How is alcohol obtained from oil. Review of vodka oil

No, it's not true. In fact, it is forbidden to use non-food alcohol for the production of some drinks - these are potatoes, grains of different varieties. In cheap vodka, they do not clean up a little.

In fact, we do not have cheap vodka, and all vodka is very expensive - not in terms of purchasing power. And now it makes no sense to talk about expensive vodka, because very few people buy it. And cheap vodka costs about 250 rubles in a store - yes, this is at least twice as high as the purchasing power.

How the human body perceives vodka depends on the dose. In small doses, this, in principle, can be positively perceived: you can relieve stress, you can use it for the stomach in case of poisoning. With vodka and for vessels it will be easier. This is such a massive drink that it is difficult to talk about the benefits - it is, but only if you drink in small quantities. When too much vodka is harmful to the liver, kidneys, stomach. Alcohol, like any product - if there is too much of it, then it does not bring any benefit. If a person is a heavy drinker, then, of course, some sores accumulate there, but they are completely different.

Vodka products are distinguished by the purity of alcohol, water, the amount of minerals in this water. All the water is not absolutely pure, it is specially prepared at the factory, a certain mineral composition is selected.

Swedish "Absolute Vodka" is made in distilled water, and ours, in order to give taste and aroma, try to add certain salts to the composition of the water during preparation. This is a pretty serious matter.

You can make soft, or you can make hard vodka. St. Petersburg vodka is soft, because earlier water was taken from the upper reaches of the Neva River, it is soft. River water is always soft, it does not contain hard salts. And in Moscow they always took water from artesian wells, it is always mineralized in Moscow.

This is a rather complicated story, and in general, vodka is a rather complex product. It all depends on the producers of alcohol, on who did it, at which plant it was all done. Everywhere there are features and nuances.

In principle, alcohol can be made from anything: from food, from wood, you can also make it from oil. But with oil, everything is rather complicated, because methyl alcohol is oxidized on a copper lattice to ethyl alcohol. The chemistry there is quite complex, and it's easier to take potatoes than oil and make alcohol out of it.


Oil will not run out because of the Russians. We burn 12 times less gasoline than the United States: we have 34 million tons against 420 million they have. And there are 15 times fewer cars in Russia. But if the oil runs out, the world-class alternative fuel will not appear here either. About how developments in this area are ruined in Rus' - our special correspondent.

