Numbering in the insert in the work book. Filling out an insert to the work book

When there are no blank pages left in the worksheet, an insert will come to the rescue. This is an officially legalized form that allows you to continue working further without replacing it with a new one.

The labor activity of almost any person is quite long in time until the retirement time comes. At the same time, the labor path of an individual citizen can be accompanied by such a large number of entries in the "labor" that they are able to exhaust the supply of free sheets quickly enough. If this event occurs, there is no need for a new document, since a corresponding insert is provided for this.

With the help of such an insert, the possibilities of “labor” are expanded in terms of the appearance of new sheets, but here it is necessary to understand the correctness of its use, which is relevant not only for personnel officers, but also for employees. The latter should be interested in observing the correctness of filling out the “labor”, since not only the possibility of receiving a pension, but also its size depends on this.

Even the smallest mistake on the part of personnel officers can lead to such problems that will make you spend a lot of time and collect various certificates in order to restore seniority. To exclude such a situation, one should not only have certain knowledge within the framework of the topic under consideration, but also periodically check the status of the work book.

What is meant by insert

An addendum in the form of an insert is a document that makes it possible to continue accounting for seniority. This happens when the last entry is made and there is no more space left in the column intended for entering information. In this case, it is prohibited to use alternative methods of extending the "life" of the work book:

  • making entries in the column, which reflects information about awards and various incentives, by renaming it;
  • pasting additional sheets from other forms;
  • institution of a new "labor".

The only acceptable way to ensure the continuation of records in a document that has "exhausted" itself is the filing of an insert. Any other actions can be regarded as a forgery of a document, which can lead to certain legal consequences.

The presence of an insert can be taken for granted, which is not given serious importance. And its absence can lead to unpleasant consequences..

Appearance and description:

  1. The form has 36 pages
  2. Cardboard cover;
  3. Format 88x125 mm;
  4. With elements of protection.
  5. The title page resembles the title labor one, and inside all the columns completely coincide with the columns in the Labor Code.

The same sections are provided, that is, information about work and awards, but in a smaller number, namely for information about work - 9 spreads, and for awards - 8.

Each insert not only has columns for entering the last name and first name of the employee, but also has a series and number that is assigned to each copy, which implies that the inserts belong to strict reporting forms, as stated in paragraph 42 of Resolution No. 225.

Accordingly, each copy of the insert purchased by the enterprise or issued to the employee is subject to registration in a special journal that reflects the movement of books and inserts to them and compliance with certain storage requirements.

Do I need a hologram on the insert?

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 117n, both the book and its inserts have a special degree of protection, that is, a hologram, but at the same time, neither the procedure for issuing the specified documents, nor the location of protection at the legislative level have been approved, moreover nowhere in the legislative framework is it indicated that the book on labor and its additions are considered invalid without a hologram.

Consequently, the issue of applying a hologram to the agreed documents is decided at the discretion of the employer.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that the hologram is not sold freely, but is issued to employers along with the purchased forms of books and inserts for them for subsequent gluing into the forms to prevent forgery of data on employment or dismissal.

That is, the employer is free to choose the degree of trust in his employees and decide whether to include the hologram only in the book about labor or also in the insert to it.

Is it valid without the main work book (by itself)?

Paragraph 38 of Decree No. 225 states that the insert is valid only upon presentation of the main document, that is, a book on labor, despite the fact that the insert has a title page with the employee's personal data and chronological employment records.

This rule was introduced only in order not only to prevent the falsification of experience data, but also to make it possible to take into account the entire experience, and not just the one reflected in the supplement.

Regulatory document

In particular, the procedure for issuing and maintaining a work book insert is regulated by section No. 5 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 255, which establishes a unified procedure for maintaining a specified document, which, in fact, is not much different from the procedure for maintaining work books.

That is, the insert, just like the main document, has an established form, and is maintained in accordance with the agreed regulatory act by analogy.

Insert design

The insert is issued only if the main document is completed, and both sections on the work and information on awards may end.

Issuance procedure

Each form of the work book and its insert purchased by the enterprise is registered in a special journal, respectively, when the form is issued to the employee, an entry is made in the agreed journal, the form of which is approved by Resolution No. 69.

