Correct fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat. Methods for attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat

Everyone dreams of recreating a miniature paradise on their site. We associate it with a beautiful landscape, garden trees and shrubs, a gazebo for relaxation, entwined with plants, and a fireplace for cooking on fire. An addition to this idyllic picture will be. A pond can organically fit into a natural ensemble and become its decoration, because water is the fourth element that a person needs to feel harmony.

It is not so difficult to create an artificial reservoir, the main thing will be determined by its size, design and the place where it is located.

Pond dimensions

The determining factors here are the area of ​​the site, how you see the reservoir and the place that can be allocated to it. Conventionally, home ponds are divided into three categories:

  • small decorative ponds that decorate the site and complement the landscape design (up to 5m. sq.);
  • a pond that performs a decorative function, but at the same time in it (from 10 m. kV.)
  • landscaped pool where you can swim. The sizes depend on the capabilities and free land that can be allocated for these purposes.

Ecopruds, as an alternative to tiled pools, are gaining in popularity. Apparently, this is due to a subconscious craving for pristine nature.

  • Small decorative ponds are made from different materials.

In the country or a plot of the house, it can be made from large tires, plastic containers, old bathtubs, ready-made forms that you can buy. Optionally equip them a pump for water circulation and a filter, make a cascade or waterfall... A small number of ornamental fish can be launched, koi carp or fur coats.

The design of the reservoir and the plants will form the basis of the aquatic composition. The beauty of small ponds is that you can make them yourself. You will be able to realize your fantasies and tastes in the design, so that you can enjoy your work later.

  • Medium-sized ponds are more labor-intensive to manufacture and require certain professional skills.

Making a Medium Pond, Basics

This is a rather complex ecosystem, where it is necessary to correctly install equipment and select plants that would maintain the natural balance and purify the water.

Important. There are several rules for choosing a location for a reservoir:

  • trees should not grow nearby, due to falling foliage;
  • avoid planting plants with a powerful root system next to a pond;
  • the pond should not be in the sun and be very warm. It is necessary to choose a place so that in a hot time of the day it is in the shade.

Pond shoreline decoration

The most interesting and pleasant moments in the improvement of the water garden are the design of the coastline. This is where your talent and creativity can manifest. Before proceeding with the decor, you need to decide on the style.

What techniques are used for decoration:

Decking is one of the elements for decorating the shoreline of the pond; it fits well into the landscape composition of the reservoir. A bridge or path across a pond will become a detail that will add additional originality.

These rules are general in nature. The main thing is to embody your vision and creative energy in decorating the pond. The main thing is to be beautiful and happy.

Plants for pond decoration

When choosing vegetation for a pond, you need to focus on the size of the reservoir and the depth.

Important. 2.3 plants are planted per 1 square meter. 1/3 underwater plants to maintain the ecological balance.

The optimal time for planting plants is spring, early summer. It is better to cover the containers with foil and sprinkle with pebbles so that the soil does not wash off. As it grows, excess vegetation is caught and thinned out. As it evaporates, water is added to the pond.

Making a pond in the country with your own hands is not difficult if you work a little and take into account the recommendations.

  • It is better to choose a place in the shade of the house or near a fence. This is the optimal location for a pond and relaxation during the hot part of the day.
  • Nearby you can put a gazebo for relaxation, barbecue, benches.
  • The optimal and less labor-intensive would be a pond made of film.
  • Try to locate the reservoir near the water supply point.
  • When digging a pit, pay attention to how close the groundwater is. In the case of shallow water in the ground, it can accumulate and squeeze out the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Buy oversized film. It can be extinct with the help of an ordinary cord, which is pulled through the bottom of the pit from one edge to the other.
  • After filling the pond, let the water settle for a while.

A pond in the country or at home will become your favorite vacation spot. If it is made by hand, then it is also a source of pride. It is pleasant to spend a summer evening on the shore of your own small lake.

Creating a pond on video

Photo gallery of examples of pond design

In the future, this miracle will delight you and all your guests, who will be completely delighted.

How to choose the best place for your pond

You need to decide on the choice of a place that is suitable for the purpose you have noticed. When choosing a site, you need to pay attention to lighting. The area should be well lit, but not under the scorching sun, and not in constant shade. Since many plants can be adversely affected by such growth conditions, they will lose their natural appearance.

The sun is the main enemy for the plants in your pond. Some plants can cause water bloom, and will cause you great inconvenience with constant cleaning. Since the do-it-yourself ponds are not very deep, fish and plants will not be very comfortable in the heat. Also, think about your resting place near the pond, in extreme heat, you yourself will not really rest there.

The best location will be if the sun warms the pond in the morning and in the evening, since the temperature is acceptable, and in the daytime, the shadow from the house or fence will cover it. You also need to take into account that it should be located away from trees, which can damage the material from which the pond is made with roots.

Materials required for manufacturing

The pond can be made from the following materials:

  1. PVC coating;
  2. Butyl rubber film;
  3. Ready-made containers for the pond. (Reinforced concrete, or plastic)

That polyethylene is not suitable for making a pond, so its service life is only 1 - 2 years.

According to the polyvinyl chloride coating, it will serve you for about 15 years, and the butyl rubber film for almost 50 years, although its cost will be much more expensive. Also, some gardeners use reinforced concrete bowls, but most still prefer plastic containers. They are a product, the size of which you can choose by yourself for your site. This bowl is durable, but still you need to be careful so that cracks do not appear on it, they have great frost resistance, so it is not scary to install them even with our climate.

Preparatory stage

We will prepare a place, we will remove all unnecessary things. If we use a film, then we draw an arbitrary shape of the pond, if you have a bowl, then with the help of a shovel we draw a contour. And we begin to drip, this is the most difficult stage of the work. If you have a bowl, then you need to drip 5 cm deeper than its height. When using a film, you yourself think about the preference for the depth of your pond.

