Statuses about life with the meaning of cancer patients. Disease

If a lot of remedies are offered against any disease, then the disease is incurable.

There are thousands of diseases, but health is only one.

The disease of love is incurable.

In addition to real diseases, we are susceptible to many imaginary diseases.

Hypochondriacs are treated with diseases.

He is an outstanding doctor: he invented several diseases and even managed to spread them widely.

It is not good to be sick, it is even worse to die, but to be sick and die with the thought that nothing will remain after you in the world is the worst of all.

Most of our diseases are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had kept the simple, monotonous and secluded way of life, which was prescribed to us by nature.

Interesting statuses about the disease

As long as there is illness, there will be not only fear, but also hope.

The dream of Russian doctors is that the poor never get sick and the rich never recover.

Harsh interesting statuses about the disease

Sclerosis cannot be cured, but you can forget about it.

Disease, the mother of humility, reminds us that we are mortal. When we are at the pinnacle of fame and prosperity, she gently tugs at us by the ear - they say, come to your senses.

For a healthy person, life, in fact, is just an unconscious escape, in which he does not admit to himself - an escape from the thought that sooner or later he will have to die. Illness is always both a reminder and a test of strength. Therefore, illness, pain, suffering are the most important source of religiosity.

What is good in health - shows the disease.

If you were discharged from an insane asylum, this does not mean that you have been cured. You just became like everyone else.

Our old age is a disease that must be treated like any other.

What is a disease if life is not constrained in its freedom?

Only the tongue affected by cancer is prone to neoplasms.

Masturbation: the primary sexual activity of humanity. In the nineteenth century it was a disease, in the twentieth it became a cure.

At the root of all pessimism lies a woman's betrayal or a stomach disease.

One of the most common diseases is to make a diagnosis.

Hidden interesting statuses about the disease \

The habit of contradicting is a disease of the mind, which sometimes harms the heart.

Health is as contagious as disease.

A serious illness is easy to cure at first, but difficult to recognize, when it has intensified, it is easy to recognize, but difficult to cure.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

If you get sick, hurry up to forgive your enemies: you can get better.

If a person is engaged in the study of his body or moral state, then he will certainly recognize himself as sick.

The sage will rather avoid diseases than choose remedies for them.

The awareness of one's illness and the readiness to be treated is already the beginning of healing.

Health is not appreciated until illness comes.

A truly refined and amiable doctor who invents a new disease for each of his patients.

Most of all those diseases that we fear the most.

Otherworldly interesting statuses about the disease

If a person begins to take an interest in the meaning of life or its value, it means that he is sick.

Compassion is akin to mental illness.

Illness is a kind of premature old age.

Our national disease is smug mental laziness.

We inflict more pain on ourselves by treating our illnesses than by enduring them.

The more severe the illness, the clearer the inner voice.

Disease is a healing agent of nature itself with the aim of eliminating disorder in the body; therefore, medicine comes only to the aid of the healing power of nature.

When a person is ill for a long time, he becomes more knowledgeable than the doctor himself, and begins to understand his illness, which does not always happen even with conscientious doctors.

Long hopes weaken joy in the same way that long illnesses weaken pain.

The art of medicine is to help the patient pass the time while nature heals the disease.

If a sick person eats a cherry, and the next day he goes to bed with a cold, he will certainly be told in consolation that he is to blame for everything.

To cure any disease, one must first understand what its causative agents are. The same applies to the treatment of political illnesses.

Diseases come and go, but the superstitious soul has no rest.

Important interesting statuses about the disease

Youth is a disease that passes quickly.

If a medicine is invented, disease will be invented.

My illness is scabies: I scratched myself and still want to. And the most hated is hemorrhoids: neither to look at it, nor to show it to people.

Many people die not from their diseases, but from medicines.

Even the most distant relatives have the right to inherit diseases.

Symptoms of deteriorating health: insomnia, clean-shaven chin, super-cleanliness in the restroom and bathroom, caution when crossing the street, caring for appearance; aversion to hoarding, indifference to newspapers, courtesy in public places, fоlіe dеs grаndeyrs.

Our behavior is akin to a contagious disease: good people adopt bad habits, just as healthy people get infected from sick people.

For the family of the mentally ill, as well as for, his illness is a problem; for the patient himself - a solution.

Maybe love is indeed a disease, but, alas, not contagious.

Humanity, like the individual, has its own diseases with each age.

One of the most common diseases is to make a diagnosis.

