Battle of psychics American mano. Wit Mano - seminar schedule, biography, reviews

Here you can watch the 13th season of the show online The fight of extrasensories. The list of participants in season 13 and a description of all episodes are under the video.

Series selection:
1st series 2nd series 3rd series 4th series 5th series 6th series 7th series 8th series 9th series 10th series 11th series 12th series 13- I series 14th series 15th series 16th series 17th series 18th series 19th series 20th series 21st series 22nd series 1st special issue 2nd special issue 3rd special issue 4th special issue 5th special issue 6th special issue 7th special issue 8th special issue

13 people took part in the 13 battle of psychics:

  • Rodnover, worships Veles, for which he received his nickname on the project. Originally from Zhukovsky. Official website http://dmitriyvolkhov.rf/

  • Originally from Novosibirsk, date of birth 04/08/1968. According to her relatives, she is the strongest witch in Siberia. She has three sons, also endowed with strong abilities, and a husband who is a motorist. The only official website
  • Swami Wit Mano
    The American, a student of Osho Rajneesh, is engaged in meditation, and has long been conducting seminars popularizing it. In recent years, he spends most of his time in Russia. The only official website

  • Clairvoyant from Dagestan, born in Makhachkala. She was a journalist in hot spots. Raises 2 daughters and a son. She was remembered by the audience for her ability to guess the signs of the Zodiac and dig out metal objects. Official website

  • The painter-plasterer from Ukraine, was remembered by the audience for her simple folk spontaneity.

  • Aleksey is already participating in the second season of the battle, the first was the 10th season. Date of birth 01/22/1990. Takes part in online battles as a member of the jury. Vkontakte page

  • A sorcerer, originally from Egypt, permanently residing in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Date of birth 11/12/1976.

  • Former secretary and student of Victoria Subota from season 11. Together with her she led seminars and participated in the filming of television programs. She was born on 07/12/1990. Vkontakte page

  • Born in Tajikistan, but currently lives in St. Petersburg. Engaged in search with the help of dowsing frames, is fond of astrology. The project was not shown in the most favorable light, although on the sidelines she was discussed as one of the capable participants.

  • Clairvoyant and tarot reader from Yerevan. Married, two children. Previously participated in the 8th season of the Ukrainian battle.

  • At the time of the start of filming, Ksenia was only 13 years old, although she soon turned 14 - her date of birth was May 20, 1998. In the program, she was positioned as an indigo. Originally from Kotelniki in the Moscow region.

  • An egg store worker from Taganrog. She showed exceptional confidence in her abilities, for which she was included in the list of participants.

  • Shaman of ancient heritage, lives and practices in St. Petersburg.

Release 1

08/03/2012: Everything is standard in this issue - a screen, a trunk (Serdyuk and Volkhov successfully passed it) and "Mr. X", played by the famous artist Kokshenov. Then - the introduction of 12 participants and the unexpected appearance of the 13th - Lesha Pedin.

Release 2

08/10/2012: In the second episode there were two tests - searching for a mine on the railway tracks (Elena Eliadze passed it best of all) and killing a girl (here Vit Mano was shown the best). And at the end, Basharov gave the task out of competition - to find a glass of vodka. Here flashed Basharov's co-religionist Mustafa.

Release 3

08/17/2012: Search for a married woman among the unmarried, a discussion of the crown of celibacy, a masterpiece from Valentina Serdyuk - "the crown of celibacy was on the virgin Mary", and a task about calls with unidentified numbers that were interpreted as calls from the other world. Departure from the Mikhail Nevsky project.

Release 4

08/24/1012: Participants are looking for a treasure at the bottom of the lake, but only Elena Golunova finds it. The only task in the release.

Release 5

08/31/2012: The task with the killer, where Colonel Štefanica was most shocked by Fatima, and the strange departure of the young man from the house, which, according to the plot, was supposed to be explained by ghosts, but was explained in different ways. The show leaves the universal favorite Lyudmila Davidenko.

Release 6

09/07/2012: In the first task, the participants were offered a stone recovered from the wreckage of the gas chamber in Auschwitz. It was covered with a cloth, but the participants were told that it was a stone and asked to talk about it. Dima Volkhov felt a well or a mine. Fatima well described the appearance of the object and its owner. Elena Golunova scared Vera Sotnikova and the film crew by saying that such a stone should not be touched. Mustafa saw a stone with useful properties. Lena Eliadze caught an ancient artifact, while Panyan, Ikaeva and Serdyuk caught a medieval one. Lesha Pedin found it difficult to answer. Ksenia Razhikova put forward a unique version - the stone was found in the sea, but it is from the forest. Wit Mano's hands shook over the fabric, and Sotnikova even saw smoke coming from them. And the second task was a mysterious fire in the apartment, from which valuable equipment disappeared. The project leaves Ksenia Razhikova.

