What ornamental shrubs are planted in the fall. Other shrubs

It was beautiful all year round, plants are selected different in height, and in terms of flowering or fruiting, resistance to climatic conditions. In this article, we will tell you about the most popular of them.

The best blooming (with photo)

Tall shrub, grows up to three meters, with a spreading crown. About a hundred varieties and forms of the plant are known. Flowering time, depending on the species, is from mid-summer to frost.

Paniculate inflorescences are more like clusters, reach 45 cm in length, there are different shades: white, pink, orange, purple, lavender colors. The flowers are small with tubular petals similar to lilacs or, with four lobes.

When growing, it prefers places that are closed from drafts, but open to the sun, and is unpretentious to soils. Care consists in watering, fertilizing,.

Propagated by seeds, which are formed in a capsule after flowering, and by cuttings: green and lignified.

Care consists in regular watering, weeding, etc. Neither winter, if there is no snow, it is better to cover the culture. Cassiopeia propagates by cuttings.

Frost-resistant species

A product of the selection of Canadian scientists, grown for northern latitudes. These flowers can withstand 45-degree frosts.

If their foliage freezes over due to sudden temperature changes, then it quickly recovers without damage to the plant. Roses bloom profusely with bright colors of various shades, they are not afraid of shadows, diseases.

The shrub has curly lush green foliage, strong thin shoots. Roses are easy to care for.

Frequent visitor to gardens and parks. A branchy, lush shrub grows quickly, lends itself well to cutting.

Thanks to the dense, oval foliage, the shrub makes an almost solid hedge. Common lilac tolerates shade well, in too bright sun its delicate inflorescences can burn and turn brown.

It blooms early in April - May with beautiful bright clusters of white, cream, pink-lilac inflorescences. Lilac feels great on all types of soil, but prefers loose soils.

Ornamental fruit shrubs for summer cottages

The bush is about a meter tall, with thin shoots, curved in an arc. The foliage is green, glossy, some species have thorns.

Lush bloom begins in May, flowers are simple and double. Most often, there are varieties with orange inflorescences, but there are also pink and white ones.

The plant bears fruit of a yellowish color, similar to quince. Quince is drought tolerant and grows in almost any soil.

Important! The transplant is carried out with extreme caution because of the long taproot, which is easy to damage.

- not only decorative, but also. It grows up to five meters tall, has thorns on glossy red-brown stems.

The foliage is up to 6 cm long, oval in shape with a pile on both sides of the leaf. Small thyroid inflorescences bloom in May, red fruits appear at the end of summer.

Hawthorn grows equally well in dry and wetlands, in the shade and in the sun, easily adapts to weather conditions.

Another medicinal and, of course, beautiful plant is viburnum. common- a tall, lush bush, with brown bark, dense green foliage, which turns red in autumn.

For low curbs, you can use a low and dense grade. boxwood(Buxus sempervirens Suffruticosa) is a slow-growing evergreen shrub with very beautiful shiny dark green leaves.

Boxwood is perfect not only for decorating a balcony in an oriental style, but also for ceremonial trimmed borders. Several varieties of boxwood have been bred, which differ not only in the shape of the leaf, but also in the variegated color of the leaves.

Boxwood is shade-tolerant and drought-resistant, prefers fertile loose soils without stagnant water. For the winter, it is advisable to cover the boxwood with an agrospan to protect the leaves from winter and early spring sunburn.

For border plantings, it is quite possible to use some varieties. Fortune's euonymus(Euonymus fortunei) is a slow-growing, very low, creeping shrub up to half a meter high with long, up to 3 meters, easily rooted shoots in internodes. These shoots are quite capable of clinging to the support, if any. At Fortune's euonymus, small green leathery leaves are 2-5 centimeters long.

This species, as well as its hybrid forms, for example, Forchun's variegated euonymus (Euonymus fortunei Variegatus) with white-green leaves and pink veins, which can also be used as a ground cover plant. And ripening fruits will not only add decorativeness to the bushes, but also serve as food for birds.

Forchuna's euonymus prefers a semi-trunk, is sufficiently drought-resistant, tolerates pruning well.

Karagana(Caragana) has long been used as an ornamental plant. Perhaps most of us know it as an acacia growing in forest belts and parks, but in fact it is a caragana. For example, types such as caragana prickly(Caragana pygmaea) and caragana orange(Caragana aurantiaca) are capable of creating even impenetrable thickets if they are not cut.

