Methodical development of a vocational guidance class hour "profession" manager of a rural estate. "Manager of a rural estate With changes and additions from


State budgetary professional educational institution

"Urensk industrial and energy technical school"

I approve:

Director of GBPOU UIET


L.I. Komarova


PM.01Performance of work on the purchase, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products

for the profession

MDK.01.01. Fundamentals of procurement in agriculture

MDK.01.02. Storage technologies for agricultural products


The work program of industrial training was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - GEF) by profession01/35/24 Manager of a rural estate,approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 02, 2013 No. 721 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 20, 2013 No. 29684.



Polivanov Alexey Sergeevich, master of industrial training

Full name, academic degree, title, position

GBPOU "Urensk industrial and energy technical school"







1.1. Scope of the program:

Work program of industrial practice by profession35.01.24 Manager of a rural estateis part of the main professional educational program of basic training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the SVE of the filed profession and the main types of professional activity (VPA):

1. Performance of work on the purchase of agricultural products from the population and organizations;

2. Operational accounting of property, liabilities, financial and economic operations of a rural estate;

3. Transportation of passengers and goods in a rural estate.

The result of mastering the work program of industrial practice is the formation of general and professional competencies among students within the modules of the OBEP SVE for the main types of professional activity:

The code

Name of learning outcome

Performance of work on the purchase, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products.

PC 1.1.

PC 1.2.

PC 1.3.

PC 1.4.

PC 1.5.

PC 1.6.

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.


OK 3.

Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, evaluate and correct their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work

OK 4.

To search for and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5.

OK 6.

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7.

OK 8.

OK 9.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the production practice:

Work practice is aimed at the formation of general and professional competencies among students, the acquisition of practical experience and is implemented within the framework of the OPOP SVE modules for each of the types of professional activities provided for by the FGOSSVE by profession35.01.24 Manager of a rural estate.

The objectives of the production practice are:

  • Consolidation and improvement of the practical experience gained in the course of training of students in the field of the studied profession "Purchasing agent / driver of a car of categories B and C";
  • development of general and professional competencies;
  • development of modern production processes and technologies;
  • adaptation of students to the specific conditions of the activities of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

Requirements for the results of mastering industrial practice

As a result of the internship by type of professional activity, the student must be able to:


Requirements for skills, practical experience

Performance of work on the purchase, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products

Have practical experience working with suppliers and buyers of agricultural raw materials and products;

Identify potential suppliers of raw materials and products;

Establish relationships with producers of agricultural raw materials and products;

Conduct explanatory work among the population about the procedure for concluding contracts;

Conclude purchase and sale agreements with the definition of the nature, volume of supplies and their payment;

Make cash and non-cash payments;

Assess the quality of purchased raw materials and products, determine its grade;

Organize and carry out loading and unloading operations;

Prepare agricultural raw materials and products for storage;

Control the storage of raw materials and products.

1.3. Number of hours for mastering the work program of industrial practiceas part of the development of PM.01: 360 hours.


Name of sections and topics of industrial practice

Volume, hours

3 course - 216 hours

Theme 2

Storage Technology

Acquaintance with the technology of obtaining and primary processing of milk on the farm. Taking an average sample of milk. Establishment of organoleptic indicators of milk.

Determine the mechanical contamination of milk. Determine the freshness of two samples of milk by the method of limiting acidity (with alkali). Determine the thermal stability of milk

Familiarize yourself with the conditions of storage and transportation of milk. Study of GOSTs for natural cow's milk, control methods, rules for acceptance, transportation and storage of milk.

Determining the quality of milk on the farm. Determination of organoleptic and physico-chemical properties in accordance with GOST

Fill out forms of accounting and reporting documentation. Accounting for the receipt of raw milk at storage sites Assessment of prefabricated raw milk (fat, protein) for inclusion in the costs associated with its processing

Solve the tasks of fulfilling the plan for the sale of milk by the farm (basic fat content of milk 3.4%)

Determine the fat content of two parallel samples of milk, recording the results

Fill in the regulatory documentation for the purchase of milk from the population and on collective farms

Carrying out explanatory work among the population on the procedure for concluding contracts for the purchase of livestock products

Topic 3. Technology of storage of meat products with the basics of procurement

Determine the fatness of slaughter animals and draw up accompanying documents for the delivery and acceptance of meat

Study of the requirements of GOSTs, substantiation of the principles, methods and techniques for determining the categories of fatness of slaughter animals.

