Zodiac signs and marital fidelity. Aries - continued Why Aries cheat

The Aries man is looking for an ideal, not a real woman with her real needs. He wants his half to be distinguished by an extraordinary mind and beauty, to be able to gracefully maintain small talk and no less deftly wielded in the kitchen, to observe the most strict moral standards during the day, and at night become the most delightful mistress. The Aries man dreams of a feminine, charming, gentle, modest girl with an even and calm character.

How to know if an Aries man is cheating?

Aries does not even allow thoughts of betrayal while he is in love - the feeling captures him entirely, leaving no room for a new hobby, frivolous flirting. While he carries you in his arms, showers you with gifts and signs of attention, promises stars from the sky and mountains of gold, there is no doubt about his loyalty.

You should be wary at the moment when he begins to pay attention to other women - Angelina Jolie, Yulia Tymoshenko, Oksana Fedorova ... This is a strong proof that his Beloved, who until recently was the undisputed owner of the title of the Most Beautiful Lady on Earth, has become less interesting. And there, it’s not far to Nadia’s neighbor. The easiest way to learn about the betrayal of Aries is from himself: he does not know how to deceive and does not like, and he pronounces the cruel truth easily, sometimes with some secret pleasure. Aries Unfaithful is pleased with himself and does not put a penny on his unfortunate former Great Love - after all, she was a mistake, after all. Poor guy, he doesn't know yet that the next one won't be any better.

Why does an Aries man cheat?

In any relationship, calm can come, and in relations with him, this calm can flow into a break. And the thing is that he often gets carried away and it became more interesting for him with someone else. To prevent this from happening, it is worthwhile to figure out why he wanted to look for a new ideal. Having received this knowledge, you can fully understand this man and try to avoid this in relations with him with all your might. It's easy if you want to keep the relationship.


Life often brings surprises, but in general it is a routine. And he tries with all his might to avoid this routine, tries to find something new and unusual. The same with the chosen one, she must be interesting and with a twinkle, so that he would like to be with her. If she is boring and boring, she will try to tie him to the usual way of life, routine, he will definitely change her. And the reason will be banal boredom, the desire for change.


He is a temperamental man, so he needs a living confirmation of feelings. This is not only an intimate sphere, but also the usual touches and kisses in the middle of the day. If his partner pushes him away, does not want to share his enthusiasm for spending time together, he will look for adventures on the side. He does not accept coldness, which he regards as indifference. That is why he is cheating, it is easy to understand him in this situation.


Sometimes a man may suspect his soul mate. In this case, he experiences a whole range of feelings. It is difficult for him to understand the reasons for her betrayal, he is confused and determined to act. In this case, he usually tries to drown out the pain and is looking for new adventures. He takes revenge on her, wants to do the same hurt. And usually he does not return to her, because he no longer sees in her the ideal that ignited him at the very beginning of the relationship.

The most important!

So, he may well change. There can be many reasons for this - revenge, routine, his burning temperament. However, any reason for his betrayal lies in dissatisfaction. He does not see in his woman the one he would like to see, he cannot understand her behavior. All this pushes him to new adventures. In addition, his betrayal is the first step towards breaking the relationship, so you can’t bring the relationship to the point where he starts cheating.

Amorous adventures for Aries is an exciting sport. The Aries man values ​​sex more than anything else in life. The Aries woman is more attached to her partner, but only until she gets bored with him. Their constant desire to control and manage everything usually scares men away. As for cheating, Aries men show more understanding than deceived Aries women who demand an immediate divorce. Aries does not even allow thoughts of betrayal while he is in love - the feeling captures him entirely, leaving no room for a new hobby. While he carries you in his arms, showers you with compliments and gifts, there is no doubt about his loyalty. And you will learn about the betrayal of Aries simply - he himself will tell you about it. Romantic Aries knows how to turn your head with beautiful words and romantic deeds. However, he must want it himself. Aries will not hide their feelings. As soon as he falls in love, you will immediately notice it by his look and gestures.

If your partner is a Taurus, you can sleep peacefully. Adultery is not what they crave, they like stability, they fear change, they prefer not to take risks. Taurus - most often looking for a partner for life, but if a betrayal has occurred, they will be tormented by guilt for a long time, they will reproach themselves for weakness. They cherish their marriage sacredly and do everything to save it. Taurus are only happy when they are loved in their own home. If this is not the case, they are looking for love on the side. Taurus cannot live without love, tenderness, affection. Without it, they feel miserable and lonely. Taurus men choose for a long time, afraid to make a mistake. A sure sign of the inconstancy of Taurus can be its increasing gloominess, isolation, pessimism every day. There is no place for accidents in his personal life. Even for treason, Taurus weighs all the pros and cons. Of course, no one is immune from a short-term loss of reason, but after betrayal, Taurus, as a rule, torments himself for a long time and tediously.


