Thrombosis emergency care. Tromb broke out

Article on the topic: " urgent Care With thrombophlebitis "as crucial information about the disease.


It is not difficult to recognize thromboembolism: suddenly, very sharply, there is a strong pain in the whole limb, then it gradually decreases and almost comes to no, but in the limb there is a sense of numbness, it becomes like a "alien", "not your own", the leather limbs becomes very Pale, "marble", with a bluish tint, and its temperature is very quickly reduced - the limb becomes cold to the touch.

During thrombosis, the symptoms are less pronounced: the pain is growing gradually, simultaneously the sensitivity is also gradually disappeared, the painful sensations from tingling with sharp objects disappear, then the sensations from simple touch are lost, and in the end, the motor function is gradually lost. The limb temperature is also reduced, it becomes cold to the touch.

Pulmonary embolism. Kidney vessels, liver and other internal organs It manifests itself in a sharp and severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected organ and fully shutting down its function. When the brain arteries thromboembolism develops a brain infarction.

First aid for thrombosis and thromboembolism

The first thing to be done during thrombosis and thromboembolism is to take painkillers (analgin, pentalgin, paracetamol - what is being taken at hand) and antispasmodics (papaverine, but-shp, trime and others).

Warming the affected limb in no way: this can only worsen the position. You can even, on the contrary, attach a lot to it.

And the most important thing is to immediately call "ambulance", if possible, a specialized cardiological brigade. Or, if there is an opportunity to go on your own in the nearest hospital in which there is a vascular office.

Time plays a decisive role: in case of embolism, irreversible damage in the tissues occur within about 6 hours from the moment of embolism; With thromboosis operational intervention It is extremely desirable to spend in the first day or two from the start of the disease.

Deep veins thrombosis. First aid for thrombosis of deep veins.

Although the thrombosis of deep veins (TGV) It often meets (1 case per 1000 population per year), the edema of the lower limbs is usually a consequence of other reasons.

Anamnesis I. clinical signs Help to estimate the probability thrombosis of deep veins. It is necessary to pay special attention to the following points:

Risk Risk Factors of Deep veins.

Bilateral or unilateral edema?

Bilateral edema involves systemic pathology, for example, cardiac insufficiency, hypoalbuminemia or obstruction of the lower hollow vein.

What is the degree and prevalence of edema?

One-sided swelling, spreading above the knee, is characteristic of TGV.

Redness of the skin?

Redness only in the course of veins is characteristic of TGV, but when distributed beyond the limits and soreness during palpation, cellulite is more likely.

Signs of cardiac or liver failure?

Injury as the cause of edema?

Anamnesis injury.

Limited swelling with bruising.

Are there signs of Tel?

With clinically probable deep vessel thrombosis It is necessary to confirm this diagnosis.

The most widely used ultrasound and phlebography.

Treatment of deep vein thrombosis

If a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis confirmed initial therapy Includes:

Bed regime with an elevated position of the lower limb for 24-48 hours or before the edema falling.

Compression stockings to reduce the risk of post-loboflectric syndrome.

Anesthesia using NSAIDs if necessary.

Appoint heparin intravenously in the form of infusion or low molecular weight heparin subcutaneously.

With recurrent thromboembolism, life therapy may be shown (it is necessary to support MHO at 3.0-4.5).

Why did this patient have a deep vein thrombosis?

In women with an inexplicable TGV or TEL, it is necessary to examine the dairy glands and organs of the small pelvis, in the presence of pathology additionally carry out ultrasound organs of the small pelvis.

In men, the prostate finger study should be performed and determine the content of a specific prostatic antigen.

Patients under 50 years old or with TGV / TELL The nearest relatives should be examined for thrombocytopathy: consult with a hematologist.

Causes of swelling of the lower limb:

Venous / lymphatic.

Deep veins thrombosis.

Thrombophlebitis superficial veins.

Obstruction of the lower vein hollow (for example, a tumor).

Before medical Help With acute thrombophlebitis

Under sharp thrombophlebitis understand the inflammation of the veins followed by education thromba in it. In the overwhelming majority, the cause of thrombophlebitis is infection.

Factors contributing to the development of thrombophlebitis are:

Slow blood flow,

Increasing its coagulation after surgery ( postoperative thrombophlebitis),

The presence of varicose-extended veins,

The presence of metabolic disorders in certain diseases.

Thrombophlebitis can occur sharply and chronically. Depending on the location of the location distinguish thrombophlebitis superficial and deep veins. Meets also migrating thrombophlebitis .

Clinical picture And the symptoms of thrombophlebitis. Thrombted Vienna It can be told in the form of a dense painful chopping. For surface thrombophlebitis Pains appear along it, and often in the whole limb. These light cases occur when the limbs arise when driving, and in severe cases, they are also observed. Permanent sign thrombophlebitis deep veins It is the edema of the limb due to the difficulty of the outflow of venous blood.

In addition to these basic symptoms, in acute thrombophlebitis, an increase in body temperature and pulse increases are often noted.

Acute thrombophlebit lasts about three weeks and can go to subighteous. Which during the defeat of the deep veins lasts to two, and sometimes it is tightened to 4-6 months. In the future, thrombophlebitis can fully pass or go to chronic form. It remains dense, painful to the touch thrombinized vein.

The duration of chronic thrombophlebitis may be calculated for years. The thrombus formed in Vienna could organize (germinate by connective elements), recanalized (in thicker, the thrombus can form channels passing for blood), to open (impregnate mineral salts), soften and resolve is the most favorable outcome.

First aid. When the first symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis, the patient needs to create a maximum rest, give elevated position The sick limb, to produce its immobilization and hospitalize the patient to the surgical department.

Transportation must be careful (the danger of embolism due to the tomb of the thrombus during shaking).

Used materials of the book M.S. Brookman "Proponial assistance in acute surgical diseases and accidents".

Arthrosis of the knee joint. Sing1.

Acute venous thrombosis, characterized by the formation of thrombotic masses in velves. The most often observed thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous and thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower extremities and the pelvis, much less often - thrombosis of the lower or upper hollow veins. There are no significant differences in the pathogenesis of "phlebotromability" and "thrombophlebitis". Traditionally, the "thrombophlebitis" means localization of the thrombotic process in subcutaneous veins, since in this case the signs of the local inflammatory process are clearly visible. The term "phlebromboosis" is used to refer to the deepest velocity, the diagnosis is made on the basis of indirect signs of acute occlusion of the main ways of venous outflow. In both cases, the process is aseptic.

The main risk factors of phlebotromability:

■ operation and injury; ■ oncological disease; ■ pregnancy and childbirth; ■ Long immobilization; ■ Acceptance of estrogen; ■ congenital and acquired thrombophilia; ■ chronic venous insufficiency; ■ heart failure in the decompensation stage; ■ paresis and paralysis; ■ age older than 45 years; ■ Premature cessation of indirect anticoagulants or violation of its regulations.

At the heart of the thrombosis mechanism in the venous bed, there is a breakdown between thrombogenic factors and protective reactions due to the previously described ethiological moments. The activation of pro-amateur factors in case of insufficient effectiveness of protection mechanisms leads to the development of acute venous thrombosis. These thrombogenic factors include: ■ activation of coagulation factors and stimulation of platelet aggregation (hypercoagulation state); ■ damage to the wall of the vessel; ■ Destination or blood flow disorders. Protective mechanisms include: ■ Atrombogenic properties of intact endothelium; ■ Neutralization of activated coagulation factors with natural inhibitors; ■ leaching and breeding activated coagulation factors or the interruption of platelet aggregation of blood flow; ■ Inactivation of activated coagulation factors liver; ■ Fibrinolytic system function. According to the degree of fixation of the proximal part of the blood cloth, the following forms are allocated to the venous wall: ■ Embinous (floting thrombus); ■ Non-emphatinable (cloth and occlusive clomes). Depending on the length, the segmental or common thrombotic occlusion of venous highways is distinguished. The localization of the process can be both the same and bilateral. Most often, the thrombus is formed in the legs of the tibia and is aspric. In acute thrombophlebitis, a dense, sharply painful litter in the projection of the affected varicose veins, hyperemia of the skin above it is revealed. Also determine the local increase in temperature, hyperesthesia of the skin. For acute venous thrombosis, a sawing pain in the limb is characterized, a suddenly developed and rapidly growing eaves of the leg either or the thigh (the whole limb), cyanostic covers. Pathognomonicity The presence of soreness in the calf muscle at its palpation in the front seat or re-flexion of the foot (the symptoms of Mosilah Moomans). Be sure to explore both lower limbs, since it is possible a bilateral combined defeat of both superficial and deep venous basins. ■ The patient must be observed a strict bed mode. ■ You need to lift the amazed limbs of the patient over the body.

■ Local hypothermia should be carried out either directly by the location of thrombophlebitis ice.

■ You should warn on the use of compresses. ■ To impose on a damaged finite compression bandage from the base of the foot to the groin using an elastic bandage. ■ The patient must be taken from the home aid kit the drug from the group of disagrements (clarify the availability and dose). ■ If there are signs of a pulmonary embolism in the patient, give instructions for conducting resuscitation activities; Maintain communication if necessary. ■ When did the clinical signs of acute venous thrombosis / thrombophlebitis arise for the first time and what? ■ What does the patient have their appearance with? ■ Dynamics of clinical manifestations (for example, the initial localization of the edema or the occurrence of thrombophlebitis, its severity, the distribution to other finiteness departments, the nature and intensity of pain syndrome)? ■ What drugs accepted the patient (anticoagulants, disaggregants, phlebotonics, NSAIDs) and what was their effectiveness? ■ Were there previously thrombotic complications? ■ Refine the presence of shortness of shortness of breath, pain in the chest, heaming. ■ Were there any episodes of loss of consciousness? Inspection and physical examination ■ Visually estimate the color of the skin of the symmetric departments of the lower extremities, to investigate the venous pattern (the presence of cyanosis) on the legs, thigh, in the groin area, the front abdominal wall, indicate the localization and prevalence of portions of hyperemia, hyperpigmentation, palpation zones.

