Motherwort tablets instructions for use contraindications. Contraindications to the use of motherwort pills, indications, mechanism of action and instructions for use

The description is up to date 19.11.2016
  • Latin name: Leonuri R
  • Active substance: Leonuri extract
  • Manufacturer: Parapharm, Russia


The medicine contains active ingredients: motherwort herb in powder and

Additional components: lactose.

Release form

Motherwort P is produced in dragee, packaged in 100 pieces per pack.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is characterized sedative, anticonvulsant, cardiotonic And diuretic Effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The use of this drug allows you to regulate the activity of the nervous system, showing a calming effect, reducing nervous excitability, developing a hypnotic effect and the manifestation of antagonism associated with the convulsive action of analeptics.

The effectiveness of Motherwort P is manifested in the treatment psychoasthenia, neurasthenia and, which are accompanied by a feeling of tension and high reactivity. Correction of functional disorders of the nervous system during premenopausal and menopausal periods was noted. There is a regulation of the heart rhythm during treatment, a chronotropic effect, cardiotonic properties and a decrease are manifested. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, for example, and myocarditis , palpitations, weakness of cardiac activity causes a beneficial effect that affects the course of the disease.

Indications for use

Motherwort P is prescribed for:

  • high nervous excitability;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • initial stages arterial hypertension.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • exacerbations erosive gastritis.

Side effects

When treated with Motherwort P, dyspepsia may occur.

Instructions for use Motherwort P (Method and dosage)

Dragees are intended for oral administration. Usually, the drug is prescribed in a daily dosage of 2 pieces to a 3-time intake simultaneously with meals.


In medical practice, cases of overdose have not been established.


Despite good compatibility with various sedative and cardiac drugs, it is possible to enhance the pharmacological action of hypnotics and analgesics.

special instructions

It should be noted that the development of a sedative effect occurs within 3 weeks.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

When storing capsules, a dark, dry and cool place is required, which is well protected from children.

Best before date

Motherwort analogues P

Reviews about Motherwort P

This drug is in great demand and is widely discussed on women's forums and medical sites. At the same time, reviews about Motherwort P differ in noticeable diversity.

Especially often there are questions from pregnant women about the admissibility of using this drug in such a crucial period. But according to more experienced women, it was this drug that doctors prescribed for them, and this helped them significantly reduce the manifestations of nervousness, worries and fears. Some patients note that taking Motherwort preparations enhances the manifestations, although the sedative effect of the drug is also quite high.

Other users note that drowsiness is likely to develop only in pregnant women. Most people feel a good effect of the medicine, without any manifestations of drowsiness. Taking this drug does not interfere with mental work, but it perfectly reduces nervousness and other nervous manifestations.

Some patients say that before that they took a variety of sedatives, but they could not get such an effect. Taking Motherwort P made it possible to quickly solve all problems with the functioning of the nervous system. According to users, the drug is characterized by a mild sedative effect that comes on gradually.

However, there are reviews in which patients talk about the development of allergic reactions manifested by skin irritations. Also, some users note that they took the drug for a long time, but did not feel a positive effect.

Thus, it becomes clear that Motherwort P has a rather individual effect on all patients. If you feel tension, sleep disturbances, stressful conditions and poor health, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist. This approach allows you to quickly get a competent appointment and start timely treatment.

Motherwort P price, where to buy

You can buy Motherwort P for 100 pieces in a package at a price of 97 rubles.

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Motherwort P surely consult with the attending physician.

Motherwort extract in tablets according to the instructions for use helps to cope with stressful and depressive conditions.

You can take tablets, liquid solution. The dosage must be respected.

Is there any problem? Enter in the form "Symptom" or "Name of the disease" press Enter and you will find out all the treatment of this problem or disease.

The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious physician. All drugs have contraindications. You need to consult a specialist, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! .

Since the physico-chemical composition of the tablets consists of a plant base, motherwort is safe for the body and has a minimum of contraindications.

Motherwort - indications for use

  • Epilepsy;
  • problems with the immune system;
  • Convulsive state;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • Depressive and stressful state;
  • Insomnia;
  • Menopause;
  • puffiness;
  • certain heart conditions;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Gas formation;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD);
  • Increased blood pressure.

Instructions for use

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, you should fully comply with the instructions and the dosages indicated in it. The drug is easily tolerated by patients. This is evidenced by the fact that it can be prescribed to children from the age of 2 years.