Life is a disease of the spirit, an activity excited by passions. It is natural for the spirit to be at rest.

Truth is a perfect mistake, just as health is a perfect disease.

The diseases of old age weaken our attachment to life as we approach death.

If you want something important, let's talk about something important.
Although this concept is so twofold.
Loneliness is not that scary at all.
It's scary to die of cancer at twenty-one.

It's scary not to sleep at night because of the gnawing pain,
That crawls under the skin and eats with roots.
And you are digging your grave from the words "fired"
Or "it's better to stay friends with you."

You say how frightening the premises are
The inevitability of fate, fate, destiny?
The choice is scary - to go collect the bottles,
Or go straight to the body trade.

You say there is no apartment in a high-rise building,
Are the utility bills strangling your neck?
And once there were enough raspberries in a cup
And granny's pancakes for dinner.

You say there are fools and dramas around
That in nightmares - stupid blank faces.
It's scary - at nine, the child will lose his mother.
It's scary - the mother won't let the baby be born.

It's scary to see how the world carries malice in itself,
How friends exchanged knives in the back.
If you want about important things - let's talk about good things.
How to be even half kind?

How to find the strength to stay honest
Feel the will in yourself, to cleanse the soul?
Do you want important things? sit down. wonderful,
It is important that you still want to listen.

I could never understand pride in a nation. As for me, pride should relate to something that you yourself have achieved, and not to something that happened by accident. Being Irish isn't a skill, it's a fucking accident. You can't say, "I'm proud to be born on May 16th" or "I'm proud of my predisposition to colon cancer." So why the *** are you proud to be American, Irish, or some other trash?

As if the universe showed me a tremendous fact!
- The universe needs you
- "Why me?" All my life I tried to convince patients: "Don't worry, this is a question without an answer."
- Wisely.
- Cruel! They just tried to understand what was happening, and I told them: “I don't give a damn! Hammer! " No, to live life like you, a pragmatic, egocentric, narcissistic brute that poisons the life of everyone and everything.
- You would still have cancer.
- Yes! But I would at least know that I deserve it.

- Colored people do not like the book "Little Black Sambo". Burn her. White dislikes Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn her too. Someone wrote a book about how smoking predisposes to lung cancer. The tobacco manufacturers are in a panic. Burn this book. Serenity is needed, Montag, tranquility. Away with everything that gives rise to anxiety. Into the stove!

I've lived my whole life in fear. I was afraid of what could happen, should or should not have happened, and all 50 years I lived like this. I often woke up at 3 in the morning. But you know what, since they diagnosed me with cancer, I have been sleeping fine. And then I realized that the worst thing is fear itself, it is a real enemy. So get up and go out to meet the world, and hit this bastard so that all the teeth will fly out.

What will happen next? I'll tell you what will happen next. Your bastard brother-in-law is over. Do you understand? When it's over, I'll put him in cancer. Every cent he earned, every cent his wife earned, will be mine. Wherever he goes, wherever he rushes - I will wait for him there to rob him to the skin. He will scrub aftershocks in Tijuana for a pittance, and I will stand above my heart and wait for my grandmother. He will see me, waking up in the morning and crawling for the night into that dirty hole where he will live when I take his house away from him. I'll chase this shit until one day he puts the barrel in his mouth and pulls the trigger to get rid of me. Here's what's next.

A lot of statements of great people are devoted to wine. Wine is scolded, wine is praised, people joke about it, but this drink does not leave anyone indifferent. Below you can see some of the most famous sayings about wine.

1. "In vino veritas" or "truth in wine" is the most quoted saying about wine. The author is most likely the philosopher Pliny the Elder.

2. "The best wine is the wine that tastes best to the drinker." This statement is also due to Pliny.

3. "Alcohol causes a short-term expansion of blood vessels and a circle of friends", Salvador Dali, artist.

4. “- a drink for boys, port - for men; but one who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy, ”Samuel Johnson, literary critic.

5. “What calamity compares to a passion for wine?” Edgar Allan Poe, writer.

7. "Night, love and wine do not awaken modest desires: night drives away bashfulness, and wine and love - timidity", Ovid, ancient Roman poet.

8. “Without songs and wine, life is wasted!”, Beaumarchais Pierre Augustin, playwright.

9. “Antibiotics heal people, but only wine can make them happy,” Alexander Fleming, creator of penicillin.

10. “In the water you will only see your face, in wine you will see and you are a stranger's heart,” Sophocles, Athenian playwright.

