Making changes to egrip is an error. How to make changes to egrip? A package of documents for changing the registration information of an individual entrepreneur

It will be needed by an individual entrepreneur in cases of a change in the direction of economic activity, as well as when changing passport data. This is regulated by federal law No. 129 “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”. When making changes, the state duty is not paid.

Algorithm for making changes to the USRIP

Writing changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is a holistic, consistent procedure that must be implemented in stages. You can do this even without the services of a notary or a lawyer absolutely independently.

Consider the procedure for making changes step by step:

  1. Specify the reason why the change is required. This may be a change in the direction of economic activity or passport data.
  2. Form a package of documentation, which includes a TIN certificate and a copy. In the event of a change in passport data, copies of all pages of the passport are also required. When changing a surname, you must attach a document indicating the reason for the change, for example, a marriage certificate.
  3. Fill out an application for amendments to form No. P24001 with your own hand.
  4. Stitch and number the pages of the application. Copies of the passport (if any) are also stitched and numbered.
  5. Printing of all sheets provided to the FMS must be one-sided only. Duplex printing is strictly prohibited.
  6. Take the completed package of documentation to the Tax Authority at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur. This can be done both independently by an entrepreneur, presenting a passport, and by his legal representative by proxy. An important feature is that if an individual entrepreneur personally submits documents to the registration authority, then he will not need to notarize the signatures.

EGRIP specialists will analyze the received documents. At the end of the analysis, if the documents are in order, the IP will only have to pick up an extract from the USRIP containing new data. Experts are given 5 days to check.

In rare cases, changes may be denied. As a rule, this is due to the lack of documents or their incorrect execution. The individual entrepreneur will be able to receive a paper confirming the refusal to make changes in person or by mail.

Filling out the cover page of the form

To make changes to the USRIP form No. P24001, regardless of the reason, it is supposed to fill out the title page, which indicates:

  1. Name of the entrepreneur. Middle name is indicated if available.
  2. The minimum details are the TIN of the entrepreneur, as well as the OGRNIP.
  3. Reason for applying. There may be two reasons, the first of which is a change in information about the IP, the second is the re-submission of documents due to previously made mistakes.

An example of filling out this page:

Changing OKVED - how to fill out the form pages?

If changes are made to the USRIP in connection with a change in the type of activity, then sheets “E” and “G” are filled in, taking into account the following rules:

  • There can only be one main activity. This is the option provided in the application form.
  • If it is necessary to add additional activities to the register, then only their codes should be entered. There is no need to specify existing ones.
  • When entering additional OKVED codes into the application, the numbers should be indicated in order, line by line, from left to right.
  • If an individual entrepreneur does not need to fill out any sheets (for example, he does not intend to remove activities, but only wants to introduce new ones), then they should not be printed and numbered.

Sample sheet "E", the first page of which is intended for adding new activity codes, and the second for deleting old ones:

Sample sheet "G" to fix the method by which the paper on the changes made to the USRIP will be received:

If the activity code being entered is listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2011 No. 285, then the tax service will make a request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the entrepreneur has a criminal record, then a refusal to make changes to the USRIP will be issued.

Filling out the form when changing passport data

An individual entrepreneur fills out sheet "A" if the surname, place or date of birth have been changed. To be filled in by both residents of the Russian Federation and other countries.

If citizenship has been changed, then you need to fill out sheet "B":

When changing the place of residence, it is necessary to draw up a sheet "B", entering the detailed address of the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur (region, region, city, street, house, etc.):

Persons without a place of residence and foreigners draw up sheets "G" and "D" when changing an identity document or a document on the basis of which it is allowed to live in the territory of the Russian Federation. All data must be entered in the specially designated fields:

  • Detailed information about the document confirming the identity of the IP - passport. The series and number, as well as the date with the place of issue of the document are indicated;
  • If the individual entrepreneur is a foreign citizen, then in addition he will have to provide papers confirming the legality of his residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. About these papers, you will need to indicate some information in the application, namely: the type of document, its number, date and place of issue, validity period.

You can also specify additional wishes. For example, in what way the IP wants to receive an extract from the USRIP.

Sample sheets "G" and "D":

Video sample of filling out the form

In the following video, you will clearly see how to download and fill out the form pages to make changes to the USRIP:

To make changes to the Unified State Register of IP, you must determine the reason and fill out a special form. Having collected all the documents, you need to submit them to the Tax Service, and within 5 days you will receive a certificate of changes.

