Why didn't he urinate completely? Urine does not completely exit the bladder: causes, treatment

Diseases of the genitourinary system occupy one of the first places in terms of frequency of occurrence among pathologies of the whole organism. They are equally susceptible to both men and women. Only the weaker sex often suffers from diseases of some organs, and the male part of the population - from the defeat of others.

One of the first symptoms of the development of pathology and a bell, which should become a signal for contacting the attending physician, is the feeling that urine does not completely come out of bladder.

Physiology of urination

Urine consists of water and various elements that arise in the body as a result of metabolic processes. The kidneys filter harmful substances and excess fluid from the blood, driving it through a system of special tubule-tubes, and then direct the prepared urine into the bladder through two long tubes - the ureters.

The ureters drain into the bladder cavity. There are no sphincters on them, so they are always open, and urine continuously flows into the bladder. When a sufficient amount of liquid is collected in it (usually 200-300 ml is enough), then the folds on the walls stretch and stimulate specific receptors.

They, in turn, send a signal to the spinal cord that the organ is full. The neurons of the spinal cord process the information received and send a response, instructing the muscles and the internal sphincter to relax.

The location of the organs of the genitourinary system

Thus, urine begins to flow into the urethra, and the person feels the need to go to the toilet. If there is no opportunity to immediately empty the bladder, then a person can hold the urine in the urethra for a while by squeezing the muscles and closing the external sphincter.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, and in some cases with the involvement of other organs, disorders can occur at all stages of urinary secretion and excretion. For example, with pathologies of innervation, signals that provoke relaxation of the muscles of the bladder may come when the organ is not yet fully filled. And with prostatitis or prostate adenoma in men, there are difficulties in the very process of urination, as well as frequent urge to urinate.

Causes of an unpleasant symptom

There are many reasons why urine does not completely exit the bladder, only an experienced specialist can conduct differential diagnosis and appoint correct treatment... This is due to the fact that the pathological process does not have to be concentrated in the bladder itself in order to cause unpleasant symptoms.

In most cases, the feeling that not all urine has left the body arises under the following conditions:

  1. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma) or prostatitis - occurs only in the male population. Other symptoms may include a weakening of urine pressure and painful sensations during emptying. In addition, it is difficult for such patients to start releasing urine.
  2. Cystitis is the presence of an inflammatory process in the walls of the bladder. It can develop in both men and the fair sex. But women are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to the fact that the urethra of girls is several times shorter than that of the male, so it is easier for pathogenic microflora to penetrate into the body.
  3. Calculous formations, in other words, stones in the bladder. The pathology is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, blood impurities in the urine, and in the case when the stone blocks the excretory canal, ischuria occurs - acute urinary retention.
  4. Urethritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra. It is manifested by cutting pains in the urethra region and unpleasant discharge from it.
  5. Overactive bladder syndrome is a condition in which receptors in the folds respond and send a signal to the spinal cord even when the walls are slightly stretched by the fluid.
  6. Benign or oncological processes in the bladder, accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms that irritate the walls of the organ or take up a lot of space.

yes the feeling that the urine is coming out is not completely false. That is, the bladder itself is empty, but it seems to the patient that part of the urine still remains in the body.

Back injuries can lead to impaired innervation of the bladder

This condition is associated with pathologies nervous system and with diseases of the spinal cord:

  • radiculitis;
  • exacerbation phase multiple sclerosis or its launched forms;
  • hernias that occur in the parts of the spinal cord, which are responsible for innervation in the pelvic organs;
  • back injuries.

Also, diabetes mellitus can quite often lead to disturbances in the control of an organ by the nervous system.

The reason that the urine did not completely come out, and part of it remained in the bladder, can also be the following pathologies:

  • strictures of the channels through which urine flows (narrowing or fusion of the walls);
  • hypotension or complete absence of organ tone;
  • a tumor that compresses the bladder.

It is not uncommon when diseases of organs located in the small pelvis lead to excessive irritation and a feeling of emptiness:

  • women may have salpingo-oophoritis, that is, inflammation of the uterine appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • pelvioperitonitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the small and / or large intestine.

If the bladder is poorly emptied, it can cause overstretching of the bladder walls. In such cases, patients begin to complain of aching or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, a constant feeling of heaviness and distention above the pubis. In addition, if the organ is stretched and greatly enlarged in size, then it can be felt during palpation of the abdomen.

Stagnant urine is an excellent environment in which various pathogenic microorganisms settle down and begin to actively multiply almost immediately. Therefore, patients with a similar problem often have urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.

