How to take cough drops doctor mom. Dr. MOM ® herbal cough lozenges (Doktor MOM ® herbal cough lozenges)

Name: Dr. MOM herbal cough lozenges

Active substance

Ginger officinalis rhizomatum extract + Licorice bare root extract + Emblica medicinal fruit extract + [Levomenthol] (Zingiberis officinalis rhizomatum extract + Glycyrrhizae glabrae radicibus extract + Emblicae officinalis fructuum extract + )


R05CA10 Expectorants in combination

Pharmacological group

  • Expectorant of plant origin [Secretolytics and stimulants of the motor function of the respiratory tract in combination]


Lozenges (orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit, berry)1 lozenge
active substances:
dry extracts isolated from the following plants:
- bare root licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) 15 mg
- ginger medicinal rhizome (Zingiber officinale) 10 mg
- officinalis fruits (Emblica officinalis) 10 mg
levomenthol7 mg
- for orange lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; orange flavor; mint flavor (mint essence); dye "Sunset" yellow
- for lemon lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; lemon oil; flavor mint (mint essence), dye quinoline yellow
- for raspberry lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; raspberry flavor; azorubin dye
- for strawberry lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; strawberry flavor; crimson dye (Ponso 4R)
- for pineapple lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; mint flavor (mint essence); pineapple flavor; dye B.Q. Supra(Mixture of Brilliant Blue and Quinoline Yellow)
- for fruit pastilles: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; fruit flavor, grape color (a mixture of brilliant blue and azorubine colors)
- for berry lozenges: sucrose; liquid dextrose; glycerol; citric acid monohydrate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; propyl parahydroxybenzoate; berry flavor; dyes brilliant blue and azorubine

Description of the dosage form

Orange lozenges: round biconvex, orange. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Lemon lozenges: round biconvex, from greenish-yellow to yellow. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Raspberry pastilles: round biconvex, from red to dark red. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Strawberry pastilles: round, biconvex, red to cherry red. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Pineapple lozenges: round biconvex, green. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Fruit lozenges: round, biconvex, reddish-violet to violet. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

Berry pastilles: round, biconvex, pinkish-brown to brown. Air bubbles in lozenges and uneven edges are allowed.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological effect - expectorant.


Combined preparation of plant origin with anti-inflammatory and expectorant action.

The effect of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components.

Licorice Root Extract has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic action.

Ginger root extract has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Emblica officinalis extract characterized by anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action.

Included in the drug menthol has antispasmodic, antiseptic effect.

Indications for Doctor MOM® herbal cough lozenges

Symptomatic therapy of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry cough (pharyngitis, laryngitis, including lecturer's, tracheitis, bronchitis).


hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

children under 18 years of age (due to the lack of clinical data).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is not suggested to use the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding (due to the lack of clinical data).

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


Simultaneous administration with antitussive drugs, as well as with drugs that reduce the formation of sputum, is not suggested. this makes it difficult to expel liquefied sputum.

Dosage and administration

For adults, dissolve slowly in the mouth, 1 lozenge every 2 hours. The largest daily dosage is 10 lozenges. The course of treatment is 2–3 weeks.


There have been no reports of drug overdose to date.

special instructions

The drug contains sugar, which should be taken into account for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as for people on a hypocaloric diet.

Release form

Lozenges (orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit, berry).

- in an aluminum strip, 4 lozenges; 5 aluminum strips are placed in a cardboard box;

– in an aluminum/PVC blister pack, 8 lozenges each; 2 blisters are placed in a cardboard box;

– in an aluminum/PVC blister pack, 8 lozenges each; 3 blisters are placed in a cardboard box;

– in an aluminum/PVC blister, 8 lozenges each; 2 blisters in a multilayer laminated bag. 1 package is placed in a cardboard box;

– in an aluminum/PVC blister, 8 lozenges each; 3 blisters in a multilayer laminated bag. 1 package is placed in a cardboard box.


Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories (a division of J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd.),

Worli, Mumbai - 400030, India.

Storage conditions of the drug Doctor MOM® vegetable cough lozenges

In a dry place, at room temperature.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Expiration date of the drug Doctor MOM® vegetable cough lozenges

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Lozenges Dr. Mom for coughing

Dr. Mom in lozenges is a cough remedy. A characteristic feature of the drug is the natural composition.

The drug is available in various flavors to attract the interest of the buyer.

Dr. Mom cough lozenges are a fairly popular remedy widely used in the complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory system, the effectiveness of which has been proven by clinical studies.

Pastilles Doctor Mom - composition and packaging

Herbal cough lozenges Dr. Mom is a medicine of natural origin used in the complex treatment of diseases of the respiratory system.

The composition of the tool includes the following active components:

  • licorice root in the form of a finished extract;
  • bioactive substances from ginger rhizome;
  • crushed fruits of emblica officinalis;
  • menthol.

Auxiliary ingredients:

  • sucrose;
  • dextrose;
  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid;
  • preservatives, dyes and flavors depending on the taste of the drug.

Pastille is a dosage form created by pressing sucrose in combination with active ingredients and auxiliary components. The taste of the medicine resembles ordinary candies. Patients sometimes mistakenly refer to lozenges as candy or cough drops.

The drug is produced in cardboard boxes with the image of the corresponding fruit or berry.

The following flavors are available for sale:

  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • a pineapple;
  • berry and fruit mix.

One package contains 20 lozenges, as well as instructions for using the medication.

What kind of cough does Doctor Mom treat?

The use of Dr. Mom's herbal lozenges is a symptomatic approach to the treatment of patients with diseases of the respiratory system.

