What are dangerous mesothreads? Mesonity - when is the effect? Prices for the procedure

- This is a method of non-surgical facelift.

The procedure itself consists of inserting needles along with the threads under the skin, after which the needles are removed and the mesothreads remain. Literally after 6 months, the threads disintegrate, forming water and carbon dioxide, without damaging the skin. In their place there remains a small seal, due to which the effect of "tightening" occurs. They support the tissue, acting as an invisible skeleton.

The lifting effect that is visible to the eye is initially formed due to the effects of the threads themselves, but after a while the skin becomes more elastic due to the regeneration of its own tissue. Threadlift with mesothreads is similar to the acupuncture procedure, therefore it has a positive effect not only on soft tissues, but also on muscles.

At the first appointment, the cosmetologist will examine the areas in which the threads will be embedded, then tell about the procedure itself and the result. For anesthesia, special anesthetic creams or gels are used. The whole procedure takes no more than an hour (depending on the part of the body and its condition). 30-50 threads are spent on a facelift, no more than 15 threads on the correction of the chin area, 15 to 25 threads on restoration of the forehead area. Thread lifting is recommended in several stages (a lot depends on the initial condition of the skin) to achieve the maximum effect from the procedure.


Effect after mesothreads noticeable after the end of the procedure. However, in two weeks it will be noticeable even brighter. The oval of the face will become clearer, the skin is tightened, its general condition will improve, small facial wrinkles will be smoothed out. This procedure is suitable for patients whose skin has not yet undergone much age-related changes, but is already losing elasticity.

Generally, threadlifting is popular among young women who want to make their facial contours clearer, improve skin structure and prevent the first signs of aging. Older patients are advised to use mesothreads as a complement to more serious methods to combat skin aging. Only in this case, the effect of the procedure will last long enough.

This technique has a number of positive qualities, among which:

  • Painlessness (the procedure is performed using painkillers gels and creams);
  • Mezoniti do not cause allergies;
  • The procedure is less traumatic ( after mesothreads traces remaining from needle punctures are almost invisible);
  • The absence of hematomas and edema;
  • Rehabilitation period after mesothreads lasts no more than 1 day;
  • The effect of the procedure lasts up to 2 years;
  • It does not cause adverse reactions.

The first day after the mesothreads threadlifting procedure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is necessary to strictly limit facial expressions for 3 (three) weeks (Avoid excessive smiles, talking, chewing, yawning and other movements of the facial muscles during this period. Do not use drinking tubes).
  • Eliminate heavy physical exertion, weight lifting for 3 (three) weeks after mesothreads.
  • Exclude massages and any pressure on the face for 3 (three) weeks.
  • Exclude thermal procedures, hot baths, baths, saunas for 3 (three) weeks.
  • Do not sunbathe and visit the solarium for 4 (four) weeks.
  • During the first 24 hours, you can apply ice (wrapped in a clean towel) or a cold towel to the areas where the threads are inserted for 15 minutes with a 20-minute interval.
  • You should sleep lying on your back, on a high pillow for 2 - 3 (two - three) weeks (keep your head raised at least 30 degrees).
  • It is necessary to wear a supporting bandage (elastic bandage) for 2 weeks after mesothreads.
  • Starting from the day after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the face with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine, with soaking movements or gentle movements from the bottom up (before doing this, wash your hands and treat with a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin). This procedure should be carried out 2 - 3 (two - three) times a day for 5 (five) days.
  • After treating the skin with an antiseptic (see paragraph 8), apply Lyoton gel or Traumeel C ointment + Bepanten cream on the face (mix 1: 1) 2 to 3 (two to three) times a day. Before the next application, be sure to remove the remnants of the old layer of ointment with a damp cloth or a cotton pad moistened with chlorhexidine.
  • Traumeel C 1 tablet under the tongue every 1.5 hours 10 (ten) days (6 - 8 tablets per day), then 1 tablet 3 times a day - 5 (five) days;
  • Lymphomyozotum 15 to 20 drops 3 times a day for 7 (seven) days.
  • Shower (not hot!) Can be taken (without affecting the face area) from the first day after the procedure.
  • Combination with other cosmetic procedures is possible only after consultation with a doctor.

You can return to your usual lifestyle the very next day after mesothreads.

If you have any complaints and questions, you must consult your doctor and carry out only his appointment.

