Doctor Mom cough syrup and lozenges - instructions for use. Composition and use of lozenges Doctor MOM for cough: a review of instructions, reviews and analogues Vegetable lozenges for cough doctor mom instructions

Any cold is accompanied by a symptom such as a dry or wet cough. This applies to both adults and children. There are many medicines to eliminate this symptom, which brings a lot of suffering. One of the most effective drugs in modern pharmacology, Doctor Mom is in the form of cough lozenges, the instructions for use of which are quite simple.

The composition of the drug

The main advantage of this drug is that it is made on the basis of natural ingredients. The composition of the medicine includes ingredients that are also used in alternative medicine to treat coughs, as they have a calming effect on the respiratory system. These are:

  • extract of rhizomes of medicinal ginger;
  • licorice root extract;
  • fruits of emblica officinalis.

Additional substances that are part of the lozenges are harmless for both children and adults, namely: sucrose, citric acid, flavors, dyes. The volume of these substances in lozenges is minimal.

Information! The price in pharmacies for this drug varies within 140 rubles. in Russia. For Ukraine - about 35 UAH.

What kind of cough does Doctor Mom treat?

Every parent who has encountered a cough in a child during a cold or other disease that caused this symptom is interested in the question: what kind of cough do these lozenges save? The drug has the greatest effectiveness with a wet cough, as it helps to remove sputum. In addition to this symptom, it helps to eliminate pain in the throat, as well as a feeling of tickling in the larynx.

Therefore, Doctor Mom lozenges are used in the treatment of acute pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis. Helps with difficulties in the discharge of sputum at the time of coughing. Since the active ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect, lozenges are actively used to eliminate mechanical damage to the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

It is important to know! The drug is so effective that it is prescribed in the treatment of pneumonia! But only as a complex tool.

Use of lozenges during pregnancy

Along with other forms of Doctor Mom, lozenges are strongly not recommended for women during pregnancy. Despite the fact that natural ingredients are used in the production, dyes and flavor enhancers are still present in the lozenges. They are synthetic substances that can cause an allergic reaction, as well as adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, when coughing, experts recommend that pregnant women use other, more harmless, forms of this drug.

It is important to know! After childbirth, while breastfeeding, women should also refuse Doctor Mom lozenges! Chemicals can enter the baby's body with mother's milk, which will lead to drug allergies. It can manifest itself in the form of rashes on the body.

Cough lozenges Doctor Mom for children

Many caring parents are interested in the question: is it possible for children to use Dr. Mom's medicine in the form of lozenges? Since the complex treatment of cough also implies the removal of a symptom, cough lozenges are an indispensable tool. As for children, the instructions for use do not recommend the use of this drug by persons under 18 years of age. But at what age are they still safe? After all, their harmful effects have not been clinically proven. In practice, many experts prescribe medicine to children after 14 years of age. During this period, the body is already formed and the chemical components will not harm the body.

Important! It is better for small children to refrain from taking lozenges, and replace Doctor Mom with medicine in the form of syrup. It is intended for children 3 years of age and up. This is a safe remedy that eliminates dry cough and quickly removes sputum.

The syrup, like other forms of the drug, performs the following functions:

  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • relieves swelling of the lower part of the respiratory organs;
  • is an antioxidant;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Therefore, this medicine, which has been tested for years, can be given to a child without a doubt. Before using cough lozenges for a child, you should consult a specialist and strictly adhere to his testimony.

If, after the first use, rashes appear on the skin of the child, then the use of lozenges must be stopped! And also contact a doctor who will suggest an alternative replacement.

Dosage of the drug

How to take this medicine? Dr. Mom cough lozenges should be slowly absorbed in the mouth. Each reception should be limited to only 1 piece. Do not use more than every 2 hours. The maximum dose of the drug per day is 10 pieces. As for the instructions for children, it is better for them to reduce the dosage by 2 times.

Important to remember! It is required to carefully monitor the symptoms and external atypical manifestations in a child after taking lozenges! After all, they can cause an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

Analogues of this medicine

Pharmacies offer many cough lozenges that can replace Dr. Mom. The most common are:

  1. Alex plus. They are an expectorant and analgesic drug. It easily suppresses coughing attacks, so it can be used in chronic forms of respiratory diseases. Alek-plus has a strict restriction for children - up to 4 pieces per day.
  2. Sage. Contribute to the removal of an unpleasant symptom in pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis. It has an expectorant, antifungal, analgesic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its natural base, Sage can be used up to 8 pieces per day.
  3. Bronchicum. The medicine helps to relieve inflammation, eliminate microbes in the oral cavity. It also removes sputum well and removes dry cough.
  4. Linkas. These lozenges have antipyretic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant effects.

