally effective recipe, the radish is washed, peeled and cut into pieces. They can be of any size and shape. Then they are placed on the bottom of any container and poured with honey.

It is desirable that honey be liquid. You can bring this sweet treat to this state in the microwave, setting it for 30 seconds at minimum power. It is not recommended to overdo it, otherwise all the valuable trace elements that are so important for the health of the baby will be lost. In addition, you can make honey liquid by putting it in a water bath for a few minutes.

Radish cubes should be infused for 10-12 hours at room temperature. After that, the resulting liquid must be drained into another container. Give the baby 1 tsp. 2 to 3 times a day.

How to make a cough radish without honey?

What should parents do if their children are allergic to bee products? How to make a cough radish without honey so that the medicine is effective? In this case, such a delicacy is replaced with sugar (preferably brown). Radish can be processed in any way. For example, rinse well and peel.

Then cut into small thin slices about 5 mm thick. Lay a thin layer on a baking sheet and cover with sugar (arbitrary proportions). Cover the radish with food foil and bake in the oven at medium temperature for an hour. Then the sugar syrup is cooled and diluted with water in equal proportions. Give the baby 2 tsp. 2 to 3 times a day after meals.

In addition, you can bake a radish with sugar in a pot. Take exactly the same as in the previous recipe. To make such a natural medicine even more effective, sugar syrup is supplemented with several grams of cocoa butter.

Cough compress with radish gruel

Not everyone knows that such a plant can be used not only for internal use. Based on it, it is easy to make an effective warming compress. How to make a cough radish for a child so that it passes quickly? The following algorithm must be observed:

  • peel the root crop and grind in a meat grinder or grate;
  • smear the back of a sick child with a greasy cream or vegetable oil and cover with a thin cotton cloth;
  • put the gruel from the radish on the fabric and cover with polyethylene.

Such a compress should be on the baby's body from 15 to 25 minutes. It effectively warms up the bronchi and helps to better drain the accumulated secret. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure no more than 1 time per day. This should be done until there is an improvement in health. Pediatricians recommend alternating such compresses alternately on the back and chest.

Not everyone can use this procedure. So, it is impossible to put a compress with radish gruel at elevated body temperature and with cuts or rashes on the skin. In addition, you need to forget about such treatment if the crumbs are allergic to this root crop.

How to take radish with cough honey for children?

It is not enough to know how to make a cough radish for a child, you need to take into account the rules for taking it. Pediatricians do not recommend giving such a remedy to babies under 2 years old. The safest age when you can start treatment with radish is 4 years.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to start taking with 0.5 tsp. and add gradually drop by drop of this home remedy. Such juice should be drunk until the signs of the disease disappear completely, but not longer than a week. During the entire time of treatment, the child will profuse sputum. Keeping the drinking regimen will help your baby recover faster. The liquid should be warm.

Such a medicine copes with a dry cough. With this variety, cough receptors are irritated. Radish combined with honey reduces attacks and soothes the throat. A useful root crop also helps with a wet cough. A large amount of sputum accumulates in the bronchial tree, which it helps to remove. The cough becomes productive.

What are the contraindications to be aware of?

No matter how useful the radish is, not everyone can take it. Doctors warn about the following contraindications:

  • allergic reaction to the root crop;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
  • inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • any stage of pregnancy;
  • violations in the functions of the kidneys;
  • depression and mental illness.

If honey is added to the cough radish, then an allergic reaction is possible. This component is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity to bee products. In such a situation, honey is replaced with sugar or dispensed with.

Parents should remember about the rules for treating a sick baby with such a remedy. Babies from 2 years old are allowed to give no more than a drop of black radish juice. You need to do this 2 to 3 times a day. To make the taste of a bitter root vegetable not so unpleasant, you can dilute it in a small amount of water or juice. In this case, the child should be fed frequently and plentifully.

After the baby is 3 years old, a small amount of honey can be added to the radish (no more than 0.5 tsp). In this case, you need to monitor the reaction of the child. If, after such a natural remedy, a rash appears on his body or he becomes covered with spots, you should immediately stop taking it. It is possible that the crumbs are allergic to the components of the product.

Toddlers aged 4 years and older can be given radish juice. Be sure to keep the proportions. The amount of honey should not be more than 1 tbsp. for the entire volume of liquid released from the root crop.

Failure to follow all of these rules can lead to poor health crumbs. Before making a cough radish for a child, it should be remembered that it is best used as an additional remedy to the main drug therapy. In this case, the treatment will be most effective. This should also be done in the case when a similar symptom is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Save the information.

Since ancient times, black radish has been used in folk medicine. The healing properties of this wonderful root vegetable were well known to the ancient Egyptians. Hippocrates also appreciated them. He treated with her help dropsy, many diseases of the lungs. The ancient Greeks used radish to fight various types of coughs, normalize digestion, and even treat eye diseases. An interesting fact: black radish and garlic were part of the daily diet of the Egyptians, who were involved in the construction of the pyramids, to prevent various diseases.

