Is dry skin a symptom of a disease or a completely normal phenomenon? What to do with very dry hand skin at home The skin of your hands is thin and wrinkled.

Many people who experience dry skin know that it can cause a lot of problems. Tightness, finely porous structure, irritation, dull color, flaking, etc. – these uncomfortable sensations can be upsetting and make you think about finding ways to deal with them. In addition, dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles and ages faster.

In this article we will tell you about the causes of dry skin and methods of treatment. Such knowledge will help you get rid of the unpleasant sensations it can cause and prevent the formation of premature wrinkles.

Signs of dry skin

You can determine dry skin yourself: when you apply pressure with your fingers, marks on its surface do not disappear for a long time. There are also other signs:

  • tightness;
  • invisible pores;
  • frequent irritation (redness);
  • peeling;
  • lack of elasticity;
  • cracks.

As the top layer of skin dries out, it loses its integrity and dirt, bacteria and chemicals can pass through the resulting microcracks. Subsequently, these foreign agents can cause irritation and itching.


Frequent exposure to the sun contributes to dry skin.

Dry skin is caused by inhibition of sebum production, which is provoked by a number of reasons. In some cases, such ineffective functioning of the sebaceous glands is caused by a hereditary predisposition. Dermatologists note that dry skin in young people often indicates a genetic trait, while in older people it appears due to other internal or external factors.

The main external causes of dry skin are as follows:

  • dry air;
  • climate;
  • hot and cold water;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • freezing;
  • improper skin care (aggressive cosmetics, frequent washing with soap, etc.).

The main internal causes of dry skin:

  • (insufficient water consumption, indigestion, high fever, etc.);
  • hormonal imbalances (hypothyroidism, menopause, etc.);
  • metabolic disease;
  • frequent stress;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • (especially A and E);
  • skin diseases (allergies, keratosis, fungal infections, etc.);
  • poor nutrition and exhausting diets;
  • bad habits (smoking, excessive consumption of sweet tea and coffee, carbonated drinks);
  • aging.

Dry skin can be general or affect specific areas of the body. This or that localization of such zones may indicate the cause of their appearance, and various means can be used to eliminate and treat it.

Treatment options for dry hands and fingers

Dry hands and fingers are often caused by external factors. Washing dishes without gloves with aggressive substances or in hot water, cold air, using antibacterial or deodorized soap, working on the ground, working with construction mixtures - these are not all the factors that contribute to dry skin. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of cracks on the fingers. This symptom may indicate insufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B into the body.

To eliminate and treat dry skin of the hands and fingers, a number of measures should be taken:

  • use cotton or rubber gloves when working with aggressive substances;
  • wear warm mittens or gloves during the cold season;
  • use sunscreen;
  • Gently dry the skin of your hands after washing with a soft towel;
  • use soft and high-quality detergents for washing hands;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • pay attention to a sufficient intake of vitamins A, E and group B.

Treatment of dry hand skin can be carried out using pharmaceutical wound-healing creams and various folk recipes.

  1. Potato mask – boil potatoes in their skins, peel and mash into a paste. Add a tablespoon of warm milk to it. Apply a warm mask to the skin of your hands for 20 minutes for several days in a row, 2-3 times a day.
  2. Compress made of honey and glycerin - take 1 teaspoon each of honey, glycerin, water and flour. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply the mixture to your hands. Wear cotton gloves for 20 minutes. It is better to do such compresses several times a day for a week.
  3. Sour cream compress – mix a glass of rich sour cream with egg yolk and lemon juice. Moisten the gauze with the resulting mixture and apply it to your hands, secure the top with cling film and put on gloves or wrap your hands in a warm towel. After 20 minutes, remove the remaining compress with a cotton pad and put on clean cotton gloves. It is better to do such compresses before going to bed for several days.
  4. Mask of olive oil and lemon juice - mix a tablespoon of oil with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of hand cream. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the skin of your hands and put on cotton gloves. This mask can be used once a week for prevention or for several days to treat dry skin on the hands.
  5. Oil bath - pour olive, sunflower or flaxseed oil into a small bowl and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature (it should be very warm). Immerse your hands in the oil for 20 minutes. After this, dry your hands with a napkin. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 2 times a week.

The following folk recipes are used on the fingers:

  1. Ointment from oleoresin and honey - in a metal bowl mix 10 g of oleoresin, 10 g of honey, 15 g of beeswax and 30 ml of vodka. Place on the fire and, stirring constantly, wait until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Pour the ointment into a clean glass container and store in the refrigerator. To treat, apply the product to the crack and cover with a bactericidal adhesive plaster. Leave for 7–8 hours.
  2. Plantain ointment - grind the dry herb into powder, mix with 3 drops of oil and add Vaseline (in a ratio of 1:9). Apply in the same way as ointment made from oleoresin and honey.
  3. Calendula ointment - grind half a glass of dried calendula flowers into powder and mix with one glass of melted lard. Place the mixture in a water bath and, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, bring to a homogeneous consistency. Pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Apply in the same way as ointment made from oleoresin and honey.

If you have dry hands and cracked fingers, a dermatologist can recommend vitamin and mineral complexes to you - it is not recommended to choose them yourself.

In some cases, dry and flaky hands can be caused. The skin becomes covered with spots of different sizes and colors (from pink to slightly bluish), and the patient may experience itching and burning. At the folds it can crack and form white flaky islands. Proper treatment of such fungal infections of the skin of the hands is prescribed only by a dermatologist after laboratory tests are performed to determine the type of fungus. Only after this will the doctor be able to prescribe antifungal drugs and determine the duration of their use.

Treatment options for dry elbows

Dry skin on the elbows can be caused by many external and internal reasons. Peeling in this area is provoked by mechanical stress (for example, when working in an office) or frequent bathing. It can also be caused by various diseases.

