Memo “Rules of communication and behavior in social networks. Simple rules for tricky social networks or Social Media Etiquette Rules of using social networks

Social networks can be a development tool, or they can be evil - consuming time, cluttering up the information field, provoking fragmentary thinking. So, the rules are mandatory for every user of social networks.

1. Set up your news feed. Don't waste time on information noise - who is resting where, what they ate for dinner, demotivators, funny videos, etc. Read only people who are really close to you, as well as pages on which information important to you is published.

2. Do not check the number of likes in publications. Lykomania is a dangerous disease based on a person's subconscious desire to receive strokes. If ten minutes ago you checked the "Like" number of your photo, and now you are tempted to do it again, stop.

3. Analyze destructive social media usage patterns. Perhaps you go to social networks when filling in breaks in work. You may be using the networks as an excuse for procrastination (the tendency to constantly procrastinate even important things). You may be aimlessly flipping through social media when you are nervous. Find these behavioral patterns and get rid of them.

4. Set a time limit on social media. Install RescueTime service or similar. Look at the report - how much time per month you spend on social networks. Be horrified. put a limit.

5. Do not add strangers as friends, leave them in subscribers. Avoid information noise.

6. Turn off notifications in social networking mobile applications. Otherwise, you will be on social networks all the time.

8. Clean up the list of groups and pages to which you are subscribed. Do you really need the community "Beads and necklaces in Krasnoyarsk from 370 rubles." Do you really read all these 25 funny picture communities? Is it important for you to know what's new with XXXX laptop online store?

9. Avoid user trance. The online environment introduces a person into a certain trance state. Look at a person sitting, for example, on VKontakte. He is mesmerized from page to page, he rarely blinks, he is in a kind of trance. If you ask him why he went online, most likely he will not remember. Under this state, social media usabilityists have created a lot of "traps" in the interface, which extend the time of stay and the number of viewed pages.\u003dwall-82197743_189281

Social networks have become a part of our daily life and cause opposite opinions. Some shout that it is necessary to completely abandon social networks, others say that there is nowhere in the 21st century without Internet communications.

Turn on the Internet after important morning chores

Scientists have proven that the information that enters the human brain immediately upon awakening remains there longer than any other. Therefore, if you, just tearing your eyes, immediately reach for your phone to view the feed on Instagram or Facebook, you clog your precious mind.

Wake up, smile, have breakfast, pray, do exercise, read the Bible or something useful, and only then turn on the Internet with peace of mind and watch the news. Feed your brain with useful things and don't overload it in the morning :)

Disconnect social networks an hour before bedtime

To give your eyes, brain and body a proper night's rest, prepare them. An hour before falling asleep, turn off the Internet, be alone with yourself, read something, dream, communicate with loved ones or God. Disconnect from the Internet bustle, and you will sleep sweetly and peacefully :)

Choose one day a week without social media

This is not for weaklings! But trust me, it's worth it! From personal experience I can say that disconnecting from the outside world for just one day, you powerfully reboot your consciousness!

It is not for nothing that God commanded the Jews to observe the Sabbath once a week - a rest from all earthly vanity. There is heavenly wisdom in this - to plunge into peace for at least 24 hours a day. You can walk, create the surrounding reality, communicate with people not online, but alive. Trust me, it will enrich your life so much! This is more expensive than a million likes under your post!

Subscribe to useful publics

If you are an active Internet user, then use this for your own good. Subscribe to useful posts on all social networks: sports, motivation, language learning, positive pictures and inspirational quotes. Let something good and edifying always be in front of your eyes.

Eliminate negative people and news from your feed

But you need to take care of yourself from the negative, and this is your responsibility. Your life is not a trash can into which everyone can throw the accumulated dirt.

Filter who you read and watch. Unsubscribe from negativists without regret. Your condition is more important.

Social media is an image

Do not be envious, do not be nervous and do not draw conclusions based on a person's activity on social networks. This is just an image and the tip of the iceberg. Everything may not be as colorful as in the filtered photos, so don't chase other people's success. Build your life based on your desires and moving towards the big Dream!

