Coxarthrosis of the hip joint stage 1 treatment. How to treat coxarthrosis effectively? - Unique experience of specialists! The mechanism and causes of the development of pathology at the initial stage

Osteoarthritis of the hip joints is diagnosed in the elderly. The disease is associated with changes in the condition of the cartilage and articular surface. The article will tell about the symptoms and treatment of coxarthrosis of the 1st degree of the hip joint, possible complications.

Features of the manifestation of coxarthrosis

Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is a chronic ailment that leads to a thinning of the joint, its destruction due to the intense contact of parts of the joint. Secondary inflammation is provoked, the mobility of the hip is limited.

The main reasons for the development of pathology include age-related changes in tissues, metabolic disorders, injuries of the hip region, inflammatory processes in the body, stagnation of blood in the vessels.


Degenerative pathology is most often diagnosed in women after 50 years, due to the increased load on the thigh area. Obese women are at risk.

The process of the spread of coxarthrosis occurs due to the influence of negative factors on the cartilaginous elements of the hip joint and its destruction. This provokes prolonged inflammation and pain.

The clinical picture of the disease

Hip pain is the first sign of a pathological process in the joints. At the initial stage, the synovial fluid thickens, its cushioning properties are lost.

Grade 1 is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Increasing pain syndrome. It depends on the stage of hip arthrosis;
  • Restriction of mobility in the affected area, morning stiffness, which passes in the evening;
  • The muscles of the thigh weaken - the symptom occurs at stage 2 of the disease;
  • Swelling in the joint area;
  • Cracking in the hip joint during movement;
  • Change in leg length on the affected side.

Coxarthrosis of the 1st degree is characterized by moderate recurrent pain, which disappears after a period of rest. If you take an X-ray, you can notice minor changes in the bones of the pelvis, a narrowing of the joint space and growth in the bone.

With the progression of the disease (the second stage), the symptoms of arthrosis of the hip joint are aggravated - the pain becomes intense, and does not go away even at rest. With excessive stress on the joints, lameness appears.

On the X-ray, you can clearly see the progressing bone growths, deformation of the femoral head, single growths appear, and the neck of the pelvic bones expands.


If you do not carry out qualified treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint of grade 1-2, then the joint space can grow together into one bone structure, as a result of which the patient will be completely immobilized.

Pathology treatment

With the manifestation of symptoms and signs of coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree, it is important to immediately seek help from a specialized doctor and start treatment. After an X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, the first changes in the structure of bones and cartilage tissue are recorded, complex therapy is prescribed.

Regardless of which arthrosis of the hip joint is detected - left-sided or right-sided, the treatment of coxarthrosis of the 1st degree consists in the use of medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs - to eliminate the intensity of the inflammatory process, to minimize stiffness in the morning (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Rapten);
  • Chondroprotectors - promote the regeneration of damaged tissues, cartilage and joints, speed up metabolism, slow down the progression of the disease (Naklofen, Teraflex, Honda Forte);
  • Drugs for vasodilatation - normalize blood flow, improve tissue nutrition, eliminate the tone of the vascular network (Agapurin, Agen, Trental);
  • Muscle relaxants - to eliminate spasms and tone of skeletal muscles (Mydocalm, Baclofen).

Warming ointments, gels and creams are used to reduce pain syndrome, activate blood circulation in damaged tissues (Ortofen, Diclofenac). Not prescribed in the acute period of manifestation of the clinical picture of coxarthrosis of the hip region.

Non-drug treatments for hip arthrosis

At the initial stage, it is important to effectively treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree without surgery, for this you can use the methods of physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, restoring the mobility of the hip, and following the principles of dietary nutrition.

Physiotherapy measures are aimed at improving blood circulation in tissues, eliminating swelling and signs of stiffness in the joints. It is mainly used for mud and paraffin treatment. Medicinal substances penetrate deeply into pathological foci, normalizing the general condition of the patient.


Any external effect on the joints is contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of coxarthrosis, acute liver failure, inflammatory diseases of internal organs, the presence of purulent lesions on the body.

Electrical stimulation of muscle fibers is used no less effectively - with the help of pulsed currents, blood circulation is normalized, muscle tissue tone is increased. And with the help of magnetotherapy, the immune processes in the body are improved, the reactivity of pain sensations decreases.

Recently, cell-stem treatment has been widely used, when an intercellular substance is injected into the patient's own blood plasma, which suppresses the symptoms of coxarthrosis. The degenerative and dystrophic process stops.

Treatment according to Bubnovsky

How and how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree - Dr. Bubnovsky has his own solution to this question. It is important to maintain the patient's physical activity. For this, Dr. Bubnovsky has developed a whole set of exercises (in the prone position):

  • Pull the bent legs towards you, while inhaling, raise the buttocks and hold them for a few seconds, while exhaling, lower them;
  • Raise straight legs 15 cm, slowly lower;
  • Bend your arms along the body, bend your legs - when you exhale, spread your knees to the side, while inhaling - return to the starting position.