The drug eliminates dry and wet cough, but requires additional prescription of medications that expand the bronchi and accelerate the excretion of sputum.

A herbal remedy alone does not provide a full recovery of the patient, with the exception of mild forms of tracheitis or laryngitis.

The effectiveness of Dr. Mom cough lozenges is due to the complex effect of the components of the product:

  • licorice root enhances the secretory function of the bronchial glands. Sputum liquefies and is easier to remove from the respiratory tract;
  • ginger rhizome extract reduces the activity of the inflammatory process and suppresses the gag reflex. There is a local vasoconstriction with a decrease in the migration of bioactive substances that support the course of pathological reactions;
  • emblica reduces the severity of inflammation and eliminates fever. The fruits additionally contain flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, trace elements - magnesium, potassium and others. Due to these substances, immunity is nonspecifically strengthened;
  • menthol reduces the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, eliminates the mechanical factors that cause reflex cough. The mechanism of action is a distracting effect on superficial nerve endings.

Indications and contraindications

Doctor Mom helps with dry cough and in the complex treatment of pneumonia, severe forms of bronchitis.


  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the throat (oropharynx);
  • tracheitis - damage to the trachea;
  • laryngitis - an inflammatory disease of the larynx caused by a constant load on the ligaments (teachers, singers) or a change in temperature;
  • uncomplicated bronchitis is a pathology of the lower respiratory tract.

The appointment of Dr. Mom cough drops as part of the complex therapy of serious diseases of the respiratory system is carried out after consultation with a doctor. With the phenomena of tracheitis or laryngitis without severe clinical symptoms, prophylactic use of the drug is allowed. In case of aggravation of the patient's condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • pathology of sucrose absorption due to the lack of specific enzymes for the absorption of carbohydrate.

Important! Patients suffering from diabetes should take lozenges with caution against the background of strict control of blood glucose concentration.

The use of pastilles and the dosage of the drug

Pastilles Dr. Mom help to cough less. To achieve the expected result, you must follow the instructions for using the medication. Lollipops cannot be broken. Lozenges affect locally, so they need to dissolve in the mouth. The use of the drug differs in different groups of patients.


The standard dose for adult patients is 1 lozenge every two hours. The maximum daily amount is 10 units of the drug. Therapeutic course - up to 3 weeks. The possibility of extending the recovery is negotiated with the attending physician.


Important! Dr. Mom cough lozenges for children are not prescribed. The manufacturer has not conducted appropriate studies to assess the effect of the drug on the child's body.

In rare cases, despite the prohibition in the instructions, doctors use lozenges to treat children's coughs.

The reason is the effectiveness of the drug and the similarity with lollipops, which increases the chance of regular use of the drug by the child. However, the appointment is carried out only after consulting a doctor when assessing the risk-benefit ratio of taking the remedy.

For babies under 3 years old, Dr. Mom in the appropriate form is absolutely contraindicated because of the risk of swallowing pressed sucrose with the development of suffocation.

During pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions for the drug, the appointment of Doctor Mom lozenges for coughing during pregnancy and lactation is not carried out. The reason is the lack of data on the nature of the effect of the drug on the fetus.

The herbal composition of the medicine is one of the reasons why doctors sometimes recommend using it to eliminate a mild cough during late pregnancy (III trimester) or breastfeeding.

A preliminary assessment of the possible harm and benefit for the woman and her child is carried out.

Instructions for medical use of cough lozenges Dr. Mom - DOWNLOAD

Side effect

Cough lozenges are well tolerated by patients. Data on overdoses are not registered. Adverse reactions - allergies, changes in taste sensations due to the frequent use of the dosage form. Negative consequences often develop in pregnant women due to hormonal fluctuations.

Analogues of this medicine

Dr. Mom's cough lozenges are not the only plant-based drug with a pronounced antitussive and expectorant effect.

If it is impossible to purchase the remedy or if there is an individual intolerance to the medication can be replaced by the following analogues:

  • breast collection No. 4;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Thermopsol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene.

Fact! In 2010, a study was conducted in Voronezh on the effectiveness of modern antitussive drugs. Among the above names, Doctor Mom was noted for the highest speed of onset of the effect. The medicine is recognized as safe and convenient to use.

Reviews about the drug

instructions for use lozenges (lozenges) Dr. Mom

An analysis of the reviews of patients and doctors on popular platforms confirms the demand for a herbal preparation. Patients note the pleasant taste and ease of use of the cough remedy. The effectiveness of the drug allows you to quickly eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

The negative side is the price of the medicine. The cost of funds exceeds the amounts required for similar medicines with other names. In addition, one package is enough for only 2-3 days of intensive use.


Lozenges Doctor Mom is a simple and reliable way to eliminate a cough. The drug is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. On its own, the medication helps only in the early stages of the pathology or with simple forms of tracheitis and laryngitis. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the use of lozenges must first be discussed with a doctor.

Doctor mom herbal cough lozenges

Phytopreparation with expectorant and anti-inflammatory action

Release form, composition and packaging

Pastilles (pineapple) green, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 2 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.

5 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) - 0.1 mg, pineapple flavor - 6.25 mg, BQ Supra dye (mixture of brilliant blue dyes - 0.0134 mg and quinoline yellow - 0.0491 mg) - 0.

Pastilles (orange) orange, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 20 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, orange flavor - 4.07 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) - 0.012 mg, sunset yellow dye - 0.125 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.

Pastilles (strawberry) red to cherry red, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 18 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, strawberry flavor - 7.5 mg, crimson dye (Ponceau 4R) - 1.25 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.

Pastilles (lemon) from greenish-yellow to yellow, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 25 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, lemon oil - 3.75 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) - 0.125 mg, dye quinoline yellow - 0.1 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.

