What does endometrium 12 mm mean. The norm of the size of the endometrium depending on the days of the cycle

The endometrium of the uterus is a mucous layer that is located inside the uterine body, completely lines its cavity and provides a large number of blood vessels. He plays a major role in the menstrual period.

The main function of the endometrium is to create a favorable environment and conditions for the attachment of the fetal egg inside the body of the uterus.

If it is too thin or thickening is noted, then the pregnancy will not be able to proceed normally, a miscarriage is possible in this situation. Treatment of any pathological process should be carried out exclusively by a specialist, after a preliminary examination.

Endometrium - what is it?

The endometrium of the body of the uterus is the mucous layer of the organ, which creates favorable conditions for the attachment of the fetal egg. It changes during the entire menstrual period, that is, its thickness. The greatest thickness falls on the last days of the cycle, and the smallest - in the first days.

Due to the influence of adverse factors, the endometrium of the organ can become thin, this condition will prevent the attachment of the embryo, and can also provoke infertility in a woman. There are cases when the egg is attached to a thin layer, but after a while an arbitrary miscarriage occurs. Proper treatment will help get rid of the problem, favorably conceive and endure the baby.

The norm of the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus

As mentioned earlier, the endometrium and its thickness changes throughout the menstrual period. Each phase of the cycle corresponds to a certain layer thickness. All changes occur under the influence of female sex hormones.

For pregnancy to occur, the thickness of this layer must be normal. The norm of the endometrium of the body of the uterus for the attachment of a fertilized egg is 0.7 cm.

You can determine this parameter using an ultrasound scan, which is assigned to a woman at a certain period of the cycle.

Any deviations from the norm may indicate that the pathology is progressing, the causes of this process can be varied.

Thin layer of endometrium in the uterus

Hypoplasia or a thin layer of the endometrium of the uterine body is a deviation from the norm. Pathology manifests itself in the form of underdevelopment of the upper or lower mucous membrane of the organ. Such a violation leads to the impossibility of attaching a fertilized egg.

Causes of hypoplasia:

Symptoms of hypoplasia may not appear at the initial stage, and the pathology is determined only during a gynecological examination.

Symptoms of the disease of the mucous layer of the body:

Thin endometrium and pregnancy cannot be combined. This pathology provokes violations of the reproductive function and can lead to absolute infertility. In such a situation, treatment should be carried out immediately to exclude serious consequences.

Timely therapy can increase the chance of bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

Thickening of the endometrial layer of the uterine body

In gynecology, there is also such a definition as hyperplasia, which indicates a thickening of the mucous layer and the formation of polyps. This pathology has a benign course.

It is possible to determine the deviation of the thickness from the norm during a gynecological examination, as well as using ultrasound. Treatment may not be carried out if infertility is not observed and there are no symptoms of pathology.

Hyperplasia is of a simple type and atypical form. Simple hyperplasia is characterized by the predominance of glandular cells, leading to the development of cystic formations. Treatment includes not only the use of drugs, but also surgery. Polyps, depending on the cellular structure, can be glandular, fibrous, mixed type.

The pathology of the mucous layer of the uterine body of an atypical form includes the progression of adenomatosis. Histological analysis shows changes in tissue structure. Adenomatosis is more related to a malignant disease.

Thickening of the layer can be provoked by such various reasons:

Many experts are also of the opinion that such causes as hormonal failure, tumor progression, inflammatory processes, diseases of the endocrine system, sexually transmitted infections can also cause hyperplasia.

Also, pathology occurs as a result of long-term use of contraceptives that contain exclusively estrogens.

Symptoms of hyperplasia:

  1. Violation of menstruation (the cycle becomes longer or vice versa reduced).
  2. Smearing of blood, which is noted in the patient a few days before menstruation.
  3. Bleeding with clots.
  4. Excretion of blood during intercourse.
  5. Changes in the duration and profusion of discharge during menstruation.

Treatment is carried out either in a conservative way (sometimes, in combination, it is also carried out with folk remedies), or with the help of an operation. If therapy is abandoned or carried out untimely, the following complications may occur:

Prevention of this disease includes:

  • exclusion of unplanned pregnancy and abortion;
  • proper and healthy lifestyle;
  • reduction of stressful situations;
  • timely treatment of diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system, as well as the endocrine system.

Pathology, symptoms, causes and treatment

In modern medicine, several pathologies of the mucous layer of the body of the uterus are distinguished, each of which has certain causes, symptoms and methods of treatment.