How to take motherwort tablets?

The selection of dosages is strictly individual, since it depends on many physiological factors, from age to the type of disease:

  1. With neurasthenia, insomnia, stress and depression three times a day, 2 tablets every 30 minutes. After meal.
  2. Menopause:
    • The dosage of tablets is prescribed by the attending physician;
    • The duration of treatment is about a month;
    • If necessary, after a two-week break, the course is repeated
  3. With VVD and concomitant diseases three times a day, 1 tablet, after 30 minutes. After meal;

Features of taking pills

Motherwort intake must be approved by a doctor:

  • The recommended dosage for children under 5 years of age is half a tablet 3 times a day;
  • After 5 years, the dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Taking pills on an empty stomach is prohibited.

To speed up the effectiveness, tablets should be crushed and diluted in water before use. If this is not possible, they must be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Often in the pharmacy network you can see such an extract with B vitamins. The presence of vitamins in tablets increases their effectiveness and frees the patient from additional purchases of vitamins.

Valerian with motherwort from Farmadar is used by people whose work is associated with heavy physical exertion and irregular working hours. It is recommended for people suffering from chronic stress and insomnia.

Valerian with motherwort has a complex effect on the body in the form of:

  • Normalization of psycho-emotional mood;
  • Stabilization of the activity of the nervous system;
  • Mood improvements;
  • Increased performance at the mental level;
  • Relieve stress and depression.


Motherwort and pregnancy

Manufacturers of all firms do not recommend motherwort tablets for use by pregnant women. It's not about the extract, but about the dietary supplements that are part of the tablets.

As a sedative, you can use tea with the use of dry leaves of motherwort. It is suitable for dealing with colic. Allows pregnant women to get rid of nausea and improve blood circulation.

The supplement should be taken only after a doctor's prescription in the following cases:

  • With increased tone of the uterus;
  • With high blood pressure;
  • With palpitations and anxiety.

The use of motherwort for healthy people

Almost everyone would like to take medicines based on natural substances.

With increased irritability and insomnia, motherwort is used as a sedative. For some, it helps in the fight against smoking and alcohol addiction, for others - for weight loss. And this is no accident, since the root cause of harm to the body is a stressful and depressive state.

Taking any drug with alcohol is prohibited, unless it is for the treatment of alcoholism.

The main indication of motherwort is a decrease in blood pressure, a calming effect, and a slowing of the heartbeat.

When combining alcohol with motherwort, the effect can be unexpected, since with a high concentration of alcohol in the patient's blood, slowed heartbeat and pressure are noted.

The best way out of this situation will be the absence of any action, the worst - an even greater decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.

How does an overdose of the drug manifest itself?

Cases are rare and manifest as:

  • small rash;
  • dry mouth;
  • Vomit.

These symptoms occur only when the recommended dosage is exceeded many times over.

When choosing a dosage, it is taken into account that motherwort is able to enhance the effect of drugs that affect the nervous system.

These include:

  • drugs for insomnia;
  • tranquilizers;
  • Antipsychotics.

When iterating the dosage, a side effect may appear in the form of increased fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness. Drivers who spend most of their time behind the wheel should be careful.

Special instructions and contraindications


  • The drug acts slowly, the first effect can be noticeable 2 weeks after the first dose of motherwort;
  • To increase efficiency, exact dosages must be observed;
  • When treating motherwort, you should not have high hopes for recovery from diseases such as hypertension and coronary heart disease.

According to the instructions for use, motherwort extract in tablets has contraindications:

  • Allergic reaction to motherwort;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Hypotension;
  • Insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • Pregnancy with caution, under the watchful supervision of a supervising physician.

The extract should be stored in a dry place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Under proper storage conditions, the shelf life is 2 years.

Motherwort helps to survive stress and depression, overcome insomnia with fear.

The drug helps to restore the joy of life and bring peace and tranquility to it. You should strictly adhere to the dosages, and sometimes consult a doctor.

Farmadar valerian with motherwort

Farmadar valerian with motherwort can be bought at pharmacies or ordered online. Its manufacturer is Vneshtorg Pharma. The drug is sold on a free basis (without a doctor's prescription), since there are no prohibited components in the composition.