Although the employee himself can purchase the insert, this form will still be subject to registration in the journal.

Rules for registration and maintenance

Paragraph 38 of Resolution No. 225 says that the insert is kept in accordance with the same rules that are established when maintaining a work book, but, nevertheless, given some of the nuances, as well as the lack of separately developed rules, many questions arise when entering those other data .

Stamp “insert issued”

In particular, paragraph 39 of Decree No. 225 establishes the rule for the mandatory introduction of a stamp on the insertion of an insert, but at the same time, the place of the stamp is not specified, and therefore, according to established practice, a mark on the establishment of a specified document is entered in the upper right corner of the title.

Also nowhere is the fact that the company may not have a stamp on the establishment of the insert, and at the same time, the regulations do not establish a direct prohibition on making an entry about the establishment of an insert by hand.

That is, in the absence of a stamp, it is quite acceptable to make a manual entry that the insert is issued, with the date of establishment, number and series of the specified document.

A sample insert record looks like this: Insert issued: Series. Number. Date of.

Title page

The design of the title page of the insert is not much different from a similar procedure when filling out a book on labor.

Almost the same data is entered, namely:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • Date of Birth;
  • education;
  • speciality.

Figure 1 - A sample of filling out the title page of the insert

But, nevertheless, there are some differences.

In particular, it is on the insert that the data is valid at the time of establishment specified document, and not a work book.

That is, if there was a change of surname earlier, then new data is already indicated in the insert, the same applies to the newly received education, if it is available and specialization.

All information must be entered correctly, in accordance with the Rules, Instructions and nomenclature documents that define the general rules for maintaining the shopping mall. It is necessary to focus on the fact that all the requirements established for maintaining books are fully applicable to the maintenance of inserts. Below you can see an example.

Figure 2 - a sample of filling out an insert (pages of details about the work)

Date of completion

After filling in the above columns, the date of filling out the insert is already indicated, which, accordingly, is also indicated by the real one, and not the one indicated in the work book.

That is, the date of insertion of the insert will correspond to the date of the entry that was first made specifically in the insert.


Accordingly, after entering the date, the personnel employee who fills out the insert must put his signature, as well as put the seal of the enterprise, by analogy with filling out the main document - the work book, that is, there are no distinctive features in this aspect.

Record numbering

After filling out the title page, an entry is already made, the numbering of which will not correspond to the number 1, given the beginning of the new document, but just the opposite, because the insert is a continuation of the work book, respectively, and the numbering continues from the next number that was indicated in the work book.

In addition, the associative and legal unity of the document is created in a special way, when making an insert in the work book. Without a registration entry, the sewn insert is invalid.

It is done in two ways:

  • By affixing a stamp: “insert issued”.
  • Making a record that the insert has been issued.

Both methods are identical. The employer, in the absence of the opportunity to put a stamp, makes an entry manually. Both the stamp and the entry are placed in the same place: in the upper right corner on the title page of the labor. In general, the design looks like this:

  1. A stamp is affixed or the entry “insert issued” is made.
  2. The series and insert number are indicated below.
  3. At the end of the labor one, an insert is sewn between the last page and the cover.

The insert number is its identifier, that is, it must necessarily match the one entered on the title page of the shopping mall. So you need to transfer it very carefully, carefully checking each letter and number. The number of inserts that can be issued to an employee is not limited. Accordingly, if there is already a mark on the issuance of the insert in the designated place, make a new mark a little lower.


In particular, in some cases, they simply use a large paper clip for attaching or even store it together, although it is still recommended to sew in the insert, of course, after filling out this document.

In order to sew an insert into a work book, you must first expand the book on the last sheet, then pierce the insert with an awl in several places and the cover of the book, preferably both from the top and bottom, and then sew with a thick double thread with several stitches, followed by fastening the ends of the thread.

This procedure should be carried out so that the insert is not lost, because the paper clip may come off, and then confusion in the documents will be inevitable.