Release 7

09/14/2012: The famous couple - a girl who became a mother at the age of 11, and her husband - are the heroes of the first task. The second task is to determine the "alive or dead" from the photo and name the convincing reason for the death of three guys from the village of Sayanogorsk in Khakassia. More convincingly than others, Vit Mano was shown here, who attributed everything to alcohol. Gabriel Panyan left the battle.

Release 8

09/21/2012: The first task is to find an empty box without snakes. Found: Volkhov, Mustafa and Tatyana Ikaeva using frames. Fatima pointed to the box with the snake and pulled it out by the tail. Swami Wit Mano scanned the boxes with the back of the body and selected the maggots. Lesha Pedin, Lena Eliadze and a painter-plasterer chose a python. Golunova opted for a milk snake.
In the second task, the participants met with a girl Olya Bozhenova (Bazhenova). According to her watch, it was necessary to diagnose - anorexia. Fatima failed, only determined the gender. Volkhov went the same way, and when he saw the heroine of the task, he was shocked. Golunova determined the presence of the disease and performed the ritual. Lesha Pedin, Mustafa, Serdyuk, Ikaeva, Lena Eliadze - these participants suggested that the owner of the watch is a man. Vit Mano passed the task at about the same level as Golunova, but after his performance they showed us how Olya ate.
And in 2013, in a program on the Rossiya TV channel, information was heard that Olya was on the mend thanks to the help of Fatima. Whether this is so, or in fact, Olga was helped by Moscow doctors - it is not known.

In the white envelope is Swami Wit Mano, but there was no black envelope on the tour.

Release 9

09/28/2012: Psychics in the Yusupov Palace. Investigation into the death of a young man in an abandoned building. Transfer leaves Tatyana Ikaeva.

Release 10

10/05/2012: Search for a drinking guy (who later, a few months after the broadcast, said that he was not a drinker at all). Volkhov's cough and, as it were, a catharsis from Vit Mano. The second task is to find the place where the girl was killed.

Release 11

10/12/2012: Dance of the little swans (the best - Lyosha Pedin) and a mysterious place with ghosts. Leaving the show of Elena Eliadze.

Release 12

10/19/2012: Roma Zhukov's heartbeat and the mysterious death of a guy from Almaty - either murder or suicide.

Release 13

10/26/2012: The first task is a conversation with the shadow of Lena Temnikova from the group "Silver". The second is another story about a ghost in the family. The expulsion of Mustafa, who prudently did not appear for a black envelope.

Release 14

11/02/2012: Diagnosis of three guests - a deaf-mute, a transvestite and a pregnant woman. The second test is a mysterious accident. Alexey Pedin is out of the battle.

Release 15

11/09/2012: Issue about the Dyatlov Pass. Despite the seriousness of the tragedy, the issue itself turned out to be very funny thanks to the humor of the invited guest. No one was eliminated in this edition.

Release 16

11/16/2012: A "diamond arm" with bandaged jewels and a photo of a ghost on the TV screen.

Release 17

11/23/2012: Irina Dubtsova behind her back. A strange spot under the eye of a fashion model. Departure from the project of Valentina Serdyuk.

Release 18

11/30/2012: Looking at tattoos and the mysterious deaths of several of the girl's suitors.

Release 19

12/07/2012: Mayakovsky's room. The mysterious death of Sveta Alekseeva (Polyanskaya) from Astrakhan.

Release 20

12/14/2012: Guessing bad habits of guests. Another apartment with ghosts.

Release 21

12/21/2012: The first task of the final is the search for a girl in an abandoned house. Volkhov and Golunova successfully coped.

The second task is to determine "alive or dead" with seven photographs, and along the way, an attempt to guess the reasons.

I interviewed the finalist of the thirteenth season of the Battle of the Psychics.

Wit Mano is a man with an unusual biography. Born in America. At the age of 21 he came to Osho. Received a new name from Osho: "Vit Mano", which means "Beyond the Mind".

And then he devoted his life to conducting spiritual seminars and healing.