Orange caragana is a loose bush up to 1 meter tall with numerous protruding shoots.

It grows well in urban conditions, tolerates drought well, and is not at all demanding on soil fertility. It needs to be trimmed constantly to get a solid green border. Caragana prickly differs from orange only in yellow flowers.

Very handsome in a hedge snowberry(Symphoricarpos). Snowberry is a deciduous shrub up to 1-1.5 meters high, especially beautiful in autumn, during prolonged fruiting, when the branches bend under the weight of numerous white berries, which really resemble small drifts of snow. Or maybe it is called that because the berries on the bush hold for a long time, right up to the snow.

The snowberry grows very quickly, is completely unpretentious in care, prefers open sunny places, calcareous soils. Grows well in urban conditions with insufficient watering. Well tolerates cutting and bush formation. Sometimes in severe snowless winters it can freeze slightly, but it recovers very quickly.

For a low hedge, you can use a semi-evergreen honeysuckle lustrous, or shiny(Lonicera nitida) with many lodging shoots, abundantly covered with shiny green oblong leaves.

Shiny honeysuckle grows well both on sandy and clay soils, if you take measures to increase fertility, make the land water and air permeable. Grows well in open, sunny places, and in partial shade. Honeysuckle is brilliant thermophilic, therefore, in our climate, it loses its leaves for the winter and can freeze slightly, therefore it requires shelter for the winter.

and capiform honeysuckle(Lonicera pileata), which differs from the first in fragrant pale yellow flowers. Fruiting, medium-sized fruits with cherry, purple color. Honeysuckle cauliflower can grow both in the sun and in partial shade; in addition, it is more hardy than glossy honeysuckle, but in cold winters it still loses its leaves.

Low almonds, or steppe almonds(Amygdalis nana = Amygdalis tenella = Prunus tenella) is a low, up to 1-1.5 meters tall, branchy deciduous shrub, especially beautiful in early spring, when it blooms with very bright, eye-catching, pink flowers blooming with leaves. Almonds are unpretentious, so they can be successfully used to create permanent garden compositions, flower beds.

Low almonds prefer sunny places, calmly tolerate drought, can grow on poor sandy soils. On clay soils, drainage will have to be done for almonds, since it does not at all tolerate stagnant water in the soil.

Suitable for low curbs Dammer's cotoneaster(Cotoneaster dammeri), cotoneaster pressed(Cotoneaster adpressus), horizontal cotoneaster(Cotoneaster horizontalis). Dammer's cotoneaster is a ground cover evergreen shrub with long, easily rooting shoots and small, only up to 4 centimeters, oval leaves. In autumn, ripening red fruits add decorativeness to the cotoneaster.

The cotoneaster is a deciduous ground cover. He has small, up to 1.5 centimeters, rounded leaves. The red fruits also ripen in September.

Cotoneaster is undemanding to soil fertility, can grow in an open sunny place, and in partial shade, do not tolerate severe waterlogging, but very responsive to watering in dry times. For the winter, these types of cotoneaster need to be covered, as they freeze slightly.

Potentilla is very decorative. Suitable for low hedges daurian cinquefoil(Potentella davutica) and shrub cinquefoil(Potentella fruticosa).

Daurian cinquefoil is a low deciduous shrub up to 1 meter tall, blooms with white flowers all summer. Shrub cinquefoil - neat shrubs of a rounded shape, but slightly higher than Daurian cinquefoil, blooms with yellow flowers, there are varietal forms with white, pink and red flowers. In care, Potentilla are unpretentious, grow well in an open sunny area with minimal watering and top dressing. They tolerate a haircut well, they do not require shelter for the winter.

For dry areas with poor soil for hedges, you can use a steppe plant such as gorse dye(Genista tinctoria) is a dense shrub up to 1 meter tall with thin shoots directed upwards. Shoots are covered with narrow pale green leaves. It blooms with bright yellow flowers. The shrub is very unpretentious, although it can freeze slightly in snowless winters, but it quickly recovers.

the Rose(Rose) - in no way inferior in beauty to rhododendon, rather equal among equals - a worthy representative of ornamental garden shrubs. For low curbs, it is quite possible to use groundcover, miniature, patio, polyanthus, and even some low-growing varieties of floribunda roses. Neatly trimmed, or growing freely - roses never leave you indifferent.