Use social media for your calling

The Internet is now one of the biggest platforms for influence. Declare yourself, your talents, thoughts, realizations on social networks. Inspire your subscribers, be an example for them in every area of \u200b\u200blife, share your gifts and talents. And the positive that you give to people will return to you a hundredfold!

I wish you a bright and wonderful real life!

We are grateful to those who not only read our materials, but also share their experience in the comments. Today we couldn't help but endure the reader Anton Geer. In it, he shares three of his simple rules for consuming this type of content. Very helpful and honest.

  1. Evaluate the benefits of the content you receive in your news flyer. Sit down and try to remember what you really remembered from what you viewed, read, reposted or liked over the last week and wanted to save it on your hard disk, in bookmarks, print and hang on the wall, show everyone around. Has the news brought you any practical benefit, helped your personal growth and business? Humor caused an irresistible surge of positive in you, and then you successfully quoted it for a whole week, raising the mood of others, or did you just grin weakly, and after 5 minutes you have already forgotten? Ask yourself the question: "What exactly do I remember from the information flow that I have surrounded myself with?" I confess, the first time I could not answer myself this question. And on the same day, I unsubscribed from a dozen communities, which I never regretted. You can argue, they say, so you can not subscribe to anything at all, if I am not pursuing any benefit. Can. You yourself will feel how much brighter and more spacious it has become in your head. You will not become a bore if you stop “fucking normality,” just as quotes from the greats on your wall are not the key to your own success.
  2. Friends. I receive updates in the news feed only from those people who are of interest to me for various reasons: closest friends, relatives, all kinds of “teachers” and clients. But, if I see that the activity of a certain person starts to bother me, I just turn off receiving news from him.
  3. Grouping news. At the moment, I have about five news groups, which divided the feed conditionally into leisure, technology, music, a foreign language and the main group. The wider the range of your interests, the more merciless the content will be towards your feed and your attention. For myself, I decided that the English language, interesting places in Moscow and electronic, as well as pop music are optional, so they have a place in separate groups. About once a week, I go to secondary groups and calmly scan the news without prejudice to the main ones. But, for example, rock music and creativity (I work in the creative field) I need in the morning like brushing my teeth, so these communities are in the main newsgroup. Etc. There is one caveat - everything that is taken out of the main news feed is not displayed in the iPad application. But this is not a hindrance.

These are the three simplest rules that once perceptibly optimized my daily social media experience without third-party tricks. The coolest "enhancer", not only on a social network, is your own understanding of why and how you get specific information. I'm not talking about different rules like reading the news once a day or turning off notifications. A matter of taste for everyone. Another thing is when you go to a website or open an application and either they control you or you control them. And it is not at all necessary to leave them and burn bridges.

Insurance companies warn that the number of crimes committed on social media is steadily increasing. Placing personal information in the public domain increases the risk of becoming a victim of fraud. Moreover, it can even lead to job loss or tarnished reputation.

It is not a good idea to tell the first strangers about yourself everything that comes into your head, nevertheless, millions of people around the world do it through social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

At the same time, most of us still do not realize the consequences of their careless behavior on the Internet. By indicating our location on our social media page, we ourselves give a "tip" to potential robbers. An attacker can easily calculate your daily routine, and "inadvertently" find himself in the right place in the right place.

So, in New Hampshire, there was a robbery that brought the victim in losses of 200 thousand dollars. The reason for the robbery was the careless post of a man in which he himself told when he was going to go on vacation. It's good that the poor fellow did not think of telling the whole world that he left the keys to the apartment under the rug ...

There is also a risk of becoming a victim of harassment or violence. Therefore, for the sake of your own safety, you should only schedule personal meetings with virtual friends in crowded places.
By sharing frank stories about our experiences and personal life on social networks, we ourselves make it easier for those who want to gain confidence in us and arouse sympathy.