It is important to know! People with diabetes should stop taking any cough lozenges! After all, they contain sugar, which as a result can be harmful to health.

Contraindications for use

Explicit contraindications, based on clinical studies of the drug, have not been identified. But, nevertheless, due to the chemicals included in the lozenges, one should refrain from using such groups of people:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • children under 14;
  • people suffering from diabetes.

If at the moment of resorption of the lozenges there is a burning sensation or other unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, then the reception should be stopped. This indicates a strong sensitivity to certain ingredients of the drug, which may contribute to a severe allergic reaction.

The shelf life of Dr. Mom cough lozenges is 5 years. The entire period of time, the medicine will not lose its beneficial properties and effectiveness.

  • Against cough
  • no temperature
  • With temperature
  • Massage
  • In the treatment of dry cough, lozenges and lozenges containing medicinal plants are in great demand. One of these drugs are Doctor Mom lozenges. Is it possible to give them to children and how does this remedy affect the human body?

    Release form

    Doctor Mom comes in different forms.

    Vegetable lozenges are round sweets convex on both sides. The edges of such lollipops may be uneven, and the presence of air bubbles is acceptable inside the lozenges.

    Pastilles are fruit, pineapple, berry and lemon. In addition, raspberry, strawberry and orange candies are produced. Depending on the taste, their color is orange, yellow, cherry red, green and others.

    The drug is packaged either in aluminum strips of 4 pieces, or in blisters of 8 pieces. One package may contain 16, 20 or 24 lozenges.


    An addition to them is levomenthol, contained in each lollipop at a dose of 7 mg. In addition, the drug includes propyl and methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, liquid dextrose and sucrose. For taste and color, each type of lozenge contains different flavors and colors, for example, fruit candies contain grape color and fruit flavor, and orange lozenges have yellow color, mint essence and orange flavor.

    Operating principle

    The therapeutic effect of taking the drug is due to its active components:

    • Thanks to licorice extract, the medicine reduces the manifestations of inflammation, has an antispasmodic and expectorant effect.
    • Ginger in lozenges helps relieve sore throat and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Emblica also has an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to lower body temperature.
    • The presence of menthol in lollipops gives them antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.


    The main reason to use Doctor Mom lozenges is to combat such a symptom as a dry cough. It can occur with SARS, bronchitis, laryngitis and other respiratory tract infections.

    And in this cycle, Dr. Komarovsky will tell us what he thinks about the etiology of children's cough, and what treatment principles to follow.

    At what age is it allowed to take?

    The instructions for the medicine contain information that lozenges should not be given to children under 18 years of age. This is due to the lack of clinical studies of the effect of this form of the drug on the children's body.

    In addition, the ban on the use of lozenges in children is due to their rather large size. In addition, the child may not dissolve the lozenge, but swallow it, as a result of which there will be no therapeutic effect from the drug. If such nuances are taken into account, giving the drug to adolescents is not prohibited.


    The medicine should not be given to a patient who has a hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

    Since all lozenges include simple carbohydrates, they are contraindicated in glucose-galactose malabsorption, as well as a lack of enzymes such as isomaltase and sucrase. In diabetes mellitus, the drug is used with caution.

    Side effects

    Since the medicine contains a herbal formula of several ingredients, an allergic reaction is possible to any of the components. It can be manifested by a burning sensation in the mouth, a rash on the skin, increased inflammation in the throat and other negative symptoms in which the drug should be stopped immediately.

    Instructions for use

    • A single dosage for an adult, according to the annotation to the drug, is one lozenge. It should be dissolved in the oral cavity every 2 hours.
    • It is not recommended to swallow such a medicine whole or chew on a lollipop.
    • Up to ten lozenges can be used per day.
    • The duration of treatment with this form of the drug is up to 2-3 weeks.


    The manufacturer does not provide information about the negative effect of the drug due to its intake in an increased dosage. If the lozenge was accidentally swallowed by a child, you should immediately show the baby to the doctor.