At the peak of mass industrial alcohol poisoning, two years ago, changes were made to the Russian law on the circulation of alcohol.
- From each liter of technical alcohol, an excise tax of 160 rubles is now paid, - says the doctor of sciences, head. Vyacheslav EMELYANOV, Head of the Gasoline Department of the All-Russian Research Institute for Oil Refining (JSC VNII NP). - The law made the production of technical alcohol unprofitable. As a result, 41 (!) plants for the production of hydrolytic alcohol from wood, built in the USSR, went bankrupt. Medicine and the chemical industry have switched to edible alcohol, but they need little.
What a lot is needed for is to obtain motor fuel from alcohol, gasohol.
we will not see him with an excise tax of 160 rubles.
Gasohol is 1 part alcohol to 9 parts gasoline. The oxygen contained in alcohol ensures complete combustion of the mixture. Alcohol replaces aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline. It is they that give a carcinogenic effect when burned.
Gasohol exhaust is 20% cleaner than gasoline and does not cause cancer. The main thing is that the power of the car does not change!
There are 3.5 million cars in Moscow. Their total exhaust (without carbon dioxide) is over a million tons. The MPC of toxic substances in the air of the capital is exceeded 20 times. So why not improve the environmental situation by 20% and save the industry - the production of alcohol from wood waste? Moreover, drunkards continue to poison themselves with low-grade moonshine and port wine with diphenhydramine.
“We asked the government to make an exception for Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the density of cars and people is especially high,” complains Vyacheslav Evgenievich. - Well, cancel the excise tax on technical alcohol! We are not like people! Developed countries give money for the production of alcohol for motor fuel. At gas stations in the United States and Europe, gasohol is cheaper than pure gasoline (although alcohol is more expensive than oil). Clinton, leaving the White House, signed preferences for producers of ethyl alcohol and gasohall until 2008. Therefore, in the United States, one eighth of the 420 million tons of gasoline is gasohol.
The world produces 51 billion liters of ethanol per year. The United States leads (20 billion liters), Brazil is second (17 billion).
The Russian Union undertook to increase the share of biocomponents to 5% of the fuel volume by 2015. And this is 6-7 billion liters.
Due to powerful subsidies to the alcohol business, wheat is becoming more expensive. A pack of spaghetti in Europe has risen in price by 20% per year. Millions are poured into the development of ethanol production.
In one month, the US government provided $375 million to build ethanol science centers in Wisconsin, California, and Tennessee.
But Russia could do everyone in this area! It was enough to develop the Soviet industrial base and scientific developments. We are trailing behind, producing 649 million liters of ethanol per year.
What is it to take care of heavy drinkers? Or indifference to those still breathing?
“The reason is that Europe and America are buying oil, and we are selling it,” Eduard ASHKHOTOV, Doctor of Science, Leading Fellow of the Center for Energy Innovations at the Energy Research Institute (INEI RAS), tells Trud.
We produce 400 million tons of oil. We sell 180 million tons. We produce 200 million tons less than the USSR, but we sell 60 million more. Another 220 million tons are processed somehow.
27 out of 40 surviving Soviet refineries produce 70% of light oil products per ton of oil. Americans get over 90%. In America and Europe, AI-80 and 92 gasolines no longer exist. And we have 82% of them (30% and 52% respectively).
Only five plants out of 27 can handle the 95th gasoline! And the 98th and 100th are not produced at all.
and either exported or obtained from the 95th at the expense of more or less permitted additives. Modernization of the complex is billions of dollars. But instead of stimulating technological innovations, the state cancels the licensing of oil production!
At the gas stations of our Motherland - a third of body gasoline. But there is no law punishing falsifiers. Or rather, it is, just does not work.
The law on technical regulation adopted five years ago needs additional regulations. One - for the emission of motor vehicles - was signed by Fradkov in 2005. The second - requirements for the quality of motor fuel - is still waiting for signature. Without the second regulation, neither the first nor the entire law works. How can you demand Euro 3 emission standards from 2008 and Euro 4 from 2010 from new Russian cars if they drive anything?
In the vast expanses of Russia, oil fields are being exploited, explored even before perestroika. Production technologies are old-fashioned (to push oil, they fill in water). Wells are flooded, half of the oil remains under water.
The Americans are pumping black gold almost to the drop from their wells.
- Talking about the imminent drying up of oil is cunning, - Eduard Ashkhotov believes. “It’s just that the USSR seriously invested in exploration, but now no one is investing in exploration or science. Under the Union, there was a rule - not to develop reserves until the reserve was explored for 30 years in advance.
what about another 10 years old deposits will suffice. And then you have to look for new ones. Here they have enough oil for a long time.
- Three quarters of fossil hydrocarbons, oil, coal and gas, lie under the ocean floor at a depth of 4 - 5 kilometers under water, - says academician, deputy. director of the Institute of Oceanology. Shirshov RAS Mikhail FLINT. “People learned about this not so long ago, but they have already learned how to extract oil from under the ocean. Yes, it's still expensive. But technology does not stand still.
“It's not about whether there is enough oil,” says Vyacheslav Yemelyanov. “She just outlived her time. The Stone Age is over, although the stones still remain! Mankind burns 2 billion tons of light oil products per year (of which 800 million tons of gasoline). The emitted greenhouse gases (CO2) change the climate. Droughts, fires and floods have become more frequent.
“Now the most important thing is to stop destroying ourselves. Why do you think that alcohol for gasohol is made from corn, cane and wheat all over the world? After all, alcohol from oil is cheaper and cleaner - it does not contain fusel oil and methanol.
Gasohol exhaust is cleaner than gasoline. And the exhaust from biodiesel (85% diesel and 15% rapeseed oil) is dirtier than diesel. Why, for example, in Germany subsidies for rapeseed oil exceed its cost in the Krasnodar Territory? Why does biodiesel cost 1 euro per liter at petrol stations in Europe, and diesel fuel costs 1.2 euros? After all, oil is the cheapest fuel on earth.
the other - synthetic fuel, alcohol, oil or gas - is at least 1.8 times more expensive.
The reason is the renewable sources.
— Rapeseed oil and ethyl alcohol release during combustion only the CO2 that was used for the growth of rapeseed and corn, — explains Dr. Emelyanov. - It turns out the cycle of greenhouse gases in nature. But motor fuels from all renewable sources of the earth can cover only a fifth of human needs. Today they do not cover even the twentieth part.
The rest of the fuel has to be made from fossil hydrocarbons. It doesn't matter if there is oil or not. Gas or coal can be used instead of oil. Coal reserves on Earth will be enough for a thousand years to come. The method of synthesizing oil from coal is called the Fischer-Tropsch reaction.
During World War II, Germany produced 2 million tons of gasoline per year from coal. The Sasol company from South Africa still supplies the country with oil from coal. Its cost, taking into account investments in a new industry, is approaching $50 per barrel.
“We can make oil from coal, gas, wood, dead animals, industrial waste—almost anything! - says Eduard Ashkhotov. - Technologies have been developed. Production is not more harmful than oil refineries. The temperature of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction due to rare earth catalysts has now been reduced from 800 to 390°C. The German company Alphakat has learned how to get from raw materials not oil, but immediately diesel fuel.
Near a turkey farm in Carthage, Missouri, Changing world technologies built a facility that turns 200 tons of bird bones and entrails into 600 barrels of fuel a day. The Dutch have spent $200 million to build 15 plants in 14 EU countries to convert plastic waste into oil.
In order to improve the environment, not to buy oil abroad, get rid of waste, keep up with progress or save money, everyone in the world is engaged in alternative fuels except Russia. Although sometimes the state requires nothing more than a green light.
In Russia, the village suffers primarily from oil prices. Up to half of the selling price of potatoes and grains consists of the cost of diesel fuel. Moreover, the entire agricultural industry can be quickly and cost-free converted to methane. Natural gas methane, which feeds our burners, is 15 times cheaper than diesel. The motors of tractors and combines can run on methane with almost no modifications. It is enough to install high-pressure cylinders for compressed methane instead of gas tanks and organize the work of tankers.
“Even if the price of methane increases 5 times due to delivery and compression to 150 atmospheres,” says Eduard Ashkhotov, “it will still be three times cheaper than gasoline and diesel. And the price of fuel in the cost of bread and cabbage will fall from 50 to 15 percent.
“There is another way,” adds Vyacheslav Yemelyanov. - Transfer equipment to sunflower oil.
about the cost of 8 rubles per liter. Making diesel fuel from sunflower oil is as easy as making rapeseed oil. It is enough to mix the oil with a tenth of methanol. Precipitated glycerin and fatty acids will gladly buy the chemical industry. The remaining oil-methanol mixture can be used as an independent motor fuel or added to diesel fuel.
It is even better to plant rapeseed instead of sunflower. Its yield is almost four times higher than that of sunflower. Sunflower can be planted in the field once every seven years, and rapeseed - at least every year. The Germans offer us seeds and technologies for rapeseed farming free of charge. They are ready to buy all the excess rapeseed oil at the market price. It remains for Russia to organize oil presses and transportation. Plus help legally. And agriculture will become profitable. But alas...
- The cost of gasoline consists of the extraction, delivery and processing of oil, - says Eduard Ashkhotov. - All together gives about 5 rubles per liter of 95th gasoline. The remaining 15 rubles are state taxes and excises.
Saudi Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani often repeated: "When oil prices rise by a dollar at the producer, tax revenues to the treasury of the European Union increase by 3 dollars." In Russia, taxes on petroleum products account for two-thirds of the retail price. In Europe - 90%. It is declared that motor fuel should be expensive so that people use it rationally.
in fact, the treasury receives huge profits from motor fuels.
If agriculture switches to methane or oil, the state will no longer receive taxes and excises. If you sell cheap rapeseed oil to Germany, will the Germans buy expensive diesel fuel? If the Kuban agricultural industry stops using diesel fuel, will Lukoil, which owns gas stations there, be upset? If methane or oil is subject to the same taxes and excises as diesel fuel, it will become more expensive than diesel fuel. Wherever you go, there's a wall.
“In order for the production of alternative fuels in Russia to move forward, a federal law is needed,” concludes Vyacheslav Yemelyanov. Nothing can be done at the local level. So, the mayor of Moscow tried 10 times to transfer the public transport of the capital to alternative fuel. Nothing happened.
Such a federal law in Russia is likely to be adopted. A little later, when he does not violate anyone's interests ...
At the last meeting of the G8, a program was adopted: to strive for fuel consumption of 4 liters per 100 km. Hybrid cars are about to enter European production, where a gasoline engine and an electric motor will work under one hood.
By 2030, Yemelyanov believes, a car with a hydrogen engine will become mass-produced. Then the combines will be allowed to drive on methane, and the excise tax will be removed from technical alcohol. Who needs alcoholics in the hydrogen age?

In essence, fermentation alcohols are products of synthesis, but natural. After all, potatoes, various cereals and wood - they are all obtained as a result of photochemical synthesis in plants from simple ones. substances found in the air and soil. This process takes place all around us in nature on a gigantic scale, incomparable with the scale of conventional industries. In the green parts of plants, under the influence of chlorophyll-catalyst produced by the plants themselves, starch, sugars and other substances are continuously synthesized from carbonic anhydride and air water. Almost all human food consists of the products of this synthesis.