The composition of the drug:

  • motherwort extract;
  • Glycine;
  • Valerian extract;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Cellulose microcrystalline;
  • Talc;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

The action of the main components of the composition of the drug on the body:

  • Motherwort, having a sedative effect, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, has a beneficial effect on metabolism and lowers glucose levels, reduces the manifestation of neuroses, hysterical seizures, and helps to cope with spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • Glycine improves metabolic processes in the brain tissues, contributing to better mental abilities, normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition of the central nervous system, relieves psycho-emotional stress;
  • Valerian root extract improves blood circulation in the coronary vessels, normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, and has a relaxing effect on spasms of smooth muscles.

Medical indications for the use of the drug:

  • Decreased irritability;
  • To improve mental processes;
  • Relieves stress before bed
  • Helps relieve emotional stress during times of stress.

The use of the drug is not possible:

  • In cases of existing allergic reactions to any component of the composition;
  • With frequent manifestation of low blood pressure;
  • During the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • Children under the age of 12;
  • With alcoholism;
  • In cases of gastric ulcer.

Dosage and duration of administration.

The drug should be used 3 times a day, 1 capsule. Since “Valerian Farmadar with motherwort extract” is a dietary supplement, it is taken with food.

Course treatment is 30 calendar days.

Storage of the drug.

In a dry place, at a temperature of +4 to +25 degrees. Keep out of direct sunlight.

Subject to storage conditions, the shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of its manufacture (indicated on the box).

Are there any benefits of combining valerian with motherwort

Due to the fact that valerian and motherwort are similar in composition and properties, many patients wonder if there are benefits to using motherwort with valerian.

There is, and it is necessary to consider not the similarity of herbs, but their distinctive ability to influence the body. Valerian works much more slowly as a sedative than motherwort. The extract of the latter helps to get rid of headaches and prevent the appearance of a convulsive state, which is not typical for valerian.

Doctors may prescribe both of these drugs separately, but the dosage must be strictly monitored, bearing in mind that motherwort consumption should be significantly lower. Due to the fact that there were no mistakes when taking these 2 drugs, doctors developed a drug that includes the already necessary dosage of extracts.

When prescribing this drug, do not forget about a number of contraindications. If a person has an individual intolerance to at least one of the components, then another alternative treatment option should be sought.

Since the complex of motherwort and valerian calms the human nervous system, it can be prescribed if the patient has:

  • Disorders of the nervous system;
  • hysterical seizures;
  • Neuroses from the side of the cardiovascular system;
  • Excessive nervous excitability;
  • stressful state.

Any of the listed items can be treated with this drug. But the dosage and duration of administration should be strictly regulated by the attending physician. Since some take pills for only 14 calendar days, while others should increase the course of treatment up to 2 months. And although the drug contains components of natural plants, you should not abuse its intake, so as not to provoke the body to become addictive.

The general opinion of those who took this tablet remedy

Many have taken and are taking motherwort tablets, which is provoked by a number of factors:

  • stress at work;
  • Unhappy relationship with a loved one;
  • Death of loved ones;
  • Sleep loss.

How many people, there are so many opinions, but if you put them all together, it turns out that all the reviews can be divided into 2 categories - these are positive and negative.

Positive statements include:

  1. The effect of using motherwort in tablets becomes noticeable already on the second day of taking the drug. A person becomes less irritable, ceases to “boil” over trifles.
  2. Many headaches disappear, and accordingly people are less likely to fall into hysterical states. During the period of taking the pills, people note that the ability to think cold appears, they will be more reasonable. It helps a person cope with stress.
  3. Among the many reviews of people who took the drug, it can be traced that they began to sleep better. They wake up less at night and in the morning they feel fresh and well-rested. And this is nothing more than an opportunity to spend your day without accidents and incidents.

Among the negative reviews:

  • Swollen face in the morning;
  • Constantly want to sleep;
  • There is a state of nausea;
  • 4.8 / 5 ( 32 votes)

The composition of the tablets includes an active ingredient: motherwort extract.

Additional components: microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil, calcium stearate , potato starch, , powdered sugar (sucrose).

Release form

Motherwort Extract is produced in tablets packed in contour cells of 10 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is characterized sedative And hypotensive Effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Taking this drug allows you to regulate the functions of the nervous system, showing a calming effect. Nervous excitability also decreases, the hypnotic effect is potentiated and antagonism is manifested in relation to the convulsive effect of analeptics. Helps Motherwort extract and in the treatment , psychoasthenia And neurasthenia , which are accompanied , voltage And high reactivity .