■ Estimate the temperature of the skin (warm, cool), the presence of the extremity edema, its severity and prevalence (determine the perimeter on the leg and hip).

■ Explore arterial pulsation at all levels, the presence of deep and surface sensitivity, the volume of active and passive movements in the joints. Determine the symptoms of Homans, Moses. ■ Conduct an overall inspection to eliminate light embolism. Indications for hospitalization In suspected acute thrombosis in the system of the lower hollow vein, all patients need to be hospitalized.

Patients who are affected by the trunk of a large subcutaneous vein or its tributaries on the shin, in emergency hospitalization in the hospital do not need.

Hospitalization is carried out in the ineffectiveness of the doggown treatment and distribution of thrombophlebitis on the thigh. Recommendations to patients left at home

You should contact the clinic to the surgeon and consult your phlebologist.

Typical scheme of conservative treatment of varicotromibophlebit

Frequently occurring errors. Hypendiagnostics of thrombophlebitis in patients suffering from varicose disease of the lower extremities. In varicotromibophlebit, the contours and the size of the palpable infiltrate do not change when translating the patient from vertical position In the horizontal, while not thrombled varicose nodes are painless, have a soft consistency and, empty from the blood, fall in the lying position. Treatment at the pre-hospital stage ■ Elastic compression of the lower limb.

■ With pronounced pain syndrome, the NSAIDs (diclofenac 3 ml in / m) is shown.

■ Single introduction of prophylactic doses of low molecular weight heparins (sodium-40 mg ENOCAPERARIN, Calcium is 0.6 ml, dartpaper sodium 5000 me).

■ Transport the patient is needed in the sitting position or lying.

On that day, when a person became from four, freeing the forelimbs, and began to go on his feet was a turning point. Not only in the process of improving the species, but also in obtaining a number of diseases. One of such diseases and became thrombophlebitis.

Acute thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process in the venous grid to form a thrombus. In essence, this is a complication of varicose veins and is one of the most common. It is the diagnosis of "acute thrombophlebitis of surface veins of the lower limbs" most afraid of visitors to the Cabinet Surgeon-Flebogol.

Redness of the limb as a result of thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis is a generalized name of two processes, which simultaneously occur in Vienna: thrombosis and phlebitis. So, the first represents the occurrence of thrombotic masses in the lumen of the varicose vein, which can lead to its overlapping. And the second - the inflammatory process is already in Vienna itself, which is manifested as a swelling, redness.

Often the situation when the sharp thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities develops very quickly almost instantly. And this means that if you do not notice either in time, do not apply to the surgeon, then the operation can pass too late that, maybe in the end, lead to a fatal outcome.

Classification of thrombophlebitis

Several groups can be distinguished for classifying the type of thrombophlebitis. Namely, in terms of nature and localization.

For thrombophlebitis, it is divided into:

  • acute thrombophlebit
  • surface
  • chronic

Two-sided thrombophlebitis

They differ in time of the duration of the pathological process or clinical manifestations.

By the nature of thrombophlebitis, it may be purulent or ungown, and on localization to share on thrombophlebitis surface veins of the lower extremities and the deep veins of the lower extremities.

In addition to all this, the ascending thrombophlebitis should be allocated, which is a thrombophlebitis of a large subcutaneous vein transcending from the following departments up to the groin fold.

Causes of thrombophlebitis

The reasons for the occurrence of thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities and surfaces can be completely different. It is worth highlighting several main causes of the occurrence:

  • The first cause of thrombophlebitis may be infectious disease;
  • Also, the formation of the disease is possible due to traumatic defeat;
  • Neoplasms that are usually malignant;
  • Intravenous administration of medicines, followed allergic reaction on them;
  • Also common in obesity and during pregnancy. Because of the increased body weight, veins take place. In addition, pregnancy, and especially during childbirth, the body mobilizes all its resources, including coagulation (blood ability to coagulation). After delivery, when the gaps may occur activate the hypercoagulation process, which in addition to the positive side, the early healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has negative side, pronounced thrombophlebitis.

Symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis

The result of duplex scanning during thrombophlebitis

Usually, acute thrombophlebitis occurs suddenly accompanied with increased body temperature for a long time. In the course of the veins, pains begin to occur, which are increasing over time, as well as when driving (walking). In this case, swelling may be observed.

The symptoms of thrombophlebitis are very dependent on the formation of a thrombus and its size. Thus, thrombophlebitis deep veins on the shin begins with severe pain in the calf muscle.

There is a feeling that the muscle swells, while if you lower the leg in the bottom, painful sensations increase. As it was already above, it will be accompanied by a high temperature, the foot will swell.

A few days later, the entire lower part will cover the mesh swollen veins. With any touch or movements, the patient will feel strong pain.

If the patient, thrombophlebitis of the femoral veins, the foot will swallow it strongly and will shoot, while very strong pain will be felt. The patient himself will be fever, and it will be possible to fix high temperature. Surface veins will swell on the hip and in the plow.

First aid for thrombophlebitis

In any manifestations of acute thrombophlebitis, it is necessary to immediately seek help to a doctor, as well as provide a stay. Usually the affected limbs are laid on the pillows or on the folded blanket to provide her to peace.

It is extremely recommended to use ointments, and even more so massaging, the affected surface before the arrival of the specialist. It can cause a gap blood bunch With its subsequent drift into the internal organs together with microbes.

Diagnosis of the disease

The correct diagnosis of acute thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities should begin from the visit to the Flebogus surgeon. Only in this case it is possible to correctly assess the vessels and assign additional research, as well as determine the effective method of treatment.

The main task of the diagnosis of thrombophlebitis is the detection of thrombus and its size.

Treatment of acute thrombophlebitis

Treatment can be divided into medical and folk treatment. Medical, in turn, to share on conservative treatment and surgical.

In acute thrombophlebitis, bedding is extremely recommended that prevents the distribution of microflora. At the same time, the limb must be kept in an elevated position, which will contribute to the decrease in edema, as well as pain. It is recommended to drink, but only if the patient does not have cardiovascular diseases.

With acute thrombophlebitis, the patient can be allowed to temporarily free from the tire, as well as sit and rotate. In addition, warming compresses are usually used that should contribute to improving blood circulation.

Surgical intervention, including in Ileofemoral thrombophlebitis, is possible only with the indications of vital indicators, as well as in the threat of venous gangrene.

Surgery depends on the location of the thrombosis. Operations are possible only on the veins of the average and big size. However, such a radical solution is possible only in the early stages of thrombophlebitis. Most often, the operation is carried out with the progressive ascending thromflebit, which can lead to such complications as thromboembolism.

Conservative treatment

In case the operation is impossible for some reason, then usually resort to the use of conservative treatment. This treatment includes the adoption of the elevated position of the limb and the application of the cold.

In addition, it is necessary to lubricate the affected ledge of heparin (timcination). Also necessary ointment for inflammation. It may be ointments with an imorretal or antenan.

A significant role in the treatment of thrombophlebitis conservative method plays a tight binting of the legs with an elastic bandage, also, with a pronounced inflammatory process and appointment with systematic adoption of antibiotics.

Folk methods for the treatment of thrombophlebitis

Besides, medical treatment There are also unconventional methods for the treatment of acute thrombophlebitis.

So, one of them consists in the following. It is necessary to take equal in both parts of the plant in the plantain, the rute flowers of medicinal, yarrow, chamomiles and raspberries, the bark of white willow, the fruits of Chestnut Konsky and the root of Altea.

All this thoroughly mix and pour 2 tablespoons of a mixture of 600 milliliters of boiling water. After that, bring to a boil and removed from the fire, insist the night. You should drink at 0.75 glasses in the morning and evening. And from the residue to make a compress.

It is also proposed to make foot baths from the infantry of the bolder dryers for 20-30 minutes a day.

Medicia treatment

Medical treatment of thrombophlebitis should be appointed by a doctor. As a rule, it is based on the degree of development of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of any pathologies.

Such treatment is treated as auxiliary part to conservative treatment. The doctor is assigned:

  • Tight elastic bysnation.
  • Preparations that are able to strengthen the walls of the vessels. These may be: timcanzin, gincor-fort, etc.
  • Medicines that are able to prevent thrombus growth. As a rule, it is acetylsalicylic acid.
  • In the absence of trophic ulcers, anticoagulatory products can be assigned. They reduce blood clotting, which can serve for prevention. Usually apply to the course for several months.
  • Anti-fixed drugs. These include diclofenac.
  • Fibrinolitics, substances that affect the thrombus. It can be a urogism or trypsin.
  • In addition, with purulent thrombophlebitis and high temperatures, antibiotics are prescribed (antimicrobial drugs).

Food with thrombophlebitis

Migration thrombophlebitis

When the clinic is replied for your recovery or the hospital, the doctor himself follows your proper nutrition during the course of the disease. But it should not forget that some patients are treated at home. In this case, the doctor is prescribed by the doctor, contributes to relief and accelerating the recovery of the patient. But strict diets do not exist, but only recommendations are available.

So, the patient must be eaten mainly vegetables and fruits. It may be, including ginger, pineapples, and melon. But it is necessary to avoid animal fats. In addition, a person sick acute thrombophlebitis should avoid heavy carbohydrates and not eating fried foods. It should be used in food beans, bananas, peas.

At the same time, subject to the absence of heart disease, it is recommended to use more than 2 liters of fluid per day. And folk lacari generally recommended drinking apple vinegarIn their opinion, greatly comes in the fight against thrombophlebitis. To use it, it is necessary to dissolve 1 teaspoon in 200 ml of water and add 2-3 teaspoons of honey. It is necessary to use this mixture in the morning and on an empty stomach.

About thrombophlebitis (video)

Thrombosis is a disease resulting from increased blood coagulation. In the blood, bunches are formed, creating obstacles to free blood circulation in small and big circle blood circulation. It is considered a serious pathology, because when Ignoring, when there is no treatment, it can lead to a fatal outcome. The consequence of pathology is a heart attack and ischemic stroke. There are types of arterial thrombosis: blockage of the aorta and thrombosis of the limbs.

