Is it possible to eat pistachios while breastfeeding. Is it possible to pistachios while breastfeeding

During lactation, you need to be very careful. Some of the nuts are only beneficial for the mother's body, as they contribute to an increase in the proportion of fat in milk. However, the product can cause allergies in the baby, as well as disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. In the next publication, we will discuss whether it is worth pleasing yourself with such a delicacy as pistachios while breastfeeding.

Pistachios, in fact, are the seeds of shrubs belonging to the Sumach family. They grow in southern countries. Their kernels are green, and the nuts themselves have a characteristic original taste.

The product contains many useful components that have a positive effect on the body. Namely:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B6, E;
  • cellulose;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • thiamine;
  • phosphorus;
  • polyphenolic antioxidants;
  • lutein, etc.

Nuts are rich in carbohydrates and proteins. However, more than 60% of the composition of nuts of this variety is fat. Therefore, the product is considered quite high-calorie. 100 grams contains 642 kcal.

Can pistachios be breastfeeding mothers

The question of whether pistachios can be breastfed in the first month worries many women after childbirth.

Attention! This type of nuts is considered a fairly powerful allergen. This circumstance can provoke anaphylactic shock in the baby.

When pistachios are allowed to be introduced into the mother's daily menu in small doses, only when the child reaches 6 months of age.

The first 6 months, the baby's digestive system is just beginning to develop and adapt to all products. Women who are breastfeeding are not allowed to eat pistachios for the first 6 months of a child's life, as there is a risk of negative consequences.

If the mother nevertheless decides to add nuts to her diet, then you can immediately eat no more than one or two grains, after which you should monitor the child’s health for 2 days.

Beneficial features

Pistachios are rich in natural antioxidants. It has been proven that people who constantly consume pistachios have a good mood, as this product increases vitality and rejuvenates the body.

If consumed with a high glycemic index meal, the proportion of sugar in the blood can be significantly reduced. This lowers leptin and ghrelin levels. Actually, eating pistachios is good for satisfying hunger.

On a note! The fats in pistachios are considered beneficial because they help reduce cholesterol and, as a result, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

According to scientific studies, regular consumption of pistachios increases the body's resistance to cancer. A tincture of the kernels can significantly improve the condition of patients with high blood pressure, with diseases of the digestive tract. It is recommended to feed pistachios to people suffering from liver diseases, tuberculosis, and anemia.

Possible harm

Most outlets offer to buy salted pistachios, but a large amount of salt can be harmful for an infant's body.

Salted nuts can provoke:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • water retention in the body, the appearance of edema;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, .

In this regard, it is preferable to buy fresh fruits. You should choose green, sufficiently opened nuts. The peel should be clean and light. It is necessary to store such a product in a hermetically sealed container. You can store nuts in the refrigerator for no more than 90 days, in the freezer - up to 12 months.


The use of salted pistachios is prohibited:

  • with kidney diseases;
  • with swelling;
  • with high blood pressure.

Adverse reactions that can occur after eating nuts include:

  • rashes on the skin of an infant;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal colic;
  • violation of the chair;
  • restless sleep, nervousness.

If the baby, after observation on the second and third days after the introduction of nuts into the mother’s diet, feels satisfactory, then, in principle, the woman can increase the amount of pistachios over time. However, during the period of natural breastfeeding, doctors do not recommend eating more than 10 kernels per day. Also, do not eat nuts daily.

Pistachios have a high fat content, so they somewhat burden the liver, negatively affect the digestive tract and the absorption of useful elements. Nuts provoke constipation, and any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract have a bad effect on the quality of mother's milk.

Recommendations for use during natural feeding

When breastfeeding a baby, mom can eat nuts. However, this must be done carefully. Nuts should be introduced gradually. You need to start with one thing a day, following the reaction of the body and the behavior of the baby. After a few days of break, you can start eating 2 nuts, and then 3, and so increasing the number of pistachios to 10 pieces.