The most common causes of dry elbows are:

  • hypothyroidism - this disease leads to a slowdown in metabolism and skin regeneration, epidermal cells die, do not have time to exfoliate and the skin becomes dry and rough;
  • – lack of iron leads to a decrease in hemoglobin and a lack of oxygen in tissues, metabolic disorders cause dry skin;
  • diabetes mellitus - a metabolic failure causes a disruption in the nutrition of all tissues of the body, the skin becomes dehydrated, becomes vulnerable and thin, areas of inflammation and itching appear;
  • autoimmune and dermatological diseases - atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, skin ichthyosis and other diseases, lead to peeling and roughening of the skin.

Treatment for dry skin on the elbows is aimed at eliminating the cause that causes this symptom. In addition to treating the underlying disease, the use of creams with chamomile and alfalfa, Lipikar balm, Pitival and Atoderm creams, Radevit ointment, oils (cocoa, shea, mango, etc.) and folk recipes may be recommended.

Traditional medicine recommends the following remedies for dry skin on the elbows:

  1. Coffee grounds and honey scrub – add honey to coffee grounds, apply to elbows and massage in circular motions to remove dead skin cells. Rinse with warm water and apply nourishing cream or oil.
  2. Compresses made from sour cream and sunflower oil - mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply the mixture to gauze and apply to the elbows, wrap in a warm cloth and leave for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Milk baths – heat the milk and immerse your elbow in it for 20 minutes. Blot with a napkin and repeat the procedure on the other hand.

Methods of treatment for dry skin

Masks made from natural ingredients will help you cope with dry skin at home.

Dry facial skin can be explained by hereditary predisposition, external factors, age-related changes or disruption of the sebaceous glands. A decrease in the level of sebum secretion can be provoked by various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine or nervous system and a lack of vitamins A, E and group B. To treat these pathologies, a consultation with a doctor is necessary, which will help identify the cause and determine the course of treatment for the underlying disease.

To prevent the development of this problem, it is necessary to minimize the aggressive effects of the environment and provide the skin with proper care. Washing and caring for such skin should be carried out only with the help of special products. You can also use various homemade nourishing and moisturizing products.

Traditional medicine suggests using the following masks for dry skin:

  1. A mask of plum, melon and jojoba oil - take all ingredients in equal proportions. Grind the plum and ripe melon pulp with a fork until pureed. Add oil and mix thoroughly. Apply to face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
  2. Mask of egg yolk, vegetable oil and chamomile - beat the egg yolk with a teaspoon of vegetable oil (almond, flaxseed, sunflower, olive, etc.), add a tablespoon of pharmaceutical chamomile extract and beat again. Apply the mixture to your face and rinse off after 10–15 minutes with slightly warm water.
  3. Mask of oatmeal and olive oil - boil the flakes in milk. Take 3-4 tablespoons of porridge, add the same amount of olive oil and beat. Apply a thick layer to the face. Rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water and rinse your face with cool water.

Methods for treating dry skin on the body

General dry skin on the body can also be caused by external factors, but most often it is caused by diseases of the internal organs. To treat it, it is necessary to identify the cause and eliminate it. In addition to getting rid of the effects of external factors (hot water, aggressive detergents, prolonged exposure to the sun, etc.) and treating the underlying disease, it is recommended to maintain a normal drinking regime, eat a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, vegetable oils, broccoli, nuts and seafood .

To moisturize and nourish the skin after hygiene procedures, various cosmetics for dry skin with ceramides, fatty acids and lipids should be used. You can also use various folk recipes for baths, masks and peelings:

  1. Peeling with honey, sea salt and olive oil - mix 4 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of fine sea salt, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting mixture and stir. Apply to cleansed body skin and massage lightly. After 5 minutes, take a warm shower.
  2. Bath from a decoction of flaxseed and chamomile - boil 5 teaspoons of flax seeds in a liter of water for about 15 minutes, prepare a decoction of chamomile (the recipe is indicated on the package). Mix both decoctions in a 1:1 ratio and add to 1/2 of the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  3. Bath of milk, almond butter and honey - heat a liter of milk and add 200 honey to it, mix with a dessert spoon of almond butter. Pour the composition into the bath. The duration of the procedure is about 15–20 minutes.
  4. Honey and olive oil mask – mix honey and oil in a 1:1 ratio, apply to cleansed body skin and leave for 20 minutes. Take a warm shower.
  5. Mask of avocado, banana, cream and butter - grind the pulp of one avocado and banana with a fork until pureed, add 100 g of butter, 1/2 cup of cream to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly. Add a few drops of rose oil and beat the mask again. Apply to cleansed body skin for 15 minutes. Take a warm shower using a washcloth.

Treatment options for dry skin on feet and heels

It can be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, insufficient amounts of vitamins A and E, diseases of the endocrine system and fungal infections. In some cases, all these reasons can lead to the formation of cracks in the area of ​​roughened skin, which cause a lot of discomfort and pain.

If such a problem was caused by uncomfortable shoes, then it is enough to get rid of them and choose shoes taking into account the size and shape of the foot. Treatment of dry skin on the feet and heels should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. To do this, you will need to consult an endocrinologist or dermatologist. Lack of adequate treatment will lead to worsening of the underlying disease and the development of complications.

For local treatment of dry skin of the heels and feet, various agents can be used: emollients, exfoliants, antibacterial and wound healing. Their choice depends on the condition of the skin.

To eliminate very dry skin on the heels and feet, traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

  1. Green apple mask – grate one apple on a fine grater, put the puree on gauze and apply it to the foot. Put on socks. Leave the compress overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask and apply nourishing cream to the skin.
  2. Potato and flaxseed mask - grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, add the same amount of flaxseed, add a little water and boil the mixture until thick. Allow to cool slightly and apply to feet. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, remove areas of flaky skin and lubricate your feet with iodine.
  3. Masks with castor oil - moisten gauze with oil and apply to the foot or heel. Wear warm socks and leave overnight. In the morning, blot your skin with a napkin.