11. “A sober vocabulary cannot describe the perfection of wine,” Somerset Maugham, writer.

12. “Good wine makes you see all things in the most pleasant light,” Aristophanes, ancient Greek comedian.

13. “Champagne is the only thing that interests me when I'm feeling tired,” Brigitte Bardot, actress.

14. “There is no resin stronger than champagne bottle sealing wax to bind people,” Honore de Balzac, writer.

15. “In victory you deserve champagne, in defeat you need it”, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France.

16. “Sour grapes don't make sweet wine,” Thomas Fuller, historian.

17. “No body can be so strong that wine cannot overcome it,” Plutarch, philosopher.

18. "People are like wine - if they get better over the years, then they are of very high quality", Philippe Bouvard, actor.

19. “Good wine is like a good film: it ends quickly, leaving a great aftertaste; with every sip something new is revealed in it, and as often happens with films - it is born and reborn in every new connoisseur, ”Federico Fellini, director.

20. “Over white wine they think about nonsense, over red wine they say nonsense, and over champagne they do it”, Henri Vidal, actor.

21. “There is more philosophy in a bottle of wine than in all books,” Louis Pasteur, microbiologist.

22. "A woman resembles wine, only it is stronger and deeper in her - it happens that you can't even see it", Gerard Depardieu, actor.

23. "A little wine is a medicine, a lot is a deadly poison", Avicenna, Persian scientist.

24. "The more intermediaries, the more water in the wine", Karol Bunsch, writer.

25. "For a healthy and sick person, wine and honey are the best means if they are natural and if taken correctly", Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician.

26. "In Bordeaux wines, as in a good book, there is always an unread page", Eric Dulong, winemaker.

27. “In a too small dose of wine, a person cannot find the truth, pour too much and he will lose it”, Blaise Pascal, mathematician.

28. "There is nothing better than old friendship and old wine", English proverb.

29. “When you drink a bottle of wine, you fill it with your soul,” Gerard de Nerval, poet.

30. “Wine fills the human heart with joy, and joy is the progenitor of all virtues”, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet.

If a person does not fight the disease, then the disease fights him.

The blind call themselves recovered. The deaf call themselves those who have heard the voice. The dead call themselves normal. Is there a place for the healthy in the sick world?

Hemorrhoids get diligent.

The flu virus is afraid of the cold, so in winter it goes to people;)

Following the logic “all diseases are from the nerves” and “no object - no problem”, I quickly and efficiently get rid of all diseases by completely exhausting the nervous system!

The disease of the century is not a heart attack, but ... barley.

I am very ill, I need medicine! I will consider any price! I'm sick of them and it kills me ...

Many diseases - one healing: joy, love, good nature and singing!

Grandmothers sitting in the hospital and talking about their illnesses are very similar to men talking about their new cars ...

Doctors treat the disease, not the patient! They deal with the effect and do not pay attention to the causes.

Smoking girls usually end up with cancer.

How wonderful it is for two lovers to be ill together, in one bed, with one thermometer)))

Health care is about maintaining health, not curing disease.

Love, of course, is a common and well-studied disease! But, often, the symptoms differ from person to person, and the methods of treatment!

The Lord does not punish with diseases, but instructs. And will you fight for your life or give up, the choice is yours.

Love is a generalizing concept of specific heart diseases of each individual separately!

If a disease has come, then the body needs rest and / or vacation)))

For money in any country you will be cured! But let them cure a person from the heart for free! Then this is a doctor from God!

Diseases come to a person not by chance, but are born from the discrepancy between his actions and the precepts of the eternal.

When you are sick, or you feel bad, you feel lonely ... so you want someone close and beloved to be near ...

Whoever wishes evil to people, dooms himself to illness.

You learn, being sick, who loves more.

It is important not to be healed, but to learn to live with your illnesses.

In the first half of his life, a person successfully accumulates diseases, and for the entire second half he unsuccessfully fights them.

If a person does not have time for light, he will have time for darkness; if he does not have time for health, he will have time for illness.

Men with a sore head - by you! I am not a doctor!

A disease is given to a person so that he stops and thinks if he is going there ...

If diarrhea catches you by surprise, do not be alarmed - it will only worsen the situation ...

Diseases cannot be cured with drugs, my dears ... you have to live right ...

The most terrible oncology is cancer of the soul.