Diagnosis of pathology

If a woman has signs of the disease, then it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination, take a blood and urine test. During a gynecological examination, a specialist may find that the endometrium has become thin or, on the contrary, thickened, the uterus has changed shape and is in good shape. The patient is also advised to:

The norm is when the indicators of ultrasound and analyzes are within acceptable values.

Is treatment possible without surgery?

Treatment of the disease can be carried out conservatively and surgically. Surgical intervention is carried out only in advanced situations.

Conservative therapy includes medication and folk remedies. The choice of hormonal drugs will depend on the age category of the patient, the desire to have children in the future, and the stage of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, the course is selected individually, depending on many factors. The patient may be recommended nettle, calendula, wild rose, yarrow, plantain. These herbs will help stop bleeding. Hirudotherapy is also prescribed, which has a positive effect on blood clotting.

The inner cavity of the uterus, supplied with a large number of blood vessels, is called the endometrium. It plays a crucial role in the menstrual cycle, as well as in the process of implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus. Consists of two layers:

  • basal,
  • functional.

During menstruation, the functional layer is rejected, but in the next cycle it is restored with the help of the basal layer. The endometrium is very sensitive to hormonal changes, so it thickens and is more abundantly supplied with blood, depending on the stage and phase of the cycle. In other words, the woman's body is preparing for the implantation of the embryo. If for some reason fertilization of the egg does not occur, the functional layer is rejected in the form of menstruation, if it does, the resulting embryo is implanted in the overgrown endometrium, from which the placenta will then form.

For the onset and successful development of pregnancy, an important indicator is the thickness of the endometrium, which varies depending on the specific phase of the cycle.

Endometrial thickness by cycle phases

  1. Bleeding phase:
    • Desquamation stage (1-2 days of the cycle) - the thickness is 5-9 mm.
    • Regeneration stage (3-4 days) - 3-5 mm.
  2. Proliferation phase:
    • Early stage (5-7 days) - the thickness reaches 3 - 6 mm.
    • The middle stage (8-10 days of the cycle) - 5-10 mm.
    • Late stage (11-14 days) - 7-14 mm.
  3. Secretion phase:
    • Early stage (15-18 days) - thickness is 10 to 16 mm.
    • The middle stage (19-23 days of the cycle) - the maximum value of 10-18 mm is reached.
    • Late stage (24-27 days of the cycle) - the endometrium is slightly reduced to 10-17 cm, an average of 12 mm.

It is worth noting that with a long cycle, all of the above indicators may be below normal, since the transitions between phases occur with a delay.

Pathological conditions

Among the violations of the thickness of the endometrium are:

  • thickening (hyperplasia);
  • "thin" endometrium (hypoplasia).

Hyperplasia occurs due to disruptions in the hormonal background of a woman, namely an increase in the number of estrogens and a deficiency of progesterone. This is an increased growth of the endometrium, in which its thickness significantly exceeds the norm. Hypoplasia is characterized by the fact that throughout all phases of the menstrual cycle, the thickness of the endometrium remains too small. Reasons for the development of hypoplasia:

  • Chronic endometritis.
  • Improper blood supply.
  • Decreased sensitivity of estrogen receptors.

Also very often there are cases of growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity (endometriosis), which leads to the formation of adhesions, the occurrence of severe pain during menstruation, disruption of the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system, thereby reducing the likelihood of pregnancy.

Endometrial thickness for conception

Both in the case of hyperplasia and hypoplasia, there is a discrepancy between its thickness and the phase of the menstrual cycle, which indicates the difficulties of conception and requires medical intervention and complex treatment.

If we talk about hyperplasia, then the impossibility of conception is due to:

  1. Lack of ovulation due to hormonal imbalances.
  2. The inability of the altered uterine mucosa to accept and implant the embryo.

If conception has occurred, there is a risk of developing pathologies in the fetus (including oncological ones). If we talk about hypoplasia, then the problem is the impossibility of a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine cavity due to the small thickness of the endometrium. And if attachment did occur, then in the future a pregnant woman will have a number of complications, such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • miscarriage;
  • pronounced toxicosis;
  • weak generic activity;
  • profuse bleeding after childbirth.

If violations of the thickness of the endometrium are not treated in time, and the disease develops into complicated forms, this is fraught with infertility.

Attention! If your value is exceeded or, on the contrary, below the norm, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Thickness of the endometrium during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, the size of the endometrium ranges from 9 to 15 mm. Along with the development of the embryo, it continues to thicken and reaches 20 mm at 4-5 weeks.