Therefore, when we mentioned synthetic alcohol, we meant artificial chemical synthesis.

Synthetic ethyl alcohol is an alcohol from refinery gases. Oil is the third most important raw material for the production of alcohol. When oil is heated (this is done at large refineries), a number of fractions are sequentially separated from it - gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, etc. These fractions are a mixture of light hydrocarbons. The remainder is heavy fuel oil.

In the last century, the main product of the distillation of oil was kerosene, which was used for lighting. It is curious that such a valuable oil product as gasoline was considered a waste at that time and was simply burned. Currently, gasoline is the main type of motor fuel. Initially, it was isolated from oil only by the so-called direct race, i.e., distillation in order to obtain light, light fractions. However, over time, in order to increase the production of gasoline, which was urgently required by the rapidly developing automotive industry and aviation, based on the use of internal combustion engines, oil began to be subjected to special processing. This processing, associated with the use of high temperatures and pressures, is called pyrolysis or cracking, depending on the process conditions. The essence of such processes will be analyzed below, in the chapter on the production of butadiene from oil.

During the pyrolysis and cracking of oil, due to the breakdown of complex hydrocarbon molecules that form oil, gaseous hydrocarbons are obtained in large quantities, both saturated hydrocarbons - methane CH4, ethane C2H6, propane C3H8, and unsaturated hydrocarbons - ethylene C2H4, propylene C3H6, etc.

Oil refining gases are the most valuable chemical raw materials. However, they have been little used until recently. Most often, these gases were simply burned, arranging a "torch" near the refinery, or thrown into the atmosphere without any benefit. Only in recent years have found ways to capture the gases of oil refining, their separation and various chemical processing.

One of the most valuable refining gases is the light combustible gas ethylene СH 2 =СH 2 , which is contained in pyrolysis gases up to 21% by weight. It has a double bond. This is the simplest unsaturated compound. Due to the double bond, ethylene easily enters into compounds with other substances and can polymerize, giving solid polythene. Ethylene is very convenient for synthesis and is used in industry in large quantities to obtain various substances.

He knew the properties of ethylene very well. Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov. In 1873, he made an experiment that was interesting and important in its practical consequences. Butlerov passed gaseous ethylene through sulfuric acid. Ethylene, interacting with acid, gave ethylsulfuric acid:

Processing the resulting intermediate with water (hydrolyzing it, as a chemist would say), the scientist obtained synthetic ethyl alcohol for the first time:

Thus, eighty years ago, a remarkable discovery was made in St. Petersburg, the honor of which belongs to the Russian chemist. It was proved for the first time that such an important product for the national economy as alcohol can be obtained without fermentation, by a purely chemical method. In our time, when the cracking and pyrolysis of oil have received great development in many countries, the Butlerov reaction has been carried out on an industrial scale. Hundreds of thousands of tons of alcohol are obtained from the ethylene of oil refining gases. It's alcohol from petroleum. To obtain it, the cost of food raw materials is not required, and therefore the production of such alcohol has unlimited development prospects.

The thought of scientists did not stop at this discovery. The production of alcohol from ethylene with the help of sulfuric acid (the "sulfuric acid method" of obtaining alcohol) proceeds in two stages. This is a two-stage process, and chemists always strive to reduce the number of stages: the fewer of them, the greater the yield of the target product. The reactions we have just read are only the main directions of the process, in fact a number of by-products are formed. Ethylene is forced to interact with highly concentrated (95-98%) sulfuric acid at a temperature of 60-80 ° and a slight excess gas pressure. To obtain 1 g of 100% ethyl alcohol, you need to spend about 0.7 tons of ethylene. water is introduced into the process.

A large consumption of sulfuric acid and the formation of a weak acid are disadvantages of the sulfuric acid method for producing ethyl alcohol.

It is very tempting to think about getting ethyl alcohol directly from ethylene, in one step. After all, on paper, this is the simplest reaction:

In fact, getting alcohol in one stage is not so easy. Chemists here call for help all their faithful assistants: a catalyst, high pressure, high temperature. Only in this case does ethylene react with water in a good yield.

In the most recent years, such a process has been carried out under production conditions. It is called the direct hydration of ethylene, since its essence is the direct addition of water to ethylene. Like the hydrolysis of ethylsulfuric acid, the reaction of direct hydration of ethylene is reversible. The process can proceed, depending on the conditions, in one direction or another. Under certain conditions, a moment of chemical equilibrium occurs: in a unit of time, as many molecules of ethyl alcohol are formed as they decompose into ethylene and water.

It is not necessary to introduce large amounts of sulfuric acid into the direct hydration process. This is a major advantage for production.

This is how factories produce alcohol from ethylene.

It is also alcohol from non-food raw materials.

In the coming years, the Soviet synthetic rubber industry will switch entirely to the consumption of alcohol for production needs from non-food raw materials - wood and oil refinery gases. Food raw materials now spent for this purpose will be used for their intended purpose.

Figure 9 clearly shows the consumption of various raw materials to obtain 1 ton of ethyl alcohol. We have familiarized ourselves with all the industrial methods for the production of ethyl alcohol currently accepted. Let's go further: let's see how butadiene is obtained from alcohol according to the method of S. V. Lebedev.

Rice. 9. Such an amount of potatoes, wood or ethylene is necessary to obtain 1 ton of ethyl alcohol.

Raw ethyl alcohol coming from distilleries is sent to an alcohol warehouse to make up a “charge”, that is, a mixture that goes to chemical decomposition (“contacting”). To compile the charge, fresh raw alcohol and circulating alcohol, or regenerated alcohol (alcohol that has not decomposed upon contact) are taken in a strictly defined ratio. This mixture is continuously supplied by a centrifugal pump to decomposition to the contact shop. The contact gases formed here, containing the butadiene we need, enter the condensation shop. Partial condensation (liquefaction) of the contact gas takes place in it. The constituent parts of the mixture, which have high boiling points, turn into a liquid, and low-boiling parts, including butadiene, boiling at 4 °.5 ° C, go further in the form of vapors. The meaning of this technological operation is clear: to separate butadiene from heavy impurities, primarily from water and ethyl (undecomposed) alcohol (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. General scheme for the production of rubber from alcohol according to the method of S. V. Lebedev.

The non-condensable gas enters absorption, i.e. absorption by the liquid. In high devices - scrubbers, butadiene and some of its impurities are trapped by liquid alcohol flowing down. Saturated absorbent (alcohol) is supplied for distillation to columns heated by steam. Easily boiling butadiene is distilled off from the absorbent, condensed and in the form of raw butadiene enters the laundering, which consists in the fact that acetaldehyde accompanying butadiene, which interferes with polymerization, is washed off with water and thus separated from butadiene. The washed raw butadiene is subjected to rectification(purification by repeated distillation), after which, in the form of strong pure rectified butadiene, it is sent to polymerization- transformation into a polymer. Washing and distillation together constitute the process of purification of butadiene. The polymer is exposed processing, giving commercial sodium-butadiene rubber.