How to recognize the cause

Since such a symptom may indicate many diseases, self-medication is not worth it. When there is a feeling of incomplete release of the bladder, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Since only an experienced specialist is able to figure it out, find the true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Inflammation of the genitourinary organs

Most often, such pathologies occur in women. They are characterized by cutting pains, a burning sensation and intense painful sensations when trying to urinate. In the case of pyelonephritis, the pain may be localized in the lower back. The urine becomes whitish, cloudy, and flaky.

Diseases of the prostate

It can only be a cause in men, since women simply do not have a problem organ. Usually, in the male population, the prostate grows throughout life, and by the age of 55-60 it grows so much that it begins to squeeze the channel through which urine flows. Patients also complain of pain, but a problem such as impotence is often added.

As we age, the prostate can grow and block the urethra.

If prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma) develops, then the patient rapidly begins to lose weight, and the body temperature is constantly kept within 37-37.5 degrees.


In the presence of calculous formations in any part of the genitourinary system, patients in the anamnesis will necessarily have records of renal colic... Also, patients will complain about severe pain in the back, and their urine will be cloudy, sometimes with blood impurities. In some cases, it will be possible to notice sand in it - salt crystals.

Neurogenic bladder

Patients cannot leave the toilet, the need to urinate is felt almost all the time. The disease develops little by little, at first its manifestations are insignificant, but intensify every day.


What to do when there is a feeling that there is fluid in the bladder after the act of urination? You need to contact your doctor, who will conduct an examination and refer you to a narrower specialist - urologist, andrologist, etc.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a number of additional studies:

  • general analysis of capillary blood (blood from a finger);
  • analysis of urine;
  • bacteriological examination of urine (sowing on a life-giving medium in order to grow microorganisms that may be in the urine);
  • ultrasound examination of the organs located in the small pelvis, as well as the kidneys;
  • contrast retrograde or intravenous urography;
  • cystoscopy.

In severe cases, when it is difficult to determine the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe more serious and expensive methods - magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide studies, etc.

How to get rid of an unpleasant symptom

To minimize unpleasant feelings during and after urinating, you can use the following techniques:

  1. You need to take a comfortable position on the toilet and try to completely relax, especially for the pelvic floor muscles. Sit in this state for about 5 minutes. This exercise will help drain as much urine as possible.
  2. To force the bladder to contract better and more actively to excrete urine, you need to press a little higher than the pubis with your hand while urinating.
  3. You can open the tap with water. The bubbling sound reflexively relaxes the muscles and stimulates emptying.
  4. You can also urinate in a bucket of hot water that produces steam. But you need to be careful not to burn the mucous membrane of the genitals.

In addition, doctors recommend drinking diuretics, and ethnoscience uses a variety of herbs that promote urine flow. Of medicinal plants you can make different tinctures, decoctions, and more. But such treatment usually lasts a long time, it is desirable to combine it with traditional methods.

If the pains are permanent, then you need to establish their cause. This also applies to discomfort that worries a woman after urinating.


Unpleasant sensations after urination often occur due to an inflammatory process in the urethra or bladder (urethritis, cystitis). The outflow of urine further irritates the already inflamed mucous membrane. Women suffer from cystitis more often than men because of the different structure of the genitourinary system.

Urolithiasis can also cause pain. After all, the calculi that come out injure the mucous membrane, which causes pain. This is a serious problem that needs immediate treatment.

Sexual infections sometimes provoke discomfort when urinating.

Other reasons:

  • damage to the urethra after violent intercourse;
  • allergy to hygiene products (soap, pads);
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • candidiasis of the urethra;
  • pyelonephritis (after visiting the toilet, pain in the lower back occurs);
  • tumor of the pelvic organs.

Pregnant women experience pain and burning after emptying their bladder due to the enlarged uterus pressing on the urinary tract.

Associated symptoms

Discomfort after urination is a generic term. But what exactly does a woman feel?

Inflammatory process provokes muscle spasm when emptying the bladder. The organ is not completely emptied. This causes a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. At the same time, the woman has a burning sensation and itching. Any urine that remains in the bladder can cause chronic disease.

Inflammation causes not only the above sensations, but also provokes a false urge to urinate. The woman visits the toilet more and more often, but does not feel relief.

Pain after emptying the bladder can be accompanied by other symptoms:

  • the color of the urine is not the same as usual;
  • body temperature is increased;
  • worries nagging pain in the lower back;
  • general weakness of the body.


