How to activate the brain on. How to activate your brain? How the brain works

The ability to memorize and master information is an ability that absolutely every person needs. Possessing such a skill is possible only when memory fails. If the incoming data is quickly processed and remembered, a person has a clear mind, can achieve a lot.

Everyone needs a good memory. It helps schoolchildren and students to quickly learn teaching materials and successfully pass exams, employees of various fields to cope with their duties and qualifications, and older people to maintain active brain activity and arrive in good physical shape.

Daily loads do not pass without a trace. They have a direct impact on the thought process when too much information comes in, most of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important "little things", for example, going shopping, they don’t remember what they intended to buy, or if they turned off the gas in the house when they left. It is impossible to ignore forgetfulness at any age, since with age the situation will only worsen.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates.The structure of these nutrients is converted to glucose. To replenish the supply of this substance, it is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a slice of bread baked from whole grains, as well as an omelet.
  • Dancing and sports.It’s not necessary to train for hours. It is enough to carry out some exercises to stimulate the flow of blood to the brain. Scientific studies have shown that in people who are actively moving, the assimilation of information occurs 20% faster than in those who neglect physical exercise.
  • Typing.The development of memory is well promoted by texts typed by unusual text, but the effect is noticeable not immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information.You should not miss the chance to comprehend more, and not just perform your duties. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • To fix places in memory.People who park their car in the parking lot can stand for a while, look left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol.A small portion before dinner allows you to develop memory well, as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality brushing with dental floss.On the gums during the day there is a large number of bacteria from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they badly affect the work of all organs.

These simple and affordable ways to improve memory are pretty easy to implement in your life.

Pills for improving brain activity - TOP10

Modern pharmacology offers many medications that stimulate the work of the brain and memory:

The tool normalizes brain activity, metabolic processes, reduces intoxication. These pills improve sleep quality. They are a kind of vitamins with a certain metabolic effect, contributing to the transformation of reactions that occur in the body, support the basic processes of life.

Taking pills increases concentration, improves memory, normalizes brain activity. The drug contains piracetes and other auxiliary compounds, is nootropic. Its reception helps to memorize information well, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves consciousness. Tablets do not cause nervous system excitement.

A tonic drug, which contains natural minerals and vitamins. Regular intake of these pills stimulates metabolism, enriches the brain with valuable substances, reduces fatigue, and is indispensable during depression, stress and anxiety.

The drug with a nootropic effect, which is used to improve concentration, restores memory, relieves dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and lethargy. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, reducing depressive states.

These nootropic tablets improve the state of memory, the functioning of brain cells, greatly facilitate the process of mastering and memorizing new incoming information, and help with passing exams, reports and certification. The drug supports the rapid exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres, as well as cells in an active state, uplifting.

It is a phytopreparation that helps improve blood circulation, because it nourishes the body's cells with glucose. Tablets prevent thrombosis, eliminate tinnitus, and restore visual acuity. They normalize blood circulation, which helps increase the brain's ability to learn.

It refers to nootropic drugs and is taken to normalize blood supply after suffering head injuries, strokes, migraines, as well as glaucoma. The drug helps withstand mental and physical stress, and also reduces the manifestations of irritation and anxiety.

It is a pill prescribed to improve memory and brain activity, which suffered diseases of the cardiovascular system and suffer from high blood pressure, as well as from constant dizziness, atherosclerosis, inhibition of development in childhood, panic attacks, intoxication from alcohol medicines. Like many other drugs, it is a nootropic.

This is a medication that is prescribed to people suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia. The drug is also taken by those who are constantly exposed to great physical exertion, have diseases associated with changes in the vessels of the brain. Nootropic tablets can be prescribed for children with mental retardation with attention deficit disorder and stuttering.

The drug is an angioprojector. The tool is designed based on components of plant origin. It tones the blood vessels, normalizes metabolic functions. Take Memoplant to relieve headache, dizziness, noise not only in the ears, but also in the occipital region, as well as with insufficient blood supply to the limbs.

Drugs sold in pharmacies improve memory, brain function and increase the capabilities that the body has.

Pills that stimulate memory and brain activity can bring much greater effectiveness and no harm, if you observe some nuances:

  • Glycine has no toxic side effects, so you can buy the drug without an appointment from your doctor.
  • Nootropil, on the contrary, cannot be bought on free sale. The body of a person who has suffered an injury or some kind of ailment may respond differently to taking the drug, which requires careful and careful handling.
  • Without consulting a specialist, you should not drink such tablets as Intellan. It is better to start taking this tool after consulting a doctor, following all the recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of Piracetam directly depends on the regimen. It is recommended to take this drug exclusively according to the recommendations of a specialist. The drug is released exclusively by prescription.
  • Taking Phenotropil stimulates the work of brain cells responsible for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only a specialist can determine the effect of tablets on the body, so the remedy is dispensed with a prescription.
  • Tanakan, available in tablets, is available on prescription, and in liquid form can be purchased on the market.
  • Dosages of the drug Memoplant from 40 to 80 mg can be purchased without a prescription from a specialist. When the amount of the purchased product is from 120 mg or more, it is not dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

In a pharmacy, you can not buy drugs such as Pantogam, Picamilon and Aminalon in a free sale.

