Toothpaste for bleeding. Toothpaste for bleeding gums which is better

From this article you will learn:

  • the best toothpaste for bleeding gums,
  • choice of pastes for periodontal disease,
  • what kind of toothpaste - Parodontax, Lacalut and others help better.

The article was written by a dentist with over 19 years of experience.

Conventional therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes are good at removing bacterial plaque and strengthening tooth enamel, but they are not able to reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums. So that the toothpaste can reduce puffiness, cyanosis and redness, special anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components are added to the composition. These can be antiseptics, aluminum lactate, herbal extracts, as well as anti-inflammatory components such as allantoin, thymol or bisabolol.

Below we present to you a rating of toothpastes, which was compiled based on an analysis of their composition, the experience of their appointment as part of the complex therapy of gum disease, as well as patient reviews. However, please read this article to the end, because after listing and analyzing toothpastes, very important information is given that will allow you to avoid unreasonable expectations from their use.

Toothpaste for gums 2020: rating

I must say that all the first four toothpastes are equally good at coping with bleeding, but we still preferred LACALUT Aktiv Herbal toothpaste. When choosing a paste, you need to pay attention that not all gum pastes are equally suitable for relieving bleeding symptoms. A quick hemostatic effect will be provided by such components as aluminum lactate, to a somewhat lesser extent - antiseptic chlorhexidine, mineral salts.

All other components that can often be found in gum toothpastes, for example: herbal extracts, bisabolol, allantoin, have no direct effect on bleeding gums. They have only an anti-inflammatory effect, and as a result of a decrease in inflammation, bleeding itself gradually decreases. Thus, these components have only an indirect effect, which takes a little longer to develop.

Comments: LACALUT Aktiv Herbal toothpaste contains a very effective antiseptic Chlorhexidine, components to reduce inflammation in the gums (bisabolol and allantoin). But first of all, this paste is distinguished by the presence of aluminum lactate. This component has a pronounced astringent effect and noticeably reduces gum bleeding after the first application, and also reduces tooth sensitivity.

Aluminum fluoride helps to strengthen the weakened enamel of the teeth, protecting them from caries. The optimal duration of use is 30 days, the maximum according to the instructions is 60 days, but we do not recommend using it for more than 30 days (due to the content of the antiseptic Chlorhexidine). In general, in our opinion, this is the best formulation option among pastes, which is suitable not only as an emergency aid for bleeding gums, but also to reduce their inflammation.

2. Toothpaste LACALUT aktiv -

Comments: Lakalut Active toothpaste copes well with bleeding gums (due to the content of aluminum lactate, chlorhexidine, bisabolol and allantoin), but the anti-inflammatory effect of this paste is slightly less than that of the previous one. Contains sodium fluoride to strengthen the structure of the enamel of the teeth, which prevents the possibility of caries.

In our opinion, this toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums is one of the best, especially when you need to quickly remove bleeding gums ..

3. Parodontax and Parodontax-F toothpaste -

There are 2 types of Parodontax toothpastes for bleeding gums. They have a common composition of active ingredients, and the only difference between them is that the regular "Parodontax" does not contain fluorine, and the paste "Parodontax-F" comes with fluorine.

Comments: Parodontax toothpaste has a recipe that has been unchanged since about 1890. It is a natural toothpaste that contains high concentrations of herbal extracts and mineral salts, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and astringent effect, due to which bleeding of the gums is also reduced. Unlike many others, these pastes can be used on an ongoing basis to treat and prevent gum inflammation (due to the fact that they do not contain antiseptics).

Pastes have a specific herbal-salty taste due to the content of mineral salts and a high concentration of plant extracts. It is very important - mineral salts allow to draw out the inflammatory infiltrate from the inflamed gums, very quickly reducing their swelling. Using the fluoride paste variant is preferable because fluoride not only strengthens teeth, but also inhibits the growth of microbial plaque. Zinc citrate reduces tooth sensitivity.

Comments: PRESIDENT Extra Active toothpaste has a good blood-stopping and astringent effect due to the content of aluminum lactate, chlorhexidine antiseptic, and a high concentration of oak bark extract. Use for no more than 30 days, after which it is advisable to switch to toothpastes that do not contain antibiotics and antiseptics. This is a decent toothpaste and, probably, its only disadvantage is the absence of fluoride.

Comments: PRESIDENT Effect gum balm in the form of a gel - contains the highest concentration of herbal extracts (in comparison with any other gum toothpaste), + chlorhexidine antiseptic. The course of application is no more than 7-10 days. We recommend this remedy as a complement to any toothpaste on our list, which can be used in two ways.

Firstly, immediately after brushing your teeth, apply with your finger to the sore gums. In this case, after application, the gel should be left on the gums for about 10 minutes. All this time it is recommended not to drink or eat. Secondly, you can add this gel to the toothpaste from our list when brushing your teeth (the volume is about a pea). Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, after which you can rinse your mouth with the formed foam for a couple of minutes in order for the active ingredients to work even more effectively.

Economy segment toothpastes -

Unfortunately, the most effective toothpastes are also more expensive, and below we will present you with several less expensive toothpastes. You should expect a 75 ml tube to last for about 1 month of use. Moreover, you should not save on the amount of paste squeezed onto the brush, because this will reduce the concentration of active ingredients when brushing your teeth. Adults need to squeeze out a strip of paste 1.5-2 cm long.

6. Toothpaste Parodontosid -

Comments: Parodontosid toothpaste contains a large list of anti-inflammatory ingredients. The composition is undoubtedly good, but the concentrations of the active ingredients are quite moderate. Of course, the paste will be effective in reducing gum inflammation (swelling, redness), and more or less - to reduce gum bleeding. If you need to quickly reduce bleeding gums, it is better to use other pastes.

Comments: Toothpaste Forest Balsam "With bleeding gums" - contains a high concentration of extracts of medicinal plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect (due to the reduction of inflammation and a hemostatic effect is manifested). The paste lacks components such as aluminum lactate, which would have a direct effect on bleeding, and there are also no antiseptics in it. And so you shouldn't expect an instant effect.

In our opinion, this paste of the economy segment is more suitable for the prevention of gum disease than for the removal of acute symptoms of bleeding. Those. it is optimal to use it as a periodic prophylaxis of inflammation (but again not on an ongoing basis, since the paste is low abrasive and therefore does not remove plaque well enough). You can also use it as a balm that can be applied to the gums for a few minutes after brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day.

Comments: toothpaste "Parodontol Active + oak bark" - contains a moderate concentration of herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory effect. The undoubted advantage is the content of hydroxyapatite, which allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and reduce hypersensitivity.

However, in general, the composition of the paste is inferior to all of the above competitors in terms of the speed and depth of removal of inflammation in the gums. In our opinion, this paste is more suitable for preventing inflammation than for relieving acute symptoms of inflammation such as bleeding. However, you can increase its effect by rinsing your mouth after brushing your teeth.