Insert errors and other subtleties

Invalid entry

  • If the next entry in the insert was entered erroneously, with blots or misspellings, it is unacceptable to correct it by crossing out or erasing it.
  • Leave it in the same form, with the error made and not corrected.
  • Under the following serial number, make an entry: “consider the entry for the number (specify) invalid.”
  • Following this wording, without a new serial number, enter the information correctly and accurately.

Liner ended

For example, if the first liner is over, the question arises whether it is possible to start the second liner.

Considering that at the legislative level there is no prohibition or a specific amount of the specified document, it is possible to draw up and file the subsequent insert accordingly.

Insert lost

Considering that the insert is in most cases attached to the main document, the loss of the supplement is rare, but, nevertheless, similar incidents do occur.

In such a situation the personnel officer is obliged to issue a duplicate insert, which is drawn up by analogy with a duplicate of a book on labor.

That is, either the total length of service is entered, or the employee himself can visit former employers and make entries on the basis of orders for admission and dismissal, thus restoring the chronology.

The insert is damaged, get a new one?

The analogy with the book of labor is applied to the loose leaf and when an incorrect entry is made.

In particular, if a mistake is made on the title page, the insert is withdrawn and written off, and then a new one is added.

When changing the name of an employee

If the employee changes his surname, then a note on the change of passport data is entered in both documents and in the work book and in the insert, despite the fact that the insert is invalid without the main document.

After all, the accounting data is used both from the main document and from the additional one, therefore the surname should be the same in both cases.

Typical mistakes

The most common mistake when filling out the insert, of course, is the incorrect entry of passport data or education, in this case, as mentioned above, the insert is considered damaged and a new form is started.

It's also a fairly common mistake. when data is entered by ear, that is, without checking with a passport or education documents, which leads to incorrect data.

Errors also occur when entering the signature of a personnel officer on the title. Indeed, at the bottom of a separate line it says that the signature must be legible and, nevertheless, this rule is ignored, which leads to additional work on the establishment of a new form.

Quite often, another mistake is made.

The seal of the enterprise is superimposed on the signature of the employee himself, although this is considered a violation, because a separate place is allocated for both printing and painting by the employee.

Another mistake is to make an entry about the correction or change of the surname without certifying the entry with a seal, which again is a violation, because without a seal such an entry is invalid.

Who and where buys an insert in the labor

Paragraph 46 of Decree No. 225 states that both labor books and inserts are purchased by the employer at the expense of the enterprise in a specialized printing house, although it is allowed to purchase the agreed forms at the expense of the employee, because the forms are on general sale in the same stationery stores.

Is there a deduction from the employee

Unlike a work book, which is always issued free of charge at the first employment, the fee for the insert form is still charged to the employee, except in cases where the form of this document is damaged due to the fault of a personnel worker, and a new insert is started, which is already paid by the employer.

What is the price?

It should be noted that on the basis of clause 47 of Decree No. 225, the employee is charged the cost of the cost of purchasing inserts, and not the nominal value of the agreed document, given that the company bears the cost of the same gasoline for delivering forms to the company, paying for the work of accounting when drawing up contracts and receipts.

That is, at an enterprise, the form itself can cost 500 rubles, but in free sale, the price can vary depending on the region of sale, approximately in the range from 200 to 400 rubles.


Decree No. 69 approved the form of the income and expense book, which reflects data on the purchased forms of books and inserts.

This book is maintained by an accountant, but the personnel officer responsible for maintaining and storing the agreed forms monthly submit a report to the accounting department on the procedure for spending the forms, as well as on the need to purchase them.

Brief summary:

    Without the TC, the insert sheet itself, even with signatures and seals, is invalid.

    The numbering in the insert in the work book (sample below) does not start from the first page, but continues what has already been started in the Labor Code.

    You can transfer the record from the TC to the pasted sheet from the place where it broke off.

    A change in the employee's data must be carried out on all pages of the shopping mall, including pasted ones.

    The document must certainly be registered in the book of accounting for the movement of work books, indicating its series and numbers.

Based on the results of their own developments and colleagues from

A work book is the most important document of employees of any organization or enterprise. Its maintenance and filling must be accurate and comply with the Instructions approved by government decree. Also, some data should be checked against the Rules, which were approved in a similar way. Issues such as numbering in an insert in a work book should be resolved in accordance with legislative acts.