Pastilles (raspberry) from red to dark red, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, raspberry flavor - 6.25 mg, azorubin dye - 0.1 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.

Pastilles (fruit) from reddish-violet to violet, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 5 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, fruit flavor - 7 mg, grape dye (mixture of brilliant blue dyes - 0.022 mg and azorubine - 0.162 mg) - 0.184 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.

Pastilles (berry) pinkish brown to brown, round, biconvex; the presence of air bubbles in the lozenges and uneven edges is allowed.

Excipients: sucrose - 1618 mg, liquid dextrose - 1037 mg, glycerol - 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 3 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 5 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.5 mg, berry flavor - 7 mg, dyes: brilliant blue - 0.005 mg and azorubine - 0.025 mg.

4 things. - aluminum strips (5) - packs of cardboard.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Dr. Mom herbal cough lozenges are not provided.


Symptomatic therapy of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a dry cough:


Laryngitis (including professional “lecturer's” laryngitis);




Adults appoint 1 lozenge every 2 hours. Lozenges should be slowly absorbed in the mouth. The maximum daily dose is 10 lozenges. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Maybe: allergic reactions.

drug interaction

Pregnancy and lactation

Application in childhood

It is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age due to the lack of clinical data.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

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Dr. MOM lozenges: instructions for use. Reviews

Among the large number of drugs that not only successfully treat respiratory diseases, but also have a pleasant taste, Dr. Mom's lollipops are the most popular.

Various forms of release of the drug make it useful for the treatment of both adults and children. Dr. Mom from the throat relieves the painful condition and unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases.

Dr. Mom throat lozenges: composition

In the instructions for Dr. Mom lozenges, a description of the composition of the drug is given. It belongs to the preparations based on plant extracts that successfully relieve pain, soreness and irritation in the throat, eliminate cough and inflammation.

The main components are:

  • licorice root - relieves inflammation, enhances liquefaction and excretion of sputum;
  • officinalis emblik (Indian gooseberry) - eliminates bacteria, strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • ginger root - relieves painful spasms in the throat and coughing fits, has an anti-allergic effect;
  • Levomenthol - has an antiseptic and softening effect, eliminates irritation of the mucous membranes.

The composition of the drug also includes sucrose, citric acid, dextrose, flavor and other excipients.

Herbal cough lozenges have an antipyretic, expectorant and antispasmodic effect. The calorie content of the preparation is 100 Kcal (418 KJ) per 100 g of the product.

Forms of release and packaging. Tastes

The drug Dr. Mom is produced in the form of syrup, lozenges / lozenges for resorption, ointments for external use.

Adults and children can choose the most suitable taste of lozenges: raspberry, lemon, orange, strawberry, pineapple.

There are also berry and fruit flavors. Tablets have a different color depending on the flavor.

Dr. Mom cough lozenges: indications

Doctor Mom's plates do not eliminate the causes of wet or dry cough and other respiratory diseases, but they have a good therapeutic effect as part of complex therapy.

Phytopreparation is used to treat diseases that occur in acute and chronic forms, with a wet cough and prolonged attacks that irritate the throat.

Indications for use:

  • tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis in the acute stage;
  • all types of acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma with poorly separated sputum;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute infectious diseases, accompanied by cough, sore throat, accumulation of sputum;
  • the initial stage of whooping cough.

It is possible to prescribe a medication for chronic diseases of the throat caused by smoking or excessive stress on the ligaments.

One of the main advantages of lozenges is their additional therapeutic effect, namely the rapid decrease in body temperature.

Possible side effects

In the absence of contraindications, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause negative consequences even with sufficiently long-term use.

With an increased concentration of active components in the body, slight itching and skin irritation, as well as minor rashes, may occur.

In some cases, a sore throat and increased coughing are noted. When such symptoms appear, the drug is canceled and the side effects are reported to the doctor. Dr. Mom's cough tablets do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, do not cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

They can be taken in the presence of chronic diseases, including the nervous and endocrine systems. At the same time, it should be noted that the good tolerability and safety of the drug is not an excuse for self-treatment.

The composition includes a large number of plant extracts, it is impossible to predict the body's reaction to each of them in advance. The drug is used only on prescription.

To provide a pronounced therapeutic effect, taking lozenges for sore throat should be regular. Therefore, the patient is prescribed one tablet every 2-3 hours, depending on the severity of the damage to the mucous membranes and general well-being.

The drug is continued until the symptoms of the disease are completely eliminated simultaneously with other drugs prescribed by the doctor.

It is very important that the patient keep the lozenge in the mouth until it is completely resorbed. Ordinary ingestion does not give the expected effect.

Resorption is necessary so that all active ingredients have a therapeutic effect on the mucous membranes of the throat.

The softening enveloping effect of the tablets relieves pain and irritation, helps to get rid of dry cough, increases the intensity of sputum production.

Precautions should be taken to avoid overdose.

The daily number of Dr. MOM tablets should not exceed ten pieces. After resorption for 15-20 minutes, it is not recommended to take any food or drink liquid.

In most cases, a positive result is noticeable already in the first 2-3 days, when the cough becomes less painful, the temperature decreases.

The full course of treatment is usually 10-14 days. With a general positive trend, it is not advisable to take pills for more than 2-3 weeks.

If, for any reason, there is no progress in treatment, the drug is canceled. Additional medical advice is required.

Doctor Mom cough drops for children

The abstract states that throat pills are applicable to children only when they reach the age of majority. This is due to the fact that the composition contains moderate amounts of dyes and flavors.

However, many years of experience with the use of lozenges for the treatment of children of various ages shows that they can be used when the child is ready for it.