Important :thus, if the main symptom of gum inflammation is bleeding, it is better to use Lacalut and President pastes. they contain aluminum lactate, which quickly reduces bleeding. If you suffer from periodontitis or gingivitis and are looking for a healing paste that will strengthen your gums, relieve swelling and inflammation during periods of exacerbation, it is better to choose Parodontax and Parodontax F toothpastes.

To quickly relieve inflammation in the gums, special ones can be a good addition to toothpastes, many of which contain high concentrations of anti-inflammatory components, including herbal extracts, antiseptics, aluminum lactate and astringent components such as eugenol and thymol, which can eliminate bleeding gums even faster ( than using only one toothpaste).

You should understand that toothpastes for inflammation in the gums, bleeding gums can only help you temporarily relieve symptoms, and nothing more. The causes of gum inflammation are soft microbial plaque and hard dental plaque. And if you do not visit the dentist (removing tartar and plaque), chronic inflammation of the gums will continue on a permanent basis.

Those. any components of toothpastes, including herbal extracts, antiseptics and antibiotics, are only a temporary solution to the problem of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. They drown out the symptoms, transferring inflammation from acute to chronic. Such a sluggish chronic inflammation will go on unnoticed until, over time, teeth mobility appears, which will already indicate the development of a moderate or severe degree.

In the photo below, you can see examples of patients with gum disease and bleeding - against the background of poor oral hygiene. Note that sometimes only a small amount of soft plaque is enough (Figure 2) to cause redness or cyanosis, swelling of the gums, soreness, bleeding when brushing your teeth.

Important : therefore, it is very important to treat the gums correctly, without overusing means that mask the symptoms of inflammation. It is best to consult a periodontist immediately if symptoms occur. it is these specialists (of all types of dentists) who are best trained in the treatment of gum disease. The periodontist will not only remove dental deposits for you, but also prescribe special anti-inflammatory gels for applications on the gums, which will greatly enhance the effect of the toothpaste.

2. Normalization of oral hygiene -

The cause of microbial plaque and plaque is irregular and poor oral hygiene. Without normalizing dental care, it will be impossible to get rid of bleeding and inflammation of the gums. If you do not brush your teeth after every meal, do not floss (again, after every meal) - inflammation and bleeding of the gums will be your constant companions.

How to use dental floss and toothbrush correctly -

In the article at the link above, you will find not only information on the technique of brushing your teeth with various hygiene products, but also nutritional recommendations (which will allow you to visit your dentist less often with caries), and also tell you about hygiene products with maximum anti-caries effect.

3. Toothbrushes with bleeding gums -

If the touch of a toothbrush to the gums causes pain and bleeding, then special soft bristled toothbrushes should be used, which are specially designed for patients with bleeding gums. However, it should be borne in mind that such brushes should be used only during treatment, because Soft bristles are less likely to remove soft plaque than medium bristles.

You can see the highest quality soft toothbrushes in the photo above. All of them have extra-soft bristles, with atraumatic, rounded tips. The quality of both of these brushes is very high, but their price is very different ...

  • parodontax toothbrush - price from 135 rubles,
  • lacalut aktiv toothbrush - price from 210 rubles.

4. If the paste contains antibiotics and antiseptics -

Many toothpastes and rinses may contain the antibiotic triclosan, as well as antiseptics - chlorhexidine, phenyl salicylate, and hexetidine. It is recommended to use such hygiene products no more than 2-3 weeks (maximum 1 month) - otherwise, oral dysbiosis is guaranteed to you.

And the last recommendation - after brushing your teeth with an anti-inflammatory toothpaste, do not spit out the foam right away, but rinse your mouth for another 1-2 minutes. This will increase the duration of exposure of the medicinal components in the toothpaste to the gums. We hope that our article was useful to you!


1. Add. professional,
2. Based on personal experience as a periodontist,
3. National Library of Medicine (USA),
4. American Academy of Periodontology (USA),
5. The composition of toothpastes is taken from the official websites of manufacturing companies.

Bleeding gums that occur when brushing your teeth or biting off solid foods can be a sign of gingivitis, periodontal disease, or periodontitis. In this case, relying on self-diagnostics and rinsing the mouth with herbal infusions is at least frivolous - you need to contact a specialist - a periodontist. He will determine the causes of bleeding gums and prescribe the necessary treatment.

The complex of measures for the treatment of periodontal disease necessarily includes the use of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes that reduce inflammation and bleeding of the gums. They owe their antibacterial, analgesic, astringent and regenerating effect to the following active substances:

  • Triclosan destroys plaque bacteria and inhibits the formation of tartar, a major contributor to gum disease.
  • Chlorhexidine - a broad spectrum antiseptic.
  • Aloe gel has antibacterial and wound healing properties. Protects the gums from inflammation.
  • Potassium citrate reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings, blocking the pain impulse.
  • Zinc and aluminum compounds slow down the rate of tartar formation, which often causes gums to bleed.
  • Vitamins (A, E, B5, B6, P) improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the oral cavity, preventing the development of pathological periodontal processes.
  • Herbal extracts (echinacea, peppermint, eucalyptus, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, rose hips, sea buckthorn, chamomile, oak, hawthorn, sanguinaria) and fruits (lemon, grapefruit, lime, cherry pulp, forest berries) have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect ... They preserve beneficial microflora in the oral cavity and reduce gum bleeding.
  • Propolis extract has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ginseng extract stimulates protective mechanisms and metabolic processes in the gums, accelerates wound healing, preventing gum bleeding.
  • Green tea extract contains vitamins A, B2, C, D, K, P. It has antimicrobial, astringent and antioxidant effect, tones up weakened gums well.
  • Coniferous chlorophyll-carotene paste strengthens the gums, reduces bleeding and has a bactericidal effect.
  • Cedar oil - an effective natural antioxidant. Carotenoids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, microelements that make up it soften and reduce gum inflammation, accelerate healing.
  • Tea tree oil reduces inflammation and strengthens the gums.

TOP 5 popular pastes for bleeding gums

A consumer survey helped us rank the toothpastes most effective in treating bleeding gums. Increasingly popular are toothpastes containing peptides and bacteriophages - natural proteins that can effectively solve the problems of not only bleeding, but also dental plaque, infections that destroy the tooth, while healing the natural microflora of the oral cavity.