Wit Mano leads seminars around the world - Israel, Argentina, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia.

At the Battle of Psychics, Wit Mano differed from other participants in that he did not have any mystical paraphernalia, and also denied all paranormal phenomena. At the same time, he had no equal in feeling people.

Of course, it was interesting for me to talk with such an unusual person. What is especially interesting to me is that Wit Mano did not specifically develop his psychic abilities. They became the result of spiritual practices.

Moreover, even at a preliminary meeting with the editor of The Battle of Psychics, Wit Mano told her: “I'm not interested in looking at what's in the envelope. Let me tell you how I feel about you." After his story, the girl was shocked that Mano felt the tragedy of her life.

It all started with running

I grew up surrounded by nature
and I always had this feeling
like I'm an integral part of it...

Wit Mano

Vit Mano immediately wins you over. From him comes such openness and goodwill that it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him. My first question was about when Mano felt he was different.

It started in high school. Mano joined a sports club. In training, they ran 15-20 kilometers. Long-distance running gave Mano a very strange and pleasant feeling. It was a kind of meditation.

At the same time, he did not like to compete with anyone at all. Running gave me joy in itself.

At this time, Mano noticed that his sensitivity was much higher than that of other people. He could feel the physical and emotional state of those around him.

And at that moment he made an important discovery for himself: all the people around were very unhappy. As Wit Mano wrote:

“People were lonely and hostile towards each other. And everyone was trying to look better than anyone else."

When Mano entered the university, he was always looking for happy people. And he couldn't find it.

“At that time, while studying at the university, I observed people in order to understand how they live. I watched students, professors, university staff, and each of them gave me a certain idea about their life and whether they had chosen the right direction. I looked at professors not only as my teachers, but also for what kind of people they were. Have they found the meaning of their lives? Was their life bright and eventful? And, in my opinion, none of them lived the life I dreamed of. None of them seem to have found their only true path in life. No one seemed to be carried away - I did not see a single man or woman who would glow from the inside, who would charge others with their energy. I didn't see anyone who could inspire."

Mano was in a spiritual search all the time, because he could not find a happy person in any way.

Meeting with Osho

When you dive inside yourself
and life itself is an amazing feeling.

Wit Mano

And so, at the age of 21, Mano met a girl who had just returned from Pune (India), where he was at that time. Mano immediately felt an incredibly bright energy through her. He tried to read Osho's books, but didn't really understand anything.

And Mano went to Pune to experience Osho personally. The meeting with Osho turned his worldview upside down. Such pure and bright energy came from Osho that Mano immediately realized that he had found his teacher:

“Wherever Osho was, there was always an unusually strong energy around him. People were so happy to be around him. His energy, his transformational meditations, his techniques and lifestyle have all helped many people find true joy within themselves. Being in this field of energy, being a part of it, it was incredible. Support, energy, all these happy people next to Osho - all together serve as a help. This is not only the influence of Osho himself - this is the whole field of energy that he created around himself, and which gave everyone such wonderful feelings.

Vit Mano stayed in Pune.

“I spent twelve years with him while he was in the body. And I'm still with Osho. Even though it is no longer in the body. It was a happy period, and it still continues. I don't think about how long I was with him before: I'm still with Osho. So in that sense, nothing has changed. It is up to us to decide whether we want to continue meditating, whether we want to make meditation our way of life… There is always freedom in life. But for me, I am so happy that I know from experience that Osho's approach works. And I'm grateful that it's now in my roots to live meditatively. Again, we all make mistakes, we all have moments when we wish we were more awake."

After meeting Osho, Mano felt that his path was to transfer spiritual practices to other people.

He went to Alaska and began to practice Osho's dynamic meditations. Especially:

  • Osho Dynamic Meditation,
  • Osho Kundalini Meditation,
  • Meditation Osho Mandala.

It is meditation that is the main key in spiritual development.

In 1999, Mano came to Russia for the first time. He was surprised by the powerful collective energy. She was so attractive that Mano began to come to Russia constantly.

“I really fell in love with Russia. I love all the people in the world, but the first place on my list would be this country.”

I asked Mano a lot of questions, but after his answers, there were even more questions. He has his own, unusual view of the world and life. He is 61 years old, but I felt that a young energetic man was sitting next to me.

Mano writes:

"When we channel our freedom
towards creativity and meditation,
we are happy!"