Mezzonite threadlifting is a popular cosmetic procedure used to correct various face and body defects associated with sagging skin, wrinkles, sagging (ptosis), stretching the skin, disturbing the contours of the body and facial contours, drooping eyebrows, lips, sagging cheekbones, chin, cheeks, the inside of the shoulders, etc.

Despite the fact that the 3d-lifting procedure is not surgical but cosmetic, rehabilitation after mesothreads includes certain recommendations and limitations. They are associated, first of all, with the fact that skin tissues are still injured when installing mesothreads, and secondly, the body needs to get used to a foreign body in the tissues. The traumatic consequences of mesonitis are minimal, but depending on the individual characteristics of the body, they can manifest themselves with certain symptoms requiring attention.

Facial care after mesothreads

After installing mesothreads, the face at first needs more gentle care. For washing, try to use mild products - purified water, tonics, lotions without alcohol and acids, gentle gels and foams without abrasive particles. In the daytime, apply cosmetics with UV filters. Leaving after mesothreads in the first three days after the procedure involves treating the injection sites with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Refusal of coffee, alcohol and food that causes swelling (salted, smoked, spicy foods) will help to reduce the rehabilitation period. During the first three days after installing mesothreads, it is better to abandon very hot food.

What can and cannot be done after mezzanines

As soon as you put the mezzanine, after the procedure, try not to touch your face with your hands once again. On the day of the procedure, do not use makeup, do not touch your face - do not massage, do not knead, do not support your head when sitting at your desk, avoid excessively active facial expressions. If mesothreads have been installed in the stomach, buttocks or other areas of the body, try to minimize the impact on them. Sleeping in the first three days is better on the back (if mesothreads are installed in the buttocks - on the stomach).

In addition to treating the puncture sites with a disinfecting solution, you can use cooling compresses on the first day after the procedure. In the presence of small bruises or hematomas, absorbable ointments and gels can be used. As a rule, bruises after mesothreads do not occur or appear completely microscopic - an experienced doctor performs the procedure as painlessly and with minimal trauma. Bruises and swelling are most often the consequences of a doctor’s inexperience. In the Komarova Clinic, patients rarely encounter such consequences of mesothreads - however, with certain individual characteristics of the patient's skin, bruises cannot be avoided. Usually these are patients with thin skin, with vessels closely located to its surface.

In the presence of pain after mesothreads, local anesthetics are allowed.

Within 1-2 weeks afterstaging of mezzanines you can’t visit the bathhouse and sauna, solarium, spa (with steam), the first week you can not take a hot bath and hot shower and wash with hot water. Many patients are interested in the question of how quickly you can go in for sports after mesothreads. For at least a week after the mesothreads, you cannot engage in active sports - those that lead to a significant increase in blood circulation in the affected area and intense sweating.

After the thread installation procedure, wrinkles may form on the patient's skin. Over the next 2 weeks, these folds will straighten out - the threads will “snap” into place.

After 2 weeks after the procedure, the person already looks quite normal, most of the restrictions can be lifted - however, you should still not visit the bathhouse or solarium.

Possible negative effects of mesothreads

If the doctor installing the mezzanine did everything right - most likely there will be no negative consequences. However, each organism is unique, and depending on the individual characteristics of a person, certain complications can occur after the setting of mesothreads.

The most frequent consequences of mesothreads are bruises and swelling - after all, our skin is not pricked with needles every day, even if it is very thin, and this is a significant stress for it. You can remove bruises and swelling after mesothreads using cooling compresses and absorbable ointments. Minimize edema will allow advance (3-4 days before the procedure) refusal of alcohol and partial refusal of salt, restriction of salty, fried, greasy, smoked and spicy foods.

Soreness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe introduction of the threads can be dealt with with local anesthetic non-steroidal agents - before using them, coordinate the choice of the agent with your doctor.

Bruising, swelling, and pain go away within a few days. More serious consequences occur when the thread was set incorrectly. This can lead to the fact that it will shine through the skin, an unremovable fold, a tubercle, asymmetry may form. To correct such consequences, you will have to consult a doctor who put mesothreads on you.

The most unpleasant consequence can be called infection during the procedure. Avoiding this is simple - do not use the services of unskilled cosmetologists who accept in non-equipped rooms or at home, but contact specialized clinics.