This is, in the most general terms, the scheme for obtaining synthetic rubber according to the method of S. V. Lebedev. We deliberately emphasized the words: decomposition - condensation - absorption - distillation - washing - rectification - polymerization - processing. It is this chain of basic processes that leads to the production of synthetic rubber in factories, which is then sent to rubber factories for processing into products. Let's take a tour of the synthetic rubber plant. When you approach such a plant, the silence is striking: well-established chemical plants work almost silently.

In this respect, they are very different from mechanical or steel plants, where most of the work processes are accompanied by noise and clanging. From a distance, the SK plant (as synthetic rubber is usually abbreviated in practice) is a large industrial enterprise with many buildings and tall apparatus standing outside the buildings.

The Russian oil and gas complex decided to actively infiltrate the food industry. Toli oil prices are falling, roofing felts to expand the scope of its activities, as well as influence. So, after a short development of the design bureau of polymer technologies, no less artificial than before sausage was created, in the production of which not a single animal was harmed, artificial lard, milk, bread and ... vodka. As you can see, the petrochemists took care of the most essential. It remains to bring it into aesthetic execution. For example, oil designers made experimental samples of vodka in the form of a cake, so as not to violate holiday traditions.

The easiest way, according to scientists, was the production of milk, "a mosquito will not undermine the nose" and taste and color. The sausage had to be given hardness and density. We started with lard, the taste is similar, the color is somewhat yellower, there are no veins and skin, there is no meat, and ... very fatty. But the people are already eating and having a bite, inexpensively 100 rubles per kilo. Sausage is similar, but it does not fry, it melts and evaporates in a frying pan, becomes a homogeneous mass with, for example, vegetable oil, on which they decided to fry it.

The institute works, giving out on the mountain, all new varieties of food. So butter, noodles, sauces have already appeared. Interestingly, manufacturers stipulate a shelf life of six months, what then should happen in such products is unknown. You need to eat them urgently before this decay. Maybe so gradually and we will move to the "refueling" as our cars.

Stories from our readers

She saved her family from a terrible curse. My Serezha has not been drinking for a year. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a bunch of remedies during those long 7 years when he started drinking. But we did it, and it's all thanks to...

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- a colorless flammable liquid with a pungent odor and taste. It is used for technical purposes, medicine and food industry. Based on this alcohol, the most popular alcoholic drink in the world is prepared -. But not every ethanol can be used for alcoholic products, some of its types can lead to vision loss or coma. Let's find out why.

What is ethyl alcohol

To understand how ethyl alcohol is made in Russia, it is worth knowing what it is in general. Ethyl alcohol (ethanol) is of two types: food and. Technical is obtained by hydration of ethylene. The raw material for such a product can be oil and products of its processing, sawdust, etc. It has acquired a technical purpose because it contains inseparable toxic impurities and the raw material cannot be eaten. Such alcohols include, medical, formic tincture. Drinking such a "drink" is very dangerous.

Food ethanol is defined in chemistry by the formula: C2H5OH. It is obtained exclusively from food products: potatoes, cereals, fruits, berries. It appears as a result of fermentation and purification from impurities. The fermentation stage (fermentation) can only occur with the participation of sugar and yeast. In this process, one molecule of sugar releases two molecules of ethanol and the same amount of carbon dioxide. In addition, the same toxic impurities are formed, as in the technical one: methanol, vinegar, fusel oils, etc.

These harmful components are removed from alcohol by rectification. The result is the same alcohol from which vodka is prepared. That is, in alcoholic beverages there should be exclusively food ethanol.

How is ethyl alcohol obtained

According to Rosstat, one adult Russian has about 18.5 liters of pure alcohol per year. It is not the alcohol that is used to wipe the glass that counts, but the one that they drink - food. Based on these data, we can conclude that the production of alcohol in Russia is literally worn out. At the same time, alcohols of both high quality and not very high quality are produced and drunk. It should be noted that the process of obtaining pure ethanol in Russia is no different from its production in other countries.

The quality of this product is controlled by the state. Depending on the feedstock and the degree of purification, ethyl alcohol is divided into several types. According to GOST R 51652-2000, there are:

  1. "Alpha" - ethanol obtained from wheat or rye of the highest quality. Must contain the least amount of foreign matter. Can be used for further production of super-premium class vodka.
  2. "Lux" is the basis for premium segment vodka. It is made from different types of cereals in arbitrary proportions.
  3. "Extra" - is made from various types of cereals in any ratio. Potatoes can be used for primary must, the content of which should not exceed 60%. Passes less cleaning than "Lux", but better than "Basis". It is used for the production of mid-price vodka.
  4. "Basis" - can be prepared from any agricultural raw material, with the exception of fruit and berry must. Used to make medium quality vodka.
  5. Highest purification - is considered the lowest quality alcohol, but suitable for the alcohol industry. It can be produced from any food raw material in any ratio. It undergoes basic cleaning from impurities and fusel oils. Suitable for the production of tinctures, vodka, economy class.
  6. The first grade is not suitable for the alcohol industry and ingestion.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

For many years I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM. It's scary when a craving for alcohol destroys a person's life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and their husbands' wives. It is young people who often become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to health.

It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from him. Today we will talk about a new natural remedy Alcolock, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and also participates in the Healthy Nation federal program, thanks to which until July 24th.(inclusive) the remedy can be obtained FOR FREE!

At the same time, according to GOST, alcohol should not have a pronounced taste. Despite this, each type of alcohol has a characteristic smell and taste, although only “gourmets” can distinguish them. After dilution and obtaining vodka, the product can acquire individual features, since manufacturers can add flavorings and food additives at their discretion.

As can be seen from the general classification of drinking alcohols, if the mark “highest purification” is on vodka, this indicates that alcohol of the lowest quality was used for its manufacture. Among Russian brands, ethanol of the Extra segment is considered the most common, since potatoes are considered the most profitable raw material: it is rich in starch, which is well saccharified and releases ethanol molecules. In addition, potato must is cheaper.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer can put such an icon even if he uses the highest purity alcohol or "Basis". In this case, one should rely only on the conscience of the manufacturer himself, since even in the laboratory it is impossible to establish what raw materials were used. It is impossible to determine the original ingredients "thanks" to rectification, during which alcohol from any raw material has the same formula - C2H5OH. In view of this, the underground production of alcohol can even use a non-food base for alcohol.