Arterial thrombosis - serious disease. The clinical picture recognizes only the doctor, since the varieties of thrombosis have different symptoms and consequences. For example, thrombosis internal sleepy artery leads to ischemic stroke. Because of the lesion, the birconum of somatomotor projection of the brain fibers coming from the field of projection of the legs, blockage the thrombus of this artery leads to paralysis of the legs. Characteristic symptoms - impaired sensitivity of the limbs.

Coronary arteries thrombosis affect the occurrence of the development of myocardial infarction - the state of the vessels in which the lumen is narrowed. The result of the slow ingrowth is the development of angina, if the blood supply to the artery ceases sharply - myocardial infarction develops. Violations of blood flow at least one cornoe artery (right, left) leads to this heart disease. Coronary thrombosis focuses in heart arteries.

Symptoms characteristic of the disease - pain "under the spoon", behind the sternum, in the region of the heart, which gives more often to the left, sometimes right hand, to the area between the blades, the lower jaw, the lack of air, the pallor of the skin. The pain is manifested in different ways: the gulp, peculiar, sharp, stitching, compressing. Danger in suddenness of the attack. Coronar thrombosis implies a certain treatment that only the doctor will predict, having studied the severity of the disease, possible complications.

Iliac thrombosis

The blockage of the iliac artery is the cause of the pathology of the blood circulation of the organs of the small pelvis. This type of disease is observed more often in women. Complications in men are manifested by pains in their feet, disruption of erection. Chromoty, weakness in the legs - a consequence of the iliac artery thrombosis.

Arteries thrombosis arises due to the deformation of them due to injury, atherosclerosis, embolism. Thrombosis, embolism are connected. If arterial thrombosis occurs due to the accumulation of blood clots (thrombov), sticking them to the walls of the main vessels, then embolism are their clinical manifestations.

Thrombosis of the lower limb arteries is a kind of disease of the blood arteries associated with the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques, gluing platelets on the walls of the arteries. The disease proceeds asymptomatic. A person on a pulled light pain in the calf muscles, the feet often does not pay attention. The disease is manifested unexpectedly, requires emergency medical care, limb amputation, treatment is usually long.

Acute arterial thrombosis

Acute arterial thrombosis - circulatory disorders in the arteries, the reaction of the body into pathology in the composition of the blood: the blood stops sharply entering a certain zone.

Numbness, pain in the lesion, lack of movement, after a subfebrile swelling develops, lead to partial, full paralysis of the limbs.

Causes of the disease

Causes provoking the disease:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • injuries of vessels, including those associated with surgery;
  • burning embroids.

Symptomatology, pathogenesis of the disease

Symptoms are not immediately. Initially, pain appear. Gradually, the disease is manifested in the following sequence:

  • the second feature is to reduce the sensitivity of the leg;
  • numbness of the limb;
  • redness;
  • a sharp unexpected pain of the type "hit whip";
  • it is almost impossible to move the foot;
  • the skin on the affected area becomes transparent, "marble";
  • the leg is similar to the dead.

If the patient does not turn to the doctor in time, the disease will be aggravated, there is a danger of complications - gangrene infection. If this diagnosis is made, urgent amputation of the infected area is necessary.

A complex of medical information about the disease (history)

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will find out, deeply analyzes the symptoms of the disease in the patient. For this purpose, blood tests are made, which determine blood coagulation level, cholesterol. A visual inspection of the affected limb is carried out, attention is drawn to:

  • the degree of pale of skin in the lesion focus;
  • there is a cold limb;
  • there is numbness, loss of sensitivity in the affected area;
  • does the thickening face (in the place where the thrombus is formed, there is always thickening);
  • will the bouts of pain lead to increased sweating.

Treatment formula

At home, it is impossible to cure thrombosis, hospitalization is necessary. Depending on the severity of the anamnesis, the doctor prescribes therapeutic or surgery. The doctor analyzes the course of illness by results:

  1. blood tests (to clarify the level of cholesterol, blood coagulation), incl. biochemical;
  2. duplex ultrasonic scanning arteries;
  3. angiography results (if the blockage of the artery exists, contrast substanceintroduced into the vessel will not be able to go further on it);
  4. treatment with painkillers (if the pain is strong, the doctor will prescribe narcotic drugs);
  5. the use of anticoagulants (girudine, heparin), anti-aggregants (acetylsalicylic acid);
  6. operation.

Operation of thrombophlebitis

First urgent help in arterial thrombosis

If at visual inspection, suspicions of arterial thrombosis occurred, you need:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, put on a flat horizontal surface.
  3. Put the leg so that it does not move. It is impossible to raise it.
  4. Cold with something cold.
  5. Give a patient with a means of diluting blood (aspirin, asphen), an antispastic preparation (but-shpa).
  6. Wait for a doctor.

Varieties of diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities

If the walls of the vessels lose the carcass, the walls of the artery are protruding, there is a limited, diffuse expansion of the lumen on their background - the disease is called aneurysm. More often aneurysta is in the poplite femoral artery.

Arises due to reasons:

  • the presence of hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • smoking for a long period of time.
  • if a person constantly eats oily food.
  • if vascular injuries were transferred.

Trauma foot vessels

The danger of the disease is the possibility of a disease of ischemia, the possibility of thrombosis in combination with an occlusion of vessels, gangrene.

The defeat of the femoral artery is not fully studied. The danger of this type of thrombosis is that he climbed into this vessel, thrombus can get into any organ, including the heart. Complication - stroke. If the patient feels a pulling, expanding pain in the groin, an increase in body temperature, swelling along the entire legs up to the groin - these are signs of the thrombosis of the femoral artery.

Arterial thrombosis as a result of damage to vessels by firearms, cold weapons, accident

A variety of arterial thrombosis is damage to the main vessels of the lower extremities. Damage causes special complications. To damage the walls of the arterial trunk, you need to make a lot of effort, because they are elastic. More often they are damaged by gunshot injury (fragment of the projectile, bullet), dislocations, closed fractures. The most dangerous damage to the main arteries of the lower limbs, accompanied by strong hemorrhage, as a result, a person may die of blood loss.

The danger is that arterial injury is not always possible to diagnose. Usually breaks of vessels made using cold weapons - without defects, and when using firearms - with defects. If the treatment of trunk vessels of the lower extremities was carried out through surgical intervention, the sensitivity, the integrity of the sore limb is returned after the operation, is not always possible to fully restore motor activity.

Provision of first prefigure

The first emergency assistance is imposed on the spot:

  • with the help of a harness, tires, backwards, pressing the vessel to impose a gulling bandage to stop the bleeding.
  • immediately deliver the wounded to the provision of professional medical care.
  • remember: the harness negatively acts on the fabric, so impose it as much as possible to the zone of the damaged vessel. Under the harness to put a note indicating the accurate overlay time. To keep the harness in summer - no more than 2 hours, in winter - no more than 1 hour.

Thrombosis of the bottom limbs is a disease that requires the fulfillment of the patients with all the recommendations of the doctor, since the treatment is long, with running forms, does not always lead to recovery. Coronary thrombosis is a factor affecting the spread of the disease. The blockage of the iliac artery, the femoral artery, other thrombosis, provoke pain in the lower limbs, require an immediate consultation of the Vascular Surgeon.

Symptoms of the disease are often manifested in the elderly people, but recently are increasingly found among young people. To subsequently, the treatment of thrombosis has not become the basis of life, important preventive measures: Refusal of smoking, eating products with low capacity cholesterol, rejection of oily food, walking in the fresh air, consumption of sufficient water, blood sugar control (people, sick diabetes), the use of drugs that dilute blood.

An article on the topic: "First aid with thrombophlebitis treatment" as the most important information about the disease.


It is not difficult to recognize thromboembolism: suddenly, very sharply, there is a strong pain in the whole limb, then it gradually decreases and almost comes to no, but in the limb there is a sense of numbness, it becomes like a "alien", "not your own", the leather limbs becomes very Pale, "marble", with a bluish tint, and its temperature is very quickly reduced - the limb becomes cold to the touch.

During thrombosis, the symptoms are less pronounced: the pain is growing gradually, simultaneously the sensitivity is also gradually disappeared, the painful sensations from tingling with sharp objects disappear, then the sensations from simple touch are lost, and in the end, the motor function is gradually lost. The limb temperature is also reduced, it becomes cold to the touch.

Pulmonary embolism. Vessels of the kidneys, liver and other internal organs manifests itself in a sharp and severe pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected organ and fully shutting down its function. When the brain arteries thromboembolism develops a brain infarction.

First aid for thrombosis and thromboembolism

The first thing to be done during thrombosis and thromboembolism is to take painkillers (analgin, pentalgin, paracetamol - what is being taken at hand) and antispasmodics (papaverine, but-shp, trime and others).

Warming the affected limb in no way: this can only worsen the position. You can even, on the contrary, attach a lot to it.

And the most important thing is to immediately call "ambulance", if possible, a specialized cardiological brigade. Or, if there is an opportunity to go on your own in the nearest hospital in which there is a vascular office.

Time plays a decisive role: in case of embolism, irreversible damage in the tissues occur within about 6 hours from the moment of embolism; When thromboosis, operational intervention is extremely desirable to spend in the first day or two from the moment of the beginning of the disease.

Deep veins thrombosis. First aid for thrombosis of deep veins.

Although the thrombosis of deep veins (TGV) It often meets (1 case per 1000 population per year), the edema of the lower limbs is usually a consequence of other reasons.

History and clinical signs help estimate the likelihood thrombosis of deep veins. It is necessary to pay special attention to the following points:

Risk Risk Factors of Deep veins.

Bilateral or unilateral edema?

Bilateral edema involves systemic pathology, for example, cardiac insufficiency, hypoalbuminemia or obstruction of the lower hollow vein.

What is the degree and prevalence of edema?

One-sided swelling, spreading above the knee, is characteristic of TGV.

Redness of the skin?

Redness only in the course of veins is characteristic of TGV, but when distributed beyond the limits and soreness during palpation, cellulite is more likely.

Signs of cardiac or liver failure?

Injury as the cause of edema?

Anamnesis injury.

Limited swelling with bruising.

Are there signs of Tel?

With clinically probable deep vessel thrombosis It is necessary to confirm this diagnosis.