For colds, it is more effective to drink not milk with honey, but brandy with a doctor :) © zulnora

The disabled person, who surpassed normal people, was asked: "Hasn't your illness colored your attitude to life?" To this he replied: Of course, she painted. I chose only paints myself ";)

It is high time to discover some disease that can only be cured by smoking and drinking.

She: - My cheek hurts. He (kisses): - And so? She: - It doesn't hurt like that. Oh, but the neck is sick. He (kisses again): - And now? She: - It doesn't hurt anymore) A man sits next to him and says: - Boy, do you treat hemorrhoids?

... even my bronchitis went away by itself ... and I will forget about you even more ... I coughed louder than moaning under you ...

It is good to feel alive and healthy every day. Alive, because something is constantly hurting. And healthy, because it hurts all the time in different places.

Disease statuses

Illness is a kind of premature old age.
A. Pop.

Disease is a cross, but maybe a support. The ideal would be to take her strength and reject her weaknesses. Let her become a refuge that gives strength at the right time. And if you have to pay with suffering and renunciation, we will pay.
A. Camus.

The disease of love is incurable.
A. Pushkin.

Youth, which is noisy in the head, at a later age is called high blood pressure.

Neurosis: the heart begins to pound on a typewriter.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna

After meningitis, the person either dies or remains an idiot. I know this for sure, I myself had meningitis.
Victor Ardov

If your wallet gets fat, and you yourself lose weight, then it’s either tapeworm or inflation.
Maxim Zvonarev

This politician, as I heard, has charisma. What a shame! After all, in ours it is already curable!
Robert Orben

Talkativeness is an age-related disease.
Ben Johnson

If you get sick, hurry up to forgive your enemies: you can get better.
Ambrose Bierce

About suffering: if it is unbearable, then death will not fail to put an end to it soon, but if it is long-lasting, then it can be endured.
Marcus Aurelius

Most of all those diseases that we fear the most.
Leszek Kumor

He who is infected with the fear of illness is already infected with the disease of fear.
Michelle Montaigne

Old people have fewer diseases than young people, but these diseases last for life.

Old age is a disease in itself.

The disease takes on healthy forms.
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

The imaginary patients are incurable, but the real ones can get an imaginary cure.

Better to get sick ten times, than die easy once.

The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August.
Ronnie Shakes

Death - you are already completely tired of your illness.
Henrik Jagodziński

God knows what is happening in the world! People who have never died before begin to die.
Julian Tuwim

Some diseases should be treated without telling the patient about them. Many died because they found out what they were sick with.

Some patients should also be congratulated for feeling sick.

The doctor neglects prolonged illness.
Old Testament - Jesus, son of Sirachs. 10; 7

The person himself creates the history of his illness.
Ivan Ivanyuk

It must be admitted that some diseases have disappeared or almost disappeared, faced with the mistrust of doctors.

As long as the doctor forbids us to do something, our affairs are not so bad; the worst thing is when he suddenly resolves everything.
Robert Lembke

Good news first; I'm going to call this disease by your name.
Steve Martin

The same ailments bring you closer together than the same beliefs.
Robert Lembke

The best remedy for rheumatism I know of is to thank God that this is not gout.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

The photograph shows what you were, and the X-ray - what you will be.
Konstantin Melikhan

Hopeless diseases require hopeless medicines.
English proverb

They inherit not only wealth, but also diseases.
V. Zubkov

There is no greater soreness in illness than thinking about a piece of bread.

Unreasonable fatigue portends illness.

In any illness, not losing your presence of mind and retaining a taste for food is a good sign; the opposite is bad.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The worst diseases are not fatal, but incurable.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

A person loves to talk about his illnesses, and yet this is the most uninteresting thing in his life.
A. Chekhov

What is a disease if life is not constrained in its freedom?
Karl Marx

Disease is a healing agent of nature itself with the aim of eliminating disorder in the body; therefore, medicine comes only to the aid of the healing power of nature.

Diseases are not treated with eloquence, but with drugs.
Celsus Aulus Cornelius

The operation of surgery among the branches of medicine is the most obvious.
Celsus Aulus Cornelius

It does not matter what causes the disease, it is important what removes it.
Celsus Aulus Cornelius

The more doctors, the more diseases.
Folk wisdom

Most of our diseases are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had kept the simple, monotonous and secluded way of life, which was prescribed to us by nature.
J. J. Rousseau

If a person is engaged in the study of his body or moral state, then he will certainly recognize himself as sick.
I. Goethe

Imaginary ailments are incurable.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

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