Thickness of the endometrium during menopause

During menopause, when there is a decline in reproductive function and a deficiency of sex hormones, pathological hyperplastic processes can develop on the inner surface of the uterus.

The thickness of the endometrium is 5 mm during this period. If it reaches 6-7 mm, then a woman is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination every three months to exclude the development of pathological processes.

For large values, radical methods must be used:

  • Diagnostic curettage (8 mm).
  • Separate curettage (10-15 cm) with a mandatory study of the material obtained for the presence of cancer or precancerous changes.

Each organ of the female reproductive system has its own functions and purpose. The uterus has a special role, it is responsible for the secure attachment and full development of the embryo.

The endometrial layer lines the uterine cavity from the inside, creates optimal conditions for the fetal egg and supports the course of pregnancy. The normal thickness of the endometrium depends on the day of the cycle. The size of the mucosa may be lower and higher than normal. Both conditions are abnormal and require correction.

Women learn about the importance of the size of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle after problems with conception begin or gynecological diseases are detected. This can be avoided. Modern diagnostic methods allow you to accurately and quickly assess the condition of the uterus and existing abnormalities. The endometrium can be brought back to normal. To do this, it is necessary to regularly undergo ultrasound, and in case of identified pathologies, be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Ultrasound is the fastest, safest and most informative method for determining the thickness of the uterine mucosa. During a routine examination by a gynecologist, it is impossible to obtain accurate indicators. Only ultrasound allows you to analyze the echographic signs of the inner layer of the reproductive organ. Doctors observe how the endometrium grows and changes, and also detect pathological changes, including tumor growths.

In the absence of contraindications, specialists resort to the transvaginal method, when the organ is examined through the vagina. The most important condition is the study on the day appointed by the doctor. This is due to the fact that the norm of the endometrium in each of the days of the menstrual cycle is different. Normal indicators of mucosal thickness during ovulation differ from the thickness parameters before menstruation. The difference is insignificant, but even the slightest deviation affects reproductive capabilities and health in general.

Signs of thinning

A healthy endometrium, the thickness and structure of which correspond to the day of the cycle, ensures reliable implantation of the embryo, but not all women understand the significance of the measured indicators and pay attention to signs of a decrease in the layer thickness. Specific manifestations have not been identified, but some symptoms should alert and become a reason to see a doctor.

One of the main signs of thinning of the mucosa is the failure of the menstrual cycle, when there are no periods at the right time, and delays are observed regularly.

In addition to cyclic deviations, a decrease in thickness may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the presence of blood clots in the discharge;
  • bleeding outside of menstruation.

The mucous layer of the uterus promotes the attachment of the embryo and is the structure that supplies the embryo with nutrients. When the endometrium does not correspond to the phase of the cycle and its thickness is insufficient, pregnancy is impossible. There is simply no chance for an egg to implant safely in the uterus. The fetal egg is rejected, and doctors in such cases diagnose a miscarriage in the early stages. For those who want to get pregnant, such expert opinions are another missed opportunity to have a baby. The situation could have turned out differently if the measures for correcting the thin endometrium had been taken on time.

Norms of the endometrium by phases

The endometrium is updated monthly and has a two-layer structure. The basal (deep) layer does not change and contributes to the regeneration of the functional layer, the thickness of which is not constant.

The size of the mucosa in the first days of the cycle averages 3-4 mm. The endometrial layer reaches its maximum thickness after the egg has formed and left the follicle. During the period of ovulation, the indicators may vary, on average they are 12-19 mm. With successful fertilization, these parameters are optimal for successful attachment and further implantation of the embryo.

In cases where pregnancy does not occur, the overgrown endometrial layer is rejected and comes out during menstruation.

The indicators that are studied to assess the size and structure of the mucosa are considered average, but when comparing the result with the norm of the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus, they allow drawing conclusions about the state of the inner lining and the prospects for conception.

If the hormonal background is in order, the process of mucosal growth successively goes through three periods: menstruation (bleeding), proliferation, secretion. Each phase has its own terms, features and functions.

Bleeding phase

In the phase of menstruation with a failed conception, the functional layer is torn off and comes out with the blood. The onset of bleeding is considered the first day of a new cycle. Menstruation lasts 3-7 days. Rejection begins in the first 2 days, the size of the endometrium during this period ranges from 6 mm to 9.

On the 3-5th day of the menstrual cycle, gradual tissue regeneration begins. The thickness grows and reaches 3 mm by the end of the bleeding phase. The compliance of the mucous layer with these parameters is considered the norm.

proliferative phase

Lasts 2 weeks. During this time, the follicles responsible for the production of estrogen have time to mature. This hormone stimulates the active growth of the uterine membrane. As a result, the functional layer thickens and by the end of the period its size reaches 11–13 mm. In parallel with the increase in size, the sound permeability of the mucosa changes. By the end of proliferation, this indicator is 9–11 mm.