  1. The most popular remedy for bleeding and gum disease Mirra Dent Gel Toothpaste Applicator is a gel paste applicator with bacteriophages. It is enough to apply Mirra Gel Paste on previously cleaned teeth and gums for 5 minutes in the morning and evening to get rid of bleeding gums. This paste also prevents the development of caries, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Its action is fundamentally different from disinfecting toothpastes: it normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity, and the bacteriophages contained in it devour only harmful bacteria. It is widely used for the prevention and treatment of gum inflammation and bleeding.
  2. Elmex Sensitive Plus Sanftes Weiss Zahnpasta is a whitening toothpaste for sensitive teeth. In addition to the popular whitening ingredient, fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel, it contains fluoride ion that helps seal the tiny tubules in the dentin of tooth enamel. It is also fortified with arginine. Penetrating through the thin mucous membrane directly into the vessels of the gums, arginine contributes to their proliferation, and therefore improves blood circulation in the gums.
  3. Dr. Wolff "s Biorepair Mentholfreie Zahncreme is a toothpaste that perfectly abrades tooth enamel and saturates it with hydroxyapatite zinc - the so-called liquid enamel. In addition, it does not contain menthol, which makes therapeutic applications much more tolerant. It can be used even by babies 7 years old.
  4. Theramed Pro Electric Expert Sensitive is a toothpaste for sensitive teeth designed for cleaning teeth with an electric brush. The main difference between such pastes and others: fine abrasiveness, which significantly spares damaged tooth enamel (one of the main causes of tooth sensitivity), which significantly reduces the discomfort during brushing. In especially acute situations, you can brush your teeth with this paste using a regular soft toothbrush. In addition, it gently sands the enamel, whitens it and prevents tartar build-up.
  5. Vivax Dent (pink paste) - anti-inflammatory toothpaste with betulavite. Betulavite environmentally disinfects gums and tooth enamel. In addition, this paste contains thymus and vascular peptides that stimulate the restoration of normal blood circulation in the gums.

The use of only one therapeutic and prophylactic paste can only slightly improve the condition of the gums. But a visit to the dentist will help completely get rid of the gums while brushing your teeth. After examination, the specialist will appoint an appropriate one. In most cases, it starts with deletion. It is he who causes inflammation and irritation of the oral mucosa.

Choosing a toothpaste for bleeding gums

Periodontitis appears due to a lack of vitamins, in the presence of infectious, allergic diseases. Improper care can also lead to. Careful observance of hygiene is a guarantee that the disease can be brought under control and the appearance of bleeding gums can be excluded.

If the gums are bleeding, it is necessary to change the brush at least once a month and a half, do not forget to use mouthwash with herbs with the paste.

The best option for gum disease is to choose a paste with herbal extracts - oak bark, chamomile, propolis, sage. They will gently soothe the gums, the composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane.

Healing pastes for bleeding gums are recommended to be purchased at the pharmacy. It is better to take a complex remedy that will fight pathogens, eliminate an unpleasant odor, and reduce bleeding. There are many brands that produce therapeutic and prophylactic pastes to combat gum disease, so you can find a remedy for any wallet. These are Lakalut Aktiv, Parodontax, Asepta, Forest Balsam pastes and others.

The nuances of using the paste for bleeding gums

If you have bleeding gums, brush your teeth more often. This is because plaque accumulates faster. And in order not to further irritate the gums, you need to remove food particles in time. You need to brush your teeth from top to bottom. Paste for sore gums should be used in courses, as a rule, it is enough to use the remedy for a month. And then the medicinal paste is replaced with another, so as not to become addictive. If the problem has not been completely eliminated, the course of treatment with a special paste is repeated again.

When brushing teeth with gum disease, you must use a special brush to remove plaque from the interdental spaces. You need to brush your teeth for at least five minutes for the paste with a healing effect to work. Good results are obtained by cleaning the interdental spaces with threads.

With the help of therapeutic pastes, you can massage the gums, it is better to alternate anti-inflammatory and cleansers in the morning and evening.

Your gums will continue to bleed unless you buy a stiff brush in addition to choosing the right paste. It will help to clean off plaque well, while also achieving a massage effect. But it is possible that the gums will bleed more after using such a brush - this is normal, and bleeding will decrease over time.

Like any disease, periodontal disease requires quick and effective treatment. The use of special toothpastes is an effective measure to eliminate unwanted symptoms and get rid of the causes of the disease.

To choose a remedy for yourself, you should contact your dentist and test several types of pastes.

What should be the paste for periodontal disease, how to apply it and is there a special technique for brushing your teeth?

Requirements for the drug

Toothpaste should not become the main means of getting rid of the disease. It is used as an element of complex impact. An effective hygiene product perfectly cleans enamel from plaque, which prevents the growth of bacteria and the development of inflammation.


Special remedies for periodontal disease help to restore the gums, strengthen the periodontium (the tissues that hold the tooth).

They include there should be such components:

  • potassium tetrapyrophosphate - helps to get rid of tartar and other deposits;
  • sodium citrate - reduces the sensitivity of the enamel;
  • potassium nitrate - affects the nerve endings, blocking pain.

It is important to remember that paste is not a panacea for any pathologies of the oral cavity. Before you solve the problem yourself, it is important to get a checkup with a dentist. The main thing is to treat the root cause, not the symptoms.


Special pastes are used in the presence of such evidence:

  • inflammatory processes with gingivitis (early stage of gum disease);
  • periodontal disease (appears if gingivitis is not treated);
  • caries;
  • bleeding gums;
  • tartar.

The degree of development of the disease greatly influences the choice of a suitable brand. The names of most of the funds are heard by many. A rating of popular pastes based on consumer reviews will help you decide on a purchase.

Review of popular products

With the development of gum disease, the dentist uses both conservative methods of treatment and prescribes a special paste.

The functions of such a tool are:

  • reducing bleeding gums;
  • removal of edema;
  • elimination of cyanosis, hyperemia of the gums (overflow of blood vessels);
  • relief (reduction) of painful sensations.

There are several types of popular formulations specifically used to treat periodontal disease.

Lakalut Active

German production tool used to reduce bleeding gums.

This is achieved thanks to the following components:

  • Chlorhexine (antiseptic).
  • Allantoin and Bisabolol help relieve inflammation.
  • Highlights the paste from the rest of the presence in the composition aluminum lactate - it has a pronounced astringent effect. Due to this, the result is observed immediately after the first application. Bleeding gums and enamel sensitivity are significantly reduced.
  • Aluminum fluoridei - mineralizes weakened enamel.

Pasta it is undesirable to use more than 2-3 weeks - it contains antibiotics.

The price starts from 125 rubles for 50 ml, and from 185 rubles for 75 ml.

Lakalut Phytoformula

Another high-quality German-made product is Lakalut Phytoformula. It is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent used for the prevention of caries, the removal of the main symptoms of periodontitis and the prevention of periodontal disease.

The composition includes aluminum lactate and a number of plant elements:

  • st. John's wort - relieves gum inflammation;
  • sage - has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effect;
  • ratania - fights bleeding gums.

Such components allow the paste to quickly eliminate painful symptoms, heal the gums, and strengthen the enamel.

The price for 75 ml starts at 289 rubles.


A sought-after hygiene product from the UK, available in two versions - with and without fluorine.

The manufacturing recipe has been constant since the late 19th century. The product contains extracts of medicinal herbs in high concentration.

Thanks to the components of the paste has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Mineral salts give it a salty taste and relieve swelling of the gums. It is preferable to use a product containing fluoride.

Price for 50 ml - 183 rubles.

Periodontal disease

The paste consists of:

  • sodium fluoride - helps to replenish the fluoride deficiency, which strengthens the enamel;
  • herbal extracts (meadow mint, sage, thymol).

