S. Yesenin. Analysis of the work “The golden grove dissuaded

This lyrical work was written in 1924, that is, shortly before the tragic death of the poet. Sergei Yesenin is a prominent figure in Russian literature. His poems are original, filled with love for wildlife, and touch on some historical events. By the time the poem was created, the poet is already experiencing tremendous longing, disappointment in life. He does not make new plans, but sums up the results of his life. Even if it was not long, but memorable (as we remember, Yesenin lived only 30 years). An analysis of the poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" will be useful to students of philological faculties and interesting to connoisseurs of real poetry. Dedicated to those who are not indifferent to art.

A little background

How strange and surprising that a person, being at a fairly young age, could write this letter of farewell in verse, addressed to himself. Sergei Yesenin seems to have a premonition of his imminent death: he mentally analyzes his actions in advance, looks for the meaning of what is happening, sums up. Such moods, most often, are characteristic of those who are at the end of their life. Having parted with Isadora Duncan, the poet was probably left completely without support, and even his last marriage to Sophia Tolstaya could not make him happy. This person did not find satisfaction in himself, was not satisfied with his real life, stopped noticing its value and significance.

Yesenin’s written “Golden Grove Dissuaded” will help to understand the state of the lyrical hero, to track his emotional experiences. Feelings are of great importance. This lyrical work is very strongly connected in meaning with another poem - “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry”, written several years earlier.

Composition of the poem

This lyrical work consists of six separate stanzas. The general tone of the poem leads to sad thoughts, makes you think about many serious things: the meaning of life, is true joy possible, what is the purpose of a person? The plot develops against the backdrop of all-consuming melancholy: the lyrical hero lives with memories of his lost youth. Perhaps he simply regrets that he was unable to maintain his almost childish immediacy and was too carried away by the charming deception of life? It is impossible to do an analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” according to the plan. Each of us has our own understanding of the essence and meaning of this work, here we should rely on our individuality.

The state of the lyrical hero

What happens to him cannot but frighten and mislead. The lyrical hero speaks of himself as if he will soon have to leave this world, as if he no longer exists. He is both confident and confused at the same time. The lyrical hero is at the end of his path, does not know what to strive for in the future. This is a terrible state when you are young, but you don’t have the strength and desire to do anything, to realize your cherished aspirations. The lyrical hero of Sergei Yesenin lost his dream. The general mood of the poem is calm indifference and indifference. I don't feel sorry for the past, the present, the years wasted in vain, but this is only because there is nothing more to strive for. The once wide road suddenly became a narrow path and gradually reached a dead end.

You can understand the state of the lyrical hero and as a farewell to youth. He rethinks the past years, realizes his mistakes, mentally notes victories and defeats. An analysis of Yesenin's poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" can be classified as the most mysterious and mysterious works of the poet. We again and again turn to long-familiar lines in order to feel our involvement in the work of the great poet.

Symbols and their meanings

In this poem, special attention should be paid to the images, they hide important details necessary for a holistic understanding and building an overall picture.

"Birch cheerful language" means the easy life that the lyrical hero used to lead. That is, you didn’t have to think about the meaning of life, about the fact that someday everything will come to its logical conclusion and you will have to pay for your own mistakes.

The theme of "cranes" deserves special attention. Their sad flight sounds like an hysterical song, to which They are both part of the present and the past, which inevitably recedes. Cranes are closely associated with the youth of the poet, his wonderful impulses and hopes.

An analysis of Yesenin's poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" shows how deep and significant the artist was, who lost himself.

"Golden Grove"

It symbolizes the spiritual wealth of the lyrical hero, his desire for knowledge of the world. Each tree has its roots, and each person has an individual history. Perhaps, comparing himself with a grove, the poet speaks of a commitment to the Russian people, a connection with the national consciousness, traditions and customs. Why did Yesenin choose this particular metaphor? Perhaps this image was close to him due to the fact that few people understood him during his lifetime. In addition, there is a similarity with the poet's blond hair ("golden" color). He himself was the whole universe, which lived according to its own laws. Unable to adapt to the circumstances, he very soon made serious enemies in the person of the Chekists. An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” can be briefly presented as a revelation that has no end.

"Rowan bonfire"

It embodies the lofty dreams and aspirations of the lyrical hero. The poem mentions that this fire is burning, but it can no longer warm anyone. Why did it happen? Is the soul slowly dying? Most likely, here Yesenin speaks of the coming indifference and slow oblivion of the heart.