Folk ways to improve brain function

You can activate and stimulate the work of memory not only with the use of tablets, but also with various folk remedies:

  1. Tincture of clover.To prepare a homemade preparation, it is necessary to fill in clover inflorescences with 500 ml of vodka, put in a cool place for 14 days. A tablespoon of this home remedy before bedtime is enough to improve clarity of consciousness and mind, getting rid of noise in the head.
  2. Horseradish with lemon. The tool is easy and simple to prepare. It cleanses blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Juice made from 3 lemons is mixed with a jar of horseradish and 3 tablespoons of honey. This mass is left in the refrigerators for 3 weeks, and then taken a teaspoon twice a day.
  3. Pine young buds.Gaining prosperity in the spring. You don’t need to cook anything from the kidneys, they just chew before eating, which allows you to restore memory and slow down the aging process.

A positive effect on the body and memory is provided by nutrition. It must be rich in protein. The diet must contain dried fruits, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, sunflower seeds, salads cooked in olive oil, and dark chocolate. Frozen blueberries and fresh blueberries have a positive effect on visual acuity and brain circulation.

Starting to perform exercises for the mind is useful at absolutely any age. There are quite a few simple tricks for brain training:

  • Pronounce the words starting with each letter of the alphabet from the first and so on. This must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat foreign words that were learned while studying at school or institute.
  • Count numbers in reverse order. You can start from fifty to zero, and then gradually expand the limits.
  • Play towns when they call the names by the last letter of the previous one.
  • Come up with synonyms for a variety of words.

It is useful to solve crosswords, memorize poems, solve complex problems.

There are many unconventional ways to recover memory. They sound pretty weird, but some are pretty good about them.

"Golden Water" is one of the unconventional means, the effectiveness of which many speak quite positively. Scientists do not confirm the fact that the noble metal reacts with water, but the people who took it speak positively about this remedy.

To feel the efficacy of a precious metal, you can prepare a special tool. In a half-liter glassware filled with water, they put a gold jewelry without any gem inserts. Next, put the container on fire, boil the liquid so that the volume decreases by half, take the product three times a day, one teaspoon each. Two weeks later, according to reviews, memory improves and the heart muscle strengthens.

What factors negatively affect memory?

The abundance of information and the huge amount of advice that a modern person has to face daily, for the most part do not carry anything useful in themselves. Unfortunately, this usually comes much later. The abundance of information flows overloads the brain, which begins to malfunction, expressed in the fact that useful information begins to be forgotten.

  • There is not a large number of flour and sweet products, pickles, which lead to the fact that the accumulated fluid in the body is poorly excreted, constipation, headaches begin. These negative consequences lead to the fact that the blood supply is disturbed in the brain.
  • Cease to lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, as blood begins to circulate poorly when internal organs and the brain cease to receive enough nutrition.
  • Do not spend all time at home, because the brain needs enough oxygen.
  • Refuse to take medications for which the doctor did not prescribe, because side effects negatively affect health and can be addictive.

A negative effect on memory is also caused by the use of large amounts of alcohol.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to a good memory

Regular physical activity, a proper balanced diet and giving up bad habits, especially smoking, as studies show, help to improve and stimulate memory.

Correct posture also plays an important role. Try to keep your back straight, even when there is some stoop. Straightened shoulders and a backward-leaning neck improve blood circulation in the brain. You should carefully monitor digestion, which largely depends on proper nutrition.

To live a healthy and long life allows only self-employment, when necessary, even overpowering yourself, exercise regularly, take walks, eat fresh food, and develop mental potential. And if you stay healthy, then always be happy.

Hello, friends! Today we will consider an important topic for life, how to activate the brain.

Exercises are given from Dr. Alexei Mamatov, the leading CLUB HEALTH AND LONGEVITY.

These exercises, called self-massage of the head, give a powerful result.

Why do exercises for the brain?

Our brain, like the body, needs exercise. Our gray matter of the brain is also muscles, only of a special property.

And each brain muscle is responsible for its own area. And there are many such areas in the brain. Here are just a few of them:


  • Short and long term.
  • Orientation in space.
  • Remembering people and numbers.
  • The ability to think creatively.
  • The development of willpower.
  • The ability to make decisions instantly.
  • The ability to quickly and coherently speak.