When the pond is dug, you need to pour sand on the bottom, and tamp it well, the sand will serve as a drainage of the pond. We put the bowl in place, trying not to have voids, as they can lead to cracks in the bowl in the future. After installation, cover the bowl with foil, and lay it with a stone. They can be natural or artificial, it all depends on your imagination.

When buying a film, you need to pay attention to its color, as there is a very wide range of colors on the market.

Let's start the most inspiring stage of the work, this is decorating the pond with a variety of plants. Many gardeners use water lilies, the most popular plant for these ponds. They are planted on a special fabric that holds the root system well at the bottom. You can also decorate with a small fountain, which looks very beautiful, and its murmur will help you and your family relax.

You can also put fish in your mini pond, crucians, carps and many other species take root well. If you still run the inhabitants, taking care of their accommodation, you need to install a filter so that your pond does not clog up and your fish is comfortable.

How to make a pond with a minimum investment

Many gardeners make ponds from old tubs or cisterns, which will be much cheaper, since you do not have to spend money on bowls that are not cheap. Your bathtub will look no worse than a pond equipped with a bowl, although it loses in size.

We dig a ditch, 20 cm deeper than the bath, and install the bath, fill it with sand on the sides. After that, we lay the film, and with the help of tile glue we lay stones that will give naturalness to your mini pond. The stones should not be laid along the perimeter of the bath, but slightly increased along the edges in order to visually enlarge the pond.

Pour clay at the bottom of our pond, and mix the solution there, and with its help cover the cement mortar between the stones, which will give your pond a more natural look. When the clay dries up, and this will happen after 2 hours, you can pour water in a thin stream and start decorating it.

Car tire pond

The tire that will make a very beautiful pond should be from a tractor or dump truck. Using a grinder, we cut off the upper part of the tire.

  • We dig a hole so that the tire fits freely into it. We put fine sand at the bottom of the pond to drain our future pond. You can also protect your future pond from tree roots, and by protecting it with a roadbed.
  • We lay the waterproofing, in the form of a film, which, by 50 cm, should go beyond the edges of the future pond.

  • Once again we smooth the film well, and fill it with reins, sprinkle sand along the edges of the pond, and lay the decor in the form of stones that will hold the film and protect it from slipping.
  • If the cover is used from belaz, it can be used for swimming, and made in the form of a small pool. Then decorate the area around the pond in the form of small pebbles, which will be pleasant to step on in the future.
  • If used as a decoration for your site, then you can decorate it with a variety of plants, large stones around the edges.

  • Also in the center, with the help of a small pump, it is possible to make a fountain.

As you can see, if you really want to, it is possible to make a pond with your own hands on the site, from various materials suitable for you.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country

A small homemade pond can radically transform the landscape of any yard. It is recommended to plant new plants in and around the pond to make the site more comfortable and unusual.

Rest with the whole family on the shore of the pond will be a pleasant experience for everyone. You can build such a pond on your own without outside help.

There are several main types of bodies of water designed for different purposes. Some perform a purely decorative function, and serve as a place for planting aquatic plants. In others, fish are often bred, and there are some where you can swim all summer.

Therefore, before taking on the work of building a pond, you should determine its main purpose.

Choosing a site for the construction of a reservoir

An ideal construction site is considered to be a well-lit area located at a certain distance from the house or other premises.

Many plants that grow on water love the sun, so an artificial pond should not be in the shade of trees. Better to choose an open area in the yard or garden.

When choosing a construction site, it should be borne in mind that the close proximity of bushes and deciduous trees can cause complex care of the reservoir.

Leaves, twigs and other debris can quickly contaminate the water, killing the aquatic plants in your pond. But conifers will perfectly complement the picture.

If the neighborhood with deciduous trees cannot be avoided, then it is necessary to cover the reservoir for the autumn-winter period with a net and plastic wrap.

The size of the pond plays an important role, because plants and living organisms in the water need a special biobalance.

To maintain the level of biobalance, you just need to observe the proportions between the area of ​​the reservoir and its depth. If the area is large and the depth is insufficient, the water will bloom quickly. In a deep, but small body of water, plants and fish will also be uncomfortable to thrive. The minimum pond area should be at least three to four square meters. The groundwater level determines the depth of the reservoir.

Film pond

On sale there is a special film made of polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and other materials with similar properties.

The service life of the special film is about ten years. We sell polyethylene for reservoirs in rolls with a width of 2 to 10 meters. This size avoids gluing the individual elements to achieve the desired width. The film itself comes in different thicknesses. The deeper the artificial reservoir, the thicker the film. Classic polyethylene in rolls is not suitable for such tasks.

The size is calculated using the formula: film length = 2 pond lengths and stock.

The width is calculated in the same way. For a stock, leave about 60 cm.

The most favorable time for arranging an artificial reservoir is spring-summer, when the temperature is above +20. Before direct installation, the film is left in the sun, which will make it more elastic in a couple of hours.

Naturally, a foundation pit is needed for the pond.

To plant the plants, they will need peculiar shelves along the contour of the pond 15 cm deep. Before laying the film on the bottom, it is necessary to make preparation of sand 10 cm thick.Then the film is laid, fixing it with stones, and the pond is filled with water.

The stones laid along the edges of the pond look very beautiful. A special groove is made for them, and the stones themselves are fixed with concrete mortar.

A pond from a finished plastic mold

Ready-made plastic bathtubs perfectly tolerate any temperature and are quite durable.

The walls of the tank are usually 3 mm, which requires careful transport of the container. Even a small crack will be very problematic to seal. In addition to being resistant to temperature extremes, plastic baths look attractive.

To dig a pit, the contours of the container should be transferred to the ground in accordance with its shape.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands step by step

For this, the bowl is installed in the place of digging and its contour is transferred to the surface of the soil. The depth of the pit corresponds to the depth of the plastic bath + 40-50 mm at the base. The horizontal alignment of the reservoir is carried out using a building level and a flat board installed on the surface of the bowl.