Each exercise must be performed several times a day, with the number of repetitions - at least 15. In case of inflammation, gymnastics is prohibited. The task of exercise therapy is to stop the progressing process and improve tissue nutrition, avoiding excessive physical exertion on the damaged joint.


Massage or self-massage can be used effectively to reduce soreness in the thigh area. The main thing is that the patient's actions are accurate and competent, without excessive pressure on the sore spot. The procedure is performed both manually and with the help of massage devices and even jets of water.

Diet food

To reduce the load on the hip joint, it is important to monitor body weight, eat well and in a balanced manner, avoiding junk and heavy foods. It is necessary to give preference to cereals in water, protein products, dairy products, exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, pastries, empty carbohydrates.

On a note!

The daily menu should include vegetables, fruits, nuts, first and second courses based on dietary meat, before going to bed - a glass of kefir to improve the digestion process.

Traditional methods

In combination with traditional methods of treating coxarthrosis of the hip joint, folk recipes are effectively used. The most popular are baths, ointments and rubbing.

Healing baths are made with sea salt, turpentine, Jerusalem artichoke and honey - for 50 liters of water 1 kg of salt, a spoonful of turpentine, 2 tablespoons of honey and 4 tubers of overseas potatoes. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

To prepare the grind, it is necessary to take in an equal ratio the leaves of mint and eucalyptus, grind, add aloe juice, apply to the sore joint several times a day.

As a home ointment, you can use honey, glycerin, iodine and rubbing alcohol, lubricate the damaged joint 2-3 times a day, to avoid burns and discomfort.

Disease prognosis

If the central part of the thigh is affected, then the disease will proceed chronically with minimal manifestation of the intensity of the clinical picture. The pathology can be eliminated without surgery.

When diagnosing coxarthrosis of the first degree, pathological processes occur inside the joint, the symptoms can last for decades, leading to damage to the upper pole of the hip joint.

Pathology in an advanced form is characterized by the appearance of a strong degree of painful sensations, the prognosis for the future is disappointing. Only with the help of surgery can the activity of the upper part of the head of the bone be restored.

Stage 1 coxarthrosis is curable if you strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, stopping the process of bone growth. For prophylaxis, it is recommended to moderately play sports, avoid hypothermia, timely treat infectious diseases, eat well, filling the diet with vitamins and microelements.

It is important to avoid joint injuries and to have preventive examinations by specialists every year.

Arthrosis is the most common joint disease. Pathological changes can be observed in both large and small joints. If the lesion is localized in the hip joint, then such a pathology in medicine is usually called coxarthrosis. What is pathology and how is it dangerous?

What is degree 1 coxarthrosis?

Coxarthrosis is a deforming arthrosis. This ailment is more often diagnosed in people in adulthood, but there are cases when coxarthrosis occurs in young people. According to statistics, pathology develops more often in women.

Coxarthrosis develops gradually. At the first stage, the articular exudate changes its consistency. It becomes more viscous and thicker. Hyaline cartilage loses its elasticity. Cracks appear on its surface and it collapses. All these changes do not pass without a trace. They lead to curvature of the joint. Without treatment, coxarthrosis leads to muscle atrophy.

Arthrosis of the hip joint (coxarthrosis) - a chronic, gradually progressive disease

Features of the manifestation of coxarthrosis

Arthrosis of the hip joint is a chronic disease. Grade 1 may not show obvious symptoms. The initial stage proceeds imperceptibly, the patient may not even be aware of the presence of pathology. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced. Pain appears in the hip (trochanteric region). At first, it worsens after exercise, and it disappears after a short rest.

Over time, the pain intensifies and radiates to the groin, buttocks, or knee. With severe pain and muscle tension, the movement of the joint is limited. This is reflected in a person's gait. She becomes like a "duck". Without treatment, the pathology leads to serious complications.

Provoking factors and causes

If a diagnosis of stage 1 arthrosis of the hip joint is made, the causes of its occurrence may be different, therefore the ailment is divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, the disease is diagnosed in people in adulthood. Primary or idiopathic arthrosis is characterized by symmetry of the lesion.

The cause of secondary coxarthrosis is various diseases:

  • dysplasia of the joints;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • perthes disease;
  • chondromatosis of the joints;
  • osteoradionecrosis.

The causes of coxarthrosis can be different, but the picture of the disease is always the same

The following factors can serve as an impetus in the development of the disease:

  • excess weight;
  • trauma;
  • flat feet;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • various neoplasms;
  • hard physical labor;
  • hormonal disorders.

Secondary arthrosis occurs in the younger generation. The lesion is unilateral and slowly progressive.

The degree of the course and symptoms of the disease

Symptoms depend largely on the severity of the disease. There are three stages of development:


Diagnosis of grade 1 coxarthrosis of the hip joint is based on symptoms.