Rules for the storage and maintenance of labor documents

According to Decree No. 225, the maintenance and storage of labor books, the production of forms takes place on the basis of the Rules. Section 5 of these Rules provides information in the form of articles 38 and 39 about the insert in the work book.

Article 38 states that if all pages of one section of the book are filled out, a special insert should be sewn into it. It is drawn up by the employer in the same manner as the work book. The article also contains an indication that without the main document, a separate insert is not valid and cannot be presented to the Pension Fund or other organizations as part of a specific work book.

Thus, if your insert from the work book accidentally came off, you should act immediately so that in the future you do not prove in court your right to experience on the basis of the insert.

When filling out an insert in the book, the numbering goes sequentially from the entries in the labor: when making an entry, the next number in order from the last entry should be indicated.

Article 39 refers to the fact that when issuing each insert in the book, a note is made in the form of a stamp with the inscription “Insert issued”. In this case, the series and number of this document are indicated. This information is individual, like the series and number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


When issuing an insert in the work book, a stamp is put and numbering is made. This is because some workers often change jobs. In this case, there comes a time when it is impossible to add another entry to the "Information about work" section due to lack of free space. What should and should not be done in such a situation?

You cannot do the following:

  • change the title of the first page of the "Award Details" to "Job Details" and continue to maintain records)
  • hem or glue clean sheets)
  • to tear out blank pages from empty books in order to make an insert in the work book - in this case, subsequent numbering will be invalidated.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 69 dated 10.10.2003, according to which the Instruction was approved. On its basis, the storage and filling of labor books and inserts is carried out. It says that in the event of the end of one section of the book in the personnel department of the enterprise, an insert is drawn up in the form in accordance with the Rules approved by law. During the issuance of the insert, a stamp is placed on the title of the work book in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Instruction.

The title of the insert is issued on the basis of the passport and the document on the education of the employee. Next is the actual date when the insert was filled out. Before you put a stamp, you must fill out the insert. When an insert is hemmed into a work book, mistakes can be made. Numbering must occur in a timely manner so that the correct data can be indicated on the stamp.

Numbering of records in a file insert

The numbering on the insert is carried out in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this case, a serial number is put following the one that was indicated when the last entry was made in the book. Paragraph 27 of the Rules provides for correction in the insert in case of entering inaccurate or incorrect data. This must be done at the place of work.

Strikethrough and taking an incorrect entry in brackets are not allowed. If an incorrect serial number is entered, the adjustments allowed by the Instruction should be made: you need to make a record that a certain item is invalid and enter the correct data in a new line.

: Video

A work book is the most important document of employees of any organization or enterprise. Its maintenance and filling must be accurate and comply with the Instructions approved by government decree. Also, some data should be checked against the Rules, which were approved in a similar way. Issues such as numbering in an insert in a work book should be resolved in accordance with legislative acts.

Rules for the storage and maintenance of labor documents

According to Decree No. 225, the maintenance and storage of labor books, the production of forms takes place on the basis of the Rules. Section 5 of these Rules provides information in the form of articles 38 and 39 about the insert in the work book.

Article 38 states that if all pages of one section of the book are filled out, a special insert should be sewn into it. It is drawn up by the employer in the same manner as the work book. The article also contains an indication that without the main document, a separate insert is not valid and cannot be presented to the Pension Fund or other organizations as part of a specific work book.

Thus, if your insert from the work book accidentally came off, you should act immediately so that in the future you do not prove in court your right to experience on the basis of the insert.

When filling out an insert in the book, the numbering goes sequentially from the entries in the labor: when making an entry, the next number in order from the last entry should be indicated.

Article 39 refers to the fact that when issuing each insert in the book, a note is made in the form of a stamp with the inscription “Insert issued”. In this case, the series and number of this document are indicated. This information is individual, like the series and number of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.


When issuing an insert in the work book, a stamp is put and numbering is made. This is because some workers often change jobs. In this case, there comes a time when it is impossible to add another entry to the "Information about work" section due to lack of free space. What should and should not be done in such a situation?