When filling out an application on form P21001, an individual entrepreneur must indicate which lines of business he will be engaged in. To do this, in sheet A of the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, enter codes for the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur.

Codes are digital designations of types of activity, they are selected from the OKVED classifier. For example, if an individual entrepreneur opens a beauty salon, then his OKVED codes will be:

  • 96.02 Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons;
  • 96.04 Sports and recreation activities;
  • 96.09 Provision of other personal services n.e.c.

If in the course of activity the entrepreneur decided to engage in business areas that were not immediately indicated in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, then it is necessary to add OKVED codes. Suppose that a small shop selling professional cosmetics will be organized in a beauty salon, in this case it is necessary to inform the tax office about the addition of OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs.

We have developed a step-by-step instruction for you on how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2020. With its help, you can independently add new types of IP activities or exclude those that you no longer plan to engage in. Let's take a closer look at the steps for an individual entrepreneur to add new OKVED codes in 2019.

Step 1. Choose new OKVED codes

Please note that it is necessary to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2020 in accordance with the classifier OKVED-2 or OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2). Other editions of OKVED ceased to be valid from January 1, 2017.

On our website you can pick up the current ones.

New OKVED codes must consist of at least 4 characters, and it is not necessary to indicate codes of 5 or 6 characters. For example, you open a clothing store, then you only need to enter the code 47.71. This group will also include codes such as 47.71.1, 47.71.2, 47.71.3, 47.71.4, etc. At the same time, specifying such codes separately will also not be a mistake.

If you encounter difficulties in selecting new OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs, you can seek a free consultation from professional registrars.

Step 2. Decide which OKVED code will be your main one

The main OKVED code is the one by which you receive or plan to receive the maximum income. The tariffs for insurance of employees against occupational diseases and accidents at work depend on which OKVED code for individual entrepreneurs is the main one. Entrepreneurs-employers, when changing the main OKVED code, must submit to the FSS a certificate confirming the main type of activity. This must be done no later than April 15 following the results of the previous year. Individual entrepreneurs without employees do not submit such a certificate, even if their main type of activity has changed.

If your main activity has not changed, then only additional OKVED codes need to be entered in the application R24001.

Step 3. Fill out an application form P24001

Application P24001 is intended to change the information contained in the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs. A change in the types of activities of an entrepreneur is reflected in the USRIP, therefore, it is necessary to report a change in OKVED IP codes in the form P24001. The application has 9 pages, but not all of them need to be filled out.

The title page indicates the usual data of the entrepreneur: OGRNIP, TIN and full name. To enter new OKVED codes, page 1 of sheet “E” is intended, moreover, you can add both the main code and additional ones. In our example, only the option with the addition of additional OKVED codes is indicated, the main code does not change, therefore clause 1.1 is not filled out.

If you introduce a new main activity, then you must exclude the old main code. To do this, in addition to page 1 of sheet “E”, page 2 of sheet “E” must also be filled out. Here you also indicate additional OKVED codes that you want to exclude from the USRIP.

The last page is sheet G, where you need to indicate your phone number and email address. You do not need to sign the application in advance! If the entrepreneur himself submits the P24001 form, then he signs the application in the presence of the tax inspector. When notarized (if the application is submitted by mail or by proxy), the signature of the individual entrepreneur is certified by a notary.

Form P24001 can be filled out by hand in black ink or by computer in 18 point Courier New font, capital letters only. You do not need to staple the application, but you can fasten it with a paper clip.

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Step 4. Submit documents to the registration authority

What documents are needed to add OKVED IP? If the entrepreneur personally reports changes to the registration documents, then you must have a passport and the completed application P24001 with you. A person submitting an application on behalf of an individual entrepreneur must, in addition, have a power of attorney to make changes to the USRIP. The state duty is not charged when changing OKVED codes for an individual entrepreneur, therefore, no payment document is needed in this case.

Documents must be submitted to the tax office that registered the IP. In large cities, these may be special registering IFTS, such as the 46th tax inspectorate in Moscow. You can also contact, which provides services for making changes to the EGRIP.

Please note: the deadline for submitting documents for changing the OKVED IP codes is only three business days from the moment you start working on new codes. The fine for late submission of an application is 5,000 rubles (Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Step 5. Get a USRIP record sheet with new codes

Instead of an extract from the USRIP since 2014, the tax office issues a USRIP record sheet with new types of entrepreneurial activities. The date on which you or your authorized representative needs to come to the IFTS will be reported by the tax inspector; according to the law, five working days are allotted for registering a change in information about an entrepreneur.