    Interaction with other drugs

    You can not be treated with Dr. Mom lozenges at a time when the patient is taking medication to reduce sputum production or to block the cough reflex. In this case, stagnation of liquefied mucus in the respiratory tract is possible, as a result of which the general condition of the patient worsens.

    One of the causes of children's cough is bronchitis. Dr. Komarovsky will tell us about the treatment of childhood bronchitis.

    Terms of sale and storage

    • You do not need to obtain a prescription from a doctor to purchase a medicine in pharmacies. The average price of one pack is 120-130 rubles.
    • Blisters or strips of lozenges should be kept in a dry place where small children cannot get the medicine. It is desirable that the storage temperature does not exceed +30 degrees Celsius.
    • The shelf life of this type of drug Doctor Mom is very long and is 5 years. If it has expired, it is recommended to throw away the lollipops.

    When a child falls ill, the pediatrician pays special attention to the selection of treatment. It can be special lozenges or syrups. "Doctor Mom" ​​is sold in various forms and has a positive effect. Absorbable lozenges are considered one of the most sought-after options among today's consumers. What are the reviews about Doctor Mom cough lozenges, when should they be used, are there any contraindications and side effects?

    What is included?

    Judging by the numerous reviews, the instruction for Doctor Mom cough lozenges contains a detailed description of each ingredient. As a basis for the manufacture of medicines, only natural substances and herbal extracts are used, which help to eliminate dry cough, combat pain, itching and irritation in the throat. Among the main components are the following:

    1. Licorice. It helps to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process, quickly eliminates sputum, first diluting it.
    2. The Indian gooseberry actively fights bacteria and harmful microorganisms. In addition, it helps maintain immunity.
    3. Eliminates spasms and severe coughing ginger. Seizures become less frequent.
    4. Antiseptic levomenthol quickly softens the throat, preventing irritation.

    Among other components, sucrose, citric acid, harmless flavors can be distinguished. Many reviews of Doctor Mom vegetable lozenges prove that this drug quickly relieves a strong cough, and is also an excellent antispasmodic and expectorant.

    In what forms is it produced

    As evidenced by numerous reviews, "Doctor Mom" ​​cough is effective in all types produced: in the form of syrup, tablets, sucking lozenges and ointments. Depending on individual preferences, you can choose from the following flavors: with raspberry, lemon, orange, strawberry or pineapple. As for absorbable tablets, here you can additionally find different tastes of berries.

    Indications for use

    It is important to take into account that lozenges eliminate only side symptoms, but do not affect the causes in any way. However, the drug is best used as one of the components in the therapeutic complex. This is also evidenced by user reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges.

    It is advisable to use the drug for diseases in chronic or acute forms, if there is a prolonged wet cough with severe attacks that cause irritation. Among the main indications are:

    • Exacerbation of diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.
    • Acute or chronic bronchitis.
    • Asthma with difficult expectoration.
    • Inflammatory process in the lungs.
    • Infectious diseases with acute cough, severe sore throat, and accumulation of sputum.
    • Whooping cough in its early stages.

    And it is also advisable to use the drug for acute and chronic diseases caused by smoking or excessive stress on the ligaments. Regarding lozenges, one important advantage can be distinguished - they reduce the temperature and produce a therapeutic effect.


    Among the main contraindications is the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components that is part of the drug. Special care must be taken if the patient has diabetes mellitus, since the drug contains fructose.

    And it is also not recommended to use the drug for those patients who have previously noted an allergy to components of plant origin. Among the main contraindications are children under the age of three years. This is due to the fact that the tablets must be sucked, and small children often begin to swallow them. As a result, there is practically no positive effect.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the use of the drug by women during pregnancy and lactation.

    Side effects

    If the patient has no contraindications, as a rule, there are no side symptoms, regardless of the duration of use. When a large number of active enzymes begin to accumulate in the body, various kinds of rashes, redness, and severe itching may appear on the epidermis.

    In some situations, users in reviews of Doctor Mom lozenges noted the appearance of perspiration. Sometimes the cough became strong, irritable. In the case of such symptoms, the drug is not recommended to use, but it is better to consult a doctor for advice. However, the tablets do not negatively affect the cardiovascular system, and there was no failure in the gastrointestinal tract.

    Allows you to take drugs in the development of chronic and acute diseases. Admission is allowed for diseases of the central nervous system and in the field of endocrinology. If the drug is well tolerated, this does not mean that you can self-medicate. Since the preparation contains a large number of natural ingredients, the body can react to the medicine in a variety of ways. Therefore, it is advisable to first obtain an appointment from the attending specialist.