At what age can you start giving lozenges? Up to three years, "flukes" can be replaced with syrup or ointment. As a rule, most children under 3-4 years old perceive children's lollipops as ordinary sweets that can be eaten.

The child needs to be explained that a pleasant taste is not a reason for uncontrolled intake.

If parents give lozenges to children of preschool and primary school age, it is necessary to ensure that the child takes the drug correctly and keeps the tablet in his mouth until it is completely absorbed.

A contraindication for use will be diabetes in a child or problems with the digestive system.

Adolescent children are prescribed medication, taking into account contraindications and with certain precautions, if there are grounds for them.

Lozenge analogues

There are no lozenges absolutely identical to Dr. Mom, however, there are other medicines in the form of sucking lozenges that can replace it.


Combined herbal medicine. The ingredients of the remedy are in many ways similar to those found in Dr. Mom's lollipops.

It contains licorice root, ginger, extracts of emblic, turmeric, fennel seeds, basil, menthol, black pepper. It has an expectorant, antiseptic, immunostimulating effect. Used to eliminate coughs of various origins.


Lollipops are produced with various flavors: mint, wild berries, honey-lemon, raspberry tea. Soothes sore throat, eliminates cough, has a refreshing effect on the oral cavity.


Antiseptic with anti-inflammatory action. Active substances - dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylitacresol, citric acid, anise oil, mint leaf oil, sucrose. Also available in a variety of flavors. Contraindicated in children under the age of 5 years.

Composition and use of lozenges Dr. MOM for cough: a review of instructions, reviews and analogues

For the treatment of cough, various auxiliary medicines are used in the form of syrup, lozenges, etc. When treating pediatric patients, doctors very carefully select the necessary dosage forms.

Doctor MOM products are very popular, they are available in the form of lozenges, syrup, solution and ointment. Among them, cough lozenges are used most often, and their instructions for use are simple and clear.

How do sucking lozenges work?

Due to its complex herbal composition, Doctor MOM cough tablets have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic and expectorant effects.

In addition, the components of the drug contribute to the relief of pain, emblica extract is a natural antipyretic.

Instructions for the use of lozenges states that despite their herbal composition, they are prohibited for use in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the lack of clinical trials on the effect of the drug on the body of the mother and child.

What kind of cough help?

Many patients are interested in what kind of cough is best to use Dr. MOM suckers? Supporters of this method of treatment claim that this drug is used for dry coughs.

According to the instructions, Doctor MOM lozenges are effective in the treatment of such diseases of the respiratory system as tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, etc. In this case, the patient has severe perspiration and sore throat.

All these diseases are accompanied by spasms and frequent dry cough.

Cough lozenges Dr. MOM do not eliminate the main causes of diseases of the respiratory system, they only help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Therefore, it is best to use this remedy as an auxiliary in the main therapy regimen and carefully study the instructions for the drug.

Traditional healers consider it advisable to use this drug for attacks of bronchial asthma or in the initial stages of whooping cough. There is no confirmed data regarding this issue, so it is better not to self-medicate.

The instruction indicates that Doctor MOM lozenges can be used to treat the so-called "lecturer's" cough. This is an occupational disease that is associated with constant and severe tension of the ligaments, which leads to their spasm and coughing fits. The same applies to people who abuse smoking.

At what age are they assigned?

Many patients are interested in at what age the use of Dr. MOM lozenges is allowed. According to the instructions for the drug, a clear limitation is the age of patients under 18 years of age. This is due to the lack of clinical trials. For people younger than this age, other forms of this drug (syrup, ointment, etc.) can be used.

Do not self-medicate without first consulting with a specialist, this can lead to the development of serious complications.

Instructions for use for adults

This drug is used exclusively for adult patients and is intended for resorption in the oral cavity. Despite its herbal composition, Doctor MOM tablets have application features that are clearly spelled out in the instructions.

How to take herbal tablets?

Doctor MOM records are packed in aluminum foil blisters of 4 pieces. According to the instructions, you need to open the foil and get the tablet and slowly dissolve in the oral cavity.

Doses and regimen

It is allowed to use no more than 1 cough plate Doctor MOM every 2-3 hours. The daily dose is 10 tablets, the average course of treatment is 10-14 days. If after 3 days there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor. The instructions indicate that patients are not recommended to drink the drug for more than 21 days.

It is strictly forbidden to chew the tablet, it is very important to dissolve it slowly, only in this way the main components can have healing properties on the inflamed and painful throat.

Do not drink or eat for 15 minutes after taking the Dr. MOM sucking tablet.

Important Notes

If the rules for taking Doctor MOM absorbable tablets are not followed, patients may experience an allergic reaction (itching, skin rashes, etc.). In this case, the instructions indicate that the drug must be discontinued and seek medical advice. There are no data on cases of overdose or interaction with other drugs.

Features of the treatment of children

The instructions for the drug clearly indicate that Doctor MOM vegetable cough lozenges are categorically contraindicated for children under 18 years of age. This is due to the lack of clinical trials on the effect of the components on the child's body.

Despite this, many young mothers are interested in, at what age can Doctor MOM lozenges be given to the baby? Proponents of this method of treatment argue that the pills can be given to dissolve the child when he is ready for it. Already at 3-4 years old, children can dissolve lozenges in the oral cavity without biting them. In addition, kids like this drug because of the variety of pleasant tastes.

Do not get carried away with self-medication, as the child may choke on the pill or he will become allergic to the flavors and dyes that make up the product. It is best to replace the lozenges with an approved analogue or a convenient form for use (powder for suspension, syrup, etc.).