If the mother notices a negative reaction from the baby's body, the use of pistachios should be stopped immediately and seek the advice of a doctor.

For a little man, there is nothing more important and healthier than mother's milk. It contains many important vitamins and minerals for the development of the child. It depends on the mother how good breast milk will be, and what useful substances it will be filled with. Many products, among which there are pistachios, have a positive effect on the quality of milk. So that they do not harm the child, they must be introduced into the diet of a woman very carefully and gradually.

Where and how pistachios grow

Pistachios are native to the tropical and subtropical climate zone. Most often, the plant can be seen in the USA, Africa, Asia, and some Mediterranean countries. Pistachios belong to the Sumach family.

The plant can be a deciduous or evergreen tree and shrub. In nature, shrubs and trees grow both singly and in groups. The harvest season is at the end of summer. Some believe that the fruits of the plant are called nuts. But such an opinion is erroneous. When the dense red buds fade, a seed is formed in their place, not nuts.

What are the benefits of pistachios

In the composition of the fruits of the plant, you can find many B vitamins and vitamin E. The main elements contained in pistachios include calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and copper.

Thanks to these substances, pistachios have a positive effect on the human body:

  • relieve the effects of stress;
  • help a person to be in a good mood;
  • maintains the pressure in the required norms;
  • affect the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve brain activity;
  • contribute to the normal functioning of the liver;
  • have an effect on strengthening the immune system.

The fruits of the plant are high-calorie foods. Based on this, it is necessary to monitor the amount of consumed delicacy so that it does not affect the increase in human body weight.

Pediatricians often insist that breastfeeding women should introduce new foods into their diets as late as possible. It is better to do this from three to four months.

Until this age, the child's body is in the formation stage. This is especially true for the digestive system. The stomach and intestines of the child are well permeable, and due to the lack of most of the enzymes, the baby may develop allergies.

It is best not to eat foods that are known for their ability to cause allergies in the first months of a baby's life. Pistachios are one of those foods. But at the same time, they have a lot of useful substances for both mother and child. What is the right thing to do in such a situation?

Can I eat pistachios while breastfeeding

Many points regarding the nutrition of lactating women are controversial. This also applies to the issue of eating pistachios.

Nuts are rich in healthy fats that can improve the quality of breast milk.

It was previously mentioned that pistachios, like most other nuts, are allergenic foods. Therefore, it is quite risky to introduce them into the baby's diet in the first months of a baby's life.

Allergens enter the mother's blood and breast milk. This is how hazardous substances enter the body of the baby. In order to eat pistachios and not harm the health of the child, it is necessary to find the right solution in the procedure for introducing the product into the diet of a woman.

If you are sure that nuts can cause an allergic reaction in the crumbs, then you do not need to eat them in the first months of his life. After 5 months, you can introduce the product in very small portions, while observing the reaction of the baby.

The harm of pistachios during lactation

Before satisfying your desire to eat nuts, you need to check your child's reaction to this allergenic product. To make the result more accurate, after eating 2-3 small nuts, you need to monitor the baby's condition for several days. If no negative reaction follows, you can occasionally eat your favorite fruits.

Excessive volumes of this product can cause a violation of the functions of some body systems in the baby. In particular, this applies to the digestive system. The appearance of a negative reaction of the body can be colic, flatulence, diarrhea. In some cases, nuts affect the stool of the woman herself, she has constipation, there are problems with the absorption of other products.

We have already mentioned the high calorie content of the product, so nuts are often not recommended for overweight women. Contraindications are impaired renal function and high blood pressure.

What pistachios can a nursing mother

Nowadays, you can buy pistachios in any store, supermarket or market. There are fresh and salted nuts. You should not use a salty product, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • the occurrence of edema;
  • from the abundance of salted nuts sometimes begins to feel sick and dizziness appears.

Everything that she ate during the day gets into the mother's milk. Including there will be an excess of salt, but for an infant, this is useless.