The pit is covered with sand, which is carefully rammed. The plastic container is installed on the surface, deepened, gradually adding earth in the right places.

Having installed the tank, it is checked again for horizontalness and only after that it is filled with water.

Artificial pond decoration

Of course, a homemade pond is already a decoration of any site.

But next to the reservoir, you can additionally install a gazebo to relax your body and soul, looking at the surface of the water. In addition, fountains operating with the help of special pumps can be organized in an artificial reservoir, and multi-colored lighting can be arranged.

In general, you can turn a small pond into a colorful sight. It all depends on desire and imagination.

There are special pumps for fountains: surface and underwater. An underwater pump is required for a tall fountain, and a surface model can be purchased for a real water attraction.

For a real water show, you will also need lighting. All lights designed for installation in reservoirs are powered by 12 volts.

Mini floodlights can be installed on the surface of the water or even underwater. Illumination of the pond in this way gives it a truly extraordinary and stunning look.


Undoubtedly, everyone who owns a summer cottage, private plot or private property wants to have a beautiful ornamental pond on their land. Now it is considered a luxury and something exotic. It is believed that realizing a dream is actually costly and costly. We will try to show how we create a decorative pond with our own hands with low financial costs.

Consider a simple, inexpensive way to create a pond.

A plastic wrap is used as a water reservoir. The main advantages of this material are:

  • low cost;
  • prevalence (in almost every market);
  • ease of storage;
  • service life - 2-3 years, depending on the thickness.

We prepare materials and tools

To make a decorative pond on our website, we need:

  1. contour for the contour of the pond;
  2. shovels and buckets;
  3. sand, ruins, stone for demolition;
  4. plastic wrap (define yourself, depending on the size of the pond;
  5. Loyal servant and 3 days of free time.

We are thinking about the shape and preparation of the cave for the future decorative pond

After preparing everything you need, start.

The first thing we do is define the shape of the future pond. Round, oval, rectangular, curved, etc. It all depends on your imagination. After defining the shape, for example, a curved pond, you need to attach it to the ground and drag the rope around its perimeter to see a frame of the future pond. When we finish this phase, along the perimeter of the rope in a bayonet bayonet (about 20 centimeters), we dig a ditch that transfers the section of the pond to the ground. In the future, it will be easier to dig without worrying about pond boundaries being affected.

When we finish marking, we continue the hard work - the hammer.

First, pour the entire area of ​​the pond onto 1 bayonet, then onto the second, third. As practice shows, for a decorative garden pond there is enough depth in 3 bayonets, 50-70 cm.

Level the bottom so that the depth of the pond is the same everywhere.

Even with the top edges of the pond, otherwise it will be unevenly filled.

After completing the work, it is necessary to remove all roots, stones, sharp objects from the walls and from the base cave. If this is not done, they can cause holes in the film later.

The bottom of the pond should be filled with sand.

The layer should be 10-15 centimeters. The sand will serve as the crunching pad for the movie.

We made a film

After completing the above work, continue to use the most thorough plastic foil deposited in the cave. It is important to correctly calculate the size of the film in order to compress the edges of the groove by 30-50 centimeters.

We put it well and tried to straighten out the big wrinkles.

It is best if the three small ridges have one large acronym.

The top should be tighter and more durable.

Water filling

By laying like a film at the bottom of the pond and on its walls (the film must be integral), you can start pumping water. This may be the only time you can relax while working.

While filling the base pond with 2/3 water, turn the edges of the film over the edge and place a rustic stone with gravel along the edge of the pond on top of it.

Place rocks on the edge of the pond, still fill it with water.

If you fill the pond, you can take into account that the work is completed. The area around it can be planted with flowers, ornamental shrubs, many sculptures, lamps.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands?

Finally, you can buy a small fountain that will greatly improve the effect.

For pond maintenance, change the water at least once a month and catch bugs, leaves and other organic waste with it.

After taking a closer look at this method of creating an ornamental pond in a garden plot, we can confidently say that this is not a complicated and not very expensive business.

If you decide to spend a few days and a little time creating a pond, you will get a wonderful decoration on your website, soak the air in hot weather and admire the view of your loved ones.

Take a look at the photo of the pond that we have at the beginning of the article. is a young cognitive site about home and family. Over time, it will become a repository of knowledge and become an everyday assistant in everyday life.

Creating a pond on the site

Many people who own large areas where they can not only build a house but also equip other objects will consider creating their own pond, which will add charm and appeal to the area, but also create original and comfortable seating.

Such a pond may be small in size, but at the same time it will be the pride of every person. The ideal solution is to decorate it with a variety of interesting materials, in addition, you can make a sandy beach or lie on the edges of different stones. For the pond, you can even use special water flowers, which will be very beautiful and exquisite.

The process of creating a pond in a place with your own hands

First, it is necessary to determine where the water body will be, as well as what specific dimensions and characteristics they will have.

To do this, you need to focus on areas that are well protected from the wind, and in hot weather, the pond should be in the shade.

As the artificial reservoir is created, it is important to supply various communication networks and install equipment. For this, it must be possible, so the location of the pond must be chosen appropriately.

At the same time, the reservoir should be located where it will have constant access, so if you want, you can have a great rest on the shore.

There should not be too many trees near the pond, because in autumn it will not quickly get dirty and sticky leaves, which can cause the formation of various dangerous bacteria.

By deciding where to be a pond, you can start practical work.

First, they must create a cave, which must have the required parameters. This work can be done using special equipment and manually using a shovel. In this case, all walls should have a slight slope to the bottom and all surfaces should be well covered.

All walls must be distinguished by the presence of exactly the same parameters, therefore this issue should be considered urgently, and also checked by level.