Unpleasant sensations after urination are a reason for contacting a doctor. He will conduct a detailed survey. A woman should tell in detail about all the symptoms, the frequency of visits to the toilet, how long she has been worried about this problem. Additionally you will need:

  • donate urine for analysis;
  • do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and kidneys;
  • undergo an endoscopic examination;
  • get tested for genital infections.

The results of all tests enable the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and begin adequate treatment that will save the woman from the problem.

How to treat?

Depending on the disease that provoked such sensations, a certain treatment will be prescribed:

  1. Cystitis and urethritis require the use of drugs that destroy infectious agents and relieve inflammation (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs).
  2. Urolithiasis requires a more serious approach. The woman will have to undergo the procedure of crushing stones. But this does not always eliminate the problem. Surgery may be required.
  3. When allergic reactions appoint antihistamines.
  4. Antifungal agents are used in case of candidiasis.
  5. Tumors (and sometimes injuries) require surgical intervention.

For any problems with bladder need a strict diet. Smoked, spicy, pickled foods should be excluded. Refuse alcoholic beverages. You need to drink more fluids, which will help to flush the infection out of the body faster.

Everything medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to dangerous consequences.

Any changes in the body that cause constant discomfort require medical attention. If a woman has pain, itching, burning after visiting the toilet "in a small way", then she should consult a doctor as soon as possible to establish the cause and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Normal urination in humans is characterized by the fact that there are no sensations before, during and after the process. The number of urinations per day - about 4-6... A change in urge can be observed when exposed to various conditions:

  1. The amount of fluid you drink during the day;
  2. Climatic conditions, ambient temperature;
  3. Food that a person consumed in a day;

Most often at healthy person the feeling that after urinating you want more is noted after taking a large amount of liquid or food that has a diuretic effect (watermelon). A person who has common diseases, a repeated desire to urinate may occur after taking diuretics and other medications, side effect which is frequent urination.

In all other cases, the urge to urinate again is a deviation from the norm, and requires consultation with a specialist, finding out the reason and prescribing appropriate treatment.

In the first place among the diseases that cause the feeling that after urinating you want to write, there are infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system:

  • Inflammation of the bladder (typical mainly for women);
  • Inflammation of the urethra (more common in men)
  • Pyelonephritis is an infectious process in the kidneys;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland in men;
  • Inflammation of the uterus and appendages in women.

These diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms or conditionally pathogenic microflora of the reproductive system, which, under the influence of unfavorable factors, begins to grow and develop excessively.

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation are: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Gonococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Some of these microorganisms can be sexually transmitted to humans.

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are fungi of the genus Candida, lactobacilli and clostridia. They begin to grow indomitable under the influence of unfavorable factors.

The predisposing factors for the development of the inflammatory process are:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. Decreased immunity, hypothermia;
  3. Bad habits;
  4. Chronic diseases of the body.

Also, these diseases can be caused by traumatic agents (trauma, high or low temperature, electric current). In this case, inflammation occurs due to medical manipulations, in which the method of their implementation was violated.

In addition to infectious inflammatory diseases, an unpleasant sensation after urination may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Diabetes. Polyuria () is one of three characteristic symptomsthat indicate the development of the disease.
  • Diabetes insipidus. The feeling that after urinating you want to urinate again, accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine. In this case, thirst may not be observed.
  • Neurogenic bladder. It is observed with damage to the nervous system.

Malignant or benign growths in the bladder can make a person want to use the toilet again after urinating. This sensation arises due to the constant irritating effect of the tumor on the wall of the bladder. The same effect has urolithiasis in the localization of the stone in the bladder.

The predisposing factors for the formation of a tumor in the bladder are prolonged smoking and work in a chemical industry, which are combined with frequent delays urine in the body (if a person constantly holds back urine and does not go to the toilet).

Urolithiasis occurs due to malnutrition or diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders. Also, alcohol or salty foods can lead to stone formation. Men are at risk of this disease.

Diagnosis of patients with this problem

Diagnostics begins with clarification of complaints, according to which the doctor may suspect a person has a disease and make a preliminary diagnosis. A patient with an infectious-inflammatory process, in addition to the fact that after urinating the feeling that you want more, may complain:

  1. The pain that accompanies the urge occurs during the act of urination or after the release of urine;
  2. Itching, burning in the urethra;
  3. Change in the amount of urine excreted (with each urge, little urine is released, it comes out drop by drop, or, conversely, with frequent urge, a large amount of fluid is released);
  4. Discoloration (white, red, brown or green) and transparency of urine, the appearance of foam;
  5. Violation general condition, weakness, fatigue, fever, headache, decreased ability to work;
  6. Decreased sexual function, lack of libido, erectile dysfunction in men.