It is desirable to eat fresh, well-ripened fruits. Good quality pistachios should be open, with a clean, light skin. Such products are stored in packaging without air access. Shelf life in the refrigerator - 3 months, in the freezer - one year.

How to eat pistachios while breastfeeding

There can be no single diet model for a nursing woman. All people have their own individual body, their own characteristics. Someone denies himself with HB everything that worries him, and someone introduces a variety of foods into the diet. To be sure of the safety of a particular dish for a child, they first try a small dose and observe the reaction of the baby.

When a mother has been accustoming a baby to a specific menu for several months, it will not be difficult to understand whether a new product is safe.

Never start a new food in large quantities. Eat one pistachio and look at your baby's behavior. Under normal circumstances, over time, you can eat up to ten nuts a day.

Pistachio oil for lactation

Oil is made from pistachios. There is not much information about this product. It is known to have anti-inflammatory qualities.

As long as the consumption of nut oil is within reasonable limits, it can be used as a prophylactic.

Do not forget that this oil, like any other product, should be introduced into the diet gradually, in small doses.

Recipes with pistachios

An interesting dish is the Egyptian pistachio salad. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • two small tomatoes without seeds;
  • one onion;
  • 70 grams of pistachios;
  • red pepper.

Finely chop the onion and tomatoes, add the nuts and sprinkle with not bitter red pepper.


We will need:

  • one and a half glasses of cream;
  • 60 grams of parmesan;
  • 25 grams of gorgonzola;
  • 50 grams of mozzarella;
  • 50 grams of taleggio;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • 0.25 tsp nutmeg;
  • 500 grams of potato dumplings;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 grams of peeled pistachios;
  • a tablespoon of parsley.

Step by step preparation:

  • boil potato dumplings in salt water;
  • preheat the oven to 200 ℃;
  • mix cream and cheese, heat over a fire until the cheese melts;
  • mix mustard, pistachios, flour and pour into a bowl with cream and cheese;
  • add all remaining ingredients and spices. Spices should not be much;
  • prepare a baking dish, put dumplings there and fill them with a mixture;
  • top with breadcrumbs. Bake the casserole for 9-10 minutes until golden brown.

Do not limit yourself in food. Both mother and child need a wide variety of nutrients. Therefore, nutrition must be balanced.

No need to deny yourself with GV in pistachios. The only important recommendation is not to introduce the product too abruptly and eat it in moderation. Always pay attention to your baby's behavior and condition after taking new foods.

Breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn, but it is important to maintain the quality of the milk and improve it as much as possible. This is where healthy nuts help - in particular, pistachios. However, pistachios should be included in the diet while breastfeeding with caution.

Domestic and foreign doctors, including international breastfeeding specialist Natalya Razakhatskaya (Minsk), came to the conclusion that all breastfeeding women should have a normal, balanced diet. Otherwise, what will the baby get, who needs nutrients so much at an early age? And how well will he tolerate variety in food when he grows up? The question of whether pistachios can be given to a nursing mother is not entirely correct, since it is not a specific product that is harmful, but its quantity. The body can react inadequately even to very healthy food, if consumed without measure.

What can be useful pistachios

Pistachios have vitamins (especially E and group B) and trace elements (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, etc.) Therefore, these nuts:

  • help to cope with stress;
  • maintain a good mood;
  • normalize pressure;
  • reduce blood cholesterol;
  • increase the "endurance" of the brain;
  • improve liver function;
  • strengthen immunity.

Like all nuts, pistachios are high in calories, so it's best to eat less of them if you're on a diet or tend to be overweight.

It is still widely believed that the later the baby learns new foods, the less likely it is that he will be painfully sensitive to innovations. Indeed, the stomach and intestines of a newborn are well permeable, while the enzyme systems have not yet been fully formed - as a result, food allergies appear. Many experts recommend avoiding potential allergens in the first few months of a baby's life. This is especially true for products with a high degree of allergenicity, which include pistachios. But on the other hand, they contain a lot of substances that are useful for both mother and baby. What to do?