How to make a pond in the country with your own hands: 4 real channels and 30 ideas

In addition, the walls and bottom are covered with a waterproofing material in the form of a cylinder, and the roof material is also suitable for this purpose.

The next stage of work is the creation of screeds, for which it is necessary to form a high-quality and homogeneous mixture, which has the necessary parameters.

It must contain Portland cement and gravel, sand and a certain amount of water. Pour the resulting mortar into the cave, which is to be used for vertical and horizontal formwork. The thickness of the layer must be exactly the same at any point of the screed, but it must be at least 100 mm in order to obtain a high-quality and durable layer. We must not forget that in the ground they will pass pipes leading to the pond.

For this reason, the screed must have a proper opening through which the water pump and its kit will operate. The tube should lead to the nearest pond or other place where water can be obtained and where it can be emptied.

This system also had to be equipped with special pumping equipment, and the various valves and other elements for its operation were very light.

The pipes must be laid in the ground, for which it is necessary to create ditches around the perimeter, the depth of which must be below the freezing level. It is also desirable that all elements located in the ground be wrapped with high quality and reliable thermal insulation materials that can last long underground.

The screed must be reinforced, for which high-quality reinforcing bars are used, which must be laid along and above the screed. In places where all elements are connected, they must be connected with flexible and strong wire. The screed takes about a month to cure, and during this time it must be covered with burlap and sometimes soaked so that it does not burst.

Once the screed is completely ready, you can run the casing so that you can use the finishing material or not.

The ideal solution is to use marble tiles, but if there is no money for this material, plastic tiles will be strong, durable and reliable and have an attractive appearance.

The next step is that the cave is completely filled with water with a pump and pipes buried in the ground. We must not forget that once a year it is necessary to completely dry the pond so that the water is restored and unnecessary bacteria do not arise.

The created pond needs interesting design and decoration, which makes it the real culmination of this territory.

To do this, you can make a bridge or a small platform and place stones or sand around the rim. A great solution would be to create water beds of lilies or water lilies.

Alternatively, you can arrange an interesting and attractive fountain in the center or use other decorative elements. If you want to create a fountain, you will need to spend a lot of money because it needs a reliable website as well as the delivery of special equipment.

In the immediate vicinity of the pond, it is advisable to create a relaxation area with sun loungers and benches, so that in hot summer you can enjoy the pleasant cooling of the artificial pond.

So the pond on the site is also pretty straightforward with your own hands, if you do the job properly, the rates will be consistent and competent.

If there is free space in a summer cottage or suburban area, you have the opportunity to create decorative water bodies that will be an ideal addition to a recreation area. For example, next to a pond it will be much more pleasant to read a book or wet your feet while resting after a hard day.

And given that such a pond can also look differently, you can show your imagination and arrange such a corner so that it is as comfortable as possible for the whole family.

We will push you to creative solutions - with our proposal to study pictures and photos of landscape ideas of a pond in the country with our own hands.

How to arrange an artificial pond in the country, photo

Choosing a place for a pond

If you decide to create a swimming pond in the country with your own hands, first determine the best place where you can dig it.

When choosing a zone for arranging such a water body, consider the following features:

  • it is better if the pond is located in an open area. If trees grow next to it, they can not only damage the landscape, but they will also pollute the pond with their branches and foliage, and you will have to spend a lot more time cleaning;
  • try to choose an area where, even after arranging the pond, there is still free space. It is likely that in the future you will want to expand the water body and add new decorative elements, including massive ones;
  • do not allocate a place under the pond that is under the open sun: in such conditions, the pond will dry out, unwanted microorganisms will begin to develop in the water, and bloom will appear.

Ideally, the sun should only illuminate the pond for half a day, that is, in the morning or evening. This area should be shaded at lunchtime. Determine the possibility of creating the necessary shadow on the site immediately: in a suitable place mark the pond - and watch how its brightness changes during the day.

Both the nearest building and tall vegetation can create a shade for this zone. Bushes and trees (especially those with a weeping crown) will decorate your pond and accentuate its natural design.

By the way, it is important to harmoniously fit the pond into the surrounding landscape, so this factor should also be taken into account when planning it.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: landscape ideas, photos

If you decide to make a pond in low and wet areas of your garden, you can drain water from the garden area through the drainage system. And if such a terrain has a flat surface, choose a place for the pond on the border of the garden, where bushes and trees are located, or next to the livestock (but then you will have to form a smooth transition of their perennial or ornamental herbal plants).

We do not recommend making an artificial pond in the country with your own hands in the middle of the lawn. If this is the only suitable option, then visually separate the pond and lawn grass by planting vegetation with different parameters at the border, including low, so that you can observe the water through it.

Quite often, decorative ponds are created where a rockery or alpine slide is formed. The stones located on these objects can be harmoniously combined with the decor of the water body itself. We also recommend not to neglect the unevenness of the terrain: they can be advantageously used to create streams that will flow to the pond over the stones. And in the future, it will be possible to put a bridge here, which will serve as another decoration.

Planning the shape and style

Before making a pond in the country with your own hands, you should plan a couple more points. Find out right away which style is most preferable for you. The shape may vary depending on the style.

For example, English design is characterized by round shapes. For a regular style, strict geometry is suitable.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a pond in the country, photo

And the closest to natural, with its characteristic irregularities and asymmetries, will be Japanese and Chinese designs.

There are no clear requirements for choosing a pond design in the country. But it will be better if it looks natural.

Alternatively, you can combine several different shapes if you are creating a pond in a wide area.

Pond decoration in the country, photo

Suitable materials

The formation of a decorative pond in the country with your own hands begins with digging a foundation pit. But for this you need to know exactly how such a water body will be created.

Most often, two methods are used:

  • for the pond, you can use ready-made forms on a polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass base. No less popular are plastic ponds for summer cottages, as well as polypropylene ponds. Choose forms, focusing not only on cost, but also on their quality characteristics, if you are interested in keeping the pond for a long time;
  • the second method involves the use of PVC film or butyl rubber. The film has a ten-year lifespan, but the butyl rubber can last up to fifty years.