According to the individual task, filling out the bill of lading for the shipment of animals and an attachment to it.

Completion of a veterinary certificate for shipped animals and purchased animals

Make a varietal cut of meat carcasses. On the basis of an individual task, determine the mass of the carcass, internal fat, slaughter weight, slaughter yield, yield of by-products and by-products of slaughter, and also fill out an act on the control weight of livestock

Determine the order of varietal cutting of carcasses of cattle. According to the results of an individual task, determine the mass of cuts of grades 1, 2 and 3 and the amount of edible meat in each cut

Fill in the regulatory documentation for the purchase of meat from the population and on collective farms

Topic 4. Technology of storage of crop products with the basics of procurement

Evaluate root crops upon acceptance for quality. Selecting an average sample of vegetables. Sample preparation for analysis. Sampling (sample) of agricultural raw materials. Calculate the amount of agricultural raw materials selected from the controlled lot for the isolation of a laboratory (average), pooled, point sample. Perform sample analysis. Work with standards GOST 1721-85 "Fresh table carrot harvested and supplied" and GOST 1722-8585 "Fresh table beet harvested and supplied"

Familiarize yourself with the rules and techniques for preparing storage facilities and refrigerators for harvesting.

Installation of collars and trenches, calculation of their capacity and area of ​​​​the site

Check storage devices.Familiarize yourself with the operation of devices for monitoring the storage modes of fruits and vegetables; draw up a diagram of their placement and storage, piles, trenches. From the condensation diagram, analyze the conditions when the dew point will be reached during storage.

Determine the quality of food and seed potatoes according to current standards.

Determination of the quality of a batch of ware potatoes according to the current standard. Carrying out tuber analysis. Calculation of natural loss during storage. Determination of starch in potatoes.

Determine the natural loss and waste during the storage of potatoes and vegetables. Calculate the weight loss of vegetables and fruits according to current standards Conduct a commodity analysis of product samples at the end of storage and determine the absolute waste and technological defects. Carry out a write-off according to the norms of natural loss and draw a conclusion based on the results of the inventory

Determine the capacity of stationary storages for vegetables and evaluate vegetable storages according to technological indicators. Calculate the volume and number of piles and trenches by option, area of ​​the site, the amount of straw and other materials for shelter.Describe the repositories, evaluate them according to the following scheme:

1) general characteristics of storages;

2) description of the location of storage facilities;

3) construction and design indicators;

4) ventilation system;

5) mechanization of work on loading, unloading and commodity processing of products;

6) control over the mode of storage.

Make payments for potatoes depending on its quality.

Fill in the regulatory documentation for the purchase of vegetables from the population and on collective farms

Carrying out explanatory work among the population on the procedure for concluding contracts for the purchase of vegetables

Topic 5. Controlling stored products and filling out regulatory documentation

Fill out the following regulatory documentation:

Journal of accounting of inventory items deposited (form N MX-2).

The act of acceptance and transfer of inventory items for storage (form N MX-1)

Register of incoming cargo (form N MX-4).

Journal of receipt of fruit and vegetable products to storage places (form N MX-7)

Journal of accounting for the consumption of fruits and vegetables in storage areas (form N MX-8)

Party card (Form N MX-10)

Weight statement (Form N MX-9)

Act on the control check of products, inventory items exported from storage sites (form N MX-13)

Act on the consumption of goods by batch (form N MX-12)

The act of stripping the collar (trenches, vegetable stores) (form N MX-17)

Accounting card for vegetables and potatoes in piles (trenches, vegetable stores) (form N MX-16) Statement of accounting for inventory balances in storage areas (form N MX-19)

Invoice for the transfer of finished products to storage places (Form N MX-18)

Draw up a report on the movement of inventory items in storage places (forms N MX-20, 20a)

Differentiated offset

4 course - 144 hours

Topic 1

Acquaintance with the principles of work at the enterprise, with equipment, organization of the workplace, with the main tools used in the process of work. Safety precautions during work on the storage of agricultural raw materials. Fire safety

Topic 1. Accounting for the release of grain for processing

Issue an order for the release of raw materials into production (form N ZPP-109.)