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Purity of thoughts, crystal clarity of thought, freedom from the shackles and troubles of life - this is what, perhaps, almost every one of us strives for. However, not everyone is destined to reach such heights. But there are people, thanks to whose help the approach of all these pious states can be accelerated. Usually they are called spiritual teachers.

Vita Mano can rightfully be considered one of these mentors.

Who is it

Answering the question of who Wit Mano is, first of all, it must be said that this is one of the main followers of the philosophy and ideas of Osho, who actively practices, works on the purity of his own, awareness of actions and helps other people to come to the acceptance and successful application of the same practices , which is what he is.

According to his personal statements, everything in the world is arranged in a fairly understandable and rational way, it is only necessary to be able to subtly capture all the relationships and, based on them, already give further interpretations and explanations.

Did you know? The author of works about Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle at the same time was a supporter and propagandist of spiritualism. In particular, he wrote the essay "History of Spiritualism" (1926). And in the book "The Appearance of the Fairies" (1921), he proved the authenticity of amateur photographs, in which fairies were allegedly filmed.

At his seminars and trainings, Wit Mano does not use any magic staffs, or candles, or skulls, or any other magical equipment, however, his successful performance on the show "Battle of Psychics" very well illustrated that he probably has some secret knowledge and actively and use them successfully.

Biography of the healer

It is better to understand what caused Vita Mano to grow in popularity so much, familiarity with his biography will help.
It should be noted right away that his story is rather complicated and has many different dramatic turns and sudden events, which sometimes simply cannot be called ordinary coincidences.

Childhood and youth

The healer was born in 1956 in a large family in the USA, Michigan. At birth, he received the name Glen. His parents were not particularly fond of their numerous offspring; in addition, he had to endure the bullying of his older brothers.

Only one of his older sisters, named Ann, warmly treated him, however, when she was 25 years old, she tragically died in a car accident involving a drunk driver.

Under the influence of all these factors, young Glen left home and plunged into the world of hippies, indifference, and.

He traveled a lot, he had to live in Mexico with the Indians for several years, then he spent a long time in Alaska, where he met a model girl he liked very much.
He remembers that she was dressed in bright orange. It was she who first introduced him to the philosophy of Osho and recommended him to go to India.

Acquaintance with Osho

Upon arrival in India, young Glen-Mano began a new one. Its start was marked by joining the community under the auspices of Osho, who called Glen a new name. In the course of communication and joint meditations, Osho and Wit became very close.

He ultimately lived within this community for over 20 years, until Osho's death in 1990.

In the same community, Wit Mano received the title of "swami". He was very proud of this title, which literally means "self-controlled" or "free from emotions" and is one of the most respected in neo-Hinduism.

In addition, Osho persuaded him to practice a sannyasin - a person who limits himself from earthly goods in order to conduct spiritual and educational work and missionary work.

Fame and popularity

Widespread fame for this spiritual mentor in our area came after his participation in one of the extremely popular television shows.

To demonstrate his skills and what Eastern spiritual practices are capable of, Wit Mano decided to take part in the show "Battle of Psychics", or rather in its 13th season.

Did you know? Show« The fight of extrasensories» received in February 2017 an anti-award for the popularization of pseudoscience from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Russian Federation.

The fact that he does not speak Russian slightly interfered with the success of his performances on the show, since he had to communicate with other participants, guests and the team through an interpreter.

Despite the numerous assurances of skeptics that Mano does not actually have any supernatural power, but only guesses the right answers while observing the reactions of the characters, his special abilities were confirmed during tests, where it was necessary to give out one or another from a photo. information.
According to Mano, absolutely any person, regardless of whether he has some abilities or not, must first of all believe in himself and his strengths, then his capabilities will increase many times over.

All this helped him successfully overcome many trials of the "Battle of Psychics" and become on a par with other finalists of the show, including Dmitry Volokhov, Fatima Khadueva and Elena Godunova. According to the results of the audience sympathy, he took third place.

Vit Mano today

After participating in the show, he returned to his traditional activities. He always believed that he should help people to better know themselves and their capabilities through and instructive conversations.

In addition to direct spiritual practices, he was also involved in chiropractic, alternative and apparatus treatment.

Seminars and practices

Wit Mano conducts numerous seminars and workshops around the world, including frequent visits to Russia and the Crimea.
This is probably facilitated by the fact that his wife is Russian and he himself has an extremely positive attitude towards this country.

In addition, he is the founder and chief consultant of several international meditation centers in India.