High-quality food ethanol is obtained using the following technology:

  1. The producer selects raw materials: cereals, beets, sugar cane or potatoes. Before use, the ingredients are cleaned, the grain is ground into coarse flour.
  2. The food base is boiled using special technologies. This step is necessary to release the starch, especially if wheat or rye is used.
  3. Then the boiled mass is saccharified and yeast or malt is added. From this moment, fermentation begins: ethanol molecules are released. In this form, the wort ferments until the end of fermentation.
  4. This is followed by the first distillation, during which the alcohol is separated from the water. In the resulting liquid there is still a lot of impurities, which are disposed of by rectification - stepwise purification. At the first stage, raw alcohol is obtained, which is not suitable for drinking.
  5. The raw material is purified from methanol, fusel oils, isopropanol and other impurities. This purification is based on the different boiling points of these elements. Some of them boil at a lower temperature than ethanol - the head fractions, they stand out first, get rid of them. Others - tail fractions, boil at a temperature higher than ethanol, they are the last to be released and also must be disposed of. The intermediate fraction is ethanol.

To improve the quality and better purification, the manufacturer can rectify alcohol several times, then a product of the "Lux" or "Alpha" class will be obtained. However, with such reusable filtration, the final product will be much less. Therefore, most manufacturers prefer not to bother and rectify alcohol once. At the end of the cooking process, ethanol must be tested. Then it is mixed with distilled water so as to obtain approximately 95% strength. Such a product is called drinking only because it is used further in the alcohol industry. It is impossible to drink it in its pure form, as it destroys the mucous membrane of the internal organs.

Ethyl alcohol is also present in gin, and other alcoholic beverages. However, there is a difference between ethanol in vodka and ethanol in other types of alcohol. Foreign manufacturers do not use distillation at all, the purification process is replaced by distillation. Such filtration requires a higher quality base, unlike rectified, which turns any base into the same alcohol.

Synthetic "drinkable" alcohol

In addition to drinking, there is also technical ethyl alcohol, which in the food industry should not be used either by law or by logic. To understand why it is impossible to drink technical alcohol, it is enough to understand the process of its manufacture. In Russia, it is obtained in the same way as abroad. The technology for obtaining a technical analogue is a little more complicated than that of a food one.

For him use:

  • refined products;
  • any raw material containing cellulose;
  • peat;
  • wood (sawdust).

It can also be obtained by the method of hydration of an ethylene hydrocarbon in the presence of a catalyst. To obtain ethanol from the base, as in the production of food alcohol, the base must be fermented. Germinated malt or yeast is used to prepare drinking ethanol, and chemical catalysts are used in the process of creating a technical product.

Technical alcohol also goes through the stages of purification, but without thorough rectification, since its drinking properties should not be of concern to the manufacturer and consumer. Most toxic impurities are not removed from it: acetaldehyde, formic acid ester, methanol, isopropanol, furfural, butyl alcohol, etc.

Unlike a food analogue, a technical product may differ in color, sometimes with a yellowish tint or blue. The smell of such a liquid is more pronounced - alcohol, sometimes it can be with a hint of acetone. Conscientious manufacturers add dyes and substances with a pronounced odor to technical alcohol, this is done in order to exclude the possibility of ingesting such a product.

Industrial alcohol with such additives is called denatured alcohol. Denaturing elements are selected so that their separation from ethanol is impossible or difficult in underground conditions. Despite this, some dubious "companies" still use industrial alcohol as a base for vodka and other spirits. Such activity is strictly punished by the law of the Russian Federation, but continues to exist.

The use of technical alcohol for the production of alcohol is due to the fact that such a base is cheaper than a drinking analogue. For the consumer, such savings are sometimes very expensive.

The use of industrial alcohol can lead to:

  • severe nausea and vomiting;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • blindness;
  • fainting and to whom;
  • death (in case of severe poisoning).

Not only ethyl alcohol is technical, but also isopropyl, methyl, butanol, etc. They are great as solvents for the automotive industry, for washing circuit boards and disks, windows, but not for drinking. It also serves as a popular substitute for food ethanol. It also belongs to a number of technical ones, but among consumers it is considered much safer than the rest. So, many have the opinion that medical alcohol is prepared only from grain of the highest quality. Where this myth came from is unclear.

Most likely, such confusion was due to GOST, which states that technical ethyl alcohol should be produced from food raw materials. In fact, alcohol "Extra" - medical. However, the document does not say a word about the standards of medical alcohol. And that means they cook it in any way possible. Trustworthy manufacturers use purified ethanol "Extra", unreliable - any other alcohol. Again, synthetic analogues are much cheaper for the manufacturer, so the temptation to use them is much higher.

How to distinguish drinking ethanol from technical

Unfortunately, the high price of a bottle of vodka does not guarantee its quality. Alcohol is easy to fake, it is enough to get similar labels and containers, and the “elite” sawdust drink (at best) is ready. Shops also do not hesitate to buy cheaper goods, so the risk of poisoning is not excluded, even if we buy alcohol in a beautiful "rich" package.

Our readers write

Subject: Self cured her husband of alcoholism

From: Lyudmila S. ( [email protected])

To whom: Site administration website

For 20 years she suffered from her husband's alcoholism. At first it was harmless gatherings with friends. Soon it became permanent, the husband began to disappear in the garage with his drinking buddies.

And here is my story

Once in the winter I almost froze to death there, because. was so drunk that he could not get home, it was lucky that my daughter and I felt something was wrong, we went to the garage, and he was lying near the half-open door. And it was -17 degrees! Somehow they dragged him home and steamed the bath. They called an ambulance several times, all the time I thought that this time would be the last ... Many times I thought about filing for divorce, but I endured everything ...

Everything changed when my daughter gave me one article to read on the Internet. You have no idea how grateful I am to her. literally dragged her husband out of the world. He's quit drinking forever and I'm pretty sure he'll never start drinking again. For the last 2 years he has been working tirelessly in the country, growing tomatoes, and I sell them in the market. Aunts are surprised how I managed to wean my husband from drinking. And he apparently feels guilty for ruining half of my life, and so he works tirelessly, almost carries me in his arms, helps around the house, in general, not a husband, but a piece of gold.

Who wants to wean their relatives from drinking or wants to give up alcohol himself, take 5 minutes and read, I am 100% sure it will help you!

To reduce this risk, it is better to make such purchases in hypermarkets, chain or specialized stores. In a word, it should be such a point of sale that values ​​​​its reputation, and to which, in which case, it will be possible to make claims (most importantly, keep receipts). It is worth avoiding stalls, market stalls, dubious private points. Such outlets like to disguise themselves as "confiscated", thus explaining the low price of such a "good product".

Bought alcohol should be set on fire before drinking. It is enough to pour a little product into a tablespoon and light it. If it burns with a translucent blue flame, we have ethanol in front of us (although what it is made of remains unknown). If the flame gives off a greenish tint, it is poisonous industrial alcohol.