You cannot do the following:

  • change the title of the first page of the "Award Details" to "Job Details" and continue to maintain records;
  • hem or glue clean sheets;
  • to tear out blank pages from empty books in order to make an insert in the work book - in this case, subsequent numbering will be invalidated.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 69 dated 10.10.2003, according to which the Instruction was approved. On its basis, the storage and filling of labor books and inserts is carried out. It says that in the event of the end of one section of the book in the personnel department of the enterprise, an insert is drawn up in the form in accordance with the Rules approved by law. During the issuance of the insert, a stamp is placed on the title of the work book in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Instruction.

The title of the insert is issued on the basis of the passport and the document on the education of the employee. Next is the actual date when the insert was filled out. Before you put a stamp, you must fill out the insert. When an insert is hemmed into a work book, mistakes can be made. Numbering must occur in a timely manner so that the correct data can be indicated on the stamp.

Numbering of records in a file insert

The numbering on the insert is carried out in accordance with the entries in the work book. In this case, a serial number is put following the one that was indicated when the last entry was made in the book. Paragraph 27 of the Rules provides for correction in the insert in case of entering inaccurate or incorrect data. This must be done at the place of work.

Strikethrough and taking an incorrect entry in brackets are not allowed. If an incorrect serial number is entered, the adjustments allowed by the Instruction should be made: you need to make a record that a certain item is invalid and enter the correct data in a new line.

How to sew an insert into a work book: Video

People with a long work experience, actively developing in the professional field, receiving awards, promotions, promotions, sooner or later face the need to use an insert in the work book. The establishment of a new work book or the termination of any activity is not a way out of the situation.

In order for the employee's career to continue, and the records in his work to remain complete and in the correct order, special inserts were developed. This strict accountability form was introduced in 1940. The work book itself appeared in 1919.

The insert, like the work book, has a series and number. To avoid fakes, there is a special degree of protection. This is how the liners used before and used now look like:

When was it released



2004 (still in use)

2010 (the latest form of inserts is valid)

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003 clearly regulates exactly how the inserts are filled. One of the prerequisites is the entry “Insert issued” in the work book, a sample of which is as follows:

Without this entry, even the insert sewn into the work book is invalid. The responsible person must also monitor the availability of strict reporting forms, because records of awards, incentives, and personnel changes must be made within 5 days.

If the stamp “Insert issued” is not affixed to the work book, a sample of which is presented above, the insert is not valid. If the organization does not have such a stamp, then it should be ordered, and such a record should be made by hand.

The importance of inserts cannot be underestimated. They are as serious a document as the work book itself. It is impossible to refuse a person in employment due to the lack of this strict reporting form. This can lead to serious consequences, up to the analysis of the situation through the labor inspectorate, the court or the prosecutor's office.

Earbud features

Any form of strict reporting has its own elements of protection. What the insert in the work book looks like is now clear, and its main characteristics are as follows:

  • 36 pages for entering information;
  • the cover is made of cardboard;
  • format 88 by 125 millimeters;
  • has a series and number;
  • the title page is almost the same as that of the labor one;
  • the columns in the insert coincide with the columns in the work book itself.

These strict reporting forms can only be purchased by employers themselves. It is strictly forbidden to demand or accept them from employees. All of them are issued by Goznak of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The issuance of an insert in a work book, a sample filling - all this is regulated by the same Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Conditions for issuing inserts

The head of the organization can issue inserts in one of the following ways:

  • Free of charge. The costs in this case are borne by the employer himself (paragraphs 44 and 48 of the Rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, No. 225 of 04/16/2003).
  • By collecting compensation from the employee equal to the cost of the form at the time of its acquisition (paragraph 47 of the same Rules).
  • Compensation of part of the cost of the insert by the employer, and the remaining part by the employee. This will require a special order.

Making an insert in the work book (sample)

Filling out work books and their inserts is the responsibility of employers, not employees. A citizen should not worry about this, look for strict reporting forms on their own - they will not be accepted anyway. The most frequent question of personnel specialists: "How to draw up an insert in a work book?". A sample data entry will make this task easier:

The insert is a continuation of the work book. The title pages of the documents must be identical. The requirements for both reporting forms are the same. The employer must follow them.