Proliferation begins on the fifth day of the cycle. The phase includes early, middle and late stages. All 3 periods should always take place in a clear sequence. The absence or failures in the course of any of the stages indicate the development of pathological processes in the body.

The thickness of the uterine endometrium of 7 mm is considered the threshold for possible fertilization. If the size is smaller, conception does not occur.

In the proliferation phase, the thickness is almost twice as large, but this is not the most successful period for fertilization. The woman's body is vulnerable, reacts to any negative phenomena and stimuli. Diseases, stress, overwork can stop the natural maturation of the follicle and provoke untimely rejection of the inner layer of the uterus.

The most favorable time for fertilization is the third (secretory) phase, which begins after the proliferation of the endometrium.


Secretion is a period of intensive growth of the mucous membrane. The phase lasts from the 15th to the 30th day and is accompanied by the active production of progesterone, which stimulates the growth of endometrial tissues. The mucous layer increases, swells, becomes dense, spongy and vascular. The shell size can reach 21–26 mm. This is a normal thickness, sufficient for secure attachment and nourishment of the embryo.

The secretory phase includes three stages:

  1. Early is the 15-18th day. The normal thickness parameter for this period is 12 mm.
  2. In the phase of medium secretion (from the 19th to the 23rd day), the maximum size of the endometrial layer is observed, after which the thickening stops. The norm for this period is 15–21 mm.
  3. The late period of the secretory phase occurs on the 24th day from the onset of menstruation and lasts 3–4 days. The size of the endometrium begins to decrease and reach 10–17 mm.

If fertilization does not occur, the menstrual phase begins again, and the uterine mucosa is shed during menstruation. This sequence is considered a physiological norm. In all women of reproductive age, these periods are repeated regularly.

Thickness by day of cycle

The hormonal background is responsible for the thickness of the functional layer of the endometrium. If an imbalance is not observed, on different days of the cycle, the size of the mucosa will correspond to the norm.

With menstruation, the endometrium changes markedly:

  • in the first days it is seen as an inhomogeneous structure 5–9 mm thick. There is no clear layered composition of the inner lining. This is due to the fact that during this period the cells are located non-standard;
  • 3-4th day of menstruation - cells acquire a clear structure, echogenicity increases, and the thickness of the endometrial layer decreases to 3-5 mm;
  • 5-7th - normal endometrial thickness ranges from 6 to 9 mm. With the onset of the proliferative stage of the cycle, sound conductivity increases, echogenicity decreases, and the size of the endometrium grows;
  • 8–10th - gradual thickening of the mucosa continues. A clear hyperechoic structure appears in the center of the endometrial layer. Indicators of the norm of thickness vary within 8-10 mm;
  • 11-14th - the echographic picture almost does not change. This is a late stage of proliferation with a characteristic increase in echogenicity and thickening of the endometrium of the uterus up to 9–13 mm;
  • 15-18th - the functional membrane of the uterus thickens up to 10-15 mm. Significant changes in the echogenicity and structure of the endometrium are not observed;
  • 19–23rd - the normal parameter varies from 10 to 18 mm. This is the highest figure for the entire period. After this, the thickening of the endometrium stops;
  • on the 24th–28th day of the monthly cycle, a decrease in the size of the endometrium is observed. Its thickness is reduced to 12 mm, during ultrasound, heterogeneity of the structure and increased echogenicity are noticeable.

Delay rate

The main ones are hormonal disorders. It is impossible to exclude the influence of other factors, such as stressful situations, gynecological diseases, problems of the endocrine system, unbalanced nutrition.

The cyclic period with late menstruation is lengthened. The production of hormones is disrupted. As a result, the size of the endometrium after ovulation does not change and corresponds to the natural level of the secretory phase (12–14 mm).

Possible pathologies

If we analyze the results of ultrasound studies, the digital values ​​​​of the thickness of the endometrium by day of the cycle show an increase trend. Growth is gradual - and this is normal. But, unfortunately, not all women have such an ideal picture. The size of the uterine mucosa often differs from the normative indicators. This happens under the influence of a variety of reasons and factors, including:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • injuries of the mucous and uterine cavity;
  • impaired circulation;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus.