Artificial pond in the country, photo

Each of these techniques has its own advantages. So, if you use a ready-made mold, you will finish all the work faster, because after creating the pit, it will be enough to securely fix it inside. The second method allows you to independently choose the parameters of the pond and create natural forms.

Advice: for reliability, according to the second method, you can make a concrete pond in the country with your own hands.

In addition to the materials that will shape the pond, make sure you purchase everything you need to keep it in good condition. At a minimum, a pond pump in the country will come in handy. You can find the necessary accessories at specialized points of sale or purchase everything for a pond at the dacha in online stores.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a film pond

Now let's get acquainted with the procedure on how to build a pond in the country with our own hands, using film or rubber. Traditionally, the construction of a pond begins with digging a pit: a shovel will be enough for small ponds, but if you are planning to make a huge body of water, you will need an excavator.

Decorative pond in the country, photo

Mark the selected area using the pegs. Then remove the top layer of earth, remove the terraces 0.3 meters deep and 0.2 meters wide - and start digging out the main bowl.

Attention! The slope of the bank should be forty-five degrees, and the depth of the pit should be more than sixty centimeters. Otherwise, your pond will freeze with the onset of frost, and will also overheat in the summer.

To ensure a reliable construction of a pond in a dacha with a film waterproofing, form a moat about fifteen centimeters deep around the perimeter of the pond. This will allow the film to be securely attached.

After the pit is ready, level the bottom, get rid of stones and form a five-centimeter layer of clean washed sand on its surface. Then cover it with geotextile to protect the film from damage.

Now you can start laying the film or rubber itself. The parameters of this material are calculated taking into account the length of the pond and its double depth. Also take half a meter in reserve, since the film will have to be fixed at the edges.

Lay out the sheet, secure the edges with bricks. The pond can now be filled with water. Do not cut the edges, as the material will take the required shape within 24 hours. Only after that it will be possible to get rid of them, leaving a quarter of a meter under the blind area.

Do-it-yourself decorative pond in the country, photo

Choose the blind area itself, focusing on your own preferences. It can be stone, brick, decorative tiles and many other materials. They are fixed on a cement mortar. The width of such elements should be at least sixty centimeters.

Making a bath pond

It is quite simple to make a pond in the country house from an old bathtub with your own hands, and we will look at how this can be done step by step. Work begins with the creation of a small pit. The parameters of the deepening are calculated taking into account the size of the container for the pond in the country.

The hole should be filled with river sand, as well as a cement screed so that in the future it will not be washed out by groundwater. The sand layer should be about ten centimeters, and the cement should be about three to five. Seven days after the formation of these layers, make another one - out of gravel. The height of such a layer should be about twenty to thirty centimeters.

Now you can safely lower the bath. Once installed, use gravel to fill the openings on the sides (at least ten centimeters from the tub to the cut). Make sure that the edges of the container are not visible over the shore. Arrange the pond around the perimeter with flat pebbles or large stones.

Pond design in the country, photo

If you are making a pond from a bathroom on a slope with your own hands, then on one side reinforce it with a large stone, forming a full tunnel for one and a partial tunnel for the other, free, side. Visually, it will look like a rocky alpine slide.

How to create a mini pond

We have already noted that a self-made pond made with our own hands in the country can have a wide variety of shapes and parameters. If you have planned the construction of an artificial pond in the country exclusively for decorative purposes, then you can use small containers.

For example, you can make a mini-pond in the country from a basin. It attaches in a similar way to a large bathtub, but is much more compact. An unnecessary trough, flower pots, barrels are also suitable for these purposes.

Often they make a mini-pond in the country from tires. To make a pond from a tire with your own hands, you will have to think about how a reliable bottom will be created.

Small pond in the country with their own hands, photo

If you look at the photo gallery of ponds in the country, you will see that small ponds can deepen or, conversely, rise above the boundaries of the hole. For their decoration, use large pebbles, gravel, colored sand, bricks, as well as live plants.

The nuances of pond care

How to care for a pond in the country? To maintain the attractive appearance of a homemade pond, you will have to perform some procedures in a timely manner. Firstly, it is important to create the necessary ecosystem, so choose the right aquatic plants. Secondly, during the summer, get rid of the weeds around the pond, as well as the algae in the water. For these purposes, use a rake, nets and other tools.

Artificial pond in the country with their own hands, photo

Attention! Cleaning the pond in the country can be done with the help of suitable chemicals, which, moreover, allow you to saturate the water with oxygen, so that they are absolutely harmless to its inhabitants.

If you notice that the pond is starting to dry, replenish the amount of water. With the onset of autumn, promptly remove leaves, branches and other debris from the water surface, otherwise they will settle at the bottom. Some varieties of plants that are used for decoration will have to be transplanted into containers, and thick and lush plants will have to be thinned out. By the way, with the end of the swimming season, you can use a special net to protect the pond from debris.

During the spring months, engage in pruning dried-out plant stems and scrubbing the sides and bottom of the pond to remove any sludge that has appeared. Special equipment can easily cope with this task. In the middle of spring, it will be possible to launch a fountain, if there is one on such a water body.

And, of course, do not forget about strengthening the banks of the pond at the dacha, if you have begun to observe significant changes. It is better to do this work by involving specialists.

If you do the indicated procedures on time, you will not spend a lot of time and energy on maintaining appearance your pond.

Arrangement of a pond in the country, photo

Suitable vegetation

Many are interested in what beautiful plants to plant around the pond in the country. Not all varieties are adapted to wet conditions, so let's take a closer look at this stage of designing a pond in the country.

The banks of large ponds can be decorated with lush plants. What to plant by the pond? For example, varieties of swamp iris, willow loosestrife, coin loosestrife, as well as tall reeds and darmer are suitable.