Periodontal therapy should not be used for more than a week. It is used for bleeding gums, stomatitis, soreness when wearing braces.

The cost of a tube of 50 ml is 85 rubles.

President Exclusive

It is prescribed for the prevention of periodontal disease. The powerful therapeutic effect is due to the antibacterial component - hexetidine.

Ginseng extract has antifungal activity, and propolis activates mucosal regeneration. The paste gently and safely acts on the gums and enamel.

Do not delay treatment for more than 2 weeks.

The price of a 50 ml tube is 175 rubles.

Forest balm

Means created on the basis of the collection of medicinal herbs:

  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • st. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • celandine.

Herbal extracts reduce inflammation and improve gum health. In addition to these components, the composition contains sea buckthorn oil, which helps to accelerate wound healing.

The cost is 65 rubles (75 ml).

Periodontol Active

The main active ingredient of Parodontol Active is Hydroxyapatite. is he ideally matches the composition of the enamel, strengthening it with phosphorus.

Yarrow has an astringent and hemostatic effect. Nettle has a beneficial effect on the gums, heals small wounds.

Paste perfectly refreshes the oral cavity, normalizes pH, eliminates microcracks on the enamel.

The cost of the product (75 ml) is 135 rubles.


The paste has a pleasant taste, has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Has a healing effect on the gums.

Includes over 20 different herbal extracts.

Used for both prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

Price - 328 rubles for a tube of 75 ml.


Calcium carbonate is one of the main components of the paste that removes soft deposits... Calcium citrate reduces the sensitivity of the enamel.

Pearls are used for children from three years old. Children under 7 years old should be supervised by an adult during oral hygiene procedures.

Provides the prevention of caries and inflammation.

The price of a 75 ml tube is 30 rubles, 125 ml - 44 rubles.


American product with a whitening effect, removes stone, strengthens enamel, prevents the development of caries.

Acts as a means of preventing periodontal disease.

The cost of the pasta is 220 rubles.

Features of proper cleaning:

  • The antibiotic product should not be used for more than 2 weeks.
  • When cleaning, rinse your mouth with the lather.
  • The remedy is effective on teeth and gums. If the first improvements appear, this does not mean that you need to stop treatment.
  • Most products contain strong substances that kill not only pathogens, but also beneficial microorganisms. With prolonged use, it can cause oral dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance).
  • It is impossible to cure periodontal disease with one paste.

Such remedies have a symptomatic effect. Buying them yourself (at your own discretion) is not worth it. They should be prescribed by a professional dentist.

How the right choice of hygiene products can help in the fight against periodontal disease, see the video:

Features of the action

Features of the action of such compositions:

  • improving oral hygiene;
  • reduction in the incidence of caries;
  • healing of damaged mucous membranes;
  • reduction of pain when brushing teeth.

How does this paste work? It stimulates periodontal renewal, improves blood microcirculation.

Pastes for periodontal disease most often contain potent substances. This allows you to inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. They also suppress the growth of microbes, which should normally be present in the oral cavity.

Correct cleaning technique

The easiest way to stop tooth decay and gingivitis, and prevent periodontal disease, is to practice proper oral hygiene. It includes the regime and the correct cleansing technique.

Features of effective teeth cleaning:

  • The procedure should be carried out after each meal - within 5 minutes.
  • Use dental floss. It is applied before brushing. The main purpose of this procedure is to remove food particles stuck between the teeth.
  • For those who wear braces, it is important to take care of cleaning the spaces between teeth and orthodontic structures.

It is important to pay attention to the cleaning technique.

The brush should be moved down the tooth and away from the gum. There is no need to make horizontal movements. So harmful deposits only accumulate between the teeth.

For effective oral hygiene, you need to choose the right brush. It should be soft or sensitive.

A paste is selected together with a dentist.

You should not use special means against periodontal disease for more than 2 weeks. When treating a disease in children, you should be especially careful when choosing a paste.

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The health of the gums and periodontium should be as important for the patient as the condition of the teeth, the whiteness of the enamel. If soft tissues are prone to inflammation, bleed, redden or swell, then it's time for you to switch to special toothpastes that allow you to regenerate the mucous membrane, which have antimicrobial and astringent effect.

In the article we will consider the purpose of gum products, what components they should include, we will give an example of the most popular brands among the population.

What are the gum toothpastes and their purpose

Before we figure out which toothpaste is best for the gums, consider their existing options. The dental industry offers 3 types of mucosal care products: prophylactic, hygienic and therapeutic.

Hygienic pastes are designed for comfortable and gentle cleaning of teeth, additionally contain a complex of active substances that strengthen the health of the gums and periodontium. You should not expect a therapeutic effect from them, because there are no active components in the composition that eliminate pathological microflora and promote healing.

There are many more requirements for medicinal pastes. Together, they should:

  • eliminate bleeding acquired in the process of using cutlery, as well as due to the specifics of the diet (the predominance of coarse, solid and fibrous food);
  • promote the restoration of affected tissues during the treatment of periodontal disease, periodontitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, alveolitis, abscesses and cysts;
  • actively protect the dentition from the effects of pathological microflora, significantly reduce the risk of caries, microbial plaque, and hard calculus;
  • elimination of the sensitivity of the gums, inflamed or thinned by nature;
  • reduction of pain syndrome (cutting in tissues, pulsation, aching pain);
  • reduction of tissue swelling, numbness and swelling, redness;
  • protection of damaged mucous membranes from infection.

Such products have a soft consistency, do not contain abrasive elements or aggressive components, so as not to irritate the inflamed gums. At the same time, toothpaste with bleeding gums should still remove microbial plaque from the surface of the teeth, gingival pockets, periodontium, albeit carefully.

The patient should be aware that even products purchased from a pharmacy or dentist's office will not help cure soft tissues... If you notice symptoms of inflammation (itching, discomfort and soreness, bleeding, swelling and numbness of tissues, purulent discharge, putrid breath), then make an appointment with a dentist, and do not mask problems with pastes and rinses.

Active ingredients for gum treatment

Let's take a closer look at these components.

  1. Chlorhexidine... The familiar solution is a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial agent that destroys most of the pathogenic microorganisms known to medicine.
  2. Potassium citrate... An essential element to achieve local anesthesia. It blocks the spasm impulse, reduces the reaction of nerve endings in the affected area.
  3. Triclosan... A powerful antibacterial agent that eliminates carious bacteria, as well as microorganisms that live in soft and necrotic plaque in the oral cavity.
  4. Zinc, aluminum lactate and other compounds of these substances. Inhibitors in the formation of plaque and hard dark calculus on the teeth. These components are necessarily contained in the toothpaste for bleeding gums.
  5. Vitamin complex... Vitamins of various groups (B, A, E and P) stimulate regenerative processes in the mucous membrane, promote blood circulation and normal metabolism in cells. Vitamins contribute to the overall strengthening of tissues and prevent the development of periodontal disease.
  6. Aloe... Healing herb with juicy leaves has long been used in folk medicine due to its powerful antiseptic and healing properties. Aloe quickly eliminates inflammation, reduces tissue swelling and redness, and promotes healing of microcracks.