The most widely used ultrasound and phlebography.

Treatment of deep vein thrombosis

If a diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis Confirmed, initial therapy includes:

Bed regime with an elevated position of the lower limb for 24-48 hours or before the edema falling.

Compression stockings to reduce the risk of post-loboflectric syndrome.

Anesthesia using NSAIDs if necessary.

Appoint heparin intravenously in the form of infusion or low molecular weight heparin subcutaneously.

With recurrent thromboembolism, life therapy may be shown (it is necessary to support MHO at 3.0-4.5).

Why did this patient have a deep vein thrombosis?

In women with an inexplicable TGV or TEL, it is necessary to examine the dairy glands and organs of the small pelvis, in the presence of pathology additionally carry out ultrasound organs of the small pelvis.

In men, the prostate finger study should be performed and determine the content of a specific prostatic antigen.

Patients under 50 years old or with TGV / TELL The nearest relatives should be examined for thrombocytopathy: consult with a hematologist.

Causes of swelling of the lower limb:

Venous / lymphatic.

Deep veins thrombosis.

Thrombophlebitis superficial veins.

Obstruction of the lower vein hollow (for example, a tumor).

Proponal assistance in acute thrombophlebitis

Under sharp thrombophlebitis understand the inflammation of the veins followed by education thromba in it. In the overwhelming majority, the cause of thrombophlebitis is infection.

Factors contributing to the development of thrombophlebitis are:

Slow blood flow,

Increasing its coagulation after surgery ( postoperative thrombophlebitis),

The presence of varicose-extended veins,

The presence of metabolic disorders in certain diseases.

Thrombophlebitis can occur sharply and chronically. Depending on the location of the location distinguish thrombophlebitis superficial and deep veins. Meets also migrating thrombophlebitis .

Clinical picture and symptoms of thrombophlebitis. Thrombted Vienna It can be told in the form of a dense painful chopping. For surface thrombophlebitis Pains appear along it, and often in the whole limb. These light cases occur when the limbs arise when driving, and in severe cases, they are also observed. Permanent sign thrombophlebitis deep veins It is the edema of the limb due to the difficulty of the outflow of venous blood.

In addition to these basic symptoms, in acute thrombophlebitis, an increase in body temperature and pulse increases are often noted.

Acute thrombophlebit lasts about three weeks and can go to subighteous. Which during the defeat of the deep veins lasts to two, and sometimes it is tightened to 4-6 months. In the future, thrombophlebitis can fully pass or go to chronic form. It remains dense, painful to the touch thrombinized vein.

The duration of chronic thrombophlebitis may be calculated for years. The thrombus formed in Vienna could organize (germinate by connective elements), recanalized (in thicker, the thrombus can form channels passing for blood), to open (impregnate mineral salts), soften and resolve is the most favorable outcome.

First aid. With the appearance of the first symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis, the patient needs to create maximum peace, to give the sublime position of the sore limb, to produce its immobilization and hospitalize the patient to the surgical department.

Transportation must be careful (the danger of embolism due to the tomb of the thrombus during shaking).

Used materials of the book M.S. Brookman "Proponial assistance in acute surgical diseases and accidents".

Arthrosis of the knee joint. Sing1.

Among the diseases of the vessels there is one one that doctors consider the most cunning, with difficult to predictable consequences. This is thrombophlebitis lower extremities. This is the name of the inflammatory process of venous walls, which leads to formation in the venous lumen of the thrombus. The disease developing in the foot vessels is the most common form. But sometimes (although much less often) there are other forms - thrombophlebitis of the upper limbs, as well as cervical and chest departments.

Each person has a vein network, located on the surface (under the skin) and hidden in deeper layers. Depending on this, two varieties of the disease distinguish:

  1. Thrombophlebitis deep veins of the lower extremities (his medical designation is phlebotromboosis);
  2. Thrombophlebitis subcutaneous, surface veins.

Sometimes the walls of venous vessels are inflamed, the thrombus is not formed. In this case, the disease is called a phleet.

Causes of the disease

The reasons causing thrombophlebitis are quite a few. But the main ones are considered the following:

  • Genetic (hereditary) predisposition to coagulopathy (the formation of thromboms) and the state of thrombophilia.
  • Often, the cause of inflammation becomes injured by the venous wall.
  • A common cause is a varicose vein disease, causing a decrease in the velocity of the blood flux on the veins, which leads to the bloodstream in the vessels.

In addition, thrombophlebitis can manifest itself after the inclination of infection from the outside. An example of such a case is described in the video below:

Severity of illness

A characteristic feature of the disease is that the symptoms of thrombophlebitis are most often manifested when the disease has already spread to extensive areas. And in the initial stage, most patients do not even suspect that their body is hazarded, which is too high to lift the thrombus. At the same time, the likelihood of its separation is significantly increased, after which it goes to "free swimming" on the vascular system. It is impossible to predict his movement. The hazardous thrombus is considered to enter the blood vessels of the lungs, leading to the embolism (overlapping) of the arteries of the respiratory system. This can cause instant (sudden) death.

Running, thrombus is striking (and in the future can lead to blockage) main veins. What is the cause of the origin of the venous insufficiency of a chronic nature. In this case, the treatment of thrombophlebitis is significantly complicated.

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis

The following signs for which most people do not always pay attention to the beginning of inflammation in venous vessels.

  1. Minor edema legs;
  2. Painful sensations in caviar
  3. The feeling of burning and gravity in the legs,
  4. Redness skin cover.

In most cases, patients are treated for medical assistance when the disease progresses. At the same time, the swelling of the legs increases, in the field of formation of the thrombus, skin covers acquire a shiny shade. In the deferred state, the limb can refund. Thromb is usually localized in the veins of hips, legs or ankle.

Thrombophlebitis surface veins (left) and deep veins (right)

At-risk groups

  • People who spend a lot of time in sitting (motionless) position traveling by plane or driving a car.
  • Suffered surgical surgeryAnd forced to observe for a long time fixed, bedding.
  • Suffering from varicose extension veins.
  • Patients with antiphospholipid syndrome, hypergomocystinomey (accelerated blood coagulation).
  • Pregnant women. The risk of thrombophlebitis increases during childbirth.
  • Thrombophlebitis is a frequent satellite of obese people who suffer from obesity.
  • Persons of old age, leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Video: Surface and deep thrombophlebitis

Distinguish between thrombophlebitis subspecies:

Acute thrombophlebit

Signs of thrombophlebitis are most clearly manifested in the acute course of the disease, which begins with the appearance of a sharp pain along the direction of blood flow of the affected vein. At the same time, a change in the color of the skin is noticeable. It becomes cyanotic with an extended grid of blood vessels on the surface. On the background increased temperature Body, sick leg remains cold. Pain, as if he dries her. Instinctively sick tries to keep it in a highlight, trying to reduce pain syndrome.

At the first symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis, you need to immediately call a doctor, and the patient is put into bed. At the same time, prior to the arrival of the physicians, it is strictly forbidden to conduct any treatment (rubbing ointments, the implementation of massage procedures, the overlap of compresses, etc.). This can provoke the separation of the particle of the thrombus and enhancing it into the lungs or other internal organs.

Tombophlebitis gap

In addition, the sharp form of thrombophlebitis is very quickly moving into complications - gangrenous or ischemic thrombophlebitis, white or blue phlegmazy. They are accompanied by an increase in pain and increasing, literally with every minute, edema. The skin will first be pale, then acquires a purple shade. Therefore, the faster medical assistance will be provided, the more likely to avoid serious consequences.


Treatment of acute form of the disease is chosen based on the state of the vessels, the nature of the course of the disease, the location site of the tomb. Usually there is conservative therapy for this, which includes local and general treatment. Patients who are diagnosed with sharp thrombophlebitis of forearm and legs can be treated with an outpatient basis. For all other types, patients are sent to the hospital. It is assigned to bed rest, the sick leg is in a highlighting state.

Local therapy includes the following procedures:

  1. The imposition of one of the ointments: Vishnevsky, butadion, or heparin.
  2. Hospital compresses or cold treatment, with mandatory elastic bandage.
  3. Preparations are recommended for drugs that contribute to improving blood microcirculation, such as flexital, thethicone, trental, and the like.
  4. Indomethacin, chief, aspirin, etc. are prescribed as inhibitors.
  5. Eskusan, Troksevazin, Vienaruton, Detralex can be used to correct the impairment of blood flow in veins.
  6. Preparations for anesthesia, reducing the inflammatory process and a decrease in temperature - analgin, rope, butadion, etc.
  7. For desensitization - Supratin, Dimedrol, etc.

After the acute inflammatory process is removed, a physiotherapeutic treatment of a lamp-solux, diametrical currents, UHF is recommended to increase the efficiency of blood resorption. Nice results Gives ionophores with heparin, proteolytic enzymes (chymotrypsin, trypsin, etc.), as well as with potassium iodide. Elastic compression should be continued for another two months after the completion of the main treatment, with the simultaneous intake of phlebodnamic drugs.

Operational surgical intervention is carried out in emergency cases, with the following testimony:

  • Ascending thrombophlebitis a large or low subcutaneous, surface vein in acute form, with an arrangement on the upper or middle of the hip.
  • The threat of the emergence of the embolism of the pulmonary artery.
  • Splicing thrombus purulent exudate.

In the treatment of ascending thrombophlebitis, laser tightness is also used, the essence of which in the warming of the vein wall is slightly above the thrombus. This allows you to remove pathological venous nodes from trunk vessels, stopping the growth of the thrombus with an inflammatory process. The alternative method of conducting a laser beam, directed opposite to the motion of blood flow, contributes to the elimination of the probability of pushing the thrombus inside vessels. It is at the moment the time is unique.

With thrombophlebitis ascending effective methodnot allowing thrombus to develop and penetrate into deeply located vessels, is an operation related to the dressing of a place where the surface vein moves into deep. It is called crossctomy. Manipulation is performed using local anesthesia, in outpatient conditions.