Based on the order data, create a "Journal for calculating the weighted average indicators of the quality of grain and products of its processing" (form N ZPP-57) and an "Act on the cleaning of the production building and the results of grain processing" (form N ZPP-117).

Issue an invoice (form N ZPP-110) and an intake card (form N ZPP-111). On the basis of the specified invoices and intake cards, write off the grain released for production as an expense, in the "Report on the movement of grain products and containers at elevators and warehouses" (form N ZPP-37).

Write out for the shift “Requirement-invoice for the release of raw materials from the elevator (warehouse) to production” (form N ZPP-119).

Fill out an acceptance receipt for the purchase of grains and oilseeds.

Fill in the list of registers of waybills for the shipment of grain, oilseeds and herbs (form N ZPP-5).

Topic 2. Accounting for operations for the movement of grain products within the organization

To issue a register of bills of lading for accepted grain.

Issue an invoice (Form N ZPP-19) for the actually used grain draw up an expense report (in any form), in which you indicate the name, quantity, discount price and amount for each item, number (code) and (or) name of the order (product) , for the manufacture of which it was spent, or the number (code) and (or) the name of the costs, the quantity and amount according to the consumption rates, the quantity and amount of consumption in excess of the norms and their reasons. To write off the grain from the reporting of the relevant division of the organization on the basis of the above act.

Topic 3. Accounting for other disposals of bakery products

Draw up a contract for the supply of grain.

Issue an invoice (standard form N M-15) on the basis of the contract

Issue a bill of lading (form SP-31).

To draw up a list of registers for sending grain and oilseeds and herbs.

Fill in the log of registration of weighing on the car scales of incoming and outgoing goods (form N ZPP-29).

Fill in the documents presented to the buyer for payment (invoice, invoice).

Topic 4. Accounting for grain and products of its processing in storage areas

Draw up an agreement on full liability in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Draw up a settlement act based on the data reflected in the personal account (form N ZPP-36) and acts of part-time work (form N ZPP-34).

Compile a report on the movement of grain products and containers at elevators and warehouses (form N ZPP-37) with the application of all receipts and expenditure documents.

Fill in the bill of lading and make entries in the weight log (forms N N ZPP-28 and ZPP-29).

Draw up an act for the destruction of waste.

Make entries in the register of laboratory analyzes of average daily samples upon acceptance of grain (form N ZPP-49)

Make entries in the register of quality indicators of grain incoming and shipped by rail and water transport (form N ZPP-59).

Make entries in the monitoring log for stored grain in warehouses and silos (form N ZPP-66).

Make entries in the log for monitoring stored products (Form N ZPP-67).

Topic 5. Stack accounting of grain and products

Write out stack labels for grain (form N ZPP-78) for each separately stored batch of grain and oilseeds.

Fill in analysis cards (forms N ZPP-47, N ZPP-66).

Fill in stack labels for flour and cereals (Form N ZPP-77)

Fill in the data of the log of observations of stored products (form N ZPP-67) indicating the date of the analysis.

Issue an order and an act for the additional processing of flour (cereals) packed in bags with a standard weight (form N ZPP-32).

Topic 6. Quantitative and qualitative accounting of grain and products of its processing

Make entries in the journal form N ZPP-36, for corn on the cob - form N ZPP-36a.

Make entries restoring underloads and overloads of bakery products according to the claims of consignees in the expenditure part of the journal (form N ZPP-36).

Draw up acceptance certificates for the receipt of bread products by rail or water transport (form N ZPP-14) and statements of railway (water) waybills for the shipment of bread products (form N ZPP-16).

Topic 7. Drying and active ventilation of grain

Fill in the form form - combined, containing the order and act for cleaning and drying.

Fill out an act for drying (form N ZPP-34).

Recalculate the mass of dried grain into planning units (tons) for all types of grain dryers.

Topic 8. Grain cleaning

Fill out an act for grain cleaning (form N ZPP-34).