Plants that are perennial are also suitable for a pond in the country. These are gunner, hosta, marsh iris, rogersia, badan, astilba. And among the pebbles, which are located as close as possible to the water body, you can grow sedum, tenaciousness or forget-me-nots.

Attention! It is better to plant the plants near the pond in the country house not in the soil, but in jute pockets or containers so that they can be moved to a safe place in winter.

Now you know what to plant near the pond in the country and which plants are considered suitable. But it is also worth thinking about the vegetation that will float on the water. Dwarf water lilies, water varieties of hyacinth and buttercup, duckweed and many other varieties will suit you.

Making a decorative pond in the country, photo

Other Pond Decorations

One of the options for decorating a pond in the country with your own hands involves arranging a fountain. It can be either a large fountain for a pond, placed in the center, or many small fountains in the country, which will emphasize the beauty of the water body.

To create a pond with a fountain in the country with your own hands, you should purchase special equipment with sprinklers in a specialized store. They will require metal profile stands. Screw the body of the fountains to them, grind the legs (as they can ruin the film in the pond) - and place the structure in the right place in the middle of the water.

Making an artificial pond in the country, photo

By the way, you can connect a hose to the fountain and let the water flow so that it flows through decorative elements (for example, through jugs). So you can make your own hands a pond in the country with a waterfall.

The next suitable decoration for a pond in the country is made of stones. These can be small steps that emphasize uneven terrain, stone-based fences, or statues that are painted into the natural landscape. A pond of stones in the country with your own hands can be made in different colors.

Interesting ideas for arranging a pond in the country include the installation of bridges. These items can be purchased or made with your own hands from forged metal, wood, stone and other materials. The advantage of bridges is that they are suitable for decorating a plastic pond or any other in the country. And on the shore of the pond, you can put decorative benches, hammocks, tables, sun loungers and much more.

Diy pond design in the country, photo

A common idea of ​​how to ennoble a pond in the country with your own hands is to use colored lights right in the water or around the perimeter. In the evening and at night, it will draw attention to this object and create a comfortable environment for a relaxing holiday, setting you up for reflection and emphasizing the natural beauty.

Making a pond in the country with your own hands, photo

In order to get as close to nature as possible, you can bring animals in the water. Goldfish will look especially interesting in the pond. But you can choose other types of fish, for example, think about keeping crucians in a pond in the country. Then you can go fishing without leaving your summer cottage.

Just plan in advance how to feed the crucian carp in the pond in the country, so that they do not die out. For these purposes, worms, larvae and even some cereals are suitable.

Beautiful ponds in the country, photo

Thanks to the wide variety of ideas for arranging and decorating homemade ponds, making your site even more comfortable is quite possible! It remains only to decide which of the listed ideas you will translate into reality. Although, you can combine several of the proposed options to make the landscaped pond look even more interesting.


Photo gallery

I really want to relax after the summer heat and physical labor near a picturesque place. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is water. Unfortunately, not all site owners are lucky enough to have a reservoir in the country. Therefore, many summer residents equip a mini pond in the country with their own hands. We will talk about this in this article.

Perhaps at first you will have questions: how to do it? what material? where to place? But believe me, you can build a pond with your own hands. Moreover, we are talking about a small pond in the country - mini copies of reservoirs from 0.5 to 1.5 m3.

Design of the future pond

Thanks to today's technology, the owner can build a pond of any complexity. For example, there are three possible options for a small pond: cover a recess in the ground with foil and fill it with water; use a ready-made container, which may be right at hand; pour concrete into the walls of the recess in the ground and fill it with water.

Option 1

First, on paper, create a project for the future pond. Consider planting widths, depths, and sills. Start contouring on the ground. This can be done with paint or sand.

If several tiers are planned in the pond, then mark them and dig them one by one.

Purchase a film for your reservoir with the calculation of +0.5 m on the sides on the sides of the pit bowl. You will also need purchases: geofabric - a material that is placed on the bottom and walls of the bowl to protect the film from damage. Although you can use something from the bins: unnecessary carpet, old linoleum.

Geofabric for reservoirs

You can fix the film with crushed stone, laying it in trenches dug along the edges of the thresholds. Fill the pond with water gradually, taking breaks. Line the shoreline with stones and cover the bottom of the pond with small pebbles.

Option 2

First, decide on the shape of the container in which the water will be. Then dig a pit for it, stepping back 30 cm from the sides. Tamp the bottom to keep it flat. If you have chosen a multi-tiered plastic mold, then fill the water gradually, and fill the space between the mold and the pit bowl with sand.

There are many more options for a small pond in the country. Can be used:

  • An unnecessary bath. Apply the dimensions of the bathroom to the area, adding 10 cm to the sides. Dig a pit 20 cm deeper. Under the bathtub drain, drain the drain stones. Pour rubble with sand at the bottom of the pit and tamp.
  • The pelvis. We follow the path of least resistance and use the most budgetary option, because even a leaky basin can be used by covering the hole with a film. Leave the edges of the pelvis above the ground. Under the bottom and between the walls of the basin and the pit, lay a layer of clay and sand solution. Pour soil at the bottom of the basin to plant duckweed and urut or whatever you choose. Such a pond will be tiny and beautiful.

Bathroom pond

And more tires, a barrel, a boat, or even an old cabinet! Conveniently, some of these containers can be brought into the house for the winter. Indeed, making a pond with your own hands is not difficult!

How to make a pond from the bathroom (video tutorial)

Option 3

I think many will agree that building a pond according to the third option requires some, at least basic, builder skills. But at the same time, do not let this scare you, because any summer resident or owner of a plot in the private sector is already a little builder. And as a reward for your efforts, you will have an almost eternal paradise in your yard.

Stages of construction of a reservoir in the country (video)

Be serious about choosing the location of the pond, because it will no longer be possible to move it. Now you can start.