Internally, the insert looks like a work book. Both documents have the same sections and columns. The sample design of the insert in the work book confirms that the numbering in the insert does not start from the beginning. The first entry in a particular section must have a number one more than the number of the last entry in the work book.

This allows you to save the sequence and the actual and semantic unity of the entered data. The situation is quite normal when the labor ends with a record of dismissal, and the insert begins with a record of employment. The answer to the question of how to fill out an insert in a work book (a sample entry is no different from a regular sample), in this case, will be the same as for making other entries.


The insert is invalid without its registration, which can be done in one of the following ways:

  • put a stamp and indicate the number and series of the insert;
  • make a record of the issuance of the insert manually, indicating its number and series.

Both options will make the strict accountability form valid. A sample of filling out an insert in a work book looks like this:

The insert number is an identifier, so you need to be very careful when transferring it. All numbers must match.

If necessary, the employer can draw up several inserts. A new entry about the issuance of the next insert is made on the cover, just below the previous entry.

How to correct the error

Nobody is immune from mistakes. And if a personnel specialist understands how to draw up an insert in a work book, then he may not always know how to correct mistakes.

Any insert is valid only after it is sewn in, the title page is filled out, an entry is made in the desired section and the seal is affixed to the work sheet itself.

A HR specialist may make a mistake when making an entry on the title page. In this case, it must be written off by drawing up an appropriate act. If a mistake was made when entering the number or series of the insert into the work book, then the answer to the question of how to properly draw up the insert into the work book will be the following: make a note that the entry was erroneous and re-enter the data.

If a mistake was made in one of the sections of the insert, then it is corrected exactly as in the work book. It cannot be crossed out or corrected. Just under the entry it is written that it is invalid (the serial number of the entry is indicated). To do everything right, you should study the Rules for filling out an insert in a work book, a sample of making entries and corrections.

Entering Changed Data

A work book is issued to a person once. Over time, some information about him may change (change of surname, education, advanced training). There are certain rules for drawing up an insert in a work book, according to which the information in it must be up to date.

To make sure that all changes are taken into account, before issuing and filling out the insert, let the employee fill out the questionnaire. Based on the specified data, it will be possible to determine the changes that have occurred, to understand how to display them when filling out the insert. The rules for filling out an insert in a work book establish that the title pages of these two documents must be identical.

If the employee’s surname, education or something else has changed, then it is necessary to require supporting documents, sew copies of them into a personal file, and then make changes to the work book, write the updated data into the insert.

Is there an alternative to the insert

The insert is the only possible way to continue maintaining the work book. The HR specialist must not:

  • use a new work book to continue maintaining the old form;
  • paste additional sheets into the work book;
  • replace the title of the section "Information about awards" with "Information about work" by crossing out and adding words.

Only the use of an insert is the right way out of the situation.

When there is no place to write down information about the work or rewards of the employee, the employer or HR specialist has a question of how to sew an insert into the work book. To carry out such an operation, the following tools will be required:

  • work book in which you want to sew an insert;
  • insert;
  • needle (it is better to take not a thin needle);
  • threads (it is not recommended to take thin threads, they do not guarantee a strong sewing in of the liner, it is better to use harsh threads);
  • scissors;
  • awl (it will be required for making holes);
  • special stamp "Insert issued".

The legislation does not regulate how the insert is sewn into the work book; there is no sample of the correct sewing. But there are certain rules to follow:

  • the insert must be sewn to the work book;
  • simple storage of the work book and the insert enclosed in it is not allowed;
  • the insert cannot be glued or attached to the work book with paper clips.

Such severity is not accidental. It is the sewing that provides a secure fastening. This is a guarantee that the insert will not fall out or get lost. The photo “how to sew an insert into a work book” will allow you to figure out where it is best to attach it.

If the insert is simply enclosed in the work book, then it is invalid. The work book and the insert must be one.

Where to sew the insert

The legislation does not regulate where exactly the new form is sewn. This allows you to place it at the beginning, end or middle of the workbook. The most convenient option from a technical point of view is the middle. But if you hem the insert in the work book exactly there, then this will divide the entries into two parts.