Treatment of diseases

Vit Mano has a huge successful experience in treating people with apparatus disorders, various autoimmune and mental illnesses.

He believes that, first of all, in treatment, it is necessary to properly organize your daily routine, and. The latter is especially important for people suffering from disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.
If you suffer from any disorder of the musculoskeletal system, then, according to Mano, you need to contact a chiropractor or vertebrologist for a more detailed examination and a final diagnosis.

Important! Despite the positive impact that meditation and spiritual practices have on the life of an individual, Wit Mano recommends that traditional medicine should not be forgotten when needs arise.

A positive impact, according to his opinion, is also exerted by work with one's own energy and long-term in the correct posture. He gave an example confirming the importance of such manipulations. A girl came to him, weighing only 33 kg.
At first, she could not even sit properly in a meditation position, but two days later after talking with him, she gained 2 kg and could dance for 40 minutes.

sexual problems

Before looking for the root of your sexual problems in some higher matter, according to Vita Mano, you must first exclude all possible organic pathology.

It is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination and pass all the tests recommended by doctors before trying to heal through various forms of introspection and meditation.

Only in the event that all the probable and known causes of certain sexual problems have been excluded can one think that your problem is associated with any emotional blocks that can be removed by meditation and non-traditional therapy.

Addiction to bad habits

Addictions of any nature, except perhaps heroin, according to the statements of this swami, are completely dictated by internal human problems and the unwillingness to properly deal with them, recognize them and realize them.

The first step to overcoming such a problem is to admit that you are addicted to this or that habit.

Further, in the course of deep introspection, it is worth thinking about what this addiction gives you, during which you began to abuse this or that product, whether you really need what you are currently abusing.

“With the growth of your spiritual values ​​​​and the increase in internal self-sufficiency, all addictions will go away by themselves,” says Wit.

Emotional blocks

The spiritual mentor believes that this is undoubtedly one of the key aspects standing on the way to a high spiritual position, overcoming which you can come to and achieve a state close to.

The fact that a very large number of emotional blocks are formed even in childhood makes it difficult to overcome this path, and it can be extremely difficult to find their cause and work them out correctly.

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To help you overcome these blocks, according to Vita Mano, long-term practice and a thorough, thoughtful analysis of your past can. Analysis of your current emotional reactions to a particular event is the key to determining the presence of such blocks.
For a better understanding of how to deal with this phenomenon, it is recommended to visit one of the seminars that the healer regularly holds in Russia and the Crimea.

The first and most important step to start meditation is your immediate desire. Without this factor, all further attempts to delve into this phenomenon will be completely fruitless. For the first meditations, the guru advises you to take the most comfortable position for you.

In the future, when you learn to completely free your head from unnecessary thoughts, you can concentrate your mind on a particular issue or problem.
So, we hope that this article has helped you learn more about the great modern guru and healer Vita Mano. Try to comprehend his teaching, attend seminars with him and his students, study additional literature and materials recommended by him - and the result will not be long in coming.

Since it came out a long time ago and in a truncated form, I post it here.

Annotation: Wit Mano held his seminar in Khabarovsk. I managed to visit there and, taking advantage of my official position, interview him.

Swami Wit Mano: I developed my gift through meditation
Today he is better known as the finalist of the "Battle of Psychics". Wherever he appears, he is always surrounded by people. They want to touch him, ask him a question, hug him. And he enjoys hugging people. In order to be alone with Wit Mano and interview him, Antenna had to net into the car that was taking him to the hotel after the seminar. During the short trip, we talked about his teacher Osho, Russia, the "Battle of Psychics" and the seminars that he arranges for people.

There are a lot of teachings in India. Even before meeting with Osho, you were engaged in meditation and practices, why did you choose Osho?
- I'm lucky. I knew about Osho before India, and when my girlfriend told me “you are coming with me”, I agreed. When I met Osho, under his influence
energy field, I experienced a serious transformation that I began to understand previously incomprehensible things. So deep it's like you
learn to dive and eventually reach the bottom of the ocean. Osho gives perspective: some people swim a couple of meters and think they have reached the bottom, in my case
I was lucky and I really saw the bottom of the ocean.

But Osho says unpleasant and even terrible things for many, that a person is lonely, that he can only rely on himself ...
- Many people are emotionally disabled. Nobody taught them to trust themselves, they do not want to know the truth and follow it. They cannot trust the consciousness that created them. They depend on each other, but they do not trust each other. That is why there is so much violence in the world.