Issue the results of weighing by-products and waste reflected in weight logs and passes for waste removal (form N 156).

Establish the relationship between the content of litter in by-products and waste and the improvement in the quality of the underworked batch of grain in terms of litter.

Determine the difference in contamination of the underworked batch of grain.

Determine the amount of litter in by-products and waste.

Write off by-products and waste from the personal account of the main culture, according to the acts of stripping (forms N ZPP-30 and N ZPP-30a).

Topic 9. Analysis of production

Performing the calculation of the dynamics of the production of an agricultural enterprise.

Determination of the implementation of the plan for the structure of products.

Calculate the company's profit.

Calculate the profitability of the enterprise.

Analyze the dynamics of indicators: profit, profitability.

Differentiated offset



3.1. Requirements for the organization of industrial practice on the basis of enterprises and organizations of the relevant profile

The industrial practice of students is carried out in organizations on the basis of direct contracts between GBPOU "Uren Industrial and Energy College" and the organization where the students are sent. The direction of activity of organizations should correspond to the profile of training students by profession35.01.24 Manager of a rural estate.

Industrial practice can be carried out both in a continuous cycle and by alternating with theoretical classes by days (weeks), provided that the connection between the content of the practice and theoretical training is ensured.

The bases of practice are consolidated by the administration of the educational institution on the basis of direct relations, agreements with organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

Students of GBPOU UIET, when undergoing work experience in organizations, are required to:

Fully fulfill the tasks provided for by the program of production practice;

Comply with the internal labor regulations in force in organizations;

To study and strictly observe the norms of labor protection and fire safety rules.

Practice leaders from GBPOU UIET:

Establish communication with practice leaders from the organization and, together with them, draw up a work program for conducting practice;

Develop the subject of individual tasks;

Take part in the distribution of students by jobs or their movement by type of work;

Monitor the correct use of students during the period of practice;

Provide methodological assistance to students in the performance of individual tasks;

Evaluate the results of the trainees' implementation of the practice program.

The head of the organization, his deputy or one of the leading specialists provides general guidance for the practice of students.

3.2. Documentation of work practice

3.2.1. Students are sent to practice on the basis of the order of the director of GBPOU UIET.

3.2.2. When organizing an internship, the responsible teacher:

· solves the issue of fixing the heads of practice from among the employees of the enterprise;

establishes contact with the leaders of practice from the organization and together with them draw up a work program for conducting practice in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

Conducts health and safety briefings at the workplace;

· develops the subject of assignments;

· monitors the correct use of students during the period of practice;

Provides methodological assistance to students in the performance of individual tasks.

3.2.3. During the internship by profession in organizations, students are required to:

Fully fulfill the tasks provided for by the practice program;

Comply with the internal labor regulations in force in organizations;

· To study and strictly follow the norms of labor protection and safety regulations.

3.2.4. Evaluation of the results achieved during the production practice is carried out on the basis of:

1. Data of the attestation sheet (characteristics of the professional activities of students in practice), indicating the types of work performed by the student in practice, the quality of performance (Appendix 2).

2. Diary of practice (Appendix 1).

3. The report submitted by the student at the end of the internship (guidelines for the preparation of the report).

The production practice ends with a differentiated test, which uses integrated indicators:

  • obligatory attendance of all days of practice for students;
  • the content and quality of the report,
  • student responses to questions
  • performance indicators of the student for the entire period of practice, which include: labor discipline, participation in production work and creative elements in his work,
  • assessment of the work of the student by the leader, the student's initiative, etc.

In practice, a differentiated assessment is made according to a five-point system.

"Fine" is assigned to a student who has completed all the planned amount of work required by the practice plan on time and at a high level, has discovered the ability to correctly identify and effectively solve the main tasks.

"Good" is assigned to a student who has fully completed the program of work planned for the period of practice, has discovered the ability to determine the main tasks and ways to solve them, has shown initiative in work, but has not been able to conduct a creative search or has not shown a need for creative growth.

"Satisfactorily"is assigned to a student who completed the work program, but did not show deep knowledge of theory and the ability to apply it in practice, made mistakes in planning and solving problems.