In addition, there is a correction of functional disorders of the nervous system with premenopausal or climacteric period. A negative chronotropic effect is manifested, the heart rhythm is regulated in case of vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiotonic properties develop, pressure decreases. The drug has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, for example, , , heartbeat failures, heart weakness And myocarditis.

Characteristic of this drug is a tonic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antispastic effect. Therefore, it is often prescribed in combination therapy for various diseases.

Indications for use

The drug Motherwort Extract is prescribed for:

  • high nervous excitability;
  • initial development arterial hypertension.


High sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

During treatment, a manifestation on the skin is possible - rashes, redness, irritation.

Motherwort extract in tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Detailed instructions for the use of Motherwort tablets indicate that they should be taken orally, before meals. At the same time, a certain dosage is established for each form of the drug. Therefore, the instruction on how to take Motherwort in tablets recommends doing this at 14 mg 3-4 times a day.

If you have questions about how to drink pills in certain cases, for example, as part of complex therapy, then it is better to immediately find out from your doctor.

Motherwort extract in tablets during pregnancy

Quite often, this drug is prescribed to pregnant women. You should know that motherwort has properties that help lower blood pressure. Therefore, if a woman usually has low blood pressure, then the medicine should be taken with extreme caution.

Although this medicine has been widely used in a variety of cases, the questions are especially common, can pregnant women take Motherwort tablets, and how long and how often should they take it?

This drug is characterized by a cardiotonic, sedative, anticonvulsant and diuretic effect. Taking the drug helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which is often required by expectant mothers. Although it is usually prescribed as a sedative. The fact is that Motherwort tablets, medicinal properties and contraindications, which are at an optimal level, are great for this category of patients. This drug has significantly fewer contraindications, for example, compared to valerian, which is why it is prescribed for .

In addition, the drug can improve the state of blood circulation, eliminating the manifestations of nausea, relieve colic and gas accumulation. It is also prescribed in complex therapy for uterine hypertonicity , cardiac disorders, hypertension. If there is a threat of pregnancy, then the treatment program necessarily includes Motherwort preparations.


In the treatment of this drug, no cases of overdose have been identified.


This drug can be combined with various sedative and cardiac drugs. An increase in the action of hypnotics and analgesics was also noted.

special instructions

The development of the sedative effect of Motherwort preparations is noted only after 3 weeks.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Store tablets in a cool, dry and dark place.

Best before date


Main analogues: grass And motherwort tincture.


When treating with this drug, the use of alcohol must be abandoned, because its negative effect on the activity of the nervous system has been established. This can lead to the complete futility of the treatment.

Motherwort extract in tablets, reviews

During pregnancy, women are exposed to stress and anxiety, which are often not justified. To avoid this, many take this drug, as it has minimal contraindications. On the Internet, there are often reviews about Motherwort Extract left by expectant mothers. These pills are usually prescribed by the attending physician, who accompanies the woman throughout the pregnancy.

Here are some reviews:

  • “These pills were prescribed to me by my gynecologist because I was very nervous. If the experience is strong, then drink, because in our position there is nothing worse than fears.
  • “The drug helped me to keep calm, besides it is plant-based. The gynecologist recommended him to take.

Of course, doctors usually advise patients to drink pills that contain only one motherwort extract.

There are many opinions that the drug causes. Though it doesn't work that way for everyone. Some tablets are taken in the morning during breakfast and in the afternoon at work. This is especially important so as not to be nervous, but also not to experience severe drowsiness.

You can find reviews like this:

  • “I took various sedative pills, but they made me very sleepy. It was a huge problem. Motherwort was a real find for me, it not only brought peace, but also did not make me sleepy.

Others, on the contrary, take the drug as a sleeping pill:

  • “I take a couple of Motherwort tablets when I go to bed. The effect of it is good - I fall asleep and my consciousness remains clear.

Thus, the drug affects each person individually. If you have any health problems, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. Thus, you will immediately receive the necessary treatment and maintain health.

Motherwort extract in tablets, price, where to buy

The price of Motherwort Extract in tablets in Russian pharmacies is from 17 rubles.

Instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets - just a fact-finding information, not a recommendation for treatment. Motherwort belongs to sedative drugs, therefore, it can give pronounced side effects, has a number of contraindications and age restrictions. Before starting treatment, a medical consultation is recommended.

Motherwort is a sedative known in folk and traditional medicine. As a pharmacological raw material, two closely related types of motherwort are used - five-lobed and hearty. A dry extract is obtained from the herb, from which tablets and capsules are made. Read more about other dosage forms and read our other article.

Features of motherwort in tablets

The instructions for use of motherwort extract in tablets indicate that the sedative effect occurs slowly, like that of valerian. The substance should accumulate in the body and begins to act in the second or third week of admission.

Composition and packaging

As part of the tablets - dry extract of motherwort five-lobed and heart (14 mg per tablet) and excipients (cellulose, sucrose, starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, calcium stearate, monohydrate and others). Tablets are packed in blisters of 10 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Motherwort five-lobed and heart are listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia and belong to the group of sedative, hypnotic drugs of plant origin. In addition, the herb has a number of other healing properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • cardiotonic;
  • bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • hypotensive;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antipyretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Indications for use

  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system. The drug is indicated for increased nervous excitability, insomnia, anxiety, anxiety, panic attacks. It is used in complex therapy for epilepsy, paralysis, convulsions of various origins. The instructions for motherwort in tablets indicate that the herb helps to quickly fall asleep and relax the nervous system, but helps with mild forms of sleep disturbance, in the initial stages of neuroses. For example, neurotic states that turn into manic-depressive psychoses require a serious integrated approach to treatment and observation by a psychiatrist and work with a psychotherapist.
  • Hypertension. The herb helps at the initial stage of hypertension, normalizes high blood pressure and heart rate, relieves spasms and headaches.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Tablets are prescribed for various heart ailments - tachycardia, angina pectoris, cardioneurosis, shortness of breath and edema in heart failure, myocarditis. Increasingly, motherwort is prescribed for vegetovascular dystonia (VVD), when diseases of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels are of a psychosomatic nature. The herb stimulates blood circulation, relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, and helps with atherosclerosis.

In addition to the main indications mentioned in the leaflet, there are other appointments. A doctor may recommend this drug for the following symptoms and conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • spasms, colic of the stomach and intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • swelling in renal and heart failure;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Dosage and method of administration

How to take motherwort extract tablets? It is important to remember that sedatives and sleeping pills are taken only on prescription. Only a specialist can assess the clinical condition of the patient, determine the severity of the disease, the severity of symptoms.

  • Dosage The maximum daily dose of the drug is 56 mg, that is, 4 tablets. It is advisable to take them at regular intervals to maintain the sedative effect. It is not recommended to take double doses to achieve a rapid therapeutic effect. This can lead to overdose and intoxication.
  • A course of treatment . To achieve a therapeutic effect and consolidate it, the grass is drunk for a long course. It may take 2 to 4 weeks. A second course after a break in treatment may be prescribed at the discretion of the physician.
  • Acceptance conditions. The drug is recommended to be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. The tablet is swallowed whole with a sufficient amount of water.

drug interaction

You can drink motherwort extract with other sedative and heart medications. But it should be remembered that the herb can enhance their effect. Also, the drug potentiates the effect on the body of analgesics and antihypertensive drugs. It is not recommended to take motherwort with alcohol, as the herb enhances its effect.

Side effect of the drug

Side effects can be observed with individual intolerance to the herb, overdose, long-term treatment, combination of pills with alcohol or other drugs. How are side effects manifested?

  • Digestive disorders. Nausea, belching, vomiting, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea.
  • Allergic manifestations. Redness of the skin, urticaria, itching, swelling.
  • Disorders from the nervous system. Severe drowsiness, lethargy, decreased intellectual and physical capacity for work, dizziness, confusion.

With all the above symptoms, you should stop taking the medication and seek medical help.

special instructions

Sedative, hypnotic effect of the drug can affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to take pills when driving vehicles, working with mechanisms, in any type of activity that requires speed of reactions.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature not exceeding 25°C. Tablets should be kept out of the reach of children. Expiration date - 24 months. After the expiration date, the use is not permissible.