The flame of freedom gradually dies out in him, he becomes calmer, more reasonable, loses the desire and the ability to act recklessly, as before. A person can exist as long as dreams and aspirations are alive in him. And the lyrical hero wants nothing but peace. An analysis of Yesenin's poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" reveals the deepest tragedy of the poet, who has lost his taste for life.

Eternal Wanderer

Among other things, it is mentioned that each of us comes into this world as a lonely wanderer and must leave it at his own hour. The traveler of Sergei Yesenin is inextricably linked with his own life. The poet seems to foresee the inevitability and proximity of death. The wanderer symbolizes the theme of the search for the meaning of life.

Sergei Yesenin has been especially keenly looking for an answer to this question in recent years. There is nothing worse for a poet than feeling useless, worthless and rejected by society. An analysis of Yesenin's poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" briefly emphasizes the general drama of the situation.

The meaning of being

Many searched, but did not find their own destiny, their own unique path. The fact is that not everyone had the strength and perseverance to go through it to the end. Sergei Yesenin "burned out" much earlier. He left a mark on history - his beautiful poetic creations, but his life was cut short suddenly.

An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” shows how short a person’s life can be if it is not supported by high aspirations, if it is so reckless to waste oneself. The loss of one's own personality was associated with disappointments and loneliness, which, like a snowball, gradually grew and engulfed the soul.

What does Yesenin write about?

Certainly about myself. About experienced moments of joy and bitter disappointment, about their own victories and defeats. Who knows why he was left alone at the end of his life, why he suffered from deep depression? An analysis of the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” leads the reader to deep reflections that may be useful. Each of us wants to live our lives as fully and meaningfully as possible. And for this you need to learn to appreciate every moment, any of its manifestations.

The poet writes about his ruined life, about the impossibility of returning to the past and correcting past mistakes. An analysis of Sergei Yesenin's poem "The Golden Grove Dissuaded" contains wise thoughts that may be useful to genuine intellectuals. The poet's work and he himself are alive in his immortal lines.

Sergei Yesenin is a unique Russian poet, a representative of the so-called "peasant" poetry. His poems are filled with a tender feeling for his native land, nature, village life. The poet himself comes from the Ryazan province, so life in the outback forever left a mark on his heart. He carried his love for a quiet provincial life and its way of life through all his work. In addition to the village line, one of the main themes are: philosophical reflections on life and death, on happiness; love poems; Christian motifs are often present, especially in the early lyrics.

As you know, many poets were inspired in the bosom of nature, leaving the bustle of the city. So Sergei Yesenin often wrote his works while in his native village of Konstantinovo, where the poem “The Golden Grove Dissuaded” was written in August 1924. It was first published in September in the Baku Rabochiy newspaper.

During this period of creativity, Yesenin receives recognition from foreign critics, because his works go beyond the framework of Soviet ideological poetry. There is an originality in them, the manifestation of which now required courage. For example, S.P. Postnikov wrote in a review:

“Now Yesenin is entering a new period. He was tired, apparently, to be naughty. And thought appeared in the verses, and at the same time the form of the verses became simpler. It is not only in the cited poem that this is felt.<выше цитировалась «Русь советская»>, but also in the poems "At home" and "Golden grove dissuaded." I don’t presume to say that Yesenin’s present mood is stable, but, in any case, it now exists and is an interesting period in the development of this talented poet.

Genre, direction, size

The genre of the poem "The golden grove dissuaded ..." can be defined as an elegy: a philosophical reflection on life, filled with thoughtful sadness. It can also be attributed to landscape lyrics. It was written a year before the death of the poet, perhaps he vaguely felt the approaching end and summed up his life.

Despite the fact that the poet worked in the era of modernism and himself used innovative techniques in poetry, his late lyrics resemble the classics of the golden age. Peasant lyrics are close in content and style to the pure art of Tyutchev and Fet.

The work is written in iambic pentameter using cross rhyme, which makes it very melodic and melodious, making it related to folk poetry.


Compositionally, the poem “The golden grove dissuaded ...” closes in a ring: at the beginning and at the end, an image of a golden grove appears before us. Such a structure allows us to draw a parallel with life itself: in the understanding of the author, everything comes and goes, the life of nature is cyclical, and human life is a short moment.

The poem consists of six quatrains.