"Unsatisfactory"is given to a student who did not complete the practice program, did not prepare a report, made mistakes during the practice.

Control stage

Share in the final assessment

Keeping a practice diary


Evaluation of the head of practice from the enterprise



Student's defense of a report on industrial practice




The set of documents of the head of practice from the educational institution includes:

Agreements with organizations (enterprises) or letters from organizations (enterprises) on the passage of internships by students of the technical school on their basis;

Order on the appointment of the head of practice from the educational institution;

Work program of practice;

Work practice schedule;

Schedule of consultations and inspections;

List of enterprises where the practice is carried out;

Journal of accounting for the work of the internship leader with a list of enterprises where students do internships;

Diary of industrial practice;

Certification sheet for industrial practice;

The final statement of results for the professional module.

3.3. Information support of training

Main sources:

  1. Arustamov E.A. Trade and technological equipment / E.A. Arustamov, P.I. Vakhrin, V.K. Pambukhchiyants - M.: Economics, 1984;
  2. Gadzhinsky A.M. Modern warehouse. Organization, technology, management and logistics: textbook and practical guide. – M.: TK Velby, Prospect Publishing House, 2005. – 176 p.
  3. Zima B.V. Procurement of agricultural products by consumer cooperation / B.V. Winter, H.A. Shadiev.- M.: Economics, 1989;
  4. Z.P. Matyukhin "Commodity science of foodstuffs" M: "Economics" 2005.
  5. Konakov M.A., Konakov A.P. Organization and economic foundations of farms, 2005 IC "Academy"
  6. Mirotin L.B., Tashbaev Y.E. Logistics for an Entrepreneur: Basic Concepts, Provisions and Procedures: Textbook. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003
  7. Cheredanova L.N. Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2009

Internet resources:








Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the production practice is carried out by the head of the practice in the process of fulfilling the tasks of the practice program by students. As a result of mastering the production practice within the framework of professional modules, students pass an intermediate certification in the form of a differentiated test.


(mastered professional competencies)

PC 1.1. Purchase agricultural products of own production from the population, institutions and organizations.

They have practical experience of working with suppliers and buyers of agricultural raw materials and products.

Current control in the form:

Testing on MDK topics;


survey on the topics of the IBC;

- protection of practical works;

- control work on topics: 1, 4, 8-16.

Tests for educational and industrial practice.

Module exam.

PC 1.2. Store and sell purchased agricultural products.

Prepare agricultural raw materials and products for storage; control the modes of storage of raw materials and products.

PC 1.3. Identify potential suppliers of agricultural products.

Identify potential suppliers of agricultural raw materials and products.

PC 1.4. Establish long-term relationships and partnerships with agricultural producers.

Establish relationships with producers of agricultural raw materials and products.

PC 1.5. Conclude sales contracts.

Carry out explanatory work among the population about the procedure for concluding contracts; conclude sales contracts with the definition of the nature, volume of supplies and their payment; make cash and non-cash payments.

PC 1.6. To carry out current and final control of their own professional activities and the activities of suppliers.

Produce proper control over the implementation of tasks; draw correct conclusions and generalizations.

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

Demonstration of interest in the future profession.

Interpretation of the results of observations of the activities of the student in the process of mastering the educational program.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the leader.

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems in the field of procurement and storage of agricultural products; assessment of their effectiveness and quality of implementation.

OK 3. Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, evaluation and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work.

Solution of standard and non-standard professional tasks in the field of purchase and storage of agricultural products.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Using various sources to effectively search for the necessary information.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Use of electronic and Internet resources to find the necessary information.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

Interaction with students, teachers, masters and leaders of practice and consumers in the course of training.

OK 7. Organize their own activities in compliance with the requirements of labor protection and environmental safety.

Organization of self-study during the study of the professional module.

OK8. Carry out cash transactions.

Demonstration of knowledge and skills on the use of the norms of the current legislation, the requirements of regulatory documents, standards, technical conditions in the organization of the purchase and storage of agricultural products.

OK 9. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

Participation in extracurricular work, taking into account preparation for the performance of military duty, military training.