Providing the sensory organs:

  • Vision.
  • Hearing.
  • Sense of smell.
  • Touch.

Regulation of all internal organs.

Exercises to activate the brain.

  1. Heated palms. Rub and warm your palms. So do this before each exercise.
  1. Soft stroking. Put your left palm on your forehead, and your right palm on the back of the head and gently rub them first one way 12 times, and then the other 12 times.
  1. Face wash. Move your palms from the center of the forehead to the edges, then from the eyes go down to the chin. Do a few dozen times. This will smooth out facial wrinkles, remove anxiety, stress, and in the morning helps to finally wake up.
  1. Activation of vision. Fold two fingers on each hand together: the ring finger with the little finger, and the index finger with the middle one, and spread these pairs apart. Apply the divorced pairs to the inner corners of the eyes at the nose and lead them with massage movements to the outer corners of the eyes, to the temples. Do this exercise 12 times. It improves vision, smoothes wrinkles in the eyes, and normalizes intraocular pressure.
  1. Brain activation by biting the tip of the tongue . The tip of the tongue is very well connected to the brain. If you can bite it so that it OK in your head, that's good. In addition, this exercise relieves drowsiness.
  1. Pressure on the points.
    • Press the point "I". The “I” point is a great point, pressure on it enhances concentration. She is at the very tip of the nose.
    • Then crush on the magnificent point under the nose, it "turns on" the brain. The direction of pressure should be clear to the top of the head and strong.
    • Then crush to the point between the eyebrows, where the third eye is. Here is the area responsible for memory, speed of thinking, will. Press the point hard, but if you have a frontal disease, then press moderately. Also, be careful not to get your finger in the eye.
  1. Kneading ears Hold your palms to your ears. In each direction, make as many circular movements as you are. And with your thumbs, massage behind your ears at this time. Exercise activates the brain, kidneys, improves hearing. After the first month of exercise, your ears will become soft, even if they were ossified before.
  1. Ear massage.
    With three fingers we take hold of the edges of the ears and lightly strok it with movements from top to bottom. One stroking in about 4 seconds as many times as you are old.
    Then we take the earlobes and pull it down five times, then 5 times to the sides, and finally, grab the tip of the ear and pull it 5 times up. This exercise activates the brain, and also improves hearing and other organs, as the auricles are connected by biologically active points with the whole body.
  1. "Thunder of heavenly drums"
    This ancient and ever new technique came to us from China. Let us close our eyes. We cover the ears with our palms so that the fingers are on the back of the head. Use your fingers to tap the back of the head as many times as you are. This exercise improves hearing, improves blood circulation deep in the brain, in the inner ear, activates the reticular formation and instantly relieves fatigue at the crucial moment.

Watch a short video from Dr. Alexei Mamatov how to perform these exercises.

The powerful exercises given here will help you:

  1. Activate the brain (improves memory of all kinds).
  2. Normalize intracranial pressure.
  3. Improve hearing.
  4. Improve vision.
  5. To restore hair ...

And also you will achieve many other positive effects.
That's all for now.

I ask you, dear friends, to write in the comment how you liked these exercises?
I will be glad if you click on the social buttons. networks.

With respect and love Alina Taranets .
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Instruction manual

At any opportunity, train your memory. For example, lotto, chess, checkers, cards not only optimize memory, but also develop ingenuity and quick wit. No less useful for memory training is solving puzzles, mathematical problems and solving crosswords. Learn foreign languages \u200b\u200b- one of the most difficult but effective ways to “wake up” your brain. It affects, develops associative thinking well, improves communication skills. However, training on memorization can be started small - for example, remember phone numbers, but not only those that you need in everyday life, as well as those that you rarely call. If you are prone to imaginative thinking, you can try to learn a long fable or poem. The more you “download” to your cranial “computer”, the higher will be its performance and impact.

A few years ago, the French psychologist Francis Rocher did, which in received the "Mozart effect." Listening to the musical works of the great composer Mozart can improve mathematical thinking. The experiments were carried out on rats, the results and scientific papers published in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Thus, rats overcame obstacles and labyrinths much faster after listening to Mozart than after noisy music, for example, by composer Philip Glass. Music is not only the most harmonious way to increase your mental abilities, the scientist is convinced, but also to improve health in general.