A fresh, attractive and young face is no longer a whim of fashionable people, but an ordinary vital necessity. The latest technologies in the beauty industry are capable of producing lasting and significant results. It is these methods of returning the beauty of withered skin that are gradually gaining well-deserved popularity.

Every year, the newest and most revolutionary correction methods appear that are able to completely remove the slightest manifestations of age-related skin changes. But not all of them become a grand sensation.

The procedure called “face mesothreads” is one of those that can really suspend the natural aging process of your skin.

Face lift mesothreads is a procedure that includes mesotherapy with special Lead Fine Lift threads. They are introduced into the epidermal layer of the skin with the finest cosmetic needles, due to which a pronounced effect of tightening the skin of the face or body is achieved.


  • Signs of facial skin aging: sagging, fine lines;
  • Deep wrinkles: nasolabial, frontal, interbrow and furrows.
  • Sagging after pregnancy, sudden weight loss or due to other reasons, the skin of the abdomen, hips, chin, knees, chest, zone;
  • To increase the duration of the effect in combination with other methods of rejuvenation.
A mesothreading session - threadlifting - is aimed at the formation and fixation of the subcutaneous skeleton, which is erected by the method of minimal surgical intervention. It is he who carries out a skin tightening painlessly and non-surgical. The material from which the strands themselves are made consists entirely of the biodegradable polydioxanone material.

This material has hypoallergenic properties and does not cause rejection.

“Lead Fine Lift” mesothreads are not capable of causing hematomas and edema, they are absolutely imperceptible, the result is achieved immediately after the procedure.

The duration of the operation is about an hour, and the anti-aging effect persists for 2 years. Traditional methods of skin tissue formation are quite traumatic and painful.

Usually performed with local anesthesia, require long-term rehabilitation and cause prolonged discomfort in the postoperative period. The desired result occurs only after 2-3 months.

Operation progress

Photo: effect of threads on muscle tone

Using a needle, mesothreads are introduced into the epidermis. This thread has a high elasticity, providing a spring effect, if, of course, certain installation rules are followed. The implanted threads form a kind of soft-hard frame, which harmoniously survives without causing discomfort and deformation of soft tissues.

Biodegradable filaments undergo hydrolytic decomposition, resulting in the formation of normal metabolites for the body - water and carbon dioxide in the skin tissue.

Within 6-8 months, complete absorption of such filaments occurs, after which the remainder of the light connective tissue densification is observed in the skin. It serves as a kind of "frame" for the skin for 18-24 months. After this, it is best to perform a second operation.

The effect after the procedure

Photo: procedure for restoring youthful skin of the face

Lead Fine Lift mezzanine threading has a wide range of features that will help achieve the most desired results, including:

  • the formation of an oval face;
  • reduction of facial wrinkles and nasolabial folds;
  • improves skin condition.

It is intended for people whose age-related skin changes have not yet acquired a pronounced character. Mostly young women resort to this service, who need to improve the skin structure, tighten and strengthen the facial contour. For older people, it is best to use mesothreads as an addition to a surgical circular facelift. In this case, they will help maintain skin tone and prolong the effect.

Video: What is mezzanine?

Difference from thread lifting?

Although these two procedures are very similar, they have a number of fairly serious differences:

  • More mesothreads will be needed for a lift, for lifting the cheeks, which need to be raised a little, you need to spend about 20-30 pieces. The calculation for the work is not based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe braces, but on the number of threads spent. Well, in the case of thread lifting, the lift is calculated by area.
  • Less painful consequences: cosmetologists say that mesothreads alleviate the patient’s condition after the procedure. Healing is much faster - it takes no more than 10 days to fully recover. They are painless. Sometimes, lifting with mesothreads does not even require anesthesia.
  • Duration of action - here the mesothreads are inferior, they hold up to 2 years, because the substance of which they are composed breaks up in six months, but “Aptos”, ordinary threads, take at least 5 years.
  • The reaction to the skin and the possible consequences are also different. If we take filament lifting threads as an example, they were made of gold, which does not oxidize and does not cause any allergies.


This Lead Fine Lift technique has a wide range of positive aspects over other similar procedures, including:

  • low-traumatic, anesthesia-free procedure, the materials used are absolutely hypoallergenic;
  • microscopic punctures are almost invisible and heal very quickly,
  • the use of certain introduction techniques eliminates the occurrence of edema and hematomas;
  • the patient does not need medical examination and long-term rehabilitation, and the effect lasts for 18-24 months;
  • no adverse reactions were detected during the studies.