However, in order for roses to always be in excellent condition, you need to work hard: roses are quite whimsical. The soil they need is nutritious, moderately moist. Roses need both thinning and sanitary pruning. All roses need to be covered for the winter.

For some reason to currant(Ribes) and gooseberries(Grossularia) we are used to treating only as fruit shrubs. However, it is worth looking at them from the other side. Any currant is decorative during the growing season: in spring, during flowering, and in summer, during fruiting, and even without fruit.

All currants and gooseberries are very similar, but for a short hedge is quite suitable alpine currant(Ribes alpinum) is a compact and rather dense deciduous shrub up to 1.5 meters high, a dioecious plant, female specimens are suitable for fruiting. True, the berries of the alpine currant are tasteless. Alpine currant is quite unpretentious, grows well in sunny areas, undemanding to soils, but when feeding, the shrub is much thicker, tolerates pruning well, does not need shelter.

The Japanese chaenomeles hedge is very decorative. Chaenomeles japanese(Chaenomeles japonica), or japonica- dense deciduous shrub up to 1 meter high. Chaenomeles is very beautiful during flowering, when it is covered with marvelous red flowers. When tied, small rounded fruits with a pleasant lemon taste and smell are formed, from which jam and jams are made.

However, the Japanese chaenomeles needs protection from the northerly winds. It is photophilous, grows best in fertile, well-drained soils. In winter, shoots can freeze slightly, but in spring they quickly recover. With strong thickening, thinning is required.

From this list, it is quite possible to select plants that are ideal for your site, according to the requirements for keeping conditions, fertility, acidity and soil moisture.

There is absolutely no need to go against nature and plant Mahonia or rhododendron on poor dry soils, or in wet swampy areas - almonds, gorse or boxwood. Only plants ideally suited to your conditions will grow quickly, become a real highlight of the garden, and most importantly, do not require much care.

Used literature: Konovalova T.Yu., Shevyreva N.A. Ornamental shrubs, 2004
Image source flickr.com: Leonora Enking (5), John Hickey, Ron Gay, Deborah Cowder, www.jardinerosenaccion.es, Janette Dollamore, Tracey Stout, Jodi, Stefano, peganum, Josef Lex (mission accomplished!), Matt Lavin, Mountain Partnership at FAO, per.aasen, Cheryl Moorehead, Andreas Balzer, Dietmut Teijgeman-Hansen, flemertown, dangle earrings, Maja Dumat (2), Daniela Ionesco, Diddlecome Dawcock, Paul Simpson, Eirien, Yasuki Fujinuma, Ron Wolf, Nobuhiro Suhara (2), Steve Garvie, Jens Schmidt, David Trevan, Ben Rushbrooke, Jan Sølve Borlaug, Marcel, stanze, jacqueline (Jackie) ramsey, naturgucker.de / enjoynature.net, Wulf Forrester-Barker, Nacho, Mark Watts, gartenknorze, Helge Vindenes. Ruschi. Carl Lewis, Martha B. Moss, L "herbier en photos, Stephanie, jlcummins - Washington State, matt hirt, Andrew Caird, photopoésie, Betsy, tesselaarusa (2), -eney- (3), Marc Kummel, Sirpa Tähkämö, Dan Davis, Kirill Ignatyev, FarOutFlora, Rainer Fritz

Ornamental shrubs are an integral part of a beautiful garden. From them, you can create a hedge, decorate the area in front of the house with them, zone the territory in the country. It is advisable to choose plants so that the flowering of one follows the flowering of the other, and flowering bushes coexist with decorative leaves. At the same time, it is important to take into account the requirements of each shrub to the climatic conditions of Bashkiria and opt for zoned varieties and species. Caring for these plants will not require much effort, and they will decorate the garden all season.

Criteria for the selection of shrubs for growing in the garden

Before planting perennial plants in the garden, you should familiarize yourself with which ones are suitable for growing in Bashkiria.

The main requirements that shrubs must meet:

  • the ability to winter with minimal losses;
  • drought resistance;
  • wind resistance.

The climate of Bashkiria is distinguished by its stability. The main part of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the Urals, where the continental climate prevails. Winter is frosty, without sudden jumps and changes in temperature. In winter, thermometer readings are rarely below minus 20-22 ° С. The snow cover is sufficient to prevent freezing of the roots of perennial frost-resistant plants.