For it is important not only intellectual and musical food, but also good nutrition from the inside. By consuming natural foods, you help your brain renew cells because the circulatory system constantly delivers nutrients to the brain. Building materials include vegetable fatty acids (for example, vegetable oil, nuts) and minerals, namely phosphorus, copper, sulfur, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron. Phosphorus, which promotes the formation of new brain cells, is found in excess in legumes, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, radishes, and soy. Sulfur, which provides saturation of brain cells with oxygen, is present in cabbage, garlic, carrots, figs, onions and potatoes. Zinc, which increases mental abilities and improves blood composition, can be supplied to the body by germinated wheat and wheat bran. And calcium and iron, which are responsible for blood formation, a sufficient level of hemoglobin and blood composition, are found in apples, apricots, beets, cabbage, green vegetables, tomatoes, legumes, and rice. And finally, magnesium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the entire nervous system, enters the body along with almonds, mint, chicory, olives, peanuts and whole wheat grains.

Oxygen activates the brain as well as possible. It is enough to take a deep breath several times, preferably fresh air (on the street, not in a closed room) at the moment when you need to “brainwash”. It is better to breathe through the nose, you should sit straight. Experiment: try to solve a simple mathematical problem in your mind while sitting in a stooped position and with your mouth open, and then solve another problem, but straightening up and closing your mouth. The difference will be obvious. By the way, a light charge will be enough so that blood begins to flow more actively to the brain. Only ten squats, jumps and bends will "wake up" the brain. Surely you noticed that during a quick walk or jog, the flow of thoughts is more active.

Most people are most often dissatisfied with their own knowledge and try by any means to improve memory and brain function. However, exercise alone is often not enough.

After all, there can be many reasons for excessive absent-mindedness and forgetfulness: this is excessive fatigue, poor nutrition, lack of oxygen due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, etc.

Physical exercises

University teachers have long noticed that students leading a healthy lifestyle are successful in their studies. The magical power of sports, which helps to achieve clarity of mind, has a completely scientific explanation. According to the latest data, with every heart beat, 20–25% of the blood goes to the brain. Together with it, not only nutrients enter it, but also oxygen.

Aerobic breathing exercises have a significant effect on the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for the transition of short-term to long-term memory). Moreover, according to researchers from Canada, you can increase its size with the help of playing sports at any, including in old age.

Regular exercises that promote the flow of oxygen can increase the production of a special protein specific for the nervous system, which is responsible for the development of brain cells and their survival.

Advice!A regular evening run before the exam will not only relieve nervous tension before a serious test, but will also saturate the blood, and hence the brain cells, with oxygen.

Memory training

It is believed that most people remember only 5% of the information learned over their lives. Another 35% of them are able to recall part of it with the help of leading questions. However, any organ, including the brain, can and should be trained.

There are many methods to improve brain function and develop memory. It could be:

  • regular reading;
  • memorizing poems or songs;
  • interesting hobby;
  • solving crosswords or puzzles;
  • game of chess, etc.

You can help your brain to concentrate better with the help of special exercises. And you can do them on the go:

  • being in transport or on the street, look at the person for a few seconds, then turn away and restore his appearance in the memory (hair, eyes, clothes, etc.); it is possible to consider and analyze not only people, but also any objects;
  • when buying products, try to calculate at least the approximate cost of purchases in your mind; Compare and remember prices in various stores, this will help not only train the brain, but also save;
  • any new activities will stimulate it - that is, even if in the morning you brush your teeth not with your right, but with your left hand, this will already be unusual for the brain, and therefore a new event requiring attention concentration.

Advice! Psychologists have developed a fairly large number of techniques that help improve memory function and brain attention. However, a person very quickly remembers only information that is of interest to him. Therefore, choose from all existing methods suitable for you. At the same time, regularly introduce some personal innovations to the training complex.

Improve memory and brain function through meditation

Most people do not know how to fully focus and disconnect from extraneous thoughts or external stimuli. You can learn to concentrate your own attention with the help of simple exercises.

Researchers have found that people practicing meditation have increased gray matter density. The number of neural connections in them is also significantly higher. With the help of yoga, you can and significantly synchronize the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

Moreover, to improve the functioning of the brain, it is completely optional to perform some complex exercises. The simplest asanas and the initial stages of meditation will help his work. They will not only teach you how to concentrate, but also improve brain circulation and strengthen the nervous system.

Advice! All exercises should be carried out in complete silence. The muscles of the body should be completely relaxed. At first, attention is concentrated on one's own body and its individual areas. Gradually, it switches to ambient sounds and smells. The presence of any extraneous thoughts during class is undesirable.

Healthy foods

What foods improve memory and brain function? They can be divided into two groups: quick and long-term exposure. For example, chocolate containing magnesium and glucose can stimulate brain cells quite strongly. However, its validity is limited in time. With regular consumption of nuts, long-term memory can be greatly improved.
Natural stimulants-vitamins that improve memory and brain function include:

  • bioflavonoids (vitamins D, E and P);
  • all B vitamins, including folic acid (vitamin "genius");
  • vitamins C.