To treat cracked heels, you can use folk recipes that were described above for the treatment of cracked fingers. The use of such means also gives good results.

1 836 0 Hello! In this article we will tell you about dry hand skin and how to get rid of it. A similar problem haunts women of all ages. It looks unattractive and causes many other problems for its owner. How to avoid these troubles?

Signs of dry skin

  • tightening sensations;
  • peeling and mother-in-law;
  • roughness and hardness of the top layer of skin;
  • bleeding of cracks;
  • change in skin color (red spots);
  • itching and burning.

Causes of dry hand skin

Unfortunately, creams alone will not correct the problem. Your skin will become dry again when you stop using them. You need to eliminate the causes themselves.

So what can cause dry skin?

External factors

  • Dry indoors.

In winter, batteries dry the air, and in warm weather, air conditioners. Make sure the air is humidified. To do this, you can use a humidifier or place vessels with water in the room, and also spray water around the room with a spray bottle or cover the battery with a damp cloth.

  • Temperature changes.

In warm weather, apply sunscreen to your hands. During cold weather, mittens and nourishing cream will help you.

  • Bad water.

Water treated with chlorine causes the skin to tighten. This factor cannot be completely eliminated, but the influence can be reduced. For example, do not wash your hands with very hot water, but apply cream after washing.

Don't forget to nourish your hands after visiting the pool!

  • Frequent interaction with chemistry.

Do not use soap containing alkali; it is better to wash your hands with natural handmade soap with oils or herbal infusions. And perform routine household chores involving chemicals wearing rubber gloves.

Internal factors

  • Bad habits(cigarettes, alcohol);
  • Iron deficiency in the body or vitamin deficiency.
  • Metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal problems.
  • Diabetes.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Allergy. The skin may appear cracked and peeling due to allergies to the products or cosmetics consumed. If you suspect that you have such an allergy, you should immediately go to the doctor and get all the necessary tests.
  • Fungus. Skin fungus is also a common cause, which only a doctor can help get rid of.
  • Heredity. Very dry hand skin can be inherited. If you are genetically predisposed to dry skin, you just have to accept it.

At the same time, continue to properly care for your hands: smear them with cream and make masks!

  • Age. The older you get, the drier your skin becomes. This happens because your body naturally changes. This will significantly slow down aging.

When to see a doctor

Constant problems with the skin of the hands (frequent itching, skin pigmentation, bloody stains) indicate health problems. In this case, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

If the skin becomes blotchy, this may be a sign of dysfunction of some internal organ. The appearance of yellowness means that problems are associated with the liver or poisoning. Dryness, at the same time, is a consequence of the disease, and it can only be corrected with timely treatment.

In addition, consult a doctor immediately if deep bleeding cracks appear on the skin. This is a symptom of impaired nutrient production in the epidermis. If left untreated, this can lead to serious problems.

Treatment with pharmaceuticals

You need to pay attention to hygiene. Disinfect the skin with chlorhexidine or miramistin, smear the wounds with ointment for healing. Any non-hormonal products, such as Solcoseryl, and drugs containing panthenol will do.

Emollients will help cure dryness. These are special medications for skin care. They moisturize its cells, protect the skin from aggressive environments and increase its immunity. Emollients can be purchased at the pharmacy. Examples of good drugs are Expial and Oilatum.

What to do if you are allergic to hand cream

If your body reacts allergically to every use of a cream for dry skin (which, alas, happens quite often), switch to a nourishing protective cream for children. This product is cheap, but works well and does not cause allergies.

Folk remedies for treating dry skin on hands at home

To avoid staining your clothes and bed, when you make a mask at night, wear cotton gloves.

What folk remedies exist for dry skin?


Baths for dry skin of hands

Oil baths Pour oil into warm water (you can use olive oil, or you can use vegetable oil), and keep your hands there for about fifteen minutes. Then, wipe dry and apply cream to your hands.
Herbal decoction bath 1) From dry leaves and roots of burdock.
The specific proportions are not important, but the resulting liquid should not be darker than light yellow.
2) From chamomile flowers, dried plantain and sage.
1 tbsp. spoon of chamomile flowers, 1 teaspoon of plantain and the same amount of sage, pour a liter of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 30 minutes.
The procedure time is 20 minutes.
Starch bath 2 tablespoons of starch should be diluted in a liter of warm water. Soak your hands in the resulting liquid for about 20 minutes. After this, dry your hands with a towel and apply fish oil and glycerin to the skin. Wear soft gloves. Carry out the procedure at night, and do not take off your gloves until the morning.

Homemade hand cream

Recipe No. 1.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 2 yolks;
  • a teaspoon of glycerin;
  • 50 ml infusion of chamomile flowers;
  • 50 g unsalted natural butter;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of castor oil;

How to cook?

Melt the butter in a water bath. Later, mix it with olive and castor oils, add the yolks. Beat with a blender. Add glycerin and chamomile infusion evenly ( infusion recipe: Art. Pour boiled water over a spoonful of dried plants and leave for a couple of hours).

How to apply, where to store?

The cream is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Apply the cream to your skin once a day, in the morning and at night.

Recipe No. 2.


  • 10 grams of beeswax;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • half a chicken egg yolk (boiled);
  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • 50 ml corn oil.

How to cook?

First of all, hard boil an egg and remove the yolk from it. It must be divided into 2 halves and mashed one with a fork. Meanwhile, mix the oils and heat in a water bath. Then add wax. When it dissolves, start adding the yolk in small doses. Later, the product must be strained into a glass plate.

How to apply, where to store?

The product must be placed in a glass plate in the freezer. The cream must be applied twice a day. By the way, this is not only a healing remedy for softening the skin and healing wounds, but also cosmetic.

Recipe No. 3.


  • 100 grams of unsalted natural butter;
  • 5 g propolis;
  • 20 grams of beeswax.