Pathologies of the endometrium are detected by ultrasound and during additional laboratory examinations. After the cause of the deviation is determined and confirmed, the doctor prescribes treatment taking into account the stage and type of the disease, as well as age, physiological characteristics and the state of the body.

The discrepancy between the thickness of the endometrium is usually divided into 2 types: hypoplasia and hyperplasia.


Hyperplasia is the pathological growth of the endometrium. Anomaly in the thickness of the mucous layer of the uterus is reflected in the density. It increases, and the structure becomes heterogeneous. Such changes complicate the implantation of the fetus and the flow of other processes that contribute to the normal development of the embryo.

The disease is dangerous because the rapidly growing endometrium before menstruation does not come out during menstruation. This can lead to perforation (breakthrough), severe bleeding, and hospitalization.

Hyperplasia can be glandular and atypical. The latter form is more dangerous and is considered as a precancerous condition.

The main reason for the inconsistency of the endometrium with the norms is hormonal disruptions. Thickening is provoked by the active production of estrogen and a deficiency of progesterone. Other causes include tumors and polycystic ovaries, diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, prolonged hormone therapy, weakened immunity, abortions and uterine injuries.


Abnormally thin endometrium in medicine is defined by the term "". This disease refers to congenital pathologies arising from insufficient synthesis of hormones.

Hypoplastic endometrium has no symptoms. The disease does not manifest itself until the woman has a desire to become pregnant. Difficulties can arise with this, and only an experienced doctor is able to determine what provoked the development of endometrial pathology. Among the signs of the disease are:

  • long absence of pregnancy;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • late menstruation (after 16 years);
  • pathological discharge from the vagina;
  • irregular periods.

For life, hypoplasia does not pose a danger, but with a thin endometrium, there is practically no chance to bear a child. The thinned shell prevents the onset of pregnancy and the full attachment of the embryo.

Thickness Mismatch

Indicators of the normal thickness of the endometrium are individual, depending on the state of the reproductive system, age and other characteristics of the body. Parameters that go beyond the established limits are considered to be a violation. Similar phenomena are noted during miscarriage and the development of gynecological diseases.

The only pleasant reason for the discrepancy in the thickness of the endometrium may be the conception that has taken place. Growth stimulates the active production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone). The mucous membrane becomes overgrown with vessels, the secretion becomes more abundant, and the endometrial layer increases to 20 mm or more. In other cases, any deviations from the norm are usually attributed to pathological conditions.

Complications and consequences

If no abnormalities are detected on ultrasound and the thickness of the endometrium is normal, a woman has a chance to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. Unfortunately, not everyone is attentive to their health. Rare visits to the doctor, ignoring alarming symptoms and self-medication often lead to the development of gynecological pathologies that are dangerous for the reproductive system. The most severe consequence is infertility. The inability to conceive develops due to untimely diagnosis and treatment of progressive diseases.

With hyperplasia in women, the cycle is disrupted, the intensity and duration of monthly discharge increases. Frequent bleeding that occurs between periods leads to anemia. In addition, the abnormal growth of the inner lining of the uterus causes endometriosis, cysts, polyps and other neoplasms.

No less dangerous complications of hypoplasia. As a rule, they do not appear in the first days and months after the diagnosis of the disease. The vulnerability of the thin endometrium contributes to the unhindered penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the uterine cavity. This causes infectious and inflammatory processes, provokes an ectopic pregnancy and frequent miscarriages.

Treatment of disorders

The thickness of the endometrium is successfully corrected. If during an ultrasound examination, deviations are detected by the days of the cycle up or down, the doctor determines the type, stage and echo signs of the pathology.

Treatment of hyperplasia can be medical and surgical. The specialist prescribes the dosage and suitable drugs after determining the type and extent of the disease. Hormone therapy with the use of progesterone preparations is considered the most effective. With a decrease in estrogen levels, the endometrium reaches normal levels.

Surgical intervention is resorted to in cases where conservative methods are not effective. Doctors may remove the endometrium. In difficult cases of atypical hyperplasia, hysterectomy is performed.

The use of hormonal agents gives good results in the treatment of hypoplasia. The thin layer of the endometrium is corrected by agents that contain excessive doses of the hormone estrogen. If the disease has arisen due to inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, therapeutic measures are aimed at stopping and eliminating the source of inflammation. Severe forms of hypoplasia require surgical intervention.

The reproductive health of a woman depends on many factors. The indicator of endometrial thickness is one of the most important and significant parameters, since it is with it that the possibility of becoming pregnant, bearing and giving birth to a child is associated. Regular ultrasounds will help track the normal and abnormal conditions of the endometrium, as well as identify other gynecological abnormalities.