The temperature below zero is set at the end of October, and its rise begins in the first ten days of April. Return frosts are possible until mid-May, in rare cases, they occur until the end of the month. When choosing shrubs, it is best to plant late flowering varieties so that frost does not spoil the beauty of the plants during flowering.

In summer, there is little rainfall, so it is preferable to opt for plants that are not demanding on the irrigation regime. There is almost no heat in the summer. Average temperature 20-23 ° C.

Due to the proximity to the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Orenburg region, there are strong winds in summer. It is better not to plant shrubs with brittle shoots.

The main criterion for the selection of plants is that it is important to be based not only on decorative qualities, but also on adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region. Frost resistance and drought resistance will allow shrubs to bloom beautifully and decorate the garden with minimal maintenance. Other plants may need shelter for the winter and constant watering.

Beautifully flowering shrubs

Unpretentious flowering shrubs:

  • chubushnik ();
  • viburnum buldenezh;
  • (liana).

These shrubs are hardy, easily propagate and require watering only in hot weather.

Spirea is unpretentious and hardy. It can withstand frosts down to -30 °, it bears drought easily. So that the flowering is not short, it is advisable to water the bushes once every 10 days. If the site is fertile, you do not need to feed the plant. On poor soils, it is sufficient to apply fertilizer every three years.

Spirea has many varieties. It can be short, about 60 cm, and tall, up to 2 meters. Branches can be erect and drooping. It blooms very profusely, the flowering period lasts up to three weeks. Flowers are collected in hats or panicles, white, yellowish, pink or crimson.

Depending on the species, spirea blooms on the shoots of the current or last year. When pruning, this must be taken into account:

  • bushes that bloom in spring on last year's shoots are pruned immediately after flowering;
  • if the spirea blooms in summer, then the shoots should be cut in early spring.

If you plant several varieties of spirea in the country, then flowering will go in a wave from May to July.

Lilac bloom begins at the end of May. The plant tolerates frosty winters, cold winds, in drought it requires watering twice a month.

Lilac gives a lot of growth, therefore it is suitable for growing as a hedge. A single plant is formed as a bush or tree:

  • no more than 7 strong shoots are left for the bush, the rest of the growth is cut out annually;
  • 1-3 shoots are left for the tree. To form the stem, the lower branches are constantly cut off at a height of up to 1 meter.

For annual abundant flowering, cut out the faded tops of the shoots. This should be done immediately after flowering, until seeds have formed on the brushes. With late pruning, there will be no flowering next year.

Common lilac is a success. Its flowers are simple and double, the color is white, lilac, purple, brushes are erect and drooping.

If space permits in the country, then in addition to this it is recommended to plant Hungarian lilacs. It blooms later, after the flowers on the regular lilac begin to dry out. Hungarian lilac does not grow overgrowth, which makes it easier to care for it.

Garden jasmine is known to many under the name chubushnik. The bushes are covered with snow-white flowers in early June. By planting several different species, you can create a flowering wave from June to August.

The first to bloom are varieties with simple flowers that have a delicious aroma.

Then the terry types of chubushnik bloom. Small flowers cover the whole plant entirely, because of them green foliage is not visible. Terry species have almost no aroma.

For abundant flowering, a sunny place is required, watering during drought and. Thickening, broken and old branches are pruned at the end of summer.

Fertilize the chubushnik once every two years. The plant responds well to feeding with mullein infusion, wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer.

Kalina Buldenezh will not leave anyone indifferent. For a whole month it is covered with large white balls, each of which consists of many small flowers. The flowering is so abundant that under the weight of the flowers, the shoots bend down to the very ground.

Buldenezh grows as a bush with several trunks. The maximum height can be up to 2.5 meters. To create a beautiful shape, pruning is carried out annually, immediately after the flowers crumble. Later pruning is unacceptable, because then shoots with flower buds will be removed and there will be no flowering next year.

For the stability of the plant, the trunks are tied together, sometimes support may be required. Kalina loves sunny places, partial shade is allowed for several hours. In a drought, it is necessary to water.

It hibernates well, but sometimes some of the shoots may freeze out. They are cut out. This does not affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Hydrangea tree-like retains its decorative properties until winter. The flowers are collected in hats; after light frost, the petals become translucent.

Grows best in partial shade. In the bright sun, flowers become smaller and are not formed on every shoot.

Pruned in early spring, after the leaves begin to appear. At this time, it is noticeable if there are frozen or dried branches.