  7. Propolis... The beekeeping product is known for its strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Its astringent action reduces the discomfort in the area and promotes rapid wound healing. Propolis also kills carious bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
  1. Ginseng... The root of the Chinese plant is a powerful antiseptic, which also normalizes blood circulation in the gums and promotes cell metabolism.
  2. Green tea... Tea leaf extract contains antioxidants and tannins that promote tissue regeneration and healing. The complex of vitamins tones the soft tissues that are thinned and weakened by diseases.
  3. Chlorophyll-carotene coniferous composition... It is presented in the form of a firming paste that quickly stops bleeding gums. It also has bactericidal properties.
  4. Essential oils... Toothpaste for gum treatment contains certain vegetable oils to strengthen, heal and restore the delicate tissues of the mucous membrane. Tea tree oil, for example, can reduce swelling and redness in tissues. Cedarwood essential oil is a powerful antioxidant that soothes irritated gums.
  5. Extracts of medicinal plants... The healing pastes are based on medicinal herbs that are actively used in folk medicine (mint, eucalyptus, sage, calendula, nettle, chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort, linden, echinacea). All of them contribute to the normalization of the microflora of the oral cavity, have a calming and wound-healing effect. Some of them also have antimicrobial and astringent effects.

Popular healing pastes

There are many anti-inflammatory and regenerating agents in different price segments and with their own specifics. Some specialize in the treatment of periodontal disease and reduce the risk of developing periodontal disease, others are aimed at reducing bleeding, others are gentle on irritated and weak gums, and there are complex pastes that combine all of the above effects.

  1. LACALUT asset. Healing gum paste, produced in Germany, contains an active antiseptic agent - chlorhexidine, which contributes to the immediate elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity. Also contains bisabolol allantoin - components that retard inflammatory processes in tissues. And of course, a paste of this level contains aluminum lactate, which has an astringent effect, which is necessary to eliminate the sensitivity of the gums and reduce their bleeding after the first application. Fluoride remineralizes weakened enamel, restoring tooth sensitivity, reducing discomfort and soreness during meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, after which the patient should switch to LACALUT phytoformula.

  2. LACALUTE phyto formula. A softer toothpaste that gently cleanses your teeth and reduces bleeding. It is based on plant extracts that act as natural antiseptics and have a calming and regenerating effect. Fluoride in the composition of the product restores damaged enamel and prevents carious disease.
  3. Parodontax... British brand specializing in mucosal and soft tissue health. Pastes of this brand are considered the most natural and medicinal, as they contain the highest concentration of medicinal herbs, essential oils, extracts of fruits and berries, etc. Astringent, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved through components such as echina, sage, myrrh, ratania and mint... Also in the composition there are mineral salts that draw out pathological masses and fluids from the inflamed tissues, reducing redness and swelling. Due to this, the taste of the pasta is slightly salty.
  4. PRESIDENT exclusive... Italian toothpaste is used for inflammation of the gums, has a pronounced antiseptic property due to the presence of hexetidine in the composition. Propolis and thyme extract produce an anti-inflammatory effect, soothe irritated tissues, relieve swelling and reduce bleeding. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

We examined the nuances that allow you to choose the most effective and suitable paste for the patient to protect and strengthen the gums. But recall that such remedies can only slow down the inflammatory process or mask some symptoms, but in no way save you from serious dental pathologies and diseases.

With the appearance of additional symptoms and the development of existing ones, you should immediately contact your dentist.


During periodontal disease, the tissues around a healthy tooth become thinner and then injured. Over time, tooth tissue also becomes thinner, and gaps appear between the teeth. Symptoms periodontal disease:

  • gums bleed (if bleeding occurs during dental hygiene, this is considered, although undesirable, but acceptable. With periodontal disease, gums bleed while eating solid food, for example, when biting off an apple);
  • itching appears in the gum area;
  • the gums become sensitive, light;
  • a lot of tartar is deposited;
  • there are no obvious signs of inflammation;
  • the tooth root itself and its neck are exposed.

note: Do not confuse periodontal disease with a similar disease - periodontitis! As with periodontitis, periodontitis affects the gum tissue. This process is the result of bacteria.

But periodontitis affects all the tissues that hold the tooth. This destroys exactly the support on which the tooth is held.
At the first symptoms of periodontal disease, you need to see a doctor. In the absence of proper therapy, teeth can be lost.

Requirements for toothpastes

If the cause of bleeding is periodontal disease, then this problem should be dealt with in a comprehensive manner. In addition to medications and possible procedures, medical toothpaste is used.

Note: Toothpaste for periodontal disease is a remedy. Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on it. Toothpaste for bleeding gums should perform the primary task - to remove plaque from the surface of the teeth and eliminate bleeding.

It is plaque that is the main source of dangerous bacteria that provoke gum inflammation. For gum toothpaste to be effective, it must contain one or more of the following: components:

  • potassium nitrate or sodium citrate - reduce the sensitivity of the enamel;
  • potassium tetrapyrophosphate - effectively removes deposits, including tartar;
  • strontium chloride - strengthens the enamel.

When choosing a paste, the dentist will have to take into account at what stage of development is periodontal disease. It will depend on what kind of paste he prescribes. At different stages of the development of this disease, different means are used. To get the desired result, it is the dentist who must select them.

Overview of pastes

Among the offered pastes for periodontal disease there are leaders.

Lakalut Active

  1. aluminum lactate - has a pronounced astringent effect, reduces bleeding, eliminates enamel sensitivity;
  2. chlorhexidine - antiseptic;
  3. fluorine - strengthens the enamel surface;
  4. bisball - relieves gum inflammation.

Lakalut Phytoformula

An excellent remedy that can combat bleeding gums, as well as cope with inflammation. There is no antiseptic in it, therefore it can be used for a long time. Composition; fluorine, aluminum lactate, myrrh, sage, St. John's wort. The complex of herbs will relieve inflammation, soothe soft tissues.


Ingredients: herbal complex, zinc citrate, mineral salts. The advantage of this product is that natural ingredients prevail in its composition. Has a pronounced astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to stop bleeding from the gums. Mineral salts draw out pus well, relieve redness, eliminate edema.


Composition: about 20 of the most effective herbal extracts. The main indication is complex treatment and prevention of periodontal disease. The product has a pleasant taste. Copes quickly and gently with the main symptoms of periodontal disease.

President Exclusive

Ingredients: hexetidine (antiseptic), sodium fluoride, natural extracts. It is a remedy that has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Well relieves the symptoms of periodontal disease. Used for no more than two weeks.

Periodontal Active

Ingredients: hydroxyappatite, natural decoctions and extracts. This tool can quickly reduce the sensitivity of the enamel.


Composition: components that can effectively reduce the degree of enamel sensitivity. The main indication is a gentle and effective cleaning of the enamel of sensitive teeth. The paste quickly removes the increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Forest balm

Ingredients: natural extracts. The tool is characterized by low abrasiveness, therefore it cleans the surface of the teeth gently and carefully. For the same reason, it does not cope well with hard dental calculus.