HR specialists usually sew an insert into the end of the work book. This preserves the unity of all records. But sewing in at the beginning is not a violation. Therefore, the responsible person or manager can decide on the documents of his employees, where the insert is sewn into the work book.

Insert sewing instructions

Armed with all the necessary tools, a personnel specialist or other responsible person can proceed directly to the procedure for sewing in an insert. You need to act in the following order:

  • It is necessary to make punctures in the liner itself. This should be done with an awl so as not to damage the book and preserve its appearance. The legislation does not regulate the number of punctures. For reliable fastening, it is better to make 4 or 5. The first puncture is made in the middle of the liner, and only then the remaining holes are made.
  • After that, the expanded insert is applied to that part of the work book where it will be sewn in. Punctures must be done carefully so as not to damage the strict reporting forms and not to make holes in the records. Punctures should be located near the binding itself.
  • The threads are inserted into the needle. It is better to use thick threads, they will not break, they will not be erased. After the insert is sewn to the work book. The number of stitches is not limited. It should be sewn in the same way as internal orders are sewn into separate books. At the end, the thread is cut off, and its ends are firmly tied. This will ensure a firm fit of the insert to the work book. The ends of the threads must be trimmed.

Some organizations have special sewing machines designed for fastening documents. They have a wide stitch pitch. They can be used to sew in an insert by securing the threads at the very end.


This completes the sewing procedure. But the insert will not be valid yet. On the title page or cover of the work book (at the beginning, not at the end), a special stamp “Issued insert” is affixed. Every employer must have it. You can't make it yourself, you'll have to order it.

If there is no stamp in the organization, and you need to sew in the insert urgently, then the entry “Insert issued” can be written by hand. This will not invalidate the document. In addition to the inscription, the number and series of the attached insert is indicated.

The procedure is standard for any personnel specialist. And such a detailed consideration will help to remember for a long time how to hem an insert in a work book, a photo or video will make the process even more clear and understandable.

Is the insert valid without a work book

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation clearly establishes the procedure for using work books and inserts. And if the first form of strict accountability is valid in itself, then how are things with the loose leaf? Can it be submitted separately?

Employers, personnel specialists or employees themselves may wonder if the insert is valid without a work book? The Rules and Instructions for filling out these documents state that it is impossible to use an insert without a work book. By itself, it has no power and cannot be taken into consideration.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that a manager, personnel specialist or other responsible person cannot perform the following actions only if there is an insert:

  • hire a person;
  • dismiss;
  • make notes in the insert;
  • perform other actions with the insert.

The document can be accepted and used if it is sewn into a work book, on the title page or cover of which there is an entry indicating the registration of the insert.

Application for an insert in the work book sample

Sometimes enterprises require you to write an application for an insert in the work book, a sample of which allows you to fill out the document correctly. There is no statutory form for such a statement, but it does exist in an organization.

It is not always necessary to write an application when issuing an insert. If the employer himself does not ask the employee about this, then you do not need to show your initiative. The requirement to write an application for an insert in the work book may be associated with the following situations:

  • The employer will deduct the cost of the work book from the salary of his employee. A written statement will be the basis for such actions. Without it, funds cannot be deducted, it would be illegal.
  • The application is necessary to confirm the issuance and use of the form. The document in this case will become another form of accounting and control of inserts and work books. They are forms of strict reporting, their use must be justified. Even if the insert is damaged, a write-off act is drawn up.

There are situations when the employee insists on writing the application himself. In this case, he does not need to refuse. After accepting the application, it should be sewn into a personal file, an insert should be issued.

Writing an application

If the company has an established form for such a statement, then it is better to use it. Otherwise, it is written in random order.

First, it is indicated in whose name the application is written. The recipient must be the head of the organization. It is not necessary to hand over the document to him. You can also leave an application to other authorized persons (chief accountant, personnel specialist).

After that, it is written who is the compiler of the application. The following data is indicated here:

  • position;
  • the name of the structural unit.

The applicant is willing to pay for the insert. Here you can specify a specific cost, which is better to clarify with the accountant himself.

At the end of the document, the date of its compilation and a personal signature are affixed. They must be written by hand, the rest of the data can be typed on a computer.