If a person appears who is able to satisfy the sexual fantasies of Gemini, they forget about fidelity. Gemini is a very frivolous zodiac sign. They are looking for love adventures because they are bored, they crave change. They really like the period of courtship in a relationship, they are ready to constantly experience this particular period. For Gemini women, the financial condition of their partner is very important; they are more attracted to the rich than to the rest. The fickle Gemini is known to be the most unpredictable and frivolous sign of the zodiac. His life is like an eternal search for thrills. Gemini loves, perhaps, every woman in the world. As a rule, the monotony of relations can become the cause of betrayal. In addition, the man of this sign is in search of adventure, including sexual ones. So, if suddenly your beloved has become too correct and deliberately serious, most likely, the matter is unclean.

Cancers are a very loyal and loyal zodiac sign. Cancers often turn a blind eye to the love affairs of a partner, because they value well-being and their peace of mind. Husband-Cancer, having gone on a spree, fusses, hides his eyes, often gets angry and constantly irritated, thereby betraying his thoughts. He immediately loses interest in the family and becomes intolerant of any comments addressed to him. Cheating is not easy for Cancer, because he really wants to be an ideal family man, a faithful lover and a reliable partner. He doubts and looks for excuses for himself, shares his anxieties with friends, looks for a way out that would suit all interested parties, and willingly shifts responsibility for what is happening onto other people's shoulders. Conservative Cancer takes love relationships too seriously. He really appreciates his calmness and established way of life, so he will not simply put them at risk. If betrayal took place, then Cancer decided everything, and this is a new relationship. If you love him, fight for him. Do not get annoyed and in no case show him that you are so afraid of losing him.

Lions are very sensual and if someone provokes them, they rush to the attack. Lions more often than other signs enjoy love on the side. Adultery is an exciting game for them, especially if they are not recognized and neglected at home. Leo men often violate marital fidelity. It is difficult for Leo women to cross the line at first, but then cheating becomes a habit. Leo demands from his wife worship and admiration for his mind and talents. And you, wives, should always remember this. As soon as Leo notices that you are tired of praising him, he will start looking for fans on the side. In an instant, he will change beyond recognition - it will become fashionable and expensive to dress, to be scented with the most expensive and glamorous perfume. Do not get excited, keep calm - give him an expensive gift, but in general give him a little freedom - let him frolic. Understand one thing - the illegal connection of your Lion for them is an exciting game. Leo does not know how to hide betrayal, he is unable to resist not appearing with another lady of the heart at a social event. About the inconstancy of your Leo husband, his “friends” will consider it their duty to report. Cheating for Leo is just a game of conquest, from which it is he who must emerge victorious.

There is no reason to worry - people of this sign are faithful from birth. They love to analyze everything so much that the concepts of deceit and betrayal do not fit in their minds. Virgos are very honest in the realm of feelings. It is more difficult to seduce Virgo than representatives of other signs - they are very picky, prudent and less sexual. Love on the side happens only if there is not enough of it at home. At the same time, they are very careful, hiding and dodging to the last. Virgo decides on a relationship for a long time, trying to the last not to bind herself with any obligations. However, having decided on a relationship, the Virgo man is extremely prudent and careful both in choosing a partner and in hiding relationships on the side. Since Virgo behaves like a real spy, it is not so easy to figure out the traitor. The fact of infidelity may be indicated by a direct statement that everything is over between you. You will understand that your Virgo has gone on a spree and by such signs - she will suddenly have a passion for a feast, nervousness, grumpiness towards you, and disordered digestion. Calmness - increase attention to your husband, his problems, live by them. Put the house in perfect order, do not argue with your spouse, cook deliciously, be his true friend. Your appearance, manners and speech must become impeccable.

Libras are great romantics and at the same time real traitors. For them, the infidelity of a partner is a reason for their own betrayal. They love to have fun, so they look for diverse and interesting lovers. If Libra loses interest in them or is not satisfied with something, then they easily say goodbye to them. The Libra husband is quite fickle, so be prepared for his frequent romances. Signs that he has a girlfriend - he is always in a hurry somewhere, always feels tired, begins to pay increased attention to children, wash dishes and be interested in your daily routine. The constantly hesitant, doubting Libra man lives quite happily, combining two morals. It is difficult for one companion to satisfy his requests, and therefore he is endlessly looking for new sensations. By the way, to catch him at the crime scene is almost impossible. Libra is still a traitor. It can only be exposed through an incredibly unfortunate set of circumstances. Sometimes only by increased anxiety, devoid of visible reasons, you can guess that there is a "third wheel" in your relationship.


Although Scorpios are very sensual, they still prefer a stable relationship with passionate adventures at night with their partner. But if Scorpio's sexual desires are not satisfied, he can allow himself to "go left." Scorpios are always open to love adventures, but they are not as promiscuous as is commonly believed. They love ardent courtship, the freshness of new meetings and know how to perfectly hide their infidelity. Scorpios are in danger, which can only be caused by a secret relationship. If they find out about the love affairs of a partner, they will not rush to get a divorce, but will thank him in the same way. If your Scorpio suddenly loses interest in sex, know that you have problems. This means he probably got it elsewhere. The main trump card of Scorpios is their sexuality, which makes them attractive to other signs. Scorpios are complex, and sometimes they can’t deal with their feelings on their own. The traitor Scorpio becomes unusually cunning, but in the heat of emotional passions, it may well blurt out too much. Scorpio is a passionate nature, and if you suddenly lost sexual attraction for him, you urgently need to take urgent measures - get beautiful underwear, watch an erotic movie with him, but do not pretend that you know about his betrayal.