If there is a desire to check the quality of your favorite brand of vodka or just bought, a potato wedge will help. In a glass of alcohol, you need to lower a piece of peeled potatoes and leave it for a couple of hours. If the root crop has not changed its color, the drink is based on good food ethanol. The pink hue of the potato indicates a high methanol content.

You can also check alcohol for foreign impurities using copper wire. It must be heated on fire and lowered into a container with a test product, while an unpleasant odor and fumes should not be released. If the liquid emits a pungent odor, you should not drink it.

The best prevention against industrial alcohol poisoning is to avoid heavy alcohol altogether. Talking about the quality of ethanol, even drinking, is quite difficult, since it is also a poison for the body. GOST of 1972 defined ethanol as "a potent drug that first causes excitement and then paralysis of the nervous system." Today, Russian GOST defines it as "a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor." Despite the fact that the standards of its manufacture have not changed. Do not forget that the alcohol industry has brought and brings income to the state treasury. And the treasury is interested in the sale of alcohol, and not in the health of the nation. Ethyl alcohol was a poison in 1972 and is a poison today.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones are somehow suffering from alcoholism.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

All drugs, if they gave, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has given a significant result is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all removes cravings for alcohol without a hangover. In addition, he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient of alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, now there is a promotion, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can get Alcolock - FOR FREE!

Attention! Cases of sale of counterfeit drug Alcolock have become more frequent.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from the official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you receive a money back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

Ethyl alcohol is required. After all, it is used in medicine and perfumery, in the production of explosives, varnishes, paints, and so on. Since ancient times, ethyl alcohol has been obtained from grains, potatoes, molasses and other foods containing starch or sugar. This sugar is fermented by yeast and converted into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Millions of tons of grain and potatoes were turned into tires and overshoes every year. The need to save these products led to the creation of synthetic ethyl alcohol by the industry. It is 2-3 times cheaper than alcohol of food origin, because raw materials are cheap - gases from oil refineries - and labor costs are low (about 20 times less than in the production of alcohol from potatoes). However, the production technology of synthetic ethyl alcohol is complex. We will tell about her.

The basis of production is the reaction of direct hydration of ethylene. It proceeds at a pressure of about 80 atmospheres and a temperature of about 300°C in the presence of a catalyst - phosphoric acid deposited on a solid carrier. You can, however, use another method of hydration of ethylene - sulfate. In this case, using chemical pumps, ethylene is passed through strong, 98% sulfuric acid. Ethylsulfuric acid is formed. If it is mixed with water and heated, it will collapse - ethyl alcohol and sulfuric acid diluted with water are formed. This weak acid is strengthened, that is, water is evaporated from it. This is precisely the weak point of the sulfuric acid method. Therefore, the first method is mainly used - direct hydration.

Ethylene does not occur in its pure form. True, it is present in small quantities in the gases of coke ovens, but it is not easy to extract it from there. Therefore, in industry, ethylene is obtained by pyrolysis of petroleum hydrocarbons (either oil cracking gases or associated gases during oil production). Pyrolysis is a thermal process for the breakdown of hydrocarbons. In the resulting mixture of gases of interest to us, ethylene is up to 30%, about 30% methane and about 15% hydrogen. Pyrolysis is carried out in tube furnaces, usually in a mixture with steam.

The next and, perhaps, the most difficult task is the separation of pyrolysis gases and the extraction of pure ethylene from the mixture. This operation can be carried out in different ways. Let's talk about the absorption-rectification method of gas separation used at our alcohol synthesis plants. First, light gases - hydrogen and methane - are released from the pyrolysis gases in the column. To do this, special sealed chemically resistant pumps supply an absorbent - a liquid that absorbs all gases except these two - into the column from above. In the absorbent column, ethane and ethylene are distilled off, in the next column, the mixture of these products is separated and the target product, ethylene, is obtained. In the next column, propane and propylene are distilled off from the absorbent, and the purified absorbent is returned again to the first column.

Now it is the turn of the main operation - ethylene hydration. If you look at the reaction scheme, the task seems elementary simple: you just need to combine an ethylene molecule with a water molecule and get an alcohol molecule. But in order to carry out this reaction technologically, it is necessary to fulfill a number of conditions. First, ethylene needs to be sufficiently pure, and its concentration must be at least 99%. Second, we need an efficient catalyst, such as phosphoric acid supported on silica gel. Third: the pressure in the reactor-hydrator should be about 80 atmospheres, and, therefore, a powerful compressor is needed. Finally, the fourth condition: the reaction takes place at a temperature of about 300 ° C, therefore, water must be turned into superheated steam. In an industrial environment, this means the need for CHP. But even if all these conditions are met, then only 3-5% of ethylene reacts with water vapor. Unreacted ethylene has to be passed again with water vapor through the catalyst.

Finally, one warning. Although it is possible to obtain synthetic ethyl alcohol that practically does not differ from alcohol from food raw materials, this does not mean that synthetic alcohol can be used to make wine and vodka products. By the way, this is prohibited. But it is not at all for this purpose that synthesis alcohol is produced ...