Black radish is a close relative of cabbage. Do not be surprised, it belongs to the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). This amazing root crop is not included in the register of medicinal raw materials, but at the same time, even official medicine recognizes the medicinal properties of radish and recommends including the vegetable in the diet and using it along with traditional therapeutic agents in the treatment of many ailments, which we will discuss below.

The miracle root crop is still widely used today in the treatment of many ailments. Black which today is well studied, a native of Asia. This is a biennial plant up to 80 cm high. Today, annual varieties have also been bred. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use medium-sized fruits. They contain the largest amount of minerals and vitamins.

Biochemical composition

Radish is rich in trace elements and vitamins. It contains carbohydrates and proteins, essential oils and minerals, glucosides. In addition, the root crop is rich in sodium and potassium, phosphorus and iodine, iron and magnesium, calcium and other useful substances. It also includes the main vitamins: B, A, C and E. One hundred grams of black radish contains only 16 calories.

Beneficial features

It should be said that the main drug based on a bitter vegetable is black radish juice. The benefits of this substance have been proven by modern scientists. According to its composition, the radish is close to well-known natural remedies - fresh onions, garlic, bee honey. And sometimes its bactericidal properties surpass them. This is due to the high content in the vegetable of a large number of glycosides and essential oils.

In addition, the antimicrobial substance lysozyme was found in the radish. It is able to destroy harmful microorganisms: mycobacteria, pertussis and diphtheria bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus aureus. With the help of a root crop that has a sharp and harsh taste, you can rid the body of harmful substances, viruses and bacteria. Potassium, which is found in large quantities in radish, normalizes water-salt metabolism, freeing the body from excess fluid. The root crop is mild in its action laxative and diuretic and remedy.

Black radish juice: effects on the body

The beneficial effect of this substance is difficult to overestimate. Judge for yourself:

So, you consulted with your doctor and decided to use black radish juice for treatment. How to prepare a healing agent? This can be done in two ways. Let's consider each of them.

First way

Wash the medium-sized root crops well under running water and grate them together with the peel. Fold the gauze in several layers, put the grated vegetable on it and squeeze the black radish juice. If you have been diagnosed with bronchitis or other inflammation of the respiratory tract, then do not rush to throw away the pulp left after squeezing the juice: it can be used instead of mustard plasters.

Spread the pulp (in gauze) and put it on the chest (bypassing the heart area), cover with polyethylene, and then with a towel and leave it until the skin turns slightly red. This procedure usually takes no more than 15 minutes. Before and after the compress, drink a tablespoon of juice, which can be mixed with honey (1:1). The medicine will become more pleasant to the taste and the healing properties will increase.

Second way

Sugar and honey perfectly draw out the juice of black radish. Wash the root crop, cut off its top, and then with a knife or spoon, select the central part of the pulp, making a deep hole. Pour sugar into it or pour honey. Juice begins to be produced in two to three hours. Pour it into an enameled or glass dish, and again add honey or sugar to the hole. It is advisable to drink the juice immediately. In order not to wait a long time for the next portion of juice, make several of these fruit cups at once.

Cough treatment

Black radish juice is used to treat many respiratory diseases. For cough, a mixture of juice and honey is most often used. This pleasant-tasting and very useful medicine is taken with pleasure not only by adults, but also by children. It will help not only cure a cough, but also return a "shrunken" voice, eliminate a sore throat, as well as symptoms of bronchitis.

To obtain the drug, use the second method described above. But in this case, only natural liquid honey should be used to fill the recess in the root crop. One root crop is usually enough for several days. Then the root crop will wither, and the juice will cease to stand out. If during this time the cough has not stopped, use another fruit.

chronic cough

This is what doctors call lungs, chronic bronchitis, smoker's cough, etc. And in this case, a drug containing black radish juice will help you. The composition will help you get rid of a cough, which is not difficult to prepare. For this you will need:

  • badger (or mutton) fat;
  • bone marrow (preferably from lamb bones);

Fat, brain and honey are taken in 250 grams. 100 ml of black radish and ginger juice are added to them. Fat must be melted in a water bath, and then add the rest of the ingredients to it and put in a water bath for about thirty minutes. Then the composition must be cooled at room temperature and transferred to a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. Take on an empty stomach 1 tablespoon (tablespoon). The product should be mixed in half a glass of hot water or milk.

Treatment of children

It is no secret that when a child falls ill, parents try to use the most effective and safe means for treatment. If a child has a cough, it is urgent to show it to the doctor. When the diagnosis is made, along with the traditional therapeutic treatment, you will also need black radish juice. Children can take it from the age of three. Radish with honey is an excellent remedy for treating all types of coughs in children. It tastes very good, so even sick children, who are usually naughty, willingly take it.