Annex 1

Certification sheet for industrial practice 3 course

35.01.24 Manager of a rural estate

3. Practice time - 216 hours from ________________ to ______________________

PM.01 Procurement, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products

Types of jobs


Quality of work

Safety training and familiarization with the workplace


Storage Technology

dairy products with the basics of procurement


Storage technology for meat products with the basics of procurement


Technology of storage of crop products with the basics of procurement


Carrying out control over stored products and filling out regulatory documentation


Differentiated offset


Practice leader


Attestation sheet for industrial practice 4 course

1. FULL NAME____________________________________________________________

Trained by profession35.01.24 Manager of a rural estatesuccessfully completed an internship inPM.01 Procurement, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products

2. Place of practice _______________________________________


(name of organization, legal address)

3. Practice time - 114 hours from ________________ to ______________________

4. Types and scope of work performed by students during the production practice forPM.01 Procurement, transportation and storage of agricultural raw materials and products

Types of jobs


Quality of work

Safety training and familiarization with the workplace


Accounting for the release of grain for processing


Accounting for operations for the movement of grain products within the organization


Accounting for other disposals of bakery products


Accounting for grain and products of its processing in storage areas


Stack accounting of grain and products


Quantitative and qualitative accounting of grain and products of its processing


Drying and active ventilation of grain


grain cleaning


Product manufacturing analysis


Differentiated offset


5. The quality of work performed in accordance with the requirements of the organization in which the practice took place:


Date "____" ___________20___

Practice leader

Responsible person of the organization

State budgetary professional educational institution

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

"Sangar multidisciplinary lyceum"

Methodical development

career guidance class hour


Developed and conducted

Master of industrial training

Lilyana Nikolaevna Rudykh

Sangar, 2017


    Acquaintance of students with the profession "Manager of a rural estate" in a playful way.

    Creating an information space about the profession.

    Instilling interest in various activities.


    Activate the personal participation of students in shaping their future;

    Awaken the interest of the younger generation in getting to know various activities.

    To create conditions for increasing the readiness of adolescents for socio-professional determination.




Form lesson



    Main part.


During the classes


Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. To do this, we first need to answer questions.

1. Tell me who is so tasty
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)

2. Who acts in films or performs on stage? (Artist).

3. Who builds our housing? (Builder.)

4. Our concern

Drive everyone to work in the morning. (Chauffeur).

5. Who dresses us in beautiful dresses.

Who sews clothes for us

To be nice? (Seamstress).

6. Who gives us fairy tales,

stories and fables,

Who is the world for the reader

Makes it more beautiful? (Writer).

7. Who gets up early and drives out the cows,

so that we can drink milk in the evening? (Shepherd).

Love nature, respect the elderly. (Teacher).

9. Who knows the roads are excellent air

And it takes us where we need to go? (Pilot).

Look closely at the clue words. What word was encrypted?

What is very important in the life of every person? (Professions).

Main part

We will talk about the profession. What is a profession? Here is what the Explanatory Dictionary gives us:A PROFESSION is a type of human labor activity that requires a certain level of knowledge, special skills, training of a person and at the same time serves as a source of income.(However, not any work will be considered professional).

Employment is considered professional if at least two conditions are met:

    The profession is characterized by the presence of a certain level of qualification, skill, prof. training, specially acquired knowledge and skills that are confirmed by special documents about prof. education

    A profession is a kind of commodity that a person can sell on the labor market. Moreover, a product that is in demand and for which other people are willing to pay. In other words, professional activity can serve as a source of income.

What professions do you know? ................................................. .......

(students list occupations)

As we can see, there are a lot of professions.

However, a few years ago, in our country, many decided that without higher education, nowhere. Parents purposefully sent their children to conquer institutes, academies, universities. And yesterday's schoolchildren without exception rushed for higher education, especially in legal, economic and trade universities. Thus, Russia received a whole generation of lawyers, economists, accountants and all kinds of managers.

As a result, big questions arose:

    1. What to do with such a number of specialists, because there are not as many jobs in the country as universities produce annually?

      Who will ensure the livelihoods of these specialists?

sew clothes for them;

To build houses;

Provide heat and electricity;

To bake bread;

Grow vegetables, fruits, etc. for them. - and after all, it is specialists who can provide all this working professions, which at one time receded into the background.