If you do not want to become a victim of scammers, keep your mouth shut. Public sincerity can make you a victim of cyber harassment, bullying, and bullying.

And a photo posted in the public domain can destroy a reputation, a career and even lead to legal proceedings.

In general, the main advice that experts give regarding safe behavior on social networks is to think carefully before writing anything on your page, because someone will certainly read it!

Social media safety rules

It's one thing to call friends or family members and tell them that you will be late at work, at a party, at a bar, etc. today. It is quite another to tell about this to several hundred people, many of whom you have never met in real life.

2. Beware of publishing your personal data on the Internet

Placing details of your personal life on the Internet can lead to the fact that attackers will know almost more about you than your closest relatives. A potential criminal will bit by bit collect information about you, and for your safety, you shouldn't make it easy for him.

3. Do not spread information about other people

A thief who plans to rob any of your friends or relatives will be grateful for the information provided about his potential victim. Are you going with your friends to light up at a party until the morning? Don't tell the whole world when, where and with whom you are going. Better share your impressions and beautiful photos the next day.

4. Don't report expensive purchases you make

Who doesn't like showing off expensive purchases and new things to their friends on the social network? The robbers are looking for potential victims who have money and expensive new gadgets. When you carelessly talk about expensive purchases, you give a signal to potential burglars that it would be nice to rummage in your apartment or car.

Robbery is a risky business. It is much easier for criminals to get into someone else's home when the owners are not at home: take what you want and leave calmly. Don't post about when you are going to leave home. Moreover, you should not spread about what you are going to and leave the house unattended.

6. Don't share your daily schedule information

The more burglars know about your daily activities, the easier it is for them to plan an entry into your apartment or house. In addition, knowing about your usual movements, an attacker can watch you in a deserted place.

7. Do not write any information about children

Remember! children's safety comes first! The less you write about children - yours and others - the better for them. Don't talk about their habits, hobbies, location, friends, class schedules, clubs they attend.

8. Meet new friends from the virtual world only in crowded places

Perhaps you have been texting with this friend for a long time, and it seems to you that you know your online friend very well. In fact, this is an illusion. On the Internet, there is always the possibility that your interlocutor is not who he claims to be.
Therefore, always choose public places for the first meeting. This will not only protect you from possible troubles, but also calm the person you are going to meet.

9. Do not provide details that cyber bullies and trolls can use against you

Do not share details about yourself on social media, and do not post photos that someone can use to tease you. Online bullying can be as painful as it is in real life, or even worse. After all, everything that happens on the Web is recorded and stored here forever and ever. And rumors and gags spread like an avalanche. And the scale is worldwide!

10. Do not post anything that could harm your reputation

A silly joke, an inappropriate commentary, a photo of trickery, political disputes, stupid antics - thanks to modern technology and social networks, now more than ever you have more opportunities to tarnish your own reputation. Even if your wife or boss does not see the "wrong" post, it is likely that there will be a desire to take advantage of your vulnerability.

11. Do not insult or slander your friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, and so on.

In the United States, there was a precedent when a teacher won a $ 3 million lawsuit against a student for writing on a social network that the teacher was a pedophile. Even if in your case everything does not go that far. Remember: one way or another, you will have to answer for slander and spreading rumors.

"The truth is in wine" - the Romans used to say. There are few things that liberate and provoke unnecessary frankness as. And it is better if your frankness is listened to one-on-one by one of your close friends, and not read by a hundred unfamiliar people.

If you believe that you are studying Vajrayana - whether it is so or not, this is a separate topic, but if you consider yourself a practitioner of Vajrayana - then protecting this deep tradition becomes your responsibility.