Images and symbols

This poem is traditionally called by its first line “The golden grove dissuaded ...”, therefore the image of the grove is undoubtedly important in understanding the meaning of the work. Yesenin's lyrics are characterized by constant parallels between man and nature, the description of nature is the background for showing the mood of the lyrical hero. Here there is a parallelism between the life of the hero and the golden grove: his youth passed in the same way as the period of flowering of nature passed. Natural images in the poem are personified: “the grove dissuaded”, cranes “do not regret anyone else ». She, too, can feel like a person.

Other important images are those of the wanderer and the house. Here, mortal man and eternal nature are opposed to each other: the hemp plant, the moon and the pond remember everyone who came into this life for a while, was a passing “wanderer”. It is also important to note the image of the red mountain ash: “A fire of red mountain ash burns in the garden, but it cannot warm anyone,” this metaphor enhances the feeling of loneliness and longing of the lyrical hero. The soul of the lyrical hero is also on fire, but cannot give warmth to anyone, since the heat of youth has already passed. But this past frisky youth dissuaded him with a “birch cheerful language”, when the poet’s thoughts were serene, and the burden of life’s thoughts had not yet fallen on his shoulders.

Themes, mood and issues

The theme of nature and the theme of love are the substantive foundations of the work. The poem "The golden grove dissuaded ..." is permeated with lyricism, in it the hero reflects on the fading nature and his bygone youth, comparing them with each other.

The lyrical hero strongly feels his loneliness, doom, he is a “wanderer” who has come into this life for a while. These are the problems considered in the work. Although he is aware of the finiteness of human life, this does not cause fear and regret in him, the hero says so, using a lot of denials: “I don’t feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower”; “But I don’t regret anything in the past.” He is grateful for life, accepts it for what it is.

The mood of the poem is nostalgic, sad, but still far from the gloominess of many other works of this period.

Main idea

The meaning of the work “The golden grove dissuaded ...” is the movement of feelings and emotions of the lyrical hero, summing up his life: from the contemplation of the landscape, he moves on to philosophical reflections on “eternal themes”, and the images of nature convey and enhance the emotional experiences of the hero.

The main idea is expressed in the lyrical hero's awareness of the transience of time, the idea that a person's life is short enough, and nature, although also alive, exists in a harmonious cycle: a circle of constant renewal, unlike a person. Nevertheless, all this should not make a person regret the passing life, he should be wise about this and be grateful for the place allotted to him in life.

means of expression

The poem is rich in figurative means and paths, with the help of which the poet draws a parallel between human life and nature.

  • Anaphora and syntactic parallelism: “I don’t feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom of the soul.”
  • Metaphors: “the golden grove dissuaded with a cheerful tongue”, “every wanderer in the world”, “hemp plants dream of all the departed”, “naked plain”, “the cranes are carried by the wind into the distance”, “lilac blossom of the soul”.
  • epithets, which the author uses, also refer us to folk poetry - "broad month", "blue pond", "joyful youth", "red mountain ash", "sweet tongue".
  • With the help of extended comparison- “like a tree quietly drops leaves, so I drop sad words”, the poet draws a parallel between himself and a faded tree that drops leaves, how he “drops” his poems, sadness for the irrevocably gone.

Indeed, the work of the last years of S.A. Yesenin is filled with notes of sadness and longing, comprehension of the life lived. As the author writes, he is not sure that his "words" will remain in someone else's memory. Perhaps time will rake all his poems into an "unnecessary lump". But he went down in history as one of the best Russian poets and his work is still close to many.

The golden grove dissuaded

Birch, cheerful language,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

No more regrets for anyone.

Whom to pity? After all, every wanderer in the world -

Pass, enter and leave the house again.

Hemp dreams about all the departed

With a wide moon over the blue pond.

I stand alone among the naked plain,

And the cranes are carried by the wind into the distance,

I'm full of thoughts about a cheerful youth,

But I don't regret anything in the past.

I do not regret the years wasted in vain,

Do not feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower.

In the garden, a fire of red rowan is burning,

But he cannot warm anyone.

Rowan brushes will not burn,

Grass will not disappear from yellowness,

Like a tree sheds its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

And if time, sweeping by the wind,

Rake them all into one unnecessary lump ...

Say so ... that the grove is golden

She answered in a sweet way.

Updated: 2011-05-09


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Useful material on the topic

The prevailing mood, its change

Already at the beginning of Yesenin's poem, the author's elegiac mood appears.