Postline thrombophlebitis

During the sclerotization of blood vessels struck by varicose veins, sometimes there is a violation of compression sclerotherapy techniques. At the same time, the reduced compression of the vein on the plot of administration (injection) of the sclerosant, often leads to inflammation. Thrombus begins to form a thrombus, with a threat of a transition to the subsequent lung artery embolism. This complication is called - post-relting thrombophlebitis. To avoid it, it is recommended to strengthen the compression by the use of foam and latex pillows, as well as adhesive special-purpose bandages.

Postline form on the example of the hand, as a result of the introduction of the catheter

In particular, insufficient compression ends with the occurrence of the hematoma of intravenous, which externally resemble versions of the veins with thrombami. In their lumen, the mass, a tar-shaped species, as part of which sclerosis and blood clots are visible. It is the intrumensive hematomas and lead to acute thrombophlebitis.

The treatment of post-drug thrombophlebitis is to impose bandages with therapeutic ointments, the use of elastic compression and appropriate drugs (as in acute form). Sometimes, in Vienna make a special incisive puncture to remove the bloody-sclerotant mass.

Chronic thrombophlebit

Chronic thrombophlebitis, in contrast to acute form, does not have pronounced signs and symptoms. With this form of pain, the disease is periodic, mostly worried after the load on the legs (long walking, etc.). Almost absent in peace. Edema is also insignificant. Therefore, a person is not in a hurry to seek medical attention.

In the treatment of chronic form, an ointment of thrombophlebitis is used, constant elastic compression is recommended using special bandages or stockings, therapeutic physical culture, physiotherapeutic procedures and treatment on balneological resorts and in mudhousebits.

Thrombophlebitis of surface veins affected by varicose

One of the most common acute forms The disease is the varicose type of thrombophlebitis, which is accompanied by intense pains, redness in the direction of veins, reaching the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. With this form of a Vienna's disease with blood closures surrounds a pronounced swelling, and she herself becomes tense. As the thrombus develops, the edema moves to deeper veins, which is a very dangerous symptom. The main sign of this form of thrombophlebitis is severe pain during walking, as well as with any touch to varicose Vienna. The disease is accompanied by high temperature and weakness that resembles the symptoms of the usual cold.

Varicose and thrombophlebitis are interrelated diseases. Often, varicose veins provokes the development of blood clots in surface and deepest veins, as it is characterized by a slow motion flow rate in the main nodes. In this case, thrombophlebitis is the most serious complication of the varicose veins. It makes it much more often in the thromboembolism of the arteries of the pulmonary and becomes the cause of post-theththombofletic syndrome.

In the treatment of thrombophlebitis caused by varicose veins, anti-inflammatory therapy is used, helping to relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory process. It includes hormonal ointments, compresses by 50% alcohol, as well as candles with diclofenac or butdon.

An obstacle to the transition of thrombophlebitis in veins located in deeper layers is the elastic compression with special knitwear (stockings, tights) or bandages. To reduce edema and inflammation, drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation - Anistax, Detralex, etc.

Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy

Pregnancy - a period in which a woman is most often subjected to diseases such as varicose veins of the lower extremities and thrombophlebitis. This is due to the increase in their intrauterine pressure and physiological change in blood composition. The greatest danger of thrombophlebitis represents the first days of the postpartum period. As most of Complications in the form of thromboembolism arises precisely after delivery. Birth is huge overload in the work of the vascular system.

  • First, the pressure inside abdominal cavity rises two or three times.
  • Secondly, the child passing through the birth's paths, his head pelvis pelvis for a few moments.
  • At the same time, the tone of the walls of the veins, located on the legs, is sharply reduced and their expansion occurs.

All this leads to a violation of natural blood flow in the lower limbs and the formation of thromboms.

The first signs of vein varicose veins are usually noted in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the future mother begins to noticeably add in weight. At first it is the appearance vascular stars On the skin of the shin, hips or ankles, then the veins are increasing and pain arise. Legs in the evening are beginning to swell more often, sometimes cramps.

As soon as these symptoms arise, it is necessary to immediately take advice from the phlebologist. It will conduct a duplex color scanning, in order to examine the state of the circulatory and vascular system and will provide recommendations, how to prevent the development of a more severe form of the disease and avoid complex treatment.

During this period, the prevention of thrombophlebitis is very important, which includes the following:

  1. From the moment the first symptoms appear and before the birth, it is necessary to wear elastic compression linen (tights, stockings). Flaboball must pick it up. Since incorrectly chosen pressure (compression) can adversely affect the patient's state, cause discomfort when wearing, etc.
  2. It is useful to make medicinal gymnastics for pregnant women, including exercises to improve blood flow in the veins of the lower extremities. Motor activity not only protects blood from stagnation in the legs, but also contributes to the additional supply of fetal oxygen.
  3. Every day, in any weather, before bedtime, you need to go on a small walk (for 30 minutes).
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the power contains more products vegetable origin. There are them in the raw form. Watermelons, melons, pineapples are especially useful. They contribute to blood dilution, and are biostimulators of activity of active action.
  5. Limit the use of fluid, as during the child tooling, its delay in the body is observed. And this is the risk of sustainable, difficult to remove edema.

Thrombophlebitis superficial veins during pregnancy is often accompanied by strong pain. It must be remembered that during this period the reception of drugs is not recommended. Quickly save the patient from discomfort, and do not give a thrombe to carry in veins located in deeper layers will help the veinscentsis. This is a puncture of the affected node in order to remove thrombus. This method is safe for the fetus, since manipulation is performed under local fumeentary anesthesia (an anesthetic drug is introduced under the skin, forming a protective pillow around the operated vessel).

Detralex during thrombophlebitis: Does it help?

In some cases, for the treatment of varicose veins, phlebologist may decide on the appointment of the drug Detralex. But there is a restriction: it can be used in future mothers only in the second half of pregnancy. It - effective drug For the treatment of varicose veins of any stage and other diseases of the circulatory system, which is considered quite safe. In its composition - components of plant origin. It does not change the composition of blood, but only increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels. He has no side effects, but there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

But in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, it gives positive results in combination with disaggregants and thrombolytic drugs. As an independent medical agent During thrombosis, it is rarely applied, mainly to relieve attacks of venous insufficiency of chronic character. But it is often prescribed after the operational treatment of thrombophlebitis, as supportive, long-term therapy.

Folk Medicine in the treatment of thrombosis

Treatment of thrombophlebitis folk remedies It will help to facilitate the course of the disease, reduce pain and swelling in the legs, and will remove other symptoms. This is not on one generation methods. Some of them are much more effective than drugs of synthetic origin. The most effective diseases are the products of beekeeping: honey, propolis and bees submor. We offer several recipes from these products.

Beekeeping products

  • A tincture of bee renorm. Life bees - short. And by the spring, the old individuals who worked the summer, die away. Young bees endure them on the arrivals. This is called subormal. They should be collected and pour vodka (a handful of rear on 0.5 liters of vodka). Interest two weeks, strain. Use as a compress that is superimposed on a sore place by 1.5-2 hours.
  • Honey compress. For this, honey in pure form is applied to the napkin of flax, and is applied to the site with an affected vena. For the compress, honey can be mixed with a shredded sheet of calangean, or apply on the cabbage sheet. These two plants only increase honey power.

** The bee body contains substances that are part of various drugs. This is poison, nectar and pollen plants, propolis and wax micro-mask. It is in its essence - already the prepaid medicine, only in microscopic doses.

  • From propolis you can prepare a healing ointment from thrombophlebitis. To do this, grind it, mix with preheated butter in proportions 3:10 and warm up (no more than 15 minutes). Apply in the form of a compress or simply rubbing in the affected places.

Apple vinegar

  • One of the effective means of this serious disease of the veins is apple vinegar homemade cooking. It is used by the form of rubbing, pre-diluted with water (a tablespoon of vinegar on a glass of water).

Goose fat

  • Most urban people do not know that in the village many diseases of the legs and hands (burns, frostbite), as well as ulcers of various origin and thrombophlebitis, were treated with a goose fat. It is also considered one of the most effective means, which is used, both in its pure form and when preparing ointments with the addition of various herbs, such as calendula or a beast. Complete recovery can be achieved using 30% ointment with the addition of the roots of the socket (beliest). For this, a hundred grams of goose fat add 30 g of the root of the opponent. Heat 15 minutes, filter. Ointment is ready to use.

Herbal infusions for intake

Outdoor tools sometimes are not enough to get rid of the ailment. Folk Medicine recommends taking inside medicinal herbal, improving blood circulation, increasing the elasticity of the walls of venous vessels.

  1. The most efficient is flavored nettle. He not only has a beneficial effect on blood system, but also improves and strengthens the whole organism as a whole. It is especially useful in the spring when the vitamins lack.
    ** From young nettle, you can cook kvass, which possesses therapeutic properties, and charges vigor. For its preparation to rush fresh nettle. Rinse well, you can scream with boiling water. Lay it into a three-liter jar, add three tables of sugar lodges and pour boiling water. Take the neck of the gauze and put in a warm place for three or four days for fermentation. After kvass takes over, strain and can be proceeding with treatment, using half a cup of three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  2. It is also useful to take an eskusan - the bosmy of the horse chestnut infused on alcohol.
  3. It helps to treat thrombophlebitis tea from dried clover heads (1 tbsp. On a cup).

All proposed methods of treating folk remedies, we must necessarily agree with the attending physician. Use them better in a complex with medication therapy.

Gymnastics at thrombophlebitis

For many years, medical luminaries have been disputes over the years regarding the need for physical exercises for the diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. Some argue that it is necessary to complete peace, others are yarn supporters of motor activity. Right and those and others.

During the period of exacerbation, when the risk of tomb the thrombus and the emergence of serious complications is quite high, it is necessary to observe the bed regime, without exposing sick legs to the loads. During this period, thermal baths and all types of massages are categorically forbidden.

But, upon completion of treatment, during the period of rehabilitation, as well as the prevention of the disease, exercises, contributing to the increase in the elasticity of venous walls and improving blood circulation, is very useful. The only condition is not to overdo it. In the complex medical gymnastics The following exercises include:

In the lying position:

  • Exercise "Fish". Relaxing the body, vibrate them by imitating the movement of the fish in the water. Continue within one or two minutes.
  • Legs slowly raise up and lowering at home. Repeat no more than 8-10 times.
  • "Scissors". Raised up legs to push the sides, and then shift. The number of repetitions is 10 times.