Advice! Vitamin intake is best combined with preparations containing omega-3 acids.

Most important for long-term brain function are most of the B vitamins found in the liver, herbs, eggs, and dairy products. The same eggs, dairy products, as well as beans and poultry meat also contain adrenaline and dopamine, which increase not only physical, but also mental activity.

It should be included in the diet and tomatoes, soy, dates, figs, bananas and chocolate containing serotin - a hormone of joy. It is he who is responsible not only for our appetite, sexual desires, but also for memory and learning ability.

Advice! It is noted that residents of Italy, who consume enough vegetable (olive) oil, containing omega acids, lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure, remain clarity of mind for much longer.

Do not forget about this very useful product for the brain. You can make up for the lack of omega acids with nuts, oily fish and pumpkin.

Maintain your weight

The balance of glucose - the most important nutrient for brain cells - is significantly impaired in overweight people. With a high content of carbohydrates and animal fats, the protein content with a rather long name - the neurotropic factor of the brain - responsible for the health of neurons, decreases.

Therefore, if you want to become successful, keep an eye on weight. Eat more foods that enhance memory and brain function from whole grains, fish, nuts, herbs, fresh or steamed vegetables and fruits. Moreover, for the proper functioning of the brain, not only composition is important, but also a balanced diet. The intake of important nutrients into the body should not occur from case to case, but systematically and regularly.

Advice!When overeating, a large amount of energy is spent on food processing. That is why a person becomes drowsy and sleepy after eating. To be in shape, before an important meeting or event, limit yourself to light foods that contain a minimum of calories.

The benefits of sleep

With a lack of sleep, the whole body suffers. But its absence on the brain is especially painfully reflected. After all, it is during sleep that the analysis and processing of the information received per day occurs. Without proper sorting and processing, a new brain will simply be incapable of perceiving something.

With constant lack of sleep, human performance drops rapidly. If night wakefulness occurs regularly, it can even result in serious functional diseases, including mental and psychomotor disorders.

For sleep, you should choose a warm, darkened room. The habit of going to bed at the same time has a beneficial effect on rest - in this case, falling asleep occurs without difficulty. It should be preceded by a calm, relaxing environment. The adoption of a warm relaxing shower, reading a good book, etc., has a beneficial effect on falling asleep.

Advice! The duration of sleep in each person is individual. Moreover, excess sleep is just as harmful as its lack. But if you feel overwhelmed even after a 7–8 hour full sleep, try reviewing your routine and increasing its duration by at least half an hour. A longer sleep is also required in the case of intense physical or mental labor.

Folk remedies

They help improve memory and brain function and folk remedies:

  • blueberry juice;
  • a mixture of freshly squeezed juice of beets and carrots;
  • horseradish roots and leaves;
  • red mountain ash bark;
  • pine buds;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • clover;
  • calamus roots;
  • the roots of elecampane.

All these plants can strengthen the vessels of the brain and improve its blood supply.

Advice! Any herbal preparations and herbs that improve memory and brain function can also be included in aromatherapy courses. Be sure to find time for a walk in the flowering gardens and parks: the aromas of roses, lily of the valley, linden, bird cherry can have beneficial effects on the cells of neurons.

Child's memory

With regular and sufficient sleep, adequate physical exertion, proper nutrition and the absence of stress and conflict in the family and school, a healthy child should have no problems remembering. Indeed, it is at an early age that neuroplasticity - the ability of the brain to adapt to our requirements - is better developed in children than in adults.

However, in primary school age, the ability to concentrate attention and logical thinking for a long time is still poorly developed, therefore, first of all, attention should be paid specifically to their training. And this should be done in an unobtrusive way. To support the baby’s desire to learn new things, you should definitely show him how to use new knowledge in everyday life or in the game.

It is possible to improve the memory and work of the brain in a child with the development of at least two of the three main channels - auditory, motor and visual. Easy to learn new knowledge and children who know how to visualize what they hear, to present it in the "pictures". It’s great if you use visual samples for training: toys or drawings.

Advice! Excessive brain tension is perceived by the body as violent, and it immediately includes a protective reaction in the form of drowsiness, headache, etc. Therefore, the number of lessons with a child should be strictly proportionate to his age.