Photo: three-dimensional modeling of the face with threads

Possible complications

If the doctor does not have experience, then you can get complications. Sometimes, when the doctor is not able to work with a thin needle for mesothreads, severe distortion can occur until wrinkles appear. Even after 2 years, traces of a medical defect may remain. Therefore, do not trust doctors who do not have experience with mesothreading procedures. Lumps may appear on the skin.

Often this happens due to poorly laid and not straightened threads. Such formed nodes will be present for a long time on the face, at least it will last about six months, until the threads are completely resolved. This happens due to the fact that the thread separated earlier from the needle and did not stretch out completely, no doctor can save you from this.

Video: Photos BEFORE AND AFTER application


The cost of one thread is from 25-50 dollars. The required number of threads is determined in consultation with a specialist, depending on the location and degree of sagging skin, usually 10-20 pieces. It can be estimated that the final price for mezzanines is in the range of 200-1000 dollars.

Procedure nameprice, rub.
3D mesothreads (1 thread)1500


First noticed on her face the first signs of aging. UY was shocked! How? I am only 30 years old, but I already have, though small, but still - wrinkles. I also noticed that the skin is no longer as elastic as it was, and it also became some kind of saggy. It was at that moment that I wondered: "What to do?" A week later, I was already sitting in the cosmetologist’s office, who was telling me how to correct my situation.

The doctor advised plastic surgery, even reaching an endoscopic lift. However, after a while I found out about mezzanines. As Internet sources assured me, it is these threads that make the skin frame. After 2 weeks, I already had surgery. Of course, as soon as the bandages were removed, I saw small bruises. However, after a week I was able to meet with friends. They were sure that I did blepharoplasty - the skin tightened so much.

Good day. I want to talk about ordinary women's business. I am 43. The face contour has already begun to round, in some places even hung. I am a rare coward, and therefore did not agree to any operations. But beauty is said to require sacrifice. I went to the clinic, after the consultation I thought for another two weeks. As a result, I decided. No doubt it was scary. After the procedure, the face became swollen and bruises appeared. But the result simply shocked me. A month has already passed - the contour appeared, so honed, as if I had just struck twenty years old. The doctor said that over time everything will be even better. I am very pleased.

In recent decades, aesthetic medicine has achieved significant success in the fight against age-related changes. Read more about mezzanine reinforcement.

Face-lift mesothreads: Before and after pictures

Correction of the skin of the body and face with a number of cosmetic defects, which usually occur due to age-related changes and adverse external influences, provides the most effective positive results in the form of eliminating wrinkles, sagging skin, and.

Today, cosmetology medical centers offer their clients various techniques and tools that ensure the quickest possible rehabilitation process after such procedures, but most of them are surgical interventions that are quite difficult for the body to take and require long-term recovery. - A revolutionary method that guarantees the minimum amount of damage to the epidermis and faster elimination of damage.

The consequences of installing such threads

Using the installation of mesothreads, you can get a quick solution to many breakdowns arising as a result of the influence of the age factor: eliminate the reduced elasticity of the skin and stabilize the oval of the skin. This method of exposure is not a surgical intervention, because the recovery process after it is not long, it passes quite easily.

Also, the positive results of this method of skin correction should include:

  • elimination of a double chin;
  • alignment of the contours of the body and face;
  • elimination of the manifestations of ptosis (sagging) of the skin, which is noted with a decrease in its tone and elasticity.

The impact during the procedure under consideration can be both on the skin and adjacent areas (chin, temporal part, ears), and on the body: the inner part of the shoulders and hips, and thighs, buttocks and legs.

And although the implementation of all the recommendations and advice of a doctor is mandatory to prevent complications after this type of correction, however, in comparison with other options for eliminating the manifestations of age-related changes, mesothreads should be considered the least traumatic and safe from the point of view of the likelihood of side effects to health. After carrying out this procedure, the doctor gives the patient specific recommendations for preventing negative manifestations, and since the body of each person is individual and the complications can arise very different, all possible consequences of this manipulation must be taken into account.