In the "standing" or "sitting" position:

  • Circular movements footsteps in the right or left (from five to ten times).

In the "standing" position:

  • 1. Lifting on socks and soft lowering on the heels (up to 15 times).
  • 2. Bend the right leg and raise. Then straighten and omit on the floor. Perform this movement with the left foot. You can do this exercise alternately, changing the leg every time. The second option provides execution first by one foot (12 times), then as much - the other foot.

All these exercises effectively massage the veins and prevent blood in the veins. Observing all the purpose of the doctor and performing preventive actionsYou will be able to get rid of unpleasant symptoms accompanying the disease and avoid complications requiring long-term treatment.

Video: Complex for leg exercises with varicose veins and non-stroke thrombophlebitis

How to eat with thrombophlebitis?

One of the reasons for the occurrence of the described disease is obesity. Therefore, everyone who is subject to any disease of the venous system needs to be limited to some products.

For example, a diet with thrombophlebitis (for the period of treatment) recommends refusing fried, sharp, too salted and spicy dishes. It is advisable to refrain from fatty varieties of fish and meat, to include dietary grades in your diet: chicken breasts, rabbit, turkey. On the table should always be fresh vegetables and fruits, except bananas, peas and beans.

In winter, taking multivitamins. Take a rule to eat garlic daily for the rule, be sure to eat onions in food.

People who enter the risk group on the occurrence of thrombophlebitis should be very attentive to the state of their hands and legs. Adhere to the recommendations that phlebogus gives. Active lifestyle should be conducted. Try more walking, learn special exercises that prevent the development of the disease. Good to do swimming, ride a bike. At home, you can maintain the tone of blood vessels with vitaminous teas, more often drinking a cranberry morse, the tincture of the Hypericum.

At the same time, avoid static stress that occurs when a person is in a long time in sitting position Or stands on the legs (for example, working at the machine). Contraindicated with a thrombophlebitis pair bath, dehydration. Shoes should be as comfortable as possible, with optimal heel height and orthopedic insams. Recommended to stay lying, slightly raising the legs and putting a small pillow under them. Suppression underwear should also be lying, on the legs raised up.

Video: Lecture K.M.N. Belkin Z.P. about thrombophlebitis and concomitant diseases

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The treatment of thrombophlebitis should be started immediately, because this disease can provoke many complications that are danger not only for the patient's health, but also for his life. The treatment of thrombophlebitis depends on the localization and distribution of the inflamed process and can be conservative or operational.

Who treats thrombophlebitis

How to treat thrombophlebitis, only a doctor who will send a patient for additional research to make sure the diagnosis can be told. If necessary, it will send a patient for consultation to a profile specialist.

Diseases of blood vessels are engaged in a vascular surgeon or phlebologist. And in the absence of such a medical institution - a surgeon. It is to him most often treat patients when the first signs of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities appear, such as pain in the legs when walking, soreness and redness in the course of blood vessels.

Depending on the stage of the disease, its prevalence and complications, there are different methods of treatment: an outpatient, stationary and even operational.

Timely appeal will help prevent the dissemination of the inflammatory process and the formation of blood clots in the deep vein vessels of the lower extremities. If the moment is missed, the symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis and the tomb of blood cloth appeared, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. This needs to be done as soon as possible, since there is a high risk of pulmonary artery thromboembolism.

What medicines can prescribe a doctor

How to treat thrombophlebitis ambulatory? Treatment of the disease is directed to the removal of the inflammatory process on the inner walls of blood vessels, the discharge of the blood and the prevention of thrombosis. For this apply:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Possess an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. They can be used in the form of injections, tablets, ointments, rectal candles. Good results show ketoprofen tablets, diclofenak, etc.
  2. Angioprotectors. A vetonic, capillaryrotective, membrane-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory effects are provided. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, TrokSerutin, Troksevazin, etc. are most often used.
  3. System enzymes. Some drugs, such as Flogenzym, Vobenzym, etc., have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fibrinolytic and secondary analgesic effect. In addition, they remove the feeling of gravity in the legs. The result from their application appears only after 1-1.5 months of regular reception.
  4. Deagregants. Protect blood dilution and do not allow the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels. For this, Reopolyglyukin is intravenously introduced together with the Trental. The duration of the course determines the doctor, after which you can go to the tablet.
  5. Heparin. Prescribed in the presence of thrombus in order to melt them and dissolve. An additional plus of heparin is an anti-inflammatory effect. If drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, it is recommended to alternate them with non-specific anti-inflammatory substances. However, this means cannot be abused, it can be applied only in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

An important role in the successful treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins plays the use of compression to the lower limbs. This can be achieved with the help of elastic bandages. At the same time, the binting is taken from the bottom up, it is desirable to get up from bed. However, not all patients perceive well the use of this material, in some cases it may be accompanied by quite strong pain and discomfort. Therefore, elastic bandages are prescribed strictly individually.

In addition, if the disease has spread to deep veins, it is categorically prohibited to carry out a similar procedure. This not only will not bring any benefit, but it can even provoke a deterioration in the patient's health.

After the elimination of acute inflammation, it is not elastic bandages, but special medical stockings, tights or golfs 1 or 2 compression class.

Emergency assistance in exacerbation

When acute pain occurs, in the course of the veins, you must immediately call a doctor or ambulance. Before the arrival of the physicians should take a horizontal position and put legs on the elevation. In no case can not rub the leg or use any preparations for its processing. Mechanical impact even through the skin can provoke a tomb separation.

The treatment of acute thrombophlebitis is carried out only in the hospital. The bed regime is prescribed when the disease spreads on the deep veins and with unstable blood clots on the walls of the vessels. The diagnosis is specified using renowmography or ultrasonic doppler.

For drug treatment, preparations are used from the same groups as outpatient treatmentbut in other dosages. In some cases, it is appropriate for additional purpose antibacterial agents. The necessary dosage, the multiplicity of administration and the duration of the treatment of thrombophlebitis in the hospital's conditions are determined by a specialist based on the health status of the patient.

Operational treatment

The operational treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out with the defeat of the surface and deep veins of the lower extremities, the dissemination of the disease into a large subcutaneous vein to the boundary of the lower and middle part of the hip, the presence of thrombas in large blood vessels. This is evidenced by O. ascending thrombophlebitiswhere there is a high risk of femoral vein thrombosis.

Operation is usually carried out under local anesthesia. At the same time, the affected vein is deleted or tied. Basically, the intervention is carried out only with the defeat of surface veins, since there is easy access to the blood vessel. As a result of its removal, there will be no consequences for a person in view of many collaterals. With thrombophlebitis of deep veins, the operation, especially the removal of veins, is carried out only on life indications.

How to cure thrombophlebitis? Many consider the operational removal of the affected vein to the faithful means of getting rid of this disease. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since in the first place it is necessary to affect the cause of pathology. And when removing one vein, thrombophlebitis may occur in some other one. That is why prescribed drugs from thrombophlebitis must be taken for life and without interruptions.

Preventive actions

Treatment of thrombophlebitis is not only in the reception recommended by Dr. Tablets. Medical drugs must be combined with the lifestyle and characteristics of the patient.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure sufficient motor activity, otherwise, otherwise, it may be stagnant for venous blood in the lower limbs, which is capable of provoking the aggravation of thrombophlebitis. However, if the disease has spread to deep veins, motor activity can be contraindicated due to the high risk of tomb tomb and the development of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the advice of a doctor, because recommendations can differ in different patients radically.

If thrombophlebitis is a complication of varicose veins, sleep needed with raised legs. To do this, you can put a pillow with a folded bedspread or something else. From the morning, before climbing the bed, it is necessary to "dispersed" the blood on the veins with the help of special exercises - "scissors" or "bicycle".

Power must be balanced. It is necessary to limit the use of animal fats in favor of plant, avoid fatty, salty and fried dishes. In a daily diet, there must be products rich in vitamin C, since it is he who has the ability to strengthen the walls of the vessels. It is a hips, sea buckthorn, rowan, currant, dill, parsley and other vegetables and fruits.

In the chronic course of the disease, the treatment of thrombophlebitis should be carried out constantly, and with the slightest signs of exacerbation, it is necessary to see the doctor as soon as possible.

Therapy by folk methods

Outside the exacerbation period, not only tablets can be used, but also folk Methods The treatment of thrombophlebitis.

One of the most popular and universal ways is the use of cabbage. A sheet of vegetable must be disconnected with a rolling pin, lubricate with sunflower oil and attach to the affected place, then fix on the leg using a dressing. It is best to apply this method for the night. The duration of treatment is at least 1 month. Cabbage has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce pain.

Good results with regular use gives infusion from calangean for rubbing. The leaves of the plant are crushed and folded into a half-liter can in an amount of 250 ml. The remaining volume is filled with warm water. The remedy is 7 days, while it needs to be periodically shaken. Ready infusion is filtered and used for rubbing a sore limb 2 times a day. Treatment should last at least 3-4 months.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out by a well-known recipe based on the economic soap, millet, onions and a sala. It will take 200 g of all ingredients to be prepared, which are grouped onto the meat grinder and are bred by water to pasty consistency. The resulting agent is 24 hours and applied to the clomba formation area overnight. The duration of treatment is 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a small break and treatment course repeat.

It should be remembered that if you are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, then in no case cannot be neglected with treatment. Only subject to regular therapy you can prevent the development of complications.

estimates, average:

Blood flows from the internal organs, tissues and rushes to the heart on the veins. There are deep and surface veins, large-caliber veins and small venules.

In the walls of these vessels there are valves that prevent the reverse current of blood and stagnation in them.

Even with the slightest damage to the vascular wall in it, inflammation occurs, the blood flow slows down, the on-line clomes are formed.

It is such changes in the lumen of veins are characteristic of thrombophlebitis.

  • Damage to the venous wall
  • Deep veins valve apparatus
  • Elevated blood viscosity and excess thrombosis
  • Thrombophilia

The venous wall of the surface venus is most often damaged from external influence.