If you chose “send by mail” as the method of receiving the document, then add a few more days to these days for the delivery of the letter to your address.

We hope that our instructions on how to add a type of activity for an individual entrepreneur will help you independently process the change in OKVED codes. To reduce the risk of change registration being denied, we recommend that you prepare Application P24001 at .

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If you decide to start a new business, which you did not report to the state when registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, do not forget to add OKVED codes to the state register. For irrelevant information in the registry, you can be fined 5,000 rubles. We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to change OKVEDs.

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The procedure for changing OKVED, if you have an LLC

The charter of the company contains a clause that the LLC can engage in any type of activity:

  1. Fill out the title page and sheets H and R in the application in the form P14001. On the first page of sheet H, indicate the codes that you want to add, and on the second, those that need to be removed from the register.
  2. Number and print only the completed sheets of the application.
  3. Take your passport and take the application to the tax office.

The charter contains a closed list of activities and there is no one that you plan to add:

  1. Enter new types of activities into the charter, or better, add the item “and other types of activities not prohibited by law” at the end of the list of activities. Then, when changing OKVEDs, you will no longer have to make changes to the charter.
  2. Prepare the decision of the founder, if you are the sole owner of the business, or the minutes of the general meeting of the company's members on amending the charter. After signing the decision or protocol, have time to take the application to the tax office within three working days.
  3. Fill out the title page and sheets L and M in the application in the form P13001.
  4. Get the application certified by a notary. If you submit documents electronically and sign with your electronic signature, you do not need to certify with a notary.
  5. Pay a state duty of 800 rubles. You can generate a payment on the tax website: select “State duty for registration of a legal entity” → “State duty for registration of changes made to the constituent documents of a legal entity, or liquidation of a legal entity”. If you apply through the tax website, the State Services or the MFC, you do not need to pay a fee.
  6. Take the tax application, the receipt of payment of the fee and the new charter in two copies. Don't forget to bring your passport with you.

Almost every second entrepreneur faces the need to change some data in his official documents during his activities. The most common change that needs to be made to tax office documents is editing or adding.

Surely tax officials are not always willing to explain how to correctly fill out forms with new information. But you don't have to hang your nose right away! You do not have such a difficult task. True, if you use the clear step-by-step instructions that are attached below. But, as usual, first we place the necessary files:


When do you need to make changes to the registry documents?

So, let's take it in order. When data about the surname, place of residence, passport series and number change, it is not necessary to inform your tax inspector about this. An exchange of updated data has been established between the tax authority and the Federal Migration Service. Therefore, in the Unified State Register of IP new surname and place of residence appear automatically, without your application (according to the norms of the law of the Russian Federation No. 129-FZ, Chapter II, Article 5, paragraph 4).

Of course, when changing the type of business activity, it is imperative to amend the register of individual entrepreneurs. To do this, it is not necessary to use the services of a lawyer who will draw up the documents for you, but will ask for tickets from the Bank of Russia in return. It is quite possible to update information for the tax office on your own, especially since it is not difficult at all.

A package of documents for changing the registration information of an individual entrepreneur

To complete the procedure, you need to bring a simple package of documents to the tax office:

  • Personally completed Form No. Р24001;
  • photocopies of documents, from the information content of which these informational amendments will be made.

Sample of filling out the form Р24001

Download the current form P24001 (links to files at the top of the page). Using Adobe Reader or any other program that can work with PDF files, open it and start studying. Then you need to print it out to fill it out manually, or you can fill it out immediately in a file and print the finished document, which will only have to be signed. The second option is easier to accomplish by downloading the application in .xls format and editing the document using Excel.

Note! The tax office accepts applications filled out only with a black ink pen (this is if you chose manual filling). Forms with blue, purple and records of other color spectrum are not accepted!

Enter the information in the most legible handwriting - printed capital letters. If you are an advanced PC user, try filling out the form using the editor. Tax officials advise doing this using the Courier New 18 font.

You must sign the printed document with all the information manually in the presence of an inspector who will accept your application for consideration.

Below, in real photographs of the application for making changes to the IP in the USRIP, a sample of filling out form R24001 is presented. Only those pages are presented that need to be filled in by an individual entrepreneur - a citizen of the Russian Federation. All other sheets, respectively, are required to be filled out by a citizen of another state, and / or having a place of residence other than the Russian Federation.