Treatment is prescribed only after passing instrumental examinations:

  1. X-ray. This method is key. It allows the doctor to assess the condition of joints, ligaments and cartilage, as well as detect osteophytes.
  2. Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination helps to assess the condition of soft tissues and joint fluid.
  3. MRI. This is an absolutely safe procedure that allows you to detect pathological changes at an early stage.
  4. Arthroscopy. The manipulation is carried out not only for the purpose of diagnosis, but also treatment. For the procedure, the doctor makes a small puncture in the joint cavity, through which a special device (arthroscope) is inserted. At the end of this device is a video camera that transmits the image to the screen in real time. Looking at the image, the doctor can carefully examine the condition of the cartilage, bones and joints, and, if necessary, eliminate a number of changes.

The next stage in detecting arthrosis is an X-ray photo

To make a diagnosis, you may need to consult the following specialists:

  • therapist;
  • urologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon.


How to treat grade 1 arthrosis of the hip joint? The doctor prescribes the scheme and course of treatment, based on the results obtained during the diagnosis, as well as taking into account the patient's age. Arthrosis requires an integrated approach. In addition to drugs, physiotherapy, massage, diet, therapeutic exercises and folk remedies are effective. Only if all medical recommendations are followed can serious consequences be avoided and the progression of the disease prevented.

Drug therapy

When DOA is prescribed:

  1. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Vasodilators.
  3. Chondroprotectors.

When diagnosed with arthrosis of the hip joint, treatment will directly depend on the stage at which the disease is.

The first group includes "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Ketorol". These medications relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and reduce swelling. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken in short courses. If no improvement is observed within two weeks, then the course must be discontinued and switched to stronger drugs. Self-medication is unacceptable because anti-inflammatory drugs have a number of side effects.

The second group includes "Nikoshpan", "Cinnarizin". These drugs not only dilate blood vessels, but also eliminate spasms, normalize the nutrition of diseased tissues.

The third group of drugs is chondroprotectors, "Structum", "Artra". They repair the damaged cartilage tissue and stimulate the immune system. Chondroprotectors are taken in long courses of three months or more. At the initial stage of arthrosis, it is still possible to completely restore the joint tissue.

Physical exercise

Physical activity is not contraindicated. The main thing is to know when to stop. Moderate stress on the joint is even beneficial. Muscle work improves blood flow. But not all types of exercise are useful. With DOA 1 and 2 degrees, intensive movements, sharp turns and weight lifting (alpine skiing, basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, ice skating, etc.) are prohibited.

Benefits will bring:

  • easy running;
  • riding a bicycle;
  • aqua aerobics;
  • yoga;
  • fitness.

Treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint by physical education consists in achieving two objectives: to increase the mobility of the legs and prevent muscle atrophy

These sports help to maintain muscle tone and stop degenerative-dystrophic changes. If during the lesson you feel a sharp and severe pain, then you need to stop training and inform your doctor about it. Exercising through pain is dangerous, as it can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to complications.

Nutrition and diet

Coxarthrosis of the hip or any other joint of the 1st degree is easily treatable. An important condition for therapy is diet. Patients diagnosed with arthrosis should be blacklisted all fried, fatty and smoked foods. You also need to limit yourself to the consumption of sweets, confectionery, alcohol, coffee. If excess weight is the cause of arthrosis, then the diet is aimed at reducing body weight. Dishes are allowed to be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. You need to eat often and in small portions. Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

Fresh vegetables and fruits will bring benefits. They contain vegetable fiber, which helps to detoxify the body, maintain normal cholesterol levels and promote weight management.

Fish and seafood should also be present on the table. They are rich in omega-3 acids. You can diversify the menu with poultry, cereals, dairy products, herbs. Products containing collagen are considered especially useful, namely: jellied meat, jelly or aspic.

Eat enough animal protein: fish (except salted), poultry, beef


Massage sessions are prescribed for stages 1-2, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Usefulness of massage:

  • improves blood flow in the affected area;
  • muscle spasm is eliminated;
  • hyaline cartilage is restored;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened;
  • the motor function of the joint improves.

However, massage can be harmful. It is forbidden to conduct sessions with:

  • high body temperature;
  • heart disease;
  • critical days;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • gangrene and syphilis.

The following techniques are used during the session:

  • stroking;
  • pat;
  • trituration;
  • tapping.

In addition to classical massage for coxarthrosis, canned honey type of manual therapy is used.

For deforming arthrosis of the hip joint, massage treatment gives good results

Mud therapy

Healing mud allows:

  • normalize blood flow in the affected area;
  • eliminate pain;
  • restore the motor potential of the joint;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • normalize the dynamics of the disease.

The healing mud is rich in minerals that penetrate deep into the joint and enrich it. Thanks to intensive nutrition of the joints, destructive processes are stopped.

Sessions of mud therapy are conducted in sanatoriums. Patients with arthrosis are recommended to undergo a course of mud therapy twice a year. Despite all the positive properties of mud, there are a number of contraindications to treatment. You can find out about them from your doctor.