Black radish juice is known for its powerful expectorant effect, it accelerates the process of sputum separation. Such a sweet medicine is safe for kids because it is made from natural products. The only restriction to its use may be an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients. The drug is prepared in the same way as for adults.

Black radish juice: how to drink?

The use of radish juice in the treatment of other diseases

Traditional healers successfully use black radish juice to treat many diseases. We will present you only the main, most effective of them.


Wash the root crop thoroughly and, without peeling the peel, chop it on a grater or with a blender. Squeeze out the juice through two or three layers of gauze and wipe the body of a cold person with it at night. Be sure to wipe your feet. Put on pajamas and socks for the patient. Before going to bed, you should drink the remaining juice, diluted with warm boiled water (1: 1). For taste, you can add a spoonful of natural honey.

Treat sore joints

Squeeze 300 g of juice from the grated root pulp, mix it with 200 g of liquid honey, add 100 g of vodka and one teaspoon of salt to this mass. For joint pain, 50 g of this healing composition should be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach. In addition, it is necessary to rub it into diseased joints. If after taking the remedy you feel discomfort, stop using it inside, use only externally.

Stagnation of bile

This ailment is treated in two stages, and not only juice is used, but also the cake left after its preparation. Ten kilograms of black radish should be washed and grated (with the peel) on a grater. Since the volume is significant, you can use a juicer.

In the cake remaining after squeezing the juice, add honey at the rate of 1 kg of pulp - 300 grams of honey. Put a press on this mass, and remove the container in a warm place for fermentation.

At the first stage, start taking pure radish juice in a teaspoon after each meal. Every day, increase the dose, gradually bringing it up to 100 ml. During treatment, avoid spicy and acidic foods. Carefully monitor your condition: if there are pains in the liver (tolerable), you should not interrupt the treatment, just put a warm heating pad on the liver.

When all the squeezed juice is over, proceed to the second stage. Now it is necessary to take two tablespoons (tablespoons) of fermented pulp during meals until it runs out. This course is recommended twice a year.


This is an insidious, and for a long time not making itself felt, disease. Very often, official medicine offers a prompt solution to this problem. Folk healers claim that black radish juice works wonders for gallstone disease. It helps to clear the gallbladder of bilirubin sediment and dissolve the formed stones. And its use for preventive purposes prevents the formation of new stones. We offer you three ways to treat this disease.

radish juice

Every day after a meal, one hundred grams of freshly squeezed radish juice should be taken. You should take 400-500 ml per day. Treatment continues for at least two weeks. This remedy can only be used if you are not bothered by pain in the liver area.

Radish and honey

Many people do not like radish juice in its pure form. Mix it with honey. To 100 ml of juice add 80 ml of honey. The mixture is prepared immediately before taking. The course of treatment is at least thirty days.

Juice mix

To 180 ml of juice, add 50 ml of beetroot and carrot juice. They are mixed before use, and the entire volume is drunk immediately. Treatment continues for fifteen days.

With hypertension

Grind in a meat grinder and blender one medium-sized root crop of black radish, red beet and add 200 grams of cranberries. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass and mix it with 200 g of high-quality cognac. Keep this product in a cool place. Take one tablespoon (tablespoon) one hour before meals.

dissolving stones

If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones, try drinking fifty milliliters of radish juice after meals for two months.

Runny nose and sinusitis

Everyone knows how painful a common cold can be, not to mention such a serious illness as sinusitis. Traditional healers recommend instilling three drops of black radish juice into each nostril.

General tonic

And this tool is suitable for everyone who feels a breakdown, fatigue, especially in spring. It can be used daily in the morning: add three quarters of a glass of chilled boiled water to a quarter glass of juice. A spoonful of natural honey will improve the taste of the product.


To cleanse the walls of blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, it is necessary to consume a spoon (table) of juice daily three times a day. In addition, include in your diet raw radish, cut into slices and poured over with unrefined sunflower oil. Salt in this case is better not to use.


As you can see, black radish juice has many healing properties. This remedy also has contraindications and they cannot be ignored. These include:

  • increased acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • transferred heart attack;
  • some kidney disease;
  • heart defects.

The use of radish juice for cholelithiasis requires caution and constant monitoring of medical workers; this remedy should not be used to treat children under three years of age. All drugs based on radish juice should be completely excluded if you are prone to allergic reactions and loose stools.

Despite the fact that radish in its pure form rarely causes allergies, treatment with its juice should be started with small doses (1 tablespoon) and, of course, only after prior consultation with your doctor.

So far, there is no official information on how black radish affects the body of a pregnant woman and a nursing mother. The benefits and harms of juice in this case have not been established either, so it is better to refrain from using it.

Today we talked about the medicinal properties of black radish juice. But many doctors and traditional healers are sure that in order not to lead to many serious health problems, it is enough to eat black radish in winter and spring, preferably raw.

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