If you decide to make a reservoir without rapids, then this will greatly simplify the task. Dig a pit with slopes at 45 degrees. Tamp down the groove and cover it with sand.

Place PET or PVC film on the bottom without pulling it tightly. Start pouring concrete from the walls, and then go to the bottom.

Try to do this part of the work in one day to avoid cracks at the joints.

Press in reinforced mesh. Pour the second layer of concrete as soon as the first dries. Constantly check the horizon with the level. Fill with water when the concrete is completely hardened.

Concrete pond

Before deciding on the option for building a pond, decide which design idea will look especially organic on your site. If the house, paths and flower beds are designed in a strict style, feel free to break a pond of clear forms. If you like everything natural, then any arbitrary shape will do.

Decide on a place

How to make all the inhabitants of the pond comfortable? If you have a large plot of land, then carefully study the area so as not to be mistaken with the choice. There are several secrets that we will share with you.

  • The roots of old trees can interfere with work, and over time, even the walls of the reservoir. Falling leaves and fruits will also make you clean up your pond often.
  • Choose a location with the expectation that the pond will be in the shade for some time so that algae and microorganisms do not develop too actively in it.
  • At the same time, the sun is needed for the plants along the coast. So you will have to look for the best option, taking into account these nuances.
  • If your body of water is small, but deep, then make sure that it is always in sight when children are playing nearby. And why hide such beauty from sight?
  • The pond will look best in a depression. Almost always descend to the lake, river, sea.

Mini pond for summer cottages

We will think over a possible ecosystem

If you want fish to live in your pond and flowers to bloom, then a few rules from this section will help you.

Plant selection

Decorative flowers in the pond do not suffer from temperature changes and can even tolerate frosts (of course, except for southern varieties of plants, which will need to be hidden for the winter). But still make sure that the water in the pond will be heated by the sun for at least five hours during the day.

The less light, the faster the mini pond in the country will turn into a small swamp. Then it will look completely unattractive, a characteristic smell and flowering will appear.

In nature, an amazing self-purification process has been launched, and at home the owner should take care of the purity of the reservoir.

As in a natural pond, plants in a home pond are divided into the following types:

  • those that grow on the shore;
  • those that grow in a humid zone on the border with water;
  • floating on the surface;
  • shallow and those that grow at depth.

Although the air humidity will be higher on the shore along the pond than in other places, simple garden plants will be able to take root there. But still, consider that they do not look ridiculous or accidentally next to other inhabitants of the pond. Begonias, aquilegia, balsam and many other perennial plants that are used to decorate landscapes will be harmoniously combined.

An area with constant humidity, but without stagnant water, this is the best place for moisture-loving perennial plants... Among such stars are meadowsweet (meadowsweet), lisichiton, darmera, iris and many others.

Irises also thrive in shallow waters. Susak, pontederia, tail are competing with them.

The deep sea queen can rightfully be called a water lily. She copes with harsh winters calmly. Water lilies are not only beautiful but also useful. It is they who can create the shade necessary for the pond. Among other deep-sea beauties, the lotus (although it needs to be dug out for the winter, because in most of the territory of the former USSR, for almost 8 months, the water does not warm up as needed for the flowering of such varieties), vodokras, oronium, water walnut and many other bizarre inhabitants of the depths.

The rivals of deep-sea plants are algae, which saturate the pond water with oxygen and support the vital activity of other organisms. Among them are bog, hornwort, etc.

Animal inhabitants

Insects, microorganisms and the simplest plants will start in your pond on their own. You will have to take care of the fish yourself.

Fish in a pond in the country

But do not think that you cannot start them. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here. Check the depth of your pond - it should be at least 90 cm deep. This is necessary for the fish, because this way they will be able to overwinter. And in summer, the water will not get too warm. Shallower ponds are only suitable for growing ornamental plants.

By the way, in ponds with fish, a third of the water surface should be covered with greenery.

Attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat is one of the most important connections. The service life of the roof structure depends on its reliability and strength. Incorrect fastening can cause the rafters to drop and deform the roof. It is quite difficult to do this work, but it is quite possible if certain rules are followed.

Mauerlat is the foundation. It is usually made of wood. Mauerlat is mounted on the outer walls of the building along the perimeter.

Its main functions are:

  • Reducing the expanding force from the roof to the walls of the building.
  • Securing the roof structure to the building.

Mauerlat is necessary to firmly anchor the roof of the building and prevent it from falling off in strong winds.

It should be used for cinder block, brick, aerated concrete and aerated concrete buildings. For buildings made of these materials, the Mauerlat is mounted as a separate structure.

It should be noted that the use of a Mauerlat bar in frame houses not necessary.

Mauerlat dimensions

Mauerlat is usually made from wooden logs or beams with a section of 150 x 150, 150 x 100 or 80 x 180 mm. It is not advisable to use a large timber for these purposes, since it will create an extra load on the walls of the building. Also, lifting up such bars will create great difficulties.

When making a Mauerlat structure, it is important to ensure its integrity. For this, the timber is fastened together at the joints by means of metal plates.

Necessary tools and materials for work

The following tools are required for the manufacture of a Mauerlat:

  • Hacksaw;
  • Grinder with attachments for cutting metal and wood;
  • Screwdriver or drill;
  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Pliers and hammer;
  • Chops for screws and drills.

You may also need a welding machine if the Mauerlat is fixed by means of anchor bolts embedded in the armored belt.

When making a Mauerlat, you should stock up on the following materials:

  • Nails;
  • "L" shaped studs or anchor bolts.
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Wooden bar;
  • Washers and nuts;
  • Waterproofing material (roofing felt or similar material);
  • Bolts and metal plates.
  • Steel wire (in case the fastening will be carried out by means of a wire).

The amount of materials required for the construction of the Mauerlat directly depends on the size of the building.