Ingredients: pine needles extracts, chlorophyll. With periodontal disease, it quickly improves the general condition, helps relieve pain, swelling and inflammation.

All of these pastes have shown their effectiveness in the fight against periodontal disease.

Features of the use of toothpaste in the development of periodontal disease

In the treatment of this pathology, toothpaste becomes one of the medicines. The effectiveness of treatment will directly depend on how correctly it is used. Such important recommendation:

  1. The toothpaste should not be used alone, but in combination with other means and methods of therapy. Only in this case can a long-term remission be achieved. This remedy is not able to cope with periodontal disease on its own.
  2. The paste can only have a symptomatic effect on the condition of the gums. It will relieve their inflammation, swelling, bleeding, and reduce sensitivity.
  3. You cannot choose this remedy yourself. Neither advertisements nor advice from friends and family are inappropriate. Only your dentist is entitled to this. Only he can provide comprehensive, thoughtful treatment that will bring the desired remission. The doctor must establish the cause of the disease and monitor how the treatment proceeds.
  4. Correctly selected paste can remove plaque and tartar. These are the main provocateurs of the inflammatory process. It will improve the condition of the enamel and gum tissue. This remedy is able to mask the symptoms of periodontal disease, as it temporarily eliminates them. Therefore, even if the condition of the gums and enamel has improved, treatment should not be stopped.
  5. Important! Use an antiseptic paste for no more than two weeks. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of dysbiosis. In this case, the situation will worsen.
  6. When cleaning, try not to spit out the foam right away, but to rinse your mouth and gums with it. This will allow the active ingredients to work better.

note: It is very important to master the technique of brushing your teeth correctly. This will save you from the possible development of pathologies. Brush movements should be made from the gums and down the surface of the teeth. It is this direction that will allow you to clean up the collected plaque as much as possible.

If you move from the teeth up to the gums, then the plaque, on the contrary, will fall into the periodontal pockets and the space between the teeth. For the same reason, you should not move horizontally. So the plaque will penetrate deeper.

  • If you need to not only brush your teeth, but also massage your gums, then buy chlorophyll pastes. In this case, the teeth will need to be brushed for about five minutes. The gums should be especially carefully cleaned.
  • The use of dental floss is not so common in our country. But this tool perfectly removes deposits in the interdental space. Get in the habit of flossing along with your toothbrush.

Toothpaste for gums 2018: rating

I must say that all the toothpastes in the top three are very good, and it was difficult for us to divide the places between them. We are sure that whichever paste you choose from them, you will be satisfied with your choice.

1. Toothpaste "LACALUT aktiv" -

Comments: Lacalut Active toothpaste contains a very effective antiseptic (chlorhexidine), as well as components that reduce inflammation in the gums (bisabolol and allantoin). But first of all, this paste is distinguished by the presence of aluminum lactate. This component has a pronounced astringent effect and noticeably reduces gum bleeding after the first application, and also reduces tooth sensitivity. Fluoride in aluminum fluoride helps to mineralize weakened tooth enamel.

In our opinion, this is the best toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums, especially when you need to quickly relieve acute symptoms of swelling and bleeding of the gums. However, it is undesirable to use it for more than 2-3 weeks. This is due to the presence of the antiseptic chlorhexidine. After the symptoms of inflammation subside, it is advisable to switch to LACALUT fitoformula toothpaste, or any other therapeutic and prophylactic toothpaste that does not contain antiseptics and antibiotics.

2. Toothpaste "LACALUT fitoformula" -

Comments: Toothpaste Lakalut Active perfectly copes with bleeding gums due to the content of aluminum lactate and a complex of anti-inflammatory plant components. Due to the absence of antiseptics, it can be used for longer periods than the previous toothpaste. Also, the paste contains fluoride in the composition of sodium fluoride to strengthen the structure of the enamel of the teeth, which prevents the possibility of caries.

3. Toothpaste "Parodontax" and "Parodontax F" -

Comments: Parodontax toothpaste is available in two versions (with and without fluoride). The pasta recipe has remained unchanged since about the end of the 19th century. This is a natural toothpaste that contains high concentrations of herbal extracts that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent and hemostatic effects.

The paste has a salty taste due to the content of mineral salts, which help to draw out the inflammatory infiltrate from the inflamed gums and relieve their swelling. The fluoride paste variant is preferred.

4. Toothpaste "PresiDENT exclusive" -

Comments: President Exclusive toothpaste contains a potent antiseptic (hexetidine), as well as herbal extracts. Good composition, however, it is undesirable to use the paste for more than 2 weeks due to the content of the antiseptic. At the end of the 2-week period (which is quite enough to reduce the symptoms of inflammation), it is advisable to switch to toothpastes that do not contain antibiotics and antiseptics.

5. Toothpaste "Forest balm for bleeding gums" -

Comments: Forest Balsam toothpaste, due to the content of medicinal plants, has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects. The paste is low-abrasive and therefore does not remove plaque well enough, therefore, after reducing the symptoms of inflammation in the gums, it is advisable to switch to therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes with a normal abrasiveness index (about RDA 75).

6. Toothpaste "Parodontol Active" -

Comments: Parodontol Active toothpaste contains extracts of medicinal plants, and undoubtedly a plus is the content of hydroxyapatite, which allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and reduce hypersensitivity. However, in general, the composition of the paste is inferior to all of the above competitors in terms of the speed and depth of removal of inflammation in the gums.

Which medical toothpaste to choose

Efficiency, quality and safety of products depend on the manufacturer of the toothpaste.

These manufacturers are the leaders in the sale of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes. Their products are manufactured in accordance with international GNP regulations. The products are clinically tested and approved by leading dental communities around the world.

The best medicated toothpastes

SATO Acess for gingivitis and periodontal disease

The product consists only of natural ingredients. It is based on highly concentrated extracts of myrrh, chamomile, ratania root. Active substances relieve inflammation, kill bacteria, reduce gum bleeding and have an astringent effect. The manufacturer recommends using the paste to prevent and eliminate periodontal disease, gingivitis, gum disease. The volume is 120 ml.


  • the paste does not contain bleaching ingredients;
  • has a healing effect on sore gums;
  • reduces puffiness, purulent foci;
  • eliminates bleeding and gum pain.


  • high price;
  • practically not found in stores and pharmacies.

Dentavit Sensitive for sensitive teeth

The tool allows you to brush your teeth without scratching the enamel. Great for those who have weakened and thin skin. It contains potassium nitrate, which reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings in dentin, and the paste also promotes the entry of minerals into the tooth tissue, reduces sensitivity and protects against caries. Volume - 85 ml.


  • restores microdamage to enamel, makes it smooth;
  • regular use leads to a decrease in sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, etc.;
  • soothes the mucous membrane of the mouth;
  • the composition does not contain sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • affordable cost.


  • not recommended for persons with hypersensitivity to substances contained in the paste.