In the future, it is this statement that will be the basis for drawing up an order and making an entry in the book of accounting for work books and inserts.


At the end of the graph in the work book, the design and sewing in of the insert is the only right decision. Other options in this case are invalid. The legal force of the insert is determined by the work book to which it is attached. Without registration on the title page, it is not valid and cannot be used by the employer or employee.

An insert in the work book is an additional form that is needed if the main one is over. Let's talk about how to draw up a sample insert in a work book.

Employees who are actively looking for a better job and often change employers and HR departments often find themselves in a situation where the last page for entries in the work book runs out. It is prohibited to continue to make employment records in the section intended for entering information about awards.

Legislators have foreseen such a problem, therefore, in the Rules for filling out, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69, there is a section that gives instructions on how to draw up an insert in a work book (a sample illustrates the design rules). This section provides for the establishment of additional sheets, the procedure for entering information about work into them, and even tells how to sew an insert into a work book. Specially designed and with a level of protection against forgery, similar to the protection of the main document, the insert is a block of blank sheets for records without a cover, which is filed or pasted into the employee's main document.

Making an insert in the work book

The insert form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225. This addition to the main document on the experience consists of two sections, like the main document itself:

  • "Information about work" - has 9 spreads,
  • "Information about the awards" - has 8 spreads.

Each form has a separate series and number and is a form of strict reporting. Clause 38 of the Registration Rules for maintaining this additional form is subject to all the requirements that are established for filling out sheets and entering data for personnel forms on length of service. Without the main work book, the insert is simply invalid.

Before entering the first data into this supplement, the employer puts a stamp in the main document with the words “Insert issued”. The legislators did not provide a specific place for this mark, therefore, most often it is placed where it is more convenient - in the upper left corner of the cover. This place, as in the above sample, is convenient because if additional pages run out too, you can put a second stamp below if there are several additions (but not at the same time).

Sample design of an insert in a work book 2020

If there is no stamp on the organization’s farm, the approved rules allow you to make an entry by hand: an insert in the work book is issued, with a blue or black ballpoint pen. Be sure to indicate the series and supplement number, as in the example provided. Make all handwritten inscriptions clear and legible, corrections are not allowed.

Sample insert in a work book

The above sample shows that filling out the title page for these two forms does not differ, except that additional sheets separately from the work book are invalid. It is also important to remember that the employer for whom it has ended is engaged in processing the continuation of the work book. The new form is certified by his seal. If this condition was not met and the employee left for a new place of work with a document in which there is nowhere to enter employment data, the new employer must send him back to correct this defect.

The date on the title page of the insert must be put on the fact of its completion, and not on the date of the original establishment of the book itself. An incorrect date is a gross error and will invalidate this new design. The surname of the employee is indicated at the time of registration of additional sheets, even if it has changed since the establishment of the book (this must be recorded on its title page).

If a mistake or blot was made during the design of the title page, the document becomes invalid and cannot be used. It should be disposed of, and another one should be issued to the employee. This should be made an entry in the accounting journal with a unique number and series of the destroyed form pasted.

If no error has occurred and the form is filled out correctly, it is sewn into the book. There is no specific place for this, so do it in a way that is more convenient. Usually the insert is sewn in at the back at the very end of the document.

Please note that if you come across a suggestion to say and print the form of an insert for a work book using improvised office equipment, this is a gross violation.

The procedure for providing employers with forms of a work book and an insert in it was approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 22, 2003 No. 117n, and the production of such forms is carried out exclusively by the state organization - the Goznak Association. This is constantly reminded by the courts, in particular, the Supreme Court in the decision of June 19, 2007 No. GKPI07564.

A sample of filling out an insert in a work book in 2020

When the form is filed, you can start making notes on it. Instructions on how to correctly fill out an insert in a work book are contained in the mentioned Rules, approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor. It should be noted that the numbering of these records does not start from the beginning, but continues what has already been started in the labor. If, for example, the last entry had the number "47", then the first entry on the new pages is made under the number "48". Every personnel officer knows the rest of the rules:

  • do not put dots at the end of the record;
  • use a ballpoint pen with blue or black ink.
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