In dry weather, regular watering is required.

Shrub cinquefoil grows up to 1 meter, some specimens may be slightly higher. Its decorative properties are that the crown is thick, in the form of a ball, formed by itself without pruning. The whole bush is covered with small yellow or pinkish-orange flowers.

In a sunny place it blooms from two months, starting at the end of June. It is desirable that, in the midday heat, the shade of the plants growing nearby falls on the cinquefoil.

In dry summers, abundant watering is required once a week. Pruning is necessary sanitary. It is carried out in the spring, cutting out broken and dried shoots.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle are perennial flowering vines. They are used for vertical gardening, a garter and lash direction are required.

It blooms in late spring or early summer. Flowers of an unusual shape, white-pink or yellow. The pleasant aroma can be felt several meters away.

Abundant flowering is possible in bright sun, more leaves are formed in the shade than flowers. Withstands drought for some time.

Winter-hardy, shoots rarely freeze. If this happens, they should be. For a year, the lashes grow by 1 meter.

Closer to autumn, orange round fruits are formed. They decorate the plant, they are not suitable for food.

Next to flowering plants in the country, decorative ones will look great, which are distinguished by an unusual shape or color of foliage.

Such shrubs include:

Derens - the variety of these shrubs never ceases to amaze. Their decorative properties are expressed not only in the foliage of an unusual color, which ranges from light green to. Shoots of some species stand out against the background of white snow in winter. They can be red, green, bright yellow or salmon colored.

Derain is frost-resistant, flexible shoots, do not break from strong winds and the severity of the snow. Tolerates both drought and excessive soil moisture.

To maintain a compact form, part of the branches is cut out every two years. The oldest or weakest branches are removed.

An edible barberry is planted to create a hedge. The height of the bushes is up to 2.5 meters, and the thorny thorns make the thickets difficult to pass. Its leaves are painted in green color... By autumn, they turn yellow and do not crumble for a long time. Long brushes with bright red berries adorn the plant all winter. Birds eat some of the fruits in winter.

To decorate the plot, decorative leafy species of barberry are planted. Their color can be yellowish, crimson, brown. In many varieties, the leaves do not crumble in winter, or only some of them crumble. There are plants with erect and arched shoots that droop to the very ground.

All types of barberry are winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Pruning is required sanitary - to remove dried branches.

This plant is different beautiful color foliage. Bladders with light green and burgundy leaves are popular. It does not bloom for long, small flowers are collected in balls or hats. Due to the many stamens, the inflorescences seem fluffy.

Drought-resistant, occasionally in dry weather it is necessary to water. Winter-hardy. Only the tops of the shoots can freeze, which, after pruning, quickly recover.

The bush is grown compact or in the form of a fountain. at a height of 40-50 cm. The upper buds quickly start growing.

If you cut out some of the weak shoots at the base, the remaining branches will stretch upwards, and their top part will bend in different directions, which will give the bush a beautiful fountain shape.


A variety of species and varieties of unpretentious shrubs allows you to design your garden so that it is beautiful throughout the season. Properly selected plants make the garden bloom from May to September, and the ornamental shrub leaves add brightness and contrast.

Beautiful, decorative, flowering, frost-resistant, low shrubs for summer cottages - consider everything. We will analyze in detail what unpretentious ornamental shrubs are best planted on summer cottage Middle belt, Moscow region, North-West, Siberia and the Urals. And which one to choose is up to you.

Types of ornamental shrubs

All ornamental shrubs can be divided into deciduous and coniferous. Both are used in design. With the help of them, various tasks of landscape design are solved - zoning of space, creating a hedge, beautiful borders. In some cases, even single plantings of flowering shrubs look advantageous. Recently, a topiary haircut has been popular, so that designers turn a shrub (of a certain type) into a sculpture in the literal sense.

Ornamental shrubs of various shapes, types and sizes decorate gardens of completely different styles. Plants that can be easily trimmed are often the main factor.
Free-form or sheared shrubs are planted for hedges. To decorate the boundaries of the site - a group of tall specimens. And for zoning within a group of low and medium-sized plants. Ornamental shrubs can be used to accentuate passages and mark gates.

Frost-resistant ornamental shrubs in the country

All the shrubs described here easily tolerate cold and often snowy winters, that is, they grow and bloom well in most regions and regions of Russia. Each species is given a photo and a small characteristic so that it is clear in general terms what the plant is. Each of the shrubs is described in more detail on other pages of the site.