Oralcare Protezione Gengive from Biorepair

The paste belongs to professional therapeutic and prophylactic means for protecting the gums. Perfect for those who want to prevent or eliminate the following diseases: periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontitis or enamel damage. The preparation contains a large amount of vitamins C, D, B, A. Hyaluronic acid has a moisturizing effect, thereby activating the work of cells and reducing inflammatory processes. Can be used by adults and children from 6 years old. The volume is 75 ml.


  • powerful anti-inflammatory and healing effects;
  • prevents the reproduction and growth of cariogenic bacteria;
  • makes breathing fresh and pleasant;
  • promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • improves the condition of the gums by strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • creates a barrier to caries;
  • restores the shine and whiteness of the teeth;
  • suitable for preventive purposes.


  • very difficult to find in pharmacies and stores;
  • high price.

Medical and prophylactic professional toothpaste Biocalcium from the manufacturer Splat

The paste is based on bioactive calcis. The tool is suitable for those who wish to strengthen or restore tooth enamel, as well as reduce sensitivity. The paste is especially relevant when there is a painful reaction to cold, hot, sweet, etc. The effect of the application is noticeable after several days of regular use. Volume - 100 ml.


  • affordable cost;
  • perfectly removes plaque on the teeth, prevents the appearance of tartar;
  • promotes the entry of calcium and minerals into the enamel;
  • improves gum health;
  • normalizes acidity in the mouth;
  • soft abrasive substances safely and carefully whiten the enamel, restoring its natural shine and whiteness.


  • washed out for a long time;
  • a specific taste that not everyone will like;
  • there is no foil under the tube lid.

Dante Canti Advanced

This paste has a complex effect. It is designed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the gums and teeth, for maintaining oral hygiene. The composition is completely natural and contains 26 herbs. It provides long-lasting care and protection for teeth and gums. Using this paste will be helpful for gingivitis, bad breath, toothache, or bleeding gums. The paste strengthens the hard tissues of the tooth, reduces the sensitivity of the gums, and prevents the formation of tartar. The volume is 100 ml.


  • perfectly fights infections and eliminates bleeding;
  • natural antiseptics prevent tooth decay, heal and strengthen the gum tissue;
  • removes an unpleasant odor;
  • does not contain synthetic components;
  • reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes;
  • heals ulcers and boils in the oral cavity.


  • not recommended for use in case of intolerance to certain components of the paste.

Asepta Sensitive

This paste is perfect for fluorosis (excess fluoride in the body), with increased sensitivity of the teeth, for the prevention of gum inflammation. The paste foams remarkably and has a dense texture with a pleasant mint flavor. It helps to keep breath fresh throughout the day and provides gentle oral care. Volume - 75 ml.


  • thermal mud promotes healing, soothing and regeneration of the gums;
  • extract of calendula helps to destroy harmful microbes in the inflamed soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • papain prevents plaque formation;
  • the paste reduces the sensitivity and soreness of the teeth;
  • strengthens the enamel;
  • protects the natural whiteness of the teeth;
  • economical consumption.


  • the composition contains a dye.

Filling toothpaste Apadent

This paste contains medical nano-hydroxyapatite, which ensures the strength and health of teeth and prevents the destruction of hard tissues. Numerous clinical trials confirm the effectiveness of the remedy at the initial stage of the development of caries by restoring deficient minerals in the enamel and dental tissues. In addition, the composition contains 3 more active ingredients that relieve inflammation, promote the healing of microcracks, reduce plaque and prevent the development of periodontal disease. It is recommended to use in case of increased sensitivity of teeth, during pregnancy, for the prevention and treatment of caries, wearing orthodontic appliances. Volume - 120 ml.


  • pasta is allowed for all age categories;
  • effectively removes plaque on the teeth;
  • replenishes the deficiency of minerals in the dental tissue, making the surface layer of enamel shiny and smooth, which contributes to the destruction of caries at the initial stage of development;
  • reduces painful sensitivity of the teeth;
  • provides high-quality oral hygiene.


  • cost exceeds $ 30.

Medical toothpaste Active Clinical

This paste is suitable for treating bleeding and sensitive gums. It heals and strengthens the soft tissues of the mouth. Hawthorn has astringent properties, it strengthens capillaries and reduces bleeding in the gums. Triclosan eliminates the cause of inflammation and has a powerful bactericidal effect. Sodium fluoride helps to remineralize enamel and protect against caries. Does not contain fluoride. Volume - 75 ml.


  • affordable cost;
  • quickly eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums;
  • effectively cleans the enamel from plaque;
  • prevents tartar;
  • suitable for people with a high content of fluoride in the body;
  • destroys infectious processes in the oral cavity, eliminates the cause of gum inflammation.


  • triclosan is a synthetic antibiotic with a pronounced antibacterial effect, therefore it is not recommended to use the paste for more than 1 month;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the paste, use should be discarded.

Lacalut Fluoride Toothpaste

The paste strengthens and remineralizes tooth enamel. It is recommended to use in case of initial stage caries, to prevent tooth decay, to recover after teeth whitening, with dental plaque or calculus. The paste contains a lot of fluoride, which protects and repairs the enamel. With constant use, painful sensitivity to cold, sour, hot, sweet foods decreases. It also contains chlorhexidine, which prevents the growth of cariogenic bacteria. The composition contains no whitening components. It is recommended to use it every month at intervals of several weeks. The volume is 50 and 75 ml.


  • foam well, pleasant taste;
  • affordable cost;
  • slows down the darkening of teeth when smoking;
  • delicately removes plaque and polishes teeth;
  • reduces inflammation in the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • has a pronounced anti-carious, antibacterial effect;
  • increases the resistance of tooth enamel to an acidic environment;
  • strengthens the structure of hard tooth tissues and prevents their destruction.


  • contraindication: intolerance to the components of the paste.

What medicinal toothpaste to buy

1. If you need a paste for gingivitis and periodontal disease with a natural composition, it is better to purchase a paste from the SATO Acess company.

2. A tool that will reduce the sensitivity of the teeth - Dentavit Pro Sensitive.

3. Preparations that are perfect at the stage of severe inflammation, increased bleeding - Oralcare Protezione Gengive from Biorepair, Active Clinical Healing Toothpaste. The latter is especially effective when joining infectious processes.

4. For people with increased production of gastric juice, Biocalcium toothpaste from Splat is suitable. It normalizes pH balance and prevents enamel degradation.

5. If you need a remedy with a combined effect on the gums and enamel, it is better to purchase the healing Ayurvedic paste Dan Kanti Advanced.

6. For fluorosis, a fluoride-free paste is perfect - Asepta Sensitiv.

7. If you need a toothpaste that acts as a filling for damaged enamel and destroys the development of caries in the initial stages, then it is better to choose Apadent filling toothpaste.