For patients with suspected malignant neoplasm or urolithiasis, the appearance of blood in the urine is characteristic. The patient may notice both streaks of blood and a change in the color of urine to red, brown or pink, depending on the degree of hematuria.

A mandatory diagnostic measure is delivery clinical analysis crooked and urine. In the blood, leukocytosis can be detected, a shift leukocyte formula to the left, increased ESR (characteristic of the infectious process), anemia (with hematuria). The level of protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes rises in the urine. The organoleptic properties of urine change. When urolithiasis salts appear, which can indicate the structure of the stone.

It is also necessary to conduct a urine culture, and determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics. If a venereal disease is suspected, PCR is performed to identify the pathogen.

Ultrasound is used to detect changes in the genitourinary organs. Helps to determine the localization of a tumor or stone (if any), to establish the size of the prostate gland or uterus in the inflammatory process.

If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, the following are carried out:

  • MRI or CT, which will help determine the localization and size of the neoplasm;
  • Cystoscopy to visualize the tumor;
  • Biopsy to establish the nature of the process.

If you feel that after urinating you want to go to the toilet again, you should not engage in self-diagnosis. Diseases that cause such sensations can lead to serious complications if you do not seek help from a specialist in time.

Treatment of patients with frequent urge to urinate

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient and finding out the cause of the pathology.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system require the use of antibiotic therapy, which is carried out with antibiotics wide range actions, and after determining the sensitivity - the most effective drug. Antibacterial agents require the use of drugs that normalize the microflora in the body (probiotics, prebiotics and eubiotics).

It is also necessary to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which lower body temperature, eliminate inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Antispasmodics (no-shpa or papaverine) can be used to reduce pain. Gonorrhea is treated with high doses of benzylpenicillin sodium salt.

Urolithiasis requires the use of lithotripsy (therapy aimed at removing the stone). It can be carried out by a conservative method (prescribing medications), surgically or with ultrasound.

Neoplasms of the bladder with a benign course can be treated conservatively, but this method is ineffective and leads to the frequent occurrence of tumor recurrence. Such treatment is prescribed for patients with contraindications for surgery.

Surgical treatment of tumors is most effective. In this case, both the tumor and part of the organ or the entire organ can be removed. When malignant neoplasms before and after the operation, a course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is prescribed to prevent tumor recurrence and the occurrence of metastases.

A change in urge can be observed when exposed to various conditions:

  1. Bad habits;

  1. Itching, burning in the urethra;


Obsessive urge to go to the toilet in a small way: causes in men and women, as well as the main approaches to treatment

For a healthy person, the frequency of urination is considered normal from one to eight times a day. If you need to do this more often, wake up in the middle of the night to relieve need, you need to think about problems with urination.

An exception can be made for the elderly. This is considered the norm for them.

This article describes the causes of frequent urge to urinate, as well as the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with it.

Why does it constantly feel like you want to write?

If you constantly want to write, the reasons for this feeling are quite extensive. Often these sensations indicate the onset of a disease. Moreover, such symptoms can appear in men and women. They can be sick with both the same and completely different diseases.

You can get rid of this unpleasant condition. To do this, you need to determine the reasons for its occurrence. Only a doctor can do this. He will prescribe special studies that will allow you to choose the right treatment. You can, of course, try to heal yourself, but it is not known what this will lead to.

Let's list the main reasons why you constantly want to write:

  • taking diuretics;
  • eating foods that contain substances that help urinate. These products include some fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • infectious lesion of the urinary organs;
  • development diabetes mellitus;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • neurogenic bladder, which is associated with damage to the nervous system;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland (only found in men);
  • inflammation of the reproductive organs in women;
  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the bladder can act as irritants on its walls;
  • urolithiasis disease. Bladder stones also irritate the walls of the bladder;
  • overactive bladder syndrome (often contracted).

All inflammatory diseases are caused by opportunistic microflora of the reproductive system or pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of certain factors, their number increases, which causes health problems.

Smoking and others bad habits - common causes of bladder inflammation

The factors leading to the development of the inflammatory process are:

  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • decreased immunity;
  • chronic diseases.

In men

The phenomenon that a man constantly wants to write is quite common.