Deciduous shrubs in landscape design

Some of them are decorative throughout the season due to their beautiful foliage, and some delight the eye mainly during flowering.

Ornamental deciduous shrubs for summer cottages

Unlike flowering cousins, deciduous species retain their attractiveness throughout the warm season. Many of them are extremely convenient to grow, as they are frost-hardy, unpretentious and perfectly tolerate formative pruning.
Low-growing species - Forchun's euonymus, Thunberg barberry. Medium-sized - snowberry, privet. Tall - hawthorn, bubblegum, dogwood, common barberry, mountain ash, red Japanese maple.

Barberry Thunberg

Unpretentious to care for, not afraid of summer heat and drought, tolerates winter well, grows even on poor soils. It can serve as a decorative living barbed hedge from uninvited guests. It has a high decorative effect due to the beauty of the leaves, it tolerates formative pruning well. It has several varieties that differ in the shape and size of the crown and the color of the foliage:

  • Atropurpurea Nana is the most popular purple-leaved dwarf cultivar;
  • Red Pilar - has a columnar crown shape, and its reddish-purple foliage becomes scarlet by the end of the growing season;
  • Golden Ring - the leaf plate of this variety has a coral color with a golden border around the edges, and the height reaches 3 meters;
  • Aurea - reaches 1.5 m, leaves are golden or yellow;
  • Kobold is a dwarf variety with green leaves and a ball-shaped crown. Can replace boxwood. Requires shelter for the winter;
  • Green Carpet - the height of the bush reaches 50 cm, and the leaves are green in summer and red in autumn;
  • Kornik - this variety of 1.5 meters in height goes well with roses and conifers. Leaves are green in summer with white spots, and green turns red in autumn.


This shrub is always attractive, even without foliage, since its branches are bright red. Derain is unpretentious, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, grows on almost any soil. Suitable for large areas, as the shrub is quite tall.
There are many varieties of turf:

  • Elegantissima - with white-green leaves;
  • Siberica Variegata - with reddish-green foliage with pink edging around the edges;
  • Kesselring - with chameleon leaves of a brownish-pink hue with the addition of yellow and green colors.

Red japanese maple

Ornamental shrub with red leaves. At first, its foliage is bright green, and towards autumn it becomes reddish-orange and then turns red. This bush looks great anywhere on the site, as it goes well with both conifers and ferns and, for example, hosts. Feels good in the shade.

Japanese maple has many varieties and each of them has a different color of foliage:

  • Aconitifolium - orange-red leaves
  • Vitifolium - Carmine-red leaves
  • Atropurpureum - dark red, almost black-red foliage.

Mountain ash-leaved field

Unpretentious, fast-growing ornamental shrub with delicate leaves. Foliage has an interesting feature - a gradient, a transition from one shade to another. Orange, red, yellow, pinkish, green - all these colors blend smoothly with each other on one single leaf.
The highest decorative effect is observed closer to autumn. You can plant a bush both in a sunny place and in partial shade. Fertile soil is preferred. The plant does not like drought.


It lends itself well to haircuts, therefore it is widely used in landscape design.
Depending on the variety, the vesicle has a completely different color of foliage:

  • Diabolo - dark red to almost black leaves. In spring, its foliage has a lighter shade - carmine red, but then gradually darkens;
  • Darts Gold - yellow-fiery leaves;
  • Nugget - at first the foliage is yellow, and closer to autumn it turns green;
  • Red-leaved - scarlet leaves in spring, and with the arrival of cold weather, maroon.

Variegated shrubs for the garden

Shrubs with variegated leaves with photos, names, descriptions.

Fortune's eonymus

It is a short evergreen shrub originally from China. Its height does not exceed 60 cm. The foliage is very decorative - dark green with a white or yellow border, as you can see in the photo. The plant forms fruit, but only in the southern regions, in the North the bush rarely blooms and bears fruit. This frost-resistant plant, unpretentious, looks great both as a single element in the landscape of the site and as the main accent among the company that matches the color.

Flowering ornamental shrubs

All these plants have the highest decorative effect during flowering, the rest of the time they are usually ordinary garden bushes with green foliage of various shapes. However, they look attractive if well cared for.


This shrub pleases the eye not only in early spring, when numerous yellow flowers bloom on its branches, but also in autumn, when the leaves turn golden and sometimes purple-violet.