Memory Enhancers

After 30 years, the speed of perception of new information begins to decline, and by the age of 40-50, remembering it quite often becomes a serious problem. In order to maintain clarity of mind for as long as possible, experts advise not only to eat right, play sports and regularly train the brain, but also take special formulations. The drugs that improve memory and brain function include:

  • glycine: helps accelerate chemical reactions, reduces nervous tension;
  • piracetam: improving cerebral circulation concentration;
  • aminalon: enhancing energy processes in nerve cells, accelerating the transmission of impulses, stimulating the absorption of glucose;
  • phenibut: Improving sleep, reducing tension; facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system;

  • pantogam: stimulating metabolic processes in neurons; often prescribed for children with mental retardation;
  • phenotropil: accelerating the breakdown of glucose; blood circulation improves concentration;
  • vitrum memori: improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain, enhances cerebral circulation.

However, all these drugs can cause side effects and fluctuations in blood pressure. Therefore, without prior medical advice, they should not be taken.

Advice!Smoking kills the vessels that feed the brain. Moreover, in the fight against this poison, even the most powerful tools that improve memory and brain function can be powerless. If you want your brain to work like a clock, drop this addiction as quickly as possible.

With such a pace of medical and technological progress, the day will surely be just around the corner when any person can “disperse” his brain with the help of one tablet, like a computer. But while magic pills are not invented, it is worth paying attention to the means available now - nootropics. This group of substances includes all neurometabolic stimulants that have a pronounced positive effect on human brain functions. The main source of nootropics is not the chemical industry, but Mother Nature, and her arsenal is truly huge.

Today we bring to your attention a hit parade of fifteen substances that improve memory and stimulate brain function. It is unlikely that with their help you will be able to become the second Einstein, but you will be able to increase your efficiency, concentration and resistance to stress for sure, but at the same time strengthen your health and prolong youth. The article has specific recommendations for taking nootropic substances and extracts of medicinal plants.

But before you start reading, please consider a few important points:

    Natural dietary supplements and plant extracts, with all their harmlessness, can have contraindications, cause allergic reactions and give side effects. Therefore, taking them without consulting a doctor who knows your history and medical history is strongly not recommended;

    The dosage of nootropics, the duration and alternation of courses of treatment should also be set individually, based on the age of the person and the characteristics of his body. That is, if your doctor said that ginseng is useful, this does not mean that you need to eat it in handfuls for a year in a row;

    The best is the enemy of the good, remember this, standing at the pharmacy counter with dozens of bright jars. You do not need to take several drugs at the same time, hoping in this way to achieve a more pronounced effect. It is better to alternate nootropics and focus on your sensations in order to determine exactly the substance that helps stimulate brain activity and improve memory specifically for you;

    Be sure to track your progress with special tests and exercises. The only way to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the selected nootropic and replace it with another drug, if necessary.

The main organ of the nervous system - the brain - consists of a third of lecithin phospholipid. Yes, the very one that we have since childhood strongly associated with the yolks of chicken eggs. The peripheral nervous system, by the way, also consists of 17% lecithin. The components of this substance in one or another amount are present in the cells and tissues of the entire human body and are involved in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and mediators. That is why a lack of lecithin has fatal consequences: the functioning of all organs and systems is disrupted.

In the presence of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), lecithin is transformed into acetylcholine - the most important neurotransmitter, on which the speed of nervous reactions, the ability to concentrate, memorize and analyze information depends. In addition, lecithin provides a more complete assimilation of all fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K). It is the achievement of a healthy vitamin status that underlies neurodietology - the science of proper nutrition for the brain and nervous system as a whole. On how well the body is provided with vitamins, the intellectual abilities of a person that are laid in infancy directly depend on.

During the first year of life, the baby receives huge doses of lecithin from breast milk. It is noteworthy that there is 100 times more lecithin in milk than in the whole circulatory system of a nursing mother. If it is impossible to breastfeed, you need to select a baby formula for the baby with the most optimal phospholipid content. The speed of speech and motor development, stress resistance, the ability to socially adapt, and academic performance in a preschool institution and school will depend on whether the child’s body receives a sufficient amount of lecithin in the first years of life.

An adult, not only engaged in mental labor or high-precision production, but also regularly exposed to stress and forced to concentrate for a long time (drivers, sellers) really needs lecithin. By enriching your diet with this phospholipid, you will be less likely to feel tired, and you will be able to extend your youth and ability to work. Lecithin is found in large quantities in eggs, chicken and beef liver, fatty fish, seeds and nuts, as well as in all leguminous plants, especially in soy. It is from soy that most of the dietary supplements with lecithin are produced.

A child is recommended to receive 1-4 grams of lecithin per day, and 5-6 grams for an adult. To achieve a pronounced effect, drugs with lecithin are taken for at least three months, only for such a period can significantly improve memory and increase mental performance. Lecithin has no contraindications, moreover, this valuable phospholipid will help you not only stimulate the brain, but also support the body as a whole.