What are the contraindications of motherwort tablets? Hypotension, bradycardia (slow heartbeat), individual intolerance to the herb extract and other excipients, varicose veins, acute forms of stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis. Also, in the official instructions, it is forbidden to take pills during pregnancy and during feeding, for children under 12 years old.

Application features

How is the drug used in adults and children? What preparations based on motherwort can be purchased at the pharmacy today?

A variety of preparations based on motherwort

Motherwort is a valuable pharmacological raw material. Based on the dry extract of the herb, tablets are made with the same spectrum of action, but different in price, packaging, with different commercial names. Today, motherwort can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in phytopharmacies, online stores of herbal preparations that offer dietary supplements (BAA). It is important to know that taking dietary supplements based on motherwort is not recommended without consulting a doctor. It is also necessary to pay attention to the certification of pharmacy products. Reviews of such drugs are most often positive, but you should not rely on them and self-medicate.

More about "Motherwort Forte"

"Motherwort forte" in tablets (capsules) differs from other drugs in that it contains magnesium and vitamin B6. They enhance the action of motherwort. The drug belongs to food additives, is valued for its high content of glycosides. These substances have sedative, diuretic, bactericidal properties, hormonal activity, and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. "Motherwort forte (Evalar)" is prescribed as a sedative, hypnotic for functional disorders of the nervous system. Also, the drug has cardiotonic, diuretic, anticonvulsant properties. The instructions for use of Motherwort Forte in tablets indicate the average dosage for adults: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day (with meals!). The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the body, the clinical picture.

Use in men, women, children

  • What is useful motherwort for men. Tablets are prescribed for all the above diagnoses and symptoms, regardless of gender. The medicine helps with diseases of the prostate gland, inflammation of the urogenital area. Tablets are drunk in a long course under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to remember the effect of motherwort on psychomotor reactions and not to drink pills while driving a car, a professional activity that requires concentration.
  • What is motherwort useful for women. The herb is especially useful for severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS), in the premenopausal period. The drug restores hormonal levels, normalizes metabolism and thyroid function, calms the nervous system, relieves attacks of fear, anxiety, irritability, panic attacks. Also, the drug can be prescribed as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding, but more often with this symptom, water and alcohol infusion of motherwort is used. The decision on the use of motherwort tablets during pregnancy and lactation is made by the doctor. Read more about the various dosage forms in our other article.
  • Benefits for children. Self-administration of the drug in children of any age is prohibited. Only a doctor after diagnosis and internal examination can assess the child's condition, calculate the correct dosage and course of treatment. How to drink motherwort tablets for children? This dosage form is strictly contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. The child should be able to safely swallow tablets and drink them with water. But even at 3 years old, not all children are able to do this. Therefore, up to this age, water infusions and teas based on motherwort are prescribed. Tablets are most often prescribed to children of primary school age and adolescents. The main indications for use: restless sleep, excitation of the nervous system, outbursts of aggression, irritability, signs of hyperactivity.

The drug is equally useful for men, women and children. Grass increases resistance to stress, well relaxes muscles and nervous system, relieves emotional stress. It is only important to correctly calculate the age dosage. After all, motherwort, like all sedative drugs, with an overdose gives pronounced side effects. But at a low dose, its therapeutic effect will be quite low.

Motherwort in tablets is indicated for neurosis, insomnia, physical and mental overwork, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, at the initial stage of hypertension. In complex therapy, the drug is prescribed for digestive disorders, urinary excretion, problems with metabolism. This is the first sedative for women with PMS and in the premenopausal period.


1 tablet contains:

Active substances: motherwort herb powder, vitamin C,

Excipients: milk sugar, refined sugar, E504 (basic magnesium carbonate - color stabilizer), E470 (calcium stearate - an additive that prevents caking and clumping), E553 (talc - anti-caking agent), E171 (titanium dioxide - dye), dye "Green Apple", E132 (indigo carmine - dye), E901 (beeswax - glazing agent), sunflower oil, paraffin, peppermint oil.


"Motherwort P" has a long sedative effect. The presence of vitamin C in the "Motherwort P" helps to restore the body from the effects of stress, creating a protective screen against viruses and infections.

Side effects

not found.

Selling Features

Without a license

Special conditions

6 dragees replenish 39% of the daily intake of vitamin C, an additional source of flavonoids and iridoids.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Increased nervous excitement;





individual intolerance to components, pregnancy. It is recommended to consult a doctor

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