The feeling that you constantly want to write can arise for the following reasons:

  • the presence of infections (you want to write often, even after the bladder is completely empty);
  • diabetes;
  • neoplasm in the bladder;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Only a qualified specialist can diagnose such diseases. Since the symptoms of all diseases are similar, a complete medical examination is required to establish the exact cause. It is imperative to pass blood and urine tests.

With age, men use the toilet more often for little need. They have nocturnal urges. The male body in old age begins to work differently. He recycles fluid in his sleep. However, if a man wants to write more than two times during the night, he should think about it and pay close attention to this problem.

Among women

Women are also prone to urinary problems just like men. If there is a feeling that you constantly want to write, in women without pain or with it, all sorts of infectious diseases of the reproductive system often become the cause.

In urology, there are a number of reasons why you constantly want to write to women:

  • prolapse of the bladder;
  • cystitis;
  • reactive arthritis;
  • the presence of sand or kidney stones;
  • neoplasms in the urinary tract or bladder.

You should consult a doctor immediately if problems with frequent toilet visits worsen during your period.

During pregnancy

The female body has several features that are directly related to the possibility of having children.

During pregnancy, changes occur that affect all internal organs, including the urinary system.

If you constantly want to write during pregnancy, this is considered a normal condition for a pregnant woman.

Although if they are accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate some violations. After childbirth, all processes return to normal and urination is restored.

Only a doctor can make a specific diagnosis. Before that, he will conduct diagnostic measures. In addition to the constant desire to pee, there are also certain accompanying symptoms, which can serve as a warning about problems with internal organs.

If you constantly think you want to write, you should definitely be wary in the following cases:

Pain in the lower abdomen

Usually, kidney stones cause pain in the lower abdomen. To confirm that it was they who caused the problems, doctors prescribe comprehensive examination organism. It includes ultrasound, urine and blood tests.

If you constantly want to write and you feel a burning sensation, these symptoms are characteristic of infectious diseases urinary tract... They appear already in the initial stages, causing significant discomfort. A timely visit to a specialist will allow you to quickly recover and avoid negative consequences for the whole body.

Other accompanying symptoms

If there is no pain, then they may indicate age-related changes or become a consequence of taking diuretics. Itching and the feeling that after sex you constantly want to write may indicate an infection in the genitals or urinary system.

The appearance of the urine can also tell a lot. If blood is present, seek immediate medical attention. This symptom indicates serious problems.


What if you constantly want to write? Quality treatment is carried out only by professionals. Both private and public medical institutions there are such specialists - urologists.

They diagnose the disease, prescribe effective treatment, will carry out a complex of rehabilitation measures. Without preliminary diagnosis, it is impossible to find an effective treatment, prescribe medications.

Inflammatory processes without fail require the use of antibiotics, which are prescribed by a doctor. After taking them, drugs are prescribed that normalize the microflora in the body.

Also, doctors may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that lower body temperature, have analgesic effects, and reduce inflammation. Antispasmodics (Papaverine or No-shpa) will help to cope with pain.

Papaverine pain relievers

For urolithiasis, lithotripsy is used. It is performed using surgery, ultrasound or medication.

When benign neoplasms appear in the bladder, use conservative treatment (taking drugs), but this method is ineffective and leads to the appearance of relapses. Only patients who have contraindications to surgery are treated this way.

The surgical method showed the best results in the treatment of tumors.

Sometimes not only the tumor is removed, but also part of the organ.

If the tumor is malignant, then an additional course of radiation and chemotherapy is prescribed. This will help prevent relapses and metastases.

When you independently determine the causes of frequent urges, you need to analyze which drugs produced recently. You need to look in the instructions for use to see if they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth paying attention to foods in your diet that can also have a diuretic effect. After such an analysis, excluding the above factors, you need to pay attention to whether the urge is real or false.


As preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the genitourinary system, you need to adhere to following recommendations and the rules:

  • drink more clean water;
  • exclude harmful foods from the diet;
  • produce a genital toilet daily;
  • lead healthy image life without bad habits;
  • refuse to visit suspicious baths, swimming pools and other similar institutions;
  • periodically conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

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Causes of frequent urination in women:

It is important to remember that you can get rid of frequent urination only after eliminating the causes of the disease. As a result of self-treatment folk remedies or inadequate therapy in case of inflammatory diseases, urinary incontinence or persistent muscular hypotonia of the bladder may develop.

After urinating, you want to write more.