2. Caffeine + L-tianine

A cup of strong coffee - that’s the first thing that comes to mind when you need to concentrate, drive off a nap and force yourself to learn a lesson, solve a problem, perform complex mental work. But scientists have long proved that caffeine alone does not affect academic performance and labor productivity. He will not tell you the right decision and will not throw a good idea. All that coffee can do is cause a short-term agitation of the nervous system, thanks to which your brain will last a little “afloat”. But the energy surge will soon turn into a recession, moreover, fatigue and drowsiness will manifest much more than before taking caffeine.

Another thing is the combination of caffeine with the amino acid L-thianine contained in green tea. This substance is able to bypass the blood-brain barrier and protect the brain from the aggressive stimulating effect of caffeine, while maintaining and prolonging the positive stimulating effect of the latter. L-tianine does not allow caffeine to increase blood pressure and provoke a hypercompensation reaction when a sharp decline follows an increase in brain activity.

Tests have shown that the best result can be achieved by taking 50 mg of caffeine and 100 mg of L-thianine for several hours. This dosage is equivalent to two cups of green tea and one cup of coffee, and it will allow you to significantly increase concentration, improve the speed of logical thinking and visual information processing. There are complex dietary supplements based on caffeine and L-thianine, but only relatively healthy people who do not have diseases of the cardiovascular system can take them, as well as indulge in caffeine-containing drinks regularly.

3. Dark chocolate (flavonols)

Well, when it comes to raising the mood, chocolate immediately comes to mind. It not only has a pleasant taste, but also contains flavonols - substances that stimulate the production of the hormone of joy, endorphin. In addition, flavonols enhance the perfusion of the brain and accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses, which allows us to remain collected and alert longer. Most flavonols are in the sort of chocolate in which there is more cocoa, that is, in black, or bitter, as it is also called.

Milk and white tiles with many fillers and aromatic additives negate the full benefits of chocolate. If you want to achieve a healing effect from your favorite treats, make it a rule to eat every day 35-200 g of good dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 80%. Stretch the pleasure, breaking off a few pieces, then you will constantly be in good mood and energetic state.

4. Piracetam + Choline

If you ask neuropathologists what substance best stimulates the brain and improves memory, they will first name Piracetam, also known as Lucetam and Nootropil. This drug is the flagship of the Nootropic squadron; it is prescribed for patients with mental retardation, senile dementia, and even. But for absolutely healthy people who just want to improve their memory and increase their intellectual tone, we can safely recommend Piracetam.

The principle of action of this drug on the body is to stimulate the synthesis of acetylcholine and the expansion of its functions. Piracetam allows a person to use the resources of his main neurotransmitter in full. To enhance this effect, it is recommended to combine taking Piracetam with choline. This will at the same time allow you to insure yourself against those that sometimes arise against the background of long-term treatment with Piracetam. Usually, 300 mg of this and other substances are prescribed three times a day, but we emphasize once again that uncontrolled intake of nootropics without the knowledge of a doctor is not a good idea.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids

The most fashionable trend in modern neurodietology is the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, or simply enriching the diet with fatty varieties of ocean fish, legumes, nuts and seeds. Omega-3s are, in the literal sense, food for the brain: eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids provide cell renewal and the necessary reaction rate between organoids. In practice, this means that with the help of ordinary fish oil, a person can improve memory, protect against daily stresses and provide clarity of mind to old age.

Omega-3 fatty acids positively affect the state of the brain and nervous system not only in sick people, for example, with Alzheimer's disease, but also in healthy ones. Studies have been repeatedly conducted with the participation of control groups consisting of people of different sex and age, and the results confirmed the effectiveness of omega-3 in all areas: memory, stress resistance, concentration of attention, speed of nervous reactions. A day, an adult needs 1-2 capsules of fish oil (1200-2400 mg of omega-3) in order to significantly improve brain function in a few months.

6. Creatine

Creatine belongs to the group of nitrogen-containing organic acids and is synthesized in the body of all mammals, including humans. If you artificially increase the concentration of this useful substance, you can accelerate cellular reactions, enhance muscle growth and increase the fatigue threshold. A great combination of effects for athletes and bodybuilders, right? This is why creatine, a dietary supplement, is very popular in the sports community.

But today we are interested in the nootropic status of creatine. This nutrient is also useful for those who want to “pump” the brain, since it has an energy-saving effect on the brain. Creatine is involved in the reactions taking place in the mitochondria and the cytosol, and contributes to the accumulation and conservation of energy in the cells. As a result, a good memory and high speed of analytical thinking. It is recommended to take 5 g of creatine daily, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

Another useful amino acid - L-tyrosine - is part of the protein composition of all tissues and organs and is produced from phenylalanine. Without a sufficient amount of this amino acid, adequate synthesis of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, as well as the main neurotransmitter, dopamine, is impossible. To provide yourself with L-tyrosine, you can either significantly increase the consumption of seafood, fish, meat, legumes and cereals, or purchase a ready-to-eat dietary supplement.