Sagittarians are faithful spouses as long as they love their soul mate. They are tolerant of a spouse who has violated marital fidelity, behave reasonably and with restraint, and are ready to start all over again. If it came to a divorce, they honestly divide all the acquired property in half. As lovers, they are quite energetic, since sex is just another adventure for them. In most cases, they do not even think about betrayal, and therefore do not feel either guilty or unfaithful. The brave Sagittarius has always been and remains a romantic. Love for Sagittarius is sacred. If he fell in love, be sure that he completely surrenders to this feeling. A truly in love Sagittarius will not betray or deceive. Only a short flash can make Sagittarius go in search of adventure. However, making sure that the adventure is not as exciting as he wanted, Sagittarius will be ashamed and disappointed, which will allow him to figure it out. Review the circle of people your Sagittarius admires - you may be able to detect potential danger. Calmly - invite him to go on a trip, this will make Sagittarius forget about his heartfelt affection. Do not limit the freedom of Sagittarius, do not be jealous of trifles.

This person is not interested in wasting time, so he prefers to be faithful and not jeopardize the relationship. The very concept of infidelity simply does not fit in his head. Capricorns are powerful, dominant personalities. They are often noticed only because they hold high positions or prestigious positions. If a Capricorn partner starts an affair on the side, he may well count on understanding and on a peaceful resolution of the conflict. Money and a career for Capricorns are more important than the fidelity of a spouse. Capricorn makes plans for a long time and thinks them over carefully. This also applies to romantic relationships. Capricorn will weigh all the pros and cons, form his own opinion on how their relationship will develop, and how exactly he will keep it a secret. It is easy to expose a traitor Capricorn, because he stubbornly makes ridiculous mistakes one after another, knowing in his heart what this will lead to, but secretly hoping that his mistakes will go unnoticed. Stubborn Capricorn is not prone to spontaneous betrayals. If he went for it, be sure that his decision was considered from all sides. Capricorn men have an important feature - they are spiritually very faithful to their wives, the family is sacred to them, therefore their sensual hobbies are temporary and have no continuation. If Capricorn has a hearty interest, then they become constantly thoughtful, absent-minded, there is a disregard for their favorite work. To improve family relationships, show patience and perseverance. Calmness - draw your husband's attention to the fact that children require his participation in raising, make your house more attractive thanks to cleanliness and order, so that when he starts thinking about you and the lover, the comparison would be in your favor.

Before betrayal, Aquarius will think a lot so as not to risk their freedom. They can hang out with an interesting person, but it will be just one night and without consequences. The Aquarius man, with the help of love adventures, seeks to get away from his boring, ordinary, uninteresting and monotonous life. When he finds out about his wife's infidelity, he immediately becomes conservative and correct, his anger knows no bounds. An Aquarius woman, when she finds out about her husband's betrayal, can forget about her pain and come to terms with what happened to save the marriage, or decide to divorce or have a stormy romance in order to take revenge on her husband. Aquarius does not like to hide, and if forced to do this, he feels uncomfortable. Secret relationships do not give representatives of this sign much pleasure, because you have to make serious efforts to keep everyone in the dark. Unfaithful Aquarius - all in doubt and reflection. Endless hesitation, in making decisions with the head, betray the betrayal of Aquarius. Aquarius husbands are not distinguished by constancy, they are changeable like the wind, and just as unpredictable in business as in love. Despite this, they are not characterized by sexual preoccupation, they cheat most often out of intellectual interest in a partner. Aquarius begins to lie and dodge, stops communicating with numerous friends, constantly disappears somewhere.

One of the most faithful signs. Pisces are relationship keepers and are very honest with their partner. You probably won't have to worry about anything - Pisces is almost never interested in extramarital affairs. However, Pisces are very emotional and very amorous. They can start looking for relationships on the side if they suddenly stop receiving spiritual support at home or, moreover, they learn about betrayal, which they naturally experience very hard. It is in this case that it is likely that Pisces may try to forget themselves in the arms of others. However, resentment, unsatisfied dreams and ambitions will continue to haunt them. And, no matter how Pisces bloom in the stormy waters of free love, they will always return to their harbor, to their family. This sign has a sensitive soul and emotionally responds to communication with a partner. Signs of a new attachment are - irritability and anger towards you, frequent stinging remarks about you, concern about your health, figure and excessive addiction to alcohol.

The fair sex is always in search of the mysterious and unknown. Women are so in need of a little fairy tale that they even look for a little astrological magic in a potential partner. And this is not surprising, because the compatibility horoscope is an additional guarantee, a warning and an excellent assistant in matters of the heart, which will help you accurately determine the desires of your potential chosen one.

Before linking your fate with the Aries man, you should know that this is an incredibly self-confident person who absolutely does not tolerate criticism (even quite objective) in her address. The second half will not be easy with him, but guaranteed to be interesting. So this is not a reason to despair, his deep nature is fraught with many more interesting and mysterious things.