Basic images

In the first stanza, an image-symbol appears - “golden grove”. In my opinion, the poet means himself by the grove.

In the second stanza, the image of a wanderer appears. But the word carries not only its lexical meaning, it contains a deeper meaning. It is about the wandering soul of man. This motif accompanies many of Yesenin's poems. For example, in the poem “Beloved land! The heart is dreaming ”we will meet such lines:

I meet everything, I accept everything,

Glad and happy to take out the soul.

I came to this earth

To leave her soon.

I do not regret the years wasted in vain,

Do not feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower.

In the garden, a fire of red rowan is burning,

But he cannot warm anyone.

He now sees the mistakes he made; but the soul always remained the main thing for him - without a soul, a person is just a shell.

There are a lot of color images in the poem: a golden grove (the word “golden” conveys an autumn landscape, and autumn is a symbol of the withering of all living things, including the life of the author himself), a lilac flower of the soul (lilac is a symbol of transience, lilac does not bloom for long, but more beautiful, brighter than other colors), a fire of red mountain ash (rowan is an autumn berry; the author says that by the end of his life, most people lose the passion that overwhelms them in their youth - “But he cannot warm anyone”).

Colors help Yesenin to reflect the uniqueness of each stage of life.

Poetic Syntax

Artistic techniques also express a feeling of sadness. For example, personifications are used (the grove dissuaded, the cranes do not regret), epithets (the golden grove, with a birch, cheerful language, sadly flying), metaphors (the wind carries the cranes into the distance, the souls a lilac flower, the fire of the red mountain ash burns), which show that the poem written by an experienced, mature person.

Emotions evoked while reading

It seems to me that the poem "The golden grove dissuaded ..." is philosophical, because the poet talks in it about eternal questions: about the soul, about human life.

I think every person thinks about it one way or another, but not everyone believes in the soul, in eternal life. But, one way or another, Yesenin will live forever in his poems, in our hearts.

The poem "The golden grove dissuaded ...".

Perception, interpretation, evaluation

The poem "Golden Grove Dissuaded" was written by S.A. Yesenin in 1924. The main theme of the work is the poet's farewell to youth. The poem belongs to the landscape and philosophical lyrics, the genre is elegy. Human life here is likened to the life of nature.

The lyrical hero here realizes that youth is gone forever, that ahead is the “age of autumn”. And he is sad about her, about the past "fun summer":

The golden grove dissuaded Birch, with a cheerful tongue,

And the cranes, sadly flying,

No more regrets for anyone.

This sadness in the soul of the lyrical hero is generated by his awareness of the transience of time, the thought that human life is very short, instantaneous. Here arises the motive of opposition between eternal nature and human existence:

Whom to pity? After all, every wanderer in the world - Will pass, go in and leave the house again.

Hemp planter dreams of all the departed With a wide moon over the blue pond.

This motive sounds most acutely in Russian poetry in Tyutchev:

Year after year, century after century…

Why is the person angry?

This cereal of the earth! ..

He quickly, quickly withers - so,

But with the new summer, a new cereal And a different leaf!

(“I sit thoughtful and alone”)

Tyutchev did not find a solution to this conflict for himself, his worldview was permeated with the eternal tragedy of the frailty of human existence. Indifferent nature instilled horror, melancholy, fear in the mind of his lyrical hero. In Yesenin, this motive does not receive further development. Our attention is concentrated on the feelings of the lyrical hero. He recalls his youth, and dreary notes sound in his intonations. This is emphasized by numerous denials: “But I don’t feel sorry for anything in the past”, “I don’t feel sorry for the years wasted in vain”, “I don’t feel sorry for the soul of a lilac flower”, “But it can’t warm anyone”, “Rowan brushes will not burn”, “ Grass will not disappear from yellowness. The emotions of the lyrical hero are conveyed in his thoughts, sad words, which, in his opinion, no one needs:

Like a tree sheds its leaves,

So I drop sad words.

And when this feeling of hopelessness reaches its culmination in the poem, the poet suddenly removes it in the last stanza:

And if time, sweeping by the wind,

Rake them all into one unnecessary lump ...

Say so ... that the golden grove Dissuaded me with a sweet tongue.

The intonations of the question, answer, memories are replaced by the intonation of the address in the hero. The poet recognizes the reasonableness of the laws of nature and human life.