Remember the anecdote how Vasily Ivanovich asked Petka to hide a tank of alcohol from the soldiers, and he painted over the inscription "alcohol", writing C2H5OH instead? And the soldiers in the morning were in the insole. How - it is written OH. It turned out, indeed, he is! Surprisingly, there are practically no detailed reports on the network about how HIM is made - the main raw material for vodka. As do the vodka itself - full. From fuselage to elite brands. Alcohol is not! We will have to fill this gap, since last week I visited the Usad distillery not far from Kazan, which is part of the Tatspirtprom concern. Here they make alcohol of the highest category - "Alpha", which is gradually replacing the once top "Lux" from the production of high-quality vodka brands. All the same ancient method, invented before our era, implemented on an industrial scale in the XIV century and widely practiced in sheds and garages during Perestroika. Good old distillation... At the entrance grain from a bag, at the exit pure 96-degree liquid... As you know, the amusing effect of alcoholic beverages and methods of obtaining them have been known to mankind since biblical times: remember, Noah accidentally drank fermented fruit juice and became drunk . In general, scientists suggest that the idea of ​​chemical distillation of liquids arose as early as the 1st millennium BC. The distillation process was first described by Aristotle (384-320 BC). Many alchemists of that time were engaged in improving the technique of distillation, believing that by distillation they were able to isolate the soul of wine. Due to this, the distillation product was called the "spirit of wine" (from the Latin "spiritus vini"). The process of obtaining alcohol was discovered in various regions of the globe almost simultaneously. In 1334, the alchemist from Provence Arnaud de Villeger (France) first obtained wine spirit from grape wine, considering it a healing agent. In the middle of the XIV century, some French and Italian monasteries produced wine alcohol called "aquavitae" - "water of life", and in 1386, thanks to Genoese merchants, alcohol reached Moscow. The production of ethyl alcohol was started in Europe after the invention in Italy, in the 11th century, of the distillation apparatus. For several centuries, ethyl alcohol was almost never used in its pure form, except perhaps in the laboratories of alchemists. But in 1525, the famous Paracelsus noticed that the ether obtained by heating alcohol with sulfuric acid has a hypnotic effect. He described his experiences with poultry. And on October 17, 1846, the surgeon Warren put the first patient to sleep with ether.
Gradually, alcohol was divided into food and technical, obtained by splitting wood waste. In England, technical alcohol was exempted from increased taxes on sales, since the market value of alcoholic beverages paid off government fees, but such a cost was beyond the power of doctors and industrialists. To prevent food consumption of toxic industrial alcohol, it was mixed with methanol and other malodorous additives. Subsequently, alcohol received instant spread in medicine due to constant wars. In 1913, about 2,400 factories were recorded on the territory of the Russian Empire, producing mainly vodka and wine. Later there was a separation of the production of alcohol and vodka. With the outbreak of the First World War, the production of vodka actually stopped, the production of alcohol also decreased. Production began to recover only in 1925-1926, and the grandiose restoration of the alcohol industry began only in 1947, new scientific and technical technologies and achievements began to be intensively applied. In 1965, there were 428 factories operating in the USSR with an annual output of 127.8 million deciliters of alcohol, and by 1975 the output of alcohol had increased to 188.1 million deciliters. In subsequent years, this production gradually decreased due to the increased production of drinks with a lower strength.
Depending on the raw material, alcohol can be food and technical. Food is made only from food raw materials. The most common and economical raw material for the production of alcohol is potatoes. Potato starch is easily boiled soft, gelatinized and saccharified. In addition to potatoes, grains are used for the production of alcohol - wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, millet, as well as sugar beet, sugar syrup or molasses. Fruit and berry, grape materials, Jerusalem artichoke and other raw materials rich in carbohydrates are used much less frequently. Technical alcohol is obtained from wood or petroleum products subjected to acid hydrolysis. Technical alcohol contains an increased amount of harmful impurities, so its use for food purposes is prohibited. Now about the categories of alcohol and why "Alpha" is replacing "Lux". The thing is that Alpha alcohol must be produced from wheat, rye or from a mixture of them, that is, exclusively from grain raw materials, in contrast to other alcohols, which can also be produced from a mixture of grain and potatoes. The second important difference between Alpha and Lux ​​is the reduced content of toxic methyl alcohol: the norm of its content is only 0.003% in terms of anhydrous alcohol, while for Lux alcohol it is 0.02%. This is significant! At the Usladsky distillery, alcohol is produced exclusively from wheat and only one category - "Alpha". Wheat is brought in special grain trucks and placed in high barrels-elevators, from where it is further fed to production.
Grain for the production of alcohol must be of good quality and moisture content of no more than 17%, otherwise there is a high risk of spoilage, which will affect the final quality of the final product. From the storage tanks, with the help of a huge and powerful pump-turbine, the grain is "pumped" through high columns for primary processing.
Pump for "pumping" grain from storage to cleaning.
The first task is to clean the grain from all impurities, both solid and ordinary rubbish, husks, etc. So at the very beginning it gets to the separator.
First, the wheat is sifted through a sieve, on which all large objects remain.
This rubble accumulated near the separator in just half a day!
Further cleaning from the husk and various debris. It is produced with a powerful airflow that separates heavy grain from light debris.
This is what remains after the grain "left" further through the pipes for crushing.
Grain pipeline from the separator to the crusher.
The crusher turns the grain into coarse flour. This is necessary for further cooking of the grain and the release of starch from it.
Boiling grains occurs in order to destroy their cell walls. As a result, the starch is released and converted into a soluble form. In this state, it is much easier to saccharify with enzymes. The grain is treated with steam at an overpressure of 500 kPa. When the boiled mass leaves the brewer, the reduced pressure leads to the formation of steam (from the water contained in the cells). Such an increase in volume breaks the cell walls and turns the grain into a homogeneous mass. The boiling temperature is 172°C, and the cooking time is about 4 minutes.
All processes occurring at the distillery are monitored by operators in the control room. Here they see in full everything that happens on each site, because. the alcohol production process is continuous and carried out 24/7.
The cooking process itself includes three operations: a strict dosage of grain and water, heating the batch to the boiling temperature, holding the mass at a given temperature. The crushed grain is mixed with water in a proportion of 3 liters per 1 kg of grain. The grain mixture is heated with steam (75°C) and pumped into the contact hole of the plant. It is here that the instant heating of the slurry to a temperature of 100 ° C occurs. After that, the heated batch is placed in the cooking machine.
During the saccharification process, malted milk is added to the chilled mass to break down the starch. Active chemical interaction leads to the fact that the product becomes absolutely suitable for the further fermentation process. The result is a wort that contains 18% dry sugar. When an iodine test is made from the mass, the color of the wort should remain unchanged.
The fermentation of the wort begins with the introduction of industrial yeast into the saccharified mass. Maltose is broken down to glucose, which in turn is fermented into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Secondary fermentation products (essential acids, etc.) also begin to form.
The fermentation process takes place in huge closed fermentation units, which prevent the loss of alcohol and the release of carbon dioxide into the production hall. The units are so big that the top and bottom parts are on different floors!
This is what the braga looks like in the installation. You should look very carefully so as not to inhale carbon dioxide vapors.
The carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process and alcohol vapor from the fermentation unit enter special compartments, where the water-alcohol liquid and carbon dioxide are separated. The content of ethyl alcohol in the mash should be up to 9.5 vol.%. By the way, at the factory we were offered to try the mash.
By the way, you can see such fountains everywhere in the workshops. They are designed to wash the eyes in case of contact with dangerous products of production, which are lacking here.
Next, proceed to the distillation of alcohol from the mash and its rectification. Alcohol begins to stand out from the mash as a result of boiling at different temperatures. The distillation mechanism itself is based on the following pattern: alcohol and water have different boiling points (water - 100 degrees, alcohol - 78 ° C). The released steam begins to condense and collect in a separate container. Purification of alcohol from impurities is carried out at a distillation plant.
Above us is the floor with distillation units. There's a whole network of pipelines running down here, some for alcohol, some for water, some for steam, some for by-products.
And it's hot in the rectification room!!! Raw alcohol (raw alcohol) obtained at the main stage of production cannot be used for food purposes, as it contains many harmful impurities (fusel oils, methyl alcohol, esters). Many impurities are poisonous and give alcohol an unpleasant odor, which is why raw alcohol is subjected to purification - rectification. Removal of harmful impurities is carried out in the process of rectification, based on different boiling points of ethyl, methyl and higher alcohols, esters. In this case, all impurities are conditionally divided into head, tail and intermediate. Head impurities have a lower boiling point than ethyl alcohol. These include acetaldehyde and individual esters (ethyl acetate, ethyl formate, etc.) formed during distillation.
Tail impurities have a higher boiling point than ethyl alcohol. They mainly contain fusel oils and methyl alcohol. The most difficult to separate fraction are intermediate impurities (ethyl ester of isobutyric acid and other esters).
When cleaning raw alcohol on distillation apparatus, harmful impurities are separated and the concentration of alcohol in the finished product increases (from 88% in raw alcohol to 96-96.5% in rectified product). Ready alcohol with a strength of 96% is pumped into storage tanks.
You should look into these containers even more carefully than into containers with mash. Here you can get drunk in an instant ...
Ready alcohol is sent for control measurements and, if everything is in order, it is assigned the category "Alpha" and then it will go to the production of vodka or other purposes ...