In the cold season, we often have to deal not only with bad weather outside the window, but also with its direct consequences, for example, colds and SARS. And if adults can often independently cope with a disease that has decided to attack the body, then it can be more difficult for children. Their immune system is not as strong as that of adults, therefore, accordingly, babies are more at risk of diseases with serious complications. That is why, in the case of the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take your child to the doctor and start a course of treatment.

Dr. MOM is not a newcomer to the market for products from SARS. He managed to earn great trust among the citizens of our country due to its effectiveness and relatively low cost. It is produced in India - a country in which the production of drugs takes place at the highest level. Another advantage of this drug is that it is made exclusively from natural materials - various herbs, flowers, seeds, leaves, bark and other natural ingredients.

The set used in the production of these cough lozenges has been tested by time and many years of experience in healing not only in India, but also in other countries.

In addition, Dr. MOM has a pleasant enough taste, so your children will definitely not mind such treatment, which often becomes a problem in the use of other drugs.

What symptoms are usually prescribed lozenges Doctor MOM

Everything is simple here: such lozenges are usually used in cases of diseases accompanied by a fairly strong cough. This is especially true in cases where it is difficult for a child to cough up sputum, and the cough "cuts" his throat. The list of diseases for which Doctor MOM is used includes various forms of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.

However, for reinsurance, parents can buy it for children who have a relatively weak cough - for prevention purposes. This cannot harm the child's body, since the drug is completely natural, as already mentioned earlier. In any case, it is simply necessary to have such cough lozenges in your first-aid kit. After all, often a cold catches up with children and adults at the most inopportune time, and it is important to have a way to resist it at hand. They are Doctor MOM lozenges.

Who should take this medicine

Dr. MOM can be used to treat children who are already well enough in control of their actions and will not inadvertently suffocate while sucking on lozenges. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and not give the drug to babies from three to five years old. It is believed that lozenges should be "trusted" to children who are already over ten.

It is important to note that on the packaging and in the instructions it may generally be written that this form of the drug is approved for use from the age of eighteen, but this is an unnecessary requirement. If you are sure that your child will cope with the resorption of lozenges, you can safely give them to him. Moreover, this form of Doctor MOM has an advantage - lozenges are easy to carry with you, which cannot be said about syrup. Therefore, your child will be able to calmly dissolve cough tablets even at a lesson at school and be treated without missing classes.

Features of the use of cough lozenges

There are a few simple rules for taking Dr. MOM cough lozenges that everyone who decides to treat their child in this way should remember:

  • it is better not to combine this drug with other drugs intended for the treatment of cough;
  • a day is not advised to take more than ten lozenges;
  • pregnant women and very young children should not take this cough medicine, since the tablets, in addition to herbal ingredients, also contain dyes that are not very useful for these categories of people.

This is where the features of the application end. Literally everyone will be able to suck a pill, except perhaps for very small children. But this has already been said before.

Contraindications and side effects

Speaking about possible contraindications and side effects of the use of this drug, it should be said about the nature of the Doctor MOM lozenges for children themselves. They mainly include various herbs, and it is in this that one should look for the root of possible contraindications and side effects. And they consist in an allergic reaction to one or another component of the drug. It can manifest itself in the form of itching, rash, runny nose.

In rare cases, nausea and dizziness may occur. Therefore, before you buy Doctor MOM cough lozenges for your child, carefully read its composition and make sure that it does not contain substances that your baby is allergic to. Those who have asthma should also be careful: in some cases, it will not be possible to take such cough medicines.

Doctor MOM - a universal solution to the problem of cough in a child

If we discard the risk of allergic reactions (which is quite low), we can say with confidence that these lozenges are the best option for treating a cough in a child. They act quickly and effectively without being addictive like some other strong drugs. The herbal composition reduces the possible risk of damage to the baby's body to almost zero. The shape of the lozenges is convenient and practical - they are easy to transport due to convenient packaging.

Any cold is accompanied by a symptom such as a dry or wet cough. This applies to both adults and children. There are many medicines to eliminate this symptom, which brings a lot of suffering. One of the most effective drugs in modern pharmacology, Doctor Mom is in the form of cough lozenges, the instructions for use of which are quite simple.

The composition of the drug

The main advantage of this drug is that it is made on the basis of natural ingredients. The composition of the medicine includes ingredients that are also used in alternative medicine to treat coughs, as they have a calming effect on the respiratory system. These are:

  • extract of rhizomes of medicinal ginger;
  • licorice root extract;
  • fruits of emblica officinalis.

Additional substances that are part of the lozenges are harmless for both children and adults, namely: sucrose, citric acid, flavors, dyes. The volume of these substances in lozenges is minimal.

Information! The price in pharmacies for this drug varies within 140 rubles. in Russia. For Ukraine - about 35 UAH.

What kind of cough does Doctor Mom treat?

Every parent who has encountered a cough in a child during a cold or other disease that caused this symptom is interested in the question: what kind of cough do these lozenges save? The drug has the greatest effectiveness with a wet cough, as it helps to remove sputum. In addition to this symptom, it helps to eliminate pain in the throat, as well as a feeling of tickling in the larynx.

Therefore, Doctor Mom lozenges are used in the treatment of acute pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Helps with difficulties in the discharge of sputum at the time of coughing. Since the active ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect, lozenges are actively used to eliminate mechanical damage to the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

It is important to know! The drug is so effective that it is prescribed in the treatment of pneumonia! But only as a complex tool.

Use of lozenges during pregnancy

Along with other forms of Doctor Mom, lozenges are strongly not recommended for women during pregnancy. Despite the fact that natural ingredients are used in the production, dyes and flavor enhancers are still present in the lozenges. They are synthetic substances that can cause an allergic reaction, as well as adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, when coughing, experts recommend that pregnant women use other, more harmless, forms of this drug.