Normal urination in humans is characterized by the fact that there are no sensations before, during and after the process. The amount of urination per day is about 4-6. A change in urge can be observed when exposed to various conditions:

  1. The amount of fluid you drink during the day;
  2. Climatic conditions, ambient temperature;
  3. Food that a person consumed in a day;

Most often, in a healthy person, the feeling that after urinating you want more is noted after taking a large amount of liquid or food that has a diuretic effect (watermelon). In a person with common diseases, a repeated urge to urinate may occur after taking diuretics and other drugs, the side effect of which is frequent urination.

In all other cases, the urge to urinate again is a deviation from the norm, and requires consultation with a specialist, finding out the reason and prescribing appropriate treatment.

Reasons for wanting more after urinating

In the first place among the diseases that cause the feeling that after urinating you want to write, there are infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system:

  • Inflammation of the bladder (typical mainly for women);
  • Inflammation of the urethra (more common in men)
  • Pyelonephritis is an infectious process in the kidneys;
  • Inflammation of the prostate gland in men;
  • Inflammation of the uterus and appendages in women.

These diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms or conditionally pathogenic microflora of the reproductive system, which, under the influence of unfavorable factors, begins to grow and develop excessively.

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation are: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Gonococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Some of these microorganisms can be sexually transmitted to humans.

Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are fungi of the genus Candida, lactobacilli and clostridia. They begin to grow indomitable under the influence of unfavorable factors.

The predisposing factors for the development of the inflammatory process are:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. Decreased immunity, hypothermia;
  3. Bad habits;
  4. Chronic diseases of the body.

Also, these diseases can be caused by traumatic agents (trauma, high or low temperature, electric current). In this case, inflammation occurs due to medical manipulations, in which the method of their implementation was violated.

In addition to infectious and inflammatory diseases, an unpleasant sensation after urination may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Diabetes. Polyuria (frequent urination) is one of three characteristic symptoms that indicate the development of the disease.
  • Diabetes insipidus. The feeling that after urinating you want to urinate again, accompanied by the release of a large amount of urine. In this case, thirst may not be observed.
  • Neurogenic bladder. It is observed with damage to the nervous system.

Malignant or benign growths in the bladder can make a person want to use the toilet again after urinating. This sensation arises due to the constant irritating effect of the tumor on the wall of the bladder. The same effect has urolithiasis in the localization of the stone in the bladder.

The predisposing factors for the formation of a tumor in the bladder are prolonged smoking and work in a chemical industry, which are combined with frequent urinary retention in the body (if a person constantly holds urine and does not go to the toilet).

Urolithiasis occurs due to malnutrition or diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders. Also, alcohol or salty foods can lead to stone formation. Men are at risk of this disease.

Diagnosis of patients with this problem

Diagnostics begins with clarification of complaints, according to which the doctor may suspect a person has a disease and make a preliminary diagnosis. A patient with an infectious-inflammatory process, in addition to the fact that after urinating the feeling that you want more, may complain:

  1. The pain that accompanies the urge occurs during the act of urination or after the release of urine;
  2. Itching, burning in the urethra;
  3. Change in the amount of urine excreted (with each urge, little urine is released, it comes out drop by drop, or, conversely, with frequent urge, a large amount of fluid is released);
  4. Discoloration (white, red, brown or green) and transparency of urine, the appearance of foam;
  5. Violation of the general condition, weakness, fatigue, fever, headache, decreased ability to work;
  6. Decreased sexual function, lack of libido, erectile dysfunction in men.

For patients with suspected malignant neoplasm or urolithiasis, the appearance of blood in the urine is characteristic. The patient may notice both streaks of blood and a change in the color of urine to red, brown or pink, depending on the degree of hematuria.

A mandatory diagnostic measure is the delivery of a clinical analysis of crooked and urine. In the blood, you can find leukocytosis, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left, increased ESR (characteristic of an infectious process), anemia (with hematuria). The level of protein, leukocytes, erythrocytes rises in the urine. The organoleptic properties of urine change. With urolithiasis, salts appear, which can indicate the structure of the stone.

It is also necessary to conduct a urine culture, and determine the sensitivity of microflora to antibiotics. If a venereal disease is suspected, PCR is performed to identify the pathogen.

Ultrasound is used to detect changes in the genitourinary organs. Helps to determine the localization of a tumor or stone (if any), to establish the size of the prostate gland or uterus in the inflammatory process.

If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, the following are carried out:

  • MRI or CT, which will help determine the localization and size of the neoplasm;
  • Cystoscopy to visualize the tumor;
  • Biopsy to establish the nature of the process.