With the concomitant varicose sickness of the subcutaneous veins, the thinned and expanded venous wall is damaged several times more often.

External damaging factors include such manipulations as intravenous injections, formulation of cubital catheters for intravenous injections of solutions, surveys with intravenous application X-ray contrasts leading to the development of post-drug thrombophlebitis.


Thrombophlebitis with the lesion of deep veins is developing in violation of the normal functioning of the valves in their walls.

In this case, the valves are not fully closed, partially current blood is coming in the opposite direction.

Over time, the volume of residual blood in deep veins increases, venous stagnation occurs and thrombophlebitis develops.

Increased blood viscosity, its concentration is a prerequisite for the development of thrombophlebitis and chronic congestive venous insufficiency.

The excess cluster of platelets on the walls of the veins lead to the excessive formation of blood clots during vessels.

Sometimes such cloth thrombles can be gathered in larger, migrate by vessels and lead to dangerous consequences.

Thromboflebia is quite rare and is characterized by congenital predisposition to elevated thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. With frequent thrombophlebitis, it is necessary to conduct a survey on this disease.

  • Patients having varicose veins of limbs
  • Moved surgical operations
  • Pregnant
  • Leading Low-Modifying, Inactive Lifestyle
  • Having overweight body and obesity
  • Smoking
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  1. Pain.Arises suddenly against the background of relative well-being. Most often, thrombophlebitis develops in subcutaneous veins of the lower limbs that pass through the internal surfaces of these areas. The pain extends not only to one area of \u200b\u200bthe limb, where the affected segment is located, but also above and the underlying departments.
  2. Seal along the veins.When examining the doctor determines the state of the subcutaneous vein throughout the length, estimates the condition of the skin, soft tissues above it. With thrombophlebitis, a seal is determined in the field of inflammation along the veins in the form of heavy. This seal is quite painful, the skin over it may differ from the surrounding not only in color, but also to be hotter to the touch. Also, for an acute inflammatory process, it is characterized by redness of the skin above the hearth.
  3. General symptoms of body intoxication.Against the background of the inflammatory response, there is almost always an increase in body temperature. It is characterized by general weakness, muscle pain, indisposition.
  4. Violation of the limb function.Praised pain syndrome, swelling violate the active functions of the limb. Patients cannot step on the leg with thrombophlebitis of the veins on the legs, raise and bend in the joints of the hand at the inflammation of the veins upper limb, can not lead a regular lifestyle. Thrombophlebitis during pregnancy.

The totality of all symptoms encourages the patient to seek help to a doctor. And the sooner it will do it, the greater the chances to avoid complications and keep ability to work.

The diagnosis of thrombophlebitis is laboratory and instrumental diagnostic studies.

Specific blood test for the detection of high viscosity is the definition of a prothrombin complex of venous blood.

The deviation of the parameters determined towards them indicates possible risk redundant thrombosis and confirms the diagnosis. Analysis on thrombophilia.

From the most reliable and minimally-invasive instrumental methods for the diagnosis of thrombophlebitis, ultrasound dopplerography of the vessels of the lower and upper limbs are used.

This method helps to evaluate not only the state of the vascular wall of deep and surface veins, but also to identify violations in velves and the presence of cloth thrombones in them.

In addition to the ultrasound diagnostic method, phlebography is used. it x-ray method Version surveys using a contrast agent.

Video: Surface and deep thrombophlebitis

The treatment algorithm is based on what thrombophlebitis is and how to treat it.

Treatment should be appointed by a doctor after confirming the diagnosis of laboratory and instrumental methods of the survey.

The treatment circuit of thrombophlebitis includes drugs from several groups.

  1. Indirect anticoagulants.These include heparin and its counterparts. Preparations of this group are prescribed for the purpose of intravascular dissolution of the cloth thrombus.
  2. Preparations that improve microcirculation.Such as "pentoxifillin", "Trental". They improve blood circulation in tissues, activate collateral blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in the swelling, a decrease in blood viscosity.
  3. Venotonics.These drugs strengthen the vascular wall, reduce the risk of damage, increase the elasticity of the veins valves, which contributes to the correct stream of blood without reverse cast. For example, "Trokevazin", "Detralex" are used in the form of ointments externally and inside in tablets and capsules.
  4. Antiagregants.These include preparations containing aspirin. The constant reception of antiaagregants protects against the formation of thrombus, thereby reduces the likelihood of the development of heart attack, stroke, pulmonary artery thromboembolism. In cases where thrombophlebitis treatment is developing and first aid is starting with these drugs.
  5. Means that improve regeneration.The most popular drug is "Aktovegin". Due to the pronounced healing and strengthening actions, it helps to eliminate damage to the vascular wall of the veins.

Exercises for thrombophlebitis are the following ...

Popular recipes of traditional medicine are based on the use of plants and natural substances that contribute to the decrease in inflammation, dissolving venous thrombus, strengthening the vascular wall.

  1. Compresses with honey and cabbage sheet.On the inner side cabbage sheet Apply a small amount of honey. Adjust the compress on the plot of sealing veins and fix the bandage. Additionally, to bite with warm me. Such a compress is superimposed once a day.
  2. Tincture of garlic.Clear 2 - 3 middle garlic heads, put in a liter jar and pour vodka. Insist for 25 days in a dark place.

Take 5 drops before each meal. This infusion perfectly cleans the vessels, reduces the likelihood of blood clots and dilute blood.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

Performed in cases where conservative methods Treatment does not give positive results.

In emergency cases, when there is a risk of tomb tomb and blockage of pulmonary artery or heart, operational treatment is carried out immediately.

The operational treatment of thrombophlebitis in removal from the vein thrombus and the restoration of its passability is concluded.

A peculiar "thrombus trap" (thrombotter) is introduced into a large vein and moves to the level of thrombosis. Then the cloth thrombus is simply removed from the vein.

Operational treatment of the inflamed thrombosis of the deep veins of the limbs is most often carried out under the control of the ultrasound.

The operation is to remove the resulting thrombus from the deep vein.

It is possible to eliminate the risk factors for the development of thrombophlebitis limbs.

  • Change lifestyle to more active.Regular walks, physical education, visiting the pool reduce stagnant phenomena in their feet, warn the development of thromboms in veins.

If the main part of the working time is the person spends sitting, then it is necessary to change the position of the body every hour, perform simple exercises for the legs:

  1. Circular rotational movements in the ankle joints. 10 - 15 times in each direction.
  2. Rolls from socks on heels. 10 - 15 times.
  3. Imitation running. Do not take off the floor from the floor to try to "run" a few minutes.
  • Proper nutrition.The inclusion in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits, greens contribute to strengthening vessels, normalizing blood viscosity. Cholesterol is able to be delayed on the walls of the vessels, which leads to the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. With the increase in pressure in the vessels, their expansion occurs, chronic vascular insufficiency of veins and thrombosis develop.
  • Reducing body weight.When weight decreases, the load on the lower limbs is reduced. At the same time, blood flow in veins is improved and pathological thrombosis in this case is not enough.
  • Treatment of varicose veins of the limbs.With pronounced varicose veins, it is necessary to resort to operational treatment - Venectomy. This will reduce the likelihood of thrombophlebitis and its complications.

Prevention of thrombophlebitis

First aid for thrombosis should be provided in the first minutes of development of the clinic of acute thrombophlebitis. It should be ensured by the affected limb absolute peace.

If the Vienna of the lower limb was inflamed, then the patient with a raised foot should be put. To do this, you can use a pillow or rolled blanket.

The main thing is that the sick leg is in an exalted position.

During thrombosis of the veins of the upper limb, it is necessary to fix the hand to the body in a functionally - favorable position.

For example, bent in the elbow joint and pressed against the body, the limb is suspended on a wide bandage or shelter.

Before the arrival of ambulance or independent appeal to the hospital, you can take a tablet aspirin and any painkillers.

Other drugs without appointing a doctor are categorically prohibited, as this can cause even more harm to health.

How to treat thrombophlebitis, only a doctor who will send a patient for additional research to make sure the diagnosis can be told. If necessary, it will send a patient for consultation to a profile specialist.

Diseases of blood vessels are engaged in a vascular surgeon or phlebologist. And in the absence of such a medical institution - a surgeon. It is to him most often treat patients when the first signs of diseases of the veins of the lower extremities appear, such as pain in the legs when walking, soreness and redness in the course of blood vessels.

Depending on the stage of the disease, its prevalence and complications, there are different methods of treatment: an outpatient, stationary and even operational.

Timely appeal will help prevent the dissemination of the inflammatory process and the formation of blood clots in the deep vein vessels of the lower extremities. If the moment is missed, the symptoms of acute thrombophlebitis and the tomb of blood cloth appeared, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. This needs to be done as soon as possible, since there is a high risk of pulmonary artery thromboembolism.

What medicines can prescribe a doctor

How to treat thrombophlebitis ambulatory? Treatment of the disease is directed to the removal of the inflammatory process on the inner walls of blood vessels, the discharge of the blood and the prevention of thrombosis. For this apply:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Possess an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. They can be used in the form of injections, tablets, ointments, rectal candles. Good results show ketoprofen tablets, diclofenak, etc.
  2. Angioprotectors. A vetonic, capillaryrotective, membrane-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory effects are provided. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, TrokSerutin, Troksevazin, etc. are most often used.
  3. System enzymes. Some drugs, such as Flogenzym, Vobenzym, etc., have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fibrinolytic and secondary analgesic effect. In addition, they remove the feeling of gravity in the legs. The result from their application appears only after 1-1.5 months of regular reception.
  4. Deagregants. Protect blood dilution and do not allow the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels. For this, Reopolyglyukin is intravenously introduced together with the Trental. The duration of the course determines the doctor, after which you can go to the tablet.
  5. Heparin. Prescribed in the presence of thrombus in order to melt them and dissolve. An additional plus of heparin is an anti-inflammatory effect. If drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, it is recommended to alternate them with non-specific anti-inflammatory substances. However, this means cannot be abused, it can be applied only in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

An important role in the successful treatment of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins plays the use of compression to the lower limbs. This can be achieved with the help of elastic bandages. At the same time, the binting is taken from the bottom up, it is desirable to get up from bed. However, not all patients perceive well the use of this material, in some cases it may be accompanied by quite severe pain and discomfort. Therefore, elastic bandages are prescribed strictly individually.