That is, the world is neither good nor bad, but the way we see it?
- This is a very philosophical question. Life is what it is. If we are smart, we know how to love her and how not to let her down. We are free to choose whatever we want. And smart people know how to awaken energy in themselves, not to be suppressed, not to become slaves, to find a way to be determined in their existence. But, it is very difficult because many of us are damaged at an early age.

Sometimes I had to read and hear that Osho is a sect, something strange and terrible is happening there, and it’s better not to go there. What can you say to these people?
- I just say "Good morning" to them! If they want to hear more than that, I can tell you that there are many beautiful things that the average person is unable to understand, but which penetrate his personality. I don't quite understand what kind of "terrible" things people are talking about? I lived in India for a long time and did not see anything terrible. The people who come there are happy, and although they return there again and again. What's strange about this? But I understand that working on yourself through meditation is a very deep work, and many people like to sit and not make any effort. Naturally they will criticize anything that demands something from them. Next to Osho, with the help of his techniques, you can make your body more athletic and, at the same time, open and develop your inner world. True, some people do not want to see anything in life except books or think that they can change with the help of TV. All their efforts are to sit on the sofa at the right time. But this is not the real world. When you offer people to move more: jump, dance, laugh, cry - it scares them. Because they keep everything in themselves, as if in a box and are afraid to wake up. I can understand them: from childhood they were told “girls don’t behave like that”, “act like a man”, their culture and religion imposed all sorts of restrictions on them from childhood, because of this they are afraid of everything that seems irrational to them. They have a complete mess inside and they are afraid of everything that happens outside.

How long have you been in Russia?
- More than ten years. I like Russia, so I come back here as soon as the opportunity arises. Here people have a huge heart and their own view of many things.
Is there something that still surprises and leads to some bewilderment?

Every day I am surprised by everything, every day of life brings something new. And in Russia there are very authentic people, they are very interesting to me. Russians are open to learning many things. And yet, only in Russia in winter do you understand what winter is.

In Russia there is a saying “laughter for no reason is a sign of a fool” ...
- The saying is not very clever. Laughter for no reason means that a person rejoices from some deep source, without any logic. This means that a person is endowed with a certain freedom, and the logical world does not hold him. After all, the logical world is very boring. Skiing on the same track is sometimes annoying,
but you can always lay a new one. It's hard, probably wrong and illogical - but it's an experience you'll never forget and it's fun.

You said that you got into the battle of psychics absolutely spontaneously, you suggested, and you agreed. How often do you make spontaneous decisions?
- Every day of my life.

Do you regret your participation in the show?
- Not. At least I gave at least some idea how to help people. And it is true. I met people there who had stress and problems and really needed help. They were so frightened and confused people that they even thought they were seeing ghosts.

You say there are no ghosts, no magic. All this goes against the “battle of psychics”. Were you surprised when you reached the final?
- I'm glad that I'm not like all the participants. But I have a gift, meditation helped me discover it.

A psychic is a supersensible person, one who feels the world better. Can this state be achieved?
- When you meditate, you improve your own world - this allows you to be natural with yourself, move towards your Higher Consciousness and understand the inner world of others. Meditation will definitely lead humanity to psychic. Moreover, deeper than shown in the program. Because exploring your inner mind is a lot of work. A lot of stones have to be moved to get to the diamond. This is much deeper than any external "magic" attributes.

What did you like about Battle?
- I met a lot of cool people who do their job perfectly, real pros. Sometimes they had to shoot for 24 hours straight. I saw a lot of people there that I could help and some of them started coming to my seminars.
Your seminars are scheduled for many months ahead. Why do you personally need these seminars?
- Personally, I don't need it. I really like it, but I don't need it. Just happy to share knowledge. And I see that people learn a lot from me. Seminars, the best way to learn - knowledge is received by many people at once. Alone, some things are missed, and together they learn something new easier and faster.

Many come to you as to a kind wizard: now Mano will snap his fingers and everything in their life will change. Mano will cure or give an answer. But you don't usually give answers. Why?
- It's all about belief in the supernatural. In the real world, much is possible, but everything is more complicated and deeper. A person needs to be forced to work on himself. to me
you have to teach people to do everything themselves and then they can do everything.

One of the exercises in your dynamic meditation looks like a child throwing a tantrum in a supermarket when they don't buy
a toy - a person lies on his back, knocks his hands and feet, and screams. It turns out that if a child behaves like this, he cannot be pulled up and stopped, is it only good for him?