Compatibility of eating pistachios and breastfeeding

As to whether pistachios can be breastfed, there are diametrically opposed opinions.

  • In addition to excellent tonic properties, pistachios are rich in healthy fats, and their use favorably affects the quality (nutritional value) of breast milk.
  • Pistachios, like many nuts, are an allergen, and it is better not to risk trying to "acquaint" a child with them.

Indeed, like all other substances from those foods that a nursing mother eats, allergenic substances from nuts go into the small intestine, enter the bloodstream, and then become part of breast milk. But still, between the "for" and "against" you can find the desired "golden mean". For example, nuts can cause an allergic reaction in your baby, but in this case it is enough to avoid pistachios during lactation only in the first months. Then, little by little, start trying.

Comment by Natalia Razakhatskaya: if during pregnancy you did not use any product at all (and now you really want to), you must first introduce it in very small portions and observe how the baby reacts. If everything is in order, portions can be gradually increased. If you or anyone in your family has ever had an allergy to any kind of nuts before having a baby, avoid them.

Rules of use

Having figured out what the benefits of nuts are and what should be considered when using them, it is easy to understand whether pistachios can be used with HB. Here are some recommendations.

  • Enter with a constant diet. It’s great if you are used to tracking how your baby reacts to changes in your diet. In this case, you know that it is better to start when you have a “settled”, familiar menu - so that in case of an allergy it would be easier to understand that the reason is in pistachios.
  • We know the measure. It is allowed to eat a few nucleoli per day - no more than 10 pieces. This is an appropriate amount of pistachios when feeding a newborn and is unlikely to harm the baby. Especially if you start with just one nut at a time.
  • We increase gradually. If everything is in order with the baby - normal skin condition, no colic, diarrhea or constipation, and generally good mood - you can eat a couple more nucleoli and again observe the well-being of the baby.

In order for pistachios to be better absorbed during HB, try soaking them in water for a while (it's like watering a seed so that it grows better). Nuts will stop bitter, and the amount of internal enzymes will double, and then they will give the body all their benefits.

So, when breastfeeding, you need to be guided by common sense - and gradually try nuts, without worrying too much whether pistachios can be fed to a nursing mother. Trying does not mean experimenting with the baby's body. All children have their own characteristics, so you can only find out what food is right for your child only by experience.


Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pistachios - it is difficult to answer unambiguously. They have a lot of vitamins that benefit the baby and mother, but nuts are heavy foods. Mom will definitely digest them, but for a child it can be a serious burden on the stomach.

What to do if you want pistachios?

If you completely deny yourself your favorite treat, then, of course, you will want it even more. Pregnant women have known this for a long time. Doctors do not talk about what may happen in the future, but they do not put a ban on the product.

If you think sensibly, then nothing will definitely happen to mom and baby from a small amount of nuts. Try to start eating the product when your baby reaches seven months of age. At this point, he will already be able to digest this type of food. But this is worth doing if the baby was not allergic to another type of nuts.

Initially, you can try to eat a few pieces, then track how the child will behave. He may develop a rash or colic. They may appear within a week. If you notice anxiety in a child, then it is better to stop eating pistachios.

Moms start eating pistachios while breastfeeding, as they are rich in micronutrients. The fats in nuts can make milk fat and nutritious, resulting in increased lactation. Not everyone goes well with milk, so you should not refuse a chance.

But oils can be bad for the baby. As a result, the child will become restless, he will begin gas, colic and diarrhea. The baby's immunity will either cope with the load, or an allergic reaction will begin. In this regard, pistachios when breastfeeding should be eaten in moderation. Start with one nut per day and gradually increase the amount, but preferably no more than ten (daily rate).

Breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn. In order for mother's milk to be only useful for the child, a young mother needs to monitor her diet. Women and doctors are wary of the use of nuts during guards. We offer to figure out whether it is possible to eat pistachios while breastfeeding, what are the benefits, harms, contraindications from them.

Chemical composition

Pistachios are the seeds of sumac bushes and trees, they grow mainly in tropical and subtropical climates. Fruits contain a huge amount of substances. Knowing the chemical composition of nutrition is the responsibility of a breastfeeding mother.

The chemical composition of pistachios is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, E, PP. Nuts contain copper, manganese, phosphorus, thiamine, polyphenols. At the same time, the amount of iron in pistachios is 333% of the daily requirement and 166% of silicon. Whether this is useful and whether pistachios can be eaten while breastfeeding is a rhetorical question and requires a more thorough description.

Useful properties of pistachios

Due to the rich chemical composition, pistachios can be useful for a nursing mother.

Regular consumption of the product in food will increase vitality. The content of antioxidants will help improve and rejuvenate the body as a whole.

Over the fruits of pistachio bushes and trees, more than one study was carried out, thanks to which the beneficial effect on the body was confirmed:

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Stabilize pressure.
  • Normalize liver function.
  • Relieve stress, improve mood.

At the same time, pistachio seeds are considered a difficult product to digest. Nuts can cause difficulty in digestion, constipation, lack of appetite. The reverse side of the influence of pistachio fruits is not so useful for a nursing mother.

Harm and contraindications

Like any other product, pistachios have contraindications and can be harmful. Especially carefully you need to use nuts when breastfeeding. Pistachios and other nuts are hypoallergenic, and excessive consumption can cause allergic reactions in the baby.

The use of pistachios can lead to an excess of iron and silicon, this is fraught with such consequences:

  • Cardiac arrhythmia, shortness of breath, fatigue.
  • Liver diseases (cirrhosis, liver failure, hepatitis, oncology).
  • Pigmented spots on the limbs, pallor of the skin, apathy.

Pistachios with hv can cause difficult digestion for both mother and child. Breastfed babies can suffer the same pistachio damage as adults. You need to introduce pistachios into the diet gradually, study the reaction of your body and the child's body to these nuts.

Can I eat while breastfeeding

Upon reaching 7 months of age, pistachio nuts can be smoothly introduced into the mother's diet. At this stage, you need to monitor the reaction of the child to the appearance of new substances in breast milk. In case of negative circumstances, pistachios can lead to anaphylactic shock in a baby.

The consequences of exposure to negative factors of pistachios during breastfeeding include the following:

  • Bloating, colic, constipation.
  • Anxiety, sleep disturbance.
  • Redness and rash on the skin.

However, if symptoms of non-reception are not detected, it is allowed to gradually increase the amount of nuts in the diet of a nursing mother. In any case, the dose of pistachios during breastfeeding should not exceed 10 pieces per day.

Features of types of pistachios

Not all pistachios are equally useful and harmful for mom and children. Experts do not recommend eating a lot of salted pistachios. A young mother is allowed to eat roasted, but not salted or lightly salted seeds.

Salted pistachios, which are most often sold in stores, are more likely to harm both a lactating woman and a breastfeeding baby. Salted nuts can cause swelling, increase blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, and in the worst case, vomiting.

Rules of use

Do not forget that young children also have peculiarities in the perception of products, as well as adults. Common sense must be followed. No one except the mother feels better for her body and the body of her baby. Doctors recommend adhering to the following rules for the use of pistachios for hv:

  1. Start introducing the product into the diet when the baby reaches 7 months.
  2. Start with one nut a day and monitor your baby's response over the next 24 hours.
  3. Gradual increase in quantity. The first day - 1 nut, the next - 2 and so on.
  4. The maximum number of pistachios per day during lactation should not exceed 10 kernels.

Breastfeeding is a big responsibility that falls on a young mother. A caring mother should take this process seriously, then pistachios will only benefit the baby during breastfeeding.

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