How to cook?

Dissolve the butter in a water bath. Add wax and propolis to it. Filter the resulting mass.

How to apply, where to store?

This cream is stored in a cold place. Apply to skin daily morning and evening.

Masks for dry hand skin at home

Masks for dry skin

Oil masks Heat the oil (linseed, castor, burdock, olive or sunflower) in a water bath.
Moisten the cloth and apply to your hands.
Procedure time: 20 minutes.
Wash your hands to remove oil in warm water.
After the procedure, moisturize your hands with cream.
If the problems are serious and the situation is advanced - peeling, bleeding cracks and wounds - you will need more than one procedure. Do the mask 2-3 times a week until you see improvements.
Glycerin masks Pour half a glass of water.
Mix a tablespoon of glycerin with lemon juice (from half a lemon).
The resulting mixture should be rubbed into the skin with massaging movements.
Mask for cracks on hands and feet You will need 100 grams of fresh hernia and 0.5 liters of olive oil.
Crush the hernia and fill it with sunflower oil.
Keep the resulting tincture in a dark place for a week.
Apply the mask to dry skin of your hands and feet 2-3 times a week.
Egg mask Beat 1 egg white and add the juice of one lemon.
Procedure time: 20 minutes.
Then it is recommended to smear your hands with cream.



  • Raspberry based

You will need: 50 grams of dried raspberries and chamomile flowers (about half a glass).

Pour two liters of boiling water. After a couple of hours, when the liquid has infused, soak a cloth (or gloves) in it and place it on your hands. After a quarter of an hour, you can remove the compress.

  • Sour cream compress

You will need: a glass of sour cream (medium consistency), add lemon juice and one yolk to it.

Soak gauze in the liquid, wrap your hands in it, wrap it with cling film on top and put on gloves or wrap your hands in a clean towel.

Leave the compress on for 20 minutes, then remove all residues with a cotton pad. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at night, or spend the rest of the day wearing cotton gloves.

What oils are best for lubricating your hands?

The best option for cosmetological treatment of various skin problems is the use of natural vegetable oils. These products contain sufficient quantities of nutritional components, vitamins and microelements to heal wounds and moisturize the skin.

An effective remedy - linseed oil . Just a couple of drops is enough. They need to be rubbed all over the skin.

You can also use flaxseed instead castor or Burr oil . They are also very effective, they restore the skin and saturate it with nutrients.

Paraffin therapy - a procedure for deep skin hydration

For some reason, everyone thinks that this procedure is carried out exclusively in salons. This is not true; paraffin therapy can be done independently at home.

To do this you will need:

  • special cosmetic paraffin;
  • cellophane bags;
  • 2 towels;
  • unnecessary container.

optional, but will make the procedure easier and more enjoyable:

  • special bath;
  • mittens.

So, you need to melt the entire pack of cosmetic paraffin in a container in a water bath. While the paraffin is melting, thoroughly scrub the skin of your hands (this is necessary to remove the dead skin layer, open the pores and enhance the effect of nutrients during the procedure).

Then, lower your hands into the solution for 10 seconds. Remove your hands for 5-10 seconds and put them back into paraffin. It will take 3-5 approaches.

Dry skin cracks until it bleeds

In this case, dry skin often occurs on the fingers and between the fingers on the right hand in right-handed people and on the left in left-handed people.

External causes of the disease:

  • due to contact with chemicals;
  • due to cold weather or sudden changes in temperature;
  • due to contact with the ground (when weeding or planting).

Internal causes of the disease:

  • due to lack of vitamins:
  • due to a fungal disease;
  • due to eczema;
  • due to allergies;
  • due to chronic inflammatory skin disease (diffuse neurodermatitis).

Associated symptoms:

  • the skin is very itchy;
  • swelling appears;
  • the skin becomes inflamed;
  • the skin becomes crusty and blisters with liquid appear;
  • strong pain.

If you have these symptoms, contact your dermatologist immediately.

During pregnancy, give preference to natural remedies to combat dry skin on your hands (masks, creams, ointments, which we discussed above). Since you don’t always know what is actually in many creams.

What else will help:

  1. Use humidifiers that contain oily components.
  2. Eliminate soap (and laundry soap too). Instead, you can use a special foam for dry skin. It is sold in every cosmetic store.
  3. Use only scrubs that are made from fine-grained active ingredients.

The child has dry skin on his hands

Dry skin is quite common in children in the first three years of life. Especially during autumn and winter.

First, rule out allergies. To do this, make sure that the baby does not come into contact with allergens.

Choose a moisturizer (eg Bepanten). If your skin is very dry, consult your pediatrician.

To make your skin soft and elastic again, follow these rules:

  1. After, moisturize your hands with nourishing cream, because... Acetone gel polish removers dry out the skin.
  2. To cure dryness, the body requires vitamins and minerals. Include grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seafood in your diet.
  3. Follow the rules of hygiene: wash your hands often with warm water, using a moisturizer, wipe dry after washing and use nourishing moisturizers. Read:
  4. Wear rubber gloves when working with chemicals (washing dishes or cleaning).
  5. Check to see if you are allergic to the products your skin comes into contact with.
  6. If it's windy or cold outside, wear gloves. In summer it is also important to moisturize your hands with cream. For the winter period, a nourishing cream and hand masks are suitable, and for the summer, a simple moisturizer that will protect your skin from drying out in the hot sun.
  7. . Water is necessary for people with congenital dry skin, as it is involved in all body processes.

Where to buy moisturizing hand cream

Yves Rocher:

  • Hand Cream “Mango & Coriander”
  • Hand Cream for Correcting Age Spots SPF 20 - Yves Rocher cream intensively nourishes and protects the skin of the hands from UV rays.
  • Nourishing Hand Cream “Honey and Muesli BIO” - without the effect of a greasy film.
  • Long-lasting Moisturizing Hand Cream with Arnica
  • Hand Cream “Mandarin in Spices” - this cream from Yves Rocher is perfect for the winter period.
  • Ultra-nourishing Hand Cream with Arnica - for very dry and cracking hand skin.