The consequences of installing mezzanines are reviewed in this video:

Complications after mesothreads

Relating to cosmetic surgery and not being a surgical intervention, the installation of mesothreads does not require strict restrictions and a sharp change in lifestyle. However, without following the doctor’s recommendations on rehabilitation, there is a high risk of developing negative manifestations from the skin, which reduce the effectiveness of the procedure and can cause a number of complications that slow down and complicate the healing process.

Complications after installing mesothreads, regardless of the treatment area, are few, but their knowledge will prevent the likelihood of slowing down the repair of damaged tissues: after all, the skin during the installation of mesothreads was stressed due to several punctures by the plastic surgeon that were necessary to install the threads and further distribute and fix them . Fixing the frame of the face, the threads are a foreign body for the human body, therefore, it takes a certain time to get used to the threads and not tear them away.

Possible complications of this type of correction of the skin of the face and body include:

  • bruises and bruises - they usually remain in the area of \u200b\u200bpuncture of the skin, and since needles of extremely small diameter are used during the operation, bruises and bruises remain extremely small. An experienced surgeon knows in which place it is preferable to make a puncture, therefore, the implementation of the considered cosmetic procedure should be done only in a trusted medical center specializing in this manipulation.

If bruises and hematomas remain for a long time (with increased sensitivity of the skin, insufficient experience of the surgeon and the tendency of the skin to bruise), absorbable ointments and gels should be used that will accelerate the elimination of such manifestations.

  • hypersensitivity and pain are most often noted also in places of skin punctures. They quickly pass on their own, with the complete healing of the sites of damage to the epidermis, unpleasant sensations do not arise already a week after the installation of the mesothreads. To reduce pain, the use of cooling ointments and gels can be recommended, which will eliminate even the manifestations of pain and skin sensitivity;
  • the appearance of excessive tuberosity of the skin, which is associated with an uneven distribution of threads inside the tissues and under the skin. If during the rehabilitation period prescribed by the doctor this manifestation does not disappear on its own, it is necessary to contact him again and eliminate this unsatisfactory result of the operation;
  • cones, as well as tuberosity of the skin, also requires correction if they are not fully absorbed independently during the rehabilitation period. Absorbable preparations can also be used, which are applied externally in place with bumps on the skin. However, in the absence of a pronounced positive result, consultation with a doctor who performed the installation of mesothreads and appropriate manipulations will be required;
  • - this complication may occur if the doctor’s recommendation regarding the preparation period before surgery is not followed. Edema most often occurs when taking salty, fried and spicy foods, since the high content of cooked foods in the food leads to fluid retention in the tissues, which causes swelling. Therefore, to prevent such complications, similar products should be completely excluded a week before the expected start of the operation. To reduce the manifestations of edema after the installation of mesothreads, it is recommended to take diuretics, however, their choice should be agreed with the doctor and taking into account the general health of the patient;
  • inflammatory processes may occur due to surgery. The risk of inflammation is greatest with insufficient disinfection of the treated skin and medical instruments used in this manipulation. Prevention of inflammatory processes should be considered sufficient use of the necessary disinfectants and treatment only in medical centers and clinics that specialize in the installation of mesothreads. Performing this type of correction is not permissible at home and with an unprofessional plastic surgeon.

Before and after thread lifting (photo)

The listed complications are quite easy to prevent, in case of their manifestation, their treatment will require the use of certain medications (absorbable, cooling, disinfectant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory), all actions should be performed on the recommendation of a doctor and under his control.

A good recommendation for the speedy recovery of the body and damaged skin should be considered taking in the process of rehabilitation of vitamin preparations and immunostimulating agents, which will increase the body's resistance to pathological influences and accelerate recovery. Any deviations from the normal state of health require a mandatory visit to a doctor and the implementation of all his recommendations.

Thread lifting complications - video topic below:

The harm of such material

This form of correction of the skin and the contours of the face and body, such as the installation of mesothreads, is one of the least traumatic methods of exposure, when it is used, following the doctor's recommendations, the above complications arise to a lesser extent. However, one should also consider those cases when the installation of such threads can be contraindicated and harm the body.

In case of inflammatory phenomena in the skin, stage of exacerbation of chronically current diseases, the conduct of the manipulation under consideration is contraindicated. The cure of existing diseases, the passage of a full examination of the body before surgery and strict adherence to all the advice and recommendations of a doctor in both the preparatory and recovery periods will reduce the risk of complications.