It is important to keep the Vajrayana secret. Vajrayana is called the "chariot of the secret mantra" because it must be practiced secretly. It is kept secret, not because there is something to hide, but to protect the practitioner from the dangers and falls that the ego can bring to his practice. In particular, there is a risk of falling victim to "spiritual materialism" when the practice turns into a fashion application for you, and its main purpose is to decorate the "practitioner's" ego and feed his sense of self-importance or belonging to a "cool" party, and not to pacify and transform his mind. If you practice the Vajrayana path in this way, then nothing is more useless and cannot be thought of.

In addition, the Vajrayana teachings are called secret because their meaning is not obvious to someone who has not received the corresponding teachings. She's like a foreign language. Since some images and symbols may seem strange and even cruel to the uninitiated, it is generally recommended to keep them secret so as not to scare off beginner practitioners who may have misconceptions about the Buddhist path in general and, in particular, the Vajrayana path.

When you post on social networks, please remember that you are doing this not only for your own pleasure, but for the entire endless world, which may not at all share your passion for crazy photos, or the strange adoration and fantasies that you have on the subject of specific individuals whom you call "your gurus."

With that in mind, let me voice my suggestions to the so-called “disciples on the Vajrayana path,” so that they can protect themselves - by freeing themselves from embarrassment and protecting their Dharma practice - as well as preserving the deep Vajrayana tradition:

1) Keep the Vajrayana secret (you must keep secret information about your guru, personal practice, empowerments received, teachings heard, and tantric images, etc.).

Do not post tantric images on social networks: if you think that the provocative tantric images you posted (deities with many arms, animal heads, deities in a sexual embrace or in angry forms) will give you importance, then most likely you do not understand their meaning.

Don't post mantras and seed syllables: If you think that mantras and syllables should be posted on Facebook, because it improves mood and promotes self-improvement, then it is better to give yourself a new makeup or a new hairstyle.

Don't talk about your dedication: if you think the photos from the dedication you received over the weekend deserve to be posted on Facebook next to your cat's portrait, then you should send your cat to Nepal to be elevated to the throne there. If your teacher has not given you permission, do not post any photographs, video or audio recordings of Vajrayana empowerments and teachings, or mantras.

Do not expand on the deep / secret teachings you received: some seem to think it is the fashion to hang the words dzogchen or mahamudra on your mouth. If you have received profound instructions, it is best to follow these instructions and keep them to yourself.

2) Resist the temptations of spiritual materialism and the urge to put the Dharma at the service of your ego (don't try to brag about your guru, your understanding, your practice, etc. Also, don't speak ill of other practitioners or other ways).

Do not share your experiences and so-called "achievements": if you think it makes sense to declare what you see as "achievement", then it is quite possible that you are feeding your own defilement. Trying to impress others with your practice is in no way tied to the practice itself. Try to be sincere and humble. No one cares about your meditative experiences, even if buddhas, unicorns and rainbows appear to you. If you think you've freed yourself from self-deception, you may not have had time to think carefully.

Do not boast of your guru: no matter how great your guru may seem to you, it will be much better if you keep your devotion to yourself. Remember, becoming a Buddhist does not mean practicing a cult. If you think that your guru is better than someone else's, then you probably think that you have surpassed others in equanimity and pure vision.

Don't confuse Buddhism with non-Buddhist ideas: No matter how much rainbows and auras inspire you personally, and no matter how confident you are at the end of the world, try not to mix your own fantasies / painful reactions with Buddhism.

Respect others: without the foundation of Theravada and Mahayana, there would be no Vajrayana. A Vajrayana practitioner is impenetrably stupid if he looks down on Theravada and Mahayana and demonstrates his disdain for them. If you think attacking other Buddhists will make Buddhism better, do Buddhism a favor by aiming your arrows at your own ego and your own bias.

Do not bring disharmony: try to become the one who brings harmony to the Sangha in the Internet chat, not discord and discord.

Always keep motivation in mind: please do not try to demonstrate elements of "crazy wisdom" in Internet communication, just help others to develop a good heart. If you are posting out of compassion, first make sure you are not doing any harm.

If you can't contain your itch to post a new post, be sure to make sure that it will help anyone who reads it and help the Dharma.

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