When a medical examination determines that your endometrium is 7 mm - what does this mean? Is this a sign of a pathological condition, and if so, what risks and threats to health and life does it pose? Let's try to answer these questions in this article.

The endometrium is an internal mucous membrane in the uterine body that lines the surface of the organ. In the tissue layer under consideration, there is a dense network of blood vessels. The structure of the endometrium is determined by the peculiarities of the course of the menstrual cycle, but the main functional purpose of the tissue remains the implantation of the embryo into the tissue surface of the uterine cavity.

The tissue under consideration has a unique regenerating structure and consists of two layers: basal and functional. The functional part of the tissue is rejected during menstruation, but the basal layer contributes to its complete restoration during the next menstrual cycle.

Since the endometrial epithelium is sensitive to changes in the hormonal background, the second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by thickening of the uterine endometrium. In addition, blood flow increases significantly in the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. So the body prepares for a possible conception and the introduction of the embryo into the walls of the uterine cavity. If fertilization does not occur, the functional layer dies and is brought out along with menstrual flow.

Thickening of the endometrial layer: a sign of hormonal changes

Under normal conditions of life, the thickness of the layer is about 3-6 millimeters.

Thick endometrium in itself is not an indicator of the disease, unless its value exceeds the recommended values ​​established by the laboratory.

Indicators of the thickness of the endometrial layer are important for future pregnancy, and it is possible to determine them using ultrasound diagnostics. If the mucous layer is very thick, this may be the first symptom indicating the spread of pathological processes in the uterus.

It is worth noting that the indicator of interest to us is a variable value, and fluctuates depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle.

  • Early proliferation occurs on the 5th-7th day of the cycle - while the thickness of the layer averages about 5 millimeters.
  • Upon reaching the average proliferation (eighth - tenth days of the cycle), the mucous tissue thickens up to 8 mm. Possible fluctuations - 6-12.
  • Late proliferation occurs on days 11-14 of the cycle and is characterized by an endometrial thickness of about 11 mm. The oscillation amplitude is 7-14.
  • Starting from the 14th day of the cycle, early secretion occurs (on the 15th-18th day). The thickness of the fabric ranges from 10 mm to 15 mm. The average is 12 mm.
  • The average secretion - on the 19-23rd day of the cycle - is characterized by the achievement of a maximum thickening - 14 mm. The oscillation amplitude is from 11 to 18.
  • During the period of late secretion (24-27 days), the thickness of the mucous membrane decreases to 12 millimeters. The average figure is 10-18 mm.

It is worth noting that fluctuations in the thickness of the endometrial epithelium caused by the menstrual cycle are quite natural, and do not contain any threat to the health and life of a woman. However, if during the monthly cycle the thickness of the mucous tissue reaches 19 mm or more, this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Pathological changes in the endometrium

In addition to changes in the thickness of the uterine tissue caused by the menstrual cycle, which are normal, there are a number of pathological changes caused by diseases caused by hormonal disorders. Among these pathologies, the main forms of damage are hyperplasia (when the endometrium is enlarged) and hypoplasia (thinning of the specified membrane).

What to do if you suspect a thickening of the uterine tissue? First of all, it is worth contacting a specialist who will advise and draw up the correct treatment, if necessary. A large volume of the tissue layer is not a sentence, but it is a fairly significant reason to pay attention to the state of your own body.

Hyperplasia is accompanied by a pathological expansion of the tissue and an increase in its volume, caused by benign changes in the glands and stroma of the mucous membrane of the uterine tissue. Thick endometrium is not always a direct symptom of hyperplasia, but almost always accompanies it.

The thickness of the endometrium will help to identify ultrasound - normally this figure should not exceed 6 mm. A layer thickness of 6 to 8 mm is a reason to repeat the study, since exceeding the norm by even 1 millimeter is already a cause for concern. With an endometrial thickness of 10 and even 12 millimeters, a diagnostic curettage is prescribed, based on the results of which a course of therapeutic measures is prescribed.

If the thickness of the tissue fluctuates in an amplitude of 10-12, this already indicates the presence of a developed pathology. From 12 to 15 - the thickness of the endometrium with hyperplasia is symptomatic for the development of cancers.

If the endometrium continues to thicken and the indicator exceeds 15 millimeters, this is directly related to the need to amputate the uterus due to the risk to the patient's life.

From 15 to 21 millimeters is a critical thickness that is directly related to the risk to the patient's life. The size of the endometrium is 17 mm - this is a direct reason for urgent surgical intervention.