    How to use?

    To improve your own condition and get rid of a debilitating cough, you need to take it according to the instructions for Doctor Mom. Reviews indicate that to obtain a result, lozenges should be taken on a regular basis. As a rule, the tablets dissolve every two hours. The interval may be shorter, depending on the general physical condition.

    It is necessary to take the drug until all the symptoms disappear. It is important to bear in mind that the lozenges must be carefully absorbed until completely dissolved. Otherwise, the desired effect cannot be obtained.

    Judging by the reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges, due to the softening effect, the pain syndrome disappears, as does irritation. As a result, dry cough is eliminated. There is intense sputum production. However, an overdose should not be allowed.

    It is important to note that the daily rate should not exceed 10 pieces. After resorption for half an hour, it is not recommended to drink or eat. If you follow all the rules, then a stable positive effect appears after two days. The temperature begins to drop, and the cough softens.

    Medicine for children

    According to the instructions, the use of tablets is possible only by persons over 18 years of age, since the composition includes chemical flavors and dyes. But the practical experience of many mothers and their reviews of Dr. Mom cough lozenges for children say otherwise. And the use of lollipops is also advisable for younger people. The main thing is that the baby knows how to dissolve them on their own.

    For example, if the child is very small, then it is advisable to use a syrup or ointment as an alternative. In addition, it is important to note that three-year-old children often perceive this format of medicine as ordinary sucking sweets that can be chewed.

    Preschool children, as a rule, have to be taught to dissolve the medicine until it is completely dissolved, until they independently exercise control over this. And it is also not recommended to use the medicine for babies who have previously had an allergic reaction. In any case, before use, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician whether Doctor Mom is suitable for coughing for children. Reviews indicate that lollipops have a pleasant sweet taste and are quite effective.

    During pregnancy

    Studying the official instructions from the manufacturer, the state of pregnancy is the main contraindication. This is primarily due to the fact that the composition of the drug includes synthetic additives. It is strongly not recommended to use it in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that during this period the development and formation of the main organ systems is carried out. However, many mothers in their reviews of Doctor Mom cough lozenges note that the medicine quickly relieves a strong cough.

    In the second and third semesters, the use of such lozenges is allowed, but the daily amount should be within reasonable limits. There is an opinion that excessive use of the drug can develop a persistent allergy in a child. However, the assumption has not received a reliable evidence base.

    In any case, before using such a drug as a therapy, you must first consult with a specialist.


    After analyzing the reviews about Doctor Mom, we can conclude that cases of drug overdose are rare, and, as a rule, they lead to allergic reactions.

    Information about what consequences await the patient in case of an overdose is not enough. When there is no specific regimen for taking a drug, the body begins to mistakenly believe that this is an ordinary sweetness. Quite rarely there is a lack of appetite, nausea, a disorder of the digestive tract.

    It is important to note that it is not recommended to change the dosage on your own, especially if the child is undergoing treatment. And also you can not use lozenges in conjunction with other drugs that fight persistent cough. These include Sinekod, Codelac, Libeksin.

    Shelf life

    To buy medicine at a pharmacy kiosk, you do not need a special prescription or doctor's prescription. It is recommended to store it in a dark place and out of reach of children. And it is also worth monitoring the temperature of the room, it should not be higher than 25 degrees.

    The maximum shelf life is no more than 5 years. After its expiration, it is not recommended to take an expired drug. As for the syrup or ointment, the maximum shelf life is no more than three years.


    "Doctor Mom" ​​is a drug with numerous forms of release, which is suitable for the treatment of adults and children. The main thing is to observe the appropriate dosage and pay attention to contraindications so as not to cause more harm to your health. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to use the drug in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

    *UNIQ PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES* UNIQUE Pharmaceutical Laboratories Uniq Pharmaceutical Laboratories (a division of J.