Surgical intervention

With the diagnosis of stage 3 coxarthrosis, it is pointless to hope for the best and believe in a miracle. The articular surfaces will not flatten out and will not be covered with new cartilage. Conservative treatment will not work. The irreversible process has already started. It is not worth wasting time and waiting for self-healing. With such a diagnosis, there is only one way out - surgery.

Today there are many types of operations for the treatment of coxarthrosis

In medical practice, there are several types of surgical intervention:

  1. Arthrodesis. The principle of the operation is to correct only the support function. The articular bones are firmly fixed with metal plates. This design completely immobilizes the joint.
  2. Endoprosthetics. This is a radical but effective method. With the help of endoprosthetics, you can forget about pain forever and solve the problem of arthrosis. Recovery forecast is 100%. The affected joint is replaced with an artificial prosthesis.
  3. Osteotomy. This technique is a temporary measure. During the operation, the bone is straightened by an artificial fracture. This helps to relieve the diseased area and eliminate pain.

Traditional methods

Grade 1 osteoarthritis of the hip joint can be treated with folk remedies. At 2 or 3 stages, their effectiveness tends to zero.

Traditional healers offer to treat arthrosis:

  • decoctions of nettle, dandelion, willow bark, golden mustache, saber;
  • compresses of blue clay, potatoes, cabbage leaves and coltsfoot;
  • thermal procedures (heated sea salt or sand);
  • tinctures for grinding from lilac flowers and alcohol.

Whichever method you choose, you need to consult a doctor before using the product. Self-medication can lead to the development of adverse reactions and aggravate the course of the disease.

Also, at an early stage of coxarthrosis, treatment with folk remedies is quite effective.

Disease prognosis

Coxarthrosis of 1 degree, provided timely and competent therapy, can be stopped. The forecast depends on the localization:

  1. If the lesion is concentrated in the central part, then the arthrosis proceeds calmly, but for a long time. The pain is tolerable. Treatment is carried out with drugs, massage, and physical therapy.
  2. If the lesion is localized in the lower part of the pole, in the clinic there is sclerosis in the area of \u200b\u200bthe endplate and pain syndrome. Symptoms are mild, so the disease lasts for a long time. With such a lesion, conservative treatment is prescribed.

These two options, with timely treatment, have a favorable outcome for the patient. A severe case is the defeat of the upper pole. Such localization is more often a congenital anomaly. In this case, arthrosis manifests itself as severe pain. Dislocations and subluxations are possible without treatment. The patient's prognosis is not encouraging. Conservative treatment is not effective. With the progression of the disease, the upper part of the head of the bone dies off. An operation is performed to eliminate possible complications.


If you are at risk, then first of all you need to identify weaknesses in your usual life, namely:

  • exclude heavy side dishes, fast food;
  • reduce the risk of injury;
  • to establish physical activity;
  • avoid hypothermia.

Prevention of coxarthrosis:

  • follow a diet;
  • follow the metabolic processes;
  • go in for sports;
  • walk in the fresh air;
  • do your exercises.

Observing these simple rules, you can suspend destructive processes or not at all face arthrosis.

Diseases of the joints, depending on the stage of spread and development of the pathological process, are classified by degrees. Doctors divide coxarthrosis into 3 stages, each of which is characterized by certain features in the symptoms and treatment. At stages 1 and 2 of the disease, it is still quite possible to restore health using exclusively conservative methods. At the third stage of the development of the disease, to restore physical activity, it is often necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

With coxarthrosis, a gradual destruction of the hip joint occurs, therefore it is so important to recognize the disease at an early stage and begin its treatment even at the stage when it is possible to do with means that have a minimal effect on the entire body.

What leads to the development of coxarthrosis?

Several different factors can serve as a cause or trigger in the development of a disease. Quite often, it is not possible to prevent the disease due to the fact that its causes can be found in hidden biological processes in the human body. So, one of the reasons for the development of arthrosis of the hip joint is age-related changes, which are almost impossible to combat.

The only way to avoid illness is to follow preventive measures all the time: adhere to the rules of a balanced diet, do moderate physical activity, etc.

The main reasons that create favorable conditions for the development of arthrosis of the hip joint include:

  • violation of hormonal levels in the body - it can be caused by taking hormonal drugs, dysfunction of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • trauma, and in some patients arthrosis develops in old age at the site of an injury received in youth;
  • metabolic disorder (overweight as a result);
  • excessive physical exertion on the hip joint, for example, during professional activities in some sports - jogging, football, etc.;
  • some chronic diseases, for example, vascular lesions, which lead to malnutrition of the cartilage tissue or affect its condition in another way.

The patient may have a hereditary predisposition to coxarthrosis, but in most cases it is associated with the causes of the development of the disease more than directly with the damage to the joint.

Processes in the joint at the first degree of coxarthrosis

At grade 1, coxarthrosis may appear slightly. Often, a person does not even notice the changes that hip joint disease leads to. First, there is a slight pain in the groin and thigh when moving. At rest, a person does not feel any discomfort. At this stage, the doctor will be able to detect the pathology according to the results of X-ray - changes will be noticeable in the picture. As a rule, at the first degree of the disease, the changes are insignificant. This may be an increase in the joint space or the appearance of bone growths.