- I think yes. If you have come to this, then let the child release those emotions that have accumulated in him. When can a child be free?
his feelings, when he does not accumulate stress - it's great.

You know that thanks to you, a new trend has appeared in Russia - hugs. Even cell phone ads are already using hugs.
- No, I didn't know that.

After your hugs in The Battle, many in Russia began to make fun of it and jokingly hug.
- This is great.
Why hugs?
- Hugs are a way to share energy through the heart chakras. This is a quick way to get in touch with a person. It's more of an exchange of energy than eye contact. At the moment of hugging, a channel opens, and you instantly exchange through the hearts with the energy of another person. Take care of yourself, if you like a person, if he is your friend or helped you, it is much easier and more pleasant to hug him. And yet Russians are strange people! If I knew that in Russia my hugs would be perceived that way, I would have come up with something romantic. Some special kiss!

Tell me, how to make a person move and love life.
- Just take him by the hand and lead him along, not letting go until he starts to move.

Give advice to our readers.
- Do not accumulate emotions in yourself, do not hold them back. If you want to cry - cry, if you find it funny - laugh, if you are annoyed - get angry. Do meditations that will help you release your emotions, and you will see how beautiful the world is, how easily your problems are solved. Do not try to limit and suppress anyone: neither children, nor spouses, nor relatives. Fewer inhibitions for your loved ones and hug them more often.

Blitz poll for Mano:
- If the color, then? ...
- Green.
- If the mood, then? ...
- Joyful.
- If the time of the year, then? ...
- Spring.
- If the time of day, then? ...
- Morning.
- If the weather, then? ...
- Solar

Mano quote:
To feel happy, you need:

eat healthy food. Food should be vegan, not fried or greasy. If you find it difficult without meat, eat fish;
move a lot. Travel, do dynamic meditation, dance;
meditate. Meditations help to focus on your inner world and achieve harmony;
don't lock yourself in. Any emotions should be shown: you are funny - laugh, you are sad - cry, you are annoyed - get angry;
be independent of others. Your inner freedom will not allow other people to lead you in their interests;
don't chase fame, fortune, or a career. This is a false path to happiness. Only harmony with yourself will bring satisfaction. And a harmonious person will always receive fame, money, and success.

Thanks to the Asia Travel company (Khabarovsk) for the opportunity to talk with Wit Mano

Useful tips from Wit Mano

Interestingly, when I first came to Osho, I became a vegetarian. I radically changed the power system. And now, thirty years later, I realized that I was lucky, because a lot of problems like heart problems, cancer, etc. - nothing bothered me. These diseases, it seems to me, accompany the traditional Russian diet or the traditional American diet. The food traditions in these two countries are similar: both there and there there is always a large amount of meat, a large amount of fried food, a lot of sweets, white flour products, "heavy" cheeses that are not easily digested, creams, sauces and white potatoes.

I removed all this from my diet many, many years ago, so my energy balance is not affected by this so-called "negative" diet. I always prefer to keep up with the times and use the latest nutrition information. Many people get sick or even die because they don't stick to this idea, because they weren't careful about their diet or didn't know some important food information. I urge you to make your diet healthy - to study your diet and change what is not suitable for you. If you look for nutritional advice in foreign sources, it will be easier for you to build important nutritional principles for yourself and you will be able to quickly find a diet that is healthy for you, maintaining lightness in the body and at the same time providing energy. This will help you keep your balance and make you strong. And you don't have to eat large portions - for extra energy, just eat something light and in small amounts throughout the day!

It is curious that women often come up to me and say: “We can’t get pregnant, something is wrong with us. Maybe you know something? Most doctors will say that you have to eat meat in order to get pregnant, but I feel that is not true - one of the best American books recommends a vegetarian diet without animal fats, and it is worth believing.

You know, I spent many years in India - and it's not just the most populated country, it's also the world's largest vegetarian country. And Indian women, having no meat in their diet, give birth to healthy children, who subsequently develop really well. India is proof of how many vegetarians there can be in the world. I am proof too, and when people ask, “How can you be a vegetarian in a cold country?” I say that I know it from my own experience. I spend a lot of time in cold parts of the world, I lived in Alaska as a vegetarian, so I know this lifestyle is possible and I'm very happy with the results. And you, too, can be happy with the results. Nutrition is important. You need to take care of your body, your emotions, your love, your health. Yes.

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