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“Silk” skin of hands and feet IN 1 MINUTE a day! Secrets of choosing hand oils.

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

Dry hand skin is a fairly common phenomenon, especially among the fair sex. This is despite the fact that women spend a lot of money on purchasing products to care for their skin. Before we talk about how to deal with this problem, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Do not think that dry hands are a temporary and harmless phenomenon. If no measures are taken, the skin will soon become even rougher and rougher, and cracks and wounds may form on its surface, which will then begin to bleed heavily. However, they will take a very long time to heal, causing the woman a lot of discomfort.

So how to deal with dry hands? And is it possible to take any preventive methods to prevent its further occurrence?

We are constantly exposed to external aggressive factors, from which the skin on our hands suffers the most. Therefore, it needs constant care and the use of various moisturizers. Weather conditions have a particularly negative impact on the skin of the hands.

Remember that in winter you should never leave the house without wearing gloves. After all, if you plan to spend a long time outside, your skin will begin to lose moisture, then peel and form pimples on its surface.

To truly protect your hands in winter, you need to keep them warm at all times. At the same time, the gloves you wear should be made of natural materials in which your skin can “breathe.”

If you wear synthetic gloves, you will only make things worse for yourself. After all, such material is not capable of allowing air to pass through and will cause the skin of the hands to begin to rot in them, thereby causing severe irritation.

You need to pay special attention to your hands not only in winter, but also in summer. After all, hot weather and exposure to ultraviolet rays do not lead to anything good. They can lead not only to dry skin, but also to burns. Therefore, before going outside in hot weather, be sure to treat your hands with a special cream that helps protect against UV rays.

If your hand skin is dry, think about whether you often come into contact with household chemicals? After all, they contain aggressive substances that not only cause skin irritation, but also contribute to severe moisture loss.

Therefore, if you are faced with the task of washing dishes or wet cleaning the house, then be sure to treat your hands with moisturizer before starting the task, and put on rubber gloves on top to prevent exposure to chemicals on your skin.

If your work involves constant exposure to the street or you are forced to come into contact with chemicals, be sure to use protective equipment (creams, gloves). And when you return home, do not forget to take moisturizing baths and apply warm compresses to your hands. This will prevent dry skin.

If your hands are still peeling, then peeling will be your best assistant in this matter. It helps exfoliate rough particles and renew the skin.

We must not forget that dry skin can be not only on the hands, but also on the face. Therefore, it is important to provide proper care. Cosmetologists recommend using tonics with witch hazel extract and aloe vera. These components in tandem help to intensively moisturize the skin, making it soft and soft. In addition, thanks to their unique properties, such products will also help cope with acne, various redness and inflammation of the skin. Since toners do not contain alcohol, they can be safely used by people with sensitive skin. The following products are popular among girls:

It is worth noting that in addition to the negative effects of the environment and chemicals, internal factors also affect the condition of the skin. For example, a deficiency of any vitamins. There is no need to be dismissive of this, since this problem is very serious and can lead not only to dry hands and deterioration of your appearance, but also to the development of serious diseases.

You need to reconsider your diet and include more foods rich in vitamins A, E and D. They are responsible for the condition of our skin not only on our hands, but throughout our body. To replenish the reserves of these vitamins in the body, eat more dairy products, liver, nuts, raw vegetables and fruits.

But in autumn and spring, the human body experiences a very strong deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, by including the products described above, it will be problematic to solve this problem. Therefore, during these periods it is best to start taking vitamin complexes.

Dry hand skin can also occur due to a lack of fluid in the body. In this case, you need to increase your fluid intake. Drink plenty of water (up to 1.5 liters per day), herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices. They will nourish the skin cells with moisture from the inside and over time it will become moderately moisturized and soft to the touch.

It is worth noting that the appearance of dry skin on the hands may be a consequence of an allergic reaction or taking any medication. In the latter case, you should carefully read the instructions for the medications you have been using for the last 2-3 months. Pay special attention to the “side effects” section. If it says that the skin can dry out under the influence of active ingredients, it means that the cause of your illness was the medications.

In this case, you need to contact your doctor and notify him of your problem. Perhaps he will replace this drug with another one, or reduce its dosage.

And one last thing. As we age, our skin begins to actively lose moisture, causing it to wither and wrinkles to appear. It is for this reason that you should carefully select skin care products. In this case, you need cosmetics designed specifically for fading and aging skin. Unfortunately, conventional remedies will not help here. Also, don’t forget about facial care. A special one is suitable for mature skin. Its natural ingredients help increase collagen production, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, and restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. This cream not only intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also helps cope with age-related changes. It can be used for all skin types as a day or night treatment.

If you have very dry skin on your hands, you can only cope with this problem if you regularly take measures to moisturize it. In this case, it is very important to exclude the cause of the development of vitamin deficiency. It’s better to play it safe and go to the pharmacy for a vitamin complex. Taking it will definitely not make your body worse.

As a rule, the appearance of this symptom is in no way connected with the development of pathological processes. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this. Buy yourself a good quality hand moisturizer and use it several times a day (morning and evening).

Due to their effectiveness and efficiency, special moisturizing cosmetics presented on the legendary iHerb website are especially popular. In the catalog you will find an incredible amount of natural, organic cosmetics based on natural extracts and components from leading American companies that have long established themselves throughout the world.

Today's top sellers are hand moisturizers such as:

  • . This cream will give your hands softness and tenderness. It does not contain fragrances or artificial colors, so it is suitable even for hypersensitive skin. Its main components are: argan kernels and oil, coconut oil, marula oil, shea butter, avocado oil and other natural ingredients. Together they effectively moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. Additional ingredients (goji, acai, sea buckthorn and pomegranate) protect the skin from negative external factors. The result is visible after the first application. Please note that this miracle product is only available on iHerb!