The installation of mesothreads can cause harm in the form of rejection by their body, with a high degree of skin sensitivity, when pronounced bumps and bumps appear on it, formed by proliferating fibrous tissue. Such defects are removable, but difficult: the practical knowledge of the surgeon is required, his ability to eliminate such consequences of the operation. This type of correction is not perfect, however, the technology of its application is constantly being improved, which allows us to prevent the pronounced negative impact of mesothreads on the patient's body.

About the pros and cons of the procedure will tell the video below:

Thread lifting is a highly effective modern method of rejuvenation. It is very popular due to the simplicity and effectiveness of the results. Many patients decide on such a step as pulling their face with threads. However, in order to please the outcome of the procedure, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior and skin care for several weeks after a facelift

The rehabilitation process on average takes about a month and a half. There are cases of earlier recovery and later. There are three periods of rehabilitation:

  1. Primary edema. It lasts three days. This is the reaction of the skin and underlying tissues to the intervention.after a circular pull. It is characterized by pronounced swelling of the tissues.
  2. Resorption of edema. Occurs in two weeks.
  3. Recovery period. It lasts about a month. At this time, the skin takes on a new look, becomes toned and supple.Recovery after surgery happens gradually. It is necessary to carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors tolifting effect formed and properly manifested.

How to care for your face after thread lifting

1-3 day after tightening with threads . Home mode. A minimum of physical and mental activity, it is recommended not to use facial expressions when communicating. It is best to be in a reclining position, silently read a book, draw, watch TV shows or videos without emotion. Optimal to listen to the radio or your favorite audio recordings. You can not touch your face, wash, apply creams and ointments (except for those prescribed by the doctor). You need to sleep on your back. Food and water should be consumed warm. Food should be neutral in taste and soft in order to use a minimum of muscle when chewing it. It is better to drink water through a tube or from a drinking bowl. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited! Be sure not to remove the compression mask for the first three days!

4-7 day. If necessary, you can leave the house. Exclude hot food and drinks, stay in the open sun, in the solarium, sauna. Do not touch your face with your hands, do not use makeup. Communicate without facial activity: do not laugh and do not smile. In the summer, be sure to wear a hat with wide brim or a panama, leaving the house. Sports, easy fitness, jogging, morning exercises, anyphysical activity(including intimate) is prohibited. If puffiness has significantly decreased, you can wash yourself with warm, boiled water and a clean cotton pad with gentle gentle blotting movements. At home - wear a compression mask and sleep in it.

8-14 day. You can eat the usual food at any temperature. Walks in the period of small solar activity return to daily mode. Sauna, beach and solarium, and other hot temperatures are not yet for you. Massage, intensive cosmeticsphysical activity, including facial expression, is also banned. But you can more confidently wash with warm water with a cotton pad. At the same time, a face whose tightening has been performed recently cannot be rubbed and squeezed. You can sleep not only on your back, but also on your side (but you’re still not “burying yourself in a pillow”).

15-30 day . Return to the usual daily routine. Expanding the circle of friends. Sleep in your favorite position, morning and evening wash. After washing, gently dry the skin, applying a soft, clean towel (preferably disposable) to it with blotting movements. You can go to work that does not require physical activity. No need to visit the sauna and solarium, dosports and fitnessgoing on vacation in a hot country.

A month later, after the approval of the doctor, you can gradually return to your usual way of life.

What can not be done after installing the threads

P after thread lifting there are several strict restrictions:

  • High temperatures: both external - when visiting a sauna or bathhouse, solarium, beach places of rest, and local: taking a hot shower or bath, food, drinks. This contributes to increased edema, prevents the rapid restoration of the skin.
  • Facial skin contact with any objects and surfaces, including with your own fingers and cosmetics. High risk of skin contamination, its infection.
  • Face wash water irritates the skin, exacerbating edema. With sudden movements and rough wiping, there is a high risk of tissue displacement and asymmetry.
  • Active facial expressions, massage. You can’t sit with your chin or cheek on your hand. Any mechanical action easily provokes the displacement of threads, causing asymmetry, which is highly undesirableafter facelift.
  • Sleep on my stomach (and in the early days and on the side) leads to increased swelling, can contribute to skin infection and displacementthreads for facelift.
  • Singing and visiting the dentist will have to be postponed: prolonged tension of the facial muscles can cause thread displacement.
  • Swimming, activitiessports and fitnessintense exercise banned for a long period - they negatively affect the skin recovery process, provoke asymmetry of facial muscles.