In addition, if the disease has spread to deep veins, it is categorically prohibited to carry out a similar procedure. This not only will not bring any benefit, but it can even provoke a deterioration in the patient's health.

After the elimination of acute inflammation, it is not elastic bandages, but special medical stockings, tights or golfs 1 or 2 compression class.

Emergency assistance in exacerbation

When acute pain occurs, in the course of the veins, you must immediately call a doctor or ambulance. Before the arrival of the physicians should take a horizontal position and put legs on the elevation. In no case can not rub the leg or use any preparations for its processing. Mechanical impact even through the skin can provoke a tomb separation.

The treatment of acute thrombophlebitis is carried out only in the hospital. The bed regime is prescribed when the disease spreads on the deep veins and with unstable blood clots on the walls of the vessels. The diagnosis is specified using renowmography or ultrasonic doppler.

For medication treatment, drugs are used from the same groups as with outpatient treatment, but in other dosages. In some cases, additional appointment of antibacterial agents is appropriate. The necessary dosage, the multiplicity of administration and the duration of the treatment of thrombophlebitis in the hospital's conditions are determined by a specialist based on the health status of the patient.

Operational treatment

The operational treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out with the defeat of the surface and deep veins of the lower extremities, the dissemination of the disease into a large subcutaneous vein to the boundary of the lower and middle part of the hip, the presence of blood clots in large blood vessels. This testifies to the ascending thrombophlebitis, in which there is a high risk of thigh veins thrombosis.

Operation is usually carried out under local anesthesia. At the same time, the affected vein is deleted or tied. Basically, the intervention is carried out only with the defeat of surface veins, since there is easy access to the blood vessel. As a result of its removal, there will be no consequences for a person in view of many collaterals. With thrombophlebitis of deep veins, the operation, especially the removal of veins, is carried out only on life indications.

How to cure thrombophlebitis? Many consider the operational removal of the affected vein to the faithful means of getting rid of this disease. However, this is an erroneous opinion, since in the first place it is necessary to affect the cause of pathology. And when removing one vein, thrombophlebitis may occur in some other one. That is why prescribed drugs from thrombophlebitis must be taken for life and without interruptions.

Preventive actions

Treatment of thrombophlebitis is not only in the reception recommended by Dr. Tablets. Medical drugs must be combined with the lifestyle and characteristics of the patient.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure sufficient motor activity, otherwise, otherwise, it may be stagnant for venous blood in the lower limbs, which is capable of provoking the aggravation of thrombophlebitis. However, if the disease has spread to deep veins, motor activity can be contraindicated due to the high risk of tomb tomb and the development of complications. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to the advice of a doctor, because recommendations can differ in different patients radically.

If thrombophlebitis is a complication of varicose veins, sleep needed with raised legs. To do this, you can put a pillow with a folded bedspread or something else. From the morning, before climbing the bed, it is necessary to "dispersed" the blood on the veins with the help of special exercises - "scissors" or "bicycle".

Power must be balanced. It is necessary to limit the use of animal fats in favor of plant, avoid fatty, salty and fried dishes. In a daily diet, there must be products rich in vitamin C, since it is he who has the ability to strengthen the walls of the vessels. It is a hips, sea buckthorn, rowan, currant, dill, parsley and other vegetables and fruits.

In the chronic course of the disease, the treatment of thrombophlebitis should be carried out constantly, and with the slightest signs of exacerbation, it is necessary to see the doctor as soon as possible.

Therapy by folk methods

Outside the period of exacerbation of the disease, not only tablets, but also folk methods of treating thrombophlebitis can be used.

One of the most popular and universal ways is the use of cabbage. A sheet of vegetable must be disconnected with a rolling pin, lubricate with sunflower oil and attach to the affected place, then fix on the leg using a dressing. It is best to apply this method for the night. The duration of treatment is at least 1 month. Cabbage has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce pain.

Good results with regular use gives infusion from calangean for rubbing. The leaves of the plant are crushed and folded into a half-liter can in an amount of 250 ml. The remaining volume is filled with warm water. The remedy is 7 days, while it needs to be periodically shaken. Ready infusion is filtered and used for rubbing a sore limb 2 times a day. Treatment should last at least 3-4 months.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis is carried out by a well-known recipe based on the economic soap, millet, onions and a sala. It will take 200 g of all ingredients to be prepared, which are grouped onto the meat grinder and are bred by water to pasty consistency. The resulting agent is 24 hours and applied to the clomba formation area overnight. The duration of treatment is 10 days, after which it is necessary to take a small break and treatment course repeat.

It should be remembered that if you are diagnosed with thrombophlebitis, then in no case cannot be neglected with treatment. Only subject to regular therapy you can prevent the development of complications.

Probably many of us have heard of the concept of "Trombus", thrombosis. " Unfortunately for last years The cases of diagnosing thrombosis among the population increased. It is worth noting that if you do not assist with a tomb of tomb, then this leads to the instant death of the body. Therefore, every person should represent how to help the victim before the arrival of the doctors.

What are blood clots and why are they formed?

Trombus is a pathological formation of a blood clot in a human vessels. Its location is very specific. Quite often, the thrombus is localized directly in the heart or in the lumen of the blood vessel.

Causes of the formation of thrombus

Specialists distinguish between several main factors that contribute to the formation of thrombov:

  1. Damage to the wall of the blood vessel as a result of mechanical exposure, inflammatory processes, damage to the inner walls by bacteria, viruses.
  2. High blood viscosity. This pathology arises due to the presence of oncopathologies, autoimmune diseases.
  3. Disruption of the coagulated blood function.
  4. Slow blood circulation arising from squeezing blood vessels, too thick blood.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases and a low-live life.

Triches of thrombov

There are several thrombus classifications based on the composition, etiology, on the location in the blood vessel directly in the body, as well as the formation mechanism.

Classification according to the composition:

This classification corresponds to the previous one.

Separation of blood thrombus on etiology

  1. Maragrantic is formed due to the weakening of the body in dehydration and hemoconcentration. Most often, such a clot is diagnosed in older people in a solid cerebral shell.
  2. Tumor: arises as a result of growth malignant tumor In the clearance of the vessel and its further growth. This leads to the blockage of the vessels.
  3. Septic thrombus is formed due to various purulent diseases.

By the location of the thrombus in the vessel

  1. Priest blood clots (located at one end of the wall);
    Prolonged (type of the cloth thrombus, but has a greater length);
  2. Lining thrombus (occupies almost the entire surface of the wall, which breaks blood flow, leaving a small lumen);
  3. Central tombes (based on the name, occupy a central place in the vessel);
  4. Blood clots (close the entire clearance of the blood vessel).

By location in the body

  1. Venous thrombus are affixed both deep and surface veins;
    Arterials are formed accordingly in deep and superficial arteries;
  2. When leaving and moving, the clot organism is considered to be wandering;
  3. Microcirculatory: forms only in the system of the same name.


It should be emphasized that symptoms during thrombosis are based on the location of the thrombus (what vessel and its blood supply):

First aid

Tromba separation is a rather dangerous state, which is a strong impetus for the development of serious complications from the cardiovascular system, CNS, and even to the death of the body.

First aid when tomb

It should be said right away that at home it is difficult to provide full-fledged medical care to the victim. Thus, when manifesting the first symptoms should be called ambulance. Only emergency hospitalization and subsequent treatment in the hospital.

When first aid, the thrombus should do everything quickly and take time, because the human life can break into minutes.

Often, urgent assistance in tombing tomb is under the conduct of anticoagulants. Heparin or its analogues are possessed by such properties, as well as fibrinolities ("thromboflux", "fibrinolysin"). If necessary, emergency situations are removed by the catheter.

But it is worth noting that such drugs should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician and in medical institution. When prescribing medications, the doctor must take into account the individual patient tolerance to prevent internal bleeding.


When clogging vessels, a number of diagnostic procedures are carried out, such as:

  1. Ultrasound vessels. As a rule, this study is carried out in suspected of the appearance of a thrombus in the blood vessels of the lower limbs. So you can identify the location, the size of the clots. Is the blood flow in the affected vessel.
  2. Phlebography. It is intended to examine the vessels of the upper and lower extremities. The essence of the method: Conducting X-ray with a contrast component.
  3. CT and MRI.
  4. X-rays of light.
  5. ECG and echo cardiography.
  6. Uzi organs.

However, in the early stages it will be enough to make thromboelastography, a test for the generation of protein thrombin, check the thrombodynamics, test for prothrombin time. Similar procedures are even in the absence of suspicion, in particular the risk group, it is recommended to be checked from time to the formation of thromboms.


Thrombosis therapy should be carried out strictly under the supervision of an experienced specialist in the hospital. Several ways of treating thrombosis are distinguished:

  1. Medical therapy: Introduction medicinal substances Having antihibualation properties. When they were administered, there is a disclosure and reduction of blood coagulation;
  2. Surgical treatment of thrombosis is carried out only in severe cases of the disease;
  3. Shunting of vessels and installation of Kava filters;
  4. Medical measures (massage, leafc);
  5. Appointment low cholesterol diet.

Any operational intervention on the blood vessels has the risk of new thrombos subsequent. Accordingly, it is necessary not only to regularly carry out the prevention of vascular diseases, but also to treat them in time in order to reduce the risk of thrombus.

It is worth noting that treatment directly depends on the type of thrombus, its size and location. Also, oxygen therapy is carried out to increase oxygen concentration in the blood. As the prevention of the disease, it is recommended to lead an active life, regularly play sports, stick to the diet.

Food with thromboosis

In addition to drug therapy, a person must adhere to therapeutic nutrition. So, when the thrombov appears, it is recommended to observe vegetarian food and include more food druising in its diet. Similar qualities are inherent in oatmeal, prunes, lemons, ginger, honey, avocado. Also, for thrombosis, seafood, fish and fish fat, cashew nuts, wheat. Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables contributes to the receipt of nutrients in the body.

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