  • . Thanks to the special composition of this cream, it effectively softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands. Its main components are natural pumpkin, jojoba oil and licorice (herb). The product has a slightly liquid consistency, is absorbed quickly and easily, and has a light pumpkin aroma.

  • . This cream contains natural, unrefined shea butter, made by hand. Thanks to vitamins A and E, this product intensively nourishes, moisturizes and protects the skin of the hands.

  • . This versatile product is distinguished by high quality ingredients. It contains organic avocado oil, raspberry seed oil, sea buckthorn oil, papaya extract, blueberry extract and other components that together effectively moisturize, nourish and restore the skin. At the same time, hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10 help get rid of fine wrinkles.

If you often come into contact with household chemicals, it is recommended to use the cream 3-4 times a day. In addition, you should make special baths and masks for your hands, which will help moisturize the skin and relieve inflammation.

To keep your hands in excellent condition, perform moisturizing baths every 1-2 days. They are very easy to prepare. For example, you can regularly take sea salt baths. It is important to buy natural salt without any additives or flavorings.

Dilute 1-2 tbsp in one liter of warm water. sea ​​salt and soak your hands in it for 10-15 minutes. Then pat your skin dry with a towel (do not rub!) and treat it with moisturizer. With regular use of this bath, the skin on your hands will quickly get rid of dryness and become firm and elastic.

Oil baths have proven themselves very well. To prepare them, you can use any vegetable and essential oils. For example, you can dilute 2 tablespoons in one liter of warm water. cold pressed olive oil and 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil. The procedure takes 20 minutes. After it, the skin also needs to be treated with a moisturizer.

Hand baths based on oatmeal decoction are also considered effective. You need to cook the flakes in such a way that there is much more water in them than there are flakes themselves. Then strain the broth and pour it into the bath. Soak your hands in it for 15 minutes, then rinse them in cool water and lubricate them with nourishing cream.

If we talk about professional products, then paraffin baths are good for dry skin. It is very easy to carry out this procedure at home. To do this, you will need to additionally purchase a bath for melting the wax and, of course, the wax itself (this can be done at any pharmacy).

So, melt the wax according to the instructions included with it, lubricate the skin of your hands with any greasy cream to prevent burns after the procedure, and apply the melted wax to the skin in several layers using a special spatula. Now you need to keep your hands warm. To do this, you can use mittens or a terry towel, simply wrapping your hands in them.

To achieve maximum effect, keep the wax on the skin for about half an hour. Then you need to remove the wax from your hands and treat them again with a rich cream. You will be able to evaluate the effect of the procedure after the first session. And if you take paraffin baths regularly, over time the skin on your hands will become elastic and soft.

Treatment of dry hand skin at home can also be carried out using special masks and compresses.

The simplest method is to use pharmaceutical liquid glycerin. It costs a penny, but it gives quick and good results. You can use glycerin in its pure form, simply treating the skin of your hands with it at night, or you can make a real nourishing moisturizing mask out of it.

To do this, add 9% vinegar or ammonia to a bottle of glycerin. The bottle needs to be filled to the top, and then closed with a lid and shaken well. After which you can lubricate your hands with the resulting solution (it is advisable to do this at night), and for the best effect, put on cotton gloves on top. This composition should be stored in a cool, dark place (can be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator).

You should not lose sight of traditional medicine. They perfectly combat dry hands, while making them soft and elastic. For example, potatoes have a good moisturizing effect. For one procedure you will need one large potato. It needs to be boiled in its skin until tender, and then crushed to a puree, without removing the peel.

Then you need to add a tablespoon of milk to the crushed potatoes and mix everything well. While your puree has not cooled, you need to apply it to the skin of your hands and leave until completely dry. Then the potatoes are removed using a cotton swab dipped in warm milk. After the procedure, your hands also need to be treated with a nourishing cream.

A mask based on glycerin and bee honey nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the hands very well. To prepare it, you will need to take honey, pharmaceutical glycerin, wheat flour and water in equal proportions. All these ingredients must be mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Then apply the mixture to your hands and leave for 20 minutes. Don't forget to use moisturizer after the procedure.

Traditional medicine also suggests that women combat dry skin by simply treating their hands with extra virgin olive oil every day before bed. It is advisable to wear cotton gloves on top, which will prevent the oil from imprinting on the bed linen.
In the morning, take off your gloves and lubricate your hands with nourishing cream. There is no need to rinse off the olive oil. It should be completely absorbed overnight.

If you constantly take care of your hands, you will forever forget what dry skin is. Remember that you need to carry out procedures to moisturize it every day. And don’t forget about the basic rules that will prevent problems from occurring in the future.

Be sure to wear gloves when going outside and coming into contact with aggressive chemicals. Use creams that protect your skin from ultraviolet rays in the summer, make baths and masks. And then your skin will become soft and silky to the envy of all your rivals!

  • Date: 04/30/2019
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With careless care, women of any age develop dry skin on their hands. Most often, this visual defect makes itself felt in winter, when dry air combined with low temperatures has a destructive effect on the thin and sensitive epithelium. Dry skin on the hands can be accompanied by peeling, cracking, wounds, and an unattractive appearance. All this in total can contribute to rapid aging of the skin. It is also surprising that dryness can occur even when using moisturizing creams and compresses. How to deal with this at home? And what solutions does modern medicine and cosmetology provide?

Factors causing the disease

The skin of the hands is so thin that it is easily damaged by external physical irritants. These may include:

  • low temperature;
  • contact with household chemicals;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • lack of basic care;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • frequent swimming in the sea;
  • sudden changes in external temperature.