L-tyrosine is very useful not only for those people whose professional activity is associated with strong mental stress and a long concentration of attention. This amino acid significantly increases the fatigue threshold, so for those who are engaged in physical labor, it is also extremely useful. L-tyrosine prevents the development of endocrine diseases, maintains health, adrenal glands and the pituitary gland. However, if you already suffer from a similar disease and are taking hormonal drugs, be sure to consult your doctor about L-tyrosine to avoid unwanted drug interactions.

8. Acetyl-L-carnitine

Acetyl-L-carnitine is an amino acid better known for those who want to lose weight and rejuvenate than those who seek to improve memory and stimulate brain activity. But its nootropic functions deserve attention, since acetyl-L-carnitine has the same effect on the brain as creatine - it regulates the energy balance. Regularly taking this amino acid, you can immediately achieve three positive effects: activate the brain, get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome and tidy up carbohydrate metabolism.

A study conducted at one of American universities showed that students who took acetyl-L-carnitine for two months were able to improve academic performance much better than their comrades who did not take this amino acid. Men will probably be interested to know that acetyl-L-carnitine stimulates the natural synthesis of testosterone, which means it improves sexual function.

9. Vitamins of group B

There are no more important vitamins for the nervous system than these: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. It is the vitamins of group B that take the most active part in the work of nerves and the brain, therefore everyone who wants to maintain clarity of mind and good memory for a long time should provide themselves with them. Every third resident of Russia is deficient in B vitamins, it is especially worrying that children lack the necessary substances, and it is precisely during the period of growth and development of the nervous system that the person’s intellectual potential is determined. Just by reviewing your family’s daily diet, and taking multivitamins by season, you can solve this problem.

Thiamine - Vitamin B1

The first vitamin on our list is perhaps the same in importance, because thiamine is not without reason called the "vitamin of the mind." It contributes to the complete and rapid absorption of glucose by the brain, which is why thiamine deficiency immediately negatively affects memory and concentration. To prevent the brain from starving, you need to regularly consume cereals (, oatmeal), legumes (,), vegetables (,). Thiamine is perfectly absorbed, but is very quickly destroyed by sugar, alcohol, nicotine and tea tannins.

Riboflavin - Vitamin B2

We will call this substance “vitamin of energy”, since it is riboflavin that accelerates metabolic processes and the transfer of impulses between neurons. In other words, vitamin B2 allows the body to make full use of the energy received from food. Then both mental pursuits and sports will bring more joy and less fatigue. Riboflavin can be replenished by eating eggs, offal (liver, kidney), milk, yeast, and. This vitamin is preserved by heat treatment, but does not like direct sunlight.

Niacin - Vitamin B3

Pantothenic Acid - Vitamin B5

Pantothenic acid is suitable for the title of "beauty vitamin", because it is directly involved in fat metabolism and skin regeneration. This vitamin is also needed for the rapid transmission of nerve impulses, therefore, those who wish to improve memory and increase brain activity can be recommended to regularly eat nuts, sprouted grains, yeast, mushrooms, legumes, meat and offal, as well as drink.

Pyridoxine - Vitamin B6

We will give this vitamin the title “antidepressant,” since it is necessary for the normal synthesis of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and serotonin. Pyridoxine is also involved in the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems - it is involved in the production of gastric juice. The proper absorption of another important vitamin, B12, occurs only in the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B6, therefore it is recommended to include legumes, cereals, yeast, vegetables, fish and fruits, especially bananas, and cherries in your diet.

Folic Acid - Vitamin B9

This acid is rightfully given the title of “vitamin of the future”, because without a sufficient amount of folic acid, the expectant mother will not be able to tolerate a baby with a healthy nervous and circulatory system. Adults also really need vitamin B9, because it regulates the composition of the blood, participates in protein metabolism, prevents early aging and graying of hair, increases the threshold of nervous fatigue and promotes active brain function. Most folic acid in dark green vegetables: asparagus, spinach. Enough of it in beans, eggs, liver, and wheat.

Cyanocobalamin - Vitamin B12

And this is a “vitamin riddle”, because both humans and animals are in dire need of it, but they themselves do not produce it! Where does cyancobalamin come from? It is synthesized by some bacteria, microorganisms and green algae, and already from there vitamin B12 enters our body when we eat meat, fish, and seafood. Cyanocobalamin acts as a regulator of the nervous system, it provides an adequate transition from sleep to wakefulness, and vice versa. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the distribution of information between short-term and long-term memory.

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