At the first stage, treatment is quite successful, but the danger of this stage is that a person often does not consult a doctor with such minor discomfort as the one that causes the disease at this moment

Symptoms during this period are not expressed, it is often confused with manifestations of other diseases. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose, so you need to contact a qualified specialist as early as possible so as not to complicate the treatment. Only on the basis of research results can a diagnosis be made. Even a doctor without an X-ray will not be able to accurately determine coxarthrosis of the 1st degree.

Basic treatment methods

As a rule, the treatment regimen is drawn up individually, and only a qualified doctor can choose the optimal means for treating coxarthrosis. The goal of treatment is to stop the pathological process. It will no longer be possible to completely restore the damaged parts of the joint in a natural way, but it is quite possible to stop the development of the disease, as well as to achieve partial regeneration of the damaged tissue. But for this it is necessary to draw up a course of treatment, which will include means of various actions. As a result, it will be possible to achieve a complex effect on the affected joint, which will prevent the further development of the disease and eliminate its symptoms.

For the treatment of coxarthrosis in the first stage, the following methods are usually recommended:

  1. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs... Most often, funds from the NSAID group are prescribed, some anti-inflammatory drugs are specially adapted for the treatment of pathologies of this kind. These medicines not only relieve the inflammatory process, but relieve pain, which greatly facilitates the transfer of the disease for the patient. The choice of drugs with a similar effect is quite wide, which allows almost any patient to choose a remedy that is suitable for cost, contraindications, etc.
  2. Preparations with vasodilating action... These agents improve blood circulation, thereby improving the nutrition of the joint tissues. With normal blood supply, tissues recover faster and the disease recedes.
  3. Chondroprotectors... These are drugs that promote the restoration of cartilage tissue, but the effect of taking them occurs only if the course is used. In addition to the formation of cartilage tissue, these drugs help to restore joint fluid.
  4. Physiotherapy procedures... Treatment with these methods is especially effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease, therefore, at the first degree of coxarthrosis, they are prescribed most often. Good results are obtained by laser and ultraviolet treatment, massage, magnetotherapy. Despite the fact that such procedures, at first glance, seem harmless, if the disease has already affected the joint, it is necessary to agree on any intervention.
  5. Exercise therapy. Performing special physical exercises allows you to restore joint mobility if it is impaired due to illness. With coxarthrosis, loads should be moderate, it is also important that the exercises that the patient will perform are coordinated with the attending physician. The specialist will be able to select a complex that will bring a noticeable improvement. It is also better to engage in medical gymnastics under the supervision of a doctor who can correct the performance of certain actions and control the correctness of the exercises. In this case, gymnastics will definitely not do harm. Exercising will strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation in the affected area.
  6. Balanced nutrition, taking vitamin complexes... To quickly repair damaged tissue, a sufficient amount of nutrients must enter the body. Which foods should be excluded from the diet or added, as well as which supplements the patient should take, is determined by the doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some traditional medicine recipes will help you cope with the disease faster. You should not refuse treatment with traditional means, relying only on folk methods, but it is unreasonable to underestimate the possibilities of folk remedies. Especially if the traditional medicine is not only approved by doctors, but also recommended in some cases to obtain additional therapeutic effect.

You can treat the disease with both external and internal folk remedies. Effective options: cabbage juice, aloe, or radish compresses

With their help, you can significantly alleviate the patient's condition. However, many alternative methods of treatment bring only temporary relief, so their uncontrolled use can only harm. The patient will not go to the doctor, and the disease will move to the next stage, which will be more difficult to treat.

In the absence of timely treatment, coxatrosis of the first degree will eventually acquire more serious forms. In advanced cases, the disease can lead to disability, so do not ignore the first symptoms. It is best to see a doctor for an examination as early as possible. Simple exercises and available treatments can help stop the disease.

Coxarthrosis is a chronic disease characterized by a degenerative-dystrophic process of the articular joint. Thinning of the cartilaginous layer, violation of its integrity leads to friction of the surfaces of the joints of both bones against each other. During the development of this anomaly, the cartilage is destroyed, provoking secondary inflammation, progressive pain, and limitation of the mobility of the hip. The main causes of pathology are:

  • Degenerative changes associated with age.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Traumatization of the hip joint.
  • Acute or chronic inflammatory processes, including infectious.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the thigh.

In orthopedic practice, arthrosis of the hip joint is the most common degenerative-dystrophic disease, which is caused by an increased load on the hip area. The highest percentage of diagnosing pathology in women over 50.

Interesting Facts! It is possible to finally eliminate deforming and dysplastic coxoarthrosis only by an operative method, more often it is endoprosthetics. Conservative methods are aimed at symptomatic therapy with a temporary effect. defeat

The pathological process in most cases affects the upper pole of the hip joint with subsequent upper lateral displacement of the femoral head - it is diagnosed in men in 65% of cases. The upper pole of the joint capsule is the area subject to the greatest load from the body weight, for this reason it is considered the most vulnerable area. Pathology of the medial pole of the articular joint with protrusion of the acetabulum can be found in 20%. In 15-18%, X-ray diagnostics reveals a bilateral lesion.