Mauerlat mount

There are the following ways of attaching the rafters to the Mauerlat:

    1. Fastening with steel wire. To do this, you need a wire with a diameter of 4 to 6 millimeters. It must be twisted several times and laid 3-4 rows before the completion of the laying. Then you need to wait until the wall gets stronger. Next, you need to pass the wire through the Mauerlat beam and twist its ends. The length of the wire must be calculated in such a way that you can twist it around the Mauerlat, and then press it against the wall of the building. Ease of installation and low cost are the main advantages of this mount.

    1. Anchoring with anchors. This method is the most reliable and durable. Anchor bolts are welded to the metal using a welding machine. It should be borne in mind that the anchor bolts must rise above the laid Mauerlat by at least 30 millimeters. Then a Mauerlat bar is installed on the wall of the building and fixed with anchor bolts with washers and nuts. Before installing the Mauerlat, it is necessary to drill holes for the anchors in it. The main disadvantage of this mounting method is its high cost.

  1. Fastening with studs embedded in the wall. These studs must be “L” shaped and threaded. They must be laid in the masonry to a depth of 450 millimeters. The studs must be at least 30 millimeters higher than the Mauerlat installed on the wall. After installing the pins, it is necessary to drill holes for them in the Mauerlat. The Mauerlat bar is fixed to the wall by means of nuts and washers screwed onto the studs.

Before installing the Mauerlat bar, it is necessary to lay the waterproofing material on the walls of the building.

When creating a reliable fastening of the rafters to the gable roof Mauerlat, the following rules must be observed:

  • Fastening the connecting elements to the Mauerlat and the rafters must be firmly and efficiently.
  • The cuts at the points of contact with the Mauerlat must be very accurate, since the reliability of the connection will depend on this.
  • In the process of mounting the rafters on the Mauerlat, when fastening to other rafters, stretch marks, braces and other parts, plates, metal corners, bolts, pins and brackets are used, which are intended for these purposes.
  • If installation is carried out with nuts and bolts, then it is necessary to use metal plates or washers that will prevent the nut from flooding in the wood. Also, for these purposes, you can use plywood scraps.
  • For buildings made of wood, apply to the Mauerlat or to the upper side logs.
  • In order for the rafters to slide along the wall during the shrinkage of the walls of the building, special elements are used - the so-called "skids". This part must be used in the manufacture of soft roofing or covering from expensive tiles.
  • To fix the rafters, it is necessary to file the “saddle” at the junction of the rafters to the Mauerlat bar. This is necessary to ensure a reliable fit to the surface of the Mauerlat bar. You can use templates for making cuts if you are sure that all distances and dimensions around the perimeter of the building are as identical as possible. Otherwise, each rafter leg must be adjusted separately. It should be noted that the depth of the cut should not exceed ¼ of the width.
  • In order for the fastening of the rafter legs to the Mauerlat to be more durable and reliable, it is necessary to use special steel corners.
  • In a ridge run, the rafters are attached to each other end-to-end. The fixation is carried out by means of steel plates.

Types of metal fasteners

The rafters are attached to the Mauerlat using the following elements:

  • Metal corner. It is mounted on the sides of the rafters and fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • Metal wire, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 millimeters.
  • Staple... It is a rod curved in the form of the letter "P" with an elongated top. Fastening is carried out with a hammer. In this case, one end of the bracket is hammered into the rafter, and the other - the Mauerlat.
  • Metal plates. Used to commit. Fastened with self-tapping screws or bolts with nuts.
  • Perforated mounting tape. It can act as both the main and additional fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat bar. The tape is secured with nails or screws. It gives the roof structure the best rigidity.
  • Brackets. When using them, there is no need to make a tie-in on the Mauerlat, so that the supporting structure does not weaken. The brackets are made of 2 mm thick galvanized metal. This element is secured with anchor bolts, screws or nails.
  • Fasteners typeLK. They are usually used when fixing the rafters to the roof structure. The fixation of this fastener is carried out with nails and screws.
  • bracketWB. Fastened with screws and screws. This element allows you to use rafters with non-standard dimensions.

Rigid connection of rafters with Mauerlat

There are two types of rafter fastening: rigid and sliding. Rigid fastening is used on buildings constructed from cinder block, brick or foam blocks. Fasteners of this type completely exclude the movement of the rafter system.

rigid fastening of the rafters to the Mauerlat photo

Rigid fastening of the rafter legs is performed as follows:

  1. On the rafter, a gash is performed. It is also called a landing saddle.
  2. Rafters with saws are installed on the Mauerlat and secured with nails.
  3. For firm fixation, nails should be driven in on the sides of the rafter legs crosswise. You also need to hammer in one nail in the middle.

It is also possible to secure metal corners on both sides of the rafter legs for safety reasons using nails or self-tapping screws. It is important to note that the cuts must be made even, i.e. there should be no gaps and distortions.

Sliding rafter mount

Hinged rafters to the Mauerlat are usually used on log buildings. Such fastening does not allow the roof structure to be skewed during shrinkage or deformation of the building walls.

The walls of wooden buildings are deformed in any case under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

Thanks to the sliding mount, the roof remains level. The wall, going down, slides about the fastening and does not pull the roof structure along with it.

The open mount includes two metal elements: a fixed angle and a guide. The corner is attached to the Mauerlat bar, and the guide plate to the rafters. The travel of this attachment is 60 - 160 mm.

The closed mount is a non-separable metal structure. Closed fasteners work in much the same way as open ones. The difference is that the closed fasteners are assembled assembled.

When installing sliding mounts, follow these guidelines:

  • The rafters should extend beyond the walls of the building, regardless of what type of fastening is used.
  • The rafters must be of the same dimensions. This will significantly reduce the time required to fit and install them.
  • The rafter legs must be mounted parallel to each other. In this case, the hinge mount will not jam.

From this video you will learn how to attach the rafters to the Mauerlat:

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