  • A person more self-sufficient than Aries is worth looking for. He is always confident in himself and his abilities, full of grandiose plans and bold ideas. True, sometimes the pompous self-esteem of the Aries man creates the impression of a petty tyrant among others.
  • The Aries man is full of internal energy that can destroy him. They are quite successful and able to climb the career ladder very high, so they are enthusiastic about their work. His energy favors him, but otherwise, it can lead to self-destruction.
  • Soft-bodied and touchy people have nothing to do with Aries. This is a very unceremonious sign that is able to loudly declare its displeasure out loud. The same can be said about his sense of humor - he does not know how to joke at all and often hurts the feelings of others.
  • Aries cannot be called sociable, but this does not apply to their shyness. They are very stingy with time and will not waste it on unfamiliar or uninteresting people. Often they are limited to one or two true friends with whom they maintain a relationship from early childhood.
  • Do not provoke Aries to be rude. They are very quick-tempered and your carelessness can result in an unpleasant conversation. Aries men are taciturn and always try to talk to the point, so their insults can hurt you very much.

Aries man in love and relationships

The characteristic in love of the Aries man is full of passionate predictions. They are very ardent, impulsive, moderately tyrannical and slightly insidious when it comes to winning the heart of their chosen one. Reviews of the love adventures of the Aries man could well serve as a prototype for Mexican TV shows, so hot is the representative of this fiery sign.

The Aries man is a very passionate gentleman. Undoubtedly, he will be waiting for you at the entrance, counting on a gentle kiss from the mistress of his hot heart.

  • The representative of this sign is a real hunter and conqueror of women's hearts. He is interested in the whole process from dating to the first sex, he enjoys all stages of the conquest. The most successful tactic will be to provide your chosen one with a hunt, because a very quick start can kill the interest of an Aries man.
  • The Aries man is also a dramatic actor. He enjoys everything that happens to him in his personal life. A representative of this sign will be happy to become Don Juan for an indefinite period of time, but keep in mind that the desire of such a hot handsome man must eventually be quenched, so you should not build castles in the air and give empty hope to the Aries man, his boundless passion can bring you a lot of inconvenience.

  • Already being in a relationship, you should make sure that his interest in you does not fade away. To do this, it is enough to match your partner in your self-sufficiency.
  • Love in the life of an Aries man is a very relative concept, no matter how regrettable it may sound. The representative of this sign is prone to betrayal and quickly loses interest in his soulmate. It is almost impossible to keep such a peculiar fan, it is much easier to stir up his interest in yourself from time to time, but this is not an easy task either.

Aries man in love and marriage

Aries man and marriage are two completely opposite concepts. It may seem that the representatives of this sign are not at all created for family life, but this is not so. It’s just that it’s very difficult to catch them in a long-term serious relationship, because their impetuous and stormy romances go out at the same speed with which they once flared up:

  • It is very difficult for an Aries man to decide on marriage, because it means renouncing freedom, which is so dear to the representatives of this sign, so they choose their chosen one very carefully. The main advantage among the advantages of the future wife will be her complaisance and understanding of her unlucky husband.
  • You should not allow them too much, otherwise you won’t have time to wake up, as his legs beautifully fall from your understanding neck. It will not be superfluous to immediately put limits and rules in your life together, but at the same time, do not squeeze it into the frame too much, this is a very obstinate sign.
  • Learn to resolve issues without subsequent scandals and strictly adhere to the system of punishment. For example, if your faithful did not have time to go home for dinner for no good reason, and did not consider it necessary to warn you about this, then rejoice him that instead of the usual evening meal, he will have an equally hearty breakfast, and today he can end the day with evening tea .
  • Representatives of this sign are very ungrateful in marriage, so you should not reduce your life to his incessant demands and discontent. For Aries, you will not be sweet. His mood, as well as his attitude towards his wife, is almost never stable. These swings of incredible love and unreasonable irritability can drive even the strongest and most patient woman crazy.

Aries man in love and sex

Sex is one of the most effective and efficient ways to return former love in a relationship with an Aries man. Representatives of this sign are very susceptible to intrigue, so they often look for her in someone else's bed. You can raise the level of excitement simply by knowing what the Aries man likes in sex:

  • Role-playing games are a simple way to tear consciousness and emotional attachment from a partner. Such non-childish scenarios are ready to start even the most sophisticated Casanova, because the variety of incarnations is limitless and can clearly embody your partner's sexual fantasy.

It is important to understand that in role-playing games for the Aries man, the atmosphere is not as important as your reincarnation, so it is worth limiting yourself to the hackneyed scenarios of a sleeping beauty or a girl in trouble. Be enthusiastic about it: buy wigs and experiment with demeanor.