An unpretentious and very beautiful shrub, blooming profusely and luxuriantly, with branches sloping down to the ground. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage, for example, Wangutta, Pink Ice. Spirea blooms in spring and summer, depending on the species.


In common people - jasmine. The most famous ornamental shrub. And they love him not only for the beauty during flowering, but also for the pleasant smell emanating from the flowers. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious, disease-resistant.
Depending on the type, the bushes differ in size, crown shape, color and aroma of flowers. The flowering time of the mock-orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are some that bloom in summer and early autumn.


The most decorative time for him is autumn, at this time its leaves turn yellow, red, orange, burgundy or purple, and in place of small flowers, snow-white, pale pink, red or dark purple bursting berries appear, which remain on the shoots after falling leaves.


The lush blooms of this shrub are like puffs of smoke, and the bright leaves that change color during the season adorn the scumpia bush from spring to autumn.
This ornamental shrub will fit into any style of site design.

Ornamental almonds

Its time is spring, when all the branches are densely covered with delicate pink flowers. In the fall, almonds are also beautiful when their leaves turn orange-red or pink in color.
The most decorative almonds are three-lobed (luizeania) and steppe (bean).

Mahonia holly

Very beautiful in the second half of spring when it blooms. Its bright yellow panicle inflorescences are organically combined with shiny, jagged green leaves.
At the end of summer, Mahonia is decorative due to the dark blue fruits that appear on the shrub.


The time of the highest decorativeness is autumn, when it has red berries and burgundy leaves. Viburnum blooms with lush inflorescences even on poor soil and with a lack of sun.

Hydrangea - shade-loving shrub for summer cottages

It can bloom where other shrubs cannot show their decorative effect. Hydrangea prefers shade and moist soil. It is frost-resistant, unpretentious, and blooms with large snow-white, pink, lilac, blue or purple "balls" or "panicles".

Hydrangea has a long flowering period that starts around July and lasts until early autumn. It goes well with rhododendrons, clematis, lilies, roses and ferns.


This shrub can be classified as decorative deciduous, as it is beautiful both during flowering and before and after it.
Weigela blooms in May, especially magnificently at the very beginning. Weigela Middendorf can bloom twice a season.

Rose hip

An ornamental and at the same time medicinal shrub. Attractive in appearance both during flowering and during fruit ripening.
Rosehip is unpretentious, grows quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers sun or partial shade. The bush blooms from May to August.
Can be used as a hedge, as the branches are thorny.

Lilac is a beautiful shrub in the garden

It grows and blooms in full sun and partial shade. A universal plant for summer cottages in the middle lane. Hardy and unpretentious. It can often be seen in the front gardens of private houses and the adjoining territory of high-rise buildings.
The flowering time of lilacs is May, in some species this period extends to June.

Coniferous shrubs for giving: photo, description

Here are the most unpretentious conifers that require minimal maintenance. All these plants will fit into the design of small garden and suburban areas. Taking care of them is not difficult at all.

The main requirements for them: they must winter without shelter, grow well on all types of soils; should not freeze in winter, get wet, dry out, burn in the sun.


The shrub grows well on not heavy soils, both in the sun and in partial shade. Some creeping forms of junipers can suffer from excess moisture, so it is better to plant them in rockeries and on slopes.
Looks great in combination with ferns.

The main types that are used in the design of plots in the middle lane: Chinese juniper "Old Gold", horizontal juniper "Andorra Compact" and "Blue Chip", "Wilton" and "Prince of Wales", scaly juniper "Blue Spider", Cossack juniper ...


Among the species there are a lot of these, the height of which is only 50-80 cm.
This shrub has bluish-green or yellow-green needles, which are in the form of needles at a young age, and scaly at a mature age.
Decorative cypress trees are of different types, differing in the shape of the crown, shades of needles, and growth rate.

It is an evergreen shrub. Young plants have soft needle-like leaves, and adults have scaly leaves. Thuja is undemanding to growing conditions, it is highly frost-resistant.


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Beautiful flowering shrubs for the Moscow region on video

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the days become longer, and the sun is brighter, we begin to think about “How good it is in nature!”. But only those who have their own summer cottage can arrange this corner of nature according to their taste, and even according to their color. The choice is wide: you can plant lawn flowers, enjoy the fruit trees blooming in spring, and, of course, flowering shrubs for summer cottages will greatly enliven the atmosphere - and here it is, your place where you can escape from the bustle of the city and enjoy the silence and smells of wildlife.