The poem is written in iambic pentameter. Yesenin uses various means of artistic expression: an epithet (“golden grove”, “birch, cheerful language”), a question-answer form of verse (“Whom to feel sorry for? After all, everyone in the world is a wanderer ..”), anaphora and syntactic parallelism (“It’s not a pity I’ve wasted years in vain, I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom of the soul”), a detailed comparison (“As a tree quietly drops leaves, So I drop sad words”).

The work is typical for Yesenin's lyrics. Sadness for the passing youth permeates many of his poems - “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ..”, “A letter to my mother”, “This street is familiar to me ...”, “Now this sadness cannot be scattered ...”. However, here we see the reconciliation of the hero with both nature and life.

Searched here:

  • the theme of the poem dissuaded the golden grove
  • dissuaded grove golden theme
  • dissuaded by the grove the golden theme of the poem

“The golden grove dissuaded ...” Yesenina S.A.

Man is part of nature: this truth is indisputable. No matter how he proclaims himself the king of nature, he will still return to the earth, from where, from the mud, he was created by God. This idea is quite common in the philosophical works of various poets. Sergei Yesenin was no exception. Exactly the theme of the dependence of human life on the laws of nature sounds in his famous poem "" (1924), which has become a popular song.

The image of the golden grove, speaking the language of birches, is striking in itself, but the complex psychological state of the lyrical hero is revealed in this work especially subtly and penetratingly. Yesenin is characterized by the humanization of nature: it is like a concentration of human feelings. And best of all, the poet manages to convey the love of life.

Common in folk lyric poetry parallelism- comparison of natural phenomena with the events of human life - is also characteristic of this work. Hero Image correlates with the image of a birch grove throughout the poem:

Like a tree sheds its leaves,
So I drop sad words.

And at the end, he emphasizes the parallelism with a vivid figurative expression: "golden grove dissuaded with a sweet tongue".

By genre, this poem can be considered elegy- a sad reflection on the meaning of human life, its true purpose on this earth. Undisguised sadness comes through in almost every line: a grove "dissuaded", cranes, "sadly flying, they no longer regret anyone else", and the hero himself "drops sad words"'cause he's not sorry "nothing in the past".

All these words give the poem an unhurried intonation, allowing the reader not only to feel this state, but to think about why he lives in this world, why is everyone in the world just a wanderer? In addition, the unhurried, melodiousness of this lyrical work (and it has long been set to music and is perceived as a folk song) is intensified iambic pentameter and the use of onomatopoeia - alliteration: "A bonfire of red mountain ash burns in the garden".

Despite the “sad” words, it becomes clear that this is the universal law of life: "everyone in the world is a stranger". Thus, the philosophical plan of the poem represents reflections on life. Why does the hero regret nothing in the past? Of course, he is not sorry for the years, "wasted"(which is understandable), but not a pity and "soul lilac blossom". This complex in every sense metaphor not only reveals the state of the hero's soul, it is a kind of symbol of all the poetry of Sergei Yesenin.

The reminiscence from the poem by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov “I go out alone on the road ...” is not accidental - the line "I stand alone among the naked plain". In both poems, the paths seem to be expressed loneliness lyric characters: "one". Heroes strive for synthesis with the world - connection with the plain, desert and sky. These images are repeated in both poems. It should be noted that the feeling of universality, the perception of oneself in the context of the cosmos were the main motives of Russian philosophical lyrics of the 19th-20th centuries.

The songness of this poem by Yesenin is emphasized with the help of ring composition, while the first stanza “The golden grove dissuaded with a cheerful birch tongue” partly repeated in the conclusion:

... what a grove of gold
She answered in a sweet way.

But this is not just a repetition - it is a kind of conclusion: the metaphorical likening of a birch, not disclosed, but only indicated in the first stanza, gets its logical conclusion in the last stanza. Such a conclusion is not just figurative, it is aphoristic. In general, the whole poem is full aphorisms: "Whom to pity? After all, every wanderer in the world will pass, enter and leave the house again.; “As a tree quietly drops leaves, so I drop sad words”.

Poets often worry about the fate of their works. And if someone dreamed that he would come to the “communist far away”, and someone believed that “the people’s path would not overgrow” to him, then Yesenin rather pessimistically argued that “time, sweeping away with the wind, will rake them all into one unnecessary lump”. However, time put everything in its place: the work of Sergei Yesenin is known and loved by more than one generation of Russian people.

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