  • The Aries man does not like aggressive sexuality and pompous vulgarity. It is better to give the reins of government into his hands. This will greatly amuse his vaunted pride and provide vivid sex.
  • To understand what kind of Aries man is in sex, you should not take on the role of a seductress. It is unlikely that he will be delighted with such an initiative. Do not forget that your man is a hunter and needs a “victim”, not a partner.
  • Be sure to praise your man. This is not to say that he needs it, because his internal self-esteem is already beyond praise, but this is your weapon in advising your partner. He will not accept criticism in life, even if it is very soft and delicate, and even more so in bed, so your goal is to praise his strengths, omitting attention where he gives weakness.
  • All men love with their eyes, but this proverb applies to Aries squared. Don't forget to spoil yourself with beautiful lingerie and other new lingerie items. This will not only keep the desire of the Aries man from fading away, but will also be beneficial for yourself. After all, we are only as sexy as we feel we are.

Aries man love compatibility

Each sign of the zodiac horoscope is unique and peculiar, so compatibility in love can be successfully predicted, which will benefit both partners. The characteristic of each sign is individual and unique, therefore the union of the Aries man will be special in its own way with each chosen one who is ready to share a bright feeling with him:

Aries woman

The Aries woman is a fire and passion that never sleeps. This striking representative of the fair sex fully corresponds to the portrait of a typical impulsive Spanish woman. This is a very attractive image for many men, but a pair of two fires is doomed to turn into a destructive flame:

  • The Aries man will look after such an obstinate specimen with interest, because it is more difficult to find prey. But such relationships go very rarely beyond a stormy short-term romance, and the reason for this is the blind stubbornness that everyone seeks to demonstrate.
  • Their union is like a joke from above, because their relationship is nothing more than an opportunity to look at themselves from the outside. Two narcissistic leaders look at each other as if in a distorting mirror, noticing their shortcomings, which have always been considered an advantage.
  • In the relationship of the two Aries, eternal discontent and claims reign, and principled stubbornness only exacerbates the general state of affairs, therefore, in most cases, parting is a matter of time.

Aries Man Compatibility with Aries Woman 45%

Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman is a very strong, practical and down to earth person. She is very perceptive to distinguish bombast from reality. Aries man will have a hard time with such a straightforward young lady:

  • The Taurus woman is quite simple, despite her temper and stubbornness. Above all, in her chosen one, she will appreciate actions that will not be accompanied by unnecessary words, and the Aries man is capable of this.
  • They are both very emotional and almost immediately ready to fall headlong into each other's complex whirlpools, but the excessive straightforwardness of both partners can destroy a vibrant relationship.
  • The Taurus woman loves to point people to their places, so the partner’s high self-esteem can seriously annoy the representative of this sign and provoke very inappropriate remarks.

Aries Man Compatibility with Taurus Woman 35%

Gemini woman

The Gemini woman is a collection of many roles. She loves to try on masks, and the Aries man will definitely not get bored by making her his chosen one. This is a very interesting couple that is able not only to get along together, but also to stimulate each other to exploits. The whole paradox of this couple is that they very rarely end with a happy ending.

  • The Gemini woman is always in search of herself, therefore she cannot fully belong to the family. The hunter's thirst will never be fully quenched, which both angers Aries and creates the magic of mystery in their relationship.
  • The Gemini woman is capable of many things to allow her partner, and the Aries man will undoubtedly use this gift of fate. It is good that the representative of this sign cares little, and even she is ready to treat her adventures to the left with understanding.
  • Such composure only plays into the hands of such a peculiar companion, only they are not able to keep such a woman. Groundless reproaches and excessive demands can scare off impressionable Gemini and destroy their relationship.

Aries Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman 44%

Cancer Woman

The Cancer woman is very gentle, sensual and feminine, which can drive the true connoisseur of female beauty crazy - the Aries man. The shyness and modesty of a Cancer woman can awaken not only desire, but also the most reverent feelings:

  • The "smart" stage for these couples ends too early, and the relationship develops quite rapidly. The Aries man feels the desire to take care and protect the fragile soul mate.
  • These are very gentle partners, with whom very nice couples are formed. But the rebellious spirit of Aries is able to jeopardize the relationship with his chosen one. In such couples, betrayals often take place, the initiator of which, as you might guess, is Aries.
  • The fact is that Aries is ruled by excitement. He is literally dependent on new sensations, so it is very likely that he can ruin a successful union and lose an understanding and patient soul mate.

Aries Man Compatibility with Cancer Woman 54%

Leo woman

The Lioness woman is a real emotional vampire who only, every now and then, provokes her companion to the attention of any suit. For an Aries man, a Lioness is an ideal partner with whom he will not get bored.

  • The main advantage of the Lioness is her indulgence. She does not just close her eyes to many things, rather, she simply does not pay attention to the antics of her partner. This is such an egocentric person that she does not notice anyone but herself.
  • It is surprising that such a role in the relationship of a hot Lioness can cause a real addiction in an Aries man. This is the most successful pair of all possible options.
  • The lioness is the light that will harmoniously play with the flame of Aries. It is simply impossible to get bored with such a woman, so the relationship of these two couples will never become insipid: the Lioness will always keep them in good shape, as well as the interest of her chosen one.