8. Lakalut Fluoride is suitable for strengthening the hard tissues of the tooth and preventing their destruction.

Known diseases

The following gum pathologies are distinguished:

  • Gingivitis is an inflammatory process that affects the surface tissues of the mucous membrane. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of the hygienic care of the oral cavity. After eating, food particles remain in the mouth. They create favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The waste products of microbes contribute to the thinning of the enamel and lead to the development of caries. If you do not brush your teeth in a timely manner, the soft microbial plaque is converted into a hard one. It can be eliminated only with the help of special equipment in dentistry. Hard deposits adhere tightly to the enamel of the units, over time they become larger and spread under the gum. Stones injure mucous membranes, pathological microorganisms lead to inflammation. Concomitant reasons for the development of gingivitis: pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, breastfeeding, endocrine diseases. Signs of gingivitis: pain, redness, swelling, bleeding, loose mucous membranes. Increased soreness of the teeth appears when drinking hot, cold drinks and food. Traces of blood remain on hard vegetables, fruits, and a toothbrush. In advanced situations, bleeding appears spontaneously, without the participation of extraneous factors. Bad breath disrupts the usual rhythm of life, makes a person withdrawn and indecisive. Gingivitis is a dangerous complication. If you do not get rid of the pathology in a timely manner, it will develop into a more serious disease - periodontitis;
  • Periodontitis is an inflammation of the periodontium. The main reason for the development of the disease is a violation of hygiene rules. Concomitant factors: endocrine disorders, vitamin deficiency, hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, adolescence and old age, the stage of menopause). Periodontitis is accompanied by: an increase in mucous membranes, their soreness and bleeding, bad breath. The main difference between periodontitis and gingivitis is the vastness of the inflammatory process and the appearance of periodontal pockets. They form between the gum and the neck of the teeth and go deeper inward towards the roots. Food particles and microorganisms accumulate in the pockets, this leads to a constant increase in solid deposits and deepening of pathological formations. The atmosphere inside the pockets is ideal for the growth and reproduction of pathological microflora. As a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, periodontal tissues are destroyed, the ability of the teeth to stay in the holes worsens. As a result, pathological mobility of units appears. An accumulation of necrotic masses forms in the pockets, which flow out with light pressure on the mucous membranes. If dental treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, there is a high risk of complications. Periodontitis leads to: the appearance of tooth mobility, and their loss, periostitis, phlegmon, sepsis.
  • Periodontal disease is a disease that leads to atrophy of the mucous and inert tissues of the jaw. Pathology is not manifested by bleeding, there are no signs of inflammation. Contributing causes of development are: hereditary predisposition to the disease, old age, oncological neoplasms.

Hygienists and periodontists successfully fight diseases and are able to resist them with the help of modern equipment and drugs. Home treatment without specialist advice is dangerous and in most cases ineffective.

Doctor's help

Gingivitis and periodontitis, diseases that a dentist has to deal with every day. Since pathologies have a common cause of development, the stages of treatment are similar. The main task of the doctor is to carry out hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity at a professional level. It is carried out using: ultrasonic scaler, air - abrasive apparatus, special solutions, manual method. Removing dental plaque is unpleasant but not painful. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to inform the doctor about the presence of pregnancy, chronic diseases, allergic predisposition.

Stages of hygienic cleaning:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity;
  2. Removal of stones with special instruments, ultrasound, Air Flow apparatus. If the stones are bulky and difficult to remove, before using the hardware method, use special chemical solutions. The drugs break down hard plaques, violate their integrity. After exposure to chemical compounds, solid deposits are easily removed using the apparatus.
  3. Processing and cleaning teeth with a special abrasive paste.
  4. Polishing units.

After the procedure, the person instantly feels the result and notes an improvement in well-being.

For the treatment of periodontal disease, surgical methods are used: closed and open curettage, flap operations. The procedures are performed by an experienced periodontist, under general or local anesthesia. The purpose of the manipulations is to eliminate all deep deposits, restore the functionality of the retaining ligamentous apparatus. During cardinal operations, an incision is made in the gums and periosteum, the bleeding incision is processed, accumulated stones are removed, artificial bone substitutes are introduced into the treated cavity, and the surgical field is sutured.

After treatment, positive results are observed: an improvement in the adhesion of the gums to the teeth, a decrease in their mobility, and the elimination of periodontal pockets.

After the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, the dentist prescribes a course of home treatment. It is necessary:

  • Use medicated rinses;
  • Rub into mucous anti-inflammatory and regenerating gels and ointments;
  • Brush your teeth with special brushes and pastes;
  • Conduct daily treatment of mucous membranes with an irrigator.

When treating periodontitis, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs.

Toothpastes for bleeding gums are an integral part of the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. They are used to:

  1. Removal of soft microbial plaque;
  2. Whitening of enamel;
  3. Elimination of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes;
  4. Regeneration of tissues.

Some hygiene products contain multiple compounds. Medicinal toothpastes are purchased at pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Before using the paste, read the composition and make sure there are no contraindications.

The components of the remedy can be: extract of propolis, green tea, ginseng, pine needles, aloe, chlorhexidine, triclosan, cedar oil, and other plant components.

List of available and effective hygiene products for bleeding:

  • Splat Professional "Likvum-Gel" - promotes the elimination and splitting of plaque. The use of the paste guarantees the preservation of the whiteness of the teeth and protection against caries. The substance Biosol, which is part of the composition, eliminates inflammation, prevents the activation of pathogens.
  • Toothpaste for gums Splat Professional "Medical Herbs" - has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antibacterial, tonic effect.
  • Splat Professional "Green Tea" - removes microbial plaque, relieves inflammation and bleeding, prevents caries formation.
  • Forest Balsam is a budget and reliable toothpaste, which contains extracts of fir and oak bark. To improve the effect of treatment, dentists advise using the mouthwash of the same name.
  • Lacalut "Aktiv" is a drug from a German company. The tool helps to cope with bleeding, eliminates inflammation, prevents the formation of caries and periodontal disease.
  • Lacalut "White Edelweiss" - has an astringent effect, has an antiseptic and antioxidant effect.
  • Colgate "Total Pro" paste from bleeding gums freshens breath, removes soft deposits, has a whitening effect, and fights inflammation.

The therapeutic effect of drugs and hygiene products for periodontal disease and gingivitis is observed only after careful removal of dental plaque.

There is no point in using them before visiting the dentist. Symptoms of the disease can be eliminated, but will resume again after drug withdrawal.


  1. Specialized pastes are not suitable for daily use, they are used in courses every 3 to 4 months;
  2. Hygiene products can cause allergic reactions. If dryness, burning, itching, rashes appear - cancel the remedy, contact your dentist;
  3. Bleeding from mucous membranes is an unfavorable sign indicating the presence of a disease. If you find a dangerous symptom, visit your dentist as early as possible;
  4. Enter into the complex of hygiene procedures: use of floss, irrigator, mouth rinses. It is necessary to carry out manipulations 2 times a day, no later than 30 minutes after meals. Spend about 8 - 10 minutes on hygiene procedures;

To maintain oral health, you must: eat well, include fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, observe careful hygiene requirements, visit the dentist every 6 to 7 months.

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