Ornamental shrubs can be coniferous, evergreen, for example, thuja or juniper. These can be fruit plants such as raspberries, currants. And there are those who delight and decorate life with bright colors and delicate scent.

It is incredibly difficult to choose from the endless variety of luxurious flowering wonders of nature, so we present to your attention 10 of the most beautiful and popular flowering shrubs for central Russia. Almost all are winter-hardy and beautiful in their own way. Surely you can pick up some to your taste!

1. Lilac (lat. Syrínga)

Probably, there is not a single city, village, village or garden where this lilac splendor would not be fragrant in May! Well, who among us in childhood did not look for five petals? Well, who among us in our youth did not return home with armfuls of fragrant branches? Probably, for all of us, lilac is the most important symbol of spring and flowering in May. Although in some countries, for example, in England, rich in its traditions of landscape design, lilacs are unpopular. In this country, bad omens are associated with this flower.

Features of lilac:

2. Rosehip (Latin Rōsa)

There are many varieties from wild rose to numerous types of garden roses of extraordinary beauty. Starting from medicinal product up to the branches twisting along the supports, capable of creating arches and galleries. This is not only a flowering, but also a fruiting shrub, the fruits of which are used as a folk remedy.

Rosehip features:

3. Hydrangea (lat. Hydrángea)

One of the most beautiful perennial garden shrubs. These decorative flowering shrubs delight the eye with an unusually late flowering of lush, bright inflorescences.

Features of hydrangea:

4. Viburnum (Latin Viburnum)

Viburnum is a native Russian plant, closely related to folk traditions. Since ancient times, these blooming frost-resistant shrubs have been considered a symbol of girlish innocence and beauty. Viburnum is valuable not so much for its lush white flowering as for its red, tasty and healthy berries.

Features of viburnum:

5. Chubushnik (Latin Philadelphus)

Chubushnik, which is also called garden jasmine for outward resemblance and a strong characteristic odor. However, this is a different plant. The name comes from the word "chubuk"; in the old days, shanks for smoking pipes were made from bush wood.

Chubushnik features:

6. Spirea (lat. Spiraea)

There are spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties of spirea. With skillful care, shrubs bloom all summer.

Spirea features:

7. Rhododendron (lat. Rhododéndron)

A close relative of the indoor azalea. Leaves of some varieties can remain green throughout the winter. "Stranger" in Central Russia, therefore, requires special care.

Features of rhododendron:

  • flowers: white, red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, lilac. Large;
  • flowering time: May-June, but some varieties bloom again in the fall;
  • can be both dwarf varieties and in the form of trees several meters high;
  • non-frost-resistant;
  • prefers shade and moisture.

Rhododendron. Flowers close up.

8. Forsythia (lat. Forsythia)

She's forsythia. A very unusual and beautiful shrub. A symbol of early spring in many European cities, because when not one of the trees is blooming yet, bright sunny flowers appear. And the leaves appear only when the shrub fades. And in autumn, when the leaves turn purple, the shrub again pleases the eye.

Features of forsythia:

9. Honeysuckle (lat. Lonícera)

Another perennial shrub, both decorative and fruiting. Blue berries are slightly bitter, but appear relatively early. True, there are some types of honeysuckle that are grown only for garden decoration, their fruits are inedible.

Features of honeysuckle:

10. Heather (Latin Calluna vulgáris)

Another perennial shrub with many legends and stories. A special place in the culture of the British people. Allegedly, heather was the only one who agreed to grow on the barren stony hillsides, for which he was awarded by the gods beautiful flowers and the qualities of the honey plant. Heather honey can be boiled in autumn, flowering occurs in late summer and early autumn. In many Slavic languages, the name of the month of September has been preserved - Veresen. This undersized shrub creeping on the ground pleases the eye with flowering until late autumn. And even dry heather flowers are beautiful.

Features of heather:

  • flowers: white, pink of various shades to dark purple;
  • flowering time: August-September;
  • the shrub is low, spreads along the ground;
  • grows well on rocky soil;
  • unpretentious to lighting, but in shady places heather flowers become pale.

Heather. Flowers close up.

Plant flowering shrubs in your country house to decorate your yard and fill it with a pleasant aroma! Some of these shrubs can also be used as hedges (fences).

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