It is important to know! After childbirth, while breastfeeding, women should also refuse Doctor Mom lozenges! Chemicals can enter the baby's body with mother's milk, which will lead to drug allergies. It can manifest itself in the form of rashes on the body.

Cough lozenges Doctor Mom for children

Many caring parents are interested in the question: is it possible for children to use Dr. Mom's medicine in the form of lozenges? Since the complex treatment of cough also implies the removal of a symptom, cough lozenges are an indispensable tool. As for children, the instructions for use do not recommend the use of this drug by persons under 18 years of age. But at what age are they still safe? After all, their harmful effects have not been clinically proven. In practice, many experts prescribe medicine to children after 14 years of age. During this period, the body is already formed and the chemical components will not harm the body.

Important! It is better for small children to refrain from taking lozenges, and replace Doctor Mom with medicine in the form of syrup. It is intended for children 3 years of age and up. This is a safe remedy that eliminates dry cough and quickly removes sputum.

The syrup, like other forms of the drug, performs the following functions:

  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • relieves swelling of the lower part of the respiratory organs;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Therefore, this medicine, which has been tested for years, can be given to a child without a doubt. Before using cough lozenges for a child, you should consult a specialist and strictly adhere to his testimony.

If, after the first use, rashes appear on the skin of the child, then the use of lozenges must be stopped! And also contact a doctor who will suggest an alternative replacement.

Dosage of the drug

How to take this medicine? Dr. Mom cough lozenges should be slowly absorbed in the mouth. Each reception should be limited to only 1 piece. Do not use more than every 2 hours. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 10 pieces. As for the instructions for children, it is better for them to reduce the dosage by 2 times.

Important to remember! It is required to carefully monitor the symptoms and external atypical manifestations in a child after taking lozenges! After all, they can cause an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

Analogues of this medicine

Pharmacies offer many cough lozenges that can replace Dr. Mom. The most common are:

  1. Alex plus. They are an expectorant and analgesic drug. It easily suppresses coughing attacks, so it can be used in chronic forms of respiratory diseases. Alek-plus has a strict restriction for children - up to 4 pieces per day.
  2. Sage. Contribute to the removal of an unpleasant symptom in pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. It has an expectorant, antifungal, analgesic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its natural base, Sage can be used up to 8 pieces per day.
  3. Bronchicum. The medicine helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate microbes in the oral cavity. It also removes sputum well and removes dry cough.
  4. Linkas. These lozenges have antipyretic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant effects.

It is important to know! People with diabetes should stop taking any cough lozenges! After all, they contain sugar, which as a result can be harmful to health.

Contraindications for use

Explicit contraindications, based on clinical studies of the drug, have not been identified. But, nevertheless, due to the chemicals included in the lozenges, one should refrain from using such groups of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • children under 14;
  • people suffering from diabetes.

If at the moment of resorption of the lozenges there is a burning sensation or other unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, then the reception should be stopped. This indicates a strong sensitivity to certain ingredients of the drug, which may contribute to a severe allergic reaction.

The shelf life of Dr. Mom cough lozenges is 5 years. The entire period of time, the medicine will not lose its beneficial properties and effectiveness.

When a child falls ill, the pediatrician pays special attention to the selection of treatment. It can be special lozenges or syrups. "Doctor Mom" ​​is sold in various forms and has a positive effect. Absorbable lozenges are considered one of the most sought-after options among today's consumers. What are the reviews about Doctor Mom cough lozenges, when should they be used, are there any contraindications and side effects?

What is included?

Judging by the numerous reviews, the instruction for Doctor Mom cough lozenges contains a detailed description of each ingredient. As a basis for the manufacture of medicines, only natural substances and herbal extracts are used, which help to eliminate dry cough, combat pain, itching and irritation in the throat. Among the main components are the following:

  1. Licorice. It helps to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process, quickly eliminates sputum, first diluting it.
  2. The Indian gooseberry actively fights bacteria and harmful microorganisms. In addition, it helps maintain immunity.
  3. Eliminates spasms and severe coughing ginger. Seizures become less frequent.
  4. Antiseptic levomenthol quickly softens the throat, preventing irritation.

Among other components, sucrose, citric acid, harmless flavors can be distinguished. Many reviews of Doctor Mom vegetable lozenges prove that this drug quickly relieves a strong cough, and is also an excellent antispasmodic and expectorant.

In what forms is it produced

As evidenced by numerous reviews, "Doctor Mom" ​​cough is effective in all types produced: in the form of syrup, tablets, sucking lozenges and ointments. Depending on individual preferences, you can choose from the following flavors: with raspberry, lemon, orange, strawberry or pineapple. As for absorbable tablets, here you can additionally find different tastes of berries.

Indications for use

It is important to take into account that lozenges eliminate only side symptoms, but do not affect the causes in any way. However, the drug is best used as one of the components in the therapeutic complex. This is also evidenced by user reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges.

It is advisable to use the drug for diseases in chronic or acute forms, if there is a prolonged wet cough with severe attacks that cause irritation. Among the main indications are:

  • Exacerbation of diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.
  • Acute or chronic bronchitis.
  • Asthma with difficult expectoration.
  • Inflammatory process in the lungs.
  • Infectious diseases with acute cough, severe sore throat, and accumulation of sputum.
  • Whooping cough in its early stages.

And it is also advisable to use the drug for acute and chronic diseases caused by smoking or excessive stress on the ligaments. Regarding lozenges, one important advantage can be distinguished - they reduce the temperature and produce a therapeutic effect.