The main clinic is the manifestation of pain syndrome. The whole problem is that in the early stages the pain can be periodic and not pronounced. Usually in these cases, the patient does not pay attention to the changes in the body.

Almost always, the first characteristic sign of arthritic lesions of the hip joint is considered to be pain in the groin area, radiating to the buttocks and occasionally to the knees (in the latter case, the diagnosis of pathology is difficult). In the morning, there is a characteristic stiffness.

The results of X-ray examination determine minor changes: the joint space begins to rapidly contract, and the first growths form on the bone surface. The femoral neck remains unchanged.

The tactics of therapy depends on the severity of the clinical picture and the stage of pathology, it is developed by a doctor - an orthopedist or traumatologist. Treatment of coxarthrosis and adequate restoration of motor functions is possible only at the first stage of the development of the disease.

Treatment of coxarthrosis of 1-2 degrees is aimed at reducing pain, inflammation, and improving blood flow in the legs. For this purpose, analgesic, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), chondroprotectors are prescribed. It is necessary to reduce the vertical load on the limbs (during the period of exacerbation, walking is reduced to a minimum, orthopedic auxiliary structures - canes are additionally used). Muscle relaxants are prescribed - drugs that reduce muscle tension and the severity of pain.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a positive effect on the affected joint: galvanization with drugs, magnetotherapy, laser exposure. After the relief of pain, a referral is issued for therapeutic massage and exercise therapy, aimed at restoring muscle tone, resuming mobility, and strengthening muscles. Manipulation of proprioceptive stretching using the PNS method in combination with hydrokinetics may be recommended separately.

The use of intra-articular injections of hormonal drugs is advisable for persistent pain attacks. To reduce body weight and reduce the load on the hip joint, the patient is prescribed a diet.

A group of prescribed drugs for coxarthrosis

Pharmacological group Name of funds Therapeutic action
NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs)
  • Diclofenac
  • Ortofen
  • Almiral
  • Rapten
  1. Pronounced anti-inflammatory analgesic effect.
  2. Increase the range of motion in the affected joints.
  3. Minimizes feeling of stiffness in the morning.
Long-acting chondroprotectors
  • Naklofen
  • Teraflex
  • Artra
  • Honda forte
  • Elbona
  1. They are biological agents that promote the regeneration of cartilaginous surfaces, bursa.
  2. Improves metabolic processes.
  3. They normalize the viscosity of synovial secretions.
  4. Slow down the progression of pathology.
Vasodilator drugs
  • Agapurin
  • Trental
  1. They remove the tone of the vascular wall.
  2. They normalize blood flow, improve tissue nutrition.
  3. The normal rheological potential of the blood is restored.
Muscle relaxants
  • Mydocalm
  • Sirdalud
  • Baclofen
  1. Reduce the tone of skeletal muscles.
  2. Eliminate spasm and pain.
Topical products (ointments / gels)
  • Ortofen
  • Diclofenac
  • Espol
  1. Reduces the manifestation of the inflammatory response.
  2. Reduces the severity of pain.
  3. Improves blood circulation.


It is prescribed as an additional type of therapeutic effect. Improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to the affected joint, increases the range of motion of the joint. It is carried out only after the relief of the acute period, accompanied by severe pain.

At the first degree of coxarthrosis, massage is combined with drug treatment, therapy of the third stage is possible exclusively by surgery.

Physiotherapy activities

Physiotherapy improves blood circulation, relieves inflammation, swelling, severity of pain attacks, speeds up the process of restoring mobility in muscles and joints.

Heat therapy

Advantageously, the method includes mud and paraffin therapy. The active substances are capable of retaining heat for a long time, due to which the penetration of active components into the pathological focus occurs, metabolic processes in tissues are improved, and the general condition of the patient is normalized.


  • during an exacerbation of diseases;
  • acute liver failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of organs and systems;
  • the presence of purulent foci.

Electrical stimulation of muscle fibers

The method of exposure is impulse currents of various strengths and frequencies. Normalizes blood circulation, increases tone, muscle tissue innervation and contractility.

Important! The technique cannot be equated with full-fledged physiotherapy exercises, and even more so, completely replace it.


  • recently suffered a heart attack, stroke;
  • chronic hypertension;
  • acute disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation.


The method is based on the use of a static magnetic field. Proponents of this procedure argue that the influence of the magnetic field on the patient's body is carried out through nervous, immune processes in the tissues, improving blood flow, access of active substances to the affected joint and reducing the reactivity of pain.


  • neoplasms, including atypical (cancerous);
  • anemia, hemoglobinopathies and other blood diseases.
  • lactation and pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
  • thrombosis with inflammation of the venous wall;
  • early period after ischemic stroke and heart attack.