In this regard, there was an urgent need to raise the prestige of working professions.

Here is what V.V. Putin:

“It is high-quality jobs that should become a “locomotive for the growth of wages and the well-being of citizens.” It is necessary not just to mechanically increase the number of jobs, but to create effective, and therefore highly paid jobs to replace the old ones.

But it is not enough just to create new jobs, it is necessary that the country has someone to fill these jobs. And this is a rather serious problem, given that over the past few years, the authority of working professions in the country has been greatly shaken. Most young people refuse to go to low-paid and non-prestigious professions, and if they do, their level of qualification in most cases does not meet the requirements of employers.”

Today, I want to tell you about a fairly new, little-understood profession "Rural Estate Manager".

Everyone understands:

Who is a salesman, welder, auto mechanic….

Guys, how do you think up, who is the "Manager of the rural estate" and what does he do?


From the name of the profession it is only clear that it is connected with agriculture.

From time immemorial, mankind has been cultivating the land, harvesting, raising livestock for its livelihood. All countries are engaged in agriculture. Many centuries ago, countries began to establish the exchange of agricultural goods. This is how we Russians learned what potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, pineapples, Dutch cheese and much more are.

Despite the fact that Russia has its own agriculture, a huge amount of agricultural products came to us from neighboring countries.

But recently, against the backdrop of political events, some European countries have imposed sanctions (restrictions) against Russia in order to punish and subdue our country. Including there were agricultural products that they refused to import to us.

The government of our country immediately reacted to the current situation. And he gave the command to raise domestic agriculture with all his might. And the Russian people have earned with renewed vigor in order to provide food for themselves, their families, their region and the country as a whole.

And here are the words of the Minister of Agriculture of Russia - Alexander Tkachev, who were heard on October 4, 2016 in the Government of the Russian Federation:

“The restrictions imposed on the import of a number of products into Russia have had a positive impact on the development of domestic agriculture. For example, the production of livestock and poultry this year will increase by 4-5% and exceed 14 million tons. In many respects, the growth will be ensured by the intensive development of pig and poultry farming.”

Also, Alexander Tkachev noted that In 2016, Russia harvested a record 117 million tons of grains and legumes, the highest since 1978.

Against the backdrop of everything that is happening, Russia needs workers whose profession is somehow connected with agriculture.

One of these professions is the "Manager of a rural estate"

"Rural estate manager" is a specialist working in the field of production of agricultural goods and goods.

The type of its activity is the organization of marketing and sale of agricultural products to consumers.

“Management of a rural estate” is a rather complicated profession and requires versatility from a person.

What does a Farmstead Manager do?

Identifies producers and potential suppliers of agricultural products.

It purchases agricultural products of its own production from the population, institutions and organizations.

Store it and implement it.

Establishes long-term relationships and partnerships with agricultural producers.

Concludes sales contracts.

Keeps records of the volume of finished products, the cost of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy consumed in the agricultural production of a rural estate.

Participates in the analysis of the economic and financial activities of a rural estate.

They drive cars of categories "B" and "C".

Carries out work on the transportation of goods and transportation of passengers.

Carries out maintenance and eliminates minor malfunctions of vehicles en route.

The manager of a rural estate, for successful work, must combine:

An agronomist is a specialist who works in agriculture and specializes in growing crops;

A marketer is a specialist in promoting goods, he analyzes the demand for the goods produced, studies the markets for the goods;






Car repairman.


Professionally important qualities:

developed analytical thinking and imagination;

high level of visual, long-term and short-term memory

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2013 N 721
"On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Manager of a rural estate"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.41 Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923), I order:

1.Approve attached federal state educational standard secondary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Manager of a rural estate.

2. Recognize invalid order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2009 N 452 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Manager of a rural estate" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 10, 2009, registration N 15489 ).

D.V. Livanov

Registration N 29684

The federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education for the profession "Rural estate manager" (112201.02) was approved.

The standard is mandatory for use by educational organizations that have the right to implement state-accredited training programs for skilled workers and employees in this profession in Russia.

The characteristic of training and professional activity of graduates is given. The requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program and its structure are determined.

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