Aries Man Compatibility with Lioness Woman 94%

Virgo woman

Virgos are true keepers of the hearth, who are obsessed with the goal of creating a large friendly family. They are exemplary wives and mothers. Such women are worth their weight in gold for serious men with traditional family values. It is a pity that Aries is not concerned in any way:

  • It is pointless to talk about this couple, because here it is clear even to the blind that their goals, interests and plans for life are so far from each other that they are simply not destined to be together.
  • Aries man may be interested in such an impregnable and correct Virgo, but relationships are hardly possible in this case. The representative of this sign is distinguished by her wisdom, so she will not start a relationship with such a windy and fickle sign as Aries.
  • Even if you just assume the long existence of this couple, then you should not be a psychic to understand that for Virgo this is a destructive relationship. She is ready to put up with the difficult nature of the Aries man, but never with a negligent attitude towards her family!

Aries Man Compatibility with Virgo Woman 35%

Scorpio woman

Scorpio woman and Aries man are similar in many ways. The unbridled energy of these two fire signs can revive a strong foundation for a family hearth or a successful and prosperous business, but it can also destroy everything that has been achieved at any time. This is a very eccentric couple, whose relationship can be compared to a knife blade:

  • This couple definitely has a future in common. They are both full of bold plans and grandiose ideas. They will never be bored with each other, but the Aries man will eventually tire of such a rich relationship.
  • For a Scorpio woman, it is very important to keep the championship in everything. Even in friendship, she decides where to go to eat or where to spend the evening, what to say about a life partner. Such a man will have a hard time with an ardent beauty.
  • The Scorpio woman has a rather despotic character, which her chosen one in the person of Aries will definitely not like. It is better to listen to any attacks of the representative of this sign in time, so as not to lash out at the wrath of her greatness. Such a couple is capable of much together, but only until their relationship begins to have a love character.

Aries Man Compatibility with Scorpio Woman 54%

Libra Woman

The Libra woman has a rather controversial character, which brings a touch of mystery to their image. This is very attractive to the Aries man. The easy character of the representative of this sign is able to charm even the most boring man, but this union can hardly be called ideal:

  • The Libra woman is always sociable and friendly. At first glance, it may even seem that she has a slightly frivolous attitude to life, but this is not so. In fact, Libra is guided by the mind, rather than the heart.
  • The Libra woman is very selective in choosing a partner, and in a relationship she is too demanding for Aries. The time that a man will spend outside the family and work will be regarded as a clear disrespect and a direct slap in the face to the keeper of the hearth.
  • They are great family partners. They make good mothers and exemplary housewives. They will never put a career or friends above family values, but in return they will demand the same. Otherwise, both partners will be unhappy in this union.

Aries Man Compatibility with Libra Woman 52%

Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is a purposeful and freedom-loving person. She is able to achieve incredible results in her field of activity, but their fire element is so fickle that her circle of interests is constantly changing.

  • Such a restless woman needs a man who will guide her, inspiring her by his example. The Aries man is not one of them. He needs a mentor as much as the representative of this sign.
  • It is very difficult for both of them to cope with their energy, so it is very likely that they will direct it to mutual claims and quarrels with each other.
  • The Sagittarius woman loves to criticize. For a narcissistic Aries, this is a real spit in the soul. A mockery that does not have the privilege of being forgiven. Applicants for the heart of Aries should immediately understand that the conceit of your chosen one must remain unshakable, like a Chinese fortress.

Aries Man Compatibility with Sagittarius Woman 56%

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is made of iron realism. She is not used to building castles in the air and wearing rose-colored glasses. The representative of this sign is distinguished by its pragmatism and cynical attitude to things. Her chosen one must meet all the items on her list, otherwise the union is impossible:

  • A cold impregnable fortress, a Vamp woman of our time or the Snow Queen in a metropolis - this is how you can safely call this unearthly beauty. The Aries man will not miss such a valuable trophy from his species, but the understanding will come late that such a catch is more expensive for himself.
  • The Capricorn woman is very demanding of her chosen one. She really assesses her position and will not allow her companion to be inferior to her in any way. The Aries man is too stupid and windy for the Capricorn woman.
  • The representative of this sign is quite insightful and straightforward. These two qualities together make up an explosive mixture of reproaches. For an Aries man, it is a rewarding experience to be in sheep's clothing, but nothing more.

Aries Man Compatibility with Capricorn Woman 41%

Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is a creative rebel, in whose chest a protest is brewing every time, as soon as established norms and rules come across her eyes. This is a real mystery woman. At the same time, she is quite sociable and friendly, although she has a touch of pragmatism.

  • An Aries man will be very comfortable paired with an Aquarius woman. She understands how much a person needs personal space, so she won’t even dare to encroach on him. For a representative of the fire element, these are more than comfortable conditions for creating a family.
  • Aries man is dependent on the opinions of others. It is important for him that their union keep the brand of an artificial image, and the Aquarius woman has a real gift to present herself beautifully.
  • The Aquarius woman is very selective in her search for her soul mate. Aries man will have to sweat a lot to show all the benefits of living together. This is a very good option for both signs, but Aries needs to take into account that above all, the Aquarius woman appreciates fidelity in men.

Aries Man Compatibility with Aquarius Woman 92%

Pisces Woman

Fish are a rare instance of the embodiment of all feminine qualities in one guise. They are very graceful, naive and feminine infantile. Such character traits make them close to the princesses of Disney films.