Laser treatment

The principle of the therapeutic effect is to use radiation in the optical range - a light beam. Manipulation helps to reduce the manifestation of pain, reduces the inflammatory response, normalizes blood circulation, and has a positive effect on cartilage tissue.


  • anemia;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes.

Interesting fact! Recently, stem cell therapy has been widely publicized. Some medical centers have already introduced the practice of such treatment. Scientists' reviews are divided from "ineffective" to "worth trying" and "complete absurdity."

Plasmolifting technology is another proposed method for inhibiting the progression of hip arthrosis using autoplasma (the patient's own blood plasma). Plasma contains platelets - enzyme elements of blood with growth factors and regenerative capabilities. With coxarthrosis, the technique relieves painful manifestations, inhibits further destruction of cartilaginous tissue.

Initially, it was supposed to inject the intercellular substance in order to suppress pain, later a version of the gel form was proposed, pre-mixed with a bone tissue substitute (Collapan-L).

Remarkable! According to the research results, 12 months after the completion of the plasmolifting course, the manifestation of pain decreased by 64.8%, stiffness - 61.2%. Therapy of shorter duration (4-6 months) had lower indicators: pain reduction by 23.7%, stiffness - 22.1%.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint 1 degree: treatment according to Bubnovsky

Therapeutic exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky with the diagnosis of coxarthrosis is performed in the supine position. The main set of exercises consists of the following:

  1. Starting position: lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, pulling them towards you. Hands straight, along the body, palms down. On inhalation, raise the pelvis up to a distance of 10-15 cm from the floor, on exhalation - lower it down. Repeat 10 times.
  2. The starting position does not change. Legs are extended, lie flat. Alternately raise the straight limb to a height of 10-20 cm, hold it in the air for several seconds and slowly lower it. The number of repetitions is 10-15.
  3. Starting position: lying on your back. Arms are even stretched along the body, legs are bent at the knees. On exhalation, the knees are spread apart, on inhalation, they return to the opposite position.
  4. Starting position: standing on all fours. In this position, you need to walk a few meters back and forth.

Important! Any gymnastic exercises, including the most gentle ones, are performed strictly after the elimination of the pain syndrome and the period of exacerbation.

Rehabilitation gymnastics after endoprosthetics:

  1. Position: sitting on a chair, slowly bend down, trying to touch the floor.
  2. Lean with both hands behind the back of a chair, alternately swing your leg - forward / backward, to the sides.

The purpose of the exercises is to strengthen muscles, muscles, thus, reducing the risk of complications after surgery, speed up the healing process, and return an adequate range of motion in the hip area.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure that the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes only and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree and its treatment includes several methods that should be applied in combination. Whereas the lack of treatment leads to the need for surgery and disability.

Why does coxarthrosis occur, and how does it manifest?

Knowing the factors that cause coxarthrosis of the hip joint, you can, if not avoid it, then at least delay it. This can be achieved by adjusting habits and lifestyle. Most often, changes in the hip joint occur when the following points are present:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Unbalanced diet, deficiency of calcium, magnesium and other microelements.
  3. Excess weight.

Despite the timely started treatment, coxarthrosis will continue to develop if the causes that cause it are not eliminated. But there are also circumstances that cannot be changed by an effort of will:

  • congenital dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • dislocation and other joint injuries;
  • rachiocampsis.

Often, coxarthrosis of the 1st degree goes unnoticed, since it manifests itself in rare, mild pains at the junction of the pelvic and femur bones. Painful sensations arise after excessive stress or, conversely, a long stay without changing position. They pass after a short rest or warm-up, in case of low activity.

Coxarthrosis can be left-sided or right-sided, if one joint is damaged, or bilateral, with destruction of the joints of both legs.

Even with the onset of coxarthrosis, some changes are already noticeable on the X-ray image:

  • the joint space decreases;
  • bone growths begin to form.

If you notice the symptoms of coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree in time, then its transition to the second degree can be postponed for a long time. Do not think that only older people are susceptible to this disease. Osteoarthritis can occur in people of any age and gender.

What methods are used to treat grade 1 coxarthrosis?

Coxarthrosis, like any other joint disease, is treated for a long time, using various methods and methods. The main, of course, remains conservative treatment. Traditional medicine is a good addition. There is no need in surgical methods for treating coxarthrosis of 1-2 degrees.

Drug treatment

Treatment of coxarthrosis of the 1st degree consists primarily in relieving joint inflammation and restoring cartilage tissue. To do this, take the following medications:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin). They can negatively affect the mucous membranes; medical supervision is necessary.
  2. Drugs that improve blood flow and nutrition of joint tissues (Pentoxifylline, Cinnarizine).
  3. Muscle relaxants that relieve muscle spasms (Tizanidine, Tolperisone).
  4. Chondroprotectors (Chondroitin, Artra) restore cartilage tissue. A long-term admission is required, 3-4 courses.

The pain syndrome at stage 1 is mild, but if pain occurs, you can take Paracetamol or Analgin.