Stage 1

We enter the OGRNIP (the number of the certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur). All cells in this field must be filled in.
Next - full name in block letters, black ink. And TIN. Remember the basic postulate of manually filling out such documents: one cell - one character.

Stage 2

Sheet E, page 1, fill out when INTRODUCING data of OKVED codes to USRIP information. Remember, the OKVED code must contain a minimum of 4 digits, a maximum of 6. You do not need to put dots - they are already on the form.

Stage 3

Sheet E. Page 2. To be completed in case EXCEPTIONS data of OKVED codes from USRIP information. Completion requirements are the same. Don't forget to number the page at the top.

img src="" alt="Sample of filling out the P24001 form. Page three» class=»aiw» />

Stage 4

We enter the full name in block letters with black ink, below the corresponding number:

  1. - if documents confirming changes in the USRIP or refusal to do so, issue personally to the applicant;
  2. - a person acting on the basis of a power of attorney;
  3. - send to the postal address.

Fill in the phone field below. You can enter both a mobile number and a landline.
We do not sign! This is done in the presence of an official in the tax authority. If you put, there will be claims, a refusal to accept the application is possible!

The nuances of entering data on codes

When filling in the numbers in the cells of the main activity code, keep in mind that there is only one. There are some nuances when filling out additional codes:

  • the tax office will not accept a double-sided seal from you - this is prohibited by law;
  • if it is enough for you to fill out one sheet from the form, you can not print and number the empty pages of sheet E;
  • record line by line from left to right;
  • when adding codes in the cells of additional activities, do not enter existing ones.

So, for adding new codes:

  1. We select the necessary digital ciphers with encoded information about the types of your activities according to OKVED.
  2. We enter them in the corresponding block of the application (sheet E, page 1).

For exception codes, which have spent their relevance, in your case:

  1. We select the IP activity codes from the USRIP statement.
  2. We enter them in the corresponding block on page 2 of sheet E.

If there is a need to leave the previous activity code, then enter it as an additional one on Art. 1 sheet E. in the cells intended for additional codes.

Important point! From July 11, 2016 for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

How to staple and submit completed form sheets

When all the pages of the sheets are filled, fasten them with a simple paper clip or carefully punch them with a stapler. In 2013, the rule was canceled, which requires mandatory firmware of the completed form.

Applying in person

When personally submitting documents for registration of new types of economic activity, you must present a passport. In this case, it is not necessary to certify the application with the help of a notary (according to Federal Law No. 129-FZ, Chapter III, Article 9, item 1.2). On sheet G of the form, in the presence of a tax officer, you must manually fill in your full name and sign.

Important! You will not need to re-pay the state duty for changing IP data in the state register. If your inspector forgot about this, you should always remember this so as not to overpay extra money.

We send the application P24001 by mail

Often there are situations when a businessman cannot personally appear to the inspector in order to enter new data into the register: long business trips, vacations and other important reasons.

Remote shipping is possible. In this case, it is necessary to perform a notarization of the signature in the application

No problem! The completed form can be sent by mail. Although for this you still have to visit a notary office. Agree that it is better to pay this specialist for services than, for example, to change a ticket for an expensive airliner flight abroad. The notary will sign and affix Form P24001, certifying that the copy of your passport is authentic.

How long will it take to wait for updates in documents

The inspector undertakes to issue a receipt form upon receipt of your documents. It is important not to lose this paper, because with its help you can track the progress of the readiness of documents using a special online tool on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

According to the law, in a week (taking into account five working days and two days off) you can come for the finished USRIP sheet. It will be issued after the presentation of a passport and the same receipt. As you can see, nothing complicated. Within just a few days, literally in two visits to the tax office, you will receive the necessary document without the help of a lawyer. Learn your rights and save your time so as not to stand in queues for meaningless tax advice.

An individual entrepreneur reports what areas of business he will be engaged in, applies for ... To do this, in the application for registration of an individual entrepreneur indicate the types of activities in accordance with the OKVED classifier (the so-called).

The number of OKVED codes during registration is practically unlimited, you can enter several tens or even hundreds, but usually entrepreneurs indicate only the codes of those types of activities that they really plan to engage in.