It should also be mentioned that dry hand skin can be the cause of some infectious diseases and allergic reactions of the body (high histamine levels in the blood). The main reason for the defect is that the layer of skin on the hands is much thinner than, for example, on the face. Accordingly, it stores a smaller amount of moisture necessary for turgor (the process of division and subsequent regeneration). If it is also eliminated by some external influence, then the process of restoration of the epithelium practically stops. All this is precisely accompanied by dryness.

Some women have a lack of moisture in the skin - this is a genetic predisposition of the body. It is practically useless to combat this with cosmetic methods. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, who will select the optimal set of care medications for the patient.

If a woman often goes on diets to get rid of a few extra pounds, dry skin on her hands often occurs; the reasons are well known. A negative factor is some drugs, dietary supplements, the action of which is based on the breakdown of fat cells. This process is necessarily accompanied by increased metabolism and a diuretic effect. Drinking enough water and fermented milk products with a low fat content will help correct the situation. But you should temporarily avoid strong teas, coffee, and fresh juices.

Dry hands may be due to a lack of nutrients that enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. This is where only a nutritionist can help, who will select the right diet taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the patient.

Preventive actions

Statistics show that up to 60% of women over the age of 30 experience dry hand skin. Accordingly, the most effective treatment is prevention. And the first thing you should pay attention to is your daily diet and lifestyle. The defect is guaranteed not to appear if you eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, drink at least 2 liters of water a day (preferably filtered, with a minimum amount of salts), and ensure proper and regular rest.

Since dryness can be caused by hormonal imbalance, there is a risk of developing thyroid diseases. In addition, the use of drugs that in one way or another affect the hormonal genome can also cause a feeling of dry skin on the hands. But in such cases, as a rule, changing the drug (or contraceptive) immediately solves the problem.

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The following simple rules can also be classified as prevention items:

  • constantly dry your hands after washing;
  • give preference to laundry soap over scented ones;
  • apply sea buckthorn oil compresses to your skin at least 2 times a week;
  • when using creams, take a two-day break every week;
  • do not use aggressive chemicals to cleanse the skin of your hands - acetone, gasoline, petroleum-based solvents;
  • In winter, go outside only wearing mittens or gloves, preferably made from natural fabrics;
  • in the summer months, avoid excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin of your hands;
  • Use special air humidifiers at home - such devices are sold in almost every household appliance store.

When to see a doctor

If your hands are often covered with cracks, accompanied by itching, unhealthy pigmentation, then this is a clear sign of more serious health problems. In such cases, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist. It is possible that excessive dryness is caused by an infection, an allergen, or a weakened immune system.

The appearance of spots on the skin is often an accompanying symptom of dysfunction of some internal organs. For example, yellowness is a clear presence of problems with the liver and general intoxication of the body. Dryness is a consequence of the disease, and therefore only surgical treatment will help get rid of it.

You should also seek help from a dermatologist if you have deep bleeding cracks. This symptom tells us that in the upper layers of the epidermis the production of nutrients, in particular the lipid and corneocyte groups, is impaired. They, in turn, represent something like a natural keratinous barrier that prevents moisture evaporation. In an advanced form, these factors lead to the development of eczema, atopic dermatitis, hypothyroidism, and seborrhea (dandruff and flaking).

Therapeutic therapy at home

In most cases, even very dry hand skin can be treated at home. If you have already excluded all external influences, but this still does not help, then various nourishing masks and compresses will help. You can find a huge number of their recipes on the Internet, but only a few are effective among them. Here are some as an example:

  1. Oil baths. Add vegetable or olive oil to warm water. We soak our hands in it for about 15-20 minutes, wipe it dry, and then lubricate it with nourishing cream.
  2. Fermented milk baths. They are similar to oil ones, but instead of warm water, yogurt or fresh kefir is used (heated in a water bath).
  3. Raspberry and chamomile compress. For it, take 50 grams of dried berries, 1/2 cup of chamomile flowers, add 2 liters of boiled water and infuse for 2-3 hours. Next, soak gauze in this mixture and apply it to your hands and skin for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at night.
  4. At home, a bath of decoction based on dry leaves and roots of burdock helps a lot. There is no specific proportion of ingredients for its preparation, but the color of the resulting composition should be light yellow, not darker.
  5. A good treatment is to use masks based on olive oil (1 tablespoon) and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After leaving it for 20-30 minutes, the remaining composition is removed with a dry cloth, then a moisturizer is applied (no need to wash your hands).

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Dryness often occurs after active physical labor. At the same time, there is also a feeling of skin tension. The use of masks and compresses is optional here. The epithelium just needs to be given time to regenerate. You can help him with this with an ordinary moisturizer or baby cream with glycerin.

Symptom of menopause

In women aged 40-50 years, hormonal changes are activated in the body, which almost always causes increased dryness of the skin of the hands - what to do in such cases? It is recommended to treat the problem comprehensively, while simultaneously restoring the nutrient medium for subsequent regeneration. Doctors recommend including in your diet foods that contain large quantities of vitamins A and E. In rare cases, so-called hormone replacement therapy is prescribed, which consists of taking drugs that replace the production of certain substances in the body, for which the reproductive system was previously responsible. hormones. To get effective results, first make an appointment with a dermatologist.

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Possible complications

If you do not pay due attention to eliminating dry skin for a long time, then complications in the form of phlegmon, folliculitis, and eczema will certainly arise in the future. All of them are associated with atrophy of the protective function of the epithelium, its increased vulnerability to aggressive external influences and infections. It is impossible to do anything about this at home. You can only use a cabbage compress to relieve pain and itching. Next, seek qualified help from a doctor who will prescribe the correct medication. Restoring protective functions can take a long time, as it involves the natural saturation of the skin with micronutrients. Trying to treat is not an option, since the first step is to analyze and identify the causes that led to the development of the disease.