Among the main contraindications is the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components that is part of the drug. Special care must be taken if the patient has diabetes mellitus, since the drug contains fructose.

And it is also not recommended to use the drug for those patients who have previously noted an allergy to components of plant origin. Among the main contraindications are children under the age of three years. This is due to the fact that the tablets must be sucked, and small children often begin to swallow them. As a result, there is practically no positive effect.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of the drug by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

If the patient has no contraindications, as a rule, there are no side symptoms, regardless of the duration of use. When a large number of active enzymes begin to accumulate in the body, various kinds of rashes, redness, and severe itching may appear on the epidermis.

In some situations, users in reviews of Doctor Mom lozenges noted the appearance of perspiration. Sometimes the cough became strong, irritable. In the case of such symptoms, the drug is not recommended to use, but it is better to consult a doctor for advice. However, the tablets do not negatively affect the cardiovascular system, and there was no failure in the gastrointestinal tract.

Allows you to take drugs in the development of chronic and acute diseases. Admission is allowed for diseases of the central nervous system and in the field of endocrinology. If the drug is well tolerated, this does not mean that you can self-medicate. Since the preparation contains a large number of natural ingredients, the body can react to the medicine in a variety of ways. Therefore, it is advisable to first obtain an appointment from the attending specialist.

How to use?

To improve your own condition and get rid of a debilitating cough, you need to take it according to the instructions for Doctor Mom. Reviews indicate that to obtain a result, lozenges should be taken on a regular basis. As a rule, the tablets dissolve every two hours. The interval may be shorter, depending on the general physical condition.

It is necessary to take the drug until all the symptoms disappear. It is important to bear in mind that the lozenges must be carefully absorbed until completely dissolved. Otherwise, the desired effect cannot be obtained.

Judging by the reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges, due to the softening effect, the pain syndrome disappears, as does irritation. As a result, dry cough is eliminated. There is intense sputum production. However, an overdose should not be allowed.

It is important to note that the daily rate should not exceed 10 pieces. After resorption for half an hour, it is not recommended to drink or eat. If you follow all the rules, then a stable positive effect appears after two days. The temperature begins to drop, and the cough softens.

Medicine for children

According to the instructions, the use of tablets is possible only by persons over 18 years of age, since the composition includes chemical flavors and dyes. But the practical experience of many mothers and their reviews of Dr. Mom cough lozenges for children say otherwise. And the use of lollipops is also advisable for younger people. The main thing is that the baby knows how to dissolve them on their own.

For example, if the child is very small, then it is advisable to use a syrup or ointment as an alternative. In addition, it is important to note that three-year-old children often perceive this format of medicine as ordinary sucking sweets that can be chewed.

Preschool children, as a rule, have to be taught to dissolve the medicine until it is completely dissolved, until they independently exercise control over this. And it is also not recommended to use the medicine for babies who have previously had an allergic reaction. In any case, before use, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician whether Doctor Mom is suitable for coughing for children. Reviews indicate that lollipops have a pleasant sweet taste and are quite effective.

During pregnancy

Studying the official instructions from the manufacturer, the state of pregnancy is the main contraindication. This is primarily due to the fact that the composition of the drug includes synthetic additives. It is strongly not recommended to use it in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period the development and formation of the main organ systems is carried out. However, many mothers in their reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges note that the medicine quickly relieves a strong cough.

In the second and third semesters, the use of such lozenges is allowed, but the daily amount should be within reasonable limits. There is an opinion that excessive use of the drug can develop a persistent allergy in a child. However, the assumption has not received a reliable evidence base.

In any case, before using such a drug as a therapy, you must first consult with a specialist.


After analyzing the reviews about Doctor Mom, we can conclude that cases of drug overdose are rare, and, as a rule, they lead to allergic reactions.

Information about what consequences await the patient in case of an overdose is not enough. When there is no specific regimen for taking a drug, the body begins to mistakenly believe that this is an ordinary sweetness. Quite rarely there is a lack of appetite, nausea, a disorder of the digestive tract.

It is important to note that it is not recommended to change the dosage on your own, especially if the child is undergoing treatment. And also you can not use lozenges in conjunction with other drugs that fight persistent cough. These include Sinekod, Codelac, Libeksin.

Shelf life

To buy medicine at a pharmacy kiosk, you do not need a special prescription or doctor's prescription. It is recommended to store it in a dark place and out of reach of children. And it is also worth monitoring the temperature of the room, it should not be higher than 25 degrees.

The maximum shelf life is no more than 5 years. After its expiration, it is not recommended to take an expired drug. As for the syrup or ointment, the maximum shelf life is no more than three years.


"Doctor Mom" ​​is a drug with numerous forms of release, which is suitable for the treatment of adults and children. The main thing is to observe the appropriate dosage and pay attention to contraindications so as not to cause more harm to your health. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to use the drug in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

One of the effective drugs that is used to treat and prevent pathologies of the lower and upper respiratory tract is Dr. Mom. This drug is available in various forms, which allows it to be used to treat diseases in adults and children. Experts recommend using Doctor Mom syrup, balm and lozenges at the very beginning of the development of colds.