What if over time the direction of your business has changed or a new one has been added? If the corresponding OKVED code was not declared during registration, it must be added to the documents. Necessary add business type in the state register - USRIP. Amendments to OKVED IP are registered by the tax inspectorate. It must be addressed with a special application ().

Application form for registration of IP changes

Form P24001 is filled out in the following situations:

  • adding OKVED for inclusion in the USRIP;
  • change of passport data of an entrepreneur-foreign citizen;
  • change of citizenship of an IP-Russian or foreigner;
  • change of place of residence or stay of an IP-foreigner.

If you are registered as an individual entrepreneur and at the same time are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you do not need to report a change in passport data (last name, first name, patronymic, residence permit, obtaining a new passport). The Federal Tax Service automatically receives all this information from the migration service and enters it into the register of entrepreneurs on its own.

Thus, most often application 24001 is submitted in order to make changes to the OKVED specified during registration. Read below to learn how to add OKVED to make changes, and how to fill out an application for new types of activities.

The addition of OKVED for IP 2019 is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. MMV-7-6 / [email protected] This document regulates not only the procedure for opening an additional OKVED for individual entrepreneurs, but other registration procedures for individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

How to fill out an application

The R24001 form includes 9 pages, but when OKVED is added, some of them are filled out. On the first cover page, only the full name of the entrepreneur, his TIN and OGRNIP are indicated, and the reason for submitting the application is also noted:

  1. due to changes in information about IP;
  2. to correct errors made in previous applications, including for registration of individual entrepreneurs.

We draw up an application for adding the OKVED code to the IP

  • To add the OKVED code to the IP, indicate the number "1" on the title page.
  • Sheet "E" of two pages is intended to report a change in activities. If you add additional codes, but the main code of your individual entrepreneur does not change, then only page 1 of sheet “E” is filled out. If you want to exclude some codes from the register, then page 2 of sheet “E” is filled out.
  • When changing the main activity, the former main code is excluded and a new main code is introduced. In this case, both pages of sheet "E" are filled out.
  • Please note that you can add the OKVED code to the IP only according to the new classifier (OKVED-2), which became effective from mid-2016. If you mistakenly indicate codes according to the old OKVED-1, then you will be denied registration of changes.
  • It remains to fill out the last page - sheet "G" - indicating here your phone number and the method in which you want to receive confirmation that your OKVED codes have been changed. Do not sign the application in advance, this must be done in the presence of a tax inspector or a notary (if your representative submits form P24001 by proxy).

Otherwise, the procedure for filling out the application (font size and color, capital letters, absence of blots and errors, etc.) is similar to filling out an application in the form P21001, because they are regulated by the same Order of the Federal Tax Service.

The procedure for making changes to OKVED codes

Our step-by-step instructions will tell you how to add OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 on your own, without the help of professional registrars.

Step 1. Decide which codes you will add. We remind you that even if, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the codes you indicated corresponded to the previous OKVED-1 classifier, you need to add the OKVED IP 2019 code only according to the OKVED-2 classifier. The relevance of the codes can be checked by.

Step 2. Select the code corresponding to the main activity. If you simply add additional activity codes, then your main OKVED remains the same. If the direction of the business changes, then your main code will be different.

Individual entrepreneurs with employees will be required to report a change in the main type of activity to the FSS. The deadline for submitting such a confirmation certificate is no later than April 15 for the previous year. For example, if you changed the main code in 2019, then you need to report this to social insurance before 04/15/2020. Entrepreneurs doing business on their own do not report the change.

Step 3. Fill out the application and submit it to the tax office where you registered the IP. During a personal visit to the IFTS, it is not necessary to certify the application with a notary, just have a passport with you to identify the applicant. If you send form 24001 by mail or otherwise without your personal presence (for example, by proxy), then the application must be notarized.

The deadline for reporting a change in OKVED codes is three business days from the date of the start of a new activity (trade or provision of services has begun), for violation of the deadline, a fine is imposed under Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the amount of 5,000 rubles. The state duty for changing the types of activities of an individual entrepreneur is not charged.

Step 4: Get confirmation of the changes. Before adding OKVED to the USRIP register, you had to indicate how you want to receive confirmation: personally to the applicant; representative by proxy; by mail. Five business days are allotted for registration of changes by law, if you have chosen the method of postal delivery, then this period will be longer.

We hope that our step by step instructions Adding OKVED for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 answered all your questions regarding changes to activity codes. Ask your questions in the comments. And don't miss our new articles - subscribe!

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