  • Fish are very trusting, so they often become victims of unscrupulous gentlemen. For the Aries man, this is another catch caught in the spread nets.
  • Life with Pisces is quite calm. They are very careful about their hearth and inner peace, so their life is practically devoid of unforeseen situations, which for an Aries man may seem rather boring.
  • Fish are very vulnerable natures. The directness of the Aries man, which sometimes borders on arrogance, can greatly injure the representative of this sign. In such an alliance, treason is not ruled out. It is easy to guess who they will come from.

Aries man compatibility with Pisces woman 36%

Aries man - this is another instance. It is almost impossible to curb or subdue him, because his hot temper and the nature of the tempter contradict any encroachments on the freedom of the narcissistic Aries. Do not count on your place as the center of his attention. Do not be deceived, it has long been occupied by him. If you are ready to be in the background in an alliance with a narcissist, then your union will quite possibly be full of love and understanding.

Video: “The love horoscope of the Aries man. What is an Aries man looking for in love? Topic to think about"

Aries is a fiery sign, and therefore his love is hot, sincere, but, like fire, often uncontrollable. The Aries woman falls in love quickly, without hesitation or calculation, she expresses her feelings, openly and expects the same reciprocal feelings from a man. In relationships, she plays a leading role, but does everything to make her beloved man happy. Love makes her very trusting, so she often makes the mistake of mistaking a man’s easy love for true love.

But, the love characterization of the Aries woman would be incomplete without mentioning such a quality as intolerance to lies and betrayals. Having learned that the man she loves is cheating on her or that he is not in the mood for a serious relationship, she does not try to save what cannot be saved. Breaks off relationships quickly and easily and never regrets it. Leaving failure in the past, she is ready for a new relationship.

How loyal is an Aries woman?

When an Aries is in a long-term relationship, it is very difficult for him to resist the temptation of betrayal. Most often, he will be changed only to simply boast of his “feat”. But if he found out about the infidelity of his partner, he will begin to think about a sophisticated cruel plan for revenge! As strange as it may seem, more than 65% of Aries women did not have connections on the side. In most cases, cheating can happen when she truly falls in love. He tries to save the marriage in the event of his betrayal, but will rarely be able to forgive the infidelity of his spouse.

Why does an Aries woman cheat?

A woman born under the sign of Aries is a rather devoted nature and is not able to strike directly in the heart of a loved one, which allows her to occupy one of the first places in loyalty to her partner among other signs of the Zodiac. We can say that the man whom the Aries woman chose as her life partner is very lucky: after all, she literally exalts her chosen one to heaven and blows every speck of dust from him, refuses to notice all his shortcomings - both large and not very, considering him almost perfection.

But her chosen one was lucky only for the time being ... Until she fell in love with another. It is this banal reason that is the main reason why the Aries woman decides to cheat. And most likely, this love will make her leave her former partner for the opportunity to experience new emotions and find her happiness in other arms. Although, it happens that behind the big new “love” there was only passion, which, having faded over time, does not prevent the Aries woman from returning to the family hearth.

Boredom, the monotony of relationships and an unsatisfactory sex life are other important reasons that can also destroy the Aries woman's family idyll and make her look the other way. It is hardly necessary to try to expose the wrong beloved - everything is on the surface: only a few representatives of this zodiac sign are able to play a sophisticated double game. Basically, the Aries woman faces the fact that she is starting a new life with another man. If she is in no hurry to open the cards, then everything immediately becomes clear to her life partner when he realizes that his beloved has lowered him from the pedestal and has ceased to consider him an ideal.

How the signs of the zodiac change

And let's get straight to the point. If you think that “But mine is not like that”, then photoshop his photo to the text, print it out, hang it at the head and sigh sweetly before going to bed, whispering into a cozy shoulder: “You are not like that.”

He will sleepily answer: “Uh-huh, of course,” and star grace will descend on your bed. And the rest - suffer!


Capricorns cheat innocently. Not in the sense - sighs and childish petting. And in the sense: “well, what is it?”. And eyes innocently clap-clap. Here is the wife, I love her, here is the chick, I want her. Everyone should be happy. Especially, given that Capricorns, as a rule, do not burn. If you pin Capricorn to the wall with irrefutable evidence, Capricorn will not excuse himself. He will shrug his shoulders, look at you with the surprise of a surgeon who discovered Inca gold in his appendix, and say: “you know, I would eat.” And you go to fry potatoes, torn between memories of finding someone else's panties in his pocket and the attitude "if you don't make excuses, then you're not guilty."


Aquarius changes emotionally. So that chips, drool and blood fly in all directions. Aquarius is very uncomfortable hiding, so he subconsciously wants everyone to know about everything, and this nightmare has somehow ended by itself. In general, Aquarius is a terribly unhappy person. He is driven to betrayal by a craving for diversity and the search for something unusual. But over and over again it turns out that all women in shorts have the same thing. How Aquarians survive to old age in a world that constantly stabs them in the back is completely incomprehensible.