    Country of origin


    Product group

    Dermatological preparations

    A drug with a local irritant effect, used for colds, back pain, headache

    Release form

    • 20 g - polypropylene cans (1) - packs of cardboard. Ointment for external use, 20 g per jar One jar, together with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box. pack 20 lozenges pack 20 pistil flak 100ml

    Description of the dosage form

    • Lozenges (raspberry) Ointment for external use is translucent, white or almost white in color, with the smell of menthol and camphor. Lozenges (pineapple) Lozenges (orange) Lozenges (strawberry) Lozenges (lemon) Lozenges (fruit) Lozenges (berry) Translucent white or almost white ointment with the smell of levomenthol and camphor. Syrup

    pharmachologic effect

    This is a combination drug and is used for colds accompanied by a cough. When applied externally, the ointment has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, irritating and distracting effect. The versatility of the therapeutic effect of the ointment is due to its active ingredients. The highest content in the drug is camphor, which has an analgesic, locally irritating and antipruritic effect. Levomenthol contained in the preparation has vasodilating properties. Thymol, a substance from the pharmacological group of phenols, is used as an effective antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Eucalyptus and turpentine (turpentine) oils facilitate nasal breathing in case of colds and relieve inflammation in case of back pain. Finally, nutmeg oil has the ability to negatively affect the production of the main mediators of inflammatory processes - prostaglandins. Thus, by irritating certain receptors, the active components of Doctor Mom provide a reflex rush of blood to the areas of the skin treated with the ointment, thereby providing a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This combined topical remedy is remarkably effective in eliminating nasal congestion and runny nose accompanying acute respiratory viral infections. Also, the medicine quickly relieves a headache that occurs against the background of changes in weather conditions, lack of sleep, physical overstrain, stress loads and other negative factors. In addition, the drug helps well with pain syndrome of varying intensity in the muscles (myalgia) and with acute pain (lumbago) in the lumbar region - lumbago. Considering the universal therapeutic effect of Dr. Mom ointment, its presence in the family first-aid kit will not be superfluous, especially since there are no structural analogues of this drug.


    The action of the drug Dr. Mom herbal cough lozenges is the cumulative action of its components, so it is not possible to conduct kinetic observations; all together the components cannot be traced using markers or bioassays. For the same reason, it is impossible to detect drug metabolites.

    Special conditions

    If the symptoms of the disease persist or worsen, stop using the drug and consult a doctor. Keep out of the reach of children. If the drug is swallowed by a child, seek medical attention immediately. Avoid getting the ointment in the eyes, on the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, as well as on damaged areas of the skin. If the medicinal product has become unusable or the expiration date has expired, do not throw it into wastewater or into the street! Place the medicine in a bag and put it in a trash can. These measures will help protect the environment! Influence on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms The drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator).


    • dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica officinalis fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg : for lemon lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 25.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, lemon oil 3.75 mg , mint flavor (mint essence) 0.125 mg, dye quinoline yellow 0.1 mg; dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica officinalis fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg : for pineapple lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 2.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) 0.1 mg, pineapple flavor 6.25 mg, BQ Supra dye (a mixture of brilliant blue dyes 0.0134 mg and quinoline yellow 0.0491 mg) 0.0625 mg; dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica officinalis fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg : for strawberry lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg; liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 18.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, strawberry flavor 7.5 mg, crimson dye (Ponceau 4R) 1.25 mg ; Emblica offcinale - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg dry extracts isolated from: Licorice roots (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg mg, raspberry flavor 6.25 mg, dye achorubin 0.1 mg; dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica officinalis fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg : for fruit lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 5.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, citric acid monohydrate 5.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, fruit flavor 7.0 mg, grape color (mixture of brilliant blue 0.022 mg and azorubine 0.162 mg) 0.184 mg; dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica officinalis fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg : for berry lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 5.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, citric acid monohydrate 3.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, berry flavor 7.0 mg, dyes: brilliant blue 0.005 mg and azorubine 0.025 mg. dry extracts isolated from: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 15.0 mg Ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber offcinale) - 10.0 mg Emblica medicinal fruit (Emblica offcinale) - 10.0 mg Levomenthol - 200 mg orange lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg; liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 20.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, orange flavor 4.07 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) 0.012 mg, dye sunset yellow 0.125 mg; adhatoda vasika leaves, roots, flowers, bark (Adhatoda vasika) - 600 mg aloe barbados leaves, juice and pulp (Aloe barbadensis) - 500 mg sacred basil leaves, seeds and roots (Ocimum sanctum) - 1000 mg elecampane racemosa roots (Inula racemosa) ) - 200 mg of ginger officinalis rhizomes (Zingiber officinale) - 100 mg of long turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma longa) - 500 mg of Indian nightshade roots, fruits, seeds (Solanum indicum) - 200 mg of cubeba pepper fruits (Piper cubeba) - 100 mg of licorice roots (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 600 mg belerica fruit terminal (Terminalia belerica) - 200 mg levomenthol - 60 mg quinoline yellow and brilliant blue dyes), pineapple flavor, purified water. menthol 610 mg camphor 1.05 g thymol 20 mg turpentine oil 1.11 ml eucalyptus oil 0.3 ml nutmeg oil 0.11 ml Excipients: white soft paraffin (up to 20 g).
    Dosage form:  lozenges [pineapple, orange, strawberry, lemon, raspberry, fruit, berry] Compound:

    On1 lozenge:

    Active substances :

    dry extracts isolated from:

    Licorice naked roots(Glycyrrhizaglabra)- 15.0 mg

    Ginger officinalis rhizomes(Zingiberofficinale) - 10.0 mg

    Medicinal fruit emblems( Emblicaofficinalis) - 10.0 mg And

    Levomenthol - 7.0 mg

    Excipients :

    - for orange lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 20.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, orange flavor 4.07 mg, mint (mint) flavor essence) 0.012 mg, sunset yellow dye 0.125 mg;

    - for lemon lozenges: sucrose 1618, mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 25.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, lemon oil 3.75 mg, mint (mint) flavor essence) 0.125 mg, dye quinoline yellow 0.1 mg;

    - for raspberry lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, raspberry flavor 6.25 mg, azorubine dye 0.1 mg;

    - for strawberry lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 18.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, strawberry flavor 7.5 mg, crimson dye (Ponceau 4R) 1.25 mg;

    -for pineapple lozenges: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 2.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, mint flavor (mint essence) 0.1 mg, pineapple flavor 6.25 mg, BQ Supra color (mixture of brilliant blue dyes 0.0134 mg and quinoline yellow 0.0491 mg) 0.0625 mg;

    - for fruit pastilles: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 5.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, fruit flavor 7.0 mg, grape color ( a mixture of dyes of brilliant blue 0.022 mg and azorubine 0.162 mg) 0.184 mg;

    - for berry pastilles: sucrose 1618.0 mg, liquid dextrose 1037.0 mg, glycerol 1.5 mg, citric acid monohydrate 3.0 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 5.0 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 0.5 mg, berry flavor 7.0 mg, dyes: brilliant blue 0.005 mg and azorubine 0.025 mg.


    - Orange lozenges: round, biconvex orange lozenges. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    - lemon lozenges: round, biconvex lozenges from greenish-yellow to yellow. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    - raspberry lozenges: round, biconvex lozenges from red to dark red. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    -strawberry lozenges: round, biconvex lozenges from red to cherry red. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    -pineapple lozenges: round, biconvex green lozenges. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    -fruit lozenges: round, biconvex lozenges from reddish-violet to violet. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed;

    -berry lozenges: round, biconvex lozenges from pinkish-brown to brown. The presence of air bubbles in pastilles and uneven edges is allowed.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group:herbal expectorant ATX:  
  • Combination of expectorants
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    Combined preparation of plant origin with anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. The action of the drug is due to the properties of its constituent components.

    Licorice Root Extract has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antispasmodic action; ginger root extract has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect; Emblica officinalis extract- anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action. Included in the drug menthol has antispasmodic, antiseptic effect.


    Symptomatic therapy of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a "dry" cough (pharyngitis, laryngitis, including "lecturer's", tracheitis, bronchitis).


    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children's age (up to 18 years) (due to lack of clinical data).

    Pregnancy and lactation: Dosage and administration:

    Adults dissolve slowly in the mouth, 1 lozenge every 2 hours.

    The maximum daily dose is 10 lozenges.

    The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions are possible.


    Information about drug overdose has not yet been reported.

    Interaction: Special instructions:

    The drug contains sugar, which must be taken into account in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as persons on a hypocaloric diet.

    If the medicinal product has become unusable or the expiration date has expired, do not throw it into wastewater or into the street! Place the medicine in a bag and put it in a trash can. These measures will help protect the environmentWednesday. Release form / dosage:

    Lozenges (orange, lemon, raspberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit, berry).


    Aluminum strip, 4 lozenges; 5 aluminum strips in a cardboard box along with instructions for use;

    Blister al / pvc for 8 lozenges; 2 blisters in a cardboard box along with instructions for use;

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