An increase in the endometrium up to 21 mm should cause alarm among doctors, since it directly indicates the development of oncological pathology. In some particularly serious cases, endometrial thickness up to 24 millimeters was diagnosed (the highest recorded figure). What to do in such extreme situations? Treatment in such cases involves not only the immediate amputation of the affected organ, but also an intensive course of anticancer therapy.

Pathological growth of the endometrium: causes and treatment options

Changes in the thickness of the endometrial epithelium are directly related to hormonal disorders that develop in the body. Therefore, for the treatment of pathology, hormonal therapy is prescribed, aimed at stabilizing the hormonal background in the body, in combination with a surgical intervention that eliminates the lesion of the uterine tissue.

The causes of thickened endometrium can be very different - from past infectious diseases of the urinary tract to hereditary tendencies. There are also many diseases of the hormonal cycle, the comorbidity of which is uterine hyperplasia.

The thickness of the endometrium is only one of the diagnostic indicators to determine the presence of an extensive lesion. Not always individual figures can specifically determine the scale of the spread of the pathology.

When the size of the endometrium is 7 mm, what does this mean? Does this indicator mean that you should pay attention to the state of your own body, or should you not worry about such a minor issue?

The answer is that the slightest deviation from the norm in such an organ as the uterus needs a comprehensive study, finding out the causes and eliminating possible negative consequences. After all, we are talking about one of the main functions of the female body - reproductive.

Thickening of the endometrium in pathological forms of transformation of the mucous tissue of the uterine cavity is accompanied by changes at the cellular level, which can only be detected through a special study.

Therefore, the diagnosis of hyperplasia does not depend on the mere determination of an increase in the endometrial epithelium and is a complex laboratory process that takes into account many additional factors.

Often a woman who wants to become a mother comes to an ultrasound examination to make sure that she is all right, and hears from the doctor: “Oh, yes, your endometrium is thin - you will have to heal.” What is the endometrium in the uterus and why does its thickness affect the possibility of conception?

Endometrium: a method for determining its thickness

The endometrium is called the inner layer of the main reproductive organ of a woman. It consists of different cells:

  • integumentary tissue;
  • glandular epithelium;
  • connective tissue;
  • a large number of blood vessels.

The endometrium is two-layered. Its deeper, basal layer always remains in place, it helps the growth of the outer - functional.

The thickness of the uterine wall is not determined during a routine gynecological examination. It can only be measured with ultrasound. If a woman does not have any contraindications, a transvaginal method is used - that is, a study through the vagina. It causes no pain or discomfort. The main condition is that in order to determine the normal size of the endometrium, the study must be carried out strictly on the day of the cycle when the doctor prescribed it, because. The normal size will be different on different days.

There is no need to prepare for an ultrasound. You just need to come with an empty bladder and try not to use foods that cause increased gas formation on the eve of the examination: this can complicate the examination and cause discomfort to the patient herself.

Endometrial norm table on different days of the cycle

To detect possible deviations or diagnose a woman as “healthy”, doctors use a special table that gives the values ​​\u200b\u200bof normal numbers depending on the phase of the monthly cycle in which the patient is currently located. The discrepancy between the endometrium and the phase of the menstrual cycle is regarded as a pathology.

Let's turn to the numbers.

cycle days Phase name The thickness of the endometrium, in mm Average value, in mm
5-7 early proliferation 3-6 5
8-10 Medium proliferation 6-8 7
11-14 late proliferation 7-14 8
15-18 early secretion 10-16 12
19-23 Medium secretion 10-18 14
24-27 late secretion 12-13 12

Of course, these data are very average. Here is a standard 28-day cycle. If your monthly bleeding comes earlier or later, your days will shift accordingly. You came to the study at the beginning of the cycle, and you were told: "Endometrium 6 mm." What does it mean? This figure means that everything is in order with you: the “old” layer has already left, the formation of a new one begins. Everything is fine.

To determine various pathologies, such as polyps or hyperplasia, it is necessary to study it in the first part of the cycle: the endometrium is still thin, the doctor will be able to see everything: irregularities, growths and other "oddities" will be visible on the monitor.

The norm for the conception of a new life

How long should the endometrial layer be in mm so that the doctor can confidently send a woman to plan a child?

There is a value generally accepted by all gynecologists in the world - the lower threshold should be at least 7 mm. The endometrium serves to attach the fertilized egg to the uterus. In addition, it is a structure that supplies the fetus with essential nutrients. The blood vessels that make up its composition nourish the ripening embryo. The first time during pregnancy, this inner layer of the uterus replaces the emerging placenta.