If you feel that after urinating you want to go to the toilet again, you should not engage in self-diagnosis. Diseases that cause such sensations can lead to serious complications if you do not seek help from a specialist in time.

Treatment of patients with frequent urge to urinate

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient and finding out the cause of the pathology.

Infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system require the use of antibiotic therapy, which is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics, and after determining the sensitivity - the most effective drug. Antibacterial agents require the use of drugs that normalize the microflora in the body (probiotics, prebiotics and eubiotics).

It is also necessary to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which lower body temperature, eliminate inflammation and have an analgesic effect. Antispasmodics (no-shpa or papaverine) can be used to reduce pain. Gonorrhea is treated with high doses of benzylpenicillin sodium salt.

Urolithiasis requires the use of lithotripsy (therapy aimed at removing the stone). It can be done conservatively (prescribing medication), surgically, or with ultrasound.

Neoplasms of the bladder with a benign course can be treated conservatively, but this method is ineffective and leads to the frequent occurrence of tumor recurrence. Such treatment is prescribed for patients with contraindications for surgery.

Surgical treatment of tumors is most effective. In this case, both the tumor and part of the organ or the entire organ can be removed. In malignant neoplasms, before and after surgery, a course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is prescribed to prevent tumor recurrence and the occurrence of metastases.

Frequent urge to urinate is the fastest cystitis, as for me. But there are also more serious diseases. Do not self-medicate, be healthy.

All people, from infancy to old age, can face the problems of unexpected calls of the body for unforeseen urination at certain periods of time.

These questions acquire particular relevance precisely at the borderline life stages, with a fragile or unimmune carrier organism.

For kids this problem is not critical, they can satisfy the constantly arising urge at any given time, without complications and consequences.

Medical professionals spend a lot of time working with this problem by developing latest techniques and ways to deal with persistent urge to urinate. Today, there are already many assumptions why this disease occurs, how to prevent its occurrence and completely cure it. So, let's figure out why you constantly want to write.

Reasons for the constant feeling that you want to write

Frequent urge and the body's need to get rid of the supposedly excessively collected urine, these are certain symptoms determined by doctors in both sexes.

Such reasons can arise without reference to gender, and medical specialists do not distinguish the presence of dependence on this condition by gender.

Treatment does not cause any particular complications, but first of all, the main task is to determine the causes that serve the appearance of pathogens of this unpleasant condition, which affects the patient's whole life, depriving him of his usual existence. With the correct determination of the research results, there are high chances of self-relieving from the disease, using proven alternative medicine, home medicine cabinet, medicinal plants, tinctures, decoctions.

For better and faster treatment, it is better to turn to professionals specializing in the treatment of one or another type of disease, directly related to the symptoms of the problem. Paid clinics and free public hospitals always include a certain physician, a doctor of a certain specialty, who is able to diagnose a disease, prescribe drugs for treatment, and carry out a set of rehabilitation measures.

If a decision is made to independently determine the causes of such symptoms, first of all, you should think about the medications, diuretics or products that may include such elements in their composition.

Having carried out such an analysis, excluding the possibility of taking synthetic drugs that cause the disease, experts recommend paying attention to the real urge to urinate or their falsity.

Diet and food intake may be directly related to the emergence of issues of urge to constant writing, increased consumption of fruit, vegetable and berry crops leads to frequent trips to the toilet. The exclusion of such a factor leads to the realization that a real problem arises before a person, real urges to visit the bathroom, can lead to disastrous consequences and cause a malfunction of all body systems.

Moreover, it does not matter which organ has been exposed to infection or irritants, the complex of symptoms remains the same.

In men

A small amount of urine or its complete absence does not affect the constant urge to visit the toilet room and empty the accumulator.

A constant and irresistible sensation to urinate dictates a special schedule for a man, complicating life, ignoring such a problem can cause diabetes mellitus, a tumor directly in the bladder.

Due to the similarity of symptoms, self-medication can be detrimental to the body, contacting a specialized doctor will help to correctly diagnose the disease based on the tests performed.

The development of urolithiasis, the detection of different-sized kidney stones, chronic renal failure can cause the urge to urinate continuously, disrupting the usual rhythm of life.

Only an experienced specialist is able to determine the factors influencing the desire to constantly visit the toilet by the male gender, the doctor is able to prescribe the correct set of diagnostics without possible harmful effects on the body. It should not be overlooked that these symptoms may be just a reaction of the male body to age-related changes, which pass with all sorts of symptoms, often repeating mild and complex diseases.