Delight your taste buds with drinks that have already given real pleasure from tasting a multi-million army of connoisseurs of strong alcohol. Vodka Oil in this case is an excellent example of those products that will not leave you indifferent after the first glass.

This is one of the best representatives of Austria, created according to a unique recipe that has Russian roots.

Such an “interesting” name should not mislead you, because vodka from oil is not only unrealistic, but also probably harmful to health. Unique alcohol for a famous Austrian company Destillerie Freihof made from spring water and high-quality grain.

Moreover, sweeteners, flavors and other artificial additives are excluded from the recipe. The manufacturing process itself is somewhat unique. When creating alcohol, a continuous distillation method is used, with 200 stages of processing, which is carried out for 50 hours.

  • Color. Impeccable transparency is at the heart of the visual performance of the entire line.
  • Aroma. Aromatic characteristics of drinks please with a variety of undertones of alpine herbs.
  • Taste. In terms of taste, each representative of the Neft collection is individual. A unifying feature in this case is a slight bitterness and the presence of notes of sweet almonds.

Did you know? In 2012, the Neft brand was awarded an honorary diploma for packaging design. It happened at the Can of the Year Award held in Tokyo.

How to distinguish fake vodka Oil from the original

Due to the rapid growth in the number of counterfeit goods, every modern manufacturer is trying in every possible way to secure their products. In the case of Neft vodka, the Austrian company Destillerie Freihof has provided several fundamental elements that testify to quality and authenticity. These include:

  • Form. The branded drink is poured into containers that repeat oil barrels to the smallest detail. In the central part of the bottle, there must be two convex rings, and the bottom must be looped.
  • Materials. The container is made strictly of metal. Only the lid on the neck, which is reached by means of a ring, has a plastic base.
  • Inscriptions. Branded alcohol has inscriptions in English and Russian. At the bottom of the container, the production date, composition and restrictions are applied. Also on one of the sidewalls of the barrel you will find a barcode duplicating the country of origin.
  • Excise. An obligatory element of the products of the Oil trademark is an excise stamp, which must be present on all product options in stationary stores. This element of protection may be absent only if you buy a drink in a free trade zone.

How to open vodka oil

Unlike most other elite drinks in an exotic design, Oil has its own authentic way of opening. To enjoy the product, the consumer needs to pull up on the special ring until the neck completely pops out of the bottle.

Only then can you uncork the lid and spill.

How to serve

If you are tasting Neft for the first time, then try not to neglect the generally accepted classical canons of consumption, which will reveal the fundamental indicators of the taste and aroma of a premium product. - Good vodka - should be poured strictly into small glasses, so that the taster can drink a portion in one even gulp.

And don't be in a hurry to eat. Let the drink play a little in your throat. So he will be able to reveal more of his bright tasting qualities. Also note the fact that Vodka Neft requires cooling down to 8-10 degrees. An overheated product will upset you with an unrestrained aroma and an extremely sharp aftertaste.

What products are combined with

Even if you have in your hands the most expensive vodka in the world, this does not mean that you should neglect snacks. Strong drinks need to be eaten well so that their tasting lasts for hours. For products of the Neft brand, cold cuts, salads, hot dishes, seafood, roasted game and fruits can be considered an ideal accompaniment. You should be careful with sweet desserts, as they can distort the signature taste of the drink.

Did you know? In 2014, a black Neft barrel won a silver medal at the World Spirits Competition held in San Francisco.

Other uses

Whatever alcohol is in your hands, be it an Austrian product or German vodka, be sure to pay attention to the cocktail recipes Orange Delight, Velvet Sledgehammer, Balance, Astronaut, Aladdin, Pineapple Lemonade and. Each of them will make your tasting unique, bringing to it a fresh flavor of original gastronomic and aromatic indicators.

What are the types of this drink

The collection of the Neft trademark is not distinguished by an impressive variety. It justifiably has something to please its consumer. Each representative of the line has its own authentic character, which cannot but please connoisseurs of diverse gastronomic and aromatic incarnations.

In particular, the collection is based on the following products:

  • Vodka Oil Red. Crystal clear product with a remarkable sweet taste of almonds and bitterness. The aroma is distinguished by the unique color of alpine herbs.
  • Oil White Barrel. Strong alcohol with a fresh aroma of alpine herbs. The taste is based on a light share of almonds wrapped in delicate vodka undertones.
  • Vodka Oil Black. Perfectly transparent product with a light and recognizable aftertaste of sweet almonds. In the aromatic bouquet, grain nature can be traced.
  • Neft Rocket. Crystal clear alcohol with a pleasant almond flavor and barely perceptible bitterness. The aromatic base is expressed by a combination of nuances of grain and alpine herbs.

Historical reference

The producer of vodka Oil is known in all corners of the planet Destillerie Freihof. This organization was founded in 1885. Since that moment, it has not ceased to be heard by a multi-million audience of connoisseurs of strong alcohol.

In turn, we note that Neft is an Austrian vodka with a Russian character. It was invented by three Russian engineers who have devoted almost their entire lives to the development of oil fields. They were prompted to take this step by a desire to emphasize the difficulties of life for oil workers in Siberia, who are forced to not see their families for years.

Did you know? In 2016, at The Design & Packaging Masters, which took place in London, the Neft brand was awarded a gold medal for its eccentric packaging.

The drink of real men

When it comes to premium, austerity and authentic tasting scores, you'll probably think of the premium line. Just like “vodka with a snake”, the alcohol of the Oil trademark was able to win the hearts of a multi-million audience of consumers around the world.

The reason for the popularity was nothing more than high quality products and variability. As you look at Neft options today, you will discover drinks designed to satisfy the widest possible audience of consumers.

Moreover, these products are great not only for individual tastings, but also for high-profile holidays. To see such an original bottle and the product itself on the table is always interesting and exciting.

Visit the nearest alcohol store in your city today to get a “keg” of a drink that can conquer your taste buds from the very first sip.

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