The conclusion is obvious: without the proper thickness of the functional layer, pregnancy will simply be impossible: the fetus will not be able to attach and will come out with menstrual blood. This option is also possible: the fetal egg still “sticks” to the wall, having overcome all obstacles, but it will be difficult for it to stay there.

Most likely, a miscarriage will occur at a very early date, which the woman will not even notice: maybe the period will be delayed for a day or it will be painful. Agree, we rarely pay attention to such “little things”. Meanwhile, if measures had been taken in time, the pregnancy could have taken place.

What happens to the endometrium during pregnancy?

If the conception did not take place, the body simply rejects the “pillow” grown by it, that is, it throws out the functional layer that was not needed. In the next cycle, it will grow again - history will repeat itself until the menopause ...

But if the embryo managed to stay in the mother's body, the endometrium continues its development. It grows, reaching 20 mm in the first trimester. All these processes can also be tracked by ultrasound. In the future, the functional layer undergoes such a change: it becomes part of the placenta.

There are cases when pregnancy has come, and the endometrium "does not want" to become a good "pillow" for the fetus. Then they help him by prescribing special preparations to preserve and increase the layer, otherwise the pregnancy will be constantly under threat, and the fetus will face problems with the provision of nutrients.

Endometrium and menopause: what is the norm?

Older women are often concerned about the question: what should the endometrium be like if there are no periods? Does it go through any cyclical changes or does it always stay the same?

Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between 2 different periods: menopause and menopause. During menopause, periods are still going on, although they can be very rare, and a woman can even become pregnant. At the same time, the functional layer of the uterus changes in the same way as in youth, only the pace and cyclicity are disturbed due to the constant “dance” of hormones.

But in menopause, when the body "calms down", there should be no endometrial growth. Gynecologists talk about the norm when the endometrium does not exceed 4-5 mm. The mucous membrane gradually atrophies - this is a normal process.

If the doctor sees an endometrium of 6 mm on an ultrasound scan, then he offers the woman to observe for several months: if this size remains stable and does not increase, then this will simply be the norm for a particular woman. If there is a tendency to increase - be sure to undergo treatment. There is a risk of cancer.

Endometrium while taking COCs

The picture of the inner layer of the uterus when taking hormonal contraceptives resembles that which is characteristic of menopause. Therefore, if you have been prescribed hormone therapy, do not be alarmed by hearing that your endometrium is 4 mm (on any day of the artificial cycle). This is normal: the ovaries do not work, they do not produce hormones that are “responsible” for the growth of the functional layer. Usually everything returns to normal in the first cycle after the end of the medication.

Phases of a woman's menstrual cycle

Pathological conditions and their causes

Doctors note 2 cases of problems with the endometrium:

  • - hypoplasia;
  • - hyperplasia.

The first condition is often congenital, caused by insufficient synthesis of hormones. It is absolutely not dangerous for life, but it will not work to bear a child with a thin endometrium. Therefore, for treatment, patients are prescribed hormone-containing drugs, in particular, estrogen-containing drugs. They also give a good effect:

  • – gynecological massage;
  • – hirudotherapy;
  • - staying at resorts with mineral waters.

All these procedures “disinhibit” the oppressed function of the ovaries, as a result, the endometrium grows to normal.

Hyperplasia is a more unpleasant condition. This word refers to the excessive growth of the uterine layer. It would seem, what's wrong with that - a thick endometrium, is it convenient for the child? But hyperplasia also interferes with the attachment of the fetal egg: against its background, polyps often appear that require removal. In addition, this condition is dangerous for the health of the woman herself: the layer of the endometrium gradually grows, does not come out with blood during menstruation, accumulates and may one day “break through” with severe bleeding that requires hospitalization.

The causes of hyperplasia are also hormonal disorders. Excess estrogen leads to the accumulation of too thick a layer inside the uterus. In this case, progesterone is usually low: the balance is disturbed. Often this problem occurs in late reproductive age, manifested either by heavy periods, or, conversely, by meager and spotting in the middle of the cycle. It is successfully treated with curettage and a subsequent course of contraceptives.

The thickness of the endometrium is an important indicator of women's health at any age. Therefore, it is imperative to periodically go for a check-up to a gynecologist and do an ultrasound. Whether you are about to become a mother or have already entered the post-climate period, visiting a doctor at least once a year is a mandatory measure for maintaining health. Today, most of the problems associated with the thickness of the endometrium can be corrected. Take care of yourself - and you will live a happy, fulfilling life, regardless of age!

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