Night visits to the bathroom in old age is a normal state of an aging organism; during this period of life, the functional process in the human body changes, and the liquid is processed precisely at night.

Among women

As well as in the male body, women can meet on the path of life with the problem of constant urges to urinate that change the schedule and behavior style, which can be caused by all kinds of infectious lesions of the reproductive system.

In gynecology, specialists distinguish a number of diseases that are most often found in female organisms, they include diseases such as cystitis, prolapse of the bladder of several stages, reactive arthritis, the presence of stones, sand in the kidneys, tumors in the bladder or urinary tract.

Features of the device female body, unique genitourinary system became the reason that these symptoms can also appear in conditions such as pregnancy, especially if it is close to childbirth, a period of time. If, during menstruation and with profuse bleeding, these symptoms are especially acute, then a mandatory measure will be to contact a medical professional.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unusual process in a woman's body, inherent in all viviparous, during which the body undergoes a number of changes that affect work internal organs.

After childbirth, over time, the processes are getting better, the body restores the normal operation of all systems.

Frequent urge to urinate in pregnant women is a natural symptom during this period that is not pathological in nature.

Symptoms to watch out for

The individual characteristics of each disease are determined by a doctor, a specialist of his kind, engaged not only in treatment, but also in the diagnosis of any problem. Urinary incontinence and frequent urge to empty the bladder can serve as a warning about malfunctions in the internal organs and systems of the human body.

To identify symptomatic characteristics, doctors prescribe a rad or a set of tests that will help identify the problem and determine the further course of treatment. Without preliminary diagnostics, it is impossible to carry out a quick and high-quality disposal of the disease, the appointment of medications.

At least once the frequent urge to urinate bothered every person and this is not always associated with any pathologies. But when it hurts to go to the toilet in a small way - we are definitely talking about a disease. For what diseases this symptom appears, read on.

What are the causes of frequent urination in men, read here. Inflammatory process, impaired urine outflow, hormonal disorders - we will consider each case.

Did you know that the bladder is made up entirely of muscle tissue? Therefore, it can stretch well and even change its location. In this thread http://mkb2.ru/terminyi/giperaktivnyj-mochevoj-puzyr.html we will analyze such a thing as an overactive bladder and learn how to cure this pathology.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Salt, sand or kidney stones cause such an unpleasant symptom as painful urination, for an accurate determination, medical professionals prescribe a complete and comprehensive examination of the body.

Step-by-step research progress: ultrasound procedure, analysis of urine, blood, under supervision medical staff, helps to identify the real cause of the discomfort.

Pain and burning sensation when urinating

Infection of the urinary tract often manifests itself in the initial stages with just such painful sensations, forcing a person to experience a certain amount of discomfort. Seeing a doctor in such cases will allow not only to get rid of pain, but also to overcome the disease, without further consequences for the whole organism.

Other accompanying symptoms

  1. Absence of pain - indicates age-related changes in the human body and can only be determined by a doctor.
  2. The need for constant urination - speaks of taking diuretics.
  3. False urges - frequent visits to the bathroom, without urination, allows you to determine the presence of diseases.
  4. Itchy sensations - infection of internal organs and skin can cause such unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Constipation - the use of laxatives relieves the feeling of such troubles.

Treatment of the disease and prevention

What if you constantly want to write? When self-treatment For such diseases, it is better to use natural materials that allow not only to relieve symptoms, but also to relieve inflammation at the initial stages of diseases. The use of drugs based on medicinal herbs will give the opportunity to suspend the course of the disease, but will not completely eliminate it.

As remedies you can use:

  • sequential baths - work to suspend minor infectious processes;
  • decoctions of rosehip rhizomes - oral administration of the decoction eases the ongoing inflammation of the urinary canals;
  • decoction of yarrow - relieves inflammation of the reproductive system.

Preventive measures are quite simple, to prevent the occurrence of such symptoms, you should:

  • monitor personal hygiene in the genital area;
  • follow a healthy lifestyle;
  • review the diet, do not drink alcohol, and avoid smoking.

The most important event is visiting qualified specialist, who will quickly diagnose the disease, develop a treatment plan and help to get rid of the disease qualitatively.

Inflammatory diseases of the bladder are not uncommon for women. Frequent urination in women can be a symptom of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, but sometimes this symptom can manifest itself for completely natural reasons: stress, hypothermia, drinking plenty of fluids. You need to learn to distinguish pathology from the norm and consult a doctor in time.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen in men is a rather rare symptom and when it appears, you should consult a doctor. What diseases this symptom may indicate, read in this topic.

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