Side effects after facelift with threads

Side effectsafter facelift surgery are not at all and pass quickly enough. But it is better to know about possible troubles and think over an action plan in advance.

Facial Expression Disorder - the result of anesthesia during the introduction of threads. As a rule, passes after two to three hours. Some note facial expression disorders lasting 3-4 days - until the swelling completely decreases due to a facelift, because the swelling itself also impedes the active movement of the facial muscles.

Slight effects of bumps on the skinin the place of punctures and in the direction of the threads made. The tissues of the body get used to the new location after the threads have been introduced into them.for facelift. By the end of the second week, they are usually smoothed out without any intervention.

Hyper correction - The feeling of “tightness” of the face can also be a consequence of swelling of the tissues in the first days after lifting. With the disappearance of the edema, the "unnatural" appearance of the face disappears.

Bruises and minor bruising - the result of damage to small blood vesselsafter a circular facelift, which inevitably happens even with very careful skin punctures.For several days, they independently resolve, and then pass without a trace.

Complications after lifting

TO no skin lesions should remain at the end of the second week. All side effects should also disappear. Small allowed swelling, but most often the result of a successful lifting is already clearly visible. A person fortified with threads looks much younger: you can carefully dophoto and compare before and after. Seldom situations arise that require the intervention of a doctor:

  • Bruising and severe swelling lasting more than ten days. Initial rehabilitation after the threads by this time ends, there should not be bruises and swelling. If you still have them, you need to pay a visit to the doctor and find out the reason.
  • Allergy to the material. Make facial threads from modern hypoallergenic materials. But even a hypersensitivity reaction can occur on them, albeit extremely rarely with thread lifting. Unfortunately, in this case you have to part with the threads.
  • Infection The skin turns red, hot to the touch. A pronounced soreness appears, the temperature rises. A course of antibiotics often helps, less often it is necessary to remove the threads and conduct complex therapy.
  • Persistent violation of facial expressions speaks of injury or even compression of nerve fibers. The doctor examines and removesface lifting threadin contact with the nerve and obstructing muscle movements.
  • Bumps on the face and dents on the skin. They are usually located at the needle insertion / withdrawal points. Most often, threads are shiftedfor facelift due to non-compliance with the rules of conduct in the early rehabilitation period (first two weeks). It is necessary to consult a doctor, who in most cases can cope with the hillocks non-surgical method.

Thread lifting: popular problems and brief comments

My skin hurts after having done a facelift.

This is normal during the first 3-4 days. The intensity of the pain depends on the individual pain threshold. If the pain seems too strong - consult your doctor. You may need analgesics.

What should I do if two weeks have passed and the edema persists?

If the edema does not build up, there is usually nothing to worry about. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body. If the swelling intensifies, you need to see a doctor.

There are too many bruises on the face.

Most likely, you have reduced blood clotting, or the intervention was performed shortly before the onset of menstruation. If the bruises associated with thread lifting gradually disappear - there is nothing terrible, if they increase - you need a doctor's consultation.

Why can’t I use cosmetics?

The risk of skin infection increases. The application and removal of cosmetics is accompanied by stretching of the skin, which after lifting is extremely undesirable.

When can I leave home?

It is recommended to leave the house no earlier than the fourth day, when all undesirable effects on the face become invisible. There is also a risk of infection (the operated person is very vulnerable at first). If you are not afraid of your appearance, you can not limit yourself. But you need to wear a compression mask for at least 3 days constantly.

Why can’t you touch your face with your hands?

You can easily get an infection. Microbes are even on washed hands.

When can I start to wash my face?

The first three days you can’t touch your face. Then you can gently wipe your face with cotton pads dipped in boiled water orantiseptic solutions.

We wish you a quick recovery, long-term preservation of youth and beauty! For detailed consultations, we invite you to the modern clinic of Andrey Begma: our professionals will tell you about all the nuancesthe procedures lifting and other featuresplastic surgery.

Come !

Find out which rejuvenation method is right for you. Make an appointment with Dr. A.N. Begme.

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