It should be noted that dry skin is not always associated with a lack of moisture in the epithelium. It is quite possible that the body simply does not receive enough micronutrients that are needed for the biotransformation of water. A few words need to be given to vitamins and minerals that prevent lack of moisture in the skin of the hands. These include amino acids, “good” cholesterol, and collagen. To restore their natural balance, you should include in your diet red vegetables (fresh), fermented milk products, citrus fruits (oranges and lemons), sea buckthorn juice, nuts, brown bread, fresh fish, brown rice.

Almost every pregnant woman has dry hands and face - a mandatory symptom. This is due to the fact that during this period the body uses an increased amount of fluid to transfer nutritional components to the fetus. You should not use traditional creams and masks that are sold in cosmetology centers. They contain trace elements that can penetrate the placenta and, accordingly, harm the unborn child. For example, the use of creams containing hydrocortisone is strictly prohibited. In addition, some of these components may worsen skin problems in pregnant women.

What recommendations can you use during pregnancy? Firstly, use only nourishing masks on a natural basis. Secondly, take a bath no more than once a week, moreover, with the addition of vegetable or olive oil (only 2-3 tablespoons, no more). If a girl uses scrubs to remove keratinized and dead skin particles, then preference should be given to those that contain fine-grained active ingredients. And when washing, you should avoid soap (including laundry soap). It can be replaced with a special foam for dry skin, which is sold in any cosmetic store. Humidifiers that contain oily components also help prevent flaking (or you can simply add essential oils without a strong aroma to the liquid).

Remembering Coco Chanel’s fair remark, “You won’t have a second chance to make a first impression,” people often forget that before that she said: “Hands are a woman’s calling card, her neck is her passport, and her breasts are her international passport.” Hands are the most important indicator of health and age.

Women's problem

The skin on them is significantly different in structure from the skin on the face. On the surface of the hands, the subcutaneous tissue is thin, mobile and contains a small number of sebaceous glands. They are completely absent on the palms. The problem of oily skin typical for the face will never be relevant for the hands. brushes and increased sweating of the palms are the main causes of anxiety.

If there is a problem, then you need to look for a solution. To find the right one, you need to understand the reason.

Our skin constantly breathes, of course, not to the same extent as the lungs. The cover protects the body and helps maintain a constant body temperature.

The skin of the hands is the first to absorb all negative environmental factors. This is the main reason why your hands get dry. Temperature changes when moving from indoors to outdoors, windy weather, bright sun, frost. The first blow is taken by the skin on the hands and face. Hands come into contact with water more often than any other part of the body. They occur with cosmetics and detergents 20 times more often than on the face. Vitamin deficiencies and poor nutrition can be diagnosed by the appearance of your hands. Dermatitis and allergic reactions most often affect this part of our body.

Environmental factors

Wind, frosty air, heating and dry indoor air have a negative impact on the hands and face. The skin on your hands dries, your face turns red and begins to peel. In winter, in order to soften irritated and dry skin, it is necessary to replace the day cream with a more nourishing and oily one. Without forgetting the precautions.

Apply the cream thirty minutes before going outside. This is the time during which it will have time to be absorbed and begin to fulfill its protective role. Otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Cosmetologists suggest replacing hand cream with cosmetic oil. It creates a film that performs moisturizing functions and helps protect against wrinkles. Must be used at least twice a day. Cleansers are replaced with softer and more delicate ones.

Summer heat and intense ultraviolet radiation require a different approach to the problem. In summer, hands get no less dry, but problems with pigmentation and blemishes are also added. To care for your hands, use light moisturizing fluids, supplementing care products with creams with SPF protection. It is always advisable to have thermal water on hand. Split systems and air conditioners dry the air in the room just as intensively as heating systems.

Household chemicals

Our hands come into contact with water every day, as well as with various means for washing dishes, washing and cleaning various types of surfaces. Over time, an allergic reaction may begin to various chemical components. Signs include dry and cracked hands, red pimples, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters. Basic precautions can help protect against such problems. Let's look at them:

  1. Every time after washing your hands, dishes or laundry, try to dry them thoroughly.
  2. For all types of work related to household chemicals, as well as when washing and peeling vegetables, protective gloves are used. When latex or vinyl are not suitable, it is recommended to pre-lubricate the skin
  3. If necessary, treat it with iodine.
  4. Hygienic lipstick will help you get rid of the consequences when your fingers dry out and crack. The ends are lubricated with it. It will help the cracks heal faster.
  5. It is advisable to get rid of low-quality household products at the slightest sign of irritation and inflammation of the skin on your hands. Some people think that laundry soap is a good substitute. This opinion is wrong. The alkali contained in it corrodes subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Nutrition and lifestyle

When careful care is carried out and all precautions are observed, but your hands become dry, the reason may be a lack of vitamins. Dry, rough skin is a sign of nicotinic acid deficiency in the body. Vitamin PP is present in cereals, beans and lean fish. Flaky skin covered with pustules indicates a lack of retinol and carotene. A lack of vitamin A is indicated by the presence of dark spots on the hands. This element is present in pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, egg yolk, and also in all types of liver. Skin that has lost its elasticity and looks sluggish needs vitamin E.

A large amount of it is found in green vegetables and unrefined vegetable oil. It is also called the “vitamin of youth”. It is recommended to take one teaspoon of any vegetable oil every day.


Why do my hands get dry? Such phenomena can cause various diseases. Diseases affecting the skin of the hands: ichthyosis, eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis. The scientific name for dry skin is xerosis or xeroderma. If you suspect that the disease is the reason why your hands are dry, your doctor will advise you on what to do. Thorough analyzes and necessary examinations are carried out. They will prescribe the necessary course of therapy and medication.

To give your hands a beautiful and well-groomed look, cosmetologists are developing many products. Our great-grandmothers were also worried about the problem of how to hide their age, striking with the grace and elegance of their hands. History has left many folk recipes that are relevant to this day.



A little conclusion

Now you know why your hands dry out, we have named the reasons. We also described the features of caring for them. We hope that our advice will help you.

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