Do not neglect medications in the form of ointment and gel. Finalgel and Diclofenac relieve inflammation and pain well.

Important! They need to be applied to the entire skin, without wounds and abrasions.

The use of ointments to achieve the effect should also be long-term and regular. But you should not use them as the main method of treatment, since ointments only relieve symptoms, and do not have the proper therapeutic effect.

Physiotherapy and massage

For the treatment of coxarthrosis, various methods of physiotherapy are prescribed:

  • electromagnetic therapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophoresis of drugs;
  • electrophoresis of zinc, sulfur;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound.

The use of physiotherapy methods is possible only during the period when there is no exacerbation.

A course of massage is also useful for a sore joint. Movements should be smooth, without force. They relieve tension, improve blood circulation in the joint.


With coxarthrosis, you should not completely limit motor activity. Moderate stress on joints prevents joint breakdown and strengthens muscles. However, it is worth choosing exercises carefully, as not all of them are suitable for people with a sore hip joint.

Fact! Running and jumping with coxarthrosis is better to exclude in order to avoid additional trauma to the joint.

To correctly perform a set of exercises, you should remember a few rules:

  1. Movements should be performed slowly, without jerking.
  2. If any movement causes pain, it must be skipped or postponed.
  3. If fatigue occurs, you need to take a break, restore breathing.

It is better to exercise several times a day for a quarter of an hour.

The standard complex contains the following exercises that need to be adapted for a specific patient:

  1. Lie on your stomach, raise your legs alternately and hold them at the top point for a few seconds. In this way, you can strengthen the muscles of the hip region and buttocks. Repeat several times. Increase the number of approaches daily.
  2. Lie on your stomach, bend your good leg at the knee, then raise it and hold it. If coxarthrosis is bilateral, then start with the leg that is less susceptible to destruction. Repeat 5-7 times.
  3. Lie on your back. Bend and unbend your knees, sliding your feet on the floor.
  4. Lying on your back, straighten your legs. Turn them inward, without lifting them off the floor or bending at the knees.
  5. Lying on your back, spread your legs to the sides without lifting your heels off the floor. Return to the previous position. Do some repetitions.
  6. If the exercise "Bicycle" does not cause pain, then you can do it for 10 seconds.
  7. Lie on your side so that the injured leg is on top. Bend your arm at the elbow, put your head on it. Raise the leg as far as possible, take it aside, return it to its original place, relax. Repeat 5-8 times. With bilateral coxarthrosis, you should turn on the other side and do the exercise again.

After completing the entire set of exercises, you need to be at rest for some time. Then you can continue to exercise in an upright position, standing near the chair and holding on to its back:

  1. Sit down smoothly without bending your knees completely. Repeat 5-7 times, increasing the number of repetitions daily.
  2. Smoothly transfer the center of gravity to the socks, stretch. Slowly return to your full foot. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Tear off the sore leg from the floor, make it several smooth swings back and forth.

The implementation of this gymnastic complex will help keep the hip joint in good condition and support the periarticular muscles.

Traditional methods of treatment

Almost every patient with the destruction of this joint asks the question: how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint using alternative methods? There are many ways, they are aimed primarily at relieving symptoms and improving blood circulation in the joint. The most popular are ointments and rubbing:

  1. Grind the leaves of mint and eucalyptus in a 1: 1 ratio, add the same amount of aloe juice. Apply to a sore joint two to three times a day.
  2. Grind 8 tablespoons of leaves and stalks of celandine, pour 1 liter of vegetable, preferably olive oil, and put in heat for 14 days. Smear the affected joint three times a day, you can insulate.
  3. Grind 50 g of nettle leaves and unripe juniper berries each, add 30 g of pork fat, mix thoroughly. Smear the joint in the morning and evening.
  4. Take in equal proportions honey, iodine, glycerin and rubbing alcohol. Mix. Smear the sore spot no more than 3 times a day.

Also in folk medicine, tinctures are used for ingestion.

Important! It is possible to take the formulations inside only in the absence of allergic reactions to their components.

Most often, coxarthrosis is treated with the following infusions and decoctions:

  1. Cut half of one lemon into slices, pour boiling water over, leave for one hour. Add 1 tsp. honey and drink half a glass a day.
  2. Pour 50 g of dry leaves of elecampane and saber with half a liter of ethyl alcohol or vodka, leave for 1 month. Pass through a sieve and drink 30 drops 3 times a day before meals.
  3. Prepare a mixture of dried linden flowers, nettle leaves, burdock and parsley root, willow bark. Pour a glass of freshly boiled water and leave for a third of an hour. Drink the broth throughout the day.

No matter how effectively the folk methods cope with the removal of the symptoms of the disease, one cannot do without drugs prescribed by the attending physician. Hoping for the help of only medicinal herbs and exercises, you can aggravate the situation so much that coxarthrosis of the first degree will go to the second, and then to the third. Then, perhaps, only the operation will bring relief. Therefore, it is better to immediately highlight the expense item for NSAIDs and chondroprotectors.

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