Pisces change ingeniously. Directing a rich fantasy to hide their own horizontal exploits, Pisces is able to get away with it in any situation. That is, in general, anyone. Let's say you come home and find a naked woman in your bed. Treason? Yes, how could you think! This is my cousin, who came on foot from Nyagan, where her husband beat her, she was wildly cold, so she took off her icy wet clothes and warmed herself under the covers. Is she still giving me oral sex right now? Yes, shame on you! I just gave her antibiotic pills, and we shove them through, because she has a swallowing reflex from stress. It looks wild only in printed form. And when Pisces says it, it sounds more than convincing.


Aries changes violently. If you catch him, then he will not excuse himself, here's another. He will sit next to him, dreamily roll his eyes and say: “you are an adult girl, you must understand, you should have seen her boobs ...”. To your desperate babbling “what boobs, what are you talking about, how can you, I also have boobs, by the way,” he will take the phone, find a photo of the desired boobs, hold it out and say: well, look for yourself. And then he will gently take your hand, give a lecture on the polygamy of men, and say that, by the way, you are also very dear to him.


Taurus rarely cheats, therefore it is considered the most reliable partner of all the signs of the Zodiac. There is only one small (okay, big) problem - if Taurus cheated, then he fell in love for real. And if the rest of the signs can still somehow share - here I sleep, and here is my family, then Taurus must certainly marry the secretary, since he dishonored her. And no psychotraining "how to save a family" will no longer help. The chain will not help either - it will smash the wall and run away. Therefore, it is advisable to castrate Taurus the next morning after the registry office - they are excellent husbands even without primary sexual characteristics.


Gemini cheat like a pig. No, to go to Tahiti, sleep with a native woman and die of syphilis. Where exactly. Gemini choose sexual partners exclusively from a close circle of friends. So, to sit at the New Year's table and understand - oh, I fucked everyone here, how funny. However, Gemini has another hypostasis. If you are lucky, then your Gemini does not cheat on you at all - he has enough fantasies. That is, when you are sitting at the New Year's table, right now he is mentally fucking someone. Well, yes, “lucky” is always a very conditional concept.


Cancer changes obviously. That is, you do not even need to find explicit SMS on his phone. As soon as Cancer, with a sigh, drags on a ballad about the imperfection of the world, about how difficult it is to build relationships with the one you love, and that's how interesting it is - yesterday the person was a stranger to you, and today - there is no dearer - write wasted. “Nothing dearer” is not about you. In general, treason is not easy for Cancer and he is reluctant to go for it. And if he does, then the problem is not that he has itched somewhere, the problem is that he needs his only (with a capital letter). And until this ten-legged crustacean touches all women with its claws, it will not stop.

a lion

Leo cheats surprisingly rarely. What do you expect from Leo? That he will get himself a trio of equal females, knock them into a pride and lie in the shade of a baobab until they bring him fresh wildebeest liver. But in fact, Leo does not like to spend extra calories on wiping other people's tears, so it is quite enough for him to know that this one and this one are ready to surrender at any moment. In the meantime, they have not given up, Leo has no moral obligation to wipe their snot. In general, if your Lion is lazy, then you will have to kill the antelopes yourself. Well, please.


Virgo cheats like Bond. James Bond. If you have an affair with a married Virgo, then your dates will turn into a city quest full of mysteries. You will quickly learn to respond to “Anton, locksmith, service station,” and a cyanide capsule will be placed in your wisdom tooth in case your wife calls. But don't be afraid, she won't call: Bond knows his stuff. Deva is as resourceful as Maslyakov, as persuasive as a Stechkin automatic pistol, and cautious as a virologist working with a genetically modified Ebola sample. The only chance to find out that Virgo is cheating on you is the phrase: "I love another, let's get a divorce."


Scales change masterfully. They can live in two families for years, not really trying to hide, but still do not burn. Because they have a rare ability to arrange everything so that everyone is happy and does not ask questions. In addition, Libras take marital obligations very seriously, and rarely initiate divorce themselves. In the end, why these gestures in state bodies, if everything is already very nice and convenient? Therefore, it is important to decide here: do you need a faithful husband or husband, as such? If the latter, then let yourself have fun, it won’t go anywhere anyway. If it gets hot, you can beat him with a handle from a mop and take your soul away.


Scorpio doesn't change. No seriously. Of course, people who are a little familiar with zoology, by definition, do not expect anything good from Scorpio. And in vain. This cutest arthropod from the arachnid class takes love and marriage very seriously. And change your favorite for Scorpio is nonsense. But the fact that Scorpio, a dog (let's forget about zoology, well, her), is complex and can fall in love twelve times a year - so this, you see, is a completely different story.


Sagittarius cheats recklessly. Sagittarians have a big sign on their asses, like trucks: "NO STOP AND NO TURNS." If it becomes possible to plunge into adultery, then Sagittarius will certainly plunge into it, so much so as to splash the walls, ceiling, neighbors and the central square of the city with biological fluids. Finding out about the betrayal of Sagittarius is quite simple, moreover, from mutual friends. And - sometimes - before the betrayal occurred. Because Sagittarius will not resist and will tell his friends exactly who and in what position he is going to capitalize next weekend. Roll it up, baby, roll it up.

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