Doctor Mom - the composition and action of the drug

Doctor Mom lozenges contain dried extracts of plants such as:

  • bare root
  • Emblica officinalis
  • rhizome of ginger officinalis
  • levomenthol

Dr. Mom lollipops are herbal preparations, like other forms of such a drug. In addition to herbal ingredients, the composition of lollipops is supplemented with:

  • glycerol
  • sucrose
  • citric acid monohydrate
  • liquid dextrose
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • dye
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • flavoring

The composition of the herbal preparation contains ginger, which has an anti-allergic effect on the body. In addition, emlic is added to the lozenges, which has an antipyretic effect. The use of lozenges for the treatment of colds and significantly speeds up the healing process, since this remedy has:

  • expectorant
  • antispasmodic
  • action

Prescribing a drug

Lollipops Doctor Mom - indications for reconciliation

It is important to remember that before using any medicine, you should carefully study the attached instructions. Despite the fact that Dr. Mom's lozenges are a plant-based remedy, treatment with it is necessary only after consulting a specialist.

  • feeling of sore throat
  • pain
  • increased dryness

Despite the fact that Dr. Mom lozenges are freely sold in the pharmacy chain, you should not take them unnecessarily. It is recommended to carry out treatment with their help:

  • with bronchitis
  • with tracheitis
  • with a chronic nature

With pathologies of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by difficulties with discharge and coughing.It is also possible to dissolve lozenges in the case when the patient experiences mechanical irritation of the throat mucosa. In addition, such a herbal remedy helps to get rid of micro-inflammation and pneumonia as part of complex therapy.

Features of the drug

It is important to remember that during the day you can take no more than 10 lozenges. For colds and coughs, lozenges should be taken after two hours, which will help to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Such a drug is prescribed for the treatment of colds and coughs in adults and children over the age of 14 years.

In the event that during the resorption of lozenges the patient develops a burning sensation, a rash and inflammation develops, then you should immediately stop taking the remedy. Such symptoms may indicate that the body was too sensitive to the individual ingredients of the drug, and this resulted in the development of an allergic reaction.

Treatment of diseases with Dr. Mom lozenges should be avoided in combination with drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects.

The combination of such drugs can cause the development of an undesirable reaction and. It is not recommended to dissolve more than ten lozenges per day, and to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, you can resort to either a warm drink.

Use during pregnancy

In the pharmacy network, the drug Dr. Mom is presented in various forms, and only taking the plates is contraindicated during. This is due to the fact that, despite the presence of herbal ingredients in the composition of the drug, it is supplemented with chemicals.

Dr. Mom's lollipops contain:

  • preservatives
  • dyes
  • flavors

The intake of such chemicals into the body of a pregnant woman is unlikely to benefit the developing baby. In addition, various harmful substances enter the female body along with products, so you should not increase the dosage with Dr. Mom's lozenges. It is for this reason that during pregnancy it is recommended to treat colds and coughs with the help of folk remedies.

It is worth refusing to use Dr. Mom's vegetable lozenges in childhood. The lozenges are large, so it is unlikely that the child will be able to dissolve it completely.

drug overdose

Medical practice shows that only in rare cases does an overdose occur with a drug such as Dr. Mom's lozenges. This happens if the patient takes cough lozenges at a dosage that is much higher than the allowable one.

In addition, the accumulation of the drug in the patient's body can occur with prolonged and uncontrolled use of the herbal remedy. An overdose of the drug can occur if there are problems with removing it from the body as a result of diseases of the liver and kidneys.

When a large amount of a herbal preparation enters the body, the following symptoms may develop:

  • bouts of nausea and vomiting
  • allergic reaction
  • angioedema

Other forms of herbal remedy

Ointment Doctor Mom - an effective drug for colds and coughs

In addition to lozenges for the treatment of respiratory diseases, Dr. Mom's ointment is also prescribed. The composition of the syrup includes various medicinal plants, among which are:

  • ginger officinalis
  • turmeric long
  • Cubeba pepper
  • licorice naked
  • holy basil and others.

In addition, the composition of the syrup includes licorice, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of various colds and coughs.

Herbal syrup has on the human body:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • bronchodilator
  • mucolytic action

Unlike plates, Doctor Mom syrup is allowed to be used to treat pathologies in childhood. The syrup does not have a very pleasant taste, so it is recommended to dilute it with a little water. Medical practice shows that the use of Dr. Mom syrup in the treatment of colds allows you to get rid of the disease in just a few days.

Treatment of colds is also carried out with the help of Doctor Mom ointment, which has a different composition and application features.

Such a drug is a translucent thick liquid that has a strong smell of menthol. The main active ingredient of the drug is paraffin or petroleum jelly, and the active ingredients include:

  • nutmeg oil
  • camphor
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • levomenthol
  • thymol

The ointment has a distracting and irritating effect on the receptors of the skin, and also helps to relieve severe inflammation. Treatment with ointment is recommended for the following indications:

  • acute respiratory diseases
  • pain in the back and joints
  • headache

In addition, treatment with Dr. Mom's ointment helps to ease breathing, eliminates pain in soft tissues, and also helps to get rid of sciatica and migraines.With colds, the use of ointment is aimed at alleviating severe symptoms. It is necessary to carry out pathologies in an acute form with the help of such a herbal remedy in combination with other drugs. The ointment must be applied in a thin layer on the wings of the nose, the area of ​​the temples and the skin of the joints and muscles.

More information on how to properly treat a cough can be found in the video.

Turpentine cough ointment: therapeutic effect and rules of use

In the event that the ointment is used to treat cough, then it is applied in a thin layer on the neck and chest. According to the instructions, such a warming procedure can be carried out no more than three times a day. It is important to remember that such an ointment has a strong irritant effect, so you should avoid getting it on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Today, Dr. Mom's drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy chain without a doctor's prescription, so anyone can buy this remedy. The composition of the drug includes various medicinal herbs, which increases its effectiveness in the treatment of various types of colds and coughs. Despite this, treatment with Dr. Mom's drugs is necessary after consultation with a specialist. Doctor Mom's preparations should be used with caution in the treatment of pathologies in children and during pregnancy.

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